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::drowns in gothic romance vibes::



One of my absolute favorite episodes. The cinematography is something else in this and the whole story with Hannibal's sister and Will visiting Hannibal's home was amazing. Also Hannibal was hilarious in this (technically , you killed him, And how he looks straight into the camera when he talks about the preparation of the meat 🤣)


I think part of why Hannibal wants to eat Will is that Will makes him feel and act in ways that are irrational and out of Hannibal's control, and he doesn't like that, bc loss of control is a weakness. After their breakup, Hannibal comes to realize that even beautiful places like Florence and Paris don't bring him the same joy they used to, bc he misses Will. And he tries so desperately to fill that void with beautiful places and art and music, and with interesting, intellectual people whose company he should for all intents and purposes enjoy more than Will's bc their interests align with his own. But he doesn't. He just misses his grumpy ex boyfriend. I think Hannibal sees eating Will as a way of taking back that control over his own feelings and actions while still keeping some part of Will with him, inside him. (Obviously what he isn't considering in all this is that he wouldn't be able to fucking stand living in a world where Will is dead. He couldn't even bear Will being in prison for fuck's sake. But he's dramatic and heartbroken, so I'll forgive his temporary stupidity)