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Episode 25: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/sVWR88gRJtJ5TTQQmAkzCj?

Episode 26: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/i4Y96rhtLwHps6RntrzbYt?


Side Note: 500 patrons! Whether or not that number holds from September to October, The Wife and I will get you at least one or two bits of merch to kick things off. And yes we're still working on Discord, we're just doing our best to find the time/energy to officially get things off the ground. My anxiety continues to get worked up about it, but I'm doing my best. Thank you so much for your patience (and your chant for 500, Lilah. It worked!) 




Oooh boy~ I am stressed, but ready 😄

Lilah Kane

Glad the chant worked! 🍨


Ooh, yay! I'm one of your new patrons and I am so excited for this! I utterly love all the episodes set at Four Seasons Manor, and yes, Gong Jun deserves all the awards (and so does Zhang Zhehan IMO, alas that life is unfair).

Lisa Kleine

Ohhh boy, it's my favorite scene, but it does always bring me to tears 😭 and the way he describes escaping his torture by fleeing into dreams until his hate became strong enough so he could face his reality/nightmares... 😭😭😭 also this with the earlier admission of his illusion under the drunk-like-a-dream incense... My man is so confused and scared to dare to believe good things could happen to him and so afraid he'll just wake up again and find himself back in his nightmare! I'm just rambling right now, I have a lot of emotions about this scene... ^^° And I absolutely agree! All the awards! Also the poetic quoting of their names, with the hot wine and the moonlight shining through that absolutely stunning round gateway/window thing! 😍 A-Xu being like: You could move in with us, you know... forever...? Haaa... my emotions are just all over the floor... 😅 off I go to the next episode. ❤


Okay quick thoughts on the episodes before I go to sleep~ 1. A-Xiang's speech when she thinks she's going to be killed makes me cry 😭 2. Are you "somebody else"? So cute~ 💖💖 3. WKX talking to the grave is just so freaking sad, poor baby. 4. Wen KeXing is THE Best mom!! 😆 5. Scorpion... Honey~ you deserve better... 6. Wen KeXing... Where are you going? Get your butt back here!!! WEN KeXing!!!


Oh yeah ep 27 is coming!


First off, I absolutely love your cat!! ♥ I had to laugh a little at the "there must be a loving sex scene right there" because novel wenzhou... Let's say they're on another level of being gremlins :D Zhao Jing is terrible but somehow they really managed to show well how grooming and manipulation works and how it fucks up your mind. Scorpion deserves better, even if he's a murder baby! And both of them deserve so many awards, you can see in behind the scenes how much work they put into it ♥ (also, ZZH has such a good instinct with directing scenes and giving tips to everyone, his 10 years old experience in the industry really showed up 🥺)


So excited for the upcoming episodes but love these little domestic moments we get. I am once again on the floor from zzs’ “are you someone else” and him just eating sunflower seeds beautifully. In a just world, theyd both be receiving so many awards for their perfomances. They both do breakdowns so well 😭

Bethany R

so many things happened in these episodes but my mind is stuck on your "they're really putting the erotic in homoerotic comment" toooo true, lol

Marissa Cornett

I think you have noticed that A-xu has sensed something fishy about Ke Xing's behavior, which will make the next episode the epic. lol By the way, i thought you were my neighbor when I saw your blue cat. I also have a giant Russian blue and he goes around to our neighbors' houses. He just looks like your cat.


That's so funny, 'cause he's a regular gray cat but I found him while trying to adopt a Russian Blue. I wasn't having much luck finding a Blue kitten at the time and Dresden looked so similar I said screw it. Lowkey jealous you have a Blue wandering around your neighborhood lol &lt;3

Lisa Kleine

Huuhuhu *shaking of the creep* Zhao Jing is so good at manipulation and I love how the show proves that this man could've fooled the entire martial arts world for decades, but it also gives me the heebie jeebies like nothing else! I just want to gently pull Xie-er away from him while setting Zhao Jing on fire for all his sins. I also like how they kinda mirror some phrases of WKX from last episode. "The world has failed me, so I will revenge myself against the world." But it appears so petty when he says it, because buhuu, your brothers/lovers looked down on you because you were "weak" / "poor" / "couldn't assert yourself"... And you just had to poison, betray and scheme against them to show them how much better you are at leading the people? No, sorry, no. You don't deserve our sweet murder bottom! I really have to give both actors kudos for every scene they have together, though. They never fail to pull me into this manipulative mess and make me believe it. Also, Zhao Jings parting shot of "you are the only one I have...(obvious lie, looking at his collection of "sons") and I am the only one you have." Especially the last part with all the implications of "you can only trust me, I am the only important person in your life.(Have I isolated you enough yet?)" Just makes me want to strangle him! I'm not an aggressive person, really not, but this guy! Ugh. Yeah, we all came and stayed for WenZhou, but we also all got involved attached and invested in the subplots and side characters. I love to see you enjoy and dread this show and am looking forward to the next ten episodes :D ❤


Seriously, A-Xiang being brave and smiling through the tears as she's waiting for Shen-shen to kill her? It makes me melt into a puddle every time. She's just so sweet and brave and prickly and caring and the only thing she cares about is her "idiot boy" being OK and not finding out about her past... &lt;3 Also, I like that you called out Shen's character growth from the rash, pridefull "brat" we saw at first - this is not the same guy who pestered an orphaned and grieving Chengling about the Glazed armour - this is someone better. Also, Top Ten Ghosts suddenly being the Most Wanted? Couldn't have happened to a nicer trio than the Changing Ghost/Dark Reaper/Happy (That scene with Scorpion Twink and Evil Bhodisatva!!!), but I pity all the little ghosts and the servant girls who all used to work for The Queen. :/ It WAS a pretty good sketch of Wen Kexing, though - clearly Shen recognized him from it? Which I kind of missed the first time I watched the show.


To answer your question from ep 25, yes the subs are accurate when they were using poems to call each other's names. WKX thought it was appropriate to use the line "take a lover by the hand and watch the clouds unfold" which contains the characters "子" (Zi) and "舒" (Shu). So you can tell WKX has heart eyes when he's thinking about his A-Xu! But for his own name he thought the line "the lonely bird, the traveller without roots", which has the characters "客" (Ke) and "行" (Xing), was more appropriate for himself, and that's owie ouch angst. Poor baby.. To top it all off though, ZZS then uses another line from a poem with the characters (Ke Xing) - "traveling is fun, but home is sweeter" - to describe WKX's name. Literally telling him he is no longer alone without a home, he has a place here at Four Seasons Manor he can always return to. This scene never fails to make me just... melt and cry because THE ROMANCE. It really makes ZZS look like a yearning and pining spouse waiting for their spouse to return home ahaha. Thank you Xiao Chu for the amazing script. She's doing freaking fantastic as a rookie script writer! And well done to Gong Jun for that looong intense monologue! He did so well! I could feel his conflicting emotions! And yessss we get a name drop for Prince Qi and Da Wu, the main protags for the "prequel" to Word of Honor. The situation between Scorpion King and Zhao Jing is getting tense. I'm rooting for Scorpion so much like come ON get rid of this POS manipulator, you deserve better! Thank you so much for this week's reaction! I'm happy to see you so immersed in all the plots in this story, I don't even mind that you have less to say during the episodes! Can't wait for the next reactions!


I'm sorry but after hearing Brittany talk about Shen Shen and the guitar while he fights i can't help but imagine him doing some sick riffs during battle 🎸 like Lan Zhan and his guqin and if that isn't epic i don't know what is 😂

Anonym WLW

Gong Jun really outdid himself in that scene in front of the graves. His hopes, his fears, all the ugly emotions and scars of his past laid bare — wkx is going through it. And the romance and Married Couple energy in these episodes is just top notch. The gentle teasing, the silent support they give each other, the nightly drinks when the kid has gone to bed… I am lowkey jealous. Shen Shen has grown a lot and I always appreciate it when shows let side characters have their own character arcs in the background, even if they don’t get much screentime. Show me that they’re affected by the events they’ve witnessed! Let me see how they’ve learned (or not!) from past mistakes! Same thing happened with Jin Zixuan in The Untamed and I really loved it there too. Local Scorpion Twink Continues To Deserve Better, More At Seven. Really, he and Zhao Jing have such an interesting dynamic and the actors gave their all for these scenes. But I like seeing him “team up” with the Girls, and the way Tragicomic Ghost explained the way Zhao Jing’s mind and manipulation tactics work. And we have now heard of Prince Qi and Da Wu! They’re the main characters of Qi Ye, another Priest novel set before the events of Tian Ya Ke, the novel Word Of Honor is based on. I haven’t read either yet, but from what I’ve heard it’s good! SO looking forward to next week’s reactions!


Now that I’ve actually watched the videos, my reaction to your reaction…. I loved the points you were making about WKX’s monologue and how it relates to all his trauma. From episodes 24 and 25, it feels like both WKX and ZZS, now that they’re finally in a safe place, are processing their trauma and actually working through it. As someone with a history of depression (and also not an easy childhood), I found his anger and grief so relatable, and he articulates so well being on the edge of that choice you can make to turn away from the heartbreak of the past and embrace a future that holds brighter things. I appreciate so much that the show gives them this respite where things move a bit slower for them, and they actually get to be domestic and just live a life together for a few months. On TV, we so rarely get to see a couple just living together and opening up to each other, especially not a queer couple. When I first watched these episodes, I kept being so surprised when they just continued getting further and deeper enmeshed together without fights or arguing, just slowly communicating more and more. They do still have some fundamental differences, articulated by the conversation about what “Ke Xing” means. We have the lone bird, the traveller of no root, on the one hand, and the person who has a home and roots, who is used to leading a sect, on the other. I do love how healing and affirming they are for each other. One important thing to note about Wen Kexing is that he finds it so easy to love someone once he’s decided that he’s going to, but he doesn’t have any recent experience in being loved back, and certainly never as a grown-up loving someone as an equal, and it unnerves him. He’s so afraid to lose Ah-Xu’s love and he worries that this is just a brief moment in time, doomed to end. It’s so clear to see at this point that he’s no longer truly invested in the Ghost Valley or any of the revenge he set in motion, it’s all been swept away by falling in love. For understanding the relationship between Zhao Jing and Xie’er (Scorpion King), it might help to consider how Xie’er is comparing his relationship with Zhao Jing to TragicComic Ghost’s relationship with him. You’re right that this is in no way heterosexual, Xie’er is implicitly thinking of his relationship with his yifu in romantic terms by comparing it with Zhao Jing’s previous relationship. (The lines as originally spoken by the actor make the romantic undertones practically textual, although those lines couldn’t be aired and the voice actor was given different dialogue to say.) Ye Baiyi is an absolute treat even when he’s not physically there. He’s my third favourite character, though frankly there are so many characters to love in this show.


If you look up Vulnerable Narcissist in the dictionary you'll see Zhao Jing's picture next to the entry. I both love and hate how the script kind-of-sort-of draws parallels between Wen Kexing and Zhao Jing in this episode, while still somehow making it clear to the viewer that their situations are Not. The. Same. At. All. As for playful A-Xu - hard same! I just love it every time he feels comfortable enough with himself and the people around him to let that part of him show. It's a delight every time!


When I first watched through this, Scorpion Twink and Zhao Jings relationship made me so viscerally uncomfortable. It was so creepy and gross and manipulative to me. And it's uncommon for me to feel that way. I'm over here shipping Hannigram as the height of love and devotion, but Scorpion and Jing? Ugh. No. Gross. I think it might be the 'dad/father and son' thing. Daddy kink is fine with me, but this specific relationship makes it feel so gross. He's just a poor abused sugar baby who needs emancipation.


And I assume Shen Shen read the text which says the chief's name is Wen KeXing and hasn't he been lectured about using that name just recently...? There is a translation of the text which sounds, as I recall like it was written by someone who is smitten with WKX all about how evil and pretty he is (i think, memory isn't what it used to be but its close)


episode 25... "You can't tell me there isn't the sweetest motherfucking love scene in the book" Okay... I won't tell you that then. 😐 I will say that the book is *really* different in some ways and was not what I was expecting when I read it after I saw the show. And I love the show and the book but they are brothers from another mother at best. As far as the Chief Beggar dying offscreen and very quickly... this is where I think someone looked at the script and looked at the budget and said "Oh Shit, no way we have the money to draw this out the way it should be and there are only so many times we can shill the wolong nuts." Cause right about now is where things begin to speed up like a rollercoaster with no brakes. That being said. I agree with you, I love that Shen Shen and some other minor characters have discernable character growth and arcs, that is a fucking gift. Plus there are also just so many awesome minor characters, mostly old people who die and break our hearts into tiny pieces but again so worth it. this show has a lot of gravediggers who meet princes, metaphorically speaking the smaller parts don't feel like the characters have smaller lives, we just aren't focusing on them. Also I want to see the missing scene where A'Xiang goes to Shen Shen for help, That would have to be epic because you know he's seen the book of ghosts and knows Zhen Yan grew up to be Wen KeXing and that A'Xiang is his maid. I imagine she had to be very persuasive with a sword at her throat. And I adore her "Kill me now but don't tell my boyfriend I was evil kay?" I weep every time because she's serious in thinking Shen Shen, who is turning into a big softy, is going to put her down. And the grave scene... kills me every time. Poor Lao Wen, its easier when you don't have any choices isn't it? Then fate dangles a long lost shixiong with nails in his chest and suddenly life is so complicated.


You might know, but in case someone else reads this I just want to point out: Scorpion King's actor also voiced him! I heard Li Daikun was originally a voice actor who crossed over to acting on screen


Does anyone know who else is doing WOH reaction on Patreon or YouTube? I finished watching Justalowlychannel. After Brittany's reaction, my life is gonna be bored again. 😢


Strawberry Siren has reacted to it~ all her reaction episodes are on YouTube 🙂


ROTFLMAO! Brittany: "Of course, Ning comes from the Hufflepuff clan." Holy shit, that was great! And says so much about what I think of Hufflepuffs. We all thought it. You said it. Good times...


About Scorpion and his "Daddy," and this is something the show has already revealed. Earlier, you asked why Scorpion would take such an interest in Tragicom Ghost. He picked up on her unresolved feelings for Jing throught the phrase, "You don't fail me, and I won't fail you." He zeroed in on her obsession with Jing, just as he himself is obsessed, as you've already picked up on. But I didn't know if you made that connection with why he singled her out and let her live. He suspected that she could tell him more about Jing than anyone, and let her live. This is not elaborated upon anywhere else in the rest of the show, and is simply my observation. Great writing!


Lime Nik already explained it, but in the talk over wine about their names they were quoting lines from poems that contain the characters of their names, so yes, the subtitles were accurate and that is totally how they got away with it! They're just quoting literature, what are the censors gonna do about that XD Speaking of, I'm pretty sure you've said you haven't decided what "extra" things you'll react to from WoH, but even if you end up watching it on your own time, I'd love for you to see AvenueX's videos on the poetry references and name meanings! They rly give you a whole new layer of appreciation for the script writer The scene where ZZS and WKX kind of bicker about Chengling's training is so... Like, ZZS asks with that face of his "Are you 'someone else' (lit. outsider)?" but ya know... the opposite of outsider (outside person/ 外人) is of course insider (inside person/ 内人) which also means... wife...

Don't Water my Cactus

The show puts a huge red flag on the "you only have me", "you don't fail me and I won't fail you" narrative of abusers. First step: making sure Scorpion can only rely on him. Second step: Any abuse Scorpion receives from Zhao Jing is because Scorpion "failed" him first... So much of his behaviour can be related to real life creeps, it triggers my alarms even when is fiction. Great job from the writers and actors.

Lea (JujuBug)

Aaaaaaaaa, didn't have time to watch it yesterday, HERE I GO Also, I sooooo agree with the description lmaoooo GJ really outdid himself this episode


Side Note: Please take care of yourself and don't let discord trigger your anxiety. Your audience is biddable and will wait (especially those of us who have passed the age limit for "adjusting to new tech things" and can't figure out how it works as a user let alone setting up a channel}

Krissie 83

I think the mo dao zu shi/grandmaster of demonic cultivation animation has more gay in it then the Untamed :)