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Reaction: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/4Yx8Hr9xhRzeyxa24N8887?

So the balcony and roof scenes flatlined me but WHAT THE FUCK DOES THIS SHOW HAVE WITH MOWING DOWN TERRIFIC OLD PEOPLE


Lilah Kane

Just a heads-up with no spoilers. You might want to start to keep that alcohol in handy just in case! ;)


Different dogs. He had one as a kid. Then she had one some time later.


And yes, WKX is playing to make ZZS feel better on purpose. I think his hearing had cut out and this helped.


"Fuck off bedroom. " Me giddy to see Brittany's reaction to the very next scene/set.


Appearantly "The moon looks beautiful tonight." Is a euphemism for "I love you." Or sommat like that.


"Did he spinkle 30 pieces (the alternate symbolism of that just hit me) of the Glazed armor just to watch..." Yes. Yes he did. He wants to watch the martial world burn. A little Jokerish indeed.


So excited for tomorrow to see your reaction♥️


Many of the elderly actors in this show are famous actors. The production staff literally ran around to other sets and said, "Can we borrow you to play a small roll for a few hours or so." And they did. (I love the production history of this show).


Finally ready for alcohol, huh?


Granny Watermelon... I don't know her name but I know I've seen her in movies for years. Same with the first Sage who died.


Rip the poly elders 😔


I'm feeling sorry for your heart in advance!!! My dear, I'm both looking forward and dreading your future Word Of Honor reactions!!!

Demi Schoonenberg

Ahhh yes, the blend of gay and absolute heartbreak, that is why I love this show so much. Yup. Keep the alcohol ready, that’s all I’m going to say! Also, I just absolutely love the very rocky development of the Zhou Zishu/Wen Kexing relationship. These guys both have a lot of issues and flaws, but it’s so fascinating and heartwarming at times to see how they still somehow work through it all together eventually, though it is hard work for both of them. They truly are soulmates.


This episode goes from serval happy and cute dates between our boys (and our best girl and cinnamonroll) to "well, this is kinda a bad situation" to full on crying your eyes out 🙃 (and I am *not* surprised that this is the episode you decide on wine~) and there is more to come~~


Bring out the drinks! They are necessary for this rollercoaster of a drama. I have cried way too many tears over this amazing show. Be prepared.


If the four sages even made you cry I don't know what the hell is gonna happen to you in later episodes...


We want to see WOH updated more often please! love your reaction sooooo sooooo much!

Anonym WLW

Especially that one famous episode we’ve collectively wiped from our minds…


I had a feeling this would be the episode that would do you in lmao. It was a very rude awakening for most of us. Personally, I spent the whole scene screaming at Keqing the first time I watched it :'D

Anonym WLW

Okay, we know this show is undeniably gay BUT GIVE ME ONE SINGLE HETERO EXPLANATION FOR „I wish I had more years to live, so I could retire with my soulmate and live alone together cut off from civilization (I will also look longingly at him while thinking that)“ But also props to the show for going „See? Soulmates don’t have to be romantic, here’s an example of platonic soulmates as well :) only two of them are married :)“ I have to admit the four sages dying also got me. I don’t think I cried, just because I don’t cry all that often, but it did hit me pretty hard. (Crying privileges are reserved for another episode) Also: rooftop date! Yes, they were practically holding hands, nothing to see here. Some notes on characters that are hard to connect the dots on on a first viewing: (Don’t worry, these aren’t spoilers, but they make understanding the show a hell of a lot easier) The guy who arrived at the door step of the Yueyang sect injured is called Deng Kuan (most call him da-shixiong — Eldest Senior). You’ve met him before: He was the last man standing at the „Hunger Games“ at the wedding with Tragicomic Ghost. The two guys in the prison were part of the show our main guys went to. They were arrested after the ten heads rolled out of the box.

alice lotusbuns

love the "what kind of shows are you watching ?" @ kexing,,, honestly im sure he wouldve loved shakespeare with all the tragedy that befalls them LMAO also yep yep time for booze !!

Lisa Kleine

The highs and lows in this episode... gosh, so good. And yes, definitely get the alcohol. You'll need it, this is a chinese drama after all... I'll get mine too. ^.^


I love that this is a relationship that they have to work on/for. They definitely have communication issues though.


AHAHAHAHHHHHHHH I CAN"T WAIT TO WATCH THISSSSSS. literally been waiting for this so much exciteeeeee


It really gutted me to see Wen not get why Zhou was so unhappy with him. You could kind of write an essay on the symbolism of the 4 sages defeat and how that coincides with their breakup. These are soulmates, I want to be his soulmate forever like them - soulmates are dead. Ugh


It really hurts, because Zhou's whole character arc now is to get away from all the chaos and blood he's been through and made his life hell. He just wants to live his best life for what time he has left and he thinks he's found that reprieve with Wen. But then the suspicion he's had that Wen is possibly in the middle of the chaos and blood that he wants nothing t o do with arises in a shocking way. And the fact that not only is Wen in the middle of the chaos but seemingly relishes it, it breaks Zhou. But even though you kinda can hate Wen for that, you can also see that Wen is really broken and doesn't quite understand the path he's embarked on his going to cost him whatever happiness he could have with his soulmate. It's all so tragic and yeah....many feelings


When I first watched it I was the same to you, I was like 'Kexing why do you think this is funny, can't you see that this is breaking Zhou and bringing up trauma, READ THE ROOM' worse ending to a date ever. LOL


can't wait for you to "cry" more lol (girl, we've all been there)

O Fowler

OMG You are so right. This is the correct time to introduce alcohol. This episode hurts. Not just the sages, but also "Why is it wrong?" because the look on his FACE. I mean, he just LOOKs like he really, really doesn't think it's that big a deal and really expected his ah Xu to enjoy the show with him??? But then also his face when the thing with the sages goes down... AAaaaah, bury me, I am deceased. I am not pining for the fjords, I am a former fangirl.

Lilah Kane

Wrote my message before I saw your reaction aaaaaaand it was this episode. Alcohol, something strong, and a lot... xD So, those four characters did it for me too. That really hurt.


When you have the chance or add to your list of things to watch. You should watch Guardian and killer and healer. They are both Chinese dramas that have Chinese censorship, but are really good. Definitely worth watching.


Guardian is adapted series by the same author that Word of Honor is, right?


The first scene of Episode 10 kills me too. Specifically how that first scene ends. Just twist that knife a wee bit there... 😭


Pain, pain, pain. Yep, here we go.

Marissa Cornett

I am sorry but I laughed a lot when I watched your reaction. You are really very funny. By the way, they were two different dogs, A-xiang's dog and Kexing's dog were different. Moreover, Kexing hates the whole world and he has a good reason for it. You will find out and I am excited to see you finding out. lol


Ha! I knew this would be the episode that you caved and went for the alcohol. There's no way you can have both multiples dates and that breakup without caving. Now to go watch and see your reaction. Cheers!


the sceenwriter has said WKX embodies cruelty within naïveté

De'Alycia Black

I laughed at your constant speechlessness then ended up tearing up at your reaction at the end. Good idea to get the booze out now cuz man...its a doozy!

Lisa Wilson

Ahh, yes.. the episode I always saw as the leading charge into a load of emotional manipulation. This could be a master class on how to destroy a watchers emotional stability in one episode or less. The surprises have only started my friend. Now the question is what type of alcohol will be present on Wednesday?


My girl, my dude, my sweet summer child... get the wine, get a get neck brace, and call your chiropractor. Emotional whiplash is the name of the game and if The Untamed was a slow walk, well Word of Honor is only 36.5 episodes... so yeah this was light mode.

Anastasia -

One if those episodes when I rooted for Kexing so hard. Like, seriously? You've come out from the woods just to immediately fucking STEAL that fucking Armor and pretend you're on moral high ground? Noone is innocent in this game. Aside from two best boys, Chengling and Weining. Others? Let them scuffle between themselves and kill each other, I'm with you in it, Kexing.


When Kexing was acting as a child earlier it was rather fun and cute (maybe with a hint of sadness), but in this episode, when he does the same in more serious situations, it does not work out well for him. He seems hurt and confused by Zhou pushing him away after their date. He does not get his more nuanced point of view. And when he arrives to see the scene with the four sages, he seems upbeat, looking forward to the chaos he has created, but by the end he is like ‘this does not feel good…’. I felt for him. I also liked how earlier in the episode Kexing confidently walks into Zhous room and drags him out of bed, while the next day he hesitates and knocks. Even the wardrobe change emphasizes the change. (I really like how they use costume changes throughout the series.) Your reaction was a joy to watch! And based on it, I too would recommend you have a drink ready from now on. I feel low key proud that I made it to episode 12, before I needed a beer. It was a happy scene that broke me.


Yes gal, you’ll need to break out the booze. As one of the comments pointed out, WKX does not understand Ah Xu’s point of view. Ah Xu was upset by what WKX did not just because he knew that there would be bloodshed and some may be innocently implicated (like there is evil in this world, there is also good and loyalty), but also because he was worried about him. He can see the good in WKX, and he did not want him to walk down a road of regret and turmoil (as per when WKX saw the death of the 4 sages), the same road on which Ah Xu himself was walking. It may be 5 steps forward 10 billion steps back like how you put it (actually not that many steps back as you will see lol), but Ah Xu is still getting to know Lao Wen and gradually figuring his way in reaching out to him.

Zheng Lin

I'm very excited about your episode 10 ~11reaction


WWWWOOOOOOOH I called it! I KNEW this would be the episode you went, 'Nope, need booze' and I KNEW it would be for the Anji.




Oh. The tears came already. Well....understandably. The Sages part were devastating, and so damn infuriating because there were literally introduced like 30 minutes beforehand.