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Reaction: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/Mhf7Jcgk1ttyNmx6jZE32t?


Demi Schoonenberg

I remember the first time I saw the end of this episode and was just stunned by what I saw. Once the music began I really was sucked into the action and then those final words spoken between them and the hug before falling off the cliff… Stunning. Really the most visually beautiful show I’ve ever seen.


I remember crying. I cried weird happy/ sad tears. If I could make any changes..... there's like two frames where the dragons in the middle with his wings out and Will and Hannibal are on either side of him. For that two seconds, I would have put the dragon with wings out, with the Raven Stage, and the Wendigo on either side. Just for those few seconds. Like the alter egos facing off.


G O D this finale is just so satisfying. The completion of Will's corruption arc. Will and Hannibal finally killing someone together while working in perfect harmony. Will finally admitting to himself that he truly does love Hannibal and thinks what they did together was beautiful, I just😭😭😭 Siouxsie Sioux literally came out of retirement just to write Love Crime for the finale of the show. Bryan Fuller told her it was a love story, so she wrote a love song that fit the murder husbands perfectly😌


Am I crying while watching those last minutes of the finale, even when I've watched it like a dozen times, and watching the last minutes of your reaction? Yes, yes I am 😭😭😭


I've always loved this finale it is reallly beautiful in a way and the song holds a special place in my heart.


It's the end. I cry. Look they're in talks again for a season 4, make this twisted soul happy and get it produced already. One final season. With lot's of indisputable murder husband gayness


Even after all this time, this is still my favorite show and I'm STILL hoping for a season 4. All of it just never ceases to amaze me and I have to rewatch it at least once a year. Thank you so much for the reactions and providing company and a schedule for this year's rewatch! Btw, which one is first on your "most fucked up fictional relationships"? Good luck with your writing! Can't wait to check it out and for what comes next in the reactions.


I love that last fight between the murder husbands and the Dragon - when the slow music starts, I'm suddenly not watching three people fighting - I'm watching two wolves take down a lion. I don't know exactly why (though I have some ideas), but that was the thought that came to me the first time I watched it and it's never left me. The team work between Will and Hannibal, the way they hamstring their prey, and in the end they tear his guts and his throat out and just bleed him - it's a very wolf way to do it. And I had some fun thoughts about "lone wolves" and finally finding a packmate and Will finally giving in fully to his animalistic side. Dollarhyde is the majestic lone hunter - which could make him a tiger, but I think the idea of him as "majestic" points to the lion, and the flaring wings brings to mind the big mane of the male lion making it appear larger and more imposing. I'm sure there are lots of arguments to be made for other interpretations, but this was (and is) literally just my emotional gut reaction so I'm not gonna argue; your viewpoint is as valid as mine. ;) Also - who is the "most fucked up fictional relationship" on your list, I need to know. :D


Bedelias face is fucking amazing, and Will hates her so much. I love how even though they were getting canceled, they set up 'Silence of the Lambs' with Chilton. All the talk of 'wearing skin' could work with either Will or Clarice if they got rights to her. I still hope to get season 4 someday. The song, 'Love Crime' was written FOR this episode, thats why its perfect. I NEVER get tired of this finale. Its the BEST on TV in my very opiniated opinion. Is Hannibal NOT held up as one of the great cannon gay romances? I know its not 'main stream' popular, but I'm pretty sure its up there as a queer relationship done well, and is pointed to to say 'Hey look, they don't need to kiss/hold hands/have sex on screen for people to LOVE the relationship.' Maybe its just cause I'm part of the Hannibal fandom though that I feel its more well known than it is.... PLEASE tell me you've read 'And the Shape of Me Will Always Be You.'