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Reaction: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/16MXnvhWVwHKQ8gfs3Ltab?



Yay! for all the gay-ass Gayness happening in this episode~!! 🙌😆


SO pumped


Love this one. Let's do this!


Funny that you like WKX's purple robe the most lol Cuz Gongjun said he hated it hahaha


Nice family outing through the woods. Big sis is away at college with her boyfriend.


Notice that Lao Wen's first reaction to the sword trees is to put his arms and fan out to shield his son and husband.


Oh actually WKX is referring to that evil kid at 10:30 not Chengling.


WKX was talking about the evil brat being dead after they fell, not Their little brat.


So they they're laying there out of breath after rolling around together then being ejaculated out of a narrow tube... Nope. Nothing gay about that. Not at all.


Yes. The boy was crying as though his parents died while the two of them were having fun and flirting, was about what was said.


I hope you caught the 'crying as though his parents died' part.

Lea (JujuBug)

All hail to the gayness that is this episode 😂


Oh boy, the next two episodes are going to be so juicy~ I can't wait 😆


When the subtitles at 22:17 say "my dear" , know that WKX actually says "Zhou xianggong" or Husband Zhou 👀 …

Marissa Cornett

By the way, Ke Xing is the father. A-xu is the mom. lol

Lisa Kleine

All the tropes! :D ♥ Also, the kid they ask the whereabouts of after the fall from thr bridge is not Chengling (who they saved) but the other "kid", the one in the basket. It also took me a rewatch to figure that out ^^°

Demi Schoonenberg

This episode is one of my faves as well! I loveeee the family vibes and the WenZhou moments so much <3 This episode really has everything.

Lilah Kane

Starting to like the old grumpy grandfather? He is so salty. 😁

Jessica Anderson

LOL. Ye Bai Yi 'If he dies, I'll get you a new one'


You were wondering if WKX really said "A Xu, my dear, please pity me". If translate it literally, WKX said "My husband Zhou, please pity me", and he used the word meaning "husband" as ancient Chinese.

Anonym WLW

Honestly, every episode from now on could just be them traveling with their son and sometimes Ye Baiyi, being gay and going on adventures, and I would watch it. Have A-Xiang and her boyfriend in there sometimes, maybe the ghost valley ladies, and that’s everything I could possibly wish for. Just some dudes, lying next to each other in a field, clothes disheveled and out of breath, nothing to see here… Gotta love how Zishu touches the needle, Chengling makes a noise, and he immediately surmises that it’s dangerous to pull out and threatens Long Xiao over it and then there’s Ye Baiyi who just. Pulls it out. Overprotective parent Zhou Zishu all the way! He’s harsh when training him but the MOMENT it seems he’s in actual danger… And just. The bickering in this episode. Between the married couple. Between Ye Baiyi and everyone else. Top notch, very rewatchable episode. Looking forward to the next ones and, even more importantly, the livestream!


This one in particular was a blast to watch along with you! It's definitely one of my favorite episodes too. Just a little family on a field trip xD. Actually, this whole arc and the next two are my personal favorite from this show, so I'm really looking forward to see what your take on them is!


The 'Flirt' by YBY is probably not the most accurate translation because if you translate flirt back into Chinese it would not be the word they use in the drama, but I think that is probably the closest translation. What YBY says refers to the cut sleeve, which gives him goosebumps. It's the kind of feeling you get when you see PDA, so 'flirt' is a good translation, but less of a surprise or shock when a Chinese speaker hears the word. And that's probably how it got through censorship.


And the cut sleeve scene is so fcking satisfying. Remember in ep5 it is WKX that cuts ZZS' sleeve, now it's the other way around. So cycle completes!


Yessss this is definitely one of my favourite episodes so far! It was so fun and wacky, a breath of fresh air from the heavy plot we've been getting. There were so many iconic WenZhou moments in this one episode alone, and we got to see Chengling put his newly learned martial arts skills to the test! And yes! When Wen Kexing calls Zhou Zishu "my dear", it's a pretty good translation. The word he uses is "相公“ (xiang gong) which is what women would call their husband by. It is not used as often anymore but the meaning is certainly still obvious for viewers! As for what Ye Baiyi said to them in the fields about flirting around, I think that's also a pretty accurate translation since there's no English equivalent, like they've been mucking around, teasing each other with excessive intimacy (to the point of cringe??) while their disciple is crying as if he's lost his parents😂 I seriously can't handle this whole episode!!! Can't wait for your next reactions!

Marissa Cornett

Well, I think there are a couple of meanings of Xiang Gong in Chinese. It can be "husband", "gentleman", and " male prostitute". lol


Them entering a narrow corridor, rolling through and getting shot out then lying along side each other breathless 😳Go figure.


I love how you can see the actor who plays Ye Baiyi in this episode making sure he's in the right place with his foot before he drops the evil kid. I also love how this is an all Wenzhou family episode, we don't even get an update on A-Xiang this is all "How we spent our summer vacation together flirting and dodging traps and rescuing the kid, again"


Shangra la?

Lisa Wilson

Ok. The death trees are my favorite! They make me laugh so hard. It’s all serious with the music and the skulls and then all of a sudden…death trees!!

Zheng Lin

Wen Kexing is Dad, and Axu is Mom 👍


Ep 18 was the episode to "cement" the relationship of our main leads imo. I think the show makers wanted the audience to see that regardless what comes after, in this episode zzs and wkz chosed each other and confirm their bond in ep18. Ep 9, 11, 12 and 18 are good ones in the first half. As always it's so fun to watch your reaction Brit.

Eve Swayze

I've always thought of Kexing as the mom, he seems very motherly twords Chenling


I just love the entire LongYuan Cabinet arc.