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Reaction: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/BTwwsGrMrWXyaL7iicd3Fg?

They're gonna up-end my entire understanding of everything at some point and then I'll come back to this episode and want to throw chairs at all the foreshadowing.



I feel like every time I watch Xi Sang Gui's entrance, I get gayer


What I love about this episode: 1. Tragicomic Ghost, she is the *Queen* and I love her~ 2. Chu Wei Ning has some freaking GORGEOUS eyes, it's so unfair 3. Wei KeXing's protective dad mode is on~ "who the fuck you are talking to *my* litlle girl?! “ 4. WKX asking for A-Xu's wallet and then pouts when he says no and that they aren't close 😂😂

Bethany R

This episode really does fly by!! Love that you've met some more key characters and wowww every time I hear Gu Xiang say that ZZS makes Wen Kexing "seem more like a person" when he's around, I die a bit more


So we had our Best Boy, now you've met our Precious Cinnamon Roll. They must always be in every BL drama. 🤣


I joke, but seriously, Cao WeiNing is precious beyond all reason.


I knew you would fall in love with Tragicomic Ghost. We should have warned your wife.

Erin Hartley

Oh, Zhang Chengling remembers everything! I thought it was pretty clear that he lied to Shen Shen and Zhao Jing. He's not stupid, and he's a lot braver than they give him credit for.


The waiter at the end was the MVP of this episode!!!! That is all I have to say....


Can we have some love for the waiter too. "Can you pay first? Then you can touch whomever you want, however you want, okay?" My guy! 😂


Little Idiot is just his nickname now. It's a term of affection, like Ah-Xu or Lao Wen.

Marissa Cornett

Don't worry, Cao Weining is a very good boy. You can love them together as much as you want, they will not fail you.


Yeah, is eyes are eerily gorgeous, aren't they. They shine. I thought it was an effect the first time I saw this. Nope. Just him. 😁


Rewatching ep 7 after ep 35 gives me nightmare

Lisa Kleine

"Don't you dare speak to that uncultured boy again!" says every father to his beloved daughter when seeing her with a boy for the first time :DDD of course A-xiang instantly derails the conversation with essentially: "And where is YOUR boy? Hm?"


Tragicomic Ghost is indeed a queen! We love her ❤

alice lotusbuns

oh cao wei ning what a best boy !! hes just so friend shaped !!! i love that you keep falling in love with our fierce lil princess gu xiang !! honestly shes so precious !!! the boys are back and gayer than ever, good luck bc they just crank it up even more later !!!


"...when we find out that Kexing is head haucho over at Ghost Valley, that's going to be so fucking good." Yes Ma'am! Did you notice how stern and fatherly Kexing became when he saw Cao talking to Ah Xiao? (Gu Xiao? his "daughter"). Love the way he insisted on spending Ah Xu's money, a very couple thing to do. He wasn't having it any other way. And since you've met TragicComic Ghost ("Trigonometry Ghost") and Beauty ghost, it's worth mentioning that they are reputed to be lovers, dedicated to one another. The actresses themselves were said to acknowledge and embrace that aspect. Each comes from a complicated past. This another great reaction, and your hoodie is adorable. Go Wangxian! :-)


It always gets me how Ah Xiang instantly knows the extent of Ah Xu’s influence on Kexing. She knows him best so she definitely knows what she’s talking about when she said what she said. Good job on paying attention to how Kexing acts out in the “martial arts world” and the words he says. The production crew sprinkled really subtle clues so a lot of people miss it but it will explain a lot of Kexing’s side of the story (that we are frankly just getting at the surface of in these first few episodes). For example, Kexing obviously not knowing the commonly used phrases in the martial arts world. And YES Ah Xu’s beauty! He and Kexing really make a very beautiful couple.


This is one of my favorite episodes. I love just all the family dynamic in it.

Anonym WLW

Tragicomic Ghost is a Queen and I love her. Did you notice her nails? Also we were introduced to some characters (well, two of them we’ve met before but here’s where you might start to notice them) whom I’ve titled „my boy“ „my dude“ and „himbo husband“ respectively. Not telling you which is which though.


Why, yes, actually, Wen Kexing is a little shit. In fact, I imagine that a modern US version of him would greet his daughter's date on the porch of his house while cleaning his shotgun.


Just as harmless fun, not meant as something negative – but there is a phone and drone in this episode. I just found that funny. Rewatching and looking for details can give odd results… :> Extra browsing on phone in the background (middle): 24:55 Drone hovering above people (right): 25:31


And since my comments seem to actually appear now (maybe because I am/was new here?), just wanted to say I am having so much fun with your reactions. Your enthusiasm is contagious. Also, I am hoping you might comment/ talk on the writing at some point, as I find it surprisingly good at times. All those parallels and hints, foreshadowing and even use of psychology, to explain character reactions. I am having way too much fun ‘analyzing’ and hunting for details. :)