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Reaction: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/MfVyuuRHE689ntGGpUEC9U?






Oh my prayers have been answered

Lea (JujuBug)

BRITTANY, YOU'RE ALIVE!!! *here you can insert the Mushu gif*


Thank goodness this is here...


Yay!!! Everyone on board the pain train!! 🙌😭

Lea (JujuBug)

HERE WE GO WITH MORE ANGST GUYS (as if the last few days weren't enough)

Lilah Kane

Yay Brittany! 👍😎


It is here ! the link !


If I'm not mistaken this is when Wen Ke Xing says "Fortunately..." And in the novel continues with "I haven't fallen too hard yet"? Came to mind


their conflict is basically “i treat you as a starting point of my life, while you treat me as the ending point of your life”


Big up, to my fellow Slytherin. 🐍😁

Demi Schoonenberg

I believe this is the first time we hear the main actors sing their theme song during an episode. <3 Right during the most heartbreaking moment ever. And yeah, Ye Bai Yi is definitely an asshole, but he’s OUR asshole, y’know? He really grew on me very fast. Be prepared for a very turbulent Heroes’ Conference!


I really can't wait for episodes 19 and 20. 🤞🏾😋


yep, Grandpa Ye is OUR asshole, and he can always trust on!!!! he's awesome!!!

Anonym WLW

This episode is just a) piles of delicious angst and b) setting the stage. Both are great. There’s… not actually that much to say, except that I just love the entire thing. The song that plays during the breakup in the rain is the same that plays in the ending credits and it’s my favorite of the soundtrack. Beautiful lyrics, beautiful music. Technically the Heroes’ Conference has started, since all these people have arrived and are, well, talking. And I want to point out that the guy who first started speaking up and mediating the conflict between Shen Shen and the Mount Tai Sect is from the Gentle Wind Sword Sect, aka Cao Weining’s sect. He’s mentioned briefly earlier, when Weining talks with his senior. Otherwise, yeah. It’s a lot of new information but it mostly speaks for itself.


Just love that sassy Ye Bai Yi, he really deserve to have a spin-off serie... i would like to watch that


Breakup #2😱😭😭😭 such heart breaking poetry tho. The part that really gets me tho is when WKX is talking about always living in the wrong moment


Ok, is it just me, or do the Yueyang disciples crossed swords make anybody else think of ninja turtles?


Brittany, enjoy Word of Honor and appreciate Zhou Zishu to the fullest extent, for this will be Zhang Zhehan’s last role (my heart hurts so much I can’t even type properly anymore… T_T)


Oh, it's so hard not to spoil but sitting back and watching the unsuspecting reactions while things are being slowly exposed is so, so fun!

Marissa Cornett

I may have to tell you that the tea pot you want is not tea pot. it is a flagon, usually it is only for alcohol/wine.


There are Turkish teapots shaped like that (I tried to find one) but they're not a nice jade look. They're gaudy and stuff :(

Mel C.

there's this other thing that's gonna happen that is most definitely not on your bingo card and i cannot wait to see your reaction!! episodes 15 and 16 are... a Trip.

Sophisticated Lady

Kexing enjoys watching a good Chinese drama, just like us.


From a conveniently close by yet unnoticed and gorgeous viewing platform. Such style, such flair!

Jessica Ley

Yes, we’re finally picking up the pace! Next few episodes are some of my favorites. And after the next 2 episodes you can watch the first video about the poetry.


This episode hits differently when you know the whole back story of Wen Ke Xing.


You're a light to fandom. Thank you. Positive energy has the ability to change outcomes and sway the balance. Your sense of humor and engrossment, keeps me returning to see how you're gonna handle the next installment. Truly a joy!. <3

Zheng Lin

Everyone, Zhang Zhehan is in big trouble in China! 🥺Maybe everyone will not see any drama by Zhang Zhehan in the future! ! 😭😭Please vote for GJ and ZZ. Unlimited voting. https://www.polltab.com/0uMWhLNa3OE

O Fowler

They showed the bit of Ye BaiYi's sleeve being cut/torn, as a not to his backstory, I think. Anyway, about "the one halfway good guy" being a trash cheater... Almost everybody in this (except Chengling and Weining) have either killed lots of people or have questionable morals in one way or another. It's kind of this drama's jam. That and...I feel like the screenwriter had some experiences in romantic relationships that inform the script, since Tragicomic and Beauty Ghosts backstories are both not important to/part of the novel? Plus, if you've ever had a relationship with a malignant narcissist or been close to someone who did, some of this drama hits differently?


Everyone please keep support regarding # to a minimum on social media, lay low, too much support can be used against him and hurt him further, silence is the best protection right now


I know it sucks, but right now, his well being is more important

Lilah Kane

Brittany, just a heads-up. I think WOH reactions will get blocked always now in YouTube. ZZH has been completely erased everywhere. They are taking his name off the shows and YOUKU has already done that with WOH. I hope he is a very strong person and he is fine. I feel so sad for everyone that has worked with the series that haven't even aired. All that work will be gone. Your reactions gives us joy, especially now with WOH. 💙😊


In case you missed this detail, Hong lu the girl who died is one of the two girls Xiang rescued from Lovelace in a previous episode. Yun Zai the girl she is speaking to in this scene is the other girl. Tragicomic ghost's manor is also a space for less fortunate women. I think that is the reason why killing 47 of them was really easy for Gao's followers. Most of them had no fighting ability.


I think I registered that later on in the ep at some point while "bigger" things were happening and didn't say anything--hadn't specifically grasped what Tragicomic's place was being used for though so now I'm angrier at the assault and also in love with Tragicomic that much more. <3

Lea (JujuBug)

Youtube and other international platforms should be fine, even now Youku only took down the Chinese version on heir app, the English-subbed one is still there. (And the Chinese one made a comeback in better quality only to dissapear again so honestly no one even knows what the hell YK is trying to do lol) Let's try not to panic and see what happens :)

Lea (JujuBug)

I thought it was Saturday today, lol, why did I clown myself ilke that


Just chilling here while waiting for the episode and watching episodes 17 :)


The weekends are my happy time, waiting until like 11am for WoH reactions, without any stress (CORRECTION; PM)