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Reaction: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/2Cfx118osHX9Qx22H5tnnW?

*Dealing with an editing backlog this weekend, please excuse the lack of titles/captions/thumbnails <3

EDIT: GODDAMMIT I EVEN DOUBLE CHECKED, it's the right link now lol


Anonym WLW

I think this is the wrong link, it’s taking me to a Hannibal reaction



Lilah Kane

Brittany, the link takes to previous Hannibal reaction. 😁


Guys what do we do

Anonym WLW

Comments party 2.0?


Is it just me or this is the link for Hannibal?

Lea (JujuBug)





Muffled screaming in the back


Oh my god, are we having another comment party 🥳


Well I assume this time we won't have to wait as long

Lea (JujuBug)

*takes out candles and popcorn* I'M READY, BRING IT ON

Lilah Kane

Already have chips here. 😁

Lilah Kane

Maybe she wants people to watch more of Hannibal? It is a good tactic. 😈



Lea (JujuBug)

I'm laughing my ass off and crying at the same time is it normal


We doing this again? LOL!


Square up, Brittany, and tell us the truth: this *was* on purpose this time.


This is one of my favorite episodes (once we get the right link😆) because of all the found-family goodness we get~~ 🥰❤️ and then WKX breaks my heart at the end 😄😭 (also I once again accidently deleted my previous comment 🙃 go me~ 😆)

Mel C.

oh no, it's happening again lmao


DON'T CLICK ON THE LINK, PASTE THE LINK AND HIT ENTER AND IT WORKSSSSS. https://share.vidyard.com/watch/2Cfx118osHX9Qx22H5tnnW?

Lilah Kane

Thx Crispy! Worked for me.


No, those three Ghosts are actually doing all this shite behind Wen KeXing's back, but he already knows about it. Remember when he was watching the conference from the hill said something like, "So, Changling Ghost, this is the move you're making." or sommat like that.


I thought you weren't getting the Old Monster thing, but I wasn't sure. 😂


It took a while for me to realize that the little shit doing Zhao's nails (his newest adopted son), was the same little shite that was bullying ChengLing before.


you read that correctly 100%!

Anonym WLW

Also when they went to fuck up the scorpion base only to find it already destroyed, he thought something like “I didn’t expect Changing Ghost to move so quickly” or something like that


Yes you read that exactly correctly. Btw, the "extended" scene is the extra look at 38:08 in your video. That intense look between them was snipped in the original.

Anonym WLW

You absolutely read that correctly. Both the current Wenzhou dynamic and the “Father? More like Daddy” relationship between Xie’er (scorpion king) and Zhao Jing. Also “My mouth is just the right size.” — The right size for WHAT, Kexing? Drunk Kexing is so soft though. So many good lines. “Does it hurt?” “Can you not die?” Argh! He cares so much for his A-Xu but he’s afraid he’ll get rejected if he finds out who he really is… and then there’s Zishu taking care of him and tucking him into bed all while verbally berating him… these two are gonna be the death of me.

Jennifer D

Ohhhhhh I totally didn't get that until you said this! Ohhhhhhhh wow.


I think you read that correctly.

Lisa Kleine

Welcome to the toxic relationship that is Zhao Jing and our precious murder baby Scorpion King. He was all: I finished decorating the house, but I can't decide on the curtains, can I have some feedback and compliments for the good job I have done. And he promptly got shot down with: stop fooling around, have you finished with the murders I ordered you to do. Please ignore my bit on the side. Also, the bliss that is our found family, including our hilarious WKX-YBY banter, the is this my or your disciple/son? and drunk confessions ❤ I'm screaming again! :DDD

Demi Schoonenberg

I love this episode so much! Especially those last few scenes with WenZhou &lt;3 The beauty, the pain, the love, the banter… The golden quartet. Also, I really loved the moment when you listed all the things Zhao Jing did not deserve and concluded with “or a bottom that pretty”, because facts. 😂 Zhao Jing is definitely sus with all those young, good-looking ‘sons’ he collects like Pokémon. And Ye Bai Yi really shines in this episode. He’s a horrible grandpa, but I like his humor and the bit of backstory/old pain we got in this episode


The kid doing zhao jing’s nails (the “newer model” as you put it 😂) is the senior disciple at yuyang who always bullied ChengLing. 😒 took me two watch throughs to realize that.


"I picked everything by myself 🥺". I wish we could see the place he designed or give him a hug

Jennifer Liu

Ah-Xu: I am going to die but before I do I want to have a genuine connection with you. I am gambling that you will open up to me. I won't die before that happens. (So much conveyed in so few words and gestures. The drama, lines and acting are SO well done.)

O Fowler

Zhao Jing and all these cute young things that call him "Yifu" and do normal father-son activities like doing his nails and planning the murders of whole clans. Plus, Xie-er going "Who is this?" means Zhao Jing had 100% kept the existence of this other "adopted son" from him. THE FUCK. If you rewatch, it makes Zhao Jing's early support for/kindness to Chengling hit *super* different and I hate it. God, I hate him as much if not more than Lovelace.


Oooooooh, I hadn't considered the Zhao Jing / Chengling dynamic in that context before. Total cringe!


i swear i burst out laughing when i first tried the link and it was Hannibal XD good clown


Also, I live for Wen Kexing / Ye Baiyi banter. Their insults are glorious.


loved seeing more of my immortal king Ye Bai Yi! he brings out the best (aka the worst) in everyone! XD


this is one of my favorite episodes (along with the one to come). your reaction was pretty much what mine was. and gj is genius at playing drunk. I didn't catch what you saw Lovelace doing, though, when the three were talking. what'd I miss?

Lisa Kleine

He was very, creepily delighted by the pretty girls, Changing Ghost mentioned to tempt them to betray Ghost Valley.


This episode had it all; the found family, the underlying angst, the drunken confession. God it was good, especially after the dumpster fire that was the Heroes' Conference. And yes, I think we all agree that you've definitely read that correctly! All this time, Zhou ZIshu has been very open about his past and took the first step to reveal himself, hoping that it would encourage Wen Kexing to do the same. He just needs a little push and some faith in his zhiji!

Zheng Lin

Axu is so beautiful in this episode😍🥰, Axu hit the drunk husband Wen kexing is so funny and sweet🤣😂


Also young master long, who zzs sends chengling to feed is the kid (actor is 30ish) Ye Baiyi had in a sack in the last episode. he's still with them even if we don't see him.


Great reaction Brit. I think i grasp nearly the same things from the last scene of ep17 as you did. Just instead of wkz accused of fake flirting I thought zzs meant wkz fake cheerful face and accommodating/pampering behaviour towards him. For me this ep 17 scene is once again a "zzs love confession to wkz" moment because he started as a person who did not want to hang onto life, in the scene before he told yby that he wants to either live peacefully or die peacefully and so it hits hard when he said to wkz that he would refuse to die until he can know/understand wkz fully. Wkz became such an important person to zzs that he will clung onto life for him. Also hi all, I'm new to this comment roundtable.


this episode screams ROMANCE, along with episode 12 and upcoming episodes. and are you already immune to how WKX called ZZS "my/our Ah Xu"? 😁 btw i'm new here and decided to join your patreon (and this is my first time ever became a patron) bcuz i like how you appreciate the decorations and cinematography on this series. if you look carefully they used many round shape to give soft touch. also some of those props actually have a meaning to support the scene (symbolism), be it the paintings, stuff on the desk, the trees, etc. this series is so rich that you'll find new things on every rewatch, contained stuff worth to study (especially the cultural reference). thank you for your reaction. i totally enjoyed it 😊


I just love the way the relationship between WKX and ZZS evolves. That intimate scene at the end of episode... oh my! Another new kid on the block here, and also appreciating your eye for detail. The set design, lighting and cinematography in this series is just phenomenal. From the tilted camera angles in the scenes involving Ghost Valley to the way ZZH is made to look ever more fragile and etheral in dressing him in fading greys and whites to symbolize his dying is just glorious and never more so than in this episode,