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[A/N:  You should expect some cliffhangers now and in the near future. I don't write with the goal of creating them, but when they're cropping up on their own they tend to be one of the most natural breaking points in the text and going past them or stopping short of them often makes a chapter ending feel flat. I like them in moderation as a reader, but I know some  people find them stressful. So...here they come, and now you know!]


After their dinner, the class broke up. Some people left to head back to the dorms, meet up with friends, or get an early start on weekend family time. Principal Saleh and most of the instructors took their leave, while Torsten Klein was stuck with the job of seeing the bus safely back to campus.

The vehicle drove itself, but the school required it to have a babysitter.

“The mall closes at midnight!” he called after the students as they scattered. “If you’re not on the bus five minutes later, you can find your own way!”

Haoyu wanted to throw coins into a particular fountain because he did it every time he came to the mall, so Lexi and Alden tagged along. Three people heading in the same direction with a goal, even such a small one, must have had some natural attraction to it because several other guys with no plans of their own ended up following them. Jeffy and Finlay weren’t that surprising; like Alden, they didn’t know their way around the giant shopping complex all that well. Reinhard came, too. And Mehdi seemed to have ended up with them accidentally.

He’d tried to go with Kon, only to have Everly Kim give him such a frosty look that he’d run to join the nearest available group.

“Why the fountain?” he groaned. “It’s for little kids.”

“Because throwing coins in the fountain is good luck,” Haoyu said. “If you leave Rosa Grove without throwing coins in, it’s bad luck. You guys can do the slide if you’d rather. It’s right next to it.”

Mehdi brightened. “I haven’t been on the slide in forever! There’s always a line when I go shopping with my mother and she never wants to wait.”

Reinhard gave him a superior look. “So you love the sliding board, but the fountain’s for little kids?”

They bickered just like the little kids they were both so insistent they weren’t until the group reached an atrium. You could see all four floors of the mall from here, and the panels that made up the roof could be opened to make it open air. They were closed now. The rain that had been promised by the thunder earlier had begun, and water streamed down the glass.

Alden patted his messenger bag. He had two disposable ponchos in there. He felt the smug satisfaction of the properly prepared. Never mind the fact that I could probably buy all kinds of rain repelling gear here in the mall.

With the roof closed, the atrium echoed with the voices of nighttime shoppers and the happy shrieks of a few children who were going down the slide with their parents. Wide enough for five people to ride it side-by-side on slippery mats, it ran from the fourth floor to the ground. As passengers zipped down it, colorful trails of light appeared in their wake then faded out to match the deep gray surface again.

“There’s no line!” Jeffy said excitedly. “Let’s go!”

Everyone but Alden and his roommates shot off toward a staircase that led up to the fourth floor.

“I hope they’re not disappointed,” said Haoyu, taking the same stairs down to the bottom level a few seconds later. “I used to love the slide.”

“Used to?” Alden asked. It looked fun to him. Definitely not just for “little kids” despite all the arguing about it.

Haoyu looked over at it. “I’ve been kind of worried since we started school that things like that were going to turn boring. I don’t know. I just don’t want to ride it and find out I don’t get the swoopy guts thing anymore. It’ll be sad if it’s not special now.”

“Because of the gym.” Lexi was nodding.

Alden suddenly realized what they were talking about, and he didn’t like it at all.

“No! Is the insane stuff we do in the MagiPhys gym going to ruin carnival rides?”

“The rooftop-to-rooftop coaster was still great,” said Haoyu. “But just think of everything we did today. And if you compare that to the slide…”

“I’m quitting school.”

“Switch to Arts or Sciences at least so we don’t have to find a new roommate,” Haoyu told him.

The “fountain” Haoyu liked was actually a huge, beautifully detailed scale model of Anesidora. It stood on the pavement at ground level. The interior of the knee-deep basin was a dark gray-blue, and the water inside it formed tiny waves that matched the ocean. At the center stood F-city and Apex, the circle and the crescent connected by the Span. There were no vehicles or tiny people, but lights glimmered in the windows of the buildings and skyscrapers, occasionally flicking on and off. A single purple beam shooting upwards served as a “You Are Here” indicator over the model of the mall.

A couple of kiosks placed on opposite sides of the fountain sold coins.

“You pick the project you want your donation to fund,” Lexi explained while Haoyu poked at the screen. “And you get the coin designed for it…or coins.

Eight shining tokens about the size of silver dollars clattered into the kiosk’s tray.

Alden wondered if Haoyu had gotten so many to share, but that wasn’t the case. He took all of them for himself and walked about a quarter of the way around the fountain with the air of someone who had an established favorite coin tossing spot.

Lexi bought a single coin for himself, then Alden stepped up to read about the projects the fountain was funding right now. The one that was farthest from its goal was creating a permanently balmy custom climate for the second largest park on the island.

Do we build that kind of thing for ourselves or do we pay wizards to do it for us?

He donated to a plan that would beautify one of the streets near campus because he figured he’d get to enjoy it more often, and coins with images of buildings on one side and trees on the other fell into the tray.

Eight for eight Argold was a lot more expensive than tossing pennies, but he had more than enough wishes to justify it.

He flipped a coin through the air, trying to see if he could land it precisely on top of the spot Lexi had just hit with his own toss.

I wish for Kibby to be happy.

The coin hit the miniature sea with a satisfying plop. It didn’t land in exactly the spot he’d been aiming for. It might have if his wordchain hadn’t run out.

He threw the next one.

Boe stays safe and gets to live however he wants.

The silver disc sank beneath the surface.

His third coin was for himself.

I wish for more moments like this one.

His stomach was full of good food. His body was tired in a nice way from the course. People were laughing as they went down the slide. Calypso music poured out of one of the shops. And at the kiosk he’d just used, a small girl was patiently reading aloud the project descriptions to an even younger boy who was holding a NesiCard in both hands and staring up at the screen.

Nothing too fancy. Just more moments like this one. As many of them as I can have.

The coin hit the water. The ripples didn’t spread very far before they disappeared into the waves.



On Apex, a man wearing lounge pants tucked into the tops of a pair of galoshes stepped out of a brick townhouse. He chuckled as a golden retriever, tail wagging, shoved its way past him and bolted down the steps so fast it almost tripped over its own paws.

“Even in the rain?” a woman’s voice called out from the house.

“He’s a good boy,” he said. “And I promised.”

He closed the door. The dog waited on the sidewalk, standing on his hind feet and whining excitedly. His owner took the steps down, galoshes splashing in a puddle that had gathered in a dip in the concrete. A large drone over the man’s head kept him dry. It had no propellers, but it hovered quietly and easily above him as if the wind had little effect on the dark fabric sails it used to shield him.

The dog was chubby, and his fur was going silver around his muzzle. But he raced across the one-lane street with the energy of a puppy and bounded into the grassy square that the townhouse faced. Other, similar houses surrounded it. They were mostly quiet right now, curtains pulled tight against the night.

The man lifted his left hand as he reached the square and snapped his fingers twice. Street lamps and pathway lights turned on in an instant, illuminating the wet grass and the dog running in eager circles.

“All right. Fetch it is.” He pulled a tennis ball from his jacket pocket and threw it. The dog raced after it, barking joyfully, heedless of the rain.

They played for several minutes before a chirping sound called the man’s attention to his watch.

“What is it?” he asked.

“Elias, why won’t you answer your damn interface when the SkySea Guard is calling you?”

“Hello, Archibald. Why do government officials keep calling me on my interface when they know it’s not my preferred contact method for the information business?”

“You stubborn old—”

“You’re almost as old as I am. And I keep SkySea fully supplied with top of the line infogear.”

“Nobody wants to wear your spy equipment, Elias!”

“Many people do.”

While Elias tossed the soggy tennis ball again, the other man sighed. “We’re having some trouble with the runaways we queried you on earlier this evening. It’s been long enough that they might…might…have slipped past the bulk of our patrols. We’d like to find them before they hit the edge of our territory and run into less tolerant parties.”

As he finished speaking, notes appeared in front of Elias’s eyes, and a soothing, male voice whispered in his ear. Elias listened to its report for a few seconds, then said, “I see you requested intelligence on a seventeen-year-old boy, a couple who thought an escape attempt would spice up their love life, and that funny woman who enjoys the thrill of being plucked from the waves every couple of months.”

He also saw that the couple and the thrill seeker had already been brought back.

“The audio recording and video you purchased indicated the boy left in the company of five others. And it seems you haven’t found any sign of them, judging by the fact that most of the members of your day shift haven’t returned to their homes.”

Archibald grumbled something, then said more clearly, “Where are they?”

“I doubt my creation knows the precise answer to that. I can have it make guesses based on the captain’s personality profile and the capabilities of their vessel, but I don’t have recording devices out at sea.”

“We want anything you’ve got that will help. We’ll pay the fee.” Archibald Carisson said the word ‘fee’ like it was a curse.

“How uncharacteristically generous you’re being with the budget tonight. It’s because of the two high ranks traveling with them, I suppose?” Elias whistled, and his dog trotted toward him, head high and tail wagging.

“You ought to be required by law to help with matters like this if you ask me. Every time an Avowed makes it off the island and causes trouble for ordinary people it’s a setback for global relations and puts our efforts to function as an independent nation without interference in jeop—”

“If I was required by law to do any such thing, I would get on a boat myself. And you would not find me.” He bent to lay a hand on top of the dog’s soft, wet head. “Or I would run for election.”

He could practically hear the other man shuddering at the thought.

“You’ll just have to be content with the fact that I don’t hold myself to the same privacy standards as our System. If I did, I’d tell you nothing at all. Now…how much help do you want?”

Archibald didn’t hesitate. “No need to help your creation along with your power,” he said at once. “Just its own work will be sufficient.”

The Informant sighed. “You heard him. What do we know about the missing boat? Synthesize all relevant information and make predictions.”

Data began to pour in at once.

“You’re looking the wrong place,” he said mildly. “You need to look deeper.”

“Did they sink?” Archibald asked in surprise.

“They almost definitely did, but not in the way you mean. I hope you have a lot of manpower for tonight’s search. And that they’re strong swimmers.”



It was silent at the bottom of the sea. And black.

Jacob had been doing his best to ignore the nothingness beyond the windows of the submerged cruiser by browsing the internet and texting his mom. He’d told her he was out for the night with some new friends he’d made, so their chat back and forth was light. She didn’t need more worries.

He was on the settee, curled up in the corner to stay out of his companions’ way. He could hear them all breathing. With the engines off, the boat was that silent. No crashing waves or rushing wind. The lights came from a few battery powered lanterns and the Submerger, which was shining in the cockpit, the crystal dial that had become its new base occasionally flickering and calling the captain’s attention toward it.

Though he never touches it, Jacob noted.

He’d halted the engines, then set their course using the dial and a glass stick that might have been called either a stylus or a wand in Jacob’s opinion. There were logograms on the dial that controlled depth, direction, speed, and Jacob didn’t know what else.

After the captain had played around with the thing—pressing the stylus to one logogram and then another, timing himself with a stopwatch for some reason every time he made an adjustment—he’d flipped the whole Submerger over, so that the oily yellow liquid inside the tank was on the bottom instead of the top. When he’d placed the Submerger back on top of the dial, the silver bead in the middle of the liquid had sunk almost to the bottom.

And then so had the boat.

“No touching this or casting spells at her,” he’d warned in an ominous voice, shooing the man with the scabby hand away from it. “She’s a powerful but sensitive piece of equipment, and she’s all that protects us from our enemies and the deep.”

Jacob had no desire at all to touch the Submerger.

He just wanted the magical, creepy part of their journey to be over. If possible, he would’ve moved their company’s thief away from the crate full of stolen medicine and looked around for one of those knockout drugs they’d given him the last time they’d hauled him back to intake. Being unconscious until they were back above the water sounded like a great idea.

Other people weren’t as anxious as he was.

“Well!” said the girl, Riley. She clapped her hands together and bounced onto her feet. “It turns out that traveling away from home gets boring after only a few hours. I’m going to go see what it’s like outside if that’s all right with you, Captain.”

He was lying on one of the bunks now, reading a paperback.

“It’s fine to go out. You can even touch the envelope if you want to get a first hand look at the power of Jacob’s gift to us.”

Riley snatched up one of the lanterns and squeezed her way through all the supplies toward the back door.

“You coming?” she asked, beckoning toward Jacob.

He shook his head. He didn’t see the appeal in getting even closer to the darkness.

She left, and he tried to relax. It wasn’t made any easier by the company. The thief kept laughing loudly at whatever he was watching or reading on his interface, and the other man was poking around the boat with an intensity that was only matched by his randomness. He stared at a nick in one of the cabinets, then at one of the weapon cases, then he peered at the tarp that covered the large object that sat where the dinette had once been. The edge of the tight canvas started to pull up at the bottom.

“Um,” said Jacob, alarmed. “Should you be doing that?”

“Get away from that, Will,” said the captain, looking over the top of his book. “It’s delicate. Dangerous.”

The man leaped back, muttered an apology, then went to stare at the label on a jar of peanut butter.

The captain had only introduced the strange man as a friend who needed a lift earlier. Seeing Jacob’s s expression, he seemed to decide further explanation was needed.

“Don’t worry about Will,” he said. “He only fidgets around like this because he’s nervous. Isn’t that right, pal?”

“I’m not nervous,” Will muttered. He was staring at the label on a jar of peanut butter. “It’s just very small in here.”

“Claustrophobic?” the thief asked in an unconcerned voice.

“What’s a boy your age doing cooped up in here with us?” the captain asked Jacob. “Go out and take a look. Not many times in your life you’ll get to see such a thing.”

Will opened a cabinet and yelped as dozens of large stickers slid out and fluttered around him. He scrambled backward, his socks slipping on some of the stickers as he fled.

Stickers seemed like a wasteful addition on a boat stuffed so full of necessities. Jacob stood up to get a better look at them.

Most of them were square or rectangular. A few were die-cut, horned, monster faces. They said things like “SAL for True Peace” and “Who’s gonna save you from the demons?” Some were in English, others in Chinese. He even spotted one in French.

The captain shook his head. “I told Riley she could bring one box of those since she’s spent so long designing them. Should’ve specified the size of the box. She’s got them tucked in every nook and cranny.”

Will had picked up a sticker that looked like a holographic cube. He was staring at it now.

Guess it’s just as interesting as the peanut butter label.

Jacob tried to help clean up the stickers, but Will swatted him away.

Fine then.

He didn’t want to go outside and ‘take a look,’ but staying in here wasn’t much better after all.

“Excuse me,” he said when he was halfway to the door.

Wait, who was I apologizing…he needed to relax and focus on getting outside.



By the fountain, there was a home furnishings store that specialized in extraterrestrial imports.

Now this is not the kind of shopping experience you get in Chicago, Alden thought, sitting on a very short stool in one corner of the store, waiting for his body heat to make the stone-like material it was made of release a scent. The sign beside the stool had said it would happen, and nobody else had wanted to try it.

Where is their sense of adventure? How often do you get to experience a sit-and-sniff stool from Tmith?

There was plenty of other adventure to be had in this place, though. Finlay was trying to figure out how to read a device that said it was a clock even though it just looked like a jar full of differently colored gels. Mehdi was sinking deeper and deeper into a squishy blob-shaped massager; soon nothing would be left of him but his nose. And Haoyu and Lexi were browsing the shelves.

Jeffy and Reinhard had hung back to do the slide one more time, but it had been so long, Alden suspected they’d either gotten lost or forgotten they were supposed to be rejoining them.

A sickly sweet smell that vaguely reminded him of apples filled the air, and with his curiosity satisfied, he stood up to look for a new weird experience. He found Haoyu tapping on a two-foot-tall cylindrical lamp that was lit by a swarm of tiny luminescent bugs. Lexi was right beside him, examining all the supplies you would need to keep your bug lamp alive.

“You’re finally off the stool,” Haoyu said. “We were just talking about you.”

“Were you saying nice things?”

“We were wondering if you still wanted to come with us to Matadero. It’s a long trip out and it’s not much to see since we can’t get too close, but the boat’s fun.”


Haoyu nodded. “Or Sunday if the weather’s better for it then. We’re going to ask Vandy too. Her mom’s in residence there, and she’s so down about the way things went in class this week.”

Lexi wasn’t complaining about being a water taxi. Alden looked over at him.

“I’m selling the boat soon,” he said. “My parents were just trying to distract me with a new hobby and give me an escape so that I wouldn’t go crazy waiting for selection, but I don’t have time for it now. Having the money is more practical.”

“This is our last chance to farewell a noble vessel.” Haoyu saluted the lamp for some reason.

They don’t plan to get close. There’s no reason to be weirded out by the idea of viewing Matadero from a distance. “I’ll go,” he said. “Thanks for inviting me.”

He spent a few more minutes browsing with them, pausing to admire a case full of the same colorful rock creatures he’d enjoyed watching with the other Rabbits in intake. They were all in their hibernation mode right now. The store had the date of their next wake-up posted on a sign.

“We placed bets on these dudes in intake,” he told the others, pointing. “The guys in the apartment next door to mine had a whole table full of them.”

“Seriously? They’re kind of expensive.” Haoyu leaned toward the case, and his breath fogged the glass beside a mottled pinkish creature.

“All the apartments have unique fun features. For socializing. Some people just went from room to room, trying out everyone else’s games and furniture.”

“What did you have?” Lexi asked.

“A very dramatic coffee pot and a pinball machine.”

“Sounds like fun,” said Haoyu.

“It was. They make it as comfortable as they can. It’s supposed to be a soft landing.”

Not soft enough for everyone I guess. He wondered if Maricel’s friend had been caught yet.

“CNH has been even better believe it or not.” The rooms weren’t as luxurious, but the busyness and the good company were making him feel more settled in than intake had managed to.

“Well we have a polar bear,” said Haoyu. “It’s hard to compete with that.”

“True. Sunny is the main reason I stay with you all. Plus the spontaneous outbreaks of mooing.”



[WARNING: You are approaching a blockaded area. Turn back or request teleportation to Anesidora now.]

“Told you!” Riley’s soft curls were freed from their barrette, and they drifted in the magic the captain called ‘the envelope’. She had unfolded the boat’s stern boarding platform so that she could get even closer to the ocean that surrounded them. She leaned back, arms spread wide. Behind her there was nothing but blackness; any faint light from the night sky so far above them couldn’t penetrate this deep. The angle of the girl’s body made her look like she was about to fall into an endless void, but the Submerger’s magic held her in place.

Jacob had touched the magic himself just once, right after he came out here to join her an hour or so ago. The protective envelope was invisible, but it felt like the air itself grew denser and denser the farther he extended his arm from the edges of the boat, until he couldn’t push through anymore.

“Captain couldn’t resist kissing the edge of the forbidden zone. One last—” She lifted a middle finger covered in magenta polish to the sky. “—to all those Avowed who go along with playing captors to our own kind.”

Jacob was still staring at the blockade notice. “What if the System sends us back?”

Riley snorted. “It doesn’t do that unless you ask it to. Trust me. I’ve lived here my whole life. People who make it through to Matadero on dares say it just keeps flashing the warning. When you get close enough, your boat smashes into shielding. That’s the real restricted area. And we’re not headed that way anyway. We’re just sneaking along the perimeter, right below all those patrols.”

She smiled up at the silent blackness over their heads. “Hear that, assholes? There are superhumans soon to be at large under your noses and you don’t have a clue!”

Her voice disappeared into the envelope. She crossed her arms over her chest. After a little while, she said, “You know, you’re quiet for a hero.”

“I’m not a hero.”

“You sort of are,” Riley said. “The captain thinks so anyway. Apparently this thing you’ve brought us is rare on Earth. SAL only has one more, and the person who brought it back from the Triplanets years ago won’t let it be used for anything but helping runners hide or relocate. They’re not really caught up with the times. Those of us who don’t like the way things are done need to start pushing people to think, don’t we?”

Since meeting her for the first time this afternoon, Jacob had come to understand that Riley’s reasons for leaving Anesidora weren’t at all the same as his. She liked the island. She was just bored. She’d really wanted to be powerful, but she was a C-rank Stamina Brute who couldn’t pick a uni major because they all sounded pointless.

“On track for a do-nothing life like my do-nothing friends and family,” she’d said. “I’d rather be an activist.”

She’d been spending a lot of time System chatting with anonymous unregistered Avowed who were members of SAL, and she wanted to ‘join the fight for Avowed rights.’

“We’re Earth’s protectors, you know,” she told him a few minutes after they’d received the message. She was still pressing herself back into the envelope as far as she could. “Even if chaos stays away, you and I are protecting Earth right now. With our lives.”

“We’re not really—”

“Just think of how many people are benefiting from the Contract at this very moment. Billions of them. In all kinds of ways. And what did they have to give up for it?” She pointed at him. “Nothing. If there’s some kind of universal apocalypse, I guess they might have to make room for some alien refugees, but right now, they pay nothing. All they have to do is let the System make us. We’re what the Artonans care about here. I’m not a supremacist or anything, but every Avowed should be treated like we’re saving human lives just by breathing. Because we are.”

She’s so Anesidoran, Jacob thought.

She was no Hazel Velra by any means—bossing him around like he was a servant, blackmailing him into being her date, and then introducing him to everyone in her family as Jacob the C-rank like she was hoping someone would make comments about his unworthiness.

But there was a similar arrogance. A pride he couldn’t connect with. And a kind of blind lack of interest in the lives or feelings of people who hadn’t been born with a magical purpose.

Riley rattled on, explaining that Avowed should be allowed to walk across every border on Earth if they wanted and be welcomed with open arms. According to her, that was clearly how the Artonans had imagined it going based on how their own culture worked.

“What if they hurt people?”

Riley paused in the middle of a sentence. “They?”

Jacob was jarred for a moment. This wasn’t the first time he’d run into this feeling of disconnection, but no matter how many times it happened, it always made him feel lost. “We. I meant we.”

Riley’s nose wrinkled. “You’re a globie. You weren’t one of those lunatics who thought Avowed were disgusting or something before you were selected, were you?”

“No,” Jacob said in an annoyed voice.

“Then why would you default to thinking ‘What if they hurt people?’ It’s stupid. You’ve been living on an island entirely full of superhumans. Were we all murdering each other in the streets?”

“Avowed do use your powers on people when you think you can get away with it. This girl I know used her skill to mess with a guy’s wordchain. And there are other examples.”

“You did it again,” she said. “Do you seriously not think of yourself as an Avowed, too? ”

“I know I’m an Avowed,” he said. “I don’t have a problem with them. Us. Don’t accuse me of stuff when you don’t even know me! I…people like my dad think superhumans are…I don’t think that way. I was just asking a question about the point you were making.”

Riley went quiet and Jacob tried not to let that make him uncomfortable. She hadn’t had many quiet spells at all since the boat set out.

I didn’t mean to let her wind me up. She just won’t shut up about all these things that I’m too tired to think about, and she acts like I should care about them but I don’t. I don’t want to. That’s not who I—

Finally, she said, “You know you’ll still be one of us, right? No matter where on Earth you end up. You can run away from the island, but you have to take yourself with you.”

He turned away. But the only place to go was back in the cabin with the others.

“Hey. Don’t be upset. I’ve just never met anyone like you before,” said Riley. A hand landed on Jacob’s shoulder, and he whirled to see her smiling at him. “Did your dad think magic was unnatural? Or that Avowed were an Artonan infection that needed to be quarantined?”

He took a step back from her.

“Or was it one of the even crazier ideas?” She shook her head. “Doesn’t matter. It’s good you’re coming with us, Jacob. You need to be around people who’ll show you how it really is.”

“How what really is?” he asked.

She leaned toward him. “We’re awesome,” she said softly. “Stronger, healthier, kinder and prettier if we want to be. Smarter. It’s harder to see on Anesidora, where everyone’s one of us. Why do you think they make us stay there?”

She sounded so sure of herself it was impossible not to listen.

“‘Oh, what if you hurt us ordinary people with your terrible alien magic? You’re like walking weapons,’” she scoffed. “That’s not why they want us all tucked away. Most people would welcome us with open arms, but the ones currently in power…?”

She looked up into the darkness. “They say that if the first generation of Avowed had been chosen at forty, instead of in their teens, they would’ve become Presidents and Prime Ministers. They would’ve ended monopolies and carved out kingdoms for themselves.”

Jacob had never heard anyone say that before.

“Some of them almost did things like that anyway. But they were kids who’d grown up in a world without magic, and the people in power saw what was coming before they did. And they decided to bottle the genie back up before it realized what it really was…”

She bent suddenly and picked up the electric lantern. She held it up high like a torch. “We’re not going to stay in the bottle for much longer. I’m going to be one of the first ones to break free.”

Everyone thinks something different about Avowed, Jacob thought. I miss not being confused.

“I—” he started to say, only to be interrupted by a second girl’s nervous voice.

“Um…um…you guys?”

She was standing right there on the stern of the boat with them. She was so thin that the pink and white polka-dotted sweatshirt she was wearing looked like it had swallowed her. Her pale eyes were wide.

“Something is reallyreallywrong.”




ha, just asked if there's no new chapter :D


Thank you


Thank youuu


Thanks for the chapter Sleyca! I was curious about Avowed ranks; why doesn't Earth have an E-rank? I checked on the fan discord in case someone else had asked and no-one seemed sure (apart from maybe because of jrpgs), so apologies if you've already answered this elsewhere! My favorite theory currently is that the Primary/Earth contract is a weeb :V

Partha Peddi

After 4AM ET, I switched to 30min checks. Glad I didnt assume Sleyca went to sleep with more revisions to work out.


Soup for the soul.


yesss thanks!

Carl Earl

Yay soup! Ok. Love the conversations in the mall, those feel so authentic! It WOULD suck for training to make previously awesome things boring. I KNOW I'm supposed to remember Riley, but I can't. Yay the Sway reveals herself. Is it who we thought? I don't remember what she looked like back during admissions. What is going wrong? Why isn't it Wednesday yet?


Excellent 👌👍


Everly with the ‘frosty’ look!



Moby Duck

TFTC! Because I just binged The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, but the convo at the end between Riley and Jacob made me think about Zemos point on why the super soldier serum was bad, and yeah, people like Riley show his point well. I feel for Jacob though, he’s clearly lived being espoused some form of anti-avowed sentiment, and now dealing with being and avowed - all of this has gotta be taxing, especially when you’re mid teens dealing with being a teenager. On another note, I wonder what the problem is? I think it’s gonna be that they’ve discovered how deep Matadero goes and they’re getting close to some hidden part of it that’s gonna break n stuff.


looks like the chaos event at matadero is starting!


I thought the theory that the Sway would be Mina was very random but here we are.


Thanks for the chapter!


1. alden's wishes 💕 2. the sheer contrast between the wholesomeness of his shopping with friends vs the increasing ominous vibes of the SAL group 3. LMAO i can't believe lexi's boat got a death flag. "yeah im gonna sell it after this" 4. yeah we were all expecting matadero to go to shit right? 5. sway reveal! does the description match Mina from CNH application testing? 6. the convo btwn jacob and riley is so full of tasty chewy world building mm


*shocked gasp* Wait, there was a fifth passenger!?


The calm within the storm. What can go wrong?


It's because I had mostly seen tier lists for fiction and video games that skipped the E, so I thought if I put it in there I would be *more* confusing rather than less. I've since seen more lists with E's, so I'm not sure which is really more common. It does feel very natural to me as an American, too, since our grades in school don't have the E.

Bruno Salque

Nice Chapter ! Thanks


Interested to see where Jacob goes from here, he's clearly resourceful if he managed to find drugs to sell that Velra to buy this submarine, which apparently fits in a backpack? Magic is wild. Will Jacob make it out to fight alongside his superhuman supremacists comrades, or will he end up squashed by the hand of the law and/or ocean pressures. Either way interested to see where this goes for Jacob. I'm a little concerned by the Superhuman underwater railroad being a pipeline for supremacists but I trust Sleyca can do it justice. It's just... it's a very common trope in fiction for a group of plucky rebels with legitimate grievances against the state to be hijacked by the big bad evil guy and now must be defeated, and then afterwards the story makes no effort to address the systemic injustice that spawned the rebel group in the first place. It's a frustrating thing to see in stories, groups like this need to self police themselves to prevent this, but it also feels like there's a cultural narrative saying that this is the natural conclusion of groups like Superhumans at Large. Of course, not saying there's anything wrong with this plot yet. I trust Sleyca will write something very entertaining, just hoping there will be some nuance. Evidence suggests there will be since Boe has never been cast in a negative light for dodging the register.

Jeff Wells

Oh no, this was Hannah's Jacob, no WONDER he hates it there!


Holy snaps, y'all were right. The Sway is Mina. In ch. 74, she was described as skinny and blue-eyed. Her abilities were blocking distractions and relaxing her target. She even tended to run her words together when anxious. She's a match.


It's a reasonable hour for me personally, it's around 12am where I live so thanks for the chapter during lunch break !

Lucy Severine

Is that Mina? The girl from the class intake? I can't remember if we ever got any detail on what she looks like

John Anastacio

Congrats to all those who guessed Mina. Her perception filter is really unnerving; no wonder she didn't want to reveal her Avowed profile. Poor Jacob. Talking with Riley, he's learning the downsides of his new associates - Anesidoran entitlement being one of them. [She was quiet for a while, and she hadn’t had many quiet spells since he’d stepped out here to join her. Finally, she said, “You know you’ll still be one of us, right? No matter where on Earth you end up. You can run away from the island, but you have to take yourself with you.”] Riley could say the same thing about herself and it would also be appropriate - no matter what she does or where she goes, her life will still be pointless if she makes it so. Edit: We know Mina is S-rank. Who is the other high rank, the captain?


The 2nd girl? She the 5th Sway who's not there?


Uh oh chaos messing with artonan technology time.


Thanks for the chapter


Thanks for the chapter! Darn. I was hoping they would get away without getting Alden involved somehow. Now, who knows what will happen…


I wonder how many of them are getting swayed to be there.


Of course an Avowed supremacist had to show up sooner or later. (Tho it might be a harsh evaluation. Is she a teen? I couldn't tell) Both scenarios of holding all of the Avowed in one island or letting them stay in all of their respective countries have their own sets of challenges and complications. In the current status co personal liberties of Avowed do take a hit. On the other hand, one could argue that the whole of humanity gave up some liberties when they signed the contract


Skinny with blue eyes and talks very fast when nervous.

JustMe (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-13 01:45:53 Alden: I want a calm and happy life before I inevitably end up being summoned into the next disaster Sleyca: *checks notes* Sleyca: no (Because I find it to funny to not also post it here)
2024-02-12 11:01:43 Alden: I want a calm and happy life before I inevitably end up being summoned into the next disaster Sleyca: *checks notes* Sleyca: no (Because I find it too funny to not also post it here)

Alden: I want a calm and happy life before I inevitably end up being summoned into the next disaster Sleyca: *checks notes* Sleyca: no (Because I find it too funny to not also post it here)

Ali Yang

I don't mind cliffhangers. Unless they happen to be right before hiatus and the author never writes a chapter again😭 One of the things I love about this series is the introspection that Alden has from time to time. And sometimes there are these wonderful turns of phrases that really… tickle my poetic side for lack of better words. And it's happening… the Matadoro chaos arc is starting!


I saw a comment about this on the last chapter, and I think the person was right, the sway is Mina, the girl from chapter 74 that Alden offered to help during power testing if she revealed her profile to him.


Okay picture this special ops demons have infiltrated Matadero from the deep ocean and are lying and wait for an ambush. Of course it will all trigger when Alden goes to visit. On a more serious note. Can demons even think? Are few of them conscience sentient beings? I don't remember been told that explicitly.


I'm calling it. The boat is going to help keep them alive and Lexi is going to decide to keep it. One does not just give up a boat.


While I understand and sympathise with your point, but my counterpoint would be any group of activists will naturally always have some extremist in it. It just so happens that in a superhuman world if the strong ones end up being the extremist they just become in charge. Or at least until they get overthrown.


For me the chapter came at around 3:30. Right after i finished an exam .... so the timing literally couldn't have been better for me.


Hey Sleyca, thanks for the chapter. :) Your POV shifts are very well written, and they come at a good time - Alden's kinda being a bit boring right now, so they don't feel jarring. But also... don't do *too* many of those, please. I'm here for Alden and his story, not for random strangers I have no connection with, yeah? XD Interludes are welcome. They often enrich the world and make it come alive in a way that sometimes a single point of view fails to do. But if you have too many, if it starts feeling like they're diluting the story (Wandering Inn is REALLY bad with it, for example), then I start bouncing off no matter how good the main story is. I did in fact drop Wander Inn for exactly that reason. Please don't copy that mistake. :S


Terrestrial_Biped pointed out she was mentioned in ch. 74

Slightly Morbid

So soon Alden and friends will be on a boat, Jacob is in the submarine thingie and Jeffy might get recruited to hunt for him. Only thing missing is the surfer dude.

Elessar Beverly

Hmm... is this a Velra assassination? I guess it depends really exactly how far lead-velra's (forgot her name) information goes and how tight a lid is kept on the Chaos extermination's exact date, but it's not a stretch to think that she might've known it would happen tonight. Take that into account with how she's backing this whole escapade one can't help but wonder...

Ali Yang

Note to self: galoshes are rubber boots placed over shoes. Also can't help but interpret the way the coin fell into the wishing fountain is a bit of foreshadowing: "The coin hit the water. The ripples didn’t spread very far before they disappeared into the waves." Alluding to Jacob and crew also disappearing into the waves? Guess Alden won't have long before his own peace is broken. And I can't help but feel like Jeffy will play a pivotal role if any shenanigans happen underwater during this next arc.


Uh oh that not a good sign. Also poor Alden all those wishes were a flag. As for my guess as to what went wrong. It’s demons I bet you that what happening soon. Also might be some crisis and Alden is going to strain himself trying to help. Anyways thanks for the chapter. Looking forward to what comes next.


Authors: Yes yes yes how very sad. Anyway, here's the next story beat. Catch! Though I will say Sleyca has managed to pace out all the traumatic stuff with nice slice of life soul soothing moments. Letting Alden have much needed respite Which is more than I can say for certain writers *Looks at Spiderman writers*


Wonder who the life-spicing couple and thrill seeker could be?


And with the inevitability of a freight train, all the disparate threads set up over weeks and weeks are coming together. Thegund mark 2, intensity level 99, here we go. Thoughts: 1. “I’ve been kind of worried since we started school that things like that were going to turn boring”: another running theme of the story – superhumans becoming so disconnected from real life that the normal experiences of humanity don’t really matter / have any effect. 2. “This is our last chance to farewell a noble vessel”: this boat is going to sink within 24 hours. 3. “The coin hit the water. The ripples didn’t spread very far before they disappeared into the waves”: the coin tossing is a nice thematic link from the first section to the submerger. It also suggests Alden’s final wish, to have peaceful nice moments, isn’t going to last very long… 4. “a man wearing lounge pants”: The Informant! Often mentioned, now seen here for the first time. Humble dog walker, lounge pant and wellington boot wearer – seems to be a chilled sort of privacy-invading ultra powerful S-rank, not as highly strung as Velras. 5. “Why do government officials keep calling me on my interface when they know it’s not my preferred contact method for the information business?”: I wonder why that is – does he not trust the system? 6. “before they hit the edge of our territory and run into less tolerant parties”: who are these? Do the united nations keep patrol boats around Anesidora with instructions to shoot on sight? 7. “notes appeared in front of Elias’s eyes, and a soothing, male voice whispered in his ear”: sounds like Elias has created a fancy schmanzy AI to help him with the info business. 8. “a couple who thought an escape attempt would spice up their love life, and that funny woman who enjoys the thrill”: an indication that the SkySea are generally pretty chilled, with no real punishments for escape attempts – they all try to be lenient because they’re all prisoners together. 9. “The audio recording and video you purchased indicated the boy left in the company of five others”: Mina’s Sway power can’t fool tech. 10. “It’s because of the two high ranks traveling with them, I suppose?”: makes sense they’re more chilled about low-ranks escaping. If Mina is one high rank (the S-rank Sway), who is the other? Will – the friend who needs a lift? Just the sort of nervous, odd guy you don’t want to have extreme magical powers if shit does go down ☹ 11. “If I was required by law to do any such thing, I would get on a boat myself. And you would not find me.” He bent to lay a hand on top of the dog’s soft, wet head. “Or I would run for election.”: the informant is a libertarian! And undoubtedly would do very well in an election, with technology to clearly understand and parse what every single person on the island is talking about and wants from their politicians… 12. “No need to help your creation along with your power,” he said at once. “Just its own work will be sufficient”: so his S-rank Wright skill allows him to boost the power of his AI? Very interesting and possibly very OP. 13. “I hope you have a lot of manpower for tonight’s search. And that they’re strong swimmers”: does he know something going to go wrong and they’ll end up swimming? 14. “looked around for one of those knockout drugs they’d given him the last time they’d hauled him back to intake”: sounds like his escape attempts might have been a bit more intense than previously indicated – don’t think police usually use knockout drugs on suspects… 15. ““Excuse me,” he said when he was halfway to the door. Wait, who was I apologizing…”: hi Mina! 16. “We were wondering if you still wanted to come with us to Matadero. It’s a long trip out and it’s not much to see since we can’t get too close, but the boat’s fun.”: Alden/Lexi/Haoyu/Vandy, time to meet Jacob, the SkySea guard, and possibly some demons and wizards. 17. “Having the money is more practical”: oh Lexi. Looks like the cost-benefit analysis he ran came down on the side of cash. What about things that bring you joy, Lexi? 18. “On track for a do-nothing life like my do-nothing friends and family”: is this what it’s like for the majority of mid/low ranks? Getting bored after a few hours, creating stickers…Riley doesn’t seem set up for the fugitive life. 19. “I…people like my dad think superhumans are…I don’t think that way”: poor Jacob. What did his dad do when Jacob was selected? 20. “Stronger, healthier, kinder and prettier if we want to be. Smarter. It’s harder to see on Anesidora, where everyone’s one of us. Why do you think they make us stay there?”: I must say Riley, you sound awfully like a supremacist for someone who insists they’re not a supremacist. 21. “They say that if the first generation of Avowed had been chosen at forty, instead of in their teens, they would’ve become Presidents and Prime Ministers. They would’ve ended monopolies and carved out kingdoms for themselves”: a very interesting perspective, and very possible. Certainly the selectees youth/inexperience made Anesidora easier. 22. “Some of them almost did things like that anyway”: an indication of attempted avowed warlords from the 1950s/60s? 23. “She had pale eyes, and she was so thin”: pale eyes, thin, habit of speaking “reallyreallyfast”? That’s our Mina - called it! C74: "skinny, blue-eyed girl" 24. “Something is reallyreallywrong”: guesses from anyone? a. Will has messed with the submerger; b. Will has messed with the large object covered by the tarp; c. there’s a demon lurking around very nearby; d. she’s sensed the SkySea guard (I think this is unlikely given her tone); e. something that Mina can sense with her Sway abilities – maybe someone having a breakdown? Either the crazy captain or Will? f. Chaos is fucking with the submerger? I thinkkkkk I'm voting for f. Edit: I also like that ‘Everly Kim give him such a frosty look’ - frosty looks being her specialty! Seems like her and Kon’s relationship is still going well :)


Randomly woke up in the middle of the night only to find a brand new chapter?! It's going to be a good day! Also, this isn't a bad cliff. Cliffhangers like this are just par for the course and help keep reader interest. @Sleyca you look great and you're doing a great job! Your storytelling is interesting and fun as hell to read.


"never writes a chapter again" Aaa yes brother I see you have been burned too. Quite soul crushing to slowly lose hope. Then eventually be convinced that a new chapter is.... never coming. *Shivers*


I was wondering if the people who go up a rank do so because they give up on the ability to feel their own authority. I just find it odd that they go on an assignment and come back with no memory of anything special happening. Is it like what would have happened if Alden gave up on his ability to feel authority when Mother asked?

John Anastacio

#5 - The Informant may not want to be phoned at any time. The interface is like a mobile phone you can never leave behind or turn off.


Gorgon's boss was "penalized for consorting with a demon". He then went on to say "All Artonans of the highest ranks have interactions with what some might call true demons. My supervisor just picked a worse one than she should have." That implies to me some level of intelligence/sentience.


I think Mina is sensitive enough to be feeling the chaos from the demon-killing zone. Either the demon was just summoned and local chaos spiked, or they got close enough to Matadero for the ambient levels to creep up on them. This could be a genuine problem. Chaos breaks down *everything*, and the chaos levels on a dedicated demon-killing zone in active use might be actually unsafe for low ranks, or destructive to the equipment keeping them alive. Note that the Submerger was specifically called out as "powerful but sensitive" - sounds like the kind of thing you do NOT want exposed to corrosive, random influences.


By elimination, it's the captain, Will, or the thief. My money's on the thief. He stole from a dispensary; I'd expect a place full of magic drugs to have some halfway decent security, but he got past it.


Thanks for the chapter! Soup came just at the right time to enjoy it with my lunch :)

John Anastacio

I'm wondering if maybe Riley is lying about her rank and class. Maybe she's someone we know. I kind of doubt it's the thief; the dispensaries are supposed to give out medicines. I suspect they have poor security.


My guess is that Will is the other high rank. His nervous awkwardness made him stand out. And we last saw him staring intensely at a picture of Matadero.

Bob Ross

"Captain couldn’t resist kissing the edge of the Matadero perimeter" I feel like he's gonna wish he tried a little harder here in a bit.


Saying Aulia is backing this expedition is an awfully creative reading of the facts. Yeah, that Submerger was almost certainly hers, part of the suite of amenities on the Libra. But Orpheus almost certainly *stole* it. Hazel thought he stole it, the boat crew gossiped about him stealing equipment, and he bartered it for drugs which is typical druggie behavior. Also, I'm not sure how you got to assassination or who you think is being assassinated?

John Anastacio

Good catch, Curtis. I didn't perceive that the cube is the exact same shape as the building Esh was standing on the roof of.


Mina may also be fucking with the crew herself. Trying to make people paranoid and act out or fail in some way? I do prefer f. - it'll lead to plot that's personally more interesting since it's bound to involve Alden's, uh, competencies with chaos.


I don’t think it is Anesidoran entitlement so much as Avowed supremacists

Carl Earl

11: Not necessarily a Libertarian, just someone who knows that giving access to his information network to a government with no cost or oversight would inevitably lead to gross misuse of it. I'm a staunch progressive liberal, and I would have the same reaction he does.


The couple might be the ones that lute spied on when he completed the competition wordchain. I can't think of anyone that fits the thrill-seeker though


I get what you are saying. TWI is frustrating that way, but a couple of viewpoint changes are my favourite chapters, and many many others leave me tired and frustrated. SS has solid enduring POV shifts, and I think they work well, but we kinda can't tell until after the arc has been concluded. This will probably take 12-20 chapters? It might fit in nicely with a long delicate plotted scenario of teenagers with flaws magical powers of gods trying to make their way in the world. Let's see. I see your point, I recognise the impact, but I'm holding judgement until well after I've digested the arc.


She was a previously named character with attention-sway powers and in a difficult situation that could explain her choosing to do this; evidence felt pretty strong.

Carl Earl

I find it somewhat true to life. Small protest groups generally face a problem of scale and a problem of growing apathy. Your recruits generally fall into 3 categories: Dilettantes who are here to help u til the next cause dujour comes along, Personally Affected whose ability to help the cause is inversely proportional to their level of oppression (and therefore their desire to help), and Extremists who will do all the work physically possible and then some. Without SERIOUS self policing, the Extremists will end up in leadership/advisor roles simply by always being willing to help, and always speaking up. Plus they are the members most likely to do something outrageous without the groups approval and claim responsibility in the name of the group.

John D Jones

@ Ali Yang Jeffy isn't going with Alden, Haoyu, Vandy and Lexi. Plus, he's too busy riding the slide at the Mall. Also, do not EVER get between Everly and Kon or Everly will fucking murder you.

Carl Earl

@Biped, this is the best hypothesis I have heard yet. I don't think it's spot on, but I think it's the best hypothesis so far. Edit: word change for pedantic reasons.

Aspiring Moth

I'm calling lexi's boat being intercepted by the knights that were going to invite Alden over, and them all being invited into matadaro proper. vandy and the roommates will find out about the commendation, as will haoyu's parents probably

Anton Shomshor

And then the demon will be summoned ahead of schedule and Alden’s PTSD will progress.

Zenopath (AEV)

Hah looks like my prediction from 5h ago was spot on. Shipwreck then attempted highjacking of Lexi's boat. Although I guess they may just end up drifting and get found by Alden rather than go on island if its shielded...


I just read it when an alert pops up on my phone.


Now we know, and knowing's half the battle! *waits for the GI Joe music*


Huh. Mina completely slipped my mind after C74. Thanks for pointing that one out :)

Rui Lourenço

Avowed, in general, do not have the ability to feel their own authority, so that doesn't make sense. I think it's just what happens when you have too much bound authority. Probably something to do with reaching the limits of your Skill and still having too much unbound authority that instead of giving you 2 skills of a lower rank the system gives you a skill of the next rank. I also wouldn't be surprised if certain skills just moved up in rank after a certain level.


Why is anesidora mainly western? Why isn't the majority culture Chinese and Indian? Are avowed not equally distributed or did the governments of those countries not join the agreement for anesidora?

John D Jones

@ Sleyca As an also American, I never noticed that there wasn't an E. I just assumed we hadn't met one yet and that the Ranks were S, A, B, C, D, E and F.


The power has to come from somewhere I don't think forgetting how to feel it would provide power and if the system could just hand out rank increases as compensation it would probably also do so for other reasons.


I recall there being a big chinese enclave on Anesidoria in one of the earlier chapters. Rhere was also a mention of studying mandarin. As for thw aecond part, I suspect there has been enough time for there to be an "Anesidorian" culture by now. Island kids and all that.

John D Jones

@ Alibhai Honestly she seems less toxic about it than most of the Rankists we've met in-story. Recall that on Anesidora if you're the child of Avowed and fail to be Selected, you're a Whiff, basically a failure as a sentient being because you're normal human.


Yanno how way back in intake, Jacob's escape attempts were mentioned offhandedly and at the time that seemed like a throwaway bit of world coloring that would never go further? And then during admissions, the Sway who wouldn't share her profile seemed like a throwaway bit of world coloring that would never go further? Now I'm wondering if the funny old lady who likes being rescued will become Alden's problem in a hundred chapters or so.


I think there is examples of other cultures. There was a massive island wide celebration for Diwali. Most of the people we see are more western though because Alden goes to Celena North, an English speaking school. It's considered the best English school, implying there are better schools in other languages. Li Jean for example has been mentioned a couple of times, and I think lessons there are in Mandarin.


Okay that makes sense. Alden is in a western bubble. But intake was international iirc, or are they also separated by culture?

Maddy Weller

Alden’s such a good kid. The fact that his first two wishes were for other people really drives that home, at least to me.


You know that annoying, "Are we there yet?", kid on long car trips? Well..."Is it Wednesday yet?"


I don't think it is majority Western. "Trilingual" has been mentioned a couple times (English, Mandarin... not sure if the third is Spanish or Hindi or what) as competency in major languages. There have been neighborhoods where Alden needs his translator for everything, and the other two feeder schools for CNU aren't in English, only CNH. Diwali was celebrated as a major, island-wide holiday. And there have been tons of little contributions from less populous cultures. We just see more English speakers because Alden is going specifically to an English-language school.

Guus van der Borg

I am somewhat surprised by Jacob's description of the radish incident. "This girl I know used her skill to mess with a guy’s wordchain." For some reason, the scene where Jacob recoiled from shaking hands with Alden made me think that Jacob had a problem with Alden for some unknown reason. But this sentence implies he sees Alden as 'just some guy', possibly even someone he sympathizes with because Hazel messed with him as well. I thought that Maricel's request for Alden to go talk to Jacob wouldn't go well because Jacob didn't seem to like Alden. But now I think it might actually be a proper conversation (if it ever happens, there are dire flags on the horizon.)


According to Ch74 Mina (the sway from testing day) was a skinny, blue eyed girl who talks reallyreally fast - so it could be her. I'm guessing the demon has just been shipped into Matadero and that's why the sway is thinking something is wrong.


13: No need for anything to go wrong, it's just that underwater scouting is much less efficient, compared to surface/aerial observation. They are effectively looking for a submarine without any engine noise, minimal lights and pretty much perfect controls. And I would guess, based on how they described the envelope absorbing sounds from the inside that it doesn't give off a sonar echo, either. Add in how aquatic and longsight/audial are different brute subclasses, chances are that the number of brutes with wide range underwater detection powers are rare, limited to high levels. And given how the search area is ever expanding, and said expansions exponential nature, they are left having to compensate for a lack of ideal abilities with additional numbers. Personally, I would find it fun if they could use high power sways with wide range mental targeting powers - something that I expect Cly Zhao as a mind sniper to have - to help in the search, assuming that mental senses are fully independent of physical ones, and are as such not occluded by physical barriers. Would give it a fun additional point of contention, given what we've seen from Mina(?)'s mental stealth powers.

Tycho Green

What chapter was it the Knights thought about inviting Alden? The one where we first met Esh?


Think it's too late for them to teleport out? Assuming one of them got demonized by the chaos exposure, some of the rest might survive that way, if they understand the situation well enough to flee.


I think you might be partially right. Mother lists all the factors Alden required to get an authority sense (Gorgon's gift, the exact right level of chaos, a dedicated tutor who didn't know any better). I don't think it's the authority sense people are giving up. But the Avowed giving up something else, and that results in Mother being obligated to give out some kind of boon? I could see that.


Also she was probably in intake at the same time Jacob was (because she was taking the admissions test when Alden did and didn't seem to have Anesidoran friends / hadn't customized her class in the way an Anesidoran child would have -> probably globie) and would have known he tried to leave, explaining why she would be involved with this group specifically.


The king and his men stole the queen from her bed And bound her in her bones The seas be ours and by the powers Where we will we'll roam Yo ho, all together Hoist the colours high Heave ho, thieves and beggars Never shall we die Some men have died and some are alive And others sail on the sea With the keys to the cage and the devil to pay We lay to Fiddler's Green Yo ho, all together Hoist the colours high Heave ho, thieves and beggars Never shall we die The bell has been raised from it's watery grave Do you hear it's sepulchral tone? We call to all pay heed the squall And turn your sail toward home Yo ho, all together Hoist the colours high Heave ho, thieves and beggars Never shall we die


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand that's the reason why all the Avowed are in Anesidora. Honestly we'll never know how Global Society would have turned out if they let Avowed be free everywhere. But given how obnoxious, entitled, and power mad some of the Anesidorans can be, I really doubt this would have been a safe society for non-avowed. More likely is that normal humans would have been turned into a subservient class.


Ooh. Good catch. Jeffy might be missing because he got recruited already!

Slightly Morbid

He might have reacted because Alden is training to be a superhero, while he himself was dealing drugs.


THE PLOT THICKS I am terrible at predicting plots But it is exciting to see several other people's guesses appear to be happening CLIFFHANGER I have bought several Patreon memberships due to cliffhangers ( looking at you Beneath the Dragoneye Moons ) Now I need to find a time travel kickstarter to throw money at 🔲

Guus van der Borg

Does Jacob know that? I know Jacob knows him as 'that Rabbit that got stuck on a moon', but does he know that he enrolled into hero school after? That seems like the kind of gossip that Jacob couldn't care less about.


We just saw an advertisement last chapter for language school ( my cousins took a Chinese language versus my Spanish ) With higher population, and Rainy Season, Asia probably has more Avowed living in its borders then any other country Submerger would be so helpful for water rescue ( paying attention Jeffy? ) 🔲


To add to Terrestrial_Biped's comment. Alden was also self-isolating during the intake period due to pain from his affixation. The only people he really got to know was Natalie, Hadiza and Emilija. He met other people, but their ethnicity was never really mentioned. We should also consider that The Contract was implemented during the 60s. China and India were not yet the powerhouses they are today. The US "ruled" the world culturally then, and probably shaped a lot of the foundation of Anesidoria we see today.


That's going to happen when the Artonan's allow an 'authorised takeover' in a couple of centuries anyway. and it's probably obviously heading that way - the engineering and manufacturing industries are likely all heavily owned/influenced by wrights and their devices. How much money are you going to get for research when magitech allows for instant comms and teleportation already? The Artonan's effectively created a hereditary aristocracy when they started handing out powers - short of a massacre/or a lot of avowed siding with regular humans - then that's how its going to end up.

Slightly Morbid

13. Point Nemo has a depth of around 4 km in our world. An military submarine without Wright technology would go down about 1 km at the absolute most. Gonna need a strong aqua brute to swim at that level.

Partha Peddi

I have too many alerts on my phone that it gets buried somewhere down a huge list.


The only people in Intake that Alden actually talked to a lot on screen are the rabbit girls. And yeah, all three of them are Westerners. But I don't think we ever get a description of the rabbit girls who were running a hair salon, or the guys betting on the moving rock bugs.


I can already see the capsizing boats and fighting demons in the waves, ay....

Partha Peddi

Lets make a prediction.. Alden's roommates do not have a long range attack. If they face a corruption crisis on the boat, it is Alden's force rectangle punch or cutter to the rescue, and a way for his roommates and/or the wizards on Matadero to know that he is a student wizard himself. At least his auriad will be outed to his roommates. Maybe it is to cut rope stopping the boat from escaping while Lexi is busy with other things. Maybe it is to break the bubble of the underwater magical device that is malfunctioning to rescue Jacob??


I’m excited that Vandy is going to be joining the boys on the boat trip! She’s an interesting character as she’s one of the few shown in class to understand the gravity of being a hero and is kind of awkward about it. With her being in an interesting place emotionally right now since her team was the worst and she holds herself to such a high standard, I’m hoping to get more insight into why she’s that way. Plus, to rub salt in the wound, she’s going with students whose team did bad at first and pulled it together, which will probably lead to a lot of probing questions for all of them, particularly Alden


what do you mean Alden just mentioned that he was having a calm and happy life and that the most he'd want was that moment he'd just had. It's quite literally exactly what he'd asked for.


If I were to throw opinion into the hat. I never really understood majority of readers dislike for POV shifts until I read Star wars: A Penumbral path. For context, it is a fanfiction story in which each chapter alternates between two protagonists, which is to say no two chapters are continuous. Which as you can imagine is quite jarring. So long as it never reaches that level, I'm fine with whatever POV shifts our dear author has planned.

Invalid Entry

I mean they’re going to eventually anyway. The question is is it really any worse than being subservient because you’re poor, like we already have. I’d say the chances of becoming truly wealthy if you’re not born into it seem pretty similar those of a globie tripping powers. But at least the Avowed care more about their powers than their wealth, so once they’re running the show there should be a lot less people living out of their cars while working three jobs and barely managing to feed themselves so some corpo can record higher profit margins every year. Lesser evils.


"Also, I'm not sure how you got to assassination or who you think is being assassinated?". Lexi's boat, obviously.

Flying Goat

@John Anastacio: Pretty sure it's been mentioned that you could have the System ignore calls (and even have it do so selectively), and even misleadingly change the name it uses for you, if he wanted to answer calls anonymously, though one thing I don't think it lets you do is allow you to accept calls with multiple identities/names at once.


As I understood it, they are in a regular boat and the submerger is some kind of magical gadget that creates a forcefield around and submerges the boat.


Regarding the Activism Group. This one seems likely to fail, given what we've seen. That said Riley doesn't have to be a typical member of group (though I doubt it). I do agree though that I hope the systemic issues that led to the group forming don't get ignored afterwards.


If earth's system is a weeb, then perhaps when the system has a "very bad day" its because its favorite anime is ending

John Anastacio

Flying Goat - I think the Informant prefers not to make too wide blocks? After all what if there's an emergency or something? Plus it contradicts his business model. The Informant probably has informants (lower case) who feed info and gossip to him. It would be bad to block them. It's clear he didn't block Archibald on his interface, so that's my guess, that he prefers to leave his business to business hours and when h's holding his tablet.


Alden avoided Hazel and went to shake hands with Jacob instead. Hazel's face probably looked really annoyed. Jacob, noticing this, instinctively steps back from Alden's handshake because he wants no part of the drama/attention. That was my read of the interaction but I could be wrong.


This is really cool and fascinating, but I still want a flashback to Vandy's team's session with the teachers!


Mina must have had the biggest ratio of fan conversation to on-screen time; good to see her again.

Blake Noyes

Normal humans are mostly subservient classes already. It’s just caused my money instead of superpowers. The only difference is that it would be less subtle and that there would be a shift of who was in charge

Radha Patel

Maybe she'll talk about it when they're on the boat together? You might still get all the juicy deets yet!

Victor Cavalcanti

Forcefully separating kids from their families, and confining them on an island is definitely in the yikes territory. Especially if you're F and aren't even dangerous or powerful.


I think his preference to use physical tech is much more practical, and even hinted at during the conversation: he is using his own tech, which is linked to a data processing AI. And I don't think said AI has direct interface access. As such, if he were to talk to someone through his interface, he would limit his AI's access to high priority information.

John D Jones

I don't care as much about the team session, but a flashback would probably give us a Vandy PoV and her head is probably an... interesting place in which to be.


Alden, at least, seems to be mostly in favor of unregistered. He's said in the past to Stu that he doesn't plan on hunting down unregistered when he becomes a hero. And given how much focus the story has placed on Anesidora and people's opinion on it (Maricel, Lexi, now Riley), I don't think Sleyca is just going to have Alden beat up SAL's leader and move on.


My problem isn't POV shifts as much as side character overload. The story gets so bogged moving everyone's plotlines forward that it functionally stops for months at a time. "Yes Wandering Inn, I'm looking at you too..." /Also a WI refugee

Andrew Simpson

SAL sure does sound like a mens' rights group, or a white nationalist/supremecist movement. There was some debate about whether they are a terrorist organization in last week's comments, and it's hard to know if they are without knowing what acts they have committed in 'protest', but I'm pretty sure the ACLU or the SPLC would have them on a hate-group watchlist. Pretty telling that this girl's answer to "what if avowed hurt people" was "we won't lol". She's also not hiding the fact that she just does think avowed are superior and should be in charge of everyone else. SAL still sucks in my book.


Oh she is going to see some unexpected sides to Alden.. and with her disposition she is going to be so, so, curious


God, I love reading this. The way I absolutely lit up at Haoyu saying they would bring Vandy on the boat trip. Vandy’s #1 fan. Please give me more. I am absolutely thrilled and want to watch her feverishly try to figure out Alden’s wizardry.


Nah, I think it is too early in the story for Alden to be outed


I agree with you. Money is like a superpower. Or in some feudal society the guy who controls the weapons


The Informant's had that dog ever since he was a kid and begged his parents for one and the pair made the trip to Anesidora together like 60 years ago.


Agree with Christine. I think Jacob was just very nervous


This seems a bit too dramatic and like the only point would be to give Alden a moment of being cool as his secret comes out.

John Scott

Vandy would have a ranged attack. I think Alden’s magic stays hidden longer, if for no other reason than it adds tension to the story

Andrew Simpson

Demonization is slow. If you remember, it took days for the horrifying big demons we never saw to show up and leave tracks in the fields around the lab.

Anzel Capparelli

Think you're right on the corruption event- possibly messing with the submerged (we got to see how corruption impacts devices on moon Thegund after all, and the device was described as delicate) Either that, or the woman who just showed up can use her power to get people to ignore her/objects (think that's why Jacob said "excuse me" out of nowhere), and noticed that her power usage spiked all of a sudden (since the informant pointed the patrols to deep underwater) Hoping it's the first scenario, cuz I want more interaction with chaos events (& possibly the Knights!) for Alden, but I think both scenarios are viable


I wonder how many ocean creatures have high chaos-potential?


"Can I really preserve the entire boat and all the passengers in it for an ET? I guess we'll see"


While I agree with you, its worth noting that most countries have "Avowed Zones" where F and D ranks can live, with considerably fewer restrictions (although I would expect all sways, even F rank, would be forced to leave). It's just that a lot of them would rather live in Anesidora. Which is also why I would expect that F and D ranks are massively under-represented in SAL or similar organisations.

Andrew Simpson

There's no way they attempt to hijack the boat. For what purpose? They would get caught almost instantly. I think they are going to be the thing that goes wrong with the demon fight on Matedoro, submerger is going to interact poorly with some technology and cause a chain reaction that results in disaster.

Partha Peddi

I can see a scenario where Alden's wizardry is observed by atleast 1 person in their group, who wants to be taught it, hounding Alden.

John D Jones

What with the Jason Momoa Aquaman and Great Cthulhu dwelling down there, it's gotta be a pretty large number.


Men's right groups are actually a great comparison. I've found them to be a mix of some people who really want to tackle actual issues that men face - like higher suicide rates, increased risks of suffering from violence and unfair treatment in family courts. But they are also burst to the filling with guys who really just want to complain about women and feminism. And they don't want to really fix any of the above issues; talking about your feelings is 'gay', violence is just boys being boys and they think 'unfair treatment in family courts' means being forced to pay child support. Take Riley for example. I think we can acknowledge that avowed should be treated equally. But Riley doesn't think that! Her belief is that Avowed should be treated better than other humans. I'm sure there are many people in SAL who want to deal with the real problems facing Avowed on Earth. And I also suspect that many people in SAL are like Riley.

Flying Goat

I am, too, which is why I make deliberately silly predictions. In this case, I'm thinking she lost her cell connection, so won't be able to buy a bookbag she's been wanting, but couldn't get delivered to Anesidora without paying an arm and a leg. And the sale ends tonight! She ends up escaping the boat, being rescued by Alden et. al., only to discover they're out of stock. Her rescue was too late, and they're all a bunch of incompetents for being late! A fierce battle ensues.

John D Jones

[quote]He donated to a plan that would beautify one of the streets near campus because he figured he’d get to enjoy it more often, and coins with images of buildings on one side and trees on the other fell into the tray.[/quote] Alden balancing generosity and selfishness. You go, boy.

Lorevi Q

Yeah she mentioned off hand that the other submerger was only used for helping people escape and get relocated. So clearly there's a non-hostile component of the organisation that only wants to help people be free. But the organisation also attracts the less savoury type like this girl who just want to be on top.

Flying Goat

Yea, I had to look up who she was, after seeing all the mentions of her. Chapter 74, if anyone else is in the dark as well, though others have posted it upthread as well. https://www.patreon.com/posts/seventy-four-pt-87459120

Neal Mayne

Even 1km is really pushing it even for most fast attack subs and the larger SSBNs can't even do a third of that. 1km is really deep 4km I only know of one model of research sub that can safely go that deep.

John D Jones

Vandy's a great fictional character who is likely up there with the 2003 Battlestar Galactica Starbuck in the "Characters Who Are Awesome Onscreen That You Would Not Want To Have in Your Real Life." Vandy's going to be something of a nightmare when she learns about Knights. If there's one thing Vandy would want more than to be a super hero it would be to become a "super-duper" hero.

Aspiring Moth

it'll be interesting to see vandy and lute interact too, because I can't see lute not being invited. he might pass if he hears vandy is coming, but he might not also

Partha Peddi

I wonder if Vandy is beginning to sense free authority.. it explains her obsession with trying to figure out if Alden is preserving anything with his skill. Will she be the one to find Alden's power?

Bob Ross

"You ought to be required by law to help with matters like this if you ask me. Every time an Avowed makes it off the island and causes trouble for ordinary people it’s a setback for global relations." I don't think Archibald has thought that all the way through. He's talking about preserving Anesidoran global relations, but how might foreign governments react if the informant were considered an Ansidoran government resource, rather than an independent contractor?

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

I think she will become friends with Jeffy when he interns with the SkySea guard and he gets to fetch her like a golden retriever all the time


Lovely chapter. Thank you as always. Riley seems like a classic "I'm not a supremacist but..." just no self-awareness smh. Discord: https://discord.gg/PRyweNZmBW

Partha Peddi

What if local ET is affected by corruption field? Probably the reason why they setup a warning around Matadero?

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

I'm guessing demonization just from the timing that they're hitting the border of Matadero tonight, and Lexi's boat isn't scheduled to be there until tomorrow.

John D Jones

I don't know. In some ways the SAL sounds more like a black or female supremacist group. Whites and males have historically been the ones with the power. Their supremacy groups resent the loss of the "good old days." Humanity as a whole has benefited from the Contract, but the Avowed pay for those benefits through a kind of indentured servitude. It'd be one thing if humans could sign up to be Avowed and consciously accept those terms, but they can't. If you're Selected, you're going to become an Avowed (unless you go someplace with no Contract).

Heather White

One minute he’s saying ‘this thing’s super sensitive, so no touching or magic near it’, and the next he’s driving them right up to a chaos field. Dude, did you not just hear yourself? That man needs to work on his impulse control. Assuming, of course, that he lives long enough for that.


Eh. Supremacist movements are bad because they create division and oppression based on imaginary criteria. In a world with actual hereditary superhumans “supremacist ideologies are bad” isn’t true anymore, it’s the new reality. People who advocate for equality in that situation are the delusional ones, for a variety of reasons.


I think Lute will pass on going on the boat if Vandy’s there, like how he left early from the skate park. That doesn’t mean Alden won’t engage in “Operation: Odin Character Restoration” by dropping hints about how much Lute went out of his way to help Alden with his cool new word chain 😎


I can't remember the exact quote, but from Lute's flashback "nobody dies on Matadero" I think is going to make a big comeback.


I don’t even really see a problem with that. Supremacist philosophy is bad because it creates division and oppression along imaginary boundaries. Once you have actual hereditary superpowers in play, though, superhuman supremacy is a legitimate position to take. Trying to enforce false equality in a situation where some people can bench press buses or make AI mailboxes as university projects is just trying to cling to a moral imperative that stopped applying the second superpowers manifested.

Adam Andersson

"I'm not a supremacist or anything" has the same energy as "I'm not racist, but"


Riley's observation about the influence and intelligence of Avowed are an interesting justification for isolating them from their nations. I was thinking that the mix of powers and nationalism could be very problematic, even with the treaty. A nation with powerful Avowed could aggress against its neighbors. Even without brutal conflict, Sways could easily subjugate the leadership of a region.

Heather White

I hope Jeffy joins them on the boat. I recently reread the chapter where some of his classmates were trying to convince him that being an aqua brute was great because the majority of the Earth is water. His response was yeah, but all the people are above the water, and who cares about fish? I’m wondering if using his skill to rescue people would change how he feels about his class. I love that the Informant is a man who loves his aging dog enough to go out in the rain with him and put up with a soggy tennis ball. “Switch to Arts or Sciences at least so we don’t have to find a new roommate,” Haoyu told him. - Pragmatic Haoyu again delivering humor in a serious voice. I adore that boy. I’m also curious what he’s been cooking lately.


Too bad Alden can't get her on a conference call with Stuart. I bet she'd love the idea of a righteous scholarly exit!


What? We already have people who can bench press more than others. Is it a "false moral imperative" to say that a champion weightlifter doesn't have more inherent worth than someone in a wheelchair? It's not a problem to acknowledge that superhumans have abilities that most others don't. It is a problem to believe that they should be in a class "above" normal humans, venerated and kowtowed to by very virtue of their existence as Riley postulates.


If they were hereditary world champion weightlifters vs hereditary wheelchair bound people, with all other factors equal? Yeah, there’s a strong argument to be made there. Not a good one, because in the world we live in is one where wheelchair guy can contribute just as much or more than strong guy, based on other factors. It’s an argument though, because that’s still within the realm of human limitations. Once superpowers come into it and the gap becomes truly vast? It’s just a new reality, not an argument. Once the gap becomes insurmountable, the calculation changes. Not from a moral standpoint, but a practical one. In a land of the blind a one eyed man is king. In a land of wheelchairs, the bodybuilders will either get their respect and crowns… or they will tip over wheelchairs until they do. And the wheelchairs won’t be able to catch them and make them stop. That’s what it comes down to. Always. Force, and the ability to make other people obey. And metahuman abilities are the ur-example of a differentiating factor that causes that divide.

John Mainer

She is the perfect supremacist. No matter what race, gender, religion, nationality the supremacists I have met base their supposed supremacy on, they are all below average specimens of it. Those who focus on supremacy of their group identity are terrified to face any test of their individual performance, ability, or effort.


This group might be a more extreme offshoot of the SAL. Like Riley mentions, the people who control the other submerger only allow it to be used for rescues and relocations and “haven’t caught up with the times”.

Andrew Simpson

@John D Jones I think you are really over selling how oppressed the avowed are. It is nothing like the civil rights violations or inequality experienced by people of color or women in the irl world. Their movement is restricted, to one of the many avowed zoned around the world, which I don't think is great, but they have access to more power, wealth, health, and technology than almost any population on earth. There is a reason most of the world sees getting chosen as winning a lottery. I'm also not sure if you typo'd, but there are very few black/feminist *supremacist* groups. All of the historic examples I can think of, even radical or militant ones, are pushing for equality, not superiority.

Heather White

@Adunk - my question is what do you mean by supremacy, and what do you think it should lead to? Supremacy tends to imply that one group has more inherent value than another and often leads to that ‘greater’ group believing it should have more rights than the lesser group and even rule over the other group. Are you saying that Avowed have more value as living beings than normal human simply because they have powers?

Pedro Henrique

Gorgon said the wizard that was his "superior was caught interacting with one , and while Artonan frown at doing it high ranking wizards still do it behind closed doors


Adunk I am not trying to have a conversation about supremacy or whatever here, I just wanted to point out that she said "im not supremacist but avowed are superior" that's all. Also, normal humans wouldn't be wheel-chair bound in your scenario and their children could still be the so-called champion weightlifters. And life isn't a weight-lifting competition, I think it's valid to say that being an avowed shouldn't make everyone who isn't one have to "[treat them] like [they’re] saving human lives just by breathing."

Andrew Simpson

Just so we're all clear, the internationally recognized code of human rights recognizes the right to self determination as: "the rights of all peoples to pursue freely their economic, social and cultural development without outside interference" and that "Governments are to represent the whole population without distinction as to race, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin" Superhumans or not, placing one group above another and saying they deserve to be in charge is, and always has been, problematic. In many ways, this is kind of the justification for Anesidora. If the avowed *are* so different as to constitute a new demographic, then they should have a government that represents them, which is unlikely considering they are like .1% of the world. There is an argument that shipping a bunch of 15 year olds to an isolated island nation is a violation of thst same right, and fair. But I have a very hard time believing that any of these kids would be enjoying as much of a childhood as they are if they were instead in their respective countries being groomed as human super weapons and national assets, which they 100% would be.


@Heather — No. I don’t believe in any inherent value in anyone. A lot of people are going to approach this from some sort of moral high ground — “oh, how dare the supremacists say they are better/worse/whatever”. I don’t view things that way at all. My view is simple: The avowed are already creating artificial intelligence, manipulating continental weather patterns, and can mind control people. They have these abilities added on top of normal human baselines. They are more able to exert force, so they will get what they want. What a lot of people want tends to be riches, power, and adoration. Morality doesn’t enter into this calculation, except by the grace of the more powerful side.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

Not going to go into detail here, but I know that feeling Jacob verbalized as "I miss not being confused." It happens when you have never had to think more than one way about some important issue in your life, then suddenly that's not an option anymore, and you find out that the "other" way of thinking about things is actually a thousand different "other" ways of thinking about it, and everyone wants you to pick theirs. You either develop some serious mental resilience, or it breaks you. Frankly, I'm still not sure which of those it has done to me.


Natalie is from US One is unknown One is from Nigeria One speaks Lithuanian Intake also has Pakistani, Costa Rican Personally I think Sleyca uses mostly English speakers because the << >> are soooo annoying to type 🔲

Andrew Simpson

This comment section has been a real minefield recently 🙃 It's gonna get spicy as we learn more about SAL.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

In our real world timeline we've gone through the civil rights movement, disability rights, etc, and have come to the conclusion that even where vast (and sometimes hereditary) differences exist, we want the version of the world where people have equal rights under the law. This isn't true everywhere, and the details are constant points of contention. And you'll still find plenty of people who will argue that some people actually are better than other people based on their physical strength or intelligence or attractiveness or whatever favorite attribute, and who have quite convinced themselves that that's just reality and facts don't care about your feelings or whatever. Things would have almost certainly gone quite differently in an alternate timeline where aliens showed up in the 50s. But in this one, none of the attributes Riley has cited are things that make anyone fundamentally better than anyone else.

Andrew Simpson

You're right, they should just setup one of those carnival hammer swing machines but instead of teddy bears your score determines how many "civil rights" you are entitled to. It all makes sense now.


Yeah it makes totally sense from an author perspective. The amount of research necessary to portrait so many people from so different cultures would be prohibitive.

Zenopath (AEV)

In theory she's right though. Without segregation and rules prohibiting avowed from entering certain professions they would dominate several of them. Wrights would rule Silicon Valley, Sways would be top politicians, Appeal heavy avowed would rule modelling and take all the acting roles, brutes would dominate the armed forces. Past a certain threshold, the inevitable result would be a world where nonavowed are second class citizens. That doesn't stop people like her who brag about other people's accomplishments from being losers though. You can identify as a member of your uber group all you want, but what have you done with all the supposed advantages you've been given?


"“They almost definitely did, but not in the way you mean. I hope you have a lot of manpower for tonight’s search. And that they’re strong swimmers.” + "Jeffy had hung back to do the slide just one more time, but it had been so long, Alden suspected he’d either gotten lost or forgotten he was supposed to be joining them." = Jeffy's getting temporarily conscripted!


Humanity built itself on aggressively hyper-social cooperation and communities of people who all worked together. The moral value of a person is not based on their abilities, but their status as humans. Avowed are still humans. There is no superiority there. The value of their lives is the same as anyone else's, hereditary amount of "authority" notwithstanding. Any other system is guaranteed to become unstable and fail.


@Andrew Simpson Yeah… so, I hate to break it to you, but that’s how things work right now too. It’s not morally right or fair, but as the history of civil rights shows: You only have the rights you are willing to fight and potentially die for. Superhuman rights and supremacy is just more of the same, with weirder guns that get handed out preferentially to certain families or groups. It’s no shocker that those people would then take as many rights for their exclusive use as possible.


Thanks for the soup!

Andrew Simpson

This is a good point, and one that people don't talk about that much. One of the things Anesidora does that is invaluable for maintaining global peace and personal agency for the avowed is prevent them from just being acquired by a nation as used as a national asset (which is 1000% what would happen if they stayed at home after gaining powers). Even the avowed on Anesidora aren't required to use their powers to further the countries interests, and they get to act as independent contractors in terms of distributing their services to the rest of the world. That's all a good thing in my opinion, it prevents any one body from having all the power.

Zenopath (AEV)

I feel that way about the current state of political correctness and liberal culture. I mean I've always leaned democrat, and I agree with the liberal agenda, I just don't fully understand it anymore. Was simpler when you could sum it up as equal rights, but now it seems to be about enforcing special treatment for every subculture. I guess I'm just too old to fully "get" it nowadays.


@Adunk no it isn't. Things change all the time but human society is inherently cooperative. Rights are fought for and gained, yes, but usually not to the exclusion of others. Usually when rights are lost it's either because a lot of turmoil is happening to cause it, or it's one government/nation subjugating another. On the whole, fighting for civil rights is just undoing the wrongs of the past over time.

Scar Path

I'm one of the oddballs who likes a cliffhanger done right. My memory isn't the best, and I read so much stories can get mixed up in my mind. It helps when there's a hook at the end of the chapter that keeps me interested, and sparks my memory when the next chapter comes out. Just as long as it's a hook reeling me into the next chapter, and not a spear, aka when a chapter lets off in the middle of a climax, rather than the start.


@Flopmind That’s just incorrect by definition though. Every time a right was “gained” it was actually just transferred from one social strata to another. In the French Revolution and the subsequent republican diaspora, it was commonfolk seizing rights traditionally held by nobility, who had themselves seized those rights by force of arms during the dissolution of Rome and subsequent interregnum. And the same before that, all the way back into prehistory. Rights are always something fought for at the tip of a sword or barrel of a gun. There is not a society in the world that just had a friendly ‘inherently cooperative’ discussion. People do cooperate to get rights they feel they deserve. And they get those rights by taking them from others/forcing them to share under threat of violence.


the ‘liberal agenda’ isn’t a monoculture and as much as the American zeitgeist loves to focus on social issues it’s often just a smokescreen for ignoring the economic issues

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

@Baines, that may well be this particular issue's version of the thousand "other" ways of thinking about things I mentioned above. Nuance is hard when something feels important, or even essential, to how you see yourself and the world around you.

Michael Leue

Extra-legal activism really does tend to be led by extremists, though. How would it be otherwise? Gandhi was an incredible outlier. Even other famously peaceful activists like Nelson Mandela or Martin Luther King Jr. did not really succeed at maintaining broad control of their movement enough to keep extremists out, and when MLK gets replaced by Malcolm X, you've already lost the fight for the moral high ground. Modern day activism is more about standing at the head of a mob, anyway, so the possibility of keeping any control at all without being the most extreme person in the room is pretty much absent from the start.


My big in my college frat has a heritable muscular degenerative disease, confining him to a motorized wheelchair. I’d say there’s as big a difference between him being able to lift little more than a cell phone and what the average human can, as with the average human and lifting a bus. We already have such differences in our world, and are much better for having nipped eugenics in the bud when we did. My big now has his PhD and is doing really important work designing controllable prosthetics for amputees. I find it really hard to think of a way the world would be better if he was a second class citizen and wasn’t allowed to have gone to college.


Is the invisible sway the girl Alden tried to help in the superhero trials?

Ricky Brent

Jeffy saving the day would make so much sense 😮 The disaster during high school strikes, and Alden isn't even involved... it would be hilarious. 🤣 It's a good thing Lexi has that boat.

Michael Leue

All authors eventually finish their work, didn't you know? All those stories you've given up on, they're actually going to be finished. You just have to keep the faith.


@Adunk, that's not true. When things like ending segregation and granting gay marriage happened in the US it wasn't like everyone else lost their rights; the rights of marginalized groups were being brought into line with everyone else. Even so, we weren't all living fully independent lives before or after. We don't all grow our own food, make our own houses, sew our own clothes, etc. That's what I mean when I say society is inherently cooperative. So when we say avowed supremacy is wrong, we don't mean "a normal human can lift just as much as a strength brute" because obviously that's not true. We mean "a strength brute doesn't deserve to be a higher social status just because they're strong/avowed" because society is made of all kinds of people who deserve the same fundamental rights.


@Adunk While the predisposition to become avowed might be inheritable, neither is that guaranteed (see Lute's mom) nor is it the only way to become avowed (see globies). Thus, "superpowers" are not hereditary, as you put it, in this story. Furthermore, the boundary between Avowed and non-Avowed is just as real or imaginary as the traditionally cited boundaries to divide supremacists from their out-group(s). Humanity is inherently heterogeneous, you can always find a way to divide it along arbitrary lines. Unless their so-called superpowers include an objectively infallible moral compass that they are forced to follow, which clearly isn't the case in this story, they are no better (or worse) than humans in general.


I can't imagine the adults in this situation would be willing to recruit a high schooler for something like this. It would be deeply irresponsible, especially since they have professional aqua brutes around the island.


Others have discussed in detail, but almost certainly yes. Mina was a sway with an S-rank skill to make others "ignore distractions" (which could, potentially, include her presence). She was described as slim with blue eyes. And she talked really fast when she was stressed. The sway on the boat has a skill that makes people ignore her. She's described as skinny with pale eyes. And she talks really fast when stressed. The fast speech thing is particularly notable. I think Mina and the sway character on the boat are the only two times that Sleyca has ever eliminated spaces between words to indicate fast speech. So, yeah, probably the same person.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

@Adunk, you seem to see human existence as a zero-sum game. This is verifiably false. While it gets a bit more difficult to pinpoint on issues closer to our own region of the space-time continuum, it is not too hard to find an example going further back. Let us take the right to travel, or movement, as an example. I am not talking about crossing national borders, or issues of passports and visas. Go back further. There was a period of European history when an entire class of people was pretty restricted in where or how they could travel. Most people would live their entire lives in the village where they were born, never going outside a ten mile radius. Travel was reserved for those with great wealth, who had the social standing to do so. As travel has become available to broader swaths of the population, and the world had opened up to the average man, did that reduce the rights of the nobility and the wealthy to travel? No indeed! The premise of rights being "transferred" from one group to another is fundamentally flawed.

Partha Peddi

Gorgon raised a concern about Octopus not being safe to eat unlike most earth based animals in an earlier chapter. I wonder if the submerged ship will be attacked by a corrupted/mutated octopus with a high CP ?


@Lauren K ty you've better expressed what I've been trying to say. you do words good :)

Michael Leue

I assumed this for a long time, but there clearly has to be a mechanism for people to rank up with their original power because hyperboles have universally stated they didn't know why they ranked up. It would be really obvious if they got a brand new affixation at the same time, so either they're hiding their power or else a System somewhere off-planet is adding stuff to their affixation in a way that they aren't aware of and which fundamentally changes the affixation's rank. It's interesting that all hyperbole's have hyperbolized off of Earth.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" is a compelling theoretical idea, even to people who disagree with it as a moral aspiration. There's certainly many historical examples where that has seemed to be a fact of life. But it turns out a lot of people disagree with it as a moral aspiration, and modern society reflects that enough that nonviolent activism has gotten a lot done in the past century.


@Flopmind You are not deeply considering the position you are arguing. Look just one level deeper; if ten people get to vote on a thing originally but then a hundred more get added later, it is a meaningful loss of individual power for the previously exclusive in-group. This is literally the fundamental objection used throughout the 18th-20th century by those wanting to deny the franchise. As for your last paragraph, it’s just rehashing something I already addressed: Deserve doesn’t matter, it’s about what you can fight for. It always has been. Nobody let the common men vote until they had the means and willpower to force the nobles into sharing their authority. @Michael Addressed the key points in those arguments earlier, vis-a-vie domain of force and authority derived from it for your second paragraph. As for your first, bruh. Seriously? You’re just being disingenuous. You know superpowers are hereditary in the story. It’s a whole plot point.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

@Flopmind, aawww, thanks! Really, I have just thought a lot about this issue. The zero-sum mindset a lot of people take about our world really bothers me, because it is so inherently amoral and defeatist that it fundamentally gets in the way of trying to make life better for anyone. If a person truly thinks that way about the world, then what good does it do to go out of the way to help someone? All you are really doing is somehow transferring bad circumstances from one person to a different person. Now, that's not how life actually works, and I think a lot of people who ostensibly hold certain "zero-sum" beliefs don't always understand what their ultimate end is, and don't fully act them out. It is still damaging though, and I can't pass up the opportunity to try to counter it where I see it.


“I just said, didn’t I? The Rite won’t trigger for a fly. Maybe for some Earth animals. Not sure. To be honest, I have some concerns about octopuses. But most of your wildlife should be comestible. I’m trying to teach them that. One stolen bite at a time. My restrictions are making it a slow process.” From Chapter 51. So definitely more of a vague possibility than anything concrete.

Michael Leue

Being fated to become Avowed is hereditary, and the population is growing. A hundred years from this point, it'll be more weird for someone to be Quirkless, um, I mean, human. If there's going to be a class-based society on that basis, it'll be a short-lived one. Of course, there's also rank-based discrimination, but evidence suggests that humans will eventually learn that there's more mobility there than they currently realize, and that will hopefully eventually get nipped in the bud.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

@Adunk, while "diluting the vote" is a valid political concept, that is a loss of *power* not *rights* as you were claiming. If the newly enfranchised group made use of that *power* to take away *rights* from their former oppressors, then you might have a point, but they are still separate issues. Until that power is used, the ten people who could originally vote on things still have the right to do the same as they did before.


@Lauren K I can’t imagine a worse example for your argument than the one you gave. Serfdom, the inherent proximate cause of the lack of travel, was literally something people caused wars over to seize back said freedom of movement. They seized that right from the nobles, depriving those nobles of a previously held authority to restrict movement. So, no, serfs becoming deturfed and allowed to travel as a right didn’t restrict a noble’s right to travel, but it was never about that. It was about the perpetual labor indenture that bound them to the area, which DID get deprived from the noblemen as serfdom was violently phased out. Not everything is zero sum, but the fact of the matter is that people want to maximize their own objectives. This causes conflict, the accumulation of privileges and power, and the eventual deenfoffment when another group wants that power. Some things are zero sum.

Second Raddish

But do the free samples at the gym really count as free if there's a monthly fee?

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

@Adunk, I appreciate that you seem to have thought about this deeply enough to hold a productive conversation, but I strongly disagree. First, as I mentioned in an above post, you are conflating the concept of "rights" with "power." They are not the same. Rights are inherent to human experience. Power involves imposing one's will on the world. I am curious, since you seem so certain that rights are only gained by extracting them from others by force, what do you think of Ghandi? Finally, on the subject of zero-sum issues, I would argue that very few things in this world are truly zero-sum. I will not argue that such circumstances do not exist, but they are undoubtedly rare and not particularly relevant to this discussion.


It is a joke. Alden is having a good life rn and wants to have more of it before he will inevitably get involved with more chaos incidents etc. and now we have a high likelihood of something going wrong on Matadero...where Alden, Lexi, Haoyu, and Vandy will be around. Something might happen that is not cozy and happy.


@Lauren K The franchise is a civil right. That right being diluted is a lessening of power. Lessening something that someone already has is to diminish and deprive them of it. Therefore granting sufferage to previously non-voting individuals is a deprivation of a civil right with regard to those who already hold it. This is not a complicated concept. It can’t even be argued against. People wouldn’t literally kill over it otherwise, lol.

Andrew Simpson

@Adunk By "that's how things work now" I hope you mean that is the most prevalent fail case in the process of creating an equitable society. Power =/= competence. If you bother reading almost any history, you'll notice that generals make shitty presidents, and winning the war doesn't mean you win the peace.


What if the captain’s plan here is a lot more sinister than smuggling some dissidents off the island? The Sway might be freaking out because of him, not anything else. So hear me out… kissing the edge of Matadero” during the chaos fight isn’t a final middle finger, but the entire point. He has a hidden ship of Avowed that expect to be under the sea for days. The situation is uncomfortable enough that they might write off the early signs of chaos exposure as cabin fever. Right off the coast, he could be creating demons (or whatever Avowed become with burst affixations) to attack the islands. SAL would really show all the Avowed what they’re “protecting the world from” and what lies just off the coast on Matadero. Suddenly, the gilded cage won’t seem as safe anymore and their sacrifice for the world won’t seem so small or acceptable. All the while, it would seem like an accident by five random escapees and not a planned attack by SAL. The Captain would obviously be someone extra chaos resistant (high Formation) would could slip away with the best of the loot during the confusion.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Yeah probably, her stated powers were relaxing the target, removing distractions from their minds, and something secret And relaxing was explicitly mentioned this chapter

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

@Adunk, also, on the topic of serfdom, I disagree that it makes for a poor example. You seem to take issue with my argument on at least two counts. The first, that relief from serfdom had to be taken by force, is debatable, but was never part of my argument to begin with. I do not deny that there have been times that force has been used to that end. The second is that the end of that institution removed the power nobility had over their populace, thus removing one of their "rights." Again, I believe that you are conflating rights with power, but even setting that aside, there is a problem with your argument. What benefit did these nobles ostensibly derive by maintaining this power over their indentured serfs? It was primarily economic. The goal was to maintain a certain standard of living for the ruling class. Was that goal not ultimately better served by the new economic model that freedom of movement allowed? Would you honestly say that descendants of these families, on the whole, are worse off today than they would be had their ancestors maintained that power? If the answer is that they are ultimately better off, then one cannot call this a zero-sum game. All benefited at some level by the propagation of the right to travel.


I really like this theory. Something like this could indeed be the plan.


Gorgon did say he was concerned about dolphins or octopuses in that they might activate the blood ritual…


@Lauren K So, right. We’re about to do the Ghandi/MLK non-violence argument. No. Before we get into this, please at least wiki the Quit India movement and the subsequent rallying of the Indian army as a forcible secessionist party. Ghandi personally led a violent uprising that killed thousands, before making a strategic pivot into a nonviolent face while his partners rallied an armed insurrection as the “or else” counterpoint. You can see the same thing play out in the US with the MLK/Malcom X dichotomy. Peaceful activism is for the camera. It’s always supported by guns.


Yeah I bet if you’re as rich as the informant you can get a healer to do a rejuve on your dog. In a world where rejuvenation is a thing there is 100% a healer who saw a demand for a service and studied how to rejuve dogs so they could stay with their owners for eternity.


@Andrew Simpson Sure, but if you don’t win the war you don’t win anything, lol.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

@Adunk, interesting points. I am starting to narrow in on where exactly you and I disagree, I think. You seem to be taking a rather utilitarian point of view in thinking about this, or at least you are arguing more from practice than from principle. I will look more into the Quit India movement, on your recommendation; even as I asked the question about Ghandi, I suspected that the answer would be that reality was messier than the stories we tell. That being said, you seem to at least acknowledge a certain "myth of nonviolence" if I may coin a term for it. You recognize that people appreciate such narratives, even if they do not always align with reality. Why would you say that is? Furthermore, to go back to where this began, you seem to be arguing that stronger Avowed ending up in a position of rule is what will ultimately happen in this world. I would ask, is that view prescriptive, or descriptive? To put it another way, do you think that is what ought to happen, or do you think that is what will happen in spite of good intentions to the contrary? I would like to reiterate that I have not been arguing that the use of force is never a part of fighting for greater rights. My argument is, and has always been, that greater rights are not predicated on victimizing those who held those rights previously.

Partha Peddi

It is possible that SAL has no idea about burst affixation. Else there would have been another incident before causing more than 1 Matadero incidents per year. If the other S (captain) took care of the problem by themselves the last time, how will they figure out the release the chaos monster to the island without surfacing or drowning themselves?


I think a lot of people here are overselling the avowed advantage. Sure, many of them will succeed in their jobs relatively easily and be wealthy, but as Lute pointed out, the best musicians are non-avowed. Same would likely go for acting. Processing is capped, so non-avowed can compete fine in science and engineering and law. There are few enough avowed healers to allow plenty of demand for normal doctors. Sways would never be allowed to just manipulate whomever they wished. The biggest advantage avowed have is in combat, but given human culture it would be very hard to get them to agree to oppress everyone else for no particular reason when their own living standard is already good.


By the way “sliding board” is a super regional term. Don’t think I’ve ever heard it outside of Philadelphia.


The System casually mentions being careful to prevent the creation of “abominations” when Alden becomes avowed. And lots of people have experience in chaos fields. I doubt it’s a secret at this point.

Andrew Simpson

I was going to make a smart ass comment, but instead I'll try to follow your example and just say that your arguments are very well thought out and eloquent, and you are far more patient and civil than I.

Andrew Simpson

Lute also acknowledges that the best musicians are non-avowed because most musical avowed don't practice as much, and end up focusing on the magical aspects of their craft instead of the purely artistic ones. But even if like 40% of the top positions in the world belong to a group that comprises like .01% of the population, the scales of power will be fuckd.

Andrew Simpson

Isn't it just a board you slide on? I thought it was just descriptive. What does it refer to in Philly? Also do you jawns really say jawn?


Based on the location of the chaos battlefield I have questions: Is the location chosen manually by the Artonans: -are they just inducing a chaos event to prevent some kind of buildup, -are they importing some nasty chaos demons just for training Is the chaos battlefield a Natural Chaos zone? -was point nemo picked just because it was near the Chaos? -more terrifyingly does the presence of Authority create/fuel Chaos zones? (like it does in the Saga of Recluce by L. E. Modesitt Jr. where Chaos magicians get their power from Order magicians using their magic too much) anyone else have any theories on what affects the creation of Chaos?


@Lauren, Going past whether something is “good” or “bad” (like segregating the Avowed or having mandatory “brainwashing” classes), there is also sometimes a huge difference between what people accept as “the truth” (like Aulia’s grandchildren being blind to how manipulative she is), that can further confuse the issue.


I appreciate that you are engaging and understanding. Yes, I have been looking at this practically from the outset. The moral arguments some people are using are tedious at best, because everyone thinks their own morality is right. The myth of non-violence is useful from several standpoints from an activist perspective. It helps generate moral outrage in most systems of morality, which in turn leads to more assets fighting for the cause. It acts as a shield against disparagement by the powers that be, and as a moral cover for any darker actions needed in pursuit of gaining liberty. Finally, it serves the powers that be after the fact: if the winners can perpetuate that violence (the only real force of change) is wrong then they will ensure that anyone rising up against them will only use ineffective, non-violent means. This keeps them safe and lets them minimize any infringement on whatever rights they have grasped. As for you asking about if it’s prescriptive or descriptive, I truly hope I have emphasized enough that it’s descriptive and consequential. Both from the setting itself, and in an in-story context with regard to the Artonans having a system to implement it. Metahuman feudalism is a sad, often overlooked outcome of superhero stories. I enjoy exploring the consequences of fictional worlds like this, but so often authors just fiat away what is inevitable consequence of people being people. As described in Super Supportive, Avowed rule will happen. There is no stopping it. They are humans, but more. And that more is significant enough to make them unstoppable.


I think that the stakes SAL puts up in this hypothetical plot are high, and the outcome is uncertain. Both the captain who's supposedly doing this and the Submerger, a priceless piece of equipment, are going to be more or less in arm's reach of anyone who demonifies. They're way more likely to become the demon's victims than anyone up on the island.

Elessar Beverly (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-13 01:45:53 Yeesh, forgiveness, been a while since I read those chapters. As for who or why, not sure. Thought there might be more than meets the eye to our fifth passenger maybe since we don’t know much about her. But yeah, assassinaton is looking unlikely.
2024-02-12 19:13:03 Forgiveness, been a while since I read those chapters. As for who or why, not sure. Thought there might be more than meets the eye to our fifth passenger maybe since we don’t know much about her. But yeah, assassinaton is looking unlikely.

Forgiveness, been a while since I read those chapters. As for who or why, not sure. Thought there might be more than meets the eye to our fifth passenger maybe since we don’t know much about her. But yeah, assassinaton is looking unlikely.


I think it's just a joke because octopus are really intelligent

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Man, assuming they get turned into abominations, I wonder if they keep some variation of their original powers? A demon with the power to be unnoticed seems pretty strong Also- the sway is one S-rank. Who’s the other of the two high rankers? Im guessing the captain, would fit with the other commenter’s theory about how the captain intends to turn them all into demons then probably escape alone So, the prediction I like the most is that the boat breaks down due to chaos and the captain spouts a bunch of cultist-like phrases while refusing to help and everyone panics, and everyone starts slowly turning into demons as their authority runs out, and the demons break free just as Lexi’s boat arrives, Alden saves them by encasing them in his more stable authority (they’re only level 1s after all), the senior avowed including haoyu’s parents come to the rescue… maybe a dramatic death from Haoyu’s dad to save him? Or maybe not, he’s had so many death flags that it feels more likely that the death flags will be subverted The knights notice that Alden’s authority is really stable for someone so new, and realise he’s the one with the commendation, and in the aftermath everyone gets to drink tea (wevvi) with the knights And now Alden has two stars next to his name, and by chapter 500 his level will be level 378************************


Only if the captain can’t get away with it. I’m betting they told the group to steal a bunch of shit so that they could take the loot anyway while their victims turned into abominations. Everyone would just assume it was all lost at sea and/or destroyed by the abominations. No one would go looking for it, or report that it had been smuggled out.


It's been said so many times in so many ways. We're all on tenterhooks waiting for the moment it breaks.

TS (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-13 01:45:53 Not reading comments, I don't like guessing the plot too tightly before the author has written it. It would, if read by the author, try to go 'no, your all wrong, I'll tweak my plot so it's something ekse' which I fear would mess up the overall work of the author.
2024-02-12 19:34:52 Not reading comments, I don't like guessing the plot too tightly before the author has written it. It would, if read by the author, try to go 'no, your all wrong, I'll tweak my plot so it's something else' which I fear would mess up the overall work of the author.

Not reading comments, I don't like guessing the plot too tightly before the author has written it. It would, if read by the author, try to go 'no, your all wrong, I'll tweak my plot so it's something else' which I fear would mess up the overall work of the author.


Yeah, it’s just a literary device. They’re effective when done well and prudently. Readers have just gotten over-sensitive about cliffhangers after decades of lazy writers abusing them endlessly. It’s like how JJ Abrams turned “mystery box” into a bad word for a lot of viewers.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

@Adunk, I think we can both agree that it will be interesting to see where Sleyca takes this. I also appreciate the fact that she had not shied away so far from the social consequences of a small group of superhumans in the global population. It is far too often overlooked in stories like these. That being said, I do believe that moral principle and peaceful resistance hold more weight in altering the course of history than you credit them. Not all change is the result of victims becoming victimizers, and I believe the world would be a far darker place if more people thought that was the only path to a better life. It is my view that we must believe in something better, even when we do not see it in the world around us, if we are to have any chance of a future that serves us better than our past. That being said, I do have a better understanding of where you are coming from now. One more example from history might perhaps have some better relevance. George Washington, first president of the United States, has many stories told about his character, quite a few of which are apocryphal. One that is true, however, is that he stepped down from office voluntarily, even though there were those who would have made him king. He was a general, a leader of men, and a rather wealthy member of the upper class at the time, yet he chose to step down from power in order to set a precident for the fledgling government of this newborn country he had helped to establish. One could argue he could have also had selfish reasons for doing so, but to me this is an example of where history goes right. Many people use power to seize more power. Some who have power and moral character use that power to prevent others from doing just that.


Hmm, some problems with this idea. If they care about the loot they won't let it sit in a powerful (enough to turn someone without direct demon contact) chaos field. It's also unlikely they have a deep enough understanding of chaos to plan this (Alden's knowledge is unusual and enhanced by being almost uniquely able to sense it directly), and the submerger itself could get damaged. It's not easy to find actual humans evil enough to do this either. And why use the new recruits they specifically exist to help; why not just kidnap someone random to demonize instead?

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Hmm yeah Alden did previously think that teleporting demons sounds really expensive. More likely they have some sort of chaos magnet that they power up once a year to get all the chaos on earth into one tidy demon that they can then destroy Chapter 49 has nice info on demons and chaos My theory is that chaos is some sort of background influence that just gradually builds up everywhere, and we know from the lab that living things have a stat called chaos potential, even if you don’t have the artonan’s sense to be able to feel and control your authority naturally. and we know that the system’s job is to fold spare authority into a more stable shape which is an affixation. Chaos potential is probably how stable your authority is, while how much authority you have determines how powerful a demon created from you will be, we theorise the first part because Lute’s mom was a whiff, likely because her authority was naturally stable enough that the system didn’t feel the need to turn her into an Avowed. We theorise the second part because iirc kibby and Alden had a discussion about it on the moon, I might be misremembering that though. Both factors seem to be somewhat genetic

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

With that, I find myself a bit exhausted. I may return to this comment thread later for further discussion, but for now I am signing off. Apologies to Flopmind for blowing up the replies! This discussion did get rather lengthy...


It’s really interesting to read how everyone perceives Avowed and SAL. I have always pictured new avowed as slightly younger military recruits. They essentially go through the same process: sign up, leave home, do your duty and get paid for it. As a veteran, I remember what it was like leaving home and moving in with a bunch of people my own age. I really felt like an adult. But then I got older and learned that being RESPONSIBLE for a bunch of kids who think they’re adults is a nightmare, lol. So it makes sense to me that you would WANT to keep them all isolated while training them so they don’t go back home and get arrested (it happens). To me SAL on the surface is the other side of that coin. Why should EVERYONE have to stay in Anesidora? Why is everyone okay with forced conscription? These people have essentially been sold by their home planet. Does it matter that they get a paycheck and that the Artonans give them “space weapons”? Some people are even eager to join up just to get their hands on some amazing “space technology”. And to make things worse, once you become Artonan property, your planet essentially revokes your citizenship and sends you off to live at a glorified embassy. Throw a bunch of 16 year olds into all of that and it’s no wonder there are kids on that boat just trying to go back home to their families.


@Andrew: I don't think demonization IS slow. Kibby showed Alden a video of a locust demonizing; it sounded like that was quick. And she said that things demonize more or less immediately if the chaos level gets above some level (depending on their chaos potential, it sounded like).


@Heather: I think the captain has no idea there's a chaos field there. I don't think it's widely known; most human Avowed aren't sensitive enough to notice, and the Avowed who visit the epicenter are demon-killers under secrecy contracts. But your point stands. Escapees shouldn't be deliberately taunting their captors until they're all the way free.


Agreed, it is messed up. Nowadays there is a lot of debate around refugees and whether to allow their families to join them, but most civilized countries agree that it is inhumane NOT to..


She thinks she should be thanked and celebrated because she was born she is way worse than the Rankists and would probably also call people Whiffs.


Thank you for the chapter 🙏 Hoping Jeffy pulled his best land move when he disappeared - asking Astrid to go on the slide with him lol Sh*t is about to go down and I love it.


I think you can refuse to become an avowed unless you are unique. You just miss out on getting superpowers if you do.

Josh Brooks

lol true. She goes off to report to her family all of her personal failings after being given a team of glory hogs. If someone wrapped up a personal sacrifice/responsibility inside a system of honor with just a smidge of it being somewhat useful, Vandy would eat it up. It kinda makes me sad though because if she ever had a Hannah situation where she caused the death of someone, Vandy would take it so bad. Like either quitting on the spot or minimizing the victim’s pain in order to do the responsible thing of admitting her mistakes until everyone blamed her.


If they just kidnapped random Avowed, then the victims could just ET away. They also wouldn’t be doing things like messaging their family lies to keep their disappearance from being noticed and reported. For this to really work as a social manipulation tool, they need all the Avowed to see Avowed children turned into abominations right outside their home. They need to add a seeming danger to the gilded cage. Something to make everyone care a lot more about their inability to leave and escape that danger. Making Matadero seem like a poisoned well will do that. As for the loot being in the chaos field, I’d have to assume there was more to the plan. Supposedly, there’s another SAL party out there to meet them. Their real job might be to pickup the loot and the captain. Either that or they might have collaborators on the island. There’s no way every single dissident gets out, nor that an extremist party doesn’t exist on the island that wants to see Avowed set free to take over. Lute certainly seemed to think Aulia would LOVE to hear about how Avowed would take over someday.


Agreed. I don't think Jeffy is going to feature in this mission...


Avowed grow in power (authority) naturally - authority sense or no. The System only shapes that power, never gives power that isn't already there as free authority.


Given he has just started learning to use his power it really wouldn't.


I'm still reading comments for now, but have given up writing predictive comments. Not only is there the "you're all wrong" desire for writing, there's the associated "now I have to write that plot 'surprise' that people have predicted and it's no fun" problem. Sleyca still has freedom at these early stages, but that's not going to be true later!


Exactly. Avowed are good at magic because they have magic powers. But they are also pretty fixated on it. I wouldn't be able to beat a wright at making magitech, but I wouldn't be too worried about a random avowed beating me at making normal software. A lot of the really good jobs are like that. Patrick Mahomes would be in trouble, but Bill Gates and Beyonce would do just fine.


@Michael Leue It's possible hyperboles know exactly why they have ranked up but have an agreement with the system not to tell anyone. We know from Boe that U-types seem to understand why they exist - and yet, to our knowledge, this information has never been shared with the wider public. With the system using some mix of threats and rewards to keep it secret. Also, remember that most hyperboles are also U-types, so they are already used to keeping an important secret.


incredibly exciting. maybe its just me but Riley who I imagine to be the product of Magneto's mutant utopia. Eventually the generation who suffered through oppression eventually fade away and what we are left with is a generation that seeks to carve out a new identity for their own for better or worse. Im sure there are those with more noble motivations but plenty will be like Riley who carry a deep sense of entitlement not of their own volition but as consequence of creating a parallel society just for avowed. And where do the Artonians fall into this? Do you think they know whats brewing and simply decide to let it work for their favor? whatever their goal is?


im of the same mindset, i prefer to pick out moments that really make the story more compelling for me or little details that seem to be hiding deeper things

Haydn Nitzsche

I believe it was mentioned in previous chapters that the artisans expect the Avowed to eventually take over/rule earth.


@Adunk definitely, this particular situation is similar to the X-men conundrum where its not really a good metaphor for irl issues, because there is "real" difference between mutants and humans. I'm really looking forward to how Sleyca might tackle this particular trope.

Zenopath (AEV)

Can a non avowed build an AI, because that seems trivial to a Wright, given what we've learned about that mailbox. Maybe they struggle with mass production, but a part of that is probably just heavy restrictions on what can be exported, as the captain explains, some things can only be found on island. Joe wonders why humans dont have self driving cars, and likely same reason, restrictions on Antorion tech. Maybe I'm reading between the line, but to me it sounds like the world would be a lot more advanced if Wrights were given green light to take over Silicon Valley and export freely. Why go to years of acting classes when the right word chain and Appeal points could do the job better?


@Lauren K lmao that will be a conflict that Alden will eventually have to deal with. Because there is a genuine colonization/imperialism parallel there just due to the power imbalance. But what I like about this story is that the Artonians aren't simply a "big bad evil empire", which they totally could (looking at the big Gorgon in the room), and the Artonians we do know are pretty likeably Stu especially.

Zenopath (AEV)

Could the captain and the high ranking avowed thief on that boat be planning something sinister (as others have suggested)? Well the question is what could they do? Lets assume that the demon hunt is an event that can be triggered at will so the avowed are all in position and ready to fight. There must be a mechanism to do that on the island. What if the shield can be bypassed by going under, and the demon summon can be triggered early. What if the demons were allowed to escape and wreak havok? Suddenly, (SAL leader's think), the world would appreciate avowed more when they see what the avowed have been keeping them safe from. Maybe Mina and Jacob don't know about this plan, but Mina just found out because the Captain started talking about it with thief, not knowing Mina was there. The captain might even plan to sacrifice a few nobodies as part of triggering process, for the greater good of course.


Joke’s on you Sleyca, every chapter is already a cliffhanger for me because I’m always desperate for more!

Zenopath (AEV)

You are over thinking it. If anything its gratifying as an author that readers are able to guess what is going to happen next. It means the author properly foreshadowed and world built in such a way so his or her story makes sense. If the author pulls off a twist no-one could possibly guessed, most readers would feel dissatisfied, maybe even lose immersion because the twist was too random or illogical. In other words, a true, no one could have predicted this twist is bad writing. The best twists make you go back and find clues so you go "Oh, now it makes sense!" Not go "WTF just happened?"


I think Jacob will end up dying in whatever is about to happen and his death will be used for anti-anesidora propaganda.


I think part of the reason might be that Earth System in particular is actively avoiding ranking people up, and encouraging growth in other ways (similar to how it tries to prevent anyone with one of the original 300 skills from leveling them OG style), but Systems on other planets might have different priorities.


Alden should pay the Informant to keep his information private. Or would that make him... too interesting?


I’ve been concerned about/waiting for more on this since the principal casually dropped the phrase “for super humanity” during the admissions discussion… Shows that some of the older folks already believe themselves to be an entirely different (and superior) species, and now there’s an entire generation raised on that subconscious arrogance coming of age…

Neil H

I honestly hope he isn't dragged into this, since Anesidora currently has no idea Superhumans at Large is involved. He'd think he'd be going out for a basic rescue mission, when he's actually unknowingly going up against several likely-hostile S-ranks.

Neil H

> Point Nemo doesn't have much sea life. That's true in our world, but it's possible that decades of having Anesidora sitting in the middle of Point Nemo have changed currents and the local ocean environment enough to be better at sustaining life.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

On second reread of the relevant chapter, demonisation happens immediately once chaos rises to a certain level. The slow death is just your authority running out and then you probably turn into a regular old corpse Still, maybe the sensitive submerger breaks down and the ship stalls as chaos levels steadily rise, and then they all suddenly turn into demons


The 'why go to class for years when points do the job easily' attitude is why Lute only respects Lexi's talent / why instrument meisters can't keep up with the most gifted normal people. Outside of special cases like Lexi, it must be hard to motivate kids who know they will end up defining themselves by magic they get at 16ish to excel. The Velra kids are motivated but I think a lot of that is because they can learn and do their magic before affixing. Rest of the class was waiting for their magic to be their talent. For one-offs requiring an actual magic user, like Leo the Mailbox and Natalie's cooking, it is hard to outdo an avowed, but those mostly don't scale hard enough to produce oligarch wealth. Sleyca, Normal Human, can write a story for many millions (eventually) to read. What the informant does is mostly possible with mundane tech, we just restrict it because it's a massive invasion of privacy (depending on the country; some lean into it).

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Just wanted to say, Sleyca is really really talented at building up tension and executing the payoffs I wonder if her (is Sleyca a her?) chapters are literally the most commented-on chapters on Patreon?


My bet for “Something is reallyreallywrong.” : Manon's body on top of the boat The fifth passenger? He exists : I thought that the Informant was payed by Aulia to give false information but I see him more as someone who priviligies information and Jacob saw him (he notices the absence of the fifth twice in ch. 129) So, he is a decoy for surveillance (they were 5 passengers) and the one who dropped the body. With that the body count when an "accident" arrives is correct. The Submerger was Aulia property and she never lost it from her sight, it is a useful piece to use. Maybe she wanted a smuggler or a leverage on the Superhumans at Large but it turns out as an opportunity to protect Hazel


A question about world building! You know I can't resist them! Everyone is giving the correct answers here already, but to cement them: Anesidora does have a population that properly reflects global diversity, but as Curtis and Biped say, Celena North is the English language school in Apex. So Alden's classmates are mostly kids who speak English as a first or second language. The Apex school that teaches primarily in Mandarin --Li Jean--is actually larger. This doesn't necessarily mean they're all Western though. For example, Haoyu's parents are ethnically Turkish and Chinese, but he speaks English as his first language because it's his father and mother's shared second language. So when he was born it was what they used in their home. He speaks and reads Mandarin fluently, and he's less fluent in Turkish but competent. Culturally, Anesidora is a big mash-up of everything on Earth + Triplanetary influence, with their "Avowedness" being the thing that ties them all together to such an extent that, by adulthood, most would say it matters more than their original homelands. When globies arrive, they're 15-17 years old, and the defining characteristics of their place in society suddenly become class and rank. Given their ages, their sudden disconnect from the places they grew up in, and the fact that the locals tend to exist in a state of proud cultural hodgepodge rather than purity, most of them don't end up in micro-communities that resemble the places where they were born. Even if they cling to people who were raised similarly to them for a few years, the fact that they are Brutes, C-ranks, Meisters, Rabbits, etc... gradually becomes a bigger and bigger part of their lives. And they form community with people along those lines or along shared perspectives of the Avowed life. There's a big push on Anesidora for multilingualism, and for the kids born there to become fluent in at least two of the most spoken languages on the island/in the world (English and Mandarin. Then Hindi, Spanish, etc...) prior to acquiring System translation. A lot of emphasis is placed on this in schools, so every single member of Alden's current class who was born on Anesidora is already fluently bilingual, usually with a lot of loan words and surface knowledge from third or fourth languages thrown in. Realistically they would all drop a *ton* of non-English words into their speech, but it's not feasible to show that off in text even though I'd like to. Even if I use the << >> to indicate that they're dropping in a word, it doesn't tell readers which language they're speaking unless I add a sentence about it specifically, and that gets awkward very fast. I've toyed with the idea of replacing the << >> with actual text in those languages, since I think it would be so rich to have that feature. But accurate and realistic translation becomes a big headache. And I might very well overdo it and frustrate readers who had to translate things as they read... Other fun bits of info I haven't managed to focus on much in the story despite the fact that they are painted there in light strokes: * Many of the island-born kids are multiracial, and almost all of the third and fourth gen Avowed are. * Realistically, given names wouldn't be a great indicator of someone's ancestry. For one thing, part of the national identity is kind of, "Here we are! A special subset of the entirety of humanity. Earth says none of those cultures are really ours, so we say all of them are ours and we'll share them with each other!" For another, they've picked up the System habit of just going with everyone's preferred name no matter what it is. For story purposes and reader sanity, most of my characters do have names that hint at parts of their family background. * Many cultures beyond Anesidora are going to look very different than our Earth cultures do in various ways. A lot of religions had to bend if they didn't want to break in order to tangle with the undeniable presence of alien life. Countries had some of the issues that contribute to poverty eradicated. The global population is larger. And since the Artonans exist as a superior society (in terms of population size, wealth, and power...not morals) that looks similar *enough* to human society to provide a source of constant comparison, people would always be doing that comparing. Today, we think "Well, I grew up this way, and that person on the other side of the world grew up that way, and which of us is right?" Alden's Earth gets to think "my culture does it this way, some humans do it that way, but look at the Artonans doing it a third way" which would have major impacts. We also have to consider the fact that those cultural deviations started in 1963, which was really much farther away from where we are today than it sounds like. At some point, I'm going to share just a *little* bit of Aulia Velra's teenage years, and that's going to be a really neat opportunity for some historical reminders.


There wasn’t alot of chaos on moon Thegund. It’s a lot for a b-rank rabbit and a child sorcerer but it might be a lot less than what the s-ranks during the demon summoning have to deal with. Also, it doesn’t seem like demonisation takes long at all. The system on moon thegund failed and pretty much immediately we had the weird insect demons. And I assume, bigger demons appeared after the first bigger beings died to chaos. So if the chaos on the island is high enough to kill the people on the submarine… they will probably turn into demons pretty quickly


I agree that Alden will show some of his cards. To some people. But probably not to the extend you’re imagining. For one, I’m sure he will have to use his skill to it’s full potential. Maybe even do some of the things he hasn’t shown anyone yet - like preserving an enchantment or two objects. And secondly, I’m sure they will be very suspicious why Alden can feel the chaos so well. Lastly, the commendation will probably come into play when he meets the e Wizards and hayous parents. That’s probably it


Being able to guess what's going to happen next is a sign of a good author since they've put in the narrative legwork of foreshadowing important events properly and making sure characters behave in ways that make sense. I blame popular trends in media for valuing "subverting expectations" where talentless hacks just try to one-up their audiences by making totally unpredictable twists born from off-screen information the reader/watcher doesn't have access to. (Game of Thrones, Sherlock, etc.)


Alden thinks one of the reasons avowed are chosen is to stabilise people who could turn into demons/abominations (not sure if there is a difference) if they absorb too much chaos. I've been thinking about chaos as magical radioactive waste - the Artonans are dumping it on planets like Earth and then (like you said) gathering most of it into one spot each year to be destroyed. In this scenario, Avowed are basically super-efficient spells that create no/minimum chaos when used. Meaning that it makes sense for wizards to summon them for everything so as to reduce chaos generation. But there are 7 billion Artonan wizards and what's the point if you can't do your own spells... (it would be like Alden asking Lute to give him wordchains instead of learning them himself) We likely won't know the truth until Gorgon learns Alden is a wizard, or if Kibby/Alden get told the truth by one the Art'hs or Joe


Yesterday, upon the stair, I met a man who wasn't there! He wasn't there again today, I wish, I wish he'd go away! When I came home last night at three, The man was waiting there for me But when I looked around the hall, I couldn't see him there at all! Go away, go away, don't you come back any more! Go away, go away, and please don't slam the door... Last night I saw upon the stair, A little man who wasn't there He wasn't there again today Oh, how I wish he'd go away.... -Hughes Mearns, 1899 A skinny, pale-eyed girl does match the description of Mina from chapter 74. At the time she talked about a spell to relax you, and an S-rank alteration to block distractions, so filtering herself out of your perceptions would fit. I guess after even Alden refused to help her get into the hero track without seeing her full character sheet, she gave up on helping people legally? I wonder if she intends to just live as a normal human, or to join SaL officially.


Almost everybody who grew up on Anesidora has been an Avowed supremacist. The difference here is that most of them think 'we're vastly superior to normal humans so why would we bother to interact with our lessers?' and Riley thinks 'we're vastly superior to normal humans so our lessers should spend their time serving and praising us'.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

@Adunk I feel like you're conflating the undercurrents of violence in civil rights scenarios with something else. As in like, the American Civil War was about slavery and was won through violence, but it was far from a slave uprising. I'm coming up short trying to think of examples in history where the triumph of the oppressed happened purely through their superior might, rather than the morality of their cause drawing allies and ultimately being the bigger factor. Ghandi’s peaceful protest strategy was designed to work with British sensibilities about violence. Yes, it was a calculated pivot. But if they were occupied by, say, Nazi Germany, it wouldn’t have worked, it would’ve been a slaughter. The 1970s sit-ins were effective for disability rights because they collectively forced other people to confront the issue. Lawmakers were made uncomfortable and pushed into prioritizing and acting, but they weren’t bullied into doing something they thought was wrong. Sure you’ll get the occasional asshole acting aggrieved that they’re not allowed to park in the disabled spot, and that person might feel unfairly forced to park elsewhere through the threat of state violence because they already have too many parking tickets, but no one likes that guy. The peaceful protest is the modern-day norm because it has proven highly effective. The “myth of the peaceful protest” thing is a useful idea only in so far as we understand that power and violence are always factors whether visible or not, but when it's used to paint protesters as an actual threat it's usually by people who disagree with the protests and think everyone else secretly disagrees too, and therefore must be feeling coerced by violence. The reality is that most of us want other people’s lives to be better, and are happy to cooperate to that end even when we don't have to.


At the risk of starting political discourse... "group of plucky rebels with legitimate grievances against the state to be hijacked by the big bad evil guy" is an extremely common trope in the real world too. Looking through history, 90+% of Revolutionary groups started with nothing but the best ideals, and then either killed a bunch of innocent people while accomplishing nothing *or* succeeded in eliminating the old administration and immediately replaced it with an even worse and more oppressive government.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

I think her secret power was something that a bad actor could really exploit, since she was so stubborn about not showing her full profile My guess is that as a globie she picked it without thinking about the implications of being on Anesidora, and maybe she thought she’d be able to sway unpowered people into giving her money and being her servants or smth idk And her plan is to just get off the island and do that while also being practically invisible?


If this is Mina, she's a "next gen sway" after the system responded to how much humanity hates mind control with a wider variety of sway powers. Her stated powers were about relaxation and eliminating distractions, so she could get into anywhere by classifying herself as a 'distraction' to be ignored by the others there and maybe relaxing away any incongruities, but she probably can't actually force somebody to do something. If she's being used as an assistant by a real villain though, they could abduct somebody by less subtle means and then have Mina make the victim be unnaturally comfortable with having been abducted.


Healer who thinks people suck but dogs are the best, negotiating with the System: "I would like the veterinarian package please."


Except that the selection of Avowed isn't based on humanity, it's based on what the System decides, which in turn is based on what the Artonans want. Humanity produces a lot of Brutes because the Triplanets want a lot of foot soldiers for their eternal war. Humanity produces a lot of Rabbits because the Artonans think we're cute and want us to do their chores in silly outfits. The Avowed population would only increase significantly if the demand for Avowed increased, not just because the existing Avowed interbreed more with the nonmagical population.


Jeffy's an S-rank tho, and his primary skill is all about sinking and surfacing. I wouldn't be surprised if the only factor limiting his effective dive depth was the fact that he can't see or navigate.


As somebody who is bad at social interaction but good at Optimizing Everything, I don't get all the Vandy hate. I would love it if more of my coworkers were more like her. ...this might have something to do with why so many of my coworkers seem to dislike me.


So, SaL stuff is full of rhetoric about "who will protect you from the demons?" when demons are a threat that unpowered humans never actually have to deal with. And then the captain steers the invisible boat directly toward the one place on earth where demons show up. And then the S-rank Sway who wants to be a hero and has a suite of perception-based powers tells you that something is very very wrong. I don't think that any part of this was unintentional. And Alden is going to get tied up in it somehow.


She almost certainly didn't choose to be a Sway, because everybody who's said anything about the class trading system has talked about how impossible it is to trade away that class. As soon as it was randomly dropped on her, she was stuck with it. When she was offered the newly expanded set of options for a Sway, Mina took powers that could be used to help people focus... and avoid attention. I don't think she ever had any intention of forcing people to do her bidding. My guess is that her ideal was to be a fade-into-the-background kind of support hero, not unlike Alden's original goals, and her backup plan is to just disappear and never bother anybody. But that same powerset could be used to become the ultimate thief or voyeur, so she couldn't let any of her classmates see the full skill descriptions without arousing suspicion. Given the similarities between Alden and (what little we've seen of) her, and how he has a history of making friends with whoever is in most need of somebody to lean on, I kind of really want her to join the party in the long term. I mean, she's not qualified to be an actual classmate and she might be a fugitive after this, but she's also uniquely suited to sit in on classes or even hide out in the hero dorms without anybody noticing anything.

Ano Ano

Conservation of narrative detail is pretty powerful, yeah.

Flying Goat

She also, however, refused to reveal her skill sheet to Alden, so she may well have skills or spell impressions of a more questionable nature.


I believe Sleyca’s pronouns have been confirmed to be she/her, but to my knowledge it hasn’t been on this Patreon exactly? I think there’s an Instagram or something somewhere.


The count of four passengers only includes one girl. A second girl speaks at the end of the chapter, meaning that the fifth passenger (who does not exist) is almost certainly a very thin girl with pale eyes who speaks very quickly. That description matches up with an S-rank Sway who was trying to take the entrance exam for the hero school in chapter 74, who stated that she had a spell to help somebody relax and a skill to prevent somebody from being distracted, but who refused to let Alden check on the actual System descriptions of either power even if it meant failing the test. Odds are high that Mina's 'don't think about that distraction, just keep doing what you're doing' skill works on an area, and she can classify herself as the 'distraction' to be ignored.


One of the hallmarks of a well written story is that nobody is *just* evil. The Anesidoran empire definitely does a lot of shady stuff, between the Contracts with resource worlds being essentially slavery and how Joe's non-wizard lab assistants (and their families) were just discarded on a moon full of chaos like unwanted equipment, but they also go to great lengths to improve quality of life across every planet they set foot on. Conflicts in the real world don't arise because Bad Guy wants to do Bad Things in order to be Bad, they arise because different people with incompatible ideologies both want to make the universe a better place and are willing to fight anybody who tries to prevent that.


That would be epic! I want this to happen so bad! And then the knights realize he can feel authority and he gets to fist bump authorities


Alden is never going to have a calm weekend to go buy Wright soundproofing for his room. His life is so eventful.


Unless they made the restricted zone far too small that would require being in it (more likely in the shielded area) and the system would keep alerting them that they are in it.


We had a debate earlier that I was curious if you wanted to weigh in on. When Alden and Boe talk about the things the Artonans gave us, it's pretty obvious that some of them we would have developed on our own, such as cell phones and the internet. It's mentioned that they eradicated malaria, but during this time period in the real world, we eradicated smallpox. Was this a trade-off, with smallpox continuing, or just an unmentioned assumption that it happened as well.

Alan Miller

Worth noting that the Titanic is at around 3.8 km, and the Titan submersible collapsed in milliseconds at significantly less than that depth.


The chaos battle exercise is closely monitored by expert Artonan wizards and seasoned Avowed. I'm guessing that the disaster will be a direct consequence of the Submerger being brought into proximity with the chaos. It's hypersensitive, so even a small contamination could bring a disaster.

Flying Goat

The Earth managed for quite some time without the Artonians to fight chaos events. I wonder if they're a side effect of the System, magic, or Avowed in some way, so only appeared on Earth after the Artonians did.

John D Jones

None of this is unintentional. It's all part of a sinister plan to make Alden's life difficult. That said, that sinister, intentional plan is Sleyca's plot for the story. Humans don't have to deal with demons because the Avowed protect them (actually mostly the Artonan Knight Avowed but very few people even among the Earth Avowed have really put that together yet aside from Alden). I think the captain steered toward the demon area because other folks (like the patrols looking for them) tend of avoid the place. The S-rank Sway is breaking cover and telling them about the very, very wrong because her perception-based powers told her that. Alden will probably get tied up in it because he's going to be heading to that general vicinity tomorrow (Saturday) or the next day (Sunday).

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

As a side note, I am delighted that we are genuinely talking about the idea of a chapter 500 (or 800) of this story. I know unexpected things can happen, but it does make me happy that Sleyca had repeatedly reassured us that she is in this for the long haul.

Flying Goat

Maybe we'll see her pull out a shard blade - not all light-eyes are born with them.


There is no smallpox in Alden's world either. (Thank goodness.)

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Yeah man I love this slow burn, I’m honestly impressed especially when looking back at the very first few chapters We’re at chapter 130 and Alden has barely started school lmao That is the slowest pace I’ve ever seen and it really works

John D Jones

"Why is it the greatest champions of the white race always turn out to be the worst examples of it? You! Where the fuck is your chin?" Jesse Custer, Preacher https://64.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lwmk5ahsEC1r8felno1_1280.pnj


It's just how I like to appreciate this type of work. A bit of prediction, sure, but not detailed flurries of prediction minutia followed by 'Called It'. Somehow, that bugs me quite a bit.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

Commenting because I have decided we need more Cosmere references on here. Is Mina aiming to become a part of the ruling class of superhumans because it is her birthright as a light-eyes? Does the gremlin count as Alden's spren? Are Meisters' weapons secretly shardblades? Reply with your thoughts on Cosmere crossovers in the Sleycaverse!


Cosmere is my favorite Led Zeplin song


I already feel like Jacob might die, but if Jeffy somehow gets involved in this mess I feel there might be a situation where two young globies end up dead which probably would have terrible political consequences on a global scale... One boy who is forced away from home and killed while trying anything to get back and another boy who's just got into school to become a hero is put into a situation he's nowhere near prepared for by the government and gets killed. That's terrible PR.

Zenopath (AEV)

I think there are two types of demons. Corrupted lifeforms that had high chaos potential and were exposed to chaos field. Or the second type that is summoned from other dimensions. I assume the avowed are planning to fight the second type because otherwise they would literally have to sacrifice people or creatures to be corrupted, and that doesn't seem like something the high level avowed in the story would be cool with. My evidence for the existence of the second type isn't 100%, but way back in chapter 6 Alden talks about Gorgon and compares him to real demons: "Most people, following a tradition that was pretty questionable in Alden’s opinion, called the creature a demon. He was a deadly horned being purported to be from a dimension steeped in the dark powers of chaos. But still…" Also at some point it's mentioned that Gorgon's boss was in a bad mood because she'd been punished for consorting with demons, which doesn't make much sense if all demons are corrupted lifeforms. The Antorians make a distinction between avowed or wizards who become corrupted calling them "abominations". I think Sleyca's kept it a little vague by hiding some of the details behind translation issues. But avowed are Inter dimensional warriors according to the system message they all get apon signing up which implies they fight inter dimensional threats. If this is true, it seems more likely that the Antorians are summoning demons with the purpose of keeping chaos contained, maybe the demons would otherwise build up in numbers and create a stronger chaos field until the entire world is lost. It must be like a culling to keep the population in check. Or perhaps if demons aren't periodically summoned they will break through on their own randomly. More speculation on my part, but maybe demons only exist on worlds with magic, as a sort of pollution the Antorians know about but choose to deal with rather than give up using magic, which explains why pre contact Earth never had a demon problem. A more ironic possibility is the demon summon is just a training excersize to ensure human avowed are ready in case of emergency, which would make SAL completely incorrect about Avowed protecting humanity, so I think that's less likely to be true, though it would kind of be funny if it were..

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Oh shit! I just realised the title of this chapter has ‘, I’ in it It’s confirmed, things are gonna blow up in a big way You might even say it’ll cause some sort of ripple


Minor prediction. Some debris will float to the surface and Kon will get to use his power to find out what happened.

Cyrus McEnnis

Doesn't need to change currents. Just the presence of a food source, especially if they're dumping effluent into the sea, would provide marine life with a reason to be there.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

That's a fun prediction! Well, maybe not for Kon, who will have to channel some serious stuff. But it'd be fun for me as a reader :)


Even better, everything bad happening to Alden is part of the negative half of the Gloss wordchain. Since the worst thing for Aulia is Alden running into trouble, the world will conspire against him to make sure he has some really bad days.

Matt DiMeo

I’m sure everything will go perfectly fine. Pleasant little boat ride with friends, and a good time had by all.

Heather White

I’d like excerpts from Torsten Klein’s inner monologue as he’s stuck, alone, waiting until midnight for the kids to get back on the bus.


Tinfoil hat theory time: I’ve been wondering for a long time what next facet of BoaB Alden will affix next. At this point, it has to be a tossup between Bearer of Chains or Bearer of Secrets. I was heavily favoring Chains due to Lute but with the perspective intro of the Informant and Alden’s desire for privacy - I feel like Secrets could help out more than Chains, especially if someone finds out about Alden’s wiazardness. The Informant POV was freaking amazing, also. What class is he? Some kind of Information Wright that made a kickass AI to manage all of his infogear? The soothing voice in his ear gave me major Ironman/Jarvis vibes. It seems like it’s a System-alternative which has really cool implications. So excited for the upcoming chapters/arc

Andrew Tobin

The example I love is Corin and his ex had a child named “Hugh”, but then when she hooked up with Benjamin they started giving their kids Japanese based names. That one kind of felt like a “who wears the pants” wins naming rights (along with the first relationship in the Velda’s, etc). I’d imagine there’s some power games, and family ties and common work (heroes) that make more relationship ties than ethnicity, especially with so many cultures in one small pool. Except the Scottish accent. I hope Ben liked his sleeping mask!

Andrew Tobin

Ooh or, because the chaos is messing with the locality maybe the system and teleports don’t work there… it depends on Thegund whether it’s an interference thing and then a breakdown of the system, or the chaos directly effects the system, or if the chaos effects the stability which. Point is, if the system can work in that patch or not.

Andrew Tobin

She’s awesome at observing others, working on the dealing with her own stuff. She’s a good duck.

Anton Espholm

Selling information to private individuals for money doesn't lead to gross misuse? At least the government is elected and accountable to the people in some way. Currently, anyone with money has access to the information brokers network, which seems like a bad way to safeguard against unethical behavior.

Andrew Tobin

Or they might not care as much for the loot, and that was just playing the role for the setup. The terrorist incident might be more important, no matter how rare it is.

Andrew Tobin

I mean, most of the noises in that apartment are Lute splashing in the bath - that’s white noise enough for Leo.

Andrew Tobin

I’m finding this part a little confusing - is the speech Elias talking to Archibald or the voice talking to Elias? Did Elias request the information from his AI, or Archibald request it from Elias who tasked his AI? ‘As he finished speaking, notes appeared in front of Elias’s eyes, and a soothing, male voice whispered in his ear. “I see you requested intelligence…“‘

Anton Espholm

I think the system offers classes to all humans with authority above some threshold. The distribution of classes is based on the needs of the Triplanets, but I don't think that they are going to stop making Awoved if any point. Remember, they are still integrating new world to got more Awoved, so humanity is probably good on that front.

John Anastacio

Soothing male voice is the AI, but the one who spoke right after that was Elias the Informant speaking to Archibald. You can tell because Elias is sarcastic and presumably the AI wasn't programmed for sarcasm and anyway Archibald is clearly the target of the sarcasm.

John Anastacio

Most Avowed will never have to deal with demons either. Certainly Riley would not have, except maybe for this unfortunate submerger ride.

Andrew Tobin

Okay, I thought so - just unusual to hear a voice is speaking without the following speech being that voice 😂 So, yeah, we didn’t anything from the AI, just that the AI (presumably) was talking to him. I hope the AI is friends with Leo. Yes, I like Leo too much. No, no apology will be forthcoming.


I think Bearer of Spell is more likely. Use his bullet catching ability on spells and stuff

John Anastacio

I don't think any unfortunate event that is about to occur is intended by the captain. It would be grossly irresponsible of him to endanger, much less kill, his unwitting passengers. Also look at all the gear they'd amassed. Would be a waste of those, too. Chaos will destroy most or all of that stuff I bet. Even a lot of magical gear isn't chaos-hardened.

Partha Peddi

I wonder what is so secretive under the tarp that replaced the dinette. Is that the clue to tell us hidden intensions of the captain? Instead of skirting the border of the island, are they heading directly towards it (into the chaos field) causing the sway girl to panic and reveal herself?

Andrew Simpson

I do think that the different forms that authority can take, via affixation, wizard magic, the weird shit gorgon's people do, and whatever phenomenon is behind UTypes is deliciously similar to the cosmere's many different forms of investiture. We know very little about gorgon's magic, but I wonder if it also has similar through-lines to artonians/avowed magic in a way that would hint at the underlying nature of this stuff. Where's Hoid when you need him! Also Alden needs an Adolin in his life to be a supportive bud and good big brother. Now for the real question: which knight is cooler?


u are cookin rn ngl

Andrew Simpson

If you reread the mother chapters, he does explicitly say he wants to get bearer of spells next. He might have changed his mind though.

Andrew Simpson

Yeah basically this, but less powerful. Imp could escape any form of observation or recognition at will. Mina is able to prevent people from finishing the thought that involves recognizing her, but they still start the thought.


I feel like Torsten will have some excellent spot to wait out the clock. Maybe a bookstore, or a cafe with really snobby espresso and pastries.

Andrew Simpson

We should place bets on who we think is going to show up abominated/get horribly chaos mutated when shit goes south. I think the realistic options right now are: 1. The crew of the Submerger turned chaos spawn 2. One of Haoyu's parents after something goes wrong 3. Big snake, who gets teleported in to be put down after he became horribly chaosified on a botched mission. 4. Hannah, but same as above. 5. No one, and whatever they kill on the island is just some boring old chaos monster. 6. (Added due to popular response) Whatever is under the tarp interacting with the chaos, or being chaosy already, and losing control or causing a cascading disaster. What do y'all think?


I strongly suspect Alden will pick up multiple aspects on next affixation. Note he took multiple last time; Sensitivity, Divide From Whole, and Bearer of Enchantment. It's easy to forget, because only one of those sounds flashy, but he did take three. Taking multiple next time makes a lot of sense too. That will help him disguise his progress, as every few months he can add a fake skill to his public profile that mirrors his real facets. The Informant is a Wright. We don't know whether he has a subclass or not; sometimes the system just gives vanilla, unspecialized Wright. He's not the first Wright we've seen who's made an AI; Leo the postbox is a wrightmade AI also. I do think information sciences is one of the cooler applications of wrighttech myself.


Maybe just float something/someone down then up. Nothing more hazardous then that. He knows how to do that by now.


I'm guessing that chaos fields are side-effects of a demon nearby.

hercule pyro

Just imagine him as the terminator, expression fixed, eyes panning back and forth as he scans for inefficient levelling

Guus van der Borg

The Gloss ended almost half a year ago, iirc. There might still be echoes, but that's butterly effect stuff at best.


She is I reckon. It shines through a little bit in the writing. For example no boy would call his friends boys unless it has some kind of purpose(humorous/ degrading/endearing mayhaps). It would always be some more mature word like guys. "Boy/boys" contains all the immaturity and weakness of youth that all teenagers do not want to seen as despite it being true. Girls does not have the same mentality from what I could tell growing up. In a recent/latter chapter she used "guys" but the earlier chapters are all "boys". But this just my assumptions.

Andrew Tobin

Oh, that is pretty dark - to imagine the heroes are there to kill their own. Could be. Really hoping 5.

Aspiring Moth

my guess is bearer of spell, bearer of wordchain and a third as of yet unknown one. last time he took the two part sensitivity package and bearer of enchantment, so I think expecting him to take a few is more likely than taking just one. most people seem to think it'll be a summer affixation next year, so that would be a large affixation probably only a bit smaller than the last one


I don't know that it will be this dramatic off the bat-- my guess is that there's some problem with containment (either accidental or deliberate).



Every supremacist thinks they're "right" and if you look at it from their perspective its internally consistent and with "good" reason. Your "in theory she's right" comes from this fact. Your seeing things the way she laid them out. The trouble is as far as I've heard there aren't any classes that level by being a king. That in and of itself dooms any sort of leadership structure, as its either focus on being a good leader or focus on leveling your class. Non-avowed can be single minded in their pursuits nearly regardless of what they are. With avowed its always a trade off. The best you can hope for is a bit of synergy like the Rabbit counselors day planner power. And even so you might not get something your suited to(like jeffy). Plus the tendency to be pulled away at a moments notice for an undisclosed amount of time means it would be difficult to solidify power in a reliable way. Non avowed won't necessarily become second class citizens because regardless of what they're doing non avowed are the only ones allowed to be present on their planet. Everyone else is just on vacation. The wrights that would dominate silicone valley are the ones who would be hired to make 10,000 funny switches for artonans.

Guus van der Borg

He can't. He'd need to support the entire burden that is the ship, without help. He'd need to jump into the water and lift the entire ship out of the water under his own strength. He's not going to be pulling of a feat like that for a while yet, I think. At the very least not until he figures out how to carry a burden with just his authority at least.


Captain, thief dude, scab hand dude, Jacob, Riley, Mina--- damn, guess you're right.

Heather White

If he’s in a bookstore, I hope he’s sitting next to a stack of all the books they have on the rabbit class, reading one with a hint of a scowl on his face.


The first time I read that part I had some trouble as well. Honestly, my trouble was a bit different than yours though. My brain thought Archibald was a really good name for the informant and so it flipped Elias and Arichbald's names half way through.

Aspiring Moth

I'm not sure why everyone thinks that avowed are going to turn into demons when exposed to chaos. the whole purpose of the affixation is to stabilise them, which makes them way more resistant than normal people. there was speculation that u types were people affixed in an emergency where they were about to be turned into demons, and even those avoided it


I suspect biped is correct about his choices. However, I'm curious about bearer of secrets as I suspect that will turn him into a discount sway and I wonder how far he can push that. Probably not very far, but I am still rather curious


PREDICTION From most likely, to least likely, to become a Demon Clues? Nervous person from the SAL boat ( foreshadowing? "Will had picked up a sticker that looked like a holographic cube. He was staring at it now." ) Captain ( fascinated with chaos training facility ) An animal hidden under the tarp on boat ( delicate and dangerous ) Weak to chaos? Jacob ( first gen, C rank, POV character ) Mina ( S Ranked, next gen Sway ) Rest of the smuggler's boat Thief ( stole from a dispensary ) Riley ( bored with island ) Anyone else, anything else ( very low chance, see notes ) NOTES TRACK RECORD The chaos training facility is isolated, with ALL Avowed careful vetted, so this is considered a vacation for Knights and zero historical fatalities Invited Avowed are unlikely to become demons PLOT ARMOR? With Manon, Sleyca showed a willingness to kill POV characters and characters that were introduced long ago We do not know most character's sex life so no one is DOOMED ( Doomed doomed doo... ) for having sex "on screen" ( looking at you Snake ) SEA CREATURE? With Kibby's story, we know species of animals are more likely to become demons than Avowed / Wizards Avowed turning into demons is just more dangerous Point Nemo being in an Oceanic Desert is a feature, not a bug QUOTE FORTY-NINE: Words for Demons “Um…just out of curiosity, what does a person with high chaos potential turn into if they end up in a place like Moon Thegund. A demon, right? Do they look like the grasshoppers or…” “I don’t know. That’s a very bad kind of demon. We didn’t study those here either.” She looked at his face. “You got pale. Don’t worry. There aren’t any of those around.” “How do you know?” “The map would be worse. Not red.” “Red isn’t the worst color?” “No. It’s very bad for Moon Thegund, but it’s not very bad compared to other places.” 🔲


How far the Gloss reaches is very difficult to pin down, in both directions. The fact that the kid who originally rolled a B-rank Chainer encountered Alden before anybody else jumped on that trade option was very lucky. The fact that the memorial service that brought him to the island was scheduled for the day Hazel's timer ran out rather than, say, a day later was very lucky. Both those things were decided weeks or months before the Gloss was cast, even if nobody saw the results until the day of. That's why I still think that Aulia is probably at least partially to blame for the delays Alden had on his moon mission: the first *just happened* to put him in direct contact with Stu and established him as the human child who saved the son of the Primary. The second delay *just happened* to put Alden in place to shake hands with the Primary himself. Even his time on the chaos moon led directly to Alden becoming the first human wizard ever. And all it cost was eight months of torture and Kibby's whole family. That's three instances in a row of incredibly good and incredibly bad luck. And you know what they say: once is chance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action.


"Is the demon bug category the worst one?” She shook her head. “No, I think the worst ones are for things that come from a broken dimension. We didn’t study those here. Maybe Distinguished Master Ro-den did, but that would have been private work" 🔲


Prediction: the reason Alden has to save the day despite there being several high level combat trained Avowed and *two* knights watching is that he's the only one capable of the specific trick they need: namely, the ability to pause a demonic transformation that has started but not completed after (probably Mina or Jacob) feels themself start to lose control and Entrusts themself to the Rabbit as a last chance.


I think the Submerger allows the crew, and whatever animal is hidden by the tarp, to get too close to the summoned demon and bad things happen If it was just the Submerger, would the Knights allow it on Grandwitch's yacht ? 🔲


Does 'demonic transformation' count as a burden? If so, can Alden Affix in the middle of combat if he's willing to go through indescribable agony?

Andrew Tobin

The fun thing I keep thinking about Klein is, with all these other people chasing rejuvenation, he’s a middle aged hero. I wonder if it’s an affording thing, or if he just is cool growing old.

Andrew Simpson

Stuart says that when avowed lose integrity, one of the outcomes is that they turn into abominations that have to be put down by the knights.


She certainly has her flaws. She tends to assume the things that are important to her are the only ones that are :really: important. This makes her inconsiderate, judgemental, and overly self-assured (like Alden's Engaging with the unexpected classmates who have ironclad faith that their approach is Right). This results in Lute's dice episode when she makes him feel like "the dice were so serious that I was a bad person for not giving one of my bullies her favorite color." It results in (mildly) shaming her friend for not practicing, and it gives her the tendency to "announce things for all to hear when she made a judgment." As with most of these characters, she is still in HS and has plenty of time to grow and learn that the world is more nuanced. I do think her goal of becoming a hero and helping people counts for something, even if she may not yet be a positive social influence on people around her.


HIDING Hiding is not always bad Alden has a fake profile to hide his accidental Knight status Boe is an unregistered U type ( proto knight skill? ) Lute is hiding his second S Ranked skill THOSE DARN WIZARDS Mina is a next gen Sway that was allowed to apply to hero school Maybe she is shy about her profile? The Wizards may have changed Sway, but given the abilities weird names like Can I get you drunk? or Mass Puppet or Party Animal FRIENDS Now I want Vandy ( the power geek ) and Mina ( next gen Sway ) to become friends mentored by the mind sniper ( Hannah's friend ) 🔲

Kim Enteiu

He most likely can’t at this time; the thought of the pain of affixation made him recently throw up & last time the idea of using his skill was too painful for weeks. He would think that he’s going to be beyond useless after his next affixation. We’ll have to see what it’s like next time to get a better baseline for how well he’d do going forward.


Really curious where this is going. I think we can all see the foreshadowing and the shape of what's to come, but I don't think it's clear at all yet. And that's good. I think it both surprise us and make perfect sense in hindsight. But I don't think anyone has hit on it yet-- the speculation is all good but also all seems not quite right.

Joel Wells

I have a feeling that somehow, Alden’s wizard status will be found out by someone during the upcoming event. I’m not sure who. My money is either on his roommates, or the knights. Personally I hope it’s the knights. Alden has had several mentions where he has thought that he is a little jealous that Kirby has instructors. There is a reason why wizards in training go through years of of study. Self study alone self drastically reduce the pace he develops as a wizard. Alden needs an instructor he can get guidance from.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

I hope it's no one, but especially not BignLittle Snake. I like Gryphon's idea that maybe there's an easily demonizable animal under the tarp. Maybe the captain knows something about affixation and stabilization, and has refused to affix for many levels to increase his own demonizability. That might not track with Riley's SAL talking points that avowed exist to heroically save humans from external demons, rather than affixation being the solution to their own risk, but maybe that's just the difference between a bored 19 year old who's susceptible to propaganda and a true believer. If Hannah demonized, it would be extremely upsetting, but also potentially poetic and dramatic and meaningful for story and character. She's already supposed to be dead, but maybe Alden still has things to learn from her about himself and his place in the world. If it's Jacob, Alden might get to fulfill his promise to Maricel that he will talk to him, but in a twisted circumstance that will be painful for everyone. I hope Jacob gets another chance, but it wouldn't be so unexpected if his bad decisions catch up to him. But if Snake goes, it's just because we live in a cruel, random world where no one is safe and we can't have nice things and he's supposed to be safe at home building a treehouse for Saleh's daughter.


Identifying Mina had lots of clues. Predicting the SAL submerger would get too close to Matadero and corruption / demonization would result was more "in what plausible but stakes-raising way could the SAL group be relevant." Alden running into the result on his boat trip was also narratively somewhat foreseeable (how does the incident become Alden's problem? Well he has a boat trip out there coming up) although I didn't catch that was how he would get involved because I didn't see how the timing would work with Alden leaving significantly later than the SAL group. Now though, things are set up and we are back to infinite possibilities - any or all of the SAL could demonize / escape / get rescued, various characters could die or get hurt, Alden can participate in a variety of ways. It's less of a puzzle to be solved and more a spectacle to watch unfold.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

Torsten, with an unchanging expression in his default calculating stare, goes on the big slide. For research purposes.


For sure, you all are definitely right about him wanting to get Spells, but that still just seems like too much of a power up at this time or the near future if Alden wants to lay relatively low while going through school Mother also talks about how Secrets would work, and how people would forget the secret they told him. If someone finds out about his secrets like being a wizard, he could try to get them to confront him and take that secret away from them. That’s the main reason I’m leaning Secrets now. It is very Swayish 😬 And having multiple facets affixed makes sense - that also makes me wonder if it’s possible he will take one facet and another Rabbit skill - Mother also said that Knights take one or two other skills besides their main for “comfort” or something like that. It’d probably be pretty easy for Alden to Rank up, get another Skill and Bearer of Secrets and no one would be the wiser about bearer of Secrets while the new Skill gets more attention but makes sense to his classmates. Regardless, super excited to see what happens with his next affixation! If he gets Bearer of Spells, Chains, or Secrets I’m going to be ecstatic haha

Josh Brooks

“Everything bad happening to Alden is part of the negative half of the Gloss chain” is the exact kind of thing other politicians claim for themselves in universe. Not saying it’s untrue, but it’s kinda funny that the best way to justify all of Alden’s troubles is to blame the magic witch like everyone else.


The deeper you go, the scarier that shit gets! The truth is, at the bottom of the ocean, its all demons and corruption. What they bring up to fight is so weak because they can't live without the crushing pressure. Gotta get the humans used to fighting it though.

Josh Brooks

I like thinking about where Alden’s power goes next in terms of sheer development, not adding folds to it. Anything that he can bear with “mind, strength, and will” from anyone he “chooses to serve” is pretty vague. He has the strength to contort his body and catch projectiles, easy, but does he have the strength to bear someone using authority at a distance? Physical contact isn’t specified. Does mind determine strength? One of the uses is that bearing an object with heavier things inside only considers the burden being borne. Can this be used to isolate any physical property of a burden (I.e. color, texture, friction, weight, electricity, etc.)? I can only imagine that most of these are behind skills post-affixation since otherwise Alden taking an electrodynamics course would turn him into small Electro by this logic


Possible! All sorts of moves are possible. Alden might reveal his enchantment yoinking on the submerger (probably not though since if they surface it's likely broken, and it might be too heavy? Still, could be a cool sequence if made plausible somehow). He might cast to attack the demon, or show his authority sense in some way. If things get truly desperate and the timescale is an hour not a few seconds, he can totally give up on subtlety and summon the Halo of the Mother Planet from his Wardrobe to protect his friends.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

@GryphonKnight oh yeah, the ‘animal under the tarp’ thing makes a lot of sense! Since one of the qualities is ‘ability to generate more chaos’, it could cause the chaos levels inside the sub to rise very rapidly, enough to turn or maybe just kill all the avowed inside

Andrew Simpson

@tori It feels like one of the signature elements of Alden's journey is a lack of mentorship or guidance. He kind of has no one he looks up to that can help him. BignLittle snake was hinting that he wanted to push Alden, and focus on him, and Alden really likes him, and the he left, and based on the tone is just covered in death flags. Even if he doesn't turn demon, I feel like it makes a lot of sense for him to not come back.

Andrew Simpson

It's not that things are weightless, by that the weight is being borne by his authority. I think that's what strength, and to a degree will mean. When Alden's authority can blossom outward and envelope someone or something completely like the primary did to him at the party, I think we'll see just how far he can push those definitions.

Andrew Simpson

Wait what the hell is the halo of the mother planet. That sounds dope but I have no idea what it refers to haha. Gonna have to search for that one. EDIT: I found it. Good memory my dude.


Hey guys I Kind of forgot but what powers is Alden hiding right now. I mean which new power can out him as a "wizard".


Anything that is not bearer related and not the candle lighting spell. His current status shows him as having 1. Let me take your luggage 2candle light spell 3 flickerer Flickerer is a weak(F rank if I remember correctly) skill that lets the user temporary break enchantments. Alden could also be outed by being able to "flicker" strong enchantments that would ordinarily be beyond the skills ability. Powers that specifically out him as being wizardly are mainly his spells (candle and screaming ball excluded).


Oh, I forgot, He is also hiding the fact that he can hold 2 items with bearer and just the overall power level of his current skill. Trying to look level 3 rather than 10.


And I also, forgot to mention that flickerer exists on his status to hide bearer's enchantment ability. Man I suck at recaps

Josh Brooks

Ohhh yeah. I guess I’m trying to divide strength and will into separate categories. Like strength is being able to carry just the burden/catching the burden/etc. will could be the authority interacting with weight/distance/Winston’s neck at 40mph

Emily Gurnavage

Most of his auriad spells would out him. One crushes things even rocks or metal, one is an invisible punch that can break things, and the invisible punch but pointy and stabby. That other person covered the rest.


I am curious if he will have a bit left over to turn into foundation points again... and how his numbers compare to what a brute or a meister at various levels would have.


Indeed, Jacob excuse himself on the way out but mainly I missed the end of the sentence "by a second girl’s nervous voice" I always skip sentence or short paragraph on the first read, I can't wait for the rest of the story. For Mina's powers : I agree with you, the way she keep people focused is by "erasing"/obfuscating distraction. On an area or multiple targets. The only issue with this is that in ch74 she seemed to be needing the target agreement. Or was it a forced courtesy because the staff new she would use her powers?


Remember though, it's always Vandy who is watching Alden, yo see what he is using his powers on and practicing her observational skills. I think if anyone catches it, it'll be her.


Seriously! And like, what would he focus on? General speed and agility or becoming less squishy? I know he doesn’t want to affix for a while but when he does it will be awesome


@Terrestrial_Biped do you know where the generic Wright reference is? I completely missed this, it makes me wonder if there are generic classes for others, like Meister

Aspiring Moth

@partha peddi - this could be a way that Alden gets caught by the knights. something goes wrong on the boat and he needs to reach out with authority to find one of the other passengers (he mentions that he could do this when trying to sense his soup). the knights would notice something like that, and it isn't an unrealistic B rank rabbit saves the day despite being surrounded by more powerful people because he's the main character asspull


PART One OF Six ESSAY ON ANNUAL DEMON SUMMONING SPOILERS All spoilers should be minor Written after Ch 130 - Ripples, I DEDICATION Dedicated to super serious Vandy SUMMARY Dangerous Chaos comes from demon summoning A Wizard Committee decided to hold an annual demon summoning on Sleyca's Earth ( Earth S ) in the middle of an Oceanic desert ( Point Nemo ) Earth S's governments co-opted Point Nemo to sequester the most powerful Avowed All legal Avowed communities include a small, magic forest History of Magic and Chaos The essay is a very long response to multiple Patreon comments broken into smaller pieces ( it keeps growing ) ARCHIVE LOCATION ( 2/13/2024, 2:51 PM ) or ( https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/63759/super-supportive/chapter/1307349/sixty-three-home-pt-2?comment=11057667 ) 🔲


PART Two OF Six TYPE OF DEMON ON MATADERO Several Patreon comments, and quotes from Kibby, make me think the Demon is summoned from a broken dimension ( classic - Wizards summoning demons ) WHY MATADERO? Because summoned demons are the most dangerous type of demon, and can demonize living creatures, choosing an Oceanic Desert ( Point Nemo ) seems intentional ( looking at you isolated, lifeless, chaos moon ) The support encampment build near Matadero on Point Nemo became a concentration of magical infrastructure on Earth S ( I expect somewhere on the island is a small, relatively young, magical forest used as the original node for Earth S's chaos wards ) Both Matadero, and Point Nemo, had some of the best security on Earth S from anything that can interfere with a demon summoning or become demonized by a summoning ( you call that a moat? Point Nemo has a 2,688 km wide moat! ) Matadero may have originally been constructed to research Earth S, and the natives, before first contact ( what if humans said no? or the octopus? or the dolphins? ) When Earth S's governments decided to sequester powerful Avowed, Point Nemo was a strong candidate because of the magical infrastructure, and security, needed to support Matadero 🔲


PART Three OF Six MAGICAL FORESTS Additional, magical forests ( chaos wards ) exist around the world Since the locations have Knight level infrastructure, and security, these are the locations of the other legal, avowed communities Point Nemo's 2,688 km moat makes it a terrible place to grow a magical forest ( Chaos ward ) The current theory among Wizards, Earth S is neglecting its magical forests ( Chaos ward ) to increase the number of S Rank Avowed that can farm argold 🔲


PART Four OF Six REASONS FOR EARTH S'S ANNUAL DEMON SUMMONING From most likely to least likely Training to fight demons Using demons to level select Avowed Using demons to chaos, stress test, select Avowed Using demons to research chaos on Earth S Using demon summons to test latest research on demon summons Using demon fights to strengthen island's magic Some, or all, of the above ( similar to a winning grant proposal ) Can you tell my parents used to write grant proposals for the government ( county, state, federal and military )? 🔲

Partha Peddi

Will Alden face a moral conundrum due to his deal with Boe? Will he try to save ppl he does not know by entering the corruption field? How will he convince his friends to not take action? Will they just be passive observers from a distance?


PART Five OF Six CHAOS AND MAGIC Which came first? Magic or Chaos or both? In the Sleyca verse, depending on the situation, a single, uncontrolled, demon insect appears to be an existential threat to the entire universe ( what is under the tarp on the SAL boat? ) My personal opinion, order magic was ( discovered / created ) WORD CHAINS CREATED Earliest version is just temporarily, storing something for later use This is one of Sleyca's coolest ideas GROUP MAGIC CREATED Allows multiple magic users to pool their magic ( looking at you The Gloss ) SPELLS CREATED An improved version of Word chains ENCHANTMENTS CREATED Allows magic to be stored for the long term and transferred But permanently takes magic from somewhere and less flexible than Spells Later this includes tattoos and affixation MAGIC TATTOO CREATED Very popular form of enchantment magic MAGIC COMPUTERS CREATED Eventually includes Magical AI like Mother RESOURCE WORLDS CREATED Use plants, and animals, from different worlds for magical ingredients. First Resource World was technically, Artona II SUMMONING CREATED Use a spell to collect a magical ingredient from a Resource World Appears to require Enchantment [ looking at you foot eating squid summons ] Later used to summon Demons and eventually Avowed DEMON SUMMONING CREATED Summoning a being from a broken dimension Demons can grant power and chaos exposure can speed up your magic leveling But it is balanced by demons being dangerous and all chaos being potentially contagious [REDACTED] [SPECULATION ABOUT PARTIALLY BROKEN DIMENSIONS, INTELLIGENT DEMONS, ARCH DEMONS] PROTO KNIGHTS CREATED Wizards with multiple, small, affixations Foundation points, and spell impressions, are protected from chaos by the Proto Knight's total magic. Unlike magic items which require their own built in chaos protection ( looking at you bomb coat ) Proto Knights were a desperate attempt to combat the out of control spread of chaos from dangerous demons that escaped confinement Their failure would lead to Mother, Contract I, and the modern Knights SKILLS CREATED Improved version of spell impressions Probably required Magical AI to develop MOTHER, AND CONTRACT I, CREATED Immortal, artificial, magical spirit controlling the largest, most powerful, magical computer ever built [ effectively a leashed, demi god ] Designed by committee Includes original 300 Knight skills. Birth of the modern Knights AVOWED CREATED Knight support, Wizard errands, Chaos resistance, etc. Each Avowed world also counts as a Resource World. Waiting for the first, magical plant native to Earth S 🔲


PART Six OF Six MY PERSONAL OPINION From a logical point of view, Chaos, and Chaos potential, existed first On Artona, living things developed magic, and magic sense, because it is an evolutionary advantage against Chaos, and Chaos potential So if Earth S has magic, it must have Chaos But just like Earth S's magic potential is low, so is the Chaos potential If the Artona never gave Earth S the System, Earth S would probably develop magical plants, then chaos abomination plants, then magical animals, then demons, then Wizards, then Arch demons Maybe on Earth S, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, chocolate, cheese, and bacon are all magical ingredients 🔲


Part Seven of Six That worked even worse than I thought Another reason to finish recovering, buy a new computer, and start a wiki 🔲


Being able to feel when somebody targets you is not common, but also not especially unusual among experienced Avowed so he could reveal that safely (but keeping it hidden gives him a minor tactical advantage). Likewise being able to feel wordchain imbalance is rare (possibly extremely rare, given how everybody reacted to Hazel before she affixed) but not impossible for a normal human. Being able to tell if somebody is real by thinking about whether he can eat them is probably unique to Alden. Alden knows a few spells (light a candle, sanitize your hands and anything between them) which could easily be passed off as Rabbity. The candle-lighting spell actually shows up as a spellform on his character sheet, and he could easily explain away the cleaning cantrip. But anybody who's sufficiently observant (Vandy) and saw him cast the same spell multiple times might notice that he has slight variations to his movements and words, because he's doing it manually instead of putting his body on autopilot. The can-crushing spell would be a lot harder to excuse. The square-punch or the flying pyramid stab are things that absolutely would not appear as options for a Rabbit, and require his Auriad to cast (which would be a dead giveaway to anybody who has interacted with wizards significantly). They're also his only real ranged attacks, so I can see a lot of situations where he might have to reveal them to save somebody's life. On his own skill, the ability to preserve multiple objects simultaneously is something he keeps a secret more to hide his level and to keep an ace in the hole than because it's suspicious on its own. The Bearer of Enchantment facet is something that would reveal that Bearer of All Burdens is fundamentally different from what people expect from Let Me Take Your Luggage, so his fake character sheet has replaced it with a separate skill to simply disrupt enchantments temporarily, without any mention of carrying them around or re-applying them to something else; this lets him make limited use of that power in public but means that if he uses it in the wrong way it would instantly draw a whole lot of extra suspicion (it's not just an ability that isn't listed on his character sheet, it's an outright falsehood coming from the System, which is not supposed to be able to lie).

Matthew D

I’m hoping he’ll change his understanding of the skill from ‘bear with his body’ to ‘bear with his authority’ and then he can extend a cloud of his authority in front of his body as a shield to catch all projectiles.


that part where she is talking about how avowed can be kinder than mundane humans, lol.


@adunk Obvously if you think with logic instead of feelings the world will move in this direction, it goes without saying. That said, i also undeestand that people that only think with feelings will want to protest and most people dont know the backside of history like Ghandis dark sides, and even mostly will want to ignore it when possible.

hercule pyro

Torsten Klein doesn't go on the children's slide often, but when he does, he does it optimally

Neil H

It'd be so cool if it turned out the Artonans have secretly had a completely separate Contract with the dolphins and octopuses, and there's avowed octopuses periodically getting summoned.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

I am so excited for tomorrows chapter If I didn’t have work I would sleep right now, then take some sleeping pills to sleep for another 8 hours

Matt DiMeo

I have a vague memory that Earth’s treaty with the artonans requires the world to do a demon fight annually, but it may have been just discord speculation or something.

Box Jellyfish

Jeffy would be limited by how long it would take him to swim 4km straight down. That would be far, far slower than (for example) Findlay running 4km. A 20 minute wait when there's a problem at those depths isn't really survivable.


She has an instagram under the same name which confirms she’s a she plus she stated it in the Q&A a while ago.


He’ll be in the matrix! Plus walking around with stored fireballs visible (like flames) or invisible (like enchantments) ready to be fired whenever he chooses!!!

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

@Andrew I know he's covered in death flags but he should turn into Big Snake and tear out of the death flags like Jeffy tearing out of a shirt. Everything is gonna be ok.

Andrew Simpson

😭 I hope you are right I just want him to come back and believe in our boy. I want Alden to have a friend-mentor so bad I basically have vicarious daddy issues for him.


Am I being too vindictive not wanting Vandy join the inner group of friends since she has been an asshole to Lute? I guess she has been too entrenched in Anesidoran culture.


Here's the thing. You like Lute. I like Lute. Most of the fanbase likes Lute. That being said, he himself acknowledges the dice thing was wrong, and that apologizing to Vandy would "go a long way" with her (ch. 113). Meanwhile, Lute wants an apology from Vandy for... asking him to either take a class assignment seriously, or to give up Meister to Carlotta. Vandy *wasn't* doing anything wrong there. In a larger sense, it would have been better if Vandy was more supportive of Lute against his bullies, but that's not actually a middle schooler's job. The teachers are the ones to blame for not curtailing the bullying. I'm not trying to deny that Vandy was and is flawed, all of the teenagers that Sleyca writes are imo believably flawed, but I genuinely think it's unreasonable to expect her to apologize, and in this particular case Lute is being uncharitable.


@5haun Ch 72 " The Informant was an old Wright who made cheap magical wearables that were popular on Anesidora, and in a few countries where they were legal." Also as meister is all about a single tool type, I really cant see them being generic


Alden can feel chaos. Not sure if anyone could connect the dots with that one but it’s untypical that’s for sure


That's actually not why I say she is an asshole. I'm pretty sure she bad mouthed Lute in the skate park when he was meeting with Alden which means even now she does not have sympathy for the kid who was being bullied back in middle school.

Partha Peddi

Other than Winston & Max, Vandy is the only other person outside the roommate group to watch Alden. I wonder if she has a perception skill allowing her a hint of bound authority usage. Getting Vandy closer to the group might spike her interest in Alden, resulting interesting story possibilities. I doubt she will accept the offer for a boat trip.


LAVA It may be hundreds of chapters in the future, but I cannot wait for Alden to be a powerful Knight Mother said slicing a moon sized demon was too big for BaOB But with the lava erupting in Iceland, I could see high level Alden literally picking up a city, waiting for Earth Shapers to prepare a new spot, then putting it down in its new location 🔲

Partha Peddi

Is Lexi's Mind Writher similar in any way to Alden's auraid? He seems very protective about it.


Meisters' attachment to their tools are generally suspiciously similar to Wisards and their Auriads, I think their tools are similarly attached/ part of their authority. I wonder though if they can have more than 1 tool similar to knights (more than 1 auriad) ? probably yes but unlikely to happen given the knights' exponential growth, avowed and wizards' powers grow slower. there might be more restrictions since it is the name of the class, maybe a bow meister gets another bow, or the current bow gets upgraded, but they can't get a dart or another tool


Why not? No issue with the people on the boat : Haoyu is viewed positively by everyone, Lexi is grumpy but not an ennemy and Alden is at worst neutral but more certainly an interest for the way he work hard and improve fast And her mom is on Matadero


Thanks Gorane*, appreciate you finding that. Not sure if that means he’s a generic Wright based on that - for the same reason you pointed out Meisters usually have a single weapon. My understanding is that Wrights are kind of the same - they just have a specific domain of Wrightdom instead of a specific weapon, but perhaps there are other references in story that hint at generic Wrights as well.

Mehmet ali Reyhan

I think sometimes chaos generates naturally they then collect and form it into a demon to kill


It's certainly a bit oblivious / inconsiderate to demand that someone cave in to demands of bullies (and Lute did point out people were largely aware of those others mistreating him). Vandy is blind at times to life beyond superpowers, and this results in her hurting people around her. If she figures that out, and she probably will eventually since she doesn't seem malicious, she can become a positive part of the lives of others. If part of the 'stay after class' discussion involved teachers highlighting the distinction between her 'this is clearly optimal for group performance' attempts at leadership and Alden's 'how can everybody get what they want while advancing the group goal' style, she might already be on the way there.


Alden could feel chaos before he became a wizard though. I think that was one of the big factors that allowed him to figure out how to move his authority in his own; normal Avowed don't have a starting point for that because they can't perceive their own authority, but he spent months with something constantly pushing and grinding away at the edges of his and therefore letting him feel where those edges are. Any Avowed who's spent time in a chaos field would know what chaos feels like to some extent.

John D Jones

Pooya Daravi It's not so much that Vandy doesn't sympathize with the kid who was bullied in middle school as she dislikes the kid who pretty much told her "Here are the many, many ways that your father and mother could die horribly and hopefully one of those things happens to them soon."


In the park scene, Everly and Tuyet were openly contemptuous of Lute, but Vandy didn't say anything about him. She did offer to train Maricel in what was probably an attempt to prevent the ignorant globie from considering getting tutored by Lute, but I read that as protecting Maricel from the social consequences of talking to the kid that her friends and roommates despise. If Everly and Tuyet made it clear that you can hang out with Lute *or* you can be friends with them, and they're the people she needs to live with and fight alongside, it's just more efficient this way. The dice game in middle school is similar: if Lute isn't going to actually participate in the activity, it's wasteful to let him divert resources away from the people who would actually use them. I don't think that Vandy dislikes Lute, and she definitely isn't one of the (many) people in the class who are actively hostile to him, but actually going so far as to *help* the kid, well, the cost/benefit analysis just doesn't work out in his favor.

Ano Ano

Er, Vandy sided with a bully against the bully's victim. She was a huge asshole in that moment. And while she took the dice thing in the worst possible way, I disagree that it was a bad thing for Lute to do. He feels guilty about it, but that kind of twist should have been part of the lesson plan from the very start.

John D Jones

I disagree with some of that prediction. No one is going to drink wevvi from Earth. It would taste even more like someone else's sweetened, boiling hot saliva. If Alden really wanted to get in good with the Matadero Knights, he'd preserve some of Stu'art'h's special wevvi in a thermos for them when he comes back from his Dec. 15 visit.


Yeah, I wouldn't have been at all surprised if her response to Lute's dice was "thank you for this important information." If told that one classmate would pick up Lute's intended "if you think it is so serious, it should actually be serious!" point I would've guessed her. Knowing the risks and stakes helps people prepare themselves and make the best class decisions they can, which is really important to Vandy. The survival numbers are mostly pretty good anyway, right? I think that the people who take a really long time to get past fixation on one aspect of life are the ones who value everybody based on that aspect. I largely got past that attitude in high school, but there were a number of people who remained that way in college (inst. of tech). In some cases it helped them grow to have people who were even stronger around - Finlay's existence might gradually chill Winston out since placing all human value on speed / fame won't put him at the top of the people he knows anymore. His line about having an A to work with seemed like a positive sign. I don't get the impression Vandy is super arrogant about her obsession with powers and superheroing - she thinks it's natural to be obsessed with it rather than obsessing over it as a way to be better than everyone else. At least that's how it looks from what we've seen of her, and if that is indeed the case, it may only take a couple of awakening experiences to broaden her outlook.

Duncan Lester

Get those F's ready for the most flagged for death boat in recent history. RIP Lexi's budget. Also, somebody's going in Demon Mode and Alden's gonna save them. Bets on if its Haoyu's parents or escaping Wright Boy?


I was wondering if it was really a diplomatic agreement rather than a straight fight. Like the Artonians had to agree to let the demons have contact with Earth. Since it is all secluded the Earth avowed could be killing a diplomat or they could just be body guards to a meeting. This mainly was just a conspiracy theory based on tattoos and no video evidence. Even if technological recording doesn't work, I assume some sort of magical pictures or recording could be made. Or an avowed painter could just make a painting. This somewhat broke down though in my head because if it is limited contact, why don't they just not do it on Earth and have the meeting somewhere else.

Andrew Simpson

Remember he has never actually used his enchantment preservation in any practical sense. I think he's fine getting useful power up he can't use in public.

Andrew Simpson

She hasn't really been MEAN to lute, she's mostly been RUDE to lute, and it really reads like she is often rude because she has zero functioning social intelligence. she really reads like she has a spectrum disorder tbh. Also remember with the dice, she was like "oh, you actually want to do the exercise? Cool. Keep the dice then, I thought you were just being petty". She's just kind of a robot. I like her.

Kim Enteiu

Writher would be an amazing addition to a dance routine. Could you imagine what kind of control he might manifest from the kind of flow he spent years working on with ballet? What if it was supposed to be an expression of the system’s faith in his dancing ability that it was offered? Would it be horror or joy that Lexi would feel if he figures out that Dance Fighting is the easiest way to control Writher?

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

He even talks to Writher in a suspiciously similar way to how Alden talks to his own authority. I am really hoping for a Lexi Alden heart to heart in the near future about Writher and such.


Absolutely, if Alden got Bearer of Spells and decided to never use it in public, that would allow him to lay low as well! I do still think Bearer of Secrets would help more for laying low, but if Alden wants bearer of spells, he’ll get bearer of spells!

Aidan Gorman

Does the deal only apply to saving people? Because the first thing he did after Boe left was start attempting to get the Don of a magical mafia arrested. With zero regard for Boe doing the same.

Partha Peddi

Alden is waiting for catspace to let Boe out.. but he is assisting Lute by going to the party.. could he justify his visit as friend support? Or getting grandwitch party invite attended to keep a low profile?

John D Jones

@ Pooya Daravi Yeah, you're being too vindictive. Especially since Vandy is a fictional character and her interacting with Team Polar Bear will be fun to read. Figure one of Vandy's biggest problem is a lack of empathy in terms of understanding that other people have different goals than she does. Alden is very empathetic that way, so Vandy being around Alden will likely help her become a better person, which is good for her and everyone else.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

After reading the other comments I’m gonna bet on some high chaos potential animal under the tarp in the sub Maybe it’s an octopus in a fish tank, that would be pretty funny

Kim Enteiu

Hayou made the connection with the dice & expect that Vandy might as well. She had a 10 year plan at 9 years old, which is why she wanted to start pretending to be the avowed they were going to be when they grew up & why she was so blunt to Carlotta. She looks at things through a very polarized lenz that focuses on her definition of right, which appears to be very, very utilitarian, long-sighted, and rules oriented. I don’t think she ended the friendship with Carlotta, but I also don’t think she tried to mend it afterwards because she knew she would be living a very different life from her. We also know Carlotta was crossed off of Lute’s list for her attitude, so Vandy might have seen Carlotta’s overreaction to a “true statement” as unnecessary drama that would take away from her studies. I don’t think Vandy knows how to deal with the spooky chainer shit that Lute walked face-first into when the Gloss hit. The biggest current rumor is “Lute killed his girlfriend’s platypig” because someone’s spell impression killed it from across the room on the first day of the Gloss & the way he comforted someone impressed a girl he had an obvious crush on so much she asked him out. He did the right thing of turning the girl down, but that was probably confusion and embracing in multiple layers during and then after the Gloss. Vandy seems like the kind of person who would be worried about bystanders being sucked into it next time it happens.


I thought he wanted bearer of spells to use on his own spells, which would allow him to hide the fact that he’s casting them. He can do it when he’s alone and then unleash it as needed later. But… how would he get entrustment on his own spells? He can’t do it himself, and it’s not like he can hand them off to someone else for them to give back to him. Now that I’m thinking of it, how does he do the breath mint? That’s supposed to be a secret.

Kate Yen

Predictions... It seems very unlikely that something would go wrong on Matadero itself. For all the foreshadowing we've gotten, it's still essentially fact in-universe that nothing ever goes wrong there. Plus, we know there are two experienced Knights who probably fight way bigger chaos outbreaks than whatever's here on Earth. Fortunate for the plot, then, that nothing has to go wrong at all. The introduction of an unrelated third party, straying into a restricted area, could be enough of a complication all by itself. My guess is, they'll get stuck somehow (maybe the Submerger isn't very chaos resistant) and begin to succumb to the miasma. It could be a pretty slow process, allowing Alden and co to get involved even though they aren't leaving until Saturday or maybe even Sunday. As for the overall shape of the arc, it seems like we've got four major players in motion: Alden and friends, SAL, SkySea, and everyone on Matadero. The first three are already on a collision course, but it remains to be seen how exactly Alden will get tangled up with the two Knights. (And let's be honest, we all know he will.) Other than the obvious looming threat of chaos, the major tension this arc will probably come from Alden's desire to keep his abilities secret. I doubt he'll hesitate in a life or death situation, but things may not progress so far. He'll have to tread carefully, since he'll be being watched by Vandy of all people.

Andrew Simpson

I do kind of like the idea of Alden getting bearer of secrets and using it to basically low-key mind wipe people who discover him.

Bob Ross

Carrison!? I thought that directness and sense of assured rightness looked familiar!


With today's chapter, it sounds like Magic attracts Chaos and vice versus Earth S's System adds a huge amount of magic from another universe to the native magic in the Earth S universe So the Chaos Wards have a demon trap built in Once a year they clean out the trap 🔲


> and hopefully one of those things happens to them soon @John when did he say that? > Yeah, you're being too vindictive. Especially since Vandy is a fictional character Well this whole story is :D One might say I am being too Vandyctive!


A lot of interesting discussion everyone! I also have a feeling her parents are very political and they may be pro the party opposite to the Velra's.


So, is Archibald Carisson Vandy’s dad? Or another relative, maybe grandfather?


Riley even has monologuing down. Mega supervillain vibes.

Calum Donaldson

I think he's the write that makes cheap cellphones/tech for people to wear but they record data and send it to him. The Informant, Alden met his son at a Wright shop with Lute.