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Reaction: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/SMxRG1gmMfv3kGP5CG62cm?




Just what I needed :). My country just went into it's second full-scale lockdown after covid got back in, so I've been looking forward to this more than usual. Even all my online teaching plans are on hold because my uni declared a short holiday to let the students settle down, so I'm pretty bored 😅. Never mind, and here's hoping we can stamp it out this time like we have with the other incursions. Much love everyone, especially to those of you who've been living under the threat of covid this whole crazy time.


And thus we get one of my favorite dynamics in the show: bitter queens Will and Bedelia bitching at each other about their relationships with their shared ex-husband. They're so delightfully petty and catty in all their conversations, and I fucking love it