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1. The death of my backlog has finally caught up with me in all of its terrible glory. Having none means life's mishaps throw a big wrench into the schedule. On top of that, I expect the next chapter to be a harder one to write...I find the scenes in the gym very fun to imagine but figuring out (hopefully) clever power uses and interactions for all the characters takes a lot of time, especially since most of the powers other than Alden's haven't been described before.

I will be taking a day off from posting here on Sunday in hopes of not only meeting the deadline with the kind of chapter I like to release, but also getting at least half a chapter of backlog built up so that I can get my feet under me again. I'm very sorry for breaking my posting streak here, but I do think this chapter is an interesting one to do it on.

Patreon remains a bit farther ahead of Royal Road than promised, but I like to keep it that way if I can, so they will have a skipped day later. Probably after Manon meets the hourglass, since several of you suggested it was an opportune moment for a breather.

2. I think a teams guide is helpful here. I'm putting it at the beginning of the chapter instead of the end, because I don't want people who are scrolling to refer to it to risk spoilers. Feel free to skip over or use it as needed! Someone mentioned that they would appreciate this a couple of chapters ago,  and since the team competition is making for a LOT of people on the page, I think it's a great idea. Also mentioned here, you will find the final class S-ranks!

Two teams have eleven members, two teams have ten.

Team Cottontail (only the official name in Lute's head)
0 wins, 2 losses - 10 members

S - Maricel - Shaper of Ground
S - Lucille - Strength Brute  (doesn't want to kill people)
S - Jeffy - Aqua Brute
A- Reinhard - Meister of Bow
A - Lexi - Meister of the Mind Writher
A - Haoyu - Dura Brute
A - Astrid - Morph Brute
A - Njeri - Shaper of Water
A - Everly - Adjuster (ice spells)
B - Alden - The One and Only Rabbit

Team Finlay/Jupiter/Tuyet (sorry Kon)
2 wins, 0 losses - 10 members

S - Finlay - Speed Brute
S - Jupiter - Shaper of Life
S - Tuyet - Meister of Darts
S- Konstantin - Adjuster
+ 6 A's

Team Vandy/Marsha
0 wins, 2 losses - 11 members

S- Vandy - Shaper of Sky
S - Marsha - Meister of (see this chapter for description)
A - Mehdi - Agility Brute
A - Winston - Speed Brute
A - unnamed - Shaper of Object
B- Max - Adjuster (zones)
+ 5 A's

Team Febri/Shrike
2 wins, 0 losses - 11 members

S - Febri - Agility Brute
S - Ignacio (Shrike) - Meister of Knives
A - Olive - Adjuster (powers to be mentioned in future chapter)
A - Rebecca - Jumper Brute (made subclass name up herself, Alden has never heard of it)
A - Sanjay - class still unstated, rooted for Alden in the drinking game at the party
A - Søren - Shaper of Light
+5 A's

This adds up to the whole class! Unless I've left somebody off.

I hope you enjoy the chapter! 


Chapter 124

“I don’t understand.” Jeffy was standing at the back of the study room, watching Reinhard pronounce a string of Artonan words for the tenth time. The wordchain was supposed to increase energy, and the archer said he wanted it for tomorrow. Lute listened to him from his perch on the edge of the conference table.

“You don’t go to class sometimes?” Jeffy asked Lute. “And the teachers don’t mind?”

“They’ll mind if you don’t go to class,” Lexi told him. “Get over here and discuss the water obstacle with Njeri. It’s important.”

“Being an Aqua Brute is so cool,” said Astrid. She’d been trying to hype Jeffy up about swimming ever since arriving from her special Morph training to join their team planning session.

She had given herself an aquiline nose and added long asymmetrical bangs to her hair. Her tongue was pierced again, and she assured them she was now confident in her ability to make her legs four and a half centimeters longer “without any loss of their leg functionalities!” for her running and hurdling convenience.

She did seem taller when she walked in, Alden thought, scraping the last of the tabbouleh out of a takeout container from Cafeteria North. He was sitting between Astrid and Lucille, watching footage of Team Vandy/Marsha.

Over the course of the evening, everyone had fallen into the habit of calling the other teams by the names of their most intimidating members. Naturally, that meant the S-ranks. Alden had been annoyed by it to start with, and now it sounded almost natural.

The rank fixation is pernicious.

He thought it was also keeping some of his teammates from giving the other players due respect.

“Does anyone know if Reinhard can actually shoot Mehdi? I know we said it would be an option, but just because he’s an A-rank it doesn’t mean—”

“Of course I can!”

<<Return to your lesson, unruly student,>> Lute commanded in Artonan, pelting Reinhard in the forehead with one of the paper clips he’d been bending into interesting shapes for the past hour. He’d taken a fistful from the supply room on the way into the library, and thanks to his fast hands, he’d gone through dozens of them already.

Reinhard rubbed his head, glared, then went back to practicing.

“Rein can probably hit him,” said Astrid. “Mehdi’s got his threat detection skill, but its radius is a little less than three meters right now.”

“That’s relevant if Reinhard’s shooting him from behind,” Alden said, “but we’re not going to get off many surprise attacks. The bell rings when one of us crosses the finish line. They all know something’s coming. Mehdi might be looking right at him when he draws the bow.”

Alden still didn’t have a good sense of how fast everyone and everything moved in the gym. Yesterday, when Reinhard had fired on Febri—the S-rank Agi Brute from the team they were now calling Febri/Shrike—he’d missed.

Febri had the same Instant Corners skill as Instructor Klein, and even though it was at the first level, he’d managed to use it to change the position of his body in a blink so that Reinhard’s shot had swept past his back instead of hitting him dead center in the chest.

Apparently, Alden wasn’t the only one remembering that moment, because Haoyu piped up from the corner where he, Everly, and Maricel were watching video of an Adjuster who had the same super-slick ice trap spell that Everly could use. “If we face Team Febri/Shrike again,” he said, “I think their Adjuster, Olive, would be a better choice of target than either of the S-ranks.”

Lexi pointed at Reinhard. “He means you were an idiot for targeting the one member of that team you definitely couldn’t hit last time.”

On the screen, Alden watched Winston Heelfeather emerge from the tube and hit the speed zone Max had laid down between it and the fire obstacle. There was another one inside the box with the flaming walls itself and yet another with the weights, alongside the zone that Alden thought of as the invisible swimming pool.

“They used him so fucking badly.” Irritation crept into his voice as Max arrived back at the fire himself only to have to cast the speed spell again.

“Who?” Njeri asked. “Winston?”

“No. Max.”

“He didn’t sleep in his room last night,” Jeffy said. “I called to ask where he was, and he was on the train to his mom’s place. He stayed there.”

Several people looked interested at the news.

Njeri walked over to stare at the screen. “I don’t really see how they misused him, Alden. The speed increases are helping them all get through that section of the course with a lot less movement restriction penalties from the burns, and the…float zone?…is making it so that some of them can move the weights when they wouldn’t usually be able to.”

“Those are fine areas to put his zones down. Practically the whole course is a good place for one of them,” Alden said. “But almost every member of their team who comes to one is using it, regardless of what the state of the rest of the group is. Max’s zones are cool, but they have capacity limitations. Someone with high stats blasting through them or someone standing inside of one using spells makes the effect end faster.”

The fire obstacle was a big slowdown if your team didn’t have a hard counter to it. And the Vandy/Marsha team didn’t have many.

“You think Winston should’ve dodged the zone and left it for someone behind him?” Njeri asked.

“Lucille can get through the fire with no help and a ten percent movement restriction. Winston should be able to do at least that well.”

In Alden’s opinion, there was no good reason for a Speed Brute to have his pace tripled when there were a bunch of slower people on his team and he couldn’t move through upcoming obstacles without them.

“He just doesn’t want to be slowed down for the rest of the course,” Astrid said.

“He’s trying to get exciting shots for his fans, too.” One of Everly’s silver buns was gradually coming loose as the night wore on, the pencil holding it in place sagging toward her ear. “When he posted his gym clips this morning, that moment when he ran through the flames was his opener. He mentioned that he’d benefited from a spell effect in the text description, but nobody reads those.”

“Is he allowed to post the official school gym footage?” Alden asked. “I thought there was a rule against putting it online?”

“You can if you’re the only person visible.” She lifted her eyebrows. “I’ve been meaning to ask you…when are you going to update your account? I tried to connect with everybody in the class, but you haven’t posted anything since October of last year.”

“He’s got thirty thousand comments on that post,” Njeri said. “He’s never going to be able to read them all.”

Lute spun around on the table. “I read a lot of them. They mostly say, ‘He died.’ Or ‘He’s not dead!’ Or, more recently, ‘He came back for the radishes.’”

Good to have a summary I guess.

Everly side-eyed Lute. She’d been doing that a lot, but she hadn’t said anything negative.

“Why are you all studying a picture I took of a bunch of pigeons over a year ago?”

They exchanged looks.

“I wasn’t going to say anything,” said Reinhard, dropping his hands from their casting position. “Because I don’t know you. But if I were you I’d post something soon. Take advantage of all the interest you’ve gotten recently. Leverage it. You should try to do something cool during the run tomorrow and put it up. And talk about the video with that girl who was…uh…”

He frowned at Lute.

“How dare you think unkind thoughts about my cousin,” said Lute, curving a paper clip into a spiral.

“You could do a ‘How I Became an Avowed’ post!” Everly said. “Those are always soooo much better for globies than for us. It’s exciting because it’s a surprise for all of you! Maricel’s started posting, but she hasn’t done one of those either.”

She nudged Maricel with her shoulder.

“Vandy has suggested it a few times,” Maricel said in a neutral voice.

When Alden didn’t answer right away, Haoyu cleared his throat. “Guys, he might not want to curate a media presence as a first year.”

“I don’t.”

“My profiles are all private,” Haoyu added. “Some of you are really rushing superhero persona creation.”

“I don’t do social media,” said Lexi.

“Never would’ve guessed,” Reinhard muttered.

“Can we get task-focused?” Alden asked, gesturing toward the video. “I’ve never wanted to be an internet-famous person. I only posted the pigeons because they were walking along the sidewalk in a perfectly straight line. Now, about Winston—”

“No wonder he’s got a problem with you,” Reinhard said. “He wants to be an internet-famous person so bad. And you’re getting there without trying.”

Fine. Let’s not be task-focused.

It was eleven o’clock at night, and they’d all been at this off and on throughout the day. Expecting everyone to stay on topic one hundred percent of the time was probably too much.

“We were discussing famousness in the locker room before the gokoratch video!” Astrid announced. “Winston got really mad at the party when people started giving Finlay advice about this kind of thing.”

Alden sighed. “Is he seriously mad that Finlay is more popular than him online? That’s it? That’s his whole issue?”

“I think so,” said Astrid.

Getting more popular,” Njeri corrected. “Winston’s actually still slightly ahead on the follower count. But that’s just because he started months ago. Finlay’s going to pass him and then keep passing him…”

“I do feel a tad sorry for him,” said Everly. “I think his family put a lot of money into advertising him before he even left home. There was some kind of a tour of the US? He was doing interviews and making so many videos. He’s more friendly on camera than in person, and it must have been a lot of work. It’s probably part of what made him appealing to the admissions committee.”

Wow. It really is some kind of celebrity-wannabe drama.

Apparently Winston was going for that sports drink branding deal he’d mentioned the first time Alden and Maricel had met him.

“Can we talk about Marsha?” he suggested hopefully before they could get farther away from business. He paused the video on a curvy girl with blue eyes and shoulder-length dark hair that was pulled back into a ponytail. She’d spoken to him exactly once, during the class meet-and-greet on acceptance day. She’d been fairly condescending about B-ranks, and they’d basically never had reason to speak to each other since then.

On the screen, Marsha was carrying a polearm with a haft that looked like it was made of engraved bone. She could change the shape of the blade. It currently resembled a glaive, and she was bringing it down in a sweeping motion toward Finlay, who’d shoved Jupiter out of the way of the strike.

He would’ve managed to dodge it if Marsha was wielding a normal weapon, but the polearm could deliver a near-instant magical follow-up slice equal to the force of the original swing. Two deadly strokes for the price of one. Marsha could choose to some degree what direction that invisible slash of force traveled in, so if she missed someone with a swipe of the physical blade, the magical strike coming in from a surprise angle might get them.

Which was exactly what happened to Finlay.

“Marsha’s got a unique personality,” Everly said in a diplomatic tone.

“Marsha’s got a lot of pent-up feelings,” said Njeri. “Or something.”

“Marsha just sliced that fast guy in half, and she looked happy about it. Avoid her.”

They all turned to Lute.

“What? I’m not allowed to comment? I’m the team trainer.”

Alden grinned at him. “She probably looked happy because that was the only time anybody in our class has ever beaten Finlay. What I was going to say was that it seems like Marsha might be able to run the whole course by herself. Is that right? The way she uses the magic strikes to toss some of the weights is really cumbersome and slow, but other than that…”

The girls exchanged looks.

“I think it depends on if it’s her first run or her second,” Maricel said.

Lucille was nodding.

“She doesn’t like to hold back,” Maricel explained. “Our advisors for The Superlatives club even mentioned it. She’ll use her talents for everything even if she doesn’t need to. So by the end of class, if she’s the last one left on her team, she might not have enough magic to run the whole course.”

“Marsha has run herself dry attacking Instructor Klein twice already. Vandy tried to give her advice about it the second time…” Njeri shook her head. “That didn’t go well.”

Alden looked back at the video of the S-rank. After dispatching Finlay and returning to her team’s half of the course, she chanted a spell over the weapon and flung it at the magic wall like a spear. It embedded itself deeply near the top.

Rather than taking a weapon recall talent like many Meisters did, Marsha had done the opposite and taken an ability that pulled her body toward the polearm. Alden couldn’t imagine what it looked like if she used it to move along the ground, but ground-to-air looked uncomfortable. Like she was being yanked forcefully upward by unseen puppet strings.

It works great though.

Her hands clamped onto the haft, and she swung herself up onto the top of the wall, pulling her weapon free as she went.

“I want to do that,” Jeffy said longingly.

Astrid spun her chair around to face him. “Sure! But just imagine how much more awesome it would be to do something like that underwater.”


They worked until midnight and might’ve kept going if not for Lexi threatening to read them research on how lack of sleep made you too klutzy to run obstacle courses.

“Does that specific research really exist?” Haoyu yawned as they passed below a lamppost on their way back across campus toward Garden Hall. They were lagging a couple of minutes behind the rest of the group, since Lute had wanted to explore the library’s free office supply offerings some more. “Some scientist made a bunch of people go without sleep, and then ran them through an obstacle course?”

“It was a maze. And it was mice. But it still applies.”

“Poor mice.”

“Are you guys going to win?” Lute asked. “I’ll be depressed if you lose now that I’ve contributed.”

“Three wordchains,” said Lexi.

“Hours of tutoring,” Lute countered. “Reinhard won’t be a fatigued maze mouse even if he stays up all night. Njeri will be very slightly stronger. And Astrid will feel more peaceful when everything’s going wrong. Assuming they all remember what I told them. I have my doubts.”

“Thank you for doing it,” said Alden.

Lexi sighed. “It was nice.”

“It was great of you!” Haoyu agreed.

Lute leaped ahead of them on the sidewalk and gave them a dramatic bow. “I am great. But seriously…are you going to win? The other teams look scarier than you guys.”

“They all have an S-rank weapon Meister except for us. Tuyet, Marsha, and Shrike are pure offense,” said Lexi.

“Are we seriously supposed to call Knife Guy ‘Shrike?’” Alden asked. “Even if he’s picked a favorite hero name, are we sure he doesn’t want us to use his real name in casual conversation?”

“You’re calling him Knife Guy,” Lexi pointed out. “And I can’t believe you didn’t know the name of one of the class S-ranks.”

“I’ve barely interacted with him. Maricel didn’t remember either!”

The Knife Meister wasn’t much of a talker, as it turned out, because of a language gap. He was just learning English, and he often kept translations turned off for the immersion experience.

“Ignacio wants to use both names, so either should be fine,” said Haoyu. “I think we could win. Our team is interesting, too. Lots of versatility. Strategy is up in the air still since we decided to let everyone have at least one of their personal goals. But even with that, we’ll work together so much better this time around.”

As they approached the dorm, Lexi said, “You never mentioned if there was anything you wanted to try.”

“Me?” Alden asked.

Lexi nodded.

“That’s true!” said Haoyu. “You were the one who said we should be open about it if we wanted to test something out or show something off while we have access to the course. Didn’t you want to try anything?”

Alden looked up toward his own bedroom window as they passed below it. The neighboring girls’ dorm had gotten an upgrade yesterday in the form of twinkle lights in their ivy. He assumed the boys’ building would soon follow.

“I just want to hang out in the background and find ways to use my power to support everyone else,” he said finally.

“Is that all?” Haoyu leaned around Lexi to see him better. “You’re sure?”

“I’m going to use my new wordchain, too. And I’ve got a few ideas that could be fun if the appropriate situations arise. It’s enough. I’ll be getting plenty of practice whatever I do…as long as nobody knocks me out.”

They entered the sliding doors, paused for a moment in the common area so Lexi could throw a bunch of trash someone had left on one of the tables into the recycling bins, then headed up the stairs.

“I call the tub,” Lute announced as their feet pounded up the steps. “It’s my right as team trainer.”

Haoyu nodded. “Sounds fair.”

“I call—” said Lexi.

“First shower is mine!” Haoyu said in a rush. “Ha! I win. You can—”

A scream interrupted him.

Alden jumped. His hand clenched against the soft fabric of his bag. All four of them looked at the ceiling.

“It wasn’t that loud,” said Lexi. “It must have come from inside a room.”

“Should we—?” Haoyu gestured upwards.

“Someone’s on fire.” Lute tilted his head.

“What?” Lexi demanded.

“What do you me—?”

“Someone’s really…FUCK!” Lute shouted, bolting up the last few steps and then racing for the third floor. “ET!! ET yourself!!”

They were all three right behind him. Alden’s laptop-laden bag smashed into his hip as they rounded the corner. He took the stairs up to the next floor two at a time behind Haoyu.

No time for thoughts other than the most obvious.

Fire? Who is it? My skill…

Voices were shouting. Lute was banging on the door of Suite 313, cursing a lot, and yelling for whoever the injured person was to emergency teleport to the hospital.

The door flew open, and Sanjay from their class pelted out.

“Sanjay!” Lexi said. “Who’s hurt?”

Sanjay leaped through the air, heading down the stairs Alden and the others had just come up without actually using them. He hit the landing in a roll that smashed him into a wall, then he was up and leaping down the next flight, nothing but a broken flip-flop left behind.

“Holy shit,” said Alden.

They pushed into the apartment. Every surface was covered in food, bags, and tech; and people were shouting in the hall. They ran in to find themselves at the back of a group of their classmates who were crowding the doorway of one of the bedrooms.

“Oh my god, oh my god,” Rebecca was saying. “He needs the hospital.”

“It’s out! The fire’s out! Stay calm!” someone shrieked wildly. “Everyone stay calm!”

<<Is he okay!?>>

“Shut up! I can’t hear!”

“Søren? Søren, why didn’t you ET?”

The air smelled like smoke. Without pausing to figure out exactly what had gone down, Alden tried to squeeze his way between Rebecca and another one of the class’s Brutes to get through the door into the bedroom.

Someone was apologizing almost hysterically.

“Rebecca,” said Alden, “Rebecca, if someone’s hurt, move.”

“Hey!” a voice rang out sharply. “Fucking move, all of you!”

It was Lexi.

“Alden’s skill is good for injured people!” Haoyu shouted right after him. “Let him through!”

Rebecca leaped out of the way and across the room so fast she almost went through the window. Alden hurried inside, taking it all in as fast as he could. A slightly charred desk, a broken lamp, water everywhere, and a metal bucket on its side by the loft bed’s ladder. Søren was lying on the floor, breathing hard. His lips trembled and he clumsily waved away an anxious Reinhard—who must have arrived back here at his apartment just in time to witness the accident—with one arm. Febri and Ignacio, the S-ranks from Søren’s team, squatted beside him.

Both of them looked freaked out.

Febri had struck Alden as an exuberant guy when he’d first seen him at Konstantin’s party, racing around dressed in caution tape, and though they hadn’t said much to each other at all since then he didn’t think the impression was wrong. Now, though, the Agility Brute was chewing nervously on a fingernail. And Ignacio’s hands were hovering over Søren’s right side, like they were anxious to do something but unable to find the correct action.

Søren’s shirt sleeve had obviously caught on fire. The exposed skin on his arm and shoulder looked awful.

“Some…some of the fabric is…I think it’s stuck to your skin,” Febri said. “And it’s all blistered. You have to go to a healer.”

<<You do. Why won’t you go?>> Ignacio asked.

“I’m f-fine,” Søren said. “I’m sorry. I’m fine. I can still run tomorrow. I can run.”

<<You need a heal—>>

“This is your fault!” Rebecca interrupted, pointing at the two S-ranks. “You told him there was no reason for him to be in the team meeting!”

<<We didn’t mean it that way.>> Ignacio said. <<I only said it would be better for him to spend the time practicing since…I didn’t know he was going to practice so hard that this happened!>>

How do you attack? thought Alden. Instructor Klein’s bark from their first day of class came back to him so clearly the man might have been in the room. And Søren’s embarrassed reply…

He can make places hot. Focus light to make heat. Just not with much control yet…clearly.

He crouched beside Reinhard and targeted the injured boy. “That looks super painful. You want me to pick you up? I’m even more instant than Artonan drugs.”

The Light Shaper shook his head. He wiped at his watering eyes with his unburned arm. “I’m fine. I just want a moment. Leave me alone,” he babbled. “I’m sorry. I—”

“You’re not fine!” Reinhard said. “Your arm looks like it’s been grilled. You’re running on adrenaline or something. Are you crazy? ET. Now.

A commotion by the door announced the arrival of yet more classmates. The apartment had been crowded already with what was obviously a Team Febri/Shrike meeting. Now, a few members of Team Vandy/Marsha were out in the hall, and a pajama-clad Kon was stepping into the room, his curious expression fading and his eyes widening.

“We heard shouting…what happened!? Why didn’t you send him to the—?”

<<He won’t go! We tried to send him ourselves, but he rejected the teleportation offer!>>

“Sanjay went to get a Healer,” someone whispered. “His sister’s girlfriend is one. She’s in the uni dorms.”

“Did he forget he has the System now? Why didn’t he just call her?”

Lexi’s voice rose again from out in the hallway. “Injured people need the healing hospital, not a random student Sanjay knows.”

“I think he wants some space,” Alden said evenly. Søren was covering his eyes with his arm again. “He’s not dying. There’s no reason for everyone to stand around staring and discussing things.”

Everyone ignored him.

Does he have friends here? Alden looked around. He didn’t know who the Light Shaper hung out with. Or if he spent much time with anybody at all. He had only been vaguely aware that Søren and Reinhard were roommates.

Everybody was chattering back and forth, some of them sharing would-be-helpful ideas, others just spreading gossip and blame around. Reading between the lines, it sounded like Søren’s teammates hadn’t done much to hide the fact that they were unenthused about his presence on the team. A Shaper who couldn’t shape yet, who was afraid of heights, who had to be carried over and through most of the course…

“I don’t want a Healer,” Søren was saying in that same shaky voice, arm still covering his face. “Nobody can know. They’ll keep me from class tomorrow. I can’t let everybody down again.”

He’s not making sense, thought Alden.

There was no way to keep this secret, and there was no good reason to. He wouldn’t even want to once the initial rush of emotion faded. The room smelled acrid. It wasn’t like Søren could even wear a gym suit at the moment. He needed a doctor, or someone with an appropriate and gentle spell, to peel his shirt off him without hurting him.

Alden was opening his mouth to try some logic on the guy, when a girl’s voice spoke up.

“Your team will run better without you on it. So just go to the hospital and get some meds. Take a break. Nobody here needs you, and all this drama is probably bad for you.”

Alden looked around to see people moving out of Marsha’s way. Winston was right behind her, standing on his tiptoes to see into the room better. Vandy wasn’t with them.

Guess it’s too late for her to be with her team even if some of them did finally gather. Maricel had mentioned Vandy had a strict personal schedule. She believed in all-nighters even less than Lexi did.

<<We ran well enough with him to beat your team!>> Ignacio said.

Marsha shrugged.

Søren’s lower lip was trembling worse. Alden looked around helplessly for a safe exit for the guy…before someone said something even more awful. He found the next best thing in the form of Konstantin, who was standing a few feet away, examining the broken lamp.

[Kon, can’t you get rid of them all?] he texted. [They’re not helping anything.]

Kon blinked, then lifted his head in surprise. “Ah!” he said after only a second’s thought. He set the lamp aside then spun around with a beaming smile on his face. “Okay, okay. This isn’t that serious, you lot. You’re all acting like something crazy just happened.”

“That’s because it did,” said Rebecca.

“We’re Avowed now!” Kon said brightly. “Sometimes power practice goes wrong. Søren doesn’t need help from twenty people. And I need to concentrate on fixing his lamp.”

“His lamp?” a boy asked.

“Maybe I’ll try his desk, too.” Kon was making gestures with his arms as if to sweep them all away. “Good practice. But you’re all making too much noise, and my spell won’t work if you distract me for too long, so…”

He managed to chivvy most of the onlookers away from the door and down the hall, then he shut it behind them and locked it for good measure. They didn’t stop talking and arguing, but at least it was muffled.

Inside the room, the loudest sound was Søren’s heavy breathing.

Rebecca, who had remained standing over by the window, suddenly said, “Søren, if you teleport to the hospital, I’ll go meet you there. I don’t think I can sleep tonight anyway.”

“That’s a good idea!” Febri sounded relieved. “You won’t be alone for long. You go ahead. Some of us will head over right away.”

“No,” Søren said. “No, I’ll…I’ll wait. If Sanjay’s friend can help…then tomorrow…”

As if he had something to prove, he lowered his good arm from his face and used it to push himself slowly up into a seated position, his face contorting as he did so.

He took several more deep breaths. “I’ll be all right. I’m a part of the team. I’m a part of this program, too. I deserve to be here, too. I won’t be slow on the wall again. I’ll climb as fast as everyone else. As long as nobody tells the instructors, I can run, and—”

Alden made a decision. “Sounds like a plan.”

Febri and Ignacio stared at him. Rebecca made a sound of protest. Kon raised an eyebrow

“Maybe with a little help from the Healer Sanjay knows, and if you skip your early classes tomorrow and get some sleep, you’ll be better in time for gym,” said Alden. “It’s worth a try. You should probably let me pick you up, though. So that you don’t make anything worse before the Healer gets here.”

Søren blinked at him.

“You don’t want to move around with an injury, right? It’ll just make it harder for the Healer to fix you.”

“Just until the Healer comes?” Søren asked, staring into his eyes with his own puffy ones.

He really looked awful. His hair was half wet and dripping down the side of his neck, where the skin was bright red. He’d been burned there too, just not bad enough to instantly blister.

Alden nodded. “Put the arm that’s not hurt around my neck. I’ll pick you up.” He smiled. “You’ll get to join the very exclusive time traveller club with Instructor Plim.”

Søren nodded slowly.

A minute later, Alden stood up with one frozen Shaper in his arms.

“So,” he said, repositioning his hands now that he wasn’t scared to hurt his classmate by touching the burns, “I’m going to ET out of here with him. I hope. Otherwise, I’m just going to have to sit around holding him until a faculty member gets here to make him see reason.”

That seemed more convenient for Alden, since it wouldn’t mean a late-night trip across the island, but crueler to Søren than a swift arrival at the hospital and a dose of painkillers. The third option was hauling a burned, preserved body around by car service or public transportation, and that didn’t seem like the most desirable idea.

<<You were lying to him?>> Ignacio asked.

“Good,” said Rebecca in a relieved voice. “I’ll go tell the team I’m going there!”

“He’ll be mad at you,” said Febri.

“Maybe,” said Alden. “But I think he knew. He just needed someone to take the choice off his plate.”

So that he wouldn’t feel like he’d given up.

“Can you teleport him with your skill even though he just directly rejected a teleport to that location?” Kon asked. “That’s surprising for some reason.”

“Never tried. We’re about to find out. System, I need an emergency teleport to the healing hospital.”

The response was immediate.

[Usage of Anesidora’s teleport allotment has been authorized. Please cancel your request if your need is not urgent. ]

[Teleporting in 4 s…]

“It says to cancel my request if my need isn’t urgent.”

“Don’t worry about that,” said Kon. “This is urgent enough. They just don’t want people using ET for scrapes and bruises.”

“My uncle got in so much trouble for abusing the ET allotment when he was our age,” said Febri. “He was a daredevil and he relied on it to get him out of whatever disaster was about to happen. Now he’s on the restricted passengers list. He accidentally cut off his finger a few years ago, and he had to take the train—”

Alden had a brief sensation that he could only describe as a kind of existential blink. Like he’d been cut off from the physical world for the briefest of moments, so that he was aware of himself and the person he protected and nothing more, and then he was suddenly standing somewhere else.

Weird. It’s like a mini version of the longer teleports now. But no nausea.

He always used to get that with local teleports. This was his first one since coming back home.

Looking around, he found himself in a larger than standard teleport bay. It was about a third the size of his bedroom, and there was a screen on the wall in front of him. A dark-skinned woman in jade green scrubs was examining him through it.

“What’s the nature of your emergency?”

“He burned himself,” said Alden.

“Is he…unconscious?”

“Oh!” This probably did look confusing. And if she had the same kind of vitals monitors on this teleportation bay that they had at the TC, it might have looked like Alden was holding nothing. Or a dead person. “It’s my skill. He’s sheltered by a layer of magic that protects him and keeps him in exactly the same state he was in when I picked him up. He’s not aware of anything. Basically, he’s on hold.”

She blinked at him. “That’s a good skill.”

They liked it in the last emergency department I visited, too.

The woman quickly went through a series of questions that Alden was positive nobody would have asked at a medical facility anywhere else. Søren being an A-rank triggered an additional few questions about his state of mind when Alden had picked him up, making Alden wonder if there was some kind of high-rank subduer on staff who protected people from violent patients.

A couple of minutes after he arrived, the door in the wall to his left slid open and a man and a woman in the same jade green scrubs appeared with a gurney and a supply caddy. They looked Søren over curiously, then looked at Alden just as curiously, then finally they let him set the Light Shaper down.

He blinked around in confusion for just a second.

“We’re at the healing hospital in F,” said Alden, shoving his hands into his pockets. “I’m sorry.”

They asked him some of the same questions they’d asked Alden, got permission to give him medicine, and started pressing injectors to his arms right there in the bay. His face relaxed a lot.

“You lied to me,” Søren said. He didn’t sound surprised.

“I’m sorry,” Alden said again. Despite the necessity of it, he did feel guilty.

“Everyone thinks I’m useless. This makes me look even worse.”

“Get better and use your ultra-rare subclass to defeat them all. It’s the only way.”


Alden left the hospital more than an hour later. He was tired, and he couldn’t help feeling like this was a sour note for an otherwise productive day to end on. He fell asleep in the private car on the way back to campus and dragged himself through the door of the apartment at nearly three AM. The others were all asleep.

He showered, then headed to his room. My plans for the night have all fallen apart.

He’d wanted to cast the clumsy half of the self-awareness wordchain by himself for the first time, so that he could use the other half tomorrow for gym. It just felt better to do it that way, even if Hazel Velra wasn’t a threat at the moment. Now he didn’t have enough hours to let the chain run its course before science class.

It’s fine. Doing it like that would be nice, but it’s not necessary.

He was about to climb up into his bed when a System notice appeared. He opened it, and then read it through more than once to be sure he understood what it was.

The message had come from the Artonan embassy. Unlike the consulate in Chicago, there was an actual ambassadorial presence here on Anesidora. One of the current ambassador’s assistants wanted to know how he would like his mail to be delivered.

My mail?

The assistant had given him far too many options, including recommendations for his or her favorite walking routes to various destinations where the mail could be presented to Alden. That takes thorough to a brand new level.

The mail itself was left conspicuously undescribed, considering the fact that a map to a specific tea shop had been provided in case he needed a warm human beverage with his mail.

Maybe it was something else from LeafSong. Another package of turtlenecks and joggers. Though they’d used a human courier service for that.

Is it rude to ask for them just to teleport it to me?

The option was there, so surely it wasn’t. He tried to turn on his brain and draft a nice reply. Kibby should have given me lessons on letter writing instead of table manners.

Klee-pak had written a letter to a relative once and had included a strand of hair. Fortunately that wasn’t possible through the System, so Alden didn’t have to ask himself if it was necessary.

He sent the message, then waited.

A couple of minutes later, a package arrived. A largish sack made of what looked like heavy brown silk appeared on the rug right beside him. The corners of the fabric were tied at the top in a knot looped through with a single strand of matching ribbon. Very curious, Alden bent down and pried at the knot. Eventually he realized that wasn’t the way to go, and he pulled on the end of the ribbon experimentally.

It slid free easily, and the knotted silk came undone with it.

Alden realized what the gift was as soon as he saw the corner of it peeking out from under the cloth. Deep brown leather, the logogram for the word that meant “earnestly seeking” stitched into the top in gold thread that glimmered with just a little bit of magic in addition to the metallic sheen. He knelt there staring at the corner for a while, blindsided by emotions he couldn’t quite place.

Stu-art’h sent me a learning cushion.

His hand went to the auriad around his neck.

That was thoughtful of him.

On one hand, it was just a really nice pillow. On the other…

Learning cushions like this one were for wizards. It was why Kibby had treasured the two from Joe so much even though there were other cushions at the lab. Most humans didn’t realize there were different types unless they were Artonan geeks; Earth associated the leather cushions with Artonans in general, producing knock-offs accordingly. But the learning cushion a non-wizard used in a classroom would be made of other materials.

Leather had significance because it had come from life.

I’m reading too much into it. He knew what kind of cushions we played around with here on Earth because he saw them. He probably assumed it was natural to give me the wizard one because it was what I preferred, and there are no official cushion material rules for Avowed.

Knowing all of that didn’t dim his feelings much.

He unwrapped the cushion slowly. And he discovered that it was fucking gorgeous.

A cushion could be gorgeous, it turned out. It had more embroidery than Kibby’s had. Six lines of gold and silver logograms made a band around the edges. It was heavy, and it was ever so slightly larger and thicker than standard if Alden wasn’t mistaken.

It’s more me-sized. Stuart rocks.

Completely perfect. That was what it was.

He was delighted to find it even had the discrete narrow side pocket where a student could keep a spare promise stick…or store their unbonded auriad until they decided to give it to the human as a reward for coming back alive with the car.

If I can’t find a promise stick on Earth, I’ll make one.

He almost didn’t want to set the cushion down on the floor, even though that was what it was intended for, but he finally did. Then he reached down to pick up the note that had been placed below it in the cloth wrap.

Stuart had written it, so he was sure it would be a meticulously well-crafted letter. Probably with a lesson on proper cushion use included.

When he unfolded it, he found that it was just as well-crafted as he’d expected, though not in the way he’d expected it to be.

Stuart had written the note in excellent English. It was brief, and his handwriting was neat but quite round, as if he wanted the letters to be more circular than they were supposed to be.

Dear Alden,

This was made by the Craftswoman Enyl-tirg, who also made my cushion. Please protect it from your schoolmates.

May you gain knowledge all the days of your life, and may your days be many.






mo zzz



Delicious souuuup! Hope everything's well Sley - take the time you need


WOOOO! I am reading this asap. Thanks for the chapter!


SOUP!!! thank you for the chapter 🙏


My choice to periodically refresh is validated! Thank you for the chapter :)

Super Super Supportive Supporter

You know, if you mention a family emergency in the last chapter and then start this chapter with ‘The death of my’, my email notifications get me worried for a second lol


Also, no problem. Totally reasonable to take a break to build up the backlog so you're not too stressed with outputting content in time


Let’s goooooooooooo Alden! I don’t want to say that I’m happy someone caught on fire but I did kind of love that bit of crazy. And <3 learning cushion!! Enjoy your break!

John Anastacio

Thanks so very much Sleyca. Reading now.

Temp One

Thank you for this Sleyca! You've got a bunch of chronic addicts for supporters because of the quality of product you're pushing.


Thanks for the information! For me at least you can take as many days off as you want as long as you tell us about it, it's always concerning as (someone giving you money) to have no word on what's going on. Hope everything is going well!

Melody Haren Anderson

Take the time you need. I was there recently, working on a game supplement with other people, but there was illness, then having to help my parents put down their dog (who was NOT well so needed but still rough for them).


I hope everything is okay (or will be). Don't worry about us, take care of yourself first. Take all the time you need, we'll still be here when you're back :)

Cyrus McEnnis

Oh, Stu, you're too pure for this universe.

Twara Sandeep

Thanks for the chapter! I love this chapter so much, with both the learning cushion and Alden showing off his emergency-handling skills! Also, I;ve been listening to Cosmo Sheldrake while reading this, and the music fits so well, especially with the contemplative moments


That ending scene made my heart melt <3 Stuart is precious

Bryan Thew

Yuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmm So about that cultural advisor throwing a fit. Their coughing blood right now.


Thank you for the chapter!


Love these scenes that highlight the contrast between what Alden's been through and what his classmates have been through.


I knew that stu was going to give Alden a learning cushion

Guus van der Borg

'Please protect it from your schoolmates' Stains are serious business, Alden. Don't let the savages near it. :)


Your team will run better without you on it. So just go to the hospital and get some meds. Take a break. Nobody here needs you, and all this drama is probably bad for you.” man teenagers are fucking vicious also stuarts gift is so cool! their friendship is so cute and a really nice palate cleanser to end this chapter on instead of the sour note of the soren incident


I think you've left heliosa off the list?


Thanks for the chapter! Please take time off when you need it, we'll be fine. On a more story related note, Astrid puts so much emotional labor into being a Hero. She's really supportive in a variety of subtle (and not subtle at all) ways.


All my family is well! There was a very stressful day and an ER trip, though, so this chapter is a weird case of art reflecting life. The patient feels much better and got to read this chapter right before it went live and approve of it!

hercule pyro

Stuart rules so earnestly

Leo S.S.

Man, an intense chapter. I really feel bad for Soren (and yeah it’s tough for him currently with his lack of skill). I also thought that I’m happy to see more of the class, even if wow are some of them not the nicest. Either way, excited for the obstacle course tomorrow!


"...from the corner where he, Everly, and Maricel were watching video of an Adjuster..." >>> should probably be "a video" or "videos"


Awww the prince got him a pillow. Also healers and other emergency folk are going to love Alden. Especially when it comes to rescue work. Also as usual teens being competitive and dumb except multiplied by 1000 cause superpowers. Anyways love the chapter and thanks for the update.


There are two teams of ten and two teams of eleven for a total of 42 students. Chapter 80 says their class was 41 people - is this difference intended?


I wonder if the ET system could work for teleporting Alden directly to an emergency to preserve someone. Like people with useful emergency powers get put on a list which allows them to be called up instantly as needed. I just feel like his preservation power would be in huge demand for an ER. Not just for getting people there safely but also in a critical triage situation.


The letter from Stu'arth is beautiful


Looooove! Poor Sören, yay hospital Alden, Kon was useful, Marsha is a badass asshole, and Stuuuuu! So great! Love the gesture and the English writing and everything! Have a good break Sleyca!!


Alden’s practical experience with disasters shows its value once again! That scene really showed the gap in actual helping ability between Alden and the rest of his class— and the gap in how much they actually want to help people, for that matter. Also, *vibrates wildly* my StuDen shipping is intensifying!


I adore Stuart and Alden's relationship, I really look forward to them meeting again in person. (Am I the only one who kind of ship them? It doesn't have to be romantic). Tftc, take care!


"May you gain knowledge all the days of your life, and may your days be many" is such an epic way to end a letter!


Awww, Stuart's such a good friend.

Batty Corvina

Aww Stuart you wonderful artonan bean. What a nice gift. Also regarding chapter release and writing schedule, take the time you need! Better to be satisfied with your writing rather than rush releases to make arbitrary timelines. Thank you for the chapter.

Moby Duck

You do whatever you think is best for yourself Sleyca, don’t worry about us! On another note, I hope the Soren incident (quick tangent, do you have a list of the names with special characters to copy and paste in or are you one of the people who actually know the keyboards command to add them?) Gives some people the awareness of the pressure people like Soren must be feeling to succeed - to the point where they’d injure themselves in the course of training to be stronger. Knife Guy at least seems to be self-aware of this now.

Guus van der Borg

I am getting a little worried about Max though. I feel like his character might have been intended as a way to show that even if a B does EVERYTHING right, he can still wash out of superhero school because he simply can't keep up and/or because the elitists will push them out. I'm not sure about it yet, but I'd be sad if we lost Max. I'm a big fan of his and Alden's relationship as basically colleagues that have immense respect for each other.


I'm curious how Alden's lie there is going to pan out for him. His bedside manner seemed a bit mean, and I feel like with the competition people on the opposing team might imply that he took the burned guy to F specifically to try and sneak out some advantage. I have the sinking feeling that Alden might go through a social crisis that gives Lute a run for his money as the resident social pariah.

David McGillicuddy

A repeat of the "you're just being a prick" moment underscoring the need for Alden to lose the consent restriction


Alden took the decision off his plate, does that mean he radished him?


That was literally part of his job at Leafsong. It's possible that Anesidora has less teleportation bandwidth than they did, though, and of course it would be very inconvenient for his education and sleep schedule. Definitely a thing he could be good at, though.


Thanks for the chapter, see you next week! Hopefully the short break can give at least a small buffer. Can't wait for the Stu visit.


Good chapter Sleyca. Enjoy your well deserved break. I wonder if Alden will get any pushback for lying to someone in order to get them to allow power use. Seems like it could be a big nono


Your story is a great dopamine hit but your writing schedule is realistically already very slow. I say this because in my mind that means most of us are subbed because we like the series and want the most up to date content and feel like a slow schedule doesn't matter. Obviously there will be some people who don't want the delay but I think maintaining a backlog and getting ahead of your writing will always be important enough to take your time on.


Hmm, interesting question on how Lute knew what was going on in so much detail before the others did. We know he has improved hearing, but I didn't realize it was that much. Possibly he had a relevant wordchain up? One that he used to help with training people, maybe by hearing minute problems in their phrasing?


Chapter 99 also has it mentioned as 41 students. I'm not sure if Alden is excluding himself from the count for some reason (although it doesn't really sound like thats whats happening either time).


Alden, Meister of Kind Lies


I think it's somewhat implied that teleporting around to places that are not a teleporter is possible (by Lute when he is talking about secret meetings at the start of the Chainer chapters), so it would make sense for first responders to be teleported to emergencies depending on the situation.


Loved the chapter, but at the same time, I hate how quickly they get read.

Guus van der Borg

I doubt it'll be anywhere near the same level as Lute's, but yeah, it would be interesting to see if there's some social fallout. Some people have been itching to stir things up concerning Alden.


Do whatever you want just keep the quality up. There's already a million trash web serials for people that just want poorly written words every day.

Robert Mullins

Yeah, I think your expectations are way out of control if you think this is slow. Especially when this isn't their full-time job.

Carl Earl

Actually, video works in this context, like ball players watching game film. Even if there are multiple films or a single video, using the singular noun without an article works to ambiguate an unnecessary detail. I don't know exactly WHY it's correct grammar, I just know it is.

Alex Iskandar

That's so sweet of Stu-arth! I live for this friendship!


Heloisa is missing on team Febri/Shrike

Robert Lethiecq

Will be interesting to see if Alden gets a note on his profile for emergency medical aid like he did from Leafsong. It was good to see him remaining calm and handling the event with maturity and empathy despite all of the other distractions present. It’s clear in this scene that the weight of his experiences, the death of his parents, the neglect of his aunt, the pond, and moon thegund, leave him nearly alone in his peer group, an adult among children. The smarter students, or at least those more perceptive or less blinded by rankism, are starting to take note. It will be interesting to see how the rest of his classmates deal with his “loving lie” told to Soren. I think his read on the situation is pretty spot on. Soren knew deep down he needed to go, but he couldn’t make himself choose. I will not be surprised if some of the other students try to make an issue of it.

Guus van der Borg

There are also multiple mentions of heroes on Anesidora being teleported out to reinforce hero teams out in 'the real world'. So ETs TOWARD the emergency are definitely a thing.


I was not expecting things to go like that! Guess, i didnt pay enough attention to how other classmates might be reacting to the obstacle course. Amazing chap! And take care Sleyca, hope you have a good rest!


Sure, but even if it's technically allowed I'd still argue that it's unusual and not colloquially used enough for it to still warant a change.

Richard Fields

This reminds me of when something similar happened to myself. I had just moved back home after being in the army and my father was leaving for work. He said goodbye then walked out the door. a few mins later he came stumbling back in and passed out. My mother was screaming hysterics and all over the place while my brother just froze up. From all of my training and experince in the military I calmly grabbed the cordless phone, got down, stabilized his head, checked his airways and tried to make note of any wounds then dialed 911. I relayed all of the information calmly and stayed on the phone until the fire dept showed up with the ambulance. Explained what happened again and helped them take him out to the ambulance. Turns out it was a bad reaction to insulin. People without experince in stressful situations can be very detrimental to actually resolving a crisis.


Delightful. Thank you.


I would hope that the teachers would step in before it gets to that point. They're clearly doing this team exercise as an indirect way to teach teamwork, but part of teaching is actually directly teaching people rather than throwing them into situations and hoping they figure it out.


Stu is such a good boy.


Regarding ideas for teams in the course, I'm wondering if Alden's team could turn part of the water area to quicksand/mud/ice with Marciel and/or Everly. I don't remember what that section of the couse looked like but I was thinking their team could cast it on their side to make it easier to travel through or on the enemy's side to make it very difficult instead.

Cyrus McEnnis

Sure, but Alden doesn't give a flying fornication about being a social pariah or anything. His goal for school is, basically, to be less susceptible in a high chaos zone. He's always had a small group of good friends, and his family situation means he's used to being alone. Being a social pariah? His approach to that will likely be the same as he's shown to Max or Medhi - a complete blanking on why he should give two tugs of a dead gokoratch's tail about what other people think. Now, do I have issues with him taking someone else's agency away, personally? Yeah, a few. Him lying basically meant someone entrusted themselves to him and he betrayed that trust. I can easily see circumstances where that would be downright evil. But super hero morality seems to be remarkably fluid from what we've seen so far so.... hard to say whether he'll be praised for taking action or not. But one thing I'd imagine you try really, really hard not to squash in a new hero is initiative. Alden made a decision and acted on it decisively when Soren wasn't in a fit state of mind to be making decisions himself. I'd think that would count for a lot.


With Maricel, Njeri, and Everly, Alden’s team definitely has some of the strongest terrain-changing potential. It’s up to their strategy and personal abilities to see if they can make use of it, though.


Stuart is SO sweet I love him!! I am so happy with Lute's practice session I hope his reputation improve! I hope Max has better luck with his team. thanks for the chapter!


Jeffy could do air tricks with his water skill! I'm imagining him leaping out of the water like a whale/dolphin/merman (inspired by that little mermaid song in last chapter's comments)


Have a good break! It's easier to read a story that's "occasionally on break, but otherwise keeps to a schedule" instead of one that's randomly delayed. Please give yourself enough breaks that you're not rushed for your schedule! You deserve it, and we'll enjoy it more too.


I want it to be related to his secret skill somehow, like maybe an ability to know people’s state of body or something so he can judge what chains will help them. But sadly the hearing thing is probably the most likely.


Goated chapter I have so many thoughts I think that's the first time in a while we've seen Alden *actually* irritated, and it's for Max's sake. It makes me all warm and fuzzy inside (: I feel for Soren so much, I can't wait to see him grow as the story moves forward. Humiliation and defeat can either stop you in your tracks or motivate you intensely, and if he stays motivated enough to stick through the struggles you'll put him through, he'll for sure come out of them as one of the best graduates that CNH can offer. And from the little I know, I feel like he's gonna go through some fucking *visceral* struggles. Stuart's such a peach (: If he really does know that Alden is a wizard, then I'm glad Alden decided that he was gonna visit before Stuart's affixation. Seeing that someone you know has been through it and has come out ok is hopefully comforting for him. Also really interesting detail with how round Stuart's handwriting is. Is it because Artonan is so angular that he thinks of English as "the round letters"? Am I digging too deep into a line that has literally no plot relevance and is just there for characterization and vibes? Who can say? I wonder what the logograms around the edges of the cushion say? Overall really cool chapter Slay California/Canada, definitely worth the wait.


"There once was a boy named Winston Reginald Heelfeather, and he almost deserved it." -C.S. Lewis, probably

Robert Lethiecq

I think the water is right after the tall wall. If they froze the water on the other teams side they couldn’t just jump into the water from the top. Working out how to lower themselves from the top without the water as a safe landing place could cause significant delays and require coordination they likely didn’t practice.

Jeff Wells

I don't think so. Soren could simply refuse care after Alden delivered him, so he didn't take any agency away from him. The only potential issue is taking him to a different healer than he requested, which is abit like a cab driver taking you to the wrong hotel. Not exactly a criminal act, but maybe you refuse to pay the cab fare.


I think that's a restriction he won't be ever be able to lift, as it is inherent to the function of his skill. The way he can track things thrown at him by the teacher makes me think he taps into the authority to target and therefore needs either consent or must be powerful enough to just overpower the authority.


Thank you! First real power use in a long time, and more sentimental wizard stuff? Perfect.

Alan Miller

Marsha, Meister of making Lexi's personal interactions look warm and friendly.


Nah, this one is grammatically correct and fairly common parlance.

Jeff Wells

I wouldn't say Slayca is is a very fast writer, there are prolific authors who produce finished full lengrh novels in less than 3 months. Sleyca isn't approaching that speed. But she's also not particularly slow, especially for such high quality writing. I'd say Sleyca writes at good pace, perfectly acceptable to make the subscription worth it (to me, of course). I have subbed to authors before because I liked the story enough that I wanted to be sure it could keep being written, but I canceled the sub once they were on more solid financial ground because the schedule and chapter length didn't make me feel like was getting my money's worth. With Sleyca, OTOH, I sub because a: I feel like it's worth it in quantity and quality, and b: because there's no way I can wait 5 weeks to find out what happens next!


Its definitely not slow. In a year Sleyca has put out 1900 pages on RR and an additional 15 chapters on here (probably another 3-400 pages on RR). Thats roughly the same as Zogarth and more than TFD who both release 5 times a week and write full time. It just seems slower because its two bigger chapters. Its actually super impressive that she puts out as much as she does especially since its not full time.


Considering he's a support hero meant to bear the burden of others, I don't think consent will leave any time soon.


No you're not! I've been on the SS Alden/Stu ever since they had their first phone call. <3


Is Stu risking his life soon? It was mentioned before that a decision was taken away from him from the general who’s been the one to call alden and with alden having to visit before a certain date, because stu is busy after


Small note: Discrete means divided into distinct parts. The T separates the two Es from one another. Discreet means quietly concealed. The two Es are tucked behind the T.


Thank you Sleyca! This was another rollercoaster chapter! Going all over the place in the best ways. Please take all the time you need. You could take a full month off, and, although I would be sad, I would be glad that you're better off in the long run for it. So please, do whatever is best for you. I want this story to run as long as it needs to. I want you to get everything into it that you desire. Most off all, though, I want you to be healthy and happy all the while. Thank you for everything! Discord: https://discord.gg/PRyweNZmBW


I've been hype for Alden to volunteer at a hospital since Chris suggested it to him back at LeafSong. I'm hoping he makes that his project for quarter 2 of Engaging with the Unexpected.


I know right? Way to go out of her way to be a jerk. She's like a lady-Winston.

Bob Ross

Alden has mentioned he believes Stu will be affixing soon, and that the time period he expects to be busy is likely a post affixation recovery period.


Side note: I liked Astrid's contributions a lot this chapter. I love how she's super positive about everything, even admittedly underwhelming improvements. I'm glad she's been trying to get Jeffy to like his skills more, even if she's goofy about it at times xD


I don't think Max will fail any of the actual requirements (leveling, coursework) and I don't think he'd let something like social pressure chase him out. If he looks weaker than everyone else in gym, that sucks but he has a powerful vision for himself; he's not going to give up on it.


I wonder if we got a brief glimpse of Lutes other S skill there. There was a scream, and he seemed to instantly know someone was on fire, and exactly where that person was.


Stu is the best, that is all.

Bob Ross

Any suggestion Alden was trying to eke out an advantage will probably be met with a blank stare. Marsha made that point for us, in her soft and gentle way, his team might perform better without him. Really Aldens actions were detrimental to his team when viewed in that light.


Shut up I'm not crying you're crying. Alden met all the best aliens.

John Anastacio

Nice idea. However, heightened olfactory doesn't smell very Chainer to me. It's probably just a foundational enhancement to senses.


Considering how Winston's family invested into a media tour for Winston, maybe the reason Winston wants to represent an energy drink company is because its his family's company? Would make his goal seem purer than before and makes sense to me.


He mentioned he enhanced his hearing, so its more likely to be be thanks to that, i think


Nevermind bro i cant believe i forgot how he felt about what hazel did


We think Stu is affixing soon, not risking his life. And his family sided against him (on an unnamed issue, most likely affixation); they didn't necessarily take a choice away from him (they probably CAN'T stop him from affixing).


Thank you for the chapter! I personally think You can take as much time as you need to build up a backlog. But obviously let us know, like you just did, beforehand. I know from reading other author's and creators accounts, a proper backlog helps them maintain a smooth operation. Also helps them keep some semblance of peace of mind.

Cyrus McEnnis

No, but we do know that Lute has effectively turned himself into a Audial Brutette with his hearing specific tweaks. So it's not a far reach that he could react to a scream by focusing on it and hearing skin sizzling, or room-mates exclaiming in shock that "Oh my Powers, you burnt yourself!"


Now about the chapter. Love all the interactions of team cottontail ,their dynamics are interesting. Looking forward to seeing how or whether they will warm up to Lute after getting to know him, especially with the context of how he behaves with his roommates. You know people who do not belittle him on every turn. Also Søjoren situation rings very true. I have personally seen and also heard stories of how teenagers in high pressure courses are affected by it. Of how it breaks them mentally. By the time adults usually notice it is usually too late.


Also Stuart is best boy that's all.


Uh oh. That letter sounds suspiciously like a parting gift. He's apparently undergoing the change? Also, I'm really hoping Alden realizes any attempt to touch him is a technical request for entrustment. All he needed to do was ask something like "take my hand" or entice Soren to willfully touch him, and that would count as someone trusting him with their wellbeing. Violence against Alden also counts as someone entrusting him with their wellbeing. Also, I've been thinking about the size problem. I'm not sure why Alden needs to physically lift what he's "bearing" with his authority. At some point, he should be strong enough to bear the burden of an entire planet. He can't lift something he's technically riding without some major shifts in how he thinks of himself in relation to astral bodies. Even small astral bodies, like asteroids. At that point, it's more about the metaphorical burden on his authority than any physical effort, so I don't think the limit he's dealing with is a real one. Anything his authority can reach and encompass should be able to be affected. I think that this too is a "training wheel" built into the skill to put the user in a proper frame of mind. His authority is what's actually bearing things. The way Alden believes his power currently works is that the planet below him is bearing what he's holding, if he has to physically lift a burden. What happens when there isn't something to stand on, like in space? On a similar note, I wonder why he hasn't realized he can cause extreme violence with his power? He was taught that it's a state of mind regarding what he considers to be a single object. A puzzle with 100 pieces is just one puzzle. A person with 100 parts is just one person. But Alden's power can, with the proper frame of mind, hold whatever he deems to be a single item, or group of items. He, for example, could take the burden of someone's arm. Just their arm. And because nothing can affect what his power is affecting, the arm should come off entirely, as if he were merely lifting away a piece of the puzzle.


Stuart writes in comic sans


Best of luck with the break. Even Pirateababfrom The Wandering Inn eventually had to schedule in breaks for herself, and she's a workaholic by any measure. I'm a follower of many other webnovels, and the most common cause for hiatus or dissapearance is burnout, so take care of yourself first. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.


I am not sure it is a matter of him not realizing it's possible but rather more that is not achievable with his current level and skill (and I am talking about the non system ones).

John Anastacio

Like other commenters above I'm a little worried about the social backlash Alden will face for lying to Soren. I'm also a little worried that Soren will be mad at Alden. Hopefully Soren will see reason and/or one of the teachers or Saleh herself will tell Soren to take better care of himself. But those are only little school issues. I'm more concerned about the possible social backlash Stu and Alden will face for their friendship, for Stu sending Alden a very nice and probably very expensive new learning cushion. This will teach us a lot about how respected Alis is in Artonan society. Will they question her sanity in commending Alden? Will they say Alden can't possibly deserve his star and his cushion, that he bamboozled Alis and Stu somehow? I have trouble believing Alis and thus Alden have a 100% approval rating among Artonans. They can't possibly all be like Parethat-uur, can they?


As the learning cushion pocket is separated by a fabric layer from the main pillow cavity, it is indeed a discrete pocket, as well as a discreet pocket.


I have to assume at this point in time that the teachers know what they're doing and that such an obvious loss of talent will not happen.


Alden also needs to bring a really nice present to Stu in return. Wonder what he would bring?


Stuart was very specific about when Alden should come and did not want it to happen any later. He's clearly planning on affixing pretty much immediately after that visit, which is in ~a month of story time. As for the thoughts on his power, he does need to bear the burden of the things he carries. I suspect that even without gravity he would find they had a weight of some kind, that's pretty fundamental to the concept of the skill. As for ripping someone's arm off - first up, they'd need to entrust him with it, which is a bit of a deal breaker. Second up, we haven't actually seen him preserve part of something which is attached at a chemical level to something else yet, but when we do I suspect the attachment will remain, the same way his skill fakes other physical interactions. The effect on arteries, veins, and nerves, on the other hand, would be... unpleasant.


I am anticipating a sort of artonan sacred knightly vow. The two knights who are on earth for the demon fight are also celebrating a kind of not-engagement commitment, would be interesting to find out more about those Artonan wizardly relationships.


Pretty much everyone agreed that Soren should go to the hospital, which should mitigate the complaints about lying. As for the cushion, how would anyone find out about it? His roommates may see it but they aren't experts on learning cushions, they're not going to gossip, and they already know Alden is a) rich and b) willing to spend lots of money on comforting things. They don't have other people over to their dorm. Alden won't tell people about it (except Kibby), and Stuart has no reason to either. Stuart having a visit from a random human who he met at school during a "duel" and then named his pet after is probably way weirder in their society, but that'll probably be contained to the Arth Rapport, and they're unlikely to get the public involved.


Søren all fired up for the obstacle course. Such burning enthusiasm!


I hear what you're saying Sean but the novels that you're talking about, that have such a high output generally also tend to have a lower quality output. So while it is true when you say Sleyca has a slower schedule than THOSE novels. It sounds a bit disingenuous and a bit mean when you directly compare the two. It's a bit more nuanced. A big part of why I read super supportive is in part the quality, so I would prefer if Sleyca took whatever time she needed to maintain it. Also a few days here and there is not that much of an ask, but that's just my two cents.


I have to reread the chapters where lute discusses his enhanced hearing. He did mention he could hear their heartbeats so maybe he's just straight up Daredevil in terms of hearing.


Alden's or team cottontail is just brimming with possibility I'm sure the other teams have equally exciting potential, but I'm confident Alden's team will pull off some spectacular plays by the end of this obstacle course training.

Cyrus McEnnis

To put this in context - Alis is the 4th ranking knight. I'm not 100% sure that anyone other than the 3 knights ahead of her get to say anything about her commendation - and, also, look at it from an Artonian perspective. Everything we've seen about their society indicates that they take debt and obligations seriously, that one of the corner-stones of their society is the fight against encroaching chaos, and that they don't seem to push for people to do more, or less, than they're obligated to do. Then you have a rabbit, without the Systems assistance, saving the life of someone he has no obligation to at the risk of his own abominating. I would venture to suggest that anyone from such a society questioning why Alis gave him that commendation is going to get a sackful of obligation thrown at their vulnerable bits at damn near superluminal speed.

Michael Blue

My concern with Alden getting a medical commendation is that it might incentivize his classmates to want to use their powers (less suited for the emergency) to ‘rescue’ a classmate in need, making navigating responses to future severe injuries more of a pissing contest


Jeffy is easily the deepest well of untapped potential so much so that we have no idea in which direction he's gonna to grow.

John Anastacio

Gregory - How would anyone find out about it - Artonan Embassy people who might gossip. It's a pity that Stu couldn't send the cushion directly. Cyrus - even Alis had to deal with people whispering about her lack of decorum in wearing pajamas to work, until she went to Thegund. So it's clear her rank did not protect her from whispers. She could brazen through it all of course but I guess she was too self-conscious not to do that.


She seems dismissive and mean but not necessarily hateful if you get what I mean..? Winston is definitely a hateful little pipsqueak


Hey that's cool..... but I'm definitely going to miss use these words again in the future without a doubt.

Ano Ano

Powerful displays of friendship in fiction can get me really emotional. Damn Stu. You got me here.


Shock makes you dumb. Supposedly, these are kids training to be heroes, so "injured people get shocky and stupid" shouldn't be news to any of them, and "take injuries seriously so they don't get more serious" even more so. If students gave Alden a hard time for the decision to get an injured kid to medical care, that'd be a black mark on the school's failure to teach emergency basics.


Great chapter! Thanks for the heads up. Take the time you need.

Ricky Brent

The fact she's so bad at being subtle with Jeffy is extremely endearing somehow -- or maybe she has to be that blunt to get through to Jeffy. 🤣


Completely off topic question that was possibly speculated on in earlier chapters: I believe a meteor hammer would be pretty much perfect for Alden. It's got reach, versatility and power. And preserving it mid-use would make it all the more annoying to fight against.


It is weird that Stuart's cushion is the first time I actually teared up in this story. I was sad for Lute and Kibby, but I didn't cry. Something about this pillow was so beautiful and validating, actual tears came to my eyes. Alden has had such a hard life, he expects very little from it, and can still be happy. The whole chapter he has shown so few wants and needs and just serves his fellow students without complaint. And here is someone who deliberately and accidentally gives Alden a thing that acknowledges who he truly is and that he has wants and needs as well. Going from teenagers jealous about number of followers to someone who is earnest about knowledge, goodness gracious... Stuart has gone up even further in my rankings, he is my 3rd favourite character now. I am already imagining him and Alden nerding together over magic at 20 years old


On a lighter note, that ambassador's assistant must have felt the pressure - the Primary's son is sending a package to the insignificant planet he/she has been posted to... No wonder there were so many options.


Anyone else who imagined the One Ring when you read about the logograms around the pillow?

Victor Cavalcanti

I'm stoked for when Alden will properly integrate magic into his kit. So far he hasn't developed a cohesive "style" to his superheroics, more like a bag of miscellaneous tricks. Also, our boy needs more chains, they're neat.


Good point. In our world many students crack at the top colleges. Just imagine superhero school..

Tycho Green

Not Søren pulling a Stu'arth lol

Michael Blue

Wummy is going to be elated about his promotion to guard of the Enyl-tirg cushion




Ah now it makes sense! I forgot about his enhanced hearing


Alden x Stu is real and not even Sleyca could convince me otherwise

Michael Blue

Oh man, now that you mention it, Alden’s probably going to mention this to Stu either when he visits or the next time they talk.


Oh and Sleyca, please take enough time to build up a bit of backlog ( not just half a chapter, that is too little!)


Honestly he needs a knockout spell or something. Once the target is unconscious Alden can get someone else to entrust them to him.


It is interesting to notice how surprised the hospital staff were re his skill. Just shows you again how unique BoB is. I don't think even Hannah's bubble had the same potency. Must be because of the symbolism thing of BoB which makes it stronger, seems like that willing entrustment requirement is not common at all (if we can trust the CNH faculty)


Any bets that the hospital contacts the principle about Alden, to offer him a part time school credit job to just sit by the Teleport landing area on the off chance someone arrives who is seriously hurt and likely to die before a healer can get to them. Plus teleports to in mass casualty events to assist with triage?

John Anastacio

Yes to the former, probably not to the latter. It's not a great way to spend Alden's time unless Anesidora sees a lot more deadly injuries than I think it does.


Thanks for the chapter!


Eh. Reason wasn't working so she tried a different tack, one that appealed to Soren's (delirious) logic. I don't think she's really a jerk.

David Bailey

Excellent chapter! My reading and brain ground to a temporary, shocked halt at the "Learning cushions like this [...]" line. So, so well done.


Honestly I feel like he should face some backlash for it. Medical consent is important and nothing about the situation warranted overriding Soren in my opinion.


Hahaha probably. And yes, Alden has already had experience with someone refusing medical help, what a coincidence


Thanks so much for the chapter. I hope that you enjoy your well deserved break. Please take all the time you need! This chapter really highlighted how much more mature and experienced Alden is compared to the other students. It was like this during the entrance exam, too. Having S rank powers means nothing if you can’t think your way through problems. I hope a certain instructor stops fixating on what limits Alden’s skill has and actually spends time teaching him. I would love for Alden to get EMT training too. His preservation skill would be so useful for patients who are bleeding out or just had a heart attack, basically any unstable patient. Triage experience would be key. And I agree with one of the posters above: a knock out spell would be excellent. This is the second time a person who needed help from Alden was too out of it to make the choice to accept Alden’s skill.


" Can you teleport him with your skill even though he just directly rejected a teleport to that location?” Kon asked. “That’s surprising for some reason.” -Kon almost touching on the true nature of LMTYL Edit: would Alden be able to preserve someone who attacks him with their body?

JJ Hunter

Given how Stuart and Alden first properly met, it is particularly poignant that Stuart's learning cushion gift is received after Alden just responded to another thorny student medical emergency.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

Beautiful. This chapter was so worth the wait. Poor Søren seems to be having a rough time socially. Sure, the injury is bad enough, but I doubt it would have ever gotten to that point if he hadn't felt like he needed to push himself beyond safe limits to measure up.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

The learning cushion was so thoughtful! I love the details of how perfect this gift was, all the way down to being Alden-sized instead of Artonan-sized. I can't help but wonder about the significance of the note about who made it. If this person was responsible for custom making a learning cushion for the Primary's son, that seems like an indication of some standing in Artonan society.


Am i the only one who thinks the cushion might he from lind/esh (wizards from 119)? Between the handwriting and the lack of a signature, it seems suspicious.


Sorry for all the comments, I'm in a garrulous mood. So I was laughing reading through again and seeing everyone freaking out about Søren, shouting, blaming one another, and Alden is just like: "He is not dying". (Along with strong feelings of deja vu probably). The class is going to talk about Alden remaining so calm in a crisis. Winston is going to become even more jealous. Klein might need to rethink his statement that bravery doesn't matter...

Guus van der Borg

@Terrestrial Biped. I agree about the actual requirements, a little less sure about not being chased out by societal pressure. He seems to be taking Jeffy's coasting about as hard as Lexi, and this chapter implies he's taking the misguided comments about him being useless pretty hard. Probably not in a 'I might really be useless' way, but in a 'these dumbasses that coast on their powers will never use their brains and listen to me' kind of way. I could see him giving up on Celena High out of pure frustration that his efforts go unnoticed by his schoolmates, and to a lesser extent some teachers. He might decide its no longer worth the effort.


I'm interested in Agility and Speed brutes, I would guess their powersets blends as they level up and become somewhat hybrid like a Dura brute, but we haven't seen a name for that combo so it's not purposeful. I also wonder if Njeri and Jeffy are going to be able to combo into a sum greater than their parts. Depending on his powers and his perspective he might be able to fight at brute level on ground in puddles? In a sense Jeffy choosing Aqua brute is pretty selfish considering he has no desire to do the rescue work that is probably the main reason it's so valued. I would think for some rare classes there would be a system where there's an open 1 million Argold offer to trade the class and the same offer to prospective candidates with the best chosen to receive the class and probably mentorship with a pro Aqua Brute. Maybe there was and I forgot haven't reread the class trade part in some time.


Alden didn’t do anything medical to Soren. At worst it was some light kidnapping. 😄


I had a super long post but i lost it somehow T.T Anyways, i'll try to keep it short this time. Alden's commendation is likely to garner less "Boo! clear corruption/favouritsm!" and more "I wonder what happened to this kid for him to get such a high commendation?". Think about how the general public would react to a teenager from another country secretly getting the medal of honor. It would be crazy news for sure, but all it would do is cause speculation and even if it were to reflect badly on someone, it would only reflect badly on Alis herself (just like how only CNH University would have looked back if they directly admitted Alden and not Alden himself). Also, anyone who got the explanation for what happened in Moon thegund would most likely empathize with her decision. Alden 100% came across as a Saint to Alis and the biggest part about it is because Alden's class is a SERVICE INDUSTRY one. Sure Grievecks exist but Earth's rabbit class was designed to be mainly for odd jobs and nothing more and a kid with not much more authority than a BABY wizard not only rushed headfirst to save people when he was told there were people in need of help, but also then continued to show incredible strength of character. Like if you look at Alden's chaos adventure as just the bullet points (like i'd written down) and from Alis' point of view he literally embodies the indomitable human spirit. Even when he knew he was dying due to being a hero he only asked for the best for the child he rescued and nothing for himself. Then the will writing made it clear he's an orphan with a less than responsible Aunt (from the way hers was written compared to his 2 friends). Then even in the face of death of the transporter he simply kept quiet and tried his best to be brave even though she could see he was trembling and internally conflicted. Anyone who hears Alden's story from an Artonan perspective would only feel pity imo.


They're more likely to do as that university did, Alden would get emergency teleported to the patient if he's required.


Thanks for the chapter, and good luck on the backlog!

Lorevi Q

I think if the lie came from anyone else but Alden it could be problematic. If a S did it then it could be interpreted as the S thinking Soren is useless and should miss the next session of gym. But from Alden one of the only 2 B ranks in the class it seems fair and genuine.

Ano Ano

That was the polearm meister saying that, right? She seems a bit psycho.


I really liked the different parts of this chapter. It's done wonders for the side characters in this first year batch students, making them more interesting.

Ano Ano

Yeah, this might not be how you would say it in your ideolect, Mag1cM, but it's correct and common.

Lorevi Q

It's only 2 chapters a week but they're damn chunky chapters lol. It's equivalent to other series that post 3-4 times per week and certainly not what I'd call very slow. Some series I follow only post once a week or less.

Ano Ano

It took me a second to figure it out, but yeah, it was his super hearing. The delay was because he had to conscious turn up his hearing sensitivity before he could get the details. I love how Sleyca leaves that unexplained in text. Let's the reader feel cool for putting it together and also improves flow of the scene.

Ano Ano

I don't think humans can given any kind of commendation. That stuff comes from Artonans for work done on summons. I could see instructors in one class or another using the real life example as a learning opportunity. Most of the people who were there did a bad job of responding to the emergency, so reflecting on that could be really productive for them as hero students.

Ano Ano

People always underestimate the "total" part of "Preservation (total)"


Internet fans come and go but family is forever. Don't worry about us random dudes online. Take care of what's important first.


jeffy is the classic fresh man who picked the wrong mayor, but in this universe you cant change mayors so he is fucked


"watching video of" evolved from "watching video footage of". And since "video footage" is a collective noun, the contraction "video" (used this way) is also a collective noun.


In no way, in no world is this a slow schedule. She is, in fact, quite fast. I'm 90% sure you're comparing her to a few outliers known to be fast writers (*cough* Sanderson *cough*) instead of like... Normal human beings who write for a living.

Pedro Henrique

To add another point , we were promised "10+ chapters" and being "5 weeks ahead" of Royal Road. Sleyca could take a 2 week break on Patreon and still be on schedule.


The way I'm reading it is that Agi Brutes are spiderman, specced for combat, whereas Speed Brutes are The Flash, specced for running. You don't need to go Mach 4 to outpace and dodge tank normal people, but instant corners and a danger sense help a lot. Meanwhile, if you want to outrun a train, you need a shielding skill more than a danger sense one.


Normally, I would expect Alden to not be able to preserve an attacker. If they try jumping or falling on him, offensive use of the burden of their body, I suspect Alden could use his power.


MISSING >Sleyca- On top of being out of the backlog, I lost a writing day and quite a lot of sleep due to a minor family emergency I am sorry you could not make your self imposed schedule I hope in the future you can INFORMATION Thank you for the information It can be a delicate balance between worried fans, appropriate business info and none of the fan's Gorram frakking business SCHEDULE I have personally found it amusing with the tension between fans excited to read, and comment, on new chapters immediately ( this Patreon is for the impatient ) Fans, and author, having a life outside of chapters on Patreon Author has been dreaming, for months, about FINALLY posting certain exciting story chapters ( MURDER! Banishment! ) and reading fan comments on these exciting story developments ( 1670 comments! ) SUPPORT I do not know why you have chosen your current posting schedule It is really none of my business I hope people you trust are giving you feedback on your posting schedule I hope the positives of this schedule out weigh the negatives JOY May you always have Joy, and Dreams, in your lives, your friend's lives and your chosen family's lives. 🔲

L. Rattay

Such a great Chapter. The learning cushion gift is a bit surprising and random, but incredibly thoughtful and sweet. I am wondering if the Artonan 1 system had a hand in it. If we belive that Stuart has soon a lot of free time due to his affixation, he might have just had his meeting with mother. Even though the artonan 1 system might say it's beneath itself to care about the affairs of random mortals, i think meddling in some lifes of its subjects is one of its favourites pastime activity. Otherwise it would not have shown Alden Stuarts past and even given him a quest with rewards to look for Stuart.

Matt DiMeo

I picture Alden giving a roommate speech: “since none of you are savages like some if our classmates, I’m not worried about you guys messing with my cushion. But if anything happens to it, it’s a ‘tell Kon to *sprint* situation.’”

Zenopath (AEV)

Artonans seem to worship their Knights because they embody the concept of self sacrifice. They may be a fairly decadent society as a whole, but that seems to only make them more appreciate genuine heroism. I doubt any of them would assume their effective queen, the wife sister of their primary would give a commendation without good cause, and Aldens story seems to already be spreading, in a positive way if the two honeymoon knights had heard of it. I don't see anyone having a problem with Alden over the commendation.


Definitely 100% agreed on the "regular breaks but otherwise a strict schedule" part. I'd go so far as to recommend a set time of day for releases as well if possible - would help retention a lot.

Matt DiMeo

Max is more useful than at least half of Alden’s team for the o-course. He can help on every single part.


Why would Stuart go out of his way to get Alden a wizard cushion? I thought he doesn't know that Alden has wizard authority sense yet, or is it just a default assumption that Avowed should use wizard cushions?


I think he got annoyed during the day he watched Alden because the school provides learning pillows for language education but the students don’t treat them with the necessary respect they deserve.


This time he didnt get a foot bone for his trouble tho


He saw the cushions Alden's school was using during their day long phone call and screamed sacrilege when he saw stains on them. Suffice to say, he decided Alden deserved better.


I just realized that the Gloss probably requires Aulia’s opposite to cast it at exactly the same time as she does. The restriction on it might be because few artonans want or are able to cast it at a human’s convenience.


It's particularly frustrating because even in a crisis here where someone has an ideal skill (Alden), they still don't listen to him until Lexi backs him up and then he gets Kon to help. Max doesn't even get that level of understanding and trust from people. It has to be brutal.

Stephen Nehila

What power will Stuart affix with? Do the knights have the same class lists that Avowed do? I wonder what sort of power he would end up with. It’s probably too much of a stretch to think that we’ll get two bearers of all burdens, but something that matches Alden’s power would be cool.


It's more of a "tell Kon to ET to the hospital and ET there with the cushion to meet him." Funnily enough, if the hospital knew that it's a gift from the son of the Primary they might actually let them do that a couple of times.


Thanks for the chapter! Really appreciate the interactions with the team. Between the two other teams we've heard from Team Alden seems to have the most inclusion/team chemistry. Not including someone and not meeting (last chapter). Does Stu know anything or is he just being an over the top gift giver in the cushion quality? Or did kibby get too long on her video titles? Jk no way she'd out him. The lying for the sake of helping someone is shitty. Probably the right move but sucks for everyone. I'm interested to see if the hospital people get more interested in him as they seemed to react to his skill quite positively. I mean it's very impressive for emergencies and getting setup to treat an injury. Glad heat guy expected it, if he didn't at all Alden would feel much worse. Sometimes people don't want what they need. Looking forward to the next chapter and the next wizard session on the fancy pillow.


oh my god im so glad you made the connection for me that line has been bothering me for hours now

Matt DiMeo

Yeah, I suspect everyone in Stuart’s family has been trying to talk him out of Knighthood forever. His [strangeness] may make them all protective.

Bzitka Yaknotz

Feel bad for Soren and Max here, feels like the faculty are failing their students in a pretty major way. "This school is supposed to be the deep end" is no excuse for negligence


Curious thought, but if Alden preserves a object then would Kon's skill work on it past his skill's time limit? All of the cushion and Kon jokes made me wonder. Alden and Kon definitely need to test this out sometime.


Thank you for all the work you’ve put in and enjoy your break 💙 Feel free to take a longer one if that’ll help, we’ll still be here when you return!


You're crazy. A chapter under a week is by no means slow. Sleyca don't listen to this guy. He's crazy.

John D Jones

Maybe not the only one, but that idea doesn't work for me. Lind/Esh only know Alden as "the child who got the Commendation." They probably know his name from having looked him up. They've never met him in person. Stu'art'h has seen Alden with a learning cushion similar (but inferior) to the one Alden just got. Also, the wording of the note seems a little too familiar/affectionate for a gift sent to a stranger.

Maddy Weller

That’s two times Alden has to convince a recalcitrant person to let him carry them to medical help. I wonder if it’ll be a pattern? Ooo, fancy learning cushion! I could see Stuart actually knowing Alden is a wizard, if Alis and co figure it out by Kibby’s grand theft auriad, and Alis tells him, since they are friends. That would be an easier way for him to get help, than him having to ask Stuart when he’s visiting. But not just an extra fancy cushion, but one that’s slightly oversized for humans. Stuart is really thoughtful, I’m looking forward to Alden’s trip!

Bob Ross

"Max’s zones are cool, but they have capacity limitations" I am absolutely not disputing this as that makes a great deal of sense but...is Alden intuiting that? Is that likely a common trait of adjuster zonal spells? Is that how Hannah's spell works too?


He wouldn’t really need EMT training, since his skill means he can just pause the patient till he gets them to the hospital. Also I bet anesidora doesn’t even have EMTs since injured people can just ET themselves


I hope so, had the same thought myself. Just imagine a brute trying to punch his face in, only to be instantly frozen and time skipped to a jail cell.

Matt DiMeo

Realistically, Alden in a close range fight loses against most people he might need to fight. He’s just not specced for combat. In an early class, they said he should carry a Wright gun.

Matt DiMeo

I picture Alden preserving an attacker’s shirt sleeve and the guy breaks a rib from hitting the wall mid-punch.

John D Jones

@ Sickul The Velras can do million Argold trades because they want to monopolize the Chainer class and they are extremely wealthy so they can afford to do that sort of thing. Really someone just needs to tell Jeffy, "You can be a super-lifguard. Hot girls in bikinis will drool over you." Or, y'know, just sit him down to watch some episodes of Baywatch assuming that show is a thing in this setting.


How certain are we that Alden needs permission from the person themselves to pick them up? Why not ask Kon for permission to pick up Søren?

Matt DiMeo

They’re probably still all arguing instead of [seeking accord]. Like a bunch of gokoratch.

Bob Ross

Right?! If Kons time limit is around 4 minutes and Aldens skill prevents time from affecting the entrusted burden it seems possible for sure!

John D Jones

Alden will probably put his crappier learning cushion on top of his new one just to make sure it isn't [[ass-abused]] (not using the <> for Artonan because some weird HTML effect makes words inside the <<>> disappear ). Also, good to see that Alden has used his experience dealing with a stubborn injured person (Stu'art'h) to better persuade/trick another stubborn injured person to get needed medical treatment. Another thought, I wonder if that Healing hospital is going to start calling Alden to do his thing for other patients now that they're aware of him. Final thought: Gonna be a looonnnnnggggg wait until next Wednesday or so, but screw it, every job should come with breaks. Anticipation will make the next serving of Soup even tastier.

Bob Ross

It seems like the principal knew this was coming, but maybe the...intensity of the students reaction was outside the faculties expectations? They've only had one obstacle course day and already people are willing to kill or die for it. Maybe that's unfair to Heelfeather, being pissy and blaming Max (who made him look really good, btw), isn't the same as being willing to kill.

Matt DiMeo

Makes no sense. Among other things, they wouldn’t have needed to go through the embassy.


> Alden made a decision. “Sounds like a plan.” Someone once told me "Sounds like a plan" is the lowest possible bar to reach 1. It isn't a good plan 2. It isn't even a plan at all 3. It just *sounds like* a plan He used to say "sounds like a plan" whenever someone had a crap idea

JJ Hunter

Fundamentally, he's engaging with Alden as a peer, more the peer he was hoping to find in his current school than his actual peers there. Alden's actions during his medical emergency and afterwards, onwards ere a challenge - a good challenge - to Stu'art's own ambitions and how well he's been living towards reaching them. Giving a proper learning cushion of the same kind from the same maker as he received to Alden comes across as a gesture of profoundest respect and esteem and encouragement - all the things Alden's current human peers are being less forthcoming with right now.


But why wouldnt he get Alden a regular learning cushion rather than a wizard one?


Alden and Max go to B-List meetings together. They’re familiar with how each other’s powers work.

Andrew Simpson

I think it's worth noting that when shit hit the fan, all of the A and S rank kids were at best, panicking, and at worst, making the situation more difficult for Søren by being petty shitheads. Alden stepped up without hesitation, and he did what had to be done with empathy, compassion, and a steady hand. That is why he is a hero.

John D Jones

Yeah, but there's also "Even a bad plan is better than no plan at all." Standing around arguing with the kid who has second/third degree burns with clothing inside them is no plan at all.

Bob Ross

Alden has never asked a sentient to entrust him with another sentient as far as I know. The closest we got was the frog in the flower. Plus I'm thinking Alden would be opposed. He'd think it was too much like Manon

Maddy Weller

I thought the round letters are because Artonan uses logograms, which if I’m remembering correctly, are basically fancy circles that mean whole words.


Lol I was just thinking it was more artonan weirdness, but that makes so much more sense


That’s probably right, I haven’t revisited the earlier chapters since I first read them around June or July, so I’ve just been thinking of them as Chinese characters. Thanks for the refresher! Edit: Also someone else pointed out it might just be comic sans lmfao, that’s gonna be my headcanon from now on

John Anastacio

Winston was shouting the other day about how Max couldn't use magic. Alden could deduce from that that Max's spells were being used up prematurely.

Zenopath (AEV)

There's a perception gap there. Alden, not being a psychopath, can't envision people as being willing to entrust pieces of themselves to another. If he could perceive it that way, he might be able to do it, but it would require the kind of mindset that sees nothing wrong in dissecting small animals for fun. Maybe if it were an emergency where someone had been injected with a lethal poison and removing the arm only way to save them, he might manage to perceive that solution.

Bob Ross

Ah, I interpreted that to mean he'd used the zonal spells until his spell impressions were exhausted, not necessarily that the zones had been used up.

Doug Wills

My guess is because he ordered it from the person who made his. And that person probably only makes fancy wizard ones.

John D Jones

I think for Alden to preserve a conscious sentient being he has to have permission from that being. That person has to "submit" their Authority to Alden's Authority or the preservation won't work. That's the reason the Gremlin would be okay with Alden eating Stu'art'h (really that tiny bit of Stu'art'h's foot). Because Stu'art'h submitted his Authority to Alden, Stu'art'h "belongs" to Alden for meat consumption purposes. Ditto Plim, Soron and anyone else that Alden has preserved. If Alden wanted to eat those chicken eggs from that restaurant mentioned earlier, he'd probably needed preserve it before he got his omelet. Ditto any steak/milk/ham/etc. He'd need to preserve the animal first before he got to eat it. Which... is probably a bit too close a relationship for him, so he'll probably remain primarily Vegan.


I believe Will is involved in Alden’s pickling powers. If the other party is against it, Alden would have to battle their will (much like in a contract dispute).

John Anastacio

I feel that it was all right for the faculty to wait for the problems to arise and solidify first before they acted. I think it's only the 2nd week.


Jeffy was for sure selfish in choosing Aqua Brute. That said he should have been IMO. I think there is no world in which Jeffy gets in to hero school with either a rarer class (as I don't think he has the capacity to use it effectively, at least not currently), nor with a more traditional class (he comes off as irresponsible and perhaps he just is irresponsible). This might have been the only way for him to actually realize what he wanted. He is for sure going to have some long term issues if he can't come to terms with the class though.

Calico C

Kon’s entire presence in this story is to safeguard this learning cushion from disaster

John D Jones

Remember that Alden's visit to Stu'art'h comes first, so it's possible that Stu'art'h might end up not choosing to Affix depending on what happens during that visit. Presumably Artonan Knights having access to all the various Skills regardless of class. However they're not going to endure the existential agony of Affixation so they can... fix chipped paint really well (sorry Emilija).

Guus van der Borg

To be fair, I read the part about people not parting for Alden as a sort of shellshock. They weren't processing what Alden was saying untill someone else repeated it louder.


Knights probably don't have classes at all. There's no reason to segment the skills and spells the way Avowed classes do. A knight could take their main uncapped skill, a small capped skill that might be a Shaper skill, and then another capped skill that might be a Meister skill. We know from Earth's System that you it can at least give spell impressions that normally aren't given to rabbits, so I think the class divide is entirely artificial.


@Bob, I figured it was the other way around and this kind of thing happens all the time. I know we call it a High School, but it is more like an Officer Training School that specializes in Special Forces. Making it into the program is tough, but staying in is even tougher. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a HUGE A-Rank drop out from first to second year. Like at least 50 percent of the students don’t make it.

John D Jones

Natalie cookies would be a good present to Stu'art'h for Alden to bring on his Dec. 15 trip.


It's possible he just...Googled it. Remember most people are not taking unknown/previously unused skills and spells, they're taking ones known to be useful. So it's entirely possible the effects and limitations of Max's spells are already known and Alden just had to look it up. The other possibility is that it came up during a B-List meeting.


I believe he is talking about the one from Celena North. The one who was all a tizzy about Alden's commendation. Edit: mentioned before Alden's final interview before his acceptance.

Calico C

Klein is working with false, but understandable, assumptions. Most every other skill tops out at 10 at most, he said. Though LMTYL seems to be a good skill, most other rabbit skills are straight up bad for combat situations. So Alden could max his current skill, but stagnate in advancement. He was also taking into account that Alden was facing all the other students with a level 4 skill, when everyone else had a level 1. He feels like the school is working against Alden’s best interests just to curry favor with the artonans. Which is exactly what they said they were doing in his admission behind the scenes meeting


That's the way I read it too, but it stands to reason that if his spells are exhausted, that means he would have to be casting them over and over again.

Bob Ross

@Cyrus, very well put. It's interesting to see the parallels between Aldens decision and Jessica's, obviously on a much smaller scale.


Wasn't the obstacle course a substitute class due to teacher absence? Considering that, it went about as well as you could expect.

John D Jones

Soron might be a little pissed at Alden for doing that, but everyone else there seemed extremely okay with the boy who had second/third degree burns getting to the hospital ASAP. Anyone pissing on Alden for doing that might get Marsha's glaive upside their head.


Right! He cued in on it immediately. And stu is too attentive to not hear Alden's small complaint that Earth didn't make them as well as Artonen.

Bob Ross

@cafenacet, that's a good point, the availability of information is so high, I'd forgotten to include that as a possibility. @Together_Comic, haha gotcha. I was picturing Max's casting limitations (however many zones that was during the first game), being the source of Winston's ire. Like "I can't believe that B-rank could only cast x number of zones, and now that he's cast them he's useless" as opposed to the zones running out. Like he placed them all at once. Love the additional info provided by this chapter!


I just realized that Lute used his super hearing to hear Soren on fire and also immediately moved to help. Lute is definitely going to Join the hero program in University.

Bob Ross

Ah, found the quote from chapter 30. "He wondered if people could be entrusted to him by others. He doubted they could, unless they were unconscious, since he couldn’t steal something a person was holding"

John D Jones

I think if Alis would have told anyone about Alden being a Wizard, she'd have told the Primary. In which case there probably would have been more interest/activity than Stu'art'h getting Alden a good-sized learning cushion. Maybe Stu'art'h was somehow able to sense that Alden had a bonded auriad through their call (the Systems and the calls made through them are basically magical, so some magic should probably work through them) and that was why Stu'art'h mentioned his own auriad and got Alden a wizard's cushion.

Calico C

They’re in a school to be heroes. Heroes *need* to work with/listen to other people they think are weaker than them. We call them heroes, but they are training to be a specialized elite military unit that needs to learn proper power control and cooperation. I imagine they have the ability to/inclination to throw people out of they appear too unstable. The school’s recommendation also probably matters a lot to the governments wanting to hire heroes

Cambria Layton

“Please protect it from your schoolmates” I love Stuart

John Anastacio

I think the chances of Alden telling Stu about his wizardness, with or without secrecy contract tattoos, has greatly increased. I dunno how Alden can even partly repay the gift he's been given. The only option I can think of is lots of Natalie-made Earth food taken along when he visits the Rapport.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

It is all too easy to imagine Alden holding the Learning Cushion close and muttering "my... precious..."

Calico C

I have a feeling they’ll attribute a lot of it to Kon because he’s an S rank, and he was the last person who talked to most of them. Most people did not give Alden the time of day when he was talking, Haoyu, Lexi, and Kon had to talk to the mob for him

John D Jones

@ Kettle People might choose to drop out because "Yeah, this Hero thing sucks way more than I thought it would" but I'd think some kind of minimum culling policy would have been mentioned/explained at the start of the programs if it was a thing. I'm guessing that it's not unless there's a clear lack of work or progress (a year in and no leveling or something).

John Anastacio

I'm reasonably sure there are Rabbit skills that can repair cloth items, though their users might suffer complete skill drain the way Hadiza did. I rather think the new learning cushion is at least as magical as Alden's book bag. John D Jones - for the healing hospital, very probably yes. They might not have any other candidates.

Bunny Waffles

People in need of medical attention being unhelpful idiots is pretty common in real life so it fits. If you ever watch the channel "Fire Department Chronicles" he has a bunch of shorts where he reenacts things he's seen as a paramedic in the past and the amount of idiocy from clearly injured people and their friends is astonishing.


I don’t think it is reasonable to say that all the A and S ranks did that as if that was why they weren’t useful. They had already tried to get him to the hospital and someone had gone to get help. There wasn’t really anything else useful they could have done for the most part. The main difference between them and Alden is he has experience in a crisis and he had the ability to take him to the hospital. I do agree though some of them just made the situation worse.


I think we need to seriously consider the context in which these kids are when they select their class. Consider, Jeffy is a 15? yr old who got up one day to realize he’s going to be seperated from his home, his family within the next 3 months. Statistically, he’s going to be stuck on an island nation, never to leave, never going to meet his friends, never going to see his home again. He might meet his close family once every 3 yrs. The ONLY (legal)chance he has, is to become a superhero and the likeliest way to win that lottery is to have the best school on his resume. So yeah, he chose the class which represented the likeliest chance of getting him in.

Calico C

I think Jeffy needs goofy. He also needs videos of Aqua Brutes doing cool stuff


Alden not caring about his reputation + Skill that lets him kidnap/ teleport people anywhere + Tattoo with a super sketchy wizard = Some really spicy rumors for the "Scary" rabbit


Knights definitely only consider the uncapped power sets. The initial 300 + any others that have been created since. I kind of assume the main Chainer Skills are uncapped but it's hard to say.

Calico C

I agree with Gail. She was trying to convince him he was unneeded at the race, and to get it looked at even if it meant missing the race. He wouldn’t be letting his team down if he got it checked out. She misinterpreted his reason for not wanting to back out. He felt useless, and wanted to prove otherwise.


Klein never said bravery doesn’t matter he just said surviving being brave was more important than


People injuring themselves and then refusing immediate medical treatment is becoming Alden's specialty. First Stu now Soren.

Calico C

I feel like Winston in particular will say that Alden did the exact same thing as Hazel with his power abuse.

Jeremy Goldberg

Right? And the package was to the most important human on the planet, no less. The assistant was probably bummed that Alden didn’t choose to meet with them in a tea shop. edit: they had probably planned out a little ceremony and everything.


I like Marsha. She comes across much the same way Lexi did during the entrance exam.


Amazing chapter! No worries from me about missing a day, the fact that we've had consistent updates for this long is already amazing, so you've more than earned a day off. Also, love the expanded list of characters ;)

Juan Diaz

Thanks for the soup!


It's for his own good though. We know from Alden that skill growth is the primary means by which an Avowed levels and if Jeffy won't use his gaining a level will be difficult. Maybe he can stress the rest of his affixation (his strength and agility etc.) to make up for it by probably not.


Havent read the chapter except the team summaries, you sorted by rank you Rankist!


It's not what Alden wants to do, but I assume Hospitals and Houses of Healing, at least on Aneisidora, have a hero on staff the same way travelling ballets would - and Alden would be great at that once he gets stronger.

John D Jones

Yeah, I think... [quote]“It’s out! The fire’s out! Stay calm!” someone shrieked wildly. “Everyone stay calm!”[/quote] ...kind of tells you everything you need to know about the general functionality/mindset of the people in the room aside from Alden and his roommates. Maybe Alden will some kind Award for "being not a moron and actively useful in an emergency situation."


My gosh pure right. That cushion was commissioned with high(Alden) Appeal. That must be a thing. In a world of magic, that must be something bespoke cushion makers can do.

John Anastacio

I figure Alden would be horrified by this idea but he might really benefit from a point or two of extra Appeal, to make him seem or maybe sound more persuasive and worthy of trust. In a real emergency his patients might not be able to afford the extra minutes needed for him to persuade them as he is. Well I guess he could drug them and lower their inhibitions that way but that would be bad and illegal on Anesidora and also very out of character for him.


does The Gloss effect Aulia's whole family because of Mass Bestowal or because that's how gloss works?


I don’t think Alden has done anything illegal. He’s not a doctor, and Soren needed a loving lie, from Alden’s perspective. What I do think is interesting is how different Alden’s actions in this situation are from how he deals and thinks about things in the dealing with the unexpected class. There he seems much more considered and non-deciding things with a one man and one vote (out of one) approach. I think this will come up in his next classroom internal monologue.


Alden is going to need to make a contract with someone regardless. We know that it's generally required for visitors. If it's for Stu'Arth he could make use of it for his own purposes. Telling Stu without a contract is foolish though- Stu is terrible about lying and keeping secrets.

Ano Ano

Good outside the box thinking for how appeal could be useful for Alden. I think he'll get better bang for his buck, though, if he spends his bound authority on things he values and uses social prestige to get people to respond appropriately. If he was the city superhero responding to an emergency instead of that one weird rabbit kid, people would probably be more inclined to listen.


I know we all love the chapters on super-powers and magic and trying to understand this cool world with Avowed and multiple planet politics. But I just want to say, that this story discusses and touches on such interesting personal struggles of identity, self-worth and self-care, scatters these nuggets like small diamonds, and treats them with sensitivity and a sense that is simultaneously precious and matter-of-course. These scenes have been so personally interesting and helpful. Thank you for writing this story Sleyca, and please make sure to take care of yourself.

Ano Ano

I think Lute is way too lazy to want to join the hero program. I like him showing that he's a good person while having zero desire to become a hero. It's one of those things about this story that make it so textured.

Ano Ano

I think Alden could use his skill on someone against their will if someone who was metaphysically that person's "owner" did the entrusting. For example, I would not be surprised if an Artonan wizard eventually entrusts a conscious Avowed to Alden.


Right! There is no partial consent. If you give permission to the Bearer to preserve you, you are completely at his mercy


Yeah. The hero track students’ attitudes (almost understandably as a result of the selection competition) to rank and other people’s powers just frustrates me so much. I get it, but it frustrates me. Alden isn’t them and I get he doesn’t have the time. And yes they should be putting in the work. But the way they think about Bs and rare powers and the meta, at 14-16, when they’ve got all of high school and college before summons or city selections, when they’re still in first quarter, just baffles me. Are there no famous B ranks? Where are the teachers and assignments being explicit about hero dynamics and teamwork? Surely it’d be more fertile ground if they got them being more considerate of others’ strengths before grudges and imposter syndrome set in? My thoughts are obviously invalid cause this is good story telling and conflict and teenagers are good. And I know they’ll probably even do that after a bit of time. I just want to shake these kids though sometime. Sign of believable characters I guess!


I feel like somethings going on with Stu. The lack of independent eye movement. It may be as simple as ‘he’s on the Artonans spectrum’ or it may be something more concerning or deliberate on his part. It makes me think more about the convention of whole brain learning with teachers for Artonans, and how single track unavowed humans can be almost as good at musical instrument as two track Artonans. We must unpick this eventually!


Alden heard the scream faintly and Lutecan hear heartbeats when he tunes it up. Even if he doesn’t recognise the sound of burning human flesh, I bet his flat mates shouting ‘omg he’s on fire’ came through loud and clear, tbf.


I mean, this was literally addressed on the chapter because the lists are pseudo diagetic. So keep reading next time lol

Dalton C Vieira

Take your time on the "deadlines." Your writing is always worth the wait. Thank you for another wonderful chapter.


Ah shit. Fick. Ballacks. It’s going to be something like this isn’t it. Sleyca humanised even Aulia. Reinhart had a lot going on behind his eyes during his obstacle douchiness. Winston is going to have some empathisable backstory isn’t he. Damn it Sleyca. Why are all your human and non human characters so characterful!

Charles Hinton

As always, the more that I read the more that I want. Don't worry about missing some of these chapter goals. I figure all of us can see the work you put in to make these chapters amazing.

Josh Smith

I'm more worried for Stuart now if he's going to go through what his sister/cousin did I think he thinks he's not gonna make it so hes giving out stuff like this to his only friend.


Scorcher. Puns aside, definitely a Shaper who’s shaping up to be a trailblazer. I think his classmates will look back and regret burning bridges with him. He’s definitely the sort who’ll be on the in-universe’s Hot 100, one day.

Chas Becht

"May you gain knowledge all the days of your life, and may your days be many." What a delightful blessing.


Who is your one and two? You can say Joe twice, of course.


Thanks for the soup! Stu is amazing, he's just the kind of friend Alden needs. And I would be really happy if you took a month long break, Sleyca. Everything is smoother with a backlog, and your happiness is most important. Get some rest!


Jeffry has good handwriting and a sensible grandfather. He can be taught. But I fear they need to wait a year or two for his grandfather to be granted a permit and learn the secret. Jeffy, ironically, has hidden depths.

Matthew Lester

“The son of the guy who’s holding the universe together needs this mailed jer’ry get on it” My socially anxious ass would include hundreds of delivery options too.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

I've always appreciated that the character notes are written with their own special kinda-in-story tone. Pseudo diagetic is a great description for the team lists!


That’s the question isn’t it. Alden dismisses that Stu knows, but I fear Stu does know but doubts himself. Stu assumes he’s mad. I think he hopes though. I feel like the Arth family are in the ‘avowed knights would be dope’ camp. I bet the Artonans who don’t feel that are rarely knights. A knight has little fear from an avowed knight I suppose. They are equally capable and both under the same torture, and it shared a heavy burden, one they’re happy to have .. support … in bearing. A regular wizard can be surpassed, and would be much more concerned about Alien knights?


Apart from Rabbits, the Griveks who aren’t S just choose skills and make a ‘class’ of traits that they choose freehand, I think? I think the Artonans would do similarly.


Socially, Avowed are placed somewhere between normal Artonans and Wizards, and perhaps a bit closer to Wizards. So a normal non-wizard one could have been perceived as an insult.

Matthew Lester

He is l, essentially, universe royalty and probably didn’t consider something he ordered offhand would be the highest quality wizard pillow because that’s just what he has.

Michael Blue

Alden gets the Appeal to more easily establish rapport and finds himself having to navigate away from people attracted to him more frequently


I forgot about the obstacle course not being deployed till later, normally. Still, there’s also that ‘less good psychologist’ thing. Really feel like various little for want of a nail psychological outcomes may result from that particular chestnut.

Michael Blue

The gremlin still might say it’s okay for him to eat Søren now, so there’s that


I'd like Alden to get Stuart tea and several different types of tea sets. Stuart could become a person with a quirk of using tea for welcoming people rather than having instant wevvi for anything. And he's definitely the kind of person who would enjoy conducting tea ceremonies.


My guess is that the rabbits could repair the cloth but if the magic broke, that's it.


> figuring out (hopefully) clever power uses and interactions for all the characters takes a lot of time... I'm torn on whether I should mention cool tricks I thought up or not. On the one hand I don't want to mess with your process, on the other hand maybe you'd appreciate some help brainstorming? I guess I'll just put a link to an online notepad and you can choose to click on it or not. Hopefully it being behind a link will also make other commenters less likely to click on it. Shoo! https://anotepad.com/notes/gq2neir3


sentient being, if soren was out cold, kon or anyone could do it, since Soren was awake -albeit in denial about needing the hospital- he could say do not pick me up, Alden needs permission - currrently. and oh hey a word that breaks the i before e except after c rule.....

John Anastacio

Jeremy - that would be a great idea. Alden should bring it up with Instructor Marion.


Honestly, I love reading comments because of stuff like this.


I wonder: If someone entrusts Alden with another person, can Alden preserve the person he's given? Does the entrusted person's state of awareness matter?

Mandy Wang

Stuart's not gonna be in any danger right? The way he wrote the letter makes me worry.


I hope Soren becomes friends with Alden and his roommates. Soren seems to really need some support.


Tiny nitpick! When teleport was authorized and counting down, there's no way that conversation advanced that far in the four allotted seconds. There was just enough time for Kon's response, but not time for the rambling story. Even talking at speed. I do agree that extending the teleport window to 10 seconds makes even less sense, though, and the world building is good.


I think people are being too harsh on the other students. Alden did great but he is one of the only ones who can actually help in this situation. The others can only try to convince Søren to take the ET. And Sanjay did run to get the healer which is the correct call because the healer probably at least knows first aid. Even Marsha might have been trying to convince Søren in an unkind-but-there's-more-important-things-right-now way. Or maybe that's the only way she knows. But still. I know this might be an overly charitable view but even the wizard students and Alden were panicking around Stuart when he was refusing help.




Alden is nr 1, I'm boring that way, rooting for the main character and all.. And then Joe, although he is probably tied with Stu to be honest. I don't *like* Joe's personality, but rather his entertainment value and lore-revealing quality, hence taking spot nr 2


I has been stated previously that they have to be unconscious in that case


Astrid is very cheerful, but for Jeffy specifically I'm pretty sure there's something else going on. Jeffy was staring at her cleavage at the party and there was an AN mentioning he was disappointed she went minimal for gym. But most of all at the party they're mentioned showing up together and Astrid's hair is wet! Aqua brute fun times

Second Raddish

I think at this point Alis has connected some dots and figured out Alden can manipulate his authority. Stu was quiet about receiving texts clearly not meant for him because of a harmless curiosity, so I can see him asking Kibby blunt questions and reading between the lines as well. I hope this is a gift from Stu, to a wizard. I also Beautiful Mind this story on a daily basis.


Second the well said. I tried to say what you said in your comment but failed miserably. I find Alden's struggle with identity very realistic and insightful.


If he gets an award I wonder if the knights at matadero will come to give it too him


The possible profiles Colibri are thinking of for Alden probably includes "Mysterious Rabbit"


Agreed John, I was thinking if this cushion thing was put in partly to make it more credible when Alden reveals his wizardness to Stu. And if Stu can do tattoos, Alden won't have to worry about secrecy. I'm really really hoping he confides in Stuart, that reveal chapter would be epic


Nah Lute sees being an Avowed as a way to earn money for his musical career


Some of these teenagers have not spent any time on a moon with an orphan in a chaos event, and it shows.

c c

Something tells me someone with it out for Alden will look for something "minor" to steal/damage to get back at him, and select the prettiest object in the room...

Jeff Petkau

"Nobody here needs you. Your team will run better without you." She also told him they didn't want him at their team meeting. Marsha is a grade S asshole. (Also, couldn't Søren blind people for offense?)


At first I agreed with Calico, but then I remembered that some of these kids are just 15. They might be throwing out a kid who just needed a bit more time to develop into a wonderful hero. They should rather give them more support but have extremely strict graduation requirements. At the moment (which is still early into the program so it might change), the ones who are the most narrow minded and selfish seem to do the best. If I were the teachers I would give the strongest penalty possible to students bad-mouthing their teammates for example. That way of thinking would get you killed when you work in a team of heroes


The only thing I'm aware of that can be considered "dangerous" for stu is the affixation he has coming up. If I remember right it'll be like Aldens upgrade was after the moon. So not dangerous per se but I wouldn't be surprised at all if it felt like the end of the world. Of course that's only officially, It does has incoming death vibes. I really don't want stu to get whacked though, I don't think I could recover.


Blorcyn, that would be interesting.. maybe Stuart has this feeling sometimes when Alden talks (e.g. about "his spot" etc etc) that he can sense authority, but then dismisses the thought


Oh. Also. I think holding on to a piece of someone's foot bone is information that gets weirder the longer you keep it a secret. Like, if Alden had told Stu right away "by the way, look at this piece of foot bone I found, I've decided to keep it" that wouldn't be too weird. But if it comes up months to years later, the conversation is way more awkward. "Remember that time at the pond when I saved your life? Well ever since that day I've . . ."


Last comment! I love how Alden is growing more and more attached to the auriad. This chapter he grabs it unconsciously when he is moved by Stu's present. I am just waiting for the day he whips it out and uses it without thinking. Preferably, hitting Winston with a well-aimed spell. And of course, thank you for the chapter, Sleyca! ;)


Oh Mother Knows Best for sure. She knew exactly what Stuart and Alden needed and could probably run millions of simulations in split seconds to figure out which actions would have the optimal outcomes

Robert Lethiecq

I wonder how much the psych evaluation issue will come into play. The principal made a point to mention they took a less skilled psychiatrist to allow for Alden’s trauma issues to be overlooked to ensure his admission. This leaves the question of who else may have been let in through sloppy screening that might have been kept out due to concerns of this kind during a normal admission period.


Alden should carry a med kit with a tranquilizer of some kind so that in these kinds of situations he could just knock the fucker out and have someone else entrust them to him. He can be incredibly useful as medical transportation (of almost any kind) but the fact people can tell him no while they're literally smouldering(or bleeding out from a fish attack) is a little bit of a buzz kill. It's happened both times that hes tried this so far.


That craftswoman must be known throughout the Triplanets as one of the best if she made a cushion for Stuart. I was thinking of some of our Earth traditional crafts and how some cultures have people training for decades how to be Master craftsman. The Artonans with their perfectionism and very long and rich magic learning culture are probably even more pedantic

Cyrus McEnnis

It's an interesting moral question. Can you force someone to take medical treatment if their judgement is impaired? Normally, if someone is unconscious we'd have 0 issues with them being treated (outside of very specific circumstances which I'm ignoring for this hypothetical). Once Alden pickles someone, they're effectively unconscious, or in a coma state - nothing you do or say to them will elicit a response. So, if someone clearly and unambiguously states they do not want medical care before Alden pickles them, and he takes them to a location where they get asked if they want medical care before treatment begins - has Alden taken their agency away?

Charles Hinton

When I think about Stuart's point of view, I'm thinking that he expects Alden to bring the learning cushion to class with him. I'm also still wondering if there is going to be some blowback from him showing the live video of classes that day.

Jeff Petkau

Interesting idea. In which case the LeafSong stuff could have been about lining up the other side of the chain. Probably with some sketchy wizard who works there and likes under-the-table deals. [Edit: nope can't be Joe, because the boater was there much longer than him. Oh well.]


Blorcyn, I think the school should have a policy of no social media even. Cultivating an online presence seems like just about the most counterproductive thing when you have a bunch of 15 year olds at Level 1 who should be focused on training their powers, not "looking cool"

Temp One

I think the greatest sin the students are guilty of is ignoring Alden, presumably because he's a B rank. It took Kon making some innocuous statement about fixing a desk lamp to convince them to give Soren some space. Rather than an implied request from the person interested in treating them. I kind of hope something in this vein gets brought up in class. This kind of training seems incredibly important for heroes in disaster recovery situations.


@David I suspect that the skill would lose 85 percent of its power if it lost its primary restriction.


From what I interpret Cevron8 saying is that "sounds like a plan" is worse than no plan because the person THINKS they have a plan and they don't. So you are right, a bad plan is better than no plan and THINKING you have a plan is worse than no plan. 😃

Jeff Petkau

I don't think it takes years before family can visit at all. It's just that the limited slots for major holidays fill up quickly. They can have visitors in off-peak times after 6 months or something like that.

Robert Lethiecq

I disagree. It seems like he is a long way away from being able to take multiple people at once. Triage will be important and EMT training will help him get the skills needed to be effective at it. If 3 are hurt and he can only take 1, putting the worst on ice and helping to medically stabilize the rest will prove useful.


@Guus My read is that they disregarded him because they know he's a B (and they didn't have a lot of mental bandwidth at the time, for the reason you have). He had to ask an S to intervene and "pull rank".

Cyrus McEnnis

I stand by a comment I made ages ago - Alden would make a superlative Dom if this whole "support superhero" thing doesn't work out. Consent is so important.


Gotta say that I am confused on the team break outs! One team with 3 S, one team with 4 S, and the other two with 2 S. I hope Sleyca addresses why the teachers didn't have a 3,3,3,2 split of the Top S ranks. Or why a B was put on a team with only 2 S ranks. Seems only Alden's team is well balanced from the get go.


@Cyrus When my wife was giving birth, her mother and a nurse were trying to bully her into the medical decisions they wanted her to make. My wife still thanks me to this day for pushing back and making sure they respected HER decision.

Temp One

I'll be curious about when the reveal happens. I'm thinking it'll be waaaaaay into the story, possibly after Alden graduates from the University program or something. But only because once that box is open Alden will turn into a potential hit target for every Artonan Wizard who considers Avowed potential existential threats. The tone of the story will likely take a dramatic shift at that point. But Sleyca could throw us a complete curveball like she did with the Manon chapter, and take the safe future Alden has planned and throw it completely off the rails. In which case maybe it could happen as early as around the end of highschool?

Andrew Simpson

I don't really know what he would get an *award* for, but certainly I think he might get some credit. I think he's gonna cement his reputation among his class as someone with actual experience.

Cyrus McEnnis

If only there was an already discussed method for the System to store goods in a highly secure fashion that a rabbit could afford to use on a regular basis. Or a class that could make a secure storage receptacle.

Guus van der Borg

Ah, we were thinking of different moments. I was thinking about the time people needed to let him through. When he asked that people leave I still don't think they ignored the B and listened to the S though. I think they ignored Aldens request to leave because they were still in the 'worried and I should contribute' mindset. But they listened to Kon because he managed to knock them out of that mindset by replacing it with cognitive dissonance. Here there's a dude with serious burns and Kon is saying it's not a big deal and talking about fixing a LAMP. At that moment every thought is pushed from their brain and replaced with 'wtf?'. In that moment they are receptive to new input. I think Alden asked Kon to do it, not because he's an S, but because he has established himself as an adept socialite who can easily sway crowds. In short, I don't think B vs. S was an important thing here.

Temp One

We know the walking requirement of Alden's skill only existed to emphasize the mindset of a burden being actively carried; and that once Alden mastered that mindset the training wheels came off. I have to imagine the entrusting aspect is a similar training wheel. Maybe to emphasize how the burden carriage is performed for the sake of others. I feel like Alden will have an epiphany at some point that will relax that restriction much like he no longer needs to walk to maintain his skill.

Cyrus McEnnis

We know that Stu'art detected some elements of Alden's authority while he was at LeafSong - that's why the Primary sought Alden out at the Party of Doom, after all. So is it really so unlikely that he'd have noticed the delta between then-Alden and now-Alden when he visited? Perhaps when handing over Other-Alden to hang from Alden's hand?

Andrew Simpson

I went through a grad school program that had this mentality (pit a bunch of talented, driven, young people against each other with no guidance/safety rails). What I can say from experience is that it *does* motivate you to push yourself beyong your limits, but it also tends to result in bitterness and burnout. Its a great way to motivate people, but unless you can properly control that pressure to excel, it can teach a lot of bad lessons. Putting highschoolers who are already removed from their support networks through this seems like a pretty terrible decision. Søren *literally* maimed himself trying to push him limits because of it, that should be all the evidence you need.

John Koor

When the scream happened during their claiming dibs on the tub/shower, it happened in such a way that I thought Alden had used a shrieking orb to distract the group so he could sprint ahead and get to the bathroom first.


1) I think you're buying too much into rank superiority. Just because you're an S doesn't mean you're useful, nor does being a B mean you're useless. Kon has probably the worst powerset in the class for this, and he's an S. Meanwhile, both Alden and Max are definitely not the weakest links in their teams, even if some people on their teams are thinking of them that way. 2) I doubt the teachers really cared too much about fairness - it's not like fairness is gonna mean anything to a supervillain (or to chaos).

Cyrus McEnnis

For all those wondering if Stu'arth knows that Alden's a wizard - remember, he detected how "different" Alden's authority was when they first met in LeafSong. He told his father, which is why the freaking Primary went to the LeafSong party which he hates - just to meet a single, low level, human rabbit. Then said rabbit turned up again at his home. It's not a far reach at all to conclude that Stu has known that Alden is a functioning wizard, if not a human knight candidate, since that house visit.

Andrew Simpson

It has been stated multiple times that focusing on the S rank threats on each team is part of the problem, and I think the teachers are aware of this. We have seen first hand that a well used b rank skill can outperform an s rank skill in the right circumstance, and this obstacle course is all about making, and taking advantage of, those circumstances.


You know what would be fun(ny)? If next year, when Alden has a whole bunch of extra levels of Authority laying around, he just say, "F- it! Alden STRONG!!!" And pumped 20 Foundational Points into Strength.

Donncha crowley

No because of the great lessons from university no new skills or foundation points outside of his age and rank lesson 2 as I recall

Mandy Wang

I thought only Avowed have affixations. That’s why Alden’s always so upset about his free authority being bound. Artonian wizards’ authorities are free and unbound.


It might be a rabbit-like thing where the maker can craft the right cushion for Alden without actually knowing him. This may have tipped Stu off... Or just puzzled him because he knows Alden is human and therefore couldn't be a wizard.


That was amazing. Thanks for the chapter. Inb4 Sleyca starts selling learning cushion merch.


But it is amusing to pretend for one second that this was a manga and that Alden would do such a thing 😂

Jeff Petkau

It could even be that that's what the obstacle course is for. After they're settled in, teams that learn to work together and use the strengths of all their members will crush the rank-focused ones. Mix it up a few times so everyone can experience both kinds of teams and it's a good lesson. Just sucks right now because they've only had one session.


Weeelllll, Alden wasn't actually a wizard at that point, just a priest in training from a dead civilization


No wonder Sleyca said she had a medium term ending in her head, but also a much longer term possible ending if she still wants to continue at that point - it could just go so many ways .


Hahaha, I've actually forgotten about the foot bone, it has really been very long. Imagine Alden telling him in 5 years' time when they are both stranded on a chaos planet


I doubt stu knows he's actually a wizard. He wasn't when he noted the quality of his authority and he was freshly affixed when they met again.


It is possible, I agree Jeff. Let's see what the instructors will say after this week. I really hope they will be more hands on than "let them figure it out themselves"

Jeff Scott

There's no chance he'll be on a hitlist from Artonan Wizards because the Artonans already have Avowed Wizards, they're the Knights, the most respected people in the entire universe. The only people that might not like him are the Knights themselves, but I doubt it as they'll be sympathetic to him due to understanding his sacrifice, or the Avowed humans who will be jealous of him.


Thanks for the great chapter Sleyca! Maybe he'll get an internship or something helping with emergency medicine! Seems like he's appreciated there and it would be good training for him. One inconsistency I noticed: In the gym class one chapter you noted there were forty one students. Your note says 42. I don't remember class numbers mentioned anywhere else. Looking forward to next week!


@Kettle Justified as being a medical intervention. You don't get people to let you render them unconscious for a specific purpose, and then do something else instead. It doesn't matter if you have good intentions or don't like their choices, it's just not okay.


STUART AHHHH so sweet 😭

Jeff Scott

I'm fairly sure that Stu doesn't know, but the Primary and Tertiary probably do. They might've been dropping subtle hints to Stu, like maybe he chose a leather cushion because his father suggested it. Once Stu goes through his own Knight initiation he may figure it out on his own about Alden when all the pieces come together.


I don't think anyone except Kibby, Boe, and Mother know that Alden is a wizard. The Quaternary knows Alden was able to feel something wrong with his affixation, but not the full extent.


Knights have affixations, too, I thought. Stuart is a knight. Pure wizards don’t affix.


First thing he tried when Thegund started falling apart and the girls were scared. I doubt it's any different now. Also, I suspect he was ready and waiting for the skill to trigger on Soren and it didn't until the lad entrusted himself.


@Cyrus McEnnis Yes Alden took away his agency. Soren was never objecting to medical treatment, he only wanted to dictate the circumstances under which he recieved it. He specifically agreed to entrust himself in order to await treatment. After arriving at the hospital he had no reason to refuse the staff there, but that in no way implies agreement with Alden.

Matt DiMeo

This scene was very true to life for how groups of untrained people act in a crisis. Everyone should mentally rehearse how to bark orders at strangers. You have to get someone’s attention and give them a job, for example. If you say “someone call 911”, nobody will because everyone else thinks someone else will, so you need to say “*you* in the red shirt, call 911”

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

Huh. I might have to go back and reread that bit to try to figure out the timing in my head. I do know that conversations can take less time than one might think. Short sentences can be less than a second long, for example, depending on the talking speed of the speaker.


Well, what is "too harsh", really? Did they behave in an optimal way? Certainly not. Did they behave in the way you might expect? For sure! Condemning them carries no benefits, but assessing their performance does.

Matt DiMeo

Realistically, Soren is low-status, and nobody but maybe soren is going to hold it against alden when the outcome was good.


I mean, the school is generally pretty funny - it's probably just because it would be less interesting but we really haven't seen any actual teaching from anyone. The Artonan teacher just makes students talk to each other, but that teacher clearly doesn't care about the class at all. The Unexpected teacher also has just made the students talk to each other, but at least it makes more sense for a class about understanding your own personal views. The gym class has a little bit of teaching by the side instructors but again a lot of "just do this thing and see if you can make it work". Compare with Alden's non-school gym, where they looked at how he ran and figured out changes he should make. At school it seems like it would just be "run this course", "ok now run it but better, you'll figure it out yourself".


@Jeff I've always assumed that they'll just frown and force him to take the Knights Oath in addition to his other oath. And then it will get weird if he then has to reside on Artonan soil as his home base.


Smooth Stu, very smooth. ^^


So, when I was in community college, a kid had a seizure during class one of my freshman classes. And last year, while I was at breakfast, someone had a seizure while standing in line to order their pancakes. In both cases, the number of people who crowded around ineffectually doing nothing useful but being scared/shocked/whatever was very high. In both cases, I was the first person to call 911, and in the case of the breakfast place, I was the ONLY person who called 911. In the case of the breakfast place, I was the only one who sat with the guy who had the seizure until the medics showed up. Everyone else just kind of like, stood at arms length. When the guy woke up, nobody but me was even willing to like, talk to him about what happened. You'd have thought he had the Plague or something. I think assuming that a bunch of 15 year old children will be johnny on the spot with actual practical ideas for how to resolve the issue is deeply unfair to children - real life, actual adults are less good at problem solving than the children in this chapter were. They had multiple people trying to ET him, one person already running for a healer, etc, etc, etc. Like, if anything, this is unrealistic for how quickly and practically the kids responded. I don't think any of the kids deserve to be blamed or looked down on for their actions here.


I doubt emergency teleports can take you anywhere you want.


We do know that the Artonans make drugs which are incredible for this. That being said, issuing a teenager with high power knockout drugs is... a really hard sell. Especially since in this case it would be explicitly to avoid a consent requirement.


The time traveler club is secretly just the Aldens potential meals club ;)


I was just thinking that Jeffy is going to be so jealous and want to be a wizard too. And I want that for him.


He can lift a thousand pounds and it'll only go up from there, strength is going to drop a ton in his priority list.


Could a team use the obstacles that they need to move (after the fire) to block the fire? Not carrying them further but backward? There might not be a rule that the obstacles have to stay in certain places, only that they need to be moved there once to be able to proceed. Could be a nice twist, if the rules allow it. Edit: also, since Alden does not feel weight, he can preserve a piece of paper, have someone stand on it and then lift very fast to act as a catapult to get people over the wall and into the pool. :)))


I mean, I'm pretty sure that "get people thinking about something else" is an actual crisis-management strategy. If you get people hyperfocusing on "terrible thing is happening we need to act" it's harder to get them to cooperate than it is if someone says something very clear and concise and tangential to the original thing, which can get people to get out of 'focus on bad thing' mode.


@Charlie Sleyca said somewhere, I think in the Q&A, that she was considering making it a strict rule that you can only have one uncapped skill. Although obviously that's not confirmed in story yet, so still changeable. If it is the case, knights might have to take capped skills if they want any additional ones.


I reckon Max and Soren should team up - seems like both have big potential but are being ignored by the others because they're not great right now.


@Donncha It is Lesson One in Chapter 39 actually. Joe said that taking too much Foundational Points will slow down or even limit the growth of his skill, so yeah, Alden knows he should not do it. Be he totally could. He would not do it though. But he could... @Gregory it's a different kind of strength, though. He would be able to bash Winston Team Rocket Style practically overnight!

Kim Enteiu

I see it as Febri manic & speed talking over Alden and Kon, which fit the tone and timeframe.


I could remember wrong, but the not taking (too many) foundation points/no other skills/spells advice from Joe was given with the aim to get earth system to offer the original BoaB progression path to Alden. Since he is already on the BoaB path now, I would assume the strict limitation regarding foundation points no longer applies from that point of view. Though it still might be good for Alden to not divert to much authority from BoaB into foundation points since BoaB is where the 'true' power lies, same reason I would assume he will not pick another skill, at least not anytime soon. But I don't think there would be any inherent downsides to it as far as we know.

hercule pyro

Still laughing about stu's utter distain for Alden's classmates


@Kim I can dig it. When I tried it sequentially for myself, it took 17 seconds. But if it is not sequential and the words are fire-hosed, that could do it.

hercule pyro

The "no non-boab affixations" advice was with regards to regular human avowed levelling. He's on the knight curve now so he can take other points as appropriate. Obviously boab is generally going to be more useful than anything else he has access to, but there's no reason he can't take more toughening-up points now if he's feeling fragile.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Kraaa is probably discussing the possibility with the Quaternary, I bet an S rank (?) hunter alien who was likely looking in Kibby’s direction after Kibby asked him/her to perform probably saw Kibby stealing the thing

Heather White

Imagine if he’d used the tea house option and as he opened the package someone walking by spilled their latte all over it. Wouldn’t want to have been the person who added that option to the list.


The gremlin considers chain debt to be a sin so I think chains started out to be actual trades But with better Wizards, Knights, and Contracts, chain are now metaphorical trades


Why do you think that? Alden isn't going to Stu's to learn from him. Also, isn't *this* the "blowback" from showing Stu his classrooms?

Heather White

What a great scene for showing the pressure cooker of their program. Soren’s desperation to succeed no matter what it costs him and the casually cruel competitiveness that fed it… These would-be heroes have a long way to go in being able to actually handle the pressure.

Heather White

Oh, and Kon’s social adeptness in managing the scene shows that some hero powers don’t come from the Artonans.

Charles Hinton

* To Alden's language class. We don't have any evidence that Stu would know that Alden is hiding anything. I'm just saying that unlike Stu we figure that Alden would have the cushion in his room because we know that he is hiding his mage training. The pile of things Alden is hiding has become a mountain, and when the mountain topples and crashes we will have so many different confrontations and reveals.

Charles Hinton

As far as blowback I was thinking more about Stu gossiping to others at home about how crazy bad the teaching is and that later trickling down to when some mage rep comes to review the school.


As we now know, there are also Rabbits for finding lost items. A stolen magical item may have warranted their use and pointed right towards the Quaternary’s compound. It wouldn’t take much investigation to figure out it was Kibby afterwards. The Quaternary probably would have just replaced the display with one of their spares too to keep it quiet.


Kind of funny how insistent he was that he hadn't taken Appeal back during the rescue game, he may not have it from the system but he's got it in his own way.


Rather than Lute joining hero school, I think it's more likely that he'll Join Stu & Aldens' future Knight team and travel through the galaxy with the boys.

Adam Davies

A new sentence that never existed before in the human corpus. Thank you.


Yup, Mother said the uncapped skills are a requirement for Knights


I'm sure it will come back, maybe in chapter 563 when Alden is Stu'arth's sworn knight-avowed: He will be able to save Stu's live with his skill that has developed to be able to preserve the whole, by holding and preserving a small piece of it. Like the magic of the wooden bowl that was removed from its mother tree which still loved it.


I doubt the entrustment portion goes away. I could see the having to physically carry the burden going away though. The chapter after catching describes the entrustment portion as being linked to every other part of the skill.


Hi Sleyca, sorry to hear of the violent demise of your backlogs DX I just want say how much I've been enjoying your work and that i consider myself a fan. A 100% all in fanatical fan. I don't even want to tell you how many times I have read and re-read every chapter to feature Stuart or Joe. It's honestly embarrassing. I think your story is something really special and I love it. So if there are chapter delays or missed releases I totally get it it. Do what ever you need for the sake of the story. I support it ❤️

Radha Patel

I've noticed that at least one side of the transport is always a teleport bay. Even in LeafSong, Alden had to cram himself in the closest transporter (where the failed experiments were disposed) before being dropped on the CrocoSquid. That may be a hard requirement, or at least more efficient energy-wise


I'm not sure what Sleyca uses, but if I press and hold a letter on my keyboard, I get a popup list of possible variations (oòóôöø etc.). I'm on a Mac.


Wait what team is Heloísa in?


Ignacio/Shrike team. She tackled Alden and Everly in 2nd round on Wednesday, which had to be Ignacio/Shrike based on the wins and losses of the class.


I believe this happened with Stuart’s foot in an earlier chapter. He would not entrust himself and Alden could not use his ability.

Matt DiMeo

How could someone possibly forget the Rabbit’s lucky wizard’s foot?

Matt DiMeo

Knockout drugs bad, explosive darts and burning torture whips good.


I have now googled meteor hammer, and I like it. Could even consider it a variation on the rope he's using this semester.

Michael Blue

Also, when Alden was reconstructed Kibby did that whole ‘Take my Auriad to keep you safe’ thing. I’m assuming Alden went days with it without it changing color, and Kibby went days without it and without distressing. They might’ve all inferred then.


I like how at the start, Max's name is happily nestled between an A Rank Shaper, who doesn't deserve a name, and +5 more A ranks who get even less recognition.

Temp One

【A scream interrupted him. Alden jumped. His hand clenched against the soft fabric of his bag. All four of them looked at the ceiling. “It wasn’t that loud,” said Lexi. “It must have come from inside a room.” “Should we—?” Haoyu gestured upwards. “Someone’s on fire.” Lute tilted his head. “What?” Lexi demanded. “What do you me—?” “Someone’s really…FUCK!” Lute shouted, bolting up the last few steps and then racing for the third floor. “ET!! ET yourself!!”】 Was wondering what this was about initially, but remembered Lute has super hearing. It really seems like Lute might be the person who figures out Alden's secret first.


Love seeing Alden shine in crisis. And Stuart making his day end a little bit better. Great chapter. And thanks for the update

Temp One

If I remember correctly, those kinds of perks, at least past a certain point, will be just permanently binding free authority into a kind of spell effect. Why would he do that when he could likely just cast body reinforcing spells and keep the authority free for other uses when he needed it?

Kim Enteiu

Water shaper aqua brute team-up with the shaper launching a self-propelled brute at people.

Matt DiMeo

Natural extroversion leads to lots of practice communicating, which makes you better at people. It’s like the extrovert trait gives you +2 points per level in social agility.

Kim Enteiu

Soren was acting like a child, Alden told him a loving lie like a child, Artonan Social Dynamics.


Thank God, the load bearing Sleyca chapter dropped. These babies really been getting me through the week on hump days and Sunday’s. Love this stuff


Ya'll acting like I suggested something insane and not giving a super well intentioned and even keeled protagonist a tool to help people. @gregory. for some people 100%. But we know alden, and the staff knows hes good in a pinch for a medical emergency. Oversight is important, its not like the staff can't audit him every now and then. @Biped. Good luck finding a court who's going to convinct someone for sedating a fellow student who used fire to glue his shirt to his skin. Honestly guys what the hell. (Ps, sorry about the deleted comment. I tried to edit and hit the wrong button)


I'm almost 100% sure max and alden had a conversation about how the powers worked. Although it would have been pretty far back. Probably right after he got into school, before the boe chapters. If I had to guess

John D Jones

Knights have one uncapped Skill and maybe some Traits and Foundation points. For anything else, they'd just use spells. Knights probably could learn multiple uncapped Skills, but they'd consider it to be much worse to have 4 Level 25 Skills instead of one Level 100 Skill. Because your ass ain't cutting a moon in half with a Level 25.


Ya, the thing that separates knights from wizards is their affixation. Although they probably call it something fancier. I don't think they get selected though, its more of a volunteer thing in artonan society. That's why they have the suicide ritual(the flashback of stuart and his siblings with the snow, you can check back to when he talked to mother after thegund and before meeting stu at the art estate.). Its for when the process "get too hard". Its the big thing that's expected to happen when Alden visits Stu soon. I forget exactly when, but they have a week or so planned. I assume since he popped up again and its been a while since he's had a call on screen its either going to come up in the next couple chapters or a call that mentions it will.

John D Jones

Alden wouldn't be given an Artonan Commendation for this, but it's completely reasonable that Celena North might give him an award (AKA a commendation) for providing aid to a fellow student who was injured. I hope this comes up in Super-hero Ethics. Winston giving Alden shit about (deceitfully) helping Soren might result in Marsha re-configuring her Meister Weapon to give Winston a double pimp slap.

Bob Ross

Alden translating for Lexi: "What Lexi means in his heart is that we're all a team and he wants you to trust his judgement as a teammate." Lexi translating for Haoyu: "Reinhard, you're an idiot."

John D Jones

@ Francis To be fair to Klein, bravery wasn't really an issue here. Alden was calm, assertive and level-headed. At this point Alden is probably the only Celena North high school student to have done actual, real-life super heroics.


I'm pretty sure it said in one of the earlier chapters that Alden was planning to have super Wright-magic soundproofing put in his room


On Artona 1, Alden was offered direct teleport from the spooky sacred forest to anywhere on Earth he chose. And the teleport to the crocodile-squid incident told Alden to “ENTER THE NEAREST ALCOVE IMMEDIATELY OR BRACE FOR TRANSPORT.” So it’s not a hard requirement; Alden is just (as Joe notes) freakishly resistant to the adverse effects of teleportation under less-than-ideal circumstances. He didn’t even need the vomit bucket after coming back from Thegund!

Jeff Petkau

Kraaa is probably way higher than S, if she's part of the Quaternary's hand-picked team.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

Okay, kind of off-topic, because I don't know if any of you here really follow this kind of thing, but has anyone heard about the Rabbit R1? It is this kind of gimmicky device revealed at CES this year that is supposed to be this helpful, AI assistant. Every time I hear about it, I can't help but think of how it makes so much sense that they branded their helpful assistant device as a rabbit. Sup Sup has infected my thinking.


Do they celebrate american or Canadian thanksgiving on Andonesia? I am assuming American since it is taken much more seriously as a holiday in the US. Asking because it should be coming up pretty soon, and since he is trapped on the island his family will have to come to him or he will have to visit someone else’s family.


Do we know what foundation points really are? Are they even worth putting Authority into? Stu-art'h is apparently physically enhanced, and Joe even implied that he is mentally enhanced (though Stu-art'h says it's not true). Could we take this to mean that most Knights don't use Foundation points, but save their Authority for their skills and enhance themselves in other ways? Perhaps Alden will put Authority into Foundation Points and then regret it down the line.

Cyrus McEnnis

Honestly? It's not likely that it'll be a holiday for the entire island. Thanksgiving is basically a North American tradition that has very little traction outside the continent. Even if an artificial island has a Harvest Festival, it's in the Southern Hemisphere so it'll be Spring, not Fall. Given how multicultural Anesidora is, you're likely to get religious holidays, but the culture specific ones would basically mean that every day is a holiday. I would think you're likely to have a Founding Day holiday, maybe a celebration of the signing of the Treaty with the Artonians, and then the standard high holy days for the major religions & maybe the Lunar New Year celebrations. It'd be pretty ridiculous if they celebrated Waitangi Day, just to pick an example at random.


Ahem, the correct spelling is "Jer-rhee"...jk When I read about the ridiculous number of intricate delivery options, I immediately thought of a freaked-out intern. But I also love the image of them receiving Alden's reply and being massively crestfallen.


Normally I would agree with you, but there was a section chapters ago where it described how Anesidorans basically celebrate every important holiday. Thanksgiving may not be all that important in the rest of the world, in the United States it is the second most important holiday after X-Mas

Jumping Flounder

alden messaging him directly to get him to clear the room is a great example of what to do in an emergency, you have to single someone out in order to remove the bystander effect

Skull Leader

Prediction: Next time Stu calls on Monday, the two boys are going to perform the learning/promise ritual. Which is going to lead to Alden yet again sending an adorable pat to Stu. Alerting the two knights again to this mysterious wizard that calling out to the universe in friendship. My god do I want this to happen so badly. The only thing better would be for Alden to take his cushion to Stu's home when Alden visits it to do this ritual (again). And that will be the moment that Stu discovers that Alden has a secret to tell...

Skull Leader

Yes I have and I had the very same thought when I heard it~ Now if they would only release a ryeh-b’t version of it...


Lute doesn't know that humans can be wizards. When he hears Alden practicing spells, he's going to assume Alden's one of the crazy would-be wizards and it's just an embarrassing secret of Alden's, not actual magic power. Lute won't put the clues together until much later, when he's seen Alden cast the same spell multiple times and noticed it's not "robotic" like an impression. By the time Lute figures out Alden's a real wizard, he'll have spent months sitting on what he thinks is Alden's embarrassing secret identity as a *fake* wizard.

Cyrus McEnnis

Sure, but if you do that then you'd need to also include the important holidays from other cultures. And I know it's an important holiday in the US, but it means nothing to an Avowed from, say, China. Or the UK. Or Tonga. I can absolutely, 100% see it being celebrated by people of North American descent in Anesidora. I can't really see it being a public holiday like Diwali. The big problem is celebrating Christmas in the Southern Hemisphere. Eating a feast in the first month of Summer is deadly.

Heather White

Yes, and Alden shows his leadership potential again by knowing who to pick for the job.


Even if the Earth restriction is one side has to have a teleporter I think yanking him directly to the hospital to help stabilize someone while a healer becomes available would still be extremely useful. I just think someone from the hospital would talk to him about being on call after seeing what he did.


I think narratively it would be more satisfying for Alden to tell him he's a wizard and seeing his reaction of surprise, rather than Stuart (or anyone else in his family) already being aware. You don't need to twist the story in an unbelievable way to achieve this either. No one expect Mother, Kibby and Boe knowing about it is still probable and believable.


I wonder what the medtech saw on her monitors - could Alden's skill be used for smuggling? Anesidora seems to mostly rely on tech so it certainly seems like he could sneak small amounts of drugs/forbidden tech in?


You mean like maybe smuggle civilians off of a moon that is about to have a chaos event? Or maybe even smuggle a bomb through a system authorized teleport to blow up some kind of lab? Wow, you're right - he could totally be some kind of smuggler!


I can see Alden throwing a Friendsgiving (like some ex-pats) for his roommates, friends, and fellow former Americans. He could have Natalie cook several traditional thanksgiving foods asnwell as cegan alternates. I think it would be a very Alden thing to do. And everyone can sit and cry at the excellence of the food after it is over.


Yeah. Stu completely turned his day around. He was thinking that it would be a bad omen to end the day with Soren being injured bit then Stu stepped up and ended his day on a high note.

John Mainer

Frigging cushion nearly made me tear up.


I think in the chapter it was introduced, Lute mentioned that he kept his hearing at a normal human setting most of the time.


@Stylemys Oh! And Roman got called away right in front of Alden at the end of the birthday party... He finds things! Would that be a Chekhov's Summoning?


Yes, Alden showing some really quick decision making abilities


It makes it funny that Alden doesn't even care about the pressure 😂


... Summoned into the path of a bullet by one of my more panicky colleagues... ( From Joe, just about Alden's skill as one of the originals, mother also commented on boab being a knight skill ) So how being a non-Artonean wizard would interleave with panicky colleagues...


True. But there is so much value in having that experience. Also, some people would really struggle to remain calm in a crisis, even with training


Changing genders is going to be so hard on Stu.


Stuart saw his learning cushion in his room in chapter 103, at the start of the all day call. “You have a learning cushion!” Oh, we’re zoomed out so he can see stuff around me. Thank goodness he’d been practicing from memory and not with his spell books this morning. It was only because yanking them from System storage was too expensive to bother with for just a few minutes. He usually waited until he was settling down for at least an hour or so at a time. “I do.” Alden looked down at the faux-leather cushion. “There were some at the lab with Kibby. I liked them. You’ll get to see some of them in one of my classes today, too. But I can’t really find any as nice here on Earth. They all seem to be more cheaply made.” “That’s <>” said Stuart with a frown. “Does your new school not have proper respect for the <> of your education?”


The A-Rank Object Shaper was mentioned in the entrance exams without a name, that's why they're separate from the other misc As


Not deadly at all. Had my first winter Christmas last year and it was weird. Christmas is about sun, sand, surf and summer for us. With cricket on the side.


Stu is the child of elites. For him, this cushion is not extravagant. It is a given that he can jump the line and get the best craftspeople, real wevvy, etc

John Anastacio

I expect a short lecture from Lesedi Saleh next chapter, exhorting the new class to get a grip and calm down and not be so insane as to refuse medical care. From what I've read about Apex, it's fairly common for young high ranks to accidentally injure themselves and others in the process of learning their powers, so Soren burning himself is fine. Not desirable, of course, but also not a surprise or a big deal. The teachers may even have a betting pool on who the first accident happened to, and also when. (Gambling is legal in Anesidora.) What is a surprise is that Soren refused to go to hospital. That's not fine.

Bob Ross

Is that a different object shaper than the one Kon mentioned at the party? " Njeri offered to clean up the punch spills with her shaping, but it turns out that they’re no longer close enough to elemental water for her to manage. The Object Shaper could probably do it, but he fatigued himself ages ago." (love that even people person Kon just calls them...the object shaper.)


I can see Kon getting involved in fixing it and then blabbing it all over campus.


I just realized if the wizards at the Palace of Unbreaking can bestow word chains and call in debt, there's no reason Alden wouldn't be able to learn how to do that with his Unbound authority.


Actually, Alden should be searching adjuster spells for ones without chants and then paying someone to use them in front of him so he can learn them.


Yeah. From Alis'arth's perspective, humans aren't yet capable of magic, and could only be taught by an Artonan professor if they somehow had the talent. Arden is not simply talented; he has Gorgon-refinement that nobody else has.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

I noticed that here and other places. For my headcanon, I remember that these are kids with enhanced physical speed, dexterity, and mental processing. They know time is short and all want to get a word in edgewise, and by my powers, they will make it happen.

John D Jones

Alden is a B-rank Rabbit with an S-rank in the Crisis Management skill (lower case "s" indicating an actual human learned ability). Once he hears about this, Klein is probably going to be angry at the universe in general and the Earth System in particular. Like, "God fuck it. Why is the person most mentally and emotionally suited to being a Hero stuck as a B-rank Rabbit? He should have been a Healer or Adjuster and failing that should have been an S-rank. Alden is the one who quietly took charge of the situation and solved it while most of the rest of the so-called Hero candidates stood around squawking uselessly like a bunch of distressed chickens."

John D Jones

Paying an Artonan wizard to do wizard spells in front of you so you can learn to cast them pretty much gives away the fact that you yourself are also a wizard and Alden doesn't want to do that yet. Meanwhile it would depend on whether or not "Chainer" spells required the dual mind technique that so far only Artonans can do. Really unless his human heritage brings something else to the table Alden will be somewhat handicapped as a Knight because there will be a bunch of wizard spells that he won't be able to use. OTOH, it will kind of be like what Aulia told Lute about how even the weakest Velra was better than anyone else. Being the "weakest" Knight will still (eventually) put Alden above every other standard Avowed.

John Anastacio

I expect that Alden will, by the time his next affixation is due, have learned all the spells in the grimoire he is currently studying. I expect Mother will at that time replace it with a new grimoire he can learn from and/or he'll have a live teacher.

Adam Andersson

Sophie was rank 4, and Kraa is one of the few rabbits picked from the strongest of their species. No way he isn't very high hyperbole.

Matt DiMeo

On the one hand, crisis management is a learned skill. cops and medics and soldiers and so on get specifically trained in it. On the other hand, it was still disappointing watching a bunch of wannabe heroes be so bad at it.


Not paying a wizard. Paying a human avowed adjuster. Alden is trying to look for non-auriad spells he can learn to add to his repertoire he can use openly. The only way I can think of besides asking wizards for those spells, is to get them from adjusters.


I took leave on Thursday. Looking forward to the chapter release


AFAIK the civilians were being refused teleports by the evil corporation - not quite the same as a proper official government border check IMHO. The bomb and what was said in that chapter I had forgotten about. Anesidorans seem to rely totally on the System which his skill bypasses through time stop. The Human teleporters seem to deliver you to secure bays with presumably machine scanners and a human visual scan - so more difficult to fool.


On earth the system does not owe any regard to earth laws so no Alden needed for that.


Otherwise yes he can smuggle even against the system rules. We see this happens with the lab bomb that Joe explicitly says is not normally allowed to be teleported without a permit


A few thoughts: So I actually think this chapter throws Saleh's comments from the last chapter in a new light. Clearly the school is aware this is a high stress point, especially for lower rank folks. Between this scene and also the info about Max... this seems to be a 'flash point' moment and I can't imagine the school isn't aware. So that throws a different light on Saleh talking to Alden previously... clearly she is checking in that their highly important special commendation student is doing ok... and is not going to be reacting alla say max... It does make me also especially wonder if we're going to get another insight or interaction from from Torsten Klien. Partly because clearly here is yet ANOTHER example of Alden being in a leadership role (with how much this school observes their students no way they won't find out Alden took charge and handled the crisis) and that in turn is going to be paired with what I think is a very impressive gym performance from Aldens team thanks to his work. The last few chapters have resolved a lot of our outstanding plotlines (though im sure new ones will come). The two big unresolved ones though, is Torsten's dislike of Alden (been hinted/noted a few times) and of course visiting Stu. Those to me seem like good targets for future 'arcs'. As an aside too lol is it bad that im kinda hoping Jeffy doesn't cave and proves everyone wrong by being amazing and NOT using water? Though I laughed at the scenes of people trying to convince him (also as an aside why can't i make line breaks for paragraphs in these comments! It keeps submitting when i try lol)


alexa how do you delete someone elses patreon comment?

Cyrus McEnnis

And as I'm rereading the series at the moment - I'm wrong, Obran is right. "Anesidora took a more-is-more approach to holidays. If it was celebrated anywhere on Earth and it was even moderately fun, chances were it would be honored on the island". Thanksgiving would probably fit under that, although it does make me wonder how anyone gets anything done in the whirlwind of hedonism Anesidora must be with constant holidays >.>

Cyrus McEnnis

@Culain yeah but you know as well as I do how eating the full Christmas dinner this side of the equator on a hot Summers day is just insane. Much better when you just throw something on a BBQ, ; )

Radha Patel

The evil corporation actually sent a space ship with avowed to pick up the scientists that decided to switch sides. Because of chaos/defective system, teleportation was dangerous there for normal people. Alden's skill was useful not just to transport the people undetected but to also protect them during the teleport

Tim Gonsalves

Marsha, Marsha, Marsha! All I hear all day long at school is how great Marsha is.


Why would Alden ever do that? We have seen him do so many things to keep his secrets so he can live a normal-ish life. Why would he risk that by practicing magic around genuine wizards?


@hh, I don’t know if I agree with you. As a society we do accept that it is sometimes necessary to take away people’s agency. Whether it is giving a sick kid an injection or stopping someone from jumping off a bridge. We usually rationalize it with “they aren’t thinking straight” or “they don’t understand why it’s necessary”. But it all boils down to the same thing. Soren was obviously not in the right state of mind and he could have permanently hurt himself. Alden made the choice to take him somewhere against his will, but it was ultimately Soren who consented to getting help. If Soren really didn’t want help he would have told the doctors no and called a cab.


lol I just realized/noticed, was the Marsha, Marsha, Marsha dialogue a reference? “Get better and use your ultra-rare subclass to defeat them all. It’s the only way.” Alden was 100% in the right for saying this, because he’s in an even worse, if similar, situation. He may not have a rare subclass, but BOAB is an ultra-rare/unique skill based on it disappearing from the Skill list after Alden took it. I hope we see Alden and Soren both kick butt in class someday. Also, Alden totally deserves some recognition for handling the situation. I can’t imagine how pissed off the instructors would’ve been if they had to deal with that at midnight on a Thursday.

Temp One

I hear you about Jeffy but, it's like, Aqua Brutes are super rare. It's hard to find an analogy. But imagine there are ten special tickets to Willy Wonka's factory, or something. One of the kids get it because he's only interested in the fame it will get him, and actually hates candy. After getting it he doesn't even use it, instead he burns it up on camera now that he has the fame he wanted. It's just such an utter waste of a ticket. I feel like Jeffy using Aqua Brute to get into North Cena, and then proceeding to ruin the extremely rare Brute class, is something like that. Worse even, since Aqua Brutes could actively benefit society in ways other Brutes cannot.

Mehmet ali Reyhan

It was legal for system rules for example mother broke artonan laws but those laws aren't written into the system

Ano Ano

Shift + Enter only works on PC. I've never gotten it to work on mobile. The workaround I use (sometimes) for line breaks on mobile is to copy a like break elsewhere and then paste it in.


Intellectually you are 100% right. And I also found whats her name pushing the "even cooler in water" bit very funny. But... part of me respects that Jeffy is doing it his way. It would be kind of awesome if he ended up ignoring all the aqua brute advice and just became this amazing brute/hero doing it his way. Just sort of a "everyone in the world thought he was wrong but he managed it" kind of thing

Zenopath (AEV)

Team Finley\Jupiter\Tuyet is by far the strongest. They have 3 heavy hitters.

Calico C

But she only heard him saying that he needs to make it to the obstacle course the next day, ignoring his very obvious injuries. If it weren’t a sensitive situation, it would be good advice of “take care of yourself first” because you aren’t needed

Gyoza Dog

I would say the biggest outstanding plot lines are the demon island, the “submerger”, and the visit to the Velra boat. I don’t disagree with your point in general though.


I think it could work, especially if my suspicion that Stu wants Alden to come on those dates specifically because Stu is going to become a knight

Skull Leader

Cause he needs a teacher? Otherwise if he gone this far and going to feel super pain everytime he levels up yet does not seriously study magic the best he can IE direct study with a teacher, what is the point of all this pain? If he is going to trust anyone with this secret outside of Kibby and Boe, it got to be Stu as they are quickly becoming the best of friends.

Heather White

Or so the rankists would have us believe. Looking forward to seeing them knocked down by teams “handicapped” with B’s.

Gyoza Dog

The "Submerger" is the mystery device that Orpheus traded for drugs in c101.

John D Jones

@ OsRavan Klein doesn't dislike Alden in terms of personal animosity. What he dislikes is that with his Commendation, Alden is taking a slot in the Hero program away from some other kid who would be much better suited to becoming a Superhero. He also dislikes the fact that the school is basically stringing Alden along knowing his Class/Rank is unsuitable so they can milk his Commendation for goodies from the Artonans. Torsten Klein believes those things because Alden has denied him the knowledge he needs to believe differently. Alden having an unlimited Skill that will never "top out" and also being able to cast Artonan wizard spells puts a far different spin on Alden becoming a Superhero. Also, Torsten doesn't know that Alden has no current interest in becoming a Superhero, so the school "stringing him along" is irrelevant to him.

Skull Leader

I kind of want next gym class if Soren can't run or his team continues to harass Soren, for Alden to convince his team when they are running against Team Febri/Shrike to come together and carry/help Soren cross the course. Sure Soren is on the other team but there is no rule you can't assist a enemy team, you just can't attack them. See the Olympics has the Pierre de Coubertin medal award for the athlete that promote the Olympic spirit. That award I think speaks higher to me than any amount of gold medals. So I would think that it would be very touching for a group of heroes to help Soren finish his run and I think Alden's team would get more attention and respect if they did that action than if they won ever match of the day. Come on Alden teach your class how a real hero acts.

John D Jones

"Marsha, Marsha, Marsha! All I hear all day long at school is how scary Marsha is." Fixed that for you.


I suspect that since the country has been around for a while, they have had time to determine fun factors and figure out favorite holidays. Like everything, the more fun it is, the more likely it is to survive and maybe evolve local flair. Plus,I doubt anyone but Americans will care if they are celebrating the fourth of July especially since beer is forbidden. Or locals who want to celebrate have to organize, and get permits. There are probably certain parks and streets that are set aside for festivities. Thinking of things like New York’s Puerto Rico day parade which is organized not by the city, but by the Puerto Rican community and paid for by private fund raising. Same thing for the Pride Day parade, etc… Of course, some days, like the .summer solstice probably have more than their fair share of celebrations. But then I suspect it is up organizers to celebrate together or separately.


I only just realized that alden is getting ALL the magic from EVERYONE. He's got an affixation, can use his authority, Is part of and maybe going to become a bigger part of whatever the hell gorgon has, and is also training with word chains. Out of every single different type or flavor of magic we've heard of so far Alden, uniquely out of most of the universe(remember, gorgon isn't sharing with anyone else), has every single one.

Michael Blue

I think Alden’s initial advice: “Get better and use your ultra-rare subclass to defeat them all. It’s the only way” holds true. People might respect Soren less than they do now if he needs an opposing team to help him cross the finish line.


Teleporting in 4 s…] “...He accidentally cut off his finger a few years ago, and he had to take the train—” Not to be too pedantic but that read more like 10 seconds to me.

Skull Leader

Well I was thinking more if he was too injured still to run. That they could let him run still and Alden can get him across the things Soren could not climb without hurting himself. The point was not for everyone to do all the work for him but to assist him in finishing the challenge he wants to do.


Mmm. Yes and no to my eyes. Everything you say is true, but he has also made it personal. Perhaps (my personal theory) due to Alden 'smiling' at this blunt advice... imo he likely took that to peg Alden as even more not deserving than he had before. But anyway, while I agree what you outlined is much of the motivation for the dislike... i think that it *is* personal yes. For the reasons you outlined he has made it personal. We see multiple hints of this. For example when Alden comments about him having moments of warmth with everyone else in the class..except Alden. And the interview callout he made also had a huge mental impact on Alden. He mentions it multiple times and its negative impact on him is a major driver of his motivation. We have several other gym moments where he seems to get upset at attention being given to Alden. He isn't treating Alden like the other students... even the other B students. Its subtle because he is professional so its not in your face but you can read it between the lines imo. All that means imo at some point there needs to be some sort of confrontation. Perhaps Klein recognizing he misjudged Alden. Perhaps something else that's a surprise. Personally I suspect he will be the first one to find out that Alden's skill is *not* level capped. Seems fitting since so much of his negative interaction with Alden revolved around his feeling it was. Haha the sappy part of me wants him to recognize Alden and then become his closest mentor and supporter lmao. But yeah SOMETHING needs to happen there imo.

Matt DiMeo

The problem is he’s got no way of knowing whether any given skill spell is even possible for him to cast with only one brain. He could try for months and never get anywhere.


The rules of the obstacle course are that the team doesn’t finish until all members cross, and it’s hard enough that almost nobody can run the full course solo. Given that Soren’s team is 2-0, they are definitely doing their part to help him through the course. His issue is just that he feels like dead weight. And given that he was admitted into school based on potential rather than current ability, there’s really nothing to do but follow Alden’s advice. His team certainly isn’t helping his mindset, but his current issues seem mostly internal, if exasperated by high school drama.


This is the third pre-teleport conversation in the story that goes on longer than the listed time should allow. There's Stuart talking to Alden before Alden's teleport to Earth in chapter 63, and there's the conversation and travel to the basement for Alden's first summons in chapter 26, and now this. Clearly incoming teleports cause time dilation.


Anesidora needs Mardi Gras! That is a super fun holiday. I am trying to imagine the parade floats that wright's would develop, and what high dexterity musicians could do as a marching band, and the costumes would be amazing... but NOLA would be all... we still do it better...


Ohmygoodness, I keep thinking there will be a time skip, but then some other interesting event happens. Lute is absolutely right, Alden's life is CRAZY busy. This is literally his...3rd official week of school? No... Thursday of his 2nd gym week! And he gained 1 (~2) new level(s), discovered an undervalued aspect of his skill, unwittingly brought about the downfall of a cult leader, ET'd a burned classmate, and that's not all that happened! When we were leaving Thegund, I couldn't have imagined hero school would be this exciting. Also, Stu coming in clutch with the cushion, just to remind us that he's still in the running along with Lute and Boe for Alden's #1 Bestie.

Cyrus McEnnis

I dunno. I think they'd be way, way, WAY more pissed off if people tried to hide it over getting them involved if necessary. Getting woken up to deal with a genuine emergency? I'm honestly surprised it hasn't happened already with a bunch of hyper-competitive teenagers away from home for possibly the first time.

Mohd Nor Amjad

Soren now officially join the can be eaten by Alden according to gremblin club ;). This chapter really spark a lot of my imagination regarding Alden future as a hero, how fitting the wizard ryeh'bit costume at leafsong as a foreshadowing tool and option for his actual superhero costume.

Temp One

I'm with Michael on this. Opposing team helping Soren cross the the finish line just reeks of condescending pity. It could destroy Soren and whatever respect he might otherwise earn.

Robert Lethiecq

Rather than Alden hosting, he may be dragged to Haoyu’s house. His mother seemed quite concerned with the orphan on move-in day.

Temp One

Ugh, different universe/reality. Dum-dum. On Alden's Earth each second is two standard seconds in length. So that conversation actually happened in about 8 standard seconds. Now, I know what you're thinking: "but wouldn't that mean the afternoon on Alden's Earth rolls in around midnight?" And that would be a problem! Except *Alden's Earth rotates at half the speed our Earth does.* Which makes each day on Alden's world roughly 48 hours long. Incidentally, this means when he and his roommates joke about Lute hogging the tub for half a day, Lute is actually basting in his juices for a full standard Earth day. Just sleeping, eating... Everything in that tub. For a full standard 24 hours. Also, fun fact: Alden's Earth still has the same revolution speed around the sun as ours. So each year on his planet is actually 182.5 days.

Bruno Salque

Happy rest day Sleyca :)


Yes and the next step is hand him to Natalie ;)


Honestly, Soren clearly went into shock after the accident. It’s not terribly rare for people in shock to be uncooperative about receiving treatment. As for everyone else, they mostly understood that they needed to get him to a hospital, but they had no clue how to deal with someone in shock. For teenagers, that’s about as much as I would ever expect.

Ricky Kukowski

how would you translate son of a bitch to artonian? Son of a female mammal known for its loyalty, intelligence, and bravery. Who serves as the most notable working pet to humanity and still works with their protectors (police, firefighters, soldiers, security.)

Ricky Kukowski

no you're all wrong. I read through it 20 times with a stopwatch. it's 4 seconds. reading what would be slightly fast but still normal conversation hit 3 seconds. reading it fast was 2. monotone hit me at 5 seconds. slight pause at each syllable was about 8. stilted major pause at each syllable was 15, same every couple words was 10. to make that sentence last 10 seconds feels noticeably abnormal. reading normally I ranged from 3.7 to 4.2 seconds depending on if I took a breath after hitting lap or was already saying he.

Ricky Kukowski

I don't see Max's team doing well because most of them aren't trying to shore up their weaknesses

John D Jones

The guy who wore caution tape to the party seems like somebody who talks really fast.

John D Jones

I wonder if there's going to be a "Radish Rabbit to the Rescue!" video online fairly soon. Kon seems like somebody who posts online a lot. I love that it eventually comes down to "There was a largish crowd of powerful A and S-rank superheroes in training. Alden has Kon shoo those feckless children out of the way and then convinced Soren to let himself be preserved. At which point Alden took him to the hospital." Figure Alden's reaction to anyone talking about this will be "Ah, no biggie. At least this guy had all his parts still attached."

John Anastacio

No drones were present I think, but maybe any Avowed can record video using their interface? We still don't know too much about how well the Contracts mesh with tech. I also cannot remember any instance when an Avowed used their interface to record video, period.


I timed myself reading that out as well and I figured it was too short. But heres a counter argument for this situation at least. Since the System message was cut off it might be saying that the 4s timer was only the amount of time Alden has to take back his teleport request. After that it's locked in and the teleport is in process - which might take a few more seconds to actually resolve.

Lidja (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-21 18:45:38 I don’t think lugging the learning cushion to Conversation class will be worth it daily, since Alden will have to carry during his 2 previous classes, but he might want to bring it for final exams.
2024-01-21 14:21:08 I don’t think lugging the learning cushion to Conversation class will be worth it daily, since Alden will have to carry it during his 2 previous classes, but he might want to bring it for final exams.

I don’t think lugging the learning cushion to Conversation class will be worth it daily, since Alden will have to carry it during his 2 previous classes, but he might want to bring it for final exams.

John Anastacio

Well, we know Super Supportive is a world with costumed superheroes and presumably costumed supervillains, too, just like in comics. And in comics, they all talk so very much even and especially while fighting. So maybe speech is a swift action there.

John D Jones

You think Alden would choose to expose his new super-special wizard cushion to a place where it might get a stain?!

John Anastacio

Agree with John D Jones - it would also draw ever so much attention from other people, and we all know Alden dislikes attention. Other people might even think he was showing off.

Matt DiMeo

I feel like the game *should* come down to who can protect and support their slowest or least helpful members the best; team cottontail has what they need to win.


Hazel was confused why Manon wouldn't just send Alden's pictures to her system to system, and she reasoned that she preferred taking photos using tablets or drones instead because it's "more convenient at times"(?)


Oh for sure, they would be furious, I just think any emergency they have to respond to is going to piss them off. There are levels to the anger though haha That’s why I think Alden should get some props from the instructors - he not only did a really good thing for Soren, but also made his instructors lives easier.

Alan Miller

Any kind of instant freeze ability seems unlikely because of the sheer amount of energy movement. On the other hand if Everly does have that kind of energy migration her skill may shift to 'instant cooking' as she goes mega-heatpump.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

I could see the case for Alden deciding to not care what other people think. He likes his learning cushion and he's going to use it. Almost no one will think it's anything more than a fancy cushion bought by the same kind of wealthy rabbit that paid to have a personal chef of the moment for a while, and if they do then that's their problem. Alden may prefer less attention but he consistently values his own joy even more.


This must be their full time job, they get full time job patreon compensation from it... I Really like Sleyca as an author but 28k each month IS a well payed fulltime job lets not try to pain this as a hobby.


Stu hasn't given any other indication that he knows about Alden's wizardry. This could just be because he expects Alden to be accustomed to the leather cushions from his time on the chaos moon and because humans keep making fake wizard cushions because they don't know any better. Or maybe it's not a wizard vs non-wizard thing but rather a magic vs non-magic thing, so Avowed count as magic enough. Or maybe the craftswoman who made Stu's pillow is a master leather worker but less skilled with cloth, and he prioritized best quality and matching source since there's no real rules for cushions for humans. But there's definitely clues that Stu could have picked up. And he would be discrete enough to never mention those on an unsecure line. If he does want to talk about Alden being a secret Knight, this would be his first good opportunity to bring the topic up, and the best available until Alden gets summoned for that weekend visit.


Alden would definitely use his proper cushion in his own room, and is unlikely to try to hide it from anybody who is already in the dorm with them, but bringing it to class would expose it to Lute's shoepissers.


That cushion ain't moving out of that room until Alden does 😉

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

New pet theory: Stuart thinks Wizard Alden is a hallucination. He knows Alden can't possibly be a wizard, but he's coping with the difficult life he's signing up for by playing out a fantasy in his head that Alden is going through the same things. He doesn't think Alden will know or care about the material of the cushion, but for Stuart it lets him indulge in his maladaptive daydreams of his secret buddy Wizard Alden who secretly truly understands him.


The system has already given other avowed upgrades on their anatomy so they can do things normal humans can’t, like extra vocal ranges and stuff. Maybe it’s possible that Alden can get an upgrade to have his consciousness split?

Heather White

It’s just kind of sad how not heroic these heroes are behaving. Soren isn’t doing what he should despite them telling him what to do? It’s not like victims on scene are going to reliably take a hero’s advice. To be real heroes they’ll need to learn how to deal with that.

John D Jones

@ Sindri I don't think Alden is going to get summoned to the weekend visit. He's going to use the teleport bay to go there as an actual invited guest, which is much cooler, IMHO. @ Tori Unlikely. Remember that other people on the 'art'h estate saw Alden and interacted with him. He took food to a few of them on the way to Stu'art'h's room. Stu'art'h later mentioned that a bunch of people were trying to figure out who the hell Alden was and why he was there. IIRC, apparently the prevailing theory was that Alden was some high-level badass Earth Avowed who was there for training purposes. Stu'art'h noted that he enjoyed knowing something others did not and chose not to clear up their confusion at that time.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

@John D Jones, on the point of other people having seen Alden, my understanding of Tori's comment was that at this point Stu might think that Alden's wizardy-ness is the fantasy, not Alden's existence. Alden is not the hallucination. Wizard Alden is.

John D Jones

@ Skull Leader It's currently between 3 and 4 AM on Friday, so "next Gym" is that day. Soren isn't making it to them because he's getting healed from second or third degree burns. I don't think Soren's team is consciously harassing or bullying him. They're just frustrated with the current situation. Alden's team was a little frustrated that they had to carry Alden around after he got Sleep-Darted. They understood that Alden got Darted because he was highly useful to their team. Because he'd been highly useful to their team. Now consider Soren. His Skill isn't very useful on the Obstacle course. His physical stats probably aren't much higher than those of a normal kid. He has a crippling fear of heights. So Soren's team had to carry him around the course and at no point was he able to return that favor by helping any of them with it. Also, Soren is a 15-16 year old kid, so his feelings of shame at "being a burden" were magnified by his hormone-addled teenage brain.

John D Jones

@ Lauren K Okay. I was a little thrown because when Alden showed up at Stu'art'h's room, Stu'art'h actually thought he was a hallucination then. I guess I thought Tori was saying that Stu'art'h had somehow reverted back to that belief.

John D Jones

I think we're getting close to the point where time could be skipped a bit. I think one reason things have been going day-by-day is that a lot of stuff is new to Alden (the B-Club, Gym class, new things Alden can do with his Skill etc.) so it's also new to us. So the story needs to show it to us. Figure the Friday Gym class will be shown (unless it gets delayed by Principal Saleh and Instructor Marion doing a special "Engaging With the Unexpected" class because of all the people on the superhero training track at the scene of Soren's accident, why the hell was the B-rank Rabbit kid the only one who acted like fucking superhero by dealing with the crisis?) Figure we'll see the Filipino eating place party. We'll see at least some of Alden's Monday call with Stu'art'h. I don't recall exactly when the Matadero boat trip with Alden, Haoyu, Vandy and Lexi ('cause it's his boat) happens but we'll see that. Maybe some mention of Thanksgiving. Perhaps the Velra yacht visit if that happens before Dec. 15.

John D Jones

So how pissed does everyone think that Vandy is going to be at missing an actual Alden hero moment? I'm guessing very pissed.

Skull Leader

You all have made excellent points and I get why my idea might not be the best idea. I can see why it would not help Soren any. My idea is more me voicing my frustration in some of the teenager heroes actions/bias. But teenagers will be teenagers. I just want people to actually help Soren get stronger and stop acting like they are better or that they can't possible help someone get stronger. I am also frustrated by the idea that this event is even being considered a competition but then I would say I fall on the side of a Hero is someone more like Fragment than someone that super popular cause they do the best battle theater. At least Alden has pointed out that winning maybe is not the goal everyone wants to shoot for. I hope that Alden continues to not care about gaining a follower group or worry about how to maximize his coolness in his every action. I love that Alden so far has acted like he has little to prove to others. Real heroes don't have go broadcasting how heroic they are. They just act when needed.

David Burchfield

As I have mentioned elsewhere. My theory is that Alis now knows Alden is a Wizard (She had most of the clues just no reason to think about them). Mothers treatment of Alden combined with Kibby stealing the Auriad (which Kraaaa is probably aware of and could have passed on) could be enough to have a reason to put it all together (what did Joe offer?, how did Alden sense his condition, why did Kibby steal an Auriad, hey didn't Kibby act weird about it when she first showed up). Stuart and his Aunt are very very smart I think it does them a disservice to just assume they aren't going to notice and put things together.


Tease us sleyca! One paragraph will do us!

Benjamin Collins

I'm pretty sure at one point Alden decided he didn't even want to be a hero and he's simply in hero school to better understand and grow his powers to the best of his ability not to mention he never once wanted to be "the hero" he just wants to be a support person so I doubt he will ever be interested in developing a fan base


But they are all training to be heros. They're all overachievers so I personally would expect at least one of them to have an idea on how to do it. Not most of them but one.


I think that would be absolutely horrendously expensive if it's even possible.

Ano Ano

Vandy is so weird. I could imagine her scolding Alden for lying and Soren for damaging school property.

Zenopath (AEV)

Alis knows Alden has an Auriad. When Kirby gave it to him Ali's made a noise of protest because she knows that serving A connection with an Auriad should have hurt Kirby. When that didn't happen she must have known it was actually Aldens. The week he spent getting healed while wearing it proves it was bonded to him since it didn't turn white or do whatever unbound auriad do. However we don't know that Avowed can't bind with Auriad. It has never been stated that one need authority sense to bound with one. Alis probably thinks Kirby gave it to Alden as a useless gift he can't use.


Joe has contended with demons that are less blunt than Stu-ar'th, no good way to handle besmirching honour situation ; stu wants to kill his classmates on the regular for their lack of Aldenness ; Alden went whoa ,what an interesting but possibly heart-on-sleeve weirdo when they first met ; hallucinations, , lack of independent eye movement, his cool sis protecting him : it adds up . Mother obviously loves him, I feel that his family has said no affixing please don't try.

Andrew Simpson

Considering they have breeding programs for Rhybets in artonian society, and that almost every culture that breeds animals has independently arrived at some form of the word "bitch", I'm sure it translates into "son of a bitch". Considering they don't value monogamy like we do, and the only artonian family we know of has many wives and dozens of children, I'm not sure it would carry the same weight. But I'm sure it would translate.

Andrew Simpson

I'm sure there are other weird magical we don't know about unique to other races, but yeah, that's kind of his whole thing. It's why no one else on earth could be a wizard probably. Him learning magic when he was in the hyperbolic authority training environment of the chaos storm is what allowed him to do it, and only gorgon's investiture allowed that. He is a patch work unicorn.

Andrew Simpson

Also I'm really not here for a nother progression novel where the protagonist gets to split their mental processes so they can do things mega efficiently. I like Alden be a handicapped caster compared to artonians, it's an interesting restriction.

Andrew Simpson

Probably neither unless one household or another is still of that nationality, considering they are national, and not cultural or religious holidays.

Temp One

It's cool what additional details you pick up rereading it. Like I was surprised to see that, in the Mother chapter, Alden's power actually has the ability to preserve an instant of time. So he really can control time with his power if he levels it up enough. It sounds like a time stop ability. So I have to imagine it would be enormously exhausting.


@Temp One no, that is just one of the ability upgrades he can pick up a LONG way down the line.

John Anastacio

I expect Vandy will badger and ask lots of questions of everyone who was there. Then she'll give everyone well-meaning and very righteous critiques on what they should have done and advice on how to do better next time. Also: "None of this would have happened if Soren and the rest had gone to sleep when they should have."


Actually if he preserve the cushion with skill, it won't be stained... Just no more tea for Finlay


I’d be very surprised if this isn’t mentioned by the teachers in their next gym class. I’m curious as to how the instructors will handle this.


Now I can't wait for their video call and also the mid December meeting (which will surely turn into a disaster as every seemingly innocuous thing did in Alden's life)

Temp One

I know! Meant to imply that when I said he needs to level up his skill to get it.


Considering Fragment and Klein are going over school emergency procedures during their section of class it’s not a stretch for them to talk about it.


How dare you discount the legendary science teacher that was talking about whatever it was when Stu was on the phone XD


would also give Alden the opportunity to figure out how to do tattoos so he can do one with Boe.


Something i forgot to ask which is now relevant due to this chapter: Can the effects of a wordchain be *stacked*, as in multiply the effects of the wordchain on the human body/mind? most of the times when we've seen wordchain stacking of sorts it seems to have been to prolong the effect of the wordchain when it's running out but never to double/triple the effect? I recently reread Avalanche and initially assumed that's what Hazel did making her waaay stronger than her normal boost, but then i realized her "once a day" could also be intepreted as "in addition to using it in the morning, i also stacked one just now in the evening" which is what is causing the confusion. Also i wonder what would happen if a strength brute did the negative side of a strength chain. Would it push them down to normal human strength or make them useless physically?🤔


I waiting for someone to notice that The Most Beautiful Girl in the World hangs around Alden in date-like scenarios and frequently wears blouses with Rabbits and Radishes


Vandy, Lexi, and Stuart are all very similar to each other in many ways. I think Vandy will probably approve of Alden's handling of Soren because she will be of the opinion that Soren was actively not doing the right thing. I suspect Vandy is more nuanced than she initially comes across as. I think we'll get to see more departures from her current somewhat 2D personality.

Temp One

They can, apparently Hazel did it to herself when she threw that wooden idol at the fireplace where it smashed to pieces. From the sounds of it the cost for the wordchains is also compounded. As Aulia decides Hazel will get to experience the full brunt of her wordchain debt as consequence.


That is an interesting thought but idk if it would actually work. From what we know you need an auriad to perform most complex magic to help "shape" your authority. But no humans have auriads. I think affixations already bind the authority to where it needs to be for the spell, bypassing the auriad. That's just my take, but I don't think he would be able to mimic humans because they don't actually need an auriad to shape their authority.


Another cool thing on a re-read is that Drainer was most likely interacting with Authority, not "life essence".

Zach Joe

Hazel, an Artonan cultural expert, is definitely gonna want to ass-abuse that cushion when she comes back into the story. Then, when people ask Alden how Hazel became his arch enemy, he's going to sound like a lunatic that it's because she gave him Peace of Mind and sat on his favorite pillow! It's a diabolical plan.

Zenopath (AEV)

There's 2 things Alden knows that he probably should share with his instructors. One that his skill is limitless, and 2 that it is possible to ask the contract to invest an avowed skill as a reward. The common knowledge is that you have to use you rewards on foundation points or new skills. Since Torsion correctly thinks rabbits have no other useful for heroes skills, he believes Alden will hit a point where he has nothing useful to get from his rewards, while other heroes are tacking on multiple useful skills.

Mehr Nissa

Actually I remember the Mother mentioning that Gorgons species is the only other that has some natural affinity towards magic and authority, so that could just be it, barring some other undiscovered species


I remember they had a conversation where Alden complained about the poor quality cushions on earth, and that he couldn't find a good one like he had on Moon Thegund.


Does anyone else get the feeling Stuart is getting ready to sacrifice himself??? I'm worried.

Matt DiMeo

He’s almost certainly going to affix shortly after Alden’s visit.

Temp One

The fact that might've been a skill the Artonans are testing out is sketchy as fuck. Like why do they need a skill that consumes the authority of other avowed?

Temp One

Who knows, Sleyca could throw us a curveball and have Stu back out of it like a lot of his family want.

Aspiring Moth

if anyone tells you that soup isn't an addictive substance, they're lying to you


But now, there isn't a trading system of wordchain debt, but some sort of a Universal ledger. You say one side, and eventually you have to say the other side. But Sleyca has introduced lately the Opposite concept, with the stone, so wordchaining is still a little nebulous to me.

Bob Ross

What Alden knew about wordchains in Chapter 7 is different than what Alden knows now about wordchains in chapter 124. Same with us as an audience. And in the immortal (and slightly paraphrased) words of Agent K "Imagine what we'll know tomorrow."

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

I must admit to being somewhat baffled. I have read quite a number of storied on RR. Some I have even enjoyed enough to subscribe to their Patreons for a time. Many creative souls have poured out their ideas on the internet for us to enjoy. None, however, have had the same addictive quality to them that I have noticed from Sleyca's writing. Comments about pining for the next chapter seem exclusive to this Patreon page. It affects so many other people here, and it affects me, too. Can anyone offer insight into what it is about this story that engenders such a strong craving for more? Is it just how high quality the writing is, particularly for a web serial? Is there something specific to this story? I am perplexed.


I think the quality is simply head and shoulders above anything else I’ve read on royal road. Speaking just for myself, the themes of recovery and reintegration also resonate very strongly and personally. This is the only patreon I’ve ever subscribed to and I have found it to be worth every penny. Wednesdays and Sundays have become the highlights of my weeks and I’m not surprised that others feel the same anticipation I do. Sleyca has a bright future and I count myself very lucky to be here to see it.


I also think it's important that Sleyca can deploy that instability *credibly* because of how tense, well-written, and unambiguous the whole first mission sequence was. We believe that he (she? they?) is not afraid to upend the status quo because he's done it before, so there's this kind of metafictional instability.


hmm I appear to hav screwed the pooch on this comment seciton


[“We were discussing famousness in the locker room before the gokoratch video!” Astrid announced. ] I might be misunderstanding something, but aren’t the male and female locker rooms separated? How was Astrid able to have a conversation with Finlay in the locker room?


The locker rooms are separated, but they have text messaging and voice calls available through their interfaces.

Emily Gurnavage

Now I'm curious to see if Alden will bring that cushion to Language class or not. I have a feeling the teacher might recognize it's "authentic", or at least surely the level 5 teacher when he reaches that class will. I'm banking more so on him keeping it at the dorm so he can keep it safe though. Oh wait, but he could preserve it to and from class. No safer than that really. Hm. Guess we shall see.