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Reaction: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/LQdEFEneJVxiN8V93fVbmk?

The tension just keeps buildiiinnngggg



Oh boy~ Time to lean back with my popcorn and watch all the drama unfold~ 🙌 (well... Start to unfold... A little bit 😆)

Sophie biasland x

Kexing this episode: Haha look at the chao “Get the hell down” Oh hello im actually pretty heartbroken right now but sure anything for you A-Xu🥰

Sophie biasland x

Is it just me or are these subs not very good


Seems like Netflix ones, but I know that they at least fixed them till like ep 27?? So I don't know.

Lea (JujuBug)

What the hell, what's up with these subs?? O_o


Woooo~~~ Bottom Wen KeXing rights~!! 😆. But seriously, this version of WKX just oozes bottom energy~


Not liking these subs. The YouTube ones are the best!

Anonym WLW

Starting from this episode, your perspective of a bunch of characters gets pretty much flipped from what you thought you knew about them. Don’t worry, it happens to nearly everyone. That moment when you’re like “Wait, is Gao Chong… actually telling the truth right now? Did I completely misjudge him?” is a pretty much universal experience. Who is Wen Kexing, exactly? For how much is he directly responsible? What are other people up to? Your questions will get answered! Just not now. Not all of them, anyway. It does take a rewatch to really understand what was going on and who was working with whom in the beginning. By the way, I think this show was really clever in the way that they used Wenzhou’s flirting not just to laugh in the face of censorship but to pull you in and keep you hooked when the plot got complicated! I only really noticed how much they set up when I did a rewatch.

Demi Schoonenberg

It really bothers me that these subs write out their full names constantly instead of what they actually say (e.g. ‘Lao Wen’, ‘A-Xu’), haha. I’m so used to their nicknames for each other, especially after that iconic scene where they call each other three times each. I read somewhere that the episodes will likely remain online on the English Youku channel since that is for an international audience. Even in China the series has been going offline and online again according to AvenueX. But yeah, this episode has a lot of accusations flying around - but which ones are accurate and which ones are made up (and for what reason)? These were really intriguing questions for myself. Can’t wait for the reaction tomorrow! (And… yes, Bottom!Wen Kexing rights over here! 🎉)

Demi Schoonenberg

Oh, and the actor playing the child in the wheelchair is actually a man in his late twenties!

O Fowler

So much this confusion about who is good and who is bad. THat's so ON POINT with the themes of this whole mess. The guys in the prison were captured at the magic show (they didn't run) and had been imprisoned since then. Deng Kuan was the survivor of the wedding game, but came back and was in a coma since then. He was also the first responder to the Mirror Lake sect massacre, and Gao Xiao Lian is in love with him. Like, part of the issue with the fewer-episodes-than-they-wanted thing is that side characters have arcs that are not really fleshed out or shown enough for you to remember who they are or what they did.

Mel C.

i just KNOW i'm gonna enjoy tomorrow's reaction so freaking much 🤭

O Fowler

I think it's just really neat the Gao Chong is a veteran character actor known for playing villains, because it muddies the waters even more. Also The "kid" actor in the wheelchair is like in his late 20s, but often plays children for probably obvious reasons. This show is just a study in serendipity that they were able to get such great actors in so many of the smaller parts? Like, we remember Ao Lai Zi and the sages (and uncle Bi in the first episode & the ferryman, etc.) because they were so good.

Anonym WLW

This. It took me like three watch-throughs to notice where the guys came from, I’m just glad I managed to keep track of Deng Kuan the first time round. They also mentioned in a past episode that Gao Chong treated him like a son and he was basically set to marry Xiaolian before Chengling came in.


The guy in the wheelchair is an adult... I think early 30s. His character is also supposed to be an adult but stuck in that body.


Don't stress. I didn't even notice the show had been cut short. The writers on this are awesome. They resolve what they need to. (As long as you watch the short epilogue/ep 37.)


Really gonna need a live chat after episode 20. Brittany should watch ep 19 and 20 back to back and then come talk to us. I really needed to talk to people after watching those two.


Ahhhhhh lol I’m on second watch thru and still somewhat confused about the politics. This show is so complex. So good!


The YouTube subs are quite better! The structure is better as well as the vocabulary used!


Wait, really? I mean, that explains a lot, but still. Wow.


"It's fascinating to watch how everyone comes to the wrong conclusions" is such a recurring theme in this show.


Granted the only reason in the book that WKX tops is because he literally cried about it and annoyed ZZS to the point that he just let him have his way. Also don't worry ZZS will also have his times of "I'm baby, spoil me" coming soon


The series has been officially yanked from Youku’s app in China.


Apparently the crew ran around Hengdian and approached the old actors on other filming sets to do them a favour and come play a small part on WOH. Perhaps it helped that many, if not all, of these old actors had at one point or another acted with Zhang Zhehan before or been in a same production as him. 😆