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What: Immediate post-viewing discussion/mental breakdown

When: Sept. 2nd at 3:45pm

Where: https://youtu.be/XQkEZxVdElI

Why: It's literally all Maven's fault



It might be Maven's fault but i feel like it would be nice to continue these kind of streams after important episodes... and there will be a few 👀


I'll be watching the recording later bc I'll be at school! 🤣😭 Drat these afternoon lectures


I'm sorry. ☺ (runs and hides again)

Sophie biasland x

Episode 20 just hits ya know of course I’ll be there 🥲


I will run so I will be on time!


True! But there is so many important episodes after ep 20 XD


unfortunately I'll still be at work for the start time but I look forward to watching the recorded livesteam afterwards :)

Demi Schoonenberg

I’ll be there! For me, it will be late in the evening when the livestream starts, but I don’t mind. Can’t wait to hear your thoughts 👀

Anonym WLW

I’ve been looking forward to this! I’ll be there!


Nice bottle of Rosé de Languedoc in the fridge and Wolong nuts at the ready. Let's do this!


Just occurred to me... she's probably watch the episodes right now.... 😁


I wore my new Ah Xu? Ah Xu. Ah Xu! Lao Wen? Lao Wen. Lao Wen! Tee shirt to work today. A client asked me if my name was Lao Wen. She said it sounded like a lovely name. 😄


just popping a link here (of the hug/forehead touch edited into the full scene, as it won't let me send it over on tumblr) https://tinesleftnipple.tumblr.com/post/651392876052348928/so-i-put-together-what-i-think-the-original-hug


Link to WOH archive (this is the one that's been going around Twitter too). https://shlarchive.carrd.co/


Here's a link to a different take on the ZZH scandal. https://medium.com/@1000snow/the-crucifixion-of-zhang-zhehan-in-the-age-of-misinformation-5b08b0d06e40


a closer view of the forehead touch~ https://twitter.com/Hellbing2/status/1404084577283416065

Anonym WLW

Picture of Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan holding hands on set during the filming of the scene https://myu21.tumblr.com/post/658862279704690688/no-context

Eve Swayze

But I haven't seen her reaction to ep 19 yet, has she not posted it yet?


Nope, as she watched the episodes a couple of days before she finally posts them. One episode on Saturday and one on Sunday. As she has always done~


Old man dying: Chengling, you've got this, right? I mean there's this magical mechanical sect that can do AMAZING things that no one else is capable of understanding or copying, and there's no one left to teach you - but there are two books in the library, you can figure it out and take it from there, right? Make us proud! :p


Xue Yang seems to take more delight in doing crazy evil for the sake of crazy evil. Scorpion King seems to have more of a sense of empathy, he doesn't want to see the world burn for the sake of fun, he has people he cares about? I kind of see Scorpion King as someone who could have been shaped in any direction, if he'd been taken on by a different mentor with something resembling MORALS he could have been a very different person. He just wants to be A Good Boy. ;)

O Fowler

Has this been removed? I copy-pasted the link and can't make it work but I'd love to see it.