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[A/N: Thank you for supporting the story, and I hope you all enjoy the chapter!]

What does a human do when he’s up in the middle of the night in the first Rapport anyway? 

In the corner where the cottage’s two transparent walls joined, on the floor, Alden’s jar of zansees turned into a swirling galaxy of sparks. One of the tiny yellow-orange water bugs lit up, and all the silver and green ones suddenly began to flash in response. 

He sat on the edge of the bed, toes digging into the rug while he watched them. Stuart had put his own jar on top of the cabinet that held the enchanted rings, and the two decorations were currently the main sources of light in the cottage. Outside, there was almost no moonglow. The brightest thing Alden could see beyond the windows was actually the stream, occasionally flaring and sparkling in patches just like the jars.

According to his interface, it was just after eight in the morning Anesidora time, ten in Chicago, and a little less than five hours until dawn here in Rapport I. When Alden had gone to sleep, Stuart was sitting in one of the chairs outside, using his eyerings to access something he wanted to study. Now he was on the other side of the curtain, tightly cocooned in what Alden assumed was a heated blanket and floating a couple of inches off the ground on those cushioning spells of his that smelled like basil.

You strange dude, Alden had thought when he first woke and found the Artonan lying in front of the cottage door like a guard dog. Why didn’t you go sleep in your own room where it was the right temperature and there wasn’t going to be a human bumping around to bother you?

He’d suspected Stuart wouldn’t do that based on things he’d said yesterday, but he wasn’t completely clear on the reason. Some combination of trying to be a good host and making sure his family didn’t interact with Alden without his oversight.

The art’h argument had obviously concluded in an agreement that had led to Alden’s invitation, and possibly a promise that everyone would give them space, if the lack of visitors yesterday was any indication.

Does that mean he persuaded them to let him have his way, or did he have to compromise something in return? I hope it was the first.

Alden sighed and flopped backward. The mattress was a little softer than he liked but definitely nothing to complain about. Above him, the ceiling was covered in small, triangular wooden tiles. 

How many different places have I slept this year? My old room, the consulate lobby, LeafSong, the vault, the car…

The water bugs in both jars flashed again, painting the ceiling with light.

Counting sleeping locations didn’t fill much time, and when he was done, all he’d accomplished was adding another loop to the tangle of his thoughts.

And what a tangle it was. 

Boe. Magic. Kibby today. Kibby some day in the future. Stu-art’h. Stuart. His upcoming affixation. Alden’s own affixation. Superheroes. Unregistered Avowed. Anesidora. Earth. Knights. Connie. Joe. The Bearer of All Burdens now. A year from now. Gorgon. Demons. 

Planets falling to chaos on the edge of the universe. Earth falling to chaos in his imagination. 

What it felt like to be swept from his feet by that wave, battered and out-of-control in the freezing dark. Death. That first gasp after Esh-erdi had pulled him from the water. Life.

And would he even get to choose how he lived it? And for how long?

Maybe the tangle doesn’t get unraveled from here on, he thought. Maybe the questions and worries just accumulate, and the priorities get more and more confused, until I go nuts or completely forget that I used to think I had a handle on the world and my place in it.

Stuart had offered to introduce him to a mind healer. And not just any healer, but one of the ones the Primary had scoured the Triplanets to find for his own son. 

Alden suspected Esh-erdi had said something. Probably not, “Alden Thorn seems like he’s on the verge of flying apart, but he ignored me when I suggested a human Healer of Mind. Fix it.” 

According to Stuart, the knight had made “delicate insinuations” about a matter he wasn’t even sure he’d interpreted correctly. It must have been quite subtle.

Alden tried to figure out if he was irritated with Esh-erdi or not. It felt like an intrusion, and he didn’t like it. But at the same time, when he tried to explain to himself why Esh-erdi worrying was unreasonable, he couldn’t make his arguments sound anything short of ludicrous. 

Stu-art’h, your human friend—so surprising that you have one of those, by the way—really wants to have a phone call with you. He almost got stabbed and drowned a couple of days ago, and now he knows what four or five new kinds of dead bodies look like. But it’s no big deal. Obviously he’s fine. He’s really excited about school starting back.   

He thought maybe he was lucky that Esh-erdi hadn’t just let Porti-loth bury him up to his chin in a dirt mound and then summoned in a Healer of Mind while he was trapped.

If they knew the whole story at school, what would the conversation with Principal Saleh and Instructor Klein have been like? 

They’d been worried about the wordchains on the bus. The offer to take some time off from his gym class would probably have become an order if they’d known about what happened at the ambassador’s residence.

Actually…I wonder if the dead guys in the greenhouse will end the possibility of a traditional superhero career if the news comes out?

He rested his hands on his stomach, considering it.

You didn’t have to be at fault for an incident to become unhireable. Something sufficiently noteworthy just had to end up with a bad spin on it instead of a good one, and suddenly you weren’t the PR-safe choice most places were looking for. 

Three dead Avowed and one survivor—was he really a victim? Or a villain being protected by a corrupt ambassador? 

Something like that…

He didn’t particularly care about the narrowing of his Earthly job prospects, but he really hoped rumors that he was a murderer didn’t ever become a thing.

It would ruin the gokoratch song video. Suddenly everyone would be talking about me instead of the stinky cannibal parrots.

He snorted at the thought, then slapped a hand over his mouth so that he wouldn’t laugh outright and wake up the future-knight burrito on the other side of the cottage. 

See. I can still laugh at myself. No need to have my mind worked on. 

His smile faded.

Actually, the way Stuart had put the offer had sounded more appealing than most suggestions for therapy and mind healing that Alden had heard in the past. 

If some memory or emotion tied to all that’s happened to you is tiresome for you…”

Tiresome was a good word for it. 

Some struggles he understood, learned from, and felt like he made progress on. Others were just…so tiresome. 

His jar of zansees flashed, and Stuart’s followed a moment later. 

I wonder what he needed the healers for. 

Sina-art’h’s death leaped to the forefront as a possible answer, but grief, even a deeply felt one, didn’t seem like something that would have forced the Primary to seek the aid of multiple elite wizards. Unless it had been complicated by some other factor.

Stuart had also specified that the thing he hesitated to call an injury had happened when he was “very young.” Possibly it was a linguistic nuance that Alden didn’t quite mesh with, but he wouldn’t have called the Stuart who had watched his sister die very young. 

It would have been a bit like referring to his own twelve or thirteen-year-old self the same way. 

The hallucinations he mentioned having could have been what the healers helped him with. It’s really none of my business unless he wants to bring it up again.

When it came to magic, a distinction could be made between the concept of the mind and the brain. It got blurred in casual conversation with the words being used interchangeably. But while a head injury could be fixed by the right Avowed Healer of Body, a Healer of Mind was someone who did things like memory restoration and correction of lingering damage caused by Sway attacks. Alden had heard they could also help you quickly reset after trauma or even work in conjunction with Sways to safely lock in desirable personality changes.

He was sure whoever Stuart was offering to introduce him to had a much wider toolkit.


He had a lot of buts and what ifs. Most of them were probably shallow and unhelpful. 

There were ignorant people who thought using a wordchain or medication to deal with your problems was a sign of weakness. Alden currently had a double Peace of Mind debt to prove he was not one of those people. So, logically, he shouldn’t be someone who shied away from more significant magical assistance. 

I think I’d be happy to take shortcuts and use more permanent magic on my mind as long as other people didn’t have to be involved. Like if I could press the delete button on that nightmare where I can’t find Kibby in the grass, I’d press it right now. 

But I want to press it all by myself. 

He watched the play of light on the ceiling for another few minutes, then pulled up the new collection of videos Stuart had sent to him. He’d opened one right before bed and received a long recording of a poetry festival in Chayklo, where Kibby had been taken by the wizard who seemed to have become her main instructor over the past months, Dalat-orni. Kibby had an obvious preference for a performer who wore bells on her sleeves and included lots of riddles in her poetry. Alden didn’t have the background or vocabulary to understand ninety percent of what was said, but Kibby thought it was Very Good Stuff that he would love because she did. 

This time he selected a video she’d entitled, “Kraaaa Wonders How You Are and Also I Would Like to See Inside The Drawers and Cabinets in Your New Dwelling.”

Of course, thought Alden as her face appeared. It was ridiculous of me to only film the exteriors of the drawers when I made that apartment tour video for her. What humans keep in our cabinets is the really intriguing question. 

She was sitting in her little classroom corner with her satellite images of the lab explosion being projected onto the wall. Her hair was piled up and forward to partially cover her forehead in another complicated creation that had to be Rrorro’s work. And she was wearing—

Alden sat up so fast he almost ended up in the floor.

“Hi, Alden!” said Kibby, her smile wide and her posture very straight, as if she was trying to stretch her neck out to showcase the auriad around it. 

The casting tool’s color was just a touch paler than the one currently wrapped around Alden’s upper arm and hidden by the sleeve of the shirt he’d worn to sleep. 

Nobody who hadn’t spent a lot of time staring at one of the auriads would ever notice the difference.

“Instructor Dalat-orni has decided it’s time for me to learn a new spell with my auriad,” said Kibby proudly. “I’ve been practicing with my auriad very hard.”

You absolute genius, Kibby, thought Alden, pausing the video. You got an auriad, bonded it, and made it match! 

How did you manage that?

She was really on her way forward.

It wouldn’t be much longer before the two of them could talk using the new System on Thegund. Soon after that, she would be able to teleport here to the Triplanets and sit in a classroom with other wizard kids her age. She’d be a fully qualified summoner some day, either as a wizard. Or even a hn’tyon if she wanted. 

And Alden would be…something

Eventually I become something right? Even if I can’t see the end of it right now. 

I have to end up somewhere somehow, if I survive for long.

With the fake profile she had given him, he did have a little bit of a chance. Just a little more choice. 

He looked toward the burrito. Nothing like the choices you have, though. 

He remembered sitting in the kitchen with Vandy during Kon’s party, folding his visualization of his own affixation instead of plane and thinking about what Stuart was planning to do. You are one of the few people in the universe who can be anything in the universe. Why are you choosing this?

Because he believed it was right, of course. 

I don’t even know why chaos exists, where it is besides the few places Earth hears about, how many kinds of demons in between grasshopper and moon-sized there are…anything. I still don’t know anything. 

I could wake Stu-art’h up right now, and he could talk to me until next year, and I still probably wouldn’t understand half of the things about it he does.

He wondered what kind of skill Stuart had chosen. He didn’t know if he looked forward to finding out or if he was worried about it.

He hoped it was a great one, something that would make up for everything the Primary’s son would lose.

Quiet Rabbits probably shouldn’t want to be friends with knights, he thought. They should probably run like hell in the opposite direction.

Stuart had told him that his duty to the Triplanets had to be his priority. It wasn’t like that was a shock. But Alden didn’t know everything that “duty” included, or how it would affect him.

I do know it’s a lot less likely to affect me in bad ways if he, and everyone else, keeps thinking I’m a normal Avowed with a normal skill. 

The Primary already thought an older Alden might be a nice addition to some future mission for knights. But as petrifying as that was, it almost sounded like he imagined Alden chilling in a travel dome in a relatively low danger corruption zone, until someone or something important needed preserving.

I’d be a conveniently chaos-resistant Rabbit you could pass a bauble or a body to in a pinch. Not someone expected to do any actual battling myself. 

His risk of death from that kind of summoning was a question mark, since he had no idea what the success rate of knight missions was or how much weight the Artonans put on keeping the Avowed they brought with them safe.

He did think his chances of survival would be much, much higher if his profile stayed a lie. And that was without even considering the quagmire that would be everyone’s opinions on what should be done with a wizard from a species that wasn’t supposed to have them.

If the Artonans find out about Bearer, about the authority sense, about how the skill is going to grow…

His auriad tightened on his arm. He wondered if he’d have any major choices left at all, or if, from that point on, he’d just be trying to survive the lifelong version of that wave bowling him over—icy, black, and unstoppable.


Startled from his spiraling thoughts by the sound, Alden stepped around the foot of the bed and walked over to look at his host more closely.

“No more gokoratches,” Stuart said in a quiet but annoyed voice.

His eyes were closed.

I didn’t know Artonans sleep-talked, Alden thought, worries replaced temporarily by amusement. Kibby had snored sometimes, but that was all.

He waited for a while, but Stuart was silent.

Well, thanks for bringing me back to the present, anyway. I guess I don’t have to figure out everything right now…even if it is all coming my way faster than I’d like.



Stuart woke about three hours later. 

Alden was kneeling on his learning cushion and watching his tablet with his headphones on. He’d briefly texted Boe earlier, but now he was watching duel footage to pass the time. He’d been at it longer than expected. Stuart’s cushioning spells had given out a while ago, but instead of waking right up, he’d been lying on the hard floor.

“Good morning,” Alden said in Artonan, watching his host fight his way out of his covers.

Stuart finally freed himself and stood. “It’s not dawn,” he pointed out.

“True,” Alden agreed. “What do you say to someone who wakes up when it’s still dark out? Good waking?”

“That’s nice! It sounds like you’re happy I didn’t die in my sleep.” He started folding up the blanket.

“I am really glad about that. Can you imagine the conversation I would have had with your family?”

Stuart brought the blanket over to put it in one of the drawers set into the platform that the bed rested on top of.

“You’re on your cushion,” he said in a pleased voice when he was finished. “Should I leave you to your learning?”

“I’m ready to do whatever you like. I’ve been talking to a friend back home and studying for school, but I don’t really need to keep at it.” 

Boe wasn’t likely to have time for a long text exchange today. He’d been stuck in serious conversations with worried or annoyed authority figures all morning. It was a predictable consequence of vanishing for months and then showing back up at school out of the blue with the intention of re-enrolling, but Alden still felt vicarious pain at the thought of how awkward all the questions must be.

“This is just a video of students at my school dueling with their powers,” he explained to Stuart. “We’re going to start training this way on Wednesday evening, so I was supposed to observe a few.”

“Avowed dueling? May I see?”

Alden gestured at the tablet. “Of course you can—“

Stuart was already hurrying toward him eagerly.

Alden took off the headphones and turned the volume up. There wasn’t much in the way of conversation on the video, but occasionally someone on the sidelines shouted something of interest. And Stuart would probably want to hear any spells that were being cast.

Not that any had been in this duel so far.

The battle was between an Adjuster and Francis, the Sway from the B-list. It had been filmed around half a year ago.

Alden really didn’t need to watch this one at all. Reviewing one-on-one footage from other classes had mostly been assigned to them so that they wouldn’t show up on Wednesday with no clue what was going on, and he had a handle on the basic rules for a dueling session down now. 

But the hero program had almost no Sways. And he had been curious about how Francis actually made progress on his “Beat the A’s” goal.

In this fight, at least, he seemed to be doing all right.

“I don’t understand what’s going on,” said Stuart.

“The bell sounds the rings on his fingers make let him slowly build a suggestion in the listener’s mind. And then when he finally triggers it, they have a harder time resisting. He focuses on making people lose control of their own bodies. That’s why the girl he’s competing against is chasing him around the dueling block and trying to kick him instead of casting. He’s made her forget how to use her arms, and she’s an Adjuster…that’s the name of the class that relies the most on spell impressions.”

Stuart watched Francis, who was panting and more serious than Alden had seen him during club, as he barely leaped away from his opponent before a foot could catch him in the gut.

Ding Ding.

Is he much stronger than her?” Stuart asked.

“No,” said Alden. “I don’t know exactly what talents either of them chose, but she’s one rank higher according to how Earth ranks Avowed. Normally she would have a skill and three or more spell impressions that go with it. If she’s developed a little more she might have a second weaker skill, but probably not yet. They’re in one of the beginner combat classes in this video.” 

“I only know a little basic information about the boy with the bells,” he continued. “He can’t build the suggestion very fast, so I think they probably give him permission to start using his powers at the start of class instead of waiting for individual duels to begin. So it probably feels unfair to his opponent.”

Stuart tilted his head. “I think she’d win if she just stood still and focused on using her spell impressions. They should be castable even if she’s lost limb awareness.”

Alden filed that info away in case it ever came in handy one day.

The fight finished with a time call and no real victor. Both participants looked angry about it as the Adjuster went to the bleachers for a break and Francis headed toward another dueling block to face a different opponent. As was typical of classes held in the gym, there was a minimum of wasted time. There were several blocks, and people were always moving in and out of them as they were assigned new partners. 

Stuart leaned over Alden’s arm, trying to see a pair in a corner of the screen better. 

“Do you want me to show you the close-up footage for that particular fight?” Alden asked. 

“Whatever you would normally watch is fine. I’m not very familiar with what human Avowed your age should be able to do, so it’s difficult for me to judge well. I do recognize some of the weaponry however.”

Alden tapped on the corner Stuart had been looking at and held his finger there until the tablet offered him the option to focus on the Meister/Meister match-up.

The weapons in question were a javelin in the hands of one boy and a diamond-shaped shield on the arm of the other. The javelin-wielder was an A-rank, the shield user an S. 

It was not a fair fight. 

Alden winced as the S-rank pressed forward easily, every strike against his shield seemingly contributing to a wall of force that appeared to cover every inch of him except for the shield. 

“How are you supposed to beat that?”

“By overwhelming the strength of the arm wielding the Laughing Silver Denial,” said Stuart promptly. “Or by transmogrifying it a little bit. Or by altering the terrain beneath his feet. Or…”

He kept going, naming all kinds of things the javelin dude definitely didn’t have the ability to do.

Alden completely stopped paying attention to the tablet to listen to Stuart. 

“Do you like dueling?” he asked finally. “Is that something you do a lot of?”

“Of course. Magical dueling takes many forms. Does dueling at your school always involve combat?”

“I think the part of class called ‘dueling’ does. High ranking Avowed do have a lot of combat abilities, so…fighting. The school thinks it’s one of the best ways for us to grow more powerful.”

“Mmmm…” Stuart looked thoughtful.

“What did that humming sound mean?” Alden asked curiously. “Do you disagree?”

“No. I don’t. But anything that promotes <<the fruitful striving of the self>> is useful. I’m sure the Avowed of the icorlax species would <<stagnate>> and wither if fighting were the only way they could grow.” 

He glanced at the tablet, then back up at Alden. “You’ll be doing this soon?”

“Why do you sound worried?”

“How will you use your skill if you don’t have teammates?”

“Whatever rope I bring to class will be entrusted to me before the duel starts. And then I’ll have to make sure not to drop it.”

Stuart looked doubtful.

“It’s fine if I don’t win a lot of duels,” said Alden. “It’s about improving. Striving.”

“That’s an admirable attitude. And you did say you were attending the school because you wanted to throw yourself at something challenging. Do you want to duel me before you go back to Earth? Maybe before third meal?”

Alden dropped the tablet. In a futile effort to make it look intentional, he let it slide off his knees onto his learning cushion without reaching for it again. 

“I didn’t mean a fight,” Stuart clarified. “You’re in a squishboot. Really I didn’t mean any kind of proper duel since the word implies a similarity of…but I would be helping you practice your skill so that your missed days of schooling were not wasted.”

“If you want to, that would be f—”

“I’ll revise the itinerary again,” Stuart said eagerly, leaping to his feet. 

“Shouldn’t you send me a copy of this itinerary you keep mentioning?” Alden asked.

“I could make you your own version. Yes. I’ll do that.”

“I can’t see your version?” 

“No. It has personal notes on it.”

That made Alden want to see it more, but he’d just have to live with the curiosity. “What’s next on the list for today then?”

“I need to go to the house to get our first meal,” said Stuart. “And select some things for my spell.”

“The grand presentation.”

Stuart smiled. “I do hope you’ll think it’s grand.”



A short while later, they were down by the stream, releasing their zansees. Alden’s jar full gave them one final flash as he bent to pour them into the gentle flow of the water. 

“Zansees are hyektch,” he said, as the two of them headed up the hill toward the main house. 

With the jars emptied, they didn’t have much light, but Stuart didn’t seem to need one to navigate his own backyard. Alden followed close behind him.

“That’s a good way to use hyektch. I think I said the same thing the first time Father showed me the stream at night.” 

Alden tried to picture a man who could chop giant demons in half carrying a tiny boy down to the water to show him the pretty lights. It was surprisingly easy…and somewhat sobering.

“This place is beautiful, Stu-art’h. Thank you for having me as your guest. Properly this time.”

Stuart took a few more steps then stopped. When Alden stood beside him, he said, “The forest here is special.” 

His face was turned toward the dark canopy above them. “It’s quiet for a forest. But it’s much more alive than even the jungle around LeafSong. In its way.”

“I know,” said Alden. “I feel it.”

“Do you?” Stuart was still gazing up. “What does it feel like to you?”

Alden wondered if answering honestly was a little dangerous. He did so anyway, as well as he could. “It feels peaceful, but not in an accidental way. There’s purpose to the feeling.”

He waited for Stuart to comment, but after a few breaths passed, all he said was, “Come on. If we don’t <<dawdle>> we can probably get in and out of the house without running into too many people.”

“Do I get to meet any of them today?” Alden asked. “Your father maybe? Or I could say hello to Evul-art’h face to face for the first time.”

Look at me. I’m just volunteering to say hello to the Primary. Hi, Mr. Jeneth-art’h. It’s me, Alden. The last time you saw me I was wearing a pair of wings. We held hands and I told you about how I used to stare at one particularly awful corpse…remember? Because I’ll never forget that one. 

Bet you didn’t think I’d be wandering around your house as a guest one day.

“I’d love to introduce you to Father,” said Stuart, sounding surprised. “But he’s not home.”

“He’s not?”

“No.” Stuart made a swishing gesture Alden couldn’t quite interpret with one of his hands. “I’m sorry. I would have mentioned that he was gone, but I’m so used to everyone just knowing things about him. For some reason it didn’t occur to me that you wouldn’t. He’s been away from the Mother for months, and he’ll be away for many more, unless something goes wrong.”

“Oh. All right.” He doesn’t plan to be here for Stuart’s affixation?

It seemed like the kind of occasion where a person might want their closest family around them.

“Years ago, he decided to delay a <<long-sought>> goal. A <<campaign>> to re-open the way to a place that was abandoned to chaos not too long before our people discovered yours. He returns to that campaign now.” Stuart started walking again. “If he and the others who’ve gone ahead think it’s still <<feasible>>, more will follow. Esh-erdi and Lind-otta discussed it with him when last they were here. They’ll go in a year or so.”

“It’s a long campaign?”

“Yes. Probably very long. But I know that my father thinks it’s important. I look forward to helping him with it.” He paused, then looked back at Alden. “Not at the vanguard of course. The campaign would have to be extremely long for me to become strong enough to join him there.”

“Of course…you can still destroy hundreds of demons at the back.”






Thank youuuu




Thanks Queen 👑 I just love Stuart, he's so precious and I really want Alden to get help, for his mind, his affixation. Everything where a teen should have strong support and get answers but he doesn't.


I love getting these notifications :D

Kate Yen

Thank you sleyca! ❤️ ❤️❤️ sleep well


Thanks for the chapter, Sleyca ! Now get some sleep ! For the rest of us: Discord invite link: https://discord.com/invite/SuperSupportiveFans , RR info only wiki link: https://supersupportive.miraheze.org/


Thanks for the chapter!

Josh Delgado42

Thank you for the chapter!


yes! soup for starter today Thank you Sleyca


This whole trip is just so incredibly good for Alden. It’s everything he needs and deserves. He’s healing and considering accepting help in that healing, he’s thinking about what his future looks like but not obsessing over it, he’s learning useful and fun new things… It’s all! So! Good!


I wonder what form of dueling Stuart was thinking of when he offered to duel Alden. Debate? A board game? Competitive knitting?


You thought you could delay the chapter enough for me to sleep first, but NOT TODAY! Today I fend off rest to simmer my brain in a warm and comforting bath of soup before I call it a day. Now that I'm done, it's a day. Toodles. Thanks for the chapter!

Batty Corvina

Future-knight burrito gave me a giggle ☺️ thanks for the soup!

Amber Gregory

Stuart is a great host and a very sincere friend. It seems a shame that there are still things they can't share


> He doesn’t plan to be here for Stuart’s affixation? Chapter 62 (Home I): > Alden was glad he’d been alone through it. Some things weren’t meant to be shared.


We get at least one more Stu chapter *laughs in maniacal happiness* Edit: This totally is Stu's first proper sleepover, isn't it? That makes me so sad.


Kraaa totally knows about the Auriad situation right? The video in which Kibby shows her new one off to Alden is titled "Kraaa asks how you are", and if Alden can immediately notice the difference in colour I'm guessing that the griveck equivalent of a hyperbole++ can almost certainly tell. To Kraaa the difference in shades of blue might be like the difference between red and green. Throw in the fact that I don't for a second believe that Kraaa didn't notice the theft.... He almost certainly knows that Kibby's current Auriad is not the one she came with. And he might know (or at least suspect) that the oringal Auriad was Alden's.


Kibby is as sweet as ever <3


Thanks! Nice wake up gift!


“Years ago, he decided to delay a <> goal. A <> to re-open the way to a place that was abandoned to chaos not too long before our people discovered yours." - I wonder if it's the place were Gorgon comes from.


Thank you!


We eating good!!


They're opening the way back to Gorgon's planet, aren't they. I wonder what they'll find there.

JJ Hunter

Oh. Did Jeneth-art'h delay this campaign to stay and make sure Stu-art'h would be okay first? What a quiet, unmistakable vote of utter confidence in Stu it is that he's gone now.


Merci. Enjoyable chapter as always. Cannot wait to know if Alden decides to come clean or not about the auriad.


Thanks for the chapter!


Thanks for the chapter where I discover 1) I want a learning cushion with pockets 2) I want glowing bugs from a creek 3) I admire father's who fight chaos on the edge of the known reality 4) I hope Aiden and Kibby grow apart but stay in touch connecting with each other in healthy ways 5) the mind healer is something I almost don't want Aiden to experience as his trauma and journey is something that defines him.


... And Kraaaa might be as colorblind as dogs and horses. Or not care even the little it took to notice. Or not have a clear enough memory of the brief glimpse to compare the two. There is a solid chance he knows, I grant. But I feel like assuming he does is too much. And it would be far worse to make assumptions about what he thinks of it or what he'd do with the information.


| “By overwhelming the strength of the arm wielding the Laughing Silver Denial,” said Stuart promptly. Petition to rename it the Four Edged Son That Goes LOL Nope


thank youuuuu! I love these Stu/rapport chapters. But that his father isnt there for the affixing makes me sad. He seems very loving toward Stu. Or maybe it is on purpose? Because of the possibility of Stus death? Although that would be sad in a different way...


"Three dead Avowed and one survivor" two survivors


He says something to help Alden work on his skill, so... blindfolded catch? Entrusted item hide-and-seek?


I was proud of him for finally thinking about it seriously this chapter!


|“I didn’t mean a fight,” Stuart clarified. “You’re in a squishboot. Really I didn’t mean any kind of proper duel since the word implies a similarity of…” Similarity of what, Stuart? Call me low-quality again. I dare you. I double dare you, motherforsaker!


Thank you Sleyca!


I'm starting to want soup (the edible kind) more often. I think it's seeping into my being from the comments pages.


I did! Love this arc already so much with Stuart!


Oh we know what they'll find There's gonna be EDIBLE FUCKIN MEATS, BABY!!!!!

Ano Ano

The timing certainly makes it seem like it has to be Gorgons home universe. Pretty exciting long term possibilities for bringing gorgon back in to the story.

Ano Ano

Aw, I really wanted Kibby's auriad to be the red of Alden's labcoat. Oh well. Hope forcibly changing your own favorite color for illicit reasons doesn't have negative side effects.


The first half is evocative of these comment sections, but with Alden speculating instead of us.




From Discord: "I've hidden a treat for you, Alden Ryeh-b't," Stu told him. "I entrust it to you, for your training." Alden's mood stuttered but he closed his eyes anyway, orienting himself to the wevvi confection. When his eyes opened Stuart was in front of him. He sighed. "It's in your pants. Again." Alden thought about the small collection of summons refusals he had built up.


I recommend casting Peace of Mind and falling asleep with the fuzzy feeling of getting to start the next day with soup.


Thank you for the chapter! I'm so glad Alden is thinking as he is in the first part of this chapter, I didn't realize how much anxiety I had about him! A little help can go a long way if he will just accept it :)


>future-knight burrito on the other side of the cottage.  Future-knight burrito. Stuffed with 100% Grade A Meatpetal and 57 herbs and spices 🌯


Finally getting Stuart’s backstory, just like we did with Lute ages ago. This writing is so satisfying and addictive! Has there been any discussion about why Stuart and his family don’t question how Alden got to his house the first time? You’d think they would act very differently if they knew how Alden got there.


Thanks Sleyca!


At Mishnen Catering we prioritize quality. Summon us to your celebrations today!


From what I recall, Kibby genuinely loves the color because it reminds her of Alden which is super sweet of her.


They know he was in the forest as an abomination-containment measure. They don't seem to question why he wasn't teleported out in a non-house-going-into manner.


Random speculation: I wonder if authority, being tied to ego & self-other distinction, is supposed to be fundamentally tied to having an inner experience? Because if so, wizards most likely have solved the hard problem of consciousness, they just can't explain it in ways humans understand. ...I mostly just like the idea of an Artonan reading human philosophy and getting mad because "No you stupid resource-worlder, you can't have a universe of p-zombies that matches this one, magic couldn't work for a p-zombie!"


I have a feeling this "Campaign" is where all the people with skills like Hannah's are disappearing to, and where the Primary thinks Alden will be a good fit for in the near future


ah shit, that not-injury when he was very young is why Stu never mentioned his mother, isn't it?


Mmmm... if the Primary had to be there for the start of the campaign, then no. Hannah disappeared well before Alden met the Primary at a party. And people disappearing on summons isn't something new, anyway.


Hah! Except that most of us here seem much more confident about the right thing to do than Alden does.


Thank you for the chapter! Ahhhh my Kibby fix.

Shaun Clark

My song choice for this chapter is simple times and soft focus by soft jazz Trio. I use Amazon Music to get my music selections because I use a home device they provide that is voice activated so I don't have to use my voice reader on my phone to find my music. The joys of being disabled for way too long is being willing to try anything to get the job done.


When Stu offered to train Alden I immediately saw the Rocky training montage in my mind


I wonder if Stu is going to realise that Alden's skill is a bit too strong for his level..


I think it honestly depends. the campaign could have started without him or he might have started setting the groundwork for it a decade or two before deciding to take a "quick break" then going back to start it in earnest. One the biggest issues is that most of the upper echelon in this story don't need to think about time the same way we do so their definition of recent or "a couple of years back" might be completely different to what we would assume those words to mean

Michael Blue

I wonder if the duel with Stu will give Alden another major insight how to use his power (or how to use his auriad effectively)

Barrett Fogarty

"I have to end up somewhere somehow, if I survive for long." Add this to thoughts I can do without first thing in the morning.


How is Alden and Kibby's relationship unhealthy? It is between a child and a teenager, sure that is a bit awkward and it is bound to grow in various ways as they both grow up, but Alden and Kibby are now basically family and I've seen unhealthy families (my own included)


Thank you for the chapter, Sleyca. Good Soup!


Given his expectations on the meister, maybe not...

Barrett Fogarty

Reading this chapter is like when I'm going down a road and I see deer grazing amongst a herd of cattle. It's odd and it seems important, but I'm not exactly sure why. Alden being at Knights Rapport feels the same. Maybe it's because he's something wild visiting the domesticated. Or maybe it's because we get a glimpse of what the domesticated once were.


I honestly don't think the duel will be anything quite as crazy as fighting and using auriads. From the way stu afsked if duels always involved fighting it probably more going to be a battle of authority. My guess would be that stu i going to plan it to train alden the most, probably by having alden preserve an object and then stu will try to use his authority to "rip/steal" the object from alden authority.


For dueling, do wizards just whip out their authority and wrestle with it instead of giving each other pats? Are Alden and Stu going to have an authority (for Alden bound) measuring contest?

Radha Patel

Thank you for the chapter! For the past 100 chapters, Alden's been keeping himself too busy to really analyze his feelings like this

John D Jones

Maybe similarity of disagreement? Figure in a duel you've got two people who are angry at each other over something, so they're doing a formal fight to settle it. In this case Stu's going to help Alden practice, no disagreement needed.


Thanks for the chapter! Enjoyed the meandering of it and wanted more progress at the same time. Very relaxed.

John D Jones

I think it's more that as much as he wishes he could be there for Stu's Affixation, the Primary is kind of busy being Artonan Dwight D. Eisenhower running Artonan Operation Overlord to take back some territory from Demonic Chaos.

Neal Mayne

Maybe but it might also be a cultural thing because they refer to Artona 1s seed as Mother.

Matt DiMeo

Alden, be a good roommate and ask Stu for information about Mind Writhers.

Andrew Shovelton

Gah, another great chapter. I wish I could just turn the page and keep reading ;_;

Guus van der Borg

I think most Artonans have a very bad feel for what's 'normal' for humans. It's been implied before that most don't bother to actually investigate the avowed and that they just follow whatever the system recommends. I think Alden can get away with being fairly weird until someone notices.

Alex Scriber

I think it’s a hopeful thought. There’s an implication of long-term survival. Alongside it there’s an acknowledgment that he’ll be somewhere doing something as long as he’s alive, so if he wants to enjoy it he should continue planning and striving to get to where he wants to be. Life upturns all our plans from time to time, but after we pick ourselves up from the latest upset, we can still steer our course to something that makes us happy.


let's avoid talking about stu being stuffed with meat please


I would kill to be able to see the itinerary that Stuart has drawn up.


Maybe I'm a pessimist, but I don't see that as a hopeful thought. It's like he's completely aimless right now and doesn't know where he'll end up. He just hopes the end of the journey will be somewhere. But that somewhere might not be a happy , full of roses, place. He's at sea right now and a current is just moving him around.

Todd Hunter

Great chapter. I am going to wild ass guess that possibly Stu's mother dying might be the reason both needing a mind healer and her not being mentioned, unless I missed a mention. Also gives Alden and Stu another shared connection.


I just hope later he will reach a point where he can make a conscious decision about his life and has the strength to enforce it.


A wild Alden has appeared! -Stu used [Itinerary] -It's super effective!!

Guus van der Borg

@Terrestrial Biped For real people, I very much agree with you. For main characters in a story though... dealing with problems in a rational and healthy way usually ends a story faster than some would like. Part of Alden's story arc is him struggling with these issues. So I get wanting to see him struggle some more. Then again, I feel like we already had the 'third act' of the mental health arc, and Alden finally deciding to visit a mind healer might be a good capstone for the arc. Making room for the next one. _Which will obviously be about the subtle spy war between The Velras and The Roommates._


Guess: Hannah is alive and on campaign. EDIT: Everyone of Stu'Arth's suggestions for how the spearman should handle the shield-bearer are notably wizardly suggestions. They do not take into account that, even if this person were a Knight instead of a wizard, their authority would be mostly bound into the usage of the spear. This speaks a little poorly of Stu's aptitude for knightship. He doesn't seem to have fully grasped what he will lose.


21:00 Earth time: Alden sleep time. Note to self: don't forget to cast spell for removing all dust from room and to infuse bedding with smell conducive to sleeping


I agree with Anita. I think these thoughts show us that Alden is, in fact, not fine and needs help. Because those are not normal or hopeful thoughts


Bet the campaign is to free Gorgon's world. On a side note, when one person is saying multiple paragraphs or quoting multiple paragraphs, you only put quotes at the start of each paragraph and one ending quote at the end of the last paragraph. So it would look like this: "First paragraph. "Second paragraph. "Third paragraph." That way you dont have to break up the dialogue in every following paragraph with "he continued"


I love these Stu chapters and all this Alden introspection. You write introspection so well!!

Nathan Rice

Alden could probably catch Reinhard's arrows, but it would at least demonstrate that he can overcome his arrow recall ability. And can Reinhard be hurt by his own arrows anyway?


Imagine 100 years ago. No gadgets, no Amazon.... How did we live?


It's surprising to be reminded all of this has happened in less than a year. Poor kid


And, when they first found help on the moon, Alden's auriad was seen. Kibby claimed it was hers. If her own auriad suddenly looked different...

Nathan Rice

Yeah I was thinking similarity of capabilities. But it may not be strictly power. Esh-erdi is very powerful but couldn't participate in a healing duel.


You just want Lexi to flip out when he asks where info came from!


I had the same thought. I'm speculating that perhaps Gorgon despises the Artonans because they abandoned them to the chaos, not that they "invaded" them or tried to force the Contract on them. It always bothered me that from Gorgon's perspective it sounded like the Artonans did something evil. I like to think, after this chapter, that the Artonans rather abandoned them when the going got tough and that the Senate decided this, not the Primary. Perhaps the Primary did not agree with the decision and always regretted it. Interesting that it will happen in a year. I wonder if our story are moving towards Alden joining that expedition...in the rearguard of course


I wonder if Alden will be able to target multiple entrusters one day, or even a collective of people. He is the "Bearer of All Burdens" after all, not the "Bearer of Burdens From One Target at a Time".

Andrew Boyer

Missed opportunity for an early morning chat with Mother.


"No, it has personal notes." I love everything about you Stu'arth. You're such an unabashed nerd. I hope your skill lines up. The One Who Gives Everything Its Place.


I mean, it's only been like a year since she disappeared. it could be that she's doing a 2 year tour of duty in exchange for never having to work again

The butler did it

I don't know; Stuart implied the campaign restarted when his father left, and Alden's met the Primary. Unless he sent a vanguard ahead of him the timing doesn't line up.

Emily Gurnavage

Omg lol good point. Imagine the absolute *chaos* if Alden brought back another Mind Writher and then *gave it to Kon*. Lexi doesn't summon it afaik, he carries it around, so its not like made from a skill. Maybe Alden can actually get one. But now im realizing I dont know enough about mesiters. Does the System *give* meisters an initial weapon? Or do they need to get one somewhere? Did Lexis parents fund the argold to buy it? If the System gives them one, is it like a basic bitch edition or good or what? Are there even stronger version of Mind Writher out there for Lexi to one day purchase? Is the bow guy using an Earth bow or an Artonan bow? Can he use any bow or does it gotta be magical in some way? What about the useless sounding torch meister we briefly met way back? Can he commission a wright made torch thats made of fancy materials with ingrained magic and shit or is he stuck with a standard wooden one?

The butler did it

I agree with Guus. Alden didn't think Stuart would even know what the letter ranks are; I highly doubt he would have any way of knowing Alden is too strong.

Emily Gurnavage

I loved the chapter, even though it still has me going insane waiting for Alden to meet more of the family and for these conversations the both of them are still holding back on. Like, I really really want more plot/story, but this was still a great chapter that keeps everyone feeling like real people and its def the right time and spot etc for it. Both super satisfying and the opposite at the same time lol. . I especially Iike that Alden really thought about the Healer of Mind offer and gave it real consideration for once. Even though I still think it would be a good idea, I can understand Alden's perspective better now on why he doesn't want to visit one.

Emily Gurnavage

I wonder if something Alden does in the duel (but not an actual spell cast, he aint dumb) will give away his authority control. Even just reacting to certain things could give it away. Like if maybe a wizards duel starts with an authority handshake, and Alden visibly flinches at the unexpected touch and Stu notices. Something like that.

Matt DiMeo

We know some of those answers from author comments. The system delivers the Meister weapons, and they are better than anything humans could make. But Meisters are also good with mundane versions of their tools. Andrez would be good with any random club, not just is system granted one.

Emily Gurnavage

As the ruler and primary protector of all currently known existence and many many planets and trillions of beings - he has surely missed a lot of important family stuff over his life. Unfortunate, but certain duties come before even family when you have that many relying on you.

John D Jones

Reinhard is still Rank A, so Alden might not be able to overcome his "Recall Arrow" ability. That said, I'm pretty sure, Reinhard can be hurt by his own arrows, since they're, well, arrows. The question "Can Alden hit Reinhard with his "Redirect Momentum?" trick.

Alex Scriber

I like that the firefly bugs are talking to each other. Such a neat detail. “His jar of zansees flashed, and Stuart’s followed a moment later.”

Emily Gurnavage

He's mentioned that he never had a friend over at his house before even for a day visit, so yea, first sleepover as well. The two times Alden has come are the only friend visits Stu has had.

Emily Gurnavage

That name makes it sound like Manon's rabbit skill, lol. The positioning and organizational one.

Emily Gurnavage

I agree that the timing doesn't come anywhere close to lining up. Hannah is dead and gone in my opinion. This campaign was apparently shelved over 60 years ago and just restarted less than a year ago. She was dead already before it was restarted.

Emily Gurnavage

Better than anything *any* human could make, or in general I wonder. What about an S-rank Wright specialized in weapons for example? That does also suggest that meisters with the right connections/opportunities could source even better weapons from the triplanets.

John D Jones

@ Charlie Hannah's dead. Even if she were on a "tour of duty" or somehow in the vanguard of the Primary's campaign, she'd have been allow to send a message to at least her own mother that she was alive. Figure her mother would have told Alden about that. This story is at least somewhat about subverting expectations. Alden didn't somehow stop the "not-tsunami" from hitting Anesidora. He just survived it while preserving Zeridee and got rescued. Hannah isn't going to turn up alive and on some secret anti-Chaos mission. She was already on something like that and she died in a way that left her body missing or unrecoverable because that's the kind of stuff that happens in a war/conflict. I also don't think Hannah's going to show up as a demon or something. "Blah! I was your best friend/caregiver and now I'm you're worst enemy!" is cliche and played out to say the least. For a story about aliens, magic and superheroes, this is pretty realistic emotional. Alden never getting full closure about Hannah because she disappeared on a mission because she died is completely on point for this story.

Alexander Dupree

If Stu had said “there are personal notes on it” to me idk if I’d have been able to resist giving him a huge hug.


Stu's dad may have seen him alive for the last time ever months ago. I dont think this is a random family matter. It is a question of life and death for Stu. I did read in another comment that actually not coming may be the primary showing confidence in Stu and his survival and I think that's a possibility too, a really nice one. Stu does not seem angry at his dad like he is angry at his other relatives, so Jeneth supporting him in becoming a knight is probably likely.

John D Jones

I'm imagining a situation between Alden, Vandy and Stu-art'h like that one scene in Challengers and it's not leaving my head.

John D Jones

I don't think it's either that or his sister's death. Awful as it is to endure, grief is a known thing. Capable grief counselors (who can augment their therapy with magic) would be fully available. The Primary searching the universe implies that whatever was happening with Stu-'art'h wasn't a known thing. I think the Primary knew "something" was going wrong with his son, but not really what it was or how to treat it.

John D Jones

I think it's much more likely that Kraaaa doesn't care that much about the weird little Artonan girl child doing weird little Artonan girl child stuff. He was Kibby's babysitter/bodyguard, not her hall monitor.


Long ramble incoming. Zansees are cool. They'd be great to simulate in an animation engine. I want to make a voxel art or gif of the ripples. Might take a while. I'm rusty. Stu-art'h sleeping in a floating cocoon of blankets is cute. The sleep-talking, too. I'd be willing to bet that this scene gets depicted in fan art. Alden's musings are fascinating. I like hearing his thought process. I especially like that he's seriously considering the mind healer. Kibby continues to be the best. If you met an alien, wouldn't you like to know what they keep in their cabinets? Alden has been a bigger influence on Kibby than he realizes. He thinks her auriad is blue because she is a genius and somehow chose the color. From past chapters, we know Kibby's auriad is blue because she thinks the world of Alden. "Anything that promotes the *fruitful striving of the self*" is good for leveling. Maybe the Longs had it partially right. Facing fears should promote growth. This may also explain why Lute is so strong. Look how hard he had to work before affixing. Stu-art'h is working very hard at being a good host. His schedule will be in shambles by the end of this visit. I'm looking forward to their "duel." The Primary being away means Alden can't tell anyone about his conversation with Joe until after Stu-art'h affixes. We also have a better idea of what Knights do: They reclaim worlds lost/abandoned to chaos. Sometimes. It explains why Alis-art'h and considered her post relaxing. Same with Esh-erdi and Lynd-otta. Reclaiming a planet lost to chaos sounds a lot like a dungeon crawl. I wonder if that planet is Gorgon's. The timing of the discovery is interesting. I don't know how long Gorgon has been imprisoned. I wonder if Gorgon's planet will ever be reclaimed. I also wonder if the Artonans (or at least a faction of them) decided to let Gorgon's planet get consumed so they could claim it for themselves. If genocide were not enough reason to seek revenge, this would make (some) Artonans irredeemable. Spell impressions don't require bodily awareness. This is huge. A short chat with Stu-art'h revealed two pieces of information about leveling and affixations that many Earth avowed would kill for. Does Alden fully grasp how much of an advantage he has? Does he want this advantage? Will he be able to help other avowed in their growth? Will he want to?

Aspiring Moth

fighting to keep control of the object sounds like good training for the remote preservation skill discovery, and may even help him learn to move his preserved objects like he was trying to back when he was messing with the nesi cards

Bob Smith

If the Primary is around for Stu's affixation, and it goes badly, Stu might ask him to end it immediately. The Primary might not be able to decline. By being away for several months, it gives Stu a chance to stabilize and not want that anymore. We haven't seen anybody but the Primary who can end things for the knights while he is gone. That said, I don't like how this idea would require the Primary to possibly leave Stu in agony for months with zero recourse until he gets back.


Maybe she had a fit of post-partum depression and crushed him with her authority, like Alis-art'h was afraid of doing. Maybe that fear was more grounded than was implied.

John D Jones

@ Viz Art'h Family: "How exactly did this rhey-b't boy bypass our security and arrive uninvited?" Alis-art'h: "I sent him to the Mother Forest in case his treatment failed and he became an abomination. That way he could be easily killed without risking collateral damage. Or just sent back to Earth from our summonarium if that didn't happen." Art'h Family: "Ah, got it. Makes sense. Never mind."


I nearly teared up when Stu said “no more gokoratches.” He’s taking the abandonment by his false-friends much harder than he lets on… Obviously. It’s clear Alden’s defense of him meant a lot to Stu.


I want Stu to explain a duel like it's super serious and has very complex rules and then it's just, like, tag

Ian T Hathaway

The squeal I squealed at Kibby getting her Auriad, baby girl growing up! And Stuart with his personalized itinerary, you autistic king I would die for you.


"The water bugs in both jars flashed again, painting the ceiling with light." This is such a beautiful detail. I feel like I'm right there with Alden and the sleeping burrito.


Can't wait for Alden to finally show Stu'Arth his auriad... I mean, come on! 😉


You're right! I didn't even think about that.

Neil H

Thanks for pointing that out, I didn't catch that detail.


What is hyektch?

Neil H

I was wondering that same, I don't recall seeing that term before.

Radha Patel

It was mentioned in chapter 70: Rare Company Stuart sighed. “I was only trying to be << accommodating. >> Hyektch is a very particular word. It’s the interest a child feels upon first << encountering >> a pleasing new thing that is not beyond their ability to understand. You actually used it when you met…my ryeh-b’t.”


It sort of means "cute" but specifically in a way that indicates a child is seeing something it can understand.


Presumably, Stu doesn't have access to Alden's profile, and would have no means of knowing what Alden's skill or level would be even on the fake one.


@John, I don't entirely disagree, but the lack of a formal declaration of death implies *something*. Maybe her body hasn't been found. Maybe she was killed upon return to Earth. We know that Avowed sometimes go missing without notice, but we don't know that they actually die on assignment. Manon, for instance, would be understood to have died while on a job for the Artonans. Absent an actual explanation I'm throwing out guesses, and "Hannah was recruited to be part of the first foray into lost space and has stayed on either due to necessity or difficulty leaving" isn't unreasonable.


Thanks for the soup! I'm glad Alden is at least considering the offer of Healer of Mind, even if he doesn't end up taking it. I really appreciated how you wrote his thoughts in the first half, you can really tell how anxious his mind is. Poor boy has had too much happen to him in less than a year.

Jared Obermeyer

My brain flashed to, oh one day his power will grow to the point he can preserve an entire planet. Chaos, go away, I'm just going to hold this moon in stasis while the others kick your ass.


Ha I took it to mean more that Stu is totally embarrassed by the Earth memes and wants Alden to stop teasing him.

Alex Scriber

Either that or he’s really embarrassed that he inspired the gokoratch song.


The primary releasing the knights from their duty like that seemed highly ritualized. There were a ton (all not currently deployed?) knights in attendance and it was like a ceremony where all knights get the chance to give their authority to the land. So I doubt there are any spontaneous individual release-from-duty events happening.


I don't think Alden is going to share his wizardness this visit anymore. But a lot of other exciting stuff came up and is coming soon (if Alden and Stu follow the new itinerary). And I guess that's soup essence. Very hard to predict.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

@Matt this was also my first thought, for obvious reasons. Some of us have speculated that meister weapons are similar to bonding an auriad in some way, and Writher more than most, and thus wouldn't be straightforward to replace or upgrade. Maybe Lexi can grow Writher's writherness just like Joe has a giant auriad. Alden and Stuart's careful/intentional way of talking to each other means we don't get constant spoiler-filled lore dumps, even though Stuart definitely knows a ton of things we and Alden wish we knew. But since we just saw Kibby's auriad, maybe it's the right moment to learn a little more on the subject?

Emily Gurnavage

@Denaturated Yea, im pretty certain that is the take away the author meant. Cant be entirely sure, but it fits the scene better.

kapat (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-15 16:41:27 the lengthy introspection at the beginning of the chapter was really necessary. I understand Alden’s motivations once again, and I think his thought-spiral at the end of that section was uhhh…. quite realistic for his anxiety levels. - I want to know what the “edge of the universe” is. is that some type of edge more in reality (vs 3-space) or is there an actual edge of the universe in SS? the edge of the observable universe? but that would mean chaos was creeping into the universe 13+ billion years ago which would be Extra Concerning but would also mean it wasn’t spreading /that/ quickly if it hadn’t yet taken over Earth/the Milky Way/the Virgo Cluster/the Laniakea Supercluster. I guess maybe I don’t really understand what universe is in this context. actually, are Artonans in the same universe? if yes, where are they physically located in relation to Earth? they clearly have FTL travel, but that’s more magic-based than science-based so I am satisfied with hand-waving it. but I apparently got really hung up on the definition of “universe”. - it’s such a complex feeling that Alden had about Esh-erdi: to be irritated at someone’s worry but not actually be able to argue against it. I have felt that way many times (especially when I was a teenager) and it was captured really well here. - presumably principal Saleh and the relevant higher ups will eventually find out about what happened at the Ambassador’s residence (if nothing else)? I would also assume they know that he is staying on Matadero (sp?). it would be really fun to have some brief povs of them reacting to this news. my brain that can’t help but love Alden going through sh!t also appreciates others noticing that he is going through it. - god I wish I could get a sway and mind healer to lock in desired personality changes. I really need to get to work instead of leaving this whole ass comment on here. - I live for Kibby content. I don’t think I will ever get tired of it. I can’t wait for them to be reunited. I hope it happens before she gets summoning privileges since that will take /years/, but I am willing to be patient. at least soon they will be able to talk without videos, though considering that Stu needed someone else (Evul-art’h) to set up non-monitored calls, I imagine Kibby will need to do the same. after reading other comments, here are some more thoughts: - like me, many people want Stu-art’h to find out Alden is a wizard. we all want /something/ to happen, though everyone has various ideas of how that will happen. as much as I love these peaceful chapters and think Alden deserves them, I’m ready for some drama. I may or may not get my wish. I may get drama that has nothing to do with Alden being a wizard. I will let go my expectations. (for some reason just remembered that thing from ATLAB that one dude kept repeating to learn how to fly: let go your earthly tether. enter the void. empty, and become wind.) - at this point, I don’t think Alden will tell Stu about his wizard-ness, considering he desperately doesn’t want his life to be upset anymore. we, as readers, know his life will be tumultuous anyway. but if someone finding out meant that Alden wouldn’t be able to go to school anymore I might be annoyed. I’m always upset when a story with a good school-life portion stops having the school-life super early on because Bigger, Universe-Changing things are happening. I was promised slice-of-life and the school relationships are some of my favorites. but I digress, if Stu-art’h were to find out this trip, I’m pro “during the duel” maybe Alden will slip up and respond with his authority to something that Stu is doing. edit: okay I’m telling myself I cannot reread SS again until it gets to ch 170. just had a shit meeting with my research group and I want to comfort reread all 161 chapters
2024-06-13 18:00:30 the lengthy introspection at the beginning of the chapter was really necessary. I understand Alden’s motivations once again, and I think his thought-spiral at the end of that section was uhhh…. quite realistic for his anxiety levels. - I want to know what the “edge of the universe” is. is that some type of edge more in reality (vs 3-space) or is there an actual edge of the universe in SS? the edge of the observable universe? but that would mean chaos was creeping into the universe 13+ billion years ago which would be Extra Concerning but would also mean it wasn’t spreading /that/ quickly if it hadn’t yet taken over Earth/the Milky Way/the Virgo Cluster/the Laniakea Supercluster. I guess maybe I don’t really understand what universe is in this context. actually, are Artonans in the same universe? if yes, where are they physically located in relation to Earth? they clearly have FTL travel, but that’s more magic-based than science-based so I am satisfied with hand-waving it. but I apparently got really hung up on the definition of “universe”. - it’s such a complex feeling that Alden had about Esh-erdi: to be irritated at someone’s worry but not actually be able to argue against it. I have felt that way many times (especially when I was a teenager) and it was captured really well here. - presumably principal Saleh and the relevant higher ups will eventually find out about what happened at the Ambassador’s residence (if nothing else)? I would also assume they know that he is staying on Matadero (sp?). it would be really fun to have some brief povs of them reacting to this news. my brain that can’t help but love Alden going through sh!t also appreciates others noticing that he is going through it. - god I wish I could get a sway and mind healer to lock in desired personality changes. I really need to get to work instead of leaving this whole ass comment on here. - I live for Kibby content. I don’t think I will ever get tired of it. I can’t wait for them to be reunited. I hope it happens before she gets summoning privileges since that will take /years/, but I am willing to be patient. at least soon they will be able to talk without videos, though considering that Stu needed someone else (Evul-art’h) to set up non-monitored calls, I imagine Kibby will need to do the same. after reading other comments, here are some more thoughts: - like me, many people want Stu-art’h to find out Alden is a wizard. we all want /something/ to happen, though everyone has various ideas of how that will happen. as much as I love these peaceful chapters and think Alden deserves them, I’m ready for some drama. I may or may not get my wish. I may get drama that has nothing to do with Alden being a wizard. I will let go my expectations. (for some reason just remembered that thing from ATLAB that one dude kept repeating to learn how to fly: let go your earthly tether. enter the void. empty, and become wind.) - at this point, I don’t think Alden will tell Stu about his wizard-ness, considering he desperately doesn’t want his life to be upset anymore. we, as readers, know his life will be tumultuous anyway. but if someone finding out meant that Alden wouldn’t be able to go to school anymore I might be annoyed. I’m always upset when a story with a good school-life portion stops having the school-life super early on because Bigger, Universe-Changing things are happening. I was promised slice-of-life and the school relationships are some of my favorites. but I digress, if Stu-art’h were to find out this trip, I’m pro “during the duel” maybe Alden will slip up and respond with his authority to something that Stu is doing.

the lengthy introspection at the beginning of the chapter was really necessary. I understand Alden’s motivations once again, and I think his thought-spiral at the end of that section was uhhh…. quite realistic for his anxiety levels. - I want to know what the “edge of the universe” is. is that some type of edge more in reality (vs 3-space) or is there an actual edge of the universe in SS? the edge of the observable universe? but that would mean chaos was creeping into the universe 13+ billion years ago which would be Extra Concerning but would also mean it wasn’t spreading /that/ quickly if it hadn’t yet taken over Earth/the Milky Way/the Virgo Cluster/the Laniakea Supercluster. I guess maybe I don’t really understand what universe is in this context. actually, are Artonans in the same universe? if yes, where are they physically located in relation to Earth? they clearly have FTL travel, but that’s more magic-based than science-based so I am satisfied with hand-waving it. but I apparently got really hung up on the definition of “universe”. - it’s such a complex feeling that Alden had about Esh-erdi: to be irritated at someone’s worry but not actually be able to argue against it. I have felt that way many times (especially when I was a teenager) and it was captured really well here. - presumably principal Saleh and the relevant higher ups will eventually find out about what happened at the Ambassador’s residence (if nothing else)? I would also assume they know that he is staying on Matadero (sp?). it would be really fun to have some brief povs of them reacting to this news. my brain that can’t help but love Alden going through sh!t also appreciates others noticing that he is going through it. - god I wish I could get a sway and mind healer to lock in desired personality changes. I really need to get to work instead of leaving this whole ass comment on here. - I live for Kibby content. I don’t think I will ever get tired of it. I can’t wait for them to be reunited. I hope it happens before she gets summoning privileges since that will take /years/, but I am willing to be patient. at least soon they will be able to talk without videos, though considering that Stu needed someone else (Evul-art’h) to set up non-monitored calls, I imagine Kibby will need to do the same. after reading other comments, here are some more thoughts: - like me, many people want Stu-art’h to find out Alden is a wizard. we all want /something/ to happen, though everyone has various ideas of how that will happen. as much as I love these peaceful chapters and think Alden deserves them, I’m ready for some drama. I may or may not get my wish. I may get drama that has nothing to do with Alden being a wizard. I will let go my expectations. (for some reason just remembered that thing from ATLAB that one dude kept repeating to learn how to fly: let go your earthly tether. enter the void. empty, and become wind.) - at this point, I don’t think Alden will tell Stu about his wizard-ness, considering he desperately doesn’t want his life to be upset anymore. we, as readers, know his life will be tumultuous anyway. but if someone finding out meant that Alden wouldn’t be able to go to school anymore I might be annoyed. I’m always upset when a story with a good school-life portion stops having the school-life super early on because Bigger, Universe-Changing things are happening. I was promised slice-of-life and the school relationships are some of my favorites. but I digress, if Stu-art’h were to find out this trip, I’m pro “during the duel” maybe Alden will slip up and respond with his authority to something that Stu is doing.

JJ Hunter (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-15 16:41:27 It's interesting to have Lute's living mother as this deeply sensitive, he's-not-ready-to-talk-about-it-yet elephant that occasionally stands in the corner of the room conspicuously not getting mentioned, and now Stu-art'h birthmother not getting mentioned. Is this another detail about Stu's family that 'everyone' knows and he keeps forgetting Alden doesn't? Is Stu cherishing the chance to disclose his own backstory for once at times and pacing of his own choosing, just like Lute cherished getting to tell his own story first to Alden without gossip beating him there? Death is not the only possibility that would make mentioning Stu's birthmother potentially a sensitive subject.
2024-06-13 18:05:00 It's interesting to have Lute's living mother as this deeply sensitive, he's-not-ready-to-talk-about-it-yet elephant that occasionally stands in the corner of the room conspicuously not getting mentioned, and now Stu-art'h's birthmother not getting mentioned. Is this another detail about Stu's family that 'everyone' knows and he keeps forgetting Alden doesn't? Is Stu cherishing the chance to disclose his own backstory for once at times and pacing of his own choosing, just like Lute cherished getting to tell his own story first to Alden without gossip beating him there? Death is not the only possibility that would make mentioning Stu's birthmother potentially a sensitive subject.

It's interesting to have Lute's living mother as this deeply sensitive, he's-not-ready-to-talk-about-it-yet elephant that occasionally stands in the corner of the room conspicuously not getting mentioned, and now Stu-art'h's birthmother not getting mentioned. Is this another detail about Stu's family that 'everyone' knows and he keeps forgetting Alden doesn't? Is Stu cherishing the chance to disclose his own backstory for once at times and pacing of his own choosing, just like Lute cherished getting to tell his own story first to Alden without gossip beating him there? Death is not the only possibility that would make mentioning Stu's birthmother potentially a sensitive subject.

Jean Bohdel

I like that it seems the pink (now I’m afraid I remember wrong) control the flashing of the other two colors. Having watched numerous videos on the workings of fireflies throughout the world, I am a little obsessed with this idea.

Kevin Deane

It might be a good idea to add a note to remind readers what hyektch means. It showed up in a google search for me though so I'm okay.


Edit suggestion: instead of plane -> instead of a plane

Aspiring Moth

I have been speculating about casting auriad spells without an auriad for many chapters now, and I think that this comment on the adjuster using spell impressions without use of their arms is a point in favour of it. I don't think it's something that requires significantly more power, but it likely requires more control. there isn't really a situation where a wizard wouldn't have access to their auriad, but I suspect that trying to cast auriad spells freehand is an exercise for developing authority control. this impractical training exercise is the only way Alden could use his spells freely though, and I think that he really does need to be able to use his force square and triangle for the gym duels narratively


It could also be that a similarity of status is required for a Proper Duel


while this may be true, i believe the adjuster thing is about using adjuster spells without *feeling* your arms, not without using them. I assumed this was a product of the way spell impressions take control of your body and authority, ensuring that you never fail the cast unless physically impeded somehow

John D Jones

@ Guus van der Borg and Emily Gurnavage That would be an incredibly asshole and dangerous thing to do, especially giving it to Kon. Kon managed to knock his own teeth out while moving a car. With a Mind Writher he'd probably sever his own head. I think getting Lexi an Artonan primer on Mind Writhers would be a really thoughtful, useful gift for Alden to bring back to Lexi.


The universe on this case refers to multiple dimensions. Earth and the Artonas are in different dimensions. So it’s possible that the “edge of the universe” simply refers to dimensions on the frontline of chaos. Given teleportation bypasses the speed of light restriction on the observable universe and the universe (or dimension we live in I guess) is theoretically infinite, I don’t know any other way the universe could have an edge

Invalid Entry

Personally I’m hoping his wizardness eventually comes out. The reveal will be so juicy.


It was a bit of a rhetorical question. More of, oh I just remembered that Stu never had any friends over.

JJ Hunter

I suspect Kraaa's primary interest in Alden relates to Kibby's claim Alden is the 'best' Avowed, and a very griveck interpretation of what Alden's class implies about how much fun it might be to fight him. Neat to speculate about what Kraaa makes of Kibby's various cunning plans, though!


I was under the impression that the Auriad is a tool, an extension (maybe even a crutch), and that it's not _needed_ for any spell, but just gives that much more finesse and control. Thus it can be given up at later times.


I think that he came back or stayed around to see Stu into the university before going on his campaign.


There is the possibility of this being plausible with this line "If he and the others who’ve gone ahead think it’s still <>, more will follow." So, there could be or have been some forerunners who are setting the path or prepairing the campaign before the primary arrived. And operational security and/or being in a chaos environment could be why Earth contract gave the "no comment" and why she is no communications. I'm honestly of the opinion that Hannah is dead, but again concede that it's plausible.


Mother is probably waiting with hot chocolate for the optimal day of the visit. If the visit continues to be this cathartic for Alden, I'd expect her to contact him on the last night before he goes home. (I know he wants to be back for classes on Wednesday -- but what day of the week was it when he left??)

Austin Gillespie

Once again I find myself regretting I found royalroad now instead of in a decade. So many stories that I know are going to continue to be amazing that I have to sit and be patient and wait to read to the end. It’s unbelievably frustrating. If anyone works out that whole time machine thing just let me know


And then, rereading the chapter that comes up, you see Stu making spell rings in preparation for his affixation.

Matt DiMeo

Mother didn’t seem to be in favor of alden affixing soon, unlike Earth.


* Alden dropped the tablet. In a futile effort to make it look intentional, he let it slide off his knees onto his learning cushion without reaching for it again. * These ridiculously accurate adolescent thoughts and actions!The plot is great. The world is detailed, huge, and barely explored. But it’s a teenager badly faking nonchalance in a completely random place that makes the whole story feel so darn real.


I don't think they actually have much to talk about really. She could achieve what she needs to (assuming she even *needs* to communicate anything) with a simple interface message. The situation isn't really like any of the other times he's had a meeting.


@Neal: That doesn't really make sense. There is a word for "birthmother" in Artonan, and Alden knows it. If that word were somehow taboo, it wouldn't have filtered through to Alden.

Box Jellyfish

I get a great deal of pleasure imagining all the little conversations Alden will have with the roommates that are spawned by his side trips. Lexi: "Looking for something?" Alden: "No, a griveck I met wants to know what's in our kitchen drawers." Lexi: "..." Also disappointed we haven't seen enquiries about getting a meatpetal plant. The carnivorous bit is a problem but Jupiter would pay to look after it and it would nicely one-up Haoyu's souvenir from the jungle.


Hey I don't know if this is allowed, but I'm using "Luma Dream Machine" to try to recreate short videos of scenes from here. I'm not very good with the prompts, but with 30 free prompts a month I'm having a hoot. Currently trying to prefect the prompt for the scene with the giant demon being cut in half while Alden was on the moon


Well for going into the future you really just want to go on a trip at as close to the speed of light as possible.


As a real-life non-fictional person with a ton of mental issues, I seriously hope Alden takes advantage of a Therapist who can really fix things. This would be my own personal dream come true.

Box Jellyfish

Hannah might be on campaign, but it's a different campaign and she was summoned by someone who views Avowed more as dangerous tools than as people. If she had no refusals available she could be summoned to a very long term contract; if the summoner heads into space and out of system range she would be screwed so easily.

Box Jellyfish

Nah. It says in text that the difference was only apparent if you had studied one of the two Auriads for a long time; Kraaa glimpsed Alden's for maybe a minute when they transferred him to the sickbay. Also I'd question how much Kraaa would care about Auriads; they're just very personal accessories that a lot of Artonans have for most non-Artonans. Unless Kraaa had a thing about Artonan clothes and jewellery the difference is just background noise.

John D Jones

@ Box Jellyfish A reminder that this is Alden's story, so Jupiter looking after a meat petal plant will probably result in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQJagD96X8U&ab_channel=VolgusZildrohar


Either my patreon is fucked, or you replied to the wrong comment


Hmm “Kraaaa Wonders How You Are…” and that presumably that Kraaaa knows that Kibby got a new auriad. May be a hint at something. Or maybe not.

Andrew Simpson

Dude ain't gonna share his shit ever as far as I can tell. I'm honestly not sure why he thinks he'll be safer pretending to be a B rank rabbit. If I was him I would want support from the folks who know how to handle young and vulnerable knights.


I think you need to get your mind out of the gutter, if you read the chapter you'll see it's actually around his arm at this point. I for one wanted to get a proper reaction to Alden actually being a wizard and what him having an auriad actually means. The emoji was more because I'm quite confident that the author has a plan on their own for this...


Alden already speculated that Reinhard's arrow recall talent is dinky, because Rein didn't bother to use it unless Alden picked the arrows up. Recall that just because an Avowed is higher ranked doesn't mean their individual talents are stronger. That's a huge part of Alden's advantage in gym; his authority is almost all heaped into a single talent, so he can beat out a lot of higher ranks' talents made from fractions of their authority.


@Clint: Alden left Monday, and he's not actually due back until late morning Wednesday, so he can stay the night again and leave in the morning if he wants to.

Guus van der Borg

Why would buying a mind writher be an asshole thing to do? I get giving it to Kon. That is obviously to spite Lexi. But a mind controlable whip would be incredibly useful for Alden. He's been working with rope because it synergises incredibly well with his skill, but a mind controlable whip would be an asshole move? How? Why? It's not like he'd get the magical meister perks with it. So it’s not like he'd be showing up Lexi. It would genuinely just be an absolutely amazing piece of equipment for Alden.


Alden's also digging his toes into the (probably ultraplush) rug at the start.


I expect there will be drama when school starts back up. Duels sound like viciously competitive things. I also expect there to be some additional social tension around Alden's leveling. Saleh and Klein are already wondering why he hasn't leveled yet. Or, if he has, why he hasn't told anyone or sought advice.

Anthony Lutz

Im not sure Kraaa would know, definitely possible. I went back and read the museum scene (CH101), Kibby immediately grabbed the auriad after calling out to him/bringin attention to him. While everyone elses eyes would be on Kraaa it's quite possible his were on her. In the notes at the bottom the chapter the one for Kraaa ends with "Very interested in whether or not Alden is really the best Avowed." Because Kibby declared Alden the best when they first met him, they are both ryeh-b’ts after all.


What would Kraaaa have said to Sophie? It was Alden's chat to her extreme long range call that showed Alden as an extreme unconcious xenophile friend, worthy of prolonging a preys death for in celebration. And I believe Kraaaa is famous and finds kivb-ee absolutely delightful. And surely Alden commented on meeting Kraaaa to Sophie...


If you post them or link them to the discord we would love to see them


Ever go house hunting with a family with little kids? While the parents are wondering about asbestos in the popcorn ceilings, the kids are opening every single closet and cupboard there is. SeCrEts might be inside. Maybe even a door to a hideout. Obviously Alden has to stage a very portentous cabinet for Kibby. "And this is where I store my tools for blood rituals." (Inside there is a jar of salsa.)

DAK (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-14 15:02:18 It’s so true. You never know when a wardrobe will take you to Narnia, and I sure never wanted to the idiot that didn’t think to look.
2024-06-14 14:37:35 It’s so true. You never know when a wardrobe will take you to Narnia, and I sure never wanted to be the idiot that didn’t think to look.

It’s so true. You never know when a wardrobe will take you to Narnia, and I sure never wanted to be the idiot that didn’t think to look.

Desert Yeti

I wonder if the whole "entrusting" issue is another "training wheel" that will eventually atrophy and Alden will be able to determine his own burden.


Alden having a grivek friend group along with Artonan and Human friend groups would be amazing. I mean, imagine the parties. "I'll invite all my friends" just takes on a whole different meaning.


Besides, closets and wardrobes make great secret hideouts. Sometimes I wish I were still tiny so I could buy big furniture and just hide in it all to scare my family


My pet theory is that the Artonans created Chaos during some magic experiment gone wrong, and Gorgon's people paid the price for their screw up.


TYFTC! Not enough Kibby! Honestly, sometimes the Stu'arth parts are a little too dull, and I love slice of life, but I enjoy the roommate/school life more as there is much more energy. Sometimes the Stu'arth parts feel like Alden has stepped into a stuffy Victorian drama or an old, black and white British Movie involving steam trains, repressed feelings and monocles. Haha just my stupid opinion. Still, gloriously written and I have faith this all leads somewhere great.

John D Jones

Okay, I'm gonna need Alden and Stu to watch the 1956 "Around the World in 80 Days" in a double feature with Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.


You're right. That's exactly the feel. But I love the old Victorian understated melodrama, where two people are speaking in careful, formal language just hinting at the roiling emotions underneath. At least in small doses. It's a great change of pace from disaster survival and hero school.


Possible plot hole: I think in earlier chapters the system doesn't let people share school footage that contains students other than themselves.


"He kept going, naming all kinds of things the javelin dude definitely didn’t have the ability to do." Stu-art'h is thinking like a wizard. He is not thinking like an avowed. How would Stu-art'h approach those duels if the ONLY skill/spell he has available to him is the one he is looking to affix? I know that Knights can still cast, but their affixations mean their free authority may be limited at times. I think this could be important later, and may be part of why Stu's family is concerned about his survival. If you can't think like an avowed now, despite having tons of examples, how will you handle the real thing?


Alden showed Lexi, Lute and Haoyu footage of gym class in the sauna. They're not allowed to publish videos online, but there's no way to keep someone from showing a video they've already downloaded to someone else. Still, if Alden's classmates learned that The Primary's Son saw their gym footage, Alden could probably get in trouble.

John D Jones

@ Clint You might like this from the Sharpe series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CG7daMnrNuY&ab_channel=Sharpe


I agree, he's definitely not thinking about the limitations he'll be under. Luckily, he's friends with someone who is unusually good at using avowed skills creatively! If Stu'arth can help Alden with BoAB, then maybe Alden can help him think about how his affixed skill can be used in place of more specialized spells that he might not have access to. Alden doesn't even need to reveal that he's a baby wizard to do that!


I feel like the next chapter, in which Alden sees the habitat room, should be called "The Hindrance of Husenots" https://images.app.goo.gl/ifYtDiMYWavwJKVY9

Anthony Lutz

If/when Alden visits a healer of mind, his peace of mind debts could actually be useful to the process. Remembering or describing the thoughts that are tiresome for you is hard and slow, much easier to trigger the debt and have the healer just take the edge off all of those thoughts forever. His second debt can be used to either heal more or have him go "oh so this is a normal unpeaceful mind... damn i was messed up"


I am so confused. What is the difference between husenots and tribbles?



Tribbles? As from Star Trek or from somewhere else? The Star Trek tribbles are fluffy and rapidly reproducing, so quite different form husenots. From the end of the last chapter: "husenots - the rocklike creatures that wake up in response to moon phases on Earth and gently shove each other around, trying to get better positions in their enclosure. The Rabbits in intake liked to place bets on which ones would "win" the battles. "


[and he’ll be away for many more, unless something goes wrong.”] With his mission or with Stu?


It just seems a little weird. Like maybe in normies land people are keeping data in vaults to hide it from the system? Would that even work? My initial thought would be no but now I am not sure.

Kim Enteiu

They sell hidden bookcase doors. I hear they pair well with walk-in closets.

Kim Enteiu

I like that it’s a single use word too; either a child finds something hyektch or they don’t. It’s the feeling I get every time I get to read a new chapter of a book that has my interest. The Soup is always hyektch.


Does the timing work for the Primary's chaos reclamation to be Gorgon's planet? It would make sense story-wise for connecting important characters and setting the stage for a future intensity 99.9 arc. Also the demons there would be demo-gorgons!

John D Jones

Presumably the mission. Figure Stu isn't going with "Of course he'll also come back if I can't handle my Affixation so he can mercy-kill me."

John D Jones

@ Jazehiah Leaving aside whatever happened to Stu when he was "very young," it's highly likely that the only time he's been in anything like a "real fight" or even in "real danger" was with the mishnen incident. But that's probably been true of most would-be hn'tyons. The thing to always remember about Alden is that he's very much the exception when it comes to young Avowed and even young hn'tyons. Alden has been in dangerous situations that have come really close to killing him on at least three separate occasions now. Basically, between Stu and Alden, Stu is the normal one here. Figure once Stu Affixes (assuming he goes through with it), he'll spend some time in recovery learning to endure the pain. Once it fades enough, Stu will be going through something that resembles what Alden is currently doing - learning to use his new Skill.


Alden has been meeting a lot of people with Authority sense recently. Of those, we know that Zeridee sent a "cryptic" message when she called for help, we know Esh was there when Alden could have been using an Authority scream and has shown a lot of interest in his skill, we know Stu is overly sensitive (made fun of his dad for needing to touch Alden's hands). However, I believe it will be Lind-Otta the one who realizes what he is, as she has already felt Alden say hello with his pat. Who do y'all think will be the one to realize, if any?


I think that they have all known for a long time and are just being polite about it.

John D Jones

@ Melchi Everything we've been told in this story indicates that people are more likely to find a talking dog than a human with an Authority sense - especially one that's developed enough to let them cast Artonan wizard spells. As far as I can recall, the only Artonan who even gave lip service to that concept was Joe, and he's known to be an actual mad scientist. Beyond that, Esh, Stu and the other art'hs along with Lind seem to be fairly decent, compassionate people. The idea that they would just let Alden suffer in (presumed) ignorance from being an Avowed with Authority Sense seems ridiculous to me.


I was expecting it to be Lind, until Alden’s unscheduled visit to the Rapport. Now there are a lot more candidates.


talking dogs can't be *that* rare. Big Snake got a pack of magic wolves.


if the system were sufficiently motivated, it could probably access whatever data archives on the planet it wants unless the decryption key is permanently lost.


Even if the basic power worked that way, I wonder if the gremlin in Alden's mind would let him?


Alden needs to accept that his anonymity has a shelf life measured in single digit years and plan for what will happen after that cat is out of the bag. Superficially, he's on track to be rank A in two years, S in 4, and the strongest avowed on earth in 8. (All making some unfounded assumptions). So most likely the cat is out of the bag in the next 5 years, at which point Alden will be summoned for intense chaos things no matter what. So the goal is to avoid getting killed/put into oaths when that happens. There are few ways to get outted to the knights than "I did it to protect your favorite son". I think the politics are essential in the next few years because there's no way for him to get strong enough to resist this drama before he gets outed. That said, I think it's time for Alden to take some measured risks. "Stu, I have a problem I've been agonizing over for a few days. I think I can make your struggle a lot easier, but only if you can commit to absolute secrecy on something. I might be able to help you anyways but it would be harder....". An exploratory approach like this would cover Alden from any feelings of deception by Stu, and would hedge bets if it is safe to tell Stu (I'd guess there's a 2/3 chance it is NOT safe). Alden might be able to ask Mother about how safe the secret will be too A good outcome would be that stu summons Alden as preemptive backup for dicey missions but is able to avoid outing him entirely. If Stu thinks he can have Aldens back, then we can have most of the benefit of disclosure for only some of the cost, but if Stu can't be quiet the risk is mitigated... Until a moment of crisis which is coming in the next year. From a plot perspective, this probably doesn't matter. The story needs the tension drawn from at least a partial disclosure- voluntary or otherwise. Given that Alden needs supportive friends and the tension from said disclosure would be very interesting, I'm predicting a mix-up in his duel, or (more likely) a disclosure once Alden understands the stakes Either way, Alden needs a lot of info from mother and Stu, most of which he can't get: - what is this other method of casting affixing? - anything else he should know about options before the next level? - does mother think Al can help Stu? - what was up with the privileges during the flood? -next level up plans? -current growth rate and level ETA? - where to affix, can/should it be mother - guide books on enchantment, BOAB and human affixing?

Andrew Gardner

I don't know who it will be, but I expect it will be far in the future. From a story prospective there is a lot of good, interesting tension generated by Alden's various secrets. This is why comic book heroes generally don't have their secret identities revealed quickly. I would not be at all suprised if in a year from now (real time and story time) few if any more characters know our boy is a wizard.



John D Jones

@ puppy0cam That was actually my point. Between Life Shapers/Adjusters and Wrights with a focus on biology, you are literally more likely to find talking dogs or flying pigs in this setting than humans that can sense their own Authority.

JJ Hunter

It's not the System's prohibition, it's their school's. Their school forbids publicly sharing footage of other students without those students' consent. Winston is absolutely living in fear right now that someone will break that school rule and share footage of his (to him) humiliating defeat by a B-ranked rabbit.


You'll have to head over to soup math but it's an educated guesstimate. Alden is growing authority (free-fixed) at a rate of about 3X per year, and a rank up is about 10X. (Unless you trust the mark over what Selyca says in which case a rank up is ~2x)


This was a cute chapter. Burrito Stu! The Kibby auriad reveal! Alden becomes slightly more willing to contemplate magical therapy for his trauma! I am assuming the dimension the Primary wants to retake is Gorgon’s. We’ll see if I’m right. It was good seeing more types of Avowed dueling. I really hope Alden gets to talk to an icorlax or Stu about non-combat authority training. Stuart sleep talking Alden out of his worrying was cute. I can’t wait for the skill reveal! And whatever Stuart plans to do to help Alden train


I like this idea, but the p-zombie thing makes me laugh. Given the way p-zombie arguments usually go, I’d imagine the human philosopher saying something like, “But now imagine a p-Artonan with an authority that responds to pats and shapes spells, but they *still* lack a subjective conscious experience. How would you tell the difference?” Of course, the wizard’s mic-drop response is to summon a mind-reading Sway… To which the philosopher responds with a story about a p-zombie which merely simulates a readable conscious mind without actually *experiencing* that consciousness… At which point the wizard and the sway leave to find a better drinking companion.


These types of comments led me to discovering that The Magicians gets better after the first season and also has several musical episodes.

John D Jones

I kind of hope we get something from Morrison Waker at some point since he was recently off-world. I'm hoping he asked some actual Artonans exactly what Alden's Commendation means and how important it is.


Soup Day, soup day, yummy yummy soup day. Soup Day, soup day, eat it up, yum

Andrew Simpson

Soup math is *terrible*. I love this story dearly, but sleyca did not math proof it, and almost every system the discord has used to try and enumerate power gains and thresholds is nonsense. I think the prevailing understanding is based on misunderstanding a sleyca quote from early on, and places each rank a magnitude of 10 above the last.

Andrew Simpson

@melchi This would kill me lmao. Alden has been keeping it secret to the anguish of the fan base for like 100 chapters and if it was all for nothing I'm gonna die.


Yeah that math basically assumes a power of ten, the ramp of detectability is way faster if it is powers of two Burn! Burn the believer of soup math! 😝 But there is a certain kind of person who, faced with a problem that can be solved with math (however unreasonably), can't resist trying to do so... I am that kind of person, haha I think the logic holds even if the soup math does not

Andrew Simpson

I think every gorgon that isn't Gorgon is dead at the hands of the artonan systemic treatment of authority/way of life.


Thank you for the chapter! I’ve been absent in commenting lately, but really enjoyed this chapter. Been recovering from the loss of Tiny Snake, the Alden Ryeh’bt content is giving me lifte Seeing Kibby again was my favorite, though, especially how secretly smug she was in the video for having committed grand theft Auriad with no one the wiser. I can’t wait for Thegund to get a System again for more frequent calls with her and Alden I wonder if Big n Little Snake’s latest Avowed mission was being part of the initial vanguard of the Primary’s newest campaign.


I sang it to that tune without being told!

Anthony Lutz

It's highly unlikely that Big'n'Little Snake was anywhere near the Vanguard. For a campaign that has been underway for up to 9 months (I think Alden met the Primary that long ago), and requires the strength of the strongest person in the known universe, among others, They won't summon an avowed for a 5-6 day visit like Big'n'Little did. The purpose is to find out if its too deadly/costly to even attempt to fight their way to wherever they are going, they wont be taking risks.

Alan Miller

This is part of why the faculty is concerned about what other skills Alden may have available - if most skills top out at 10 or less with (eg) Tailor Environment being notable with a possible top of 14+ then by the time they're out of university presumably most Avowed will have a range of skills to use.

JJ Hunter

When will Alden feel safe and at home again? He keeps returning to one or the other of these painful points (or both) in these long dark nights he's feeling out of sync with others' peaceful rests. Knight Rapport I is peaceful, and purposeful in its peace. Yet Alden is still afraid, struggling with what he's taking on choosing to weave friendship with Stu, wanting to still be a Quiet Rabbit instead of Hero Rabbit a while yet, feeling the impulse to reciprocate the intimacy Stu is increasingly offering, terrified if he tells Stu might feel his oath, his duty, his honor requires- what? Why doesn't Alden see the disconnect between what he fears, and the conscientious care Stu keeps showing for his health and comfort?

JJ Hunter

Stu didn't want him to remove the squishboot for catching zanzees! Stu literally slept right outside the divider curtain in a floating burrito instead of in his own bed to guard Alden's rest from any interruption, external or otherwise. (It's telling to me that Stu would have been in earshot to hear and potentially intervene if, say, Alden started screaming in the night.) Stu ordered Alden's favorite alien food, and planned their first night around Alden's species' ideal sleep period instead of staying up all night to catch up, and inquired re: Alden's preferred sleeping temperature and the best number of dishes to be the most welcoming and tried SO HARD to make the fruit bowl of welcoming absolutely the best possible fruit bowl. They even went out and trained Other Alden before getting into the heavy stuff!

JJ Hunter

“I want you to have a life that is free from horror. And free from shitty. And joyful all of the time, not just some of it.” The way Stu said this has the heft of an oath; the lesser oath he can offer given the greater he has sworn already. This is taking what Alden said he wanted, the purpose he is making his own, and wishing for him a more fulsome version, more joyful and free wholly from further horror or shitty. It's a version Stu knows he can't swear to make a perfect reality, but he wants it for Alden anyway...just as Alden wants, so very much, for Kibby to have everything she's ever dreamed of, and a bigger lab than Joe's besides.


Where did you find their purpose for the Vanguard? I don’t remember reading that

Anthony Lutz

Purpose is at the end of the chapter, "If he and the others who’ve gone ahead think it’s still feasible, more will follow." Campaign is to be a several-year timeline overall, Kind of like the crusades.

JJ Hunter

Alden is never going to get his parents back, just as Kibby is never going to get her dad or her sister back, and Stu is never going to get Sina back in the form she once had in life. They still choose to care for the family they have now anyway, blood or sworn, and the friends they've found who chose to weave roots and branches with them, helping each other strive to shared and complimentary purposes, holding ward against the chaos and the everyday pains and the shitty no ward can fully prevent. There is no control perfect enough to ensure absolute safety. There is only finding the people who will hold your truths with care and reciprocate your trust. I hope Alden feels safe talking with full honesty with a confidant soon. Whether the best person is still Boe, or potentially Stu, Mother, or some secrecy-sworn Healer of Mind, hard to say. But I want him to find his way back to feeling psychological safety enough to try without having such valid fears of such disclosures having him removed from his homeworld and from the high school life he still hopes to continue.


I read that as avowed and knights both being apart of the initial push, which is why I was wondering if Big n LittleSnake might’ve Been there is only for an opening fight But maybe he’s too small time for the knights or it’s a knights only mission at this point! Hopefully we find out some more details soon 🤞

JJ Hunter

There's such an exquisite ache to Alden worrying the most over the people recently providing him rescue and refuge (Esh-erdi and Stu-art'h, respectively). It's like Alden can't even trust his own draw to wanting to trust them - what if Esh has figured out his authority sense secret, and is going to wisk him away to live in a Knight Rapport like his birthdirt and the first tree to shade his infant face? (What if they kidnap his learning cushion??) What if he confides in Stu, and Alden is voluntold to become a hn'tyon with combat assignments *right now* and everything is terrible forever? What if chaos does come to Earth and no one can stop it and everything ends and Alden isn't there to help? Having found physical safety, and assured himself that all his precious people still live, now home becomes the worry, home being under threat or Alden being permanently separated from it (again).

Anthony Lutz

Since the primary has been gone for several months already on the task, my read of it was that its a task that is so dangerous that even he might not be able to achieve it, thus they are still in the feasibility testing stage of it. I'd say it's knights only mission for a long time, especially in the vanguard, maybe some hyperbole's in the rearguard or support roles.


That could be the case! Hopefully we find out for sure in the future 🤞


This is a really good theory! It’s totally possible Kraa has made a guess about Alden’s wizardness… I wonder how that will affect him when the Thegund System is back online? Will Alden be getting a personal call from Kraa? So excited to see how it turns out

JJ Hunter

Meanwhile, the real Stu is Quite Worried about the idea of Alden doing 1x1 combat without teammates. How is Alden supposed to use his skill? Isn't this just a recipe for Alden getting beaten up?? (Surely There Must Be A Better School.) Alden seems determined to learn from this, so Stu's challenge here is how to help him not be squashed in the process. This is all in no way a metaphor for Stu's sense of how ready Alden is (or decidedly isn't) for serving combat missions any time soon, and what Alden would need to be able to contribute without dying or being back in another squishboot in short order.

Andrew Simpson

I just want sleyca to move to Cuba so she can post late for her and I can still read it before bed 🙏

C. Adkins

Hey JJ, thank you for these posts. I feel at <> while reading these.


Soup? Rabbit and radish sooooooup?

C. Adkins

Okay weird. It was supposed to be “quiet contemplation” . I just love how deep people can dive into this story.


It's just gone half midnight so as no delay notice I guess around 3am PST or 2.5 hrs to go!


Is it Monday yet??


I'm just going to mention Gorgon here. As an example of what can happen to powerfull but potentialy usefull people, that don't get ludicroulsy more powerfull exponentialy (probably?). I agree with the politics comment. He needs a lot of allies, if he doesn't want to be declared dead and forced on missions non stop. Of course there are rules against it, but every rule has exceptions. I would not be terribly surprised if all the offworld "dead" avowed are permanently conscripted in exchange for the earth contract gaining more power. Potential allies: - Knights - Hyperboles of Earth - normal people of Earth - Hyperboles of other planets - Rabbits (favourite wizard class) - Artonan generall population(?) - Artonan wizard population - Palace of Unbreaking Most people involved in politics and/or liking the status quo are probably his enemies. But looking at my 1min list above, Alden has already sown a lot of seeds for potential allies. He needs those lessons on appeal colibri wants to give him... ___ Also, i think 1 lvl is 15% of affixed authority base on my math with Earth deciding to affix it between 10% and 20%. That is around 17 lvls to have 10 times more authority. The only problem i have with it, is that we know of people with skills in that range that did not rank up. :/ A standart normal distribution would also speak against only uniques being able to rank up. Of course it might be that only the people on the verge of ranking up become uniques in the first place, but still. The stats are very confusing.

JJ Hunter

Alden off-world having his first sleepover with his newly affirmed close *wizard friend* friend-in-weaving, awake worrying yet again in the dark of the night: I really hope rumors that I'm a murderer don't ever become a thing. What if people think I'm a villain associated with a corrupt ambassador because of the greenhouse incident? Off stage, the Earth internet: *has likely connected the dots on which CNH student was flying with the male general and then got to borrow his awesome green flying thing for half a day and has proceeded to lose their collective minds over this overt favoring from one of the top-ranked Artonans, an alien hero and anti-chaos fighter*

JJ Hunter

Esh-erdi is likely *quite* satisfied with the PR fruits of his day's work. The human media has a fresh positive Alden spin to chew over. Anything Bash-nor might try to claim some of Alden's PR potential for himself (or sabotage it if he can't) will have a much steeper climb to success now that Alden's been demonstrably living the human dream of getting to fly the highly recognizable (and desirable) magic zoomy toy.