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Happy Father's Day to all of you fathers!

 This chapter is one I've been looking forward to releasing, and I hope it'll leave you on a good note while I'm taking my outlining/backlog recovery day!]


They entered the main house through a door that opened into a narrow solarium. It was situated between the exterior of the building and the kitchen, and vertical planters rising up the transparent walls partially obscured the view in both directions. 

Sitting at a table, a trio of household staff—all of whom Alden recognized from his stint as the room service guy the last time he was here—were talking quietly with each other and enjoying cups of steaming wevvi. Two were rolling some kind of dough into balls, and the third was coating them in what looked like tiny raisins.

At Stuart and Alden’s arrival, they all glanced up and gave a nod before going back to their task.

Stuart headed toward them, and Alden, assuming he was supposed to tag along until told otherwise, followed him.

“Is any spell wanted?” Stuart asked when he reached the table. 

The woman coating the dough with the fruit smiled at him. “We’re all well cared for, and the work proceeds.”

The words were delivered with a rhythm and ease that made Alden think it was an exchange that was often repeated.

“Then let me introduce you to Alden,” Stuart said quickly. 

Alden stood straighter. He was suddenly reminded of the fact that bluejeans and a mostly-clean t-shirt weren’t what he’d planned to wear the next time he came here.

“He’s one of Earth’s Avowed, commended by Loh Alis-art’h, and he is my guest. Alden, this is Muis-ida, whose family has assisted art’h wizards and knights for six generations, and this is my far-cousin Nimiot…”

I’m going to need to cheat, Alden thought as Stuart went on. There’s no way I’ll remember every name, pronunciation, and relationship without help.

By the time the introductions were finished, he’d mentally typed himself a message labeled “Art’h House Cheat Sheet.”

A couple of minutes later, he trailed after Stuart through the kitchen then into an arched, low-ceilinged alcove that served as a refrigerator. It didn’t have a door, but none of the cold touched him until he stepped over a thin silver strip of metal on the floor. From last time, he knew that the waist-high chests at the back of the alcove were freezers. With the exception of whatever was in there, everything was out in the open on shelves.

“I’m just going to have <<grain tea>> for first meal.” Stuart walked over to a shelf. “And we should pick up our second meals now, since we’ll be out in the forest for a few hours. Do you want any of these things?”

He’d just pulled a large rectangular basket off the shelf. It had a label on the front, and as Alden glanced at it, his flashcard-style logogram translation provided him with the words: “Food for Human.”

Wow. I have my own designated dining basket.

He’d already eaten fruit for breakfast from his Bowl of Welcome. While Stuart seasoned and boiled whatever grain tea was on the stove, Alden prepared himself a to-go container for later. He opted not to ask what any of the stuff he was selecting from the human basket actually was so that he could be adventurous.

“We can drink our tea in the husenot room.” Stuart was pouring the beverage he’d made into two lidded mugs. “Nobody should be there at this hour. And then we’ll go to the <<supply>> library to get what I need for my spell.”


“In the housing for new Ryeh-b’ts on Anesidora, my neighbors had a table full of these,” Alden said quietly, looking down through a glass floor at a rainbow of hibernating rock creatures. The husenots had a whole world just a couple of feet below him. Some of the animals had buried themselves in the pale sand until only a lump remained. Others were in jumbles together. Based on how they’d arranged themselves, it seemed like most of them wanted to sleep around the edges of the mysteriously rippling pool in the center of their domain.“We wagered money on where they’d all relocate to when they moved.”

“We do that, too,” said Stuart, sipping from his mug as he looked down at a particularly large animal with a turquoise starburst pattern on its shell. “Not money, though. Usually we wager chores or errands.”

He was speaking in a near-whisper as well. 

On their way here, they’d crept past Murmur, who was sleeping next door on the floor of the room with the fire pit, one small Artonan child conked out on his back like he was a mattress and one red ryeh-b’t snuggled up against him.

Alden now had more questions than ever about the Mleirt. “When we saw Murmur and you said, ‘Grandpa-Grandpa is sleeping,’ is that a saying of some kind because Murmur is very old? Or …”

“We all call him that sometimes. He often cared for my father and his siblings when they were growing up.” He stared off into space for a second, and a moment later the illumination below the floor changed to a black light setting. The husenots were suddenly a riot of speckled fluorescent patterns.

Alden bent to look closer. “Do your father and Alis-art’h support your plans?”

“Aunt Alis and Father almost never disagree about anything serious where anyone else can hear them. I’m sure they aren’t always <<in unity>>, but they pretend to be.” Stuart took a lengthy pause, sipping a few more times. “Those of us who grow up in the Rapports call our adolescence ‘the choosing season.’ It hasn’t always been that way. Historically, the idea of <<forcibly>> expanding the population of knights takes hold for years at a time, and there’s much less choosing involved. Until everyone decides again that the rewards aren’t worth the cost.

“Many of the older knights took their oaths during one of the worse cycles, and because they saw so many of the people they grew up with die during first binding or within a few years of it, they’ve done what they can to change bad traditions and revive good ones.”

“Like the choosing season?”

“Yes. After your attend your first…there is a ceremony where some knights request rest. If you were raised in a Rapport, your first attendance at that ceremony usually marks the beginning of your choosing season, and it doesn’t end until you announce that you have chosen.”

Alden swallowed.

“Almost everyone from the Rapport childrens’ school will go on to become a hn’tyon or a wizard sworn to aid them in some fashion. Both choices are serious. And so it’s important that they are made, or rejected, without the <<buffeting>> of stronger winds. We’re encouraged to go slowly. During the years of our choosing, our Instructors are <<charged with>> teaching us as if we might have any future. Everyone, including our peers and our family members, waits patiently to give advice if we ask for it or to celebrate our choice with us once it’s made.

“Before my choosing season, I and everyone else thought I would become a votary…which is not someone specifically trained to kill people.”


No.” Stuart shook his head and laughed softly. “Where did you pick up an idea like that? Votaries are wizards who serve as assistants and dedicated casters, often for a single knight but not always. Hn’tyons spend so much time training their skill, recovering from affixation, and working far from home. Almost all pursue education in wizardry, but it can be difficult to gain a <<comprehensive>> one. At least in the usual time frame. A votary fills in gaps, cares for the knight in whatever way is called for, makes sure social responsibilities are met, and may join them <<in the field>> when situations allow it.”

“Esh-erdi had Lind-otta’s votary following me around school yesterday,” Alden told him.


“To make sure no wizards or law enforcement bothered me about the dead people. Or maybe because it was funny. He also had my birth tree moved to his house.”

Stuart’s brows drew together. “Where was your birth tree previously located?”

“Outside of a building where babies are born. In a place where vehicles stop rolling.”


“Right. I know that word. I just forgot it.”

“You can’t have your birth tree in a place like that, Alden. What if the autodrive on a vehicle malfunctions, and it crashes into it?”

They blinked at each other. 

“You look like you don’t understand me right now,” said Stuart.

“I didn’t even know what birth trees were until Esh-erdi told me he’d bought mine. And now you look like you don’t understand me.”

Stuart came over to stand beside him. “Since we’re talking about birth trees anyway…I wasn’t born here. My mother was a courageous person who fought many battles, but her last one left her unwell. She went to a corrupted world to help my father. She stayed too long and gave too much. She was pregnant with me, and Father didn’t know. She said she would go back to the Triplanets ahead of him to recover, but when he returned, nobody had seen her. He searched for her and eventually found both of us on another planet.”

“Oh,” said Alden quietly. “She was a knight, too, then?”

Stuart looked surprised. “Yes. The place where I was <<conceived>> isn’t somewhere many people who aren’t could travel to…it’s too long a story to tell in whispers with that group sleeping next door. And Weset is too young to hear it.”

Alden added a note to his cheat sheet that said: “Weset = sleeps on top of Murmur.”

“When Father finally made it home with me, I required a lot of gentle care and attention. Everyone gave it to me. And when I was less fragile, they did everything they could to make my life as it should have been, if nothing had gone wrong. When people told me stories or talked about the kinds of things I might do with my future, they told me how well-suited I was to being a wizard of the Rapport. And that’s a special and worthy thing to be. It’s a life that many members of the family have chosen. So I was always proud.

“As the years of my childhood passed, I grew very close to one of my older sisters. Sina. I told people I would be her votary one day, and she agreed with me. It became something that felt true. To me. And I think to everyone else.” 

He drained his drink and wiped his lips with the pad of his thumb. “You’ve seen my mourning name, so you know…she died.”

“I’m so sorry,” Alden said, hating how insufficient the words were.

Stuart looked down into the empty mug then back up.

He looks so much like he did on the day she died, Alden thought. But so different, too.

Watching his face that day, Alden had wondered how he’d ever be all right. But here he was, talking about it like it was a scar instead of a fresh wound.

“It was more horrible than anything I had ever imagined. I had to delay my season of choosing for another year, so I could mourn her and recover. Around that time, people asked me every now and then if I had thought about leaving the Rapport. I guess to live in <<leisure>> with no responsibility at all.” 

Alden was sure from his tone that those people had been put on some kind of idiot list in Stu-art’h’s head.

“But my family and I still talked as if I would be a votary one day, maybe for one of my other siblings or cousins. Maybe for someone else.”

“I have a cultural question,” said Alden. “Is becoming a votary, or swearing to serve the Rapport in some other way, considered an equal sacrifice? Compared to being a knight?”

Stuart frowned. “How could it be? No, maybe I should have explained better. To be a wizard is to move through reality with <<true awareness>> of your own freedom. The theoretical<<pinnacle>> of wizardry is dominion over the self and the universe. Omnipotence. It’s not as though anyone <<sane>> thinks they’ll actually reach that pinnacle, but sometimes, when you cast a spell and things go very right or a little wrong in a specific way, you can almost imagine what it would be like.”

He lifted the hand that wasn’t gripping the mug and examined his fingers. “And there’s a shadow of that pleasure every time you cast. But an affixation is like…a contract between you and your own future about what you will be, <<terms deeply carved>> into your very being and all around you. And because you are not meant to be limited in that way, and you can feel the <<wrongness>> of it, you fight it. And the you that has not been bound runs a <<desperate race>> forward, trying to <<claim>> more space for itself.

“So most grow very strong. The life of a hn’tyon is one where <<self-peace>> is hard-found, if it’s found at all. And usually fleeting. It’s a higher and narrower branch to…” He trailed off. “Alden, are you all right?”

“Yes,” Alden said automatically. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

Eyes with slender golden rings watched him closely. He tried to smile. 

“You’re a very <<compassionate>> person,” Stuart said. “Don’t be afraid for me.”

Alden wasn’t exactly sure it was fear he was feeling. Maybe that was part of it. A lot was going on his head. “Aren’t you afraid for you?” he asked.

Stuart continued to watch him. 

“A little,” he said finally. “But the season of choosing was good for me. The setting aside of time to think, the encouragement our instructors gave us to calmly consider all paths…I was taking it seriously and slowly changing my mind about things that had seemed sure. And I was gaining <<determination>> and a sense of my purpose. Apparently, everyone thought I was taking years to announce because I liked the rituals and sense of camaraderie that comes with being one of those who are choosing, which I very much do, of course. But I was taking so long for the same reasons almost everyone else does. Because the adults all said it was a special time of life that shouldn’t be rushed away from and because I didn’t want to embarrass myself by formally announcing and then later have to say I’d made a mistake.

“That kind of <<vacillation>> makes people more likely to worry about you. My family spent so much of my youth worrying about me. I didn’t want to give them another cause for concern.”

“That didn’t go as you planned.”

Stuart grunted. “There was a significant difference in how I understood my situation and how they did. When I was younger, nobody I loved ever said I didn’t have the ability to become a knight. It didn’t need to be said. It was obvious even to me, as soon as I was old enough to know a little about it. But I thought that, over the past few years, we all realized I had become strong enough to do whatever I wanted.”

He scowled. “We talked a lot about how well I was doing. Everyone said how proud they all were of the adult I was becoming. They treated me like nothing about me was delicate anymore. And it never occurred to me that they were being liars.”

Alden was surprised by the sudden vehemence. 

“When I realized I was completely confident in my choice, I was so excited to tell them. I knew they’d be surprised. But I expected them to be happily surprised. Especially Father. It is the path of highest onus, after all, and there is a love and a <<communion>> that can only be shared with those who walk it with you.” He closed his eyes and shook his head. “I told them the night before that I would be announcing the end of my season of choosing in the morning. And so everyone was there for first meal in the big dining room.”

Stuart closed his eyes and shook his head. “The change in their expressions when I told them.”

He fell silent.

“Bad?” Alden prompted.

Stuart’s eyes opened again. His voice was suddenly gloomy. “If one of my grandparents had teleported back from the grave, hauling chaos with them like <<one who yields to perversion>>, and <<shat>> in the wevvi boiler, I’m sure they would have been less horrified.”

“Nooo,” said Alden, moaning with vicarious embarrassment. “I’m so sorry.”

“It was terrible,” said Stuart.

“It sounds like it was. What did your father say?”

“He couldn’t speak.”

“Oh no.”

“He just left the house.” Stuart’s expression was distant. “He was gone for almost a week.”

Alden cringed.

“That was about half a year before I met you,” Stuart said. “I’ve had an <<astounding>> variety of arguments with everyone since then. But actually, right after the mishnen, when Father came to see me, we talked for hours. About the mistakes I’d just made, but also about my future. And he told me to choose as I thought best and said he would trust me whatever the choice was.”

He smiled. “I will repay his trust by <<thriving>> in every way. And someday soon he will be glad he gave it.”



“I’m willing to consider the idea that you’re not less mature than me,” Alden announced, peering through the translucent barrier that kept people from falling out of the elevator. It was carrying them rapidly down below ground level to the place Stuart called the supply library. “I’ll tell Lute I was wrong when I get back to Earth.”

“I enjoy your company very much,” said Stuart. “So please don’t feel that I’m insulting you. But you’re so strange.”

I’m strange!?”

“Yes.” The elevator stopped, and the barrier disappeared. As soon as Stuart stepped out, a golden glow warmed the massive room he’d just entered. The lighting came from the shelves, racks, and cabinets in the space. 

Aisles full of them. 

This is not a basement, thought Alden, craning his neck as he hurried after his host, who was striding forward purposefully as if there was nothing at all special to see in this part of the house. This is like the organized version of a treasure room in an animated movie. 

But instead of in mounds, the jewels were in boxes with labels like “Worshipped in a Fetuna Temple for at least Three Hundred Years” and “Fossilized Resin Drops with Stinging Oons Inside.”

They walked past a rack covered in loops of Artonan hair. Well, no fantasy treasure room I ever saw had that.

But he was pretty sure if he were a Wright he would have fainted the second he set foot in here. They had enough of that powder Everly Kim used to cast her ice patch spell to fill a bathtub. There were metal ingots in piles. One cabinet had a sign on the front that said, “Don’t let me out without asking Evul.”

Alden was so overwhelmed that he forgot to joke around about how Stuart was the strange one. 

Of course he hadn’t forgotten exactly where he was. He was an invited guest in the home of the people who were ranked first and fourth most important in the known universe. But the art’h residence was so cozy for an alien siblinghold. Cooking dinner on a rock and watching Stuart try to get a zipper away from his pet had made his impression of Rapport I lean toward the homey. 

Now he was having a moment of clarity. And magical eye strain.

“The floor below us is also part of the supply library,” Stuart said, apparently unaware that Alden was trying to calculate what that bin full of sand over there must cost if it was the same stuff that was inside his temper spheres. “And the one below that is for items that should be kept safe but that rarely need to be accessed. There are some interesting weapons down there. Above us is the Manuscript Library. And a lot of portraits.”

They passed a shelf full of bottled snowmelt, labeled by year. And then they walked by a tree root thicker than Alden’s whole body. It pierced down through one hole cut in the ceiling and another in the floor. 

Alden found his voice as Stuart led him to a series of slots carved into the wall. “There’s so much stuff here.”

“Do you like it?” He paused with his arms half-lifted as if he were about to cast. “I always have. Rel spent a whole winter down here with me one year, teaching me the names of all the things, how to care for them, and what they were for.”

“I do like it. You managed to memorize them all in a single winter?”

“All the more common and useful things,” Stuart clarified. “But I still know more about the library than a lot of my older siblings do. And Emban’s very familiar with it now, but the first time some of my brother and sisters brought her down here, she accidentally got left behind. The lights cut off because she hadn’t been introduced to the spell yet, and half a day later, I found her crying behind a basket full of <<blood cakes>>.”

Alden pulled up his cheat sheet. “Who’s Emban?”


An hour or so after sunrise, Alden found himself sitting with his back to a tree, waving off apologies from Stuart, who was acting like the lack of a magical cushion might do Alden’s rear end a permanent injury.

“I’m very comfortable,” Alden insisted. “And if casting a spell right now might make you mess up the one you just spent so much time preparing for, I’d be disappointed. I want to see what your skill is going to do.”

The Primary’s son had been explaining about the spell the whole time he set up the casting zone for himself. It was, he said, the most difficult thing he could achieve with magic. He’d only managed to make it work for him in the past couple of months, which had been the final goal on his personal to-do-before-I-affix list. Because it was a spell that showed him “the humblest version” of the skill he’d decided would be his perfect match.

Alden had no idea what to expect, and he was getting excited at the thought of seeing not only a cool new kind of magic but a cool new kind of magic that Stu-art’h thought was worth…well, worth sacrificing a portion of himself.

But the wizard who’d just spent part of the morning talking about how great his special spell was and exuberantly choosing expensive supplies to match the occasion was now having what looked an awful lot like a crisis of confidence. 

“You understand that this is just a part of what I’ll be able to do with my skill?” he said for the second time, leaning over to brush a few grains of soil from the top of the circular slab of white stone they’d hauled out here with mover discs. He was going to stand on it and cast, and something was going to happen to the line of random objects he’d placed in front of it. “It will be more impressive in the future.”

“I know.”

“And if I make a mistake and it fails, that won’t mean that my skillwill fail in the future.”

“I know.”

Stuart opened his mouth again.

“Listen, I’m an easy audience,” said Alden. “And if it doesn’t work, you can try again this afternoon, can’t you? Or in December…if you’re still planning to invite me then. I know it might not be worth another argument with your family.”

“There won’t be any more arguments about that,” said Stuart. Now he was checking the tie on the end of his braid as if that might be the one thing that undid all his preparations. “They promised.”

“You didn’t have to give up something you wanted in return, did you?” Alden asked. “I don’t want to be—”

“I think it all concluded in my favor. They asked me to delay my first binding for a while longer and do a few other things.”

“That’s not fair to you,” Alden said, anger rising swiftly. “It’s so stressful, and if you’re ready for it now…”

“It can only be a small delay. And a few of them made points about why a delay might be good. And I did talk them into giving me several things I wanted. Don’t worry. Are you sure you’re fine without a seat? I could run back to the house.”

Alden pointed at the white circle. “Stop delaying. I want to see a spell!”

Stuart took a deep breath. “Yes. I may stop and start over a few times. In order to build it more gradually and tighten my focus.”

When he said significant-sounding things like that, it gave Alden crazy urges. Begging for a magic lesson would be a really strange thing for him to do, but if Stuart already thought he was strange…

It would still be a terrible idea. 

“And you don’t have to watch the whole time. You can watch videos on your tablet or do your own work. It will take a while. You’ll know it’s about to happen when I hit <<urgent pitch>>.”

Alden gave him two thumbs ups. 

Stuart paused for half a minute to research the gesture. Then, he returned it and raced over to start his spell.


He hadn’t been kidding when he said it would take a while.

An hour and a half into it, Alden winced as Stuart stopped the chant again, took a sip of something from a flask in his pocket, and did the same series of finger stretches that he always did when he restarted.

He never looked upset. In fact, since he’d started casting, his focus was intense and intent in a way that made Alden want to pull out his own auriad and lose himself in trying a spell, too. 

The silky string slid an inch down his arm, and he sent it back toward his shoulder where it belonged.

Alden wasn’t about to start doing CNH homework when he had a live wizardry demonstration taking place right in front of him.

I’ll probably never be able to do what he’s doing, but here I am watching like he’s giving a class.

Stuart would have begun casting spells when he was years younger than Kibby. And Alden didn’t know how powerful he was, but…he was the Primary’s son. Alden seriously doubted it was a B-rank equivalent situation over there.

It had occurred to him that he could reach out with his own authority to peek. Not a friendly student-to-student pat even, just a drawing closer to see if he could sense what Stuart was doing at all. But that was even more crazy than whipping out the auriad though. For all he knew, any deliberate action on his part other than skill use would be noticed. 

Casting a spell on Anesidora, where millions of Avowed and quite a few wizards were also doing it in their own ways, was one thing. Deliberately poking and peering with his authority sense here at the art’h house was another. For all he knew, everyone here had the equivalent of a magical voice that the others could recognize. Knight and wizard family life was a mystery.

So he contented himself with observing the world through his boring old human senses. The braziers positioned around Stuart were sending up smoke that spiraled tightly around his circle and up before disappearing. Alden had only gotten one whiff of it before it started spiraling well, and he could have sworn it smelled solid. Like it was prodding his nose and lungs.

Whenever the chanting was in progress, he admired the variety of sounds Artonan throats could make. He wondered if Stuart’s speaking voice was what came comfortably to him or if he’d selected it for himself. They could do that fairly easily if they wanted, just decide they were going to develop a different everyday voice like a human deciding they were going to learn a new accent. 

I doubt he’s had the time to think about something like that, considering everything else he’s been thinking about.

Mostly, Alden was passing the time trying to guess what was going to happen to that line of stuff Stuart had made. There were several blocks of wood, one of stone, and something called a sackfruit that looked like a giant jellyfish full of red goo that he’d picked “because I want to see how it works on this.”

The line was twenty-seven paces long. Stuart had walked it several times until he was satisfied. And it started and ended with a bean. 

Just two normal alien beans. They were small, brown, and bean-shaped. Stuart had put one on the white stone where he stood and the other was sitting on another wooden block on the other side of the fruit. 

What if everything in between the beans turns into more beans? That would be a neat spell.

It was about the twentieth option he’d considered so far. And he was still thinking of ways for it to be useful when he spotted someone heading through the woods toward them.

Stuart had started the chant again. His auriad was flowing smoothly through his fingers. He was far enough along that Alden hoped this might be the time he completed it. 

Don’t interrupt now, whoever you are, he thought.

They wore a knight’s coat in a soft cream color with only a few of the metal stud patterns on the sleeves. Matching ribbons were laced through a crown of braided hair the color of grape jelly. Alden was trying to examine hip width as unobtrusively as possible while also paying attention to the spell, when they reached him.

Female, he decided.

“Hello,” he said.

She sat right beside him. He wondered if he was supposed to scoot over to give her more room. 

“So you’re the alien who held my cousin down while some <<prey-animalish>> girl <<processed>> one of his legs like a <<meat and bone sausage>>. Just because all of those kids thought their lives would end if they didn’t get into the fancy jungle school their parents partied at.”

Oh God, thought Alden, his polite smile freezing. She knows the whole story, and she made it sound so bad. 

When he didn’t answer, one of her eyes turned toward him. It was a gray-flecked pink.

Alden cleared his throat. “Yes. That was such a bad day for everyone. I’m Alden.”

“Emban-art’h,” she said, eye turning back to Stuart. <<Definer of Grooves.>>

At least she’s on the cheat sheet already. 

Emban was Stuart’s first cousin once removed. Her parents were regular wizards by choice, but they’d come to Rapport I for a visit when Emban was younger, and she had decided this life suited her better. She was the nearest to Stuart in age, just a few years older, and she was the latest art’h to become a knight.

Definer of Grooves? Is that a title of some kind or is she introducing herself by her skill name?

“It’s an honor to meet you, Hn’tyon Emban-art’h.”

“Do you think he will succeed?” she asked, still watching her cousin.

“Is it safe for us to talk? I don’t want to distract him. He’s been working on this all morning.”

Emban-art’h snorted. “If two people talking nearby breaks his focus for this spell, that would be more his failing than ours.”

Alden would still be trying to limit it to strictly necessary exchanges if she stuck around. “I’m sure he’ll succeed,” he said simply.

“So confident. Can you even understand what he’s doing?”

Alden didn’t reply, and she didn’t ask again.

After a few minutes of quiet observation, she took a small paper bag out of her coat pocket. Alden caught a whiff of the burnt sugar smell that had filled the air around the house when he’d arrived yesterday. She pulled an amber-colored oval wafer out and bit into it before holding the bag toward him. 

He weighed the possibility that flatseed candy might be poisonous to humans against the risk of offending the first knight in Stuart’s family who had extended a greeting since he’d arrived.

Then, he thanked her and took a piece. 

It was crunchy and sweet. The large, paper-thin flatseed in the middle tasted like toasted bread. 

“I think he may be able to do it, too,” Emban-art’h said.  “But it’s hard to celebrate that possibility when the price for failure is so high.”

Are we talking about the spell he’s casting now or his future?

She licked sugar off her index finger. “And Stu is gifted enough to become a wizard of rare worth to the family. He ignores that too much. I could try until I wept and still not cast a spell like this one. Even if he is <<imperfect>> with it still.”

A moist finger pointed at the line of objects in front of them. 

Stuart’s voice was rising in pitch and volume. 

“That’s all I’ll say about it. But they shouldn’t have asked him to agree to another delay,” Emban-art’h said. “Not after Granduncle Jeneth has given permission.”

Alden didn’t know how to respond to any of this. The last bite of candy he’d taken was melting on his tongue.

Emban-art’h rose to her feet. “I’ve probably made him angry enough by talking to you when he wasn’t in a position to comment. And they’ve decided he’s supposed to act as my votary next week. I’d rather not have a bad-tempered votary who needs soothing. It’s quite backwards. Try to put him in a good mood for me, Alden Ryeh-b’t.”

Stuart’s eyes narrowed. His voice lifted another octave.

As Emban-art’h walked away, past the line of objects, Stuart’s chant became a breathy shriek that made the hair on Alden’s arms stand up. 

That sound wasn’t just his voice. There was something else about it. 

It’s happening. 

Alden watched. It happened too fast to really get it, but at least he saw and heard it. 

The wood block closest to where Stuart stood broke open with a crack that was followed by a series of cracks and pops from the other wood blocks. Then the stone one shattered and the sackfruit exploded gloriously, spattering Emban-art’h with red goo.

Silence reigned for only a second.

“Ugh! Stu, you rushed that on purpose to hit me!”

“Where’s the bean!?” Stuart shouted, racing along the line of minor destruction. “Did it make it? Alden, did you see? Come here!”

“I’ve just decided my fake votary needs to do my laundry next week.”

“It did make it!”

Alden was on his feet, jogging over to see what Stuart was gesturing excitedly toward. He was already trying to explain before Alden even reached him.

“With the skill, I wouldn’t have to send a bean to a bean, although I could. And the route I made for it would match the size I intended perfectly. My casting of this spell is actually too messy, but for demonstration purposes that’s good because it shows the potential.”

Alden looked down toward where Stuart leaned over the final wood block. Instead of one bean, there were now two, resting innocently side by side. Neither of them had a scratch on them.

Stuart was watching him eagerly.

“Did one of these go through all of that?” Alden asked, looking at the splinters and rubble and exploded jellyfish fruit between them and the place where Stuart had been standing to cast.

“Actually it traveled through a kind of <<tunnel>> I created with my spell,” said Stuart. He stood and clasped his hands in front of him. “That’s going to be one of the things I can do with my skill—The Maker of Narrow Ways.”





Thanks for the chapter!


Thank you for the chapter!


Thank you for the chapter and your dedication to writing such a wonderful story!


Thanks Sleyca!!!

H.S. Spudney

Soup! I will go read now ty

JJ Hunter

*does a happy dance*


Make sure you get your 8 hours of sleep~


Thank youuuuuu (yet again)


I just love stu so much


Yey thanks a lot! Oh wow, a lot to unpack in here as well. It's both a very cosy series of chapters but very exciting since we don't know if Alden will talk about being a wizard and his own affixation.


Thanks for the chapter, Sleyca, I hope your outlining/backlog break is fruitful. Obligatory links: Unofficial Super Supportive Discord https://discord.com/invite/SuperSupportiveFans , RR info only wiki: https://supersupportive.miraheze.org/


Thanks Sleyca!


Thank you for the chapter!

Thomas Todd

Sleyca that was an awesome chapter and you've really nailed down these skill names, they sound awesome without seeming edgy

JJ Hunter

aAAAAAAAAaAAAAaAAAAAAaaAh it's gonna be wormholes!!!! ETA: Bless Stu for living out a version of Kon's wildest spacetime fantasies, I am so incredibly psyched.


Thankyou so much Sleyca!! Always look forward to Super Supportive! It really is something special


Awesome, thank you


“And if I make a mistake and it fails, that won’t mean that my skillwill fail in the future.” “And if I make a mistake and it fails, that won’t mean that my skill will fail in the future.”*


Stu-Art'h, Forger of Paths.


That was an absolute gift of a chapter, thanks for the warmth ❤️


I am looking forward to the future when we find out how large a burden can fit through a narrow way.

Karim Saadi

Is he....is he taking a rail gun skill ?



Cyrus McEnnis

Oh now that's an affixation with a tonne of potential.


I wonder if perhaps someone who is a Maker of Narrow Ways might benefit from a Bearer of Burdens to carry things through the Ways that they make?


That really was a grand *demonstration, such an awesome spell! Also had the benefit of swiping Enban. I don't think I like her...


Nothing better that coming back to a new chapter. Thank you for the Grand Presentation

Emily Curtis

I love Stu so much. He's so earnest and honest and dedicated.


I would imagine the spells mother gave alden in that book are hand picked to give him a relevant arsenal of spells when he’s older, seeing as hynn’ton seem to not know lots of spells but only ones useful to themself. Makes sense that the spells he can cast are pretty much all offence orientated

John D Jones

Aaaaaaggghhhhh! I need next Monday to be here right now! Oh well. At least Beware of Chicken will have be off break this week, so I'll get three episodes of that to dull the pain of no more Soup until next week. I kind of like Embath, and I'd kind of like to meet the little girl who was sleeping on Murmur because past experience has taught me that little Artonan girls are fucking awesome.

Joseph Collins

I think that I understand how you write aliens so well - they all have an understanding of what "normal" is that is utterly different from ours. If you were to ask them how the world ought to be, they would give a very different answer to us. However, for the artonians at least, it is still understandable, even though it is not what we would think about at all. This allows them to have beliefs and practices that are basically in the uncanny valley for us.


I am assuming it has many applications.


Did Evul put a skeleton in that one closet?

zachary fuller

I would find it cool if Stu-art'h didn't become a knight but became alden's votaey


I get the feeling Alden won't open up to Stuart, which is reasonable, but when the secrecy ends, as it surely must sooner or later, I think it will damage their relationship. The skill is really cool, can't wait to see what he manages when he affixes it.


Yep, that’s an awesome spell :) Nah she’s alright. She’s just an overprotective older cousin. She hasn’t actually done anything to make me dislike her yet. Splattering her with fruit guts was fun though

Radha Patel

Thank you for the chapter! It's time to do the smart thing and save hold off voraciously consuming soup for another day


That is a *good* skill. Also, is Alden contractually obligated not to tell Stuart he can cast, or is it just his desire for peace that's making him so paranoid?


Stu is amazing and petty lol! Thanks for the chapter Sleyca. Rest well.


“If one of my grandparents had teleported back from the grave, hauling chaos with them like << one who yields to perversion >>, and << shat >> in the wevvi boiler, I’m sure they would have been less horrified.” 🤣 Stu, it was such a serious and serene talk until there


Thank you so much for the chapter.


Oh wormholes


I’d imagine it is a transportation spell, but with less than zero fucks given to anything between the starting point and destination.

JJ Hunter

How does one get to be a librarian for the supply library and the manuscript one? I have a mighty need. (Can you imagine what the indexing system is like? Is it a mini System? I have so many questions!!)


There is probably a locating spell I would see it organized by conservating methods


Given how personal Stuart just made it all sound and how he admitted last chapter he might be forced to act in ways Alden wouldn’t like I think he wouldn’t consider it his business until Alden wants it to be.


When I read "pinnacle" I thought maybe the universe is bigger than chaos and The Artonan Way. There should be many civilizations out there fighting against chaos in their own way, following their own goals. In that sense, the Artonans may be pretty low on the ladder of civilizations.


Why wouldn’t knights know a lot of spells, the mother even mentioned how they don’t need minor skills because they can use spells to make up for them


Given how the beans moved themselves it sounds like his skill has that covered


I love everything about this chapter so much! I can hardly put it into words. I love Stu, his skill is badass, his past history is interesting and tragic, Alden is funny with his intrusive thoughts (ask him, ask him for a magic lesson, I dare you!), both of them together are just lovable, Stu saying Alden is strange was great, too xD


- Well, Stu's backstory is as high-drama as we could ever wish. Jeneth continues to be a full-on anime protagonist. - The family reaction - oof. Especially Jeneth's. "I need to be alone for ten days so I don't say something I'll truly regret." It hurt Stu bad, but... Jeneth was surely in a lot of pain too. - It strikes me that Artonan society depends much more on its wizards to keep functioning day to day than human society does on its most learned members. "Is any spell wanted?" There's this whole branch of their technology that is completely and permanently inaccessible except to the 20% who form the upper class, but the wizard class uses magic to fill all kinds of mundane purposes. Nonwizards can surely get seat cushions and portable grills that don't require magic, but are there gaps where the wizards sail on with their conveniences and the nonwizards are left in the lurch? - The fact that there have historically been unwilling knights isn't a surprise, but that it has happened in living memory does surprise me, when apparently most wizards think chaos isn't an urgent threat. That's a solid yikes from me. What criteria could they possibly be using for such a nightmarish choice? How the hell hasn't it backfired so magnificently that no one ever tried it again? Should we be calling the respectful silence the shameful silence instead? And, this puts a different tenor on the fact that Avowed don't get a choice in their selection.


Awesome chapter. If Alden revealed his secret, I wonder if Stu would want to be Alden’s votary. If you think about it, that’s already the role he’s falling into so naturally during this visit. And Stu’s family would be *ahem* super supportive of such a choice and love Alden for it. Sadly, I don’t see that happening. I like Emban. Very good sisterly combination of caring, supportive, and irritating.

Abcras Shadow

Hey I just wanted to thank you for creating the Epubs for each chapter. I read most things on my phone and android has a weird time copying text that contain html like elements such as the <<>> of other languages. So without the epub version I loose all those words when coopying it away from Patreons awful reader experience and into a proper reader so I can get it read to me on the fly!


>”Actually it traveled through a kind of << tunnel >> I created with my spell,” said Stuart. He stood and clasped his hands in front of him. “That’s going to be one of the things I can do with my skill—The Maker of Narrow Ways.” While BoAB preserves stuff against Chaos, MoNW appears to safely, and quickly, transport stuff through Chaos 🛤️ Both of which help with Logistic support ( Emergency and regular ), Medical rescue efforts, and recovery efforts 🏕️🌯⚕️🌊 I am thinking But no other possible skill, immediately comes to mind, that is such a natural pairing with Knight Alden’s skill for warfare, or peace time, use Similar to the complimentary roles of trained firefighters rescuing a person from a hazard ( Stu can safely navigate the hazard ) and trained EMT treating a rescued person at the scene, and in route ( Alden can safely “treat” the rescued person by preserving them ) 🚒 🚑 If the Knights do not eventually put Stu, and Alden, on the same team, they are foolish 🥇🥈

Josh Brooks

Yay! New Knight friends!


There's a campaign to take back area from chaos. So Stu could make a path to an unreachable place, and maybe Alden could protect it from Chaos? Maybe Knights? It's implied when Alden was rescued that travel time isnt great in a chaos field. It would have taken months to get Alden to a live, safe teleportation field. So this could be a pretty huge boon for the chaos cleaning effort


I think I misread or interpreted something along the way, I thought a votary would be around to cast ‘quality of life spells’ and the Hinton would focus on a concentrated skill set


I could for sure see Alden being set up here to become stuarts votary, though it would be kind of weird since his arsenal is limited in the same way as knights are.


Soo good!! Thank you! Worth everything.


With all the explanation about how Stu was originally thought to be a votary, and how votaries flesh out a knight's lack of top notch Wizard skills, I couldn't help but think, is Stu going to somehow find out Alden is a knight, and decide to become his votary instead being a knight himself?

JJ Hunter

I'm enjoying this second installation of what I expect will be a whole progression of Stu's older siblings and cousins causally dropping by one by one to meet Alden and take his measure, and make *sure* Alden understands the gravity of the choice Stu is making (and maybe seek a little sideways assurance re: whether Alden thinks Stu has a chance of surviving it). Gotta make sure Stu is sufficiently occupied before trying, or he'll swoop in and chase them off. I bet there's some elaborate negotiation happening off screen among the near generation cousins that may or may not involve undignified tricks to determine the rough order of attempts.


The part that says almost all hyn’ton pursue a wizardry education but not a comprehensive one and a votary fills the gaps. I’m saying aldens spell book might be tailored so alden has few spells, but ones perfectly suited to compliment him since he will have even less of an education than his peers


The unwilling knights are still in living memory because they live also long lives. The Primary seems to be from that generation and was already Primary before earth was discovered by Artonans. But it was not the first generation of knights, so there was probably a period of chaos extension or an event that push chaos suddenly and the Artonans needed more knights than available.


I really, really want this to happen. It would be so good for both of them. But there are huge emotional hurdles for both of them on the path to get there. First Alden has to expose his secret, which terrifies him, and then Stu has to be willing to let go of the new life plan that he’s become so invested in and risk his family always seeing him as ‘vacillating’. That could be particularly hard when it would feel like admitting that all his critics and doubters were right. Still… hearing Stu talk about how wonderful it feels to be a wizard — those moments when a spell goes right and he can feel the pinnacle… it’s heartbreaking that he’s giving that up for reasons that were born in grief.


Thanks for the chapter! That was very interesting and good to have understanding of Stu more. Library was awesome!


I’d assume Stu is planning to ask Alden to become one of his dedicated Avowed, which is similar to being a votary. It feels like that would be the moment for Alden to reveal his secret, if he’s going to.

Neal Mayne

Making Kivb'ee the the standard is not fair to all other Artonian little girls it's a standard that they can't possibly live up to.


He might not tell Stuart he’s a wizard but he might tell him about bearer of all burdens

Neal Mayne

Pretty sure it's because the spend quite abit of time not being able to cast post affixation so they just don't have as much practice time as wizards. Also what alot of spells mean is probably very contextual.

Maddy Weller

I wonder if The Maker Of Narrow Ways is a 300 skill, or if 300 skills are based off knight skills? The naming conventions seem very similar, but that could be coincidence.


I have a feeling... Whatever is wrong with Stu-arth seems to be a type of damage to his authority. It's serious enough that his family worries he won't be able to survive affixation. But that's not an immediate death, rather a ritual where people can give themselves to the forest. So even if he's got problems with his affixation, he'll have some time. Time enough for Alden to hear about it. Time enough for him to start getting ideas. Time enough for him to ask for Stu-arth's blood. Given how much the Primary is shown to care for his son, getting him to let Gorgon go so that he can teach Alden how to help Stu-arth should be feasible. And this all being possible should be a pretty darn good reason for the Mother to meddle with reintroducing Alden to Stu-arth...

Batty Corvina

The more I read of knight life, the more I love the worldbuilding sleyca's done. I just adore all the alien culture❤️


I think that the joke Stu made about a grandpa coming back from the grave as "the one who yields to perversion" shows the potential of what can go wrong if you forcibly make Knights. If the person doesn't have a strong enough will, they might go over to the dark side as distraction from existential pain

N Johnson

I'm not sure about that. Alden was very clear about how he would feel if his Artonan "friend" used him like most Artonans would.


Yeah that 'do you even understand what he's doing ' is exactly the arrogant dismissive snide comment I got myself a lot when I was younger, from a lower middle class vocational school background in a group with snobbish poli sci students, whenever I tried to engage in a discussion with them. It really triggers me hard...


Alden sees no reason to tell him. There are only risks at this stage.


So... Stu telling his family he wanted to become a knight was like an Asian telling their parents they want to become an Influencer...


Yes, if there is chaos around, the bean needs to be protected

Neal Mayne

The explanation we got on the 300 make them sound like the original knight skills so I think It'd be more fair to say knight skills are based off of the 300.


Stu'arth - The Maker of Narrow Ways. Love it. Since skills can resonate with their owners, it is very fitting for Stu, who will be forging many narrow ways in his life. Perhaps just as Esh feels cracks, Stu will start to see "paths" of possibility? Almost a future sense ?( Okay okay, I shouldn't have watched Dune last night)


A votary is exactly the type of support staff Alden would like to ideally become, and there is nothing casual about it like being summoned by a wizard to preserve their food for them or something. The way I see it, it seems right up his alley.


MoNW is only going to be useful like that when it's held by a knight - the votary path is mutually exclusive with the paired knight path Other abilities that pair well with both skills are -Reach extension -Perception enhancement (of the skill owner or a targeted person) -Something which reduces constraints on skills -Something to briefly make objects smaller -Slowing of time Just things that come to mind


There may still be synergy-BoAB appears to harden weakened items (like people on the moon for instance), expanding the set of things that can be moved with MoNW


I think that name is specifically behind the secrecy tattoo, and was specifically enforced that he can only tell the primary the name.

Little snake

Thank you for the chapter


Flip it. Stu finds out he's already a Knight and becomes his votary.

Will Ortiz

Actually, Joe never told him the name; Mother did. So he would be able to divulge that at least

Wiggles1 (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-17 19:50:26 “...She went to a corrupted world to help my father. She stayed too long and gave too much. She was pregnant with me, and Father didn’t know. She said she would go back to the Triplanets ahead of him to recover, but when he returned, nobody had seen her. He searched for her and eventually found both of us on another planet.” Stu wasn't born on the chaos planet, and for some reason, not on the tri-planets. The known chaos exposure was during pregnancy. We know of Stu's mental issues, but authority issues haven't been mentioned. His authority seems fine, he's a great caster. I think they're worried he can't mentally handle knighthood, not about authority issues. The question remains, why a different planet? It feels very small-world, but I think the Discord is right when they suspect she went to Gorgon-world and asked to save her son. She died or got abominated there, and Gorgon was put in chains for it. Stu wasn't right in the head, but despite the fetal chaos his authority was top-quality. Possibly she was the cause of Gorgon's world being lost, if she was powerful enough that her abominating was a global catastrophe? But the timeline seems a bit wrong.
2024-06-17 13:36:37 “...She went to a corrupted world to help my father. She stayed too long and gave too much. She was pregnant with me, and Father didn’t know. She said she would go back to the Triplanets ahead of him to recover, but when he returned, nobody had seen her. He searched for her and eventually found both of us on another planet.” Stu wasn't born on the chaos planet, and for some reason, not on the tri-planets. The known chaos exposure was during pregnancy. We know of Stu's mental issues, but authority issues haven't been mentioned. His authority seems fine, he's a great caster. I think they're worried he can't mentally handle knighthood, not about authority issues. The question remains, why a different planet? It feels very small-world, but I think the Discord is right when they suspect she went to Gorgon-world and asked to save her son. She died or got abominated there, and Gorgon was put in chains for it. Stu wasn't right in the head, but despite the fetal chaos his authority was top-quality. (Edit: Leaning against this now. It's strongly implied Gorgon has been in Chicago for 40 years, so it probably wasn't him, and he doesn't seem to think other villages' priests survived.) Possibly she was the cause of Gorgon's world being lost, if she was powerful enough that her abominating was a global catastrophe? But the timeline seems wrong for that, I think his world was chaos-ified a long time ago.

“...She went to a corrupted world to help my father. She stayed too long and gave too much. She was pregnant with me, and Father didn’t know. She said she would go back to the Triplanets ahead of him to recover, but when he returned, nobody had seen her. He searched for her and eventually found both of us on another planet.” Stu wasn't born on the chaos planet, and for some reason, not on the tri-planets. The known chaos exposure was during pregnancy. We know of Stu's mental issues, but authority issues haven't been mentioned. His authority seems fine, he's a great caster. I think they're worried he can't mentally handle knighthood, not about authority issues. The question remains, why a different planet? It feels very small-world, but I think the Discord is right when they suspect she went to Gorgon-world and asked to save her son. She died or got abominated there, and Gorgon was put in chains for it. Stu wasn't right in the head, but despite the fetal chaos his authority was top-quality. (Edit: Leaning against this now. It's strongly implied Gorgon has been in Chicago for 40 years, so it probably wasn't him, and he doesn't seem to think other villages' priests survived.) Possibly she was the cause of Gorgon's world being lost, if she was powerful enough that her abominating was a global catastrophe? But the timeline seems wrong for that, I think his world was chaos-ified a long time ago.


Not from this fic, but: "I have a bean!"

Guus van der Borg

So, do votaries wear the same kind of garb as knights? Because in this chapter Stu tells us that he only decided on being a knight sometime after Sina died. But in the flashback, Stu was part of the knight hopefuls during the ritual, which Alden recognized (maybe wrongly) by his outfit.


Missed this before my last read but the forcibly made knights/period of choosing is a cycle. So being a knight is a high honor but not often choosed as there is regularly a shortage of knights

Mohamed Ababou

I’m wondering if Stu’s mother went to Gorgon’s planet to wish for her son’s life in exchange of her already corrupted authority?? And then the primary took revenge… just thoughts

Ano Ano

I appreciate Stu's description of affixation and authority. So much more literary and metaphorical than the human way of thinking about it. So much more wizardly. It's describing the same basic state of affairs, but the difference is how it's described feels so significant. Very cool bit of writing.

John D Jones

This was all cool but it leaves us with a burning question: "What (or who) is Evul keeping in that cabinet?"


The problem is the contract with Joe was so tight that Alden can't talk about anything that relates to his conversation with Joe even if he learns about it separately at a later time. Joe told him about the skill in detail, so even if Mother tells him more detail, I don't think Alden can talk about ANY of it.

John D Jones

@ Mohamed Ababou I can't see the Primary taking revenge for them saving his child's life. If something like this did happen, I think it's more likely that the corrupted authority destroyed/corrupted Gorgon's world.

Wheels of Terror

So Artonan oatmeal is called grain tea? That's fitting. Also Stuart can cast wormholes?? That's definitely the coolest skill we've seen so far!

Cameron C

I wonder if that’s part of why there’s such a connection between Stuart and Alden, if that is the case

Partha Peddi

How does Adjustor of Space class sound for having a skill to make teleportation pathways with a skill called Portal Object?

John D Jones

@ DAK He can't. This was that part of Alden's talk with Joe about that: [quote] Joe said “Ah, I would like to clarify a point. Today’s lesson is going to be special, you see. And I would like you to confirm specifically that you will not, through any means or by any permutation of interpretation, intentionally reveal the information I’m about to disclose to you with anyone else of any species without my permission. Ever.” Surprised but intensely curious, Alden thought through the wording. “That’s way too strict, isn’t it? It means even if I hear the information from someone other than you at some point, I still can’t ever repeat it. Or even act on it in a way that I thought would allow it to become known.” Joe said “Yes, that’s right. Anything I say that you’re already aware of is yours to do with as you please, but any new information I reveal falls under this agreement. Also you will not use this knowledge to advise or instruct another person in a fashion that would allow them to take advantage of it.” [/quote] The way it's phrased, Alden couldn't even tell Tiny Snake or Victor about what Joe was going to tell him.


The book was titled Whan-tel's Art: Conducting Power Through the Hands which makes me think it's an actual published book, not a spell list curated by Mother.

Efram Manechiwz

I really hope Alden tells someone about his situation. Just Stuart talking about affixing caused Alden to look terrified. Alden desperately needs help and support, but keeps denying himself.

John D Jones

@ Wheels of Terror Hot water mixed with oats/grains. Yeah, grain tea kind of fits. Artonans might also have a bigger water to grain/oat ratio as well.

Juan Alcachofa

I think alden needs to keep the secret that he is almost a knight until stuart becomes one himself. He may influence his choice(stuart may choose to become alden's posible votary if thats the case). Im pretty sure that could be a posibility if stuart and family finds alden secret, just to disuade stuart form knighthood


Counterpoint: There have been exactly 2 species with a natural knack for magic. Artonans and Gorgan's race. Can you fight Chaos without magic? Heck, will you even encounter chaos without magic?


So, the ultimate wizard goal is to achieve godhood. Maybe there are extremely powerful wizards we haven’t heard about that rival or surpass Jeneths power. We know there was a time when wizards thought the knights aren’t enough to push back chaos and they “invented” avowed and fitted them with skills that mimicked knight abilities to support the chaos fighting. As far as I understand it, knights always lived in the knight rapports but some time ago they were expected to choose children and affix them even against their wishes? That sounds pretty brutal and might also be the time when there were so few knights that they gave knighthood to other races to push the numbers. The older knights pushed back against these practices, I wonder if it was a peaceful push or if the power scale tipped in favour of the top 1-5 top knights and they simply pushed the matter a bit more brutal (which would explain Joes terror towards the primary, if he knew that he personally slew some powerful wizards). I do wonder if Stu finds out about Aldens “knightness” he will look back at a lot of conversations and think to himself, “how could I miss it”. So Stu was a weak child and in his teens everybody expected him to choose between intensity 10 or 50 while he contemplated his choice of intensity 99,9. The demon grandfather taking a shat into the wevi boiler is quite a hilarious picture to paint. The supply library sounds like my stash in any video game, all the shit you might need someday stashed in one place. Also I want to know more about the interesting weapons! Emban is the the one getting lost in the library, Stu said she knows the library very well know so her she might have something to do with collecting/creating supplies or building specialised grooves? Like a healing groove? Stu preparing his spell sounds like a athlete warming himself up and pushing into the right mindset. Stus spell is a railgun with faster then light travel implications, I like it.

John D Jones

@ GryphonKnight Well, semi-safely. The bean arrived safely. The stuff on the "narrow way" it took to get there kind of gotten broken/exploded. If Stu was on one side with a hurt person and a bunch of enemies were between them and safety, Stu could use the Skill to "teleport" the hurt person to safety while killing the shit out of a bunch of those enemies depending on how he shaped his "narrow way."


By the definition of a knight that Stu gave to Alden, does this mean that Alden is already a knight? I know he's not recognized as one but he has authority sense and has survived his first true affixation. Long term prediction - I bet Stu becomes Alden's votary.


Your burden is too thick to fit through my narrow way!


Perhaps Zeridee would want to be Allen's votary? Love the skill fir Stu. Seems like just the kind of thing for a guy who will beat the odds. I wonder what effect casting a spell that mimics his skill will have on affixation? Will it be any easier for already having bent a part of his authority to match?

Anthony Lutz

Alden will definitely be a knight, in CH59 Mother said "I think I should point out that you are on the verge of accepting nearly all of the most difficult parts of Knighthood without the benefit of the reverence and extraordinary support they enjoy from the rest of wizarding society". He's already essentially a knight in all but name and oath. and that verge of acceptance was the ending of that conversation, with Alden retaining his free authority. As for Stu being Alden's votary, I think not, it would result in too much flip floping of his plans for himself, he's forged the narrow path through his life, against the rest of the families ideas, to get to the point of choosing knighthood, you could even say he was the Maker of a Narrow Way.

Alex Scriber

The Artonans can impose unbreakable oaths and bindings on the unwilling. See Gorgon and being able to conscript human avowed who have rejected the contract but still can’t escape the System. That probably explains why forcing people to be Knights hasn’t backfired as spectacularly as similar idiocy usually does in Earth history.


Grain tea sounds like oatmeal. Really watery oatmeal


I think the evidence points to Zeridee-und'h having been on the path to Votoryship (or similar expectations of wizardry to support the knights) before during her choosing, and she chose to be an Ordinary class ambassador instead. her path returning to wizardry would be odd


@JDJ. And this would include much of what he knows about authority, affixation and particularly affixation imbalance. Which is going to get really awkward at some point in the future when he is talking to Esh or Stuart or whoever, and has to keep playing dumb even after they’ve told him some of these things maybe in the same conversation. He was thinking when he was recovering on Thegund that he couldn’t tell Alis about knowing his affixation had shaken loose even if he wanted to. Those conversations are just going to get weirder as the people around him know that he must know… Also, I don’t know how as an author you stay true to a taboo this broad. You’re going to have to edit every single line to make sure anything spoken does not violate any tattoos a person may have on themselves. Feels like an editing and continuity nightmare. More props to Sleyca—so far it all seems to work

Tycho Green

A wizard could not be as strong as the Primary. We were told a number of times before and again in this chapter when Stu explains it. Wizards don’t have a goal to achieve godhood. Did you read what Stu said about theoretical omnipotence and that wizards don’t believe that’s actually possible, then reinterpreted what you’ve read in a manner that is more to your liking? Stu literally said anyone who believes that omnipotence can be realized must be insane.


Groundless speculation, round ???: I previously thought that the Bearer might have been Sina's skill (based on Joe implying the Primary would have quite a reaction to it), but what if it was Stuart's mom's skill? That may explain how he survived whatever that disaster was. (Edit: and ending up in a strange place protecting a little kid seems like characteristic behavior).


Or just summon Roman the Velra rabbit


But he can tell the primary... Although Joe thought the endless misery would arise when the primary found out what skill he had, gaining an authority sense brought that about early. I think the terms of Joe's permission have been met.


Everyone is talking about Stu or Alden being each other's votary when there's a young wizard who will much more quickly put together the pieces that Alden is a Knight, who will consider herself personally responsible for his ignorant knighthood, and who already plans on promising Alden eternal friendship and support. Kiv'Bee is the obvious choice for Alden adjacent votaryship.

Anthony Lutz

Jusy expanding myself on a comment i made just before after thinking about it more. Sleyca has written this story for magic to be really big on symbolism Alden has been the Bearer of all Burdens his whole life, loosing his parents, have to take care of himself and Connie instead of the way around, the burden of being the kid from the body drainer event. Then burdened with surviving and caring for Kibby. Meanwhile we are now learning that Stu has been following, or Making a Narrow Way for his whole life. Surviving pregnancy to be born while being bombarded by chaos, survived infancy despite being fragile, then forging and following the path he made himself to become a knight after Sinas death. Everyone in his family is trying to take him off that path for fear that he will die, that the path is too narrow to follow. But he will survive and thrive despite it because he has always been The Maker of Narrow Ways his whole life


Maybe she went to earth and he had to destroy her skill to stabilize Stu, but that lead to punishment for altering someone's affixation, which is against the terms of at least the avowed contract.

Matt V

Exciting to see a glimpse of Stu's planned skill! I can't help but wonder at the mechanics of it. Was it the making of the "narrow way" itself that caused the destruction? Or was it the bean traveling through that caused everything to explode? Does the NW get created and then the object moved? Or are the object and the NW intrinsically linked in some way? Also, is it necessary to have a "link" at the other end (the second bean) to form the NW? Or is that just a cheat because he's new at this? Can he make a NW that lasts and can be reused? And is the passage through the NW instantaneous? Or does it take time? We know that things were exploding in a progression, so it's either the NW itself that takes time to form and damages anything in its path, or the bean itself takes time to travel through the NW and breaks anything in its path while seemingly being protected itself. If the former, though, and the bean travel is instantaneous after the NW has fully formed, that would basically turn Stu into a worm-hole generator. If he can then make a NW that lasts for a period of time and can be reused, then he's a logistical gold-mine in chaos infested areas where system teleports are impossible.


I think that’s the theme of all the most powerful skills. Very simple concepts that have close to no limits on what they can achieve. Alden can carry stuff and it can’t be affected by anything when he does. Sounds simple, until you think deeper on all the implications of “can’t be affected by anything” Same with Stuart’s skill. An item will travel to its pair through anything. I bet if Stuart tried to move something through an object preserved by Alden it would be “an unstoppable object meets immovable force” kind of situation. Resolved only by the strength of particular user. I bet the Primary’s power is something like “splits perfectly in half”. Sounds like a useless rabbit skill.


I liked Emban. She seems...cautiously supportive? Jealous of Stu's casting ability, and frustrated he's "wasting" it by becoming a knight, but ultimately supportive. The bit about how they shouldn't have asked him to delay again makes me think she's ultimately accepted it's his decision. Her outburst to the fruit exploding, at least IMO, felt more like typical siblingness than the spoiled reaction of say, Hazel.


The primary as an anime protagonist 🤣. I mean he checks all the boxes, doesn't he?


Definer of Grooves Maker of Narrow Ways Bearer of All Burdens Yep, these skill names are all badass as hell


Dang that is frightening 🫣


Splitting in half sounds perfect for the kitchen and construction sites!


it makes you think abt how thoughtful Gorgon was in choosing Alden and his skill. the alignment there feels kind'of 'ballanced'


But isn’t she way too young? That’s like 10 years down the line. If anything, zeridee is the more obvious choice after Alden saved her life. But it’s maybe a little too predictable


Stu-art’h: “That’s the tragic backstory behind why I chose to be a Knight, despite the << quarrelous insistence >> of my very extended family. “Anyway, here’s the spell that best characterizes *myself*. It represents my << ascendance >> over all obstacles impeding the path to the goal I have set for myself.” Patreon comments: “What if he abandoned all of his personal ambitions and swore himself into the service of the MC?!”


These guys spend their whole adolescence to prepare for this and get a ton of emotional support. Meanwhile Alden became a knight during a nightmare disaster just to get thrown back into another nightmare disaster on earth. Dude is speedrunning his self destruction


I think that was just all the kids who were entering the choosing period of adolescence, and doesn’t have anything to do with whether they thought they would be a votary or a knight (since they hadn’t made any official decision yet)


yeah it’s a fun idea but we know Gorgon has been in chains for 1000+ years and Stu is like, 13 for an Artonan? so 26 in human years or something like that? I don’t know if I am thinking about the ages right but the tl;dr is that Gorgon has been in chains for way too long for it to really have anything to do with Stu-art’h


Oh, I'm just going to call Stu's skill the Alden Canon.

Robert Mullins

It looks like large part of a votaries duties include casting spells for a knight while they are unable or unwilling. Which would be entirely opposed to her goal of being a commoner class.


Could Stu pair himself with a person? I wonder if distance matters? This will be insane in combat of any scale.

Carl Earl

Yay! I get a Father's Day soup and then a Birthday soup! Now to read... Oooh The Maker of Narrow Ways. That will be a useful affix. I wonder if the skill will be as damaging to the environment as that spell is. I would hope not, that would make it much less useful. Still, the ability to create personalized wormholes to bring two things together would be pretty handy.


Gruel would not be a great drink in my mind either, though it has certainly been used a lot through western history. But there are a lot of other grains/cereals used for hot drinks that are pretty good. A lot of variations on barley. Atole is made with corn. A lot of cool/weird food out there...

Tim Gonsalves

Amazing chapter, thank you! Didn't Alden and Stu already talk about the husenots in a prior chapter? I had a real moment of deja vu reading Alden's paragraph after the first break.


I love that the closest translation for whatever word he said was “shat”. I also love that Mother essentially signed off on “shat” being a valid translation 😂😅


WORMHOLE STUART. Alden’s gonna fanboy so hard over this, I can feel it. That’s SUCH a cool spell, wow.


I agree @FuriousDee. Stu might be temporarily hurt but it’s not like he’s unaware of Alden’s desire to live a relatively normal life, and he is definitely aware of the hierarchy and lack of freedom Alden has as an Avowed. telling Stu-art’h about being a wizard is something he can never take back, and Alden has no way of knowing what Stu will do with that secret. Stu has made it clear his first loyalty will be his responsibility as a hn’tyon. he is young but I don’t think he is ignorant of all of the things that would stop Alden from telling him something so serious.


Ooh. Reminds me of Australians love for drinks made from sprouted barley. Had that as a cheap breakfast myself more than a few times as a college student studying abroad lol

Andrew Boyer

Alden seeing Stu wearing his knight clothes for the first time, “wow, those look much cooler in person than in my wardrobe.”


@John We know Wizards can teleport ( looking at you Joe ) 🔁 MoNW seems to be focused on utility when teleports are risky like the stranded, Moon Thegund assistants 🌖 MoNW seems to also shine when the environment is destructive like the Sinker Sender incident ( what would happen if you traveled through the 4th General’s earth flattening skill or Lind’s anti-motion skill¿? ) 🌊 For strategic planning, I am thinking of it as a rocket ship versus an airplane versus a car versus walking The Rocket is dangerous ( see military weapon back blast radius ), the airplane is slightly less dangerous ( see birds struck by propellers ), the car is less dangerous ( see deer struck by windshields ) and walking is seldom dangerous ( why teachers frown on running in hallways ) 🚀✈️🚗🚷


Right? I'm more interested in the prospects of them breaking themselves together, which would require them both to be knights. And Joe won't get any choice but to become their votary.

Matt V

With all this talk about choosing between votary and knighthood, I can't help but think about Kivbee. I could totally see her becoming a votary for Alden down the line. I can't recall if we've seen her talk about potentially choosing knighthood or if that's just speculation I've seen in comments, but I could envision Alden talking her down to votary, especially if it means they get to be together. It especially makes sense that Alden would need some dependable votaries since he'll be limited in his spellcasting abilities due to being human.


mmh, I like the angle of teleport without a system. Did he chose that skill because of Alden trouble on Thegund? Did his mom not reached the rapport because there was an issue when she left? I don't think it was Sina's skill or he would have said it.


Calling it now, Stuart is gonna become Alden's Votary instead. Or he's gonna die and the loss will make Alden choose to be a knight finally.


I kinda want them both to be knights but have Stuart be Alden’s teacher.


I was thinking that too but was waiting to see if Stuart died first because we have yet to see a good second votaryship option and if Stuart becomes a Knight we will need one.


They talk about it but I don't think that the gambling part was in it


Sooooooo... Stu can make a tunnel to connect two distant places. That can also be done with a bridge... (Heimdall would agree at least) Is there a chance for the bridge wright that his skill can be usefull?

Matt V

Oh, that's a good thought. I hadn't considered that it could have been an unreliable teleport that left his mom on a different planet. If true, that could absolutely explain his choice. Alden getting stranded in a chaos zone could also be a very good reason for him choosing this skill. Reliable fast travel through chaos zones sounds like it would be an incredibly useful (and potentially life-saving) skill.

Matt V

Alden and Stu could combine to become a very effective search and rescue team for chaos zones. Stu gets them there, then when they find their target, Alden can preserve them while they retreat back out of the chaos zone. If there are limitations on passage through the narrow ways, Alden's preservation would be even more valuable as we already know that Alden's skill reduces the cost/impact of teleports.

Wiggles1 (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-17 19:50:26 We know he's several centuries old. I've always assumed he spent most of that in Artonan society, but perhaps he was stuck on a chaos world and only recently got chained up. I think Stu is 20-21 earth years (approximately the same age as Alden development-wise)
2024-06-17 16:59:42 We know he's several centuries old (edit: it's implied, not known). I've always assumed he spent most of that in Artonan society, but perhaps he was stuck on his chaos-y world and his imprisonment started when he got put in Chicago. I think Stu is 20-21 earth years (approximately the same age as Alden development-wise)

We know he's several centuries old (edit: it's implied, not known). I've always assumed he spent most of that in Artonan society, but perhaps he was stuck on his chaos-y world and his imprisonment started when he got put in Chicago. I think Stu is 20-21 earth years (approximately the same age as Alden development-wise)


bean railgun... ...next time on Mythbusters

Tycho Green

We’ve seen dear Kibby talk about becoming the next Primary even. Kibby has a very rigid authority. I don’t know if she would make a good wizard or votary. Probably better for her to affix a skill and have her authority refined. She will be even worse at some spells and better at others in exchange. From how I view the magic system currently someone like Kibby will only be capable of wielding magic in any notable capacity by making a sacrifice.


Yeah tunnel yourself through a demon towards your votary

Sean Shivers

Kibby as alden's votary... i want it so bad


More like lupine coffee, I like it as a coffee alternative


Mother added a knights uniform into his spacial wardrobe, she would let him take it, but warned that a record would be created if he took it out.

Sean Shivers

I do wonder whether stu would question his decision if he saw the opportunity to serve a knight like alden... that being said kibby would be my first choice for alden's votary


Maybe green uniforms? Looking at chapter 37: "A quintet of abnormally brutal-looking Artonans in matching green uniforms moved aside, and he saw a very familiar face. “Hi, Stuart,” Alden said. "

Jean Bohdel

“It is the path of highest onus…” anyone else read this is a Martian’s voice?


I didn't realize that the rest of the family was aware of the details of the foot-mincing incident. That makes Alden's conversations with Alis spicier in retrospect.

Efram Manechiwz

I agree. I get that he wants to take things easy. But it's starting to feel like he's reaching the breaking point with his denial.

David McGillicuddy

When I was reading the spellcasting I was thinking "what is going to happen if the skill is BoaB?" Stu after 5 hours casting: shrieks and finishes. "Right done". Alden: "uh I don't see anything different" Stu: "exactly!" Emban: "my clothes are still nice and clean"


Stuart pausing the search the meaning of thumb-up is pure gold

Jeremy Goldberg

I think Stu is going to be a knight, and also Alden will end up being a knight. I don’t think either of them will end up being votary to the other. I wonder if Alden might end up with more control over his destiny as a knight than as an avowed. I imagine a knight at least won’t be subject to summoning by as many random wizards. Also, in retrospect, I was mistaken when I thought that Alden might give Stu some special insight into the pain of being affixed. Stu lives in a house full of people who are willing and able to explain it to him. I think instead Stu might serve to give Alden insight into what it’s like to be a junior knight, which in turn might affect Alden’s decision whether or not to out himself.


Interesting that some knights introduce themselves by naming their chosen affixation, it seems like a really personal thing and they even have rules about being able to look up an avowed's skill which esh'erdi mentioned a few chapters back. Would be interesting to learn more about that, but in the meantime I really want Alden to tell Stuart about his own authority.

Kevin Albers

Yea I wouldn't be surprised if there were other Knight skills hidden in Rabbit that Gorgon knew about but felt Bearer of All Burdens fit Alden the best


Thank you for the chapter, I loved it. Best birthday present 😊 I enjoyed meeting more of Stu’s family and seeing his skill. I look forward to finding out what happens next. Good luck with your planning!

Jeremy Goldberg

Alden and Stu both were perceived as fragile as children, and both experienced people trying to limit them because of it. I’m reminded of Stu’s insistence that he was not weak or in pain during the mishnen incident, and his insistence that he wasn’t afraid when Alden showed up at his door later. I think Stu was hiding his fear for the same reason Alden tries to fly under the radar. He instinctively feels that people will start trying to take options away from him. I think Stu admitting that he’s little afraid for himself might be a sign that his conversations with Alden when Alden has admitted to being afraid have helped him gain perspective.


They are so cool but I admit the first time I read Emban’s I misread it as Definer of Groovy and had a brief moment where I tried to picture her challenging a demon to a dance off


Super Supportive Book Three: The Quiet Rabbit and the Boring Knight (hmm - might be underselling things a tad)

Jeremy Goldberg

Thank you for the chapter! It was nice to read a story involving a father supporting his son on father’s day.

Aspiring Moth

If I could change one thing about the power system of this series, it would be to make foundation points not be at their full power when they are first affixed. For example, the system says that foundation points are a 10% increase above the species baseline. I would change it to 5%, but with the ability to increase up to 10% through training why? because currently, why is it that brutes spend so much time in the gym? their foundation points are at full strength immediately, and the normal development of the body has diminishing returns. the actual effect is of course that exercising their bound authority is generating free authority to be turned into more talents on a level up, but the avowed don't actually know this. they are training day in and day out without seeing any real improvement in their gym stats until they level up and get more foundation points. some brute skills may require the gym to train, but not all will. and skills are a small part of what it is to be a brute. it would make a lot more sense if foundation points grew in strength up to a cap


His Laser Beans will pair him up well with the Radishslayer


Timeline doesn't match up. Gorgon's planet was lost before humans were discovered, so over 70 years ago. Stu is something like 20-24 years old.


>For all [Alden] knew, everyone here had the equivalent of a magical voice that the others could recognize. Knight and wizard family life was a mystery. Little did he know 📚 >“An authority greeting,” [Lind] said. “But such a quiet, undirected one. As if they didn’t seek an answer.” >“I didn’t notice it.”[Esh] >“You were observing the Avowed in their training. And as I said…it was very quiet.” 🐇


No way do votaries wear knight uniforms. Knight uniforms are for knights. Votaries are wizards. The knight hopefuls in the flashback were wearing a uniform that didn't belong on knights OR wizards.

Terrestrial_Biped (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-17 19:50:26 Timeliness does not match up. Gorgon's world was lost before humans were discovered, so over 70 years ago. Gorgon has been imprisoned on earth about 40 years. Stu is 20-24 years old. Also, we don't know how old Gorgon is. Where did you get the idea he was centuries old?
2024-06-17 18:25:58 Timeline does not match up. Gorgon's world was lost before humans were discovered, so over 70 years ago. Gorgon has been imprisoned on earth about 40 years. Stu is 20-24 years old. Also, we don't know how old Gorgon is. Where did you get the idea he was centuries old?

Timeline does not match up. Gorgon's world was lost before humans were discovered, so over 70 years ago. Gorgon has been imprisoned on earth about 40 years. Stu is 20-24 years old. Also, we don't know how old Gorgon is. Where did you get the idea he was centuries old?


Stu's comments this chapter suggest some knights die during affixation instead of after. And the Gorgon thing isn't fully Alden's secret to bargain.

Alan Miller

Mr Pickle absolutely needs to introduce the Definer of Grooves to human music.


It baffles me that anyone would think Stuart would choose to become anyones votary. He's already said he took his time with his choice so he could be sure about it. Alden clearly has no intention of sharing his secret, and I doubt it will get out before Stu affixes. Plus an entire theme of the story is about companionship and brotherhood. Stuart becoming a votary makes no sense.


Y'all so quick to write off every bit of characterization Stu has had. He spent years deciding this. He's had no shortage of awesome people he could serve as a votary. He's fighting his entire family over it. He spent months or years preparing for this specific goal. And you're like, "But what if he just throws all that away to be the the MC's sidekick?"


Interesting. Seems he's going to specialize in a kind of wormhole magic?


Becoming a knight is a highway to power, you pay for that power but you will become very strong very fast if you survive. We know Knights are a special class that is revered in Artonan society and that they mostly are more powerful than ordinary wizards. We don’t know how long the magical reinforced lifetime is and we don’t know if the Primary is on the upper end of that spectrum or if he has just started becoming old in a magical enhanced way. But that means we cant rule out the possibility that there is not a very old and very powerful wizard somewhere in this universe. We can’t conclude that there isn't a wizard who is even older and has accumulated even more power. If the idea of Omnipotence exists and spread enough that Stu would mention it, it is likely there is a theoretical concept. For a real-world example, mathematicians/ physicists looking for a world formula that combines each branch of physics into one sweet formula. It is an ultimate goal, not something anyone is close to achieve.


Thank you for the chapter. I want a T-shirt that reads, “Don’t let me out without asking Evul.”


But they do see improvements. Both for stuff that their stats don´t help with and to learn how they control their bodies. See Alden. He got a special teacher and they tried to learn how to use Alden's running skill without destroying his body.


I have a sneaking suspicion that Stuart's family sees Alden as Votary Material.


Agreed on all counts. I was just imagining how her perspective might change upon learning of Alden's affixation. Some one she already fought to protect, who in turn risked much to protect her. We also don't know why she sought to turn away from wizardry. Sleyca definitely takes her time, and generally avoids putting any bows that are too neat on things, though. I think of the artonans we know so far, zeridee would be the most likely to even consider it. I think Stu is too concerned with being a knight and Kibby is too concerned with beng Alden's peer. But it's all still a long way off and subject to much change.

Eitan G.

Just throwing this out there in response to all of the comments predicting that either Stu or Alden is going to be the other’s votary….. they can be friends and support each other… without needing to be the other’s servant. They will both have bound authorities. Stu will be a knight, with all that that entails. Alden will be an anomaly/quasi-knight with all the baggage that comes with that. They don’t NEED to be more labeled than that!

Aspiring Moth

sure. but that's diminishing returns. once you learn running technique, you pretty much have it. gaining 3 speed foundation points or whatever would require a short adaptation period, but you've already gained most of what is to be gained. if foundation points functioned like muscles that grew up to a point, it would fit much better with the brute archetype


We know foundation points are magic, and they can be "doubled" on. Also, by using them you increase your free authority, which is how you get more of them


I think if the "breaking" that Lind and Esh did allows for synergy of skills, that might be an amazing option in like 20 years for them. Bean rail gun where bean is protected? 10/10 bomb delivery/medical evacuation

Aspiring Moth

doubling on foundation points is something completely different. that's increasing the output from the default state that's like a passive effect to a higher authority burn rate that presumably results in foundation point exhaustion before the avowed is exhausted. it's also very rare, so is nothing to do with what brutes are doing in gyms and yes, using foundation points does result in more free authority being generated. but avowed don't know this. they have a bunch of theories, but nothing conclusive. yet the brutes still train without improvement until the point where they level up. my change just makes the avowed gain benefit from exercise in such a way that it incentives them to train in a way that would result in free authority being generated


Perhaps they will be partners like Esh and Lind.


Eh. But his decision came out of grief, not love. His real dream was to be Sina’s votary. After she died, all the young knight-prospects are (vulgar word for idiotic) gokoratches. Of course he doesn’t want to be the votary of a gokoratch. He has no idea that his best friend is actually a secret knight, and it feels like that might be relevant information. Add in the Artonan mourning name thing — letting Sina live on through his life — and you can see him making a great sacrifice for her. When he talks about the difference between wizard and knight you can hear the love of wizardry and fear of becoming a knight. It’s not what he wants, but a sacrifice he’s willing to make so that a part of Sina lives on. He’s driven by an admirable sense of duty, knowing that it will make him miserable. I do think they’ll end up both being knights, but I think Stu’s family is right that he’s making a mistake.


I was imagining it more like unfermented beer.

David Burchfield

I imagine it will be very flexible. It could probably be used to that effect, but at its core I think it is a movement/teleportation type effect.

Alexander Johnson

I agree! It feels right on a fundamental level. Speaking of Gorgon, I have been having a nagging feeling about him and his vendetta for a while now - like an itch I can't scratch. I hope Alden's entanglements with him don't become a hindrance to him or worsen his situation at all. And that the whole situation with Gorgon's species gets expounded on


If we drill down we might find the right moniker.

Alexander Johnson

Oooh, I really like your idea - I hope it comes true🤞Would be super cool to see from the Primary's perspective, maybe even with some deeper,future lore being hinted at


Yes, because you need to be a wizard and need to be not a knight. Alden is disqualified whether they knew or not.


Thank you for the chapter! We've learned about Stu-art'h's youngest years, and a bit about his mother. Now we're all going to theorize how "the Maker of Narrow Ways" fits Stu-art'h's personality.


I don't know. I think an Avowed could fulfill a lot of those duties without being a Wizard. Otherwise why keep summoning avowed and what happened to Hannah?


I wonder what happened to Stuarts birthtree


Wasn't the bean already protected and unharmed?


We really need to get some Super Supportive Merch going!


There's so much amazing lore and backstory in this chapter! I don't even know what to focus on. Stu's backstory was gut-wrenching and it explains so much about his character. And his skill sounds epic! It does also seem like it could be highly limited though. What if he needs an object similar enough to the one that he is sending through the tunnel to act as an anchor? That would make it difficult to use in combat. Unless he can curve the tunnels? Then he could hold a bean in one hand and another bean in his other hand and carve a tunnel through a distance target. That assumes the tunnel doesn't need to be the shortest path though. Also, knights can die during their first binding? Mother never mentioned that could happen to Alden.


Yes, but I was thinking more on the lines of protected from chaos


Anesidora Council :"we know so little of the bigger happenings of the known universe..." Meanwhile Alden : "I'm gonna make profiles of the people of the Most Important Household in the Universe, saved as draft m-mail (magic-mail), just to not mix-up names." "Fossilized Resin Drops with Stinging Oons Inside" Artonassic Park, coming to theaters near you.

Guus van der Borg

Thanks Maledei. I didn't bother to go back and check. I vaguely remembered Alden referencing the metal studs of knights. I must've remembered wrong. It probably is just kids in the 'choosing season'.


Bah. i can’t imagine there isn’t some formalized position that Avowed fill if a bond forms between a knight and that avowed, and they work well together. A contract tattoo to not talk about family business would be the reason they don’t communicate with home. Pretty hard to keep secrets when the first topic of conversation we usually do with someone we haven’t seen in a while is “so what have you been up to?”


I think they don't die during the first binding but cannot support the pain. The Hn'tyons must include in the binding the time were you adapt to the it. And Alden being an Avowed was already bound. So without the autorithy sense, it does not apply to Alden. And with it, Mother did tell him that it would hurt every time, and showed him the release of Sina-art'h to explain it

Tycho Green

Edit: Editing parts of your second comment to manipulate context is some nasty work Morg There is a lot of evidence that wizards aren’t as strong as knights sprinkled throughout the whole story. Another piece of evidence was provided in this chapter. “Oh,” said Alden quietly. “She was a knight, too, then?” Stuart looked surprised. “Yes. The place where I was < conceived > isn’t somewhere many people who aren’t could travel to…it’s too long a story to tell in whispers with that group sleeping next door.


I love Emban-art’h's skill, its interesting that she introduced herself with it. Could you imagine Alden one day saying, "Hi I'm Alden, Bearer of All Burdens" quite a statement

Tycho Green

1, 2, 4, 16, 32, 64, 128. This is what exponential growth is. That means for a wizard to be as strong as a knight they must be exponentially older. We can rule out the possibility because we are able to infer that the people that are most capable of resisting and fighting chaos have the highest priorities. These people are the knights. While we don’t know how many years the oldest Artonan has lived there are numerous indications that there is a scope to what they can achieve. The unlimited energy they wield is limited by their very nature. The way Stu said it made it sound like the concept of omnipotence is common knowledge amongst the wizard community. It also sounded like the common believe is that any wizard who seriously thinks this is attainable must be out of his minds. There is a passage that tipped me off. The theoretical < pinnacle > of wizardry is dominion over the self and the universe. Omnipotence. It’s not as though anyone < sane > thinks they’ll actually reach that pinnacle. He was really subtle, so I had to read between the lines. If physicists think this formula is achievable then it’s reasonable to research it. In that case wizards still do not think omnipotence is achievable. Why compare the two? And why you keep saying godhood is the "ultimate goal", this ain’t no xianxia.


I love how poetic the spells are, while it would be funny if Emban-art’h could control aspects of dance, perhaps its channeling "stuff" down a defined path, like the grooves on a train track, and it does kinda fit her vibe. Perhaps literally, or metaphorically dealing with guidance and how "something" should follow a path charted for them/it. An actual one-track mind perhaps


"You can’t have your birth tree in a place like that, Alden. What if the autodrive on a vehicle malfunctions, and it crashes into it?" But where are all the trees then? Are Artonans typically born in houses and the child is intentionally brought under the family tree? Or are there constantly trees being replanted in front of hospitals and then moved so that each child reliably gets a tree?


Regarding Alden sharing his wizard/affixed status with Stuart. I don't know when he will tell him, but I think Stuart's comment, "...It is the path of highest onus, after all, and there is a love and a << communion >> that can only be shared with those who walk it with you.” Will become more and more real to Alden and he will find himself needing to share this journey with someone.


Avowed supporting a knight is more than probable. The primary made a note about the quality of Alden's affixation C59[He’s currently thinking of you as someone who will be useful support staff for Knights in low level chaos fields] But not contacting home to say "hey, I'm still alive but you know... tatoo"? Lute demonstrated that a tatoo is known and a valid reason to not answer. It even resists sway's powers.

Calum Donaldson

It's kind of deliciously ironic that Stu's family is worried about him not having supports among his fellow future Knights, and only has Alden the B-rank Avowed Rabbit. It just also so happens that Alden is a Knight.


There’s no rule saying you have to be born in a hospital, and many people aren’t. The existence of magical healing makes forest birth quite practical.


And on the usefullness of Stu spell, it is now from one thing to a (similar?) thing. But like Alden skill, it could work on more conceptual stuff as he gets more proefficent with it. Like "a place I have been" And if we go deep in the rabbit hole (no, the common meaning; shipping is bad), we see with Kon's skill that powers could sometimes mess with time. So Stu could send something to Stu of the past.

David Burchfield

There is a lot to unpack in the chapter and it was amazingly enjoyable (as all Stu-art'h chapters seem to be). My big takeaway / theory is that it may be possible to Alden to help with Stuart's affixation again (by bearing part of the burden for him). Since his timeline has been pushed back it may give Alden enough time to grow his own authority, bind it, and recover with an affixation chosen specifically for this purpose.


Emban is probably the best DJ on the triplanets


I might actually die if this story goes on Hiatus or something before Alden reveals his secret to the Artonans!! I honestly keep hoping someone is going to notice his Auriad or his affixation/authority and force him into some kind of knight training program. That would be AWESOME


Thinking about the applications of Stuarts skill also made me think about Alden's upcoming duels. I wonder if Alden is capable of "momentum stacking". I guess it depends on how fast he can un-preserve and re-preserve an object. We already know Alden preserves the momentum of an object when he pickles it. And we know that he can *add* momentum to his burdens while they are preserved, since he can move them around. So all he would have to do is swing an entrusted rope with a weight tied to the end in a circle around himself. He preserves the rope and weight when they're in front of him. Then, he swings the preserved rope/weight in much the same way. He un-preserves, then re-preserves as fast as he can. Now the momentum from the first time he swung the rope/weight is preserved along with the momentum he added to the rope/weight *while* it was preserved. Essentially, he's doubled the momentum preserved on it. Then... he just repeats this process. The quicker he can un-preserve re-preserve something the more times he'll be able to stack momentum without losing control of the thing he's holding in the brief moment between stacks. If he can unpreserve/re-preserve almost instantaneously, he could easily get things moving super-sonic speeds and preserved. And then finally unpreserve it. Right next to his dueling opponent. Imagine a 5 lb weight that's stationary becoming a super-sonic cannonball an inch away from your ribs. Undodgeable. Alden could probably also do this with a handheld weapon like... a cudgel. (It's important to note that when the momentum of a burden is preserved, it's preserved relative to the orientation of the burden NOT some other arbitrary frame of reference. This is why Alden was able to throw the tennis balls back to Big Snake by rotating the ball instead of the ball continuing on towards or behind him after he un-preserved it.)


Hopefully it lets you trade bits of your affixations - Alden becomes Burden of Always Wasted Stu-man becomes Baker of Narrow Bears


I’m imagining a whole culture around picking the tree that you will walk your newborn under. Different kinds of tree might represent different hopes for your child. Newlyweds might plant trees as a declaration of intent to have children. A mother visiting a daughter and bringing a potted tree might be making subtle insinuations about a desire for grandchildren…

Alex Galaitsis

So…their duo would combine immovable objects and unstoppable forces? 🤭


There’s definitely an analogous position. We saw Alis had a regular crew of avowed.


He could probably do that, and I like where your head is at, but he could get an equivalent effect by using a longer rope or a heavier weight. He could also bring a pre-charged weapon that doesn’t rely on his own arm strength. Maybe he could convince a Wright to make him a portable centrifuge lol


How has nobody discussed the bit about Stu being willing to share an x-rated version of the story of his own conception? [Stuart looked surprised. “Yes. The place where I was << conceived >> isn’t somewhere many people who aren’t could travel to…it’s too long a story to tell in whispers with that group sleeping next door. And Weset is too young to hear it.”] Am I just reading this wrong, or does this have fascinating implications for Artonan culture?

Austin Gillespie

Remind me why Alden assumed votary means assassin? Did someone tell him that, or did he look it up? It’s a very specific word that I definitely was not familiar with, and the only definition I see on google says it’s basically a monk. Definite religious subtext, and describes someone who is heavily in support of/connected to a cause. This chapter implying a votary is more of a sidekick or valet type servant seems more accurate to that

Austin Gillespie

Just trying to refresh myself on where that originally popped up since this chapter wanted to set the record straight


True, a longer rope or heavier weight could create similar effects. But they are more cumbersome to work with when they're not preserved. And Alden is still limited by how fast he can physically swing a preserved rope. Whereas he could theoretically stack momentum to get a preserved rope moving much faster than he could physically swing it once with his arms. Also, the only thing he has to do to employ the momentum stacked rope as a weapon is unpreserve it. Which is presumably much faster than it takes him to swing the rope, which can make it literally impossible to dodge. I mean, he could stack 15 swings of the rope and be holding something with incredible explosive force that he could employ at any time, without moving. I didn't think about him bringing a pre-stacked weapon but you're right, he totally could. It would look like a completely normal rope/cudgel/weapon. No one would know he was holding a cannonball until it was too late.


Drusi-otta told Alden "I will watch over you in my own way. Live as though I do not." This very ninja-like behavior convinced him of votary = assassin


@Francis, while I mostly agree, I would not say there are *only* risks. As others have pointed out, Stu could be a great help to Alden as he tries to figure out his wizarding. That being said, I do believe it is perfectly reasonable for him to currently weigh the risks as more significant than the possible benefits.

Eitan G.

Also he made the connection, that Zeridee was almost a votary, and she took out three avowed with her bare hands

Jeff Wells

Yeah I think you missed the point of the votary. A votary is to be the Knight's wizard stand in, talking care of wizard specific duties that the Knight either can't do or won't be able to do well, because affixation means they will never be a complete wizard. How then is an Avowed, who is by definition both already affixed and also not a wizard, going to be a Knight's wizard stand-in? What spells can Alden cast that Stuart couldn't cast 50 times more easily?


“And his mother brought an EARTH holly tree over. Does she think I’m an idiot. My EX boyfriend works on Earth. Get over it Mom”


The loving lie is more likely Weset is still young enough to believe Knights don’t die but are just “still on campaign” especially with immortals like Murmur, Stu’s Dad, and Stu’s Aunt in the siblinghold


>“She’s a << votary >> to Lind-otta. And her cousin. Drusi-otta.” >Alden just hated it when the System translated a word he didn’t know with another word he didn’t know … >“She’s a bodyguard for me?” Alden asked in English. … >“She won’t interfere with your schooling,” said Esh-erdi. “She’s one of those votaries who takes pride in << remaining in the shadow >>.” >Does “votary” mean assassin?


God I’m going to be so sad if all the Knights I fell in love with are oppressing Chicago-vegan-receptionist-type-people into forced labor

Temp One

【“It’s an honor to meet you, Hn’tyon Emban-art’h.” “Do you think he will succeed?” she asked, still watching her cousin.】 Couldn't help but think about how Stu told Alden his family want big on formality. And would ask that he call them by their given name after the initial introduction. If this is the most forward thinking Art'h, I can't help but think Alden's going to get a surprisingly cold reception from most the family.


I will say, even reading her skill name correctly, I had a moment of connecting it to "The Emperor's New Groove."

Austin Gillespie

Thank you for the notations everyone! So he definitely saw one aspect of that role and it seems like something was lost in translation at first as well. Which I must say, I do like characters who are not perfect or omniscient like this. We don’t need to slog through a whole made up language to see how annoying it can be fully understanding something based on a translation, like with the Knights/Generals


No idea whether that would work. Like, when he unfreezes the ball does it add to the velocity of the preservation bubble or does it replace the velocity with what he preserved? Really need to get him to pay better attention in his remedial science class. 🤪

John D Jones

@ Temp One but making it a main post for everyone Let's all note that Emban-art'h's first words to Alden after he'd just said "Hello" were: [quote] “So you’re the alien who held my cousin down while some << prey-animalish >> girl << processed >> one of his legs like a << meat and bone sausage >>. Just because all of those kids thought their lives would end if they didn’t get into the fancy jungle school their parents partied at.” [/quote] It sounds like Alden's Commendation and him being Stu's guest were the only reasons she didn't just pimp-slap him on general principals. Though she did offer him some of her alien cookies, so maybe she's warming up to him.


This makes me wonder how the system would translate "ninja" to Artonan...

Kim Enteiu

Little Bunny Pew Pew hopping through the forest flying through the deamons and making them pop their heads.


That’s what I’ve been thinking about recently; if gorgon intends on dragging alden into his feud with the Artonan’s. I hope not as it would be horrible for alden. I’d love to know just how powerful gorgon is as well.


That looks like a pretty great skill. And I just realized how insane of an advantage his wizard training is going to give him. Stuart already knows how to improve the skill and use it to it's greatest potential. Directing the route to travel, size of the tunnel, 'messiness.' Someone already mentioned supplies and logistics, which is great. They're at war, after all. But he only needs two beans to destroy any number of barriers. Is there a limit to what materials he can 'tunnel' through? How hard would it be to tunnel a bean through a demon's head?


The primary even commented that aldens authority is unnaturally whole or something. I wager that it’s because of gorgons influence on him, and I wonder how big of a deal it is

jayson maxson

“Food for Human.” <- Less confusing in this family than "Food for Alden." :-) This chapter left me worried how Kibby will react when she learns what is really means to be a Knight.

jayson maxson

I'm not sure what happened to the rest of my post. "Food for Human" is less confusing in this family than "Food for Alden." Also, this chapter left me worried about how Kibby will react when she learns what it really means to be a Knight.


I am low key convinced that <> might be the most fascinating tidbit of lore dropped today. Is this how Stu'art would describe what happened the guy with the sinker sender? Or is it something thing even more than that? Is it what Alden would have become if Mother hadn't intercede? Is the one who yields changed/perverted themselves or do they pervert/change things around them. "Hauling chaos with them" gives me a strong vibe of someone becoming a catalyst/fulcrum for Chaos itself.

JJR Killjoy

Seriously tho. I'm starting to really hope Kibby does not end up being a Knight. It'll break my heart if any of the characters we have end up deciding that the burden of being a Knight is too much for them, and the more Knights we get the higher the chance of that happening.

hercule pyro

A knight training program at this point would be pretty lame, we’ve just started the superhero training program and got introduced to all billion of those characters and that setting. Throwing that away for the same thing, but with fewer points of human connection (Alden would have nothing to relate to the other trainees about) would be just isolation and culture shock horror. It would be deeply unpleasant to actually read. It’s one of those things that would be alright to imagine but would suck in the story (see also: stu the votary).

hercule pyro

Alden has massive ptsd about carrying his own affixation pain and you’re expecting him to do it for someone else as well?

Alex Scriber

Stu wasn’t confident the bean would make it all the way. So there’s probably some limitations.


Please no. They can just be knight buddies if they need to define a relationship. There is no need for Stu to become a monk for Aldens service when becoming a knight is another, better, sacrifice.

Alex Scriber

This chapter was full of wholesome homey goodness with enough serious to provide contrast. I especially like that we got to see more about how Alden feels being around all these wizards..

Andrew Simpson

One day Alden being a wizard will be relevant to literally anything that happens around him. But for now I guess it's cool to just watch him and his friend dick around with jellyfish and space beans.

Andrew Simpson

You should make funeral preparations then because I don't think Alden is going to share Jack shit literally ever if he can help it.


There is leeway. We know that 1) Aldens authority fought back to make a more fair agreement, and 2) Alden has already been able to advice Kon that his skill could be used in more creative ways. So basically, just because Joe wanted complete control, he didn't get it and there are many loop holes. One such loop hole would be like the teacher student relationship of Lut and Alden, and I'm sure there are plenty more. Joe also said the tattoo and agreement can fade once it is past it's time, so there is also surely a way to nullify the "secret" and make the restrictions fade/void.

Andrew Simpson

There is a relatively common understanding "grooves" as a magical concept that I wouldn't be surprised to see. Basically actions or concepts form grooves when they are repeated or ritualized sufficiently. You build up your actions/deepen certain grooves over time and they have a certain magical/causal momentum


It would be cool to see more of Aldens Gorgon relationship and mentorship, and there is a phenomenal amount of new story that could come from it, but I think it would be a mistake to make Stu regress just for the story. Stu is a great friend and should keep running forward with Alden, at least for a good story.


I think Alden's best shot in the upcoming duels at hose school is to just get a brick and a length of rope, tie the rope around the brick, preserve only the rope so the brick is just a regular possible wright-made brick, and then whenever he swings it he unpreserves the rope before it hits so he's just basically swinging a flail way heavier than he should be able to manage, and after an attack hits or misses he can re-preserve the rope so he can effectively swing it again

Andrew Simpson

I do think that Alden's specific goal of being a hero who supports other heroes lines up Alden supporting Stu pretty seamlessly. But he wouldn't be a votary. He would be a knight working closely with another knight.

Andrew Simpson

I was a grungey pre-distressed moon marathon shirt with a silhouette of Alden carrying kibby on his back on the horizon

Andrew Simpson

This series does not have a functional power system if you dig into it. It's is treated best as an emphatic framework that serves a purpose, and not something to give/derive hard values or hard rules from imo. Soup math is a mess.

Andrew Simpson

Bridge wright gonna be so useful what are you talking about. Beisges are awesome and hard as fuck to build. Dude is gonna be famous.

Andrew Simpson

It would require a very sad reckoning of her failing to meet her goal, but that might be better for her long term. I could see it. That being said, she's not actually a very good wizard, and being a knight might be her only path to mechanical/narrative relevance.


Alden doesn't "need" a votary... Especially an alien. He wants to be a casual earth hero, right? Even if he commits some sort of knight oath he will still be an earthling and have his own life style.


I think it's possible for Alden to "preserve" the shape of an affixation, without bearing the pain. Like a support brace or cast specifically for the spell, or even holding the sore free authority as the affixation settles? Which ever way you look at it, it should work. Honestly it is probably to high lvl and out of reach though. He barely understands holding enchantments.


I like the versatility / potential for synergy all Alden's similar-age friends have. Lute can buff the party with wordchains, Haoyu can engage and stall the enemy, Lexi can snake writher down a Stuart tunnel through earthen barricades raised by Maricel. Alden can preserve any who get injured. Maybe Stuart will go on an easy training mission and invite them along for an intensity 7/100 community service & leveling trip.


I disagree totally with the conception of kivb-ee being weak. For several reasons the first being Mother grading Aldens time on chaos moon as worth 8 levels, and even with extra growth from the binding that translates into lots of levels for Kivbee. The discussion Mother has with Alden about his wizardly status as a human specially mentions how ideal the chaos grinding on him ( a chaos breeze according to Gorgon) was for authority growth. The second reason is kivb-ee states that there is higher quality authority higher quality attachment higher quality control, gifted, rare are used for Artonan wizards and Alden with Higher quality authority and possibly the others. Haoyus parents are important people due to some quality of formation in dura brutes, he discussed it with Alden. Kivb-ee assumes her control and sensitivity are lacking as they always have been however they improve with practicing apparently. And she's done lots of that! So at least she is leveling her weaknesses to catch up with the authority, a large amount now. And thirdly is her higher quality attachment giving her the appearance of being disabled as it doesn't move for her like it moves for Alden. Maybe her auriad use and all the days of training with a stupid human will reveal a special steel she is composed of . And lastly it's kivb-ee! A genius according to a sleyca comment, stubborn and driven to succeed with magic. With an auriad now and instructor dalat , a close friend of Alis, obviously a monster like the rest of her team , and now she has no errors in her freehand casting ... and she's 8? With a Fuck Yipack wallpaper video featuring a bomb she made herself? And if no-one knows about Alden being a wizard then her authority growth has been all her own ... through video ... Dalat is juggling dynamite using socialisation and morals to restrain her! " He has done more for us than he knows " by saving kivb-ee! That's why his commendation is so high ! And thusly Joe is screwed over again by his selfish treatment of Kivbee the diamond. You sleep with one Grand Senator's wife ...


I can almost see his business cards. "Stuart - Beanomancer". Thanks for the chapter!

Matt DiMeo

The only person he can say that to is the Primary, unless he gets Joe’s permission.


you dont get to be a great galactic empire without doing a lil oppressing from time to time I suppose. So far as a superhero story we are missing an iconic villain, bound to happen eventually!

Matt DiMeo

I read it as they sheltered in some chaos-ridden death world while she gave birth.

hercule pyro

“Holy shit,” Alden breathed. “That’s what you’ll be saying if you decide to carry someone’s pain for them.” “You mean I’d feel it?” “You feel everything you preserve in some way,” she pointed out. “You’ve noted it many times before. With roots in sacrifice and symbolism, how else would the skill expect you to hold the burden of another person’s pain?” and aside from that, the artonans made the skill! *they* know what it does - if it could keep knights alive through their affixations, there would be a whoooooooole bunch more bearers of that specific burdens around


I love him too. It’s been hard to have a whole bunch of Stu/Rapport/knight knowledge in my head without sharing it all every time anything interesting came up in the comments section. I’m happy to be putting some of it out for everyone to read in these chapters !

Khent Mercer

God I just can't stop running scenes in my head of Alden telling the truth about his wizard ness. It is worse than any will they/won't they in anything I've ever read. Confide little rabbit! 🐰 CONFIDE!


Thank you. I’m always so excited to share the chapters and see what you all think!


I was going to say that thinking about how knight skills potentially interact with each other and with Alden’s skill has filled a whole notebook for me lately…but now I’m afraid I’m the only person who read this comment as enthusiasm for future demon killing possibilities.


I know next to nothing about writing, prose and all that fancy stuff your story is jam packed with. All I know it’s an incredibly enjoyable story to read with characters that seem so real they feel alive!


Joe didn't give him the actual name, Mother did: he's not contract-bound on that particular aspect, even if he's unable to communicate the reason why it's a significant skill. Though, it's still probably not an introduction that's particularly compatible with the "quiet rabbit" deal, for obvious reasons :D


I’m looking forward to letting Stu tell more about the skill!


Was also going in that direction. I was on rope dart/meteor hammer martial arts to use the rope as offence


Hopefully there isn’t a Tailor Environment Rabbit in the kitchen staff. They’d be VERY confused at the Stu-art’h puzzle piece belonging in the “Food for Human” basket…


I’m so glad you liked it. And it was fun to point out that for every time Alden thinks Stu is weird, Stu is probably thinking the same thing about him


It should not fail when it's a skill. Stu was just unsure he could do the spell properly


Such a thoughtful comment! I’m glad you made note of Stuart offering to cast the spells.


given alden's luck and the involvement of stuart that intensity 7 outing will transform to an intensity 107 outing


It all depends on the amount of authority bound into the skill, right? With that in mind, tunneling straight at a demon would probably just cause a 1v1 authority contest. I bet Stuart could mow down some grasshoppers, though!


i mean the iconic villain is whatever chaos is, we've only seen hints of it so far, but those hints definitely point towards it being the primary antagonistic force. so far it kind of feels like the Artonan Empire is at war with chaos, and our few exposures to it are the occasional leaks of that war to the people back at home. I'm honestly expecting it to be a while before we see a major villain, alden is still learning and trying to take a less intensive lifestyle after his harrowing experiences. but when it eventually happens i wouldn't be surprised if the one that sticks is chaos


this chapter was such a massive amount of information, but I think the things that stand out most to me are the relatively cold treatment Alden received from Emban-arth, and the names of the skills. I remember Mother saying something about the creators of the original 300 having trouble with names, and I wonder if that applies here. and I wonder how well they reflect what they actually do. I'm also curious to know more about Emban-arth now, she seems... protective and supportive of Stu's choice even though she expresses worry, and that is something interesting to me, makes me wonder if we will see more of her during Alden's stay or during his next visit


Stu and Alden could be the best support team! Stu drags people through a narrow way out of danger into Alden’s arms, where he’ll put them on pause.


I think that if there's any interaction between Alden and other knight's affixations, it won't be through bearer: as others have already said, the skill will require him to bear that suffering, which probably isn't a good idea for him, considering how he's already struggling to bear his own. Rather, I'd say that a long term prospect is the potential ability for Gorgon's power to consume affixed authority, leaving previously affixed hn'tyon's un-affixed: but actually developing that power within the constraints at play on Gorgon himself will be difficult verging upon impossible, and possibly require a certain amount of fumbling in the dark on Alden's behalf.


Well, I don't think that it's an all or nothing type of trade: from what we know, Gorgon's people as a whole weren't magic users, just their shamans/djinn or whatever you want to call them. This means that comparatively small, untrained amounts of authority could be traded for significant effects. Compare that to a talented wizard with years of training, and he'll have authority to spare... In addition I believe that affixed authority won't be able to be traded away, because of the very nature of affixation. So what he'd loose is some of his free authority, or - in avowed terms - his progress towards levelling. And that's a perfectly acceptable trade in my opinion.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

This skill is so so perfect for Stu-art'h, it makes me wonder how long ago you knew this was part of his character? I would be worried for him if he took a skill that didn't suit him, but with this skill I feel confident he will thrive as a knight! Walk that high and narrow branch! Punch it through a thousand demons!

Travis M

That part could also be read as her looking out for her cousin, and worrying he's ignoring his only friend by doing a very complicated spell that he has no way of understanding. She also complained about them making him delay affixing again, so I think she cares and just isn't sure how she feels about Alden yet.

JJ Hunter

I've been amusing myself by imagining unusual AU paths that might end up with *Joe* serving as Stu and Alden's (and Kibby's?) incredibly grumpy, protective votary. Maybe they're going to a corrupted planet, and Kibby's now old enough that Joe is willing to unbend and treat her more like a research partner peer. Serving as a votary for a mission could be Joe's in for doing field research and making sure none of his overly self-sacrificing idiot students get themselves killed in the process. But mostly FOR SCIENCE. And occasionally for continuing to school them all on wizardry.


My thought was maybe the skill can only do one item at a time, so if alden carried a crowd of people stu could send alden as one item which happens to include tons of others. but that's assuming stu doesnt get tons of upgrades towards that.

Kevin Albers

I feel like Maker of Narrow Ways could also turn into a long range sniping ability, connect a nearby bullet to a far away demon and have them collide with immense supernatural force


Maybe im being pessimistic but i kind of see this like astrology signs, you'll find these pattens in almost anyone if you look for them. Something something confirmation bias?

Travis M

Knights already existed when the 300 skills were created. The 300 are explicitly referred to as Avowed skills. Ch. 59 [“Avowed skill number one hundred and twelve,” she said. “Designed at a time when the Knights were fewer and weaker, and many believed they would not be able to push back the chaos without help.] It is highly probable that they are very similar to knight skills, and made with a similar design philosophy, but perhaps less attention paid to free authority manipulation of the skill, and designed to support common knight skills. So the reverse of what you're saying is likely true, based on, inspired by, designed to support, knight skills.

Kevin Albers

I could easily see the "chaos" being some other half of the universe with much more sentient Demons within that we will eventually interact with on some level


"Let Me Slice Your Cake" Or alternatively "Let Me Cut Your Food"


I thought of the loving lie when Stu said "my mother was very brave". That sounds like he was repeating something he'd been told as a child.


Stu would consider himself a failure and unfit to be a night if he couldn't bear the pain of his own affixation. Especially after all the drama with convincing his family he could do it

Anthony Lutz

While you're not wrong that theres some confirmation bias going on, but within the story Alden has said he needs "become the embodiment of his skill" not to USE Bearer of all Burdens, but the BE The Bearer of all Burdens. For a skill with no level cap, that they are going to cultivate for a lifetime, they are choosing skills that resonate with themselves and everything they do. It makes sense to me that the formative years that knights have influence what spell they will turn into a skill.


This chapter implies that knights create their own skill, and that it is possible to die during this process.

JJ Hunter

I keep coming back to the wording Stu uses for telling the story of what happened to his mother, and to him. He sounds younger, doesn't he? The language is simpler, more direct. ("I wasn't born here"..."She stayed too long and gave too much.") When was the last time Stu got to tell this story? It has the cadence of a story adults told him when he was quite young, and he repeated it to himself. Too young to really remember it directly, so the story about it becomes the memory, the map for how he got from there to starting here.

JJ Hunter

Does anyone still living know what tree was Stu's birth tree? How does it feel to grow up in this forest of watchful ancestors without his specific birth tree being among them?

JJ Hunter

It's telling that Stu is the Primary's youngest child, and there haven't been any others after him yet. We know the Primary has current spouses, and House Art'h has young children and babies in it (Alis is continuing to have kids, certainly!), so the lack of direct younger siblings for Stu feels like a deliberate choice. Maybe those early years when Stu was so fragile and needed so much attention and care fully occupied all available emotional bandwidth - maybe it would have felt unfair to welcome any other newborns then, with Jeneth and (remaining?) spouse(s) so focused on Stu. And not just them - I keep thinking of the implications of that entire room of husenots in their sand garden habitat, the whole extended family seeking out ones with especially neat patterns to distract and delight this cherished tiny child living and growing and wizarding despite all the odds stacked against him.

JJ Hunter

Rel spending *an entire winter* teaching baby Stu the ways of the supply library. Stu must have been small indeed at the time, for several years older cousin Enban to still be young enough not to know the light spell and get lost for *half a day* in there until Stu found her. I wonder what kinds of things Sina taught Stu once upon a time, to cement her so solidly as his especial favorite. She must have been in such existential agony to turn away from the life where Stu was her ready right hand, her votary, a wizard of rare caliber growing into his potential under her care, partner in her adventures.


I'm not finding an explicit statement about "centuries", so we don't know it in a strict sense, but I think it's implied. Ch 11: You have chosen at long last, a voice from the distant past whispered in his mind. Ch 51: I’m much older and more powerful than I should be. Rereading Ch 6, it's implied he's been in Chicago 40 years, so yeah that makes it a stretch: but rumor had it that Gorgon hadn’t left the lobby of this building since he was installed here by some powerful Artonan he’d tried to disembowel forty years ago. And: But beyond that, there was only a listing of his name, a series of runes that apparently described his home dimension, and a few lines about his life sentence. So for this to work the rumors would have to include a false detail about 16-20 years between the crime and being posted in Chicago.


It took me a minute. I laughed. Maybe the opening will just be shaped like Stu's foot. It might be hard to fit a whole Stu in the basket.


Maybe the Primary felt guilt for not realising that she was pregnant and bear the weight for her death and Stu issues. Or he is focus oriented like Stu and contrary to the Artonans' customs, he had only one partner. Wich make Stu even more special to him. Emban is a cousin, and Evul seems much older. Sina might have been Stu youngest sibling. (of course we probably haven't seen the whole family) Still young when their mother died which create an extra bound between the two latest children.

Anthony Lutz

I just want to say that i apreciate your theory crafting every chapter. You always reconceptualise parts of the chapter in wonderful ways that i hope were sleycas intent all along. thank you.

Robert Lethiecq

Does anyone else see some similarities between this spell and the sinker/sender. The way it was working before it got blown up. Moving through material in a protective spell effect that cleared the way ahead.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

Now I'm imagining Stu's mom traveling back from the chaos front, still out of safe teleport range, the baby's coming, and she's like "oh shit where's the nearest planet that has trees?" I wonder if the tree you affix under as a knight is also significant.

Tycho Green

What in the loving lies are you saying. We love Kibby too and nobody called her weak! Let’s go through this step by step. If we want to talk levels Kibby gained maybe two. Alden was exposed to the chaos incomparably longer than Kibby, at times using his skill and his trait simultaneously while being exposed to it. He practiced azure rabbit and spells while in the lab, retrieved the car etc. Kibby was protected by Alden’s coat when inside the lab and during their trip to safety he shields her completely. All that is not relevant since that’s not even the issue. Kibby is cognitively gifted and her authority sense works just fine. Kibby doesn’t have a quantitative problem with her authority, the problem is that her authority doesn’t want to move for her. If casting is a 100m race, Joe has ideal clothing and even the breeze blows from the right direction. Kibby runs up a hill with a backpack on and to make matters worse the ground is muddy. At the end of the day whenever they cast a spell that is canonically their starting position, no matter how much you try to rationalize Kibby out of her predicament.


Shippers are going to ship (and rule 34). I was just thinking about the pair setting up an epic transportation network between planets (or perhaps eventually even transporting planets).


Feelings aren't rational. Understanding his motivations won't change that he will be feeling a bit betrayed(or at least that's how I would feel in his place)


I haven't pulled the trigger on giving a canon answer for this, mostly because it hasn't come up for Alden personally, considering how normal his stats are. And not overdefining how powers work before it's strictly necessary is one of the things that keeps me from running into writing problems where I've given "hard rule x" only to later realize that "rule y" would have worked better with the world building. Once a "rule" is given, I really prefer not to retcon it. I did that in the very beginning by saying Brutes couldn't have spells, because in my early designs for the class they couldn't. But there was no real reason to share that rule yet, so I could have just left it out and I wouldn't have had to change it after I realized it didn't make sense. (Spells are so bread and butter for the Artonans, and humans are a species with the right finger count/body types to make designing spell impressions for them a snap. So they would lean toward making them available to all classes, not just arbitrarily denying them to thirty percent of Earth. So now all classes in the story have spell impression access except for Chainers.) Anyway, when it finally becomes necessary to talk about Brute workouts in story, the canon answer is almost certainly going to be along the lines of: 1. The most important one: Avowed *are* aware that working "at the edge of your abilities" leads to power growth. I think it's Klein that says that around the time gym class starts--that the best levelers on Earth all agree that's one thing they're sure works. So it's natural, if a big part of your power set is your Strength, for you to go to a gym like North of North where there are facilities to make it safer and lift the heaviest stuff you can. The fact that an S-rank like Lucille might only be increasing her practical lifting ability by a small percentage doesn't mean she won't still do it. Lots of us unfortunate non-Avowed people are willing to work out despite how slow progress can be, and Lucille has the advantage of knowing she *will* eventually get a big pat on the back and an upgrade from the System. 2. Part of the reason they (the ones who care about maximizing powers) spend so much time in the gym is learning control, technique, and limits. Something I have considered but doubt I'll actually handle this way in story: 3. It wouldn't be completely unreasonable, with how the magic works, for Brutes to have to work out *or* allocate extra points to something like Formation or Appeal if they didn't want to look like sticks. We could get into how if a hard workout for you = lifting a railcar, then you *have* to lift railcars if you want sculpted arms. Of course the System would naturally affix the points in a way that kept lazy Avowed from completely atrophying, but its standards for acceptable body types might be very different than the superhero hopefuls want. ....probably I won't bother to get into that in the story or actually micromanage any of the character builds on such a level that it really needs to be addressed. On the other hand, I have got notes on Haoyu and his parents' heavy Formation builds that could take us pretty deep into talking about this kind of thing, so we'll see. Note just because I think it's funny and nobody talked about it much when it came up: Haoyu's dad got a little pudgier after Haoyu was born, which implies that he subconsciously thinks he looks more "Dad" if he isn't completely ripped and his Formation gradually shifted to comply with the idea.


It could be the votary thing all over again! Alden assumes Definer of Grooves is music, tries to connect with Emban by sharing playlists and introducing her to Lute, finds out years later it wasn't that kind of groove.

Matt DiMeo

Sooo, when Emban asked if Alden thought Stu was going to succeed, was she asking about the spell, or Stu’s life plan?


Several authors have super powers subconsciously shifting body type 🪄 I would love it if older Avowed has body types popular in the 60s or 70s, while younger Avowed had body types influenced by the Artonans 🤘 The fashion industry would go nuts once Wrights were available to get rid of “unsightly” features like pockets, zippers, elastic, etc. ( do not get my wife started on fake pockets, and “lady pockets”, on women’s cloth. She already cuts the bottom off “lady pockets” and sews on triple the capacity just to have 80% of the cubic centimeters in my pants pockets ) 👖

Aspiring Moth

thanks for the response, Sleyca. I get the not wanting to overdefine things early to give yourself wiggle room later, and in this case I think you should consider using that to give foundation points a 10-20% growth potential (1-2% of species average). it's small enough that it could have just not come up, and it feels so much more natural to see some results from your gym time you mention non avowed like us exercising without level ups, but we actually see benefits. the more foundation points providing flat bonuses they have, the less benefits from exercise they will see. consider Usain bolt vs some junior athlete on the college/University sprinting team. Usain bolt is 20-30% faster. now give them both 10 speed foundation points and the gap halves. you can see how the results of training end up being negligible once foundation point numbers get high enough. and you also mention learning form/control/technique/limits as a reason for gym training. these would certainly help, but it's not like the first 10 hours of learning those is equal to the 10 hours following them. the benefit of technique training falls off a cliff very quickly. Usain bolt likely doesn't have significantly better form than the junior athlete from before. I really do think that everything makes a lot more sense if the avowed actually do see some benefit from their training, so please do consider the 10-20% (1-2% of species average) growth potential idea. it feels so much more natural does anyone think otherwise? of course it's up to Sleyca at the end of the day


I like the implication that its both, she's gauging Alden and perhaps she has some fear as well

Barrett Fogarty

Oh, I'm so glad someone else noticed this too. I thought that as she was walking away she was going to give a little dance move but then Stu splatted everything.

Joel Wells

Not going to lie, The Maker of Narrow Ways sounds like a awesome skill. Off the top of my head I can think of several ways it can be used. I bet its primary purpose it to chart paths to unreachable areas. At least when the skill gets big. Also could be used offensively. creating a tunnel through someone. Or it could be used to evade. All in all, sounds like Stu has an excellent knight skill picked out.


That little detail of his sibling getting stuck in the dark because she hasn't learned the spell to turn on the lights is quite interesting actually. I'm not sure of how many other instances in the story where it highlights Artonan's reliance on magic. Power has a price and its quite interesting that its Knights who willingly bound their authority are the ones so far who are effective at fighting chaos. Just like our reliance on energy to meet our needs producing vast consequences socially and ecologically, I wonder if chaos is a byproduct of the development of the Artonan Empire.

Andrew Gardner

I think it was less that she had not learned the light spell and more that she had not been given some kind of permission to interact with the existing spell that lights the library. "...first time some of my brother and sisters brought her down here, she accidentally got left behind. The lights cut off because she hadn’t been introduced to the spell yet...". I could be wrong though, the wording is somewhat ambiguous. As always it is interesting to catch these little glimpses of life on the triplants.

Ian T Hathaway

Stu's really thinking with portals. But on a serious note, if I told my dad I wanted to be like him and he left for a week... jeez. Stu is stronger than me.


Imagine you are the dad and are working a torturus job to make the world better for your kids. Your brother and older daughter has been killed by the job. Suddenly your son ask to join as well. I am impressed by the Primary for removing himself from the situation and think it through first.

John D Jones

@ JJR Killjoy Unless there's an epilogue fast-forward, I don't think you need to worry about Kibv-ee as a hn'tyon. Kibv-ee is "Artonan eight years old or so." Stu is Artonan early 20s. Sleyca probably wouldn't get to Hn'tyon Kibv-ee until 2063 or so.

John D Jones

Alden comes along with Stu-art'h as a Votary's assistant but requests that Emban-art'h do her hair in a really long braid like Zeridee did so that if/when she gets horribly injured, Alden can just wear her instead of actually carrying her.

JJ Hunter

@Anthony, thank you! Your comment made my day. There's so much going on in every chapter, teasing out potential through lines feels like << supply library >> organizing - I keep noticing even more little treasures in the process.


So we find out that Stu is going to be digger of tunnels????? I guess once Stu and Alden team up, their Super Hero Team name can be …. The Diggler and the Pickler I crack me up 55555


@John D Jones. Heck, I’m not even going to live long enough to see the Face tattoo chapter!


I wonder if she was deliberately vague, to see what Alden would think she meant. She might not know how much Stu had told him.


So… on YouTube I sometimes watch videos of „Narroway Homestead“. That‘s like Stu‘s natural habitat now lol.

Adam Davies

Let me take your luggage And now for stu: Always step the right way - it seems to be a person-coordination skill, preventing that weird double hesitation where two people approaching each other try and side step in the same direction to make way for each other. It could be used for allowing chefs in a kitchen (or dancers on a stage) to slip by each other with perfect grace and timing, no matter how narrow the corridor. It’s actually warping space a little to allow for the making of way.

JJ Hunter

If this is Emban-art’h's opener to the alien Ryeh-b't kid who held her cousin down for his college peer's meat grinder spell under direct orders from the university representative on site, I wonder what her opinion is of then-Superior Professor Worli Ro-den, who came up with this little scheme and gave the orders.

JJ Hunter

Going by our one Alis-art'h POV chapter so far, Alis did not appear to be aware of the full details of Stu's mishnen incident (or at least not Ro-den's involvement) at the time, given she was inclined to follow her brother's minute emoting around Ro-den being removed from his Moon Thegund lab in the first place and not investigate the recent lab explosion - that was effectively doing Ro-den a favor if he had been the bomb planter, and Alis was willing to do him one for her brother's sake. Does that mean Stu only very recently shared more specifics of the mishnen incident with family besides his father? Say, during the most recent round of arguments? Stu, what point exactly were you trying to make that specifying Alden as the one holding you down for that trial was supposed to help support?? I'm starting to see where Evul was coming from re: the gap between what Stu was trying to convey and how it was coming across to the rest of them...

Jennifer N

It's also interesting that most Artonan children we have seen/heard of seem to be twins or triplets. Perhaps Stu being the single youngest is also significant - maybe his siblings didn't make it? Or he was a rare singleton?


I was thinking of the term Squire, with the connection to knights


I think that the Primary knew the truth since the beginning. - Stu cannot lie.Alden catch the tells quickly so the father must clearly knows - in C 38, the primary says [I would appreciate it if you didn’t mention my son’s participation in the recent stupidity]. I would link stupidity to summoning a mishnen more than a duel - and in C39 between Alden and Joe [he more or less said he wouldn’t do anything to me if I did tell on his son—” “Don’t. I’ve got ever so many wonderful things going on because of that excellent mishap.”] So the Primary was probably aware of the whole incident. And by extension as she was also on Artona III, Alis was most probably also in the know. But I don't think that it was an issue, those type of arrangement seem to be normal in Artonan society


I wonder if it can be used similarly - delivering bombs to distant targets


and since most skills are based on a spell, there probably is an appropriate spell too.

John D Jones

@ JJ Emban clearly feels some contempt for everyone involved in mutilating Stu's leg even more to cover up the mishnen incident. OTOH, she's willing to offer Alden some of her flatseed cookie-candy, so she's not that hateful toward him.


last chapter they discussed them and decided to add a visit to the housenot room to the itenerary


or She is busy defining the Groove by which the rest of the family can introduce themselves to Alden.


Squires are usually future Knights, which a votary could be, but Stu is called a “fake votary” since he intends to become a Knight Personal Assistant, Major Domo ( spelling?), Military Batman, Orderly, Vassal, etc. seem to have similar roles


“That’s all I’ll say about it. But they shouldn’t have asked him to agree to another delay,” Emban-art’h said. “Not after Granduncle Jeneth has given permission.” Does this quote mean that Stu is NOT going to affix in December, but much later? If so, then I am very confused on the plot point. I am under the impression that the longer a wizard goes before affixing, the bigger his authority, and thus the risk of more trauma when it is bound up in << life spell >>. Why would his family negotiate for a delay with the price of Alden arriving today? Where is the -art'h family value of Alden's visit vs December affixation?

John D Jones

Stu was going to affix right after Alden's Dec. 15 visit because Alden had earlier suggested that he come Dec. 22 since he'd be out of school, but Stu said he'd be ... "occupied" or something, indicating that Stu was planning to Affix then. I think the family was negotiating Alden getting to arrive at all and Stu getting to call Alden through others. The question was "Does Stu get to continue his relationship with Alden, or does he Affix in Dec. as planned?"

Matt DiMeo

It may be his best option, but I don’t think he can hit most of his classmates with something like a 10’ switch. If you go through them, either they are faster than alden or have spells that can get him first.

JJ Hunter

@John D Jones, oh yes, but clearly there are *gradients* involved. If Emban came face-to-face with Ro-den, would she content herself with verbally needling him, or would she actively take steps to increase him having a Very Bad Day / Month / Year? I doubt Ro-den would get to have any of her cookie-candy, to say the least.

JJ Hunter

Where are my fellow index nerds who appreciate a good classification system? Yes, you could toss all the treasures into a disorganized heap and bite the various loss of integrity costs, but as presented this is clearly an *organized* system comparable to Earth libraries, which means there are classifications feeding into those hyper specific labels Alden is citing. I want to know the classification logic! I want to know why it matters that so-and-so items have been worshipped in a particular type of temple for some threshold number of years! The answer is probably magic and metaphor, but there are clearly cultural concepts and language nuances underlying those metaphor frameworks, and that's the stuff that feels like the raw elements of perception levers for this society. Libraries imply librarians who know these conceptual bounds. Spells, like search engines, are more effective when you can articulate what you're actually searching for.


To confess: I have no idea "when" we are in Super Supportive timeline. Is it Oct? Nov? So I was thinking that Alden's current unscheduled visit, just a month early, and for just a couple of days, wasn't going to replace his week long December visit, but I'm also clueless on what he and Stu agreed upon for that as well. Nevertheless, I read the copied quote as the Art'h family negotiating to delay Stu's affixation for a significant amount of time, like months or something longer. My guess is that the family may think that making Stu take even more time to think about it, may cause him to change his mind, and that they were using his desire to hang with Alden as a lever to extend his contemplation period. This may even be the mechanism of how Sleyca gets Stu to attend school with Alden before he has to affix and become a knight. I'm convinced Sleyca has set up her story to have Stu live on Earth for a while, either before he becomes a knight, or afterwards.

John D Jones

@ UpgrayeDD I believe that it's currently Tuesday, November 20, 2040. No idea what that means on Artona I.

JJ Hunter

Other thought of the day: I'm almost certain now Bash-nor's decision to neglect his ambassador duties to Alden as Earth's new highest commended Avowed is directly rooted in the same mishnen incident Emban-art'h is needling Alden about here. (Per Zeridee: "I assumed the ambassador would meet with you at once to ascertain your well-being and discuss your status with you. I failed to anticipate his pace".) It's too delicious a parallel to have Bash-nor's suspected familial connection to Jel-nor lurking in the background to motivate why he might have wanted to slight or sabotage Alden specifically by delaying, and now to have a relative of one of the other key students throwing Alden's part in the grisly business back in his face.

JJ Hunter

I think we're still in the unfolding cascade of family matters, family drama, family politics. The splash caused by Jel-nor dropping Alden into the mishnen incident, not to mention the poison of contractual blackmail Worli Ro-den dumped into what appeared to be the small, well-contained pond of Leafsong University, are still having consequences. The mishnen incident was our first introduction to cut-throat Artonan politics, wizard-style. I think we're going to see more of it soon, whenever Alden returns to Earth, given the kind of busy day Esh-erdi just enabled for Bash-nor, not to mention the speech from the President of the Anesidoran High Council that Alden missed for his first Stu sleepover.

JJ Hunter

Joe made contracts with 9 students, most of whom we expect had families assuming their debts. The 10th student was Stu-art'h, whose father asked for Alden's discretion but did not demand it. If Bash-nor is Jel-nor's relative, what of the other 8 students and their families? Weren't there "several" considered important in addition to (implied) Stu-art'h as the very important one? Have we met any of the other families affected yet, or are those introductions still pending?

JJ Hunter

Also curious if one of Zeridee's parents might show up, and be inclined to a form of gratitude more impressive than the free lamp promised by the mother of one of Jeffy's rescues.


Do all Auriads move by themselves in response to their owners emotions? Is alden’s the only one we have seen do that?


mmm that's a BIG secret. Might need a tattoo for that one.


I think you get a handle on it in time. Alden has only had the auriad for what, 3 months?

Anthony Lutz

The Auriads should move themselves like Aldens does, IIRC the only time we've really seen an auriad in use was during a phonecall with Stu, and the quote in CH103 is.. "And he wasn’t faster with his hands than Alden was, but the string was moving through the patterns… It moves more for him than for me. It was almost like Stuart had a couple of additional fingers to use." So it stands to reason that Stu with years more time bonding with his that it would generally just move by itself more, I presume that it is controlled with subconscious use of authority. With every wizard having one but we rarely if ever actually see them, it stands to reason that they are all "stuck" in various places on the owners bodies like aldens is.

John D Jones

@ JJ Hunter Who were the other five students? I just checked the mishmen chapters and there was just Stu-art'h and the four others.

John D Jones

@ JJ Hunter I don't think Emban-art'h was all that angry at Alden. She did offer him cookie-candy that wasn't poisonous to humans, after all. Alden held Stu-art'h down so Stu wouldn't have even worse injury. She seemed more pissed at the other students. As for Bash-nor, I think he's about to suffer the "find out" part of Fuck Around and Find Out. Even if Zeridee-und'h is the "prodigal daughter" of the und'h family, she's still their daughter. Figure they're also a powerful hn-tyon/wizard family and Alden saved their child's life at risk to his own also without obligation. Plus it was Bash-nor's mistreat/malice toward Zeridee that put them in danger in the first place.

John D Jones

@ Adam Davies Maybe at higher levels. Right it would allow one chef/dancer to "slip through" another chef/dancer unharmed while it exploded/destroyed the second chef/dancer.

David Burchfield

So far we have limited information on how long the delay is. It seems to be relatively short based on a comment Stu makes, but he could be trying to assuage Alden or have a specific context for what constitutes long or short. His family got him to agree to "do a few other things" during this time one of which is acting as Emban's votary. Presumably the hope is that by trying the role he will realize he likes it and change his path. I suspect the other tasks are similar. It is also possible It might allow time for his Father or another relative to make it back for his affixation. My personal theory is that there are Mother shenanigans going on in the background and it is so Alden can get strong enough to help Stu through the worst of it if needed (though it seems to be a very unpopular take).


@Anthony Lutz according to Kibby not every wizard has one: [“Does every wizard have one? I think I’ve seen images of them with strings a few times and never thought about it. But in person, I’ve only seen the girl at LeafSong with one.” “A lot of wizards have them. Not all. People who don’t love to hand cast usually have theirs severed after they finish training with it in school so that it’s not as much trouble for them.” Alden rolled over to gape at her in horror. “You probably saw people with them and didn’t realize,” she added. “Most wizards wear them under their clothes, and some use them as ————- or necklaces.” Bracelets maybe. Or hair ties like Jel-nor.]

JJ Hunter

@John D Jones, per Joe: "Also, I just formed nine contracts back to back with those shiny students you gifted me! The amount of weeping. I’m sure I wasn’t that pathetic the first time I made a little mistake and had to swallow bad terms with another wizard to cover it up.” (36)

John D Jones

@ JJ Hunter Sure but figure it might have been something like: Contract #1 (formed with all four students except Stu): Cleaning up the mishnen mess Contract #2 (formed with all four students except Stu): Not telling Leafsong Administration about the mishnen mess Contract #3 (formed only with Jel-nor): Keeping her as a student despite the mishnen mess. Or it could have been 9 separate really mean-mean Contracts formed with all but Stu. The total number of Contracts formed was irrelevant to the number of students present.

John D Jones

@ Memoryofgold Like Andrew Gardner said, it's more like the art'h's in our world would be really rich but also really anal people who put biometric sensors on their light switches, so if you're not in the system and need to use the bathroom, you get to shit in the dark. OTOH, it's a magical light so there might options like "Brighten" "Dim" or "turn into laser beams that cut people into meat cubes like that one thing in the first Resident Evil movie." Figure you don't want to give permission for that last one to your six year old too soon.


exactly, like light switches. The point I was trying to highlight was their society's fundamental reliance on magic, which like any system of energy, has a cost, and its interesting to think about what that cost exactly is. Wordchains for example, we learn has debt, and that it seems frowned upon not to absolve that debt, but what is the real consequence of doing that too much? What does it mean for a wordchain to be fragile and what are its implications in the bigger picture?

John D Jones

Talking about Bash-nor and Alden's Commendation, I will note that we've yet to see a PoV with Bash-nor. He didn't talk to Alden about what the Commendation meant, but figure the privileges it granted would mostly be off-world and Alden wasn't going off-world until some time in 2041 at the earliest. So there was no rush to have a potentially awkward talk with someone who knew his daughter's dirty secret.

JJ Hunter

@John D Jones, given Joe's wording was "I just formed nine contracts back to back", and the later reference to students' families assuming their debts, I think we're clearly in the 9 separate contracts with "nasty" terms territory, with one contract per student allowing for the entire debt of any one individual student to be renegotiated as a new contract with their specific family. Grouping the contracts in any other way just complicates that intended transferability with no added advantage for Joe. We know Joe can whip up a contract on the spot and freehand implementing it quickly; he goes for simple and leaning on his skill and authority to enforce aligning the way he wants to quickly. His usual tricks didn't work well on the gremlin's implacable insistence, but I expect they work great on teenage wizards.

John D Jones

Alden's going to get jelly-splattered by Stu if he tries to introduce her to the gokarotch songs.

James Stouffer

I can see why Alis would be okay with getting away from family drama. There is a lot going on!

Super Super Supportive Supporter

What I want is for this power to only be useable with beans for some authority related reason Imagine: Stu fighting a demon by throwing a handful of beans in its general direction, then making the beans zip together in rapid succession through the demon Beans of Destruction


Interesting. I wonder how they cast without them


Chaos rubbing it's filthy fingers over new authority especially, either askew or assertive nonstop for months. The coat didn't protect breathing and was mostly hope by the end. The big run came after kivb-ee s big drive that ended in her corruption wound so way more authority growth than two levels as the breeze was blowing on both of them. She couldn't both cast spells and remain<< me >> by the do it now plan time so max growth for a << small wizard >> She doesn't know how she is coming along as it is not proper for her instructor to tell her so we don't know , but she would know if Alden was there with her, I think they would have noticed if he was growing three times as fast during five months. He certainly thought that her authority was there it just didn't want to move for her. She knows that practice improves both control and sensitivity in other wizards, her weaknesses. And now we know Stu was born in a chaos storm and is a rare and gifted caster . And her entrance with a glowing blue auriad (not possible or right according to Loh their arrival that is) looped around her Best avoweds neck and left on him ( choked gasp when that happened ) together with no notion of Alden's wizardry - we assume he did none while a cracked statuette in Alis' hands - does mean Kivbee could well be considered a uni level monster child progeny by the dome inhabitants.

Anthony Lutz

Casting without auriads is the same as Alden with his "light candle" spell, he was doing that infront of Lute and the rabbit girls, and in public, it looks like he just knows a spell impression for it. Spell impressions are just auto-casting spells that the avowed dont need any authority sense for.

Andrew Simpson

What is a bean tho? It would have to be symbolic, since artonan magic cares about symbolism and sympathetic connection. So is a bean just a seed? A giver of life? SPECIFICALLY a legume?

Andrew Simpson

I do not think we will ever get a POV with bash nor, and if we do it will be very minor and brief.


the symbolism in magic is more about old magic. Things in the modern day seem a lot more streamlined.

Jan Verner

He needs a votary especially because he is an alien knight. Votary in his case is needed to help Alden navigate social and political landscape as well as magic.


We saw at least one significant privilege that came up prior to Alden leaving earth. Unlikely as evacuation and the apocalypse buddy system were to be relevant, they're definitely something Alden should have been informed about. So no, I am not inclined to give Bash-nor the benefit of the doubt. Especially since he's also an evil boss who wants to get Zeridee fired for life choices that are none of his business.

JJ Hunter

I wonder if the auriad's tendency to move in a way that reveals its bonded's emotions is why wizards who don't love to hand cast usually have theirs severed.

JJ Hunter

And why Alden showing up on the verge of death from physical injuries and *his affixation destabilizing* was hitting such a particular nerve for her - especially after telling her brother not to scare him, he's younger than Stu-art'h, etc. at the party. Having that Alden is similar / younger age than Stu-art'h association as her most recent prior impression of him, and the family fears about whether Stu could survive his own first binding and initial year or two settling into it, *and* how close she may have accidentally come to squishing Alden and Kivb-ee as Alden was running them right to her for help?? Alis had recently evaded having to deal with her own newborns and all the many opportunities to accidentally squish them in a fit of post-partum depression, and now she just found out she almost accidentally squished two other very squishy kids because she didn't even know they were in the chaos zone she was actively working on. Poor Alis-art'h. I hope the regular installments of the Alden show, aka Kivb-ee's hoard of Alden videos that I bet she talks about frequently with the dome crew, are a comfort to her. The Ryeh-b't kid is recovering! he's ... taking a surprisingly griveck approach to what to do with his Ryeh-b't skill, but That's Fine, she likes grivecks! His human instructors presumably know what they're doing. He's safe on Earth in the heart of Anesidora, he's got all the advantages her commendation can give him, He'll Be Fine, Earth Is Super Safe, she doesn't have to worry about him anymore.

JJ Hunter

Presumably Zeridee und'h attended Rapport childrens’ school, and had her own season of choosing. When she felt she could not choose to be a hn’tyon or a wizard sworn to aid them in some fashion and therefore chose to leave the Rapport, did she choose to become a member of the ordinary class instead of pursuing the life of an ordinary wizard out of some sense of extreme shame or unworthiness? Did Zeridee feel like she didn't *deserve* the dignities of being a member of the wizard class if she couldn't face choosing one of the lives of great personal sacrifice required to stay part of the Rapport? She clearly feels called to living a life of service - like Stu-art'h, there's a fundamental rejection of what both of them seem to think is the path of "live in << leisure >> with no responsibility at all” - but something about doing that using her childhood wizardry skills is not something Zeridee feels she can do. Zeridee doesn't have a mourning name; did she lose someone, and feel like she couldn't live a Rapport life worthy of bearing their name? I suspect there's some kind of wound still not scarred over driving her; I hope we get to find out more about her and her motivations. Maybe both Zeridee and Alden might benefit from time with a Healer of Mind...


Oh yeah, I remember, I was just thinking about the more complicated spells that alden does with an auriad. I suppose it will probably be the same thing though


Hi I'm Alden, bearer of all burdens, the commended one


If publicly discussing your behaviour humiliates you Maybe try changing your behaviour?

Tim LaCombe

I don't think there's any possibility for him to join a knight training program from a narrative a to b perspective except *maybe* instead of the superhero college, but that just doesn't make much sense from the story's pacing so far. I expect his authority sense will either end up revealed soon-ish to some very few people like Stu and one/some of the other high rank knights who will agree it needs to stay secret and that his training should continue at the school or that it won't come out until after he's finished the school and it's 'agreed' that he doesn't need to go to the knight training program - or it'll come out even later in an 'emergent situation'.

Tim LaCombe

The Knight skills all seem to be based around versatility as well as strength. We see how Alden's affixation has one name in English as well as one name in Artonan. I think it's fair to say that 'Bearer of All Burdens' is a description that better evokes the depth of the skill than 'Let Me Take Your Luggage', but what if both are approximate translations of some deeper truth or perhaps an earlier language, like Gorgon's? We see Bearer expanding into the realm of holding enchantments - but from the understanding of enchantments we've been given it takes a lot of conceptual twisting to see the enchantment itself as a burden. When he carries a person, what is the burden beyond that he carries burdens and he's carrying them? Perhaps the core thrust of the skill is more in the vein of preserving the essence of something within his authority - perhaps even its 'order' as a direct counterpoint to chaos. This was a skill Gorgon determined to be the ultimate support skill available a B rank. Simply shifting a burden onto himself is good, great even, but taking something or a part of something and protecting/preserving it with the strength of his authority - whether it's a burden or not - is both more in line with the nature of what he's actually doing and has greater potential more fitting with a knight skill and with a skill Gorgon thinks is the best support skill. Similarly, I know everyone is blown away by ideas of what Stu could accomplish with his affixation, but I think focusing on the teleportation/wormhole aspect is actually the smallest part of the skill's potential. Narrowing a waterway increases the pressure the water exerts as well as increases its speed. Narrowing a passage might mean something can't pass. Those two aspects applied more metaphorically have even more potential. Pressure/stress seems to be one of the key components to increasing authority. Interpreted a bit differently, it could mean he could focus/amplify the effects of others. We'll have to see what else is in store but I'm looking forward to all the *different* things he's able to do.

John D Jones

@ JJ Hunter I mean there's a reason that Lo-ren is running a little scared of the art'hs. Sure Alis is pissed over what happened to Alden, but figure there's a lot of other that are really fond of "Baby Stu" that are also really pissed that Lo-ren had a few more chunks of Stu's already injured leg blown off so he could score blackmail contracts on those students and their parents. Figure prior to this, Emban already expressed her displeasure about Alden and Stu-art'h probably told her something like "Alden was mostly frustrated that everyone there, including me, refused to let him get me to a healer. He called Worli Lo-ren to try to get that accomplished."

John D Jones

@ JJ Hunter There were explicitly only five student there for the mishnen incident. One of them was Stu-art'h, who was too big a fish for Joe to contract with. So if Joe formed nine separate contracts with nine separate people, he formed five of them with five people who weren't actually on site for some reason.

John D Jones

@ Terrestrial_Biped Oh, I have no trouble seeing Bash-nor as a bad person and a shitty boss, but I can also grasp why he wouldn't feel the immediate need to call in Alden for the "just in case your world ends" speech.


That’s nuts! (Specifically, peanuts. 🥜)


And then she hears about the Sinker/Sender. 😂

JJ Hunter

Well said! Whether the skill version will (eventually?) let Stu modify existing ways other people made (making ways narrower), or whether he must always establish them himself to make them narrow (and then whether he can make them narrower after), is definitely one of those interesting conceptual rabbit holes I can't wait for us go down (bean down / beam up? the puns practically write themselves...)

JJ Hunter

@John D Jones, don't forget the ones off vomiting in the bushes and otherwise panicking unhelpfully! Alden wasn't in a great state of mind to be tracking more than a few of them distinctly - I trust Joe's count over Alden's given that context.

Shaun Clark

My song choice for this chapter is check it out by Oval Larceny. I really hope that gets spelled right. I could only hear a part of how to say the first word for the band name.

Shaun Clark

Your comment made me laugh so loud I woke up my wife. Now I'm in trouble. I regret nothing.

Shaun Clark

On powers; I am mentally referring to stews spell as the Bean Beam, and I think it be really cool for aartillary skill, multiple wormholes, dropping a strike force in behind enemy lines... like we saw with Mother showing Alden how many choices there are in developing his skill, just how flexible these things can be and about Alden skill I do not think the ambassadors assistant, whose name I refuse to butcher, will be a votary. I think he will use Gorgen ability and an adjustment to bearer to take her authority on himself increasing his own authority and five years down the road, in real life will get a story about Alden stealing peoples powers to make himself stronger. Evil Alden alternate story line sounds awful to me, but still plausible if I read enough, just hopefully not actually gonna happen.

Shaun Clark

On votaries; (hopefully have time to edit this time, the kids are out) I think Joe would be the best votary, except that in a story he probably end up being a giant talking head and take away some of the powerful story elements that could be found through discovery. Kibby I feel is going to be a better partner as a night or even protege. Bo could be a good Sidekick/votary, living in Alden's head and helping him resolve his issues, but I would like to see both developed. Actually, I think I would like to see all the class developed into their own heroes and instead of hero/sidekick dynamic of one having more power than the other Partnerships/teams class where they were together as a duo Segway that into work how many times have we had class projects were forced to teams with somebody we didn't like? Aldon could use a class on working with others, and trusting. When the chips are down, he seems to take it all on himself to the detriment of his own health. Last thing on votaries is that may be Hannah is a votary somewhere on contract stipulating she can't contact anybody to Let them know what she's doing , and maybe we'll find out about that later.

Shaun Clark

Random prediction: The knightts know that Alden is a night, they're just being very polite, not mentioning it so that he could choose to come out or not as he desires. And while we heard about peoples class increasing their ranking, I think if Aldon's class rank increases he's just gonna use his fake profile. To keep it the same. It only needs to I think he will find a way to be with Mother for his level ups. At least until he develops a better relationship with earth.

JJ Hunter

Interesting thoughts! Definitely agree with you re: wanting more of Alden in a team of peers learning to trust and rely on each other (that early taste with the obstacle course has me hungering for more!) instead of more overtly big star hero / subordinate sidekicks dynamics. I could *absolutely* see Alden keeping his 'just a B rank Rabbit, honest' fake profile as exactly that even if his real one ranks up. I expect we're going to find that choosing to repeatedly affix more power into his main skill will achieve one of the ranking up routes Sleyca hasn't explicitly confirmed in canon yet - if the amount is authority in a skill exceeds the threshold for a newbie skill the rank above, both the skill's rank and the overall rank of the Avowed "rank up".

JJ Hunter

I've been thinking all week about Kibby's poetry festival video and that one poet she really likes with all the riddles and the bells on their sleeves. Artonans tend to the poetic in their everyday speech; I'm desperately curious what their language is like when they really cut loose for public performance. Is it like a mashup of extra long slam poetry and the kind of narrative epics we have in various human oral traditions? Gilgamesh, the Odyssey, the multi day canoe paddling songs for navigating parts of Canada, etc etc - the good stuff with jokes and drama and startlingly vivid language. Or maybe it's more like the Muppets Christmas Carol except in verse and with lots of verbal flourishes - something more pitched right at kids but with enough going on that adults enjoy it too.


Just wondering how fast before Stuart’s spell makes it onto the list of spells that can be affixed on earth and what category it is? Doesn’t seem like a Meister or Brute affixion. Also how do U types come about, are they from knights who couldn’t handle the suffering and chose tree suicide over the pain?

JJ Hunter

What kind of skill practice do we think Alden will do with Stu? Will it be dueling only, or will he go back to working on his 'go find the thing entrusted when his entruster knows where it is but Alden doesn't' detection training? We did just get introduced to that multi-floor supply library that Stu knows very well...


I think Alden will preserve something and Stew will attack it. Authority vs Authority kinda deal


Is it Sunday yet?


Is for me! Only 24 + up to 9 hrs to go

Anthony Lutz

The supply library would also be a great place for Alden to test the "entruster distance to item location" part since stu has great knowledge of everythings location, and everything is always supposed to be in the same locations because library. Stu can just go further and further away, also testing verbal (shouted across the library), phone call, text through the system, and mental thought methods to direct alden to pick things up.


There's no reason to believe that modern knight skills *ever* make it to earth. And I have not seen any hint of a connection between knights and Uniques. Personally, I suspect Uniques are people mutated by chaos. I think they're affixed without class trading or a chance to agree to the Contract because they're emergency affixations, meant to stabilize them before they become demons and/or die. The resulting skills are so wonky and weird because they're no more a product of intelligent design than the stump of an amputated limb is. In the limb's case, a surgeon sees to it that blood flow is provided for, the bones end cleanly, the skin closes. In unique skills' case, the System makes sure there's an on and off switch, a targeting mechanism, a usable and accessible store of power. Uniques as mutations explains why Uniques famously don't follow the normal selection age-rank distribution (mentioned several times by Lute in his chapters) and why some are selected so young (we heard of one selected at thirteen).


The pain of timezones in a global society. Someone knock me out until the soup is ready.


Super Sunday goes on and on One day we might get an early surprise!

Heather White

I really enjoy these two & their dynamic, each of them getting to be authentic with the other in a way that isn’t possible elsewhere in their lives (despite how much they’re still hiding or leaving unspoken). It’s always fun to see a tension/balance between Serious Stuart and Still-A-Kid Stuart. One moment he’s earnestly demonstrating his future skill for Alden, and the next he’s impulsively adding a prank to get back at his cousin for intruding. I love that his stiff, serious, earnest self still has those slightly vengeful, childish instincts.

Aspiring Moth

it would make sense for it to be something that would help with the upcoming gym duels, since that's what prompted this in the first place

JJ Hunter

Yessssssssssssssss, it makes Stu's history with his extended family feel so much more real, the way he and his cousin have established dynamics and can get under each other's skin so easily. I wonder if Emban picked her timing in part because just a little distraction for Stu in a way that would motivate him to hurry up and finish would actually make him more likely to complete the spell successfully that time? Clearly she also wanted to talk to Alden for a moment without Stu intervening, but which attempt she sauntered up on at what point in the casting felt deliberate.

JJ Hunter

It is Sunday in Pacific Time, and we are close to breaking the 500 comment threshold, which is always a nice bit of encouragement for the author. If you wish to participate in wordchain of hopeful Soup summoning, read this chapter again, find something you missed the first time, and comment about it.

JJ Hunter

@Aspiring Moth, what kind of practice do you think Stu would suggest that would help Alden with dueling? Agility and footwork certainly seemed to be big parts of it. Wondering if Alden would dare to go into a duel with nothing entrusted and pick his opponent as his entruster - he does have that new weapon catching preservation trick to try, he's just very new at it.


I think that we have committed a gravy error. We have been calling Stu Stew because of the similar pronunciation, when in reality he is more of a bean soup or chili.

JJ Hunter

Next chapter theories Come share them here in haiku Festive zanzee lights


Bonding ensues Stuart itinerary Alden hides his Auriad

John D Jones

@ JJ Hunter In Earth terms, Stu is probably a sheltered 18-19 year old and Emban is probably a less sheltered 21-23 year old. People like that generally aren't 4-dimensional chess-playing strategic masterminds. Emban saw a chance to talk to the human ryeh-b't without Stu interfering, so she took it. Stu was annoyed by that, so he rushed the spell to splatter her with jelly. Artonans aren't "humans-in-funny-clothes" but they aren't utterly alien Lovecraftian entities either. They don't necessarily have 15 different motive/goals for every single thing that they do. Emban is Stu's cousin and is maybe a little overprotective of him, so she wanted to meet the alien ryeh-b't kid who managed to trigger a family negotiation with Stu.

John D Jones

@ Shaun Clark If we met in real life and I told you that I could fly using only the force of my own will, would you believe me without proof? Because that's the level of disbelief that would need to be suspended for other Artonans to believe that Alden was effectively a hn-tyon. After what Stu said and the scary hand-holding session, it's possible that the Primary knows that Alden has one of the Big 300 hn-tyon Skills. But even he, at this point, doesn't think Alden can feel his own Authority or cast spells. I mean, if you saw someone walking around with a knife stuck in their back, would you call 9-1-1 (emergency services) or just go "That would be impolite" instead?


GUYS. BEAN. CHICAGO BEAN. THE MOST FAMOUS HUMAN BEAN. The spell works with non-bean items. BEAN.


This is a very interesting theory. And it matches up with how Boe seems to feel about his affixation. He hates his skill but isn't mad at the system. Maybe because the other options were be a demon or be dead. This theory does seem to suggest that the Artonans are somehow responsible for the spread of chaos, though. Because where were all the human chaos demons before the contract?


I just had a crazy thought. Stu showed his spell and he said it had imperfections. What if one of the imperfections was destroying things while traveling ? So he could make a worm hole that doesn't affect the objects in the path of the worm hole? So he could easily send things to Alden when he's strong enough and they are on different planets? Like Alden says he has no more meatpetal, so stu sends him some?

Aspiring Moth

maybe widening the definition of the entruster would help with that issue. instead of selecting one person as his entruster, he would select a group. then he could keep his rope while still being able to catch and preserve projectiles. of course that would mean he needs to reveal his ability to preserve multiple objects, and I don't think training with Stu'arth alone is a good setting for learning to choose a group as his entruster. but he needs something for these gym duels narratively. he has zero offensive ability, and widening the definition of the entruster sounds like more of a perception thing rather than something that would need a lot of training

JJ Hunter

I love that you open up this glorious vista of many possibilities, and immediately hone in on its potential for interdimensional food delivery to relieve Alden's magically enforced veganism woes. The surprise turn at the end there made me cackle.

JJ Hunter

Stu throws beans at A Other Alden swoops to catch Laughter fills clearing

hercule pyro

How do the various "the knights know Alden is a knight" theories square the fact that we've seen knights talk about Alden to each other without mentioning it? He's "the most highly commended avowed on earth" or that weird new hobby of esh when they talk about him, not a crypto knight. They discuss him as an interesting curiousity without talking about the most interesting thing about him? It would be incredibly cheap of the story if they knew but just happened to not mention it, sleyca is a better writer than that.


No one calls it that. If you ask a taxi to take you to Cloud Gate, they'll ask what building they're in.

Jeremy Goldberg

If Alden becomes a knight, would he swear oaths to defend Earth or the Mother Planet? What would Artonans think of an avowed knight that was subject to be summoned and ordered around by non-knight wizards?

Tycho Green

Won’t bother to verify so take it with a grain of salt, but I think the oath is to not harm the mother planet. It might be an important distinction since the knights essentially protect everyone from chaos.

Desert Yeti

One of the complications I'm looking forward to is the fact that Alden is potentially as powerful as a knight, but lacks the restrictions. Alden has NOT sworn the knights' oath and has no reason to. Alden is exactly what the "existential threat" crowd fears. He's one paranoid politician away from a kill order.

Tycho Green

About the existential threat thing, there is no way Artonans are that afraid of humans on the basis of humanity’s capability. The comparative strength gap, be it in numbers, magic and technology is too big. It’s like the United States in 2024 against the english 500 years ago. The system doesn’t leak Alden's status, but they could’ve easily change directives if a special case like him comes about. Even if he time to develop, there is no way he would reach top 500 knight level before being detected. In other words perceived threat based on the strength of humans can easily be terminated. While the power of humans might not be a non-factor, I think the existential threat thing must be related to something else, chaos for example. More something along the lines of something they can cause inherently or so and that can grow rapidly, like humans are living submergers. Artonans have every advantage. Knights, wizards, knowledge, technology, soul enchantments, split consciousness, numbers, system, regular Artonans that have a better disposition to learn wordchains quickly even if Artonan wasn’t already their native language plus potential access to every wordchain that exists and is stable. The afraid of confrontation route doesn’t make as much sense to me anymore as when Joe first mentioned it.

Jeremy Goldberg

I think the existential threat would come from people getting the idea that magic powers are possible without becoming avowed. If Alden’s wizardiness became common knowledge on earth, a lot of people would jump to the conclusion that the artonans were hiding how to become a wizard in order to scam earthlings into indentured servitude. That could potentially threaten the existing Artonan/resource world power structure. If it turned out Alden’s experience was repeatable, I could definitely see resource worlds revolting. Even if Artonans fought back and were victorious, their relationship with their resource worlds would go from patron/client state to ruler/ruled. Many Artonans would find that a lot harder to justify morally.

Guus van der Borg

I'm not sure it's the most famous bean world-wide. Probably only in the US. I only happen to know about it because of The Dresden Files. (Excellent series btw, I highly recommend it.) Also, pretty sure that even in the US, possibly even in Chicago itself, the magic bean(s) from Jack and the Beanstalk is the more famous bean.

Tycho Green

Since there used to be knights from other species some resource worlds must already be aware. On top of that different species seem to barely communicate with each other. How would it spread to multiple ones quickly? Lastly Artonans can take the memories of at least a handful of months away. And no matter how I put it I don’t see Artonans not absolutely obliterating any other species in a direct confrontation. From how I interpreted it the Primary can slice through the earth’s core in no more than two attacks, effectively enabling him to destroy humanity single-handedly.


You may have a point, but I still think the Chicago bean is def in the top 10. Probs top 5. What is the world's most famous Bean? Is there some sort of international super star bean in Uzbekistan? Maybe Poland has an even bigger bean? What bean stats are we talking here. If I asked you to name another famous Bean, could you? I can't. My bean knowledge is poor and embarrassing, but I still know of the Chicago Bean


Find your inner zen, fellow europeans, go to sleep so you may have soup for breakfast!


I would imagine when everyone finds out Alden is a hyn’ton he won’t be up for summoning from any wizard that needs a rabbit, they’ll probably change his summoning rights to that of a hyn’ton

James Townsend


John D Jones

Don't take the Dresden Files series too much to heart in terms of Chicago knowledge. At one point Butcher describes the big parking lot at Wrigley Field. Just Google it. I can wait.

John D Jones

I kind of hope that Alden gets to meet someone with a really long hair braid so he can mention how it makes for a really convenient carrying strap.


For the “existential threat” faction, I don’t think it’s an immediate and real fear of Earth beating the Artonans in a war. It’s more like our concerns about terrorist organization getting nukes — of course they aren’t going to win a war, but they could cause a lot of damage. Alden is someone who is in the process of growing strong enough to destroy planets — and he’s not bound by the knight’s oath. And then there’s the way Avowed and resource worlds are treated… It would be legitimate for Alden to decide that forced-affixation followed by a kind of slave contract is not very cool. The fact that there are hundreds of knights who could swat him down after he cracks Artona III in half isn’t that reassuring.


It's 50, man, that wasn't 50, don't holla my name

C. Adkins

SOUP DAY IS HERE! And I’m starving!


Maybe the use of magic creates a counter-balance: chaos If thats the case, then others dont need magic to fight chaos. Or others could have developed that way with gene therapy or more machine-like civs


“I don’t have trouble with the internet.” “I’ll help you figure it out.” “I’m not struggling.” May Stu not find another NSFW words out there...


Just thinking, isn't Alden't birth tree everyone's birth tree who was born in the same hospital? Isn't a bit selfish of them to hoard the tree for Alden? :D


I was thinking the same thing haha, although technically he’s probably the only avowed who has been born there