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[A/N: Did I build backlog? No...I did not. Because this is a long chapter and action scenes with this many moving parts take a while to get right. But I did get eight to nine hours of sleep (a miracle) every night, and I worked on my outline, and we've halted the chapters getting delayed by days problem I hope. I expect to have the next one out right on schedule. Thank you so much for being patient through the day off, everybody!

Team Lists for Convenience:

Team Cottontail (only the official name in Lute's head)
0 wins, 2 losses - 10 members

S - Maricel - Shaper of Ground
S - Lucille - Strength Brute  (doesn't want to kill people)
S - Jeffy - Aqua Brute
A- Reinhard - Meister of Bow
A - Lexi - Meister of the Mind Writher
A - Haoyu - Dura Brute
A - Astrid - Morph Brute
A - Njeri - Shaper of Water
A - Everly - Adjuster (ice spells)
B - Alden - The One and Only Rabbit

Team Finlay/Jupiter/Tuyet (sorry Kon)
2 wins, 0 losses - 10 members

S - Finlay - Speed Brute
S - Jupiter - Shaper of Life (plants for now)
S - Tuyet - Meister of Darts
S- Konstantin - Adjuster
+ 6 A's

Team Vandy/Marsha
0 wins, 2 losses - 11 members

S- Vandy - Shaper of Sky
S - Marsha - Meister of (see this chapter for description)
A - Mehdi - Agility Brute
A - Winston - Speed Brute
A - unnamed - Shaper of Object
B- Max - Adjuster (zones)
+ 5 A's

Team Febri/Shrike
2 wins, 0 losses - 10 members ( I forgot there were 41 total students last week...it says it right on my class notes page multiple times. 42 got stuck in my head instead. I guess it really is the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything?)

S - Febri - Agility Brute
S - Ignacio (Shrike) - Meister of Knives
A - Olive - Adjuster
A - Rebecca - Jumper Brute (made subclass name up herself, Alden has never heard of it)
A - Sanjay - class still unstated, rooted for Alden in the drinking game at the party
A - Søren - Shaper of Light
A- Heloísa - Strength Brute
+3  A's

Obstacle Order:

Track - 3 times around, hurdles are not traditional track hurdles but walls of varying heights
Pipe - it's bad to be stuck in here when a bunch of vegetation comes through
Fire Box - slightly larger than a shipping container, flames shoot out of the walls because that makes it more fun
Weights - differently shaped metric ton and half metric ton weights that must be carried across the floor and up a short ramp to be dropped into designated areas; they periodically reset
Rope Climb - all gyms need one
Swinging Bars - wheeee!
High Wall - 15 meters = approximately 50 feet
Water - get in there, Jeffy
?? - I know but you guys don't yet
Finish Line

* Each team has their own identical course that they are running at the same time.


Somewhere, in a different part of the universe, an Artonan child who’d been born at the same time as Alden Thorn was excited.

Maybe too excited.

“Stop.” Alden shook his head as he watched the Opposite stone on his desk glow a soft white for the fourth time in the past fifteen minutes. “You have to pay for those.”

He finished making note of his very first successful casting of the wordchain in his ledger, using the Palace of Unbreaking’s official name for it—My Body Becomes My Assistant—and admiring how awesome he was at drawing logograms when he had the chain on top of his enhanced dexterity. Then he placed his brush bristles-down in the cleaning divot on the cap of the ink bottle. The foggy crystal checker was still glowing.

Alden shut the ledger and picked up the stone.

I hope you’re surrounded by a bunch of other kids right now, he thought. And they saw your stone light up, and they’re all wildly impressed.

He also hoped the little enthusiast had been saving up the pleasant halves of these wordchains as a celebratory reply to Alden’s first message, or that they were baby wordchains of some kind. Otherwise they were piling up the debt fast.

Alden had muted his team’s conference call while he worked. They’d had it going all day, with people vanishing from it when needed and reappearing during their breaks to offer ideas or ask questions.

After tucking his ledger into his desk and his blinky checker into a pocket, he joined back in.

“All right,” he said, “last chance to decide if you want me to pick up anything for you. I’m heading to Wrightwares.”

“I want beef jerky.”

“He means do you need anything for gym, Jeffy!”

“But I do want it for gym. I always eat protein during our break.”

“If I see beef jerky at the Wright shop, I’ll get some,” said Alden. “I’ll check in once I get there.”

He muted them again so that they wouldn’t make him nervous. They’d been doing a lot of worrying and rehashing all afternoon. Some of them seemed to enjoy fretting, but he didn’t find it helpful.

When Alden emerged from his room, he found Lute sitting on the floor by the fireplace, working on some kind of craft project.

“I got the chain,” Alden said, gesturing to himself. “My shirt tag has been removed—with scissors this time—and my body has become my assistant.”

“Congratulations! As your tutor, I expect a World’s Greatest Teacher mug. By the way, I don’t think you can make a shirt fast enough for it to be useful on the course. Maybe with some practice…”

“A shirt?”

Lute held up a net tank top made out of purple yarn. “Isn’t it beautiful? This is just a test piece. You could do this same kind of thing with your cord, though. Give me ten more minutes, and it’ll be a floor-length dress. Even your ankles would be safe. From things larger than the holes in the net anyway.”

Alden stepped over to check it out. “It’s cool. I found a guy online who crochets paracord backpacks for people. But why are you in here designing theoretical armor for me?”

“Because it’s much more interesting than my homework. And I couldn’t think of anything else fun to do to help the team. Although I’m sure if I could get my hands on the whip…”

“Kon hasn’t even gotten his hands on it.”

“I’m sneakier than Kon.” Lute threw the tank top on over his shirt. “How do I look?”

Alden took in the hastily made purple net. “Mmmm…do you want to come to the Wright shop with me?”

Lute looked down at himself. “It’s so bad you won’t even answer, huh?”


The list of supplies wasn’t long, but it was easy to get distracted in the island’s largest Wright shop.

“Alden, you need a grappling hook!”

“Those are neat.”

“A handheld line launcher!”

“I’m buying one as a present for myself after I make it through first quarter probably.”

“Levitating pulleys! A portable autoloom! Self-knotting rope!”

“All exciting things,” Alden agreed, examining the spools of cordage in front of him.

“Whyyyy are you not buying the exciting things, then?” Lute had the loom in his arms.

“Because gym time is training time. And during training time, I operate under the assumption that when shit goes really wrong I’m not going to have access to ginormous hardware stores full of magical doodads. What’s more likely—me getting stranded on another planet and finding the perfect Wrightmade tool? Or me getting stranded on another planet and finding some kind of rope?”

You couldn’t rely on a mad scientist’s fully stocked laboratory being within running distance all the time.

Lute didn’t answer. The silence was conspicuous considering how much talking he’d been doing since they arrived.

“What?” Alden asked, looking around at him.

“Nothing!” Lute hastily put the loom back on the shelf.

“You don’t have to pretend it’s reasonable. I know it isn’t.” Alden went back to studying the cord. “Even if I do end up in a crisis, the chances of that crisis involving me being stuck on a planet without a System and nothing but one companion and a rope we wove out of natural fibers are astronomical.”

“Hey, a man needs to be prepared for all eventualities,” Lute said lightly. “Sometimes Systems break. Sometimes drone propellers destroy eyeballs.…are you planning to learn to make ropes out of natural fibers, too?”

“Celena North needs wilderness survival classes. The fact that we don’t have them is criminal. But I’m joking about learning rope making. Mostly. And I came here to buy something like this.”

He reached for a spool of paracord in a painful shade of fluorescent yellow. “I’m not completely into making gym harder for myself. Especially not with the team aspect this time. This is an ultra strong survival cord—about as fancy as something this simple gets. And I’ll be carrying a ton of it.”

There was no rule about how much rope Alden could bring to class.

The outer sheath of this particular paracord was fire resistant, the inner strands provided him with some interesting opportunities, and it was strong enough that Lucille could haul every member of the team up the wall with it at once if for some reason that became a good idea.

“Now we need temper spheres even though they’re probably not going to be useful at all, a bottle of that powder Everly has to have to cast her ice trap, and beef jerky.”

“They’re not going to have that.”

“I know.”


I can’t believe they had eight different kinds of beef jerky.

As he headed through the locker room, Alden tossed a shopping bag toward Jeffy, temporarily distracting the Aqua Brute from whatever he’d been telling Reinhard.

“So many flavors!”

His delighted tone was a contrast to the conversation going on nearby. The boys on Søren’s team looked like they were discussing something serious.

“Is Søren doing all right?” Alden asked.

The Light Shaper had been a lot more rational by the time Alden had left the healing hospital last night. Rational enough that when he’d phoned his mother to tell her where he was and what had happened, he’d managed to make it sound like he’d used emergency teleportation the second the fire started instead of arguing with everyone about whether or not he could hide his injuries from the faculty.

“They’ve been growing him new skin for the past few hours,” said Febri. “He feels fine, and he’ll be back at school first thing next week. But he’s upset they told him no gym until Wednesday.”

<<Did the instructors talk to you?>> Ignacio asked. He was searching through a heavy bag that Alden knew from previous glimpses contained an alarming number of blades. According to Reinhard, Ignacio bought bulk lots of old knives off auction websites and used a spell to sharpen each one before he added it to his collection.

“You mean about what happened?” Alden shrugged. “I got a check-in call from…somebody. And Instructor Marion pulled me aside before Engaging with the Unexpected to see if I needed anything. Other than that, not really.”

The check-in had come from the trauma specialist he’d been assigned when he’d first arrived on the island. He was still having regularly scheduled video calls with her. It wasn’t required, but it was so strongly recommended by everyone—security people at the TC, the public health and safety office, intake counselors—that going along was better for now. And she was really good about not insisting on details he couldn’t or didn’t want to share.

He thought it was overkill that the school had called her for this, though, even if she was listed as one of his medical providers. He hadn’t gotten so stressed out that he took a risk with his powers.

Ignacio was opening his mouth to say something else when Max walked in.

Winston, who was replacing the white laces on his shoes with red ones, burst out, “There you are! Where have you been, you jerk? We’ve been sending you messages all day telling you our plans for the runs!”

“The plans that involve you all demanding I drop zones exactly where you want, when you want?” Max tossed his backpack onto a bench and yanked his shirt off over his head. “It’s such a deeply considered stratagem, and my role is so terribly complicated. However will I prepare myself to assist you if I don’t answer your messages?”

Everyone was suddenly very busy changing their clothes. Alden scooted toward the nearest shower to get busy with it himself.

“It’s not our fault you couldn’t keep up last time,” Winston said as Alden latched the door behind himself. “Marsha says you shouldn’t be such a dick about running out of casts. High-ranks always carry low-ranks in this kind of competition anyway. If you just cast what we tell you to, you can sit around, and one of us will get you to the finish line.”

Alden grimaced.

Max raised his voice. “I promise to cast exactly what you all tell me to. I won’t offer a single word of advice to the team. Vandy can try to hold you all together while Marsha chases down worthy opponents and the rest of you pose for the camera. I will say not a word. So let it be known.”

They’re getting along even worse than I expected. Alden was awfully relieved he hadn’t been assigned to that team.

Oddly, Mehdi wasn’t commenting on the spat. He’d been quiet ever since their team’s double loss, and Haoyu had called him “sulky” when they were discussing him as a possible target for Reinhard.

I know they say highly competitive environments help Avowed make faster progress. But we’ve only had one day of team competition, and someone’s already caught on fire.

Alden couldn’t imagine that smaller scale duels would lead to less hard feelings.

The third years must have gone through this together, and they seem sane. At least the B’s do. The second years are abnormal, but Rahul says they’re a special case.

Alden would most likely be in class with these same people next quarter and the one after. At some point it was common for high achievers to end up with higher level gym groups and low achievers to repeat a course. But until then, he was rooting for his class to be very normal. Bland. The vanilla pudding of CNH classes.

He walked out wearing his unitard a minute later to find Jeffy trying to soothe Max with a strip of beef jerky.

“It’s pepper flavored,” he said, waving it under Max’s nose.

“I don’t want it.”

“How do you know if you don’t bite it?”

“Jeffy, let’s go meet up with our group. They’re already waiting in the gym. Anyway, Max might be saving room for the dinner tonight. There’s going to be pork so many ways. Haoyu can tell you all about it. He’s memorized the menu.”


Their group would be facing Team Febri/Shrike for the first run. As they walked out to the track, the sky was overcast, and the wind was blowing so hard there was grit flying through the air.

Maricel and Lucille led the way, hauling bags of clayey soil with them. Njeri and Everly were right behind them, discussing their roles quietly so that the other team couldn’t hear. Reinhard was giving Lexi unsolicited tips about who to attack with Writher if the archer wasn’t available and the need was urgent. And Haoyu and Alden were bringing up the rear with Jeffy and Astrid.

The other half of the class would be watching from the bleachers while Principal Saleh, Instructor Klein, and Instructor Marion took turns highlighting team tactics and breaking down the ways individual students had chosen to use their powers. Alden was looking forward to having his turn in the audience even as he dreaded having his decision-making critiqued.

As his shoes hit the pavement, he checked himself over for the third time since setting foot outside.

Yep. All still here.

Two thousand feet of paracord sounded like a ton, but it was a very portable amount. Alden had it wrapped around him in two cross-body loops to make an X over his chest, and he was wearing a pouch full of his temper spheres. He would be allowed to carry a small knife or scissors to cut the cord if he wanted, but he did not want.

Having unnecessary sharp objects on your person versus the team with the S-rank Knife Meister was a bad idea. Instead, he’d precut the cord into long sections that were tied together with loose knots. That way he could dole out lengths of it to teammates or sacrifice pieces without wasting much time.

“We should think of this rematch as an opportunity,” said Reinhard as they took their place at the starting line on the track. “The day before yesterday is history.”

“Literally!” Astrid said.

“It’s literally history. So let’s make new history together…” He trailed off then looked around at them all uncertainly. “I’ve never done a pep talk before? But I thought I should do one as co-captain.”

Several people had wanted to try their hand at leading the team. Rather than having a big argument about it, they’d decided to have four captains. Two per run. The captaincy wasn’t about directing overall strategy or approaches to obstacles, since that was already agreed on. What they needed was someone who could keep track of the state of the game and rearrange team members to make sure their plans stayed viable after attacks from the other team had injured or killed people.

Reinhard and Njeri were in charge of this run.

Haoyu and Astrid were in charge of the next.

Alden had been a little surprised that Astrid wanted to try giving orders, but she seemed worried that she couldn’t contribute enough in other ways.

Njeri suddenly cleared her throat and put her hands on her hips. “All right, Avowed!” she bellowed.

Their whole team took a step back from her in surprise. Olive—the Adjuster on Team Febri/Shrike—yelped and whirled around to stare at her. Instructor Ivanova, standing by the track doing final hurdle checks on her tablet, looked startled too.

“Today I want you to think about one thing and one thing only—do you know what that is?” Njeri demanded

“Better teamwork,” Haoyu said.

“Aiming well?” suggested Reinhard.

“Sportsmanship?” Astrid asked.

“Impressing the principal!” Jeffy exclaimed.

“None of that!” shouted Njeri. “Victory dines at the tables of those who have prepared the greatest feasts. She can only grow fat on our preparation, our love for the game, and the flesh of our enemies.”

Alden exchanged a look with Haoyu. On the other side of him, Everly was nodding along with the speech.

“I won’t lie to you,” said Njeri, shaking her head. “We are not truly prepared. We have not sweated enough yet to fill Victory’s cup. And our love for this game is just beginning to blossom.”

“Wow,” Jeffy said in an awestruck voice.

“So what do we have left to offer Victory to tempt her toward our table?”

“Not sportsmanship?” Astrid whispered.

There was an extended pause. Then, Reinhard looked over at the other team.

“That’s right! Look at your enemy. They are our offerings to Victory. When they pass you by on the course, when they come at you with their weapons, when you feel the stirrings of intimidation, remember—they are Victory’s sustenance. And we are her hunters. We will not let her starve!”

Njeri took a deep breath, then smiled. “I’ve always wanted to give a pep talk! I thought you guys might need some extra vigor, since Febri/Shrike has beaten us before. I modeled it after a speech my hockey coach gave! How was it?”


“Motivational in a slightly threatening way.”

“Is the hockey team all right?”


“But didn’t we agree that victory wasn’t our only goal?”

“A speech about maybe being okay with losing doesn’t sound as good!” Njeri protested. “How am I supposed to inspire you all with that?”

“I totally loved it!” Heloísa shouted.

“Thank you!” Njeri shouted back. “But you’re on the wrong team!”

I don’t know if it made me feel inspired, thought Alden. But I definitely feel more awake now.

Beside him, Maricel was looking guiltily at the pile of dirt bags.

“It’s fine,” said Alden. “We all decided on it.”

“But I could just pour out the sand from the bags in the gym. Or forget practicing and focus on vict—”

“You did that last time.” Lexi was staring at the track ahead of them. “If you want specific dirt, we’ll carry specific dirt.”

“It might not even slow us down,” Haoyu added. “Having it might make things run more smoothly later. We just won’t know until we try it.”

Alden thought obstacle course rules for Shapers were arbitrary to begin with. Jupiter wanted fresh-cut wood. Maricel wanted soil. There were a set number of life matter bags and sand bags on the course for them to use instead. Njeri could draw from the water obstacle if they were close enough to it or she could carry water if she wanted it earlier in the course…which they were doing this time. The water jugs were heavy.

But if this were some kind of real-world scenario, Maricel could dig up the earth right outside the building and carry it into the gym with her. Or Jupiter could knock down one of the bottlebrush-shaped trees out front and do the same. Making their teams haul their special requests around seemed a little harsh.

In the uni team competitions Alden had viewed over the past couple of days, Shapers usually had designated offside areas and weight allowances for their materials; but they were allowed to put anything in there they wanted.

I guess this is still class and the idea is limitations. Vandy’s always going to have air around for Sky Shaping. Maricel and Jupiter will usually have something available but not necessarily the type of thing they prefer.

The countdown for the race appeared, and they all took their positions.

Just follow the plan, Alden told himself. See how it goes.


The race began, and with it, the team’s first major strategy shift.

“Slowpokes first!” Reinhard shouted.

Not how Alden would’ve put it…but yes. Everly, with her Glaze Object spell, was the best answer for the fire box. Three casts of it would coat the box in solid ice for several minutes, allowing the rest of the team to break through with zero movement impairment.

That should more than make up for them all getting a slower start.

Everly, Njeri, Maricel, and Astrid took off. Jeffy was running with them a second later, carrying a large water jug in each hand.

Lucille bent over and allowed Lexi and Haoyu to strap bags of dirt to her back with one of Alden’s lengths of cord.

“Is that really uncomfortable?” Alden asked, prepping his own dirt for transport with Reinhard’s help. “I can take more.”

Lucille shook her head.

He was glad she had it under control. Alden would be carrying four bags himself, wrapped in paracord. They wouldn’t weigh much thanks to his authority bearing the load, but at a certain point the size became awkward for clearing the hurdles. As it was, if he screwed up he was going to have three hundred pounds of dirt instantly smashing him forward into the ground or pulling him backwards off his feet depending on his luck.

Honestly, I’m just grateful none of the faculty are saying it’s too dangerous for us to run with this much outside of the gym.

Lucille bounded off right as the slowpokes were finishing their first lap.

“I hope I tied the knots right,” Haoyu said, watching Lucille spring over a hurdle. “I feel like this is asking a lot of them.”

“It’s fine. Let’s go,” said Lexi, taking off.

The frontrunners of the other team were finished with their second lap. It was enough to send a jolt of anxiety through anyone after last class.

The first team with a person over the finish line got to take the first shot.

We’ll catch up indoors, Alden reminded himself. This is the plan.

He set off and let himself enjoy the surefootedness his new wordchain provided. It was the same as the first time Lute had given it to him; his body was always moving exactly how he told it to move.

It was, he thought, a little like running in a dream. In real life, you often pictured yourself leaping a certain way and landing a certain way only to have to adjust your expectations or recover from an imbalance. With the wordchain in effect, the leaps and the landings became an almost eerie match for Alden’s mental vision of them. The first few hurdles made him feel like he was on a roll; with the next dozen, he started to have a sense of surreality.

He came to the end of his first lap as Febri was finishing his final one, and he had a view of the Agility Brute clearing the largest hurdle with movements so fluid they would’ve put a cat to shame.

I wonder if he feels like this all the time.

Febri had launched himself far enough to land on the other side of the safety mat. No need for cushioning, not a wasted step as he sprinted for the gym.

First the track, thought Alden. Then the tube. Then the fire.

“It’s all going according to plan, everyone!” Njeri said. The bellow that Alden had decided must be her coaching voice came through on the team call and echoed toward him from the other side of the windy track at the same time. “Let’s put this boring running behind us, and go play with the fun stuff!”

A breathless cheer went up from Everly, and something like a yodel came from Astrid. Haoyu shouted an enthusiastic “Yep!” as he vaulted over a hurdle.

Alden had been pacing himself deliberately so that he’d arrive at the gym behind the obstacle freezing group as planned, but it was hard not to run a little faster with everyone yelling encouragements in each other’s ears.



“Let’s try to determine what the teams’ strategies are based on what we’ve seen at this early stage,” Instructor Marion said to the half of the class that was on the bleachers waiting their turn to run the course. “Talk with your groups. I’ll come by to hear your ideas.”

“Obviously dirt is involved for my brother’s team,” Kon said to his teammates, staring at the live progress of the race through his interface. “Lots and lots of dirt.”

“Maricel went to buy all of it in the middle of the night,” said Tuyet. “She said she couldn’t sleep.”

“Lexi’s flinging that one bag around like it insulted his mum,” Finlay observed. “It’s going to burst.”

“Look at how much weight they’re carrying for her. Dirt’s heavy. I don’t see any complaining on Maricel’s team.”

They all turned to Jupiter.

“The holly hedge you brought isn’t happening,” said Kon. “It’s massive and pointy. You’ve got scratches all over you, and it’s obviously stolen. It’s still got roots on it.”

“The fact that is has roots on it makes it borrowed!” said Jupiter. “I can put it back after class.”

They turned away.

“You guys! I promise I can put it back! I already bought it special fertilizer!”


“Maricel’s team has decided to arrange themselves so that the slower members are at the front of the group,” Vandy said, folding her hands in her lap and staring avidly at the drone footage. “On Wednesday, they were letting the people who could race ahead do it. Today, they’ve obviously prioritized Everly’s abilities for the first indoor obstacles, and possibly they’re thinking of her synergy with Njeri. It’s likely those two will stick together for the entire course. We’ll need to watch what they do and decide if we might want to target one of them and separate them.

“Maricel may or may not have a specific plan for the clay soil they’re carrying. She was disappointed on Wednesday that she was only able to use her simpler shaping abilities. She greatly admires Instructor Fragment because of their similar backgrounds and wants to impress her. The compression point skill she’s been practicing allows her to draw ground together and pack it very tightly but the shapes of her compression points are limited. She uses her left hand for the gestures usually and assigns her right to moving her creations through the air. She’s planning to incorporate breath gestures one day. Her range of control is impressive for a new Ground Shaper already, and—”

“Alden’s running faster,” Winston said suddenly. “Maybe he took something.”

Vandy blinked at the interruption. “What do you mean?”

“I mean like drugs.”

“Why would he need to take drugs to run at the back of their group?” Mehdi said in annoyance. “He was the third fastest last time. Weren’t you paying attention?”

“He’s running different now!” Winston insisted. “Look at him. He’s running like…more like you!”

“Excuse me, but I don’t clear hurdles like a Rabbit.”

Marsha rolled her eyes and spoke to Vandy. “Why are those two so obsessed with the B-rank?”

“Alden’s a diligent person,” Vandy said. “He also has experience in a high stress environment, so in some ways he’s the most proven member of our class. For example, during Søren’s accident last night, I’ve heard he used his powers very calm—”

“Power,” Winston interrupted. “Singular. Alden has one useful skill. Not multiple. And he’s really arrogant. He was talking like he was definitely going to get into the program before the bus even made it here. And you know…they don’t accept a lot of people like him.”

He glanced over at Max, who hadn’t spoken yet, and the rest of the team followed his gaze.

“Confidence isn’t a flaw as long as it’s earned,” Vandy said seriously. “And Max is also a very diligent student.”

Max took a sip from his water bottle and said nothing.

“Well…” Vandy hesitated. “Maybe you would all like to talk about Shrike’s team strategy instead? We could learn something from them.”

“They’ve trimmed everything holding them back,” said Marsha. “Our class has too many System experiments and wishful thinkers. It’s irritating that we won’t get another fight with their team. They’re going to be up against Tuyet’s group next. If I had one more chance at Febri…him dodging last time was a fluke. I can hit someone with the Instant Corners skill. I just need to get the angle of my strike—”

“I really think our team should’ve attacked them when they were on the bars last time,” Vandy said. “Focusing on Febri was—”

“I could’ve handled Shrike on my own, too,” said Marsha.

She looked over at Max. “Don’t save any zones for my assaults today. I want to do them on my own. I don’t need you trying to help again. I don’t need an underling.”

Max took another swig from his bottle. He spoke for the first time since leaving the locker room. “You can all have exactly what you want. No more complaints from me.”



Alden reached the gym just ahead of Haoyu, moving at a pace that felt too leisurely even if it was all going according to plan so far. Haoyu helped him free himself from his bags of dirt, and almost as soon as the bags hit the floor they lifted up into the air and headed for their master. Now that the dirt was in the gym, any re-runs of the track would be unencumbered.

“You first,” Alden said, gesturing at the entrance to the pipe.

Haoyu grinned at him. “Are you afraid of the tube?”

“You would be too if you were me!”

Haoyu hit his knees and started to crawl, and Alden followed.

“Welcome to The Workshop!” Njeri shouted as they emerged. She was forming a water ball about the size of a grapefruit and holding it out toward Everly. “Go through. Go through.”

Alden almost wanted to linger and examine The Workshop, but he couldn’t afford to. I know what’s going on anyway, he consoled himself as he and Haoyu hurried through the frozen fire obstacle.

During the first several minutes of the race, Everly, Njeri, and Maricel would be making things instead of running the course with the rest of them. It had sounded like an odd idea when Everly had presented it. But she wanted to use her spells a lot more, and Njeri felt like her Water Shaping had gone underutilized as well. So they’d come up with this.

If it went like they hoped it would, then they were establishing a secure area in front of the pipe and making resources that would be useful when combat started.

“Olive’s in the gym!” said Reinhard. “Eyes on Olive! She just went in the pipe. Lexi—”

“I’m heading toward the gym now. She’s not out here,” Lexi said.

“Confirmed. Olive’s really in the pipe! I’ll watch for her until you guys reach the top of the rope climb, then Haoyu and I will swap.”

Alden and Haoyu ran past the weight obstacle—already conveniently moved by Lucille and the others and not yet reset.

Our timing’s just right. Now where is everyone?

Alden scanned the parts of the gym he could see from here. Lucille was standing at the bottom of the climbing rope up ahead; that would be her position for a little while. Jeffy had crossed the high bar swings up near the ceiling. Astrid was right behind him. Reinhard was standing on the first bar, staring down at the other team’s pipe with a focused expression.

On the other side of the course, Ignacio was rapidly carving handholds into the fifteen-meter wall for his teammates to climb, and Sanjay was climbing them in his wake. Rebecca wasn’t visible, but if they were doing it like last time, she was probably already over and in the water. The Brute was very boingy when she used her spell impression and her full jumping power.

So boingy she sometimes overshot her target or landed wrong.

“Looks like they’re putting Sanjay over the line first,” Alden predicted as he pulled himself hand over hand up the rope. “It could be Rebecca, but I bet they let her stay in play.”

This wordchain is amazing, he thought again as he reached the top and stretched out to grab the bars.

When he’d gotten up the rope for the first time on Wednesday, his arms had already been burning a little. Now they weren’t. Does having less wasted motion make that much of a difference?

He swung past Reinhard, who was still watching the other team’s pipe like a hawk. Olive wasn’t coming out. She was definitely waiting for the moment when her using her spells would create as much confusion as possible.

“We’re still putting Astrid over the line first, Alden,” Reinhard said.

Not a necessary reminder, but it was fine. “Got it.”

Astrid was the obvious choice. She contributed to the team, but in terms of her magic and skillset she didn’t contribute anything irreplaceable to the team. So sending her over the finish line and taking her out of play was the option that would cost them the least.

I hope she doesn’t feel too bad about it. She’s always so upbeat, but still…

The bar swings were easy enough, like monkey bars if the playground wanted the monkeys to fall to their deaths. The psychological impact of the height was actually worse than the physical effort required.

Alden swung his body and flew a short distance. Thanks to the wordchain, he was abnormally aware of the flow of air across his skin even as his hands wrapped around the final bar.

Lute had told him it was a chain that you learned to use better with practice, and he could see that it was true. There was a mental shift he would need to get used to. His body on the wordchain moved differently, so he’d have to learn to make decisions that utilized it appropriately.

And then know how to switch expectations for myself when I’m not using it.

He pulled himself up onto the narrow metal perch at the end of the bars, then looked down. A semi-opaque barrier separated this obstacle from the next at ground level, and the only way you were allowed to move through it according to the rules was to enter through a specific gap in the barrier you accessed by traveling down a narrow metal beam. It stabbed toward the floor at a steep angle, so walking down it wasn’t an option unless you had a good spell for it. Sliding wouldn’t kill you if you could manage it without falling, but they’d gotten some sprains and a broken tailbone experimenting with it on their previous runs, which slowed them down.

Alden dropped a length of cord on the perch for whoever might need it then lowered himself carefully onto the beam, stomach pressed to the metal and butt pointed toward the floor like a sane person. Not like Jeffy, who refused to be persuaded that rocketing groundward headfirst was harder even if you could see where you were going.

“Slide, stop, slide, stop!” Reinhard called, passing his pipe-watching task off to Haoyu and swinging across the bars toward Alden.

Again. Unnecessary. But I guess it’s kind of nice to have the call-outs to remind everyone what’s going on.

Alden relaxed his arms and legs to loosen his grip on the beam, slid rapidly downward, re-gripped before he could pick up too much momentum, and repeated the process all the way through the gap in the barrier and to the floor.

He rolled backward and sprang to his feet, untying the next section of cord as he ran to join Astrid and Jeffy at the base of the white, fifteen-meter wall. The gym-created obstacle was smooth as glass, and to Alden it felt hard as a rock, though the Meisters could pierce it, and Lucille could gouge chunks out of it barehanded if she didn’t care about the damage she’d take in the process.

“Alden! I’m ready!” Jeffy waved at him.

“Boost us up! This man’s ready to swim!” Astrid was still trying to highlight the joys of aquatic work at every opportunity.

“You remember how we do this?” Alden asked, hanging on to one end of the cord as he dropped the rest of the coil onto the floor. This length was still entrusted to him, and it would stay that way as long as he didn’t take his hands off the end of it. He hurried backwards, grateful that the wall had a run-up zone in front of it that he could use this way.

“I hold onto Astrid, not the magic rope!” Jeffy announced.

“Right!” Alden stopped backing away when there were five coils of cord left in the pile beside Jeffy. This piece had been pre-measured for the task, so it should be long enough.

He bent, preserved, and lifted. The cord stiffened, and the coiled end rose from the floor fifty feet away. As usual, the strain on his authority was surprisingly high when he was preserving at a distance. There was now a hoop of coiled cord on the end of a straight length.

“Reinhard, should we wait on you?” he asked.

“Don’t!” the archer said over coms. “I’ll go up separately. Everyone, check in!”

“Workshop is good!” Njeri called. “Maricel has a really great idea. For second attack if we time it right.”

“Olive’s still in the pipe!” Haoyu announced.

“The weights have reset,” Lucille said.

“Remember we’re moving those again as soon as Sanjay hits the final obstacle!” Njeri called. “Lexi, you’re up on bars with a view of everything. What’s the state of the rest of their team?”

“Shrike’s on the wall monitoring our progress. Febri, Sanjay, and Rebecca are finishing up the water obstacle. Heloísa’s started shifting their weights again, and they’ve got a couple of people climbing the wall.”

“Okay, let’s move, everybody! We’ll catch up to them in the water.”

“Thanks to Jeffy!” shouted Astrid.

“Thanks to Jeffy,” Alden agreed. “Ready to lift.”

He felt a jolt of excitement and nerves. The obstacle course itself was easily doable as a team. When the attacks started…that was when things got a lot more complicated.

“Tell me if you start to have some kind of a problem on the way up,” Alden ordered as he lowered his hoop over Jeffy’s head.

The Aqua Brute stuck out his arms toward Astrid, and as Alden lifted, the paracord caught Jeffy under the armpits and picked his feet up off the ground. Astrid hopped up and grabbed him in a full body bearhug, her arms going over the cord and around his back, her legs wrapping around his waist. The paracord was stuck between them now.

That’s actually more thorough than what we discussed, Alden thought, lifting them slowly higher and watching them closely to make sure they weren’t about to change positions and slip. As long as Astrid didn’t lose her grip, there should be no way for them to fall. He approved. Jeffy seemed alarmed, but not in a bad way. His feet kicked wildly and his eyes were wide, but he wrapped his arms around Astrid as they rose.

“All right!” Alden said. “Shout if you need anything.”

“Higher! Faster!” yelled Astrid. “Let’s win!”

“Yeah!!” Jeffy said.

Alden resisted the urge to oblige them. For one thing, their bodyweight was being entirely supported by a fairly narrow hoop instead of a proper harness, and even if Jeffy was a tough dude, it was probably uncomfortable. For another, speed at the end of the line wasn’t the easiest thing to judge if he rushed. As Fragment had warned Alden when he was practicing rescues in a similar fashion, small wrist movements at his end of the preserved cord resulted in much larger swings on the far end.

Catapulting them across the gym wouldn’t be very friendly of me.

“That looks just as neat as the first time I saw it,” Everly said from her spot at The Workshop as Astrid and Jeffy reached the top of their arc. “Like he’s got a strange balloon.”

“I am the strange balloon!” Astrid crowed. “Sanjay just hit the final obstacle! Move those weights, Lucille! Wow! People are getting excited in the bleachers. I see them pointing.”

There was a noise barrier up between the runners and the audience. Alden was grateful for that. Once his excited passengers were fifty feet up in the air and more or less vertically oriented, he just walked over to the base of the wall with them.

“Jeffy, let go of her, but keep the cord under your arms! Astrid, you should be able to drop onto the top of the wall easily.” He paused, then added. “Don’t miss!”

Astrid was on her feet on top of the wall a second later, and Jeffy was right behind her. He whooped then dove off the back. A splash announced his landing in the water tank, and Astrid followed him.

“Good job!” Reinhard shouted, running up toward Alden with Lexi right behind him. “Get me up there, too, so I can get ready to snipe.”

Alden kept his cord preserved, ran back to where he’d started from last time, and dropped the hoop for Reinhard.

The archer opted to wrap his arms and legs around it and dangle upside down like a tree sloth.

“Let’s go, let’s go!” Njeri was shouting. “It’s almost time!”

“Thanks for being my bodyguard,” Alden said to Lexi while he lifted the sloth into the air, pausing briefly when it looked like Reinhard needed to adjust his position.

Lexi had his back turned to Alden, and Writher was long and at-the-ready as he watch the other team’s half of the course. “They’ve put Rebecca back on top of their wall. She’s on watch replacing Shrike. I can’t see him from here, so he’s got to be back on the floor, getting ready for attack. Febri’s heading for the ground again, too. ”

Febri/Shrike used their S-ranks for attack, though they’d let Heloísa and Rebecca have a turn last time when it became obvious that they were pulling ahead of Alden’s team.

All the other teams used their S-ranks as primary attackers. For good reason.

“I think if it’s Shrike I might be able to stop him from doing too much damage to you,” said Lexi. “If it’s Febri…”

“It’s fine. Shit happens.”

Alden forced himself not to fling Reinhard toward the ceiling faster out of nerves.

“Everly, get to freezing,” Reinhard said from overhead. “They might go for you instead of Alden. Lucille, you’re probably their third choice.”

“Olive’s in the pipe,” Haoyu said.

“If she stays in there, let me take first attack!” Maricel called.

“Jeffy’s got me through the water!” Astrid shouted. “I’m heading for the finish.”

An Aqua Brute really does make that obstacle fast.

A bell rang. The lights on the other half of the course lit up. The invisible barrier that separated the two sides gave a warning flare then dropped. The other team was now allowed to cross over for the purpose of making a single attack or messing around with one of the obstacles using either their powers or an obstacle modification tablet that lay at the entrance to each of the pipes.

Resetting the weights could screw a team over big time if their strongest members were over the finish line. Resetting the wall so that the handholds teams had created were removed was also an option.

“Worskhop is protecting the tablet and Everly!” Maricel called.

“I’m on Alden,” Lexi reported.

“I’ll go with Astrid to protect her!” Jeffy said.

“No!” Reinhard and Njeri spoke over each other.

“You’re staying in the water, remember?” Reinhard said as Alden carried him toward the wall at a fast walk.

“You stay there unless we need you to run back!” Njeri agreed.

“Oh, that’s right.” Jeffy sounded mournful.

Reinhard made it onto the top of the wall. He crouched low and used the vantage point to scan the course.

Relieved he’d gotten some critical teammates into position in time, Alden dropped preservation, and let his cord fall in a scrambled heap at his feet. Hastily toeing the mess into a slightly more cohesive shape, he picked it all up together. It made a small, handheld shield with lots of holes in it. But it only took seconds.

“What are you going to do with that?” Lexi asked without looking back over his shoulder.

“They might not send their S’s. I should be able to take a hit from the others. You never know.”

It was inconvenient to have any member of their team sent back to the track or heavily injured and movement restricted. But some of them were particularly juicy targets.

Incapacitating Maricel, Lucille, or Jeffy would be a real triumph for their enemies; but Febri/Shrike probably wouldn’t try it. Maricel was over by the pipe and the frozen box, which would provide her with a lot of shelter. The giant sandbags she had on hand also served her as both weapons and shields.

Jeffy was, hopefully, underwater. Getting into the tank and successfully attacking him there would be nearly impossible for anyone on the Febri/Shrike team. Lucille was more vulnerable, but she didn’t come across that way while she was trotting back and forth with metric ton weights.

We’re lucky they don’t know she doesn’t want to lethally hit people. It really limits her options for responding.

The other teams didn’t seem to realize it yet anyway. For now, the risk of not taking Lucille down in a single hit and getting backhanded to the moon by a retaliatory strike was probably going to keep attackers from getting within an easy arm’s reach of her.

If enemies didn’t go for the S’s, Alden and Everly were the next most appealing victims. Everly was protected by Maricel. So the most likely place for them to attack was here.

Here I am, both breakable and useful to the team.

And Alden’s body wasn’t the only thing that was breakable. The way his skill worked gave him an additional exploitable weakness for this kind of game.

“Don’t shield against a hit if you’re not sure how strong it is,” Lexi said, keeping himself between Alden and any possible incoming threats.

“I know.”

“The next run—”

“I know. I’m the one who pointed out that my own death would technically be more helpful than me trying to protect myself sometimes.”

Alden’s skill was stronger than anyone here knew, and if he was right with his theorizing, it was more versatile and potent than it might have been in a normal B-rank Rabbit’s hands. But some of his classmates could still magically overwhelm him in one strike and put him out of commission for the rest of class.

It just depended on which classmates they were and what the strike was.

And beyond that, there was compounding fatigue to consider.

Their current strategy called for Alden doing as many of these high lifts as were necessary to get people over the wall. Depending on how many deaths and re-runs they suffered, it could be quite a few. If he fatigued his skill, Maricel would take over or they’d start climbing the much more tiring and slow way; but it was best if Alden stayed available for the length of this run and the next.

Which meant he should only use his messy little shield here to soak attacks if doing so wouldn’t be too costly or render him useless later.

If it’s Febri, should I try? He could, like, blink at just the wrong moment and a miracle could happen. But how hard does he hit compared to someone like Heloísa. If it’s—

“Febri’s over the line! Febri’s over the line! Heading for The Workshop!” Reinhard’s call was excited. “Lucille, stop—!”

“Olive’s out of the pipe!” Haoyu announced at the same time. “And another Olive’s out of the pipe! And a third!”

“I’m almost to the finish line!” Astrid said. “Hang in there!”

“Haoyu, Reinhard, try to determine which one is the real Olive. Lucille, run toward Febri. Grab him! Maricel, guard.” Njeri’s instructions were delivered so rapidly that it would have been hard to interpret them if it wasn’t fairly well planned in advance.

Alden and Lexi both ran over to an opening in the wall—about two-bodies wide—that connected this part of their team’s course to the previous one so that people who’d completed the bars and gone down the beam could run back to the old obstacles to help teammates with them. It was a one-way situation. You could use this shortcut to rapidly backtrack, but once you’d backtracked, you were required to return the hard way.

This was also a spot where people waiting to go up the wall could see what was happening, and where attackers—who didn’t have to obey obstacle order rules on the enemy course—could come through.

Now that they knew Febri was the attacker and he was going in the other direction, it was safe to take a peek.

Lucille and Febri were facing off in front of the final, cube-shaped weight.

She crouched. Her arms were wide, and she was poised to spring and grab Febri. But the Agility Brute bounced once on the balls of his feet, feinted down and to the right, then leaped up and to the left so fast that by the time Lucille had started to move to intercept him in the fakeout direction, he was already airborne, turning an unnecessary but very cool-looking flip as he sailed toward the frozen Workshop area.

Lexi was standing at the edge of the line they weren’t allowed to cross without it being deemed an official backtrack, but Writher was stretching out over it toward Febri, twitching angrily.

Alden chose not to comment on that. They were way too far away for Lexi to reach the S-rank with the whip.

“I bet he’s smiling,” Lexi hissed. “You can tell by how he bounces around that he’s smiling.”

“Not for long,” Maricel said quietly over coms.

It was really nice of them to go for Everly first, thought Alden. Kind of impractical considering she had two companions to Alden’s one. I guess they thought they could get away with taking a closer look at what we were doing over there.

He felt a little smug about what was going to happen, and then two bells rang and both sides of the course flashed again.

“I’m over the finish line!” Astrid shouted. “And another one of theirs is, too.”

Lexi and Alden stared at each other.

“Shrike,” they both said.

A moment later, they spotted him. Ignacio was running toward them fast, shouting instructions to his own teammates in Spanish, and wearing a chef’s knife roll bag on each shoulder in addition to his System-gifted Meister daggers—one in each hand, pointed straight ahead of him.

A pair of arrows zinged through the air one after the other. Reinhard was allowed to shoot as much as he wanted at interlopers on their half of the course. But judging by the swearing, he’d missed Febri.

He wouldn’t be aiming for Shrike. The S-rank had taken an unusual skill, and in addition to its offensive uses, it neatly countered Reinhard’s arrows.

It was up to Lexi to deal with him.

“Haoyu,” said Reinhard, keeping his voice low. “Which Olive is real?”

“Don’t know yet. Sorry. She’s improved her realism now that she knows what the course is like. Best guess is the middle one.”

A lot of things happened all at once. It was a familiar chaos after Wednesday’s runs, but Alden still couldn’t quite believe how fast it all moved when the attacks started.

He let the mini shield, too small to be useful versus Ignacio’s favorite attack, unravel. He started re-coiling the end of it to make his teammate-lifting shape as he got out of the Knife Meister’s sight and pressed himself to the barrier. Lexi was standing boldly in the opening, ready to intercept, Writher curling through the air in front of him threateningly.

“Taking our attack shot,” Reinhard was saying. “Aiming for one of their wall climbers since we don’t know where Olive is.”

Alden listened.

Running footsteps paused as Ignacio considered his options.

<<Lexi wants me to attack him instead of Alden!>> he shouted to his teammates.

An arrow flew toward its target.

“Got the climber!” Reinhard sounded gleeful.

A shattering, popping noise came from the workshop. Followed by a yelp.


Writher lashed out. There was swearing in Spanish.

Alden poked his head out from behind the wall for just long enough to see that the whip had grabbed Ignacio by the leg and yanked him off balance. His knife rolls were open on the floor beside him. He was struggling against the whip for now, but if he just stopped and turned around…

Alden dropped the coil of paracord he’d just made behind Lexi and ran backwards, putting the partition between him and Shrike again and unspooling his rope just like he had to put Jeffy up the wall.

“Shrike tried to turn toward The Workshop!” Lexi was calling for the team’s benefit. “Writher’s got him, but he hasn’t attacked, and he still has his arms free to—”

“Step backward, Lexi!” Alden shouted, sending a mental text to enforce the message simultaneously. “One step backward!” [Step backward!]

It was just a crazy, last second scheme. Something he attempted because the idea popped into his head, and in the haze of the fight he couldn’t see any immediate drawbacks.

Getting the timing right was at least ninety percent luck. Lexi taking a step backward was probably more a response to what was happening with the enemy in front of him than to Alden’s command.

But he did step backward. Right into the center of the prepared loop behind him.

“GRAB THE ROPE!” Alden yelled, preserving and pushing the cord straight up over his head. It caught Lexi under his extended arm, and an instant after his feet had left the ground, his other was hooked over it.

Alden lifted his roommate much too fast for safety and just fast enough that the bulk of Ignacio’s attack missed him.

One of the Knife Meister’s blades, glowing a dark, burning orange, shot below Lexi’s feet and every sharp object in Shrike’s vicinity followed it.

The Leading Knife skill.

Alden hadn’t been familiar with it until he’d seen his classmate use it. Most knife-throwing Avowed seemed to pride themselves on pinpoint accuracy, power, and weapon spell effects more similar to Tuyet’s darts. But The Leading Knife made any sufficiently knifelike object within the user’s range orient to point in the same direction as Shrike’s lead blade. Reinhard was particularly miffed about the existence of a skill that made even his strongest arrows rotate in the wrong direction as they approached their target.

And once the lead blade left Shrike’s hand, all of those servant blades chased it like a flock of birds.

The mundane blades were confined to quite a large spherical area behind the thrown Meister weapon, though it was hard to make out the shape unless there were a lot of weapons in the air at once. It was a great skill for turning a person or whole groups of people into pincushions.

A large knife at the top of the flock smashed into Lexi’s shins before Alden had him fully out of range, then kept going. But they missed the worst of it, and Ignacio was dangling off the floor now, leg still caught by Writher. Lexi was staring down at him with dignity and focus befitting a person who wasn’t barely hanging onto his uncomfortable perch by his armpits.

“I think his leg is probably missing.” He was murmuring to himself so quietly that it only came through coms. “That’s good. A little fall now. No more attacking.”

Writher phased out and returned to its normal size. As Shrike stood up with the stiff motions of someone enduring a serious movement penalty, Lexi called, “Shrike’s seriously injured, but I don’t think he’ll die! Let’s let him go! He’ll slow them down.”

Shrike looked back over his shoulder and grimaced. Then he sighed and started hopping away from them on one foot.

“Wait! Why am I up in the air?!”

Alden stared up as Lexi expression turned shocked and he scrambled to throw a leg over the hoop to make himself more secure.

“You didn’t know?” Alden asked, baffled.

“My weapon requires concentration.”

“You did amazing, then!” Alden said. “I was going really fast and you held on great!”

“What’s wrong with my leg?!”

“You got stabbed on the way up. It shouldn’t be too bad.”

“He’s stabbed? Good!” Njeri called.

“Why is that good!?”

“Because we need someone over the line right now, and he’s close enough to make it to the finish if he’s only slightly injured! Alden, get him over the wall. Jeffy, get him through the water. Haoyu—”

“I think I know which Olive is real now. Keeping my eyes on her.”

“Thank god,” said Reinhard. “That antitargeting spell she has shouldn’t be allowed in combination with the illusions!”

“You guys!” Everly sounded excited. “Do you realize what just happened?”

There was a pause. Alden grinned.

“We injured their S-ranks! We repelled two attacks and got one of our own!The plan’s working!” Everly said.

“What happened over there?” Lexi asked.

“I’ll tell you all about it after the game,” Njeri said. “Now hurry!”

“Up you go!” Alden called, lifting his strange balloon higher into the air.




Oh look at the time

Juan Diaz

Thanks for the soup!

John Anastacio

And suddenly, joy. Thanks Sleyca. Reading now.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

I feel joy in my heart that I get to spend my evening reading this! Yay!


Thank you


Removing the tag with scissors doesn't work. Then there's still a scratchy bit left, just higher up. You gotta use scissors and then remove at least a few layers of the horizontal strings in the tag weave so that its edges become soft.




This chapter recontextualized Vandy's concern for Alden last chapter in my mind. She's very perceptive and obviously notices how her team's attitude is affecting Max and probably was worried something similar was happening with our Rabbit. Also, while I feel she hasn't forgiven Lute, she probably went over the actions that led up to the "Death Dice" incident. I wouldn't be surprised if she researched bullying and identifying its symptoms. So when Alden was making strange faces for seemingly no reason in class its easy to see why she felt she had to reach out to him to make sure he was OK.

Alexander Dupree

HOLD THE FUCKING PHONE! Is Aden going to make his auriad become super long and since he can control it directly have a fully transformable weapon or armor????


If the rope is so sturdy he should also need specialized scissors/knives to properly cut it in a reasonable timeframe

Diana Lee

Manifesting Marsha and Winston's downfall 🙏🙏🙏🙏

John Koor

Dammit Sleyca. This isn't a sweatshop. You don't need to thank us for letting you have one day off. Definitely take more if you need it for your own well-being or the betterment of the story.


Sleyca? You didn't answer the most important question in this chapter.. Is that hockey team okay?


Winston’s codename: Runner Up.


The beef jerky got a good bit of giggling out of me. Come to think, I don't think I've seen a hardware store that didn't sell some kind of jerky.

Tim Gonsalves

I didn't know how much I missed Sunday's chapter until today's arrived. Thanks, Sleyca!

Wheels of Terror

I like how Alden has a sort of pen pal thing with the Artonan with the other Opposite Stone. Wholesome.


Couldn't they have simply tied the rope to the top of the wall somehow?

Moby Duck

TFTC! It’s really interesting to see the strategy they’ve come up with in action, as well as the enemy teams point of view. Do you have a method for coming up with strategies for the different groups, or is it just a spontaneous thing that occurs throughout the day? Also, hoping that Max performs EXACTLY as the team asks and they fail heavily, but I’m not too hopeful that Winston will have the ability to recognise his fault in that. Also if Winston finds out about the commendation, he’s definitely going to see it as the reason for why “Alden thought he would get in”.


The fucking hedge. Oh Jupiter... I about busted my sides. It must be tough for a life shaper, in this concrete jungle. Somehow I knew he'd be able to get jerky... So many places that don't sell food, sell jerky for... reasons. Did Jeffy know? Is it a wright shop thing? It's kind of real life version of wright shop thing.


Mmmhmhm delicious soup. The team is doing so well! You can really see how the effort they put in to finding better teamwork is paying off. Especially when compared to the other teams on the sidelines, who are each down a member in different ways (poor Max and Søren) as a result of their own fractiousness. Even the Febri/Shrike team, which is intact, is clearly performing with less cohesion than Team Cottontail.


How can such a long chapter feel so short… the action was engaging and everything happened so smoothly! Really thought Alden would preserve Lexi by preserving the stack of “rope + Lexi touching it” but the quick dodge works too - wonder if that’ll come into play though as a surprise for another team.

Bob Ross

Guys Alden was way too confident about getting into hero school, he didn't even bring sunglasses or anything!

Cambria Layton

This is awesome! I love the action. Really liking how the team’s plans are coming together and how excited they are. I can really feel the energy!


Sleyca, you do what you need to do for your and your family's health first. Worry about us second. Or third or wherever we end up on the list


Oof, Vandy is trying her best to deal with that dumpster fire. God bless.


Thanks for the chapter!

Wheels of Terror

Lute and Alden just lightly talking about how they got hit in the face with a drone and stranded on another planet always makes me laugh a little. Hey, trauma can be funny sometimes if you're able to get over it and it's from the right perspective. I got hit by a car once and I laugh about it all the time now.


It was hard to wait for this and now I’m desperate to see what’s next. Awesome chapter!!! I love it when a plan comes together!


Well, the problem there is that it’s a glaring “Alden Is A Wizard” sign. Which he doesn’t want. But in an emergency situation, where that sort of thing doesn’t matter? Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s exactly his plan. Maybe not make it super long (it’s already fairly longish, iirc?) but definitely use it as a controllable thing he can preserve. It’ll probably work Fantastically well, since it’s bonded to his authority… even the affixed authority.

John Anastacio

Marsha continues to be a jerk and a total rankist. She doesn't even deign to refer to Alden by name, just 'the B-rank'. Winston is paying way too much attention to Alden if he can notice that Alden is running differently. My earlier guess that all that envy is probably hampering his actual growth stands and is of higher probability than before. I feel bad for Max. I guess he's given up on this group. Interesting that he chose malicious compliance. I figure that Alden told the teachers about his new mastery of My Body Becomes My Assistant, since they aren't complaining and are sure to have noticed. I am confused by this sentence - “They’ve trimmed everything holding them back,” said Marsha. Who is the they that trimmed? The teachers? Team Febri/Shrike? Team Cottontail? Who is the them that was held back? Team Febri/Shrike? Team Cottontail? Very happy with this chapter, it's amazing and so delicious. Worth the wait.


I can't believe your posting again already, lmao. Tyftc! I appreciate the work you do and admire the effort a story like this takes.


Does focussing on writher allow Lexi to better understand how to optimally move the rest of his body to facilitate Writher's usage? Side note: A strong bit when Alden meets Evul would be for her to have seen the Gokoratch video and ask him "How they were able to simulate the wing movements so well?" In a callback to Astrid saying to flap their arms "cannibalistically".


I definitely agree that it would be perfectly reasonable to take another break for a bit to build up a back log or just get some more mental health rest


Soooo dope. Thanks for the chapter!


Everyone has so much more of plan than the last time. Way to go! Max has a plan of "fuck it, don't rock the boat, this team sucks". I really do hope the teachers call it out because Vandy sure wasn't making any headway before she gave up.


Either way, a general string/rope motif would be a good way to hide sneaky auriad usage in plain sight :P


I suspect that Alden preserving his Auriad would be either impossible or extremely unpleasant. It's a part of him, and we've heard previously that separating an Auriad from a wizard, while possible, very literally injures them.


Huh, after the description of Shrike's skill, I'm now really expecting to see Alden snag the thrown knife out of the air with his skill, then throwing it and all of the following blades right back at someone. Maybe not the next episode, probably not without a cost of Alden (a wounded hand, his skill exhausting because it is working on another skill thrown object, something) but I really feel the Chekov's Gun there...


Now we need to know if it's wrightmade. Sure, you've heard of Cook of the Moment, but what about the Food Wright class that definitely exists?


They could work together to create the most inconvenient Morse Code ever.

Maddy Weller

The team is doing so well! I’m proud of them, and it sounds like Everly is great at the inspiring speeches part of being a team leader if nothing else haha. But all of their planning seems like it’s paying off, and I’m enjoying seeing them all work together well. Max’s team is going to be so screwed by not listening to him and some of them probably won’t even realize it’s their own fault. The people on the sidelines are kinda rude, but it’s funny watching Alden’s self appointed nemeses make themselves mad, and then see Alden do so well.


Petition for poor Max to transfer teams to one less full of jerks.


Well, Soren got trimmed from Febri/Shrike team by injuring himself. That's probably what Marsha meant because she's a jerk.


sleyca your comedic timing is so good. the beef jerky, njeri's pep talk, lexi's "wait why am i in the air?", jupiter's holly hedge its so funny i love all of your characters

John Anastacio

Ahh right. Thanks Gregory. The way Marsha says it, though, implies that she thinks they deliberately trimmed Soren, maybe caused him to injure himself. Which is weird, but whatever.

Alexander Dupree

It’s hard to climb paracord since it’s about 1 cm(~3/8 in) thick. Not a lot to get a grip on and a great way to tear your hands up if anything goes wrong or you even just hang all your weight off it. Though in this case probably get a movement penalty for your hands.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

Oooooh. Shrike's skill is so juicy, the description of it made me want to see it in a movie. I so, so want to see what happens when Alden snags the lead knife!


I'm not totally clear on the restrictions on attacks, honestly, it seems like ranged people generally get one shot but how would that apply to Febri, for example? One punch?

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

This chapter was great fun. I love to see all the planning Alden's team did pay off. As for Winston, I think a quote I heard earlier today kind of applies. "An accusation is usually a confession." He saw Alden moving better than before, and his first thought was drugs? In a world with all kinds of magic and superpowers, that's where his mind went. Sure, there are magic, Artonan drugs, but there are so many other explanations that one wonders why he immediately went *there.*


They could carry gloves and they're mostly stronger than regular humans. They also could've put knots in it? Then you can use your feet too. Still uncomfortable, but manageable I guess.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

As Writher #1 Fan I support any and all speculation that Writher makes Lexi more optimal for Writher, rather than vice versa.

Dyllan Tô

They still have to climb the rope. Having alden lift them over seems faster


Honestly, I think they'd be bad with or without Max. Three of them are just too self-centered to work as a team, and Vandy doesn't have the experience to handle them. Max's rank is just an easy scapegoat for their own personal failings.


That was an exciting chapter. I really enjoyed how everyone is working together. Alden saving Lexi is gold and everything is working out fine.


I was kinda disappointed that Alden lifting Lexi didn't lead to a trebuchet like situation. But I guess Lexi has only so much tensile strength.


Bad. Ass. I wonder if this will light a fire under Max's shitty team mates to actually use him well? I wonder if he'll end up using those sand bags and rope as a giant, horrifically fast 400 lb hammer? Unpreserving it at the last moment? That would be awesome. I hope he gets to try bunny hopping in that weightless way of his of floating dirt bags too though. And if he faces Tuyet again, or a lesser projectile thrower catching and returning the projectile (which seems to be within the rules) would be ace, the chain might allow him to actually pull it off! If not now, maybe later... Only thing that really disappointment me is that he's still not making a rope harness to effortlessly carry people on his back.


Thank you for the chapter!


Not saying they shouldn't have alden lift them, but he could've given them a piece of rope to tie to the top somehow as a backup in case Alden gets hit and has to restart. Contingencies are always good. Hope for the best plan for the worst

Jeff Petkau

I was wondering that too. Also why not have Reinhart shoot a bunch of arrows into it for hand/footholds, similarly to what the knife guy did. I guess that could be plan B if Alden is taken out.

Swiss Jeez

Ooh, possibly! Sounds like he and Alden should have a conversation about that...


Also someone would still need to tell him to pick it up to preserve it, and it getting so long might interfere with his ability to cast with it.

Zachary Sloan

I think that's the downside to having such a successful Patreon. There's probably a lot of personal pressure to get chapters out on time, since you're getting paid so much for them.


He's not carrying the sand bags anymore, Maricel took them once they were in the gym, right after the interlude from the onlookers.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

Oh, dang! I completely missed that they might have meant Søren! That's terribly mean. I was a bit confused by that line too, but I just took it to mean that all the people on the team were cutting out experimental uses of their powers, just sticking to the basics.


"Maricel and Lucille led the way, hauling bags of clayey soil with them." Guessing this is supposed to say clay . I stand corrected


Honestly I think that would’ve been far funnier. That way he wouldn’t even know the attack was over until it was.

Zachary Sloan

He wouldn't be able to preserve Lexi because entrustment is necessary (since I really doubt that any amount of perception-changing would enable Alden to consider Lexi "a part of the rope"). Lexi would need to be aware that he's going to be preserved and entrust himself to Alden.

Ano Ano

God, it's so much fun. Love to see the power of teamwork in action. Regarding the building of backlogs, I wonder if a month of only posting once a week instead of twice would be a way to build up without too harsh of a reduction in posting quantity.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

Ooh. That does ring true. Though, Winston is a globie, right? So he might be used to the human sports world and its drug scandals. But still, he does seem like the type. I used to have room for benefit of the doubt for Winston, but in recent chapters he's really volunteering to show his colors.


Was that Lexi talking to Mind Writher like a pet snake? I guess Everly and Maricel made a trap with the extra material they had on hand? Nice to see team cottontail come together. I liked that the other team also had their own strategy and they were actually competitive. I'm still hoping Alden yeets somebody across the course with a rope hoop. I bet Astrid or Jeffy would be down!


Glorious Chapter

Duncan Lester

...sweaty gym soup... 💯

Heather White

Removing the tag brought back so many memories of childhood/teenage distress. God tags suck.

Heather White

Max’s quiet, controlled foreboding gave me happy, anticipatory goosebumps


They did specifically talk about how Alden shouldn't try to block extremely strong attacks (like, say, an S rank meister weapon and dozens of other knives) because of skill fatigue. He's way higher level than they think but also when he skill fatigues he can't even move for hours.

Duncan Lester

Kinda thought the lifting was gonna be shrike getting yate at mach 3 into the ceiling. Does anybody know how far up the gym floor protection goes? Not sure if it would be OK for many strange balloons to take ballistic arcs

Swiss Jeez

Clayey soil, as in soil filled with lots of clay? I think things like that are just part of Sleyca's style which I'm glad for since it brought us Rebecca being boingy...


It is probably better that he ended up heavily injured so he needs to just leave the course rather than dies and just runs back over.


I like Jeffy, he's sweet. Tftc!

Ryan Brudnicki

I kind of hope max will just fly through the course and they wont have time to give orders, but that is pretty unlikely

John Anastacio

Oh I just realized - when Astrid wrapped her arms and legs around Jeffy and Jeffy looked alarmed but not in a bad way, they were in a position that looked really sexual. And as usual Alden didn't perceive that nuance. He just thought it was unexpectedly thorough.


Happy 1 year anniversary to super supportive! First chapter came out exactly one year ago today!!


The joys of English, where with minimal effort you can turn any word into any other type of word. Verb nouns! Adjectify nouns! Say a noun more adverbly!

Heather White

“I hope you’re surrounded by a bunch of other kids right now, he thought. And they saw your stone light up, and they’re all wildly impressed.” I’m hoping this for Alden’s Opposite too. Such a sweet moment before getting to all the gym excitement.

John Koor

Agreed, Zach. Taking an extended break does tend to cost patrons, but a healthy balance needs to be found.

Wheels of Terror

I was in the wheelchair when I got hit! Probably kept me from being injured. Got Cerebral Palsy.

Michael Blue

I had a slightly different interpretation of Winston’s analysis - he’s an Agi-Brute so he can probably notice someone’s economy of motion better than Vandy, a Sky-Shaper.

Lorevi Q

We've seen Alden lift others up the wall but can they lift him? If he preserves one end and they pull on the other from the top. Not sure how that would work with his image of bearing burdens thing since the burden would be himself lol.


Someday Alden will learn shibari because it's probably handy for his skill and it'll result in some incredibly awkward moments before he understands.


I have a feeling it’ll be Haoyu the dura-brute who gets yeeted first, he’s literally built for it.


My assumption is, according to the description, that since they follow the leader, once Alden preserves the leader, they all will be preserved, stopping them in mid-air, and when he drops the preservation, they will continue to follow the leader in the new direction. Since his skill while be working on the magic that binds them all together, I expect he will at the very least exhaust his skill pulling this trick off in a suitably dramatic way.


I mean, he could just unpreserve the rope and then they could just… pull him up. Like a normal rope


I really doubt they could use his skill to lift him because of the way it works, but Maricel could use dirt platforms or Lucille could just pull in the rope while he held on.

Kate Yen

I'm interested in how you've described running in dreams. I ran long distance nearly every day for ~5 years, and whenever I'd dream about running, it would always feel deeply wrong. The most common sensation was that gravity was too weak, making my stride feel nauseatingly floaty. It always made me get increasingly distressed until it turned into a nightmare or I realized I was dreaming.

Lorevi Q

tbf it kinda was the reason he got in. We all know Alden is awesome but the teachers weren't exactly convinced by a B Rank Rabbit Hero. I think it's fair to say that without the commendation he wouldn't have had a shot (which is unfair but ye)


Interesting that Alden didn’t want to admit that it was his shrink who called him to check in. Everyone knows he went through some trauma, and I bet with everything that happens to superheroes going to therapy is pretty commonplace. I guess he’s just trying to not remind people about his trauma and be “normal”?

Lorevi Q

@Rob lmao my brain is too engaged in the skill use I didn't think of the obvious. But they would have to carry his weight while he doesn't need to do that on his end due to the skill bearing it. Not sure if his skill could cancel out his own weight.

Lucy Severine

So many iconic quotes in this chapter yesss

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

I have little experience running in the real world, but I had the same thought about running in dreams. I always end up having to use my hands to hold onto the ground to get enough traction to move at any speed. It's weird.

Michael Blue

How much beef jerky did Alden get Jeffy if he’s teasing Max with one of the flavors


If Reinhard was more of an asshole I was going to hope they swap him for Max. As it stands though he just seems like an egoist striker who when he sees the shot he takes the shot and expects everyone else to work around him. Which isn’t necessarily even that bad he just needs a good leader/mentor who can whip him into shape, show him the power of proper teamwork, and help him reach his full potential with a dash of humility along the way. I’m really digging the characterization for all the side characters and (very) minor antagonists. Lots of egos in the hyper competitive superhero school, but they all seem to be in slightly different flavors with some hidden depths.

Billy Corcoran

Maybe it's just me, or an issue with having spaced out chapters, but I couldn't remember *quite* how the wordchain stone linked to the artonan worked when I read that section. Fantastic chapter as always :D


They took out 3 of the other teams members in as many seconds. 10/10 honestly.


Soren’s team is the opposing team. It’s Max and Kon’s teams that are on the sidelines right now.


I love the mental image conjured by "strange balloon." Like it's just a really well done balloon animal


Astrid is a glomper, it seems


Minor nitpick on the team descriptions: S - Marsha - Meister of (see this chapter for description) She was described last chapter, less so this chapter.

Matt DiMeo

Climbing rope can lift a car, but you can cut it pretty easily. and that’s 10mm thick. Strong and cut-resistant are two different, largely unrelated measurements.

Pedro Henrique

Eight packages, depending on the size of the package size it might be as much as a full pound of beef jerky


Alden completely missing why Jeffy looks a little shocked and just thinking ‘ah yes, what an effective way to hold on’ is peak

Aidan Geverdt

Marsha needs a humbling

Kim Enteiu

I mean “Commendation for Keeping Yourself and Someone Else Alive for Months in a Chaos Field After the System Breaks” should be an automatic acceptance. Instructor Marion gets it.

Pedro Henrique

It makes the other stone blinks whenever someone(anyone) casts a wordchain near it

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

Someone in last chapter's comments was shipping Astrid and Jeffy, so I was attuned to notice this. I love both of these characters and support their mutual happiness. And Astrid's pet name for Jeffy will be "My sweet raccoon" also lol @Gregory's absolutely correct insight into Alden's character. I think there's a theoretical kinship between shibari and origami, so maybe he'll even start thinking of his affixation that way, which would be not awkward at all.


Thanks for the soup!!

JJ Hunter

Kudos on making a complex chapter so clear, funny, and vividly cinematic - I'm really impressed the emotional beats and pacing come through so well given all the technical details needed to get across what's happening and what Alden and team's prep was and why the results are so impressive. Yay, teamwork! The bit with the co-captions really brought it home to me how much of a difference talking through goals and aligning on helping everyone achieve moments of awesome made for Alden's team; they're so generous with each other. Multiple people wanting to be captain isn't turned into a popularity contest or a power grab with only one 'winner', it's a structured chance to exercise responsibility in a way that helps the whole team. Finding a way for all four team members who want to practice that to do so in a way that works for the group is just - that's everything, really; that's helping personal goals also serve group goals, and being flexible about how that can be enabled. It really does help to have at least one person keeping a strategic eye on the overall field and any adjustments that might be needed by individuals over the course of the competition; doing it in co-captain pairs that also lets the kids involved try out more general ideas of what does it mean to be a leader of a team anyway (that recycled Victory speech! I about fell off my couch laughing, amazing), leading by finding ways to support and coach each other along, getting invested in the *team's* success by getting invested in each other's individual success - gosh, it's so satisfying. I was expecting Alden's wordchain-assisted movement to be the especial pleasure of this next round of runs, but I keep getting blown away by how facile he is with his prepped-to-segment paracord, the absurd delight of how he must have looked leaping over the hurdles with four bags of heavy dirt bound to his body, actual refined use being made of that balloon at a distance trick. The joy his team is taking in having a good plan and executing it well and improvising effectively together - they're having so much fun! I'm so proud of them; will enjoy simmering anticipation of finding out what happens next whenever that comes.

Zenopath (AEV)

The weird thing is, if someone pulls on the other end of the rope one of 2 things will happen, depending on whether or not Alden perceives it as an attack or as help. 1) If it's an attack, the force would be negated, any force acting on a preserved object is nullified so long as Alden's authority holds. 2) If it helps, Alden would probably lose preservation, as it would count as someone helping him carry the load, which breaks his ability.


Winston is such a sore prick. I really hope Max gets justice next chapter. Part of me hopes that he just straight out sabotages his own team, but since that probably wouldn't shine well on him I bet he's going to follow everyone's orders perfectly until he's out of spell impressions and is just like "Whoops" in the most dry and sarcastic tone possible. They're going to waste his spells so hard and it's going to be even more obviously entirely their fault.


Dreams are weird. We should poll everyone and find out what normal is, because I run like a gazelle in dreams. But in real life running I have nothing but a can-do attitude going for me.


Running in a dream can vary greatly, but I can see how the term is used here. I've had dreams where I could barely move at all, and then dreams where I'm somehow a parkour master. Of course, the zombies in those runner dreams had BS spawning so it didn't matter how far or how well I ran... stupid cheating zombies.


Mhh, makes sense. Reasonably decent scissors would probably work. I bet I'd have trouble with the ones on my desk though, they're good for cutting paper and not much more. They could still cut rope, but it would take a bit.


I imagine he's going to position the coiled up portion of the rope over the wall, unpreserve it to let it unravel and reach the ground, and then one of his teammates (probably Jeffy) will hold the other end so he can climb up it.


This made me laugh more than it should've. God, can you imagine how many chains you'd need for even a short message? And then the payback...

Twara Sandeep

Thanks for the chapter! I can't believe I missed the chapter's release! Ohhhh, I'm smiling a wicked smile imagining both how the rest of the course would go and how Alden probably will look so impressive without trying


I'm personally a fan of Jupiter and her stolen- *cough* I mean borrowed, holly hedge.

Calico C

I really don’t blame his malicious compliance after the way Winston tried to shift all the blame on him and how ungrateful Marsha was. Though after last chapter, I’m wondering if she suffers from Lexi language. Where she says scathing stuff to try to get other people to stop working themselves to the bone. She might have been trying to say “don’t worry about using your spell impressions on me” because she knew they were useful and knew they were finite, at that she could probably manage it on her own


Does the wall even have anything to tie the rope to though? I imagined it as flat and smooth

Calico C

I ship Astrid and Jeffy really hard. I thiught Astrid had a thing for him at the party, and I was like “really?” Now I see it. He is a lovable cinnamon roll


Maybe. Who knows. They could use a bit longer rope and tie it on the other side on the floor somewhere if there's nothing to tie it to at the top?


Shrike is a meister though, so his daggers are potent magic. An AN said Alden doesn't have the power to disrupt their enchantment right now, and preserving it would be way more draining than the mundane tennis balls.


Yup his character has done a lot to redeem himself. Still wouldn't want to be his roommate though.


I really like how Lexi's playing bodyguard! Alden was certainly going to get taken out otherwise and it's in line with Lexi's dream of guarding his parents. He really does have unexpectedly nice moments.

Zenopath (AEV)

There is definitely a fair bit of catapult foreshadowing going on. Alden even had the thought of accidentally catapulting one of his teammates. I'm sure at some point, he will actually toss something heavy at the end of that 50ft cord, and it will be epic. Someone check my math, but I think that the speed of a thrown object is given by multiplying the arc speed (rotation speed) times pi times the radius squared. EDIT: Someone corrected my math, it isn't r squared, so top speed on a 50ft cord would only be 1600mph, or about the speed of a bullet, but that would still hit like a battleship if the mass is heavy.


This was just lovely. Thank you. Worth the wait. Keep doing what you need to tell the story the way you want to tell it. Because you are doing it right.


Do we know which team Alden will go up against in their second match? I thought the first match was going to be against Max’s team, but that did not happen.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

@Sleyca, it didn't jar me out of the chapter. It seems realistic enough to me that different people might have different experiences with something that esoteric. I just thought it was a funny contrast. Speaking of funny... @Eternal Dreamer, your comment made me laugh out loud. Stupid dream zombies.


I am going to have to take more days in the future if the backlog doesn't magically appear on my desk by itself. Having one does give me a lot more options, from a writing standpoint. Foreshadowing and seeding in all the good stuff that kicks off new plot is possible without it because I have outlines, but when I have chapters actually written and waiting in the wings I've got a lot more flexibility. I can take a couple of days here and there to change something before a chapter posts because I know it won't make me miss the next one; I can find cool new threads unexpectedly and build them in so that it looks like they always belonged; I can get sick and not have it blow up the schedule...things like that! I just keep hoping (forgive me) I'll have a solid run of chapters that naturally reach satisfying conclusions around the 4-5k word mark. That's a writing pace that allows me to slowly pull ahead of you guys, and that's the size the chapters were when I *started* the Patreon. Then all these behemoths started rolling in and kept rolling in...partially because when I write world building heavy chapters the satisfying cut-off points tend to be farther apart, partially because the cast expanded and more characters on the page = more writing, etc...

Mohd Nor Amjad

Against Max's team, Marsha was griping about not getting to fight Febri a second time today

Calico C

Him being a globie and someone who wants to sell sports drinks, I can see him being raised on sports and how using performance enhancing drugs is the all time no-no from a PR standpoint (aka from his parents’ standpoint)

Swiss Jeez

Yes, but she also doesn't have a full class title yet, so I see why it was missed. I guess maybe it should say (see last chapter for description) but that kinda defeats the point of notes lol. Maybe a short summary?

Calico C

I love how Marsha kinda makes the quip “why are ya’ll so obsessed with them?” About Winston and Mehdi.


Vandy/Max aren't going against Febri/Shrike so they have to be facing the other two teams including Alden's. The B rank teams didn't face each other the first day anyways (they both got full losses).

John Koor

As much as I love The Wandering Inn, don't get yourself trapped in that kind of position. Poor Pirateaba is destroying them self keeping up that productivity. You got great quality to your store, and as you get deeper into writing it you'll find it easier to get immersed in the process and make longer chapters. Just don't get pulled into the mindset that your chapters need to get longer and longer as you wear yourself. If you need to build up a backlog, switch to weekly releases long enough to build it up. Weekly releases are much easier to retain patrons with them hitting a wall and needing a full month off.


I think that would only work if Alden took the "Spell Upgrade" to BoAB. Otherwise he'd be taking ownership of an S-rank Meister's weapon and that's too heavy for him.

Michael Blue

I went back to check and it was just mentioned that there were eight different flavors, not the amount purchased. That said, I did initially misread Alden being the one doing the teasing - it was Jeffy teasing Max. I had thought if Alden somehow had jerky left over after handing Jeffy a bag he must’ve gone above and beyond


Jeffy is not teasing anyone. He is generously sharing his bounty with a roommate who is feeling down. ❤️


I think Marsha is talking about Soren being "trimmed". Her followup comment is about "system experiments and wishful thinkers"


Sleyca’s put enough limiters on the skill (less efficient when preserving at distance, less efficient when used directly for offense) to avoid a situation where Alden creates a Hammer of God and goes around smiting everyone. However, he still has some potentially potent offense if he chooses to use it in similar ways.


Speed of a rotating object is the frequency by 2 pi by radius. Not by radius squared. Still makes big numbers, though.


Alden did a good job of addressing Reinhard's concerns and Reinhard doesn't feel threatened by Alden since he beat him in a duel. Having his roommates and Maricel on the team definitely helps, but Max also doesn't seem good at defusing tension or dealing with difficult people. It's not his fault they're mean to him - but he's also not making it better.

Neil H

It's probably less usual for a high schooler to meet with a trauma specialist.


Yea, that was a weird moment where everyone but Jeffy came out looking weirdly ignorant. Every Hardware store has meatsnacks.

Robert Lethiecq

Even worse, he actually did make it in. So he is both confident and correct. Winston is going to shit himself when the commendation gets out more publicly.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

@Sleyca, I appreciate that you seem to be putting serious thought into how to manage this. It eases my mind that you have a good handle on your situation and capabilities. You will surely be receiving an abundance of suggestions from others on how to manage the workload, so I will not add my own to the pile, but I hope you can be encouraged by the support of your Patrons who seem, on the whole, to be a positive and encouraging crowd. Thanks for the words.

Michael Blue

Thanks Jonathan. Ahh it makes sense why Mehdi and Winston arent at each other’s throats from the start. Mehdi’s an Agi-Brute, different niches

Robert Lethiecq

Even better, with Alden lifting Lexi, and through mind writher, also Shrike, it’s his lift that resulted in the leg being rated as a loss.

Kim Enteiu

I don’t run in my dreams—I just get jarring scene cuts and the sense of movement/time passing, like I’ve fast-traveled.


@Rob nice little connection to the rescue drill in school tryouts when Alden asks a girl to lock arms around his neck and is confused about why she hesitates. "He knelt beside her and leaned over her. “Could you wrap your arms around my neck so that my hold on you is more secure?” She considered it for what he felt was an unnecessarily long time. Alden wondered if she was trying to decide if doing it would be too helpful to a competitor." Ch 76

Zenopath (AEV)

I mean, isn't that just a question of perception? He's not attacking anyone, he's just supporting weight as he accelerates it very quickly. Though the length thing is probably valid, he might have to settle for a 10ft cord, which only magnifies his throwing speed by 16x to about 1280mph, or somewhat slower than a bullet.


Would someone even be able to tell him to preserve it? Person A can't tell him to preserve something that person B is carrying because person B has authority over it, so I am not sure if it would work for someone to tell him to preserve it since it is a part of him and therefore he has inherent authority over it.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

In my dreams, I can't fly, but I can glide really well. I can't phase through solid objects, but I can sometimes teleport. I can run on all fours, but any attempt to hide is hit or miss. Minor precognition (which makes sense, since my brain is making it all up anyway). Dreams are weird.

Jennifer N

Great chapter! I am confused on one point though - I had thought when Alden preserved his luggage handle, that the sandbags inside were preserved too as well as weightless, but apparently not? Otherwise for the rope+Jeffy/Astrid combo they would have been 'frozen in time' / not kicking and maybe groping each other.

Zenopath (AEV)

@Terrestrial_Biped ah wasn't sure about my math. But still if a cord has 20x the radius of his arm, or 50ft, that's still 80mphx20 which is bullet speed.


Jeffy also emotionally latching on like a lost puppy. When the other team gets an attack and he immediately says he'll follow Astrid to protect her & everyone has to remind him to stay in the water

Master Program

Fun chapter and really cool to see how all the powers interact. Assuming that the final scores will be kons team 4-0, alden and shrikes teams each 2-2 and maxs team at 0-4. The rules seem heavily favoured towards ranged users since they get unlimited defensive attacks against melee intruders while being immune to retaliation unless the other team expends an attack.

Andrew Khitry

Aldens preservation can be overridden or negated, eg by sway dropping Alden’s concentration


Reinhard has done decent this time around, though. If he keeps it up the whole gym period I'm taking him off probation.


No the sandbags were rattling around in there, is he preserves them then he has to physically lift their weight rather than letting his authority shoulder the weight


That was awesome. The strange balloons! Damn lexi has some mad focus, but that level of tunnel vision is going to be a major hurdle for him to overcome. I know it's because his writher is hard to handle, but completely missing getting lifted into the air is another level

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

No, Alden has to feel the weight ("burden") of everything his skill is actively preserving. The weightlessness trick is what happens when Alden preserves part of a stack (such as the suitcase or the rope) without preserving the weight supported by that stack (the sandbags or his teammates). The weight is then felt only as a "burden" on his authority, exhausting the skill faster than if no force were being applied to the object he is preserving.


Take a day off anytime </3


He doesn't have to disrupt their enchantment, just preserve the knife entire. Preserving an object is less taxing for Alden than independently preserving its enchantment.


How could someone else yell him to bear the burden of his own favorite liver? 😁

Jennifer N

Gotcha! Guess I'll have to re-read (darn... Haha) and see how I missed that


It does seem like Vandy and Max got a raw deal than most didn’t they? On a team with Marsha, Winston and Mehdi… Mehdi might play nice with the team but other two are just doing their own thing.


Winston's gonna be an unbearable ass when the commendation comes out. He's a xenophobe, remember.

Andrew Simpson

I'm really surprised at how little bodily throwing occurs. The s ranks are durable as fuck and there's water on the far side of the wall. Just make a 6 foot long paddle and yeet their asses up there man. It would take practice to get right, but also that is what gym is for. It seems like he should really be leveraging his leverage more.


Team Cottontail needs to steal him and make him captain - they'd never lose a round.

Kim Enteiu

It would have been her sweet raccoon; she’s frantically researching cool marine life to try to find a cute aquatic pet name to help reinforce that she thinks him doing aqua brute things are awesome.


Alden is past getting knocked apathetic by skill fatigue, now. He sorted out his magical senses and has fatigued his skill a few times in gym without losing it.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

That's right! Jeffy noticed that Max went home after the first bad day, when no one else was paying attention. Jeffy is being a good friend who shows caring through food. Max needs snax, simple enough calculation.

Andrew Simpson

If you remember, he realized he mentioned that in retrospect he could have carried Astrid during the entrance exams much more easily by only preserving her gym suit instead of her person, but then he realized that would probably prevent the gym suit from protecting her and she wouldn't be preserved with would be *catastrophic* for safety reasons.


I'm pretty worried about Max to be honest. Being a B rank would be hard on any normal year, but as time goes on, Alden's going to become more and more of an unfair comparison and I can't see any way that doesn't play out badly for Max.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

Some meister weapons are special, like Writher. Maybe Marsha also has a special weapon that involves more mind connection than human society is comfortable with, and that is potentially affecting her attitude? In which case the particular name for it would be important.

Andrew Simpson

we don't have official confirmation, but I think consensus is that Alden is ase, right? He has certainly gone 124 chapters without showing literally any indication of romantic/sexual fluster or interest, so it's probably a safe assumption, but maybe he's just... Focused.


Eh. Remember the warning from testing. Even a brute could decapitate themselves on Alden’s fishing line. They’re still baby Avowed for now.


“How do you know if you don’t bite it?” A convincing argument from Jeffy


I’m not worried. Max is an adjuster, which is going to be vastly better at hitting the traditional superhero metrics developed by people not trying to fight demons in chaos zones. It’s also a much more flashy, obviously magical effect which… well, that kind of thing does matter.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

This chapter is so huge. Starting in a cozy and vulnerable place, with finally seeing there's someone waiting for Alden's wordchain on the other end of the stone. Getting some iconic Lute support friend time. Jeffy's jerky. Max trying to become as invulnerable to rankist society as a younger Lute. Strange balloons for strange raccoons. And of course, all the power action that is so well done it can be infinitely speculated on. I can't imagine how this only took a week to write.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

So, I just had a weird thought. How is the gym powered? As far as we can tell, conservation of mass and energy generally still hold, if you figure out a new set of parameters for how authority interacts with that framework. All the energy to do all the dazzling, high-tech training aids the gym provides has to come from somewhere. Are there ways to store magical energy (some type of kinetic energy stored in authority)? Is this thing electrical? Nuclear? Is there some creepy-looking, Artonan ritual circle under the school powered by blood sacrifices? Who knows? Anyway...


@Gregory I laughed so hard it hurt! Yes. Given how long it took him to understand the gum - he would totally take to shibari and not have a second thought of what it is used for.


Call me a gremlin, but Alden's wordchain debt is worrying me. It's awesome to see the teamwork start to come together. Max continues to be a great foil to Alden, poor dude. People paying close attention to Alden might be confused by the fluctuations in his power stamina if he stops sandbagging for these team events. At least there probably aren't many people paying attention to the B-rank rabbit.

Andrew Simpson

This is a very good question about how "wrightworks" actually work. Do they make impossibly good stuff, or do they make impossible stuff? I think the answer is the later, but we don't really know yet.


Wow! That is amazing! Congratulations Sleyca on an awesome year! 🎶🎆💥🎂🖖🐰


As always thank you for the chapter! So so so satisfying having ALL the boys hearing Winston say that the higher ranks usually carry B’s like Max. And then having Alden be responsible for literally carrying his teammates up one of the obstacles. I hope one of Winston’s teammates point that out to him! Who said “is the hockey team alright?” Because that cracked me up, it’s gotta be Alden or Haoyu Alden saying his temper spheres probably won’t matter makes me think they’ll be important in the future. I mean, they have his only on-demand enchantments! Maybe he could transfer the force of catching tennis balls to the temper spheres for makeshift projectiles? Invisible ones at that. I also chuckled at Winston literally trying to shade Alden’s talents and determining the most likely reason is drugs. Also, he doesn’t just have one power. He must really not like Alden’s Azure Rabbit + word chain combo. Rabbit Traits are very different than what the other classes get so I guess I it makes sense him not knowing that. Mehdi’s response was interesting too - maybe he’s (very slowly) realizing Alden/B Ranks are legit in certain circumstances? Marsha is the big bad of the class (who seriously says underling?) - I hope Alden takes her down with BOAB And I think Jeffy has a crush on Astrid 👀 lol too many thoughts from no soup on Sunday, sorry for the essay. It was a great chapter


I've had both types of running, can't keep my feet under me and gazelle. I think it depends on emotions/stress as to which way it appears for me.

Alexander Dupree

My phone cries when I get a sleyca notification because it knows it must suffer under Patreon’s app and it can’t handle anything more than like 10-15 comments or 4k words without monumental hangs.

Jennifer N

😂 I even did! But mostly the Lute interlude, so I didn't go far enough back. Life goals while waiting for next Sunday now!


It’s a 15 meter high wall. That’s not small. 40-50 feet.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

My theory is it has to do with Writher's innate trust for Alden. Like how you might not wake up from a deep sleep when your partner wakes up and physically moves you off of them, yet you can still pop up alert if you hear a stranger's voice at the door. Or something like that.

Alexander Dupree

Honestly the old app was able to handle the entire Randidly Ghosthound TOC before it went over 1400 chapters and that was all hyperlinks not just flat text. Patreon light a fire under your app team or fire the UX team that forced them to make it shit.


Probably powered by the System. Which just kicks things up a level, admittedly. We know that some things like lying and saving Rabbits who are about to explode are "costly" to the system, but we don't know what form the cost takes.

Heather White

In my dreams I run like I’m slogging through jello. I’m jealous of more athletic dream-running


Yes, he's only being watched by Vandy, Winston, Max, probably a decent chunk of the rest of the class, and all the teachers.

Temp One

【“Power,” Winston interrupted. “Singular. Alden has one useful skill. Not multiple. And he’s really arrogant. He was talking like he was definitely going to get into the program before the bus even made it here. And you know…they don’t accept a lot of people like him.”】 And somewhere, beyond Earth, the Primary cuts a demon the size of a small moon in half. All with his one, singular, useful, skill. He, himself, the leader of a small Knighthood of Wizards. A collection of possibly the most powerful in the galaxy. Each of them, too, fostering a single skill as well.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

The connection to Lexi's bodyguard dreams is well spotted! I didn't notice that connection, but what a great way to showcase a personal goal of his! So good!


I'm not worried about Max's abilities - he's very clearly one of the most promising students - I'm worried about the psychological impact of him comparing himself to Alden and how the comparison will be used to justify bullying. That's in addition to all the pressures of being a B rank competing against a bunch of A and S ranks, which is itself an extra layer of hardship in what is already a very high pressure environment.


Taking the time off was worth it, I really enjoyed seeing them working together, the outside perspective is a nice touch too.

Heather White

“But why are you in here designing theoretical armor for me?” “Because it’s much more interesting than my homework.” Lute may be my spirit animal.


Just use the web site and drive down the adoption metrics lol


Alden knows when to stop to avoid going catatonic. I don't think he's immune to the effect if a big enough hit comes in - it seemed pretty fundamental to the percent authority investment of rabbit skills, especially this one. Sophie did give him some advice on sense stuff which he maybe followed accidentally... hmm.


@Twara Completely out of the way comment. I LOVE your picture. The dog's face is completely adorable. Just full of innocent bounding fun that is absolutely about to tackle tou to the ground. Okay. I am done. I can go back to adoring the dog pic in the quiet of my own mind. 🤪


This didn't feel like a long chapter. Write more worser so the chapters feel more longer please.

Ano Ano

Don't forget the drones and assorted wright tech that record his movements when he is in public and then put it up for sale.


So the subtext of Astrids and Jeffys interactions went entirely past me xD Something about Aldens POV makes me dense as well xD That said, it makes a lot of sense. They are both high energy and really sweet to another. Astrid being encouraging about being an Aqua Brute, Jeffy wanting to protect her and being miffed that he can't, as well as being flustered by the hug. Somebody said Astrid said sometging about Jeffy at the party as well, though I cant remember that xD Still that's a lot of sweet little moments that frankly make a better romance than a lot of actual romance. Just wish I didnt need to have it pointed out to me, to notice xD Excited to see where this goes.


On a bit of a different note a morph brute as lover is probably really exciting xD


@Lauren Huh, running on all fours is a new one. I've never had or heard of that before. Flying, phasing, and hiding on the other hand are all things I've done in dreams before. Flying is fun, phasing is trippy, and hiding is terrifying because it's always hiding from something scary.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

Yep. I am stubbornly sticking to the website because I am opposed to platforms trying to force me into a dedication app on principle, but the UI/UX changes late last year have still made it significantly worse. I really, really hope they get enough complaints to fix what they broke, because this is ridiculous.


It occurs to me that Alden would do great with a Sway helping him. Sway him to think they had ordered him to pick up whatever Alden is trying to pick up at the time.


@Lauren also, yes I hate dream zombies sooo much lmao. I've literally dreamt of evacuating to space to run from them and they STILL appeared.


That ended too soon! Wonderfully fun chapter though. And if Alden doesn't figure out how to communicate with his Opposite via Morse code or similar, I'll be hugely disappointed.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

It’s a little mean, but what are the rules around someone getting incapacitated on the enemy’s side? I’m thinking something along the lines of Lexi spending the second attack breaking Shrike’s good ankle, and then when Maricel gets over just lay a sandbag on top of him (I think it’s technically not an attack if they do it by hand)


You know, I half expected this to be a longer list for some reason, but I'm sure if there were another antagonist watching Alden like a hawk and looking for opportunities to pick a fight they'd probably be important enough for us to remember their name.


Hey good point! Guard duty was probably one of his preferred actions for this reason.


I had to go back and check to realise it wasn't tagged as Haoyu. I guess I just instinctively read it in his voice😅


Holy cow when I read that part it got jarring, like, is he just talking to himself? I’m going to reread that like he’s talking to Writher lol

Super Super Supportive Supporter

I think that’s a subset of a more fundamental question, which is where does authority come from? Conservation of energy/mass doesn’t hold even when you add authority to it. if you assume that a person generates their own authority, that means that they’d have to eat a crazy amount of calories to power something like an S rank speedster, and so far it seems like everyone eats a normal amount

Super Super Supportive Supporter

But about how the gym is powered - there doesn’t seem to be a limit on how much authority can be spent at one time (when levelled far enough, certain skills can cut through an entire moon) And it’s been mentioned before that there are artonans around / visiting regularly to maintain magical constructions, so probably some artonan / team of artonans comes by every couple of years and performs a specialised spell directed at the gym’s battery


transfer and become captain and show his old team what they're missing out on. Or when they lose yet again, perhaps he'll stage a coup and take over leadership of his team.


Omg your last statement makes me wonder if BOAB preserving the auriad would lead to any unique magic? I can’t imagine many knights have the ability to completely feel their auriad with their free AND bound authority. Effortlessly passing the auriad back and forth between two authority types is already amazing… I wonder if he’ll get a second, bigger auriad since we know they can bond with a second one from the grand theft auriad Kibby chapter Edit: OMG if he manages to figure out how to bear his auriad… does that mean his free authority would be held within his bound authority? If so, could this be a method of self-affixation or “adding on” bound authority to his affixation. Basically, the introduction of a new type or state of authority. 1. Free authority: wizards and knights authority that they are known for that is un-affixed, in its natural state 2. Bound authority: free authority that has permanently and instantly affixed into one or more talents, causing it to take a specific form 3. Grafted Authority: By touching/passing the free authority from the auriad to the bound authority in the skill, the free authority will eventually permanently attach/affix to the skill. Whatever is grafted must be compatible with the skill/bound authority, and the longer the graft the more painful it is to release the authority burden. This is a BOAB special, of course, and entirely hypothetical! If he could also do this to other people… Thinking about it now, I wonder if this is how spell impressions work - bound, origami-like authority makes the shape of what would normally be the auriad, and the Avowed’s leftover small amount of free authority is trained to automatically move like that based on a mental-trigger. This would explain limited spell impression use, too Too many theories 😂

Jumping Flounder

the old app was so much better, now i have to be careful strolling or it will back out of the chapter and lose my progress. meanwhile royalroad released an app that is perfect for reading.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

It seems arbitrary that language can be used for entrustment, my unfounded theory is that conveying your desire for Alden to pick something up in any way is enough This would allow someone to be a few blocks away on video call with him through the system + a feed of what Alden is looking at, along with a flashlight to signal ‘pick up the thing you’re currently looking at’ And then they can just quickly flash whenever he looks at something because there doesn’t seem to be a penalty for not picking things up that were entrusted to you, and general words like ‘that’ work iirc


Dagnabbit this is another excellent point - if he improves his non-magical rope skill to the point he becomes a string/rope master (lol) he could probably learn to hide the auriad shapes… preserve them briefly and then run his free authority through the gaps to cast… that’s so f’n cool This honestly makes me think he’s somehow going to get a “second class” in his fake profile. Because otherwise, how else could you explain away magical expert tool use and additional spells “impressions”?


Yay, go team go!

Cody Adam Carroll

I felt like this for a while but It's really weird that people are so hyperfocused on ranks after I revisited worm where the limit to power is imagination. I feel like there should be horror stories about low ranks doing something crazy. I don't really feel like I know what makes s and a ranks so special compared to the other ranks. The powers powerscaling of ranks doesn't seem obvious to me.


I am amazed at how well this chapter flowed landing both the action and emotional points. I know it can't be easy creating an action sequence with so many powers, so I just want to thank you Sleyca for the effort. It was a delight to read. Creative use of powers is one of my favorite things in speculative fiction (though it is unfortunately rare) and I love the attention to detail the story has regarding this.


Maybe there is like a baby chain? Where the cost and reward are both itty bitty? Like you can make it so you can breathe easy for half a minute and the other half is sneezing for 30 seconds or something.


The tool you really want is a seam ripper


I had so much fun writing that little bit. (And the hockey team members who survive the first few games are probably doing great!)

Jumping Flounder

the temper spheres could be a good distraction, when someone come to attack him he could toss an invisible on to the side and have it scream to catch their attention and make their attack fail. like how everyone was startled by the yelling motivational speech.


I am leaning towards Haoyu like Lauren and hhttghlk said, but I didn’t even consider Jeffy and I should have - now that you’ve pointed it out, he’s asked that question multiple times! If it is him, that’s just another point in the Jeffy column for me haha

Swiss Jeez

I went back and read Obstacles and was reminded of the fact that *Winston* was originally the one who yelled at Max for running out of 'magic' by the second run. What a prick indeed.


She called Soren useless. Lexi says things in a way that doesn't come across well. I'm under the impression that Marsha just thinks she's hot shit and anyone not an S is useless.


This story is different in a few ways, but mostly I see it as people's power is split up a lot more under the system. Attributes are a huge part of the superhero package, most of a Brute's power but still major for everyone, and here ranks are simple in that they imply someone just gets more attributes. For skills it's more complex and open to creative usage, like we've seen with Tailor Environment, but even then it was flat out said that skills don't work as well against higher ranks. It's like that for Sways too. Plus people get many skills and individual skills don't (usually) have infinite growth, so there's a max cap in a skill's power that scales with rank.

Temp One

【"Well…” Vandy hesitated. “Maybe you would all like to talk about Shrike’s team strategy instead? We could learn something from them.” "They’ve trimmed everything holding them back,” said Marsha. “Our class has too many System experiments and wishful thinkers. It’s irritating that we won’t get another fight with their team.】 Martha referring to Soren. Jesus, she's an asshole. Really hope Alden's team beats them. If they do, maybe Marsha will reevaluate Max after the other B-Rank team beats the Shrike team. Especially as she thinks the Shrike team will perform even better without Soren holding them back.

Swiss Jeez

@Karl Oh wow, I didn't catch *that*. I honestly find Marsha to be even more detestable than Winston atm. Winston comes off more just pathetic.

Juan Diaz

You guys are forgetting to account for the drain on the skill, as the object being swung at the end of the rope will create a reactive force on the skill. So with the weight of the object, plus the force created by its acceleration from 0 to bullet speed, it might outright knock down the skill before Alden could even complete the swing or at the very least drain a good chunk. And don’t forget how the skill drains faster the farther the object he’s preserving extends from his body, which could also possibly mean that force applied to the extended rope will cause an even bigger strain.

Andrew Simpson

Why is his debt worrying you? He has no floating debt other than the chain he is currently under, which he presumably plans on paying back at night while sleeping

Andrew Simpson

I don't think that would work. They would have to convince the inner machinery of his skill, not him.


Wonderful chapter! Things sure are uhh... progressing with Jeffy and Astrid. I loved the relative spotlight Njeri got this chapter, with hopefully more next chapter to explain what happened to Febri. Love the Lexi and Alden moment at the end too! Great soup! Thank you, as always, Sleyca. Although I look forward to more soup, I need you to know that you can take more time off, in fact, please do, I think we'd all prefer it in the long run. Discord: https://discord.gg/PRyweNZmBW

Andrew Simpson

Well, it's part because this story exists under the burden of the contemporary genre progression lit. But iirc the in fiction justification is that this scaffolding of levels and stat points and ranks was created to help humans and other races make sense of affixation and authority usage.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

Vandy for sure has a spreadsheet column for each of her classmates for "tensile strength", which will be useful next time they face the course.

Andrew Simpson

The temper spheres are so awkward. Like as a narrative element, they have not really ever been relevant. I'm wondering when they will come into play. Speaking of powers Alden got forever ago that havent ever been relevant: Anyone else remember those other wordchains the Velras included with Alden's payment for his chainer trade? What ever happened to those?


Fun stuff! Also, I can't believe Jeffy + Astrid is real, it was so subtle at the party that I thought I was imagining it. Also also, I'm in love with The Workshop. So cool.


There's nowhere to tie off, but they can have someone standing on top of the wall pull them up, like Lucille. Or they can climb, but Alden's a lot faster than climbing. I did mean to mention another length of cord being sent up with Astrid and Jeffy to be left on top of the wall as a backup, like the one he left on the bar obstacle. Reinhard can shoot arrows into it, but it would seriously deplete his arrow supply to leave them behind for everyone's use. Climbing the wall is also one of the course's more vulnerable positions. People heading up can't defend themselves, so the longer it takes the more likely you are to get picked off. Team Cottontail's favored two ways up for speed and convenience are riding one of Maricel's sandbags or riding Alden's hoop. Alden himself expects to get a lift up from someone else at some point, since they can't just leave him at the bottom.

Guus van der Borg

Yeah, and Max seems to be handling the bullying in exactly the wrong way. By avoiding and giving in. Letting them be rankist is one thing, letting them walk all over you never helps. Especially since more than half of the (named) class seems to be willing to back him up. This is going to get MUCH worse before it gets better, I fear.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Iirc an S rank gets offered everything an A rank gets offered but bigger, plus some S rank specific skills that A ranks don’t have access to So whatever a C rank can imagine, an S rank can just do the exact same thing but harder if they wanted But usually they don’t even want to do that because they get to pick more powerful skills

Joseph Lemongello

Love the book. Dont really care for the obstacle course classes.

Guus van der Borg

I doubt Winston will realize it was his fault though. People like him never take blame for anything. He could slap himself in the face and he'd blame someone else for making him do that. The others in his team might though.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

The debt worries me too, because it worries Alden. What Hazel did was a violation that has left Alden feeling unsafe, in a really realistic way. Including that he keeps rationalizing that it's not a big deal. She broke a boundary that everyone else takes for granted. Whether or not we should be worried plotwise, it's still true characterwise that Alden's worry is real, and he will never be able to relax in quite the same way that other people do about wordchain debt.

Osamaru Ta

You should definally change "Leading Knife" to "Leading Edge" Sounds more BA and fits thematically.

Guus van der Borg

We have official semi-confirmation. Sleyca has gone on record to state Alden is 'somewhere on the spectrum' of asexual, but also that he's still figuring things out. And that we shouldn't be surprised if she has Alden making out with a sapient fern at some point.


The vibe I'm getting from Marsha after her rant at low ranks and experimental types, is that she has a friend or two that didn't pass admissions and she is personally blaming the B's, Kon, and Soren (for possibly taking their slots).


They're all so damn CUTE when they're working together I can't EVEN

Guus van der Borg

I'm guessing it will definitely light a fire under Max's team. In the worst way possible. They're going to see this other team do so much better whilst their teamwork is in absolute shambles. This will lead to them all being pissed at each other on the track because 'other people' aren't doing 'their part', even though they all have different ideas about what everyone should be doing. I've played enough moba's to see THAT trainwreck coming from a mile away.


i was thinking of really offenceive ways Alden you use his skill could he not peserve just the blood of a person just right out killing them?

Cody Adam Carroll

I know that is the explanation but I just don't feel like we have seen that in story. Part of that might be us following the MC, him being exceptional and the S ranks he interacts with being teenagers but they don't feel powerful to me and there superiority feels unearned. It reminds me of gattaga.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

I thought Saleh was really tactful with telling snake she's interested in his natural form in that moment, while also acknowledging the possibilities if they want to explore together in the future. I could see objectification of morph brutes being a big a problem in relationships, similarly to how Natalie's high appeal might attract the wrong sort. I think if Jeffy "gets in", it will be with a pure spirit, delighting honestly in Astrid's abilities and respecting that she's the one in control of her own body. That's what makes the pairing so shippable to me.


When I'm coming up with strategies I do a lot of rewriting. I have my initial idea for what everyone will do, but then I often realize there's some reason they can't or wouldn't based on how their powers interact with the other kids' talents or the course, so I have to go back to the drawing board several times. I also have to decide how smart to let them be. I want to let them be clever but also let them be imperfect with plenty of room for improvement, so it's interesting to try to find the balance.

Jeff Wells

I disagree. E Ajay see how society stratifies when there are only minor differences in capability among student people. Add in powers that give SIGNIFICANT differences in ability, and the stratification will inevitably be far more pronounced. While a talented and creative low rank can do much more than you'd expect, a talented and creative high rank will outshine them every time by a significant margin. Also you must remember that Alden is special. He chose one of the extremely rare unlimited skills, and he is far higher level than anyone in his class due to his Thegund experience. It's only minor right now but he is also optimally leveling his skill. He's also possibly the only Human Wizard. Our view of Bs capabilities is skewed, because Alden is spectacular, and to a lesser extent so is Max.


That's another thing that somehow went past me 😅


Nice! Finally got to see the word chain stone!


I love seeing Alden get his flowers. I hope the staff were just as impressed as the kids with aldens strange balloon

Darryl Greensill

Ranks are a tradition of superhero fiction, for example among Marvel’s Strength Brutes, Hulk is S rank, Thing is A, Luke Cage is B. One trope SuperSupportive seems to lack, by design of the system, is multipower characters. There would be no possibility of a Superman, even a relatively lower-power version. Best you could do is Dura Brute with strength and speed skills, I don’t see any way to get super-senses or heat vision in this setting.

Twara Sandeep

Hey thanks for the comment! I love dogs; I’ve got two but they don’t pose well enough together to be a profile pic. They’re just as goofy as the dog in my profile pic though!


Not currently, as entrustment aside he still has trouble with other people even helping him lift his items.


In chapter 74 they mention that the wizards show up every few weeks to maintain it - but whether that's when it's charged, or it has another power source, isn't really specified yet.


I vote she calls him "leopard seal". Because leopard seals are aquatic and badass and apparently Anesidoran kids are aware of them.


If you read closely, Alden's envisioned a death trap for any Agility Brute who tackles him. With the paracord, he says "the inner strands provided him with some interesting opportunities." We've already seen Alden likes to leave rope coiled on the ground around him. We've already had a warning about the dangers of a preserved fishing line. What happens when Alden lifts a single preserved strand into the path of Mehdi or Febri? They're still faster; he may not get the timing right. But if he does... They'll bisect themselves.


I'm guessing Lexi's ability to manage Writher while remaining aware of his surroundings will improve with practice.

Skull Leader

I could not stop writing this after rereading Njeri's speech. Njeri's Second Speech "Listen up Avowed! Why is our team graced with the only rabbit in Hero School?" "Njeri! You can't-" "Cause he is a good sport?" "Random selection?" "...I wonder" "No. It is because our Victory cup after the last round is...surprising full...actually. The blood of our enemies have fed the cup well! So well that it will take a rabbit to remove the blood stains. That is the true reason we have our good luck rabbit. Not because he pulled us together. Not because he is fast on his feet. Not because he bought us snacks/equipment. Not because he brought in a trainer for us. Not because his skill pulls its own weight and then some. No! It is because ITS TIME TO MOP UP OUR ENEMIES! I can smell the blood in the water now! Go get them team" "Jeffy done good!" "...good lord why am I on this team" *Alden pats Lexi's back in solidarity


I'm not entirely sure that his skill could stand a that significant of a yeeting. Yeeting seems like something that it might be weaker in


Why not? I'm loving seeing the teamwork and seeing how everyone is using their powers.


Max isn't letting them walk over him, though. He made it sharply clear that he thinks little of their "strategy" and then went into full malicious compliance mode. It's not ideal, but frankly I don't see a ton of options for him. The same shit mighta happened to Alden if he didn't have Haoyu and Maricel to back him up when Reinhard tried to shut him up at the start of the team meeting. Meanwhile, Max has at least three teammates whose identity hinges on being better than him, at least two of whom are profoundly invested in not listening to anything anybody tells them. Marsha especially... Winston will shut his yap if the whole room shouts him down, but I'm not sure Marsha would. She's as inflexible as Vandy but with fewer scruples, from what we've seen so far.


I love it!!! please share this in the pat artwork channel on the discord because that's what this is!!!! (also I adore spoink! lovely choice of pat pfp!!)


The temper spell here’s are being used to develop aldens enchantment skill, when he practices taking the invisibility spell off of them

Skull Leader

As a past high school coach of swimming, Njeri's speech is everything I think high schoolers dream of giving but are too afraid to shout out to their peers. What I would give to be able to give a swimming pep talk to Jeffy. "So you think swimming is lame..."


Superman's just absurd anyways. He's so powerful in so many ways that his personal safety is unassailable unless they bring in kryptonite. There are ways to tell stories about Superman, but... his powers just cut away so many storytelling possibilities. For the most part, I don't WANT to read stories about Superman. I'd rather have a hero who's fundamentally vulnerable and limited in many ways.


The temper spheres had a little moment where Alden managed to transfer the activated invisibility enchantment to a different ball. I'd lay good odds that comes up again in the future. As for the four chains from the Velras, we learned what two of them are. One was called Feather's Touch, and makes you more sensitive to touch on one end and less on the other. The other was called Purposefulness, and Alden put it on his to-do list because he thought it could help him with mood regulation issues, but it's been crowded out for the time being by more urgent tasks. It might come up again when Alden discusses what chains he wants to learn next with Lute.


What??? This is the most superhero the story has been though, every other time it feels like the premise is a lie


The vibe I get from her is that she's a flaming rankist with no respect for anything but pure killing power.


Nod. Or even a filament rapier/lance weapon. Too thin to easily spot, cuts through flesh like butter.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Nah, needs entrustment + I’m sure it counts as the enemy is ‘holding it’ so he can’t ‘pick it up’ with his skill But I am thinking - his skill has no cap. Theoretically, if he has the imagination and the power, he can preserve a whole planet - after all, nothing else is supporting its weight. He also can (eventually, theoretically) preserve part of an object without preserving the entire object, since he took the defogging package. On top of that, he doesn’t need leverage, things sort of stick to his hands. So he should be able to preserve things larger than him eventually even though he can’t actually grab it So I’m thinking he can flip the entire ground the enemy is standing on, saitama style Or even more out there - preserve a very thin line of ground below the opponent and pull it upwards. Durable enemies get flung upwards since that thin line of ground is moving fast (like the unmoving rods in Worm) and others get sliced in half (like clockblocker in Worm) Alternatively, I’m sure there’s an upgrade that lets him preserve intangibles. So maybe he can preserve a small shell of air around the enemy - they can’t move and will eventually pass out if they can’t break free Realistically, that’s boring to read about after the first few times and I’m sure Sleyca won’t develop the story in that direction


Really depends on how he can view entrustment if the police ask him to stop a villian would that not be the goverment entrusting there citizen to him


Pretty much. I was going to mention more rules that the game has -- there's a maximum allowable time spent on the opposite team's course (to prevent someone like Febri from delaying the enemy by just threatening to attack people over and over without actually taking a swing), and once someone has crossed over they're the only valid attacker for that 1 attack they've earned (to prevent three or four people running over at once and just calling the first one to get a good opportunity the attacker.) But so much is going on I'm trying to keep it as streamlined as possible, so I didn't bring them all up.

Mohd Nor Amjad

The obvious advantage of higher rank I have noticed is better stats,Kon who has better stats that Alden only on level 1 and power endurance, Max exhausted his power to early compared to his teammates.


Yes, Lexi is talking to his whip. He's finally been caught doing it out loud!


> My shirt tag has been removed—with scissors this time Can someone please remind me what this was in reference to?


<blockquote><i>“Haoyu, Reinhard, try to determine which one is the real Olive.”</i></blockquote> Alden could have probably identified the real one quickly just by seeing which Olive he could target as an entruster. The illusions would not have been viable targets.


Someday Jeffy will realize that water covers most of the world and it requires special gear and risk just to traverse even for other Avowed. But it’s going to be nothing but a giant playground for him. No other type of Avowed gets their own kingdom that covers most of the globe.


Naw, he wants them to chop their feet off. Take away their mobility without killing them and they’re just liabilities for their team. Hell, depending on where it happens, they might not be able to get back to their side of the course without help, which their team would have to waste an attacker on.

Michael Blue

Alden burned a hole in his sweater to get rid of his tag the last time he used the chain. Lute had given him the good half as a trial run (it was in the first gym chapter)


The wordchain he's using makes the shirt tag annoying, itchy, and unforgettable. From ch. 98: "Anything you should be capable of doing or noticing on your best day ever will suddenly be much more natural for you. On the flip side, a lot of things that go on with your body aren’t actually enjoyable, and heightened awareness of them is either maddening or disgusting.” From Ch 99: "He kept making micro-level adjustments to himself in an attempt to get away from his own clothes. He was wriggling like an eel at his desk, trying and failing to escape from the itchy tag Satan had stitched into the neck of his shirt."


Fuck, you actually *made me order beef jerky*.


@Darryl There ARE Multipower Characters though. It's essentially what the U-Types represent. It wouldn't be unreasonable for a double S U-Type to have some Superman-esque powers. Some mixture of a Shaper of Light and an Adjuster, probably, focused on kinetic spells. With a dab of Agility Brute thrown in for fun


“I am the strange balloon!” 😂😂😂


I think it’s worth highlighting that Winston was the ONLY person to notice that Alden was moving better. Even when he pointed it out, no one else seemed to tell. For all his many flaws, Winston is very observant and seems to have a strong grasp on running forms and human movements. The dude has got his strengths and got into the program for a reason.


I'm glad you got some sleep, Sleyca. Sometimes a day off really is the answer. If you ever need to take another one, don't worry too much about us greedy soup eaters. We'll understand. Just drop us a line so that we know not to worry, and maybe when to expect the next serving.


Also, Winston doesn't / didn't even fully understand his own skill :|. Yeah, go ahead and talk down to others to feel better about yourself being incompetent


I think the real karma is going to be much later when Soren finally masters his abilities. At that point, Marsha is going to realize that light moves way quicker than she can ever hope to dodge and that an invisible opponent with a high-powered laser beam is going to beat her big sharp stick every time.


Ahhh, so the App is what everyone complains about! When the changes first hit, I was so confused by everyone hating on Patreon, because the Website was hardly any different (improved even!) Only thing that still sucks is writing comments, cause you can't do line breaks :/. But yeah, always been using Patreon on Browser and see no reason to change that


I think they’re also meant to continuously highlight just how terrible Rabbit spells are too. It’s a baseline to compare his actual wizard spells against. They’re awkward and hard to find a use for on purpose, just to set the stage.


Maybe her anti-targeting skill would prevent Alden's target, but it's a good idea!


I love the chapter. Even as long as it is, it still felt too short! Go team Cottontail!


Marsha is an idiot. Soren setting himself on fire was proof of concept. He can ROAST people. Next time, the person experiencing it probably won’t be him either. It’s going to be really fucking hard for her to block an AOE light spell with her fancy pole.


I still like a ribbon better than a thread or cord for the long term. The edge can be just as sharp as a thread, but it would be much more comfortable/less dangerous to hold Alden's end of, it has better coverage for armor/shield purposes, and it can be used to bind or carry people more easily and safely. Plus, pretty.


> S - Marsha - Meister of (see this chapter for description) This can be updated.


Last time he used the wordchain to get hyperawareness of every aspect of his body, the feeling of a tag on the back of Alden's shirt was so irritating that he incinerated it with magic.


I’m just waiting for Jeffy to use his mowhawk like a Hollywood-shark fin above the water as he closes in. Great Blue Jeffy. The true conclusion of the CNH arc.


He might just be able to see the whole attack as one ‘burden’ and preserve it all together. The knives are all being connected by magic, so they’re arguably one combined thing.


So is Jeffy secretly a genius, or has he just been buying jerky at the Wright store all this time? Also, I can't tell if Astrid actually has a thing for the Aqua Brute, or is she's just having a lot of fun being flirty, but either way it's cute.


I don't know how Astrid thinks but I wouldn't define that moment as especially romantic.

John Anastacio

Noticed something interesting authority-wise here. Quote: A large knife at the top of the flock smashed into Lexi’s shins before Alden had him fully out of range, then kept going. But they missed the worst of it, and Ignacio was dangling off the floor now, leg still caught by Writher. Lexi was staring down at him with dignity and focus befitting a person who wasn’t barely hanging onto his uncomfortable perch by his armpits. My comment: So at this point Lexi is holding Ignacio up in the air using Writher, right? And at the same time Alden is holding Lexi up in the air using his preserved paracord? So technically Alden is holding both Lexi and Ignacio up in the air, and yet there is no mention of any extra strain on his authority. I'm guessing instead of Alden's BoAB, Lexi's own power bore the weight of Ignacio's body. Which makes no sense in regular physics but I guess is true for a Meister of the Mind Writher. That's interesting, no?


I imagine that the class dynamic probably changed a lot after Lute left too. Just because the class’s whipping boy disappeared doesn’t mean all the angst and insecurities his classmates were taking out on him did. Even Vandy would probably notice the difference.

John Anastacio

It didn't occur to me until now that anti-targeting might mean anti-magical targeting instead of some other kind. So, thanks Stylemys and Mehmet.


Jeffy, on every layer, is the pinnacle of the killer whale aqua brute ethos. If only he could see it.


I don’t think we’ll ever get an answer to this in joules or schematics, but I do feel that the high level answer of ‘where does Wevvi/System/Authority come from’ OR ‘what is the cost of its sourceless power’ is going to be a big thing. Something that ties in word chains with chaos and knights and multiverses. A wizard theory that we’ll get from the Palace or Knights one day.


Torsten, Saleh, errrr. Aulia via drones. And, sadly, with conflict in his soul, Lexi and kinda Hayou too. I’ve not forgotten about their breakfast conversation. Alden’s protag energy is only building.


Never been more ready for a segment of a story to be over. Reading dozens of pages of details of this course is unbearable and doesn't move the story forward at all. Make it stop. 😭


She’s almost definitely the daughter of very powerful S ranks too, and likely picked up their elitism. The magic on that polearm was powerful enough to beat an S-rank speedster. It must of been expensive as hell and needed Artonan connections to buy. She also seems like she’s well trained in using it already too, which means she’s probably had weapons tutors much of her life to prepare her for whatever S-rank Meister class they could get for her. Marsh is like the Meister version of Hazel, but she actually turned out S-ranked and had her superiority complex affirmed.


I know the comment is really off hand,’and an obvious thing about a morph, as with Saleh and Snake. But it reminds me of an interview with a gymnast after the scandals that affected the sport and about the way their athletic ability is invariably sexualised. I think a morph brute who is a woman would find themselves receiving a lot of horrible comments on their fan pages and the thought makes me sad and worried for astrid.


If Hazel is still floating around on Anesidora (possibly she avoided being sent to the triplanets) popping Alden's debt on this chain would pretty much entirely disable him for Prime Revenge Time... I don't think its likely though.


You're trolling right? Please tell me you're trolling 🙂


It’s interesting that this exercise seems specifically designed to teach students to maim their opponents instead of killing then. I suppose a crippled opponent can always be healed later if needed, so the bar for brutality against super villains is likely really low. ‘Broken but breathing’ must be the mantra they’re trying to instill.


Yeah Soren one day going beast mode and finger blasting (laser wise, read this in an Alden way) Marsha into the floor is going to be such a wonderful climax for him and their respective arcs.


It has to be. We've seen amazing growth of team Cottontail over the past few days, compared to how disorganized and up in each other's hair they were on the first day

John Anastacio

Very insightful Stylemys. I hadn't caught that, so thanks. In my opinion, anything that helps superpowered teens learn some degree of restraint and teaches them to not go all out can only be a good thing .


There’s got to be a few who got in on ‘edgy vibes’ and Shrike and Marsha and Lexi are candidates for who is taking the dark knight branding/method acting approach to me. We know Lexi’s goals, but the others may have said in their interview that they see themselves in noir style costumes?

John Anastacio

I'd go for blinding them instead. Blind people in an obstacle course are helpless. Roasting = killing, which is suboptimal here. Tuyet's knockout darts are the nastiest power I've seen so far for this scenario, but Soren's blinding light might top that.


Alden does target people differently to other though. And then of course he has authority sense. It wouldn’t fee handwavey if he can see through her trick.

Temp One

I'd guess fighting an enemy on your side is only allowed so long as they are attacking. Once the attack stops you can't interfere any further.


It’s the same as Alden’s usual faux-brute technique I think. Alden, if he preserves an item only has the weight of that item. If it’s a suitcase and nothing inside then he doesn’t feel any of the weight of the inside things. Here he preserves his cord and Lexi is on it, and Lexi is holding Shrike. So none of the weight is actually transmitter through to Alden’s muscles because he moves his rope and it moves with the weight of a rope only due to its preservation, regardless of what’s on it. However, your quote did point out that, was Shrike pulled into his knife cloud as Lexi was pulled out?

Super Super Supportive Supporter

I think if you don’t roast them all the way through it takes a really long time to die Still you’re right, blinding is optimal. Seems area attacks hitting multiple people are allowed, so depending on how his shaping works he could blind most of the enemy team at the same time

John Anastacio

A good thought, Blorcyn. However, I believe Astrid can avoid all that by using impersonation skills only covertly, for crime-fighting and espionage / infiltration jobs. Thus she might not get a bad rep because no one can point to her ever using her powers.


More power = usually better. It is most obvious with brutes since it is similar to more extreme weight classes in fighting. For a low rank punching a shield powered by Alden's skill would be a bad choice, whereas if an s rank brute wails on his shield it is Alden who is in trouble. And s rank speedsters probably make it hard to even put up a fight for a lot of people. But the same should apply to skills. They are designed not random so if a higher rank skill isn't better than a similar low rank skill then a)the designers messed up and wasted authority (though politics like with the endlessly scaling skill might play a role) and b) people won't use it once they know. How clearly that was actually shown, dunno but I think dart vs MC was a good example since in a real environment he would have just be dead without a real chance to react.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

That makes me wonder: as a speedster, what counts as a single attack? Because someone moving that quickly at close range can do basically anything to you Just quickly gouge out their eyes as your attack or smth


Team Cottontails other match will be versus team Vandy/Marsha/Winston/Max. Good chance this will be the last mach of the day. As one team needs to do back to back matches and I think the instructors will choose team Finlay/Jupiter/Tuyet since they seem strongest. This means team Vandy/Marsha/Winston/Max versus Finlay/Jupiter/Tuyet next. Good chance that Marsha and Max will not only overuse their skill, but they will lose. At least they get a rest before final match with Cottontail. So Team Alden will get a demorolised, poorly cordinated and mostly drained team for last match. Wonder how badly Winston will take it?


Well, he lifted two people at the same time with Astrid/Jiffy, so Lexi/Ignacio shouldn't be substantially heavier than that to his authority. Also, he is only preserving the cord, not Lexi or Ignacio, so Lexi being hit has no impact on his authority. Edit: Nevermind, I goofed. Blorcyn has the right of it, the "heavy" part is only because part of the cord is so far away from him when lifts up the wall, not because of how many people hang on to his rope. And it doesn't mention at all how long the rope was in this case, although it probably wasn't as long as for a whole wall lift because of how quickly Alden set it up vs. how much time it took him to set up for wall lifts. So the weight of the rope would have been less than for those lifts anyway and thus not really worth special mention.

John Anastacio

I'm expecting Winston to attack Alden the first chance he gets, ignoring tactical concerns and the wishes of his teammates. I'm also expecting Winston to accuse Alden of cheating or drug use or of benefiting from Lute's Bestowal skill to the teachers. Maybe all of the above. I'm just glad that reader-type Sways who can reliably detect lies are a thing here.

Jake Lewis

Yeah I'm not loving it, but there's bits and pieces that keep me going


Well, in some instances, especially this early in the round and on certain opponents, that could otherwise better support the teammates that need it. Actually killing (and sending back to the start) someone who can't finish the course by themselves when their support is not available anymore or at least impaired is probably the better course of action for others. So what it really teaches is strategic thinking and not killing indiscriminately.


The slice of life aspect is cool, but this chapter is what I want more of as well. Superheroes doing Superhero things.


I think it has been mentioned that Meisters tools are from the system. It is not something that you buy, you get it with your class.


This chapter flowed so well and was such a needed dose of action that I didn't even realize when I got to the end.


I wondered why Alden’s team had a somewhat lackluster combat S group and more power in utility S-ranks, but it’s clearly because an A archer is at least as combat powerful as a Melee S on this course. Probably the same for Vandy as a ranged S.


On RR, preannouncing the Lute chapters seems to have worked well. The complaints are a lot fewer and less salty. Everybody knows when Alden's chapters will resume, and that's kept even the grumblers basically on board.


There will probably be horrible people no matter what she does with her powers... unless she takes on some very specific restrictions like Hannahs Sway friend did... (Cly I believe)


I'm unsure. It's the name of an IT company and consulting chain where I'm from, and leading edge sounds try-hard to me. Just by association.


Indeed. Burnout is a real problem for web serial authors, so make sure to take care of your physical and mental health as best you can. I think no matter how much we want to read more/that next chapter, we all would prefer to read the story for a long time to come instead. And, since you are presumably American, Sleyca, I would like to tell you that even taking off more than a day at a time is completely reasonable. None of that "live to work" mentality, please.

Ano Ano

Vandy's inability to wrangle these people isn't just a lack of experience. She is a very rigid person who is quite bad at seeing things from other points of view. Alden really unlocked his team's potential when he highlighted how everyone on the team was an individual with their own goals, and they needed to recognize and work with that. Vandy would never do be this. She would just be baffled that people were not recognizing the obviously correct goal of cooperating to perform optimally.


I think the problem is the danger of injuring/incapacitating themselves or their teammates if something goes wrong, which is incredibly unnecessary at this point. Maybe once they all get some more levels and training with their own and each other's powers, this might be a valid tactic, but at this point, it only seems counterproductive.


Nah, the real killer will be when Soren eventually moves beyond the bounds of the visible light spectrum into stuff like gamma radiation and microwaves. He could probably fuck up with the brain directly at that point, without immediately killing them. And the attacks would be seemingly invisible.


Thinking about it next chapter will probably jump straight to the restaurant. So any drama will be infront of the principle.


@Zenopath Is your 80mph throwing speed for using just his arm based on normal human speeds? Because I am fairly sure that even a B-Rank avowed, without a class or focus on strength enhancements, can throw faster than a regular human.... Also, it's not like the rotating speed of an object is really the critical factor here, but the distance the arc covers, since that is the distance the object uses for accelerating (in a catapult). Your math is based on an object moving in a circle at a constant speed, which is not really what would be happening. Not to mention, how an arm moves while throwing.

John Anastacio

Jumping straight to the restaurant would be an interesting authorial choice. I'm sure it'll be good either way.


Since Jeffy comments “So many flavors!” after getting the shopping bag full of jerky, I am pretty sure Alden bought him all eight flavors.


I thought they might lift Shrike over the wall into the water, where Jeffy can drown him. Good strategic thinking on their part, though, to not kill him. Although it sure would have given Jeffy morale boost ^^

Mohd Nor Amjad

Well, that depend if invisible light still is light in artonan concept but cool idea nonetheless

Zenopath (AEV)

Well I know pro baseball players can hit 100mph, then I knocked 20 off that because Alden is a 15 year old who while in good shape and small STR increase, probably can't match an adult pro player. Also have no idea about dynamics of acceleration as pertain to throwing a ball, but assuming you use the same motion, and a rigid enough material, multiply the lever arm legnth and you multiply the speed at the end point of the throw by same amount. As to weather his authority can take the strain, that would depend on author.


That's called being jealous and unwilling to admit it. He's paying special attention to Alden because he doesn't like him, trying to find things to bitch about, only to find nothing and get even angrier from that.


We need 100 Alden's with ropes to test this theory. We're gonna make an Alden bridge all the way to the moon!


@Super Astrid gave Jeffy a full on bearhug, wrapping her legs around his waist and arms around his back. I'm assuming she was holding onto him from behind. Still though, a certain part would've probably been pressing against Jeffy's back... hahahaha! xD


Winston's going to charge at Alden only to be bisected by a super thin string. Calling it.


If only Sleyca was a chinese writer so we could get machine translations instead. Would that be "more worser" enough to feel "more longer"? lol


Thanks for the chapter. Enjoyed the team work, development and progress of their team


This may have been proposed before, but could Alden not preserve the air? Lore wise it makes sense, since his ability preserves a random set of atoms according to what Alden recognizes as an object. So if he recognized some set of air as an object he should be able to preserve it. This seems like a pretty big next step, allowing him to discard any objects and simple make shapes out of the air


{Febri…him dodging last time was a fluke. I can hit someone with the Instant Corners skill. I just need to get the angle of my strike—} Isn’t Marsha’s skill called something else?


Hey, Sleyca. I was thinking about spending some of my free time to put together an Audiobook for the first twenty or so chapters to see how they're received, and then potentially doing the rest of the chapters if they're received well. Would you be fine with this? I don't wanna do it without your permission. Also, it won't be AI generated, I'll do the reading myself, and get some friends, or people from the Super Supportive Unofficial Discord to voice characters.

Slightly Morbid

I have the same problem with this chapter. My eyes just glaced over when reading the course details and all the rules, so I have just skimmed through the text afterwards and ignored the talk about strategy.


Couple of thoughts: Alden needs to learn to deflect/block at angles, a long preserved lasso can act like a giant flyswatter pushing weapon attacks up or down but also not taking the brunt of an S's attack. Alden was on a very favorable team for him. Between his room mates and Maricel all being on his team he has all of his biggest fans on this team. Lexi's sole social presence is basically glaring at stupidity and that is actively tamping down Alden's biggest hater on the team which is Reinhard (who seems like is in Winston's group somehow). More of a silly idea but an expandable/collapsible ball toy would be a good anti-grappling/hand to hand shield. If you have a big enough one to wear then catching someone's arm in a hole could probably break their arm. Could do similar stuff with rope, just need some loops. But having holes that opponents have to go through could be a good defensive resource.


I feel like from the moment Alden mentions he's a rabbit, everyone on that bus should 100% know he's getting in. If he's anything other than ridiculously extraordinary, his application would have long been rejected.


@jonathon, I think it's part of the reason that she is so... I don't think enamored is the right word... but why she watches Alden so closely. In a way, I think she recognizes that he's the real deal and that she should be learning from him.

Temp One

【"Because gym time is training time. And during training time, I operate under the assumption that when shit goes really wrong I’m not going to have access to ginormous hardware stores full of magical doodads. What’s more likely—me getting stranded on another planet and finding the perfect Wrightmade tool? Or me getting stranded on another planet and finding some kind of rope?” You couldn’t rely on a mad scientist’s fully stocked laboratory being within running distance all the time. Lute didn’t answer. The silence was conspicuous considering how much talking he’d been doing since they arrived. “What?” Alden asked, looking around at him. “Nothing!” Lute hastily put the loom back on the shelf. “You don’t have to pretend it’s reasonable. I know it isn’t.” Alden went back to studying the cord.】 I kind of hope in the future we get a scene of Alden, stranded on a planet. Standing in building with a bunch of regular rope lying around. And he's just like: "I prepared for this."

Swiss Jeez

Yes, Febri has the Instant Corner skill. Hit {someone with the Instant Corners skill} not hit {someone} *with* the Instant Corners skill. Isn't syntactic ambiguity great?


Not something I think Sleyca would be able to agree with easily. Not an expert but copyright law makes it risky without proper agreements. Sort of thing that should be done in messages. Rather than anything that could be seen as a blanket agreement.


Yeah Max's team is going to be a disaster, but it will be a fun one to stare at.

John Anastacio

I agree Alden was on a team favorable to him, with 2 of his roommates on it and Maricel and Astrid and even Jeffy. I don't think Reinhard hates him, though. If Reinhard hates anyone on the team (and I don't think he does), it's not Alden but Lexi.


And I'd be fine with talking more at length with Sleyca about this in DM's over Discord, or on Patreon.


Lute made a fishnet tank top. A TANK top, in all senses. I can't think of more progression with the story's true MC that anybody could possibly want. Mark my words. Lute's story will bring him to a neon rave nightclub where meshwear is obligated, and suddenly number 1 hench Alden will have the perfect outfit to support Lute MC in his final Aulia showdown in her totally gauche mesh 90s period outfit

Alexander Dupree

Alden with a backpack full of weight a few times his body mass should be able to fly essentially. He preserves his pack and runs then jumping up after he leaves the ground he breaks the preservation until he’s being pushed up by the weight. After he reaches his new much higher peak as he essentially gets a bunch of “free” energy out of the weight he preserves the pack again. Then any direction he wants to travel in he pushes the pack that way while preserved then quickly drops the preservation before he completes his arm extension and the weight drags him that direction. Hell he could just do that from standing. If he were fast enough he wouldn’t need even all that much weight. It’s not like it would be easy but if he were in outer space or even just a low gravity environment he could get himself up to near light speed eventually.


Also, the S-ranks in Alden’s team have pretty friendly and mild personalities making them easy to work with and which is why everyone could get a voice in his team. Meanwhile, the S-ranks on the other teams seem pretty overbearing (except for maybe Kon’s team) and have naturally taken charge of their teams. The lack of system and leadership was probably the biggest weakness of Alden’s team on Wednesday, but now that they’ve got time to prepare, their team should theoretically work together the best since they’re not just deferring to the S-ranks. And it’s really showing in this chapter.

Alexander Dupree

It’s basically like sitting against a wall to push a car away from yourself then trying to hang onto the car after it’s moving to stop it. But Alden gets a free wall whenever and any speed to push off of.


Last chapter, I thought they said winners go again? So Team Cottontail's match against Vandy/Marsha would directly follow this one if that's true. But I hope it plays out as you said, it would be more dramatic.


"I can't believe they had eight different kinds of beef jerky." 😆


The variety of reactions among the readers is confounding to me. People grumbled about the intake chapters, then the Boe chapters, then the Lute flashbacks, and now the obstacle course arc. It seems there will always be someone displeased/disinterested with any given focus. At least everyone seemed to enjoy the Velra party chapters.


@Eternal Dreamer Nah, I read this as being a full-frontal bear hug. If she's wrapping her arms around his back, that means she's in front. Also, Jeff eventually hugs her back, which would be difficult if Astrid was behind him.

Swiss Jeez

@Sleyca I think most of the extra rules can be gleaned from context, so I'd say you did a great job.

Zenopath (AEV)

Inertia doesn't work like that. Dropping preservation wouldn't change his speed, nor would it alter the effects of gravity. Heavy Alden falls at same rate as light Alden, unless he preserved something big which might provide enough air friction to slow him down.


The discord members have determined that Eden (Evul/Alden) is the best ship because of how hilarious it would be for the Primary's 'check on that Whole Rabbit' timer to go off in 30 years only for him to turn around and see that rabbit has married into his family.

Alexander Dupree

Preserved objects don’t transmit inertia from other objects they touch. His inertia wouldn’t change in normal circumstances. He can however easy change the inertia of the weight without changing his own inertia by preserving the pack moving the pack to move the weight. You can see this when he tanks an S rank attack on his umbrella and while it hurts him in the magic nothing happens to his body. This magic breaks physics and we lose conservation of momentum as a fundamental axiom.


I would expect Soren to have access to a light sensing skill at some point, allowing him to see through structures and even people. Literal x-ray vision.


It also sucks that when you get a like on a comment, clicking it only opens the chapter, not the actual comment. If you comment frequently on the same chapter, you still have to look through everything again manually to see which comments got a like. And since even on the website most comments are hidden from view initially, on a chapter like this, it takes a while to even find your own comments again..... The UX of this whole thing so so incredibly user-unfriendly. They could hardly make it worse if they tried.


The most hilarious would be Alden marrying the moleman head of staff and Jeffy and an air based knight and a fire based Avowed But I am hoping Kibby marries into the Primary's family and Alden gets to be the Ace / Demi Uncle that spoils all the kids 🔲


Jeffy has the heart and brain of a golden retriever. I can't help but imagine him doing a doggie shake whenever he steps out of the water. I suspect that he actually is Astrid's type, and that they could be quite happy together.


Febri is the one who has the Instant Corners skill. He's an agility brute like Klein. We don't know what Marsha's skill is called, just what it does.


Because of Zon's audio books monopoly, this could backfire on our author [REDACTED BECAUSE BORING] And that is the current state of IP law and the Book publishing industry as explained to me by the authors, MBA s, and lawyers I follow on social media, know and are relatives 🔲


Meister weapons like Writher, Marsha's polearm, Tuyet's darts, and Shrike's main knives (two of them) are given to them and upgraded by the System. (Well, they're created elsewhere, but they're managed, granted, and to some extent repaired/edited by the System.) The System will usually replace tools damaged in combat, normal use, or training...but Meisters doing things like breaking down the weapon for parts/experimenting or deliberately destroying it do so at their own risk. The System isn't obligated to provide them with free replacement weapons if they're not about to be summoned. Meisters are able to use regular weaponry too, of course, but a lot of regular weaponry wouldn't hold up well to Avowed use or it might not accept the spells that Tuyet uses to enhance her darts, for example. And Marsha could swing a regular polearm like a boss, but she would need someone standing off to the side handing her new ones every other swing.


I think you're both half right. Just jumping then unpreserving would serve no purpose, but the part about being able to impart momentum to an object without an opposite force being applied to Alden is genius. He could even use his long paracord trick to impart massive amounts of momentum with just the flick of the wrist. The only thing (aside from the high skill floor) that I see as potentially making it impossible is the burden bearing aspect of Alden's power. If he's relying on his burden to carry him around then he's definitionally not bearing it. Though at the very least I think he could use it to make otherwise impossible leaps, or move in unexpected ways by feinting one way while flicking his burden in another direction. He'd just have to land and begin bearing the burden again before reactivating his power.


I think you're reading more empathy into it than is present. Vandy is perceptive, but their emotions are a "black box" to her. She can see what's on the outside, but she struggles to draw inferences based on emotion. Not sure what the right term is, but perhaps I can say that she lacks "emotional intelligence"?


He probably bought the appropriate wright tool for that. Then left it in the dorm so that Shrike couldn't use it against him.


It would actually be funnier if Alden marries Stuart instead. AKA how did that weird rabbit become my son-in-law?


Especially since the family probably think Stuart to be too strange for marriage.


Max is a ticking bomb, now. We'll just have to see how that situation blows up...


Vandy always tries her best, but her best is not well equipped for social dynamics.

Alexander Dupree

The jump would impart his change in momentum and speed to the weight. However the amount of energy he puts into that jump is only enough to pick himself and the backpack up if suddenly he’s connected to a massive weight traveling at the same speed even if they both start falling again at the same rate he’s suddenly got a ton more momentum. Gravity would still pull them both through the arc the same but he can change that arc however he wants because he can impart free momentum to anything on the other side of his preserved tool. Honestly if he could move and release it before the shockwave of that change makes it through the weight he’d be able to move even faster. If he has to be on the ground he could easily wear rollerblades or heelies and become a speedster.


I wonder whether our favorite banished wordchain releaser gets called in on the kid doing too many chains and not paying them back. Then she finds out Alden is the Artonan's opposite. Then she gets mad again.


Could Alden preserve a piece of meat on a fork? Like just the meat and not the fork. He’s still holding the meat just using the fork as a medium… To trick the gremlin into eating meat that way like he did with the bonding potion


My suspicion is that Alden's skill would isolate the lead knife and thereby "orphan" the other knives so that they just keep going in a straight line.


Okay now I'm imagining Jeffy and Astrid screaming on the end of Alden's paracord as the three of them "fly" to the end of the course.


Great to see Lexi improving with Alden's metaphor hint. Hopefully this run ends without more drama, the other team is down to Heloisa, Rebecca, and an unnamed A-rank left uninjured on the course


I'm right with you. I finished and thought "Wasn't this supposed to be a long chapter?" Then I scrolled up and up and up. "Oh. It was."


My theory is that the wright shops all have the tech to track the desires of big spenders. So when they hear that Alden is on his way and looking to buy jerky, they'll order jerky on demand while he's on his way and then resell it to him.


Bad names are part of the world building. You could nickname the power, but the Artonan translation is expected to come out badly.


The weight of a higher rank authority against Alden's will make that a tough cut.


Two part answer! 1. I don't mention increased strain on Alden's authority every time because it would come up so often. Heavier loads, harder hits, environmental damage, etc... do increase his fatigue. 2. This would be a case where Ignacio's bodyweight wouldn't add an additional strain, though. Lexi's magic is doing things in combo with Writher. So Ignacio is being supported by Writher + Lexi's authority; I think the only time we've seen clear evidence of this is actually during combat assessment. Alden grabs the whip that's wrapped around him, attempting to yank Lexi off balance, and absolutely nothing happens other than Alden getting a big dose of pain for slicing/cauterizing his hands. Lexi's arm doesn't even move. And Alden thinks something like, "Oh, so I'm fighting an A-rank's magic with my arm muscles. This isn't going to happen." *Bonus note: In a real life scenario if all these things went down, Ignacio wouldn't have been lifted up. Instead his leg would've been severed--go Writher! *Bonus, bonus note: In a real life scenario, Ignacio would've been allowed to attack as much as he wanted without all these pesky rules and limitations, and Lexi and Alden would both be super dead.

Zenopath (AEV)

I can't wait until Alden is forced to or decides to switch to his real profile. Or better yet when he ranks up to an A. What will all his classmates who look down on him think?


I'm surprised we haven't seen Alden doing this more often honestly. You'd think he'd be training the gremlin into letting him eat meat every day once he figured out he could do that, especially since he'd probably have to do it with various types of meat to fully explain to the gremlin that various animals are fine.

Benjamin Collins

Everyone enjoyed the velra party chapter because it was linden focused felt like a jump in progress after the rabbit dies and everyone likes a party. Some people can't handle the slow burn, or they prefer a story to focus mostly on the mc where as lately the story is mostly about other characters just through the mcs point of view. Also anything at this point other then Stuart visit, something with the artonans visiting earth or that demon issue still going on? I feel a chaos incident there, leveling up , boe waking or him getting resummoned. If it's not related to one of these things a lot of people just see it as a training montage especially this chapter. Some people don't like action scenes they want heavy dialog or vis versa. It's y the saying you can't please everyone exists


Lute offered to use the stone for Alden In my head, the other Opposite Stone is being passed around at recess as everyone tries to light up the stone 🔲


The other interesting thing with Marsha's ability is that her skill to summon herself to the polearm is a very situational skill. Here, it can be very useful but in many cases, you've taken a weapon that you could use at range multiple times if you could summon it back to you and you've substituted a skill that instead, allows you to throw it once and them pulls you into melee range. This MAY be what you want, but given the choice, I'm pretty sure that I would chose to summon it back to me.

Alexander Dupree

I was trying to come up with metaphors and I realized he could put a (indestructible) bouncy ball in a jar the preserve it when it hits the bottom of the jar then release it before it hits the top. Each time it hits the top and bounces the jar moves up some. He then preserves it again before it hits the bottom and now his own body and the jar are moving up (minimally) but are decoupled from the ball. As long as he keeps the timing right he could add essentially infinite speed to the ball though losses to heat and air resistance would make it challenging to get started and keep it going.


The only person to *say* that they noticed Alden was moving better. Others may have noticed and just kept quiet.


Yeah, flying by jumping wouldn't work because velocity and acceleration would be the same but he could do it by throwing things like Marvel's Thor. Get a big weight in a bag or wrapped up in cord and throw it up and then unperserve and hope he doesn't tear his arms off. Of course to then change directions he has to preserve the bag/cord again and take a hit to his authority to change the momentum of the weight. Also he'd have very little control because, well, moving by throwing would be a bunch of big changes in small amounts of time. Trying to move and steer by gunpowder instead of gasoline if that makes sense.


Max is getting ready to serve up a large helping of malicious compliance, seasoned with a heap of extra malice.

Alexander Dupree

The jump is more to make it easier to move around though if we’re being really pedantic any movement of his preserved tool would cause the air directly over the surface to change direction instantly. Since putting zero (time) or infinity (change in velocity/time) means breaking of reality we can’t really say anything about it. He’d be either producing black holes or if hawking radiation works the way we expect a spray of high energy electro magnetic waves. Either way everyone dies.


I almost want the opposite- stranded in a warehouse full of Wrightmade tools. He takes a moment to look around. "Okay, this is just ridiculous"


Vandy is op cause her element is everywhere. Tuyet is ranged S so she's op too. archer A is very good but not op. Essentially Vandy could fill any role but Tuyet could probably solo kill anyone in the open(even agi Brute S with turn corners) cept dura Brute S maybe?


I just reread the first Gym Class chapters, and came across this: “You ought to be trying to exhaust your levelable talents often,” Big Snake was saying. “And your spell impressions…oh, uh…the one’s that won’t bankrupt you.” The last was said in response to Everly going white as a sheet and clutching her bottle of blue powder like the instructor might steal it from her. That powder must not be cheap! How nice to have a rich and generous teammate like Alden

Bob Ross

I know those were the settings for the entrance exams (10 second debuff), are we sure that's the case for the obstacle course?


It doesn't do temporary injuries at the obstacle course. Only resetable at death and a rerun of the whole course


The world is his oyster and he could go anywhere! Nobody could stop him cept another aqua S Brute probably? Would be too exhausting for a Shaper to chase him in the depths!


Yeah the Ranged Meisters are great on this course because you don't have to run over and it's so much easier to fight back against melee fighters. Vandy, idk. We haven't really see her do offense yet. I'm sure she's great for utility like Maricel, eg. lifting people. I'm not sure if her Shaping air is strong enough to kill someone.


It seems like supervillains don't get healers. From the party chapter, it sounds like villains are low priority. I'm sure they get patched up so as not to die, but any lost limbs or such don't get fixed. With that said, going for maiming is probably the right idea. Keep in mind you can't really contain supervillains. Like, you can't just put a S-rank brute in cuffs. So you either need to kill them or do enough damage they give up. Which is brutal, but short of magic cuffs (which we haven't seen any reference to so probably don't exist), IDK if there's an alternative.


I think they immobilized their other S rank attacker by freezing him or something so he's not dead.


I'm mixed. I definitely like the character interactions, getting to spend time with some less focused characters like Reinhard and Everly and Lucille. Seeing Max get frustrated is sad but also good look into rankism. I also like some of the creative power applications we're seeing like more wordchain use and lifting people with Alden's skill. With that said, I do kinda see your point. The course is long enough that it can be hard to keep track of where everybody is. I'd be happy with one chapter to wrap up the obstacle course, then skip any more that happen.


Good to see he's still getting help - I was a bit worried that he'd stopped the therapy sessions as they haven't been mentioned for a while (although it's probably not that long in story time)


"They’re going to be up against Tuyet’s group next." -Marsha I wonder if it's not the winner stays anymore? Cause Marsha was surely talking about strikes group as winners?


Alden definitely should get Evul to watch the Gokoratch video - preferably while also taking pics of Stuart's facial expressions...


I can't wait for Writher to become a sentient weapon 😝


And I really, really despise Winston. If he doesn't change he would be the most shit hero ever


I don't *think* Seriously is trolling. A few people really don't enjoy the gym chapters and haven't from the very beginning. I actually understand them much better than I do the people who get so mad about PoV shifts or slice of life, since something like the Lute novella still provides a reading experience that fits in with the majority of Super Supportive imo (extremely character focused, world building heavy, lots of drama and tension based around situational problems and character rather than physical action). But the kind of reading experience you have with the gym chapters is unique to the gym chapters and unlike the rest of the serial so far. This one, for example, asks you to keep track of a lot of individuals and envision a lot of physical objects, motions, powers, and teammate positions. I've got the character development and emotional highs in place, but to get at them you have to be rolling with everything else that's happening on the page. It's a different kind of reading, and some people (I suspect those of you who read lots of content like this in other stories or who are very good at building movies in your head as you read) are going to find it super natural to click in and go with it. Some people love reading games in a literary format, and others find it a bit of a struggle. I actually used to fall into the struggle camp myself. Something I almost never seen anyone talk about that rocked my reading world once I finally *got* it is how much your genre-specific literacy affects how you read things. You can be a very adept, book-a-day reader and still not have found your personal "in" to every kind of storytelling. For example, I can read and enjoy most things, but I used to gloss over ensemble action scenes and think "Why do people like this? Reading it feels like hard work. Must be bad writing." (Often, it truly is bad writing. But not always!) Then I started reading comics and manga, where ensemble action scenes are absolutely everywhere because the visual medium makes them so much more accessible, and I would still hit patches where I was like, "Okay. Who is doing what where now? I'm confused." But I slowly just got better at reading them, then I started to really like the process of slowing down to figure out what was going on with everyone in chaotic scenes, *then* I finally had the experience to know how I liked to read and enjoy that type of thing in non-visual mediums. Anyway, all of that boils down to -- the gym chapters are pretty different animals. I definitely feel it when I'm writing them. Trying to make sure I've got everyone on the page doing the right thing in the right way is a fun puzzle, but it is more obviously a puzzle. And I still realized lying in bed last night that I made at least one obvious mistake that I'm going to go back and fix when none of you are looking... I was very relieved when I saw some of you commenting that everything going on in this chapter was clean and easy to follow because I was really trying hard to get it there.


I hope Alden sends the recording to Kibby and Stu!


I can't wait to see them lose now that they "trimmed" themselves!


SYMPTOM As far as I can see, Max is a symptom of a Earth's super hero system and probably why a SUPER HERO school is reluctant to use ANY resources on B Tier Avowed ( except commended Rabbits, see rant ) A great foil to Alden Skip if not a _Super Supportive_ nerd SOLUTION Even for the only known Wizard race, 80% of the population cannot use any magic ( wizard magic / contract magic ) except MagiTech items The solution to Earth's super villains will eventually be a high enough MagiTech base ( Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology ) so Earth's Avowed are not needed to deal with super villains Alden's parents would still be alive if his city was built to deal with any beings except ( Knights / Chaos Plague Demons ) LEGEND Alden is not a classic chosen one ( looking at you Primary ), but Alden will one day literally be the Best Avowed ( you called it Kibby ), a Knight ( unfortunately losing the Avowed title ), a forerunner, higher than Rank 1 Tier and a legendary Rabbit in the multiverse ( especially among Sophie's race ) [rant] ANTI TEAMWORK As far as Max knows, he got in using his "divide the competition" skill ( that also worked for many island kids ) NOT for being a team player SOLO Many Earth cities want a solo hero Earth Sidekicks ( B Tier and lower ) are fragile Earth's government is currently run by non Avowed Super heroes, and the island, are major reasons Wizards do not understand Earth RABBITS AND WIZARDS Many Wizards do not trust Avowed that are not Rabbits ( why Rabbits get all the summons, Brutes are a good ( dump class / system trap class ) for a System attempting to increase Avowed population on a planet and many Wizards think the island is a breeding colony for Avowed ) Rabbits work together a lot but NOT as super heroes RABBITS AND SOPHIE Wizards made Sophie's race accept Rabbits one of the two class options Sophie's race only accepted Rabbits ( as a second class option ) if the System ONLY offered Rabbit to S Tiered Avow Other Avowed class is probably Wright ( helmets and other tools ), or maybe Brute ( System dump class / System trap class ), or maybe ( Wright Brute / Adjuster Brute) - weak ( Wright / Adjuster ) plus weak Brute to make both classes less scary to Wizards not wanting a planet full of S Tier, and lower, ( Wrights / Adjusters ) ) Alden starting off as B Tier Rabbit will definitely impress Sophie's race [/rant] 🔲


Well done on this chapter, I wouldn't even know where to begin if I had to write a superhero gym session where everyone had different skills and personalities

Wheels of Terror

Royal Road has a partnership with Amazon for publishing on Kindle and Audible. I assume it doesn't necessarily prevent authors from publishing to other places but streamlines the process so that more authors on Royal Road choose Kindle. It's good for lesser known authors as the platform is huge but once published it becomes pretty much impossible for those small authors to publish to other platforms. I think Amazon takes a larger cut of sales profit than other platforms as well.


Wow. Patreon is doing that thing again where it shows me some comments but not others randomly. A whole bunch of new ones (from hours ago) appeared after I refreshed the page.


So Alden learned this new wordchain in about a week? He really needs to learn so many of these. His opposite would really love that. What about the ones he got from Aulia - wasn't one of them meant to be useful?

David Bailey

I feel that any strain is powered by his Authority, though. So even if Bearer would trigger in a situation where he's not carrying the bags (in air) the plan would work only as long as he had Authority remaining.


Artonans do not have a need for superman so they do not create one. Maybe they even fear giving Avowed too much power. See the discussions on removing unlimited skills due to xenophobia. I do not think its a limit of the magic system. Anyone who can create Affixations, maybe wizards, can become like Superman. Maybe the powers of a superman would even be more limited than any other Avowed because the bound authority has to support many types of magic systems. Maybe each magic system has a base cost, making it wasteful.


Nothing is objectively a burden. Whatever he considers a burden counts.

Robert Lethiecq

The obvious answer to what differentiates an S from an A is the amount of authority that is affixed. This shows in a few ways. Primarily at this stage, where they are just beginning, it shows most obviously in the amount of attributes they receive. Marisol can cause substantial damage from just hitting where Alden can’t. This seems consistent. It’s why Kon can still stand among his peers despite his powers being extremely limited for combat. As far as powers, I suspect that the strength of individual powers in S versus A will show more over time. An S skill might have a higher cap or more weight when the ability is pitted against another skill. As far as multi-powered heroes go, as they level more powers will become available and they will become less one dimensional. Alden will also become less one dimensional by expanding the scope of his one power.


Will he be re-ranked rank to an 'A'? I think it's unlikely. Not while he is under 30.

David Bailey

So far... no? It might get there, but right now he has to be carrying it, it can't be carrying him. Max's low-weight zone cancels him out, for example.


Pretty much all of the students only have 1 useful skill at this stage.

John D Jones

A Wright shop is a shop for magical engineers. Beef Jerky would absolutely be a thing there because it's absolutely a thing for non-magical engineers and especially non-magical engineering students.

Robert Lethiecq

What’s interesting about Winston and his fixation on Alden being arrogant is that Alden was just talking to Marisol when he talked about after assessment. He wasn’t bragging or trying to put anyone down. It was just Winston and the others taking their own insecurities and doubts and lashing out at the guy who didn’t seem to be worried. As we progress, and everyone seems to be near imploding due to stress and pressure, Alden is still just calmly marching on, running his own race, and not worrying about what the other guys are doing. Winston and some others see that and the contrast from his calm indifference to the stress they feel is too much to tolerate so they lash out.


@macguffin His authority growth is ridiculous and he has an uncapped skill. He might get reranked to A the next time a system has to bind his authority to prevent total collapse... In roughly a year.


Sad part is that his team will see the results as the natural weakness of a B and not due to their team's dysfunction.


Wordchains are how you make a mini superman. No need for kryptonite as they come with a built in downside. Wordchains make you faster, stronger, smarter and can enhance your sight, smell and hearing. Stack them up and have a power/wright built device that allows you to fly...


I think the pre-announcing helped a bunch. I do also think the Lute chapters weren't as unpopular here on Patreon as it looked. A few of the people who were mad about them were *very* mad and felt like sharing their rage with the rest of us. (Thanks to everyone who didn't enjoy the PoV switch but chose to say so politely and constructively instead of making things weird and hostile.) If I judge by the likes--which isn't the best metric, but it's what we have to work with--there was really only a slight dip with the first couple of backstory chapters and then they progressively got more and more popular as people got into it. The third and fourth backstory chapters had similar numbers of likes to "Artonan Conversations" (Stuart phone call) and "You've Grown" (Alden levels up and talks to the System) which were the most liked chapters at the time. And then the fifth and sixth became the first chapters to break the 500 likes mark. It could've been because people sometimes reward longer word counts and those were my two longest word counts, but I do think those chapters had a lot more passionate fans than they did detractors. For anyone who's curious, other particularly popular chapters in the past few months have been "Roommates" (a personal favorite of mine as well...Alden's move-in day with the guys) and "Fireworks" (hanging out with the girls on Aimi's balcony) and pretty much everything since The Chainer ended actually...especially the Velra party. Any chapters where Alden progresses his magic (thinking of tennis balls and the all-nighter chapter with Boe where he finally has a breakthrough on the carriage restriction) tend to be more popular than their surrounding chapters as well.


Why would it cause instant velocity change? The magic coating the object is still interacting with the world in a regular way, it’s there, it can be touched, it just stops anything from interacting with the object it’s protecting. The magic doesn't move at an infinite speed it moves as fast as Alden can move the preserved object.

John D Jones

Plus Alden apparently has a great butt. I'm not saying that Everly would dump Kon for the rich Rabbit with a great butt, but I'm not NOT saying it either... Just sayin'


And 'team cottontail' is utterly irrelevant to the overall story, outside of being a thing they do in school. It doesn't move the plot forward at all. I can see how some people would like it but it's just not my thing.

Robert Lethiecq

It seems unlikely that anyone on the team is strong enough to throw anyone over a 50-foot wall. If anyone is capable it would be their strength brute. It seems unlikely that she would try. She would need to throw them 50 feet up and get the timing and angle correct for them to either catch themselves at the top or just barely go over and come down in the water. What would be more likely is her accidentally killing one of them which would result in her quitting the hero program.


Lol I love the story and I'm not trying to be discouraging. I don't pay to read stories I don't like and support.

Robert Lethiecq

Essentially he has already worked on some of this when he blew up the shopping cart in the B-rank practice session. He didn’t catapult but he already worked out a way to be offensive. Would be hilarious if he took out someone like Marsha with a huge weight or something to that effect.

Robert Lethiecq

I missed that connection too but now that it’s been pointed out it seems obvious.

David Bailey

Vandy will realise, though. She might not be nice, but she is efficient.


Yeah I'm not trolling, but you summed up alot of my feelings on it. I don't consider it 'bad,' it's just not my thing. Like when Alden is a super wizard living on an alien planet it's not gonna matter the exact method some random side character used to get around an obstacle back in gym class. Overall I'm a huuuge fan of your story and have recommended it to several people, this arc is just not my cup of tea. I definitely understand how many people would enjoy these details though.


He *speculates* his targeting is different, based on no real knowledge or evidence beyond "it's to help people." Until we see proof otherwise, I think Alden is likely incorrect in his assessment. I seriously doubt that a tertiary minor aspect of a B-rank skill, no matter how much Ancient Lore is powering it, is able to overpower an A-rank spell dedicated to countering that specific ability.

Alex Anderson

I thought the explanation was that it worked the first time because he didn’t have the intention to eat originally. Now if he tries it again, the Gremlin wouldn’t let him out the preserved thing in his mouth

John D Jones

I think what we're seeing with Vandy is a kind of emotional broadening. Alden is a B-rank Rabbit who not only got into the Hero program, but is making a decent go of it and looking like he belongs there. Vandy has been studying the heck out of Alden because that kind of performance goes against what she's previous been taught to believe about the various Ranks. Beyond all that, Alden has apparently done "superhero type" stuff stuff in the actual "you-can-get-killed-or-maimed" real universe. And just last night he handled an actual emergency in their own school and did it pretty easily. Alden may be a B-rank, but he's worthy of respect. Max is also worthy of respect. Vandy's prejudices have been challenged and her horizons have been broadened.


The other teams will probably realize too. They’re going to be analyzing the match and where/when everyone else puts the zones. Seeing Max get burned out even faster than before for no extra benefit will make them seem stupid. He announced his plan to just do as he’s told so publicly that he’s essentially giving the team leadership (aside from Vandy) rope to hang themselves with.


Drop opponent A from high heights on top of another opponent B on the balance beam obstacle and you could take out two of the opponent's players or better yet injury them Even if not direct hit, balance beam opponent B might fall from the scare of a near miss or have to go back ( after completing the obstacle), help the dropped teammate A, and then redo the obstacle

John D Jones

@ Charlie How many of those people have had occasions to visit a hardware store - especially a Wright-focused hardware store? Probably Alden, but prior to this visit, Alden probably just focused on getting paracord and temper spheres. He probably hadn't looked around the place enough to note that they had jerky. Since he was shopping for Everly, he had to look around more and yes! Jeffy Got Jerky!

John D Jones

Marsha's kind of arrogant and dismissive of other Ranks, but she doesn't seem to be actively malicious, unlike Winston.


"Let Me Tie You Up" skill. Rarely used for that purpose, but *oh boy* is it well known.

Skull Leader

@mistermerf - If that is the case, then I look forward to the new radish flavored line of sports drink. For the Rabbit on the go!


Jeffy is one shark documentary away from falling in love with his class as it's meant to be.


It's generally accepted that a human could top out at 106MPH at which point the shoulder is just going to shatter. Alden might be able to pitch 60 realistically - 80 is pretty unreasonable. Also, he'd basically just be a trebuchet and about as accurate.


Yea, one point is a 10% increase in power. So 1 extra strength lets you bench 165 instead of 150. Throwing a whole person five stories into the air is going to take between 100 - 500 strength which I don't think any of them have.


On the reread, I wonder... Is Max playing a drinking game? His response to team comments was to take a drink from his water bottle.


Alden becoming a "super wizard" is literally ages away and in order to become a super wizard he needs to train to develop his authority, which he does a lot in gym class. School is the training arc. If you don't like that, you could read so many other stories that just give you almost immediate power escalation RR and manwhas are full with them. Or at least try to be more constructive? Claiming that things are unbearable really is doing nothing but expressing frustration? And how does that accomplish anything? These chapters do a lot for the story. They flesh out the characters into complex ones. This is important so that the story doesn't suffer from "main character is the only important one syndrome." We will presumably stay with these people for years (in the story and outside of it) and it's good for us to get to know them in the long run. They are not random side characters. They are the side characters that build tension and conflicts that will involve the protagonist. It's one of the things driving the plot and character development forward in the long run. You need set-up before you can have payoff that is satisfying. I can appreciate the variety in methods used in gym class because it still allows me to stay immersed in the story. Of course there is an obstacle course preparing students for complex urban environments. Of course they are being taught to work in teams. Of course they have to think about strategy. It would be boring to just read the same segments of rescuing, catching balls, and hunting Klein over and over again. Skipping over them would reduce the action to 0 and make Alden's growth seem unbelievable and unearned. It's well thought out for the type of environment Alden is in. And Alden will never be the person to Slice the moon in half. He will be the one supporting the person slicing the moon in half. This story is called supper supportive and not my hidden b-rank skill is secretively a hidden SS-rank op skill. So, learning how to play well with others is important for him. Waiting for him to be the OP wizard will probably lead to a kit of frustration

John D Jones

@ mistermerf Will Winston's authority be higher rank, though? Alden is a Rabbit and Instructor Plim suggested that Rabbits tend to pack more authority into their Skills because they get so much less in other areas. Alden took one Trait, only one Spell Impression and his Skill. Thus far over eight extra levels Alden has only put more Authority into BoAB. Winston has his Skill, whatever Traits he has and whatever Spell Impressions he has. It's actually quite possible that Alden has more Authority packed into his Skill than Winston does in his. Recall that during the School Tryouts, Heloise first collided with the Umbrella and then through a chunk of concrete at it. Both attacks were fended off and Heloise is an A-rank.

John D Jones

@ Sindri Neither most likely. Alden was going to buy stuff for people and Jeffy wanted beef jerky. Alden didn't even think they had it at the Wright shop because Alden hasn't spent much time around Wrights/engineering-students-doing-a-project and did not know that those folks practically live on jerky.


I'm worried about the potential parallels between Alden's plan to pay off his wordchain in advance being distrupted and his plan to go berry-picking being disrupted. It wouldn't be a very rational fear in-universe, but the sacrifice side of the body awareness chain is debilitating and would cause major problems at the wrong time. Alden _should_ manage to stay out of emergency scenarios for one night though.

John Anastacio

I think he's using drinking water to help keep himself from saying anything. In related news, he used really withering sarcasm against Winston in this chapter. It's rare for someone use the word stratagem in a conversation. I was impressed at how eloquently cutting he was.

Cyrus McEnnis

His team, sure. Other teams, not so much especially if Alden's team win against them because Marsha has exhausted herself on the first battle and can't use her Polearm as anything other than a crappy toothpick. I'm just waiting for Reinhardt to nail Heelfeather through the forehead because he's posing for the best picture.

Cyrus McEnnis

I was thinking that a large part of why the Velrian Mafia took Hazel's actions so seriously is because when she's around, the smart thing to do is not speak any wordchains to prevent her from calling the debt due. So, she's pretty directly contributing to wordchain decay because no one will be uttering any wordchains around her.

John D Jones

Reinhard doesn't hate Alden. At most he was mildly annoyed about the team having to carry Alden around the course after Tuyet hit him with a Sleep Dart. Then Alden arranged the team meeting and let Reinhard be Team Main Offense which is what Reinhard wanted. Reinhard also got to see Alden up close dealing with an actually emergency (Soren's injury) so he probably respects Alden more now. Ditto that feeling for Febri, Ignacio, Rebecca and even Konstantine.

Cyrus McEnnis

It's also worth considering that Alden's authority, pickling a length of cord, might be more focused than Winston's authority making him go fast. So while Winston might technically have more authority over all, Alden's might well overwhelm it when it hits him.


Reading comments was such a pain that I created a Chrome extension to deal with it: https://github.com/macobo/PatreonCommentsExtension Try it out and see if it makes things better.

John D Jones

@ payforthat and John Anastacio You know, in a way, I'd almost like for the story to jump to the restaurant - or at least to after the obstacle course. It's pretty clear that Team Cottontail is going to win now against Team Injured Ss. Since winners go again, that puts Team Cottontail against Team Vandy/Marsha/Asshat. Figure Max will maliciously comply will all the orders and Winston will recklessly attack Alden (and probably get his ass handed to him by some combo of Reinhard ("Shoot his feet!"), Haoyu, Lexi and/or a piece of really thin string preserved by Alden. Figure a relatively easy win for Cottontail.

John D Jones

I'm thinking Sanjay might be another Agility brute given the description we had of him dealing with the stairs when he was going to the Healer. Also, hopefully somebody contacted him after Alden left with Soren so he didn't have go all the way to the Uni dorms for nothing.


I really liked the action, however i feel like the shear number of people is hindering my ability to mentally visualize the scene along with my ability to empathize with any given character. I feel like smaller teams would allow me to both understand the action better and care when something bad or good happens to any given character. Right now, I dont care when they take out McScrickle the Knife Brute on the other team because I havent internalized him as someone to fear. I DID like how Aldens action scenes were condensed just with Lexi and knife guy, but jumping between so many people all doing different things leading up to the fight made me kind of not care about any of it? I think if the course was a game or a movie it would work a lot better, as if it was a game id be able to plan everything out and paint my own mental imagery, and if it was a movie the imagery would be provided to me. The course itself is well thought out in structure, and gives a great stage for everyones powers to shine *if* they plan ahead and work together. But in written format having to deal with 20-22 people who are all using first names and are all doing different things in different places just causes things to drag and dilutes the amount i can get excited over any given moment. I want to stress that I despite all my ravings I did really like the chapter, i just wanted to to let you know my opinion as I myself crave the opinions of others when it comes to things that I make, and not giving my thoughts in turn would be hypocritical. Also, I havent made a super successful patreon story, so you can take my opinions with a grain of salt Hope your dinner tonight tastes really, really good Sleyca :)

John Anastacio

John D Jones - Agree. Skipping over the sweaty screaming drama and going straight to the sulking restaurant aftermath would be efficient and minimalist. On the other hand this story doesn't skip over much.

Zenopath (AEV)

So blasphemous thought, but adding a rope manipulation skill to Alden kit would make him OP. I mean a small utility skill that lets him weakly telekinesis rope in the right shape then preserve it would make him very effective. Maybe he can get magic rope that can be thought controlled, if he doesn't want to spend authority?


Not sure Shrike can claim to be that edgy when he gives himself a Bird hero name. Unless it would have been the Australian Magpie. I'd be scared of that hero

John Anastacio

I'm a little hesitant to post this because it is awkward, but Sup Supp has an unusually large number of chapters that refer to cannibalism and/or eating sapients. In previous chapters we have Stu offering his high-quality flesh to the mishnen, Gorgon's death cave feast, Alden looking at Stu's bone and thinking about eating it, Alden eating some of Kibby's blood, and gokoratch. In this chapter we have Njeri's inspiring speech about feeding their enemies to Victory. Let us note there is only a tissue paper of nuance separating Victory's feast from victory feast. And so I think of Alden's non-team classmates and wonder which of them tastes the best.


I am almost certain Vandy can't lift people *yet*. We saw her recently trying to trust fall into air she was shaping behind her and failing. The implication was that she wasn't yet great at shaping what she can't see, so she probably could pull it off in front of herself, but that's I think pretty far away from picking people up at a distance. We know the best/strongest shaping happens right in front of you. I'm sure we'll see Vandy fly first, then maybe fly someone with her who is cooperating, then a long way from that is picking up someone who is far away and actively fighting your attempt.

Zenopath (AEV)

It should be possible, except he'd have to be able to mentally contort into thinking one group of air molecules inside a larger group was somehow a distinct object. It would probably be easier to preserve a shape out of a block of ice and melt everything surrounding that shape.

Zenopath (AEV)

Also in theory, wouldn't touching something preserved be really cold? I mean it's magic, so it can do what it wants, but if it absorbed kinetic energy at the molecular level, then it would freeze anything it touches.

Darryl Greensill

@terrestrial_Biped: the best Superman stories challenge him morally, or explore the tension between his duty and his “human” right to be a person, have a life etc. Two of the best such stories aren’t even in his own book: Hitman #31, in which he has a conversation after trying his best and failing, and Astro City #6 in which a Superman-expy and a Wonder Woman-expy have a dinner date. Well worth tracking down both.

John D Jones

Alden's skill doesn't absorb or even re-direct kinetic energy. Kon and Plim are sort of right in that Alden's Skill is more time/temporal based than anything else. Soren wasn't "frozen" so much as "paused." The temperature of a preserved object/being (under the preservation magic) remains the same as it was right before it was preserved.

John D Jones

Uh, yeah. No matter how famous/popular/etc. Alden gets, I don't think Radish Drinks are going to take off...

John D Jones

It's been suggested before, but I just can't see Evul and Alden. To Alden Evul is "Stu's older sister who probably smokes too much Alien Ganja." To Evul Alden is "Baby Stu's even younger human friend."

John Anastacio

John D Jones - Yeah I thought of that, too. Good of you to post it for me, though, haha.

John D Jones

Skills/Traits/etc. are basically still spells. Alden can cast spells. Hopefully there's "Do cool stuff with rope/string" spells that Alden can learn.

John D Jones

My thing is that I kind of want the first "onscreen" physical confrontation between Alden and Winston to come during duels. I want Winston to be whining about cheating and how he'd have "taken that B to the trash if Lexi and Haoyu hadn't interfered!" Then when the duel happens, Alden just hands Winston his own cushion-abusing ass.

John D Jones

The best part is that you know all of that went completely over Winston's head despite how over-inflated it is.


Just noticed this on another re-read (lol). The Engaging with the Unexpected teacher specially pulls Alden aside to ask about the Soren incident, and that teacher happens to be a Sway That is kind of awesome - the school was so worried about him reliving some part of his past trauma, they didnt stop at a therapist checking in on him. They made sure a Sway checked him out to ensure he wasn’t hurting on the inside.

John D Jones

@ Checkov's MacGuffin Age or Levels? Because Alden's likely got a pretty decent chance of being at Level 30 or beyond when he Affixes again next year.


Max is going to need a bigger bottle if he's taking a sip everytime he's mentioned or wants to speak

Kim Enteiu

The Night Before Sup Sup T’was the night before Sup Sup and all through the chat, People dreamed of where Sleyca was at. Lute was sitting snug in his tub, While video comments scrolled up above. Alden and Hayou were refreshed from their smoke, A magical sauna is certainly no joke. Lexi was handling Writher with care, When suddenly a sharp scream cut through the air, Up shot Lute in suds from his lather, As he ran out shouting & mad as a hatter, Out of his bedroom Lexi flew with a curse, As he hoped whatever it was his classmates couldn’t make worse. Outside there were outlines strewn into the snow, And the soft sounds of napping from somewhere below. And what was the scene that struck our characters with such fear? Was an impending affixment drawing quite near? No a writer dreamed dreams of fleet feet, And our hero hopefuls beat no retreat. More rapid than rhey-b’ts on the course they would run, As Sleyca continued dreaming of what was to come: Now Everly, Njeri, Now Maribel, Astrid, On Jeffy! (Aqua brute’s awesome) On Lucille, On Lexi, On Haoyu, On Alden, Though the course quick, Then quick up the wall, Stick to the plan and make sure not to fall. There goes the bell and another one too, But our young heroes know what to do. Rienhart on overwatch lets arrows fly, Alden and Lexi watch close for knife guy There’s tinkering going on in the tunnel below, Njeri, Maricel, and Everly raring to go. Shrike lurking with knives sharp and bright, As Olive, Olive, and Olive enter the fight. Yes the plot points were setup with arrangements so nice, Everyone was sitting and reading it twice. Sleeping eyes merry, joyful and bright, Dreaming of writing that glorious fight. Action filled paragraphs started to flow, And excitement building like slope-rolling snow. The outlines were ready, and not be the skin of one’s teeth, The edits a thoughtful, thorough relief. A forward to let all the Patrons know, How writing next post was likely to go. And the comments the comments the comments (them all), Full of support, care, and joy never small. And even I too was there, Trying to rhyme things everywhere. But I think that I’m lost, My mind’s starting to fall. So now I’ll bid you goodnight. Merry Sup Sup to all, The Soup is just right.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

It doesn’t exactly absorb kinetic energy, remember that heloisa bounced off Think of it as a portal to a mundane wall that is infinitely tough so long as Alden is not exhausted And I think this is consistent with imagining it as a mundane wall that is also infinitely insulating - the molecule will bounce off of it at exactly the same speed and therefore temperature as before, there is zero heat transfer This is also consistent with the concrete shattering - absorption of kinetic energy would just halt the concrete block gently and abruptly, which didn’t happen

JJ Hunter

@Alex - some birds are more terrifying than others . Shrikes are nicknamed "butcherbirds" for a reason; they tend to snap the necks of their prey (sometimes as big as they are) and impale them to store for later eating. Encountering someone who calls themselves Shrike and carries around weaponry for mass impalement is pretty intimidating, at least to me.

Mason Bially

Also he is supposed to save the raddishes. A hazelnut flavord drink for him to "crush" in defense of tge radishes would go much further I think. Also cause Hazel is a nut.


@Super right? If Alden had a wrightmade rope it would be the best tool he could have. It doesn't need to be strong or durable, he just needs to be capable of controlling its movements and length and his skill makes it super useful. There's the idea of him using his auriad like that too, though we don't know the specific mechanics of it yet so who knows if that would work at all.


@JohnDJones I think I must have missed the memo, because I never got on the jerky train while working in the lab all night during engineering hell week (week before exams when all projects come due) I think we usually just sent someone out for Taco Bell.

John D Jones

Or... Marion was just checking in with a (relatively new) student after that student stepped in and handled a real emergency by doing something (getting an injured student to qualified medical care) that would normally have been done by the faculty/staff of the school.


@Sindri Now I am imaging Alden as a rhythmic gymnast... https://www.tiktok.com/@anna_bernatavichyute/video/6896141431207922946?lang=en


@Alex I thought he might have named himself after the nemissis in Hyperion... The Shrike https://g.co/kgs/CwTYyE7

John D Jones

There will, in fact, be a Victory Feast. Also Partial Victory Feast. And probably Sad, Pathetic Angry Loser Feast. Whatever else happens at the Filipino restaurant that Maricel picked, there's a bunch of Avowed teenagers coming to eat there. There will be Feasting.

McIntosh Ewell

I feel pretty bad for adult avowed all having to be completely dry. I wonder how many of them ignore that rule while summoned

John D Jones

Søren and Torsten are both names of Scandinavian heritage. I wonder if there's some (probably distant) familial connction between Torsten and Søren? Just curious. Definitely not trying to stir any pots...

Cyrus McEnnis

This is a question best asked of Natalie - I assume that Cook of the Moment has some way of assessing ingredient quality >.>

John D Jones

Shrike can throw his Meister knife and like 50 more knives will skewer you after the first one skewers you. Also, he's basically immune to to arrows, AKA the attack form of the Archer who is the team's main offense guy. Sounds pretty "fearsome" to me. Meanwhile the action and PoV is focused on Alden, what Alden is doing and what Alden is paying attention to. So you don't really need to worry about 20 people, just the generally 2-5 or so that are around Alden during the course run at any given time.

Matt DiMeo

He walks into a wright shop waving his auriad and asks them to build a 50’ extension for it.


@John Do we know if pitting authority directly against another's is greater strain or reduced effect? That's the case in many fictions, but I can't recall if this is one.

Matt DiMeo

Since things bounce off of it, I’m going to say a preserved object will feel warm as it reflects the heat of your hand.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Thinking from a physics perspective: say an elevator is lifting someone carrying a backpack. The elevator experiences the weight of the person and the backpack because the backpack exerts force on the person, who in turn transfers it to the elevator But if you had a portal facing the top of a table somewhere else, and you were just carrying the weightless portal around, and placed the backpack on the table, then the elevator would not experience the weight of the backpack Which is a long way of saying I don’t think Alden’s authority needs to support Lexi’s authority’s exertion And oh i see that Sleyca has already said that, whoops

John Anastacio

I gather the Filipino restaurant later will have mostly meat dishes. There will be lots of pork for everyone except poor Alden, who will drool and gaze longingly at all the lechon everyone is enjoying. This would be a very reasonable supervillain origin story.

Benjamin Collins

Has he sent anything to kibby yet I know kibby sent him stuff but I don't think there was a scene of kibby getting anything


Shrike is also a name given to an older anti radar missile from the Vietnam era.


I kind of view Marion as part of the school so that totally makes sense! Edit: @JohnDJones, Expanding on my original response, because I think I misunderstood, Alden has been the injured party (the Body Drainer incident) and the hero (for Kibby on Thegund) in various disasters which is why I thought the school would want to be doubly sure nothing triggered him. It’s easy for people to lie to their therapist, not so much to a literal mind reader. Alden even mentions the therapist is good about not pushing when he doesn’t want to share. If Marion was truly just checking up on Alden, though… they deserve to be a licensed hero, imo! That’s true hero behavior right there. It’s also something a really good teacher would do!! Sways with the worst rep, I don’t blame Boe for keeping Swayner/Empath secret - I think I read in character notes somewhere Marion couldn’t become a hero as a Sway (yet) so instead became an instructor for the time being

Kim Enteiu

I love how this is one of those moments where no matter what explanation we try to make about what it could or should feel like, the reason it’s the way it is is literally “a wizard did it”

Kim Enteiu

Feeds into my theory that when the system offers him an A Rank skill he’s going to take decorative napkin folding since it “can help you do complicated things very quickly”.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

Hahaha this is so good! My first out loud laugh was on the careful rhyme "knife guy", my second was on "Olive, Olive, and Olive..." I know the original by heart, so this was extra fun to read.

Cyrus McEnnis

Nah, Filipino cusine has plenty of vegan options, and every single meal I've had from that area has been wonderful. Cottontail won't have to resort to pickled radishes.


In the chapter when Alden affixes and starts testing things with Boe and Jeremy they said it feels like electricity and water had a baby. We also know it's solid so presumambly it feels like a tingly completely smooth surface.


When Alden said he was taking a ton of paracord with him, I took that at face value and expected him to show up with a literal ton of paracord. I was misled! I thought the plan was for him to be the first person sent to "attack" the other team, and he'd rush to their exit where he'd pile paracord to hide safely in and throw up a zigzag of unbreakable paracord across the opposing team's exit, so they couldn't leave. Welcome to the Hotel California, Team Febri/Shrike. This turned out almost as good though, lol. Thanks for the chapter.


Torsten is also common in Germany, as is Klein as a last name

John Anastacio

Is that so? Interesting. Thanks for the info, Cyrus. If you don't mind my asking, what are one or more of the vegan Filipino dishes that you enjoy?

John D Jones

Clearly poor Alden needs to speak with greater exactitude. First Stu'art'h literally wants to talk to Alden for nearly a full day when Alden said they could "talk all day" and now you want Alden to carry a literal ton of paracord around with him...

John D Jones

@ John Anastacio Not Cyrus but a bit of Google brought me to this yumminess: https://veganfilipinofood.com/

John D Jones

@ Kim Enteiu Alden probably isn't going to take ANY other Skills. Or Spell Impressions. He plans to follow Joe's (and Mother's) advice and keep (almost) all of his Bound Authority within Bearer of All Burdens.

Heather White

Ok, so I also took the ton literally at first, and now that I think about it, it’s hilarious how much we’ve already come to see the superness of Alden… that him running around with a preserved ton of paracord would even seem like it could be a thing.


I don't personally believe it'll happen, it was just something funny that came up on the doscord


Seriously. Dude/dudette, you went from relatively reasonable to allll the way out of line here. Alex's comment is well written, well considered, and not rude at all unless you are reading it with an inclination to be offended. A couple of your own comments in this thread, including the original, are harsher and more directly insulting to me and the story than his response was to you. I have an enormous emotional investment in the serial. I come to the comments section every time hoping everyone got what I was trying to do and had fun reading. If they didn't get it, I hope they tell me that in a kind and constructive way. If they did get it but it wasn't to their taste, I honestly hope they don't tell me at all because there's nothing I can do for you if some part of the story isn't to your taste. I have to write to my *own* taste or I wouldn't be writing this much. I know what I intend for Super Supportive to be, and though I wish to please everyone, very rarely do I make a decision based on the mood of select members of the audience. But! Even if someone doesn't have anything constructive to say and they just want to share their disappointment here in the comments section...that's okay. People can look for likeminded disappointed people here. I only ask that they do it with a modicum of respect for me and the majority of commenters who are here to theorize and get excited and have fun with other fans. My enthusiasm is dimmed, my mental energy drained, and my day made slightly worse every single time someone decides to write a casually dismissive comment like "It's unbearable. Make it stop!" Yet I took the time to reply to your complaint. My reply was meant to be thoughtful, personal, and polite. I hope it was. I was defending your right to dislike the chapter and explaining to people that I understand these chapters are of a different sort and some readers may struggle to enjoy them because of it. I was doing this purely to acknowledge your feelings, connect with you, and let you and anyone who shared those feelings know that I heard you. And then you respond to someone else who is sharing their own read on the chapter and offering a counterpoint with something like this? I have a "no throwing insults at other commenters" policy, so I'm deleting your comment. I hope that you're just having a bad night--we all do sometimes--and that you'll apologize to Alex. So that we can put this behind us and shake it off. And so that I can feel less like a fool for expending so much emotional labor and time carefully crafting my response to you earlier...and crafting this one now. Because even though I felt disappointed that you didn't like the chapter, I was trying so freaking hard to be nice and respectful about it. I am still trying. Please, in the future, if this string of interactions doesn't put you off the story...extend the same courtesy to me and to others.


I feel bad for Max, it seems like his team got all the more unpleasant people. Unless of course the other teams are all that bad too, in which case, wow, what a bunch of assholes.


There's another reference in the next chapter...and it's funny so I don't want to take it out...cannibalism is now an official theme.


He does send videos to Kibby! We just haven't seen much of it on screen. He sent her videos of "beautiful, fat Victor the kyat" for one thing (and she appears to be under the impression that Victor is allowed to attend classes with him.)


"...it starts talking." Option 1: Only Lexi can hear it. Even Better Option 2: Everyone *but* Lexi can hear it.


While a wizard did do it, one of the reasons this story is excellent is that it doesn't challenge suspension of disbelief too much. I was kind of worried about Alden holding paracord 50 feet away from himself (since the torque to carry 1 pound 50 feet away is the same as 50 pounds one foot away from yourself) but paracord can be light enough that 50 feet of it weighs less than a pound and there is no realism issue. Relatedly, I don't think Alden can megacatapult people yet because his power doesn't get any kind of lever benefit - it has to apply the full necessary acceleration force to the yeeted object. Since it can take a hit from Heloisa without breaking down, it can probably throw people / stuff about as hard as she can. Maybe it is a bit stronger if it can take her hit easily and maybe it is a bit weaker depending on burden-bearing rules. That's impressive since Alden isn't an A rank strength brute, but it's not broken or stupid!

Temp One

Really hope in the post match review the teachers just eviscerate how terrible the teamwork and planning was on Max's team.

John Anastacio

Ahahahaha! I was right! See? Super Soup is people! And it tastes soooo goooood!

Cyrus McEnnis

@John oh I'm about as far from vegan as you can get. Just saying whenever I've had a Filipino meal it has, without exception, been absolutely delicious.

John Anastacio

Speaking of teachers - I wonder to what extent they are surveilling the students' conversations with each other in the gym, and whether they judge and act upon those conversations. To put it another way, Marion was telling Kon's and Marsha's groups to try to see the active group's strategies and powers use. That means they're in class, under instruction, and it would be within Marion's and Lesedi Saleh's and Torsten Klein's rights to listen to and analyze what they're all saying. I wonder how the teachers feel about all the rankism and poor sportsmanship the students are displaying. And yet Vandy and Haoyu and possibly Jupiter are legacy students, and they haven't warned anyone to shut their mouths in the gym, so maybe the teachers aren't spying.


Imagine the look on Kon's face when Lexi starts talking back ..

Cyrus McEnnis

From what we saw peeking behind the curtain at Lute, and what Alden's experienced, rank plays a huge part in social perception in Anesidora. So while sure, Marsha / Mehddi / Heelfeather seem pretty irredeemable from our perspective, viewed from an Avowed one they're probably absolutely in the right. Why should they sit down and take it when their valuable training time is being taken up by a pitiful B rank adjuster, let alone a B rank rabbit? They're way more important and valuable than those losers. [sarcasm font off]

Cyrus McEnnis

Option 3: only Alden can hear it. And it tells him that it's actually an alien paintbrush.

Andrew Simpson

You accepted the challenge, and blew it out of the water. This is the second best written thing in this post :)

Super Super Supportive Supporter

I’m imagining Alden using a foam launcher as a weapon, similar to worm Except with his skill it doesn’t need to be super sticky or durable foam, just fast and wide and somewhat sticky. Ideally opaque as well Imagine, of all things, a rabbit running towards you equipped with a bubble machine One second you’re laughing, the next you’re completely encased in an unbreakable* shell of magic, you can’t move at all and it’s completely dark *terms and conditions apply

Super Super Supportive Supporter

As a bonus it’s super light so very easy for Alden to move around (iirc his muscles feel the weight of the preserved object while his authority feels the weight of any forces applied to it)

Andrew Simpson

I've been thinking about this too, the physical properties of preserved objects. If they were immutable and completely inert, than what temperature would they be to touch? We know frozen things don't melt, so that means they couldn't feel cold to the touch, because that implies energy transfer. So what temperature are they then? What about fiction, etc? My current theory is that the object is being coated in authority, and it's not the objects physical properties that matter, but the authority coating, which I guess could be arbitrarily whatever Sleyca or maybe Alden wants. As far as the preservation goes, at this point I'm assuming that the object is basically removed from time/space while inside the coating, like it's an object shaped hole in reality defined by alden's authority, which would also explain where the energy goes when a preserves object absorbs something like a punch or something. It's just being shunted into some dimensional hole, and the authority cost he incurs is the cost of transfer. At least that's my current model for thinking about it.

Andrew Simpson

I'm saying that Alden should just make a big ol catapult arm out of Paracord, and then use the fact that they are weightless plus his rotational leverage to throw them. It would be *trivial* to get them moving fast enough to clear the wall, but it would be so easy that you're right that it might just murder them.


@PatienceHoney: That thing was terrifying when I read it as a young'n, but the Shrike from Hyperion was itself named after the bird. And while Hyperion might have inspired Sleyca, it probably couldn't have inspired our Ignacio. Hyperion was published in 1989, so it likely wouldn't have survived the divergence point in 1963 to get published in SupSupVerse.


Lets not forget the rare and ceremonially significant wevvi fruits that the knights have access to, and their compound sits suspiciously close to a rare and ceremonially significant grove of trees that eat people. Vegan-friendly cannibalism?


@cafecenet: I think you're right in spirit, but not in letter. I think there probably are magic cuffs strong enough to keep a normal S-brute in chains, but 1) those are a specialty Wrightmade item you probably don't have those on your person at times and 2) they don't do jack about skills, spells, and other talents. The *real* problem with Avowed capture, from my perspective, is the wild diversity of powers you can expect from them. And the fact that your villains won't be sharing their profiles, so you don't know how many extremities you have to remove before they can't lay some kind of whammy on you, or if limb-removal will do anything at all.


I'm curious about Vandy's shaping progression too, but I interpreted the failure of the trust fall as a result of disorientation while falling. I figured Vandy wouldn't overestimate something as straightforward as the weight her shaping can carry.


A foam launcher is a great idea, unfortunately he's going to need to master the rope first. It also will be much more useful once he doesn't need to touch the objects he Bears.

John D Jones

Alden's team is well on their way to beating the Febri/Shrike team since both Febri and Shrike have been injured with serious movement penalties. They (or at least Shrike with his "severed" leg) will require help from their team to get through various obstacles once they get back to their side of the course. For the Vandy/Marsha team, you know that once they get someone over the finish line they'll want to send Marsha to attack Alden's team but probably Winston will run over to try to attack Alden instead. Given Alden's preservation skill with ropes/lines/wire, it's highly likely that Winston will literally get his legs cut out from under him and have to crawl back to his own side.

John D Jones

The next time they do the Obstacle course Vandy is absolutely going to try to call "dibs" on getting Alden for her team.

Neil H

Does the losing hockey team essentially agree to being eaten, making them ok for Alden to consume?


The first time Reinhard told Alden to do something he was already going to do, Alden was like ”calm, he only means well”. The second time it happend he thought the same. Then the third time, when Lexi told him, Alden was like ”noope not taking it”. I wonder if it was sign of how much patience Alden has, and how much patronicing he can take before he tell someone off. or maybe it is a sign that he is more comfortable with Lexi than with Reinhard and that he sees Lexi as a friend now.


MOCKTAILS Some interesting research on intoxication and anecdotes from college years, you can have many of the effects of alcohol from Mocktails ( see notes ) DRINKING ALCOHOL A lot of summoned Avows probably drink alcohol while summoned just because ( weak beers / wines ) are imbedded in Earth socializing ( a hold over from before water treatment plants ) so summoned avowed would be ( curious / use for bragging / use for anecdotes ) But other planets have societies used to Hippy Party Wizards more powerful than Earth's strongest Avowed so planets that have drunk summoned Avow can easily deal with them Another reason to be jealous of Rabbits being summoned a lot and making any long term summons even more desirable LYING When the alcohol was actually consumed on the island, instead of lying and saying "a friend once had a Long Island Ice Tea while visiting New York" many stories probably start out "while summoned my ( friend / family member / I ) had a Long Island Iced Tea" HIPPY WIZARDS I wonder if the drug partying ( lower inhibitions ), group marriage ( 24 / 7 exposure to multiple magic types ), and other aspects of Wizard culture encourages ( silly / domestic / everyday ) use of wide variety of magic ( wizard magic / contract magic ) that helps identify children with magic potential, improve that potential and train that potential just like immersive language learning in multiple lingual households NOTES DRUNK ON MOCKTAILS Getting drunk on mocktails appears to be a combination of placebo effect, ingredients ( sugar / caffeine ), mob psychology ( mimicking peers, escalation, lack of authority figures, etc ), and ritual ( if mocktails are served instead of ( juice / milk ) then you are socially obliged to ( embarrass yourself / lower your inhibitions ) ) 🔲

John D Jones

@ Temp One I think it'll be a lot more effective to have the teachers be amazed and gratified at Team Cottontail's cooperation while mostly dismissing the dysfunction of Team Vandy/Asshats as "nothing special and par for the course for newbie Avowed."

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

@John D Jones, it's pretty excusable for the island kids, and probably also for the ones who grew up in the big city, but if you grew up rural then going to the hardware store with dad to get some piece of equipment and seeing the racks of beef jerky on the way out ought to be a formative memory.

Alexander Dupree

@Apeoflight when objects interact they deform each other as they slow down. Doesn’t matter what it is physical matter deforms. That means the interaction happens over some period of time. However if one of those surfaces cannot trade energy away, be deflected or slowed you have the other surface going from some Velocity towards the surface and then it has to be moving at the same velocity as the immovable surface. At some point you have a change in velocity that happens over 0 time. Doesn’t matter if the rest of the material can deform. At some point part of it has to change instantly. Mathematically 1/0 doesn’t make sense it’s undefined or indeterminate in some cases so really this just breaks reality. I’m going with an intuitive definition that most non math people would think correct “the limit as x approaches 0 from the positive direction of 1/x is positive infinity”. Claiming that the magic is taking the hit from whatever only moves the problem at some point you have some moving thing interacting with some non moving thing. Somewhere you have some amount of energy being transferred over 0 time. It’s irrelevant how much that energy is. Either momentum is conserved and so something has to move or it doesn’t and we have a 1/0 problem. I’ve been trying to come up with any way for it to still work adding dimensions and redirecting the momentum moves the problem to how he’s moving the object and still preserving it in the first place. He’s either not preserving it the way everyone thinks, or reality is breaking.


Woa woa woa. I said it's unbearable make it stop in a casual way because I was being casual. I didn't mean that it was *seriously* unbearable. If I actually thought your story was unbearable I wouldn't be here! That's the point of my name. I just say things in an over the top/dramatic way. So I apologize that it actually bothered you, that wasn't my intention. Hell I didn't think you would personally even see it since you have such a huge fan base because your story is fantastic. I'm not one to be put off by a discussion that gets a little heated, I actually enjoy a good argument. I will definitely continue reading and supporting your work. Alex, sleyca was correct I was having a horrible night, I'm sorry for the insults. Overall I'd say people took my initial comment far more seriously than I intended it to be taken when I wrote it. And in the future don't take me too seriously. 😁


It all started when a couple of us referred to this story as "delicious".. and Sleyca's subconscious kept thinking of consumption...


@MeridunI think I would chose to move me to the weapon rather than move the weapon to me. If we compare it to games. Being able to throw a waypoint, then travel to it offer so much mobility that open up both different ways to engage and escape from a situation.

John D Jones

@ Vysirez Let's recall that Max is also kind of one of the more "unpleasant people." He's the one who weaponized manipulation and deception against the other B-ranks during School Selection. Let's take a look at Alden's team for a second: S - Maricel - Shaper of Ground S - Lucille - Strength Brute (doesn't want to kill people) S - Jeffy - Aqua Brute A- Reinhard - Meister of Bow A - Lexi - Meister of the Mind Writher A - Haoyu - Dura Brute A - Astrid - Morph Brute A - Njeri - Shaper of Water A - Everly - Adjuster (ice spells) B - Alden - The One and Only Rabbit So you've got an S-Ground Shaper who doesn't want to be on Anesidora; an S-Strength Brute who doesn't want to kill; an S-Aqua Brute who wants to be a Strength Brute; an A-Bow Meister who really wants to shoot his bow; Lexi, who's very... Lexi; an A-"Dura" Brute; an A-Shaper of Water; an A-Adjuster of Solid Water and Alden. Wednesday Alden's team got their butts handed to them by Tuyet the Dart Sniper and also got beat by the Febri/Ignacio team. This time they're doing much better because Team Alden has an Alden - a person willing to bring the team together and move them toward consensus.

Zenopath (AEV)

Someone commented that Sleyca said in a QA that B level 30 is equal to an A. If that's true, and given that he seems to be level 12 already... He will definitely rank up to A within a year or two.

Zenopath (AEV)

Alden should tell his trauma counselor the truth about his affixing problem. Not only is a trauma counselor bound by patient confidentiality, but he actually does need help with the PTSD and coming to terms with the fact that he needs to do it again yearly. He is clearly not OK with the topic. If he is going to trust one adult for help, might as well trust a specialist legally bound not to share details.


But as a pure Hero I can kinda see why Jeffy is coming from, I don´t agree, but I can see. If we assume that you get a random emergency and need to save a human. How often is it in water? Humans is usually on landand most accidents would probably happen there. It is the same arguement as why Alden should not have picked the anti poison trait. It is usually useless in you average day. But if you specialice in something then you are not in a "average" enviroment. Jeffy as a water specialist would not be a "teater" hero, he would be a first responder in accidents.


If we assume that the preserved object are perfectly isolated then they would feel the same as touching styrofoam. You will feel heat, not from the object. But instead because the heat from your hand is reflected.


He would probably want a proper magical contract tattoo to keep that kind of stuff secret. Just keeping things quiet via human legal means might not be enough, for the Earth system anyways.


They’re having a team discussion where they were explicitly analyzing the rival teams. Aside from Max who’s staying quiet on purpose, it would have been strange if the other people didn’t speak up about it when Winston already brought it up.


The following passage made me wonder if Lexi is crushing on Maricel. Maricel worrying, "...Or forget practicing and focus on vict—” “You did that last time.” Lexi was staring at the track ahead of them. “If you want specific dirt, we’ll carry specific dirt.” That was, in my mind, Lexi gushing over Maricel...


I think the more important part was Alden describing the targeting as feeling like a receptive process rather than an expulsive one. Sorta like a grasping hand versus an eye. A shield might prevent the hand from reaching out and grabbing hold of you, but the eye could still see where you are. Regardless, Alden needs to test his theory anyway. This anti-targeting spell is the first obvious way to see if it maybe works any differently.

Zenopath (AEV)

Alden is only bound not to talk about what Joe taught him. Joe didn't teach him about knights. The earth system doesn't have any room to complain. I think the system wants to hide the truth about unique classers, but that truth is probably something to do with Chaos potential, not anything to do with Knights and what it means to be a bound wizard. Otherwise why did system let Alden tell Boe? Alden should be more worried about faction of Antorions that view avowed as a threat than Earth. Probably the worst Earth would do with information would be to strongly encourage him to teach other humans. And as mother system pointed out Alden won't be able to keep it secret forever.


Winston's "Alden is arrogant" point actually makes some sense. It isn't easy to get into the hero program, so seeing Alden assume he'll get in would understandably be off-putting and seeing him actually get in after that as a B rank rabbit would be confusing. Perhaps that confusion led to his mind jumping to cheating as an explanation for Alden's abnormality. I doubt it's easy for anyone to watch someone, who you have a good reason to believe you're superior to in a field, surpass you at it. I think if Winston makes good progress toward realizing his own dreams, he'll feel better about himself and it will be easier for him to celebrate the success of others. On the other hand if his dreams elude him, that bitterness could exacerbate his obnoxious behavior. I'm surprised more aspiring heroes don't work on wordchains, although I guess good wordchains are hard and at this early stage they have their hands full trying to figure out and improve their own powers.

Temp One

To be honest, I've kind of wondered if Lexi and Haoyu might have something going on?


I figured out where Jeffy is from: Saskatoon, Canada. My evidence is: 1. His first (and probably only) language is English, but unlike others, his accent was not mentioned to be from somewhere in specific. So most likely an English speaking place with no easily identifiable accents for an American. This removes most of Australia, Great Britain, India, and a bunch of the Caribbean. 2. Probably not of the united states, as the narration has a tendency to point them out and call out their state. 3. Islands might be out, given that he sees not much interest in the aqua part. If Jeffy had lived by the sea, he might have tried surfing regardless of how feasible that is, almost drowned and gotten a newfound respect for the sea. so probs not an island nation, removing a large percentage of the Pacific Islands. 4. English speaking parts of Africa might be where it's at, but I think would have been brought up in the narrative. Also, some of the accents are identifiable to some degree, and might have been commented on 5. Some parts of Canada have easily identifiable accents, but Saskatchewan doesn't really, especially not to an American. 5. Saskatchewan is the largest exporter of lentils. Lentils = lentil soup = soup = supsup 6. Saskatoon is the largest city in Saskatchewan, which makes it statistically the most likely place in Saskatchewan for Jeffy to be from 7. Him avoiding flannel would be even more hilarious if he was Canadian 8. I personally find the name of Saskatoon kinda funny, which is reason enough for me to make a theory about it


Hmmm...I've never considered that. I don't know that I've read anything that would lead me there, but, of course, I am am re-reading. I will have to look for that. I think I associated Haoyu wanting to room with Lexi and Lute because he felt the need to act against the sh*t his classmates were doing/saying and support his friends - <i>like a hero should<i>. A comment from his mom about his roommate drcision and his own stated regret to Lute made me think that he is working to be the hero (in everyday actions) that he wants to be in his profession.</i></i>


It took me a few rereads to get that the title could be a reference to the "class flavor" Alden was thinking about. There Alden is hoping for a vanilla class atmosphere and the next line is "it's pepper flavored". There are certainly some spicy people in the class. I'm always impressed by all the big and little references you manage to slip into the story.


Interesting. I am going to throw my hat into the ring and say Jeffy is from Cincinnati, Ohio. Most specifically the neighborhood of Norwood. My reasoning is thus: 1. Ohio accents are considered "non-accents" or "newscaster accent" to most Americans. 2. The neighborhood of Norwood is one of the most walkable in Ohio. Which would explain Jeffy's experience and thoughts regarding his ability to easily "run to the testing day." 3. Ohio is one of the top three states for the name Jeffrey (per 100k).

Kim Enteiu

Once he “can afford a few supplementary talents for [his] own convenience” I think that one will have too much synergy to pass up. Rather than affixing a set number of foundation points affixing a foundational skill (which I’m assuming the napkin folding one is based on how it was described) would give him a foundation enhancement that grows as the skill grows within his bound authority that is in line with the kind of growth he’s interested in. That would give him foundation growth over time outside of his affixation, and let him simulate robocasting, which would help him hide in plain sight. As an added benefit it’s also a known quantity skill that would probably help with hero work, which was something the instructors wanted him to get.


Wow! I totally didn't see this connection. I just saw the obvious Jeffy reference. Thanks Benjamin!


It's not been named as a facet, nor has there been any indication from knowledgeable sources that it will happen. What Alden thinks will very likely happen is that he'll be able to pick up intangibles using authority only. He was doing some practice with the enchantment on a NesiCard towards that end. It seems a farther stretch for him shield a physical object in place without physically lifting it, but it could maybe work if he concentrates hard on how burdened his authority is. A still further stretch is actual telekinesis with his skill, "lifting" objects using authority alone.


I think it's all fine. To me it just looks like a natural result of these personalities under stress. Reinhard is doing a lot. He's giving more callouts than the team strictly needs. But that makes sense to me; I think that's a common mistake in people who are sincerely trying to be a leader, but are new at it. Experienced leaders with the same attitude tend to be a little more hands-off, interfering only when they're needed. Lexi is in guard mode. In that headspace, he's very defensive of Alden; he wants to make sure his "client" isn't hurt doing something unsafe, so he's fussing. Alden is excited. He's doing the plan pretty calmly, but the plan is in large part the results of his own work; who wouldn't be hyped? He kind of wants to be left alone and allowed to do his thing, like everybody agreed, but he puts up with Reinhard's callouts because Rein is being good and it's good for the team. Lexi telling him things Alden himself said about his own skill is a step too far to be left unremarked on, but they just had a GREAT teamwork moment and that will leave a much stronger memory than Lexi being a little overbearing for a second.


He can't keep it secret forever, but he loses nearly ALL his freedom soon after the secret comes out. It makes sense to me that Alden holds the secret of his authority sense and all associated with it under the tightest lockdown he can. Some things are too costly to take risks with.


I don't think they're interested in each other that way, but I could see it working if they were. They've got such great odd couple dynamics going on.


Chiming in to say that it's implied that Jeffy is from the US as when he go back onto the bus during the interview test thing, he was read traffic law changes from US to Anesordia (I don't think I spelled that correctly) because he illegally traveled through streets to take the test


Flying Alden can't happen without more levels. It's not free for him to lift; he's just doing it with "authority" rather than Newton's laws. Thanks to mv^2, the faster he wants to go, the more energy his authority has to deliver. So Alden needs enough authority for 500+ pounds of throwing, at high enough speed to matter, and to keep doing it to maintain elevation for his whole jump-rocket trip, with enough to spare to decelerate for a safe landing. Right now even regular flight is a long way off. Relativistic speeds? That's not happening until he's the BoaB equivalent of the moon-splitting Primary. But yes, with enough levels on his skill Alden can throw up a properly designed weight from a preserved launching mitt, catch the weight by its trailing hooks and exploit its magically granted momentum to bring his own speed up. He can repeat that throw-and-catch until he reaches the max airspeed his authority can pay for. He'll look weird doing it. But that's on brand for our Hero Rabbit.

John Anastacio

Should rename Alden's team Team Foe Cooker after Haoyu. Would be very appropriate after Njeri's speech.

John D Jones

@ Zenopath (AEV) Alden keeps a lot of secrets. Some of them are his personal secrets. Some are other peoples' secrets. Some are the secrets of a whole alien society. Maybe I have a therapist. Maybe I can tell that therapist that those nightmares stem from my time in war because I've killed people. But telling my therapist (and somehow giving him proof) that the people I've killed were Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy and that the war in question was fought across time against Cthulhoid demons from dimension X using a time machine at DARPA headquarters is probably placing a really heavy load on my therapist's sense of professional ethics.

John D Jones

Alden also has a couple of really important "ins" with Word-chain central in Lute and possibly even Aulia herself. Right now Alden is rocking a fairly potent word-chain in "Body Assistant" that is not available to most people - likely including most Avowed.

Cyrus McEnnis

The other point is this - in a leadership position part of your job is to make sure people know what's expected of them. Repetition is a good way to achieve this. Is Reinhard going a bit overboard? Yes. But it's a new team still getting to know each other and their capabilities. It's _conpletely_ reasonable to keep people on task. Now, if it's just Alden being targeted for the reminders, or if Reinhard keeps doing outside the context of the game? Then we have a rankist problem. But I hardly think Alden is going to put up with that and is perfectly capable of telling Reinhard that he can get pickled if he thinks he can order a rabbit wizard around.

Zenopath (AEV)

@John D. Jones I lol'd at you comment. I don't know that knowing what a knight is and how Alden is currently a fledgling wizard is all that Earthshaking. I mean yes people will be interested, but a random trauma therapist isn't going to feel the need to run to the press with this info. What does it really change? Is it a risk? Yes maybe. But Alden definitely needs help, if not now, at some point before his next affixion. He has to tell someone who can offer counseling, and his only other options are all riskier.


Oh sweet child. You do know that even today, ‘private medical information’ that is deemed important enough is freely available to any government agency interested in it, even in first world ‘free’ nations? What makes you think client-patient confidentiality would be safe for Alden? It’s just a promise. There’s no enforcement to stop the information spread, just potential punishment after the fact… and if they tell the right Artonan that punishment will turn into a reward instead. I guess I shouldn’t be shocked people think like you, though. It’s how we get people who confess to crimes under promises of confidentiality or forgiveness, then act shocked when it doesn’t happen. Also, Joe outright told Alden that some wizards would summon him into the path of a bullet just for having his skill. That was before he became exponentially more ‘dangerous’ by getting an authority sense.


Nah. Lexi has always been empathetic to others under his shell of anger.


@Isaac oh right, I forgot about that... Although wouldn't it be funny if they read him the US-Anesidora Law changes and he is not even from the US? But you are right and he might be from the US. Probably from Ohio like PatienceHoney suggested

Guus van der Borg

The problem with any kind of capturing through Alden's skill is that his skill stops working as soon as someone 'shares' the burden. Any upwards force applied to the preserved object counts as someone helping him carry it, and this ends the preservation. So using his skill to capture will be near impossible.


The last time a Sway used a lie detection power on Alden (chapter 106), he felt himself be targeted. He wasn't targeted for this scene. I don't think any sway powers were used, though a higher rank sway might have non-targeting powers.

Ali Yang

Shrike should just rename himself as Edgelord. Also just occurred to me if the magic system was inspired by Naruto with the handsigns for word chains and spells.


A shrike (rhymes with hike, like, and bike) is a medium-sized bird that impales its kills (lizards, mice, smaller birds) on sharp things (like thorns, barbed wire). What a marvelous name for a superhero who specializes in knives! I hope his superhero costume adds in that striking black stripe across the eyes...

Guus van der Borg

Well, it wasn't as clear cut as that. Sleyca said something along the lines of 'it might happen if you're around level 30' and it wasn't even specifically referencing Alden. So his unusual situation might be a factor as well. I think it was purposefully vague to keep us guessing, and to keep narrative options open.

Zenopath (AEV)

@Adunk Yes, if someone wants access to your personal information as it is stored in a computer system and shared with any interested medical professional involved in treating your medical condition, then of course the government can get ahold of it. And a psychiatrist has no obligation to keep secret a crime you have confessed to (nor a priest). But we are talking about sharing information with one person. That person has to make a choice about sharing it or not. I have a hard time seeing a person who chooses a career in trauma counseling teens being the type to randomly decide to share that information if he or she understands how dangerous the information is to the safety of the person sharing it. Alden's only other alternative would be to trust in the Stuart's family, hoping that they will act to protect him and provide him with the necessary guidance and counseling. But to me, that's an even more risky option. I just think Alden's mental health might be worth the risk of trusting someone. He's going to have a real hard time as soon as that affixition starts becoming necessary. Although, I guess a magically enforced contract might be the safest option, as has already been suggested, probably a tough sell to convince a random human to get a tat for the sake of a stranger.

Guus van der Borg

The problem with malicious compliance is that it only works on people capable of reflection. We have no indication that Winston and Marsha are capable of it. When Max maliciously complies and things will understandably go to shit, Winston and Marsha will not think 'oh shit, maybe I should've listened to Max'. They will think 'See? The B is fucking useless'. Malicious compliance doesn't work against people with their heads so far up their asses they can only see their own colon.


I see Max's malicious compliance as a way to protect himself from getting more angry and frustrated. If he decides not to care how well the team does, the assholes can't hurt him.


"Strange balloons for strange raccoons." You get so many bonus points for this phrase, Tori. Love it!

Super Super Supportive Supporter

I am gonna try posting at least one limerick per chapter, since we’re doing rhymes now The classroom is feeling the pressure/ Who’s right and who’s wrong and who’s better/ But if you want a good team/ The Rabbit Supreme/ Will bring us and keep us together

Super Super Supportive Supporter

An S-rank with knives fights a Rabbit/ A friend in the way? Try to stab it/ But a second too late/ Gave a chance to create/ a victory scene and they grabbed it


I find your perspective to be even more hopelessly naive than old Alden. I have met some truly two faced mental health people due to my work. You would not believe the amount of shit talk they do behind patients backs, things that are covered by HIPAA but the “thin green line” of scrubs-wearing medical people let pass. Hell, we have an in-universe example of scummy mental health people assessing Alden, the school specifically hired one to greenlight him when they knew he shouldn’t be.


It was recommended to him to affix in like 6-7 level intervals so he most certainly wont be level 30 by next year. Rememvwr that leveling is super slow for people. "One level per year was the average and two a year is the standard in Superhero schools".

Bob Ross

@Adunk, not disagreeing with most of what you said necessarily, but I think a distinction should be made that the mental health professional hired to talk to Alden wasn't "scummy" they were of a lower quality. Like they hired someone who wasn't good enough at the job to catch if Alden shouldn't go to hero school until he'd been given time and distance from his experience abroad. Because alden was able to bamboozle them. :) Or I guess, they hired someone who was willing to take "the stripped down version of events he put in writing at face value" not someone who was going to push.


@John no no no, Max did what he needed to in order to get into school as a B rank. Using manipulation and deceit doesn't make him one of the more "unpleasant people" when it was a competition in which the odds were heavily stacked against him and he already failed once. @Michael absolutely not. Winston is the arrogant one here. He's slandering Alden behind his back when Alden was just being casual about entering the school and is just being a jealous prick.


Yeah. Okay. Sure, believe whatever rose-tinted reality you want I guess. Alden was two months out of a crisis. Not even incompetent doctors would pass him. It was a scummy one willingly looking away.

Bob Ross

That was how i interpreted the text based on Principle Saleh's comments. It's OK that you disagree But telling someone who disagrees with you that they have a rose tinted view of reality because of it, comes across as a little needlessly antagonistic. I don't think it would be wise for Alden to share what's going on with him with a licensed therapist. They're mandated to report certain things, and in this case I'm pretty sure "I've chosen a life path that's going to have me tortured over and over again in the pursuit of it, no wait its ok there's a whole group of noble warriors who do the same thing and they're basically fine...until the burden becomes too great and they perform ritual physician assisted suicide-where are you going come back!" falls under the category.

John D Jones

@ Zenopath (AEV ) Knights are wizard-Avowed with infinitely up-gradable Skills. The average knight makes the most powerful Earth hyperbole look like a toddler in power comparison. Also, humans can (under some very circumstances) become wizards. Also, the Artonans have their Systems obscure the nature of the Skills to prevent humans from getting to really potent, infinitely up-gradable ones. You don't see any of that as "earth-shaking" information? Because I see that information as a simultaneous eruption of the Ring of Fire while the San Andreas fault tumbles California into the ocean.

John D Jones

They're no "There once was a girl from Nantucket..." but yeah, those are pretty good.

John D Jones

Nah, that's just Lexi in his usual "Enough talk, let's get this shit [i]done[/i]" mode. Lexi is a perfectionist. Lexi gushing over someone will be unmistakable room-full-of-flowers, giant-box-of-candy, T. S. Elliot's-The-Waste-Lands-length-love poetry John-Cusack-with-a-boombox-playing-Peter-Gabriel [i]GUSHING[/i].

Radha Patel

I was imagining it to look closer to the hand gestures in classical Indian dance. The wordchains are described as rhythmic almost like song and dance, which is why Lute was immediately good at them

John D Jones

@ Eternal Dreamer Sure Max did what he needed to do to get in, but it was still ruthlessly manipulative and very much wasn't a "nice" way to get into the Hero program. Some of the students noticed that and you can bet that the teachers also noticed it. Maybe that's why they put him on Team Asshole, because they figured he'd be ruthlessly clever enough to deal with it. And maybe he is. Maybe that's what his malicious compliance will demonstrate. As for Winston his "arrogance" is a wet-toilet-paper thin covering over a lot of insecurity. His parents apparently spent a lot of time and money on a fucking public relations tour to get him even a chance to get into the Hero program. Now there's a B-rank Rabbit who confident that he'll get in (partly because of Neru's comment about the Commendation but also because Alden just didn't know much about Anesidora's Rankist culture at that point). And Alden actually does get in, so Winston is sure that the fix is in there somewhere. Winston is actually correct about that. We know from Chapter 77 that "the fix" absolutely was in to make sure Alden would get into the hero program. It doesn't make Winston any less of an asshole, of course.


It's really difficult to catch nuances of tone in this format. As a fellow stranger on the internet, I had no context for your name or way to pick up that you were being overly dramatic. I appreciate you taking the time to apologize to Alex, to continue the dialogue, and to flesh out a little about yourself, Seriously. Just keep in mind that your words are perhaps more powerful than you know.


I took it to be a reference to the Shrike from Hyperion (very good book, would reccomend) which is metalic being covered in sharp knife like protrusions. Which I bet is named for the bird for similar reasons!

Cyrus McEnnis

We're also talking about a society where someone like Boe isn't comfortable discussing secrets over the phone, where rooms to discuss secret matters are considered normal, and where truly important secrets are sealed by magic. Telling something secret & potentially life changing to a counsellor, even if you trust them, without taking similar precautions seems... optimistic, shall we say?


There once was a kid from Apex With parents so rich they wrote blank checks. But his future looked bleak Without power to seek, So he got good at harp as a sweet flex.


The repetition is also necessary for some of the team (Ok, maybe it's just Jeffy). So he's also needing to juggle different information needs across the team as a new leader.


Just in real world context, if you showed a psychiatrist that you could genuinely do real magic, I can’t imagine they would not tell EVERYONE about it. As soon as someone important finds out about Alden he is going to be surrounded by S-Rank sways, incarcerated, interrogated and tested on. He can kiss his life goodbye. No more freedom, he is too valuable to the planet. No more free will, can’t risk him running away. Maybe start breeding him to see if they can make more kids like him with an authority sense. His best chance is to hide it until he is a Knight and has a team of non-human protectors.


I know people disagree with me, but having re-read everything a fourth time, I really feel like intake chapters stall the momentum of the entire story. It would have been better to have Alden return, jump straight to Lute’s story, and then time skip to the North Academy tryouts. Lute has a solid story and it is a great introduction to Anesidora. But I think where it is messes with the momentum of Alden’s. Plus, with intake we get two longer interludes pretty close to each other. And there isn’t much of intake that is relevant to the current story part. Just my thoughts on it.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

There once was a girl from the Phillipines Whose S affixation had killed her dreams. At first she felt hurt, But now she's got dirt! Her enemies pounded to smithereens!

Alan Miller

There's a strong argument that it's not Alden's trauma counselor, it's Anesidora's trauma counselor. Patient confidentiality is also a legal question, so 1) what are Anesidora's laws and 2) what are the penalties for breaking confidentiality if the counselor felt it was warranted? Contract tattoo 100% but Alden isn't in a position to require or likely even be able to arrange such.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

I agree that at this point there's certainly not as much to get out of those chapters in a 3rd or 4th reread, as compared to other chapters. Fair enough, right? :) If the series were to wrap up in the next few chapters, without any continuation of Boe or Natalie or etc, and if Sleyca were looking to traditionally publish a novel version meant to be marketed to a wide audience beyond web-novel readers, and if I were the editor looking to condense this into a single self-contained book-style narrative, I'd also identify those chapters as easy places to cut some word count. For me, the slow slice-of-life intake chapters are narratively vital when following the story as a serial in real time, bringing us along with Alden as he tries to find a normal life in an abnormal situation and after so much trauma, and serve to only amplify the tension in everything that came before. The space and time it creates is real. When re-reading at this point in the narrative, or I guess if a newer reader is binging it all for the first time, it doesn't function in quite the same way, and a lot of the setup hasn't paid off yet. But that slowing of momentum might be exactly what's needed for proper momentum of chapters 200-300, and it will be fun to re-read it again with a new perspective then :)

Michael Blue

Al, agreed. If his teacher has a passive lie detection skill Alden wouldn’t feel himself be targeted


Interesting. They were some of my favorite chapters. It reminded me of the start of the story, which is what hooked me in. I guess we all liked different parts. I really like the slice of life bits.

Kim Enteiu

At least one of these arts kids has to be a programmer, so I’m assuming someone is coding Goko & Ratch; a puzzle/platformer video game where you play as a bunny trying to escape from cannibal parrot siblings. The power-ups are radishes. They are frantically taking notes about what Alden is doing with his powers as they hear about it from their sibling in the hero track in real time.


@Tori, I think you’re right that my perspective is skewed. I do think of this more like a series that will become a book.


@SG, it’s not that I don’t like the individual chapter. Everything Sleyca writes is great. But when I read it as a whole it just seems out of place. Like we build a beautiful castle and then build another one right next to it and play with that one instead.

Zenopath (AEV)

Look there are good arguments to be made about the need for secrecy, but it is needlessly cruel to expect a 15yr to face repeated bouts of torture so bad it forced a society to accept ritual suicide as normal, without any help. He is probably planning to go it alone, and that is the trope for heroic manly men MC. But realistically, Alden could break if he doesn't get some sort of help.

Zenopath (AEV)

@John D Jones Everything you just listed is already common knowledge except the part about human having some chance to become wizards and the fact that knights are wizard avowed. Basically Alden can offer insight into how Authority works, but humans know Aldorians are very powerful and have made system deliberate noninformative.


I've just finished a reread and I think the story benefits from the slow down. It was very important to Alden that he lower the intensity level of his life, and the intake chapters were great at that. If you jump ahead to the intenser tryouts and school arc, then it undermines that post-trauma character arc.

John D Jones

@ Zenopath (AEV) Humans (Alden aside) do not know that there's 300 special Skills that are infinitely up-gradable. Humans know that the Artonans' Skill descriptions (in the Earth System) are poorly informative, but they don't actually know why. Humans have vague theories about "power" but they don't truly know about or understand Authority. Except for Alden. Who got a doctoral-level lesson in that from rebellious, extremely well-informed magic professor. Really a human therapist at this point probably isn't going to be able to help Alden all that much except in fairly general terms. What Alden really needs is a Knight-therapist with whom Alden can be fully honest and who will truly understand what Alden is actually going through.

John D Jones

@ 5haun, Al and Michael Blue I went back and reread Ch. 82, which is where Marion first appears. He wasn't with a Hero team and was acting as an Instructor while getting an advanced degree. Figure even if Marion had some passive lie detection ability active while talking to Alden, there probably wasn't anything that Alden would have lied about. Soren was hurt and in shock so he wasn't all that rational. Alden lied to him, got him to entrust himself so Alden could preserve him and then Alden ETed him to the hospital. No, it wasn't all that traumatic for Alden, just mildly annoying because it cut into his sleep and he'd been hoping to do the negative half of his new word-chain that night before bed.


@Jjet, My thought is that we get essentially two breaks back to back, which messes with the momentum of the school arc once it starts up. And I think the Lute chapters do a much better job of setting up where we are now in the story than the intake chapters. Plus, I think the dorms do a great job of showing how low intensity Alden’s life is now. Alden is still decompressing, and the Earth System chapters are beautiful and showing how Alden is coming down but can still be pulled tight at a moments notice.


The intake chapters are great. The real challenge in Sleyca's story is guiding the reader's expectations as the focus changes, so that you're not disappointed by slow bits or confused by action bits. If I were asked to edit it, that's what I'd focus on, adding subtle little guideposts for the focus of each little arc. But I wouldn't want the story not to have the intake chapters, or the Boe arc, or really any of the major bits thus far: they all have joys.


I would take intake over Lute story anytime sorry to disagree. Lute story is good but it too massive it took me almost 10 hours to read with break. I have re-read the story but I skip lute entirely for 2 reason, too big and too recent to want to read again.


@Zenopath I am very much doubting only a B30 can equal A when Alden could already tank an A rank brute girls hits at B8 (even if his skill is more potent than normal). I'm going to assume what @Guus is saying is correct, that it wasn't clear cut and was just a idea of a milestone. Also @Gorane while it might not happen that fast Mother DID say that skills rapidly snowball in power when bound and free authority arm wrestle with each other. Alden's going to grow stronger so fast that I'm wondering if his fake profile will last for even just a few years.

Benjamin Collins

10 hrs holy cow. You must be a slow reader I don't think there's a single chapter that's thats taken me longer then 15 minutes or 20 min to read and the lute chapters are like what 5 or 6 chapters long

Super Super Supportive Supporter

There once was a guy from Chicago Whose purpose was picking up cargo Got stuck on Thegund Which wasn’t much fun But at least he’s a fuck ton of argold

Super Super Supportive Supporter

There once was a Rabbit from Earth Went through something that no one deserved He was bound for the grave But survived! So I gave commendations to showcase his worth

Super Super Supportive Supporter

@Guus not necessarily, it seems that intent matters, which makes sense given that this magic can perform divination Someone who doesn’t know the secret behind his skill isn’t likely to be thinking ‘let me help you carry this foam’ but more like ‘I need to break through this foam to get out’ which would probably allow it to continue being preserved It’s possible that even after the secret gets out it doesn’t work because the enemy’s foundational intent is to break free even though they’re trying to lift the foam

racnor 1

Marsha really missed her calling as a supervillain. Being able to look at a team that suffered casualties and earnestly praise them for purging themselves of weakness is a rare and powerful talent.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

@benjamin The Lute chapters are some of the longest chapters, particularly the last Lute arc chapters. They are huge. Rereading them is gonna be so juicy once we know more about the future of the referenced people and events! But disregarding that, if you take only 15-20 minutes to read an average chapter, I'd say you are unusually fast in terms of reading speed, certainly much faster than me, and I consider myself a fast reader! So now that you are aware of your fast reading superpowers, use them for the power of good, or for reading and rereading many delicious stories :)

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

Oh wow. Putting it in those terms just suddenly reframed her sociopathic vibes as trauma adaptation vibes (which can be the same thing, but maybe not). I don't think she's been stranded on a moon where the only way to save a Kibby was by forming strong teams after many casualties, but, maybe she didn't miss her calling quite yet.


Ginger beer and beet beer work, I'm sure radish drink is the next spicy root vegetable to make it big.


"Gosh I hope they have regular twine lying around here..."

Zenopath (AEV)

@John D Jones Alden doesn't know what those special skills are (other than his own) and if he did, it wouldn't matter much as the system seems to not be offering most of them anyway. Likely the treaty obligations are satisfied so long as exactly one human has each of these special skills and they promptly get removed from list as soon as that happens. The few humans who have picked them are probably human Hyperboles. Also Lute, probably as it makes sense that the good chainer skill would be buried at bottom of list of most desired with A description that makes it sound whimsical. But yeah, the story arc seems likely to result in the Aith family unofficially adopting Aden making him an official knight with all the support that entails. I suppose Alden character growth will be learning how to accept help. But it sort of makes me mad that most readers see a textbook case of PTSD like what Alden demonstrated while talking to Boe and none of them think he should seek therapy. And a human medical professional has to be better than a counselor from an alien society that promotes drug use (most of which arent safe for humans) and ritual suicide as solutions...

Andrew Simpson

Yeah Intake was pretty dull. I would have had a hard time believing Alden could just come back and be fine, and seeing him figure out how to swallow his trauma was good, but also it could have been 60% as long. To be honest, lutes 8 chapters could have been 5 chapters as well. There were a lot of scenes in both arcs where nothing really happened, no new information was gained, no threads advanced meaningfully. A little bit of momentum stall is fine, because Alden's death march across the death moon was fucking intense, but I think it could have been paced differently. I think part of the momentum stall was that a lot of the 'most exciting' parts of the the story since he got back from the moon is catharsis or exposition, very little up tempo action of intruige happening. Which I guess is fine for a slow arc, but we've been in slow arc now for a while. I'm excited for more gym, and for matadoro to go wrong.

Andrew Simpson

I think her shittiness is likely borne of the cut throat, scary ass pressure of anesidorian society and her just being a shitty selfish person who sees other people as objects that help or hinder her own goals. In so far as being raised in a shitty place can be chalked up to trauma, then yeah she seems very traumatized, but so is almost literally everyone else in the class. They aren't all shitbags tho.

Aspiring Moth

I remember him talking about that, but I don't know where he gets the idea telekinesis might be possible from. I can see him bearing a burden completely with authority and preserving at a distance even when an object is on the ground without issues. but the skill has never applied force to the object directly. skills have defined functions and I can't see applying force to the burden being one of them without an upgrade from mother. it was his free authority that was able to pick up the nesicard enchantment from a distance, and even that was interfered with by the bound authority activating

Robert Lethiecq

I see a lot of criticism regarding different parts of the story including the gym chapters, intake, chainer. Everyone has their own personal likes and dislikes. The justification most of the complaints hinge upon is what their role or utility is in the final work. What we don’t know right now is how vital all of these characters will be long term. We do know that knights tend to be surrounded by avowed and wizards. This is likely especially true for a knight like Alden who has a knight skill which exists as a support/utility skill. If we go another 100-200 chapters and find that all these carefully crafted side characters have been left on the wayside then maybe these chapters could have been trimmed down. But, and this seems more likely, if many of these characters become critically important members of Alden’s team as he gets ahold of his destiny and moves on beyond school, then the time now spent on them will be critical foundation setting for what is to come.

Zenopath (AEV)

The intake chapters were all about introducing the 3 rabbit girls. They are pretty central to the story as Lute basically only opens up to Alden because he was so happy to meet cute girls who had no beef with him that he could impress. Also, it seems likely Natilie will end up bieng Alden's romantic interest, as she seems impressed by the fact that he's chill with her supernatural bueaty.

John D Jones

@ Tori Marsha is a 15 year old Anesidoran S-rank. By comparison with Alden, she's a dumb, spoiled little girl. But Alden isn't really a good comparison with her or most of the kids because Alden is extremely mature for his age. Alden lost his parents and was badly injured when he seven or eight years old IIRC. He was raised by an aunt who was loving but... less than responsible, so he had to step up and do things for himself at an early age. At 15 he got Selected by the Earth System and immediately after becoming Avowed he was yeeted off-world to use his brand new Skill to do what was basically hazardous waste disposal. Then he took a side job rescuing people from a Chaos-infested moon. Then he got stranded on that moon and became the guardian/caregiver of a basically eight year old Artonan girl for six months. In bringing her to safety he faced death. Not "faced death" in a "he was in a dangerous situation" but in a "you are definitely going to die" sense of "facing death." Alden has been forced to grow all the way up in a really short time. We say that Alden is asexual, but maybe part of it is that because most of his classmates are silly little children compared to him, it's not that he's asexual so much as that Alden isn't a pedophile.


The intake chapters gave a ton of worldbuilding and lore. I didn't reread and after the moon arc, I was like: "Anedisora is an island with Avowed, there's a sentient post machine and some crazy drivers. Guess that's it." After intake chapters the island feels like a real place, with people, culture and notable places. I think it's crucial and one of the things I enjoy about this story. Intake gave opportunity to meet various characters and go to various places BECAUSE they are on that island. Lute's perspective is pretty elitist and school focuses on high ranks and teachers. We would never see anyone or anything else without those chapters.


I feel it's too soon we've barely any attachment with any of his classmates. only lute a little more world building is necessary to build a story with actual depth then characters we've got no care about it just see in passing.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

@John My default assumption is that Marsha is simply a shitty person with standard Anesidoran rankism. My 2nd most likely theory is that her mindset has been altered by her creepy weapon. But we don't know her backstory, or that she's never faced almost certain death, or that her parents didn't die horribly after a lower rank team member couldn't keep up. I enjoyed op's comment framing Marsha's perspective as something more utilitarian than, say, Hazel or Winston's bullying. Maybe her talents of perspective will allow her to work particularly well with Griveks, or something.

David Burchfield

So first off don't worry there is still time, plenty of super villains start on the other side. Second this story doest really do the super hero super villains trope in the normal way. It's more like it's a dynamic people have forcibly overlaid on lawful vs lawless avowed (all of whom are just people in an odd situation doing the best they can). In fact I would say that the stories focus on Character first really shifts that dynamic a lot. Third she hasn't really been much if any worse than Lexi and he has really grown on me, she is a 15 year old superhuman who thinks her skewed worldview is correct, has been given minimal reason to question it, and is somewhat abrasive and inconsiderate when sharing it. Plenty of time and opportunity for her to grow... or not.


@Cyrus McEnnis If the teachers were going to accept that as reasonable they wouldn’t have let max in the school in the first place


If he had used sway powers to check on Alden it probably would have been important enough for us to see rather than hear about


He should have help with this but seeking that help could put his life in danger, both from humans who want to study him and aliens who don’t want him to exist and as such would be a really bad idea for him. Even if the councillor can be trusted not tell anyone about the fact he has met a child who can do magic humans aren’t meant to be able to do, there is also the chance that he gets overheard by some random piece of super surveillance technology or someone who can hear really well or someone who mind reads the councillor for a different reason and finds out. It isn’t worth the risk

Bob Ross

Reading the comments describing some of these children as future supervillains set me thinking, how many villains (or members of Superhumans at large) are originally Anesidoran? Is it way more likely for that organization to be primarily made up of Globies?

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

@John Koor, by the way, unrelated to the discussion, I definitely read your original comment here in the voice of Doctor McCoy from Star Trek original series. Something about how you started your statement just really strongly invoked that character in my mind. Anyway...

Matt DiMeo

Culturally, I think anesidoran villains at large in the wider world would have to be rare. If an anesidoran snaps and goes Evil, they probably do it close to home.

Matt DiMeo

I think that was downstream of Alden’s comments about everyone on the team needing to meet their own goals, and about Maricel in particular taking one for the team, goals-wise, the first time they. did the course.


@ JohnDJones For sure, it’s well established that a lot of Sways have difficulty becoming heroes (Marion included), and I’m just not sure if the school knows Alden wouldn’t have lied, you know? Which is why they may have wanted a Sway checkup in addition to the therapist checkup. I could be totally wrong, though!!


That’s totally fair, and if the Marion/Alden interaction is never brought up again, that’s what I’ll assume happened, that Marion was just being a good person checking in on one of his students

Heather White

While I find the arguments against yeeting right now convincing, I’m also on team yeet. I’m very much looking forward to a time in the future when that becomes a viable option. Because, damn, it sounds like fun.

Heather White

Surely the teachers will give feedback on the teams’ performance & strategies at some point. After a number of runs through the course, that would be something they should do. If Max’s team keeps ignoring him & blaming him, I expect the teachers to shred them for misusing him as a resource.

Heather White

Sleyca — I appreciate your taking the time to tell Seriously (and other un-constructive commenters) how you experience them venting/being insulting in comments. Honestly, it irks me every time I see someone being dismissive of your time, effort, and passion. Paying to be here is only one part of supporting Sleyca & her writing, and not necessarily the most impactful. Posting comments that push negative energy her way is destructive. It has an impact that folks who enjoy venting or trying to be clever in a negative way don’t seem to understand. Frankly, people who choose to comment need to think about what their goals are. If they want to say something critical, they need to ask themselves why. What are they hoping to accomplish? Will making a critical post achieve something that balances out the impact it could have on Sleyca (and others here)? Seriously - “I wasn’t being serious” or “I was being casual” doesn’t fly, because as redhandedjill said, no one is likely to hear your joking tone in comments. If you’re determined to post a comment that includes complaining or being negative, I suggest that after writing it you stop and read it aloud in a serious, grumpy, and then angry tone. And accept that many if not most people will hear negative comments that way in their heads. Humans are simply wired this way. Further, saying something negative as a joke doesn’t make it less hurtful. Claiming that it should is a cop out, a failure or refusal to take responsibility for the impact of your words (although your apology to Alex was well done). “I didn’t think you’d see it” is another refusal to take responsibility for your words. Sleyca leaves likes on many posts on most of her chapters. She often even leaves responses. There’s no reason at all to think she wouldn’t read yours. Do I sound angry? Actually, at the moment I’m simply irritated (but I doubt the difference comes through in this medium). Honestly, I wouldn’t have written this if you had gracefully accepted Sleyca’s response to your second comment (which I had read before she deleted it & also thought crossed the line). Starting out your response to her with “Whoa, whoa, whoa” shows an incredibly disrespectful refusal to listen to her point of view. Your need to defend yourself from her very reasonable response, to backpedal and refuse to take responsibility for your words and their impact on others is what pushed me over the edge. In general, this community is wonderful. I enjoy my time here with people who share their enjoyment of the story, their theories, questions, creativity, insights, and positive humor. This should also be a place where Sleyca can come and enjoy her readers enjoying her work. These comments should energize her, inspire her, and bolster her mental and emotional resources to go back to writing. I hope the fact that your comments had a strong enough negative impact on her to cause her to take time out of her day to respond to them will spur you to reflect on your words and your goals here.


I'm with you Zenopath, Alden does need therapy. I don't think he needs to explicitly share his secrets, though. He could just say he is dreading his next affixation and not elaborate. I don't think Alden has a strong need to share stuff - this is the person who didn't tell his only family he is avowed and summoned.


To be fair I don't think he'll be doing his affixations yearly since if he takes them in the biggest chunks he can then the amount of bound authority will double each time which also doubles the amount of free authority he'll need to build up before the affixation breaking becomes something to worry about. I don't think it'll double the amount of time between them each time because of the fact that Alden said he felt the rate of growth accelerated the more he had, but I'd say it's reasonable to assume that he'll get like 60-80% more time to his next affixation each time he affixes

Zenopath (AEV)

@Name I mean, technically he could say "As a result of events on Moon Thurgold I nearly broke my affixition. The process of repairing it was extremely agonizing. There are some side effects. On the plus side I will gain levels faster than normal, on the downside, I will need to suffer through that pain every time I affix and be unable to use my skill for a few weeks after I affix. I can ask the system to give me multiple levels at once in a big chunk to reduce the number of times I need to affix. But I am still having anxiety from the last time, and the idea of doing it again terrifies me."


She may be exactly the sort of person this CNH is intended to produce. A future enforcer for world governments that find their power and privilege being eroded by the existence of space wizards and super-humans.

Pedro Henrique

It is extremely unlikely for someone born and raised on Anesidora to become a supervillain. It would take a truly unhinged mental disorder on top of a deathwish for that to happen. For one if they tried that shit on Anesidora itself they would get slapped down so hard on so fast by the veteran S-ranks and Hyperboles that it wouldnt be even funny. They would have to be summoned for something and then ask their summoner to send them back to a diferent place than the one they came from(Anesidora), and that could take years after they were Contracted or just never happen for some reason, as some people apparently are never summoned even once in their lives.


Yeah I agree. Anesidorans that go supervillain off the island would have to be summoned first or find some other way off the island. And any power use on the island is so prepared and watched for as well as tons of avowed around to shut it down and emergency teleports for injuries. Plus it seems the quality of life in Anesidora is very high which would lower violent crime. And finally considering they basically have no drugs on the island (not saying a hardliner stance with extreme punishment against drug use would reduce crime in reality but if you can realistically and actually restrict drugs for everyone like Anesidora seems to do for the most part then it would probably work) you would have less potential for incidents of violence.

Alexander Dupree

Just trying to use the site… the comments EXPAND FROM THE MIDDLE OF THE PAGE???????? WHY!?

Alan Miller

Contrary to Josiah and Pedro I don't think it would be that hard for an adult Avowed to leave the island, but I think Anesidoran villains would be squished immediately and with prejudice by the full force of everyone Anesidora could involve. A villain from Anesidora could be considered an act of war by whatever country they became active in, and the repercussions of that could be huge.

Zenopath (AEV)

@TheDivinePotato I mean, I guess his power can't double yearly, or by the time he's 100years old he'd be able to preserve the Earth itself. Probably does slow down at some point...


Good afternoon everybody. Chapter will be out late tonight!

John Anastacio

Thanks for letting us know Sleyca. Saves us from having to repeatedly refresh and/or check our emails until then.

Ricky Kukowski

I have it set to give notifications on my phone and still end up checking in the comments lol


Assuming you mean late PST time zone. 8 hours 20 mins to midnight in PST time zone

Heather White

I feel like most other stories would’ve gone straight from Alden becoming a rabbit straight to Anesidora. Instead we took a complete detour through his first, insane assignment. At first I was thrown, because I was like, “wait, where’s my superhero island & superhero school?!” But then I settled in & realized that Alden would be arriving at Earth’s superhero school with a completely new & unexpected perspective. So for me intake was gold. Mentally contrasting what it would’ve been without his first summons (like most of the other students) vs what it actually was for him. The Earth view was so limited compared to what it would have been, and I found that incredibly compelling. Plus, I’d been obsessed with the “Where’s Boe?” question, like an 80’s soap opera fan’s obsession with “Who shot JR?”. So, for me nothing stalled in intake.


@John D Jones Max used manipulative tactics against opponents competing for the same thing. It wasn't nice but it's a far cry from the persistent bullying of their own classmate/teammate that Winston and co are involved in.

Pedro Henrique

Teleport is restricted by the Artonans as it is a System resource, and the few teleports that arent accounted for are essentialy sold by the Council. So while not impossible for an adult Avowed to leave the island using their powers or a stolen boat , it would take not only a good deal of effort but also a lot of forethought, enough so that i imagine even an adult having a psychotic break and deciding to go on a rampage would pause and balk at.

Kim Enteiu

We don’t really get to see what he talked about with the counselor already, but it’s an experience that has many layers of trauma. He mentioned in intake that he didn’t know if he had the right answers, but it did feel like an answer. Right now he’s taking time to distance himself from the trauma and work through it by preparing himself as best he can to be the person who isn’t afraid to go running towards the whistle when it counts. Therapy is a great tool, and Alden should and probably will get more therapy at some point, but therapy only works when someone is ready for it to work & at this point we know that Alden wants to learn contracts so that he can start talking about what happened more completely with people he trusts. I think talking with a Knight, Knight-Candidate, or a Healer of the Mind associated with a Knight Rapport would be ideal when discussing affixing. At least they would be able to really understand why he’s crying when he talks about how much he hates that he has foundation points stuck in Sympathy for Magic.

John D Jones

I doubt that I'll have the self-control to carry through with it, but my plan is to go to bed tonight, sleep in tomorrow, go to work (at 1 PM until 10 PM) then sleep in Tuesday when it's my day off and enjoy my Soup-Crack then, with Wednesday only a day away.

Alan Miller

A boat would certainly be possible, though with some risk. Lexi has one, and if you have something large enough to go some miles offshore in that area it's large enough to go further with appropriate planning. Easier still would be getting permission to leave for family or tourism reasons then not coming back.


More NZ time than aest possibly only 9 hours away anyway

Heather White

Astrid’s happiness is infectious. In isolation, that quote made my brain respond, “I am the walrus. Goo goo g’joo.” (or however they spelled that last bit). Brains are capricious.


Thanks for the heads up! Guess I'll go for a walk then go to bed.

Kim Enteiu

It’s already been mentioned that summoning redirects are possibly, if not likely, used to help people move around if they don’t want to be in Anesidora.

Andrew Simpson

Veeeeery late tonight. So late, it might be early. Get some sleep too Sleyca. Not much difference between 3am and 10am.

Andrew Simpson

Weirdly, there is almost no information on supervillains in this world. Even when we've gotten very brief snippets of superhero work, it's usually them busting mundane crimes. Body drainer, that guy the Chicago aqua hero stopped, and not a ton of other examples. I'm wondering if they are just wildly out numbered. After all, super supportive is unique in that the whole good vs evil thing of earth is kind of small potatoes compared to the galactic scale of things. And bring a relatively not-shitbag avowed gets you a ton of money. Why rob banks when you can become a multi millionaire in a very short time by cozying up to the wizards. It feels very much like Alden's big bad enemy is going to be Chaos, not Dr. Doom.

Andrew Simpson

@zenopath Bad news about Alden's romantic prospects bud. I wouldn't hold my breath for that element of the story to show up. I also don't thing that the three rabbit girls are all that important. If they were core story characters, Sleyca wouldn't have accidently given them a fourth roommate that got slowly phased out of existence. Also, I think it's important in general to differentiate pacing criticism from content criticism. I think most of the content in every arc is wonderfully planned and should be somewhere in the story. I just think it would show up in a different order if Sleyca got to write the whole story and then go back and tweak, reorder, and edit it like normal. But this is the nature of serial releases, and sleyca is writing a great one, so 🤷‍♂️

Andrew Simpson

Fantasy spellcasting going back to d&d first edition has included hand gestures and series of hand gestures as a core component. I don't know if you can really attribute that to Naruto. If anything, the fact that you have to vocalize while doing it, and some spells require material components makes it much more like D&D's VSM system, where spells can require Verbal, Somatic (bodily movement, usually hands), and Material components.

Andrew Simpson

I wouldn't trust a trauma counselor to keep their mouth shut tbh. They're just people, and maybe you get a real Addicus Finch of a counselor who is so ethical they take your secrets, however grave, to the grave. But more likely, the trauma counselor is a person who means well, and wants to help, but will fold under the coercions and bribery of a society that can send assassins to trap you in a brain melting nightmare, or give you immortality. I agree Alden needs a buddy for all this. I wish it was Hannah, and I hope it will be be Boe, but it's not gonna be his unnamed trauma counselor we only found out he was still talking to last chapter.


This is a world in which every supervillain has to know that there are countless Avowed stronger than them, meaning they will definitely be stopped sometime relatively soon after the authorities catch wind of them. So tbh it's hard for me to imagine why apparently a lot of people still choose to become supervillains.

Andrew Simpson

There's a fun element to a world like this where you realize there don't really need to be supervillains. Wizard politics, natural disasters, and normal shitty humans doing normal shitty things will generate enough stuff to keep the vanishingly small % of the population that is avowed busy.


Haoyu is drawn to Lexi's work ethic and feels challenge/inspiration in trying to match it. Eg, Haoyu talking about Lexi's superior diet in chapter 102. It's probably why he insisted on rooming with Lexi when he had, according to his mother, a ton of other options. Haoyu's used to having his parents around to admire as hard-working professional heroes; arguably that drew him to Lexi, his classmate who from the start brought hard-working professionalism to becoming a hero.


Well, there’s always Hawaii time zone to save her pledge,

Kim Enteiu

The battle theater villains probably know what cities and heroes they can test themselves safely against. The others learn how to avoid the radar. I’d imagine the real supervillain avowed usually get left alone either by threatening to release bio weapons or by simply altering the memories of non-avowed so that they don’t need to worry about heroes being called in. We know a Wizard who could help with either of those things, though his summoning privileges have been revoked.


Anesidoria is a fairly regimented society with a built in cast system. It is also run on a quasi socialist system. And considering all the surveillance, it is almost a police state. Could easily see a super villain beginning here. On the flip side. Access to Magical mental health. Anybody torturing small animals would probably run into the fact that there aren’t a lot of small animals and that same police state would find them pretty quick.

Mehr Nissa

I didn't think about this before, but I wonder if there are any U-typed with a teleportation skill. That would be super useful if you ever needed to escape/retreat, and generally for logistics purposes

Kim Enteiu

Catspace is a u-type delayed teleport boomerang, so I think it’s not just possible, but likely. If Boe could surveil whatever entity he has latched onto, even if it was just their emotional state, it would be an impressive bodyguard skill. Spike of fear? Boom, naked bodyguard to drive off whatever the problem was. Hopefully without being assaulted by your friend’s sister and her tennis racquet.

Andrew Simpson

Almost certainly. But also, the artonians have so much teleportation, and the system is capable of basically impromptu point to point teleportation, that it's probably more of a technology thing than a magic thing.

Guus van der Borg

'Classic' supervillains are still a thing though. Body Drainer was pretty much the epitome of an Eeeeehvul supervillain.


I remember someone getting a bridge or bridgewright ability, something along those lines, early in the series. Considering how you can interpret abilities differently, I suspect that ability might be able to bridge gaps/space

Guus van der Borg

@Andrew And to add to that, the adjusters seem to be working on a Vancian magic system. With x amount of casts per spell available to them. Definitely more DnD influences than Naruto influences.


the usage of strange balloon for people on rope like this reminds me an unfortunate amount of strange fruit in reference to lynched people hanging from trees


“Worskhop is protecting the tablet and Everly!” Maricel called. Worskhop➡️Workshop "Lexi an d Alden stared at each other." ⬆️has a extra linefeed/return

Mehr Nissa

I'm at work right now so I get to treat myself to some post work soup


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