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[A/N: Team list is just copy/pasted for your reading convenience if you need it! There's not really any new info, so if you don't need it feel free to skip. There should be just one more chapter featuring this particular day in the gym; it might even be half a chapter of the course and half of something else depending on how it all comes together as I write...

Have a great Monday everyone!]

Team Lists:

Team Cottontail (only the official name in Lute's head)
0 wins, 2 losses - 10 members

S - Maricel - Shaper of Ground
S - Lucille - Strength Brute  (doesn't want to kill people)
S - Jeffy - Aqua Brute
A- Reinhard - Meister of Bow
A - Lexi - Meister of the Mind Writher
A - Haoyu - Dura Brute
A - Astrid - Morph Brute
A - Njeri - Shaper of Water
A - Everly - Adjuster (ice spells)
B - Alden - The One and Only Rabbit

Team Finlay/Jupiter/Tuyet (sorry Kon)
2 wins, 0 losses - 10 members

S - Finlay - Speed Brute
S - Jupiter - Shaper of Life (plants for now)
S - Tuyet - Meister of Darts
S- Konstantin - Adjuster
+ 6 A's

Team Vandy/Marsha
0 wins, 2 losses - 11 members

S- Vandy - Shaper of Sky
S - Marsha - Meister of a Very Intimidating Polearm
A - Mehdi - Agility Brute
A - Winston - Speed Brute
A - unnamed - Shaper of Object
B- Max - Adjuster (zones)
+ 5 A's

Team Febri/Shrike
2 wins, 0 losses - 10 members 

S - Febri - Agility Brute
S - Ignacio (Shrike) - Meister of Knives
A - Olive - Adjuster
A - Rebecca - Jumper Brute (made subclass name up herself, Alden has never heard of it)
A - Sanjay - class still unstated, rooted for Alden in the drinking game at the party
A - Søren - Shaper of Light
A- Heloísa - Strength Brute
+3  A's

Obstacle Order:

Track - 3 times around, hurdles are not traditional track hurdles but walls of varying heights
Pipe - it's bad to be stuck in here when a bunch of vegetation comes through
Fire Box - slightly larger than a shipping container, flames shoot out of the walls because that makes it more fun
Weights - differently shaped metric ton and half metric ton weights that must be carried across the floor and up a short ramp to be dropped into designated areas; they periodically reset
Rope Climb - all gyms need one
Swinging Bars - wheeee!
High Wall - 15 meters = approximately 50 feet
Water - get in there, Jeffy
?? - mentioned in this chapter
Finish Line

* Each team has their own identical course that they are running at the same time.

“Now my brother’s flying. He looks happy!”

“I think he looks a bit bored,” said Finlay, watching Lexi cling to a hoop of fluorescent yellow paracord that was swinging him upwards in a steady arc toward the top of the wall. “Especially for a person dangling from a string that high in the air.”

“No, that’s one of his happy faces.” Kon was standing. “Look at the drone view footage and zoom in instead of watching from here. There’s this tiny smirk.”

Despite the fact that their class filled only a small fraction of the bleachers, voices echoed around the gym, competing with the shouts of the people on the floor. As soon as the first players had made it over the finish line, the tension had started to build. Kon wasn’t the only one who’d been driven to his feet by nerves or excitement.

“Febri! Febri, man! How could you walk into a trap that obvious?” someone on the other waiting team—sitting in a group together several meters away—was shouting.

Another person groaned. “Shrike wasted that attack! He wasted it! He’s an S-rank Meister! He should’ve gotten both of them!”

“It’s a good thing they can’t hear us down there,” Kon said.

Tuyet winced. “I wish people wouldn’t assume Meisters and S-ranks were flawless at this game. It’s so stressful.”

“You know it’s partially your fault, right?” Kon said.

“Me! How?”

“You just stand up there on the wall, demolishing the other teams one dart at a time. Raising the bar higher for the other Meisters.”

Down on the course, Lexi reached the top of said wall, and Reinhard gave him a hand.

“He’s limping,” said Kon, as his brother stepped past a length of extra paracord that Alden had sent up with Astrid earlier. Lexi dove into the water tank. “Movement restriction from that knife he took to the shin.”

“It would’ve been much worse than a restriction if Alden hadn’t yoinked him up into the air right then,” said Jupiter. “By the way, why can’t we have a Crafting Castle? Maricel gets a Crafting Castle.”

“They’re calling it a workshop, aren’t they? I think that’s what they shouted,” said Finlay.

“What would you craft, Jupiter?” Tuyet asked.

“Picture a wall of spiky protectors made of plant life. When the enemy approached, they would leap to your defense. Some noble flora. Like holly maybe…”

They all groaned.

Instructor Marion had been down on the floor having a quick discussion with Principal Saleh and Instructor Klein. He headed toward their group.

“I think…” said Kon, “we’re having too much fun. I bet he wants us to analyze what just happened with a ‘strategic mindset.’ Quick. Someone think up something smart to say about the trap the girls set.”

“Oh I’ve done that already,” Jupiter announced. “Here are my notes.”

They all tapped the air in front of them to accept the message she’d just sent.


Crafting Castle!!

Crafting Castle (for Killing?)

Crafting Castle of Maiming


Maricel (S-Ground Shaper), Everly (A-Ice Spells), Njeri (A-Water Shaper)


bags of dirt (reminder: I owe Mari potting soil because I borrowed some without telling her)

sand emptied from 120 kg sandbags



  1. Everly uses multiple casts of Glaze Object to turn the fire obstacle into a frozen box.

    Her eyeshadow is blue today.
  2. Maricel creates a large, thin rectangle out of dirt. Excellent shaping. They use Glaze Object again to ice the rectangle over. Water and ground elements in balance mean it should be movable by both Maricel and Njeri.
  3. After all of their teammates have passed through the obstacle, the artists move the ice-dirt rectangle into position over the exit of the frozen box, making the interior invisible from the enemy course.

    I would like a similar fort on our next run.
  4. Drone footage shows artists rapidly crafting small solid ice balls (x11), a large dirt ball glazed with ice (x1), and a large, highly compressed cylinder of clay and sand (x1 - still in progress). I think these all have multiple potential uses. They are making whatever their team might need.
  5. Sanjay crossed the finish line! I bet the artists are disappointed it happened so soon, forcing them to halt their crafting, but they leap into action at the sound of the enemy bell.

    Njeri and Maricel are fleeing the fortress! Going into the pipe!

    Don’t forget Everly! Why are you leaving her?

    Ice balls, sand, and dirt follow them into the pipe.
  6. That’s a lot of sand, Mari. Some might say a greedy amount. How much do you need in there?
  7. Febri is the attacker. He’s going to attack Alden probably. He should have waited until Alden had someone up in the air again.
  8. No! Febri is obviously too curious about the crafting team to resist! He’s assaulting the castle instead.
  9. Lucille tries to intercept and tackle, but she’s too slow. I think she could’ve moved faster than that.
  10. It’s a cannon!!!
  11. I was right! I realized it was a cannon before Febri did! He tried to enter the frozen fort to attack Everly, not knowing she had just cast her extra slippery ice trap. It only slowed him down for a second, but a second was enough.

    Everly ducked behind the sphere and cylinder crafts the Shapers left in the fort. Then, Maricel used her maximum power to push all of the sand and the ice balls out of the pipe at high speed.

    Very high speed.

    I am sure I was the inspiration for this attack.

    One cannonball hit Febri in the shoulder. While he was suffering a blinding penalty from all the sand, Everly escaped the fort through the shattered back pane and ran for Lucille’s protection. Njeri climbed out of the pipe and smashed some of the ice from the fort’s ceiling and walls on top of Febri. The fire jets restarted. Battered, burned, and overwhelmed, he opted for retreat.

    But I’m sure he didn’t mind since he got to see the hard work of these dedicated artists in person. They deserve to celebrate their victory, but instead, they must rescue their remaining creations from the flames.

Final Thoughts:

Establishing a protected base on the indoor course was smart. The location they chose was perfect, and it has the benefit of protecting the object creation tablet located at the end of the pipe. Protecting the tablet limits the enemy’s methods of assault.

Their success proves that the hero program should accept a higher percentage of Shapers.

I volunteer to be on this team for their next run. The addition of a Life Shaper to their group would be educational for all of us. And I believe Alden Thorn would be happy to help me carry my preferred supplies. Unlike some people.



Vandy Carisson leaned forward with her hands on her knees, watching the teams below her avidly.

“The assault on Lexi and Alden might have gone differently if Shrike hadn’t been distracted by what happened to Febri. He obviously wanted to assist his teammate, but turning his back on Lexi was a mistake. I wonder if he misjudged the range of Mind Writher?” She turned to Marsha. “I also wonder what Febri’s strategy was. Maybe he thought getting a look at Maricel, Njeri, and Everly’s position was worth the risk. Or he assumed that his agility and his skill would allow him to escape no matter what he found. He didn’t account for the time they’d had to prepare.”

“He probably just wanted to take out Maricel,” Marsha said. “He could have if she didn’t have double backup. She’s not quick enough to stop his subclass. There’s no reason to be scared of her in a one-on-one fight.”

“You think all the S-ranks are as focused on each other as you are on them,” Mehdi said with a snort. “Do you even know the names of the other members of our class?”

“Don’t take it personally, Mehdi,” Marsha said dryly. “I don’t have anything against you A-ranks. I just don’t see the point in these mixed combat classes. I train better against stronger opponents, and they train better against me.”

She stood. Her polearm, in its glaive form, lay on the bench beside her. She lifted it and tipped its head toward the runners on course. “This is a game. You know it’s a game because Shrike lost versus the Rabbit and the whip boy. One attack at a time? I guess it makes us learn to plan better, but it’s nothing like a real duel. In Superlatives, our practice fights are completely different.”

Mehdi crammed his lips together as if he had no intention of continuing the conversation. But then, half a minute later, he asked, “How are they different?”

Marsha smiled at him.

“When Shrike really fights, he throws one of his Meister knives like you just saw. His blade collection follows it. Then, he recalls while the lead knife is still in the air, and all the knives turn to chase it back to him. The second he catches it, he whips it in a different direction, before any of the following knives have the chance to fall. He can keep them airborne for ages. Like he’s directing a swarm around the battlefield. Here, he’s not allowed to do that because it counts as more than one attack.” She let the butt of her weapon thump against the bleacher. “Duels will be different. I’m sure they’ll make it S on S. And A on A. So don’t worry about it.”

Mehdi sat up straighter. “I wasn’t worried about—”

“He chose a stupid color for his rope.” Winston was on his feet with his arms crossed over his chest, watching Alden Thorn greet Haoyu Zhang-Demir as the Brute rolled off the beam into his section of the obstacle course. “How much of an idiot do you have to be to bring neon yellow rope? It’s like he’s saying, ‘Look at me! Look at me! Attack right here.’”

“Maybe bright colors help him visualize what he’s doing more clearly,” Vandy suggested. “I’m sure for some things he needs to see exactly where the tip of the line is.”

“He’s been using dark green a lot until now.” Mehdi squinted down at Alden. “Maybe he ran out of it and had to grab the neon stuff on the way out the door.”

Marsha stared at them. “Why are you two memorizing the B-rank’s rope colors? What’s wrong with you? If you need to fight him when we go up against them, dodge the rope—you’re an Agi and a speedster; you can handle that much, can’t you?—and hit him. Or kick him. It’s not that hard.”

Huh,” said Max.

Vandy was the only person on the team who looked over at him. He smiled at her and shrugged.

A bell rang.

“Whip boy’s over the finish line,” Marsha said. “And this game is basically done.”


This is going entirely too well, thought Alden as the bell rang. Surely we’re about to run into some trouble.

The weights had been moved for what might be the last time if nothing went wrong. Lucille was climbing the rope with Njeri on her back to speed things along. And Everly was refreezing the fire obstacle for what was definitely the last time; she’d need to save plenty of casts for their next run.

And it was their turn to take an attack.

“My plan is an obstacle modification,” Maricel was saying. “It should slow them down a lot. I’m almost ready. ”

“I’ll cross the finish line next,” Njeri said. “As soon as I’m over, Reinhard will take out Olive. She’s their slowest runner. If you’re sure you picked the right one earlier, Haoyu.”

“I’ve kept an eye on the one he pointed out,” Reinhard said. “She’s the one sitting on the platform at the end of the bar swings. I can’t tell any difference between them, and I have enhanced vision. If he’s wrong we’ll be wasting the shot.”

“No pressure or anything,” Haoyu murmured beside Alden. They stood in the opening Lexi had defended from Shrike a short while ago, looking across their course toward what they could see of the opposing team’s side. Haoyu was trying to view the three identical girls in hot pink sweatbands from a different angle than Reinhard, in hopes of noticing something else.

“She glanced up with a curious expression earlier,” he told the team. “It was only a second, but it didn’t look like one of those pre-planned actions she gives the illusions to make them more realistic. I think she was distracted by Alden flying Lexi through the air like a kite.”

Alden didn’t reply. Instead, he was watching the Olives. Two on the bars. One sitting on top of their team’s wall. All very temptingly arranged and easy to shoot.

The Adjuster would need help from a second teammate out on the track, so she was an obvious person to send all the way back to start. But she was good with her illusions, and after running the course on Wednesday, she’d gone from good to incredible. From what little Alden understood about her power, the illusionary girls moved over obstacles and struggled realistically because Olive had been able to craft them based on memories of these specific tasks instead of relying on general memories of her body in motion to do it.

She even had a spell to prevent people from targeting her.

Alden still knew which one was real. He’d realized he knew how to tell last time, and he’d been trying to decide how to be fair about it ever since.

Ask me, he thought. Ask me which one I think it is.

This was what he’d settled on. He’d find Olive for his team if he was assigned to find Olive. If someone directly asked, he would pick her out and pretend he just had a feeling she was the right one. Otherwise, he’d act clueless.

It would be mean to repeatedly screw her over in a way nobody could possibly have a defense against. And I’ll have to make up excuses for how I knew every time.

When people correctly identified Olive, she asked them how at the end of class. So that she could improve. Alden could only use “it was luck” and “not sure, maybe I noticed something subconsciously” so many times before she thought she had some subtle tell he wasn’t revealing and started to agonize over it.

“I’m almost positive I picked the right one,” Haoyu told the team. “Second-guessing doesn’t do any good unless we see some sign.”

He was right.

Alden knew because the gremlin said that particular Olive was a no-no. Alden couldn’t eat her without her permission.

“What are you sighing for in the middle of an epic battle of magic and wits?” Haoyu was raising an eyebrow.

“I wish I was less weird sometimes.”

Before Haoyu could reply, Maricel said, “Ready!”

She sounded excited.

“With Heloísa’s positioning right now, I think I can do even better! I’ll have to start farther from the target, though. And once I’ve made the Shaping gesture that qualifies as the official attack, Principal Saleh will give us a penalty if I make another gesture to adjust my dirt’s position. I might miss. Maybe I shouldn’t try for more if it’s risk—”

“Always try for more,” said Astrid from her spot at the finish line.

“I agree,” Njeri said. “Give Victory her sustenance.”

“If you all don’t mind…okay!”

A moment passed, and then Maricel came into view. She jogged up the ramp at the end of the weight challenge. She didn’t have any dirt with her.


“Do you know what she’s doing?” Haoyu asked Alden.

“I don’t. We talked about knocking people off the top of their wall with sandbags, but it’s obviously not going to be that.”

Shrike was headed for the wall again. He would probably perch there with his “severed” leg for a couple of minutes, hoping they would get careless and knock him off so that he could get a fresh start.

The other team was cautious. They knew an attack was incoming. They just didn’t know what it would be or who would deliver it. Reinhard had an arrow nocked, and that was drawing most of their attention toward him.

Maricel was pretending like she was just repositioning herself. She wasn’t looking toward the enemy team at all, not even Heloísa, who was shifting her weight from foot to foot and staring at Reinhard like she fully intended to dodge an arrow if it came her way. She was grinning eagerly.

“She knows I’m an Avowed, too, doesn’t she?” he groused. “I’m not a kid playing with a toy bow, and she’s not Febri.”

“Don’t shoot her just to prove you can,” Haoyu said. “It’s not your turn.”

Alden watched Maricel. Good luck, he thought as she suddenly stopped and lifted her arms. You’ve been doing great since school started. Get them.



Everything had gotten better since Maricel Alcantara left intake.

She’d never expected it, and she still couldn’t quite believe it was happening. But for the past two weeks, a lot of the good things that had been stolen from her the moment the System chose her seemed to be coming back to her all at once. They were slightly different than before— this island’s version of those good things rather than identical replacements for what she’d lost—but she still recognized them.

Friends. School. Teachers.

Until six months ago, Maricel had had those. She’d always been welcome among the other girls her age back home. She’d looked forward to seeing them every day and being with them…not as the most popular or exciting person, but as a comfortable background character in their world.

Right after her family had made her register, she’d gone back to her junior high for what she’d thought would be a final week of classes and a chance to say goodbye to everyone. That was what she’d been told it would be by her handler, the Avowed emigration people, and all those other adults who’d started buzzing around her the moment she’d been announced as a newly selected S.

Instead, the week had been more of a big celebration. Supposedly, it was all in her honor, but she’d soon realized that although her name was everywhere, none of what had been planned was intended to make things better for her. Lots of people needed their piece of the earthquake that had shaken the foundations of her life.

Let this news crew film you during lunchtime, Maricel. You won’t even know they’re around. Make sure you smile. Be happy for the reporter. And there’s an interview tomorrow. You’re so lucky! Everyone is so curious!

No, you don’t have to, but it’s already arranged. Think of the community, the school, everything we’ve done for you. Would it really be so hard?

A girl in your position should be grateful.

Now come here and stand beside this important stranger for the camera. Then this other one. Just one more.

She felt like she was being spun around in circles for days, and then just like that…it was over.

They’d had their fun, they’d gotten an Avowed fairytale story, and the school didn’t really want to manage an S-rank in class. She would be a hazard and a distraction, and she was required to have her handler with her at all times around large groups of people. So inconvenient for everyone. Parents would complain.

There was a farewell assembly on the last day. It was all right for her to cry then. It was touching if she cried after the celebration was over.

People said that if she became famous, they might name the school she was no longer allowed to attend after her.

She went home with a brand new computer, donated by a local company that wanted a picture of her wearing a shirt with their logo on it, so that she could sit in her bedroom having online classes. Safely tucked out of everyone else’s way until she was banished to Anesidora.

Even she thought it was for the best, since she wanted to spend as much time with her family as possible. But maybe not. Maybe listening to conversations through her door and imagining how in the future her name would be spoken less and less in the house until she didn’t really belong there anymore had been bad for her.

Then in intake, lots of the new arrivals were sad just like her. But they snapped out of it. So fast. And they wanted to leave the sad behind.

And there she was, still going through boxes of tissues and trying to find ways to get back home.

I guess I really will have to be famous enough for them to name a school after me, she’d decided. I guess I’ll just have to be one of those Avowed who can break mountains. I’ll have to look pretty and smile for cameras and shake hands with strangers…and if I do that for them, they will let me stay.

It was her ray of hope. It also made her so furious that she wanted to rip up the floor of the sea.

She practiced with her powers so that she could one day.

In intake, she learned that a girl with an S beside her name was supposed to be grateful, even here. She was supposed to complain less than everyone else, not more.

Only the other gloomy, furious people thought she had a right to her unhappiness. So she’d hung around them a little. It wasn’t really friendship. Just shared misery and resentment.

It seemed natural to hang around people who felt the same way, she thought as she stood inside the re-frozen Workshop. She carefully targeted points within and around the big cylinder she had built for the team. She used her hands, her skills, and the curious mental focus her active spell impression gave her to direct her magic. But it just made it harder to move on.

Things weren’t perfect, and yet they had been getting better ever since she got away from intake.

And telling Jacob, once and for all, that she wouldn’t go with him if he tried to leave again had relieved some pressure she hadn’t realized was crushing her. She hoped he’d talk to the System, like Alden had suggested, and tell it he wanted to be summoned. Trying to escape from Anesidora that way sounded much safer and more likely to succeed.

But as for Maricel, she was here now. On this path home. She had to start walking it.

She packed more clay into her cylinder. More sand. She pressed and pressed.

A slightly wrong motion or a misplaced compression point, and her magic would break the shape apart instead of hardening it.

Mistakes weren’t usually a problem. It was only dirt. But today she was nervous.

I don’t want to disappoint them all. It’s been so much fun.

The long hours at the library, having everyone on calls with her in class, even teasing Vandy and Tuyet this morning before they’d left the apartment…

Everly had been joking that their team had spent all their time coming up with surefire methods to counter Dart Meisters and Sky Shapers specifically, and Maricel had gone along with her. Tuyet had threatened to pin pictures of them to her dartboard in retaliation.

I like being on the team.

After their terrible runs on Wednesday, she’d thought they might fall apart. She’d been sure Alden must feel terrible after getting targeted so many times. But he’d been calm and collected starting off their meeting, and it had just gotten better from there.

I wish we could run the course together more. We could get so good at it.

They only had today. She wanted to make it count.

And she wanted to impress Fragment, who was watching from the stands.

The older Ground Shaper saved people from disasters with her power. She had two brothers several years younger than her, just like Maricel. She had been forced to leave them behind when she was fifteen, just like Maricel.

“And I never suspected,” she’d said, offering Maricel a coconut taffy from the tin she kept on her desk, “that one day the younger one would be selected, too! I was so glad I’d gotten my feet under me by then. I’d just bought my first apartment. Didn’t even have a spare bedroom, but he moved in with me the day he arrived on the island.”

Siblings of globie Avowed didn’t usually become Avowed, too. But it happened much more often for them than it did for the general population.

You never know.

Maricel Alcantara was trying to get her feet back under her for a lot of reasons.

She quit shaping and looked down at the large tube she’d made. She’d had to use more sand than she wanted, but with the slightly damp clay and the intense compression it should hold together well enough until it reached its destination.

“Great,” said Everly from where she stood watching. “That should really frustrate them.”

“Ready!” Maricel called to the rest of the team.

A few moments later, heart racing with nerves, she was hurrying down the course.

Her Shaping attacks on the other team needed to be either massive or very accurate to be effective. She was allowed to move something into position on their side for just a few seconds, and then she could make a single gesture to direct it toward someone or something in an aggressive fashion.

Otherwise Shapers could just fly their element around for ages without committing to a proper attack, creating an extended threat that would interfere with the other team’s ability to maneuver.

She stopped just past the weight ramp. She glanced toward Reinhard. He was distracting the other team for her. Heloísa was looking at him.

Maricel eyeballed the other girl’s position, almost directly opposite her own.

I think I can do it. I think she’s standing in exactly the right spot. But it’s going to have to be really fast to catch her by surprise.

She lifted her arms.

Maintain shape with the left hand. Three gestures with the right, she thought. To me, away from me, down the enemy course. If I’m not accurate, it’s going to be very embarrassing.

But Astrid had just said they should always try for more.


“There’s all of our dirt!” Haoyu said. “It’s moving really—”

Fast,” said Alden. “Holy—!”

A large tube of dirt flew through the air toward Maricel. People shouted.

Her right hand pressed forward as the cylinder shot over her head, and its direction changed in a heartbeat. It rocketed across enemy lines, smashed toward the floor—which should have broken it to bits or, given its shape, sent it rolling off into the sunset—and stopped dead for a split second.

Heloísa, standing a couple of yards away from the end of it, whipped around to face it just in time for it to crash into her legs and send her flying as it barreled in a perfectly straight line along the floor down the enemy course. It left a large trail of dirt across the white floor in its wake.

“GO!” Maricel shouted.

She wrapped her arms around herself, perhaps to keep herself from accidentally using her magic anymore. The cylinder shot dead center through the fire obstacle, out the other end, and into the pipe, the very thin edge on the bottom of the obstacle shaving off some more dirt but doing little to halt the juggernaut’s progress.

“NOW STOP!” its creator ordered. <<Don’t go all the way through!>>

There was no way for her to control the dirt with her voice, and Alden fully expected to see it launch itself out of the pipe like a bullet given how fast it had entered. But it did stop. Not in the middle, where Maricel had probably wanted it. Instead, about half of the bulk, crumbling from its violent journey, emerged from the end.

“No! I threw it too hard! They’ll be able to dig it out easier from there. I’m so sor—”

Her apology was cut off by cheers and laughter from the rest of the team.

“That was awesome,” said Haoyu.

“Heloísa, we’re sorry!” Everly called.

Njeri shouted, “Your aim is AMAZING, Maricel!”

“It really is,” said Alden. “That was a super long shot. And you hit Heloísa on the way.”

“We might’ve just won,” said Reinhard. “Their track runner’s about to reach the gym and have to dig. Maricel took Heloísa out at the knees, and it was pretty severe. She’s belly crawling toward the rope climb…frighteningly fast…but we can count her out. I think.”

“Let’s push for the finish line,” said Haoyu. “All of us.”

Alden began prepping his cord. Since we’re all going for it, priority order over the line is easy to figure out.

He’d put Njeri and Lucille up and over together. Njeri would head for the finish with Jeffy’s help. Reinhard would target someone on the other team as soon as she was over.

Lucille would be able to haul people up with the cord from up there as well. Everly would go through, then Alden and Haoyu. Versus this team, it was fine for Reinhard to stay in his sniper position until the last minute, so he’d finish the course off with the three S-ranks.

Surprisingly soon, Alden was up on top of the wall himself, looking down into the water. The tank was a giant L shape, with the longer, vertical side of the L abutting the wall. There were small floats that had to be dragged underwater and put in wire traps along the way before the escape hatch at the other end of the L would unlock. The traps periodically set the floats free again.

It wasn’t complicated, but it was exhausting to get the floats all down.

Unless you had an Aqua Brute on your team. Jeffy was down at the bottom of the tank now, trapping one of the floats. Thanks to his skill he could drag all of them at once if he wanted, and just walk around at the bottom holding them in complete defiance of buoyancy.

He’s probably a little disappointed it’s all going so well.

They had promised they would send him back out to the track at least once to help and protect whoever had died so that he could show off his “land moves” to the principal.

We’ll have to let him attack someone next time.

Alden jumped. Haoyu was right behind him.

He held his breath as he hit the water, and before he could resurface, a hand grabbed him around the ankle, and he sank like a rock despite the lungful of air. He kept his eyes closed as they went down. The vertical portion of the tank was about thirty feet deep, and when you reached the bottom, you swam through a passage toward the escape hatch. Jeffy was supposed to shove them right toward it, so it was very low effort.

I wonder if he could’ve caught the mishnen.

Probably. At the very least, he would’ve had more options than stripping down to his underwear and trying to bait it with his own pants.

They reached the bottom and a hand pushed Alden forward. He opened his eyes and swam. A few seconds later he was emerging from the escape hatch, the magic barrier letting him slide right through.

The final obstacle was simple—a tightrope walk. The metal cable they were supposed to walk across was only a couple of feet off the ground, but every fall punished you with a five percent total body movement penalty.

I’m pretty sure this is going to go really well, Alden thought as he hopped up onto it.

It was exactly the kind of challenge his new wordchain should turn into a non-challenge.

He took his first couple of steps and smiled.

Thanks, Lute.

He strolled the rest of the way over the finish line. Everyone who’d gone ahead of him was waiting with big smiles on their faces.


“I see,” Lesedi Saleh said, holding the magical device she was using as a megaphone when it suited her down by her side and staring at a notice she’d just receive through her interface, “that one of our students has earned some jealousy already.”

“Only one?” Torsten Klein asked. He was watching Maricel stumble over the finish line and beam as Astrid and Everly patted her on the back. “We have several stand-outs.”

“They should all be exceptional in some way,” the principal answered. “But I meant Alden; someone just used the reporting system to share their suspicions that he’s ‘using some kind of performance enhancing drugs.’ They obviously didn’t appreciate his jaunty demeanor as he finished the race. A shame. I rather liked it.”

“It’s a wordchain,” Klein said, shifting his gaze toward Alden. “We told him not to bring it to class again until he could cast it himself. I thought we wouldn’t see it again for a few more weeks, if he kept up with it at all.”

“Do I detect a hint of approval?”

“It depends on whether he actually did cast it himself.”

“Does he strike you as a cheater?”

“He doesn’t.” He frowned. “Do you think he plans to supplement himself more extensively than usual with wordchains?”

“It will be a lot of studying if he does. We have a few students who try, but we don’t really leave them much time for it. I’ve always thought shoring up wordchain knowledge was more of a post-graduate endeavor.”

Klein nodded once. “Leveling to secure more foundation points and talents offers an improvement with no drawbacks. But his unusual Dexterity and Speed allocations…maybe he did it specifically because he was hoping to make up for his rank and class with chains? He should have mentioned it during his interview if that was the case.”

“You could just ask him,” she said mildly.

He sighed through his nose. “Maybe after I’ve seen more evidence that it’s actually a good idea for him and not a waste of his time.”

“He can also do several things with his skill that he wasn’t capable of a few short weeks ago,” she pointed out.

He didn’t answer.

“Morrison wants him to catch bullets with it.”

Klein rolled his eyes. “It’s a robust skill,” he said. “We’ll find out how robust soon enough. And then…we’ll see.”


Once they were all over the finish line, giddy with excitement at their first win and drinking from their water bottles while the other team used the remaining minutes on the clock to struggle through the course, Jeffy watched the drone footage of Maricel’s epic attack. He’d been able to hear them all talking about it under the water, but he couldn’t see it. He felt like he’d missed out.

“That was so cool!” he said, gnawing on a strip of jerky.

Maricel beamed. “Thank—”

“It looks like their pipe is pooping if you watch it in reverse.”

Maricel’s smile froze. “What?”

Alden tried not to laugh.

Everly snorted. “I thought so too.”


“Your creation did look a little like a giant…” Haoyu caught a glimpse of her expression and quickly changed tactics. “But everyone was totally focused on your perfect Shaping! You looked awe-inspring. Definitely the MVP. It’s not your fault you wanted to plug a pipe, and pipes are pipe-shaped.”

“Oh no,” Maricel stared back at the other team.

“Maybe nobody else noticed what it slightly resembled,” said Njeri. “Except for Jeffy, Everly, Haoyu, and me.”

There was a pause. “I noticed,” said Lexi.

Maricel groaned.



Thank you. I wonder how the MC’s power works with a holographic projector. Does the light become hardlight? Could he turn a flashlight into a light saber if the beam is thin enough it could cut anything?

Andrew Simpson

No sleep for the soupless baby. I'm ready to read.

Adam Andersson

Oh heck yes, post morning lecture chapter!


Oh yeah, TFTC!

John Anastacio

Thanks so very much Sleyca. Hope you aren't tired and weren't too inconvenienced by staying up so late. Have a good sleep now.


Thanks for the chapter! <3


Thanks for the chapter!


Yay!! Thank you!💖


Thanks Sleyca!!


Thank youuu


So glad I took a 7 hour nap earlier


The cannibalism in this story is wonderful.

Wheels of Terror

Wasn't expecting the gremlin to tell Alden not to cannibalize, but shoulld've figured based on Gorgon's past job.

Carl Earl

I'm not even done yet, but "Alden knew because the gremlin said that particular Olive was a no-no. Alden couldn’t eat her without her permission." Is Fing gold!

Will T.

poor maricel you never know what will be poop.


Late night soup, my favorite! I hope one day Marsha gets some humble pie. Would be even more fitting if it's served in duel class.


Now I'm just waiting for the gremlin to randomly tell him that someone is okay to eat. Like he's just chilling and the Gremlin's like, "yup, that one has dedicated themselves to you body and soul, bon apetit."

Guus van der Borg

It's both funny and a little sad that Jeffy's biggest goal for this run basically happened to Alden. Alden impressed the principle so much she went to talk to Klein to get him to ease up a little. :) Good for Alden, but poor Jeffy.


Lmao Jeffy the Comedian as always


Can I eat you? Is the funniest way to see if someone is real.


jupiter's sulky passive aggressiveness (Holly!) and her notes are great. i appreciate her appreciation of everly's eyeshadow. not even in a gay way necessarily, just you write friendship so well. im so glad maricel is healing and flourishing. also the teachers! theyre distinctly different in how they approach alden's unique situation but theyre still good teachers who are overall fair and good at looking out for their students interests. soup is so healing for the soul 😊

Lucia A

Even when imagining it, it did look like poop. Sorry Maricel 😂


This was awesome. Go Marcielle and I really hope Marshas Polearm gets entangled in some premium conserved rope in the future


This is a very different side of Jupiter than we've seen previously. She has, uh, different priorities than a lot of other people, but when she cares she gets really, really into it. That's a really useful document for her team to have aside from the small part where she basically says "I really want to be on a different team".


Edit Suggestion: A few seconds later he was emerging from the escape hatch, the magic barrier letting him slid right through. ->A few seconds later he was emerging from the escape hatch, the magic barrier letting him slide right through.


Thanks for the chapter.


Speaking of Jeffy the Mishnen Conquerer, him meeting a stoic Artonan (like Stuart) would be hilarious.


Nothing like waking up to a freshly baked chapter ready to dig into!


I'm only part of the way through the chapter, but I absolutely love everything about Jupiter. Absolutely deranged in the best way, I love it.


Why, Jupiter? Why are you taking notes on Everly's eyeshadow? There's fighting going on! Does Everly resemble your favorite orchid or something?

Andrew Tobin

So so very appreciative of the positive turn for Maricel. I know Sleyca promised darkness, but how many stories go out of their way to set up some tension like that and resolve it in a healthy, positive way? And the supportive teacher. So much hearts and joy for this chapter!

Kim Enteiu

Njeri: maybe no one but us few noticed? Betrayer: I noticed 😆


"Klein rolled his eyes. “It’s a robust skill,” he said. “We’ll find out how robust soon enough. And then…we’ll see.”" I detect foreshadowing but I'm not sure where Klein is going with this. Are the teachers going to make a point to exhaust or overwhelm the student's skills?

Wheels of Terror

I'm happy for Marciel that she's settling in and enjoying it more. It was pretty hard for me to just move halfway across the state for college.


Klein talking about how Alden should have told them something during the interview is pretty funny given how few real questions they asked. Maybe you’d know more if you asked anything about his build choices or time on Thegund or whatever.

Mason Bially

I think it's because it's mental notetaking, it's like mental texting. Every thought she is having is being written down. The fact it's as focused as it is given how she normally is is actually impressive.

Andrew Tobin

Someone’s gonna give Jeffy his due - they aced a whole section because of that dude.

David Bailey

Thank you! This chapter had so many excellent parts and lines 😆 Kon noticing Lexi, Jupiter's commentary, Team Vandy/Masha's B-rank envy, the gremlin (I died laughing! 😆🍽), Maricel (oh, Maricel... hugs), and Jeffy delivers 😄


It did! That is how he figured some stuff out, he had an intrusive thought about eating Stuart’s bone fragment.

Andrew Tobin

All of them have bits of selfishness, Jupiter’s is more fun than most, so I think we give her a pass? I can’t wait for her at Christmas.

Andrew Simpson

I still think Vandy is cool. She's got all the drive of Martha with none of the cruelty. She's all business, but she seems fair, and she seems honest in her judgements. She feels like the kind of person who our bun would work well with because she's no bullshit, goal oriented, and communicates well. Her biggest failing is how quickly she gave up on defending max, but it's not like she didn't defend him, she's just socially inept. She's high on my fantasy-obstacle-course draft list.

Guus van der Borg

I like the contrast between Mehdi and Winston. Both of them seem to be highly competitive and disdainful of B's. But Winston seems to hyperfocus on not losing to a fuggin B! Whilst Mehdi seems to be able to take a step back and properly consider all the angles. I could see Mehdi coming to accept (certain) B's as 'useful' whilst Winston will probably need a major reality check before coming around. Also, damn Winston, there's more things to look at than Alden. Keep this up and your precious media presence will be invaded by the worst kind of shippers...


I think he has a rather higher opinion of Alden than the rest of his team and doubts it would be that simple.


Klein is coming around 😂😂😂

Andrew Tobin

I think they plan to do that every opportunity, and to have their students grow, figure ways to evolve and stuff.


Fantastic. Their strategy worked perfectly, and they felt great about how they performed. And I’m so, so, so glad to get a glimpse of Maricel’s current emotional state and see that she’s doing well. She’s come so far in such a short time. She deserves that celebratory meal.

Victor Cavalcanti

Alden could probably pass off the gremlin as the effect of a magical contract that enforces veganism.


Choosing the name Olive for a character just for this one joke is hilarious. I totally approve. Also love that Maricel is feeling better.


The Hushin' Russian has forgotten where he came from.

Andrew Tobin

I wonder if she would be good with Lexi as a pair, or completely horrible with him. She was very cute and friendly with the paper airplane scene, which makes me think she could be very pleasant as long as you were also serious enough for her.

Billy Corcoran

I read it as like... he needs more testing before he lets himself get excited. End of the day Alden is still a B.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

‘So how did you know which one was the real me?’ ‘You know how I’m vegan?’ ‘Yeah?’ ‘I tried to picture eating you and just… couldn’t.’ ‘wtf’


2 months later... Winston: What's wrong with you people! I'm NOT in love with the B-rank rabbit!

Diana Lee

I mean fertilizer does usually come with dirt Maricel...


What did Max figure out about the paracord? It's on-point that the team doesn't ask him directly even though he's seen most of Alden through B-list. Feels like BigSnake has even more death flags with Maricel going "I wish we could do obstacle course more". Also, a completely innocent Jacob reminder, I'm sure he's not planning to build a submarine he can escape on during Matadero. Maricel's segment felt a little clunky. There's too much introspection and reminiscing and it kills any tension that's been built up in the course. Like, let me unleash my super powerful attack but also summarise the last month of my life. I would suggest maybe moving some of that to when they eat out? It'd still be pre-weekend so it could work for highlighting Jacob and it feels like a more natural place to deliver that exposition. Just my 2c.


It probably helped that her boy toy (big n little snake) specifically called him out the week before


Great chapter! Slight correction: "wordchain knowledge was more as a post-graduate endeavor.” I think you meant, "more of a"


Olive is vegan, Alden should be allowed to eat Olives.


He's figured out some of Alden's rope tactics? Obvious candidates are (1) that Alden used knots to avoid needing a knife Shrike could hijack, (2) that this kind of rope has thin inner strands which Alden could pickle into a lethal/maiming weapon.


Until some rich avowed go ahead and contract themselves into veganism thinking it’s going to be the perfect counter to illusion type abilities and it doesn’t work and they’re stuck permanently vegan for the rest of their lives and very mad at Alden.


Marcielle is amazing! Glad to see a different change in perception on her life as Avowed; I really get why she was like that when she first came to the island. On the other hand, really Winston? You really write certain teenagers well, because Winston and Medhi are just pure ego and it really gets under my skin when people undermined other's ability without evidence. Though that little thing in the previous chapter worries me for Alden's future with the other kids.

Guus van der Borg

To be fair, that is one question they explicitly DID ask him. How he was planning on overcoming his class limits was, in fact, pretty much the main focus of the discussion.

Guus van der Borg

I don't think Klein cares about the B. He's been fairly explicit in being worried about Rabbit. He worries that the skill will cap at level 5 or so and that Alden will be pretty much stuck as there are little to no other Rabbit skills suitable for heroing. Of course, he doesn't know what we do. One of the things I greatly enjoy about this series is that the antagonists (which I don't think Klein is, but he serves to illustrate the point) don't have an overwhelming information advantage, which is fairly common in stories. The antagonists are all making informed guesses about Alden (and others) based on limited information. And more importantly, they screw up because of it. It has already gotten Manon killed before she even properly faced Alden. I love it.


I've been refreshing all day - so good to get my fix - but now I want more. Can't wait for Thursday!


What did max figure out! He definitely picked some stuff out

Guus van der Borg

@Andrew Thing is though, they're going to give him exactly the kind of praise he wasn't looking for. Because he did very well, specifically as an Aqua Brute, not a building puncher. He was hoping to impress so people would let him be a building puncher. This won't help for that. Still though, I feel like the story is moving towards Jeffy finding acceptance in his class. Underwater fights are cool as heck after all. (Which is why Monster Hunter 3 was the best and all the haters are just straight up wrong!) (Half joking, but I AM salty they got rid of underwater fights.)

Robert Lethiecq

The title of this chapter should be “The poop chute”


The peanut gallery is so good in this chapter lmao. And I love seeing the split between the people learning from Team Cottontail, and the Marsha's


Vandy needs to develop her empathy skills to better understand where to direct her sense of justice, but I think she's doing her best. Odds are decent she'll get shaken out of her inflexibility over the next few years.

Jumping Flounder

to be fair he’s been hiding that he can carry 2 things, and using that to exhaust his power faster so it seems weaker than it really is


Wouldn't Alden be able to find the real Olive by targeting her?


Jeez, let's hope Lexi never hears Marsha call him 'whip boy'. If Lexi was listening to her talk here Writher might just attack her straight out

Robert Lethiecq

I think he realized that the decision to use neon rope was intentional. If it’s intentional the reason is to distract from the less visible rope. He knows it’s a trap that’s perfect for some particularly aggravating members of his team

Moby Duck

TFTC! I like the Maricel PoV, and she’s growing both in skill and mentality. Don’t want to see her leave, so here’s to hoping her brothers also unlock their S-rank potential and she can go back to measuring their heights on a doorframe! On the other M characters, Marsha and Mehdis talk really highlights how rankism can form. Marshas points are reasonable, but it’s so… narrow-minded? I guess? Hoping Alden beats her as his first S-rank on his path to becoming the greatest, although hopefully before her ranks up so she learns that Bs are to be feared, Max beating her would work for Karmic balance aswell.

Andrew Tobin

There’s a mention of her having a power that prevents her being targeted in the chapter - it makes sense, it would undermine her entire illusion if people could just target her. “She even had a spell to prevent people from targeting her.”

Robert Lethiecq

They didn’t ask. Klein basically told Alden he was a waste of time and resources as a closing remark. He wasn’t looking for an answer to a question. No one else asked anything of substance.


[“How much of an idiot do you have to be to bring neon yellow rope? It’s like he’s saying, ‘Look at me! Look at me! Attack right here.’”] I’m wondering if this is what makes Max say Huh. Vandy theorises about it being for Alden’s benefit. And Winston is obviously thinking it’s stupid because he wants Alden to be stupid. They note previously he’d used dark green. I think Max has realised that Alden is really all in on support. Neon is to help others see his thin cable, to be able to see whatAlden can feel. He’s realised that Alden really isn’t about attacking and concealing. He’s about shielding (bright target helps draw enemy eyes) and supporting (bright platform draws ally eyes). The other classmates are so combat focused that they aren’t able to interpret Alden through a supportive lense yet. (Oh, and I imagine it's made Max have an idea about how to use his zones to multiply the efforts of others in some fashion, but of course, he's not going to super-support this team as it is)


I would really enjoy seeing Marsha try to stab Alden in a duel, him contact-freezing her polearm then using her grip on it to whip her over his head and launch her across the gym. (since she would be a weightless load) Should be doable since he gets a tiny grace period on mutually supported burdens. Also, with the things we know bullet catcher is understating the potential. Once he works on his perception some, he should be able to be bulletproof, as long as he can brush them away before they unfreeze. Using his hands is a big limitation currently. I wouldn’t be shocked if there were skill upgrades for Bearer to make that even easier. Make the burdens stick to you. Make them able to be changed when frozen. Almost certainly a way for him to freeze just a bullet’s velocity somewhere in that skill tree. Grab the velocity then apply it to himself, exchange a gunshot wound for a tiny amount of recoil.



Do magical contracts tell you it would be a violation even if you have no way to know? I would assume not because otherwise people would abuse the hell out of them to acquire knowledge. Any guard for something important would have a "don't let people in mundane or magical disguise" contract to catch shape changers and illusions. Or use it to gather infos about avowed or use it to detect invisible environmental hazards like radiation or gas. Or...

Blake Noyes

“As” is correct here since it’s describing his thoughts. “I’ve always thought of it more as” rather than a plain statement of “it is more of”

Heather White

I think Klein may be using robust in a slightly different sense — he’s acknowledging her statement that Alden’s skill is starting to look like it has depth & breadth, more capabilities than he originally believed it to have.

Blake Noyes

Water missions are universally accepted as the worst part of any game


Never would have thought before reading this that a Jupiter part would be my favorite part of this chapter. She's too funny.


[“Leveling to secure more foundation points and talents offers an improvement with no drawbacks."] (Klein) Earth Contract with its love of small frequent level affixations (as compared to Mother's affix-in-as-large-an-amount-as-you-can approach) has really done Humanity's hardest working superheroes dirty. Poor Klein. Poor, poor, wool over his eyes Klein. Still, will be fun to watch him rationalise Alden until he just can't find answers anymore.


I think part of the problem is he can only tell until she entrusts herself to him. We know from Stu'arth that the Gremlin is totally cool with him eating someone that has entrusted themself to his skill. So, if he says he can do it reliably then one day he has to pick her up and now he can no longer tell... it would raise some really pointed questions.

Guus van der Borg

Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if Big'nLittle bit it in the near future. But there's also reason to believe he won't. He seemed to be the only instructor to take the chaos fighting aspect of heroing seriously. I could see him discussing the matter from an avowed point of view with Alden in the future.

Robert Lethiecq

I suspect Sleyca would know which Olive is real no matter what. Alden may be overthinking but he has reasons to want to keep some of his off-profile abilities secret. I’m not sure telling olive his skill can target her does her any favors. She will have to rely on that ability a lot. Adding a doubt of its effectiveness because of his unique circumstances that can’t be replicated will not help her thrive. Also, if he is going to pull out this hidden ability to see through her illusions, maybe he should save it for something more impactful than a match a few weeks in that they already have in the bag.

Guus van der Borg

Mostly because he doesn't want to tell people HOW he knows. Nothing on his public profile (or secret profile for that matter) shows a way he could possibly know. The only way he'd have to explain would turn into basically be him being born psychic, Hazel style. And that is bound to attract all sorts of fuss that intensity level 4 Alden is really not looking for right now.


The problem is that there’s no way for Olive to adjust to this without knowing what’s going on, and also no need. Alden would be inviting a lot of questions that would be difficult to answer without complications. Remember, she has a spell that should be protecting her from exactly this kind of magical targeting. Honestly, I think this is about Alden being fair to his team, not to Olive. The safest thing for him to do for his own self is to never point Olive out at all, but that’s not fair to his team who could benefit from his ability.

Heather White

I think now I want to be an aqua brute. The description of Jeffy’s control underwater & being able to defy buoyancy? Best. SCUBA. Ever.


Unfair on Olive. Alden can have a competitive advantage for this course, but Olive wants to be a superhero. Alden feels his method of alien blood ingestion is unique. He imagines that there isn't a way for Olive to correct the 'flaw' in her disguise, particularly when he won't tell her the way that he's finding her. Winston would take that advantage in a heart beat. Alden is thinking, Olive is going to have a hard time with this, and what's more it's not helping anyone else learn to deal with her illusions if he uses one of his two 'cheat codes'. I totally get his intuitive rationale of 'fairness' here, particularly in the context of the others and their development and well-being. No one else can do what Alden can do. Alden knows this. He also doesn't care about doing well at the expense of others. Fundamentally, he's no longer of the superhero (avowed against avowed) mindset. He's for chaos zones.


He can't tell her how he is able to tell. For all we know it might not be possible for her to get around his sense. Only 2 people have the ability in the universe. Why have her freak out over trying to fix a problem that doesn't exist. I mean I think technically he could give her immunity from it, if he could get her to give him permission to eat her. But that would be a very weird conversation if he can't explain why. Actually a pretty weird one even if he can explain why.


Yeah that’s a little far fetched. A random b-ranked skill sees through an anti-targeting spell? Come on now. Besides Alden is specifically trying to be as normal as possible for a B-ranked rabbit in the hero program

Heather White

His “huh” made me incredibly happy. I’m looking forward to his future machinations.

Cyrus McEnnis

It's probably unrealistic for the B rankers to *beat* a combat based S rank in a duel or in the gym. Now, manipulating them so they lose via a technicality? 100% how Max would handle Marsha.


Two reasons. First because the ability come from something that makes Alden unique, and he don't want to stand out more than he already does. Second it is because Alden don't care about the race. He is a support and want everyone to improve. And there is nothing Olive can do to improve from Alden sharing it and it will stop everyone else from learning to counter simular abilities. It will solve a short term minor problem but harm everyone in the long term.


You forget one thing: Alden is not the type of person to say *anything* if it raises more questions about himself, at least not at the moment. Like even when he had the opportunity to explain to Lexi to help him understand how to use skills better he just... didn't (and it had nothing to do with Joe's secrecy contract, "perception matters" was a free lesson if i remember and even then there's ways to bypass contracts by being obscure).

Cyrus McEnnis

Yeah, but Alden is trying to live his life under the radar at the moment at intensity level 4. He's really trying, very hard, not to stand out in obvious ways - if he was, he'd be using something like being able to pickle two objects at once to claim he's the first in the class to level up. Alden's gremlin is outside the normal boundaries of Avowed, and as such he's keeping his gokoratch lineage to himself. That's understandable, I think, given the constraints Alden's putting on himself while he works things out. Got to remember - the second Alden lets the kyatt out of the bag on being a wizard, he's going to get absolutely hammered by humanity as a whole to give up the secret to it. And that's leaving aside what would happen from an Artonian perspective.

Heather White

Yeah, my desire to see Marsha demolished by a B-rank really escalated in this chapter.


Hmm, I feel like the knowledge that more esoteric magic can still target her might be life-saving for olive if she's ever summoned (though it's unlikely that she will be summoned) if alden's feeling generous he should mention that other targeting methods exist though maybe he should wait until he starts getting summoned again as that will give him an excuse to know about said targeting methods. Alternatively, he could look into targeting wordchains and see if those work on her and talk to her about that

Guus van der Borg

Yeah, the description of a brown smear being left on the white surface reeeeaaaally didn't help with that...


he shouldn't be able to target her at all bc of her anti targeting skill, I don't think he can do that with BOAB, he can tell which Olive is the real one bc of the gremlin and how it can tell what food is meat, and that is not given from the system, it would be unbelievable that he can tell exactly who is the real Olive by targeting her, and he doesn't want people to question how else can he do it if not a skill, and he feels bad that no one else she will meet can do that and he can't justifies how he did it.

Benjamin Collins

I loved the chapter but I hated that it's one of the ones that even though it's super long and a lot of stuff happened now I feel like "that's it? Just like 20 minutes outta his day? Nothing happened!" ,it's like watching a fight episode in dragon Ball z where it starts mid fight from the previous episode but yet there still fighting the same boss at the end and you need to catch the next episode to see the battle conclude but then even then the next episode ends just before the final hit and now you gotta wait for the next episode...it's just frustrating. This issue is personal of course and only proves how good your writing is because there's no way in hell I don't see what happens next. I like it but I think I need to pause and let like 2 or three chapters build up, I don't mind reading a turd ton of words but I hate stopping at a point where I'm like "that's it?" Keep up the good work your doing great with this story 👏

Mehr Nissa

Does Alden just need to look at someone for the gremlin to know if he can eat them? That must be very inconvenient in crowds. Or does he need to intend to eat them, to get the gremlin feedback?

Heather White

For random edible passerby, I nominate that taxi driver the grandwitch is obsessed with.


lol poor Maricel she did amazing it’s a little unfortunate her Big attack looks like pipe pooping. Tho I do find it interesting that there are peeps jealous of Alden’s performance when in reality he is downplaying a lot of the crazy stuff he can do. Also Klein is going to be so confused when Alden gets his other upgrades. I’m looking forward to what come next. Thanks for the chapter Edit: side note I wonder if Alden will tell his roommates and friends that they should put off their leveling affixing a few times before they should take it? I think it would be nice if Alden could give the people he’s close to things that he learned after being contracted with them.


It's her motivation for wanting to succeed in gym, and it provides fresh perspective on why she's been acting in certain ways. Having someone think about what's driving them before a big moment is classic.


I’ve always thought shoring up wordchain knowledge was more as a post-graduate endeavor.” ->I’ve always thought shoring up wordchain knowledge was more of a post-graduate endeavor.”


I think the "put off leveling before affixing" thing was one of the topics Joe put behind the secrecy contract. Alden can't tell anyone about it.


You can see that as alden complicating things, not sleyca. He just doesn’t have enough experience to know how to explain it so he try to avoid mentioning it.


Not fully sure, but recall that Alden owes Max a power use. Possibly Max just thought of something he could do with it?


Awesome chapter, glad to see Maricel is truly coming into her own in CNH. Why do i feel like it's not going to be that easy though for her... Also, good to finally have a status update on Klein. I was really hoping to see his thoughts on Alden now that he's actually starting to impress everyone else and...i guess he's sort of improved his opinion on Alden a little but he still seems to be in the "meh, at least he's not totally an idiot" category. I can see him start to go harder on Alden though so like the chapter says "Well see" On the topic of wordchains though: I have a couple of theories about where that plotline is going to go next. One of them is that Lute's chains are mostly going to be useful for mentality and dexterity only, meaning Alden will eventually need a teacher who knows physical enhancement chains. Said teacher might either be a superhero, or more likely the owner of his Opposite stone. The crazier theory i have is that Hazel is going be owner of Alden's opposite stone, and might eventually teach him the force of the traveler series of chains. It doesn't have a lot of merit yet, but there's some evidence in story that potentially points at her.


I've been thinking about the similarities between Wordchains and Feruchemy from mistborn. Lets say you spend eight hours being weak, could you cash in on that debt by stacking 8 strength wordchains for an hour? In that case wordchains could be alot stronger than I originally thought. Tftc! edit: The duration doesn't really matter. You could suffer the negative effect of a chain several times back to back, then spending all the positive effect by stacking it at the same time.

Benjamin Collins

Ya but then the system told him about it and didn't swear him to secrecy so he could talk about it?


I think he worked out that the para cord is of a type with inner strands - I.e Alden can separate them, then preserve them, then use them as an invisible trip wire / garrotte. I’m hoping that next chapter Winston attacks him then runs into the thread and gets cut off at the knees


Do you remember Alden’s conversation with andrzej whan he traded chainer? he is gonna be Fairy from Fairy and Flarey! Hopefully with less getting kidnapped, of course.


I think he worked out that the para cord is of a type with inner strands - I.e Alden can separate them, then preserve them, then use them as an invisible trip wire / garrotte. I’m hoping that next chapter Winston attacks him then runs into the thread and gets cut off at the knees


Can't tell what Max figured out, but recall that Alden owes him a power use. Maybe he thought up something he could do with it?

John Anastacio

Benjamin - Even if Alden heard again about it from someone else he still can't talk about it. In any case it likely wouldn't do most other people very much good, because their skills have caps. Alden puts off leveling to benefit from BoAB's lack of cap.

Heather White

There are two standard possibilities here that have been (maybe accidentally during editing) smooshed together. One standard phrasing would change the “as” to “of” for “was more of” the other would simply drop the “was” and be “knowledge more as a”. Either works.

Benjamin Collins

Hazel is 100% already on the vilan path no way she teaches Alden. She definitely Gunna blame him for that whole situation and become his nemisis

John Anastacio

Marsha is very reductionist. It's unfortunate. Whip boy is yet better than whipping boy, which I fear Lexi will be called sooner or later.


If Max was watching through drone footage (which i find very likely) and was focusing on Alden's facial and body language (he was sighing a lot according to Haoyu), then maybe he noticed smth or figured out that Alden can reliably identify real Olive. Idk about timing, but i think this is it

Benjamin Collins

It would totally help because skills are ranked too. Like the adjuster can lvl and get a b spell or save it and later get an s spell or something like that it's a total benifit


@John, it's still very useful for other people. 1) The tension between bound and unbound authority still exists accelerating growth (although being able to feel it like Knights/Alden can emphasises this effect). 2) Having larger chunks to affix allows you to pick up higher rank skills. E.g. On one level up an S-rank might only be offered F or D rank skills. But if they bank 3 or 4 levels with of authority, they might be able to grab a B or A rank skill. 3) The system starts bribing you to affix. Joe recommended Alden use this to get the system to add more features to BOAB, but also mentioned others can get powerful items or other boons from the system.

Heather White

When Joe & Alden were working out their deal for that lesson, this question was actually specifically addressed. When Joe said Alden couldn’t share anything he learned from Joe in that lesson, ever, Alden asked whether he could share the information if he got it from another source later. Joe said no.


This is… silly? Sorry, but you’re just trying too hard to tie things together. The radiant spotlight of Alden’s heart will get him whatever wordchains he wants from Lute’s boss.


I went back to double-check the reasoning for that advice, because I was pretty sure that it wouldn't actually be relevant to his classmates, and it's not. Alden needs to not take any new skills, spells, or foundation improvements, because those will bind up Authority that could otherwise go to his uncapped Bearer of All Burdens skill. (He can also use his free authority to do wizardry, but he didnt figure that out till well after the lesson with Joe.) His classmate's skills will all have level caps, so it's less of a big deal for them - they might level a bit slower if they take the new stuff, but they'll still cap their skills eventually, and then they'll have no choice to pick up new stuff, so it doesn't make a difference for them in the long run.


Soups here! Thank you for the chapter! I was waiting for this all day. Decided to take a nap and bam chapter drops.

Michael Blue

The other aspect is that Alden didn’t know he’d have Lute as a roommate, probably didn’t want to share his connection to the Velra’s, hadn’t realized how well increased hand dex synergized with wordchains/had spec’d his hand dexterity for magic


Fantastic chapter, lots of great pay-off. I laughed at the gremlin being relevant again, saying "You can't eat her without her permission", that's always funny out of context.

Lorevi Q

I agree but that would mean revealing he had access to some esoteric magic thing that lets him identify her that I don't think he wants to do. Honestly it might even come as a surprise to the Artonians since they presumably designed their skill to fool all methods they knew of but Aldens thing comes from another Alien species lol

Heather White

It’s weirdly delightful that Winston reported Alden. Somehow that level of pettiness from him is hilarious.

John Anastacio

Yeah, complaining about it with his fellow teammates is bad enough; snitching to the teachers while still getting it wrong is so much more lame. I wonder if Alden will bother to explain it to Winston or to anyone else. He's not exactly obliged to do so, is he?

Mehr Nissa

In that case, I wonder why he thought about eating her 🤣🤣

Anton Shomshor

Yes Alden, one must have consent before eating a girl. But one day you may, so there’s that.


I wonder if there are either diminishing returns for popping more than one of the same chain at once? Or another drawback? Alden had three peace of mind negative halves loaded up on Thegund but he didn’t do them all at once.


We saw Hazel stacking strength chains. Though there still could be limits on what chains can stack and how many you can stack at one time.


Gym is for improving. There is no way she’ll be able to fool the gremlin, so using the gremlin to help his team is hurting her. And as he can’t tell her what he is using it’ll come across as if he found a flaw he is unwilling to share.


Wonderful chapter! Love the mini-POVs we're getting! So happy for Marcy! I'm not usually one to ride the corrections train but I noticed a couple here: "Principle" should be "Principal" early-ish in the chapter iirc and "was more as a post-graduate endeavor” should be "was more [of] a post-graduate endeavor" instead. Wonderful chapter, I greatly appreciate you, Sleyca. I hope you're doing well! Discord: https://discord.gg/PRyweNZmBW

John Anastacio

Lovely chapter. Thank you again Sleyca. I really appreciated the Torsten Klein POV. This chapter has the first mention of Maricel having a spell impression; I did not know she had one, as we don't know that much yet about novice Shapers. I gather it's some kind of mental concentration effect. Speaking of spell impressions - as far as we know, they have no level and therefore don't level. This supports the idea that they can't be improved upon. And yet Big Snake once said that the students should all be trying to repeatedly exhaust their spell impressions unless they're the kind that would bankrupt the user. That implies spell impressions -can- be strengthened. My best guess so far is that spell impressions can be strengthened but they never gain extra features, which could explain why they don't level. They grow in quantity but never in quality. It would certainly be rather sad for the Adjuster class if they had a bunch of static spells.


Also, a problem Alden has is his 48 second summons timer is going to make paying off wordchains debt problematic. Not necessarily impossible especially if you can counteract wordchains by casting their opposite, but still a potential complication

Heather White

Since the teachers know it’s a wordchain and not drugs, I can’t imagine they’ll even mention the accusation to Alden. And if Winston pops off about it in the locker room, I sincerely hope Alden just laughs at him. I can’t see Alden feeling like he needs to defend himself to Winston.


Ah, Jeffy, good old Jeffy. Sometimes, having no filter is gold, and you make up for all the other bone-headed times.

Andrew Tobin

I feel like putting off levelling might be one of those open secrets and families like the Velras probably know. Really does mess with those that don’t, so I hope he finds a way around it - if only for Boe.


It's not like any of the other students believed Winston in the first place, so I doubt anyone is gonna take him seriously afterwards.

Andrew Tobin

It seems, so far, that yes - you can stack them, but no - you can’t change the duration of the chain (unless you had a spell or skill, possibly?) In an earlier chapter Lute mentioned how long a chain lasted down to the second, so I am assuming it’s a fixed length.


It's Alden, there is no need to wonder. He was either hungry or trying to see if that would let him circumvent her spell.

Slightly Morbid

Mohaha. Slowly, slowly, he's winning Klein over to his side.


So Jacob was with Hazel because he was trying to get summoned!


Eh. I am pretty sure Max noticed the dichotomy between a highly visible rope and lots of tiny almost invisible strands Alden can tease out from inside it, and how likely his teammates are to decapitate themselves via overconfidence.

John Anastacio

Could be an explanation. Yet Lute also said the Palace only summons Chainers, so I dunno. I rather doubt Hazel had much contact with non-Palace wizards.


@Syrahl you need to read chapter 60, Mother describe that more tension between bound and free authority strengthen your power. And the more equal they are the stronger the effects. Even if you don't have authority senses. It would be useful for everyone, because they would go up in lvls faster.


That's a scary possibility. Cool and scary I am pretty sure others have brought up that as a possibility before. Having the ability to trapping the fastest thing in the physical universe is kind of scary.


Great chapter! A obstacle course jam packed with lovely details, jokes, clues and Chekov guns (someone referred to Sleyca being so thorough she uses Chekov's armoury previously, which I love): 1. “Marsha - Meister of a Very Intimidating Polearm” – Sleyca still can’t resist being coy with us about little details even in the meta novel, and I love it. 2. “Water - get in there, Jeffy” – Jeffy got in (the water)! I’m not sure if I want him to be on his route to acceptance of his wateriness, or just to continue being a unique individual and not letting others determine his course. Whichever route, I trust in Sleyca to make it awesome. 3. Jupiter referenced a “thermal adjuster” in C89, I think this is the only other A-rank with an indication of what their powers are? 4. “metric ton and half metric ton weights” – fun fact, the heaviest Ardblair stone is 152kg. These kids are ripped. Heloisa/Lucille are at least 700% stronger than the strongest humans. So if one point is 10% above baseline (per C24), do Lucille and Heloisa have at least 70 points in strength (sorry if my maths is off)? Puts our Rabbit’s measly 4 points in sympathy for magic (his highest stat) into perspective. But impressive that his trait is so powerful it makes him faster than all the As on his team! 5. “No, that’s one of his happy faces” – I love the brotherly relationship between Lexi and Kon. They know each other and snipe at each other so brilliantly. 6. “Febri! Febri, man! How could you walk into a trap that obvious?” – Obvious to those with a 360 degree drone-powered view…Alden was right to dread having his performance analysed by some of the dumbdumbs on the bleachers. 7. Jupiter – love her. Ditzy and hilarious sometimes but the only one who’s taken clever and detailed notes. 8. “Some noble flora. Like holly maybe” – as well as the previous chapter’s uprooted bush, is this a little reference to one of my favourite carols maybe? “Of all the trees that are in the wood, / The holly bears the crown.” – The Holly and the Ivy. 9. “Crafting Castle of Maiming” – unlike Marsha (all about the kill kill kill) Jupiter gets it – the course is designed to promote non-lethal takedowns in the students, which is what they will need to use in professional superheroing against their likely opponents - poor untrained unregistered globies. 10. “I think she could’ve moved faster than that.” – Jupiter spotting that perhaps Lucille’s heart really isn’t in the capture per her reluctance to use lethal attacks? Or perhaps Lucille missed on purpose so Febri is lured into the trap. 11. Febri’s retreat – it doesn’t mention if he took an attack, but I guess it’s used up anyway – as Sleyca mentioned, there’s a limited amount of time they can spend on the other side. 12. Vandy – was watching in the previous chapter “avidly” as well haha – she’s just an avid person when it comes to superheroing in general I guess. 13. “I wonder if he misjudged the range of Mind Writher?” – he absolutely did – the ongoing theme of rankism leading to everyone of a lower rank being underestimated. 14. Mehdi x Marsha – Medhi getting a taste of rankism here. I think it’ll be good for him and I suspect he’ll grow and become more mature, unlike Winston. Nice options of alternate paths and characters here. 15. “There’s no reason to be scared of her in a one-on-one fight.” – who will Marsha think is a worthy target on Team Cottontail if not Maricel? My guess is that she goes for Lucille. I am hoping that the foreshadowing of Marsha’s skill exhaustion on her second run means that she runs out of juice and gets owned. Perhaps too much to hope that she takes a swing at Alden but his preserved cord blocks it, but a man can dream. 16. “Like he’s directing a swarm around the battlefield.” – I can’t wait for the time when Alden can preserve all the knives flying towards him via his authority, matrix style. A long way off though I suspect! 17. ““Huh,” said Max.” – he’s definitely worked out that Alden plans to preserve one near-invisible strand and use it as a garotte when Winston runs at him (which he absolutely will at the first opportunity to prove he’s better than the B). 18. I’d really like Max to be invited round for dinner with the roommates, he’d have some great tips and tricks to discuss. Also, he needs a hug from our super supportive rabbit to make up for his awful teammates. 19. “Alden knew because the gremlin said that particular Olive was a no-no.” – clever boy. I am also wondering if Alden’s targeting ability would work? Remembering that he thinks it doesn’t cause the same “pinch” feeling that other targeting skills do – perhaps the nature of BOAB means that as it isn’t really an attacking / active skill it would sidestep Olive’s spell. TBC. 20. “I wish I was less weird sometimes.” – oh Alden. 21. “the gremlin said that particular Olive was a no-no” – was the whole gremlin sub-plot simply a set up for this one pun? I wouldn’t even be mad if it was. 22. “Give Victory her sustenance.” – cannibalism and (given the attacking brown log) coprophilia haha, Sleyca having lots of fun with this Victory metaphor. 23. “She was grinning eagerly.” – big fan of Heloisa, she’s so earnestly bluff (and buff) and enthusiastic 24. “telling Jacob, once and for all, that she wouldn’t go with him if he tried to leave again” – Jacob was also the name of the boy that Carmen thought would be “perfect” for Maricel back in C93. I think unlikely to be a coincidence (though the timing of S selection and C selection perhaps is a point against this, though very possibly he's a year or two above Maricel in school), so looks like Jacob was then selected, explaining why they felt comfortable discussing escape plans together. Another Chekov gun for Sleyca for a possible escape attempt by Jacob that goes wrong which would up the emotional stakes with Maricel being so personally invested. 25. “She used her hands, her skills, and the curious mental focus her active spell impression gave her to direct her magic.” – an interesting tidbit on how shaping actually works – a constant active spell impression? 26. ““Fast,” said Alden. “Holy—!” – haha, holy flying shit indeed Alden. 27. “She’s belly crawling toward the rope climb…frighteningly fast” – hilarious imagery, I'm reminded of several zombie movies. 28. “We’ll have to let him attack someone next time.” – would a fair compromise be that Jeffy attacks someone in the water? He could drown someone very easily. Though perhaps he’ll be adamant he wants to attack on land – perhaps he can use his Sink/rise skill to launch himself, Free Willy style, directly from the water to someone at the top of the wall. That would look cool Jeffy. (side note: how do the suits deal with drowning? Do the suits allow the students to actually breath underwater if they're "fatally" killed, or does the magic provide them with oxygen in the event of a simulated drowning?) 29. “He strolled the rest of the way over the finish line.” – satisfied with a job well done. Team supported, Victory fed (with poop) and fun had by all. 30. “We’ll find out how robust soon enough.” – referring to upcoming duels perhaps, and how much of a hit his shield can take from an attacking Meister weapon or fist? If you’ve gotten this far thanks for reading! EDIT: one more point that amused me, Winston's “How much of an idiot do you have to be to bring neon yellow rope? It’s like he’s saying, ‘Look at me! Look at me! Attack right here.’” - almost like someone changing of his shoe laces from white to red is saying "look at me", hey?


Makes me think of games that are exclusively about underwater levels like subnautica. What do you think makes that game so much better at underwater gameplay?

Leo S.S.

Fun chapter, I enjoyed getting into Maricel’s head and I’m glad she settled in and isn’t part of Jacob’s shady schemes now. I also enjoyed seeing the peanut gallery of the other teams, some needed fleshing out of the classmates. Wow, Marsha is kind of scary. I hope she gets defeated by lower ranks and reevaluates.


It might sound weird, but I can see Mehdi and Winston actually developing genuine respect for Alden if certain things go the right way. While they're being pricks about it they're paying a lot of attention to what he does. And they're being properly analytical about it


Obviously magical contracts don't work that way... but they don't know that. Why correct them? Chaos is the spice of life :)


Gremlin saying that she cannot be “eaten” is not the same as a Chainer seeing someone with unpaid debt. I don’t think that she has an unpaid debt more so that her, presumably, active ability prevents people from targeting her. So Alden ends up with an ability to single out the untargetable individual from a group of copies that also shouldn’t be targetable. While being the only person that can do that, except for Chainers seeing someones debt. So we end up with no counterplay from Olive and no explanation for Alden. Lastly going back to your original comment Alden has been shown to be very secretive when it comes to explaining any of his abilities. Only Boe got an explanation because he is the only person Alden trusts to keep it a secret. So Alden keeping quiet stems, in my opinion, from his paranoia/trauma and heavy dislike to any public attention.


Man ... you really don't like Winston do you? That's the second comment you made about that exact same scene playing out. I get it. He sounds very punchable.


Also, the second scenario sounds way more satisfying. I think Max would agree.


We know that Hazel was able to stack chains, and we know that Alden has been casting multiple payments one after the other. We don't know if chain stacking is unique to chainers or maybe even unique to only Hazel. I don't belive it is unique for Hazel alone, but we have never seen anyone else stack chains.


I hope Alden snatches Marsha's polearm out of the air one day and wipes the smirk off her face. It may or may not work depending on how meister weapons bear their wielders authority, but I really hope it does. It'd be hilarious if she threw it at him and he just froze and stole it, making the rest of her skills unusable and useless.


It seems kinda like Sleyca is setting up Mentor Klein. I look forward to the continued development of his opinions.


Olive can stop Alden from being able to figure out which one of the three is the real her. She just needs to give him permission to eat her. Marciel: S-rank Poo Shaper Thanks for the chapter.


Cool chapter! Lots of neat bits. I am however going to offer some feedback on one of the sections. Feel free to skip this if you don't want to hear it.


[Water - get in there, Jeffy” – Jeffy got in (the water)! I’m not sure if I want him to be on his route to acceptance of his wateriness, or just to continue being a unique individual and not letting others determine his course. Whichever route, I trust in Sleyca to make it awesome.] The ankle grab and pulled 30ft down in an instant thing was really graphic as an image to me. I'm suprised that Alden didn't feel panic in a primal way (and that his ears didn't pop and his head hurt at 10 meters down, but he is superhuman). I think Jeffy's instant submerge thing hadn't quite gotten through to me how terrifying it would be, but it is, and he's even got a hair do like a shark's dorsal fin. He's actually really cool and it's not just pandering. Poor Jeffy. for 4. Do we (I suspect I have forgotten in favour or against) know that foundational points are a fixed value for all? Is an F rank getting 0.05 points, and a point for Alden is equal to a point for an S? Except the S has 100, or whatever? for 14. and 15. I noticed Medhi's response too. He's not as angry as Winston, and he's not a Globie like Winston. Winston has had a bigger upheaval, and Medhi has more support network and more experience dealing with these Anesidoran dynamics of rank. I wonder if Alden reaching an A rank will really skew rank perception for him. I could see it going all three ways: 1) he's just been a B so even though he's ranked up (that's wow, sure) he's the lowest A, and he has B skills, so we look down on him still. 2) wow he ranked up, he's an A now. Heuristically, he's an A, we treat him like an A. 3) Wow, he's ranked up. He's an A, but he's an A with momentum. We treat him like a high A, like an S, almost? I think with Marsha, the frustrating thing is that she's kinda good? She's driving herself to exhaustion on the obstacle course. She's entirely about fighting the strong with her full strength. She's entirely about no-games and being self sufficient. She will not rely on others in here (cus it's games) because she can't out there. She will not care to practice against As in here because she won't be struggling against them out there, without the rules. And she probably is going to grow faster and taller than them. I bet she's a future hyperbole, and if not for Alden she'll be one of the top of the class, and a lot of her experiences will validate her perspective. But fortunately, there's Alden. Marsha is a dick. She's also wanting this to be the army not school. She doesn't want to play. She wants to be made into a one man army, and she resents all this. I think, unfortunately, Sleyca is a good writer (how frustrating!) and Marsha is not going to be that anime character that is confident of their superiority even as their opponent pulls out Excalibur and scores over 9000 on the punch bag, etc. As Saleh says 'they're all exceptional', and Marsha is going to I think be pretty exceptional herself. She'll learn from her mistakes, even if she doesn't learn or grow in a way that challenges her frustrating prejudices. (And, the worst thing is, she's reacting to people with prejudices from the opposite direction. Where she disdains to even look at a B System experiment for the class, Winston who is weaker and more insecure and in the middle, is obsessed with the B rabbit. It's interesting to see how the rankism affects their own relationships, because of what Lute so correctly identified in his side-novel section, about the weaker avowed needing to focus on those below them, where the S don't).


@Heather agreed Alden wouldn't feel the need to defend himself against Winston, but he might still tell the others if he gets accused in the locker room. Or maybe Kon will defend Alden, since Alden already told Kon about the wordchain before (and also the rest of his team).


This is a bit harsh. I really like the chapter! :) Just... Well, I think the recap section of the trap is a bit lacklustre. I believe I know what you're going for -- a recap in a pov frame that was already established (although you end up establishing a Maricel POV here in the same chapter so it's unclear whether this is at all a benefit, seems like watching this happen from Maricel's POV would be just as easy in terms of head hopping), and it's done in a way that gives us a bit of Jupiter's voice as well. I think it ends up reading a bit dry and boring (it's a list), the voice doesn't shine (it just repeats what we got last time, mostly) and the whole thing is a bit confusing. Very unclear what purpose the tube even serves. Why is it a cannon? Are they exploding something? What's the thought process there?


Omg. Between this and the Vanilla/Pepper flavored joke last chapter, there are quality jokes completely flying over my head. Good catch!


Honestly agreed. Maricel's summarizing was a bit out of place in the chapter. I'm glad we get to see her happier, but it's a little awkward and breaks the tension here.

Robert Lethiecq

I have a thought on your item #4. I think that the 10% is representative for a general point in the attribute. We have had some specific examples that imply that those points cover a lot of different aspects. An example was Natalie mentioning that she was stronger because her points in appeal made her so to create balance. So when Alden adds a point to his hands specifically rather than his whole body it likely amplifies the effect of that one thing. It seems unlikely that a 10% improvement of hand speed would be so noticeable. If you take that point that would impact every aspect of dexterity and focus it on something specific, that could easily look like a much higher rating. The strength brutes have likely focused some of their points on some aspects that may be relevant to lifting so it’s unlikely an exact math solution could be found. Also, the skills they have likely target these types of obstacles well.

Robert Lethiecq

I think it was more likely that he was being blackmailed into being there. Unlikely Hazel was offering him a ride off-world.


Klein thinks the skill will top out soon. He's skeptical about Alden's growth potential once that happens. His assessment of Alden will depend a lot on the final abilities of the completed skill. Well, it would if he were right about the skill topping out soon.

John Anastacio

Blorcyn - Marsha's wanting to be a one woman army may just be a common weapon Meister quality. Reinhard was the same.

Rui Lourenço

It would be unfair because he couldn't explain how he knew and the point of the race is improvement. He doesn't mean it would be unsportsman like, he means it would be mean to *olive*. I mean, he explicitly explains this the following paragraph.


The planetary contracts know a lot, and guide summoners Avowed choices so being heavily in word chain debt could be a pseudo refusal since it advances the Contracts goals ( use word chains ) and the Wizards culture tries to be balanced ( protect Avowed unless they are really REALLY needed or are Rabbits ) 🔲

Rui Lourenço

Alden really needs to just bring a bunch of thread instead of rope or wire for the duels. And ask Lexi for some whip fighting advice.

Matt DiMeo

Movement is unrealistically fast, and there aren’t many combat-type encounters where you have to be fast and precise.

Matt DiMeo

Everybody carried dirt, but J specifically said ahe bet alden would carry her plants.

Matt DiMeo

Tattoos spring ip throughout the class. Five new vegans. None of the tattoos work against olive.


Alden really sitting there like "no plan survives contact with the enemy" what he didn't realize is that LMTYL preserves things.

Matt DiMeo

She is untargetable, and he would lose entrustment on his rope if it worked.

Maddy Weller

I love seeing everything that goes into Maricel’s shaping! Compacting the dirt, all of the hand movements, the focus, it’s a good look into what a shaper has to do for something that impressive. And as embarrassing as I’m sure the optics of it are, blocking the tube was a really smart move on her part. Yay team Cottontail!


The funny thing is all she has to do to overcome that is to simply give him permission to eat her.


It’s 6am where I am and I absolutely cackled out loud at the cannibalism line, probably woke up my roommates but completely worth it. Whole chapter was amazing!


I don't blame her, it's probably hard for anyone in class to deal with Winston fair and maturely. It might also be related to how everyone subconsciously thinks of lower ranks, and overall it's harder for them to defend the other without just straight up calling Winston rude to the face.

Matt DiMeo

“And I believe Alden Thorn would be happy to help me carry my preferred supplies. Unlike some people.” heh.


tyftc, Sleyca. I'm at Disney World, reading the chapter in my hotel room instead of going into the park!


Thanks for the chapter! I find it interesting that most of the class seem to be going for the S-ranks. I get the S-rank audience but I would have thought seeing Febri and Shrike get beaten would be encouraging for the rest of the class. As in ‘they’re not invincible after all’ and that they make mistakes as well.


Specifically: Joe told Alden to put off levelling to open up a new levelling path and the System told him it was faster.


Yeah. Max seems like he could have looked up « neon wrightmade rope » through his interface, found the reference, saw the rope had a core of invisible strands and deduced Alden’s potential strategy


I don't know that its fair to compare Earth to Mother. Mother basically only deals with Knights, who as you said should take their affixations in as large a dose as they can handle. It would be interesting to see how Earth compares to a system on some other resource worlds. It could be that Earth isn't so much giving them a raw deal as much as that its just a design feature.


That was also my thought. It feels like we are being set up for Klein to really take Alden under his wing, only for him to inevitably be summoned and murked.


Why is it called Mind Writher if it's just a burning whip? Also, what makes it an A rank weapon vs an S Meister? Are there S-rank Mind Writer Meisters?


@gregory Oh yeah, I keep fogetting that Alden can eat him. Has anyone put together a list of edible people?


Best guess it was him putting two and two together and thinking how Alden could take the speedster and agility brute down, in a 'huh that would totaly work way' Because Max was there during the testing where Alden was warned that a thin preserved wire could cripple or kill some speedsters. And, that bright neon line makes for a good 'look at me' and not anything else that it might be tied on.

John Anastacio

I expect next chapter will simply be the competition between Cottontail and Marsha/Vandy, yet I wonder if maybe Sleyca will go even slower than expected and instead show Cottontail spectating and taking notes on the strategies of Marsha/Vandy versus Finlay/Jupiter/Tuyet. That seems unlikely, though, right? It seems more likely that there will be only a few paragraphs describing that match. Either way I'm assuming that the thinkers of Cottontail have prepared tricks and tactics versus the known people and powers of Marsha/Vandy. I rather doubt most of Marsha/Vandy have bothered to reciprocate. Max seemed to have no respect at all for the rest of his team.


The tube is one of the obstacles on the course. The shapers filled it with (cannon)balls of dirt and ice. When Febri walked into the workshop so he could attack, they launched the balls at him. Like how Jupiter shot a tree into it to hit Alden.


I really wish we got to see more of Maricel. She feels like one of those important characters having an entire story of her own that's just not the focus most of the time.


I thought Heloisa was an Agility Brute like Mehdi. But in the character list she's a Strength Brute?

Master Program

Heloisa was introduced as a strength brute back in the party chapter when most of the class made their first appearance. Shes compared frequently with Mehdi since they are both very competitive and became sorta rivals over the drinking game.


I'm going to take a guess that it's called Mind Writher because it's mind controlled and can writhe around like a snake

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

I agree. I normally don't like giving unsolicited critiques on the author's writing, and this is not really that bad. It did feel like that section didn't flow as well for me, though. It involved some neat world-building and character development, but it did kind of take me out of the story for a minute.


Reading this, I had an interesting thought about Jeffy. I propose a possible third route for his progression: the Land Shark (that could even be his super name)! Just imagine, an aqua brute who manages to twist his abilities to work on solid ground. I could see him using the sink/rise skill directly on the ground. Swimming through the ground!


I swear every time I read the name “Jupiter” my brain says “Juniper” because of the plant association.


I fully anticipate Klein one day confronting Alden for the full story.


Agreed. I already said it in another reply, but summarizing the trap and Maricel's intake experience felt out of place to me. I wonder though, @Sean down below talked about how Maricel has a whole story of her own... would her own interlude chapters, like Lute got, benefit the story at all? I think it would be interesting. Then again, there seemed to be some conflicting opinions on Lute's story so I'm not sure.


Jokes aside, I wonder if this would actually apply for something as simple as kissing? Maybe it wouldn't, since Alden's gremlin requires blood and not just saliva.

Andrew Simpson

Well, I think "Rankism" is harder to poke hole in than many other -isms. Ranks are explicitly a measurement of assumed power, so the problem isn't really assuming that lower ranks are weaker, it's more that the problem is assuming that raw, system-given power is all that matters. That second one is much harder thing to change someone's mind on.


@AnthraxRipple the list is everyone who Alden has preserved, right? So Joe's Artonian assistants on Moon Thegund, Kibby, Professor Plim, some if not all of Alden's teammates, and Soren (no clue how to type that special O character). Am I missing anyone?


I believe it's called a Mind Writher because Lexi can also control it with his thoughts. And the weapon has been shown to react to his emotions almost independently.


Poor Vandy and Max, trying their best surrounded by idiots.


The palace of unbreaking WANT people to use chains. They will restrict access as little as can be senseably allowed. For their own benefit the Velras are the ones who add extra steps on earth. Lute already has a small library of wordchain books, ones he was required to take as part of his class. He probably already has any that Alden would want and if not can easily get more.


haha - did you ever watch the cartoon street sharks? perhaps sleyca is a fan - i can see Jeffy as Jab (the hammerhead shark) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxJb2F-kimM


I thought it meant using all of their powers and totally exhausting themselves would overall help them level.


Wondering if Alden could figure out how to tell who the real Olive is with targeting her as his entruster, and then it would be explainable how he can always tell.


Not *super* related to this chapter, but I was thinking about Astrid hyping up Jeffy about Aqua Brutes and couldn't get this out of my head. Enjoy! --- Setting the scene: Astrid walks into the Team Cottontail planning room, microphone in hand. She's changed her outfit and morphed her proportions into "distracting Jeffy at a party" mode. Following behind her are Alden, carrying Angela Aubergine, and Lute, who sets up for musical accompaniment. She taps the mic to get everyone's attention (especially Jeffy's), and begins to sing. **Holding Out For A\[n Aquatic\] Hero** (with credit and apologies to Bonnie Tyler) [Verse 1] Where have all the good men gone And where's the Aqua Brutes? Where's the streetwise Hercules In a CNH gym suit? Isn't there a white knight upon a watery steed Bored in class, I fret and I sqirm And daydream of what I need... [Chorus] I need a hero! I'm holding out for a hero 'til we're crossing the lake He's gotta be smooth, and he'll get us all through Leaving Team Febri lost in his wake I need a hero! I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the class He's gotta be strong, and he's gotta be tough And he's gotta swim awfully fast Awfully fast [Verse 2] Somewhere after midnight In my wildest fantasy Somewhere, just beyond my reach There's someone reaching back for me Racing through the ocean 'Neath squall and surf and sleet It's gonna take an Aqua Brute to sweep me off my feet! [Bridge] As far from land as anybody could be Out where the lightning splits the sea I could swear there is someone, somewhere watching me Through the wind and the chill and the rain And the storm and the flood I can feel his approach like the powers in my blood (Like the powers in my blood, like the powers in my blood Like the powers in my blood, like the powers in my blood, blood) [Instrumental solo, feat. Lute on the Electric Harp] [Chorus] I need a hero! I'm holding out for a hero 'til we're crossing the lake He's gotta be smooth, and he'll get us all through Leaving Team Febri lost in his wake I need a hero! I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the class He's gotta be strong, and he's gotta be tough And he's gotta swim awfully fast I need a hero!


Though if her anti-targeting skill prevents that guess it's just gremlin sense.


I at first thought that he could sense which was the real olive because of his authority senses, but cannibalism makes more sense IMO. Also, a poo shaper would be mad overpowered. You could kill people from the inside! Or just give them debilitating diarrhea if you’re a pacifist. If I learned anything from getting food poisoning it’s that I definitely wouldn’t have been winning any fights.

John Anastacio

TWW - I really don't know. We still don't know how Brutes level. I'm assuming that leveling their crappy skills isn't the main path for Brutes; most of their authority is converted to lots of foundation points - does exercising their bodies to exhaustion help them level? If it does for Brutes, then maybe exercising spell impressions to exhaustion helps Avowed level, too.


@Lauren K same tbh, but this is a minor thing and it would be fairly easy to revise for RR (assuming no POV shift) so I figure it's worth it?? Maybe. I don't know.

Flying Goat

Great chapter! Wonder if Alden's repeated use of his skill in rather draining ways will make anyone suspect it's not the level 3 (4 now?) skill the system claims it is. Edit: I think Max or a teacher would be the ones who'd be most likely to notice.

John Anastacio

Speculating on this because of Lesedi and Torsten talking about how robust Alden's skill is: I wonder how Avowed know that they've reached the max level for their skill. I can only surmise that the Contract tells them so. The alternative is that the skill simply stops leveling no matter what the Avowed user does to try to expand it. No notification. Years later, the Avowed boils over with frustration and consults with others who have the skill and asks how far they've gotten. A consensus arises and the official max level of the skill is reported. Really depends on how dickish the Contract is.


I enjoyed Jupiter's observations. She surprised me in how insightful she was. I really like her power too. Control over plants has always been one of the super powers I would pick if I had that option.


I wonder if someone on his team could just entrust Olive's gym jammies to Alden. That might let him figure out who the real Olive is. He'll find out if his entruster needs to know where the object is for Alden to know where the object is. And since Alden isn't targeting Olive, but her gym jammies, it might not be affected by the anti-targeting skill.


One of the limitations that Alden has shown no ability(yet) to get around is that he cannot preserve an object someone else is carrying.


The Constipation If Alden is the Pickle-Man, Marciel could be The Constipator.


It could be interesting to have it written with Alden spectating. Particularly if they spot vulnerabilities they then exploit.


Then he should preserve her as well, besides clearly by swinging it at him she is passing it to him.


I enjoyed catching up with Maricel. It provided a nice low-to-high arc with her successful attack as the crowning achievement. The poop joke might not have landed as well if we hadn't joined Maricel in her introspection. I was a little confused about how far we went back in time on the course -- that we backed up for Maricel to alter her cannon, and then run, and then attack. Not super detrimental though.


Thanks for the soup! Starting to really love Winston's obsession with Alden, it's hilarious the longer it goes on.

Flying Goat

One of the great things about this series is that the side characters are all so well written, that there are a bunch of them I'd love to read more about (agree that Maricel is at the top of that list, but it's certainly not just her). Not that I dislike Alden - he's a great protagonist, and I want a lot more of him, as well!


I really want to see Max humble Marsha once duels start.

Kim Enteiu

I’m really worried for Morrison; he was set-up as Alden’s best advocate/mentor & then he decided to grab all of the death flags he could on his way out the door 😶

Kim Enteiu

We know from Alden that he believes intention should help shape the results of an identical casting, so there might be aspects of authority that amplify spells if used correctly. Learning more about what your spell really does lets you find creative applications for it & it’s possible that spells can grow in authority for additional castings. I don’t think skill use and spell use draw from the same reservoir of power. Free authority is a lake, bound authority is buckets?

S Money

They said only one more gym chapter of this. So I’m guessing it’ll be a relatively short one, kind of a cliff notes battle

Partha Peddi

I had to re-read this chapter to fully understand what was gouin on. The first time I read it, I had the wrong mental picture. It is a good read. Especially the poop joke & that Alden has to think of eating someone to find out if they are real or not.


@payforthat Marsha throws her polearm sometimes. I specified that at the end.


One of Earth's primary jobs is to reduce chaos events. The more Alden saves up his levels, the more unstable he is, and the closer he gets to turning into an abomination. Earth would rather have a stable, predictable population of Avowed than coach them into becoming as powerful as possible.


I feel for Maricel's poop dirt I used to make mini meatloaves in hot dog buns until people pointed out it looked like a poop sandwich I stopped putting them in buns and changed from cylinders to squares 🔲


I could see Winston waiting for the dinner to make an accusation. His character seems to want attention and what better time than when everyone is gathered in one location.


The Contract lets them know when they have earned more rewards and what rewards When it stops offering you more levels in a skill as rewards, it is capped 🔲


I’m fully expecting Winston to attack Alden outside of gym class at a certain point. I think it’ll come after he gets beat by Alden in a duel.

Kim Enteiu

I would believe that Alden under the effects of the negative half of a chain would affect how strongly he’s qualified for a task. A lab assistant who isn’t the master of themselves right now would be a terrible accident waiting to happen. A lab assistant who is terrified that something is going to go wrong and get everyone killed? They’re going to be very task-focused as long as they aren’t stuck in their own head. It could be a good strategy to stack debt while he’s not wanting to be summoned at certain times. It would be a good conversation to have with Mother or Earth.

John Anastacio

Sorry GryphonKnight, but Alden specifically noted in his conversation with Mother that usually the Contract doesn't offer to add levels to an existing skill; the common practice is to offer new skills and foundation points and so on. What Mother did to bolster BoAB was the exception. If you mean that the skill level simply stops increasing... I believe it would be natural to worry that you're just not exploring the skill correctly. Either way my point is we don't know how regular non-Alden Avowed know that their skills are capped. I'd like to find out.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

I imagine Lexi has very little respect for Marsha not taking anything seriously except for wanting to prove herself superior through duels, as if gym duels are any less of a game. But maybe Writher and Marsha's unnamed polearm have their own separate rivalry, based on their own alien weapon opinions.

John D Jones

No willpower at all, so much for my great plan. Lesedi casually dismissing Winston's jealousy. Maricel will now be known as a Shaper of "Poop." Kon can identify when Lexi is smiling.


4) a significant part of the difficulty of the stones is the form, the deadlift record is a bit more than double. Now there is a difference between deadlift and walking with something but for conveniently shaped weights the limit is probably above the stones. Plus there are way heavier lifting stones


Which is true, but also not the whole picture, Redhandedjill. Earth is minimising its personal liability this way with the chaos potential of the avowed which it stabilises. This definitely suits one of the political Artonan commitee philosophies, I'm sure. They don't want knights. Otoh, (and a view we'll see more of, I expect, once Alden is up in space again and dealing with more significant Chaos fields), there is something to be said for the personal power of Avowed in the combat and resource-world uses of the Earth Contract's calculus. We know that being aware of your authority sense increases the dynamism and tension between the authority-halves and so increases growth, however, that growth would still have been faster than usual if Alden did it blindly -- just holding out for greater rewards, until the System granted them. For non-300 skills, I don't think we've grounds to estimate / critique the Systems rationale. Whether a 5 top or a 10 top skill is worth the same approach for total gain. However, I still think that there's something to be said for the more aggressive approach to Avowed personal power. If Artonans still feared chaos as a larger existential threat than strong avowed, Earth might take a different approach to its deployment of the system and the growth and heights of its Avowed. That's a lot of words, and I fear it reads like gibberish? Do I make sense?


I'm with Robert. He was realizing that just because Alden was using neon easy to see rope now didn't mean he would still be using it later (or even that he could distract with a non-preserved neon rope and then attack with a transparent one). He realized it when they were talking about how their team has an agility brute and a speedster, and Max realized the reason Alden wasn't using hard to see rope right then was just because he didn't need to.


system needs overrides smaller contracts, this has come up a few times now, my guess is this will be the mechanic that lets Alden tell


If you're active enough in chasing levels, your unbound authority would continue to grow without you leveling the topped skill, wouldn't it? The system would let you know quickly if that was the case, particularly Earth's, as it likes small discrete and over-estimated levels, per Mother. It wouldn't let you grow much without wanting to affix authority that normally would be placed into your skill.

Neil H

I wonder if Max's "huh." was in reference to what his teammates were saying, or something he spotted on the course.

Neil H

I also wonder if it's something that has a specific meaning in Artonan culture


Burning Alien Wizard Magical Whip All the Meisters get Alien Wizard Magical weapons Writher can Burn ( not burn? slice? ) Glow ( not glow? ) Change size Motion controlled mentally Phase through objects Resist chaos effects/ chaos demons 🔲


The most desirable S rank skill that Lute could select was one that intensified the effects of a word chain at the cost of making it last for a shorter duration. Considering how it’s in such high demand at the Palace it wouldn’t make much sense to be able to replicate that effect just by hitting the “more wordchains” panic button. But who knows maybe Alden will get a dragonball Z moment where he uses all his banked wordchains in an emergency and goes super saiyan.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

I'm looking forward to seeing what happens when Alden tries to preserve a Meister weapon. Is it too heavy? Does it psychically hurt the Meister? I'm even more looking forward to seeing what happens when Alden tries to grab the polearm's 2nd magic strike.

Neil H

That's awesome, reminds me of the Jeffy-as-Ariel version of "I wanna be where the heroes are" from the Little Mermaid, in the comments a few chapters back. :)


His skill probably wouldn't consider them the owner of someone else's gym jammies


I was thinking it was that Alden could use a different color, but now I'm wondering something. If Alden preserved just a single strange of paracord and whipped it at someone, would it cut its way out of the rest of the cord and leave it behind? So it would look to a speedster like the cord was moving slowly until they got cut by a nearly invisible fiber?

Pisces the Nose

does the suit protect from the effects of diving 30 ft quickly and also not apply a restriction?


does the suit protect from drowning? probably, though I can't imagine how.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

I've been assuming that if Olive ever does entrust herself to Alden, he will still be able to tell which Olive is real because the gremlin will tell him "Eat that Olive." At some point in Alden's career he'll need a way to explain to his team that he can see through such illusions, so that they know they can rely on his intel in life and death situations.

Max Thomas

There... shouldn't be any? At least if you are equalizing as you go down

Aron Lehofer

A beam of light has basically infinite lenght, so it would exhaust him immeadiately. If you could make it self contained, it’s a possibility.


Ah but the stones are a very suitable comparison - and if anything they're easier. Remember the students aren't lifting "conveniently shaped weights"...per C122 - the gym weights are "black weights in different shapes that stood before him." - they include a "cone shape" and a "tyre shape", and a "sphere"(!) - they have to be carried "down the course twenty meters and up a ramp to be dropped into the appropriate compartment" So the stones are the appropriate comparison, not deadlifting.


Max realized his whole team was on the wrong track about Alden’s neon rope. Vandy is trying to guess what advantage Alden is going for, while Marsha/Winston think he’s being an idiot. Only Max picks up that Alden is being intentionally obvious so speedsters don’t kill themselves on his preserved lines. I believe Plim mentioned that possibility a while back after Alden used fishing line in the testing. Basically, everyone is underestimating the “harmless” Rabbit and Max won’t point it out because he’s a fellow B-rank and also being maliciously compliant today.


I looked it up and wikipedia says 39 feet (12m) is the limit for recreational diving for 12 and under. So I assume that 30 feet is not a problem for a group of avowed teens.


I believe Max picks up that Alden is being intentionally obvious about the rope so speedsters don’t kill themselves on his preserved lines. I believe Plim mentioned that possibility a while back after Alden used fishing line in the testing. Basically, everyone is underestimating the “harmless” Rabbit and Max won’t point it out because he’s a fellow B-rank and also being maliciously compliant today.


Stand 5’ from mat black wall to reduce reflection with laser pointer. Active ability. 5’ light saber


Wait what it wasn’t juniper? This is news to me lol.


This makes me wonder about the chaos zone near Anesidora. Maybe someone wanted to see what happens if he/she stops choosing level ups the system offered. The chaos consumed them, becoming a chaos monster or a chaos rift. They were just unlucky they didn't have an infinite class so the system couldn't do anything about it.


Because the gremlin is not part of his luggage skill and it is impossible for olive to improve to a point where Alden can't tell.

JJ Hunter

Delightful chapter! Really enjoyed the payoff for the Workshop/Castle of Maiming and Maricel's landslide improvement on Jupiter's prior pipe-cleaning rabbit-doom tree tactic. I keep being struck by what a mix they all are of so many of the usual teenage anxieties and kindnesses, half adult and still cackling over toilet humor. It must be especially hard to assert authority as doubling down on their sense of identity, their unique existence in the universe at ages when they're all still figuring out who they want to be and how, and constantly checking on each other to make sure they're not falling behind or missing out in some way. Still touched and thoughtful at how much of an impact Alden is having not just on his own team but at least some of his watching classmates already. We know from contracts that one's authority isn't just the manifestation of some magic bubble of immediate presence; it can also act at a distance in how the contract alignment holds two parties to their respective understandings of rights and obligations. of how they will ensure reality will be together. I wonder if there's a more diffuse version that doesn't require active magic at all, but could still have very potent affects by shifting perception of reality and what version of reality is worth having. There's a kind of magic here in so many kids starting with this sense of 'I want to win. I want to be on a team that wins so I can be one of of the winners' and now seeing another model of what teamwork could be here - 'I want to be on a team that helps me do well. I want to contribute to my team and have my contributions recognized and appreciated.' Maricel's POV is such a poignant illustration that S rank status doesn't necessarily feel like a win at all if it's misaligned with what you actually want. She wants friendship, support, family, a future she can see herself happy in, regular school experiences. Alden's help in how summoning could restore access to the rest of Earth to her just by changing her return location, the way the team dynamic shifted from stewing in defeat to supportive opportunities for everyone, that shared sense of psychological safety to stretch just a little further and try harder and feel like you have friends actively cheering you on instead of waiting to undercut you -! that's far more important than winning any one obstacle race to Maricel. Really enjoyed this; thank you for the gift of it. Still cackling over Alden's mental taste-testing of the edibleness of various Olives.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

Marsha is elitist about what completely fake, controlled, and 100% safe sports count as "real". Have fun getting a high score in your teacher-moderated duels against other children, and hope you never get summoned.

Aidan Geverdt

Lol these S ranked are so arrogant.


Alden can preserve people and he can preserve things that are meant to harm him rather than be caught. Put those together and he should be able to freeze people attacking him. After all, what is an attack but a burden they hope to injure you with.


bet he was thinking about how easily alden could body a speedster with the paracord in the right circumstance. It couldn't be a straight up fight, but if he had the jump on them he's got a pretty good bet.


It’s not really an answer, but on Alden’s fake profile, Flickerer is listed as a « single level skill ». So the system does indicate it’s capped already. Not sure if it applies to multi levels skills


I think overall the chapter came out feeling over extended because Sleyca had Alden cross the finish line at the end of the chapter. I think releasing that tension earlier and then hearing the feedback from the classmates and building the tension of "standing out" from there would have been more effective.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

Personally I thought Jupiter's list was hilarious. I've been curious to find out what's up with the Workshop. I thought the list format was a breath of fresh air, as impressed onlooker scenes can get to be a bit cliche and indulgent when overused. Maybe it's a bit of a writing experiment that didn't work for everyone, but personally I think replacing it with a more standard onlooker narrative would risk it feeling less satisfying by the time we get to Torsten and Saleh, so I'm all for trying different forms to keep things fresh.


Eh, I don't think Sleyca will deathflag and bury a second character so straightforwardly after Hannah. Given that Morrison gets summoned somewhat frequently and possibly for somewhat longer durations, I think he might just conveniently be removed as a mentor for the immediate time being but not for the whole stretch. My grasp on the timeline isn't that good but I think Alden only has like 5-6 months left until he may get summoned again? Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if he ran into Morrison when visiting Stu'arth...


Personally, I enjoyed Jupiter's recap. It was a funny play by play of the trap, which would have been hard to do from Maricel's pov since she was in the tube and couldn't see, and we got to know a little more about their classmates. The team spent a lot of time encouraging Maricel, so I thought the pov shift when she finally got her moment was natural.

Ano Ano

Bound authority grows with use. Spell impressions will only ever do one thing, but the number of times they can be used before exhaustion can be increased with practice.


This is such a bizarre nitpick. I personally just read it as alden not wanting to excessively target someone using an ability they can neither compensate for or reasonably expect. Regardless though its kinda whatever no? So alden thinks it'll be mean, its not exactly out of character even if some people might consider it a silly thought process.


I don't think Marsha thought Alden was stupid, but she is definitely a rankist.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

"Writher" implies something alive and in constant motion, perhaps in constant pain. Writher acts as if it has a mind of its own, lashing out and reaching, without apparent conscious intention from Lexi. Lexi's affixation binds part of his authority permanently into a form that connects him to Writher, and though Lexi himself cannot directly sense that existential pain in the way Alden can, perhaps this is why Writher writhes.


Accurate physics of light and quantum mechanics is probably asking too much and would grind the story down to be honest. We don't even know everything ourselves. In the story no one has mentioned that whatever Alden is preserving is impossibly black or even looks different. Which means light is still interacting with the objects normally somehow while TIME isn't, which, you know, magic.


But would they know the moves are particularly draining without Alden telling them? If not, I don't think it'll be the thing about him that puts them on his scent.


In addition to the party, Heloisa was the brute on the other team during the rescue game, who ended the game by (accidentally?) killing the last hostage.


I think it mostly just exhausts Bearer extremely fast. We've seen what happened to Hadiza trying to make a magical bag prettier without knowing. I expect that for Meister weapons this is very similar, if not more so. The magic strike might actually be easier to grab than the physical one depending on how the mechanism works.

Flying Goat

It was mentioned earlier that he is deliberately draining his skill faster in gym with double-preservation to reach skill exhaustion earlier and to help avoid anyone noticing his skill was higher level than the system claims, so I would assume there are at least some consistencies across different skills around how draining different types of usage are.


I doubt this will happen. Remember how shocked Alden was when he got the fake profile from Mother? I don't think anyone is going to start suspecting this since its something that they don't even know is possible. Plus they have no data about LMTYL and very little data about rabbits. I think Alden would have to do something really obvious before people would even begin to suspect this.

Neil H

Good point. I bet the dark green (harder to see) rope will make a return in their match against Winston's team.

Zenopath (AEV)

So he can freeze flames and they become solid and room temperature (he did this with lighter) but I don't think it would work with light. I mean technically Everything emits infrared radiation and it doesn't turn solid, why should visible light be different? But he could turn a high pressure blowtorch into a club that looks like a light saber.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

Maricel did specifically say she wanted to practice with soil. I don't know what the situation is in this fictional timeline, but in the real world a hero could save a lot more more lives helping cities and villages with sanitation issues than with fighting bad guys. And she could probably dig a real good well super fast, for clean water access.


Definitely missing Stu'arth. I think they actually have to entrust Alden with themselves, not just with something. So everyone who piggybacked on Alden through the fire container but I don't think we have confirmation for anyone but Reinhard. The second try didn't mention details on this so it's likely just Reinhard plus maybe one more if he didn't carry Reinhard again.


If Alden ever faces Shrike in a duel and ends up catching his knives this chapter is the one that laid the foreshadowing for it. 1. Marsha revealing that Shrike prefers to use his knives as projectiles and directs them with his skill when he fights “for real” in the Superlatives 2. The instructors mentioning Alden’s skill and how Morrison wants him to catch bullets with it, as well as Klein being surprised he has more tricks up his sleeve 3. The S ranks getting “outplayed” by low ranks being dismissed as them holding back, but from Alden’s perspective we know he is also holding back(gremlin targeting, lethal fishing line traps) 4. Marsha saying “don’t worry they will only pair S with S in the duels because it wouldn’t be fair for an A to fight an S” and we know Marsha is a dumb rankist so she’s probably going to be proven wrong in some way in the duel section All together these seem like they’re laying the groundwork for some kind of upset in the duels when people are still going to underestimate Alden, maybe against Shrike personally.

Aspiring Moth

unrelated to the chapter, but it's basically confirmed that wordchain bestowal is a skill that anyone (even non avowed) can do, and that it's not even that esoteric of a skill, right? evidences: 1) alden's mum worked at a healing house, where they underwent special wordchain courses. given how the wordchains we know of work, it's much more likely that the ones in use are something along the lines of increase/decrease health regeneration, increase/decrease immune system etc rather than being direct healing effects. and these would only work on patients if bestowed 2) when alden collapsed for 16 hours after affixing for the first time, Jeremy was trying to wake him up by casting wordchains on him. this suggests that the modification for wordchain bestowal is taught in the beginner wordchain classes he might have attended (not that he got any of them to work, just that he knew roughly how to try) 3) kibby didn't seem to think it was weird that alden cast wordchains for her and her dead family members. this may just be because he's avowed, but chainers are so rare that I think it's more likely that chaining for others is just a known possibility in their culture mass bestowal is the s rank skill, but bestowal is probably fairly simple but with more limited use cases


I forget which chapter he said it in, but Alden thinks his skill targets differently, so maybe it would work? Any time he's been targeted, he's felt his authority get pinched/pricked, but he doesn't think bearer does the same to others.

Heather White

I’m hoping for part of it to be Alden’s team discussing what happens with the other teams, especially what goes down with Max. It feels like the other teams have set themselves up for some epic fails that could be very funny to hear Team Cottontail reacting to.


The thing is that S really does make a big difference. There definitely are places where Max can outshine Marsha, like providing any assistance to anyone else at all, but in duels it’s very unlikely he could ever win. Of course, as has been pointed out in the comments a few times, duels aren’t actually going to be particularly common as a hero.


Marsha’s obsession with duels is hilarious. It’s like she thinks hero work will be one big solo fighting tournament with strict rules. She’ll bite the dust to the first B/C-rank Wright she faces with an entrenched base they’ve had time to pimp out. You can’t duel a minefield.

Cyrus McEnnis

Well, Vandy's trying her best. Max is following orders from his "superiors" this run and will likely be completely out of gas for the second as a direct result. The question is will the instructors be impressed or not by his malicious compliance - I suspect that as Marsha is likely going to be in a similar situation, there's gonna be plenty of blame heading her way.


I have been wondering if Winston is in charge of his own social media account. I can imagine him posting: “I know for a fact one of the other first years is taking drugs, but the school is covering it up!”

Lorevi Q

We don't really know a lot about what 'hero work' is though. Lexi saying he wanted to be avowed event security for example is pretty far from our traditional interpretation of 'super heros'. For all we know there is an actual avowed fighting tournament that a bunch of 'heroes' participate in as their main job.

Andrew Simpson

You need more friends with ADHD my guy haha. Not that everly has ADHD necessarily, but specifically using note taking as a way to get thoughts out of your head so that you can focus on something else (sometimes on other note taking) is a pretty common coping mechanism for errant thoughts. She was like "that eyeshadow is sick, and very thematic. Cool." And then wrote it down so she could move on to the next thought.

Cyrus McEnnis

I was wondering how Lexi got across the tight-rope at the end with his compromised leg, but then I remembered he's a dancer. He's been turning his body into a machine and his brain into something that can smile while dancing on a broken foot for years now. He'd drag himself across using his smirking lips if he had to.

Andrew Simpson

I think Max was realizing how effectively Alden was setting up the bait and switch. If he has a bunch of neon rope that you're looking for, it's easy to miss the thin translucent rope or fishing line or whatever. Not that he's using a second rope rn, but in order for that to work you have to build the expectation.


@John, you bring up an interesting point. It makes me wonder if a skill’s max level is equal to the amount of authority used to create the skill. Then, as the skill grows, the system stabilizes it at set intervals and then offers to do something with the unbound authority.

Pisces the Nose

It didn’t sound like they were equalizing, which is why I’m asking. He ‘sank like a rock’ and then rose in ‘a few seconds’


I think her' "I want to be on their team comment," was very much because Cottontail discussed what everybody's priorities were and decided as a team about what they could do. It sounds like her team is just ignoring her. When she is saying she wants to advance her plant skills and do something creative. Everyone needs a leader like Alden!


If Alden starts catching things like knives or bullets, I'm going to throw every Matrix reference I can at those chapters. OH I MISSED ONE ALREADY! When he was catching the tennis balls. "Run Alden, run." "What is he doing?" "He's beginning to believe."

Cyrus McEnnis

16 - I suspect, rather strongly, that if Alden pickles the leading knife the skill will fail and the edged swarm will clatter to the ground.


To be fair Alden has been hihing his true growth so that he can, "taking it easy," and relax and do normal stuff at ...an elite Hero HS... were they don't understand how he has the time to learn a wordchain... I wonder what their reaction will be when they see the full ramifications of Alden "getting down to business."


Yeah. The juxtaposition between Alden and Maricel is striking. Alden has been raising himself for so long that it is probably easier now that he is viewed as such and can count on finding the cat food he bought being where he left it etc... For Maricel I can definitely see how hard it would make it for her to move forward when everyone is celebrating and she is mourning.

Master Program

Figure Marsha's going to be taken out by the power of teamwork in the next chapter but it doesnt seem like shes too concerned about the exercise since in her mind its not a "real" fight. It does beg the question of which of the S ranks in their class she even sees as worthy opponents. Kon doesnt have any useful combat abilities yet and she probably figures she can take out the shapers faster than they can respond, so probably just the brutes and other meisters? I dont recall any other S ranked adjusters.

Andrew Simpson

Considering that even if she gives him permission it's unlikely he eats her, this seems like the biggest reason not to tell anyone.


Did no one else see Fantasy SS Obstacle Course Draft and think ABSOLUTELY, YES, SIGN ME UP!?!


Are we going to see all of the team fights, or just Alden's?

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

The chapters since Avalanche have all been laugh out loud funny, and this one got me several times. If I didn't know how serious this series is capable of getting, I might just be lulled into a false sense of security...

Andrew Simpson

I would be surprised if he could freeze something that was still being intentionally held onto by its original owner. Thrown objects are different because they have been relinquished (aggressively, but still) by their original owner. They are no longer in control of the object. But if someone is still holding something that kind of voids the concept of entrustment.


Alternate explanations: 1) Healers often use Peace of Mind on themselves, to be able to withstand the stresses of the job. They probably also use various self-buffing wordchains to help them do their jobs better. We haven't seen any direct evidence that they "cast" wordchains on their patients. 2) Jeremy was trying any superstitious thing he could to help out, with Wordchains being one of those. We have no evidence that Jeremy can cast them at all, nor any of the other students, so I think being able to bestow them is a stretch here. 3) Wordchains are seen in a quasi-religious light by many Artonans (possibly the non-Wizard caste especially, since they can use them even if they can't cast spells). Saying a wordchain as a form of prayer may be fairly common, outside of the actual use of the chain. You very likely may be correct that single bestowals from one person to another may be possible, but from what I can tell, we haven't actually seen any clear-cut cases of this so far.

Andrew Simpson

I don't think that's an exclusively earth thing. Mother is cool with it, and the knights are cool with it, but I wouldn't be surprised if the other avowed on other planets follow earths model as well.

Andrew Simpson

I think he probably just needs to closely examine them, and he notices it like he might notice minute details or faint smells/sounds that would otherwise escape attention.

Temp One

【Marsha stared at them. “Why are you two memorizing the B-rank’s rope colors? What’s wrong with you? If you need to fight him when we go up against them, dodge the rope—you’re an Agi and a speedster; you can handle that much, can’t you?—and hit him. Or kick him. It’s not that hard.” “Huh,” said Max. Vandy was the only person on the team who looked over at him. He smiled at her and shrugged.】 I'm wondering about this interaction here. I feel like Max just recognized a big mistake Marsha made, and is indicating he's going to enjoy the resulting fallout. I don't know if it's because she effectively goaded her team members to go after a relatively inconsequential player on the opposing team. Or if the strategy she recommended is going to severely blow up in their faces. Alden's ability can effectively clothesline speed-type Avowed with startling brutality after all; with potential for decapitation and the like. Or maybe Max suspects Marsha is setting herself up for failure. Like she's indicating some interest in swatting Alden down herself after hearing the two A-rankers obsessing over him compared to any of the other players. Especially the S-Ranks. And she herself is going to reap the consequences of underestimating him.

Andrew Simpson

That was specifically a chainer skill option that lute did not take. But you could spend 64 hours being weak, and then spend 8 hours benefitting from 8 times the wordchains benefit. I hesitate to say "8 times as strong" because I suspect wordchains have diminishing returns when stacked, otherwise normal humans could just like spend a month being weak and then punch a hole in the planet or something, and I feel like we'd have heard about that.


I think, considering the matchup, Marsha’s arrogance, and Max’s analysis that there is a possibility.

Joel Wells

I have a feeling that Alden catching a S rank weapon would place a ton of stain on his authority. Possibly even instantly using all his authority and making him pass out. Perhaps after he has affixed once or twice he can do it.

Andrew Simpson

He cannot freeze people who are standing under their own strength, and cannot freeze people who haven't given him permission. Throwing =/= attacking. Throwing is explicitly involves relinquishing control of something, and aiming it at something/someone with the intention that it goes to them (sometimes violently). I don't think Alden will ever be able to freeze people who don't want to be frozen, freeze object who's owners are still in control of them, or even (and here's the kicker) freeze thrown objects that were not intended for him in some capacity. *Maybe* if someone told Alden to freeze all of the bullets in someone's gun, he could intercept them regardless of who they were shot at, but unless he learns how to get around his entrustment limitations, it's probably gonna have to be some shit like that.

Joel Wells

I think once they move onto duels. Alden needs to turn his paracord into a net with a line attached. If he can wrap up his opponent, he could beat them. I have this mental imagine of Alden capturing one of his opponents, then using the line to lift them up and then slamming them back into the ground over and over.


Alden discovers that the gremlin makes dating highly impractical. Alden: "wow I don't care about this at all"

Gray Bruer

I see what you mean, but personally I disagree. It worked well as is in my opinion.


I feel like you’ve connected a couple random data points together which aren’t necessarily connected. Jeremy casting wordchains was very obviously a high schooler not knowing how they work. Especially considering there’s absolutely no way Jeremy would be capable or be taught. Kibby is a child. It would shock me that she doesn’t understand all the particulars of wordchain use. Especially since avowed can bestow (just not all avowed). Oh and I think it’s more likely that the house of healing wordchain classes were focused on casting them for yourself. Sureness of body and peace of mind would both be very helpful for a surgeon.

Aspiring Moth

it's not clear cut but just some notes on your responses 1) normal nurses get on without peace of mind just fine. why would they need special wordchain courses to be wizards assistants? 2) Jeremy may have been being dumb, but fundamentals of wordchains are very well known in the setting. them being self cast only would be one of them. I'm not saying he has any ability to actually use wordchains, I'm saying that between having Internet access and possibly having attended a similar wordchain 101 course to alden at the start to the book, he still tried to cast a chain on another person. combined with the house of healing example, I think it's quite likely that it's a thing and that he was on in universe wikihow looking at first aid chains or something similar 3) wordchains as religion is definitely a thing. it's likely something to do with living on as part of the collective, and supporting your descendants through your maintenance of the chain. in that light, casting chains on behalf of the dead is likely to be an actual practice. but the act of casting on behalf of others would require that to make sense. this is definitely the weakest and most speculative point, but kibby not being weirded out by it is notable imo


I actually wondered if the Maricel bit was clunky or not. I was going for what Gail says, but I wondered if the emotional payoff of getting an update on her prior her big moment was worth the pause in the action or not. You gain or lose something either way, I think. I'll take a close look at this one with fresher eyes and a little distance before it goes up on Royal Road.

Giant Sloth

Yeah, I do want to see the moment Alden gets down to business, hopefully not broken world and no system level, but only ever few people take him seriously, because of his class/rank, but also because he's so humble about it. I'm also looking forward to when his friend pops back from the void.


No. Wizards got a spell for it guaranteed tho as all skills/impressions are based on them. Might be a spell impression available if your stubborn vs system when choosing rewards I guess too.


If he doesn't have a laser weapon on him he's still gonna be beat down by shrikes pure stats or even with one.

Matt DiMeo

I vote Marsha is the next person for Alden to accidentally banish to the Triplanets.


I love Jupiter. And Maricel. You make really really good side characters. As for Marsha, I want her to end up in a 1v1 duel with Alden next week just to see what happens. I wonder if Olive is dedicated enough to perfect stealth that she would give Alden permission to eat her if she knew what was going on?


It felt padded with a certain report ìmho. Also I was hoping we'd get atheist the start of the next race but I suppose that's Wednesday


He'd never attack alden anywhere. There's surveillance everywhere on anesidoria and that would ruin his own future.


The Pickler and the Pooper strikes again!

Matt DiMeo

speedsters can dodge, and S-meisters can surely blast through. Max is a hard counter, though he doesn’t know it yet. Generic brutes he might have a chance with, and shapers he’s potentially strong against depending on type.


I think either Mehdi or Winston are going to get ‘killed’ by Alden during round 3. They’ll miss the small inner rope because they’re only going to pay attention to the bright yellow outer rope. Also, I can’t see Marsha going after anyone that she hasn’t even bothered to learn the name of. She wants to duel S ranks, so she’ll either get KO’d by Jeffy or ganked when she goes after Lucille.


I think if he does something vs someone else's skill and if it does comparable too much they'd definitely be suspicious. Otherwise not I guess.

Matt DiMeo

A frayed rope spread out like a big dandelion puff would be a great anti-speedster weapon. Maybe give it a static charge so it puffs itself out.


@Guus van der Borg Exactly. The fact that things can resolve without a story trope is simply fantastic. The other fiction I read, while soup is warming, will have protagonists doing hero crap because the story has backed them into a corner or "just because". Drives me nuts, sometimes. Things don't HAVE to make sense or break out of standard tropes... But I like it when they do.


Wonder why the gremlin has nothing against eating someone else's skill manifested illusion?

Matt DiMeo

We’ve got her whole arc now. 1. happy! 2. eek! 3. Sad. 4. ambiguously heading towards disaster. 5. Surprise actually doing great!


The suits are relied on to without fail prevent much, MUCH worse than 30 ft of water pressure so that checks out. Drowning is uh... I guess it could provide oxygen from nothing for a bit as well, it's a powerful bit of magical tech after all. Remember these suits can prevent the inertial damage from extremely superhuman or magical attacks slamming straight into people and sending them flying into solid objects. Guess the damage from water pressure was turned off so they could do the obstacle without penalty.

Matt DiMeo

Watch her screw herself by saying, “I’ve got something for you, B-rank!”. And he just catches it.


Always been str Brute. Been sideyein the agr Brute tho(mehdi)


I don’t think it was stated but I’m assuming the Olive took the anti-targeting skill because you cannot target her copies. So if someone did indeed entrust Alden BOAB wouldn’t work with any Olives be it real or fake one.


@Sleyca It was clunky, but it was a huge relief. We were wondering if she was fitting in or just acting beyond our threshold to detect an act. Very nice to see!


Don't know so far if there's a S rank mind writher anywhere since it's a rare'sh? Weapon I guess. Not from what we've read so far atleast. I think Sleyca based Meister of Mind Writher on "Olympic Rhytmic Gymnastics with a Ribbon". (Figured since his parents are dancers so)


I think a commenter below nailed it (sorry, no attribution!). Max decided that visibility is the point, because Alden doesn't want accidental decapitations. Although, really, I think Alden just picked stuff that's easy for him to see and has the properties he wants...


Heres a very simple counterpoint to instantly disprove that: In Aldens first gymclass where he had the chain from Lute his instructor was incredibly confused about the logistics of it until she realised there was a chainer on campus. If it was a skill that any person could learn then that reaction makes very little sense. Also buying chains from people would probably be a whole industry.


Meisters are probably just the strongest duelist class - even more so in early levels. They are basically single target dps. Even most of the Brutes will probably have a rough time against them in duels (unless it's Finlay).

Aspiring Moth

I vote her to be the first to bounce off an umbrella shield and get a auriadless force triangle to the neck after January. I'm guessing that he's gonna affix in December and stay on artona 1 until the new term starts. it would be an amazing moment that would drive rankists insane


I was wondering the same thing and I will add this to the headcanon.

Matt DiMeo

There is no special diving speed restrictions (for avoiding the bends, for example) unless you are breathing canned air. Whales dive deep, and they’re not immune to nitrogen chemistry; they just don’t breathe compressed air.

Bob Ross

Haoyu having Instant Corners (conversation only) confirmed!

Matt DiMeo

I liked it as a recap. These chapters are pretty long, and the recap was funny.


Eh. Max and Alden won't beat Marsha and they won't need to beat Marsha. Neither is a duelist or aspires to be a duelist. Though neither enjoys losing, duels won't be their focus. This ain't that kind of story!

Joel Wells

I agree speedsters are a problem. But there are only a couple in the entire class. As for S ranks. I doubt there is anything Alden can do in a 1v1. Maybe once he affixes a couple of times he can come up with something. I also think that eventually he needs to lean into his other Superpower. Being rich. If comic books have taught me anything, money can be an combat multiplier.


I agree. I think it's the worst chapter so far which say something since it's been 126 chapters. It was bound to happen eventually but as she's said no backlog left. I'd rather she'd slow down releases than rush to keep deadlines.


@Andrew I suppose we'll see. It might be like the reductionist view on oath tattoos: biggest soul wins.


The tri worlds have been very consistent at giving weak or misleading information. It's no surprise that Earth avowed have only a limited understanding of optimization, with the obstructionism going on.


Wonder what he was going to use the thing he traded for and if he got to keep it or if hazel took it even.


I don't think humans have been summoned by high rank knights much/yet but I don't know where I got that idea. Maybe from. Alis'arths group? Since they're so weak comparable to the other more longer members of the resource worlds.


Like the coworker who times your bathroom breaks, while he watches YouTube himself.


I've occasionally considered a more flexible release schedule that would let me direct the reading experience a bit more...dropping three chapters that go together at once then taking the next couple of posting days off, releasing really giant chapters on occasion and having that be the only drop that week (Chainer, Coda definitely deserved a week to itself for my sanity), or even writing a series of small chapters that get released daily under certain circumstances. I've adjusted posting schedules a couple of times on RR, and I like how it's worked out. If I had the backlog for it, chapters like this would be a good time to experiment with that here on the Patreon, too. Me being more flexible about posting days would probably be good for some odd narrative things that occasionally arise. I do think I need enough written in advance to be able to have at least a two-week posting calendar to start doing things like that here, though. So I can actually see what the final chapters look like and then decide. Plus making sure everyone is forewarned!


Yeah, most of the time if an issue is raised, either one of the main characters needs to resolve it personally or it just gets worse. And the longer it goes without the protagonist addressing the situation, the bigger the fallout is going to be. It's nice to see side characters resolving their own stuff in a healthy way, makes the whole setting feel more realistic and alive instead of being protagonist-centered.


I think her parents are just big arena fighters and that's all She's aiming for and thinking about.


@Mike You're right. But also, Winston's laser focus on Alden may end up outing him. Tune in next week!


What is the issue with 30 feet quickly? There's little time to dissolve nitrogen in the blood, so no bends. What issue do you have in mind?


He can probably use Writher for grip as well, depending on the exact layout. Or even be carried, off screen. I don't think there's a big hurdle.

Temp One

I can absolutely see that for Mehdi and Winston. I think for Marsha I'm just considering the situation through the lens that Alden might be disrupting the narrative she egotistically expects. Like why aren't the A-Ranks glorifying and fretting about S-Ranks like her? Like they should be? Why are they focusing on an inconsequential B-Rank instead? I could see her possibly targeting Alden just to make a point. Maybe even deliberately bulldozing through his Skill. To try and showcase that big-bad S-Ranks like her are all that matter. That she can swat any B-Rank with casual indifference. Straight through their Skill even. And Mehdi and Winston are fools for not giving S-Ranks like her due consideration.


I know a lot of people are on the Jeffy Aqua Brute hype but this chapter shows exactly what Jeffy is getting at about his class. Everyone gets to actually experience the game while he is stuck underwater being 'very useful'. Does anything exciting happen under the water? No, everything in on land, just like most of real life. Someone who can stay underwater for very long and withstand pressures is great for scientific exploration of the oceans but not really for hero work when most humans are on land and enter bodies of water rarely. Or a navy would love him, but I don't think Jeffy wants that. Or maybe I just haven't thought hard enough. But I might've done the same thing in his place.


I enjoyed the small revelation into Marsha's character. Her disdain for lower ranks is only the disdain she has for anyone who can't, in her mind, give her a good duel. She's on the "steel sharpens steel" philosophy and nothing else matters. I have hope that her focus might widen during her time at the school.

David Burchfield

Writher is a flexible tool and can wrap and grab, I imagine it could be useful for that if his natural talent, training, and foundation points weren't enough.

David Burchfield

My thoughts too Alden is going to fish line Winston or Marsha when they rush him. Max knows but is going to stay quiet about it.


I had to read that multiple times, but if you mean that he naturally has the social/conversational equivalent of that skill, then I completely agree ^^

Ano Ano

Pretty handy for construction and rescue. And there's a definite fun factor if you get to go to coral reefs. (Avowed do not get to go to coral reefs.)


Alden can share info from his early lessons with Joe if he acquires the knowledge by other means later, so that's how he can talk about perception with people. He also learned about it from Gwen-lor in the baby wizard lessons. But Alden and Joe renewed the privacy portion of their contract with stricter rules when Joe talked about the Bearer of All Burdens and advised Alden about holding off on taking talents until the last minute. It was in the lab, right after Alden told Joe about catching the Primary's interest at the party, and Joe wanted to *extremely* limit his ability to share the intel. Here: “Touch the ‘Triangle of Absolute Secrecy,’ please.” Alden stared at his back. “We already reconfirmed the contract for today.” “Ah, I would like to clarify a point. Today’s lesson is going to be special, you see. And I would like you to confirm specifically that you will not, through any means or by any permutation of interpretation, intentionally reveal the information I’m about to disclose to you with anyone else of any species without my permission. Ever.” Surprised but intensely curious, Alden thought through the wording. “That’s way too strict, isn’t it? It means even if I hear the information from someone other than you at some point, I still can’t ever repeat it. Or even act on it in a way that I thought would allow it to become known.” “Yes, that’s right. Anything I say that you’re already aware of is yours to do with as you please, but any new information I reveal falls under this agreement. Also you will not use this knowledge to advise or instruct another person in a fashion that would allow them to take advantage of it.” “Uh…do I even want to know whatever it is?” Joe was silent for a minute. He was still staring down at the eels. Finally he said, “I’m not sure. However, it will undeniably benefit your skill development. Which is what I promised to help you do.” * As for why Joe is so concerned about this particular information being shared, there were multiple reasons. There was a lot about the 300 and authority in there of course which is what sticks in the memory. But one *huge* reason wizards don't advise Avowed to take affixations in larger doses is that the levels their System recommends are already the advisable doses. The Systems are in charge of Avowed management and part of that management is giving them useful powers, but another part is safety considerations. If many Avowed realized they could just hold off on accepting affixation and gain bigger rewards for it, it would be a catastrophe in waiting. Avowed can't survive without Systems indefinitely. If they get summoned off-world and end up traveling to a place without one, they will eventually die. Putting off affixations until the last minute, like Alden plans to do, means he has a shorter survival timer in the event of second Thegund. One thing a System like Earth considers is, "What happens if the shit hits the fan and I disappear? How long can all of my Avowed last without me before the Triplanets can fix me?" And here's Joe being a very naughty wizard and telling a fifteen-year-old one of the System's big weaknesses: “Instead, wonder about what happens if you don’t give the System permission to affix its little rewards when it wants to.” “Eventually it’s going to force me to do it, right?” “The key word there is eventually. It doesn’t want to take that route. It’s absolutely horrible on the budget, and it’s considered morally monstrous by far more Artonans than you would expect. So the System isn’t allowed to force an affixation until it’s exhausted all other possibilities. Instead it will let you level the skill and level it again and probably a few more times besides without taking your reward. I haven’t actually seen it happen before, but from what I understand, it will resort to outright bribery right before it gives up on getting your permission and violently modifies you.” “How does it bribe people who refuse to accept any kind of magical improvement?” “It almost never occurs, but I’ve heard it usually involves the creation of high end equipment. You asked once about accumulating a large number of refusals; I imagine something like that would be on the table, too.” That sounded awesome. “Why don’t more people do it then?” “Why don’t more people train endlessly in an effort to increase their power and then, at the moment of achievement, refuse to increase their power?” “I mean…somebody has to have tried it just out of curiosity.” Joe shook his head. “You have to consider the fact that the first thing that will happen is nothing. And the second. And the third. And only then does the System start to get concerned about the unbound authority creating a dangerous problem for the Avowed.” “What happens?” “A scale tips. Too much excess authority will unbalance the original skill affixation and damage it, which would result in either a gruesome and agonizing death or something much worse.” * So keeping Avowed satisfied with a healthy level of progress and not letting them find out that the System has an exploitable weakness--it's costly for it to forcibly affix someone-- is actually pretty important. Lots of Avowed doing what Alden does would be expensive and dangerous, and if it got out of hand, the Artonans would probably have to do something to stop it since they can't have entire planets full of Avowed who are bent on making the System bribe them to do what it needs to and in the process putting themselves in danger.


As another point, Wizards most likely CAN bestow chains since the Chainer class and it's Mass Bestowal skill had to be designed by someone. Chains themselves were (and are) probably designed by Wizards as a form of contract magic. However, @Mag1cM makes an extremely good point in that we've almost certain not seen this actually happen. Also "normal nurses get on without peace of mind just fine". I'm pretty sure any medical specialist in trauma care or similar fields would LOVE to have the option of having Peace of Mind. PTSD among EMTs/Trauma Personnel is a real and prevalent thing.

Andrew Simpson

Man I'm wondering how they got unconscious Alden through the water obstacle. That seems dangerous as fuck.


You make a good point but here’s a counter point. Winston doesn’t seem too bright haha. I can’t wait to see whatever does happen play out though!


TL;DR: Joe is naughty, and Mother advised Alden the same way she would have an Artonan. The knights know how to be responsible about their affixations and don't have the same relationship with the System that Avowed do. Poor Earth probably wonders what's wrong with those two, and what they have against its carefully-orchestrated safe human management program.


Given how prevalent Ground Shapers are, I wonder if Geothermal is much more commonly used as a power source. You can literally have a Geothermal plant anywhere, if you can dig deep enough.


It’s probably also just physics. If Alden’s frozen rope is 50ft long, then a 45 degree flick of the wrist will move the tip of the rope ~80ft. Assuming he can do it in half a second, that means they’re dodging a strike that’s moving ~160ft/s (~110 mph) at the tip. If they try to dodge to the side, they’ll get launched into the wall.

Kate Yen

I've decided I want to predict the contents of each chapter, for fun. I could write it anywhere, of course, but putting it here will keep me honest. Here goes: We know 'today' will contain the race against Max's team, Alden's turn reacting in the bleachers, and the lechon dinner. I doubt all three will fit in one chapter, so the lechon will have to wait - sorry, Haoyu! In the meantime, I believe Alden's team will win handily against Max's. The question is, what will incite further drama with Winston and Marsha? Perhaps Mehdi will receive humble pie, kept fresh and hot by Alden's skill. That might be a good way to ratchet up the tension without jumping all the way to a direct confrontation. As for the bleacher matches, I believe it will be Max vs Tuyet and Heloisa/Olive vs Tuyet. 2 matches per team would make sense, and today's matchups would be symmetric given those two. Given that Max's team is being set up for a reality check, they'll either spend their match against Tuyet processing their loss to Alden, or it'll just be a beatdown. The order of the matches will make a big difference, I expect. Either way, the commentary from the bleachers should be far more interesting than the action itself. Maybe Alden will talk to Saleh, Marion and Klein...


Once, or if, Alden earns her respect I can totally see her turning into a Vandy and constantly scrutinising him

Zachary Sloan

I think you've been doing a really good job with these "superpowers in action" chapters. Probably one of the biggest "question marks" remaining for SupSup until recently was how well it would handle things like "fight scenes," since there haven't really been any until this point. It was interesting when you mentioned how hard it is to write these chapters, since I've also though about how that's probably one of the hardest parts of writing stories like this (or at least writing them well). Hell, major franchises usually don't pull it off.


I think that Max’s realization was just how much range and torque Alden’s balloon rope has. If it is 50ft long, then a 90 degree flick of the wrist will move the tip of the rope ~80ft along the circumference. Assuming he can do do that in half a second, that means they’re left trying to dodge a sweeping strike strike that’s moving ~160ft/s (~110 mph) at the tip that ignores the weight of objects it strikes. As they go to the side, they’ll get hit with a grand slam bat and launched into the wall/ceiling.

Zachary Sloan

Yeah, I feel like it'll be a pretty long time until Alden can beat combat-oriented high-rank Avowed in duels. The only effective method that comes to mind is the one from way back where he used nearly-invisible fishing line (or something like that IIRC). Basically using his power on things so thin that quickly moving into them causes damage. There's no way he's going to be getting his paracord wrapped around any of the Brutes/Meisters. Even his stronger "tricks," like if he masters the "catching projectiles" ability, lose a ton of their power if other people are aware of them. Like sure, maybe he'll surprise Tuyet/Ignatio/Reinhard at some point, but they won't make that mistake twice (and I also strongly suspect that Alden's Skill won't work on their projectiles if those projectiles are directly under the control at the time).

Zachary Sloan

@Sinnohan I didn't notice this, but I think you're right. I think Max noticed the inner rope (I completely forgot about this, though I think I remember it being mentioned) and realized that it would probably be able to trick someone like Marsha/Winston/whoever. That sort of trick would probably only work once, but it'd probably be successful at least that one time against any close-range person who doesn't have a lot of durability.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

I really want Alden to run into his teacher when he goes to visit Stu. In real life, there is already a dynamic of weirdness when a student sees a teacher out in the world, like that person isn't supposed to exist outside the classroom. While there are some other factors involved here, I imagine the meeting would feel something like that, but multiplied by a thousand.

John D Jones

Olive giving Alden permission to eat her (AKA letting him preserve her even once) won't actually help because then the Gremlin will just tell Alden "It's okay to eat that one." It won't tell him that about the illusions because they're illusions. Alden's Gremlin pretty much gives him the perfect counter to Illusion: Duplicate Self.

John D Jones

Hopefully Alden won't get overconfident and turn into https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqqGZBRBLcM&ab_channel=Movieclips

Zachary Sloan

I think it's more that "asking the gremlin if he can eat the illusion" would have the same result as "asking the gremlin if he can eat a spot of empty space." He only needs to pay attention to the rejection.


It's going to be touched on at length later, but while people don't level up a spell impression, using any Avowed power to its limit can help them grow their free authority. Human knowledge is slightly different than Alden's developing understanding since they can't feel what they're doing authority-wise, but there are a few things they know work for leveling. Mentions have been sprinkled in throughout. Seeking creative interpretations of skills, frequent practice, exhausting talents, and (mentioned last chapter) using abilities in highly competitive environments are all known ways for achieving growth.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

@Manfredi, I suspect Sleyca will make some edits before the RR release on these gym chapters. She has mentioned how hard it is to write the kind of action we have been getting in gym class, so I suspect she will want to keep polishing them once she has more time. Whether Jupiter's notes need revision or not is kind of up in the air, as it seems reactions have been mixed. Either way, I can definitely see it being harder to tell the kind of events we saw this chapter in a compelling way. The fact that it was still so enjoyable overall I think is a testament to the amount of work that went into this.

Matt DiMeo

Affixing in december is not on the table. He thinks he has a year, affixing early is detrimental to growth, and he won’t do it a single minute before he has to because it’s agony.


This chapter made my day as I am lying in bed and taking a sick day from work. By the way Sleyca, I just want to emphasize, even though I am somewhat addicted to this story, I absolutely would prefer you have a relaxed writing experience and write things as you please than having to rush things for faster publication.

John D Jones

Marsha's not going to go after Alden unless it's specifically part of the team's combat plan or he does something that embarrasses her on the course or otherwise makes her look foolish (lassoing her pole-arm and using her own go-to-the-Weapon ability to play keep-away and drag her around the course). My guess for what Alden does to Winston is that he uses a super-thin thread to semi-literally cut Winston off at the knees. Then he uses his Light Candle spell to "cauterize" Winston's resulting injuries so Winston won't bleed out and will have to crawl back to his own side. Assuming Alden does that it will probably provoke a mid-race time out about whether or not it constitutes an attack with the principal and teacher likely ruling that it does not because Alden was technically rendering "first aid" to his fallen foe. Which will piss Winston off beyond all measure.

John D Jones

Alden won't have to Affix any Free Authority until October/November of the next year. He could do it now, but that would be a much "smaller bite" than Mother recommended.


I have the original version on my playlist. Now I need to go listen to it with these new lyrics playing in my head.

John D Jones

@ Sorahb I don't think Marsha is necessarily dumb so much as ignorant. She's been taught to be "rankist" by, well, all of her experiences living on Anesidora. In her mind S > A > B > C etc. Marsha sees Winston and Mehdi getting aggressive and anxious over a person that they'll beat pretty easily and thinks that they should stop doing that or some other A will stomp them because they were over-focused on the B-rank.

Tycho Green

I think Gorgon mentioned Wordchains being a part of something ancient. My thoughts since then have always been that Wordchains were discovered at some point, not designed. Edit: Designed after all. One question answered only to leave me with more questions than I had to begin with ..


I think Jacob was the one who delivered the drugs to Orpheus and Hazel took a picture and blackmailed him.


Yeah shaper is totally bending ala ATLA. And wordchains are Indian dance hand moves with all the finger manipulations and musicality. I am trying to figure out wizard ariad magic and all I can see is string games like cats cradle etc.

Michael Blue

The fact that we have one more gym chapter suggests we might get the highlights of the other team’s fight with Max’s team (presumably through a discussion with Alden and friends on the sidelines) and then a quick battle between Max and Alden’s team. I’m assuming Winston and friends will be completely outplayed but we’ll see


If Alden could clock how badly Max's team where usig his powers, Torsten should be able to as well.


Marsha cracks me up every time. Who talks like that?! :)) I wonder if Mehdi will reflect on his own rankist behaviour in light of the treatment from Marsha.

Matt DiMeo

Among many things I vaguely hope for on Alden’ Stuart visit is asking Stuart if he’s got any info ond mind writhers. Like “hey, my friend’s got one, and he was interested in reading the history and traditions around it to properly respect the weapon. For cultural education.”.


I spent an hour reading free diving websites trying to find safe descent speeds. I couldn't because the free divers don't seem to have Aqua Brutes dragging them downward faster than they can swim. But it seemed like 30 feet should be safe for both descending and ascending without SCUBA equipment. (If I'm wrong about that, do let me know.) The suits can prevent drowning. The suits prevent almost any kind of harm while they're in the gym and the floor's on, and if things do go really wrong they get ET'd out.

Flying Goat

@Joel: He was catching S rank tennis balls, though, and that didn't happen, though, admittedly, probably those thrown with just stats, and not skills.


As for the wordchains cast in Houses of Healing specifically -- they learn specific chains designated and designed for that purpose . Generally, humans other than Chainers don't have any wordchains that they can "gift" to another person like that.


Nice analysis. Building off one of your notes that Alden is affecting a subtle magic on the group and bringing the potential for a more helpful team dynamic. I wonder if we can see these types of impacts by looking at the other class sections and years. Like in The B List or after the rest of the first years come into play. It would be an interesting side bar POV to have this noted and remarked on by the characters.


I feel like it would be a bit self-indulgent of me to write the other teams' fights out in this much detail. So mainly just Alden's with the others mentioned in passing.

Flying Goat

Be great for underwater photography, though I don't think that's his thing, somehow.

Andrew Tobin

It’ll really come down to how Max can defend what he’s doing, because he’s kind of purposely tanking the effort, to do what they want, but it’s not going to be appreciated.


I actually had a moment where I thought I had typed this out and forgotten. Dude that was the best part of the chapter to me too


I personally feel that it's more of a justification than a reason in her case, but too soon to be sure so I won't write her off.

Aspiring Moth

thanks for clearing that one up, sleyca. I could concede the other points in light of the reminder of the reaction of faculty members to alden having a wordchain cast for him, but I really didn't buy the idea that nurses at houses of healing need to undergo special courses to get peace of mind and similar effects. special chains that are designed to automatically be cast on another person is definitely not something I would have come up with


so, i just tested, and i can flick my wrist in 1/6 seconds, and i don't have any points in speed or agility or a "my body is my servant" wordchain...

Andrew Tobin

The thing I keep seeing about people assuming Marsha will exhaust her skills ignores she’s still got S-rank strength and agility. She’s not weak, especially against lower ranks, even without her skills.

Andrew Tobin

The other issue would be if Shrike can just recall his knives like Reinhard did with his arrows.

Will Ortiz

I think something people forget is that the more acceleration he sustains with his skill, the more his authority will drain from the sheer load. He’s only moved people very slowly so far, and I think splattering an opponent with physics would drain him pretty fast

John Anastacio

Andrew, they probably didn't. They probably just ran out of time given how badly they were losing.


John Quote You would have figured out that the skill had no ceiling. Probably. Eventually. But how many decades of your life would it have taken I wonder …with so many other delightful talents tempting you to become something else?” She grinned at him. “So! Now that you’ve chosen to make your life harder by moving forward with full-knowledge of your authority, it’s time for the simpler choices. Would you like me to tempt you with a multitude of options, Alden? Shall I bring up the Ryeh-b’t skill list for you? Do you want some points in Appeal? Interested in a shiny new spell impression? Or are you in the mood for something a little…older?” End Quote 🔲


He wants to be where the people are, like the little mermaid

John Anastacio

GryphonKnight - Pardon me but I disagree - that example is specifically for BoAB, which has no ceiling, and more importantly Alden knows it has no ceiling. I'm asking about how regular Avowed know that they've hit the ceiling for their non-original-300 skill, if that skill is not well known. For instance, how will Kon know he's maxed out his psychometry skill? He's pioneering it, it's probably not an infinitely expandable skill. To put it another way - there might or might not be be a difference between an Avowed reaching for the ceiling and not touching it yet, and reaching for the ceiling and not feeling it even though they're banging their hand against it. edit: It's possible I'm just not understanding the point you're trying to make. Sorry if so.

Heather White

I think this kind of tension is just par for the course with loving a web serial. There are only so many words Sleyca can sustainably write in a week, and like Benjamin said, if not getting a whole gym day at once is unsatisfying, the other option is to wait to read until a few chapters have piled up.

Robert Lethiecq

The other issue is that he has been learning that the closer to it’s purpose he is the stronger his skill performs. Using it as a badminton racket to smack a speedster is not very close to its purpose.

Anton Shomshor

@Eternal Dreamer 😂 Poor boy can’t throw in a little teeth when playing tonsil hockey.

Anton Shomshor

I wonder if that’s a passive? If Olive is unconscious, can someone else task Alden to carry her?

Robert Lethiecq

If he were to whip out a wizard spell and use it, would the gym suits provide the same protection as usual or are they attuned to contract controlled powers?

Heather White

The more I read today’s comments, the more I’m amused by our collective bloodthirstiness.


I had forgotten Klein's concern about the skill cap but I don't think that's it. As far as the teachers know no one has leveled up during school yet and it won't top out for years. "Soon enough" would imply the near future to me. And while they are training currently to pace out their skill exhaustion, I meant more that the plan might be to suddenly overwhelm the students skills to find the limit outside of their comfort zone. Find something unbreakable for the brutes, too fast for the speedsters, uncuttable for Mind Writher, break through Alden's preservation, etc, and push the students until their magic fails in one test. Or I'm reading too much into like four words haha


Yeah, but it wouldn’t make for a good story if Marsha spends the entire time as an arrogant bitch and continuously proves her point.


Not with that mindset. Winston isn’t a speedster, but a burden intent for and bearing down on him that will Cush him if he doesn’t bear it somehow.


Agreed. But maybe Klein thinks if Alden has already learned a strong wordchain he must have been preparing and practicing it for months instead of a week or whatever it's been. I wonder just how much better Alden's advantages make him than other Avowed at wordchains.


Random thoughts: 1. I got incorrectly accused of steroid use in college too! I remember mostly just feeling good about being visibly stronger rather than upset with that person. I don't really blame Winston for reporting Alden since things do look legitimately fishy from his shoes and he's using the appropriate mechanism for reporting things that look fishy. He still needs to grow up and learn to celebrate others' successes, but that's pretty hard to do. I think a lot of people learn important life lessons like that by saying or doing something particularly embarrassing and then retroactively cringing at themselves to the point where they fix their behavior (Hazel? I could see recent events and learning about consequences having a positive impact on her character). 2. I think Alden's affixation build is pretty straightforward. He'll put most of his affixed authority into BoAB and some into foundation points, preferring foundation upgrades that allow him to cast (and wordchain) better like Artonan vocal range and maybe minor-but-true dual-tasking for 100 processing points or something. He already has versatility from being a wizard (can find a spell for anything), from practicing with his already very versatile main skill, and from being rich (can purchase wrightmade tech for anything). Therefore he shouldn't waste authority on any secondary skills to configure his preserved objects. 3. Silly prediction: the school invites an Artonan as a special guest to Maricel's chosen celebration dinner. Said Artonan learns about Alden. He / she asks "is there anything you wish the school provided that it does not?" and Alden replies "I would like to join a wilderness / chaos survival class!" The Artonan wizard makes this happen, and fallen chaos expert Worli Ro-Den rejoins the story to teach Avowed high schoolers.


When the Life Shaper joins the Shaper Power Rangers shes going to have to contribute SOMETHING to mix with the ground-water-ice shared material...


But would he be able to recall his knives if Alden was Bearing them? Hmm....

Swiss Jeez

@Robert Lethiecq Agreed. But he should probably be able to move a string quickly into position and then let somebody smash into it.

Robert Lethiecq

I wouldn’t put it past Lexi to be able to take down Marsha, especially with some super support


My impression has been that some of the other vassal worlds have more knowledge and more powerful Avowed. Maybe that's only something that happens after hundreds of years and the Artonans loosen the reins a bit though.

hercule pyro

So then don't pick aqua brute (like I get his stated motivation, but basically if you make dumb choices then you get dumb results)


I forgot what is BoAB stand for again Thanks

Barrett Fogarty

I didn't understand what Maricel did so I went back and reread Chapter 122 and made a sketch of the course that made more sense. There were a bunch of "bars" that were confusing among other things. Chapters 123 to 125 didn't really require a deep understanding of the course but Chapter 126 sure did. Even though there were many chararcters running about, their emotional interactions made sense. It was the location and action that caught me off guard. TFTC.

John Anastacio

Some more things I found interesting about this chapter: 1. Everly probably got to cast many more Glaze Objects than she usually does on her limited budget, because Alden paid for the blue powder that is her expensive material component for the spell impression, the one she dare not overuse lest she run out. This in turn should help Everly level up faster than she would, because casting a lot does help level, as Sleyca says above. 2. Lesedi and Torsten talking about how difficult it is to learn and reliably cast new wordchains is very interesting to me. I wondered if Lute was exaggerating the difficulty of learning a new wordchain in chapter 107, since Vandy and Tuyet knew them too, and one of Alden's classmates in Engaging with the Unexpected regularly suggests wordchain use. But if only a few students in the very competitive hero program even try to master wordchains, then they must be really difficult.


I’m super looking forward to seeing how Alden handles being on Marsha’s team as well as other rank centric teams. Also It occurs to me now that Alden’s kibosh on cannibalism has been explicitly mentioned but how was he able to bite Maricel during tryouts if he can’t put her in his mouth? (I know I’m over thinking this)

Michael Blue

It was my impression that Vandy and Tuyet did not actually know wordchains all that well and were roughly at the level that Alden was before he went to Thugund. (Edit: Their offer to me seemed to be less ‘we’re knowledgeable about wordchains’ and more ‘you don’t want that sociopath as a teacher.’) It didn’t appear to occur to Vandy in these past couple of chapters that Alden might be under the effects of a wordchain. Also, Alden had taken a class about wordchains and he later got the impression that his teacher wasn’t able to reliably cast them iirc.


@Sleyca they can prevent drowning, sure, but I'm just curious as to how. Like, are their lungs filling with water and they can breath underwater with the suits on? Or is it some weird thing were their lungs are filled with air that doesn't escape their mouths and constantly refreshes? Just a minor curiosity that I'm overthinking is all.

John Anastacio

I'm not as sure about Tuyet but Vandy has hero parents and she's a diligent perfectionist. Unlike Alden before, she is sure to have a good tutor for them, and I can't imagine her not mastering the wordchain she says she knows.

Michael Blue

I’m wondering if Alden’s not casting the negative half of his chain first will come back to bite him somehow. Now that Winston’s made his accusation, will Alden have to prove that he can cast the positive half of the chain again before he’s able to cast the negative half? I’m sure his instructors wouldn’t force him to, but will there be any pressure at the class dinner?

Michael Blue

Putting in his mouth is not the problem- remember he was able to put the hot sauce/oyster/wonton blend in his mouth without the intention of eating it at the pineapple party

Pedro Henrique

If anything i think there might be pressure because Self-Mastery is a Velra exclusive chain at the moment, wich Alden could only learn because he befriended Lute.

Calico C

Maybe my sinuses were just messed up, but I always had a hard time equalizing my ears when scuba diving


Alden needs to find a way to bear the burden of not being able to do cool water stuff on land. Maybe he can also bear the burden of not being able to do cool water shaping with wordchains and then Lute can waterbend Jeffy into a sharknado. This makes sense in my head.


I don't know where it came from but something gave me that picture where Lesedi surprise-attack phase-"punches" Alden in the gut, checking for his second preserved item. She's like the only one who would be able to verify that Alden often preserves a second one.

Pedro Henrique

Alden has stated that entrustment gets iffy when it comes to hitting people with preserved objects.

Skull Leader

Why this post? Because I feel like arguing with Marsha who is the most dickish person that while somewhat correct in her statements is not thinking big picture due to her biases. Honestly TLDR takeaway is that I think we can clearly call Marsha as firmly being in the camp of SUPER and not in HERO camp as according to Neha, based on her statements. ***** “She’s (Maricel) not quick enough to stop his subclass. There’s no reason to be scared of her in a one-on-one fight.” Rebuttal - Sure if a duel means trapped in a small controlled zone. In a duel within an entire city block, see how well you do against the likes of a ranged fighter or a stealth based build. You have to find them and reach them before you can attack them. And you somehow seem to forget that in any duel with Maricel that you will be likely standing on GROUND. She will, in time, be able to have a large say on your ability to stand or even move on ground. Never underestimate a Shaper while you are in contact with their element. “I just don’t see the point in these mixed combat classes. I train better against stronger opponents, and they train better against me.” Rebuttal - How you train affects how you operate in the real world. And since the world is filled with non-S classes, you might actually have to fight with a team of non-S ranks. Or attack non-S ranks without blowing their brains all in front of the News Drones. You can’t guarantee that every fight is going to be you versus another S Rank, nor can you expect to always be completely able to unload all your skills willy nilly at everything. In addition to the fact that numbers against you matter. 10 A’s vs 1 S heavily favors the A’s. And if you can take on 10 A's, how about 20? Or 30? 100? There are more A's than S's so they have a higher manpower pool to draw from. “Here, he’s not allowed to do that because it counts as more than one attack. Duels will be different. I’m sure they’ll make it S on S. And A on A. So don’t worry about it.” Rebuttal - If that is the case then the only person Alden will ever fight in this class is Max. Not really fair to the B’s if they only learn to fight one person. And since we know the B’s have a hit list against the A’s we know this is not true. Also not fair for people like Kon who could never fight serious at this time any A or B that is combat focused, let alone an S. Clearly the teachers have to take in more than just rank/class when making fights that are semi fair. But sure a combat S is likely to fight other combat S or maybe the top combat A’s. “Why are you two memorizing the B-rank’s rope colors? What’s wrong with you? If you need to fight him when we go up against them, dodge the rope—you’re an Agi and a speedster; you can handle that much, can’t you?—and hit him. Or kick him. It’s not that hard.” Rebut.. no, I am going to pull a Max here and say nothing. Just I hope it all works out for you, and that some rabbit never has a hard to see fishing line. I would never find joy in that happening. /s ***** I like that we have Marsha as a character cause she embodies a worldview/personality that Avowed has to have. But my god do I want her to crash and burn because of her biases. I actually dislike her more than Winston. He is just a jealous jerk that I can for the most part ignore. She on the other hand is actively looking down on everyone that is not blessed with S rank, no matter their results or experience levels. Nor is she at all trying to work as a team member. It is just Marsha Marsha Marsha…all the time~

Matt DiMeo

The gym jammies are happy to stop broken ankles from falling; I imagine they take care of any source of damage. And spell impressions are just automated training wheels ways of casting wizard spells, as far as we know.

Matt DiMeo

I’d venture any part anyone wanted to cut is someone else’s favorite. Alden walking the tightrope was cool on its own, and it set up a moment with the teaching staff.

John Anastacio

Marsha's insistence on only one-on-one duels being realistic and mattering is what irritates me about her the most, maybe because the rankism is more prevalent and thus easier to tune out. Only duels mattering, on the other hand, strikes me as willful blindness, a belief in a "realism" that is artificial. I suspect Marsha does not have hero parents. If she did, she'd have a better idea of what is realistic and what is not, and why the school sets up various games. Right now she doesn't seem to have a clue. I really would like to learn of her background, though. Maybe she does have hero parents and maybe they raised her to be the rankist duelist she is now. Edit: Marsha is the kind of woman who challenges an enemy to a duel, and then Han Solo shoots her under the table.


On the hilarious taste testing power of Aldens. I think it's temporary, it probably uses an existing part of his authority sense that he just hasn't mastered and he needs help from the gremlins in order to access what will be I'm assuming a major part of his powers later. And part of the potential bullet catching suite

Travis M

Equalizing is pretty easy, i've seen some people who have to hold their nose to do it but lots of people don't need to, I can just flex a jaw muscle (feels like i'm flexing my ears but i can feel my jaw move when i do it). Alden would have to equalize every 10 feet or so of ascent/descent but wouldn't necessarily need to go through a whole 'thing' to do so. And like others are saying, it's time at depth that's important, not max depth reached. Straight down and up again isn't going to be a problem, and aqua brute likely has innate immunities to these issues. Edit: also when you're scuba diving, the problem with ascending quickly is you can have lungs full of air under compression, if you rise too quickly and/or hold your breath, you can do severe damage to your lungs. A quick free dive/ascent would have regular 1ATM compressed air in your lungs the whole way so not dangerous.


Nice post. I would refine by suggesting it not about the hero/super camps with her and just straight up bigotry. She's biased and blinded by it.

Andrew Khitry

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shavarsh_Karapetyan#1976_trolleybus_incident here is what Aqua Brutes stand for

Andrew Khitry

I’m more thinking nanotube 20 meters long, with a handler. Weightless Jedi blade of enormous size. Imagine angle speed and reach for this thing. He may just swing it left to right and “decapitate” dozen of non-agility Brutes. Even agi brutes should have terrible problems with weightless vorpal blade of such size

Skull Leader

Yes Rob you are correct. But I was saying that Neha would classify her as someone that in the SUPER camp. Someone overfocus on being the best in combat when there is more to build than just KILL KILL KILL. She is dire need of being told that she should take some of her level up choices and pick something that she actually can love on a daily bases and not just what some combat build demands for super effectiveness.


@Pedro if that gets out then Winston is going to cling to that so hard and call Alden's skill undeserved because he rode the Velra's coattails, or something like that.

Swiss Jeez

I don't think it's that wordchains are so difficult so as to be impossible. Rather that learning even one is a pretty big time investment, and for the kinds of Avowed that make it into the program they typically focus on other types of growth. From the way the principal called wordchains a 'post-graduate' endeavour I bet most heroes have a few up their sleeve they really synergize with. The fact that Alden can learn them so much quicker than most to the point where he can build his repertoire while doing all his other schoolwork is what makes him stand out it seems.

Andrew Khitry

Yea, baby, angle speed!!! He can also drop preservation of hundred kg set of iron balls at the end of the sway, having shrapnel with very-very nice coverage


@John imagine her background is it's a phase and she's going to be absolutely mortified every time she remembers her past self in the future.


Huh... Now that's a curious and hilarious thought. She'd be so baffled if she tried to phase through Alden and bumped into a breath mint preserved in his stomach xD I want that to happen now!


So since nobody seems to be mentioning it, I'm just going to say I absolutely love the line about Heloísa crawling towards the ropes after Maricel's attack. "She’s belly crawling toward the rope climb…frighteningly fast…" It paints such a funny and threatening picture lol. Just imagine, one day... *aggressively crawling towards her enemy as they scream and run in confusion/terror...*


Yeah after this chapter, I thought about how Alden's mastery of word chains might cause jealousy, and was wondering if what that meister of cudgels would think about it. He's a first year too, so I think Alden might have gym with him next year. Although he didn't care if Alden gave chainer to the Velras, it'd be another thing to see Alden benefiting so much from his friendship with Lute. Then again, we've only got scattered snippets into his character so far, so we'll see.


I think the ranks are independent of the item. S rank vs A rank is all about capacity from my understanding of the system. He was rated at A rank, and then chose a meister class available to him. If he was rated at S rank and a meister mind writher class was available it'd be the same setup.

John D Jones

@ Michael Blue Alden has quite a few options in dealing with Winston's accusation. Option 1: "Can I do it in Gym Monday? I'll come in not using it and then cast it there." Option 2a: "Instructor Marion, you're a Sway. Do you have any kind of lie-detection ability?" Option 2b: *calls Lute* "Hey Lute, can you give me the contact information for that Sway from the Privacy thing so the school can hire her to verify that I'm not lying about casting the Body Assistant word-chain on my own?"

Michael Blue

Alden’s wordchain usage could also plausibly set up a situation where Alden gets laughed at because ‘everyone knows you have to focus on leveling’ in high school. Idk where the conversation goes from there, because I don’t think Alden would want a bet that draws more attention to his leveling speed. Perhaps he could counter with him being a Rabbit and needing an edge that his stats will never give him. But that feels like he’s feeding into the BS, which he has largely avoided with his classmates thus far 🤷‍♂️

John D Jones

@ John Anastacio It's not that word-chains are too difficult to learn so much as that word-chains that are directly helpful to doing superhero stuff are rare and hard-to-master. Peace of Mind is a nice chain, but it's probably not going to help you in a duel or on the obstacle course. Body Assistant will be helpful for both of those things, but it's pretty tightly controlled (Lute had to ask permission from his boss in the Palace of Unbreaking to teach it to Alden). Also, it's pretty difficult to cast, requiring the caster to likely be fluent in Artonan and have good hand coordination. It also has a pretty dangerous downside. Sure, if you can plan to be asleep six to eight hours the downside is active, that's great. But if tonight Alden was sleeping this chain off and a big fire broke out in his building, he'd be pretty badly handicapped in escaping or helping others.


Great write up on why Marsha is wrong. Let me add rebut another of her points: She claims that Ignacio was limited by the one attack rule. If he was free to attack at will he could recall his lead knife and throw it again, keeping his cloud of knives aloft and shredding Lexi & Alden. She is conveniently forgetting some aspects of the exchange she just witnessed that make this irrelevant. First, let’s go back to what just happened. A brief window of distraction when Febri gets taken out combined with Ignacio underestimating Writher’s reach means Lexi takes off Ignacio’s leg. If neither side is limited by the rules of the game, Lexi is no longer benefiting more from maiming an S rank and targets Ignacio’s head. Team Briarpatch wins. Alternately, if lethal attacks aren’t allowed, Lexi takes his dominant arm. Same result as without his lead knife, Ignacio is disadvantaged enough that recalling it to his non-dominant hand gives Lexi ample time to remove his other arm. Next, if we say that the fight was only between Ignacio, Lexi, and Alden, then Team Briarpatch still comes out ahead. Ignacio doesn’t get distracted and throws his knives on time. He still misjudges Writher’s range. Lexi has a kill shot, or his choice of limbs to sever. Alden still has his last second rope trick. Lexi is vulnerable to Ignacio’s cloud of knives a bit longer and it’s possible Alden gets stabbed a bit too. However, Ignacio is primarily targeting Lexi, who’s just been hoisted by Alden and Ignacio is down a leg. Ignacio’s attack is more an assortment of flying knives than something precision targeted, save for the lead knife. It’s unlikely Team Briarpatch loses a member, meaning Alden brings a vengeful Lexi down on an unbalanced Ignacio. There isn’t enough time for Ignacio to recall his off target knives before Alden shifts his wrist enough to get Lexi in range. Team Briarpatch wins. Sorry Marsha, as Skull leader said, your faith that an S rank always wins against ‘lesser’ ranks just isn’t true. And that’s before Alden precedes to catch the leading knife, as it’s clearly been entrusted to him, defanging the rest of the knife cloud.


I lowkey want Alden to panic when she attacks him so that he subconscious hyperfocus and preserves her when she makes contact and the rest of the game ends up being Alden carrying her around over his shoulder, just for the disrespect.

Box Jellyfish

So the foreshadowing for a Marsha vs Alden clash is strong here. Have to wonder how that fancy enchanted polearm will react to Flickerer. Marsha's reaction if it turns into a dumb sharp stick would be glorious, along with the WTF's from the audience.


Yes, I still laugh at poop jokes in my thirties.


Just got a chance to read it, thank you for the chapter!! First, does anyone know if it was Marion or Klein that turned towards Kon’s team in the stands and started towards them? Based on Kon’s next few lines, it sounded like Klein, but I wasn’t sure The alternate perspectives are SO cool. I especially liked the principal/Klein’s, Maricel and specifically her sharing about Fragment, and the Marsha gang perspectives. Fragment is quickly becoming one of my favorite instructors. Without saying it outright, she gave Maricel hope one of her brothers might affix. It also pushes her to do her best, to prepare as much as she can for her family. Fragment is also an extremely good role model in Maricel’s new Avowed life. The principal might be my favorite teacher overall though… how she phrased her statements and questions to Klein was perfect in order to start shifting his stance on Alden. This, and Fragment, makes me wish for a similar role model for Alden, and I get the feeling it’s Klein for some reason. Alden has no one, but that conversely makes me excited for when he will eventually be the role model to future hero Rabbits and Wizards! I have hope for Mehdi and Winston. Especially Mehdi, who actually kinda defended Alden. Mini redemption arcs for one or more of the difficult characters could be a lot of fun. I know Winston was a bit of a butt for the drug accusation, but he is a globie… I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt when it comes to chains Marsha seems like she’s still the real bully so far, IMO, but I could be wrong. Love how she couldn’t name Lexi after Mehdi called her out Also, Max definitely could have helped out his team by explaining about the bright parqcord, but he already established he’s only doing what they ask of him. I could be totally wrong but… They didn’t ask him. Not even Vandy. This was a nice comparison to Alden keeping quiet about his cannibal sense 😂 I could’ve read the “huh” incorrectly but I’m sure we’ll find out! So excited for the next chapter! Sorry for the essay again lol I was just very looking forward to reading this!


It's interesting seeing how focused Marsha is on duels when real hero work isn't going to be 1v1 battles in a curated arena. While it's true that she would be less limited, she still seems to heavily underrate strategy and teamwork. I wonder how that's going to be explored in the future. I also like Klein's statement about foundation points and skills being guaranteed improvements without drawbacks. lol.

Skull Leader

Honestly nothing would please me more if Alden took his crush spell and destroyed her polearm. Now of course Alden would never do that. Casting magic is not on the table nor would it be socially acceptable to destroy a Meister system given weapon but that can't stop me dreaming.


Wait isn’t she taking over for Intructor Morrison/Snake? I could totally see her taking over for Klein’s exercise and have her just phase through people to avoid them… until Alden’s breath mint valiantly protects him from his stomach lol

John Anastacio

John D Jones - I hadn't thought about that. I guess you could be right. I'd forgotten that My Body Becomes My Assistant is on the restricted list.


Not sure it will matter. For a Rabbit, Alden is kind of a bad boy. Hanging out with Lute, being a super hero. Drugs will just add to the mystique.

Skull Leader

Given that pearl divers of Japan traditionally dived 40 ft (sometimes more) to grab pears without any fancy equipment and hold their breath for up to two minutes, it is very possible. Especially given that your average avowed is more than human.


First, if she was Juniper she probably wouldn’t be so obsessed with Holly. Second, my brain easily makes the jump from plant to planet so I totally get you 😭


Not sure if anyone here is familiar with "Jaque ze Whipper" on TikTok/YouTube, but every time I think of Lexi, I can't get that guy out of my head ^^ Which extremely undermines his seriousness...


I don't think is an issue at all. First, he talked to the teachers about using this particular chain in gym class before, so they know exactly what's going on. The only question that could arise here is if he can cast it himself, which he can easily prove. But the teachers aren't worried about it and even Klein isn't suggesting that Alden needs to demonstrate his ability to cast it, he just questions how he learned it so fast. Secondly, Alden didn't make it a secret at all. Everyone on his team knows about it; hell, he even got Lute to tutor others on his team to better use wordchains during the course. So even if Winston accuses him publicly, there is no chance anyone will take him seriously for more than 2 seconds.


I’m so annoyed. My Alden is the best I was giddy with joy a few chapters ago because his coolness was being seen by everyone. Even last chapter I was happy, but *certain characters* are acting delusional and jealous refusing to acknowledge how awesome my Alden is. I kinda wish this was a stereotypical Chinese webnovel now so we could have some good ol’ face slapping. Also I was kinda missing Kibby this episode, which isn’t my usual thought pattern. I took a nap and dreamed about Alden carrying around the mini wizard on a tour of the school.


Obran: No. Drugs are a potential career-ender for would-be heroes. Lesedi told them during admissions that they would be drug-tested frequently and randomly for the rest of their careers. Nobody wants a *drunk* building-puncher loose in their city.


@Flying Goat: The balls Snake was throwing aren't enchanted, unlike Meister weapons. Magical things are generally "heavier".


Lexi might not be able to walk across the tightrope, but another option is always available if your pride isn't tripping you. You can grab the tightrope like a sloth, hang underneath it, and scoot along. It's slow and ungainly but very doable, and all it requires of your legs is that they can be securely hooked over the rope.

Andrew Tobin

Keep in mind the gremlin gives grumpy hints when Alden is getting chains right. Out of all of his superpowers, his main one seems to be grumpy, dietary disturbing hitchhikers.

Andrew Tobin

It seemed to be presented as a pacifist bent of the gremlin priesthood - they didn’t want their followers eating sentient creatures. They just haven’t been trained about how good fried chicken is. I like that he has the silliest Achilles heel. “Oh, we’re all stuck in the remote wilderness and have to eat each other to survive. Alden’s first.”

Elessar Beverly

Clunky by the standards you've set so far I think, but not terribly clunky overall. Still very enjoyable.


MOTHER does explicitly say that affixation is eventually forced upon you, but only as a last resort.

Ali Yang

Just rereading the first obstacle course run and it's crazy how much the team improved as a whole. Everyone was stressed and bickering at each other and couldn't communicate at all. Now they pretty much completely stomped a team that didn't lose the first day. Also I was surprised the method Alden used to detect illusions


Yeah but the system seems odd about restrictions about doling out certain classes(that doll class for example),subclasses and uniques at the higher ranks so they don't exist at those at the start(nothing saying they might raise their rank through effort tho) for some reason. Maybe once Alden gets that tattoo with Boe we'll know for sure?


I don't know if it'll work first time. I feel like we've had Alden or Sleyca in comment mention that Meister tools are next level authority. Almost Auriad like, to my reading. It's a big contest for him to preserve a Meister tool, if he could even get Marsha to unwittingly entrust it to him the way thrown items are.


I had an earlier idea about how Max might have been thinking in relation to what Winston had said about bright colours. But, your comment has made me think that it's more explicitly about what you've said about just hitting Alden. He has small holes in his shield, if they try and punch him and he turns it into a snare, drops preserve, traps a fist or a foot, and then turns preserve back on... That seems a pretty obvious problem with putching into a deformable shield with a hole, and so I think Max has immediately realised it, and its strange the others haven't, seeing how Alden can move people around like he's got super strength once they're in/on his things. I wonder if he'll tell Alden this, or if Alden will realise it naturally after Max hypes us up in a future chapter. Imagine Winston getting caught in the paracord shield and Alden strange-ballooning him. That's a pretty worthwhile scene that I want to see.


I wonder if Matadero (Demon island however you spell it) will have a significant change to Jeffy's mindset. If that boat trip doesn't go well, or the submariner escape guy has a hard time of it. It might be Jeffy is the MVP in whatever goes down on DemonDay!


Yeah. We're well overdue for some Klein and Alden direct conversation. All this foreplay is intolerable. Klein casting eyes over Alden from afar, wrestling with his feelings about this new model of Rabbit. I'm ready for some direct passive aggressiveness. Give me some overt subtle swipes. Let me see Alden deliver some verbal Rabbit kicks. Let me see Torstein Klein-up-his-act. These two need to come to an accord.


Counter question. Why is someone named Olive if they are not up for eating. That's totally on her parents for choosing that name. Olives are vegan, there is no reason why Alden shouldn't eat that one. Gremlin is just being caught up in a technicality


I think he had some kind of epiphany about how to use his powers I think from the conversation.


I've been thinking about Marsha a little. People have been commenting on her shortsightedness already. I've realised that there is someone in this story that needed to be taken out with a single decisive strike. Body drainer. If Marsha were to fight someone like that, a prolonged fight will do nothing but ensure her demise. Thorsten knew that and had to rip him in half the second it was possible. If he had missed that window, it would have probably taken a lot more victims and damage to stop body drainer Edit. Arjun* not Thorsten lol


S rank vs almost A rank skill authority. Who would win? 😋


Less limiting sure, but there are enemies that need to be taken down/incapacitated with a single strike (e.g., body drainer). This is a good way to practice


Yeah. I'm thinking same as AL. In direct contest, they might start to get misgivings that can bloom eventually into real suspicion -- a B rank skill beating an S or something, for example. However, that's still a way away for Alden, and he's a Rabbit which have skills that let you put more in (per Neha in intake), and he's the only Rabbit they have in Hero programme so they won't be able to heuristically get a sense of the bounds for that 'Rabbit=strong skill' knowledge, while also having BOAB/LMTYL being a unique skill no-one else has. The other thing to consider is ... so what? If Alden has a crazy strong skill even in direct contests then ... good? It's not like he's deliberately in need of hiding his ability with this skill from humans. The associated knowledge of authority and the 300, yes, but if he's just stronger and an anomaly, what does their misgivings lead to? I can't think anything. It's only Artonans who would care, and the danger to Alden is his intensity level of life, not anything else? Normally, in a story where the MC is hiding an OP ability, it's because something particularly bad is going to happen to them if the authorities find out. In CNH and Anesidora though, I don't think that's the case. It's just his normal vibes that'd go, and he's not really got as many of them as he thinks anyway.


@Pagrek: I love the briarpatch reference. That's one of my favorite little folktales. And relevant to the team's strategy, too! For those who've never heard it, here's a brief retelling of the story: One day, Br'er Fox caught Br'er Rabbit. You'd think that was it for Br'er Rabbit, but he's a clever fellow, and he knew Br'er Fox didn't just want a good meal. Fox hated Br'er Rabbit, for all the hours spent chasing him around fruitlessly. So Rabbit squirmed and he shouted, "Oh PLEASE Br'er Fox, not the briar patch! You can dunk me in the water, or shove me in the tree-trunk with the bees, or crush me with rocks - I'll put up with any of it, so long as you don't put me in the briar patch! I'll bleed to death there of a thousand scratches! What a horrible way to go." Br'er Fox has always fancied himself cleverer than everyone else, and he was pleased when he sussed out Rabbit's secret weakness. And Br'er Fox has always been cruel, so he held Rabbit over the briars for long minutes, making Rabbit beg him for something, anything else. And Br'er Fox is not particularly bright in the end, for after extracting all the pleas and promises he could think of, he dropped Br'er Rabbit into the briarpatch anyways. And Br'er Rabbit slipped through the briars like a fish through the water, and Fox, realizing too late he'd been duped, tried to follow and got a face full of thorns. THE END


This is such an amazing and informative explanation, to be hidden away in these comments :'). Is there a wiki or an informational to place this WoG in?


Marsha is a great opportunity for Alden's proof of concept. Him and Lexi taking her down thanks to Alden's ability to let them act without restraint/bring their full effort to bear optimally and take down an S rank Meister as an A rank Meister would be pretty validating for Alden's personal growth and ambitions.


Unless they have some magical defense skill(that can protect efficiently)that pits their skills authority vs Alden's or they see it because they got enough of those magic affinity points that makes msgic things shiny or a danger sense skill and higher agility like Mehdi. I wonder if Alden's skill works by the Torque formula and/or Leverage formula and how much of a drain it is skill authority wise.


The Party Pooper! She wasn't exactly a riot at the last party :'(


I think Marsha's problems are that she's blind to facts in front of her because of her prejudiced dismissal of many people around her. I feel like she would be prone to making terrible decisions of all types, including in gut check ones like your example


I wonder if the Quartrinary has her authority bound in an earth shapers abilities


Yes, Marsha, yes. If this was not a game, the guy that lost a leg at the very beginning of the fight would be the winner. No, he would not be on the floor, losing blood if it were real life. Marsha is such a lunatic.


In the previous chapter, Alden was thinking about if he ‘could do it’ if Febri chose to attack him, meaning he probably has a plan with the rope against Agi/speed brutes. We don’t know what it was that Alden was thinking of, but I wonder if he’s thinking of using his enchantment preservation spell with the inner strands of the neon rope to do something? It would be somewhat unsatisfying for Alden to catch the A-ranks off guard with the special properties of the neon rope if he didn’t somehow use his powers too, the students could complain that it would be like Alden is just using a magical equipment to win.

Barrett Fogarty

I think the fight scenes are a necessary evil for this kind of series. However, Sleyca's best writing are the high fantasy chapters where teenage guys sit around and talk about their feelings. They chapters work so well. The characters are clear, consistent and wonderfully believable. This is Alden's real superpower in action!


Why would Mehdi need to reflect? "Maricel cylinders" roll downhill, all as it should be 😉

John D Jones

@ Lauren K The best part of Alden seeing Morrison at Knight Rapport One would be Morrison realizing that Alden isn't there on an Avowed summons. He's there as an invited guest

John D Jones

@ PatienceHoney Magic is a thing in this setting, but it's not [i]everything[/i] in this setting. Alden's "magic" is being a very mature, insightful, compassionate person whose ideas make a lot of sense, so his team listens to them.

Swiss Jeez

Hehe, I had the same thought. To be fair, if this was not a game Shrike would have attacked immediately instead of being worried about wasting his one shot on Lexi. ...Marsha's still the worst tho


But their pitiful attempt to escape is in vain, as their ankle is seized in a grasp of steel...

Mehmet ali Reyhan

Agreed with the guy above that skill that doesn't let meisters get disarmed is probably heavier than current boab


I wouldn't hold onto this hope. I don't think this is the kind of story where a support character defeats a higher class combat character in a straight duel. His victory (if any) would be in blocking a straight thrust, before an angered Marsha "beheads" him from behind.


Genuinely, might be an awkward first meeting with opposite stone Artonan child. Might satisfy Gremlin criteria.

Swiss Jeez

It does raise the question though: how does the Gremlin know? Is it not possible to trick it somehow? Or can Alden learn to use whatever senses the Gremlin is using?

Swiss Jeez

I think it would still be great if Marsha goes up against Marciel or something and Max and Alden help Marciel create a plan to win.


Yassss! Then Joe can teach Alden ALL the Artonan naughty words!


I wouldn't cut anything, just reorder where the "crossing the finish line" happens in the chapter.


Keep in mind Alden has several advantages. He has a dedicated tutor who is willing to spend a lot of time helping Alden (more than you would get if you paid Lute to teach you). He's fluent in Artonan. He's buffed his hands. And once he got close enough, he could use Gremlin to hot-and-cold his way to nailing the chain. I suspect Alden is learning 2-3x faster than most people would, if not even more.


I think Mehdi gets more hate than he deserves. Mehdi is super competitive, but he treats EVERYONE like a rival. All of his interactions with people so far have been “hey, let’s see which of us is better”. Our very introduction to him was getting into a drinking game with everyone and not backing down. So far Mehdi seems to treats Alden the same way he treats everyone else. But Alden keeps brushing him off, which hurts his ego. Yet Mehdi continues treating Alden like a rival he wants to beat and not an “inferior”, unlike some people. Unfortunately for Mehdi, he comes across a lot like the former captain of his High School Varsity team who went away to college and started challenging every person at his new school so he could re-assert his place in the social hierarchy. In other words, exhausting.

Heather White

NameGame — Heads up, I expect you to keep this promise. I’m all in for the Matrix references. I feel like his auriad use should somehow work with spoon-bending, but I can’t quite figure out how to pull it off.

Heather White

“Accidentally banish” is a perfect turn of phrase. It makes me wonder about Alden personifying the Butterfly Effect.

Heather White

Barrett, you just redefined high fantasy for me. But now I have this messed up hybrid in my head with a room high in the trees of Lothlorien where a group of teenage humans are sitting on human furniture, talking about their feelings, with a copper slow cooker in the background. Zachary, I agree that the gym scenes are a creative solution to having action scenes without breaking her plan to write a pre-superhero story. We may get some real world hero action like on Thegund, but it’s not the primary source of these nascent heroes’ action scenes.

Heather White

FreakShow — well, technically our future Primary, aka Kibby, punched that hole in the moon.

Heather White

Although to be technical, he preserved the blend before putting it in his mouth. Maricel was unpreserved.

Heather White

To be fair to Marsha (humor me here a moment), there is one (and probably only one) thing she says that could be accurate. She says she trains best S on S. Strictly from an authority/power growth perspective this may be true. It’s probably the fastest way for her to quickly exhaust & therefore grow her skill’s level.


Alden did trick the gremlin by Preserving a shot of the friendship potion, swallowing the invulnerable slug of nondescript protective magic, then dropping the preservation. So it can't sense things that are incapable of interacting with the outside universe, or separate from the time stream, or something. The definitions for consent to be eaten are also a little weird; I believe Gorgon could eat a fly that landed in his mouth of its own accord, and Alden is pretty sure that if a chicken laid an egg on his lap that would be allowed, plus any part of a person who has allowed Alden to Bear them at any time in the past.


Mehdi does treat Alden as an inferior though, both because of his class and rank. In the previous chapter, he was offended Winston implied he moved like a rabbit. In another gym chapter, he told Heloisa she should feel ashamed for not managing to break Alden’s shield umbrella, since he’s a B


In Marsha's assumption of what would be the real situation analogue to the game, Shrike would simply kill them both from a ranged ambush because he wouldn't need to worry about the "one attack" restriction or having to cross over to the enemy teams area at all.


@Mad, two things. First, I take those more as “How did the bard out DPS you?” kind of jabs. Second, I think that Mehdi was more dismissive of the rabbit class before he saw Alden in action. But, to be fair, so is everyone else. Even Alden’s impartial observers LOVED him until they found out he was a rabbit.

John D Jones

Next run maybe Marsha will attack Lexi with Alden nearby. Alden will entangle one of Marsha's legs with his paracord, preserve it and then whiplash her over and over before flinging her back onto her side of the Gym to "die." Alden: "Puny S-rank." Sleycaverse riddle: What do you call it when someone consistently underestimates people of lower Rank than them? Rank stupidity.


Okay, one last thought - I’m a huge magic system fan, and SupSup’s is awesome. I definitely noticed when Vandy started describing the gestures that Maricel uses. There are two important things about it. First, Maricel’s skill is Compression Point or something like that. I thought that was confusing until this chapter where we learn about the active spell impression Maricel is using to shape. It’s the spell impression that allows her to use gestures, and I’m now convinced all Shapers have a core spell impression responsible for shaping with a skill to empower the shaping in some way. Second, Vandy said that Maricel was working on breathing gestures - and we see Maricel yell “stop now” at her poopjectile. I wonder if she actually managed to affect it a little with that shout, which is why Klein is looking at Maricel when the principal brings up impressive students like Alden.

Aspiring Moth

how about taking the A rank skill called let me fold your napkins or something when he ranks up? the one that was mentioned in the rabbit interlude near the start of the story. it's whole thing is letting you do complex things quickly, so it's perfect for doing wordchains, hand signs for spells, and rearranging of things like rope or paper configurations at rapid speeds. add in a complementary trait that is active when the skill in use, and you have a very powerful supplemental skill that synergises well with everything else Alden does

Barrett Fogarty

It is already in the chapters but you are right we need a good wiki or maybe someone to police the canon. (not cannon). Sleyca has already put it out there, how often should it be repeated and by who and where?


Just to add to this Alden did say he wouldn’t share information like this because he doesn’t want to risk earth burning


I think if he is fighting her for the object his skill should consider her a threat not a helper


I think it’s more likely Alden is being intentionally obvious to make it easier to kill/hurt them

John D Jones

We have to remember that Klein is right about any human Avowed except Alden. In the Fabled Lands adventure book series, one thing that can happen is a crazy wizard turning your character's hair into spun gold. The upshot of that is that every time you switch books (each book in the series is a different geographical area of the world so you can travel between books) you get some money representing cutting your hair and selling it. Free authority is "hair" that the System painlessly "cuts" and turns into Foundation points, new Skills, new Traits and more Spell Impressions. That's pretty much the case for Alden except that instead of painlessly cutting his "hair" the System rips it out of Alden's "scalp" in bloody, painful chunks.

John D Jones

@ Freakshow Well for Kon's team, Finlay, Jupiter and Tuyet all like Alden (as does Kon). For Ignacio/Febri, Ignacio, Febri and Rebecca got an up-close view of Alden dealing with an actual emergency (their injured teammate) so they probably respect him a lot more than they did previously. As for Marsha's team, it seems extremely likely that Team Cottontail is going to destroy them. Then, at the dinner, everyone is going to learn that Alden previously got the rest of Team Cottontail together for and all day on and off meeting and pretty much discussed them to victory. Marsha probably hates to lose. Upon hearing that Alden was the key to Cottontail's wins, her response to Winston and Medhi carping would probably be "Hey! Alden is talking now. Shut the fuck up or I'll gut you two little A-rank bitches like trout!"

Box Jellyfish

I can't see Alden winning any clash between them, as an S-rank Marsha's physical improvements should mean she could just bash him into submission. I'm just a sucker for people trying (and failing) to deal with out-of-context problems, as right now Alden's the biggest OOC anything that CNH has seen.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

S-rank Shaper who feared isolation/ Sent away after forced celebration/ Now wins races and friends/ What’s her means to this end?/ Why, it’s obstacle course defecation

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

Yesss! In last chapter's limerick thread I struggled to find a good last line rhyme that was appropriate for Maricel and rhymed with Philippines. I'd like to amend that line now: There once was a girl from the Philippines Whose S affixation had killed her dreams. At first she felt hurt, But now she's got dirt! Her powers allow her to fill latrines!

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

@John D Jones, I know, right?! I picture something like the Spidermen pointing meme, followed by Alden awkwardly explaining what he is doing there, with Morrison quietly mulling this over in flabbergasted shock once Alden walks away. That kid is definitely one to keep an eye on; he decides.


I am 100% on board with your premise. During early class trades, he did list Trap Meister, so don't look at the innocuously colored coiled rope snare. I am still holding out hope for Screaming Invisible Meteor Hammer. Just need wright made magically conductive paracord.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

This week on Super Supportive:/ We get treated to viewpoints assortive/ And then, as is habit/ Look back at the Rabbit-/ As he contemplates eating an Olive 🫒

hercule pyro

And it's not like he can actually catch a halberd being swung at him by someone with s-rank stats. He was struggling with difficult tennis ball throws, he's going to have to work for a bit before he can just handle heavy sharp magical metal - and that's not even getting into the perception difference between something thrown at him vs something actively wielded by someone else. I feel like shrugging off s-rank weapon meisters in straight 1v1 duels is a) a while away and b) not something that Alden cares about that much

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

From Jupiter’s notes: Behold: Crafting Castle of Maiming! For teenagers’ diligent training With ice, water, soil, (And bushes so royal?) And all without their team complaining!

John Anastacio

Mehdi hasn't actually interacted much with Alden so far. Neither has Marsha. Until they cause trouble, their attitudes aren't that important. I'm rather sure they will eventually cause trouble, of course.

Swiss Jeez

That's a good way of putting it. Marsha's logic isn't wrong in that her conclusions don't follow from her assumptions, rather it's that her assumptions are pretty dumb.

Neil H

Lol, my brain kept on trying to read this as a rap or spoken-word, took me a bit to realize it was a limerick.


Almost as if they had somome super supportive guiding them to improve...


I guess Alden doesnt have the option of becoming a cannibal some day


Good catch regarding breathing gestures. Maricel is actually so impressive if you consider that she is a globie who had very little support


Sad thing is that (if I remember correctly) Sleyca said S ranks have waaaay more authority than A's at the beginning. So she probably has the right to feel superior at the moment. The problem is that her attitude might make her underestimate the others, which is a weakness in its own. I wonder if Alden could block one of her attacks yet


Yes one day Marsha will attack a certain Rabbit's shield and would freeze in shock when the shield didn't break


I also think that Alden getting them to outline their true objectives was the key to success


Agreed! I fantasize about having a webnovel moment for Alden, but I know it wouldn't fit


I prefer the term soup bowl for the Sleyca universe but no one else does :(


I got the impression from what Lute said and what Alden realised after he got the gremlin, that mastering wordchains usually takes extremely long and you would typical need a good tutor to correct micro-mistakes in your gestures, because a typical person doesn't have the sense Alden and Hazel has to even tell them where/how they are making mistakes. Oh and people from the class Chainer all belong to one family


Lol, I'm trying to think of ways that could happen... Maybe Stuart sees or hears about her from Alden and then suddenly Marsha mysteriously gets summoned on a long term assignment where she is by far the weakest


Lexi is this guy (skip until end): https://youtube.com/shorts/-7ssJfpcL74?si=cOPAHrS1v__AqvsO


@spored I think Soren is danish. The country not the bread


Getting obsessed over who can punch harder as a highschool first year is so silly. Marsha is the equivalent of a good junior athlete from an upper middle class family who might one day go pro. Alden is a low profile billionaire’s kid who wants to play as a hobby. It’s crazy impactful and important for Marsha and something she can be proud of in front of normal people, but Alden is set for life as a 1%er no matter what. Maybe one day he will buy the sportsball team she worked so hard to make it to. At the end of the day they don’t operate on the same scale. The things all the other students have to worry about are so small in front of Alden’s future. The only one who operates even close to the same level is Lute, probably. There’s a very good reason that Alden feels more comfortable opening up to a wizard-king’s son and a double-S theocracy aspirant scion. Their perspectives are closer. A’s mingle with A’s. S’s mingle with S’s. Future gods mingle with future gods.

Joel Wells

What does everyone think Alden’s BOAB skill level will be by the time he is ready to Affix. Since it’s at level 10 now, I’m thinking level 15. Then, since his free authority will have to match his bound authority at that point, his next affixation should take him close to the level 30 mark. Since he took 8 foundation points last time he affixed, I am assuming he will take anywhere between 8-16 more points because of how much more free authority he will have available compared to last time. Speaking of foundation points, if the amount he was takes rises in proportion to the amount of authority he affixes at one time. Eventually his basic foundation point will outstrips A ranks and then S ranks.

John Anastacio

About 20. He's regularly exhausting his skill these days, whereas on Thegund he had to conserve his skill to help keep the chaos at bay. Also his free authority is growing, which makes his bound authority grow faster, too. He's also exploring new uses of BOAB and I'm sure that is also helping grow the skill. I wonder if 20 may be a conservative estimate.

Joel Wells

I thought his bound authority would grow at a slower pace than his free authority? But 20 would be cool.

John Anastacio

A level per month seems likely to me. Speaking of leveling, Alden ought to ask Lucille to hit his preserved object with her best strength until his skill exhausts, just to learn what it feels like to have an S-rank Strength Brute punch his skill. It would be good to experience the maximum physical strength an Avowed of around the same age can apply.


Danish is made with milk & butter, Soren is out

Andrew Simpson

Do we know how long till mataduro or whatever it's called? I know it's soon but could be weeks or days.


For sure, which is why I also like Fragment so much! Such a good role model. Maricel definitely gives off “massively important side character” vibes to me, I really like her character.

Charlie Staner

Issue with this is that Lucille would know that his capabilities are higher than a B-4 rabbit should be. Laying low is more important to Alden I think


Adunk...your comment actually succeeded in making me feel bad for Marsha. Stop it! I don't want to empathize with Marsha! Let's add in a detail that Marsha is a "good junior athlete from an upper middle class family" who is dismissive and rude to all people shorter than her. Because what I think is missing from your comparison is that Marsha didn't get there purely by hard work, but through happenstance/genetic lottery of getting S, and she's looking down on others because of that same inherent charactersitic.

Swiss Jeez

They planned to go "the weekend after next" during Kon's party in chapter 91. There has been one weekend since then, during The Chainer, and it's currently Friday in-story. So...this weekend, it seems.


Alex, I know you already corrected your comment, but you realize Klein's first name is Torsten, right? Unless you are Thirstin' for Torsten like me! In that case, your mistake is understandable, and you can join the Dadsten club :D


Honestly I'm really excited for when we get to see a Knight properly in action, if it's anything like how chapter 117: Catch was like it's gonna be really cool!


Non-chapter focused post I have a theory I wanted to share. Alden's auriad is the same color as Hannah's jacket when she saved him after the Body Drainer incident. I remembered him focusing on it and noting that it wasn't just blue, but a blue with a magical sheen. When he finished bonding to his auriad it was a, "deep shade of indigo blue, and it retained a faintly iridescent quality." I am wondering if the color is not so much your "favorite" color and more the color that embodies safety or stabilization of your existence. Like Stu arth's is the color of his dad's and sister's hair. Both of whom, I believe, he thought of as securing everyone's existence. So, my prediction is, despite her wanting it to turn blue like Alden's, I think it might out her and turn red like Alden's coat that she wore for security when she was falling apart. Edit: her = Kibby

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

I enjoy all of your metaphors. I'll also add that everyone on Anesidora is set for life. No one needs to be cutthroat just to be able to have a decent apartment in a safe area with food and medical care and utilities and a killer phone/data plan. And Ss and As both can expect on average to make a ton more than the vast majority of other Anesidorans. So far the biggest tragedy of Marsha seems to be that she's setting herself up to get summoned for combat situations that are out of her depth. I doubt she and her creepy polearm are going to be requested to help harvest berries on a nice safe moon. Maybe she'll get some wakeup call that long term it's better to develop her complex-real-world-situation combat abilities in a way that keeps up with her levels, before she get summoned based on level for something that is not a duel.

John D Jones

A danish is out. A Danish who lets Alden pickle them (as Soren did) is on the Alden menu.

Ano Ano

Great catch on the color of Hannah's jacket. Great theory. Genuinely impressive.


I love Klein, but I would actually prefer that Alden doesn't get a dedicated mentor/role model. He already had one, and as far we know she's dead. Plus, I want multiple teachers to take an interest in Alden! Alden has already snagged the attention of Plim and Big Snake, he should add Klein to his collection! I still have hope for Mehdi, but Winston and Marsha are both bullies in my mind, and all three are pathetic in their own ways. I loved that Marsha was treating Mehdi dismissively this chapter, I hope it gives him some perspective instead of fueling his insecurity. Winston is a lost cause - he was quoting Marsha to Max in the locker room, so in my eyes he has turned himself into a rankist NPC. But Sleyca hasn't written any 2D named characters into her story so far, so I fully expect Winston to have... deeper shallows than he seems. In defense of Marsha, Alden didn't even know her or Ignacio's names until last chapter, so it's honestly fair that she doesn't know Lexi's.


"Future gods mingle with future gods" 🤣. I'm dead, this is way too true.

John D Jones

I wonder if Lute will go with Alden's team to the restaurant since he was "Team Trainer."


He could still do the breathmint trick to burn his skill quicker. It might make it look more robust than normal but he's already shown it's pretty strong.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

I love this! That red coat is so iconic, as the seed of so much trouble, and continuing to be referenced as recently as the Velra party. Having its spirit live on through Kibby's auriad would be a fitting tribute. And maybe someday Joe will observe Kibby's spellcasting and think "hey, what a coincidence, that's my favorite color too. I even designed a coat to be that color, back in the day."


That would be awesome, but I doubt it. :-( But if he did, at least 1/4 of the class would defend his right to be there!


I hope you're right, or something similar happens! Marsha is practically begging to have her face slapped a la Chinese webnovel. My personal hope is that Marsha's first strike is dodged/tanked by Lucille or Haoyu, and Alden senses her magic counter-strike coming and blocks/diverts that.

Barrett Fogarty

Sleycaverse: Where the ranks are made up and the levels don't matter. It's a "carefully-orchestrated safe human management program".


Or his already using an ultra thin, ultra strong nanowire that is just encased in the highvis sheath. So he preserves only the thin core and the outside stays unpreserved.


I want this to happen so much! In addition to it being hilarious, I want to know more about how Saleh's skill works. I wonder her atoms become diffused, or if she partially teleports/goes to another dimension. Unique skills are so weird, and I wonder if they have a higher rate of cross-dimensional powers. TLDR: I want more evidence to fuel my crackpot theories


Haha that’s a good point, why stop at one instructor? I guess my impression that’s it’s Klein is just because of his reluctance to accept Alden, which doesn’t rule out other teachers. Your analysis on Marsha, Mehdi, and Winston is spot on. I think it goes back to the super vs hero argument from Neha. Marsha and Winston seem more super, while at the same time it appears Mehdi’s superiority complex is going down, and I hope that’s because he’s actually a hero, not a super. Good point about Alden not remembering names too, it’s a good comparison. I’m sure we’ll find out Marsha has some intense backstory. That, or she’s somehow going to be the next human wizard 😂


I don't know why Njeri isn't already all-in on project Sharknado. Maybe next chapter.

Andrew Simpson

This would be sick, but also max would have no way of knowing this. But at least we know if he can't already do this directly, he can do this in part already. He was able to preserve the liquid inside the cup at the party. Though I wonder how that works. In the example of the liquid and cup, the cup wasn't preserved but the liquid was, so how was Alden able to move the cup? Wouldn't that be another object exerting force on it? I guess Alden isn't affected by the whole "immutable object" thing when exerting force on his own objects, even through other objects. I wonder if Alden could like... Preserve a ball on the end of an unpreserved stick then. I don't know why that would be useful, but I'm sure he could think of something.

Alan Miller

Lucille might see it as surprisingly strong, but it's unlikely she'd have much to compare it to to say "that's not a level 4"

Andrew Simpson

So I spend a lot of time in these comment sections engaging in hypotheticals with you guys, and I have some questions about Alden's powers I want y'alls inputs on. 1. If thing A is a container, and thing B is inside it, we know Alden can preserve Thing B *without* preserving thing A. He did this with the cup at the party. The drink was preserved but the cup wasn't. This means that Alden is the only one that can move one of his objects with another object. What is the implication of this? Could Alden preserve a yoyo, but not it's string? Could he preserve the cartoon boxing glove, but not the spring that is launching it at his foes? 2. When Alden stripped the enchantments from the payment cards, it's worth noting that the entrustment process wasn't any different. This means that when he gets a bunch of auxiliary powers that he can use on his preserved objects, he can just use them at liberty on his preserved objects, without the targets knowledge or consent right? This feels like it could end up in a similar realm to Manon's soft-sway shit in that it has some *wild* implications that no one would suspect out little rabbit of (not that I think he would be irresponsible with it, especially after all his morale philosophizing with Boe). If Alden preserves a person, could he casually "bear" some aspect of them? Like could he remove from them their insecurity, or hostility, or a memory, and then just let it unravel like the payment enchant does when not re-implanted? Could he transfer a spell on someone to another person, or a wordchain? I won't include even more nonsense this week, but at this point I need to start taking notes on all my weird hot-takes in terms of Alden's power usage.


Please share your sketch! There is a patreon-fan-artwork channel on the discord!


1. This is actually blowing my mind a bit, because I don't know if we've ever seen Alden do this before. We've seen him do the reverse a lot--preserving the container without preserving the contents is how he pulled off his suitcase trick in the B-List chapters. He was able to preserve the liquid contents of a cup without preserving the cup, even to the point of pouring it out of the cup...huh. That seems significant. 2. I think this is exactly correct. Once he gets the ability to separate out more esoteric things, it seems pretty clear he does not need express consent. Once you're entrusted to him, you're entrusted--there don't seem to be "levels" to it. Even creepier potential when you think about how an unconscious person can be entrusted by anyone to Alden even if they would explicitly be against it. Lots of potential for abuse. That being said, I'm not sure yet how often that would actually be helpful for Alden--unless it's an unconscious prisoner, it's only going to apply to people who are willing to entrust themselves to him, who are presumably allies. And even if he takes away something bad that they might not have agreed to but it's in their best interest...he still has to hold the thing, which sounds like it will suck for him.

Ano Ano

I think it will be useful as it will let him get a lot more information from his preserved people/objects. His defogging package has to work with his abilities to bear different burdens, right? So he doesn't currently have the power to know what secrets exist in the minds of people he preserves, but maybe he could if he got bearer of secrets.


Too bad Jeffy won't read this comment thread! In-story, I agree with Pranay: this run of the obstacle course is only confirming Jeffy's anti-water bias. And it's sadly possible that Bay Watch is not a show in-universe. They would've provided great examples to Jeffy of cool, sexy swimmers. You can absolutely look cool without running out of a burning building.


My prediction Marsha will only attack S ranks. Winston will attack Alden and will fail miserably. Vandy will ask Max if he knew about Alden hidden weapon. Winston will hear their conversation gets mad at Max for not saying anything and hits him.


That's about what I'm thinking as well. My only real question is, is this all building towards some kind of blowup from Winston that the teachers can no longer ignore? I know we just had a big public Hazel blowup literally the night before this, but it feels like that's the way Winston is heading.


I was rereading some chapters, and I noticed that Lute seems to really enjoy collecting freebies. There was the fireworks during Diwali, the smoothie at the gym, and more recently the office supplies at the library (taking advantage of his boss paying for his chaining session with Alden to have a super secretive meeting might also count?). It even rubbed off on Lexi who collected the fake jewellery during the Velra party (and was definitely not just trying to busy himself to avoid socialising)

Andrew Simpson

Also he put his preserved chip in his pocket, and it's not like the immutability of the chip tore through his sweatshirt pocket. He can do a lot of shit I think. Maybe it matters that it's supported, and what his intention is, but then you have the ask questions about what that means. If he is swinging something in a circle around his head like a sling, is he "supporting it" since he's exerting the force that is causing it to spin and remain taught in defiance of gravity? If so, he could preserve a blade at the end of a short rope, spin it nunchuck style, and cut through just about anything right? I don't think bearer likes being using offensively, but it doesn't seem impossible.


I think level 20 is too high. He's gained 1 level after c6-8weeks of using his powers - and he's going to have to affix at the start of the summer quarter (July) or else he'll be missing out on loads of school and people will be asking questions - so I think a maximum of 5 more levels (L15) at most. Also he would've turned into an 'abomination' if Alis and Mother hadn't helped him out when he affixed 8 levels on Artona - so i can't see Earth system letting him get more than 8 levels before forcing him to affix anyway.

Andrew Simpson

Yeah this is a good point about consent. Considering how terrified people are of sways in almost every capacity/context, it sure seems like if this information gets out people REALLY won't want to be preserved. It's even worse because you're not present while it's happening. You entrust him, and then you just blip forward in time to when he's done, completely unaware what he might have done/taken. Spooky. Be careful Alden. Why do Rabbits get all the existentially and ethically complicated skills 😩 next we're gonna find out that Lute's rabbit cousin that can "find lost things" is going to be able to help artists "find their lost motivation", and help creepy exs find their "long lost love". His final form will be delivering karma in the back half of "fuck around and find out".

Joel Wells

I think that when his Free Authority matches his bound is the limit. Any more and it would probably force him.


Omygoodness @John D Jones: Thank-you, your comment gave me the lovely image of Alden lassoing Marsha's pole arm and flinging it into the water tank. Then, she would have to go in after it to retrieve it and she and Jeffy could have a quick but decisive underwater battle!!! The chances of it happening that way are very low, but the chapter hasn't posted yet, I can hold out hope.

Andrew Simpson

Winston isn't quite as evil as Hazel was. He's an insecure child who is all bark so far. Hazel knew what she was doing, and was competently and intentionally cruel for years. Even if he lashes out at max, he'll obviously be in the wrong, but that doesn't mean hes an irredeemable villain, it means he need a reality check.


I think 1. comes down to Alden's perception. We know he can preserve stuff in his pocket, which is a container the same way a backpack would be. But whether he would be able to preserve a specific book in a backpack he's been entrusted is something i'm unsure about. I would say he could do the yoyo preservation, but I can't see the use case. He still has to carry the weight and while the yoyo is protected it won't feel different than a it would without preservation to an outsider. It hust can't get damaged. I don't think the credit card was preserved when he removed the enchantment. The thing he preserved was the enchantment, which is why he could remove it. It would probably also get a lot harder to manipulate stuff where he's in a gray area of what he's "allowed" to by the skill, if the object has it's own authority.

Andrew Simpson

Well, we haven't had Alden smack a lot of people with his objects, but theoretically a preserved yoyo moving at a fast speed couldn't have its path adjusted right? That would involve something exerting a force on it. It would basically be an unstoppable projectile, knocking and crushing with the same ease, and with the same logic with which he can lift heavy things (up to the limit of his authority).

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Inb4 Natalie learns a spell to make food conscious, allowing them to give themselves to Alden (they are happy to be eaten as it is their purpose in life, which somewhat mitigates (maybe) the moral implications)

Robert Lethiecq

Do you think that the rabbit cousin will be asked by the grandwitch to take the Manon skill now that there is not someone filling that role for her?


By increasing his skill level to 8 he increased the cap of free authority he can have so he might be able to get more next time.


Lexi going fake jewelry predator on the Velra party was way too expressive to be caused by Lute's influence. There's something more to that.

John D Jones

In the Grant Morrison comic book series, "The Invisibles" there's a scene where several of the characters are in a diner in the American South. A couple of the locals try the "You ain't from 'round here, are ya boy?" with them. King Mob (one of the Invisible) looks at them and says something like, "You're in the wrong movie. You think you're in a movie about some badass good-ol-boys standing up to outsiders, but you're not. You're in the movie where the dumb shit-kickers screw with outsiders but the outsiders turn out to be commandos or vampires and the shit-kickers get torn to pieces." Winston's in the wrong movie. He thinks this "movie" is about a cool sports super-hero up against a less-talented but cheating "nerd." Instead this movie is about a fame-hungry wannabe (Winston) who tries to be a bully but probably ends up a school shooter.

John D Jones

Lexi was collecting the jewelry to be a Christmas present for his little sister. Also, as much as I'm looking forward to Dec. 15, I can't wait to see Alden with the Roberts family during Christmas.


@Endaris Yes, I was mostly joking about Lexi being influenced by Lute in this way


@ John D Jones I know, but I still think he was doing it partly to avoid mingling with the other guests. And agreed, I look forward to Christmas with Lexi-Kon, if it does happen. Maybe Haoyu and Lute will join too, since they don’t celebrate it with their own family (for different reasons)

Alan Miller

Rereading the end in anticipation, gotta love Maricel's pickle moment. And I can't help but wonder about reactions when Soren takes some physics courses and becomes an A-ranked shaper of radiation.


Wild theory time.... Max's comments isnt about any rope strategy, just he is realizing from observing Alden in the obstacle course and in combat that Alden is deliberately not using his full strength...the huh is to Marsha assuming she will beat the Bs that easily. And.. remember Alden owes Max a favor? If Max.. who we know is super observant of details... knows Alden is holding back... what if the favor is when he duels Marsha... don't hold back. Could be some good revenge for him for all the comments he is dealing with. And a nice set up for the duel. Max shares to Alden he knows he has been down laying his power and asks for him to WIN the duel with Marsha as payback.


I don't know the answer to the question, but it does bear mentioning that levels aren't linear, y'all! BoaB going from level 8 to 9 was more authority growth than BoaB going from level 1 to 2.


I don't think Alden is really Marsha's match rn even if he doesn't hold back and even if he uses spells too. Only way I see Alden winning a duel against Marsha is if he uses rope to swing a 1 ton weight at her right when the duel starts and actually hit her with it.

Kim Enteiu

She uses her weapon for movement, so a preserved thread along her path of travel after a throw could be very debilitating.


Yup... if his preserving is strong enough to match her strength.. and i think it may be... than he has a shot of beating her i think. Especially if she is over confident as she seems and just tries to like... run through him say.


Each level has been indicated to be exponential to some extent. I think more than doubling his post affix level (8 or 9?) may be unreasonable.


Can Alden preserve lighting? * lightning

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

That's a pretty clever narrative setup for a full power duel against Marsha! Because otherwise Alden would be obligated to not fight back so hard, win or lose. Max might have an idea of how Alden could win against her by taking advantage of how she is overestimating herself.


I'm sorry to say, there is no way for Alden to win against Marsha. Even if he can block her hits once, she will just strike a second time. and then it's over.

Temp One

From the Mother chapters we know that Alden's skill has the potential to preserve emotions, memories, secrets, even time. If it can preserve such abstract concepts as that. Yeah, technically it should be able to preserve lightning. Probably just a matter of perspective, and Alden being quick enough to do it.


Does the person actually need to consent? Alden was able to preserve the balls thrown at him and interpreted it as entrustment. What if the ball is instead a person tackling him? After all they depend on him softening their fall. That's a form of entrustment.

Andrew Simpson

I think Alden gets bodied by Marsha rn. Or Winston unless he is **very fast** with his preservation of a clothesline and Winston isn't paying any attention. Our boy has potential, but in the comment section we're a good deal further along in the theory crafting department than he is haha.


Personally, I think that scenario 1 is definitely possible with 1 cavoit about the yo-yo example. The thing I would say there is that it has been stated that the strength of Alden's preservation is related to the burden he consciously feels. For instance it was almost outright stated that he would not be able to use objects as shields or to hold heavier things if he could not feel the burden on his authority. If Alden were to let a yo-yo roll down it's string it comes dangerously close to him dropping the item (this could be a perception issue). Especially because he would feel less of the yo-yo's weight in his hand. I think that this would weaken his skill's efficacy significantly. But as long as he still feels the physical burden of the item in some way, it should be possible.


The System said Alden gained 1 level on his skill and his free authority had reached 12 percent of bound. Alden has to affix when free authority is 100 percent of bound. 100÷12 = 8.3, so Alden will be forced to affix when he's gained about 8 levels on his skill, putting his level *before* affixation at level 16 skill and level 17 total. The affixation will convert his free authority into the same number of extra levels, or about level 34 *after* affixation. However: (1) Alden may affix slightly earlier than exact-equal free-vs-bound, (2) the System said it *could* have waited until 20 percent instead of 12 percent to call it a level, (3) the free-versus-bound may only apply to Alden's top skill, not his total bound authority, (4) higher levels might take more authority. So Sleyca's left wiggle room for Alden to be "merely" level 20 or so, after affixation. Also, if Alden hits a chaos event that causes his chaos potential to rise and forces the System to give him a rank up, he'll probably be a lower level as an A than a B. So if you go by the text in "You've Grown", Alden should expect to be, *after* affixation, somewhere between B-20 and B-38. But if you go by storytelling logic, Alden will probably hit a chaos event in his second or third summon and rank up, so that after affixation he's an A-6 or something.

Mohd Nor Amjad

The only question is who the heck can be entrustment target for naturally occuring lightning :)

John Anastacio

I agree about Alden fixating on Hannah's jacket color as being his favorite. It will be interesting to see if Kibby can will her own favorite color to be the same as Alden's or if red wins out. It's clear that Joe's favorite color is red.

Andrew Simpson

I could see that, but also I think what constitutes a burden will change as he gets more proficient. Perhaps he can come to think of the "burden" he is bearing being the burden of physical harm that he is protecting them from, or the burden of impacts. He can already kind of... Talk himself into using it weirdly, which we've seen him do while rescuing people in gym class.

Andrew Simpson

I think the rule is that if something isn't obviously owned by someone, anyone can entrust him. So it just takes someone being like "Alden go preserve that storm" and then him standing on a roof with his arm coating in tinfoil or something.

Andrew Simpson

Naw they said they had to carry him through the obstacle course, either for that match or the second match which he was also unconscious for. Anyway, yikes. That is a very deep puddle.

hercule pyro

Lighting or lightning? I don't know how he would perceive himself as carrying either of those things at the moment. We know he preserves light sources already (flames) but that's because he thinks he's carrying the flaming object. There's no way atm he could catch a photon. Or a lightning bolt.

Andrew Tobin

I wonder if we’ll hear if the others were successful in using the chains?

Kim Enteiu

Once he can preserve a spell it’ll probably be easier to grab lightning.

Heather White

“They obviously didn’t appreciate his jaunty demeanor as he finished the race. A shame. I rather liked it.” 1) I already liked Saleh, but this doubled my positive feelings towards her. 2) describing Alden’s happy wordchain stride as jaunty demeanor put a smile on my face. I’ve never really thought before about how darn cheerful the word jaunty is.

Pedro Henrique

I think by now she is treating Alden seriously , even if she might not have been in the begining.

John Anastacio

Andrew - Hard to say if they were or weren't. On one hand chains are hard. On the other hand the others were all native Anesidorans and presumably have a better foundation for them than most.

Jeff Scott

This raises a new question I had. As we learned way back with Stu's amputation event being entrusted a person means that the gremlin is okay with eating them. Why does that not let him eat meat? I think there's two different levels of entrustment because Stu himself gave him permission then, but he cannot eat "meat" that's been entrusted by someone else. This could mean that many of his more invasion entrustments wouldn't work without proper consent as well. He probably can't rip out an emotion to bear because it's a part of a person. Pickling a whole person is a non-invasive act and ensures they'll be whole when he lets them go which could be why other people can entrust people.


late chapter again?


i agree. A very telling way you know that... if you remember in the teacher pov, one of the selling points was to trot Alden out at the first gym session to meet the Aliens. That never happened.. nothing like that. There's been zero attempts to 'use' his commendation.. even though that was specifically stated as a selling point. I doubt that things would play out that way if the President wasn't actively blocking attempts to 'use' alden

Temp One

@Mohd, I suspect that entrusting aspect to his skill is a training wheel that'll eventually come off. Possibly far into the series. The limitation, like his need to walk while preserving an object, seems to be about putting him into the right frame of mind. In this case, I suspect it has to do with the symbolism and perception he is performing the preservation service for another. When that concept can be internalized without needing someone to explicitly request that he pick something up, that he's performing the labor for the universe at large. I suspect that requirement will relax much like his requirement to walk while holding objects.

Jeff Scott

At the first gym *repair* session. They don't send repair crews often, and there hasn't been one for this to even come up yet. It'll absolutely still happen and I cannot wait for it, but it likely only happens every few years.


A chapter is never late. It arrives precisely when it means to. 😄


Selfishly, I do not want Alden to win against Brutes. Even when he becomes OP, he should still have a hard time fighting people specifically specced for battle.


This is only the 6th gym session. End of 2nd official week of school. How often do the alien wizards visit? Time is moving a lot slower in-story than in the chapter-release schedule.


It depends what you mean by late (** Updates on Wednesday and Sunday by midnight Pacific Time). It used to be even odds that a chapter would come out either in the early afternoon or super late at night. We had a string of early chapters, so my guess is a lot of newish subs think that's typical.


I think its all in how it happens. Like I agree it would be out of theme if he just starts fighting them toe to toe. But say some S brute convinced of their superiority is trying to run right through his preserved rope? That feels a little different. And that aside, I dont think its the sort of story where Alden will just be handing it to all of them.. but i also think he is heading in a direction to be competitive. Both if they misjudge him (as I outlined above) but also in just being smart and creative with his power. I don't think it would be like once in a lifetime shocking either... the B's keep a list of higher ranks they defeat after all, so it must happen sometimes. I think its only a problem and feels unearned if Alden starts mowing them down left and right heh. TLDR: If Alden starts winning against everyone and is number 1 in the class that would be surprising and perhaps disappointing. If he was never able to be competitive with anyone in S class that would also be disappointing though

Michael Blue

I have to thank you, because I assumed jaunty had to do with jaundice until I read your comment and googled it. I like Saleh’s statement a lot more now.


There is a way for Alden to beat Marsha. He just needs to dodge a swing and grab her magical follow-up and turn it back at her. It shouldn't be any different from the fireball he caught.

hercule pyro

It’s late compared to pre-backlog-depletion, and about standard for post-backlog-depletion

Will T.

there is a wiki on mirahaze. it is still being built.


@hercule pyro there were very regular ~8-11pm PT chapters prior to backlog-depletion


I suppose im making the assumption (perhaps wrong) that if you are going to show up to tune up the magic gym you do it at the start of the school year. But sure I could just be wrong heh.


a flaming ball, not a fireball. He can not yet preserve spells. also, I am surprised he has not yet thought to wrap the handle, and the middle of the head of a 1 tonne hammer in grip tape, preserve thee tape and swing it around at breakneck speed. It would be horrifically lethal, and worst comes to worst, he would only need to unpreserve it at the moment of impact.


I don't believe he poured it out of the cup. Rather, he let it FALL out of the cup, in the same cylinder-ish shape it was in originally. It remained that way while he was choking it down until he released it inside his stomach. The cup itself was more like clothing in that moment, when he preserves something in his pocket: Between the burden and the bearer, but because the bearer's bearing the entire cup, it doesn't prevent entrustment.

Ano Ano

It's not the start of the year. Alden and his class are joining mid stream.

Neil H

Yep, Alden has already met people who would be good candidates to entrust either lightning or lighting to him.

Heather White

Jaunty’s kind of an old-fashioned word. Slightly, just isn’t used much these days. I associate it with a hat at a jaunty angle, which carries the connotation of a positive, playful, confident energy. A jaunty stride has even more cheer & confidence. It’s really perfect for how he ended the course.

Andrew Simpson

Gremlin logic and entrustment logic aren't the same I don't think. The gremlin needs a person to give permission themselves because it's about soul merging or whatever. But I can't imagine we won't get an answer to this. It's kind of a spicy topic.

Andrew Simpson

I'm aware that the cup's contents were the thing preserved, but I don't think the cup was. If you remember, he was holding the cup and then someone labeled the drink in, and that was the act of entrustment. So that means the cup wasn't the thing entrusted. That means that he can preserve things without touching them as long as he's supporting the thing that is supporting them maybe?

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

I always appreciate the bit of extra flavor a word like "jaunty" can add to a narrative. As @Heather White said, it may be somewhat old-fashioned, but the English language really does have the capacity for a great breadth and depth of nuance that modern usage largely ignores. Older words make me happy.

Temp One

If you're antsy about it. Just think about the chapter release time as Monday and Thursday instead of Sunday and Wednesday.

Jeff Scott

Also, considering how long Avowed live with their fountain of youth healers the principal very well could have lived back when that word was fresh and popular.


Probably. I'm not sure since it could be just a spell. Let's hypothetically assume Shaper of ground shaping skills is one/several of the not limited edition of the 300 skills. What could the others be then?


They're easier to learn with more foundation points in processing and dexterity. Aka ranking.


Could sworn I read somewhere superhero work is entertaining the masses and arena giants are popular. And marshas parents are professional one of those I am guessing.

Kim Enteiu

Do I need to repost The Night Before Sup Sup each time or is it enough to let people know it’s on ch 125 if they go looking for it?

Andrew Tobin

Maybe he can stick a stick in the planet and pickle all of us! "Alden, pick up that stick (and attached planet)!"

John Anastacio

Jeff Scott and rutjumper - The maintenance wizards visit every few weeks, not every few years. At least that's what Morrison said once in ch 74. [He stomped the white floor once, and it sounded like a thunderclap. “Our gym’s tough. One of only a few places on the island built special for Avowed by the Artonans and regularly maintained for us by wizards. You might see ‘em when they come to check it every few weeks. Remember it’s rude to stare at people just because you haven’t seen their kind before. Artonans don’t mind, but this one time I stared too hard at a Fetuna and—”]


Matchup with Marsha aside I think it more likely Max has seen what Alden can do 1v1 from club practice and finds the "how hard can it be to dodge rope" line amusing.

Matt DiMeo

always repost. finding stuff in patreon comments is impossible.


@matt fr, patreon needs to make finding comments and replies easier

Andrew Simpson

Yes. People are doing a lot of verbal shuffling, but the simple answer is yes. It's fine that it's gonna be a late release, but yeah it's gonna be a late release.


Marsha vs Jeffy's Land Moves. We know she is most likely to attack one of the Ss and probs not Maricel. She should have the advantage, but who knows what Shark boy can do when surrounded by friends

Twara Sandeep

I wouldn't put it past Jeffy to make "the power of friendship" into a real actual power

Andrew Tobin

I wonder if Jeffy has to be in water to get aqua powers. Whether he can be lightly doused, soaked or drenched. Whether he and Njeri could synergize somehow so she could put water pockets, and then with Everly's powers they get a fantastic thermos. And if he meets a strange woman in a pond and she gives him a sword, if he'd become king of the Britons.

Kim Enteiu

The Night Before Sup Sup T’was the night before sup sup and all through the chat, People dreamed of where Sleyca was at. Lute was sitting snug in his tub, While video comments scrolled up above. Alden and Hayou were refreshed from their smoke, A magical sauna is certainly no joke. Lexi was handling Writher with care, When suddenly a sharp scream cut through the air, Up shot Lute in suds from his lather, As he ran out shouting & mad as a hatter, Out of his bedroom Lexi flew with a curse, As he hoped whatever it was his classmates couldn’t make worse. Outside there were outlines strewn into the snow, And the soft sounds of napping from somewhere below. And what was the scene that struck our characters with such fear? Was an impending affixment drawing quite near? No a writer dreamed dreams of fleet feet, And our hero hopefuls beat no retreat. More rapid than rhey-b’ts on the course they would run, As Selyca continued dreaming of what was to come: Now Everly, Njeri, Now Maribel, Astrid, On Jeffy! (Aqua brute’s awesome) On Lucille, On Lexi, On Haoyu, On Alden, Though the course quick, Then quick up the wall, Stick to the plan and make sure not to fall. There goes the bell and another one too, But our young heroes know what to do. Rienhart on overwatch lets arrows fly, Alden and Lexi watch close for knife guy There’s tinkering going on in the tunnel below, Njeri, Maricel, and Everly raring to go. Shrike lurking with knives sharp and bright, As Olive, Olive, and Olive enter the fight. Yes the plot points were setup with arrangements so nice, Everyone was sitting and reading it twice. Sleeping eyes merry, joyful and bright, Dreaming of writing that glorious fight. Action filled paragraphs started to flow, And excitement building like slope-rolling snow. The outlines were ready, and not be the skin of one’s teeth, The edits a thoughtful, thorough relief. A forward to let all the Patrons know, How writing next post was likely to go. And the comments the comments the comments (them all), Full of support, care, and joy never small. And even I too was there, Trying to rhyme things everywhere. I think that I’m lost, My mind’s starting to fall. So now I think that I’ll bid you goodnight. Merry Sup Sup to all, The Soup is just right.


Pretty sure his aqua powers are just certain adaptations and skills that are suited for the water. Like here he shows a skill for manipulating buoyancy, but they've also mentioned before possibly having less need for oxygen, resistance to high pressure, or even gills.

Lachlan Donald Nichols

I don't know, I don't think Alden could win against Marsha in a duel he could probably exhaust her pretty trivially. Since we know Marsha is a Meister of Glaive(I forget the exact name of the weapon) most of her skills revolve around her weapon (Like Marsha's ability to telekinetically throw her body towards her glaives position) and Meisters don't get as many foundation points as a Brute, so even if she is a rank above Winston for example it's unlikely she would be able to match his speed. This is relevant because if Alden keeps running away from her he could probably bait her into throwing her glaive at him so she can close the distance, if Alden catches and preserves the glaive he could just run away and exhaust Marsha's skill by refusing to engage in combat. Of course this is predicted on the assumption that Alden's Lightfoot trait makes him faster than both Marsha's base running speed and her skill empowered movement ability. As well as that her Meister skill about preventing her from being disarmed isn't able to overcome Alden's ability to preserve her glaive. Which I'm assuming it probably won't since I'm guessing that Bearer of all Burdens is at a higher level than Marsha's anti-disarming skill. Again it is not that I think Alden could win if Marsha ever closed on him she would beat sh** out him purely based on her foundation points. But Alden literally running circles around her would probably get her to stop being such a rankist or at the very embarrass her enough to stop sh** talking anyone who isn't an S rank.

Temp One

I need to go to sleep, yet desperation for the supsup keeps me up because the update could just be a minute away, every minute...


😂😂I agree, but don't think it will happen in near future. Maybe in next quarter-january? After Alden discovers some new details of BOAB.


Human awoved talk to their wizards. For example if Bigsnake who's currently interested in Alden happens to mention it to his summoner for example who knows what could happen once he's on timer again?

Jason Harpster

"Klein rolled his eyes. “It’s a robust skill,” he said. “We’ll find out how robust soon enough. And then…we’ll see.”" A thousand ER Healers just got a funny look on their face....


Upon rereading (not enough soup for me lol) I have to wonder if the shaping fort is really a good idea? I feel like the other team erred by attacking at all. They almost should have just moved their whole team forward while the workshop was assembled.

Nadine Miller

So Alden can totes have meat again as long as he gets it live and puts it in stasis first, apparently. That's kinda hilarious considering how much he misses it.