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Winning felt good. No surprise there. But the jubilant, giddy atmosphere among the members of the team kept ratcheting higher and higher, and everyone was behaving like they’d accomplished something much grander than winning a race against their classmates. They grabbed a spot together on the bleachers while the other two teams prepped for their own runs, and Alden basked in the victory right along with the rest of them.

“We need to figure out how to make the pipe into an even stronger cannon!” Njeri said. “Did you see my ice ball take out Febri?! His arm didn’t work for the rest of the race!”

Everly nodded eagerly. “Is there something we could do to make pressure build up inside it? So it was more explosive?”

“I should try out for the school team in January,” Reinhard was saying. “Ranged Meisters are so good at this game, and it would give me lots of practice time in the gym.”

“You know the rules are different for different courses,” said Haoyu. “So they don’t always favor Meisters so heavily…”

“Lexi, you’ve got to be relieved you finally got the chance to use Writher on a person, right?” Reinhard asked, clapping Lexi on the back so hard that Lexi almost dropped his water bottle.

“The way you put that sounds dark,” said Astrid.

“Meisters need to train our weapons on the rest of you. That’s just how it is!”

“I was pleased with Writher’s performance,” Lexi said.

“He was really pleased,” said Haoyu. “You can tell by his smirk.”

“There’s a smirk?” Astrid, sitting on the other side of Alden, leaned around to examine Lexi’s face.

“You have to look close,” said Haoyu.

“Stop staring at me that hard!” Lexi protested. “It’s just a face.”

“Do you not smile much because it would make you look like Kon?” Astrid asked.

“Of course not. I’m just not a smiley person. And technically Kon looks like me. I was born first.”

“Thank you for carrying my dirt,” Maricel said to Lucille. “And you Alden. And Lexi.”

Alden nodded at her. “Are we going to do it that way again?”

“Oh, we don’t have to!” Maricel said. “Didn’t we agree we’d try it for one run and then on the next we’d try something different so that everybody—”

“I don’t think any of us minded your efforts this time. And Alden did great getting people over the wall fast,” said Haoyu. “So we don’t have to have you for that necessarily. As long as he’s not on the verge of wearing out his skill—”

“I’m fine for another run as long as it doesn’t turn into a big drawn-out mess like we had on our Wednesday attempts.”

Alden had planned to use his handicap before the next race. He usually ate the preserved breath mint in the middle of class so that he could double run the skill and burn himself out just about on schedule every time.

I don’t have to do it that way, though. It might be nice to have a little extra power at the right moment. And I can still feel it out when I’m close to where the limit should be.

When he was close to what he deemed half-exhausted, he would quit. If he pushed it a smidge…

A Boe-like voice in his head told him that every time he did something like this he was risking people asking questions.

I know, I know. Suspicions stack up over time so you have to be careful from the beginning. I’ll only do it the smallest bit. Only if it really counts.

He wanted to win again, not just to keep this good feeling going but also because their final run would be versus Team Vandy/Marsha. It wasn’t like he had a rivalry with Winston Heelfeather, but the speedster had been putting so much effort into being a shit since school started that Alden was sure letting him win would be inviting even worse behavior.

Or maybe I’m slightly more spiteful than I should be.

“Jeffy, you make the water obstacle so fast for us,” Reinhard said suddenly. “We get through it way more quickly than any other team.”

“That’s right,” Njeri agreed. “Without you, our runs would take so much longer.”

Their voices had both turned encouraging to the point of being sugary.

They’re definitely going to try to get him to agree to stay in the tank for the whole next race.

It would be the ideal situation for the team. And Njeri and Reinhard were their most vocally competitive members. Alden suspected that Everly and Lexi were just as interested in winning, but they tended to be quieter about it.

“You do make things so much easier for us, dude,” he said to the Aqua Brute. Jeffy was toweling off his hair aggressively, like he thought he could bring the waterlogged mohawk back to life. “I’m looking forward to seeing your…land moves…on our next run, though.”

The wattage on Jeffy’s smile made up for the glare Reinhard shot Alden.

We promised him, Alden silently mouthed at the archer.

Njeri slumped in her seat.

“I’m gonna use my spell impression so hard for you guys!” Jeffy announced. “I’m gonna attack everyone on the other team with it.”

“I don’t think you can use a spell impression hard,” said Everly. She sighed. “But we all look forward to seeing how it goes.”

“I can use it hard. It’s like this feeling in your head. Like determination and wanting it real bad!”

A crease appeared between Everly’s brows.

“That’s the spirit!” said Astrid. “And maybe, after you’ve used it once, you can use your land moves to get back to the tank fast. Like, speedster fast. That would be cool.”

“Yes!” said Reinhard. “After we let you attack the enemy, let’s see how fast you can run back to the tank.”

Jeffy tilted his head and looked at Reinhard. “Are you scared of swimming by yourself?”

Reinhard fumbled the jar of protective coating he’d been applying to his arrow tips and almost dropped it. “What?!”

“I mean if you are, I’ll stay in the water for you. You could’ve just told me you were a bad swimmer.”

“You…” Reinhard’s face was twitching from offended to exasperated.

“He’s not a bad swimmer,” Alden said, before anyone could decide to stuff Jeffy back into his goldfish bowl with that little excuse. “None of us are bad swimmers. We do work faster as a team when you’re helping us with the water obstacle, but we all agreed that we could try things out on the course, so don’t worry about us. We—”

“Alden, come down here for a minute!”

They all quieted at the sound of Lesedi Saleh’s magnified voice.

Alden stood.

“Tell me if she says anything about me,” Jeffy called after him.

From behind him, Alden heard Haoyu, voice amused, saying, “Do you think she’d call Alden down there to talk about you?”

Alden hopped down onto the gym floor and approached the head of the hero program. Principal Saleh was standing with Instructor Klein, murmuring and pointing toward Tuyet’s back as she headed out toward the track with her team.

I’m sure Tuyet’s a big part of the reason their team has to fight back to back today.

Unlike the first day, when winners had fought double matches, the run order for this afternoon had been pre-decided. The next race would be Finlay/Tuyet/Jupiter versus Vandy/Marsha, then Finlay/Tuyet/Jupiter versus Febri/Shrike. Finally, Alden’s team would go up against Vandy/Marsha for the last run.

“Sorry to pull you away from your team right after such an interesting win,” said Principal Saleh as Alden reached them. “You were moving well out there.”

“Thank you.”

“Instructor Klein says you’re learning a movement wordchain?”

Alden nodded. “My roommate’s been tutoring me.”

“Which wordchain is it?” Klein asked.

“Well, it’s….” I guess I should use the official name?

<<My Body Becomes My Assistant>>, he said.

Klein blinked at him. The principal lifted an eyebrow.

“It increases my awareness of my own body and my control of it. By a lot. The System mentionec it also increases situational awareness the first time Lute passed it to me, but I don’t know that I’ve noticed that much. I’m still getting the hang of it. Lute says there’s a learning curve.”

“When you say ‘by a lot’…?” the principal asked.

“The other day I unblushed with it. Like I was blushing, then I stopped. That was cool. I haven’t been able to repeat something like that just yet, but the chain’s making moving easier in general. Balance seems to be a big thing. I’m really aware when it’s off, and it’s very easy to correct. Lute says Keiko Velra calls the chain ‘Gracefulness’ so that makes sense.”

He thought of mentioning how Lute used it—to gain control of his own facial expressions for acting. But since he hadn’t tried that out himself yet, he left it off.

“That sounds like a very useful wordchain,” Klein said.

“Lute’s a good tutor. He had to get permission to teach it to me, though.”

“Well, it’s obviously working for you,” said Principal Saleh. She gave him a wry look. “So well that you’ve been anonymously reported for drug use.”

For a few seconds, Alden just stared at her.

Me?” he said finally. “What kind of drugs?”

“Non-specified performance enhancing ones.”

“I’m not on drugs!”

It was such a stupid accusation that he was on the verge of laughing…which he belatedly realized was probably not the appropriate response.

“I’m not on drugs,” he said.

Calmly and maturely.

“We know,” said the principal. “I was just informing you in case you wanted to get a drug test to nip the matter in the bud right away. Or you can wait. Every member of your class is scheduled for random testing before the end of the quarter. We can just ‘randomly’ test you now instead. If you want.”

I guess they’re thinking that if someone throws it in my face, it might be better for me to be able to prove I’m not high on alien stimulants right away?

Not the worst idea. And if it was the same test they’d all taken before it was only a few minutes and no big deal.

“Okay. I don’t mind.”

“Head toward the labs room, then,” said Principal Saleh. “One of the instructors will join you in a moment.”

Before he left the gym, Alden accessed his roommate chat.

[Alden: Hey, I’m going to be drug tested! :)]

He looked up to see Haoyu and Lexi’s startled expressions from the bleachers.

[Haoyu: You’re happy about that?]

[Alden: I’m so amazing someone in our class thinks I’m a criminal.]

Haoyu rolled his eyes dramatically.

Lexi was scanning the class. [Lexi: I bet it was Heelfeather. He’s already gone out to the track, but I bet it was him.]

….yeah, he’s the most likely suspect.

[Lute: Is this because of the wordchain?]

[Alden: Probably. The teachers seem to think so. I’ve become a source of envy with a single chain.]

It made him want to learn dozens more and apply them all at once to see if Winston’s head exploded.

I need to figure out how many hours I put into learning this one altogether. I feel like it was a really good return on my investment.

He added it all up while he left the gym and headed toward the room where they’d done his last drug test.

There were all the lunch time tutoring sessions. I could count the in-class tutoring as half since we were only partially focused on me, the time we spent in the privacy booth, all the practice during breaks and in the evenings…

More than forty hours probably.

Studying the wordchain had taken over his life when he wasn’t in school or practicing spell casting instead. But he had it now. If he made sure to cast it at least once a week, he shouldn’t forget all the little gestures that went into it, and if it always landed for him…

It’s more than worth it.

I wonder what Lute really ought to be charging me for the tutoring. Even if we ignore the fact that he had to vouch for me with the Palace of Unbreaking to teach this one, there aren’t a lot of amazing wordchain tutors available for the uncommon chains.

What do S-rank Avowed charge to teach you things only they can teach you?

By the time Foxbolt arrived to test him, Alden had looked up the hourly price for S-rank personal trainers at North of North. They were the kind of people who worked with you in the heavy-hitters gym when you yourself were a beginner heavy-hitter who needed someone to give you one-on-one advice about proper technique for head-butting pickup trucks into submission.

He figured it was the best equivalent he could come up with. Lute was only a teenager, but he was a Chainer. They were a really rare commodity.

“Let’s get this all squared away!” Foxbolt said, walking down the hall toward Alden with a spring in her step. “Excellent work mastering your new chain so quickly!”

She winked. She winked a lot at everyone. It made her eyeliner do the color switch from blue to orange and back. According to Reinhard, who kept track of all the faculty members’ hero careers, it had been a cute camera habit for the instructor when she was a full-time superhero. Now that she was taking a break to spend more time with her family here on Anesidora, she still hadn’t stopped doing it.

“Not scared of needles, are you?” she asked, letting Alden into the room and opening a cabinet to grab supplies.

“I am not.” He watched the bones of a holographic skeleton in the corner slowly change shape, presumably to mimic the effects of a Morph’s talents.

“Great! Have to ask!” Foxbolt said. “We’ve got a second year student who’ll take a sword to the face in gym and keep going without a flinch. So I didn’t ask her before I gave her a little finger poke, and she hit the floor like I’d turned her legs into custard.”

Alden held out his hand and let the instructor jab him with the needle. She wiped the drop of blood onto a test strip, he spit into a vial of potion, then stepped into the body scanner.

“Going to go ahead and check you for magical tools as well,” she said.

Alden’s heart beat faster. He was hyperaware of it thanks to the wordchain.

Calm down, he told himself. Control your expression.

“Sounds good.”

He’d already been through this before. The scanner didn’t pick up on the auriad last time. It wouldn’t this time either.

It’s closer to being a part of me than it is to being the kind of magic tool the school checks for.

Alden assumed something like Joe’s enchanted ring would set it off.

He made his body relax, and he stood still while the scanner worked. Foxbolt was watching the test strip do absolutely nothing.

“The wordchain can be quite a feather in your cap,” she said. “If you use it often enough for us to be sure you’ve mastered it and can put it into play on demand, we’ll add it to your official transcript. It’ll become an additional proficiency consideration for entry into certain courses…and for when you’re trying to get jobs one day, of course.”

The scanner stopped. Foxbolt was quiet for a moment as she received the readout.

“You’re not on drugs,” she announced. “Keep it that way.”

“Will do.”

“You can head back to the gym now. By the way, how’s it going with the rope?”

“I wish it was a poncho sometimes. Otherwise, it’s fine.”

She laughed. “Keep plugging away at it! You’re just getting started, and you’ve got your whole life ahead of you to turn it into something amazing.”

Alden paused on his way out the door.

“Thank you.”

There wasn’t really anything else to say, so he spun the knob and headed out.

That was unexpectedly nice to hear.

“You’ve got your whole life ahead of you,” was one of those throwaway things people said. But it felt a lot less throwaway these days than it used to.

I’m not going to die in that awful place. I’m not going to watch Kibby die. My biggest problems, for the next few months at least, are wondering when Boe will get himself unstuck from catspace and dealing with Winston Heelfeather thinking I’m cheating in gym class.

Life was really sweet right now.



Alden had ducked into the bathroom, and he was just in time to spot a pair of combat boots disappearing from the narrow gap at the bottom of a stall door as the owner tucked his feet out of sight.

“What are you doing here?”

The door opened to reveal Lute sitting on top of the toilet lid. He was still wearing his homemade yarn tank top over his t-shirt. “What the fuck? Can you see through walls?” he asked.

“I know all your footwear,” said Alden. “I’ve been watching you check for Shoe Pisser’s interference for weeks now.”

Then he realized why his roommate was probably hiding out in the bathroom in a building where he definitely didn’t belong. “Were you worried about the team? Have you been spying on us?”


“You were! I’m going to tell Haoyu you’re a spy, too. Lexi and I are the only truly honest men in the lodge.”

Lute dropped his feet and stood up. “I was just making sure my wordchain students were actually using what I taught them. I was going to be very angry if I spent hours tutoring those idiots and they didn’t even bother to chain up before the course.”

“They did. I think Reinhard actually tried to do the energy chain twice, but it didn’t work the second time.”

“They become harder to call toward you as you stack more of them.” Lute took a step closer to him. “Soooo…Self-Mastery was so good you got drug tested?”

Alden held up the finger that had just been pricked. It was now sealed with a waterproof bandage.

“They stole my blood and everything.”

Lute looked pleased. “I know something that small shouldn’t make me feel like I’ve accomplished anything, but it does.”

“I can’t stay and talk to you,” said Alden. “I have to do my business and get back to the gym. But yes. You’re the best. Are you just hiding out in here until we start running again or…?”

“Once people get on the indoor part of the course, everyone seems pretty distracted,” Lute replied. “I just watched a little from the sidelines. Couldn’t see everything, but I saw enough.”

“I’ll show you all our recordings later,” Alden promised.

Less than a minute later, he was out of the bathroom and on his way back into the gym.

He mentally pulled up the North of North website again and navigated to the page where they sold memberships. Then he texted Lute.

[Do you ever work out?]

[No. Are you insinuating something?]

[Of course not. Just a sec.]

He bought the annual spa package. It granted you access to the fun stuff at North of North—relaxation rooms, the pools, and one free spa treatment a week.

[Here,] he texted. [A thank you present.]

Lute didn’t respond until Alden had nearly reached the team. Instructor Klein was with them. He seemed to be busy breaking down the offensive and defensive decisions everyone had made on the course.

[You didn’t have to get me anything,] Lute wrote.

[You didn’t have to spend forever teaching me. It’s just me being friendly to a friend. Don’t sweat it.]

[I plan to sweat it. In the fancy saunas. I believe I’ve told you I am well trained in the art of spending other peoples’ money.]


By the time the race was a third of the way through, it was obvious that the Finlay/Tuyet/Jupiter team was going to wipe the floor with Vandy/Marsha. Even though Vandy provided a decent counter to Tuyet’s darts. The Sky Shaper turned the air turbulent over virtually every part of her team’s course any time the opponent was on the attack, and since Tuyet couldn’t tell which way the wind was blowing between her sniper perch and the other team’s members, she couldn’t account for it with her throws.

“This is where my shooting has an advantage,” Reinhard whispered.

“Sure it does,” Lexi said.

“It does! It’s not like when I try to shoot at Shrike with his skill active. My arrows will adjust themselves back toward the target if it’s only wind in the way.”

“Could you shoot through Vandy’s level of air movement though? I thought you said it would be hard when we talked about it before?” Haoyu asked.

“It depends on how much wind is blowing between me and the person I’m aiming at, and air is, unfortunately, invisible.”

“So you have exactly the same problem as Tuyet,” Lexi concluded.

“Now you’re just being an ass!” Reinhard exclaimed. “This is why everyone likes your brother more.”

“I’m reminding you not to take wild shots. You have a history—”

“I’m the captain now, and I order you both to stop fighting,” said Haoyu. “You’re creating tension on board my tightly-run ship.”

“Our tightly-run ship,” said Astrid.

“We aren’t on the course yet,” Lexi pointed out.

“Astrid and I are already captaining,” Haoyu told him. “Monitoring your morale, ensuring good behavior.”

“Anyone who says anything negative to another teammate before the end of class has to chew jerky so that they can’t talk anymore,” Astrid added.

“I like that!” Haoyu said.

She nodded. “Punishments should fit the crime.”

Alden was paying more attention to the happenings on the course than their conversation. Max was out, taken down by Jupiter on his way up the wall. He’d hit his head, and it looked like it was going to count as unconsciousness, rather than death, which was the worst possible outcome from a game perspective.

“We’ll have to deal with Max for most of our run, then,” he said.

There had been some question about whether or not his team was going to overuse him on the first run again, but since he was currently unable to cast, he’d probably be able to do a lot more damage when they faced him.

Well, he’ll be able to if they actually have him doing the right sorts of things.

Prior to getting knocked out, he’d been casting zones in the same locations as last time.

They were a selfish team. Nobody defended anyone else. They wanted zones that improved their individual ability to conquer specific obstacles rather than increasing the team’s overall chance of winning.

Typing notes up for when Instructor Marion came back around to talk strategy, Alden allowed himself to be scathing in his analysis.

“Are you worried about Max?” Everly asked him.

“Strategically?” Alden shook his head. “Not really. But it’s only because they’re the worst, and he’s decided to spite them by letting them go on being the worst. If he was actually trying to help them, he’d be a serious problem. They should use him to lay down the float zones on the wall so that they can swim up it, then they should send him back out to the track to ruin our life.”

“I did expect them to use him that way,” said Haoyu. “They’re not using the treadmill zone at all.”

Alden nodded.

Max’s trap zone—the one that made it so that the person inside it ran without ever moving forward—was one of the few talents that could be used out on the track against other players. It was completely harmless, so it wasn’t off limits out there; and it would capture most of the non-speedsters for a couple of minutes. A couple of minutes was a really long delay on the course.

“All he has to do is lay it down after everyone on the other team has gone inside where they can’t see him. There’s no way to know where it is until you step on it.”

“And there’s the reason they haven’t been letting him use it.” Haoyu pointed toward Marsha.

She was heading toward Jupiter like a rocket.

It was abundantly obvious that Marsha considered the attacker job to be hers. When her team had a strike available, she would only hang back if a member of the enemy team was assaulting their half of the course and she felt like dealing with them first.

“So she’s really only interested in fighting S-ranks,” Njeri said. “Until now, I was still wondering if she might be thinking of it as going for the most valuable members of the other team, and those all happened to be the S’s. But it seems more like she’s got rank tunnel vision.”

On the bleacher below Alden, Lucille was biting one of her fingernails.

“We’ll be fine,” he said. “Just like the other teams have been.”

“Let’s feed her to victory,” said Jeffy.

Njeri held her hand up for a high five.

I think we’ve got this.


They were heading out to the track for the final run of the night, all of them in a great mood and hatching plans for how to deal with the other team’s every-man-for-himself style, when Maricel suddenly gasped.

The bags of dirt she was floating ahead of her, looking a lot dirtier and worse for the wear after having been repackaged and heavily taped back into useable condition, hit the ground with a weighty thud.

“You didn’t just fatigue your skills, did you!?” Reinhard said in a horrified voice. “We’ll lose.”

“Wow,” said Astrid. “Go ahead and tell everyone who you think the best teammate is. Don’t hold back.”

“Maricel?” Everly asked in a concerned voice.

Alden was worried, too. Maricel was staring straight ahead, her face slack.

“Hey, are you all right?”

“I…” she said. “You all go. I have to talk to someone.”

“What?” Reinhard said. “Now? Right this second?”

“I’ll be…I’ll be right with you.”

She started tapping her fingers through the air, texting somebody.

“All right,” said Haoyu, when it looked like everyone was just going to hang around awkwardly waiting on her. “She’ll meet us on the track.”

Alden kept looking over his shoulder all the way to the track. Maricel stood staring for a while at something on her interface, her fingers nervously twirling one of the protective cuffs they all wore on their wrists.

She said something. Then a shocked look crossed her face, and she froze for a while before whirling around and taking off back toward the gym.

“I think there’s a problem,” he said.

They all exchanged looks.

“Maybe it’s bad news from home?” Everly suggested.

I hope not.

A short while later, Instructor Ivanova headed for their team. “All right,” she said in a brisk voice. “I just got word from the gym. Maricel had a sudden personal matter to deal with. She’s not going to be able to make this run. You can take a couple of minutes to adjust your plans, and then we’ll start.”


Temp One

Thanks for the supsup, Sleyca!


TYFC (to be edited)

Alex Matheny

I appreciate the cliff warning


SOUP Thank you for the soup! Have a good sleep


Thank you. I will now CONSUME. [The System mentionec it also increases situational awareness the first time Lute passed it to me] Mentionec -> Mentioned Poor Maricel. I fear Matedora or whatever, Demon Day, is about to kick off. Also. I appreciate Lute so much. His unexpected investment and pop ups in this gym section. I also, weirdly, really appreciate his slacking. Everyone in hero track is dedicated. From Jeffy level to Lexi level, and then there’s Lute who is skiving his classes of horrible shoe pissers wearing fishnet purple tank tops and doesn’t really seem to care much about school. It’s great to have that contrast. (And he works hard, we know that, just in other ways)


Formatting looks good

Radha Patel

Aye! I randomly woke in a coughing fit just in time for this!


Thanks for the chapter!


Hot diggity dog! Thoughts (will update with the final release): 1. "clapping Lexi on the back": such good humour here about how winning makes everything better, including between Reinhard and Lexi, who have been sniping at each other for days, and are now besties. Though the fighting starts back up again almost immediately later in the chapter lol. 2. "It might be nice to have a little extra power at the moment": even Alden isn't immune to the sweet sweet taste of victory. Some foreshadowing here on Alden using his skill in an unexpectedly potent way that raises eyebrows. If his thought "I'll only do it the smallest bit. Only if it really counts" isn't a big red flag of him going overboard, I don't know what is. 3. "The wattage on Jeffy's smile made up for the glare Reinhard shot Alden": d'aww :) Alden being super supportive here, even while his teammates are drunk on victory. 4. "I'm gonna use my spell impression so hard for you guys! "I'm gonna attack everyone on the other team with it": I wonder what it is? And what is it that makes Jeffy think he can do a massive area of effect attack? Something that affects the pressure in the atmosphere maybe, smushing everyone to the floor? 5. "I can use it hard": can Jeffy use it hard? Is he naturally gifted at authority control?! 6. "Klein blinked at him. The principal lifted an eyebrow": my guess is that this reaction is due to a combination of (a) Alden using the fluent Artonan name, and (B) because they have not heard of it, which for an ultra prepared instructor like Klein has probably never happened. Lute's tutoring for the win! 7. "More than forty hours probably....Alden had looked up the hourly price for S-rank personal trainers at North of North": more interesting evidence that Alden has picked up the Artonan obsession with debt and balance of obligations. Buying the spa membership is so thoughtful (Lute loves baths and swimming, it is perfect for him!) but it sounds like he's calculated the fair price down to a tee! Possibly he's thinking of Stu's ultra generous learning cushion gift. I wonder what he'll bring Stu to repay that debt? 8. "Going to go ahead and check you for magical tools as well": oooh boy, a bit of foreshadowing about auriad discovery here...don't remember magical tool detection being mentioned previously. And then Foxbolt says "You're not on drugs", noticeably not stating "and not carrying any magical tools"... I am nervous. 9. "Life was really sweet right now": *dramatic music* DUM DUM DUM. Expecting one of Sleyca's special sudden emergency pivots to happen any chapter now....possibly Matadero/Jacob/power discovery related? 10. "They become harder to call toward you as you stack more of them": interesting tidbit here, perhaps because of diminishing returns, or does the universe dislike being extra out of balance? 11. "Are you worried about Max?": I think Alden is indeed worried about Max on a personal level - he's seen lots of hints that Max is suffering and sad about the treatment he's getting as a B. Hoping for that invite over to Alden's flat for dinner, maybe with a Nat cooked dinner to cheer Max up. 12. "Lucille was biting one of her fingernails": looks like she thinks, like I do, that she'll be no.1 target for Marsha. And she doesn't want to kill (or maybe even just hurt) anyone...maybeeee we'll get Alden protecting Lucille and soaking a Marsha hit?! That would be so sweet. 13. "Maricel had a sudden personal matter to deal with": my guess is Jacob's tried an escape attempt and something has gone wrong.

Elessar Beverly

Thanks for the chapter Sleyca! I'll probably wait for tomorrow's post. Random question: Do you happen to be a fan of World Trigger? Cause Supsup reminds me of it in a lot of ways.


Thank you!


Hi Sleyca - thanks for the chapter. Please consider taking a couple of weeks break, or switch to posting once a week instead of twice a week? Your chapters are much longer than most other authors - so I don't think you would lose many followers by switching to one chapter per week now the story is established. There's no point in staying up til midnight every time just to meet a self imposed deadline. Look after yourself as well as your fans.

Lucia A

Just woke up and 5 minutes later there was a chapter. I'm kind of getting used to this late chapters and I can't say I dislike it 🥰


Poor me having only half a chapter to obsess over. Looking forward to the other half!!


Oh no, poor Maricel. Hopefully it's something dramatic but temporary... but I guess we should expect the worst. Also very awkward for Team Cottontail, of course.

Twara Sandeep

Thanks for the chapter! You weren’t kidding about the cliffhanger. I will now eagerly await the next portion of the chapter, albeit more relaxedly, as you have fed me well with this large serving of SupSup Soup


Ha, that's a clever way to keep tension in the second race without it feeling contrived/unrealistic.


Surprise soup. Best part of any day.


Edit Suggestion: The System mentionec it also increases situational awareness the first time Lute passed it to me, ->The System mentioned it also increases situational awareness the first time Lute passed it to me,


Oh dang did one of Maricel's siblings become Avowed? I feel like there was some foreshadowing to that before :/

John Anastacio

Possible. Good catch remembering how Fragment's brother got selected. I thought of that too.


Just a gentle reminder that if your schedule regularly outpaces your writing, then consider a change. Burnout is a bitch and it sneaks up on you.


I predict Marsha goes after Lucille who panics, and Alden steps in to rescue. Maybe exposing his too strong skill/sandbagging in the process.


Tftc Sleyca, sleep well!


This so much. You can’t be caning yourself twice a week for no gain. It’s only going to kill the love, and hurt your personal/life outside the story.


Anyone else thinking that Maricel’s Drug Dealer Wright friend Jacob is in a spot of trouble? I’m guessing either an ill-advised escape attempt, or else Hazel’s blackmail pics of him getting released now that she’s on the Triplanets.


I worry that it’s the escaping submariner guy. It makes the decision for Maricel’s mid track POV last time twice as weighty. We are being told she said no to him, presumably driving him to just do it when he sees that and she’s being told now.


Thanks for the soup! Interesting tidbit about wordchains: “They become harder to call toward you as you stack more of them.” I can think of a couple of ways to interpret this; 1. They need to be more and more perfectly performed to gain their benefits. (Great for our rabbit) 2. They become more inconsistent in general becouse of a quirk in how the universe(?) likes to distribute wordchain power/debt. Im leaning towards 1 considering how consistent Hasel was able to stack wordchains (even before she was a Chainer). But there could be more to it that Im either not informed about or not considering. eddit: Alden has been able to have the debt of 3 (i think) chains. So the gremlin will probably not be a problem unless he tries to go too far with it.

Kate Yen

Thanks Sleyca! Glad youre getting some rest. Don't worry, we dont mind getting the chapter in two bits - heck, I'd understand if this was all we got until Sunday. And that cliffhanger! Is it finally time for Jacob shenanigans? Maybe with a side of Matadero as well...?

Temp One

【"He was really pleased,” said Haoyu. “You can tell by his smirk.” “There’s a smirk?” Astrid, sitting on the other side of Alden, leaned around to examine Lexi’s face. “You have to look close,” said Haoyu】 Yeah, I'm increasingly thinking there's potential for something more than just friendship between Haoyu and Lexi here.


Trust Sleyca to manage their own life. It's not our place to advise, only to enjoy the delicious soup and offer thanks

Bryan Thew

Honestly good chapter. Save the next half for Sunday. Start rebuilding the backlog.


I'm sure there will be a final pass before the chapter gets finalized

Andrew Simpson

I feel like Vandy Marsha is gonna self destruct, but also the fact that cottontail is so confident that they will self destruct has me nervous... No dramatic tension if everyone is just expecting the correct outcome.

Mason Bially

So who does team Cottontail get to sub in for them? Do they get Lute to come run with them? (he's on site!) Do they steal Max from the enemy team? (they obviously don't want him) Of course Jupiter would be the most natural substitution for shaper and she wants to play at the workshop (and she's enthusiastic enough to volunteer for it)! Or maybe her teammate Kon (in an act of brother love)? Personally my vote is Jupiter. Of course the most obvious answer is no one, but it's also the most boring, so I am ignoring it.

Andrew Simpson

@Sleyca formatting looking good! One minor typo: "By a lot. The System mentionec it..." "mentionec"->"mentioned" As always tyfc, and I'll be back for part 2 >:)


I like the subtle foreshadowing that Alden isn't artificially handicaping his skill. He's going to be distracted by Marcel on the run and accidentally end up eating a full blown S rank impact that on paper he had no right to and people are going to notice.


You are correct, but it is my place as a reader prefer chapters on a stable schedule.


Guys, stop giving Sleyca advice. They're capable of managing just fine. I think this section of story is just denser on the "how do powers interact" side so it's more time consuming than some other sections of the story. I'd hazard a guess that almost half of the time writing these last few chapters is spent making sure to remember how the DOZENS of powers at play all work and interact. That's not something Sleyca usually has to bother with, typically focusing on a handful at a time. Adding a bunch more powers steadily increases the complexity and thinking through "how could A use that power to counter B's power? Now how would A themselves use it and would they think that way?" expands in a tangled web of possibilities, and then trying to put together something that makes sense and is satisfying... Most chapters are probably a lot easier to write than these. In short, the schedule will probably be just fine once we're past the races

Temp One

【"Which wordchain is it?” Klein asked. “Well, it’s….” I guess I should use the official name? [My Body Becomes My Assistant], he said. Klein blinked at him. The principal lifted an eyebrow.】 Wasn't quite sure about this reaction initially, at first I thought they might've been surprised at Alden's fluency in Artonan. Since the faculty of Cena North clearly think lowly enough of Alden's mastery to place him in a class so far below his comprehension level. But from Klein's apparent unawareness of the effects of the Wordchain, I think it's far more likely that: 1. The Wordchain is so restricted by the Palace of the Unbreaking that its use on Earth is virtually unknown. 2. Following somewhat from the first point, actually. The Wordchain is far more powerful and complex than what Klein and the Principal were originally expecting. Enough so that it is restricted to most Avowed.

Karim Saadi

Man I am so bad with multiple characters, I have barely any idea who anyone is except for like jeffy and aldens roommates. Really appreciate the team summaries (although they barely help). These chapters are still very enjoyable though! I just feel bad about not really being able to engage with everyone discussions about anything that is not Alden related.


Probably no one. One of the teams lost Soren(?) the light shaper and didn't get a replacement.

Slightly Morbid

Hoa, cliffhanger! While I have had a problem with the actual runs (it feels too much like sports where understanding depends on someone explaining the "offside rule" to you for the fifth time), I thoroughly enjoy the development caused by the runs. Its fun to see Lute getting involved and now suddenly getting a gym card. Will he become an Accidental Superhero? And Jeffy suddenly starting to think of others and be willing to sacrifice his own wishes for using his strength for others was a nice touch. He's getting into the team spirit! As is the rest of the team. I wonder if Lexi is going to get his boat stolen and have Jeffy fetch it for him? Anyhow, nice chapter. It hammers in that the track runs are more training arc than sports competition and makes everything more interesting.


I would support a month off. Pause the patron, take a week to go on holiday from writing and the rest of the month to refine the outline and build up some chapters again. You'll come back refreshed and feeling much calmer with some chapters in the bank and because you paused the patron there's less guilt about feeling your letting the paid subscribers down because everyone understands the concept of taking a break.


I was warned of a cliff hanger but I still didn't expect that...

Partha Peddi

Could it be that Maricel's lil brother got a S? Or an earthquake happened back home? Eagerly waiting for the afternoon to find out.


No linebreak between A/N and chapter beginning


jeffy is the reason I read this, thx for the chapter


Sleyca knows what they're capable of maintaining. They already know we want them to take care of themselves even if we have to wait on a chapter. If they decide to post more anyway, we should just be happy for it, not tell them how to post their own story


Agreed. I would prefer a stable schedule. To the point that I was relieved when Sleyca said there would be no Sunday drop recently. Having such a Wide potential release window twice a week is a negative for me. I would prefer a big gap to build up a backlog then release on a narrow window once or twice a week. Regarding the wide vs narrow release window. I would far prefer narrow. So, if the chapter is ready, and the release can be scheduled through Patreon/RR then I would prefer the scheduled release. Though, from Sleyca's point of view, given the interaction post-release, Sleyca's preference might be to release when ready on the day.

Adam Davies

My affixation is narrative inhaler.


I am not sure how much they can notice, it is a skill nobody else has so it is not like they actually have concrete data on it. They can compare with other skills but is that enough to definitely go "yep too strong for level 4"? Not sure it is that much of an exact science on earth yet but it might be. Though by exhausting himself deliberately he did of course create a lower baseline which should be easier to compare with. If it isn't an exact science he might be digging his own grave by being inconsistent more than being too strong.

Cyrus McEnnis

@Voidsong: On the other hand, I'm very selfish and I want to make sure that Sleyca tells the story at a sustainable pace. If that means she takes a break, or changes the schedule, I see no issues with expressing my support for any steps she takes. Including, of course, staying on the same schedule if that works for her. It's not us saying "YOU MUST DO THIS". It's instead us saying "We support your decisions and won't be upset by changes". I know that from my own experience as a contractor, the hardest thing I found was taking time out to recharge rather than working all day every day. It's something fairly common if you're self-employed, and I always appreciate my friends & colleagues reminding me that I don't have to wear myself down to a nub just because I can.


They just lost one of their main members of their crafting team, I think the optimism is automatically lower now.


Pretty sure it's about how it's harder to get the benefits of one chain to stack. Like trying to do peace of mind 3 or 4 times at once. How peaceful can your mind really get, you know? Diminishing returns kinda thing?

Temp One

Really hope Alden's team still beats Marsha team. Them being down a player, on top of it being their -premier- player, would make their victory soooo much sweeter.

Cyrus McEnnis

I'm guessing that the proprietor of the Fillipino Restaurant has called her to say he doesn't have any prok for the victory feast because his oven big enough for a whole pig is broken. Riots would ensue, so Mari is going to shape a replacement wood-fired oven from compressed clay.


If the releases are coming late, maybe take another day or two of break? Unpredictable releases are less fun for us readers, and I bet it's no fun for you either. Take the breaks you need!


I suspect even Rabbit B9 isn't good enough to take a full on S rank hit, earlier we heard some people saying A5 was worse than S1 according to "system theory".

Jumping Flounder

either by catching her halberd on his rope and fully stopping it, or by accidentally lifting the enchantment off of it.

Cyrus McEnnis

Against that, if you can't pay the debt back one at a time getting a triple dose of the Peace of Mind flipside all at once would NOT be fun. It shouldn't work that way given what we've been told about chains thus far, but...


World trigger. Wow that takes me back. I remember being sort of interested in it while reading the manga and completely dropped off after the anime. The fact that there are aliens and their interference has a huge effect on humanity is about the only similarity I can think of. Artorians and humanity have a very mutual beneficial relationship.

Louise jordan

I don't want to advice at people I don't know. But if there is 'I owe my patreons 2 chapters a week" feeling kicking about for Sleyca I truly truly hope they can squash it with their auriad. And take a month off. Preferably in Austria.


I don't think they made a decision on his Artonan class due to disbelieving his fluency, it's just that the Artonan VI teacher doesn't allow new students partway through (and I guess Artonan V is probably offset by a semester).

Cyrus McEnnis

It's also possible that Klein knows all the non-Velra specific chains and is REALLY surprised that a rabbit has picked something he doesn't know up - there might be a lesser variant kicking around that he's familiar with and was expecting Alden to be using. Another possibility is that he knows it from Keiko Velra, especially if he taught her.


We were too naive. She was too happy last chapter her outlook on her life was changing. We should have suspected something. Damn you cliffhanger gods

Jumping Flounder

wow they’re gonna make them run a team member down? if i recall then they were already 1 less than the other team, so the could easily balance it by having a member from the other team(max) switch. it would be great to have max beat them after they talked so much trash

Temp One

@Gregory, They still placed him in the Artonan III class though, right? Seems like they should have let him test out of it or something, instead of wasting his time, if they thought he was fully fluent. @Cyrus, Definitely agree with that! Meant to imply it with my first point. That he and the Principal are surprised because they don't know what chain Alden is using. Because the chain is far more rare and exclusive than Alden realizes. Enough so that to learn it you need (presumably) a high ranking member of the Palace of the Unbreaking to greenlight you for learning it.

Andrew Tobin

She only just got chosen in the last 6 months and it sounds like a significant age gap between her and her siblings. Given that people get selected between 15 and 17, I think it’d be unlikely. It’d be a twist tho!

Cyrus McEnnis

The thing is that if they've lost an 'S', all the pressure to win has disappeared. They can point to that as a reason and no one would really argue the point. The more interesting point is whether another S gets subbed into the team and tries to take over the leadership. THAT could be ugly as hell.


I hope everything is okay with Maricel's family. She seems like she has enough on her plate already to have to worry about that as well. And thanks for the chapter! :)

Andrew Tobin

I like this take. I wonder how they could be inconsistent - I’d imagine it’d be more in effectiveness and control than something like duration.


Man.... Make sure you stretch because that was quite the jump. From all that we have seen there is no reason to suspect even slightly that there is something romantic going on.


I wonder if that machine is noticing aldens auriad and she just isn’t saying anything. I doubt it, since the staff would likely talk about it, but maybe

Cyrus McEnnis

He did. He's auditing the more basic class because the advanced tutors wouldn't admit him part way through the quarter. I suspect rather strongly that if Lute wasn't in the class Alden would have simply decided he wasn't learning anything and dropped the class.


I wonder if this is Jacob the wright trying his big escape and he's involving Mari somehow.


Oh that self-confidence already came tumbling down with their best teammate leaving. So according to the laws of storytelling they would actually do well. Muhaha

Andrew Tobin

Except for all the longing, sensuous glances Lexi throws at him. No one else thinks he looks any different though.


Did Maricel run to talk Jacob Wright out of his upcoming escape attempt with the Submerger? When the gang take the boat to Matadero this weekend, will they have to rescue Jacob from the water?


“I can use it hard. It’s like this feeling in your head. Like determination and wanting it real bad!” (Arg how do you get a new line on mobile) Jeffy... Are you somehow one of the very small group with a primitive authority sense?

Andrew Tobin

@MeYoult and after you were warned it’d be ignored, too. I agree, but it’s fun to think of alternatives.

Temp One

@Alibhai, Haoyu is indirectly implying to Astrid that he watches Lexi's face close enough to catch nigh indistinguishable signs that he's happy. Just saying.

L. Rattay

I love that Alden is looking out for Jeffy so his team won't make him stay under water only. Jeffy seems so childish innocent, i don't want to see him sad.


Did I read it right, in that Alden is saying even double running BOAB he still stops himself at ‘half-exhaustion’. So he’s literally four times as strong as he appears?

Temp One

@Cyrus, missed or forgot that he was auditing the class! Thanks for that catch Cyrus!

Cyrus McEnnis

Well, "they" know that Alden can soak a A rank hit from a strength brute. So it might not be inconceivable that he can handle a less strength focused S rank attack, if A5 is more impactful than S1. And Alden could pretty easily play it as "Oh yeah I leveled up during that last game, I can now pickle two peppers at once!" to give himself some cover. Would still be fishy as hell buuuuuut the alternative is that the system is lying to people and I don't know that anyone's going to think of that when we've had rumblings that system theory points to Rabbit skills being especially "deep" for want of a better way of putting it. That's probably going to be Alden's biggest crime incidentally - the next generation of rabbit heroes is going to have ridiculously high expectations put on them.


Good soup, ty sleyca. Discord: https://discord.gg/PRyweNZmBW

Andrew Tobin

The reason I would think it was more the fluent Artonian is the name of the chain might not mean much to them, and they’re unlikely to come across many teens that fluent. Could be either.


Thanks for the chapter! Take your time!

Billy Corcoran

Please sub in Lute. Pleeeease! It's perfect. More Lute asap


Get well soon! (if you're sick, I mean.) More soup would help with that :D


Don't worry about it. Happens is the best of us. As the story progresses we will have more events prescribe to each character helping us remember them.

Gyoza Dog

When Alden didn't get a chance to do the negative half of his word chain I felt a metaphorical boulder start to roll. With this cliffhanger I feel the boulder is picking up speed.

Andrew Tobin

It’d be interesting to see Lute change course and decide he likes teaching, but I don’t think he’s got the temperament to put up with students like himself, and half the kids wouldn’t take care of their debt properly, and… but it’d be an interesting course change. I don’t know if I’d like to see him superheroing, but I could see him getting onboard Alden’s super-sidekick deal.


Jeffy is going to be Alden's new spell instructor, teaching him how to use his spells "hard" :-)

Moby Duck

DRAMATIC GASP! I’m guessing death in the family, which will fuel Maricels wish to leave Anesidora. Even with this turn of events, I’m confident that Aldens team will win, just because Winston must lose and Max must be vindicated.


@Temp one or he could have just been around him long enough to understand his very subtle social cues you know like friiiiends? Idk I have quite a few introverted friends that have subtle mannerisms that I can read. Doesn't mean I am into them...... right?


Nooooo, Mari's grandma noooooooooo


What does Jeffy's skill do exactly again? I just remember that it helps him move in water. If it can somehow affect buoyancy directly, then there is no reason for it to not work in gasses as well.

Guus van der Borg

I'm pretty sure they will. I think this is a setup for Marsha (and Winston) to get a reality check. 'They lost their strongest S and we STILL got our asses handed to us!' style.


The next chapter is obviously setting up to give Alden a chance to show a bit more of what he can do. The tension is palpable. On a side note, I wonder what values exist on a superhuman medical drug test? How much more data would be on there? Because not only are these people superhuman they're also very different from each other. So there might be certain values which are normal for a brute but not for an adjuster normal for a morph but not a speedster. And what does a brain scan of a wright look like?


It will be interesting if they still manage to win while being a member down... one of their strongest and most versatile to boost... let's hope they can come up with something...


Sure, but tennis balls and people are technically not "luggage" either.


I'm guessing Jeffy will turn out to be actually amazing on land (with a big chance to shine with Maricel gone and their plan shot to hell). Getting Klein's approval too. Maybe a Marsha showdown (since he is an S)? Wouldn't be suprised (and super amused) if he somehow ended up being best S rank in the class!


@MeYouIt: I think "harder" probably encompasses both those aspects. A more perfect cast is always more likely to succeed, but any given level of perfection is less likely to land. What I'm really curious about is whether having, say, Peace of Mind active only makes it more difficult to cast an additional Peace of Mind, or if it makes it more difficult to cast ALL wordchains. The first option fits in with my understanding of wordchains so far. This is definitely anthropomorphizing, but... they become easier to cast when you've cast them a lot of times because you've proven yourself a trustworthy borrower. It would make sense if, when you're already borrowing from them, they feel a little suspicious about additional loans. If this idea about them is right, I'd also think they get harder to call if you let the chain snap back; you'd be demonstrating you were untrustworthy. If the second option is happening, and having one active wordchain makes all wordchains more difficult, then there's something else happening that I don't understand.

Bob Ross

Who else wonders if the gym scanner can tell that he leveled? Or gained enough free authority to level, rather.

Guus van der Borg

I bet Lute is more excited about getting access to fancy pools than to the fancy sauna. Fancy poolday episode incoming.


Alden placed into Convo 6. His current placement in Convo 4 has nothing to do with what the faculty think of his abilities. Rather, the Convo 6 teacher wasn't accepting students mid-quarter, and only even-numbered classes are being taught this quarter. Alden knew all this and apparently chose to take Convo 4 anyway, probably because he wanted to keep in practice and because he knew he'd learn some things regardless of the level. And yes, the wordchain is virtually unknown. It doesn't have an official name in English. The only way to get approved to learn it is to have a Velra vouch for you, and the only way to learn it is to be tutored extensively by a Velra. And not all Velras know this particular chain. It is probably more powerful than the teachers would expect out of a newbie B, but if you think chains are restricted because they're *powerful*, you're buying into the mythology the Velras perpetuate about themselves. Lute told us that chains are restricted because they're *fragile* and the Palace doesn't want them to be broken further.


Awww I have the masculine urge to pet Jeffy’s mohawk.


I have a feeling that discussion about his wordchain caught the professors attention. It’s clearly quite powerful and Alden picked it up in a few weeks. The teachers are only used to the more widely known word chains, not the good shit the Velras keep locked up. That’s probably why Klein thinks so little of wordchains normally. But now, even the principal knows that she has an S-rank Chainer student who can get permission to teach powerful wordchains, DESPITE being estranged from his Chainer family. If she was clever enough to see Alden’s potential value to the school, there’s no way she’d miss Lute’s. Keiko may have gone through the program before, but would not have been near as willing to undermine the family monopoly as Lute is.


Ladies and gentlemen, you’ve witnessed Luke the Lurker!

Bob Ross

Totally agree! "I can use it hard. It’s like this feeling in your head. Like determination and wanting it real bad!” This sounds suspiciously like Alden describing putting more of himself into casting. Jeffy....you might be a genius. Also, I love that Aldens description for authority use is like water parting for him, and our resident Aqua brute is describes it like "yeah you can cast harder, if you go beyond PLUS ULTRA!"


Jeffy's skill is called Sink and Surface, and it does *sound* like it lets him adjust buoyancy. Given that skills are all built on a slightly off-human understanding of the world, it may not be doing exactly that though. We haven't gotten the kind of detailed analysis Alden gives to his own talents.


> “Anyone who says anything negative to another teammate before the end of class has to chew jerky so that they can’t talk anymore,” Astrid added. Astrid best captain. Just sayin'.


it's not a family thing, I don't think. I reckon that Jacob is doing something immensely stupid.


Exactly what i was getting at. Artonan skill translations are often inacurate. Just like Alden's skill is not a "luggage skill" so could Jeffy's skill be not a "water skill"


I like plan Steal Max. I bet the teachers would go along with it if both teams agreed. And I bet a few a*holes on Team Vandy/Marsha would be so eager to trade away Max they'd shout down the rest. Conveniently, Max is still almost topped up 'cuz he got knocked out early. It would be so very delicious if Team Cottontail stole him and then rode his strategy to victory.


I say, her friend got picked as a B.


@Blorcyn Sounds like Alden does half the class normally and then doubles up on the second half. That’s effectively three “halves”, or 50% stronger than than the B4 he estimates would be exhausted at the end of gym. Of course he also has his unbound authority but he’s not using that yet.

Robert Lethiecq

Is it possible that the faculty spot Lute and begin to question whether Alden is actually able to cast the super rare and powerful wordchain or has had it cast on him by his chainer friend? He would definitely be able to prove it within a few days but Lute’s presence could cause some doubt.


As always, this chapter is amazing! I think something back home happened, which is why Maricel was acting like that. Maybe it revolves around her grandma, which is unfortunate, and will lead us back to the Jacob storyline.

Mason Bially

> But from Klein's apparent Remember Klein has trained himself to not make any unwanted facial movements the hard way. You can't even tell if he's using the system. He has no outward emotions unless he wants to show them. No way to know what he is thinking from Alden's PoV and it's fun that was setup from an insider PoV.


Are we going to find out what happened to Marciel later today?


Marsha’s team is also the one with an extra person, so if team Cottontail pulls through it’ll be at even more of a handicap.


Prediction: If Marsha wants a real challenge, then she’d want to go after the S-Rank Aqua-Brute while he’s in the water. A disabled Jeffy would severely hinder the team while also prevent him from showing off for the principal. That’s going to kill his morale.


I like this take too. The more emphasis these gym sessions get, the more I start to think it likely that Alden and Max help entirely shift their cohort to see the real value of supports. Once they’ve got their cohort onboard, and they start kicking butt, they’ll start standing out against the other cohorts / schools. Eventually, Alden will help create a major shift away from the solo-hero mindset, fulfilling Hannah’s dream. Lute could play a major role in this - word chains are a great way for non-S ranks to cover their weak points.


@Terrestrial Really interesting theory about multiple chains causing interferance with one another! Otherwise, Aldens body control chain would be a huge boost to his chaining in general (it will probably be a boon no matter what as it will be useful for learning new chains)


I’m betting that a member of Maricel’s family is dying. We just had the POV showing her getting used to her life here a bit. Not being able to go back to see her dying family member, grieve with her family, or attend the funeral is going to reverse all her progress. To make matters worse, she’ll probably make it back to class is time for the dinner… which is Filipino food… which will remind her of home even more. It might just push her over the edge enough to call Jacob again.

John Anastacio

I'm not as sure - a distraught and grieving Maricel would surely speak in response and maybe scream or cry. Instead, Maricel typed. This sounds more like something Maricel wanted to keep secret.

Adam Andersson

Most the S ranks are pretty young, after all. He's probably one of the younger S's.


Profoundly unlikely. He's taken it before, and it can't tell he has his auriad. Nor did it inform them that he was a higher level than his profile indicated.

Mason Bially

I'll go one further and predict that Maricel will end up involved in the whole thing Jacob is doing. And then she and Jacob will end up breaking Matadero, and the boys+Vandy (who is a roommate of Maricel for some nice narrative mirroring) will have to bail them out of the water/situation and then go help with (or maybe just survive... again) demon containment.


Thank you for the chapter! I love how we get to see the different characters in action! I also liked that the other teammates are respecting what Alden has to offer more; I’m sure as the year goes by, they’ll be amazed by what he can do. But as much as I like this chapter, I’m most looking forward to what Alden visits Stuart or has his next chat with Kibby. I miss them 😞


Holy shit Jeffy has a natural talent for magic. He can actually feel what he's doing with a system-provided spell impression and push more Authority into it. I'm suddenly really glad he's too dumb to extrapolate from there and become a true wizard.


Yeah, that scene felt notably ambiguous. Might just be Sleyca messing with us, but mentioning testing for two things, pausing, then explicitly clearing for one is a few too many unnecessary details to be for nothing. If the scanner did pick up something I don’t think she’d necessarily confront him about it right away. They are in the middle of class after all, and were only meant to be gone briefly as a formality to check something else.


He has a single skill, at S rank. Sure as a Brute most of his bound Authority is probably in ordinary stat boosts, but that's still a big chunk of power. I'm thinking that at a *minimum* 'sink and surface' is gonna make him and whatever he's carrying immune to the effects of pressure differences, likely lets him breathe water or hold his breath for hours, and probably lets him drag small to midsize boats into the inky depths with one hand.


I think it's just the 'reminder' part of the setup, reminder, payoff pattern. I wouldn't bet against the auriad being found out in the foreseeable future.


I think the line about Marsha's tunnel vision is foreshadowing. She's going to come to Cottontail's side of the track to attack, fixate on an S rank, and get blindsided by somebody beneath her notice. More likely one of the As than Alden himself, but there's a chance given how suited his power is to traps.


I wonder if it’s actually personal or it’s system related like a summoning.

Diana Lee

I hate to be a debbie downer, but I'm pretty sure Maricel's family issue is related to her grandma. The chapter where they did Maricel's little flashback, they mention how they have to visit the House of Healing for something Maricel's grandma has, and how grandma was worried that they would miss the appointment. Since that flashback was when she was very young, it wouldn't be a stretch to assume it would be related to that issue.


Read the comments. Some cool predictions and noteworthy observations I was particularly fond of. Alden might go too hard despite telling himself he'd pretend to fatigue out once he was halfway through his actual capability. Alden's team might get to take one member from Team Vandy/Marsha since they are outnumbered by 2 now (and they end up with Max and he's instrumental in wrecking Team Vandy/Marsha). Soren was gone from Team Febri/Shrike, but that was a 9 vs 10, not 9 vs 11. A possible Jeffy vs Marsha showdown is brewing, allowing Jeffy (S rank aqua brute) a legit shot to shine on land if he can give her some due comeuppance, while achieving his stated obstacle course goal of impressing Klein. (my guess, totally biased xD) Foxbolt said Alden "you're not on drugs." She didn't say "you're not on drugs and not using magic tools..." The gym scanner might have picked up that Alden had leveled.


I don't think that's what's going on. When I was a little kid, I thought making grunting noises and squinchy faces actually allowed me to squeeze more strength out of my muscles. When he is not far from being a grown adult, Jeffy thinks squiching up his face and wanting hard makes his spell impression more powerful. He's a little simple, is what I'm saying. We love him, but the boy could really use some points in Processing.


I want them to take Max to balance it, make Max captain, and demolish Vandy's team


I have a feeling that this might actually happen, especially since they were discussing how Max was misused and thinking up better strategies. Would be very interesting!


Hmm, lets see. Aldens team is now at 9 members, Winstons is at 11. A little bit of Winston/Max drama before the race could have Max offering to swap teams. Max finding out his new team has a rule that gets people one of their own goals, could lead to some very evil smiling from Max and much much suffering for team Winston. Maricel has probably just got draged into Jacob shenanigans. Worried that this might be a Hazel remote revenge plot or lead into one. Sleyca, just going to point out that when your backlog is empty. Shorter chapters are a way to go, even if you stop at points that you normaly would'nt.


Oooh good theory. I thought it was the runaway Wright messaging her but your version has a good set up.


Its was to make sure her grandma would not develop dementia later in life. Not something that would lead to sudden death even if fix failed.

Bob Ross

They didn't have anything to compare it to before. But his authority has grown since the last time he went through. Even if it wasn't able to tell them his level (which is just an Earth system specific designation of his authority size anyways), it might be able to see "on sep 1st, authority was x size, on Nov 15 authority was x size plus 13%"

Slightly Morbid

Lute would teach anyone if it would put a hamper on his family's plans for a monopoly.


i dont wanna read the gazillion comments but the epub looks nasty in android. like the normal text is in bold and huge and some places are much smaller and in italics in places where it does not make sense


I can't see a summons getting that kind of reaction? Like, a moment of shock, sure, but not the level or persistence it sounded like was happening. Nor would that involve conversing with someone and getting some secondary shock. I'd think Maricel's reaction to a summons would be positive, since it opens up more options to her. If it was an emergency summons, Mari would just disappear, and if it was a normal summons, she'd have days' warning ahead of time. Whatever happened, it has to be something the teachers would accept as an excuse, too. Their word at the start was that the only valid excuses were off-planet or in the hospital. I don't think "preparing for a summons days away" would count, but something like "family member dead or in critical condition" might. But then again, she could theoretically have gotten other news and lied to the instructors. Another idea floating around is that Jacob the boat Wright got himself in bad trouble somehow, and she's letting herself get dragged into it.

Ilia Ciolac

Doesn’t sound like something enough to leave the team for that since they are dependent on her.


It is too soon for a member of her family becoming avowed. She just mentioned it in the last chapter.


Patreon is still messing up all italics, other than that it looks good.


They had every person who ever took the test to compare against before. If it could measure amount of authority, they would have noticed he's twice as bulky as a B4 should be. Also, if machines currently available to humans could measure authority, rank would not be such a hugenormous mystery on Earth. Leveling would have a little more science and a little less art. Aulia Velra would be dipping every one of her brood in that machine yearly to know who to invest her time in.

Ilia Ciolac

But lute is bound to some extent about doing things in family interest if I remember correctly. When he was making this Velra tattoo wasn’t there some phrase like “ you can’t go against your family interests”. But again Aulia can’t currently give Lute whatever she is obliged to give, so maybe Lute is superior in this agreement they have and this is why he is able to do things that are contradictory to the tattoo. As long as Horatio is not in Aulia’s hands, Lute can break some tattoo rules, which are not that specific about what you can do and what you can’t


Here's an alternative. You know how Jacob got dragged to the party with Hazel, but she apparently left without him? We don't actually know what happened after that or where he went. There is a low but nonzero chance he somehow saw something incriminating involving Manon, and he doesn't know what to do with that information.

Bob Ross

I didn't mean to suggest it would just tell you the value of x. It'd be like me telling you yesterday I ate ice cream, and then today I ate 13% as much ice cream as I did yesterday. You still don't know how much ice cream I ate yesterday, or today. Also, maybe it's not that sophisticated, maybe it just says "Hey the avowed you ran through has enough free authority to level." Also also, maybe I'm wrong and the machine doesn't do anything like that, and the instructor was quiet for another reason. :)


That'd be cool but wasn't there reference to Max already being fatigued and not able to use his ability?


I wanna see Winston run through a line of paracord that Alden has his authority on and get sliced in half by his own speed. That would put a smile on my face


Max was knocked out in his run, he's near full up.

Lorevi Q

How would the gym scanner know he'd levelled if he hasn't affixed? If they could detect unaffixed authority then they would be able to measure the ranks of pre-selection kids.

Ano Ano

This felt like a fine chapter with a natural web serial stopping point. Why add a few thousand words tomorrow when you could just post that tricky extra bit as the Sunday chapter? Presto bammo instant backlog. As for this chapter, I really like Alden being a good friend to Lute. We know how Lute was raised with only conditional love from both both his peers and his family. It must mean so much to Lute that Alden not only earnestly appreciates what Lute does for him, but he makes it clear through unforced reciprocation that they would be friends even without the favors.

Andrew Tobin

After walking away, and thinking, I’m on the same page. It gives a nice opportunity for Alden to meet the two knights, puts Maricel into a tense situation, Jacob has just gotten free of the Hazel situation, and it’s timing with Matadero is about right.

Tomas Wood

You don't need to do more that chapter is succinct and ends perfectly!

Alex Iskandar

I am just wondering. What counts as stacking wordchains? Does casting the same wordchain after the first ends but before you paid the debt counts as stacking? Or does it mean casting a second one while the first is still in effect?

John Anastacio

Yes. From what I can tell no one gave him real gifts besides Jessica, who betrayed him. I'm not sure Lute had ever gotten a gift from someone his own age before. Alden keeps including him, valuing his opinion, thanking him, etc. Stuff no one bothered to give him. Validating his existence.

Andrew Tobin

Alden needs to take Kibby a bunch of earth candy and stuff. Maybe an apple - that’s what you get your teacher, right?

Andrew Tobin

Or, it could be both! He’s taken the little kid approach to magic, and gosh darn it - it worked!


Lute has no such restriction, the acting in the velras best interests is only on Aulia's half of the family contract

Andrew Tobin

I have to re-read to confirm, but I think he was knocked unconscious, so he couldn’t use his magic and he’d have plenty.

Second Raddish

Squinchy faces do make you stronger. Jeffy needs an auriad and I want it to look like giant twizzler.


I believe that is the first, asking for another loan when you haven’t paid the first one.

Louise jordan

So my grandma was Australian and I am still duff at this... What time is tomorrow afternoon (from the time of the post) in gmt?


Sleyca you could just call this 127 and give us the other half on Sunday as 128. It'd give you some leeway and prevent schedule slide.


I bet Lesedi and Torston recognized the word chain from getting "mass bestowal'ed" it during the past mataderos and they know it is basically one only high powered chainers have

Tycho Green

This is extremely unlikely. If this device worked like you think it does the Velras would have known that Lute had authority long before his affixation. The scanner would allow to test for authority. We know that humans have no reliable way to determine if someone has authority at all, therefore we can infer that the gym scanner has no such function. Edit: Commented without reading what Biped said.


Oof, sorry for you about the breaking stuff, patreon is unironically one of the most sorry excuses of a website I've seen before. I appreciate the fact that you release an epub all the more for it, now if only the comment section wasn't also so disfunct...


The second one. Word chains don't mind the debt, until the final moment it snaps back.


I think someone said it was PST timezone, so noon would be 20:00 GMT, and afternoon could be any time after this up to as late as 01:00 GMT the following day.


Loved the chapter! I hope Jeffy will beat up Marsha with his extra hard spell impression! Also, the Lute part was cute. He really wants "his" team to win :)

Bob Ross

“I’m sure the Artonans could tell me if Hazel was an S-rank....In fact, they get ridiculously offended if I ask." If what I'm wondering about the machine is true (and that's all this is, just speculation) then isn't it unlikely that Artonans would allow the machine to be used on non-avowed? I think the machine has to be able to interact with his authority to be able to tell them if something is bolstering it. Like I said, just speculating.:)


As fun as “the workshop” is. I’m still fairly sure running the course in a tight packed group is the better strategy against Vandy/Marsha. It’s not like they have access to the same AOE spells that Febri/Shrike did.

Pedro Henrique

Just last chapter it was mentioned that one If her younger brothers might be selected.

Pedro Henrique

He is still on the effects of the positive chain, no reason for him to use the bad half

Darth Xaim

.... either she had a lost in the family, leveled up or her period just came on quickly.


I wonder if the machine is picking up that Alden has a higher than normal magic level/aura than most people. (Due his wizard practice)


There was already a foreshadowing family members of globs have a much higher likelihood of becoming Avowed as well. That probably happened, but her brother/sister got someone killed and are in big trouble.


I think it's mostly a good move to make use of Njeri and Everly. Originally I thought that Njeri would be good with the water obstacle too but the circumstancial evidence we've seen points toward that not being the case or at least it's not a contest in Jeffy's presence. As it is, Njeri specifically doesn't seem to have ways of helping with obstacles, is slow and doesn't have good means of attack by virtue of water being not that great for maiming people or improving obstacles although I assume that attacking enemies on their water obstacle could be strong. And with Everly it's similar, she can freeze over the box and then all she can do is make obstacles more annoying. So besides giving Njeri the ammo necessary to actually hit people hard and be an offensive threat it serves as defense for their slow and defensively weak players that would be the worst to get killed because they need help on most obstacles and are slow to do the laps.

Robert Lethiecq

What if Maricel got a notification about an impending summon?She notified the system that she wanted too. That all lines up here also.

Flying Goat

I was going to suggest that - take a mini break, or give themselves a bit of breathing room.


Oh No! Just as it was looking like Maricel was making a major step to being OK again! I'm going to love it if Alden's team can beat Marsha's without her though.


Non rabbits get their summons at least days in advance so it would seem unlikely that she wouldn't be able to finish the last half hour of gym class.


This comment really could've done a lot better without the last item you mentioned.

Allen Polak

Air and atmosphere is a fluid (note fluid!=liquid), and buoyancy is a natural property of fluid. And it's also part of the natural ecosystem, so there might be a case to be made that his skill can work with it (just probably requires way more effort)


Great points! but 8 especially! If he just got uncovered it could mean a major and sudden plot change in the next few chapters. I've been suspcious he could end up at leafsong as a student and teachers finding Aurad would be one of the ways to wind up with him being sent.

Tycho Green

I see where you are coming from now. Artonans don’t need to allow anything when humans can't built such a machine to begin with though. Imagine the Artonans would built the scanner with a function to determine authority and then put parental control on it so humans can’t use it. Doesn’t make any sense. If they gave a blueprint it’s a given that instructions to scan for authority would not be included with it. They themselves can determine if someone has authority and the quality of it, look at Kibby. She has authority but will barely be able to move it is what they found out when she was like six years old. Alden wasn’t worried about the scanner picking up on the amount of authority he has either. Enchanted objects likely have a different "signature" than a persons authority and auriad is a more reasonable assumption for all these reasons in my opinion, but you still might be onto something.


Aulia POV: “… so they had a secret rendezvous in the bathroom and then Alden bought him a spa package immediately afterwards… Their relationship is progressing wonderfully.”


I think paracord would be too thick to cut in that way. Hed have to use something thin like fishing line, or piano wire. For a more magical approach maybe he could get some


Predictions for this match: Team Cottontail are going to beat Team Arrogant/Jealous into the ground even when they're one S-rank member short. Lucille is going to hesitate when Marsha inevitably attacks her which will annoy Marsha because she literally can't understand or relate to others, and Winston will explode at Alden while accusing him of drugs. On another note, I really hope Marsha doesn't end up making Lucille accidentally kill her. Everyone's going to tear into Marsha if that happens, HARD.

Bob Ross

That's a good point, I wonder if the machines are Wright made, or part of the equipment/ maintenance provided by the wizards that visit the school for checkups. Haha, I was envisioning it as more of a "barbarians operating a spaceship by pushing autopilot" as opposed to parental controls, but I take your point. I dont think Alden is in danger of having his authority measured and compared against his profile info, but it would be surprise me if the machines used to train young avowed didn't have any way at all to measure--maybe that's the wrong word-- to perceive in any way, an avoweds authority. Good call about kibby though, the way they found out about her authority...stiffness(?) was from observing the results of her studying rather than sticking her in a machine. :)


When was it mentioned that Marciel notified the system that she wanted to be summoned? -I thought last chapter we learned that she decided that the 'becoming a Hero' route was her way home.

Michael Blue

It seems weird to let him return to class if she knows he’s cheating with an unauthorized item. I think it’s possible the test came back inconclusive


This actually feels like a complete chapter to me too. especially compared to other novels (rather than Sleyca's usually novel-per-chapter standards)


Voidsong You're so insistent on the story keeping pace it makes you look desperate


This is a solid chapter, just keep this as a chapter and make the new stuff a new chapter. Build that backlog. Cliffhangers are fine as long as you stay on schedule

John Koor

Yeah, this story is really just Jeffy's origin story from the perspective of his future sidekick.


BBQ Riot I wanna Riot Pig Riot a riot of my own!

John Koor

Unless the anomaly has them turning to an alien consultant for what the machine revealed before they do anything.

Matt DiMeo

She didn’t notify the system. She was asking for the runaway guy from intake.

John Anastacio

I wonder what the chapter title is or will be, if and when it is completed.

da Finnci

Maybe the guy who tried to escape Anesidora and later followed Hazel got a long time summons notice (which everyone tried to convince him to already and Hazel is also gone). If he wanted to say goodbye to one of his only friends it explains Maricels reaction


"Who's Maricel again?" I said, she like, "Wow, you should know that..." "Okay, I guess I forgot," she like, "Dude, that's my other team mate" -Lil Dicky song lyrics

Matt DiMeo

I wonder if maricel’s grandma had a healing reversal. Did she get healed right before Maricel’s selection? Can’t remember.


I'm soooo curious to know why they blinked. Your theory sounds reasonable, but it would be awesome to get a short POV from them and get it confirmed. And if they know it they must be completely shocked at how quickly he learned it

Kim Enteiu

It’s probably a bit of both. If you stack negatives first it’s probably easier to stack positives. It’s also nice that we have an actual reason why the stronger chain/shorter duration skill was in such demand; there’s a finite b number of stacks that a chain can place.


It makes so much sense that Lute would be so invested in the team. He has never belonged anywhere, but now he is finally getting that from The Lodge


They should seriously let Team Alden pick a member from the other team. And then they would pick Max. And it would be sweet revenge


Spell impressions are the one thing that I was pretty sure you couldn’t actually stress or improve the performance of. Maybe Jeff can innately push more of his free authority into his? Maybe he’s just wrong? Also - Alden should covertly study people’s spell impressions.

Andrew Tobin

Oh man, I just realised - tonight is the dinner too, so Maricel might miss her own congrats dinner. Also, I wonder if the Informer can read when someone types out messages. I bet he’s pretty good at it.


Honestly I'd love if Aulia got that impression because it would be great (and funny) cover to keep her off of Alden's back. No need to reel him in if he's already dating your grandkid.


If this were an average novel, that would definitely happen. Luckily, Sleyca doesn't do cheap setups


Thank you for the chapter! Astrid’s “the punishment should fit the crime” line cracked me up. If you’re a jerk, eat jerky! Also, I wonder what the chances are of Lute applying for a transfer to the hero course

Andrew Tobin

The more I think about cord tricks, the more I wonder how much white cord would blend in with the floor when it’s on?


It seems more likely he is feeling that because he wants it to work that way not because it does.


Poor Maricel. Just as things were looking up. :(


That seems a bit sudden for that set up, particularly as S ranks are already chosen early and her brothers are quite a bit younger than her.


I am sure Selyca doesn't need to be told how to manage their time. Every time they have mentioned stuff about missing a post before everyone has been very supportive so I am sure they know they can if they want to.


What do you mean? He has no intention of doing the negative half until he goes to sleep tonight.

Kim Enteiu

Since the auriad is an extension of his authority then it’s likely he wouldn’t show it as an enchanted item, but more like a Meister tool. That said, there’s no reason why a scanner developed by Artonans wouldn’t pick up and identify an auriad.

Jeff Wells

Slow teammates getting killed helps in this scenario, it's when they go unconscious that they are a major burden. Inconclusive people have to be carried through the course, dead people don't.


I keep thinking of the Velras monopoly on chains. Aulia has worked hard to hoard all the useful ones and to put a veil of mystery around them. So what are the chances of people outside the Velras knowing about a chain on the Palace's restricted list? Very slim I would say

Tycho Green

Was it said that they knew about Kibby from observation only? The Primary took Alden's measure when he held his hands, and he remarked on his authority. So there is definitely some information they can find out when holding hands. Actually, when Alis started nagging the Primary, he said proximity to his target is enough to find out whatever it was he wanted to know. Also Artonans really are that species. Usually we get a story where the sage creators of a system are long dead, their ways forgotten with only remnants of their innovation left behind. In this story the system creators are thriving, incomparably superior to any other species (except maybe one), with some of them naturally having the ability to exert their will over reality. Gorgon, restrained as he is, was able to predict that Alden has a higher probability of becoming an Avowed after sampling his tomato juice. So having natural affinity for authority is no joke.

Robert Lethiecq

Chapter 97. In fact, much of the chainer moments from this chapter refers to content from 98. If you reread those two chapters in reference to this current chapter it seems to be closing some of those threads.


My money is on her grandmother dying while she was away and her being unable to attend the funeral in the future.

Bob Ross

"Alden had pieced together enough to understand that Joe had advised her father not to send her off for formal training when she was a toddler. He thought she shouldn’t pursue wizardry, because she was ungifted" I think Joe's opinion of Kibbys talent is what they were basing it off of.

Darth Xaim

lol. This is based on how my cousin acted one time when we were about to go to the park. The way Maricel acted gave me déjà vu


The coolest way for Alden to deal with Marsha is for her to attack him and for him to catch her poleaxe in mid-air and preserve them both. This is possible because he's not separating the meister tool from the meister and we know he's able to preserve strong people already.


If Keiko Velra has and uses it they might know about it. She went through the program too and the instructors probably learned a lot about wordchains from her.

Kim Enteiu

They do have a very rank-focused experience, growth of power seems similar, and the main character is a low-rank strategist who uses tripwire to support his team rather than direct attacks.

Bob Ross

If the machine could detect authority (which I'm on the fence about but love speculating on) I would wager it only recognizes unbound authority in relation to its affixed counterpart. So no plugging in Anesidoran kids, no measuring authority in units to compare one avowed to another, just a unique comparison for each avowed about their free authority and its size relative to their affixation.


Lute becoming Earth's "skilled and responsible worchain usage" teacher would be profitable for him, probably supported by the Palace of Unbreaking, and a benefit to the world as a whole. Right now we know that there are a lot of garbage wordchain teachers out there going unnoticed. He could make TikToks of the proper way to do popular wordchains and explain the biggest things people did wrong!

Victor Cavalcanti

If anything, Alden is not spiteful enough.

Calico C

I feel like Jeffy was stumbling onto what authority actually is by instinct

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

@Kim Enteiu, I like imagining this conversation. "Are we sure he's a Rabbit?" ... "No, I mean, are we *really* sure? Is there any chance someone made a mistake, and he's actually a Meister?" ... "No, I'm not being ridiculous. The scan for magic items showed him having a bonded tool of some sort. I've never heard of another class having access to those." ... "Oh, you saw his profile personally? It didn't mention the bonded tool as part of his skills?" ... "Huh."


I like that Lute wants to be a musician. I like to imagine him joining Lexi’s parents on the road and keeping Lexi as a lifelong best friend.

L. Rattay

I really don't think marsha would win vs jeffy in water. Sure she might try but that would be either a fruitless attack or worse she get's injured herself.

Calico C

She would have immediately asked a couple of her roommates/friends for a pad. And told her teammates she was running to the bathroom real quick. She’s not wearing white pants, the gym suits shouldn’t show blood easily since I feel like they are non porous.

Tycho Green

That wasn’t an opinion, that was an accurate evaluation. Meaning Joe determined her capability of exercising control over her authority somehow. The only opinion Joe had was advising Kibby to not pursue magic.

Calico C

But he also lives with Lute, and wordchains last a while. Lute could have cast the bestowal at any point in the day, he doesn’t have to be around

L. Rattay

@Illa Clolac As far as i know teaching word chains is one of the primary jobs of chainers, designated by the system. No secondary contract should be able to obstruct that.


Alden can also prove, at any point, that he's able to cast the chain on his own. So if it were a suspicion it could be cleared rather quickly.

Andrew Khitry

What if one team just steal floaters from the others team water tank? Would the second one be incapacitated like forever?

Bob Ross

One interpretation of the text is when he says Joe thought she shouldn't go to school because she was untalented, that means Joe performed an authority evaluation and determined she was untalented. But it's also possible that she was determined to be untalented some other way when she was a toddler, and that it was his opinion that she shouldn't pursue wizardry because of it. Additionally, opinion might be appropriate to describe the results of an authority evaluation anyways, more art than science and all that. :)


Man I so hope Marsha will use an attack on Alden thinking she can just break his preservation only for her halberd to bounce off the cord. Also, IMHO you can keep this as a chapter. Cliff hangers are good. They keep readers invested. It's only a bad thing if they are too frequent. Build that backlog up again. This chapter is beefy enough.


Hmm, wonder if Maricel is getting summoned?


On the Patreon mobile app, there’s no indication that there’s a switch from the author’s note to the chapter proper. I don’t know if there’s supposed to be, but it’s worth saying :)

Guus van der Borg

There's literally a line that says she was watching the scanner do nothing. The chapter explicitly says the scanner didn't pick anything up. Edit: My bad, it says that about the blood testing strip, not the scanner.


@Gail I really don't think that is what he is doing. It is one thing to say that we will support Sleyca if they feel the need to take a break. It is another thing to tell Sleyca to take a break. One is supportive, the other is unsolicited advice about something that we don't know as much about as Sleyca. I think the original comment falls closer to unsolicited advice than being supportive and that is what Voidsong is saying.

Charles Hinton

More to the chapter! I'm so going to treat this as Sleyca rewarding us with an extra chapter. Not a holiday, so we must have just been extra good fans.

Ano Ano

I really love Alden's strong sense of fairness. It's so consistently demonstrated in his actions, and it really serves as a strong foundation of his relationships. He insisted on being friendly to Stuart before asking for a favor, not because it would have been unreasonable or wrong to just ask for the contact info, but because it would not have felt fair. In this very chapter, he is very vigilant to make sure Jeffy gets what the team has agreed to give him. Given how important balance and reciprocity are in magic, I think this bodes well for Alden's ability to eventually do the right things on the biggest stages.

Michael Leue

He doesn't have adequate authority to lift Meister enchantments. Sleyca said so in a comment on RR.


Guessing death in the family or younger sibling was selected? I wonder if globies are allowed to go to funerals, I’m assuming not from how strict it sounds

Swiss Jeez

I think if something seems like a flagrant cheap play, it's probably disallowed by the implied extra rules.

Michael Leue

Marsha and Winston are the main antagonists of this arc. Marsha because she's a rankist and Winston because he resents Alden's confidence despite his B rank. They're worth paying special attention to because if there's going to be a social problem within the student body, it's going to originate from them.

Jeff Petkau

If Everly could freeze the whole water obstacle, no one's getting through it. ... Although it took multiple casts to cover the fire box, and she's only allowed one on an attack. So that's probably not doable.

Michael Leue

Except Sleyca has confirmed that Meister tools *are* actually enchanted, when she said in a comment that Alden doesn't have enough authority to lift them.

Matt White

Honestly I think Sleyca needs to stop patreon charges for a month and get a handle on her backlog and schedule and then proceed. I think delaying individual chapters will just delay the problem instead of fix it.

Michael Leue

Yes, Alden seems like the sort of person to willingly condemn a friend to a life of endless agony.

Daniel Viana Rodrigues

“I can use it hard. It’s like this feeling in your head. Like determination and wanting it real bad!” I think Jeffy is a natural born genius on authority use. He should level up really fast if he starts to like his skill.


Be less of an arse about phrasing maybe?

The Human

Thanks for the chapter. I don't think I'm alone in thinking this but feel free to correct me if I am folks. I'd rather have something like this as the chapter, and then the second part of it come as Sunday's drop, but get the chapters reliably and at a rate that's sustainable for the long haul. If this is all that was written by time for release, I think just release this and call it part one of the chapter, with Sunday having part two.


Maricel wouldn't be unable to continue in gym for that, maybe her friend got picked as an avowed... and something bad happened because of it


I don’t understand why everyone is so up in Sleyca’s business about updates and backlogs. They already update regularly— who cares if the exact hour isn’t the same? Let them have some leeway on being late without everyone jumping up in their business about it. And of course we’d be fine with a break to build backlog, this seems like a solid/nice fan base, but maybe Sleyca has their own reasons for not wanting to do that. Why don’t we just be super supportive of whatever the author wants and move on?

The Human

(and I'd rather the two parts than periodically randomly skip chapters to catch back up)


I’m really hoping that after these first rounds are done, students can adjust their teams on their own (maximum team size of 11, three S’s or less per team). Team Cottontail has a good dynamic and a solid balance of powers, but they’ve also only got 10 people. I can think of at least one abused B rank who’d be an amazing asset to the team and who’d be willing to jump ship to a team that would appreciate him.

Swiss Jeez

Right, if they didn't lose their heaviest hitter, winning would be too easy. They had to have a challenge to the win to be satisfying


I think he feels that it is true because he wants it to be rather than because it is, when Alden did the spell impression he said he had no control over it despite already having control of his authority

Matt White

This was an honest criticism for a problem the author has addressed multiple times to the community. Grow up.

Ano Ano

Stealing parts of the other course is surely against the rules. I bet Jerry using a power to make the enemy floaters ultra buoyant and thus extra difficult to handle would be good.


You're free to stop supporting, but we are more than five weeks ahead of royalroad, which is what we pay for.

Michael Leue

S-class Earth Shaper isn't such a rare class or in such high demand that there wouldn't be other shapers who would be available for summoning before her, and the Earth System accounts for stuff like that. We know it isn't normal for young avowed of most classes to be summoned for a few years after they become avowed, and even then, it isn't very common.

Daniel B

I think its something to consider. Being creative under a deadline is really hard.

Zachary Sloan

He's talking about a spell impression, and from Alden's experience he appears to have no control over that, despite having an authority sense.

Zachary Sloan

My best guess is "sibling being selected." I'm not sure if her specific reaction would make sense for a death in the family.

Matt White

Multiple authors I support do this to get control of the story and their mental health. I'd rather wait a month for a happy author and great story.


Exactly! Every time the chapter is a bit late the comments are filled with unsolicited advice. We are not Sleyca's friends. We don't know them irl. People seem to think that Sleyca are overworking themselves (and they mean well) but it's not our place to judge.

Jonathan Bergstrom

I love that Alden thanked Lute by getting him more time around water and a great excuse for why he suddenly is indulging in it; gift from my apprentice. More time to enjoy whatever water spell he learned that he's been playing with in the bathtub every night for three hours!


Matt, You could always just pause _your_ membership for a month while Sleyca writes at the pace they are comfortable with. You can hop back in when you're comfortable and binge. I think Sleyca could easily just do less chapters, at any time they want, and we'll still be spoiled for quantity and quality of content.


I was just thinking that!! It’s gonna be hilarious when his land moves are awesome too!😝


Omg I wonder if he is unconsciously perceiving the spell impression differently than usual when he tries “hard” with it


The weights and floats reset themselves. Maybe they’d teleport back


depending on the author occasionally one will take a month off and not charge. one i follow- CF- beware of chicken- takes a week off every month with an occasional longer break right around publishing time for his next book on amazon. every person is different. i pay for advanced chapters, should i? probably not, but i like the story, we all are being EXTREMELY generous if you think about it, Prior to patreon/web novels, you would goto the book store - spend ~10 bucks and have a book. post patreon/webnovels, we support the author by giving the equiv of a book - sometimes more sometimes less- every month. the author uses that money so THEY don't have to have a job *if they have enough supporters* outside of writing. if and a big IF Sleyca decides to pause payments to create a backlog OR takes a few weeks off to create a backlog or continues as is, that is up to them. i like this enough such that i am not worried one way or the other, provided the stress of trying to produce for US does not create a writer's block. just relax. enjoy, and find something else to read that has several thousand pages to create a backlog for YOU for the stories that you really love. i get bored and find a new webnovel and give it a shot if i am intrigued by the premise, sometimes it works out and i'll read until WAY past my bedtime (5am and i have to be up at 8am) or it won't work out and i start looking for another book. Me i follow on patreon Casualfarmer, Sleyca hakurai & el-ara and royal road, i have ~20 other novels i follow that i do not pay for, and then there is always kindle unlimited and or amazon or using a gift card(i have a few hundred in gift cards my first "tablet" was a Nook e-reader) at barnes and noble for a book that way, or finding an chinese/korean/japanese webnovel translation etc etc. but overall just relax and enjoy what we are reading. hopefully this story will continue for a while. personally , i think Alden needs a bit of stress to fully get over it/adjust to the new him. plus it will start to plant the seeds of him moving "forward". he also needs to go visit the Gorgon, and get some knowledge that way in training.....


It would probably work well for the easier wordchains! I’ve always wondered why a pair of wright made gloves couldn’t train you to do it correctly.


@Charlie I see what you mean. Lute is so anti-Velra, and anti-Aulia, and Aulia is all about keeping chains to her family. It would be really cool if Lute kept his music while at the same time teaching humans real wordchains


@Kettle Lexi also wanted to be like an event bodyguard didn’t he? That would be awesome if he just paired up with Lute traveling to his performances!!


She is an S so I was thinking it would be an older sibling.


@5haun, that is exactly what I was imagining, lol.

Charles Hinton

My take is that Sleyca has self-set goals set to maintain this pace. Some authors need breaks, while others need some motivation to start writing each day instead of giving in to the desire for a relaxing nap. I am more than happy with the writing pace and quality.


Joe on the topic: "Perception is difficult to control. And even when you manage it there's something of a negotiation with reality involved. You'd think people with delusions of grandeur would have an advantage, but they tend to overextend and become unable to exercise sufficient authority." So yeah I totally think Jeffy might be able to boost his spell impression! Or fail entertainingly

Radha Patel

Thanks! Took a sick day so my thanks to the author for today's soup


It's been foreshadowed! Oh wow yeah it's this, I'm pretty sure.


@Len Hey pal I didn't come here to read a novel! Well I did, but not YOUR novel! Hahaha


“Hey Alden, what’s with that rock in your pocket?”. “Oh, it is a super special linked stone that Lute gave me. It can connect with its pair anywhere in the universe. I promised Lute I’d carry it around with me everywhere. I’m thinking of making it into a necklace so I don’t lose it.” “… okay.”

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

It's because every indication from Sleyca has been that what they want is to have a backlog again, once they have the time. If Sleyca decides they're one of those people who thrives on working late nights up against a deadline, I'm sure everyone will be supportive. Until then, it looks a lot like the kind of overwork that many of us have seen lead to burnout in the past. Best case is it turns out there's no need for concern and we all end up looking like overprotective fools. I'd rather be a fool than be part of the insidious pressure to work unsustainably that plagues online creative work.

hercule pyro

Would be pretty clunky foreshadowing tbh since it was just mentioned straight out last chapter.


I honestly think it's Jacob pulling some bullshit and Maricel is gonna be trying to stop him from doing anything drastic


I support Jeffy wanting to work on land, I hope he makes a subclass like Haoyu's Dura brute and Rebecca's jumping brute, but like, an amphibian brute, and work in a city near a big body of water, If he grows to love water then good, otherwise I hope he finds a way to be happy with his abilities. I used to think he should embrace his subclass (bc it is unique and valuable and his choices/actions were usually poor and reckless), but he has his own dreams and circumstances too, he took the class bc it guarantees entry to superhero school (as S rank Aqua brute), we've been told that class trade was rough this year, especially with S's limited trade pool, and he probably doesn't have a wealthy family to offer more benefits, and Aqua brute is similar enough to strength/building puncher brute. Rebecca the jumping brute created her subclass by herself, Jeffy could too, but he needs to be more rational and provide proof of concept to show the faculty how he can use his skills outside water effectively, only then they'll take his wishes seriously. now that I think about it, his situation is a bit similar to Alden’s, in the sense that the thing they want to achieve is logically unachievable/waste of time (according to "common sense" ), we know Alden can be a superhero despite being a B rank rabbit bc of all his unique circumstances, but we don't actually know if Jeffy can achieve his dream and we tend to dismis it since he has a horrible track record (running to school and fighting a police drone/fire building scenario... ), he definitely has some maturing to do but I am excited to see if he can really fight effectively on land!


@Len You say "we all" are being extremely generous, but I don't feel that way at all. I'm paying because I wanted to binge chapters and support the creation of additional ones. I'm not being generous. I'm paying the listed price for a service. Honestly, I enjoy the story and writing so much that $10/month feels cheap if it means I can see the story finished. Also @Matt, no need to pause the patreon, since we're getting exactly what's advertised. The patreon benefit is 5 weeks and 10+ chapters ahead.


Its funny to me that people are telling Sleyca to wait and post the rest of the chapter on Sunday when they are not likely to look at the comments until after they post the rest of the chapter, lol.


Truly hope it’s this and not something horrific happening


If Lucille doesn’t want to kill anyone, why doesn’t she change from a strength brute to a dura-brute? I imagine she would just have to put all of her points into endurance from now on.


Thank you 😊


Maricel last chapter described her spell impression as "the curious mental focus her active spell impression gave her to direct her magic. " so he probably has a similar "active" spell impression that gives him a mental focus that he can tries "hard" with


thats too bad! she deserved to be appreciated and go to the dinner place she chose


I'm going with a summoning. Her soil compression skill is insane for construction and preventing certain types of collapses. Like 50% of the time it takes to build roads and buildings is just waiting for the soil to properly settle.


it would be satisfying but bad for Alden bc people will ask questions, how can a B rank handle S ? he can handle lvl 1 As but S is too much


I still don't get why Alden thinks it's so important to hide he leveled a few times.

Neil H

Did he have the breath mint in his stomach before?


They are only doing these team drills because one of the trainers got called. They are probably going to go back to normal training unless something happened to him.

Radha Patel

I thought it was because Alden casually dropped some perfect Artonan into their conversation

Bob Ross

I'm not sure if he preserves it, then swallows it right before a match, or if he's able to preserve it after he's already swallowed it, but either way I don't think he was preserving the breath mint during the scan. Edit: Looks like he shallows a preserved breath mint. Not that that matters too much I suppose, haha.


Probably a combination of people trying to keep their successful dura brute class secrets private and having already invested heavily in a standard strength brute build at this point.

Heather White

#5: Man, Jeffy with authority sense would be fun. #6: Another possibility is that Klein knows what it is & knows it’s a hard one. Lute had mentioned trying to teach it to others who weren’t able to pull it off. #8: Yeah, if their machine can see the auriad, I wonder if it would correctly identify it. #13: Last chapter mentioned siblings can be called. Maybe it happened to one of hers. Might not be the most likely possibility, but since she’s just gotten her balance, that would throw an interesting wrench into things for her.


Personally I would rather read something Sleyca is happy to release, rather than a hastily written chapter just to meet a self imposed deadline. Quality is more important than quantity when it comes to reading in my mind.

Zachary Sloan

Yeah, summoning is probably a better guess. The only reason I thought of the sibling thing is that it was mentioned in the last chapter (though as hercule pyro mentioned, that would be pretty recent/blatant foreshadowing)


Similar to how heroes are allowed to leave the island, I would hope they allow avowed to leave the island for things like funerals.


Expressing concern or support is good. Giving unsolicited advice however, is not. It's rude and if everyone keeps giving Sleyca unsolicited advice on how to build a backlog, wouldn't that pressure them even harder?


From what we have seen Marsha only sees S ranks as worthy opponents. Unless Alden is protecting someone on his team, I don’t think we are going to see a head to head between them.


I mean, my first thought after reading about the gift was that Alden was making Lute his sugar baby. 😳

The Human

My point was more about not staying up to chew on the second half that we didn't get yesterday.

Temp One

【“You do make things so much easier for us, dude,” he said to the Aqua Brute. Jeffy was toweling off his hair aggressively, like he thought he could bring the waterlogged mohawk back to life. “I’m looking forward to seeing your…land moves…on our next run, though.” The wattage on Jeffy’s smile made up for the glare Reinhard shot Alden. We promised him, Alden silently mouthed at the archer.】 Scenes like this can't help but make me think Alden and Kibby kinda resemble one another. Both are determined to do the right thing in a kind of intense way.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

I think it’s not sibling bc gym teachers are unlikely to let her just leave for that, and she doesn’t seem like the type to lie for something like that Not a summoning either, they get a few days of advance warning since they’re not rabbits With all of the Chekhov’s guns waiting to fire, I’d bet it’s related to J and his submerger and possibly Matadero (is that how to spell it?) Maybe smth along the lines of ‘please help me i tried to escape by myself and something went wrong and I refuse to ET since I’m on probation or something’


So, do y'all think Finlay/Tuyet/Jupiter beat Febri/Shrike? If they did, it would mean Febri/Shrike lost all their matches without Søren!

Zachary Sloan

@Super Super Supportive Supporter - I didn't think about that possibility (that it's something related to Jacob), and I think there's a decent chance you're correct. That's something which has also been foreshadowed, but in a way that feels a lot more plausible than the sibling thing coming up so soon after it was mentioned.


While amphibian brute would be more consistent with other brute subclass names, nothing's stopping him from picking Land Shark as his hero name! Maybe he can find a talent that lets him swim / use his aqua powers through other substances like sand or (after some levels) soil. That would take some bound authority away from brute strength though, which is what he wanted to emphasize.

Heather White

As far as the immediate issue, I’d be completely fine with receiving the second part of this chapter on Sunday (or the posting of the full/completed chapter, if that’s the plan). As a Patreon supporter, I feel better about things when I know that my Patreon support is making life and writing more sustainable and more enjoyable for the author. When an author is staying up until midnight to keep up a demanding schedule for us rather than writing at a comfortable, realistic pace, I worry that the established Patreon schedule is having the opposite of the intended effect. My priority here is long term viability. I (selfishly) want Sleyca to be able to keep writing and keep writing and keep writing. XD Burnout is the passion-killer, and constant stress about deadlines combined with a lack of sleep and a lack of time for self-care? That’s the fastest road to burnout. A writer who burns out stops feeding me my literary crack, so I’m strongly anti-burnout. And they suffer. I’m also strongly opposed to authors whose work I respect suffering. Sleyca - whatever you need to do to make writing really work for you is what I and many others here want for you. I appreciate the craft you put into your writing. You have the full package — great story, great characters, & great prose. I want you to feel confident that many of us here will continue to support you even if you slow down or take pauses. Even when people seem to be giving her advice, I think this is what their basic message translates to. Some of you may be offended by the packaging of that sentiment, but that shouldn’t take away from their intent to say that they worry that she feels pressure to keep producing this quality & quantity on a tight deadline with no backlog and that they won’t bail on her Patreon if she takes breaks or slows down her publishing schedule. I’m pretty sure that Sleyca is smart enough to see that the advice is really just a promise of continuing support.



Master Program

I think no team currently has any shot of beating the Tuyet/Finlay combo, especially not the team with two short-ranged attackers. Tuyet is basically a defensive turret protecting her team as soon as she reaches the top of the wall and Finlays speed in finishing the course means she quickly presents a threat against the more vulnerable members of the opposing team. Shes not even a good target to take out as shown in the first match against Reinhard as her S rank stats lets her get back into play very quickly.

Gyoza Dog

I don't think he's going to get to sleep tonight. And until he does he has an intense weakness to Velras.

Heather White

Voidsong, you’ve posted this same advice/demand on each of this type of post so far. I realize you’re being supportive of Sleyca in your own way, and you are entitled to your opinion. However, I hope you’ll consider the irony of your giving condescending advice to these commenters. (Edit - I just finished reading the comments section, & there are a few other posters giving similar advice to those who they perceive as giving Sleyca advice, and I’d address this comment to them too)


I think being a strongwoman wasn't her first choise ( or the second). She probably couldn't trade out of the class.


If anyone were to have a random rock in there pocket and nobody question it, its probably Alden. If I were Vandy I'd probably just assume he was practicing with it.

Heather White

I love the ambiguity. Maybe she was quiet just because she was reading, maybe the readout was telling her something unexpected. Sleyca’s really good at giving us these kinds of teasers. Like Max’s “huh” last chapter.

Heather White

I doubt it could be either of these simply because she left with the teachers knowing about it & labeling it as something personal she needed to take care of. That made it sound official & approved to me.

Heather White

Lute told him to trigger the negative half of this wordchain when he goes to bed (with an empty bladder). Since Hazel isn’t around, there’s no one to trigger it early.

Heather White

Yeah, when I read that I was impressed with Astrid’s creativity. That’s the most positive punishment I’ve ever seen, and so fitting with her personality. Also, unless there’s a tofu jerky in there it’s impossible for Alden, so it’s a good thing he’s a good boy.

Trevor Perry

Oh wow, I guess it was a cliffhanger! That caught me totally off guard.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

Maybe there's a planet with underwater cities, full of aquatic aliens who love jerky, and Jeffy can have lots of friends and be where the people are and punch buildings all while being underwater.


"everyone was behaving like they’d accomplished something much grander than winning a race against their classmates" Alden's definitely got a different sense of perspective from the average hero-in-training teenager


This was also something I wanted to know! My guess is after dominating so hard on Wednesday, them getting beat by one of the "weak" teams would have totally thrown the Febri/Shrike team off and I doubt they preformed at 100% either way.


Being strong has it's advantages and can help get others out of danger. Just being durable alone might not be enough for what she hopes to do.


Shrike can re-direct the darts (this also lets him protect teammates) and Febri can dodge them, so I wouldn't count them out at all. There are a number of unknown A ranks that could affect the outcome too.

Heather White

The first time I remember stacked wordchains being mentioned it was Hazel’s 16th birthday & she was pissed & smacked that sculpture across the room at a deadly speed. Aulia made a comment about how many strength wordchains she had stacked. From that I assumed that stacked wordchains are when you have cast the same wordchain multiple times and the effects stack. Instead of stronger from one casting she became monstrously strong from having multiple instances active at the same time.


I went back to read the Maricel flashback chapter to see if her brother is old enough to get selected by the system. […the middle child in their family had insisted on being measured… She informed him that he was a very average height for a seven year old… The System chose her that Friday. As an S-rank.] Unless I’m missing something, Maricel seems to be the oldest child, and the second oldest was seven the week before she was selected. I think the emergency probably isn’t related to a sibling being selected

Jeff Petkau

Alden knows from Kibby's lessons that it *is* possible to affect spells that way, he just hasn't managed to do it. It's totally possible that Jeffy figured it out instinctually.


Before Shrike attacked, there was already confirmation that Alden can't take a full-power hit from an S

Heather White

If she can’t be there, I really hope the teachers postpone that restaurant & take them all somewhere else as a general celebration of class effort. It would be heartless to take them to her restaurant without her.

Heather White

I agree this is probably against the rules (or they’d just magically reset), but I love your sneaky thinking.

John D Jones

Sleyca I'd say not to bother with a revised version of this chapter. Instead, fold whatever else you'd have done into chapter 128 for Sunday and leave this as is. This chapter closes on a pretty cool cliff-hanger, after all. Aside from "What's happened to Maricel's family" we have the rest of Team Cottontail getting thrown for a loop with one of their S-ranks not being able to participate in the showdown with Team Vandy/Asshats.

Heather White

Oooh, an older sibling chosen for a low rank could be an interesting new source of tension. I don’t remember the ages of her siblings, though.

Master Program

It isnt that Tuyet doesn't have any counters. As you mentioned, both Shrike and Febri aren't necessarily bad matchups if you consider their skills in a vacuum and Vandy can shield her team using air. The issue is that the ruleset makes it so that each team's ability to win is dependent on whether they can protect their weakest link. Unless they spend the entire match babying them which negates doing anything else, Tuyet can send them back to the start repeatedly. She also has the flexibility to take out someone about to finish (preventing attacks) or opposing snipers. Until individual members unlock more defensive abilities and quicker reflexes/processing I don't see her team losing.

John D Jones

Adding to Heather's comment, figure Klein knows that "Body Assistant" isn't just hard, it's restricted. That even professional superheroes have been denied permission to learn it because the Palace of Unbreaking didn't trust them to use it responsibly (AKA pay back the debt properly). Not only did the B-rank Rabbit boy get permission to use it, he's apparently fully learned it and used it in Gym.

Kim Enteiu

Part of why she liked to do that is probably because she can “feel how to do them properly” so she can manage more stacks in a row than other family members, particularly since she doesn’t typically have to pay them back herself.


Alden once mentioned being allowed back home for "family business", so I suspect going home for funerals is allowed.

Kim Enteiu

One of the biggest trap tricks for rope is “you can see this obvious trap, so you avoid it into the actual hidden trap” which is probably exactly what Max is anticipating & not warning people about. He has already looked up exactly what that paracord is and knows there’s a surprise coming.

Heather White

Jeffy tilted his head and looked at Reinhard. “Are you scared of swimming by yourself?” In my head, Jeffy says this with absolute earnestness & it cracks me up. I also love that Alden steps in quickly because he’s concerned they could run with that idea & use it to “stuff Jeffy back into his goldfish bowl”, an image that also made me laugh.


Yeah. I'm pretty sure machine vision can read your touch typing in the present day. Machine vision boosted with magitech can surely do even better.

John D Jones

Figure Keiko Velra almost certainly has it and uses it. Likely Klein and the Principal know about it from know her. Likely Klein thought he knew what the chain was and that it was a lesser version of Body Assistant. The fact that Alden is using the actual Body Assistant that he apparently cast himself is likely a pretty big deal.


@Blorcyn Soren's team had 11 with him and 10 without, which matches a couple of the other teams. Alden's team with Marc out is 9 vs the 11 team of Max/Vandy. I think its more likely that there will be a swap here (Max is the most likely), but maybe not. Presumably Max would have insight into all the teams plans so it may be a bit unfair. If anything, I'd imagine that Winston/Marsha would complain that Cottontail has an unfair advantage with less people having to go through the course, so Alden will be like, we'll take Max and then they wreck the other team.

Heather White

Ok, and I can’t resist another favorite quote: “I’m so amazing someone in our class thinks I’m a criminal.” Alden’s pure joy at being given the option to be drug tested was hilarious and glorious. Both a surprise & perfectly logical, plus an indirect fu to Winston. What could be better?


@Bob Ross: It could be that Joe determined that Kibby would be an ok wizard, but since she was a genius it would be better for her to be an exceptional scientist.

Slightly Morbid

I wonder if Jeffy can sink into other stuff like sand, snow or mud. Would be a great party trick too. - Where's Jeffy? - He sank into the sofa and disappeared. We are still waiting for him to surface.

Bob Ross

Joe: "Trust me, you're going to be a genius in your field. Do you know what they let you do when you're a genius?" Kibby: Shakes head Joe: "How do you feel about gratuitous weeping? Others, not yours"

Ilia Ciolac

Cliffhanger is probably not that huge and important. This is a bad practice to manipulate your readers with moments like this, to disappoint people’s expectations afterwards, if the cliffhanger will turn out to be something not that significant. And this moment isn’t that important I assume, that’s why author shouldn’t split it like that


But if it was J then why would the faculty let her out of gym? They said previously that your only excuses were "hospital" and "off planet", and I suspect there are more edge cases than that but "guy I knew in intake is doing something dumb" is unlikely to be on the list.

Aspiring Moth

I'm rereading some old chapters and it never hit me the first time that alis-art'h is the most powerful ground shaper in the universe


I wonder how Marsha did in that last match. Vandy was neutralizing Tuyet for the most part, but Tuyet could presumably still assassinate Marsha if she crossed over to attack. And I can't imagine her not crossing over to attack. She'd probably go for Finlay if he was still on the course by the time their team got an attack. Finlay stuck around longer in his second match compared to the first, which makes sense since he's too valuable to send off quickly unless you really need the early attack initiative. So Marsha probably got destroyed in that fight by a combination of Tuyet and Finlay. She probably thinks she would have won if they had fought one-on-one like a "real duel". Winston would have tried to show up Finlay, maybe by finishing the course faster. He might have succeeded in that if Finlay wasn't going for the exit. Medhi... was probably forgettable. He was definitely fuming internally. He definitely did not bounce jauntily over obstacles. No one cared.


I was curious if shaper telekinesis with various object types accounted for some of the unlimited skills. It would make a lot of sense if that were the case, but human shapers take a lot of supplemental talents and spell impressions - not sure if they do that because they cap out their shaping skill or because they don't know any better. Alis-Art'h may also have been using her free authority to cast a big spell instead of her primary skill; would have to reread a bit to see about that.

Aspiring Moth

I remember a mention of the occasional no element restriction shaper at the very start of the story. it may be that this was the original 300 skill. regardless, if humans very rarely got that skill, maybe alis is a no element restriction shaper too?

Ilia Ciolac

It would be very interesting character development if someone from her family would get in an Avowed-villain incident and died. And now Maricel will have to change like Alden did after Moon Thegund. And now her new goal will be to actually become a hero. It is such a great plot twist and if Sleyca is planning to do something similar, then she is a genius. Or maybe Maricel will start thinking that if she wasn’t separated from her family then she could have saved them and it will work in an opposite direction and she will start hating Anesidora and everyone who was telling her to forget about the escaping plan

Aspiring Moth

I agree with you, but I would like to say that doing a Q&A instead of a posting day would be a easy way to get a chapter of backlog while appeasing all parties. there hasn't been a Q&A in a very long time. but otherwise, yes. I get the concerns, but let the person who actually has to make a decision do so

Neil H

It's too bad Lucille and Jeffy weren't able to get in touch for trades before they affixed, they probably would've been interested in swapping with each other.



Summoning was my first guess too. People have noted that summoning for shapers has a longer time buffer, but I think you could ditch class at any time if you were about to be teleported to an alien world for the first time. Continuing to go to class would be stranger and I'm sure the school doesn't want students to be unprepared for summons because of a training exercise. It has to be something that could excuse a gym absence with few questions asked. If it's related to Jacob, I think the situation would have to have already blown up enough to get authorities involved. Alternatively, Maricel could have lied her way out of class or said she had to leave for personal reasons, but that feels less likely. The other obvious option is something related to Maricel's family.

John D Jones

One of the best bits is Mehdi trying to preen how his A-ness is better than Alden's B -ness and Alden pretty much going "I'm sorry. I forgot you even existed."

Flying Goat

I think it's reasonable to make sure Sleyca knows people thinks this is an option, and folks won't go on murderous rampages if they take some time to themselves (Or at least I know I won't - I mean, if it's just one or two people, that's not really a rampage, right?) Edit: Admittedly, I'd have phrased it more as a suggestion than a request.

John D Jones

I dunno how "indirect" it was... Also I love Alden's "evil plan" to load up on as many chains as it will take to make Winston's head explode from sheer frustrated jealousy.

Partha Peddi

Now I am wondering if it is either 1. Death or injury or bad health in family 2. Best friend got pre-avoved/avoved

Bob Ross

Hey, that guy has a name ...I mean I don't know it, but I'm sure they have one. But you could at least call them SSSS. Or SupeSuppSoupSup. Or something! But let's not fight, today is a great soup getting day! :) S Quad just wanted to consolidate the opinions, and patreon comment section doesn't leave a lotta ways to do it.


He has leveled several times and can take an A rank brute throw but an S rank meister's melee weapon probably hits too hard, for now. This is a weak to strong story and he isn't that far up the curve yet.

Neil H

It'd be cool if it turned out "aqua brute" translated to something like "fluid brute" in the original Artonan, particularly for things like aerodynamics and/or soil liquefaction.


Shrike is one of the best possible defensive answers to Tuyet, and there isn't much available to stop Febri from taking out whoever he wants (including disabling Tuyet) now that he knows to avoid face checking a shaper cannon. It would probably come down to which team's A ranks can move through the course faster or solve the obstacles better.


Honestly I don't think it's any of that, it's probably Jacob doing something rash. His deal has been getting given a lot of attention and it got mentioned last chapter too by Maricel. I'd say he's gonna do something to ruin everybody's day using the Submerger thing he got

Ano Ano

The dude is correct that posting about posting is bad. Sadly, posting about posting about posting is not a viable answer.


Like this comment to express a general displeasure with meta-commentary about Patreon comments and polls but a grudging respect for the fact that they come from a good place. You may, at your leisure, additionally choose to perceive your like as support for the notion that comments about the story grow more interesting over time while discussions of posting schedules tend to fade in relevance in hindsight. Rejection of this perspective will not negate your vote, so feel free to shower me in likes even if you think Patreon comments about Patreon comments are an important cultural artifact. Also be forewarned that replying to this thread may cause you to receive notifications for replies that will briefly and falsely give you hope that the chapter was posted.


Is tomorrow afternoon the 1st or the 2nd?


I wonder if the timing makes sense that she got a summons instead - though iirc non-rabbits usually get more than a day's notice

Temp One

@Jonathan, fuckin' that. The meta commentary has annoyed me enough I've had the impulse to comment on it. But for the most part I've controlled that impulse. This, and I think two other posts I've made, being examples of when my resolve breaks. It's just piles of shitposting sometimes, and the only tool people have to try and fix the issue is to shitpost in the piles even -harder-.

Aspiring Moth

how do people think that Alden will eventually incorporate his spells into his hero skill set? he first needs to have a way to cast them without his auriad in his hands. I remember mention of wizards bonding more than one auriad when their casting progresses enough, so they don't actually need to be used like a cat's cradle. it was also mentioned that auriads are tools that assist in casting, not that they are necessary for it. either way, I'm guessing that stu-art'h is going to be told the truth and give magic lessons on auriadless spellcasting the next question is how will Alden keep his spells looking like spell impressions? is the my body becomes my assistant wordchain enough alone to mimic robocasting? I saw someone mention the option of getting a point in appeal dedicated to making spellcasting look perfectly identical every time, but this would of course require an affixation sooner rather than later then, how would the spells be presented on his fake profile? as normal spell impressions? he wouldn't have a set number of casts for each spell like others do. I've been playing with the idea of a fake skill that I've been calling rabbit trick. the idea is that it's a dynamic spell impression that contains other spell impressions that would be useful for a rabbit assisting a wizard. since they would all be contained in this skill, the spell impressions would draw from the same pool of casts, with lower rank spells requiring less. every time Alden was ready to introduce a new set of spells to his in class repertoire, he could ask the system to add a level to rabbit trick and the new spells to the list of spells within rabbit trick. this is all a convoluted way of simulating how his spellcasting actually works but in the form of a skill for his fake profile to make things make sense to other avowed

Aspiring Moth

some more on rabbit trick. from the perspective of the instructors, it would contain some duds like finger songs, gusts of wind, sanitisation, and then some potentially useful ones like flash freezing and maybe the hydraulic press (which as an aside would have to be presented as two separate spell impressions for pancake and sphere crush), and finally some combat ready ones like the ranged force square and triangle

Ano Ano

I think at least some portion of the truth behind Alden's situation will be revealed before these things become much of an issue.

John D Jones

[i]Or maybe I’m slightly more spiteful than I should be.[/i] Alden, you are, if anything, less spiteful than you should be. Winston is such a shit he broke the record on the Keurig scale. https://southpark.cc.com/video-clips/1cgdy1/south-park-crap-verification

Allen Polak

I could see this being a good opportunity for Alden to prove his bona fides, where he does the negative half to show he actually knows the word chain and further prove his innocence to his skeptics. Considering that all his roommates would be available for protection, it could happen

John D Jones

Eventually it's going to come out. If he tells Stu'art'h, Stu's probably going to tell him some version of "Dude, magic is dangerous. You fucking up a spell I'm trying to teach you could kill us both. You need an actual qualified teacher like "Joe" or my dad or any of the many, many Knights and Wizards here at Knight Rapport One." The Primary's likely response would be "In any other case I would demand that the one who did this to you be executed for inflicting this agony upon you. The only reason I do not is that the person in question is an actual young child who truly knew no better."

Allen Polak

I think spells become part of his kit once he's more prepared for things to ratchet up to intensity level 99. Or, more likely, he finds out / makes a deal on something that will keep things at maybe a 50 and decides he can live with it. I don't think it's something that'll remain secret forever

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

Let's just admit we're all addicts who keep refreshing hoping to find more chapter, and we keep finding only each other instead, and we are all disappointing compared to chapter. But we all love and support the story, and whatever our differences in comment etiquette opinions, I'm glad y'all are here supporting it too.

Randal S

My favorite guess is "incoming disaster at home", like maybe a tidal wave headed towards the Phillipines. Ground shaping would be useful for that. It would be most dramatic if the powers she was so upset to get, because they took her away from her family, ended up being used to rescue them


Yeah, what Zach mentioned. She'll go for Lucille or Jeffy, 100%. Given that she will want to win the obstacle course too, she might aim for land-moves-Jeffy to bottleneck Alden's team at the water obstacle. Go, Jeffy, your time to shine!

Allen Polak

Interesting theory, but Maricel seemed fairly composed, and would probably react more to something that horrific.


Sleyca could post 20,000 word chapters every day and I'd still be sitting here refreshing the page.

John D Jones

The thing that really locks Alden into Intensity 99.9 is the Primary knowing that Alden is aware of his own Authority (who can even also cast spells) AND that Alden possesses one of the Big 300 Skills. As long as one of those conditions remains unmet, Alden won't be drafted into Knighthood or something. Honestly, I don't think being "drafted" into being a Knight is on the table in any case. The Primary told Alden at the party that he'd check back in with Alden when Alden was 30 years old. Depending on whether or not the Primary was using Earth or Artonan measurement, Alden was looking at somewhere between 14+ and 22+ Earth years before that happened. The upshot of which is that the Primary is a fairly patient guy. He also took a pretty close look at Alden's selfhood with the hand-holding session. He knows that Alden is a person who went to Thegund to help save Artonans that were stranded there. He's also the person who near as anything died to save Kibby. Alden has seen what Chaos does up close and personal. A person like that will probably become a Knight if given the option. Trying to force it would would be foolish and likely to backfire.


We need an option to make patreon's comment system not suck...

John D Jones

I believe that Alis noted (to herself) that doing the Chaos-cleaning Dirt Slam required both halves of her brain, which indicates that it's probably a Spell.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

I just laughed out loud way too hard when imagining Mehdi saying "My A-ness is better than your B-ness," and realizing what that sounds like out loud.

Temp One

@John, the Primary and his family actually seem fairly forward thinking. And I guess they'd need to be, as the entire family seems to revolve around self-sacrifice for the greater good. I imagine of the 4 Artonan groups Joe described, they'd fall in the category of viewing Avowed as holy gifts from the universe. Or possibly children in need of indtruction. I think the Primary won't execute Joe. He'll just be incredibly surprised that someone who he and his family seem to think of as the worst example of an unscrupulous, demon dealing, wizard. One of the faction that view Avowed as existential threats nonetheless. Actually stuck his neck out for the good of an Avowed. Given the secrecy of how Skills work. Joe probably broke a taboo of monumental proportions by telling Alden about never taking another skill or spell imprint.

John D Jones

The way it was presented seems like number 1. I don't think Maricel would suddenly freeze, look shocked and leave because her former besties Althea and Reyna (female Filipino names) can suddenly now fly or shoot lightning out of their butts.

Kim Enteiu

The thing I keep circling back to is the A-Rank skill foreshadowing from the beginning of the book. A napkin folding skill that scales up foundational investment in speed (hands only), dexterity(hands only), and processing is exactly the kind of indulgent bonus skill that would help him keep up the charade, while also giving him the ability to show his teachers he’s serious about his education. If at his last affixation he was able to afford an entire new B-rank skill, it’s absolutely possible that he’ll be able to afford an A-rank skill by the time he’s forced to affix again. Mother has already mentioned that knights will often pick up a few skills to supplement themselves, even though they do put the lions share of their authority into one uncapped skill. The napkin folding skill feels like it’s more unbound than a plain foundational enhancement; it’ll continue to grow within his bounds authority, unlike a fixed foundation investment, and napkin folding is absolutely going to support the kind of performance he needs to maintain the ruse.


It was described specifically as a sudden personal matter, which is very vague and broad and not necessarily anything involving her family. Everly suggested it might be something from home but she said it purely as a guess without anything that explicitly supports that guess. Frankly, it seemed like she got a message suddenly and tried to talk whoever she was speaking to out of something but they're going through with it anyways, and the only thing I could imagine that'd provoke that response would be Illicit Activities from someone Maricel knows that'd be likely to do that, and the only real candidate for that sort of thing is Jacob.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

I think it's likely that Jacob is involved and Maricel is hiding something, and I really hope Maricel doesn't do something she regrets. If she does, I'm sure it will be narratively important in the end, but, I just want her to have her friends and be happy!

John D Jones

Some. Mostly I think this is Alden being both ethical and forward-thinking. "Cheating" Jeffy out of his "land time" means that next time he's not dipping so much as a toe in the water for you. Letting him do his "land thing" might make things a little harder now, but it also means that Jeffy will still be willing to do water stuff for the team in later contests.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Hi everyone. I made a poll. 25 people say they support Sleyca doing whatever Sleyca wants. 2 people insist that Sleyca should take a break to build up backlog. 2 people think Sleyca can skip a posting day and do a Q&A instead. Now that this is settled, I am deleting the poll so as to not clutter Patreon’s clunky comment section. Likewise, there is now no need to have long discussions or meta-discussions about this topic — the people who continue making these comments have shown that they will do so anyway, there is no use in responding to them and telling them not to do that. Let them express their support in a way that makes them happy, you will not change their minds and therefore will only be contributing to the problem with no potential benefit. Respond to this message if you would like to start a meta-meta-discussion, but I will not reply to you. I have heard your opinion and have decided to do it anyway. If any of you want to be a nice person, you can delete your commentary or meta-commentary on what Sleyca should do, which will make it easier for me to scroll to the juicier comments. Now, back to refreshing the page and hoping for a chapter

John D Jones

@ Kim Enteiu I think at this point Alden is basically a "shadow" Knight. He's not officially a Knight but he's pursuing advancement in the way that a Knight would to the best of his ability. I don't see Alden taking [i]any[/i] other Skills aside from Bearer of All Burdens. That said, he might choose to learn the Spell on which the Napkin-Folding Skill is based.

Aspiring Moth

let me fold your napkins is great for accelerating wordchain use, hand signs for spell casting, and making shapes out of rope. add in a trait and it's a very valuable supplemental skill. knights take second skills to support their primary talent so I don't see why it isn't an option for him

John D Jones

Alden's faced actual danger to himself and others on multiple occasions. His final conversation with Alis'art'h was one of "Alden, you are definitely going to die, who do you want to get your stuff?" Beyond that, most of these kids are in the mindset of "We have to do well. We have to stand out. Otherwise we won't get jobs as Super-heroes!" Right now, Alden doesn't want to be a super-hero. So he's using the Hero Track as a somewhat specialized "survival course." Still, he's getting a little caught up in it as well as witness his decision to not double-run his skill for the contest against Vandy/Asshats.

Victor Cavalcanti

World trigger would have shown all matches in extreme detail, with running commentary from students in the stands, and then they'd all make a 10 page essay on how each person could improve. And THEN we would see an assembly hall where all students read their essays one after another, followed by a discussion on the finer points.


Sleyca eepy

Kim Enteiu

My favorite part of that entire exchange is how 100% hero Jeffy is. He wants to LOOK like a hero, but he’s is 100% okay with not doing that if a teammate genuinely needs his help. He doesn’t understand how much he contributes to speeding everyone though that obstacle, he wants to be noticed, and he’ll drop the opportunity to be noticed in a heartbeat if he thinks he’s ***needed*** in the water instead of ***wanted***.


I'm weighing in because I like the sight of my own text on the screen and you're simply a vehicle for me to put it into place. I'm late-voting into the poll a 94 votes of "Slayca should produce 2134234 chapters per day of at least the length and quality of this one if not longer". Thus, I win the poll, you lose, and that's the end of that.

Pedro Henrique

I wish i at least knew the timezones we are working with, for all i know Sleyca posted THIS chapter at 5 am in their country and "tomorrow afternoon" might be in the next 12 hours.


Wordchains all have names. For example, "My body is my assistant" which is sometimes referred to by the nickname Gracefulness. Why though? That's only describing half of the word chain, and says nothing about the negative half. I propose that the negative half be named as well! "My Body Is My Assistant" has the negative of "My body is my assistant, and they're completely incompetant at basic tasks". On a related note, I think chainers are doing their wordchains wrong. Backwards, even, at least for the ones they use regularly. Do the negative first, get it out of the way, and have the positive half waiting to take effect. You'll never have a negative hit you at a bad time, and can schedule the negative half perfectly every time. In a particularly dire scenario, you could use the positive half that you've been waiting to use, then follow it up with another positive half of the wordchain at the same time or immediately following. By doing the positive half first, they have that negative waiting and can't really follow up with another positive half (or at least not without stacking up future negatives for a severe consequence). Why yes, I am going bonkers waiting for the second half of this chapter. I declare that afternoon has passed and we've shifted into evening at this point.

Pedro Henrique

I think Lute had the right of it, people love to procrastinate, they would rather get slaped with the bad half in a inoportune moment than suffer it earlier than they might need to.


Sleyca has recently devolved into broken promises. This hurts her. It hurts her Patrons. The overwhelming response of most Patrons is to tell her to take her time, take a break, and release the story when it is ready, and not a moment before. However, giving an updated "timeline" expectation, like she has for the past two months or so, and them missing those expectations, leaves everyone with a bad taste in their mouth. Sleyca, hear my plea! Stop setting arbitrary time of publishing goals, and then missing them. Don't set expectations that will fail, causing not only grief among your rabid fan base, but it has to be shit on your mental stability as well. This isn't going to end well. Take a month vacation. Then take a month to fire up a backlog. Let everyone know it's a hiatus, and it is over when it's over. Overpromising, and underdelivering is not healthy, nor is it a viable long term strategy.


That depends on your wordchain use cases. With strong chains like Peace of Mind, this could seem like a decent plan (assuming no evil chainers are around that prematurely snap it back on you). But the reality of the situation is that many strong chains have less than a month, some may even have less than a week. If you have a predictable schedule like a hero-in-training at CNH, yes, that sounds like a very doable thing to schedule into your life. If your schedule is more volatile though that feels very unrealistic. Doing the bad half and then straining the chain by keeping your good half saved up as long as you possible can without the Palace of Unbreaking coming knocking at your door seems not practical. That being said, my impression is that chainers are even smarter than this. Only pick bestowable chains, do the good half, bestow the bad half on someone else that is prostrating. Why share the cake when you can take all of it?


My Body Is My Assistant sounds like your body does everything you want it to. Such as unblushing, or I want to leap exactly there. Freeing yourself of usual micromanagement of muscles and control. I would think, My Assistant Deserves a Vacation would be fitting backlash, being left with no one to help. Thankfully Alden doesn't need to think to breath... yet.

John D Jones

IIRC Maricel had a grandmother going into some kind of assisted living care or something. Maybe her grandma just died (of natural causes). Some drama could come down if Anesidora refuses to let her leave to attend the funeral. I could see Alden intervening by asking Evul'art'h to "summon" Maricel and then immediately send her to Manila. Of course that will raise a lot of questions for Maricel about how exactly Alden managed to get a family of "gods" on speed-dial. I can also imagine the Principal and some teachers confronting Alden about helping Maricel "escape." Lesedi: "No matter how bad you feel for Maricel, you can't just call somebody to send her to Manila." Alden: "Clearly I can. And in this case I did." Klein: "You don't understand-" Alden: "It's you who doesn't understand. The person I asked to do this was Evul'art'h. She makes the bi-weekly calls to me because my friend and her brother, Stu'art'h isn't old enough yet. Stu'art'h and Evul'art'h are the nephew and niece of Alis'art'h, the person who gave me the Commendation, but that's kind of irrelevant because they're the children of her twin brother. I don't know his name, but his title is The Primary. You can call him to complain about this if you want, but I will warn you that I have it on very good authority that he has a low tolerance for petty restrictions. Preventing a 15 year old girl from attending the funeral of the grandmother that she loved seems like an especially petty restriction. I'm not sorry I did this. I will say that I'll only do it again for a really good reason."


Pablo Pablo — bruh. You don’t speak for all of us.


I disagree with your theory but I love imagining the sass. If it really is the grandma then to me it feels more likely that Alden would arrange this on his weekend of visiting Stu'arth rather than going through Evul'arth. Cause I don't think Evul would ever do that for Alden.


Pablo - Wow, I fully disagree. Sleyca gives approximate deadlines and sometimes under or over shoots them. There are no promises. You're only speaking for yourself and if you feel 'hurt', 'grief', or have a 'bad taste' it's on you to manage your own expectations and emotions. You don't speak for the dozens to hundreds of commenters much less the thousands of subscribers. Shitty parasocial comment. Also not cool to hijack a good discussion comment chain.

John Anastacio

Easier and I think more legal though also more expensive System-wise to instead teleport all of Maricel's relatives to Anesidora (or someplace, even the Triplanets) rather than teleport Maricel to Manila.

Andrew Tobin

Since Stuart can’t summon Alden, I think it will be arranged by his sister anyway?

John D Jones

@ Endaris It's currently (I think) Friday November 16, 2040. Alden's visit to Stu'art'h is on December 15. Maricel's family isn't going to hold the funeral for four weeks. Alden is getting a call (via Evul'art'h) this coming Monday. If something like what I outlined (Evul'art'h summons Maricel and then immediately returns her to Manila) was going to be arranged, that's when it would have to happen.


My Body Is My Assistant / My Body Is my Assassin

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

Laughing at the image of "My body is my assistant" good half being an assistant like the one who offered a dozen ways for Alden to receive his learning cushion, going above and beyond as if assisting at this one thing might be the most important thing they ever do in their life, and the bad half of the chain turns your body into a normal earth assistant who has no stake in getting anything done beyond basic survival and is just waiting to clock out.

John D Jones

@ John Anastacio Maricel's family isn't going to bury her grandmother (or whoever) on Anesidora. She'd be buried in the Philippines, her home. As for legality, the way I understand it, any Earth Avowed can be summoned for any reason. As Alden told Maricel earlier, Artonans, especially Artonan Wizard have zero sympathy for the concept of Anesidora (AKA keeping the magical supers "safely" away from the normal humans). Evul'art'h would probably do it because she feels sad for Dirt Girl but mostly because "Fuck Those Asshats."


I'm having trouble imagining a set of words Alden can say that would be further out of character for him.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

@Pablo jsyk I specifically made a poll with people like you in mind. Roughly 2 people out of 30 agree with you, the rest mostly agree with what Sleyca is doing

John D Jones

He'd be more polite and considered about what he said, but Alden is pretty unyielding when he's decided to do "the right thing."


My biggest problems, for the next few months at least, are wondering when Boe will get himself unstuck from catspace and dealing with Winston Heelfeather thinking I’m cheating in gym class. Life was really sweet right now. On the first read-through, I thought this was rather heartwarming. On my second, after the cliffhanger… it sounds a little ominous, doesn’t it?


Current theory is that Jacob managed to sneak off to that island where they quarantine for demon disposal. Or is attempting to. There, he’ll ask one of the wizards to summon him. Or maybe try to steal a boat. And somehow Alden gets pulled into it? Meets the wizards who were talking about him in that interlude chapter a few back? I don’t see how that could feasibly happen though. Plus, they’re scheduled for that fancy dinner later.


really what voidsong says. People need to stop pressuring Slecya to take breaks.. or to write. Both are patronizing imo. Trust them to know their own pace and just take it as it comes. TBH I find the "stop writing take breaks" just as cringy as people demanding a chapter. Like a weird ownership thing. They set two chapters up a week.. they seem to be managing fine. If they decide to change it they will let us know. They dont need constant pressure one way or the other.

Heather White

I think that if I knew I needed the Assistant half of the wordchain for sure the next day, then it might feel good/reassuring to get the Assassin half out of the way the night before, but life (and unexpected wordchaining) happens… PabloyPablo — I don’t feel that any promises have been broken, I am not hurt, I don’t have a bad taste in my mouth, I’m not feeling grief, I don’t feel that there’s been any overpromising or underdelivering. Please limit yourself to speaking for yourself when making such negative and judgmental statements.


Do we have a sense of how much wealth Lute still has these days? Like obviously he is from a super wealthy background... but... with him not living with his mom (and his dad not really seeing him) and not embracing the whole Velra side... im trying to recall but do we have any sense how much money he actually has access to right now?

Heather White

When they were furniture shopping, before he said how much he could contribute, didn’t he stop to do calculations for when his next paycheck would come in? That suggests he’s earning decently but probably doesn’t have a big chunk of argold in the bank.


@ John D Jones That is assuming it *is* the grandma and assuming that she is already dead. Very strong assumptions, there are various things that could advance the timeline whatever happened, even for a funeral and even if she died on the current date. It could be as simple as her grandma being christian and wishing to be cremated. Timelines are infinitely easier for an urn burial. For my own grandpa it was weeks after he died although I don't remember precisely how long. And another imo very intriguing thought in that regard: If Maricel can convince her family to put the burial on the weekend of the visit, then she can just travel to the Triplanets as Alden's luggage and then teleport back without really involving anyone on the 'arth side at all. This is really the most foolproof plan for Alden to get anyone out of Anesidora at the moment. Thinking about it, he really is the perfect avowed trafficker. 48s of summoning time, you don't even need a wizard to specifically work with you, just stay next to your client the entire time, pick them up for the teleport, then release them to do your job after arriving on the triplanets. Regarding a wizard summoning Maricel, I think you can't completely ignore that summoners still have to "pay" the system for doing the summon, it's not free. So even if they'd be morally on-board, you'd still have to be able to pay a price. And knight summons may get scrutinized even heavier due to "power abuse" worries in the Artonan society. So I think it's not as easy as it may seem.

Joel Wells

My guess is Maricel just got a summons notification. That or a family emergency. Which would really suck for her as she finally is starting to fit in.


Ch 94 - “I have 750 argold dedicated to the apartment in my planner,” Lexi said promptly. “Two hundred and fifty can go to the shared area.” “I’ve got fifteen hundred saved from my Avowed stipends, and I don’t mind if we spend half of it on the kitchen and living room,” said Haoyu. Lute chewed on his bottom lip and stared off into space. “I can spend fifteen hundred, too,” he said finally. “That took you a while,” Molly said. “Are you sure?” Lute shrugged at the assistant. “I had to think through how long it would be before I had more money coming in, and how much it would cost to rent another place if Lexi decides he can’t stand living with my fake eye.”


I think people got confused by the original Let me Fold your Napkins chapter. The user says: "skills like mine are interesting because they can help you do complicated things very quickly." And then she says "There’s a lot that goes into folding a napkin." So she's saying skills can help you do complex things, and the specific complicated thing her skill helps with is folding napkins. Her skill is not a general buff to execution of complex tasks. Alden does want more dexterous hands for multiple purposes, but allocating foundation points there is doing the job perfectly.

Pedro Henrique

He gets summoned on a consistent basis as a S-rank , he has to be making some nice bank. The problem is that he probably has no sense for finances, and probably spends money like water.

Andrew Tobin

I'd assume he's avoiding taking any money from his family, so he'd have his stipend as an avowed person of schooling age, and his summons earnings as Heather mentioned.


Omg Land Shark is absolutely perfect. I would not be surprised if that was Sleyca's plan from the beginning. Fits with his mohawk being like a dorsal fin lmao.

Aidan Gorman

TFTC I have been wondering things folks. This will be a wall of text to read while waiting for the next chapter. 1. Will Hazel meet Lute's word-chain teacher in the Palace of Unbreaking and have to listen to him sing Alden's praises? "My student is teaching the BEST HUMAN IN EXISTENCE! I'm sure you know of the Great Alden Thorn?" I'm sure that would go well. 2. When/how do Artorians earn summoning rights? It seems like the only reason Alden and Stuart don't hang out is; they are too prideful/honorable to ask Stuart's family members to maybe just beam one of them over. It wouldn't be hard for the Primary's family to summon one B rank Rabbit. Here's the thing, yeah Alden and Stuart are honorable and maybe he wouldn't do it just for that, but Alden is smart enough for the idea to have crossed his mind (in my determination). So what's to stop him from asking for the same for Kibby? He could have her over or visit whenever he wants. Maybe the 6 month pause on summons does go both ways (summon/visit) but it would be something I think Alden wouldn't hesitate to ask for (for Kibby). 3. Alden still has access to the system shop he bought the bomb coat from? He went to a wright shop, but where's the good stuff? He doesn't need it for gym class as he said and wants to train for the worst, but he hasn't seemed to consider preparing for it. A rabbit is supposed to be prepared and our guy has spent literally 0 seconds preparing a Rabbit bug-out bag. After a survival situation like his? I'd have spend my argold on a magic canteen, a fold-able hatchet that doesn't dull or something useful for my next impending summons in a few months. Or magic sword and shield if we are going Knight Build. 4. Did Alden ever thank Gorgon for his advice? He doesn't actually do it in chapter 16 and I forget if he did it after Moon Thergund (sending a roomba without explicitly thanking isn't the same, ask any fae). I ask because for the Gorgon and magic, debts matter. 5. The whole knitting thing is underrated and Alden blew off Lute too soon (Chp 125). The ability to have the paracord/rope into woven armor is fantastic, period. Alden says he has found a guy who does paracord backpacks, and doesn't really need knitted shirts (also too slow to make for gym class). But Alden knows all too well that gym isn't real life. The ability to knit armor?! PRICELESS! Learn it from Lute immediately and other knotwork/weaving and as long as you have fiber you will be able to be protected. (can't be bothered? read #3 and buy some self knitting needles) Also, a pre-knit backpack is useful. Once. Then it's rope. 6. Imagine the shenanigans that would ensue if Alden visits the Artorian honeymooners on Demon Slaying Day and Haoyu's parent's can't say anything to him about it because of the secrecy tattoos. If any of the answers are obvious and I just forgot, please drop a reply.


Michael you have it backwards. Alden won't teach Jeffy about authority sense, Jeffy will teach Alden another aspect to spell casting. Alden has already noted some shortcomings of spell casting without a teacher. He knows there's more to it than just a successful cast. Jeffy knows something, even if he doesn't have the words to describe it beyond casting harder (as he has no authority sense or the corresponding lexicon)

Andrew Simpson

On the meta-meta(-meta?) layer, just wanna thank you for being a responsible and positive member of this cult-like comment community. Thanks supsoupsoupsup, gold star.

Aidan Gorman

These are all stream of consciousness, none intended as criticism or even suggestions

Andrew Simpson

I'm waiting for him to try and preserve his auriad. Idk why, but I feel like some cool shit could happen, and he's already working with stringa n stuff.

hercule pyro

2: they are going to hang out tho? on dec 15th its all organized? and kibby is still on a moon without a system so she cant really be summoned. Shes living her best life anyway. also youre kinda eliding the power differential implicit to the story. masters can do favours for slaves; slaves cant ask masters for favours.


1. I freaking hope so lol 2. I don't think Alden wanted to go to another planet yet. And Stuart seems like he's too young by artonan standards to travel for fun. But it's happening soon! I'm hoping within the next few chapters unless Sleyca hits us with a major plot twist 3. Not surprised that he's warry of getting really good gear for survival and combat on his person . That's what got him summoned off planet. Although he is on off time so, yeah it is something he could be doing. But he's in learning mode not crush his classmates mode. He's intentionally picking tools that force him to work harder and learn his power better. 4. Yes more Gorgon! 5. Hmmm. 6. Lul

Pedro Henrique

2- I think its probably something like a drivers license, Stuart is just too young to quite get one now. Alden is never going to ask for freebies teleportation because he is doing his damned best to be a wallflower in order not to invite scrutinity.


For his professors, fooling them shouldn’t be too hard. Most of the spells can be explained away as a spell/skill path that his first skill unlocked (like Kon). Alden can honestly say that the System sometimes offers extended spell selection too, since it did exactly that while temping him to affix early. Plus they already think that his skill is “experimental”, so it wouldn’t be entirely farfetched for him to also get experimental spell impressions that use an unusual spell component. If he plays it off as the auriad being a rare reactive ingredient that’s gradually getting consumed, they’d probably be more willing to write it off. It’s a BIG jump to even suspect that Alden is a fledgling wizard when no human has ever even come close before. Comparatively, the Contract provides a huge variety of spells with different ingredients already.

Victor Cavalcanti

I hope that doesn't happen. She'd go from having a unique motivation to a very generic one.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

3. Alden is on leave from being summoned for the next... at least a few months? But I wouldn't be surprised if he has put together some wilderness survival gear off-screen. 4. Alden has sent Gorgon a few things, including Natalie food. I don't recall the contents of his letters being shown. But I do want to see more Gorgon, and he deserves lots of snacks :)

William Forrest

4. I don't think Alden has explicitly thanked Gorgon. In chapter 16 he was worried that doing so might cause Gorgon's magical chains to hurt him more, and nothing has yet relieved that concern.

Elessar Beverly

Well, if a meta-meta type discussion is on the table, I think that sleyca doing what sleyca wants is the only real viable option. Sure, individually someone can say that they wouldn’t mind if there was a break, but any small action inevitably runs risk of losing other patrons, so to comment or advise on decisions that affect the author’s financial stability would be the height of folly.

Elessar Beverly

Mhm, the aliens are one thing, but I think it’s more the style of progression that reminds me of it. I think aside from supsup it’s the only true to premise support-type mc I’ve seen, and the pace of progression and also the way fights are written feel similar.

Aidan Gorman

I don't believe I did. There is no master/slave relationship between Stuarth and Alden (friend) or Alden and Kibby (familial). To hear it put like that is disturbing on several levels. The avowed contract is voluntary (except for uniques, those poor slave bastards) and missions can be refused (up to a limit yes, but the mechanism of refusable jobs acts as a limiter to the dangerousness that will be offered. Also the pay has to match the danger.) I can't remember many slaves who were there by choice and doing work by choice and being well paid to do the the voluntary work they were there to do. It would be interesting to find out if Alden doesn't ask because he feels subservient in some manner. As for hanging out, yes it is planned. It has been mentioned that Alden will be Kibby's first summons once she is cleared to summon avowed and the mission will be getting matching facial contract tattoos. There IS a plan to meet, and it's to meet as soon as possible according to the normal wizard logic, although no exact date can be set.

Aidan Gorman

i hadn't remembered that about why he got summoned #3. So now we just have to make the survival kit as innocuous as possible


I swear I read an authors note or comment in RR from Sleyca saying that her timezone was EST. Might’ve remembered wrong, though. Thanks!


I'm reading the .epub and i'm guessing something went wrong generating the file, the font changes regularly, it's not homogeneous

Temp One

I think Sleyca generated that file as a temporary patch for us last night, and wasn't planning on it being the final chapter 127 download. Hopefully she'll be able to upload a new one at some point.

Jeff Scott

The entire master/slave thing breaks down in the very example you used to justify it. He CAN ask Stu'arth's family to summon him proving that he isn't a slave, the next meeting will also be a summoning that he technically asked for, and the premise is wrong anyway as slaves absolutely can ask their masters for anything they want, it's up to the master if they want to give it to them or not. That analogy was so bizarre.


Grunting does have an effect on your strength. Happens all the time in tennis, karate, weight lifting, etc. Sure, it really comes down breathing properly and grunting/yelling is just an easy way to exhale when doing something strenuous, but I believe in Jeffy.


Heather and others….While women are hardwired, as well as socially trained, to lie and make false promises, I believe that there is a psychological cost that is additive . I find it hard to believe society is so broken that it is frowned upon to suggest a healthy alternative. Yet here we are……. Did everyone just ignore Sleyca’s opening statement on this post? Trying to stay awake to finish but unable too??? My gremlin is screaming “unbalanced “. And my paternal advice still stands.

Todd Hunter

Pop that misogyny right out there. That first sentence bruh come on.


Now I want to see more Jeffy&Max moment. Aka the least & most calculated guy ever. Annnd Jeffy is winning since he just DOES NOT understand.


Kinda weird to make your poll the deciding factor on this and assume it'll influence anyone. As far as I can tell this is just going to be an obnoxious paragraph squatting in the middle of the comments forever.

Andrew Tobin

I'm more wondering if tomorrow afternoon means this afternoon (after last night's post) or tomorrow afternoon (since we have no real idea when they posted it or relative time) :P

David Burchfield

Also I wonder if Jeffy's buoyancy skill would work with Max's floating zone, there could be crazy synergy there if it did.


I would expect that similar to Alden's trait such skills are limited to an element. In this case water


Again, don't do a wiz they have 1000 odd patrons compared to sleycas 5000 Difference is sleyca being productive and wiz lying about deadlines...


3. My memory's a bit sketchy but I think there was actually a scene where he considered buying another. He decided since he didn't need it yet, and couldn't use it in gym even if he wanted, he should hold off and see if he ended up having a better use for the money, but it would be a reliable choice if summoning time came back around and he needed gear.


I thought I had the self control to wait. I was wrong


Exactly. Alden's learning cushion has "earnestly seeking" written on it. Jeffy seems very earnest, so perhaps Alden can learn about this aspect from him.


While that would have been exciting news for the instructors, they wouldn't have let her off of class for it. Leveling is very quick and painless for normal avowed.


Hi Sleyca! Brief question - are wordchains that grant strength, dex, etc. flat increases or percentage-based? Or does it depend on the chain? Big discussion in the discord about this, would be super thankful if you could explain (if it doesn’t spoil anything of course!)

Andrew Tobin

If they’re percentage (which makes more sense to me than flat), would they stack additive, cumulative, diminishing?

Mohd Nor Amjad

If wordchain stacking use the same opposite or different person based on total buff applied


I wonder if the things about age healing not sticking to lower ranks as easily or Alden’s high chaos resistance making the chain do much more for Alden have an effect. Surely it’s about time to get some stats after alden notices the difference whist doing physical activity.


But why would she have a negative reaction to leveling, or to a summons? And why would either be a reason for her to be excused from gym class? Recall that Avowed who aren't Rabbits typically get a few days' advance notice before a summoning.

Joel Wells

Because people can die being summoned. It’s not like she is a rabbit, or has some other class where summons are considered safe. She has a class known for combat. Plus she is 15 years old. I think any 15 year old who gets a notification that they are about to be summoned and there is a chance they could be killed would need a moment.


Also does a better/stronger caster grants greater effect?

Ilia Ciolac

Well, this motivation is not the final one, we all know it. And I would love to see how someone who was the least interested in becoming an actual hero will turn out to be the most motivated one out of all students there


If my memory serves me correctly, didn’t mother give Alden an expanded rabbit shop? If so, it would be cool to see what he can buy

Pedro Henrique

I think it at least the ones Hazel used are a flat increase, since she was a baseline teenage girl who could hurl heavy things at great speed when stacked with chains, and cave a skull in.


@kbzzy Iirc she gave him access to buy knight uniforms... which is an extremely conspicuous outfit to wear and I think they would get notified if he bought something too... also i think he only had acces on the triplanets or the mother itself... it was very much a for the future thing...


5. I dont think knitting armor out of rope makes a lot of sense when he can just use a jacket/poncho... I think knitting a backpack would be interesting to transport anything no matter the weight without actually having to have access to a backpack. That said he should have a summons bag nearby anyway most of the time, so maybe not. But yeah knitting or generally ropework is probably a useful skill for him... at the very least he could look into shibari to maybe carry people more comfortably... allthough then they cant get out themselves...


It would make sense to me for them to be additive. Maybe scaling a bit with magical power. They take a certain amount of energy, which then converts into subtracting or adding X physical strength. But magic, so I wouldn't be surprised if it depends on the wordchain :)

John D Jones

@ Jeff Scott It's not that bizarre. Magic is a thing in this setting. In our world when Joe had Alden sign the secrecy contract, that would be an NDA (non-disclosure agreement). Alden breaking that agreement would open him up to being sued by Joe, incurring monetary losses or, if it was important enough, open him to prison time. Except that it wouldn't because minors can't sign legally binding contracts. But this isn't our world. In this world by signing that contract, Alden literally cannot talk about the secrets covered by it. His free will has been compromised by his agreement. By the same token when he was first summoned to Artona III Alden could not refuse to perform the task asked of him. He can "build up" refusals over time, but can't say "No" whenever he chooses. Finally when a human is Selected by the System, they can't refuse Selected. They can trade Classes for a time, but eventually the System will force them to become Avowed and they will be open to getting Summoned where they will be forced to do whatever task is asked of them. It may not be slavery the way we think of it, but it's still a situation that overrides someone's free will and as such is ripe for some horrific abuses.

John D Jones

For number 2, right now Alden is on a summoning moratorium. The Systems forbid anyone from actually summoning him for now. Maybe someone like The Primary could over-ride that but probably not. That's one reason that Alden's visit on December 15 is so cool. He's not being Summoned as a servant/employee. He's going to Knight Rapport One to visit Stu'art'h as an invited guest.

Allen Polak

3+5 Alden did call out being disappointed in a lack of wilderness survival classes, and implied that he'd probably still learn it even if he would likely never need it again. I'm assuming he's still getting settled in, and those goals will become priority soonish, when he's no longer murdering radishes and people's reputation (politely and honestly of course) I expect that there will be some irrational level of preparedness as the summoning restriction end date approaches.

John D Jones

I doubt it's a summons because Shaper of Ground is more of a combat class. If the Artonans want someone for combat, they aren't going to summon a Level one (probably) 11 year old girl (by their reckoning). Alden getting Summoned happened because (well, first, he's the protagonist of this story so by definition stuff is going to happen to him) he had an applicable Skill AND applicable equipment (the Hot Lab Coat he'd just purchased). Alden and Lute are the exceptions that prove the "No we generally don't Summon actual human children Avowed."

John Anastacio

I wonder if it would be possible for Alden to get another trait besides Azure Rabbit. It's possible there is only one 'slot' in the class that a trait can fill. We don't know enough about affixation topology to guess. If it were feasible, though, I'd like for Alden to be able to apply Azure Rabbit to not just ground but water and sky or even life and object. The extra mobility would be a massive advantage for him in his work. Might have to wait until he becomes an official knight, though. Might even have to be custom-made for him by Mother.


I don't think percentage would make sense from a logical standpoint? Someone would need to perform the bad half of the wordchain to compensate for the increase. That could be resolve with longer lastning effects of the bad half, but then they would no longer have a set time limit on the length of the bad half. Maybe percentage could work either through more restricted wordchains or by having the wordchain have a pool of "energy" that people pull and contribute to/from. Which could actually make sense with regards to chains snapping due to imbalance. My guess would still be on flat, and that there are just higher tiered and more restricted wordchains where you start having several people supporting the bad half for a single person's good half (which is also why Mass Bestowal is desired from the Palace of Unbreaking).


I’ve been wondering if Alden’s “screaming ball” skill is really a remote spell activation skill. We know that the balls already have the spells weaved into them. And we also know that we can’t trust the system descriptions to be exact. So it would make sense that the skill was originally made to allow rabbits to trigger spells remotely, but the screaming balls are the only thing on Earth made specifically for it.

John D Jones

It's not a Skill. It's a Spell Impression. So, it does allow for remote spell triggering, but only of that specific spell.


@John, the “specific” part is what I’m wondering about. Is there a specific “trigger” spell weaved into the ball? Or is Alden triggering the spells directly (scream and stealth)? If there is a specific trigger spell, then can Alden have it added to other items (like magic flash grenades)? If there isn’t a trigger spell, then can Alden trigger any spell remotely, or just those specific ones? I imagine if there is a trigger, then that is something wrights would know how to make and add to items.

John D Jones

As I understand it, spell impressions are basically "auto-cast" spells for Avowed to use. They won't do anything other than what the spell allows. Alden can use Light Candle to create a small flame to, well, light candles or burn the tag out of his shirt. His Screaming Ball spell impression triggers the invisibility in the ball and makes it scream. He might be able to use BoAB to transfer the invisibility to another object and then use the spell impression to make that object scream, but otherwise screaming ball is just going to do the screaming ball effect no matter what.

John Anastacio

Rabbit spells seem to be mostly trivial. I suspect the wizards who designed the Rabbit class wanted the spells to be harmless, the equivalent of office supplies and kitchen appliances. Sure you could murder someone with a cheese grater or a photocopier but it would be difficult at best. A spell to trigger other effects seems to me to be too useful for Rabbit.

John D Jones

@ John Anastacio The Rabbit class seems to be the personal service/convenience class. Manon was able to "Tailor the Environment" by "tailoring" the people IN that environment. Also the Bearer of All Burdens was a Rabbit class Skill.


I've been thinking of wordchains as each being a sort of "bowl". Performing the sacrifice half "fills" the big communal bowl. Performing the borrow half empties it. The structural integrity and size of the bowl determines how easy it is to interact with, and is based on people being "careful" with it by performing both halves. That's my loose mental model. But it's also important to remember that magic doesn't necessarily respect conservation of mass and energy like we expect. It may only respect conservation of "cost vs effect", or simply not have a law of conservation. Or perhaps chaos is a side effect of not respecting a law of conservation.


The bowl analogy is definitely a good way to think about it, especially if the energy has some kind of maintenance-effect. Kind of like water wetting a piece of clay to keep it from drying and cracking. I like the thought of chaos being the effect of a law of conservation being in play. I would argue that some law of conversation should be in place, otherwise infinite energy/magic could be a possibility with exploits. Personally I'm leaning towards a conservation of authority (probably with some unknown nuances), as bound authority can become foundation points, which in turn can explain wordchains strengthening/weakening the users.


She could have gotten a summon notification or it could be that Wright up to something

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

I hope it's something like leveling and not getting dragged into Jacob's stuff. Maybe she got an interesting or concerning level up perk. Maybe the first gasp was for leveling, and then the second look of shock was for getting summoned by someone who needs a level 2 ground shaper with her specific new skill. And she's not telling the teachers because she doesn't want them to know her plan after summoning is to get dropped back off in the Philippines.

Duncan Lester

Instructor Waker seems suspiciously All Mightey to me. Maybe a little bit of serial number sanding off going on there. He's a High Ranker that changes sizes and becomes a teacher to superlings at a high school

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

Do we know the spell is already woven into the ball? I thought they were a random object made for some other use, presumably common on the triplanets. Like if the spell worked on bowls or ball bearings or eggs.

Heather White

While I agree that labeling the avowed/Artonan relationship as masters/slaves is a step too far, it is a problematic power dynamic. First, the avowed contract with the Artonans is not voluntary. Not for anyone. If you get selected, you will be affixed. If you don’t affix on your own within 90 days, the contract will affix you by force at day 90. Registering with Earth authorities is voluntary, in the sense that Artonans don’t care about it, but the Contract is not. The only difference between regular avowed and uniques is that uniques are affixed immediately with no choices about their class or powers, while regular avowed have 90 days to trade classes and get to choose their skills/spells/points from a (limited) list of options. I’ve always felt that Earth’s agreement with the Artonans basically sells a certain portion of Earth’s population to the Artonans in exchange for access to the benefits (magitech, medical, etc) Artonans offered. I wouldn’t call it slavery, because avowed have some options to choose their path, they get paid for their work, and they have some (very limited) options for saying no to their employers. But I would also acknowledge that from the moment they are selected they are no longer truly free. To a certain extent the Artonans do own them and are able to force them to do things they might not want to do.


I've always how good tabs Aulia has on Lute


Torstein has never been summoned. I don't know about Lesedi tho

Heather White

Lauren, hmmm… maybe I need to change my username to“HeatherNotWinston White” XD


Jeffy has the heart - and the brain - of a golden retriever.


@Tori, I am assuming the spells are woven onto the ball because Alden was able to see the individual spells when he removed the “invisibility” portion. I also assume that it is like a Nesicard, where they take an object and imprint a spell on it. My third assumption is that it is a wright made object.

Aspiring Moth

a similar question: is it possible to scale the power of azure rabbit? it's a force multiplier for movement so it naturally scales with speed, and Alden didn't mention it getting stronger after he got his power up on artona 1, but is an upgraded trait even a possibility? as for the trait working on elements other than ground, this would make it more powerful but less interesting. if it worked on object and ground, you could largely forget about the element restriction


Far less obnoxious than 20 different comments telling Selyca how they should manage their time.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

Well this is the first time I've had cause to notice there's no report comment function on Patreon. @Pablo If being delivered a high quality 4500 word chapter feels like a broken promise that hurts you, just because the chapter is labeled as incomplete, you're in for a lifetime of setting yourself up to feel hurt and betrayed. Doesn't sound fun. But fuck off with the "women are liars" bullshit, those lies are coming from inside the house.

Aspiring Moth

@Stylems - the instructors are high level S rank avowed that see wizards when they get summoned. auriads are used by most wizards, so I'm sure that at least one of the instructors has seen them before. so I don't think he can keep up the ruse with an auriad in his hands


I would say he can probably get another trait, but no trait is free - he would have to affix some of his precious authority to it (and we know from Joe and the Mother contract that BoAB is almost always his best option for investing authority). He is probably better off figuring out ways to mimic other traits using spells he casts with his free authority. Then he can have those effects when he wants / needs them while keeping his affixations efficient. He can also buy expensive equipment for similar benefits.

Aidan Gorman

Whether or not the ball has the spell weave into it, shouldn’t matter to Alden. We know that this is a spell impression, other words, how to cast the spell correctly without learning how to actually do it. But Alden, with his superior free authority, might be able to replicate it. Should he be able to mimic the expressions, the motions and authority flow that happen, regardless. Just like with the word chain.

Temp One

What Michael said, Alden could possibly use the authority bound by that trait to instead cast a spell that would accomplish the same thing as a trait; and that Authority could be used to cast any number of spells besides. Better to not bind anything, and just maintain the one skill.

Joel Wells

Wasn’t there something Joe or the Mother said about Knights sometimes affixing a couple of other skills to shore up their abilities if they could t manage everything with spells? It’s been awhile since I’ve gone back and reread everything.

Aidan Gorman

I admit i was wrong about the individual voluntariness of the avowed contract. Apparently after Earth voted to accept it, it’s mandatory for individuals. (Makes me wonder if there is a mechanism for getting out of the contract on a planetary scale. That doesn’t seem like the kind of thing the Artorians would have told us about.) Regardless, I stand by my sentiment that Alden would put priority of visiting and making sure of Kibby’s well-being, above any sort of perceived, or real power dynamics. Don’t believe me? Just look at how he deals with an actual power hungry, mafioso family on Earth like the Velras. He didn’t give a “@&$%” about how popular and powerful they are, even if they did give him the avowed powers he wanted. Alden, who has previously said he doesn’t agree with how fringe cult groups view the avowed relationship as dominator, conqueror, and master; probably doesn’t view his relationship with the artorians that way. That matters for a massive reason. We aren’t talking about humanity’s relationship as a avowed as a whole, and what that means for the human/avowed relationship. What we are talking about is what actions Alden will take up while believing that he owes somebody something. That was the original point of my post. As far as I can tell with Alden’s personality, even if he believes he owes somebody something, he will do the right thing morally in his mind. This also fits with why Stu’arth likes Alden so much, he believes he is honorable to his own set of alien, essential bushido code.


If they have no right to refuse requests by Artonans, then technically speaking they are enslaved. Even if Artonan law punishes Artonans who force Avowed to perform duties that they are unwilling to do

Aidan Gorman

There is a second half to this but I can’t type it for a few hours yet

Malcolm Haynes

No. I think they want to talk to her about her choices. Don’t you get a perk and foundation points or something when you level up?

Twara Sandeep

I know somebody probably commented something about this before, but I wonder how Team Cottontail's going to pull itself together without Maricel. Maybe they mad like some sorta plan for if any of the team members are incapacitated, including Maricel, and they just run a modified version of that. I do hope that they win against Team Vandy/Marsha, or at least give them a run for their money.

Benjamin Collins

I take it the rest of this chapter is being sent Sunday instead?


Did Maricel do much other than her couple of attacks though? Team Cottontail can get over the obstacles fine, and with how selfish the other team is being being I doubt team Winston/Marsha will launch attacks that would actually set team Cottontail back. (Not to say that Maricel isn't important to the team, just that she isn't irreplaceable) Honestly, I also just don't see any way Team Winston/Marsha would ever win. I can even see 10/11 of their team finishing the course, only to turn around and realize Max is chilling at an obstacle he can't get over on his own and he just didn't bother to alert them before they crossed the finish line.

Temp One

Maybe. We still have simple little typos for this chapter though. So Sleyca might be taking some well-deserved time off from Patreon.

Efram Manechiwz

The thing in this chapter that got me the most was Aldens response to "you've got your whole life ahead of you". It shows just how different he is from everyone in his school. He is profoundly traumatized and yet he did not turn dark and angry. He continues to embrace his goal of helping others when he can. We see it with his gift to Lute. I think that is why he will wind up being important to the Artonans. His unique nature will just be the cherry on top.

Aidan Gorman

No it will be tonight. Sleyca posts according to PST timezone. The last chapter was posted at about the 4 in the morning for me in EST, accounting for timezone differences that is still 1am for them. So when Sleyca said it will be tomorrow afternoon, that’s rn. Praise be.


She wouldn’t need to assign the level up stuff right that moment though. Mari would presumably need a day or so to go over and consider her options regardless. So she could still have run the course.

Kim Enteiu

Maricel was defense and obstacle backup support. If Alden exhausts his skill, she was going to help them get up the wall. Now that he’s on his slippery slope & she’s already gone for a personal errand/issue, I’m wondering exactly how close to outing himself he’s going to get. He could over-use his skill, but I kind of want to see him accidentally double-preserving to stop an attack he shouldn’t be able to. Bonus points if it’s to take out Winston who will be pissed that he “cheated” by using his skill better than he thought he could. Ooooo or he could use his auriad and new “spell impression” to make an ice shrapnel bomb. Alden, how slippery is the slope on your path to Victory’s Banquet?


If the rest of the chapter needs till Sunday, I don’t mind at all. It takes as long as it takes. However, a quick, casual, 1~2 sentence update/comment just to communicate that would be appreciated. Once I know to expect that, I can stop repeatedly checking to see if there’s been an update.


Rel - late soup time for me is when I should be sleeping, so any heads up on how long the estimated wait is would really help me force myself to get some sleep xD


Agreed. I check Patreon almost every hour waiting for the rest of the chapter. I don't think it's a big ask to just get some kind of brief update about when it will be posted.

Ilia Ciolac

He is literally the most suitable representative of planet Earth at the moment. I wonder if Aulia is so interested in him now because she understands it. We already have seen how Palace of Unbreaking treats him. The dude is literally +300% to any negotiations with Artonans.


so next chapter sunday? because I am waiting to read this half for now, if its not coming I will just read it now... I don't care how many days does it take but I prefer knowing if possible. I really would prefer if sleyca takes a few weeks to write some advanced chapters then return to normal schedule.


That’s not any real definition of slavery. By that definition anyone in the army is a slave, as they have to follow legal orders or face legal consequences


So i was thinking about it, and if it was "tomorrow" as in "after the sun comes up" it would have been yesterday, but since it was technically Thursday when the chapter was posted, it could still be this afternoon, though we are starting to run out of afternoon and enter evening depending on where you live, but it's still 4pm on the west coast

Zach Joe

I think this is what young people these days are calling "copium"

John D Jones

@ NameGame It will be posted... soon. Soon might mean in a couple of hours. Or might mean on Sunday. Two hours or twoish days is still... soon.

Aidan Gorman

@Voidsong that has been the timelogic on the last delayed posts so I'm betting for tn

Aidan Gorman

I came back, decided to not write the other half of an essay... I just think, while an extremely problematic relationship, as an American who grapples with the implications and reverberations of our slavery past on a daily basis, this definition of slavery is too broad. Maybe "our brand" of slavery was just particularly barbaric. It's entirely possible. I still stand by my idea that Alden doesn't seem to respect -he has thought/heard about it via extremist anti-alien cults, but doesn't agree with them- this slavery aspect. So anything he would go on to do would be far less impacted by that paradigm, even though I acknowledge it probably plays a massive role in Earth's inter-dimensional politics.


Surprised he hasn’t tried busking. If he has any talent you can make decent money that way. Especially if you are in a group. I once stumbled into a family playing “House of the Rising Sun” when I was in Boston. There were easily 1000 people standing around listening to them and most people dropped a buck or more into their hat.

Andrew Tobin

I know you're excitedly checking - I am the same, but if its stopping you from sleeping then I'd suggest sleep and you might have something nice tomorrow :)

Temp One

I was flirting with the idea before. But I think I'm going to try and exercise some self control and take a month long break from supsup myself. Just found myself losing sleep waiting for the updates these past couple of nights. I think I like this series too much.


Boe wants to buy a boat and stay off shore avoiding people. Not sure how that would work given it is usually best to sail with a second person. Unless you are only doing short jaunts between Islands. On long trips a second person generally needs to stay awake just incase you accidentally sail into a shipping lane at night, or to make sure you don’t run into a reef. Plus for Boe retreating into cat space as the single sailor could be dangerous. Who would feed the cat? And storms? Who would lower the sails, or move out of the way of hurricanes, Parking in a marina would kind of defeat the purpose. And a ghost ship just floating there with no crew would quickly be towed into port by the coasties.


I just assume the chappy is still coming out before Sunday since Sleyca hasn't said anything, and despite you whiners Sleyca always comes through ❤️

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

Yep. For over a year, now, Sleyca has been one of the most consistent authors I have followed. She mainly sticks to her schedule, and faithfully communicates when there are issues. In my view, that earns her some trust. Not only that, if you read her replies to people's concerns for her wellbeing with her current schedule, she lays out her plan for dealing with it. Sleyca seems to have a better than average handle on her capabilities and limitations, and has described a reasonable course of action to work around them. So, I will keep reloading the page. Eventually, the chapter will be here.


This is your annual reminder: Don't drive angry! February 2nd, 2024

Aidan Gorman

HaVE a Little FaIth ARtHur!!!! There's gooooooold here. RDR2 reference aside we are all just refreshing the page


@Benjamin Collins Happy birthday! 🎉🎂🎈🎁


Jeffy's gonna use his spell impression super good and it's gonna wipe out the entire enemy team calling it now /j


I tried around New years, but only made it one update before I broke.

John D Jones

Driving angry is bad. Unless you're a character played by Nicolas Cage. Then it's awesome. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4scfLJeDHHk&ab_channel=hollywoodstreams


I realised during a repeated reread of the story, but Boe's problem is the emotions weighing on him. During one hero discussion lesson we learned that there are some standard word chains. One of which lets you distance yourself from your emotions temporarily. Alden will also be able to take word chains on himself later on, probably their debts too. Super interesting potential.


Temp One that's just crazy talk. Self control?!?! You're a monster. I've said that to myself before and the results are not showing any progress. Good luck to you!

Michael Leue

He could go into birdspace instead, as long as he brought a parachute with him.


Wiz wrote reborn apocalypse about 5 years ago , excellent story, got a lot of people hooked on littpg written another 3 since then. However check his patron the amount of ( broken )promises they made about writing and deadlines is a joke. And the comments reflect that...


@Tori While there is no way to report a comment, when you go to a user profile and choose to block them, there is a radio button selection of reasons why you're blocking them. I could imagine that if enough people individually block for similar reasons, moderation might take a look (if patreon even has any).

John Anastacio

Michael - Traits don't level so I expect a trait would be equivalent to a foundational enhancement - static and not binding too much authority. In truth, I consider an expanded Azure Rabbit trait or a new Rabbit trait to be equivalent to a new facet for BOAB - something that expands the capabilities of BOAB. I feel it's a good investment, especially for long journeys where casting a spell over and over again would be tedious. Also, traits are easy to use when in a fight or other crisis, which would allow Alden to reposition in a timely fashion. Joel - Yes. From ch 59: [She stretched her legs out in front of her and wiggled her toes at him. “Anyway, most Knights can afford a few supplementary talents for their own convenience, but those aren’t important. ] I expect Alden won't be getting a new skill until years later, though. It seems unwise to me to invest in another skill until BOAB is like level 40 or even higher.


"So it was more explosive" > So it is more explosive

Aspiring Moth

when Alden goes to visit stu-art'h, it's likely that he's going to call his roommates, right? that conversation will be a lot of fun so how did you guys meet? I got summoned by underage wizards to fight a sea monster that attacked him hey guys, come meet other Alden. she got named after me when I died on a demon moon


Alden will describe the meeting as with his "elderly" aunt because that's exactly what Lexi asked for. Because it's exactly what Lexi asked for, absolutely no one will be fooled. But he won't give them details at least.


2. Artonan wizards usually earn provisional summoning rights partway through college. That should be in about five years for Stu, unless becoming a knight gets him privileges early. Here, have a timeline. https://coral-sheree-56.tiiny.site Alden asking to be summoned randomly so he can spend time with Kibby is maybe not the best idea. Abusing Stu's goodwill and generosity sounds like a great way to LOSE Stu's goodwill and generosity. Sure, it might be fine. Or it might convince Stu that Alden only likes him for his summoning privileges. 3. Alden has about six months until it is even possible for him to be summoned again (see timeline). I'm sure he's thinking about his bugout bag, but he'll probably hold off on big purchases until he's had time to plan it out using all the resources available to him when he's gotten to know the island better. I think we'll hear more on that around March or April. 5. I don't see what advantage a knit tank top has over a regular tank top if we're turning form-fitting garments into armor here.

John Anastacio

Thanks for giving us a title and a firm trimmed conclusion to the chapter, Sleyca.

Master Program

They fought the Shrike team twice. Alden mentions he actually finished the second race despite dying once to Heloisa and that they lost despite a better showing.

Jason Harpster

Hope she's okay.....p.s. bleh shrike ptsd from a lousy vacation on Hyperion, spent the whole trip running from that nutter. (yes I read other books)