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Reaction: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/8JD99zdhqJXPebZDHgxaC2?

You know, he'd dropped the S word earlier in the episode and YET.



Han Ying (current leader of Window of Heaven) is really out here to show us how unrequited love for Zhou Zishu is done.


Ok but the matching colours for the veils, each corresponding to each others outfits?? *Chefs kiss*


Yay for gay dates!! 🥰😆 First a lovely dinner (after kicking out the extras of course) then saving their son, and finally a nice market date with a lovely show to end it on 🙌 And yes, Wen KeXing is really child-like in many aspects 🤔 how interesting... 😄and we're finally getting *tiny* little crumbs of WKX's backstory, it'll be fun to see you slowly get all the pieces~ And YAY!! for Soulmates!! 💖💖


The word WKX used for soulmate at least the second time (didn't go and check the first) was zhiji, same that wwx used that one time in the untamed. Here's a meta about it, untamed specific, that explains what it means better than I ever could: https://hunxi-guilai.tumblr.com/post/612161034673946624/all-right-guys-lets-have-a-conversation-about

Lisa Kleine

Kexing my dear, if you glare any harder behind that forced smile, chief Gao is going to spontaneously catch fire.... Just saying... A-Shu, now would be the moment to give your soulmate a hug ;) Love the many emotions this episode caused! :D

Lilah Kane

There was one extra stuff that I need to point out about episode 8 and my oh my it is lovely... On the timestamp 24:08-9 the attackers release the captives and they show upper view of them. For a moment they form a heart and A-Xu and Lao Wen stand in the middle. Thought you would like to know. ;) Here is the timestamp: https://youtu.be/TsLaPyhbFwQ?t=1449


The Chinese term that is translated as soulmate is "zhiji." I can't find an explanation in the context of Word of Honor that doesn't have spoilers, but there's a good post about it and how it's used in The Untamed. "calling someone your 知己 zhiji is more than saying that they’re your best friend, or confidante, or uwu soulmate – they’re your patron, your benefactor, the mirror to your soul, your self. They know you so well that your movements are in concert, your words synchronized, your actions unified" https://hunxi-guilai.tumblr.com/post/612161034673946624/all-right-guys-lets-have-a-conversation-about It ties in to the themes of Word of Honor even more, maybe, than The Untamed so I think it's worth learning more about!

Jess D

I see everyone is already pointing out hunxi's infamous tumblr post about zhiji/soulmate, and it is a good read, but tl;dr is that no, it does not 100% have to have romantic connotations, you can have platonic soulmates, something the show itself points out a couple episodes later, and is how they can get away with using the word in China.


"Don't you let me follow?" I love this. If Zhou ZiShu truly wanted not to be followed, he wouldn't be. I love that Wen KeXing recognizes that about his man. Likewise, Ah-Xu is allowing himself to be dragged around. If he didn't want to go with, he wouldn't be moved.


The soulmate in the Chinese language has much less romantic meaning than in English. The Chinese word is 知己, which literally translates to "know self“ - so someone that understands you fully. It can be used to describe someone in either a romantic or non-romantic relationship. In this episode, I personally think it can go either way depending on how you define their relationship at this point in time. My definition of their relationship changed quite a bit after I rewatched the entire show, which is interesting about this show However, in the original novel, WKX is an explicitly homosexual man so he would definitely mean to say THE soulmate soulmate lol.


Did you notice those veils were complimentary? Lao Wen was the colour of Ah-Xu's robes and vice-versa. 😁

Bethany R

at some point, we all have to yell at WKX like "WHO ARE YOU?? WHAT IS YOUR BACKSTORY???" and i'm glad you're at the point where you're getting some hints ehehe


The Ghost leader isn't directing them He gave them two orders: go out into the human world and find my piece of the Glazed Armor. Everything else is them mixing shit for themselves. Remember, as you said... They're the Drama kids. They take their assignments and go a wee bit beyond. 😁

Marissa Cornett

You have sharp eyes on details. Wen Kexing is so child-like sometimes and the reasons behind his childish behavior will be revealed in the future episodes. I really enjoy re-watching this drama with you. lol


Yup! They dropped the "S" word!!! Although soulmate or "Zhiji" does not always mean romantic, in this is instance we have to believe it is romantic. How will the show pass the censorship otherwise? Ha ha... Also those ten heads are from the "hunger games" in episode 7. The one where they were asked to kill each other.


YES! I read that one back when I discovered The Untamed, and I was just thinking of all the connotations of that yearning soulmate-statement from WKX. :)

Lilah Kane

Also, isn't Cao Wei Ning's eyes beautiful and so warm and kind? Dad Lao Wen should not be that hard on that sweet boy.


The whole date at the market is so cute <3


Zhou Zishu acting so nice towards Cao Wei Ning at the beginning, he's acting like Wen Kexing when they delivered Chengling to Zhao Jing. I think he's doing it on purpose because he knows it's going to annoy the hell out of Kexing.

O Fowler

Including the groom from the "wedding" who honestly...GOOD


yay the market date! i love how resigned ah xu looks while paying for all of lao wen's food (and the fact that he does it all silently)


we're finally getting into some Plot plot now!! can't wait

Anonym WLW

Ah, wkx‘s childlike innocence… if you think the reason for that will make you cry, you’re NOT ready for the origin of the shoulder blade fixation. (Just kidding. You’re not ready for anything, the show just hits you and you have to deal with it somehow) Patience is a virtue, but at this point mine was wearing thin as well when it came to wkx‘s backstory. I distinctly remember seeing the way he looked at and spoke to Gao Chong and thinking „Oh, he’s got BEEF!“ before wildly speculating. Others have already explained the soulmate/zhiji thing so I won’t go into that except to say that I also heartily recommend the linked tumblr post. Also love how Gao Xiaolian says „Since you’re Weining‘s… friend“ like she knows exactly what’s up. Like, „Sure, Weining, I’ll give your secret girlfriend a place to stay that’s conveniently near to where you’re staying…“ *winks at both of them* Oh and I almost forgot: Han Ying, my boy! We love someone who’s loyal to a person instead of the organization!


They use the same word for soul mate that wangxian does. BTW is that a wangxian hoodie??? Nice!


We stan Gao Xiaolian (2nd big sis) in this household. Also, calling Wen Kexing an "Iceberg Character" - I *love* that!


Yeah, I want to talk about how relative the term is to the ending, but I won't. Love it! :-)


Hey, you're right. He's basically retired head of the CIA. If he wanted to lose Kexing, he could. I never looked at it like that before. Nice take. :-)


This is so good! I just want to binge watch these with you. Even though you've generously doubled your output, I still want more. FYI, when ZZ asks for Kexing to pay him back, the real lines were Kexing offering his body to service ZZ, and ZZ saying that he'd sell him to a brothel instead. At least, I think this happens at that point. And my theory on Kexing's playfulness and childlke glee at times, is because he didn't have much of a childhood. He's kinda stuck on that level. You know, a two year-old will stab its mother for a cookie, that sort of "stuck" mentality. Just a theory. I felt the same about Xue Yang from The Untamed. Eager for that next video! See ya soon! Oh, and you are so in tune with Kexing's feelings towards the Five Lake Alliance. Impressive. :-)

Amy Chang

the word (知己) "Zhi Ji" that they translate into soulmate in WOH and the untamed, doesn't necessarily have a direct "romantic" meaning but the word literally translates to "know thyself" but when you call someone your "Zhi ji" you're implying that this person understands you, understand everything about who you are, what you represent and your values, essentially your reason of life. It implies a great deal of mutual trust and understanding. It's a common theme in Chinese culture about finding your "soulmate" or "zhi ji" and the sense of fulfilment in a lifetime. WOH explores soulmateship not only through WKX and ZZS but also other characters who are attained soulmateship whom you'll meet later in the series. The romanticism can be shown through the journey of two individuals who have found their soulmate and have endured hardship together, grow together, mutual influencing of each other's behavior etc. The beauty of finding another person whom you are able to value just as important as yourself if not even more so is implied. So while romanticism is part of it, finding your true solace partner is what makes the "Zhi Ji" concept so endearing and it's what makes their relationship so romantic and wholesome. With the WKX acting like a child thing I didn't quite catch it the first time I watched the series but childhood for WKX is actually a pool of complex emotions. He will actually say a line regarding his feelings towards his childhood which will make his curiosity quite sad really. You'll actually be coming to it quite soon and I don't want to say anything that will spoiler but for those who've watched it and once you watch it, you might understand what line or scene I'm referring to.


Okay, so you're about to watch ep 9. Don't blink or you'll miss one of the most underrated shots of the whole episode: ZZ's beautiful masculinity. Sorry, I know you're into girls, but you're still intelligent enough to appreciate physical perfection where it's found. And I'd like to think I'm leaving this here for others to enjoy. Clock it at 13:54. In a country bent on censorship, this is impressive. If you miss it, you can view it here, don't know if the link will land on the spot, though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7O5fBXEzwJA&t=834s


Excellent reaction as always. I love how you’re getting all the details and asking the right questions. About WKX’s childlike innocence, it’s hard to get into it without spoiling so I’ll refrain from explaining till the episode where it’s appropriate to talk about that but just know that yes, you were spot on the fact that it’ll probably make you cry once you realize the reason why he’s like that (other people have fixated on the shoulder blades thing but for me this childlike innocence of wkx is an underrated source of pure angst) Others have already commented on the soulmate dialogue so I won’t get into that as well. But this show is really good at throwing off the censorship board so that they can’t REALLY claim this is “GAY AF” and ban it but also in the same breath the show gives a metaphorical wink to the audience that screams “THERE IS NO HETERO EXPLANATION FOR THIS. THIS IS GAY AF”. That said, did you SEE the way wkx’s whole face softened when he said the soulmate word? Now pair that with GX’s words the last episode about zzs making wkx more human. Then pair that with the “you’re only treating me as friend? I have to work harder then” line. Then add in the cup crossing ceremony he forced to zzs at the inn. Oh and let’s not forget that his definition of “cutest person in the world” is to describe zzs’s slim waist and long legs and also his personality of being “tough on the outside but with a soft heart”. Bottomline is, there is no way he meant that platonically. Boy is so far gone for zzs at this point 😂 Oh and I’d just like to say that Han Ying is best boi, right there with Cheng Ling and Wei Ning.

Anastasia -

Oh that moment where Kexing implies "I'll do whatever you say for spending your money" and Zishu replies "Then I'll sell you to the brothel". It's too easy to see they've overdubbed this ONCE AGAIN with a stupid rebuttal even without knowing Chinese!


I saw on Weibo a few months ago that there was a video post linked in the fandom on the bts where the director was briefing the cast that they will use the word 'soulmate' as a safe word due to the different representations depending on the context to pass the censorship. So rest assure they do know what they were doing when using the word 'soulmate' haha!


"Why do you keep following me?" "Why do you let me follow you?" It's one of my favourite shared moments in the show and so damn honest. So wonderfully GAY, come one!

alice lotusbuns

oh my stars, i hope you bring out a soild mimosa or something soon bc alcohol worthy content is coming up on the horizon !!!


I'm bisexual, I definitely appreciate physical perfection where it's found lol Will come back and look at the link after I watch ep 9 <3


I think you're doing pretty well with the alcohol. I would've cracked a bottle of wine open as soon as the gay got too much for me to handle. I mean.. Wen Kexing definitely broke through that barrier at the speed of sound. And as for the "soulmate" word, I think some people in the comments have links to the best explanation for it.. and I gotta say, I prefer the definition of zhiji to the translation soulmate. Zhiji has such a 4th dimensional, hard to grasp meaning, and so I think it actually elevates Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu's relationship beyond that of soulmates. They are the ones who know each other

Leslie O

I love your reactions to this series. It’s really interesting to see all the things you pick up on (and the things that you don’t). Your observations and theories are great, I look forward to watching the rest of your reactions.


This was a fun episode! Lol I think ZZS is just as much of a shit-stirrer as WKX is, he’s just more sly with his humor. He was totally being nice to ah-Xiang’s boi toy just to fuck with WKX

Zheng Lin

Word of Honor"soulmates"=lovers 🥰🥰

Don't Water my Cactus

Are you doing a 500 patreon celebration? You are getting there! Some good wine and a stream comes to mind. No pressure, just happy for you! 😊😊


Your reaction to the ‘You are my soulmate’ scene was awesome. You and the dialog seemed to be on the same wavelength or something – you could almost predict what was about to be said. :) And I am a bit jealous. You understood so much in the scene where Kexing meets Gao at the end. I was just confused when I saw it first time. Also, it is interesting to me how people view Shen Shen. Most people seem to dislike him a lot in the beginning, while I was kinda intrigued. I kept wondering: ‘Why are you so angry? Why is that piece of glass so important to you? What is nagging you? Why do you react so strongly to what the ‘watermelon-pair’ say?’. Every time there was a scene with him, I felt like a question mark (in a good way).


Amid so many other crappy/ambitious dudes I think Shen Shen can definitely blend in. It'll be interesting if they flesh him out in a way that separates him from the power-hungry crowd. <3


Hi new patreon here and I really love your reactions!!! Love your your whole family as well❤️❤️ I am so excited for you to reach till ep 14 actually! AvenueX (whom you already know I bet) has made videos on the lip reading in the series which reveal the real lines in the script. Her first video covers everything from ep 1-14 and you are gonna have so much fun watching it. I mean I was mindblown hahha Hope you are doing well and keeping safe ❤️


Yes! I am firmly of the opinion that they are both gremlins, ZZS is just much more subtle about it.

have noclue

Your reaction to WKX's you're my soulmate is GOLD! XD