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Hey everyone, here's a repost of the last poll :) If you'd like to know why I deleted the last one, please read this post here

Now it should be fair for everyone ;)

Here I'll include some of my favorite suggestions, along side the most supported ones by you guys :)

Keep in mind that underage characters are not allowed, so if you don't see your suggestion here even if it got a bunch of likes, that's probably why ^^;

Good luck! :D



really think you should host elimination polls, a lot of clutter here


Unless you somehow managed to expunge the suspected multi-accounts, reposting the poll this month is not going to make any difference as those accounts that were created prior to your new policy can still vote "for free" until the end of this month (when your new policy takes effect). Just a heads up in case you want to make sure the new results are not tampered with, you should wait until after everyone has been charged on May 1st.


Don't worry, I've made sure no new accounts were pledging before doing this :) I couldn't wait until May to post it becase I need to start working on the pics as soon as the new month begins, otherwise I wouldn't have enough time ^^;


Hmm... Different results this time. Interesting