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Hi everyone :) I wanted to let you know that I've taken the decision to enable the option to charge up front... Now, I want to explain to you guys how this will work from now on. 

I've been doing a lot of research and this tool will definitely be useful dealing with fake accounts messing up the poll system (if you don't know what I'm talking about, read this post here) but you are probably wondering how this will affect you

If you'd like to read an official article about this by Patreon, here's the link

If you don't have the time to read through the whole thing, I've made sure to highlight the most important points :)

Basically what this new feature does is every time someone pledges for the first time, they'll be immediately charged for the amount they pledged and then again every 1st of each month, like always. Meaning for example, if you pledge $5 on the 20th, you'll be charged right then and then once again on the 1st of the following month, if you decide to continue pledging, of course

I will explain how this affects different kinds of patrons:

  • If you are a current pateon and you can pledge every month without cancelling, then nothing will change for you. You will still be charged every 1st of each month, like always :)
  • If you are a current patron but you can't pledge every month and you need to cancel your pledge, keep in mind that the next time you pledge, you will be immediately charged for the amount you pledge, so I recommend you either pledge on the beginning of the month, or to remember to cancel the pledge before the end of the month, so you don't get charged again on the 1st of following month, if you don't want to continue pledging
  • If you are a new patron and you pledge, for example, for the $5 tier and later on you decide to go for the $7 tier, Patreon will not charge you twice, but instead, it will charge you the difference between each pledge. In this case, $2

That's pretty much it :) Again, I recommend you read the article if you need more information. What I've explained here is just a quick summary

If you have any questions or if there's anything you didn't understand, please, let me know in the comments or send me a pm and I'll respond as soon as I can :)



Good on you, I really hope this helps and people have a smooth transition.


I hope it makes people think twice about trying to ruin the fun for everyone else. If they're still stubborn about it and have the money to spend they can just order a commission. ;)


Honestly, I thought Patreon did that from the beginning anyway. You're saying it originally didn't charge you until the beginning of the new billing cycle? Thats kinda silly. Def easy to take advantage of. This way is much better. Still, its a shame creating fake accounts to influence a poll is even a problem in the first place


Well, I think the changes are pretty good and it will really improve something. And keep your awesome work up!


Well, it depends honestly... If you are a new Creator on Patreon with not much of a following, you want people to have a chance to see the content first before actually having to pay... of course, you depend on people's honestly, but in that case, that's much better than forcing people to pay without knowing what you can provide In my case, it was just a matter of preference. I didn't really mind if a few tried to exploit the pledging system... but trying to cheat like that and screw the rest of my patrons over, I just can't stand that