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[A/N: The end of this chapter will have special formatting with some right-aligned text when it goes live on Royal Road. I tried to mimic it here, as well as I could without access to right alignment, by using some extra spacing. I hope it looks okay on everyone else's device. It looks fine on mine and in the ePub.

Alden bowed his head and stared down at his knuckles while the school observed a moment of silence for the dead. 

Principal Saleh’s speech had started off with the expected sort of thing. Thanks for everyone who’d shown up in person and through interfaces. Eloquent sympathies for students who’d lost places or people they loved. 

And now this.

The posture, the uniform, the sounds of a large group of humans breathing and quietly shifting in their seats—it called up a sliver of memory. The rare and precious kind. 

A room full of bowed heads, their owners mostly unaware that they were being subjected to a child’s critical gaze. His mother’s hand tugging him back down into the pew beside her. Alden looking at her in protest, and the silent tilt of her head in return conveying a world of rules and manners.

He remembered feeling terribly misunderstood.

“I was helping!” he’d explained with righteous indignation when they’d gotten back home that afternoon. “I was making sure nobody was cheating.”

“At praying?” she asked while she examined a stain on the clip-on tie he’d been wearing. “Is this a grass stain? Sweetie, how did you get a grass stain on a necktie?”

“Some people had their eyes open,” Alden said darkly. “They were playing games on their phones.”

“But they weren’t bothering anybody, and you wouldn’t have known if you’d had your own eyes closed. Your shirt is clean. I don’t understand…just the tie?”

“I was helping.”

Warmth, an arm pulling him close…had she smiled? Kissed him?

Had his father been in the room? 

What had they done after that?

He knew from experience that the answers wouldn’t come. Trying to force them would only build fantasies that might have happened on that day. 

And then the moment of silence was over, and Principal Saleh was talking again, her voice filling the gym. As her tone turned businesslike, the mood shifted away from the somber. It started to feel more like high school.

Classes were cancelled tomorrow. All of the ones that could resume on Wednesday would, but they should expect some changes. Alterations in scheduling or course structure were being left up to the individual instructors.

Alden was happy they’d be back in class soon. Judging by the number of people groaning dramatically and whispering complaints to their friends, he was in the minority.

“This meeting will end at eleven thirty,” Principal Saleh said. “Bag lunches will be available outside. Grab one if you’re hungry, then follow the schedules that have just been sent to you.”

Alden opened his with a thought. It was his regular class schedule, compressed into fifteen-minute blocks, with a half hour long “personal advisement” meeting sandwiched in.

So we stop by each classroom and hear from the teachers in person about what we’ll be doing for the rest of term.

Before he finished reading, Principal Saleh was speaking again. She covered a lot of basic information. Campus dining was being restricted to specific locations and time windows until further notice. The domes on Celena Circle weren’t tourist destinations, and the people living there didn’t want thousands of curious students wandering through. 

“Not even if you’re volunteering to help. The people living there don’t actually need any help you could provide. They just need a quiet place to stay until they can go back to their homes or until they have new ones. The only students who should be visiting the domes here, or anywhere else they’ve been put up, are those of you who have family staying there. The rest of you go around the perimeter of our new neighborhood.”

That command led into more discussion of housing. Some people had been letting family and friends stay in their dorm rooms. 

“The government is organizing safe, comfortable housing for everyone who needs it. The domes are being provided by the Triplanets. Other facilities all over Anesidora are being outfitted as residences.” Her back was turned to Alden’s half of the gym now, so he was watching her on the projection. “You might have noticed, but your dorm rooms and apartments aren’t that big. Everyone needs a safe space and a community, especially in times like this, and our community is for our students. Your family may visit you here, but they can’t live with you.”

She covered a few more details, then finished off by saying, “Both Apex and F-city are currently being visited by many more wizards than usual, and the number will likely increase over the coming weeks. Talks about how involved the Triplanetary Government should be in our rebuilding process are ongoing. The CNU culture advisor will be laying out some simple guidelines for you to follow if you happen to run into wizards on campus. But before that, I wish to personally apologize to the entire school on behalf of the Talent Development Program.”

Alden sat up straighter. What did we do wrong? 

He had an absurd worry that he had been unwittingly involved with whatever behavior was bad enough to prompt an apology.

“As I’m sure many of you have heard, a group of our students decided that a nationwide catastrophe was an ideal occasion for experimenting with their powers in a real-world setting. They chose to leave the safety of our campus shelter for an area that had already been evacuated. They thought flooded homes and businesses were their own personal training environment.”

More people like Liam? Seriously? 

He had hoped that the Long siblings were unique in their madness. 

“That behavior alone would be enough reason for me to apologize to you. But to make matters worse, a couple of these people chose to wear modified versions of their school uniforms while they gallivanted.”

She didn’t raise her voice, but there was a sharpness to it that was impossible to miss. 

“We expect excellence from all of you, but those in our Talent Development Program should be even more responsible in their use of their abilities. Reporting to SkySea Guard that this group of CNH-trained students needed to be searched for because they had chosen to head toward Sānjiǎo Beach so that they could experiment and play was a low point in my career as an educator.”

Someone’s in trouble. And it sounds like they should be. What kind of selfish, immature—

“Do you think they’re going to expel all the B-ranks in the hero program?” one of the Arts students with the Anesidoran Forever wristbands whispered to the girl beside her. 

Do you think what???

“I don’t think it was all of them, was it?”

“I heard it was.”

“What are they talking about?” Alden hissed at Haoyu. He pulled up his huntski lodge chat. [Was it B-ranks who did the bad thing?]

Haoyu looked intrigued. [I don’t knowing. I don’t have gossip. I want to knowing.]

[Alden: Lexi, do you know who’s in trouble?]

[Alden: Lexi?]

He looked over to see Lexi angry-typing again.

[Haoyu: I think he isn’t checking roommate chat.]

[Lute: Haoyu, don’t switch to finger texting. It makes you less funny.]

[Lute: Hey, Alden. You back at school?]

[Alden: Yes.]

[Lute: Sweet. I’m watching the speech thing from here. I swear my relatives are growing in number and obnoxiousness. It was torture yesterday, but it’s gotten a lot better.]

He sent a picture of himself sitting in a blanket fort. Emilija was beside him, wearing a t-shirt with a music note print. They were grinning and holding up crackers with meat and cheese.

[Haoyu: He didn’t even try to make it back to Apex.]

[Lute: I did! Just not since the company arrived.]

Alden suddenly realized that Emilija was in an awkward position. She’d been living in Apex but commuting to school at Franklin High. How is she going to handle that?

[Lute: A bunch of B’s and a few A’s are who she’s talking about. I think they were mostly second years. I don’t know all of them. One was that guy who wears the rings that sound like bells. And there was a girl who turned the school uniform into a cheerleader outfit and painted letter B’s on her stomach. And Ella-Clara Thomas.]

So it was them. The “viciously competitive” Beat List-obsessed second year B’s. 

At first, Alden was relieved. He’d really enjoyed meeting his fellow B’s, but he didn’t know any of the second years well yet. 

Wait…those lunatics are almost half the active members of my rank club. If they get themselves expelled do we lose access to the gym and Instructor Plim?

[Lute: I’ve known that Figurinist girl was different ever since she spent two weeks making that giant doll of hers run around campus on all fours. It got faster and faster. I tried to compose a song about how seeing it coming at me down the sidewalks made me feel, but I couldn’t hit the right level of creepiness.]

Alden gave the next speaker his attention. The university’s culture advisor was an animated woman with an elegant contract tattoo prominently displayed on the back of one hand.

“Another important thing to remember about our Artonan visitors is that they are here to work right now,” she was saying. “I’m sure most of you have seen or spoken to Anesidora’s wizard residents in the past when they were going about their regular lives. This is different. The people sent by the Triplanets to help with the Submerger crisis are here to convey the sense of responsibility the wizard class has toward us as Avowed and toward Earth as a resource world.”

“They are responsible,” a boy sitting on the level below Alden said quietly. “They made the thing and sent it to Earth right? It’s not like a human invented something that dangerous.”

The culture advisor was still talking. “The Artonans will see it as inappropriate to relax or conduct personal business when they’ve been charged with this purpose. So now isn’t the right time to try socializing with them.” 

Lexi stopped typing and looked over at Alden.

Alden raised an eyebrow at him in return.

[Alden: She’s referring to people who go out of their way to bother unknown wizards they spot in the street, not me.]

“Some of you might also be tempted to make an appeal on behalf of yourselves or someone you know. To slip in a little showing off with your powers or a mention that you’ve always longed for a chance to serve as a listener for an elite study circle during a mission to the whispering villages on the World of the Yellow Smoke.”

That’s an extremely specific example.

[Haoyu: That was really specific.]

[Lute: One hundred argold says she finds a wizard to take her to the World of the Yellow Smoke before the country’s put back together.]

[Haoyu: I barely remember learning about the whispering villages in class. But the World of the Yellow Smoke’s out there. She’d be gone for months or years. And they’d probably prefer another species. I’ll take your bet.]

[Lute: I wasn’t serious.]

[Haoyu: You can’t take it back now.]

Alden couldn’t recall ever hearing about the whispering villages.

He texted Boe. It was so nice to be able to do that now. [I don’t think memorizing US state capitals prepared me well for my future.]

The culture advisor had finished, and someone from the campus health office had stepped forward to announce that counseling services were available to anyone who needed them, when Boe finally replied: [Same. I just watched a wizard summon what looked like every flying bug in the rainforest into a briefcase. Now I’m going to go look tragic in front of him and see if he sends me home.]

As the end of the assembly approached, the final speaker stood. She was wearing the school uniform with a silver Frisbee-looking weapon belted over her hip. Her nametag said she was the student council president. 

She sailed through a speech about solidarity, responsibility, and the CNH spirit and then called for a vote about the uniforms. The student council thought that because of the present hardship, uniforms should be mandatory until the end of the quarter. As a show of unity. And for several other reasons she listed out so fast that Alden barely had time to hear them, much less decide if they were good ones, before the opportunity to vote was flashing in his eyes. 

“Please make the decision selflessly and with the knowledge that you carry on your shoulders the legacy of all who have gone before you and the dreams of all the young people who imagine themselves here at Celena North one day,” she said in a forceful voice.

It was clear that she thought only unsolid, irresponsible, school spiritless people would reject the idea.

Alden clicked “no.”

The uniform looked nice, but he personally believed that times of hardship called for soft, loosely-fitted clothing with ample pockets. 

When the voting concluded, eighty percent of the school disagreed with him. He sighed. 

“You didn’t vote yes?” Haoyu asked in a surprised voice.

“When the going gets tough, I want to wear sweatpants,” said Alden.

Haoyu looking him up and down pointedly.

“My outfit was chosen for me this morning. You voted yes?”

“It’s your fault. When I saw you climbing the bleachers earlier I thought you were dressed like that today to be solemn because of the people who’d died. I thought you were being mature and thoughtful, and I felt bad I hadn’t worn mine.”

The vote was the final item on the agenda. Around them, everyone was standing up.

“Lexi,” said Alden.

“What?” He’d never stopped jabbing air throughout the assembly.

“I can probably take you down to F. If you’re sure you want to go. I doubt I can do anything to get you back before classes start on Wednesday though, so you’d have to take care of that yourself.” 

Lexi looked over. “On the green platform?”

“The Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him. You can come, too, if you want, Haoyu. It’s fun to fly.”

“That sounds great. But my parents are going to be together this afternoon, and I’m meeting up with them. It’s the first time I’m going to see Dad face to face since he left for Matadero.” He looked so excited. “I get to tell him all about you and Lute and the obstacle course and a hundred other things!”

“Yeah. That’s more important than joyriding down to F.”

Lexi looked concerned. “Are you allowed to just fly it all over the place?”

“I think so. He told me to take it wherever I wanted.” He was more worried about SkySea than Esh-erdi. But they might not even ask why he was flying the nonagon around without the Artonan.

Lexi hesitated. “I would appreciate it…”

“Do it,” said Haoyu, standing up from his seat. “Do it for all of us who are going to be so jealous that we didn’t get to ride a magic knight’s flying disc.”

“You called him a knight!” Alden exclaimed.

“That’s the English translation the Systems on the Triplanets usually give for them. I think it sounds more epic…unless he specifically told you to call him general. Then forget I said anything.”

“He’s informal. He told me to drop the title.”

“That’s pretty epic, too.”


Outside, it was still sunny, and the bag lunches were being distributed by uni students. While the three of them waited in a short line to grab theirs, Alden kept turning his head to check on the nonagon.

“If you’re nervous, just move it,” Haoyu said. “It’ll be funny to watch their reactions anyway.”

“Nobody’s actually doing anything bad to it, though,” Alden answered.

Students kept hopping, climbing, and levitating themselves up the side of the building to look at it. A couple of faculty members were around, and Alden had expected them to put a stop to it. But none of the curious people were being overly risky with their power use, and very few of them were even trying to touch the nonagon. 

“People aren’t stupid enough to really mess with an important wizard’s flying vehicle,” Lexi said. 

You’d be surprised, thought Alden. “I have to move it anyway. I’m not going to leave it here all by itself while I go across campus to do the class meetings.” 

An idea occurred to him. “Do you guys want to sit on it while we have lunch?”

Haoyu had been disappointed he couldn’t ride down to F this afternoon. This would make up for it.

“There’s no need to call attention to your—”

“Yes!” Haoyu exclaimed. “And then you’ll take us to class in style!”

Lexi shut his mouth. 

A few minutes later, they were away from the crowd, jogging out to the track with bag lunches in hand. Distance from the audience was necessary if they didn’t want people inviting themselves to eat with them.

“Call it,” said Haoyu, when he noticed Alden stopping and staring at the driving ring. “Show us that alien sky limo.”

“Just a second, I don’t want to make a mistake and crash it.”

He pressed a logogram on the ring with his thumb and pointed his finger straight down. The green nonagon rose over the MPE building’s roofline. He let it get higher and then pointed it toward them. 

“Faster,” Haoyu advised. “You know someone’s going to chase it.”

The second it reached them, they scrambled aboard, and Alden sent them skyward. He stopped them a few stories above the grassy field in the center of the track—high enough that nobody should feel invited to come up for a visit, low enough that he didn’t think he’d get another call from traffic control. 

“Hey, it’s textured!” Haoyu was bending over near the edge, running his hand across the nonagon’s surface. He was clearly not even a little concerned about Alden’s driving. 

In contrast to Lexi, who was sitting in the precise center with one hand on Writher’s handle. 

“What would you actually do with the whip if you fell?” Alden asked.

Lexi blinked and looked down at his own hand before moving it away.

“You two, grab onto me if we crash. I’ll break your fall,” said Haoyu, still touching the nonagon. “It feels like a stroopwafel. Do you guys know what those are? They’re like a skinny waffle biscuit with caramel inside.”

“That checks out,” said Alden. “The poor son has already been called a cookie this morning.”

He sat down beside Lexi and opened his lunch bag. He’d expected the food to be crummy in the way mass-prepped, depersonalized stuff tended to be. But he was pleased to find that the wrap with the vegan “fried chicken” tasted pretty good.

They didn’t talk for a couple of minutes while Alden and Lexi chewed and Haoyu added the contents of condiment packets to his own turkey wrap. 

Lexi even chews like he’s tense, Alden thought as he studied his roommate’s features. “I’m sorry about your family’s apartment.”

“Thanks.” Lexi spoke mechanically. But then he looked down at his food, slumped a little, and said, “I know a lot of people lost houses. It’s only stuff. Everyone keeps saying that. It’s true. I didn’t give a damn about home when everything was going wrong. Even after I heard Nilama was flooding. Being on the Span when it all started…the bridge dropping out from under us like that, water missiles flying around with trucks inside them…I thought things were even worse than they were. I thought, ‘It’s fine if the whole island’s obliterated. As long as my family is somehow safe.’”

He carefully set his food on the center of the piece of plastic wrap that it had come in, rolled it back up, and then wiped his hands on a napkin. “And they are safe. I’m so relieved. But…”

“But your house isn’t just stuff,” Haoyu finished for him. “It’s all the memories that go with it.”

“Kon’s in some kind of denial. He keeps saying, ‘Some of it’s probably fine.’ No. It’s not. It was completely underwater. We might salvage the dishes I guess? The plastic things? A little bit more if we can manage to find people with the right talents who aren’t already booked for the next decade.”

“What did you parents say?” asked Haoyu.

Lexi rubbed a hand over his eyes and sighed. “To leave the worrying to them. Obviously. What else would they have said? They’ve been telling me not to worry about anything for the past two years, even when a lot of it needs to be worried about.” 

“Our parents are on slightly different tracks,” said Haoyu. “When my father took me out for dinner, right before he left for the cube, we talked about not adding to mom’s worries. Showing her that I could look out for myself here at school and not freaking out if I failed combat assessment. Which I thought I had for a few hours there.”

He squeezed the last drops out of a mayo packet and dropped it into his lunchbag. “Nothing that serious. Just taking minor Haoyu business off her plate. I think he underestimates her capacity for micromanagement though. I sent her a picture of me doing the laundry, and she called afterward to have a fifteen-minute talk about the amount of detergent I was using. More should be better, right?”

Alden vividly remembered having the same thought when he was around nine and trying to wash his own clothes. Only they’d been out of detergent, and he’d opted for dish soap. More had not been better.

They ate. Lexi texted Kon to tell him about the ride Alden had offered. Haoyu stood up and walked in a circle around the two of them, getting the three hundred sixty degree view of campus and the streets beyond.

“It’s a strange day, isn’t it? Everything’s so bad and so normal at the same time,” he said finally. “What do you think happens next?”

“Cleaning up. Building buildings,” said Lexi. “Years and years of people shouting at each other about what went wrong and whose fault it was. The countries that have been pushing to have their own permanent Avowed forces will use this as an excuse to say they should build miniature superhuman armies in case Anesidora ever gets wiped out, and the Council will probably try to make sure that doesn’t happen. And people will keep saying we should never have been allowed to become a self-governing country…like it was something they actually allowed instead of something the first generation pried away from them.”

He took a breath.

“And the Triplanets will do something or nothing. Honestly, who knows what in the nth dimension they think of all of this? I’m not sure if it’s even a big deal to them or if it’s a hiccup.”

When he fell silent, Haoyu nodded. “That summed up about ten percent of it.”

“Yeah,” Lexi said. “I left out a lot of the petty drama. Since you two have been mysteriously absent for a significant amount of time—half the people in school just want to talk about who leveled, whose parents got haloed, and who the System loves best.”

“It’s Alden,” said Haoyu, batting his eyes at Alden. “The System loves Alden best.”

Alden snorted. “Shut up.”

“Just ask Mehdi. When you disappeared from the flying countertop, he said, ‘Why him?’ Like a dozen times in five minutes.”

“I offered to take some of you with me.”

“And it sounds like we missed a great time! Oh no…” Haoyu’s expression suddenly turned serious. “What about that guy you took with you? Was he all right?”

“Marks. He was such a jerk,” said Alden. “I’m sure he’s fine. He left in a huff after screaming at me for being a Rabbit globie who didn’t care about how it was my duty as a high rank to die before him. That was what he was getting at anyway.”

“You didn’t want to die for that guy Lexi almost sliced up with Writher? I thought you were a better man.”

“He’s good enough for the Artonans, Haoyu,” said Lexi. 

He said it in a light tone that fit in with the conversation. Very chummy by his standards.

Alden crumpled up his trash and laid his messenger bag on top of it so that it wouldn’t blow off the side of the platform. After a moment, he said, “You were asking me what the commendation was for before Principal Saleh started speaking.”

“I shouldn’t have,” Lexi replied. “I was surprised. But what you do on the Triplanets is your own business if you want it that way.” 

“I do prefer that most of the time.”

Thegund already took too much. I’m ready for it to stop being something that hits me again and again. I’m ready for it to be like Body Drainer. I want distance from it. I want to be done.

“I don’t want to have to live up to the commendation right now. Like, if I just tell everyone I got stuck on an evil moon and then got rescued, of course they’re going to ask stuff.  But they mostly feel sorry for me and ask me if I’m all right. That’s easier to deal with than having them ask for specific details…which, if you’ve been commended of course they’re going to, aren’t they? ‘Oh you did things on the moon? Awesome Avowed things? What were they?’ And I’m not really up for having those things microscoped by people who weren’t there.”

He recalled his interview and felt himself frown.

“I was dreading questions about what had happened on Thegund during the final admissions interview. Everyone talked about how personal and challenging it could get, and I was braced. I thought they might ask to hear the whole story and then do some kind of analysis? And tell me what I’d screwed up. And they’d say exactly the wrong thing, and I’d flip out and do something awful. Like hit Klein with a chair. Not that the hit would land…”

“You really don’t have to talk about this,” Lexi said hastily. “It’s fine if you never talk about it.”

Haoyu had sat down with them again. He nodded in agreement. 

“It was always inevitable that the commendation would be public,” said Alden. “People did already know about it. The faculty, TC security, my counselors in intake—whoever I’ve shared my profile with and anyone they talked to. I was just hoping I’d have longer before it became common knowledge. I wanted to get to know you all first. I wanted to do well in gym and prove I fit in with the class.

“But at this point, it’s either tell the truth or make up a lie that will only last a little while longer before the truth comes out. The B-rank Rabbit disappearing before all the combat-talented higher ranks was noticeable. So I’ll tell our classmates I’ve got the commendation when they work themselves up to asking me directly. And…if they want details about how I got it, I’ll either say I don’t want to talk about it or summarize it briefly. I haven’t decided. It’s a decision in progress. A lot has happened.”

He drummed his fingers on the nonagon and looked out over the city. He could see North of North Gym from here. They’d already opened back up, with limited hours and services, according to an email he’d gotten this morning.

“I’ll tell you guys about it, though,” he said at last. “Really, even if I don’t summarize, it won’t take that long. It’s not like I fought a monster or used my skill in some special way. I just kept this kid named Kivb-ee alive. And she kept me alive. And then I went on a very, very long run.”



All the demon did was touch her leg. Just a touch. But the touch cut her and rotted her and turned her flesh into something it wasn’t. 

I carried her in my arms. I couldn’t even use my skill to help her because I was afraid to change targets. I’d never done it without the System, and I wasn’t sure I could. 

She was the first person I saw the chaos hurt like that.  She died. They all died.

Except for the Avowed. 

And the little girl.

                     Was it better at the lab?

It made surviving possible. 

There were good things that reminded me more good things existed. In other places.

                     Like what?

Spiky strawberries. French braiding. Television.

I think we’d both have gone nuts without the television. 

                       Help came?

On day 152. 

And it was wonderful. And it was awful

Because someone had finally come, but they were much too far away.

We waited as long as we could. Even though we both knew it was going to be too long.

                       The car still ran?

It did. Can you believe that?

It was a wreck. It was full of holes.

There was no protection left at all.

But it still rolled.

I want to know who made it. I don’t care what species they are. I want to go to their planet one day and thank them. 

                        Your trait works like that? 

                        That’s actually awesome.

Yeah. We’d never have made it if I couldn’t run across even the shittiest ground. 

It was too far. 

It was almost too far even with the trait. And the drugs. The wordchains. The irrigation sticks. 

I think about it all the time. About how the lifelines were all thin as threads. A dying scientist told me to take some sprinklers in case I needed water. And then, months later, they were one of the things that made living possible. 

Other Avowed would have done it all so much better. So much easier.

There are people who could have saved everyone and themselves on the first day.

I couldn’t.

I could only barely do one thing and then barely do the next. Over and over. And the barely never stopped. There was never a moment when I was the best person for the job. I was always lost and wrong and managing by the skin of my teeth. 

But then…I made it. 

My body was destroyed. I was destroyed.

But I made it. 

And the best Healer I’ve ever heard of was there to put me back together. 

And a very spooky teleportation ritual sent me back to civilization. 

                              And you got a commendation.  

And I got a commendation.  

For Exceptional Bravery in the Absence of Obligation. 

From Loh Alis-art’h, the fourth Hn’tyon. 



So that’s it. That’s most of the story. 

                                     Are you okay?

I think so.

I do wish the coat had survived.




ShyWoah 32

Thanks for the soup


Thank youuuu, Sleyca


Thanks for the chapter! He says he doesn’t want to live up to the commendation, well he should have thought of that before carrying another dying person across a hellscape lol.

Lewis Wood

Am I missing the epub, or is the epub missing?




Best way to start off the day!


Thanks Sleyca!!


That's weird...I really didn't forget it this time and it looked like it had loaded when I checked the preview. Let me try posting it again.

Joshua Flowers

Is meet the grahams next chap title?

Radha Patel

Thank you very much for the chapter! My cat is staring at me with concern and annoyance (edit: I am feeling some strong emotions. This was beautiful and heartbreaking in the way that precedes real healing)


Thanks Sleyca!! Having a hectic day so be good to enjoy some Soup and relax!

Lewis Wood

I don't know if it was a Patreon issue or what, but it's there now. Sorry for the false alarm

Dom Mumford

The chapter title lmao. Is the next one going to be Not Like Us?


Thank you 🙏

Explo Rin

Another chapter title ending with a numeral! How many will there be this time?

Zane Rasmussen

Thanks sleyca :) I’m excited to see how this story evolves. Keep up the great work and don’t worry about scheduling too much.


Soup matters! Thank for the chapter :)


Soup! Thanks, Sleyca!


A normal author would have cut out the recap. But the recounting, with it's ethereal quality, really helps you feel how different a brain space Alden is in. Tyftc!


The last section was lovely. It feels good for Alden to finally open up about it to his friends.


I really like the end of this chapter. We didn't need a full recap of the Thegund arc, but you did a great job of conveying the emotions Alden has and the basics of what happened without it being a wikipedia summary.


Thank you for the excellent soup! I love the ending scene, the right spacing looks excellent on PC. As a side note, would you consider compiling soup chapters into one big epub maybe? When I go on planes I like to download books to read, and it's a bit tedious to go through all the soup patreon chapters to download each individual epub. If it's not a bother I'd love for some sort of volume containing, I dunno, 50 chapters each? Just for portability and no-internet situations

Twara Sandeep

Thanks for the chapter! I especially loved the ending bit. It felt so satisfying to see Alden finally tell someone. I think he was also glad to finally tell someone, of his own volition somewhat, about what he went through and the commendation, since he’d been keeping everything inside for a while.

Desert Yeti

He's finally opening up. And putting down some of his self-inflicted burden.


Great chapter! Was Lute in a call with his roommates when Alden described his experience on Thegund? I don’t think he knew the details about Thegund before this, just the wording for Alden’s commendation.


Thank you for the update! But, um, please don't be afraid to get more rest when you need it? I've been worried since you mentioned that writing until you can no longer think is apparently part of your standard operating procedure nowadays. Uni classes have taught me how hellish that is. In actual update news, the whole "Hey, it's not talking about ME" made me smile. I also want to applaud — from a writing perspective — how the school threw the B-ranks under the bus like this; people often don't do something that reckless unless they're desperate, but that's not how they're being treated by the school. Life is about to get even worse for them.


Still leaving out little details like "when I went through the spooky teleport, in perfect physical health, we all still believed I was going to die". Comes a bit close to wizard secrets, I suppose.

Matt DiMeo

You can use webtoepub, the chrome plugin, to pull all the chapters from patreon. Don’t go posting the results anywhere, but it seems fine for personal use.

the btrflyz

That's a great style choice for the summary. Just the bare details, but how Alden sees it all, looking back. Often times a recap like that feels like retreading old ground

Matt DiMeo

That was, like, the perfect balance between “alden told them about thegund” and a full recap. lovely.


It's just so beautiful...

Allora Lee

The ending made me tear up 🥺🥺


Thank you!

Trevor Perry

Wow, emotional ending. And that formatting was kind of intense feeling...


The commendation has some kind of political effect. Does the number of commendations humans have affect their standing in the triplanets or something?


When Alden says “I was destroyed” he is saying something completely different from what Haoyu and Lexi realize… so good! Love this story so much

Matt DiMeo

I guess I have more to say. We’re *used* to protagonists winning by the skin of their teeth, so it’s good to be reminded how they must see those victories. so close to losing everything.


Haoyu will have a very, very interesting family dinner

Juan Alcachofa

Will there be sunday chapter?


Mehdi’s reaction to Alden being teleported off the concrete slab is the same reaction everyone in the comments was having, spiraling as they tried to figure it out lmao

Meow meow meow

Thanks for the chapter! Btw when Haoyu tells Alden “I thought you were a better man,” it has an extra “a” - “I thought you were a better a man.” At least from what I see.


Alden is seriously overestimating the number of Avowed who could have saved everyone on the first day. Especially if he compares to other people who had been Avowed for like 2 weeks. Like, speedsters could have saved themselves. Maybe. Honestly probably not, they wouldn't be immune to the shitty ground and his eventual escape started with driving a car, which is a pretty comparable speed to the ones we've seen. Meister and shaper (except maybe ground shaper) and wright would all be pretty useless. Haoyu would have been extremely resistant to the effects of chaos, Formation sounds like a perfect counter, but that's not immunity and it doesn't help the rest unless he tries to body shield them.

Peter Moras

It might just be wacky Patreon spacing, but did you know shift+enter in most text editors lets you create a new line without making a new paragraph. That way you can get tighter spacing when you want multiple single line sentences.


I’m surprised Ella-Clara went with the other B-Listers to evacuated zones. She seemed more serious and uncaring of their antics when we saw them all previously. Perhaps she went to stop them? Truthfully, I thought the principal was alluding to Winston recording himself running through the rain trying to seem important 👀


ahhh... I'll need time to process this.


Doesn't sound like he was in a call but good odds he'll tell Lute about it later.


The commenters know about the commendation, it helps a lot.

Jeremy Goldberg

Thank you for the chapter! I wonder what the secret hidden ninja bodyguard thought of Alden’s story. Is she going to tell Esh?


I use the calibre plugin fanficfare to get an epub from RR. Then merge the patreon chapter epubs in so I get the whole thing on my kobo.


Thanks! The spacing looks okay on my phone. Not perfect, but very good.



Robert Mullins

He didn't mention his face tattoo plans... :(


Sleyca, this is such an amazing story and I look forward to every chapter, thank you for making a highlight of my week, every week.

Bob Ross

Absolutely wonderful chapter Sleyca, thank you. I wonder if the vote to put all students in uniform was suggested by a faculty member as a way to help keep the wizards motivated. I love that every chapter Sleyca makes me wonder something like this!

Amber Gregory

I needed soup so much today! Thank you for this slice of healing


Wanna bet he gets another commendation for saving Zeridee? The most decorated rabbit in Earth history lol


I think "Exceptional Bravery in the Absence of Obligation" has more connotations in artoran, just like hn'tyon loses a lot when translated to english. Specifically I think the "Exceptional Bravery" part is a single artonan word with some kind of self sacrifice connotations.

Wheels of Terror

This chapter made me remember a question I had for you @Sleyca. Will the whole being a pastor or congregant in the midst of magic and aliens from another dimension thing be expanded upon more? (I hope we at least get to know what denomination they were part of (or non-denomination)) Alden as a little kid made me chuckle. I get the stares every Sunday and I'm not sure if it's because of my disability and they’re thinking “why isn't he standing up when everyone else does?” or something completely out of left field. Adorable. I'm looking forward to the fallout for all of the more enthusiastic B-list participants and possibly Winston. Alden is officially an unsolid, irresponsible, school spiritless person. (according to the student council president) Haoyu’s discovered Alden’s MC-ness, he’s going to be eliminated by the ninja. (pls don’t) Alden deserves the Hell out of that commendation.

John D

I think Alden's most consistent character trait is underestimating himself. I can't imagine there are very many Avowed who would have had useful skills for Thegund, been able to use them without the System, and been able to communicate effectively in Artonan. Absolutely none just days into their first assignment that started minutes after affixation.


I would have been good if he told them that he had to use his skill so much it broke his affixation. That's a pretty important detail


Awesome chapter. I'm glad we saw the follow-up to the commendation question this chapter instead of being pushed back to some other time in the future. I wonder how the B-rank relations and the B-List club will be affected by the events mentioned in the assembly. Also Emilija and Lute together! So cute.


He probably wished that way more than the Coat would have survived.


It's probably something along the lines of "Took on the duty and burdens of a knight while being a civilian"


I don't picture Haoyu telling Alden story, he is the empathetic one He might mention that Alden is commended to his parents but will avoid the whole story


I am concerned about that “personal advisement” meeting. Possibly it is an entirely standard thing being handed out to everyone where faculty do a perfunctory wellness check on students, which is whatever. Possibly it is a bespoke thing for Alden that involves his therapist or a friendly faculty, like Saleh, checking in on him; that would probably be for the best. But I just realized there's a possibility that Colibrí or the university's culture advisor learned he has been in the presence of a general and want to *advise* him about it, which sounds nightmarish.


Yeah thats a painfull secret he keeps close to his chest.

Richard Fields

I am both entranced and infuriated with the pacing of the story which makes it a banger. I follow alot of stories and this is the only one that keeps me so damn engaged even when I'm mad about it. Good fucking show.


Was rereading chapters following a haiku on Mehdi to check info on him He appeared as the kind who reassures himself that his A is good by looking down on people with a lower level than him So Alden being teleported before him hits Mehdi right where it hurts


Be Me: Checks for chapter, no chapter. Googles release schedule and finds reddit post about this story. Composes a comment on why I love this story. Goes back and see chapter has been posted. It was a good chapter. Tonight has been a good night.


The formatting on Alden talking about Thegund gives me some disassociation vibes. I really like how effectively it conveys a mood shift in the conversation

Chas Becht

Minor editing suggestion: "I thought you were a better a man" -> "I thought you were a better man" (Drop the second "a") Edit: Also: " “What did you parents say?” asked Haoyu. " -> "What did *your* parents say?"


So the sneaky assassin guy heard Alden’s commendation story too? Do the knight father of the nine edged stroompwaffle who’s mother dipped in milk care about the details and will ninja guy report back?

Stephen Slas

It always bothers me when retelling of past events is skipped over so I appreciate even the shortened version. The additional perspective with Alden's hindsight really enhances it as well.


Confession!!!! This chapter was beautiful. I love the contrast of Alden being normal (chatting with his friends, “hey guys wanna eat on the awesome flying nonagon”) and Alden being very not normal (“I was destroyed”).


I have a feeling that a comendation can only be given by a knight. The knights are all about great sacrifice, what if that specific commendation is their moto or something, and giving that comemdation means the person has the qualities a knight should have.

hercule pyro

The current incident will be enlightening about commendations. Does he get one for his weekend shenanigans? Does the absence of chaos make a difference? Does who he was saving make a difference? Does it being a home field disaster rather than one he was summoned to make a difference? Be interesting to see.


Alden opens himself made me react stronger that I thought And great format the recap/discussion for this bit. Enough detail to understand that he gives the long version without a full recap The whole right align think to keep the flow The questions that shows interest from his roommates Whithtout names because there is only two sides, the narrator and the listeners that are an entity with the same interest across This chapter will be read so many times Time to dehydrate myself by crying again on a new read. Thanks Sleyca

March Parabola

Poor Alden is finally getting it all off his chest. Hopefully that helps him emotionally.


Another alien saved who also "saved" him in the process, which Alden will use to downplay his achievements, again. I want to say he won't get a commendation, but, with how Esh-erdi is acting, he just might.


Really good chapter, it’s the emotion you convey that makes this my favorite story.


Thank you for the soup. It's nice to see Alden opening up.

Batty Corvina

I'm so glad he told them the story. Yay for more open Alden ❤️


I desperately need to see the moment Lute and Emilija talk about what happened during the incident. They're just like... hanging out right now?? Hello??? If sending someone multiple life-saving chains during the apocalypse isn't a love confession then I don't know what is.


They seem big on "appropriate compensation" Even if it's more than what a human thinks he deserves for a job, the Artonan's sense of what is owed seems pretty absolute. Like I've never heard of someone going on a job and getting screwed over on pay, it's always the opposite. I'm willing to bet 1 whole dollar that he gets it in the next 5 chapters lol


Will Drusi-otta join the "I'm an Artonan who's had Alden for two days, and if anything happens to him, I will kill everyone in this room and then myself" club? The membership list is quite exclusive.


A digression, and a bit of topic for this chapter, but does anyone know what kind of mourning name kibv'ee is wanting? Is it her father or sister? Did I miss it? My reading comprehension is still shit so I wouldn't doubt it if I did 😂

Guus van der Borg

Aw yeah, always happy to see a stroopwafel mention. As a Dutch person it is one of our greatest points of national pride. All hail the stroopwafel! For those who don't know yet: Stroop = syrup Wafel = waffel So yeah, it's a syrupwaffel. Though sometimes they get made with honey and the waffel part is more of a cookie. And they are pretty much the one Dutch food that is universally loved across the world. All our other regional foods tend to be aquired tastes.


I get goosebumps thinking about when Alden will don his knights gear given to him by Mother. I hope it's epic. Like a situation where he has to openly show he can back up what he says.

Carl Earl

I bet there is a lot of Artonan political infighting about him getting a commendation. From everything we've heard about him, the ambassador sounds like exactly the kind of asshat that would strenuously object to any kind of official recognition for Alden's actions.


I think the blanket fort for two points to more, but it was not the scope of this chapter ;)


They guys are going to give him so much shit lol I feel like Lexi is going to be the next one to get a girlfriend (or secretly already has one) it would be comedy gold watching his interactions! We all know he's as soft as a marshmallow


My first tought was that my (only) local dealer was still closed


Only if he couldn't use him I think. Hed probably be all for it if he could somehow get Alden on his side. He's definitely a shitter. But I think he might let it slide because he thinks it'll be a good way to get into Alden's good graces.


Can you be sure it is not “I thought you were better, Amen”


I really hope Stu is calling while or before Aldens “personal advisory meeting”. I think it is funny that Esh send out a message on Matadero to not bother the human and on Anesidora it is the other way round. Lexi should know that Alden bothers only wizards he personally knows! I can see Lutes fort, it has a big sign saying no Velras sticking on the outside. Nice to see that he and Emilija are together, I hope Nathalie is nearby and gets to use the Velra budget on expensive ingredients to level her cooking skills. There are assignments that take years, maybe Hannah is stuck on one of those. Even if I am just pulling on loose threads here there is hope. Alden voted no on the uniform, since he is a wizard, it is only logical he prefers wide sweatpants with a lot of pockets.

Guus van der Borg

Speaking of, I've been wondering about that. Artonans are explicitly a lot more loose about relationships than most of earth. But I'm starting to feel like that might be the case for parenting as well. We already knew that Alis apparently thought leaving her children with other people was no big deal, and that she thought she could pick up the slack later. But conversely, Esh seems to take it very seriously that Alden seems to be without parents and seems to have basically adopted him immediately. You think that artonan culture also has a habit of people being temporary parents? Not loving or caring any less for the child, but just until someone else takes over? It's been a thought floating around in me noggin ever since it was revealed Esh is basically in full doting parent mode. And I just realized Joe offering to adopt him might also have been due to a part of this culture.


Man it's been an absolute Rollercoaster of emotions for Alden today. First, the conversation with Joe, where he realizes Joe didn't care enough about him to even say goodbye. Then, on his ride to school, the loneliness of realizing he might not truly fit in anywhere. And now, reliving Thegund, with all of the trauma and pain that entails. And it's only lunchtime... I hope the call with Stuart is light and breezy but... it's *Stuart*, so.... probably not.

Carl Earl

I also want to echo the praise for both the formatting of the recap and the way it's written. It perfectly conveys the trauma echo mind space that Alden is in telling the story. I picture it in manga form as him staring into the distance while images of the Moon are superimposed over him and their questions come from off screen and feel like they are so far away... Beautiful.


Your food might be a bit odd... But you're girls are beautiful and your men are built like fucking vikings, so getting people to try your food is never hard. It's tho only reason I know what erwtensoep tastes like... Lmao


Until I see the body I'm going to believe Hannah is alive and kicking ass somewhere. I refuse to be swayed from my opinion

Skull Leader

“When the going gets tough, I want to wear sweatpants,” Preach it brother! I think I got my favorite quote of the series now!


[The uniform looked nice, but he personally believed that times of hardship called for soft, loosely-fitted clothing with ample pockets.] That sounds suspiciously like wizarding attire…

Guus van der Borg

Thanks for trying it. Erwtensoep (or pea soup) is one of my favorite dishes! ...but I can see how it's an aquired taste. And about getting people to try our food... Dutch people absolutely adore offering foreigners drop (or licorice), because it is the most 'aquired taste' thing we have. Offering drop to a foreigner is both a genuine offer to share our nation's bounty, and a prank. Because we are 90% sure you'll hate it. We love it though. Eat it by the bag.


We need another one of those Lexi/Haoyu late night conversations once they have time to digest that.

Skull Leader

It is rather funny just how much of the conduct the school has laid down did Alden break during the emergency. Bugging Wizards. Check Giving personal requests to them. Check Heading straight into danger. Check (Granted he was more forced to in order to save a life) Alden is a bad student. Typical of B-ranks!


He finally told them and it was more emotional than I thought it would be. In a little choked up. I think the really deliberate repeated mentions of parents and Alden’s mom helped too. This was a really cathartic chapter. Or pathos. Whichever one feels ‘good-sad’. With a little ‘bad-happy’. Thanks for this one.


I hope the system shop is open again. He should buy red coat V2 sooner rather than later.


> Are you okay? Sure until I have to level again.


I mean, "My body was destroyed. I was destroyed." Pretty much covers it. Not his fault they don't have a similar understanding of affixation.

Billy Corcoran

On the bright side, the personal meeting might get him bumped into a more appropriate Artonan language class xD


I agree with all who said the Thegund retelling was really well done. I am very glad at the tone and how he told his friends. It wasn't the, "wow, you are amazing," type of telling/response it could have been. It was more personal, more vulnerable, more real. I found it cathartic, as I hope Alden did too.


Nice touch with the formatting!


Amazing chapter. I need to know more about Lute and Emilija though lol Is he staying with his family? And why is she living in Apex? Does this mean she’s living with him right now? How did this come about.


Thanks for the chapter!


Man as much as Aldens gotten the short stick in every situation, I wonder how his friends must feel right now. To finally understand the extent of his experience on Thegund must make their own problems seem so small in comparison.


Fun fact, your body automatically considers unknown tastes poisonous. (Except for sugar for some reason) That's why you usually dislike new or "odd" foods at first, but if you eat it until your body recognizes it isn't harmful, you'll usually "aquire" the taste. It's why babys are such picky eaters, they think you're trying to kill them lol

Billy Corcoran

I like this idea of artonans just parenting whoever's in front of them until circumstances change again. I don't know if it's supported by the text, or likely to be true, but it would be interesting if it were. Alden basically did that for Kibby too.


This is rational fiction logic, I don’t blame ya, but she prolly gone, as death has been pretty consistent in this story.


I was thinking that Drussi would tell Esh and Esh would buy a new coat for Alden...


And saying it's "pea soup" isn't doing it justice. It's bacon soup with peas for color lol and some mysterious black jelly paste type thing that tastes like Worcestershire on fucking steroids mixed with joy. It's pretty lit


My heart hurts for Alden for the 1000th time. To think he was a normal boy complaining to his mother once. And now he tells that horrible story.


*Covers ears with hands* LALALALA! I CAN'T HEAR YOU!! LALALALA Lol you're probably right, but can you imagine how badass it'll be if you're wrong? I predict 2k plus comments on that chapter 😁


I keep rereading the last part and making myself sad. I can't stop!


Stroomphwaffles don’t have to be caramel. They were selling pumpkin spice stroomphwaffels at the farmers market last fall. I am also somewhat surprised nobody has come up with the Stroomphwaffle cone


nooo but then we would lose out of having Lute conversations in language class!


I think at this point Haoyu and Lexi realize that there is a lot more Alden hadn’t said, but it is good of them to only focus on what was said. Instead of pressing further. Thanks for the chapter looking forward to what comes next.

Robert Smart

Wow. That was very brave. Dont know if i could recount that story in his place.


I kinda thought the commendation were something like "likes" from knights, so other knights know they are people that can help them bear the burdon of knighthood, through some quality: actions, personality or symbolism etc. (Like Esh-erdi talking about Hope and Hayou's Dad)


>His mother’s hand tugging him back down into the pew beside her. Alden looking at her in protest, and the silent tilt of her head in return conveying a world of rules and manners. >He remembered feeling terribly misunderstood. [summoning memories of feelings of slight annoyance as this mini arc brings up memories of a very similar situation in my childhood]                                      >Are you okay? >I think so. >I do wish the coat had survived. [Tears silently falling. So many memories of objects that did not survive. Lost forever. Existing only in memories.]


I love stroopwafels. I live in Germany and can luckily get the genuine article from the internet. I actually have some in my cupboard and I'm going to eat one with my coffee right now. I always buy bulk when I go through Schipol. And Belgian chocolates. In Germany only the Swiss stuff are commonplace and imho Belgian chocolates are far superior


It's probably pretty surreal for them. They probably knew it was bad, seeing as how he never talked about it, but I doubt they even came close to how bad it actually was. And when someone tells you their trauma like that it's hard to not put yourself in their shoes and think about "what would I have done if it were me". They finally realize this bad ass bunny is made from some strong shit. I wonder how their perception of him will change and if they treat him differently.


I think they got together. Emilija would've told him her story and he would've probably said "wow the wordchain worked!" And then she would've realised he saved her life and that would've been enough to fall in love with him


I dig the artist choice (you can only tell the same story so many times before your audience gets bored with it) but I would have loved the play by play. The look on their face when he described his run, and how broken he was.


@Guus Chapter 57: > To answer your worry…the girl will be safe and well. Either here with us or with a ———— family until she can join her relative.”

Guus van der Borg

@Mouse Traditionally it's not bacon, but 'rookworst' (smoked sausage). And yeah, there's much more in there than peas. But 'peassoup' is the literal translation of 'erwtensoep'. ...I can’t place the 'black jelly paste' you're talking about. It might've been fond?


I think the more important part is „absence of obligation”. They expect Avowed to do all the avowed duties, but they sort of have an understanding that it happens only because they’re obliged to by the contract and quests. Alden did all of it out of his own free choice. I think that’s the biggest deal for them

Skull Leader

At least Kon can rest easy knowing the damage done to his sister's room is no longer an issue. He is in the clear now! He still needs to find something turtle related to cheer his sister up~


Oh no, I hope Francis doesn't get expelled


I’m not crying! Haoyu’s crying!


Could go either way with the commendation, especially if the votary tells Esh Alden's story. Zeridee also went above and beyond, from an ordinary class perspective. Protecting even on her deathbed. While Alden did not play a too active role, rewarding him for something that has dead avowed as a concequence might not be a good idea. The commendation might be "tainted". On the other hand, Alden said he won't mourn those people, so who knows.


Oh wow, great though! It makes sense why the delivery was so forcefull.


Wow, amazing ending to the chapter, Sleyca. The antithesis of a cliffhanger, and some new word that means << fulfilling-haunting >>


Maggi something or other. But it wasn't like a bottle, it was in a mason jar and looked homemade. I have no idea. The Dutch just like feeding people, not telling you whats in it lmao


I'm so curious about the Whispering Villages


Ok it breaks the mood but I did just figure out that’d be “Boo-mami”.


There's probably a few things in there he can revert back to new, he'll probably boost his power trying to fix everything. Or find an alternative use for his power


I'm hoping Sleyca just depicted the way he told the story like that for us, but he actually went into full detail while telling them. Maybe only leaving out magic.

Guus van der Borg

Oh! Maggi! Of course! (Sorry, I got excited.) Maggi is interesting. It's actually a brand name, but we don't have any other word for it, so everyone just calls it Maggi. Most people have no freaking clue what's in there, me included. I assume it's a bastardized version of soy sauce (the Dutch were the first nation to have regular trade with Japan. Which was very rare as they were incredibly insular back then. I'm guessing we picked it up there.), and it's a very common flavor enhancer for soup in the Netherlands. Be careful though, asking for Maggi can be interpreted as offensive to whomever made the soup. But most households have a bottle of it in their house. It's delicious, but best used in small amounts. Edit: Looked it up, I was right. It IS a bastardized soy sauce.


Okay somebody help me out. How long has it been since he got back from Artona I? Like I want to say it's been two or three months, but something else is saying in my head that it's only been like two or three weeks


Haoyu also said it takes time to settle. So not much resistance in the first weeks. Only one I can see being better is a sway for stress relieve (and to stay in the closed vault untill help arrives) or something like lightshaper to do SOS. Ok, maybe a wright could be usefull, but i doubt it. Too many skills needed.


Wasn't she living togethet with Natalie in Apex anyway?


I bet someone (Winston) who's probably in trouble will say some shit like "Well Alden did the exact same thing, and he's getting rewarded! Why am I in trouble." I can see the butt hurt now


I think Lexi's attitude towards Alden is going to change slightly after this. He is such a rational person so it probably always bothered him *why* Alden is so weird. Now that he knows, he would accept Alden even more

prashanth sunder

Agreed, very few Avowed who had just come into their powers six months prior would have been able to do it in a single day


he was in intake for a couple months I think. It's only been a couple weeks since he started school.


See Im thinking he was only in intake for about 1 month of the potential three. And then it's been at most another month since moving to campus and starting school. I sure hope this gets clarified in one of the chapters coming up


Thanks for the chtaper ! It's good that Alden is starting to tell his story. That's how he's going to move past it.


So, in summation, when a 6'5 Viking (or random blonde supermodel) puts a bowl of odd looking green soup in front of you, eat it, It'll change your life. Just don't ask what's in it 😂


Ohh, for some reason I thought it was still part of F-city. Either way, GIVE US A CHAPTER ON LUTE X EMILIJA


I like that Alden decided to open up after seeing North of North Gym beeing open in limited capacity. Its by far not the forst time i've noticed things like that in writing and Character's focus as a way to describe unconsious though. I really really like it. :) Now we need some school children writing to Sleyca and ask whether the sky in chapter XYZ was just blue or if if meant more, because they got a bad grade analysing it in school. :D

JJ Hunter

Indignant small Alden memory is a gift unexpected. I very much appreciate the assembly getting mostly summarized instead of recounted to us except for the bits that Alden had a strong reaction to - it feels like we're getting Alden's POV on it just with those editing choices, well done. Alden finally telling his Thegund story on his own terms to two of his roommates with some close to real privacy feels like such a jump in trust. It also has all the broken not quiet linear feeling of a narrative not yet practiced, still raw, getting processed in the act of telling. I don't think Alden actually gave Boe the whole raw thing in one go before, did he? There were all the passing references in his voicemail, and he answered questions, but it wasn't this. I'm glad Alden gets to have this now - two peers who weren't there, but care a lot and are willing and open to listening seriously. That bit about Lexi opening open about his parents, and his family's situation, and his feelings (!!) and how much he's struggling with the situation. Haoyu sharing his. I can see why the two of them are friends - they remind me of Alden and Stu-art'h sometimes, of where the two of them might get to with enough him. This is a beautiful chapter. It hurts, gently, for reasons well earned. It feels like tender care for a wound.


If all the year 2 B-ranks get expelled, that means there will be no 3rd years around next year to take over as the B-List club president. One of the current 1st years will have to do it.


I think Lexi is sheltered with a very narrow world view that is being expanded whether he likes it or not.

Matt V

It's nice to see Alden opening up more to his roomies, even if it is circumstance forcing his hand a little bit. I found the creative decision on his retelling of events rather intriguing. It lent it a haunting and dissociated air to the conversation that worked well for it. I do hope we see more thoughts/reaction from the Lodgers in future chapters though. Nice to see school starting back up again, though I'm curious about what changes might be instituted. That felt a bit ominous. Also looking even more forward to Alden giving Esh a tour now after that speech about not bothering the busy wizards who are there on serious business and shouldn't be disturbed for any reason. Oh and now here's one of the most important wizards on a casual stroll chatting up that weird B-rank rabbit. That'll be fun. Earth system is probably still pretty busy, but I'm also starting to wonder how long of a reprieve it will grant Alden before it comes knocking about all those levels and advancements he made. Also, we absolutely need to see the Lute/Emiljia reunion and his explanation of the long distance chains. This is non-negotiable.


I love the part about the tryhards going out and embarrassing the school. Only now that a bunch of supposedly elite students have jointly made such an absurdly stupid and self-centered fuckup does Celena North start to feel like a real high school.

Guus van der Borg

Foster families are common on earth as well. I was more wondering if temporary parenthood was a more deeply culturally ingrained artonan thing?


Yes. I kept wanting to tell him not to wait for his rest period to be over before he started preparing for possible emergencies. They don't follow schedules!

Radha Patel

He arrived to Earth early September, it's currently late November I think. Halloween was during his first week of school, now it's the start of his fourth week.


Okay thank you so much. It did seem like a lot of stuff was going on all at once


It has to be a clipped version just for readers. Just look at the questions being asked. How would they even know about the car and its condition already otherwise? Or that there was a lab to get to?


That’s just a waffle cone. The ice cream is the filling.


So it’s nothing against uniforms, he just wants the right one.


So about Joe. Seeing how he on the low end of totems pole. And pepole need quick set up off temporaly rod bridge soon... so how about having Joe take the insensitive in action and use his Magial might to set up Temporaly bridge and contracting local avowed -sure he can not go teleporting them or interduct them whit out supervisions of ohters wizard's, that there is a plenty around- whit theyry helping him by controlling traffic and gathering a nominal toll on "items that are dear and calming to its holders". Items Whits he will after be done for day will levitating to air, charge them and bunging in water before pulling them out again handing them too avowed to hand them back to theyry owners -maybe have that traditional healing wizard's check on items before, makeing sure theyry safe- now real kicker is the payment part since Joe is under funding pinch. How about instead paying in [lessons] instead? He is still a active teacher on duty after-all and maybe his institution will acpect thos lessons being something more reverting than [Movement's of fourth bowels] and mayde thous lesson are partly on record a and partly private. Whits leads MC and he's friends take part one of them.etc

Zach Joe

Lutey got in! *ahem* sorry. Not sure how Sleyca intended this, but the wording "Absence of Obligation" is possibly more significant than it first seems. If Alden's secrets were revealed to a cynical person, they might think that Alden on Thegund actually was under quite a lot of magical influence: he was under contract (but not big-C Contract) to do his 'sincere best' to save the people at Joe's lab (presumably including Kibby), and his skill influences him to become a martyr. It sure looks like an obligation. Even if this angle never gets explored in-story, it's a fun thing to think about how much of his actions are him and how much are him being subtly pushed by magic. (Before I get pitchforked, I'm sure that Alden would have chosen to be heroic anyway, given what we readers see in his inner monologues and given Boe's judgment of his character).


I’m betting it’s her sister. My mind just keeps flashing back to the scene in the car where Kibby tries to get Alden to take her sister first, even though she’s already gone.


He can't help it. Alden's core will always be comprised of two things. 1) Maintaining or trying to maintain a low profile 2) Trying to help people where he can. Although he's learning to not do more than he can handle he still has a long way ahead of him.


So the big reveal occurred floating over the center of campus on a magical attention drawing stroompwafel? And of course none of the campus audio Brutes listened in.


TBF, that plan is in flux if only because Alden keeps needing to increase the size of the tattoo.


Yeah he can't elaborate on that. It would entail explaining how his skill was fractured due to overexposure to chaos and how he was able to sense that and subsequently how mother healed him and had a conversation. Like all of that is no no for discussion. Especially with the votary listening in, she might be able to piece together that Alden has authority sense and also a skill which would make him an unofficial Knight.


Will they get expelled? Or just have to do community service for a while. Maybe get a alteran tattoo contract which says “I will not act like a moron” and go around to elementary schools doing a play about what not to do during a disaster.


Just because she wasn’t in to keeping a record on the Beat List doesn’t mean she wasn’t competitive. They had to catch the competitiveness from someone. An overly successful teenager being idolized by her peers is also a recipe for hubris.


Let's remember that these are all hypotheticals discussed by students. The principal didn't confirm the identity of who it was. She could have still been talking about Winston. If he isn't at least included in the discussion, that would be very hypocritical of them (faculty).


Most other avowed in the hero would have been safer than Alden, id guess. Mainly because they have more authority. But who could have saved kibby? That’s the real challenge here. Alden says his skillset wasn’t perfect for anything in that crisis but really, it felt pretty perfect for protecting her. He just didn’t have enough power to make it less clutch.


Thanks for the soup! Very much a chapter about grief: Alden reminisces about his mother, about learning the laundry alone without Connie's guidance. He's afraid that the school will kick him out by association for being B-rank :( But he speaks about Thegund to his roommates. Good!  Confront your grief boy! It's the first step towards healing. Glad he's letting himself enjoy the flying nonagon, too :)

Emily Curtis

Lovely chapter. Glad to see Alden opening up to his roommates. I hope this lets Lexi calm down a bit about how weird Alden can be.


But without an authority sense, that wouldn’t really be something he would have felt. It wouldn’t mean anything to them other than that he was hurt

Emily Curtis

Completely random aside and question. With first contact being in the 60s and with fruit being so important to them, did any Artonians manage to save the Gros Michel cultivar of banana from fungal infection? Are the bananas sold in American grocery stores Gros Michels or Cavendish? This is obviously the most important question that could ever be asked about the setting.


Now that she and Lute can discuss it, I’m foreseeing Emilija getting really into wordchains. Unlike Lute, she got to experience just how magical and useful they can be from the very beginning.


If this chapter is family matters, then will the next chapter be meet the Graham's? Not like us? This is actually hilarious I'm finding a reference here of all places


I'm reading in my bed before work and the last three lines hit me in the guts and I wish I could be Alden's friend and hug him. Thanks for the chapter. PS: I'm sooo paranoid about infogear now


The sister makes the most sense because Kibby blames herself for that death. She thinks if she'd just agreed to go with Alden quickly, it would have been fine. While that is technically true it was an incredibly unlikely and poorly timed system failure, nothing in any way predictable.

Melody Haren Anderson

I hope you got all the rest you need. This was great and I love that he felt safe and was able to share his story with them. I think it lets them understand him, and I'm... kinda expecting they'll wonder why such bad things keep happening to him, but never so much he dies... just ALMOST dies. I don't know if they'll say it to him, but they know things went terrible after he was teleported and nearly died... that he nearly died on chaos moon... and that there was the event as a child.


He didn't actually bug any wizards during the emergency, he only even met a wizard when his life got saved. Afterwards, absolutely. Though really most of the wizards he's been talking to besides Joe came to bother him.


It probably is open, the System seems to be fine now. But unfortunately the school just voted to require a uniform and a vibrant red hazmat suit probably doesn't quite qualify.


@Guud van der Borg I didn’t know that Dutch people also had Maggi (I’m a Pole), although we call it Magia (Magic in polish). I always assumed it was something local and bit an international phenomenon. Usually we use it for chicken soup though.


I pictured it like a movie scene, where the raw voices of an old, weary story teller and a couple of curious children are the only sound while we see some flashbacks of Thegund. Disjointed scenes, sometimes an accurate reflection of what the story teller says, sometimes betraying his euphemisms. Until the last question from the children : then we go back to the present, and the story teller's face and voice are superimposed with the boy from the story's own as he answers, staring straight at the camera


"I wanted to do well in gym and prove I fit in with the class." Hmm, doing well in gym like, say, discovering a dramatic new aspect of your skill and making impossible catches to the point that the instructor believes you could catch bullets some day? Or maybe doing well as in being the first person to suggest your team actually coordinate, and then being a serious and relevant part of the team, solving a variety of different problems, and taking down a higher rank trivially? I dunno, sounds kind of unlikely. Speaking of dramatic new aspects of his skill, I wonder if he's going to mention ranged preservation. Alden likes to downplay his actions and he's going to have a real hard time reproducing it, but it really is the kind of thing the instructors have to be able to help with in some way.


I think about no one his age would have even survived the 152 days until rescue came. Then they'd have to still be in shape/have the bravery to go and get rescued. Not to mention the Kibby factor.


Tyftc! Finally!!! He talks!!! I can't express how happy I am that Alden finally took this step. I don't imagine this was easy but people can't help if they don't know what you're struggling with. With the ninja listening in, I think it is safe to say that Knight Esh will also get all the details. Opening the way for more personalized help.


Alternatively, they could be suspended and held back a year. That would put them in class with Alden next year.


So if the 2nd year B’s all get suspended and held back a year as punishment, then Alden could end up having them in his classes next year.

Tycho Green

They were invented in the Netherlands though and are classically made like that. Every time I’ve been there it’s the only version I’ve seen too. Not worth pointing anything out just because someone in america filled it with .. pumpkin spice.

Jan Verner

I just wanted to say that his description and recap of the events which he did kinda detached hits home hard.

Tycho Green

So nice that Lute gets to spend more time with her. They are the only people I am shipping as of now. I wonder if Lute told some family members how many Wordchains he was able to stack and if that’s one of the reasons they are extra obnoxious.

Anthony Lutz

i feel it was written that way because we the readers don't need a verbatim recap in "Alden's words", but the section still tells us what he actually said to them, and what the intention of their responses was. Like the fact he skipped telling them about the affixation issues and visiting Stu, and instead said simply "sent me back to civilization". they would have had said more in their follow up questions in reality at various points, but we didn't need more. Definitely written very well.

Tycho Green

Family Matters II is the title of the next chapter. Maybe we transition into Meet the Velras from there? /s


I’m having feelings. I need to process. And then go back to sleep.


Of course not. That would be rude. CNH students are renowned for their < < honor and discretion. > >


Not to be pedantic but Daelmans, the Dutch company which imports them into the United States makes them in Chocolate, Honey, Caramel, and Maple Flavors



Ano Ano

It's interesting to me how seriously Lexi takes the division between island happenings and triplanet happenings. Part of Anesidoran culture? What a lovely chapter overall. We are seeing so much of what has made Alden have to be mature beyond his years. Hopefully the fact that he's opening up means he will be able to get helped in the way he needs.


Sleyca's word of the day : to gallivant : to visit or go to a lot of different places, enjoying yourself and not worrying about other things you should be doing I am so extending my vocabulary reading soup


I don't think it is wizard secrets actually. If he explained that he could tell on his own what was happening that would be wizard secrets. I think that the actual issue is that he first learned about this phenomenon from Joe on the day when he learned the double secret lessons about his skill.


At the beginning of the recap in the first line I was derailed by mention of a demon distorting someone’s leg. I don’t remember that happening and thought I was reading a different characters perspective on something that happened on matedoro and then as terrain and running was mentioned I thought we were being given a look at some past similar scenario of someone else who also went through a similar situation as Alden. It wasn’t until halfway through that I realized it was a recap to friends. All that because “demon” is more closely linked with matedoro while thegund is linked with “chaos”. So, to prevent a similar misunderstanding, I suggest removing “demon” and replacing with something like “little swarms of chaos bugs” or something of a similar nature. The recap scene is nice and I feel cheated by my brain trying to rationalize “Where did demons come from” while reading the first half. Ty for the story, I really really like it.


Thanks Sleyca! Such a good chapter!


He was in fact uniquely suited. He has one of the skills that allows him to take chaos damage on behalf of weaker parties, a movement skill, and a B rank (which is higher than average even if we spend most of our time comparing him to A and S ranked people). Probably the biggest problem was his low level at the start. Of course, even with a higher level he would have failed if he couldn't reach the teleport fast enough and that would not have saved everyone. I think you would probably need to be a high level A or S ranked Avowed to have saved everybody whilst missing the teleport. You need some skill that can protect weak normal people from chaos for more than 100 days and even whilst you are sleeping. In fact, it also either has to be a movable skill or last for way longer than that because going to the help when it arrives is harder with more people.


Someone would probably need to be extremely high level and/or an A or S rank to do better than him (and not all such people would actually be able to, they would need relevant skills too).


Damn. What a chapter. You really conveyed Aldens attitude well. The "I'm speaking of this super traumatic experience because I know I have to, because I care about the people listening, but I really would rather not have to talk about, or even think about, this ever again." Reminds me of some conversations I've had with fellow veterans. Hits me right in the feels. Good job.


I don't think he is able to really talk about that. He first learned about the phenomenon from Joe on the extra secret skill lesson day where the contract was reconfirmed. If experiencing the thing talked about was sufficient to dodge the secret contract then the fact Alden experienced gaining access to the ancient developments of his super skill would be sufficient to talk about their existence.


I think that it is probably both wellness and academic. This event might have thrown off some students' academic plans somehow and this meeting could give them a start in dealing with that.


There are a lot of powers that would have been useful in that environment. Maybe not, and especially not at level 1, but imagine if Instructor Walker had been there instead. Imagine if it had been Hannah, Finlay, or Plopstar.

Tycho Green

Not to be pedantic and then pulls out a link lol Some of the many brands that make stroopwafels will create different flavors, especially these days where people get more inventive with their food. In france the cookie croissant recently gained popularity for example. Commonly croissants are sold without mixing a cookie into them, in the same vein stroopwafels have a particular preparation method associated with them. << stroop stroop >> https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stroopwafel Haoyu said the nonagons texture reminds him of a Stroopwafel and gave a succinct explanation of what that is.


Wow, the recap really it home. The feelings it generates are spot on. It is not just about telling what happened to his friends but also the imposter syndrome and survivor guilt being present make it easy to relate, it feels so real. Thank you for the chapter.


Shrug, stroompwafels are evolving and meeting American tastes. Doesn’t make them un-stroompwafel. Still the caramel ones are the most common.


@Jazerhiah Hannah is a good example as one spell we know she had would probably help protect people from chaos. Speedsters would be good, but I don't think they would end up with a result much better than Alden unless they got off the teleport and dodged the situation altogether.


Thanks for the chapter. There's a lot there to unpack. I'm happy to see he opened up to his roommates but wish they all were there. That's tough and important to do about things. I hope to see reactions or a Lute, Lexi, Haoyu conference. Wonder if he mentions his shadow to them. As a parent of young kids the comments about just dirt on the tie got me. How kid? How did you get dirty in this way? Very relatable.

Andrew Boyer

If only they had an S-rated bridge wright to help with that bridge rebuilding. Foresight?


Sure that would be one way to do it. But it's so mutch not going over water -seeing how they are flying all over it- but what is in the water. And since most long bridges need support points and anchor that are on the said water, it might possess a problem for normal method of building something for on seen future. Plus even if wright(s) start building it having ready platform for construction work would be nice. Then again. what would be S-rank Wright take on this bridge makeing?

David Bailey

"I do wish the coat had survived." If the coat is a metaphor for his relationship with Joe... Ouch. 🥲


Knowing Alden's luck , he's sooner or later going to get punted there in the worst circumstances.


The change up in structure has to be due to Esh’s plans to incorporate a healer of the mind, right? EDIT 1: Also, we know that Esh likes to spy on Alden and Drusi is listening to Alden right now - what are the odds that Esh gets to hear this entire conversation either told verbatim or recorded?


I can see it, but would say that ‘demon’ is still the best English word for Alden to have most accurately used. There was a fairly extensive discussion with Kivb-ee on Thegund about all the words, etiologies, etymologies and conditions for demons. Maybe I’m in the minority, but it seemed pretty clear that Thegund was a demon problem, even if you could also use the term ‘chaos’ or ‘drunk hell bees’ instead.


Haoyu is the best “You two, grab onto me if we crash. I’ll break your fall,” said Haoyu

Ano Ano

Haha, I have been paranoid about infogear since they were introduced off hand. I think Alden is safe here, though. He's floating up in the air and an Artonan ninja is keeping an eye on him.

Ano Ano

I like that it's a realistic jump in trust. Alden wouldn't have done it at this time if events hadn't pushed him to.


But it’s been referred to as a chaos problem in all the chapters since, especially recently from Alden’s perspective. It’s safe to say that in Alden’s mind (as shown) Thegund is a “chaos” problem. While the bridge was going crazy and alarms were going off he didn’t think “it’s demons all over again like on Thegund” he though “This can’t be a chaos event all over again like Thegund.” It’s a minor mental hiccup on my part and possibly others but I think it’s worth commenting on… because I LIKE the recap and I’m sad my brain was derailing for the first half.


It took me awhile to remember he was talking about Joe’s lab assistants on that first day.

Charles Hinton

Sleyca I hope you got advertising money from Daelman's if you didn't you should just share with them the comments section. I think we are all going to go get some to eat while enjoying our next soup.

Aspiring Moth

he's referred to them as demon grasshoppers many times on the moon and since coming back. kibby also referred to them as demons


I read, and reread the closing commendation story again and again. It’s really good. I love how it’s framed and the detached but heavy statements made in it. It really shows how heroic his actions were. He wasn’t the right person, other avowed would perform better, but he did it. Even when he didn’t have to. So cool

Andrew Simpson

I'm so, so, so glad our little rabbit is opening up. Gotta air the trauma my little bun. Proud of you.

Charles Hinton

Anyone else now have an irresistible desire to reread the moon arc, again? Guess I know what will keep me distracted until the next chapter.


Demon grasshopper hooks me right back into Thegund, so that works. I don’t remember him referring them recently. As far as I remember he hasn’t talked about them to anyone yet. But my perspective still stands. Expanding “demon” to “demon grasshopper” would avert my own confusion about was being talked about. Because the only time “demon” has come up in my recent memory is directly with matedoro, and Alden has never been involved with a demon on matedoro. Hence, my confusion.

William Johnson

One of the little things I love about this story is the way you juxtapose normal life stuff like assemblies and worrying about what other people will think with these moments of epic weirdness. The way you conveyed Alden telling the story of Thegund was so well done, such a great middle ground between too much explanation for something we've already seen and just glossing over the whole thing without letting us know what he told Lexi and Haoyu. Seriously great, well done. Thanks for the chapter!


Could also be one of Bash-nor's people doing some stupid

Hao Tian

When did Alden see other Avowed be exposed to demons? Or is he talking about himself?

William Johnson

I agree that the transition is jarring, but I kind of love that myself. Like you said you figured it out pretty quick so it wasn't confusing for long and I think the weirdness of the transition emphasizes how odd this story is for the audience, in this case Lexi and Haoyu. But I loved that whole sequence so much that I'm reluctant to have anything in it change.

William Johnson

He's talking about himself as one of the only two survivors of the Thegund incident.


I really love Haoyu's and Lexi's questions. They're good friends.

John D Jones

@ Lewis Wood Anytime something sucks or goes wrong on Patreon it's a Patreon issue because Patreon kind of sucks.


Nah, I think it’s just a clever way to let us know how Alden told the story without having to add in a lot of description etc of reactions and whatnot. Works very well.


I didn’t figure it out pretty quick though -_-. I went through three different perspective changes before I figured out what was happening and then I was sad and went back to the top to try reading it again. You do make a decent point though about how the story sounds from Lexi and Haoyu perspective. Do they know what demons are? I’ve gotten the impression that what happens on matedoro is dangerous and secretive and combat oriented but has it ever been said on a semi public level that “demons” are what’s happening? If it hasn’t then using the word demons talk to Lexi and Haoyu would be confusing to them. If it has then it should conjure up an image of something that takes a dozen or so combat avowed and two escort knights to defeat, at which point I imagine the reaction would be “woah… hold up, you survived in DEMON infested territory for 152 days?!” Look I’m also loathe for it to change, but if it CAN be changed and stay in spirit I’d love for it to. Edit: people at large on anesidora know what chaos is as it was mentioned in the system emergency broadcast and I recall reading people referring to the hintyon as chaos knights/wizards, but the only time I’ve heard specifically “demon” is in relation to matedoro and even then only by artonans(if I remember correctly).

John D Jones

Figure two or three. This part was the Family Matter of Alden and his Artonan little sister, Kivb-ee. The next one be helping Lexi and Kon get to their own family. A third one might involve Alden talking with his friend/older brother Stu'art'h who has yet to call today.


Maybe if or when they establish a real friendship, Joe will gift him a new one?

Mark Tonkin

Where can I give more hearts? This chapter was amazing, Alden's emotions come through so clearly. I'm so invested in the lives of so many characters in this story.

Jason Harpster

lunch on the nonagon....so jealous. Also wooo he finally told the story to his roomies.

Maddy Weller

I love that Alden finally told his roommates how he earned the commendation, and their reactions were so good. Sensible questions and “are you okay” are really the best things to say to that

Jason Harpster

Obviously you have never been fond of a piece of clothing that helped get you thru a disaster. I wish my hat had survived. And that isn't a metaphor....it was just a really nice sun hat when I was stuck taking a very very very long walk.

John D Jones

Maybe unofficially. Mostly the effect seems to be on the standing of the Commended person. Hn'tyons are sacred figures to the Artonans in general. I think them giving a Commendation indicates that the Commended one is someone precious to or valued by them. Artonans would make a serious effort to ensure that a Commend person is saved/cared for. Disrespecting a Commended person like Alden disrespects the hn'tyon who gave him the Commendation, in this case Hn'tyon Loh Alis-a'rt'h, the fourth most important person in the universe by the way that Artonans reckon things.

John D Jones

Emilijia and Lute together probably riding out their word chain fallout.

Matt DiMeo

The wording parallels the U.S. medal of honor - “conspicuous gallantry at risk of life beyond the call of duty” (roughly). I would not be surprised if Sleyca cribbed it.

Stephen Nehila

Lots of African cultures have the same cultural practice. It’s incredibly common for children to spend years living with various relatives. It helps the child to form bonds with their extended family. It also means that if the parents die or are otherwise unable to take care of their kids, the children have other parental relationships to fall back on. Considering that all artonians are in polycules it’s not surprising that this would be in their culture.


I’m ready for it to stop being something that hits me again and again. But the whole conversation, a secret assassin is beside them watching haha. Whom he forgot to tell his mates about

Thomas Todd

They definitely did better than I would, I couldn't have stopped myself asking about what Demons are like even though it would be the complete wrong thing to ask


This chapter was fantastic! On a side note reading SS has made me fixate way too hard on the fact that the English language (nor any other languages as far as I'm aware) can easily distinguish if someone is referring to an object in its total reality or if they are referring it from their point of view. This obsession has grown from the fact that artonians seemingly do have the language to express distinction between the physical conceptual self and the total self of both body, authority, and everything else combined. And I know it sounds absurd but I really do wish our language could make this distinction. Like if stranger trips and you ask "are you okay?", it can still feel ambiguous what exactly you are asking even though the context seems pretty explicit. Or saying "I like you" can have two completely different meanings if "you" is referring to my object idea of you or the total "you" which I can't and will never fully comprehend. It's a big tangent I know but it's something I haven't been able to stop thinking about for a few weeks now. I also study philosophy and will be doing my 'philosophy of language' module next year. I might actually write a paper on this exact topic. That'd be pretty neat.


At ‘pea soup’ I was like “meh”. But bacon soup with a little peas for coloring and Worcestershire goo? Hell yeah. That sounds pretty amazing.

Emily Gurnavage

Just buy another coat already, lol. Keep it stuffed in his bookbag so its always on hand like he has mentioned wanting it to be. I cant fully remember what the first one cost - but it wasn't free, right? He was browsing what in the gear shop he had access to as a fresh avowed and the coat was within his budget? So it should certainly be within budget for his currently fairly massive wealth. EDITTT: I forgot about the Velra money. I was thinking the coat was like a few hundred dollars. Not a million, lol. Although now that my mind is on the topic of magic clothes... . Weather he buys the same coat or not, I do hope he spends some of his Argold hoard on fancy Artonan or Avowed gear to help keep him alive at some point before his R&R period is up. It was what, 6 months? And he has a handful of refusal credits? Gotta be coming up at some point, and he will prolly agonize over the gear choices for a while. Maybe this disaster will help him decide to sit down and do some shopping when he has a moment. Magic gear prolly coulda helped in some of the various situations he was in.


I didn't see him saying he had wished the coat had survived as *actually* referring to the coat. I thought maybe he was referring to his friendship with Joe, which very much did not survive Moon Thegund.

Emily Gurnavage

He has made comments about wanting another one of those coats at *least* a dozen times since returning to Earth. He brings it up like every handful of chapters somehow lol


I mean I wouldn't call Moon Thegund Alden's big reveal. It's arguably his least important secret. It's practically not a secret: he was prepared to talk it about during the admission interview after all. And he's mentioned getting stuck on the Moon before, just not as much detail. It's also possible Drusi-otta is preventing eavesdropping and drones from recording. Hard to say.


He's also talking about the unnamed lady Thegund scientist who was hit by a chaos bug on their way to the first shelter.


Also, in homage to today's RR author notes on Haoyu... MOOOOO

Jason Best

I remember the Coat being * really* expensive. Like so expensive it was one of the reasons he was summoned in the first place because it was rare gear.


The coat was very close to an even 1 million. he only had the money because of the Velra payoff.


I started a reread mostly by accident when I was looking for quotes. Leafsong is especially hard to get through now that I have more context.

Emily Gurnavage

Ooooooh he got the coat with that money. I honestly completely forgot about the Velra money and him having more than youd expect a random teen to have in savings. Guess his reluctance makes more sense then. Hes got what, like 6 million worth of Argold left? 12 before he split with Boe iirc? 1 mil for that coat is a good bit then. Should still take a peek at his options before his R&R cooldown ends though.


I suspect Earth's system won't come knocking for quite a while--at least until things have significantly calmed down and Alden has had time to heal. Earth suggested that it was in Alden's best interest to affix when he was in a calm, positive mood and situation and it would try to convince him to affix during those times. And, during the submerger incident, it's implied that Alden's skill/affixed authority grew significantly, so that will buy him some extra time before the ratio of affixed to non-affixed authority becomes a problem.

Emily Gurnavage

Omg lol I bet he himself totally forgot she exists already. Surely he would have told them, otherwise. He promised to let them know when Artonans are listening in. Although that was intended for his calls witu Stu and his sister. The assassin is gonna pop up for some reason next chapter and scare the shit out him.


I worry that Alden is going to get facing backlash because of Principal Saleh's dressing down of B-ranks, plus the whole "Don't address or approach the Artonans" thing. Alden unequivocally did the right things, but there are going to be a lot of students who see that as a double standard.

Emily Gurnavage

I dont think it was exactly detached, it sounds like he told them the *whole* story (at least while on the Moon) but ofc we dont want to read a 2,000 word recap of that whole arc. So it got summarized like that *for us* with a bit of back and forth. I think it was really well done, although you dont seem to be alone in not getting it at first.

Emily Gurnavage

Lol suspended. Held back. As if. They are 200% already expelled and banned from joining other hero program schools. No way they got off lighter than that. The school made it clear back during the trial testing to try and join that slip-ups would involve a blacklisting from all hero schools. If messing up during a mock training gets that, then you cant expect actual students who broke many many laws and massively embarrassed the school to get off lighter. Hell, id be kind of surprised if they aren't jailed for a time. But no way they arent expelled and blacklisted.

John D Jones

If Alden's going to drop 1 million Argold on the coat, he should spring for more and get a different color and some environmental comfort spells so he won't sweat as much on the Triplanets.

McIntosh Ewell

There's no way Mother loves him best, but he's definitely up there. As for Earth, it's still sorting out how it feels about him

Skull Leader

Yes that is the limitation of Kon's power. He can only restore damage that been done less than 5 minutes ago. That is why the damage to his sister's room could not be restored cause he did not catch it in time to restore it.

Emily Gurnavage

Id say interested due to Mother's interest, but personally annoyed, lol. Alden yelled at it a lot earlier on. Kept refusing its many offers of skills to take all that pesky spare authority off his shoulders. Repeatedly asked questions it said it couldn't answer. Made it do extra work to recieve his still-iffy-at the time teleportation. Kept bothering it during this disaster where it was strained to its limits.

pierre boucheron

I'm split on that, I completely get the initial disconnect but it's the perfect word to use when giving an abbreviated version to haoyu and lexi.

McIntosh Ewell

Yep. Very much an older sibling on babysitting duty with the toddler who skipped straight from crawling to running


There’s a Ted talk on language and the implications of blame. How English is predisposed structurally to not leave blame open ended but to have it arrive at a person (or object). Whereas other cultures, especially Spanish/Romance languages it’s possible and structurally sound to leave blame as an open ended thing. Example “the vase broke” as opposed to “he broke the vase” when describing someone bumping into a vase on accident. It changes eyewitness testimony depending on the culture of the person who’s giving the statement. (And then you factor in the transliteration of the officer receiving the statement and police/law enforcement culture not being able to structurally leave blame unassigned etc.) language is a whole thing and it’s awesome. TedTalk is “How language shapes the way we think” and it’s by Lera Boroditsky.

Skull Leader

Yeah, Alden has pulled his weigh and then some in his short time in gym class. Yet, you still have his classmates that think Alden is a punchline , such as Mehdi's line last chapter when Kon saw Alden riding the nonagon. Which is sad that Alden no matter what he does still feels the elitism caused by Class-Rank.


Wow I love the change in format/ structure at the end... really gives a storytelling vibe. I can almost see the white background...

Explo Rin

Even if he gets a commendation, Id expect it to be a "lesser" one. As dire as the situation was, the Thurgund one required way more mental resilience to pull of A significant chunk of the challenge this time came from his trauma from Thurgund

Josh Delgado42

Thank you for the chapter! I loved how you re-told Thegund. It was concise while revealing Lexi and Haoyu's responses/questions and how much Alden revealed. And it was insightful to see what Alden focused on and how he downplays his own efforts, yet reveals the rawness of how close it was to ending differently. You could feel his retelling of the struggle for survival. Thank you for giving me goosebumps.

Carl Earl

It's funny that you refer to Maggi as bastardized soy sauce, because iirc, soy sauce is a bastardized form of garum which is an ancient Roman ingredient that traveled the world. There's a YouTube channel called Tasting History and the host has made two different versions of garum over the past 4 years. In both episodes he talks about different aspects of the history of garum and how it spread around the globe and then disappeared. really interesting stuff, and one of my favorite channels. If you love either food or history, it's a must watch.


Thanks for the chapter!

N Johnson

There's an s ranked bridge wright student, isn't there? I seem to remember that early in the story

Explo Rin

It's hard to say if a commendation would actually be good for Alden's psyche or not. Esh-erdi is the natural person to give Alden the commendation if he deserves it, but he's also the one person who can tell if doing so would actually _hurt_ Alden The assistant lady had explained how much knights care about the people they commended, and Esh-erdi is certainly acting like he cares about Alden to that degree I'm suspecting the commendation, if it arrives at all, will be delayed until Esh-erdi repairs Alden's psyche

N Johnson

I bet "win win" got himself in trouble trying to record himself being a hero.

Explo Rin

Is a 2nd commendation coming for Alden? It's hard to say whether or not a commendation would actually be good for his psyche. Esh-erdi is the natural person to give Alden the commendation if he deserves it, but he's also the one person who can tell if doing so would actually _hurt_ Alden The assistant lady had explained how much knights care about the people they commended, and Esh-erdi is certainly acting like he cares about Alden to that degree I'm suspecting the commendation, if it arrives at all, will be delayed until Esh-erdi repairs Alden's psyche


Ooh I'm going to have to watch that Ted talk now. I think language is so fascinating. I'm also a big believer in the idea that people perceive the world through the language they have to express it. And if the language doesn't exist they will either create it or try to express it without language (behaviour, art, expression etc). I think incorporating this distinction in our perception of a thing, would help a lot with feelings that 'nothing is real' or 'everything is in my mind'. If we refer to ourselves (I, me, myself) in the same way we refer to others (you, they, them); that is without any distinction of it being a real thing or just our perception of the thing - then we continue to treat our actions as if they are without consequence. That is until we have to confront the consequences and feel the reality of them. I think if you ever feel that you're not real it's because you're referring to yourself as the perception of yourself in your head, not as something that is totally real. When I say it, you're like duh but the ambiguity in our language can cause some concerning outcomes for our dumb monkey brains.

N Johnson

So you think Alden will get another commendation for saving another injured Artonan?

Explo Rin

Install pateron on your phone. You'll get notifications when a new chapter comes out

Explo Rin

But that's what qualified him to get called away in the first place!

Carl Earl

To be clear, demons and chaos creatures are, and always have been, two different words for the same thing.

N Johnson

Not predictable, but you're right. A child wouldn't be able to see that.


Transparent, Translucent, Both, Adjustable, Mental note, Overthinking, Footwear, pants, muck, emergencies and Mad Libs ( formatting test ) From an ongoing discussion TRANSPARENT, TRANSLUCENT, BOTH, ADJUSTABLE Ch 154 ( transparent ) >played on that outdoor < < gaming board > > ?” >Alden peered down through the transparent surface of the nonagon.  >“Tennis,” he said, spotting the court on a rooftop. “You hit balls with…stiff nets on sticks Ch 153 ( translucent ) >Alden stood there, staring down at the ring Esh-erdi had just given him. It was narrow and made of the same translucent green material as the nonagon Ch 144 ( translucent ) >what it was he was lying on. Just inches above the water, the firm translucent green surface had enough texture to it for him to use a wet hand to push himself upright into a sitting position without slipping. It was a nonagon shape, big enough for four or five people to comfortably lie on. It seemed completely solid Is the The Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him translucent? Transparent? Depending on the section? ( like Tupperware with clear sides and frosted tops )? Adjustable? ( like the glass walls of some public restrooms in Japan that are transparent to reveal empty and safe but becomes translucent when it detects an occupant )? MENTAL NOTE While flying, Alden makes a traditional, mental note… …but he can use the Contract to mentally prepare a DRAFT of a mental text Shouldn't he be able to use a draft, mental text as a reminder? I used to keep notes in my email drafts I later found out criminals do this ( by sharing a login, each member of the criminal group, can read, and modify draft emails, without leaving the electronic trail actually SENDING the email would create ) OVERTHINKING >It was different than not telling people about the Quaternary’s help. If he even tried to explain how she’d assisted him, he’d be opening too big a can of worms. This was simpler. Everyone already knew the knights were around Anesidora and that they were using their magic to fix things As always, Alden does not have a confidant ( Lind-otta specializing in healing magic would be a good choice, but no story drama there ), so Alden is overthinking ( a habit I have, that many mentors have tried to guide into creative outlets like writing, poetry, game design, computer programming, etc. ) If Alden talks to a confidant, like Lind-otta, it quickly becomes apparent he can tell people the 4th General came close to accidentally flattening Alden, and Kibby, so feels very responsible Thegund lacked an operational Contract, so Alden was sent to Artonan I, and Mother, to have his foundation points repaired ( do not mention the upgrade in its chaos resistance ) Without a Contract, he gained 3 levels at once Mother even gave Alden a fake profile to make explaining it easier Mother really is trying ( within her hard coded limits ) DISASTER BOOTS >Sleyca has never tried to take off or put on pants while wearing boots Sleyca >didn't care about how much you stretched out the ankles on your pants, I'm pretty sure you could even manage it with big winter boots When I commuted, to various law firms ( 4 hour work commute ), I used a single use, shopping bag to change pants at work ( see below ) The main problem for me was dirt, rain, snow and city muck ( it is its own thing ) But in an emergency, the main problem is friction Modern shoes are designed for grip. Which means they try to grip the inside of your pants leg The plastic, of the bag, acts like a shoe horn for your foot to slide it through your pants leg, and pants cuff ➖To take off your pants Put your foot in the bag, lower your pants, reach down your pants leg, grab the bag handle with non dominant hand, slide pants cuff over footwear with dominant hand, REPEAT for other leg ➖To put on pants Put your foot in the bag, put on pants for that leg, REPEAT for other leg Mad Libs ( and a formatting test ) >unholy union of mad libs and apples to apples. >This chapter’s passage: >“This is convenient!” Esh-erdi said. “Drusi has < < Hitchhiked on a Vogon ship > > herself here. I should greet her in person.” … “She’s a < < a squire with two halves of a coconut for making clopping sounds as Lind gallops > > to Lind-otta. And her cousin. Drusi-otta.” Alden just hated it when the System translated a word he didn’t know with another word he didn’t know.  He’d have to find the definition when he wasn’t listening, landing, and looking through the platform to make sure none of the people who were staring up at them were actually going to run over and try to say hi.  … “She arrived in the night,” said Esh-erdi. “She will < < use a proton pack > > any Artonans who approach you. To ensure Bash-nor doesn’t send anyone to pester you or question you. He shouldn't, since I told him not to and I’ve already spread your account of events to important ears. We will see if he behaves appropriately.” … “She won’t interfere with your schooling,” said Esh-erdi. “She’s one of those votaries who takes pride in < < their oath. "You're Above The System. Over It. Beyond It. We're `Them.` We're `They.` We Are The Men In Black." > > .” 🔲


@carl earl I thought we had a bit of internal dialogue from Esh-Erdi while he was babysitting matedoro fight that implied a demon is something born from chaos and has intent but chaos as seen in Thegund was presented more like an environmental anomoly, like a change in weather. In fact I’m near certain that the weather pattern analogy was used by a character somewhere in that arc.


Aizawa: "Hello madam, I jumped from another fictional universe to tell you I love what you are doing" Saleh: " Flattered, but I'm seeing someone. Wait what do you mean 'another fictional universe'?"


On re-read, I see what you mean. It's a bit disassociative

Mehmet ali Reyhan

Esh and lind seem very pro avowed constantly worrying over avowed picking bad talents and thinking of wizards as pests


Suggestion: Except for the Avowed. And the little girl. So, this makes it seem like he's talking about someone else. A little too disassociative. May want to change to "Except for me. Me and the little girl." because he does use me just a paragraph later.


Esh-erdi will probably be happy about the school choosing to wear uniforms and taking their education seriously. I wonder what consequences the beat-list students will face. Doing it in uniform was very dumb. At first, I wondered if Lute was going to get in trouble with the school, but he's not in Talent Development. I guess Lute told Emilija about the wordchains. I wish them the best of luck. Where ARE they? Lute's family's house? It will be interesting to see some of the high school gossip/drama. I liked the moment of silence. They always feel too long, or too short. The mind wanders. It was also one of the few mentions of Alden's father. Telling the kids they can't keep family in the dorms was neat. The speech answered a lot of reader questions and speculation. The short day and syllabus make sense. I'm a bit surprised by how well CNH staff seems to be handling it all. People will probably break some of those rules about housing and bothering wizards. We finally see the culture advisor! That tattoo is very deliberately placed, I bet. I wonder what it means. Are the hidden vllages of yellow smoke a place we'll see, or another instance of "the world is vast?" Speaking of contract tattoos, I revisited Leafsong/Thegund. Joe told his assistants that Alden would make 11 trips... before Alden agreed to make a second visit. It was emotional manipulation. Alden being more worried about Ait Traffic Control than Esh-erdi is a good sign. It means Esh-erdi might be winning Alden over. Might. The figurinist has come up again. I am interested in these puppets and hercharacter. She's notable. “When the going gets tough, I want to wear sweatpants." - Spoken like a true Knight. The votary probably noticed Alden's intention to visit F. Is the texture of the Forsaken Son tessellated? More soap, is indeed, not always better. Parents, teach your kids how to do laundry! Lexi's right about the years of blaming and politics. All the humans think the System favors Alden, except Alden. We just got through Alden feeling like an ice cube. This chat with the roommates was nice. I appreciate that Alden changed a few details and the roommates asked questions when he talked about Thegund. It shows us what they know I don't remember if Alden's trait was tested by CNH on questionable terrain, or just the track. Seems like it could be important. This comment is way too long. Sorry.

Kim Enteiu

“That’s most of the story” Such truth, and such a huge part still missing, ready to be added when he has a contract tattoo ready for his audience. “I learned to feel my authority with her. To cast spells. I nearly blew my affixation & could feel myself unraveling around the edges of who I was. When I was summoned it was to a place where if something went wrong and I became a chaos abomination some knights could kill me. When I finally affixed if felt like dying would have been easier. That morning when you saw me throwing up, Lexi, it was because the System bought me hot chocolate and told me I had a level up pending.”


I do find myself rereading 55 and 56 a lot. Kibby's 'we're friends with your brother and respectfully request assistance' (as Alden falls across the Alis-art'h's doorway three-quarters dead) really hits all of the story telling buttons at once.


I think his contracted obligation was only to pick up a berry, to loophole from the big C Contract that says he shouldn't be put in danger at his level of power. EDIT : what I said above is wrong, thanks for pointing me to the right chapter!


Do you think there is artonan league cosplaying pokemon with Avoved fighting each other?


Accounting Executive at Daelman's: Stroopwafel sales have gone up 30% in May. Did we have a new ad campaign?


So, if Emilija is with Lute, does that mean Natalie has met the Velras? And with Kabir leaving Aulia, does that mean Natalie will be her new chef?

Zach Joe

Ch 29: 'In exchange for fifteen minutes of Joe’s “sincere and best instructional efforts” for his skill, Alden would make one trip to Moon Thegund and back, using his own “sincere and best efforts” to return with one of Joe’s stranded assistants.' It's definitely open to interpretation, but the secret contract requires Alden to return from Thegund and try to save someone. The non-secret contract is for berries.

David Bailey

I do indeed have favourite pieces of clothing, but the comment on its own like that, and so soon after the confrontation with Joe... it just hit me.


@Sleyca One of these days you really have to do a reddit AMA (ask me anything) or something similar. Id be so fun! (For us anyway, it'd probably stress you the hell out lmao 🤣) Just something to think about 😁

Mehmet ali Reyhan

If they can ran across half the planet as a marathon. They can I vet there is a speedster who is of relative low rank whose entire job is to evacuate people so he would have the right tools too

JJ Hunter

Matters about family, who your family is mattering, etc. I expect we will meet Lexi's parents, and it's not unlikely Alden's return meetup on Apex with Esh-erdi might also have a meeting with Haoyu's parents beforehand. Aulia Velra is maneuvering for every last bit of reputation repair and boosting she can lay her hands on, and I expect she'd be glad to leverage Alden if she can, Bash-nor's relation to Jel-nor, if any, still remains to be explained. I wouldn't be surprised if an und'h or two shows up to visit Zeridee after her very narrow escape from death. Boe is effectively Alden's family, and still stuck in the Amazon this chapter - will Alden ask Esh-erdi for help resolving that? We've got a running theme of people wanting (or avoiding) acting in loco parentis for Alden. The school has some responsibly there; so do the knights who saved his life, by how they've been acting since. What about the wizard healer who still remembers Leah, Alden's mom, and seems so mournful about having missed opportunity to guide him? What about Alden's current healer. In the background: what about Stu of the house art'h?


Are you sure it's not feeling like Lexi with Alden as Alden?

Guus van der Borg

Or the way Lute put it: "You could be levitating a meter off the ground, weeping diamonds, and exhaling clouds of poisonous gas, and some of those privileged little rankists would still know right down to their bones that they were better than you because you’re only a B.” “They’re not that bad.” “They are,” Lute muttered. “Trust me."


Oh, so aparently What Boroditsky talks in her tedtalk is not supported by the evidence at all. The original paper where she mentioned her ideas was from 2004 and it was never published, and the multiple times researchers have try to validate her claims they haven't been able to. Aparently the whole idea of linguistic relativism is rejected by most modern linguist. ( the diff in thoughts might arise from other cultural/cognitive reasond and not from language at all)


I don't think Lute would introduce someone to the grandwitch But Esh-erdi seemed interested in human food. Alden introducing Nathalie to him might be intersting as Esh would have access to extra terrestial ingredients (even if he would prefer for Nathalie to cook "local") It could happen if Alden bring back the rabbits and Lute with the nonagon and Esh call him during his trip back to pick him up


but that's the point (IMO). Alden want to distance himself from Thegund


And if you don't want to answer a question, slap your backside and say "Ass Tattoo"


I don't' disagree, just he's having a conversation with Haoyu and Lexi. He wouldn't say "The avowed or the girl"


What details did Alden change in his story? I didn't see anything he changed, just things he left out.

Ian T Hathaway

You can't start out making me so happy with Lute and Emilija and then make me cry at the end, that's just mean-mean!

Temp One

The point of how the story was retold is that Alden is not okay. He's distancing himself from the memories of the first (and arguably most traumatic day) by referring to the survivors in third person.


So Alden must have had to explain the old carriage requirement to his roommates right? Otherwise it wouldn't have made sense why he and Kibby left the car and why he couldn't take breaks or stop his run. So now they know his skill has evolved even more than they thought it had.


I want Natalie to have an in with Esh-Erdi as a chef. I’m certain if Esh-Erdi catches wind of a local rabbit chef who’s also a friend of Alden’s that he will at least make overtures for her to cook casually for him and his partner while they are on earth and he will probably write it off as a way to invite ALL of aldens friends in a way that makes sense to him as looking after alden’s mental health. Because that’s the kind of person he’s been so far, using any excuse to casually show Alden he cares. ...also an Alden and friends and Chaos knights BBQ chapter would be so soulfully wonderful to read as a close out to this arc before the chaos knights and wizards formally withdraw from earth.


He is if he’s talking about it from a forced perspective. Which, IRL is common when trying to share trauma. Using a different perspective than their own casual/formal/entertaining defaults and leaving room for implied understanding makes sense. Everybody involved knows what is being referenced but naming it changes things so it’s given object/title oriented references. Edit: when he used “me” in the next paragraph it was about happy things, and not about being the sole(ish) survivor. Owning good food feels different than owning up to “nobody else was alive”. Did Sleyca mean it this way? Dunno, but it still makes sense to me.


I think Winston didn't go to a dangerous area, so rescuers didn't have to concern themselves with him. Of course, this raises the question of why noone gave a damn about a certain rabbit and embassy employee till the very end...


I think commendation have to do with finding yourself in a scenario that should be the responsibility of chaos knights and acting knightly. Which IMO means chaos has to be involved. Maybe there’s a different type of commendation available to him for bravery under pressure but I don’t think it will be like the one he currently has.

Temp One

Really like how the last part of the chapter was written. the change in narrative structure reflects just how out of it Alden is in reliving his trauma. Such that he's barely cognizant of his surroundings. His brief moments of lucidity are islands around someone asking him a question about what he just said. And even then, he doesn't have the presence of mind required to identify the person who asked the question. That last 'Are you okay?' was likely asked in the context of Alden giving an unblinking thousand yard stare, mechanically answering questions, as he quietly related his story. Yet he doesn't even have enough self-awareness to recognize that, presently, he's very much not okay. I'm curious about how Lexi and Haoyu will respond going forward. After this exchange I could imagine Lexi in particular acting extremely belligerently towards anyone who tries to pry into Alden's experience while he's in the vicinity. Hell, maybe Haoyu too. I also wonder what the votary, Drussi, thinks about Alden's story.


Just settle in for the next 2 years and send Sleyca a stable diet of dollars and prayers :).


If they can run across half a moon while carrying a kid and enough supplies, yeah. Half-way our moon would be like 41ish marathons though, and humans can run marathons in 2 hours, though obviously not back to back, so it doesn't sound impossible if they have really good stamina


When I read this I was almost compelled to reread the moon chapters to see if I had missed an "avowed" survivor in the beginning. It didn't occur to me that he was self referencing until midway through his storytelling. Maybe an adjective would be more directional, such as "newly Avowed" or "human avowed" or "naive Avowed".


Oh I was going to end up looking into it at some point but it's kind of sad that a lot what she said was without any clear evidence. I do think that the more language we have to describe something will change the way we remember it, or make it more clear. Like if one language has two words for something where another only has one, then something could be viewed from two distinct perspectives. So I can understand why our lives aren't radically altered by the languages we speak but brains love categories. More words = more categories.


That's what you're hung up on? Altered. Changed a few details. Strategically left out information such that there are fewer questions about things he needs or wants to keep secret... Close enough. It was a long comment on mobile, I'd already spent too much time on. The pieces highlighted were the things his roommates cared about, and the parts where Alden left things out. I found it helpful and realistic. It shows us what the other characters don't know. It lets us guess at how they will or should respond. It's like how Alden gave a 60 second version at intake that left out the commendation.

William Forrest

I think the issue is that the English word "demon" is doing a LOT of work. In chapter 49 (which is in fact titled "Words for Demons") Kibby complains: '"I explained this to you when we first got here. I told you all the different kinds of demons there could probably be on Moon Thegund with the current level of corruption.” Alden grinned sheepishly. “I memorized all the words for demon, but I never have understood exactly what the differences are between them....” “I don’t understand that word.” “If you don’t understand you are supposed to say right away!” Language teacher Kibby said severely. “Instead of going around for months using all kinds of different words for demon without knowing what they mean. This is a science word that means ‘potential to change,’ but in a specific way. There are also ——————, —————, and ——————. And some more.”" Kibby then goes on to describe multiple types of "demons" all of which have a different, separate name in Artonan including the type they fought in matedoro: ""I think the worst ones are for things that come from a broken dimension. We didn’t study those here. Maybe Distinguished Master Ro-den did, but that would have been private work"" Humanity just doesn't have the right words to differentiate quite yet. its all just demons to us.


I also think it was her sister, based on her comments in chapter 101 which Gregory is referencing This makes Kibby's full name Wivb Kivb-ee

William Forrest

That set is also one of my favorites DAK; alongside Artonan conversations and Hot Chocolate.


Alright @william forest, you make an excellent point. Humanity’s only use for the word is in reference to matedoro fight night while they still use “chaos” and “corruption” to reference environmental or… other “non-demon” events. But I’m gonna be a stickler and say that if humanity’s only association for the word demon is “the thing that happens at matedoro which requires a full avowed combat party and two chaos knight baby sitters and a super special super secret fighting arena” then the meaning that Lexi and Haoyu are getting is totally totally _totally_ different from what Alden was trying to convey. I want to reiterate that I don’t know what it could be changed to to keep the pacing and spirit of the conversation in tact but reading demon really desynced me and had me wondering “where do this story go, who am I reading about…. Ohhhhh, Alden. This is cool style. F my brain now I need to try and forget and go back and read from the top” -_-

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

This is the best articulation yet of how I felt about the last part of the chapter. It really was effective and kind of beautiful.


I know it said Alden’s authority hadn’t reached a point where he has to level up, but I have a feeling it is going to come pretty soon. Poor Alden, it’s still exciting for us, but still poor Alden. Suffering for our amusement.


Poor << a s s - a b u s e d >> nonagon


The school made it clear that "killing" someone during the testing would get you blacklisted from all hero schools. That is not at all the same as saying all slip-ups have that consequence. Also, we don't know what they actually did. We know that the principal is very upset by it, and we have some rumors.


This reminds me of those idiotic girls doing NSFW content in their work or school uniforms. Great way to not only lose a current job, but ruin your prospects for most other careers. You stop being a professional, no matter how good you are at what you did, and start being some kind of off-brand sex worker. Be smart kids.


It was mentioned in a previous chapter that his skill grew quicker than his unbound authority during the disaster. Which would actually delay when he needs to afix again.


Yeah, the end of this chapter did make me really emotional remembering everything he went through. "Exceptional Bravery in the Absence of Obligation" is such a casual phrase to trigger my emotions so hard.


I think it would be difficult for Bash-nor to influence school schedules, but... not impossible. Hmm.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

Saleh: “To slip in a little showing off with your powers or a mention that you’ve always longed for a chance to serve as a listener for an elite study circle during a mission to the whispering villages on the World of the Yellow Smoke.” *puts on tin-foil hat* could this oddly specific example be Saleh sending a coded message to Drusi? We heard Drusi communicate by whisper spell, and who better to detect a votary << remaining in the shadow >> than Ghosten? Maybe Saleh is speaking from her own experience and did once end up as a listener on the World of the Yellow Smoke, recognizes someone else using the same spells or techniques, and is giving a friendly warning, ghost to ghost.


It wasn’t Saleh talking about that, but the teacher of the alien culture class, or whatever it’s called


During Lute's backstory his cousin had a Kentucky Derby Avowed racing party. I doubt the, "ideal" Artonian's have a sanctioned league, but the story has hinted that there is room for a darker crime side of the verse we're in. Such as when Joe tried bribing Alden with illegal stuff way back when

Erik Borgstrom

I actually thought the last part was written from the perspective of the votary.


There do be a potential spoiler problem if it's done on Reddit


The next tribulation will be carrying someone he doesn't like across a hellscape, like Marks. That would be a real test and show of his character.


Would Stu'art'h be the older brother in that relationship? I can see it from an age standpoint, but from a Maturity Level, Alden seems to have it over him in spades.


Yeah, Lute will either need to ask him later or get it from the boys second hand.


He for sure leveled up after this incident, though we don't know by how much yet, but as others said his bound authority grew a pace with his free authority this time, delaying the need for affixing.


I hope he waits till his visit to see Stu. I would like him to affix with mother again and away from earth prying eyes. How to explain the agony of affixing to his classmates or medical staff on earth? But Stu watching over him in a quiet corner of the forest maybe easier on Alden.

Cyrus McEnnis

I'm suddenly considering if a batch of stroopwafels are in Natalie's future >.>

William Forrest

Since first contact predated pokemon, in this universe there's a real chance the actual pokemon games are instead a wizard trying to catch all the avowed.

Explo Rin

The real level up might happen once he figures out how to reliably control his power at a distance


Lexi specifically said no one else would tell. And the Votary wants to be invisible Alden is being respectful of her invisibility. But yeah. I bet the whole story makes it to Infogear Man and Esh/Lind.


Just think of the St. Patrick’s Day themed stroopwafels. They’ll practically sell themselves.


In a long time, a story of bravery will be told to give people hope and an exemple to follow. It will be called "The Avowed and the Little Girl"

The Ox

I hope we get a POV from Ella-Clara Thomas sometime, I suspect the inside of her head is a trip.


@ppbrr0 Soooo.... discounting the entire idea because a paper wasn’t formally published is naive...? I’m not sure what word to use there. Maybe adolescent. The presentation she made is still full of demonstrable uses of language and the fact other people disagree professionally or otherwise doesn’t just invalidate the theories presented or end the discussion with “aha! She was _wrong_!”. It’s lol worthy to think that. Take a watch, it’s on YouTube, take what you can from it and integrate into your own understanding, especially if you have personal experience with any of the examples or scenarios discussed. Language studies aren’t just confined to this one tedtalk. I’ll cut you some slack in that you are right about culture also influencing thought, but there can literally be no culture without a shared language, language is necessary in order to share personal experiences with others who weren’t there in the initial experience. Programming (as in computer code 01100stuff) is a pretty solid parallel to how easy it is to communicate something’s in one language vs another.

Michael Leue

That doesn't make sense to me. The commendation is clearly for his motives and not his accomplishments: the thing he actually achieved is in line with what regular people are regularly given medals for in real life, and it isn't realistic to think Avowed are less capable. We KNOW human Avowed work in chaos zones sometimes, are you seriously suggesting that none of them have ever done something as commendable as running for a day with one little girl? That's insane. The only reasonable arguments for the highest-level commendation are that either Alis thought he was going to die and gave him a posthumous medal that happens to carry a lot more weight when the person is still alive, or else Alis giving people commendations is just natively higher-level because she's high level. The story suggests both are true. There's no need for extra chaos-related criteria.


We also don’t know if they’re all equally culpable. There’s just not enough information yet. Hell, I don’t even know how the bell Sway could have been training his abilities in that type of environment.


I keep imaging the shitty face tattoos that video games to use to pad customization list when creating your character and then think.... no, Alden’s will actually be bad ass.

Michael Leue

Language can also harm your ability to understand things sometimes, I think. Like, you learn to express an idea in a particular way and then it seems more valid to you than it should be. Or someone phrases a big, complex idea in a reductive way and you assume you understand way more than you actually do. Can you imagine trying to substitute body language with actual language and expect to see anything resembling success?


Imagine some Bash-nor flunky tries to accost Alden in the meeting. Out steps Drusi-otta from the shadows, shakes her head, and then disappears. Only Alden and the flunky seeing her.


oh gosh that was a heavy chapter ending. Thankyou Sleyca

Khent Mercer

I understand why you ended it that way. But... It's VERY abrupt. I think it needs maybe 30% more little details to have the proper gravitas of the whole thing.


"Alden vividly remembered having the same thought when he was around nine and trying to wash his own clothes. Only they’d been out of detergent, and he’d opted for dish soap. More had not been better." it's so cute of a moment, and then you remember the context of this was Aunt Connie being unable to care for Alden as a kiddo


@michael leue, so far as I remember the commendations talked about in story have only been attached to chaos events. And so far as I know, only Hin’tyon have given them out. I’m fairly certain that it’s a way for the hintyon to express gratitude on a formal and personal level to someone who has shared in there burden in one form or another while that person is not an actual hintyon. The culture department of the school was freaking out over it, the university above the school was under orders to admit him as a special case if the school passed on him. One of the alumni’s casually dismissed it as “fancy medal from a chaos knight”. Everything I’ve read implies that it is necessary for a chaos knight to dispense it and for it to be somehow related to interacting with chaos/corruption/demon stuff, which is the responsibility and domain of the hintyon. Edit: I’m not discounting that his motives may have been the tipping point for Ali’s-Arth giving him the commendation but I think that without chaos being involved it would be more like an attaboy and less like a Medal of Honor or Purple Heart.


oh gosh, i just realized that even Loh Alis-art’h vastly underestimated the suffering Alden went through. because she didn't realize he could **feel his authority cracking apart** while he ran with Kivb-ee


....@Zach joe I think I hate you right now. I’m rereading the story and am going to be keeping an eye out for c contract mental manipulation during thegund. I don’t think this was how it was intended to be presented... and now I’m wondering it it actually IS there on purpose. It changes the milestone trauma of his life from willful hero to kind-of-a-victim-as-well.

The butler did it

This is the link for the calibre plug-in that will merge them for you: https://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=169744#google_vignette

Neil H

The retelling at the end was so good. I actually teared up a little while reading it.


Ch 65 Q&A ( https://www.patreon.com/posts/q-for-those-85708247 ) 🧐 I am also working on a complication of Sleyca Patreon comments ( currently stalled at 134 due to real life and lack of a wiki ) 🧺🧽🥘


Thanks but did you really had to go there? I was trying to remove some weight of this chapter by ignoring Alden so used to not remembering his parents that he knows he won't go past the first flashes And now I have to deal with the picture of a small kid taking over a failing guardian This chapter is now even higher in my list of sad stories


John Scalzi's Starter Villain is an okay book, but it did not hook me at the beginning It should have started with stabbing the corpse at the funeral or launching the tech bro into the lake Sleyca is a master at starting the chapter interesting ( moment of silence ) then backtracking to fill in relevant skipped parts of the narrative

Todd Hunter

It was clear. One person's brief incomprehension doesn't mean a rewrite is necessary.


@todd hunter. “It was clear” it was in fact not clear to me. “One person’s ....” one person who commented. One person who cared enough to comment. Do I demand it be rewritten to my satisfaction? Pfffffft no. I’m here pointing out a tripping hazard as I experienced it so _if possible_ that tripping hazard maybe can be addressed. I don’t care if it stays the same, still doesn’t invalidate what happened to me and other future readers. If it can be changed without ruining the mood then I think it would be great. Maybe it will even read better on RR with the alignment? Dunno.


Trying out a wiki I found Added the following page ( https://supersupportive.miraheze.org/wiki/Ch_60-_64_Word_of_God_or_Sleyca_Patreon_Comments ) 🎙️

Ano Ano

It's not that Connie couldn't. She just didn't. Neglect is abuse, and while I'm glad she's wised up to that, moments like this show the cost of her failures.

Kim Enteiu

“Who Helped the Rabbit Pull Himself Out of a Hat? A Memoir.”

Matt DiMeo

Remember how invested we were in the obstacle course stuff? Seems pretty small now.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Did you mean to leave out the period in ‘And it was wonderful. And it was awful’ I think it’s better with the period

Kim Enteiu

Some asshat politician thinks it was a political move & now the Votary who was assigned to guard him from interference just heard firsthand from the Ryeh-b’t himself how he got his commendation by delivering a little Artonan girl, who he had helped keep alive after months in an active area of chaos corruption, by preserving her then running her across a chaos corrupted landscape with painkillers, word-chains, and conviction to get her to safety or die first. I didn’t know what a Votary was either, so I looked it up & it means a monk/nun of a religious order—so not just an assassin, a zealous assassin who now sees what the the Fourth General saw in him, strength, conviction, sincerity, and compassion. If Bash puts a toe out of line to impinge on Alden’s honor I would not be surprised if someone cut it off and fed it to him.

Andrew Boyer

Alden: [I don’t think memorizing US state capitals prepared me well for my future.] Boe (wandering around naked in the Amazon rainforest): …


I don't hate Connie, but that's mostly because Alden is so protective of her and I'm heavily invested in his perspective. BUT I was viciously satisfied that she was feeling guilty and lost in the chapter where she got picked up by the wizard. Good, she should feel the full weight of her shame!


At least be comforted that Writher has reappeared in the story after such a lengthy absence!

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Alden: ok universe, you win, I accept I am the protagonist and things will keep happening to me, I have lost hope of keeping my secrets

Michael Majcen

I never thought that the words, "I do wish the coat had survived." would bring me to tears, lol

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

@Christine I did notice that! And that Alden called Writher "the whip" just as Lexi calls The Nine-Edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him a "green platform."


Remember that in addition to the "get a star by your name" commendations that very few people have, Alden also got recognition on his status for his work at Leaf Song for (if I recall right) both his lab assistance and medical triage. So there's a lower level award section on an Avowed's resume (I can't think of another word than award or commendation for it) that must be much more common and filled out by wizards pleased with their work performance. Like I bet Jeffy is going to have "Maritime Rescue III" or something on his character sheet after getting red-haloed, and maybe the students who helped on the bridge will get something as well. Alden will probably get more of those, but probably not another Medal of Honor level commendation unless stars on your status page are about to become much more common on Anesidora.


Expulsion is pretty harsh in this context, for a whole group of kids at most 17-18 years old (16-17 maybe?). They screwed up but correcting that is the kind of thing "Talent Development" is for. And in particular the student whispering about "expelling all the B's" is rankism showing itself and that student undervaluing B-rank students than an accurate prediction of faculty decisions. And narratively it'd be a big waste to functionally remove from the story a bunch of characters with interesting powers and personalities that we've had introduced but barely done anything with.


Sleyca warned us not to assume that named characters would be continuing presences. If anything, getting the reader a bit invested in the characters is the best way to make an expulsion feel meaningful. Otherwise, it’s just offscreen background noise. Also, an ‘expulsion’ might not mean getting kicked out of Celena North, but instead dropped from the Hero Program and told to retry in university. They’d all still be around, just as Arts and Science track students.


He's not naked anymore and knowing the US state capitals does not help him either


I was nervous and sweaty when Saleh was saying that, like for some reason I thought the school got conflicting reports and thought Alden was one of those gallivanters. But he wasnt at the school originally so he couldn't have left it. Wonder if Winston got found out too?

Anthony Lutz

I've been thinking that its got to be such whiplash for Lexi and Hayou, with Alden going "I've been telling you/everyone that i just got stuck on a moon for a few months without a contract then got rescued... so anyway what really happened was 1 minute before i was able to leave, Chaos and demon bugs suddenly everywhere, and everyone that was around me suddenly died horribly from the corruption that I then lived with for over 6 months expecting to also die horribly every day."


Is Sleyca referencing the Drake/Kendrick rap beef with this title? Probably not, but I'm gonna assume yes.


There's a saying about kids having kids. Many full grown people have issues and make more sense when considered as kids , or as incomplete adults. Just because most women grow up amazingly fast when they have kids and do an amazing job of being responsible adults not all do even with good intentions and much effort. And I bet she didn't go with the wizard anyway.


Whilst being a first time stepfather to an alien grieving child on our own. More kivb-ee! Need more kivb-ee! At least 6 levels of authority growth for her in six months doggedly practiced in, as Mother said, an ideal amount of chaos


I still think it's a bit suspicious with the timing of it all. Maybe she'll make a chapter called not like us when Aldens classmates find out about his commendation


Lexi protecc. Even before this he was starting to get protective of Alden. He about verbally mauled Winston for trash talking Alden's "catch" development. I love how protective Lexi is in general. I want to hug his uptight, grouchy self. It's off-putting at first, but it's one of his best qualities in so many ways. And Haoyu doesn't get enough credit for how much peer leadership he does. He spends a lot of energy managing the group dynamic, I think, making sure This Place is a place he wants to live. Similar to Kon, but less aggressively extroverted, a bit more quiet and patient. He defended Alden from Winston, too. I can't see either of them getting *less* defensive of Alden after this.


I did not know a Drake/Kendrick rap beef existed. I didn't even know Kendrick existed, and I'm only peripherally aware of Drake. I'm inclined to believe Sleyca is in the same boat as me.

Zach Joe

"I want to know who made it. I don’t care what species they are. I want to go to their planet one day and thank them. " Please let the car be Griveck-made. Alden needs to run for his life in every arc like Tom Cruise runs in every movie.


I am more intrigued by the word Family and it being the first of a series?????? What joy ride does Sleyca have for us? Will Alden be adopted by Esh and Lin? Will we see the impact of the crisis on Lute’s family, Haoyu’s family, the Ambassadors family, Stu’s family? How can Sleyca work the MC into each Family chapter? Family is such a heavily weighted word due to Alden’s lack of one.


And what a bette way to end a BBQ than a renowed storyteller giving the first tell of the fable the << elder’s croak >>


if a car was made by grivecks, it would have like talon sharpeners instead of cigarette lighters.


Have you read Old Man's War? That one hooked me from the jump. That said, it's hard to gush too much about Sleyca's writing. Just phenomenal.


What did you parents say? -> What did your parents say? Thanks for the chapter!


I'm going to assume they are making a reference to the 90s show... Since that's probably a more common thing to reference...


This is why I think Sleyca is so popular honestly. Great story but there's just all these little so human (and so not human, but humanizing the aliens) moments mixed in. Alden is just always looking for the empathy but Sleyca is always adding in these little humorous and heartwarming touches in the world building.

JJ Hunter

We started this chapter with a moment of silence for the dead. Ending without giving us full closure yet on reactions from Lexi and Haoyu feels like I'm hearing that silence again, feeling the weight of it like Alden does when he runs out of what to say and just stops. Hears everything he isn't saying. It's so emotionally heavy that we need a moment to breathe with it, I think? I feel like the impact it's having would actually be diluted with more words this chapter. I do hope we get more next chapter.


She didn't mention anything specific to rank in her speech tho... That was student speculation. And Saleh knows of his commendation. He will get backlash from others that there's some very weird double standards about him but the teachers will be explicitly instructed to lay off him, which will again likely paint a target on his back for other students.

JJ Hunter

@Terrestrial_Biped, yesssssssssssssssssssss, all of this! I really liked their emerging dynamics working together on the obstacle course those last two runs, I hope we get more building on that soon.


It's more about the before everything changed rather than the actual coat and also, he probably doesn't want money flowing to Joe right now from the commission...

Emily Gurnavage

Alden might *not* be part of them. We had that whole Lute mini-series of what like 8 chapters without Alden? Might be more of those inbound, but like 1 per close friend. A chapter for Lexi, a chapter for Lute, etc etc. The brothers would prolly be combined. Some could be split if theres only so much to say/show from some perspectives, 2 or 3 people in 1 chapter. The Rabbit girls prolly all together, with part of the one girls story being told with Lutes prolly since they apparently got together at some point. . Could be stuff like that. I wouldnt put it past Esh trying to "adopt" or mentor Alden if/when he comes out as a Knight and Esh realizes the pressures and pain and such Alden is also under but alone and without the perks of his burden, but I dont think his care extends quiiiiiiite that far at the moment.

Emily Gurnavage

Fo sho. Sounds like he skipped all the truly important stuff. Doesnt feel like he impressed how close he was to death, either. That he *should* have died, if not for luck and the intervention of possibly the single most powerful known entity.

Emily Gurnavage

I bet its Joe-made =p Was from his lab. He makes stuff. Joe made it. Itll be amazing when Alden finds out. But prolly not. Would be funny though. Even if it was just the chaos shield added or something that Joe customized to make it partly him Alden would need to thank.

Emily Gurnavage

So Alden doesnt currently have the ability to bear a wide range of burdens, but we know with his skill its possible to branch into *all* burdens eventually if he leveled enough and chose the right ones. Do you think he could eventually bear the burden of another Knight's bound authority being hammered into place during an affixation? Considering how much he fears those days for himself I doubt he would ever want to do so, but it would be interesting to see how the Knights handled that information. Perhaps some of the ones on the edge of choosing ritual "release" could be persuaded to continue on longer if Alden got them through an affixation or two, gave them a break sort of.

Emily Gurnavage

Might get pushed to the back of their mind with all the other tragedy going on at the moment. But its def gonna be a conversation topic once they digest it. Do you think they realized that he had to have gotten more levels than they know of, somehow? Or, I guess nobody knows its actually possible to *lie* through the System, so they might just wonder how he *didn't* gain more levels than his fake profile says but still accept that as the real one because acknowledging a fake status is ridiculous to them. I hope he eventually shows them his true status page in all its level 9(?) glory. Although when he does, they should prolly rent another one of those fancy rich person meeting rooms from the Lute chapters. Otherwise the spy guy will totally find out and use it somehow or sell the info.

Emily Gurnavage

And her guilt at not being told Alden was avowed before he got summoned and, as far as she knew, died while summoned. That conversation they had when he got back about trust and her failing him so badly he didnt run to her with the news like 99% of other avowed really hit hard.

Emily Gurnavage

From the title, im mostly expecting next chapter to be a perspective swap to one of his friends and how them and their family are dealing with everything. Hooooopefully it has some Alden in it, but im not entirely expecting that. Maybe it will cover him and Esh going back to the Cube first.


Sorry, completely off topic, but to @skyseeker and @SSSS and others concerning the topic of where does behavior and consciousness, and "thought" reside.... An excellent youtube discussion from a well known physics explainer channel did a video this week on the topic. Sabine explains the theory of Penrose and Hammeroff and microtubules quantum effects possible role in consciousness. Even reading the comments is very enlightening if you ever wondered where thought really exists.....Is Penrose and Hammeroff correct? I don't know, but that is why science is so fun. Discovering new ways in figuring out "settled science" being wrong or a stepping stone to new paradigms!!!. https://youtu.be/R6G1D2UQ3gg Edit to add: It's okay to disagree. Because that is where science actually occurs. It is when disagreements in theories are adjudicated is when "science" occurs. Reverting to claiming "dogma" is always correct is when progress and culture stagnates.


I bet Lute must feel unbearably uneven to Alden now, and paying off his wordchain debt will take weeks... Might lead to some awkward situations.

Juan Alcachofa

Cant the people who reseaved the chains pay? They know how chains work too, so when they asked for them they must be prepared to pay them back. Im also pretty sure he can pay a bunch back during his sleep.


Family mentioned in this chapter: for Alden, his mom and dad, Aunt Connie, Kibby. For Lexi: Kon, his parents. For Haoyu: his parents. For Lute: Emilija 🤔


Before the pandemic, Scalzi used to be "buy all the books" level of great Some of Scalzi's short fiction is Eldritch/ Existential Horror at its best Then Scalzi got Covid x5 ( each with multiple week duration, episodes of "brain fog" ) Scalzi is still a good writer, but appears to suffer some of the long term, mental , effects of Covid ( risk assessment, community consensus, etc. ) that allows an author to edit their own works ( Stephen King instead suffers from "it's good to be the king" à la Mel Brook's character in History of the World Part One. Editors exist for a reason Mr King ) Praying Sleyca stays Covid free

John D Jones

Lute could potentially double-stack the "negative" part of "Body Assistant" (while wearing an adult diaper) to just coma through all the paybacks. He'll probably pay back the chains he put on Emilija since he technically put them on her without her knowledge or consent.


I don't think they know how to do chains, it was introduced that they are generally really hard to achieve, and Alden is a big outlyer who has augmented hands to support him. Even then he had to learn it over weeks. Edit: but yeah lute could make them pay of course... He probably won't make Elijah though

Second Raddish

If Emilija is responsible for the debt then Lute can kind of curse people if he gets the skill to nudge someone else's debt like Hazel.


Are you able to have the merged epub without the cover images on each chapter? None of the settings seem to work for me

John D Jones

@ Emily Gurnavage Alden said, "My body was destroyed. I was destroyed." Maybe he doesn't get fully into a detailed clinical diagnoses of his physical or Authority's health, but those statements adequately convey that Alden was in a really bad way.

Second Raddish

I think Alden's skill pauses the authority of whatever he is burdened with so the contract may just push him to skill exhaustion then carry on about its task.

John D Jones

@ ImNotHere It might. Maybe he'll ended up on a Brazilian game show where gets a wardrobe and a free teleport if he can name the capital of Nebraska.

John D Jones

@ Cyrus McEnnis I keep hoping that Alden will hire Natalie to make him a bunch of cookies to take with him on his Dec. 15 trip to Knight Rapport One.

John D Jones

I think Kon knew about it because he was on that rescue team with Alden (against Lexi) during the school entry assessment. He might have told Lexi once he learned Alden was going to be Lexi's roommate.

Andrew Boyer

That would be a tough question in Brazil. Who am I kidding, that would be a tough question in the US.

Juan Alcachofa

I want to recommend this novel but people ask for a summary. Any idea for that? The sypnosis is just too general and makes this novel seem like the usual system novel.

John D Jones

@ maledei Emilija doesn't need to know how to do chains to do the payback. Recall when Alden "tried out" the "Body Assistant" chain before he learned how to do it. He also did the payback for it.

Juan Alcachofa

Context: Arthonas are alien species that are super advanced compared to others and they go to under developed planets and share technology and system with them in exchange of exchange and coperation. They also brought a system, that system made a super small percentage of humans into "avowed", those are people who signed the contract to get powers and they in exchange get summoned to other planets to help using their abilities. But some avowed after getting the powers become villains. Thats earth context. This is my try to write one but it came out kind of generic. (English is not my 1st language so that also impact my ability to describe things)

John D Jones

That coat buttons up tight over a number of different feelings. Thank you, Sharpe: https://youtu.be/onBZBAHB_ws?t=77

David Bailey

Super advanced extra-dimensional aliens come to earth in the 60s and bestow superpowers on selected humans for the purpose of fighting reality corrupting Chaos. They install an intelligent "Contract" to administer the supers, and summon them to do everything from fighting chaos to organising parties. (Think demon-/spirit-summoning in any other magic universe.)


It is a slice of life, coming of age fantasy story that will make you regret having work the next morning, because you'll want to read it in one go and sleep is, unfortunately, necessary. It borrows elements from litrpg, Shounen manga, and the nightmares that haunt you at night. The writing is fun, the worldbuilding fascinating and the characters so well written you will want to kill some of them with your own two hands.

Joshua Flowers

Aliens exist and they have recently conscripted humanity into a war against an existential threat by use of a Magic fueled System. The system is used to easily uplift various species to combat this threat by use of a voluntary contract that grants individuals super powers. Join Alden, a human survivor whom has suffered from those who abuse the power granted to them, to discover the secrets of this spacefaring super-culture humanity is now apart of. Dedicating his life to preventing similar tragedies from happening is the easy part, but learning how to balance his newfound powers while still keeping in touch with his humanity may be what not only makes him out to be a super hero to the universe, but also super supportive to those closest to him.

Temp One

I kind of hope that Lute notices something is up with Alden being uncomfortable with his wordchain debt when they meet, and that he recognizes enough of the signs of what made Hazel 'special' that he realizes what's going on with Alden.


What if the car is made by the Yipalck Corporation?


Natalie really hasn't seen too much of Alden's weirdness. A scene where he casually asks her to cook for the Knight would be so much fun

Second Raddish

Thank you :) I've already convinced myself you're right though lol. So that response got against your specific scenario but I think specific things like pain or something was an option when he was opening gifts. If he gets the option to carry whatever the uncomfortable feeling is while someone's free authority is being manipulated then he is the perfect emotional support rabbit.

John D Jones

@ Emily Gurnavage Affixation pain isn't a quick thing like getting a paper cut or stepping on a tack. It's more like getting some of your skin cut off. It's going to hurt until the "skin" grows back. Meanwhile, time doesn't pass for anything that Alden preserves. That means that no skin/Authority is growing back until time starts passing again. Which means that preserving won't do much good. Maybe if Alden can somehow carry the actual pain it might help.

Emily Gurnavage

Oooh, yea, you right. The actual affixation is the more painful point and is short but the rest does linger for weeks. And since the pain is the authority being cut and manhandled, he prolly couldnt hold it since that would prevent the procedure in the first place.

Aron Lehofer

It’s just the story of Alden, our protagonist, as he is becoming something more than he was previously. It’s a litrpg story about becoming a superhero, but the focus is primarily on Alden, so it’s more of a slice of life, with plenty of action and worldbuilding. Aliens called Artonans have contacted Earth several decades ago and they provided humanity with magic and skills in exchange for service. The framework of providing this magic is the System. Very few people are chosen by the system and those who are chosen are the “superheroes”.

John D Jones

@ Emily Gurnavage I don't know how many Avowed know that "Affixation Rupture/Breaking" is a thing. IIRC Joe was the one who told Alden about that stuff. It's highly likely that Lexi, Kon and Haoyu don't even know about it. Since they've been on Earth with a Contract, they've had no reason to learn. Maybe Haoyu could know, but not likely. Without knowing about Affixation Rupture, there's no reason for anyone to realize that Alden's "official" level is lower than it should be. Honestly, it's possible/probably that not even Alden's Instructors know about it. Esh and Lind might figure it out. The thing to really remember is that Joe is kind of a transcendent genius mad scientist with no much in the way of concerns about sharing Artonan secrets with Alden.


I think I would focus less on the specifics of the story, but strengths of Sleycas writing - one of the best writers of dialogue I've read, tons of likeable characters, touching moments, heroic moments of self sacrifice, friendships/relationships that feel real, moments of triumph and so on.


Chapter 14 : When trading, Alden saw the Bridge Wright affixation in the listings. Chapter 67 : when talking with Neha, she mentioned a new avowed with brigde wright, and that she never saw that before. The trick for finding this kind of info : Googling "site:https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/63759/super-supportive INSERT KEYWORDS HERE" Anyways, S-ranked, but only ~9 months experience bridge wright might not be enough by themself. This is a 8km long, 2x2car lanes + metro tracks bridge.

Daan Kindermans

Taking care of a child for months on an alien moon infested with demons and carrying her to safety at the cost of your own life during 3 days if I remember correctly is not at all comparable to what you said.


I think no. First of all, "Bearer of All Burdens" is a name, and a poetic name at that, not a technical description. Second, if it was possible to meaningfully ameliorate affixation pain, the Artonans would already be doing it. No single effect of BoAB is likely to be impossible to replicate without the whole. There is more than one flight spell, more than one kind of ranged explosion, etc. Surely most if not all of BoAB's effects have been more or less reproduced. Like the way Flickerer does something very similar to Burden of Enchantment. Finally, I may not be thinking magically enough about this, but "being affixed in another's place" sounds to me like going to the dentist so your friend won't have to. You'll have nice teeth; your friend will still have cavities.


What if it was made by Body Drainer? Why are we throwing the names of random villains around here like it's plausible?

Temp One

【I think about it all the time. About how the lifelines were all thin as threads. A dying scientist told me to take some sprinklers in case I needed water. And then, months later, they were one of the things that made living possible. Other Avowed would have done it all so much better. So much easier. There are people who could have saved everyone and themselves on the first day. I couldn’t. I could only barely do one thing and then barely do the next. Over and over. And the barely never stopped. There was never a moment when I was the best person for the job. I was always lost and wrong and managing by the skin of my teeth. But then…I made it. My body was destroyed. I was destroyed. But I made it. 】 I was thinking about this line, and felt like it was worth emphasizing Alden isn't being self disparaging or dramatic by describing how he was never the best person for the job, and was always surviving by the slimmest margins. The odds of his survival were deemed a statistical impossibility by the most advanced super computing existences on Artona and Earth. Such that a rescue wouldn't be attempted, and even a quick flyby probe to assess the situation would have been considered a waste of resources. I think this might dawn on Lexi and Haoyu after this chapter. That Alden faced over half a year of experiences that by all reasonable expectations should have ended him; and that, to all outside parties, the moment that teleporter went offline he was considered dead. I also hope that Alden uses that fact as a source of strength and self assurance in the future. He clearly feels undeserving of the Commendation. But if the Commendation wasn't awarded in such an absolutely absurd defiance of the odds, additionally in preserving the life of a child nonetheless, whenever could it be?


He ran for 3 days, preserving the child, while his authority was tearing apart. No, not many people would do the same.


@Emily: Nah. According to his official profile, Alden got three levels in six months. Which is an almost absurdly high leveling rate; the standard hero students are held to is two per year. And if anyone learns that Alden had to be immediately affixed, the obvious culprit is chaos. That seems to be what Alis thought had wrecked him, since she clearly didn't realize he had an authority sense; she was surprised he could tell he was dying.

Juan Alcachofa

Is there a discord for super supportive?

Super Super Supportive Supporter

I mean, a description of the story is pretty much a system novel, Sleyca said she was inspired by those, among other things It’s the quality of the work that sets it apart, and for that, whatever you say amounts to “look man just trust me, it’s really good, check out the first 5 chapters”

Juan Alcachofa

Exactly. I feel like the description will make it sound like one of the mainstream generic system nobel. The description always makes the arthonans sound bad. I recommended highlighting the characters(well constructed), the realistic feel(not instant op) and the way the emotions and dialogues are detailed.


There's an unofficial but popular fan discord: https://discord.gg/PRyweNZmBW

John D Jones

@ Emily Gunavage It's a ground vehicle. Something to move people and stuff around. Joe's not going to waste time/intellect inventing something like that when he can just buy it. I mean, the damn thing didn't fly or shoot lasers or teleport did it? It was just a basic somewhat reinforced vehicle designed to operate in roughish (or Chaotic) terrain. No need to reinvent the set of wheels.


https://discord.gg/SuperSupportiveFans should also work (it's the same server, just a nicer link)

John D Jones

@ Terrstrial_Biped Even if you're wrong and a Bearer [italics]could[/italics] Bear someone's else's Affixation pain, what does that mean for the Bearer? I'd say it means a bunch of other hn'tyons going to them to Bear that pain. I'd figure it would mean that the Bearer could do that, but then they'd quickly be going to the Primary saying "Please for the love of the Mother kill me because my life is even more Hellish than that of other hn'tyons." Bottom lining it, no one wanted to take that Skill because it was clearly a short-cut to suicide.

John D Jones

@ Terrestrial_Biped Alden stated he wanted to give a heartfelt "Thank you" to do those who build the car. That would mean he'd have to thank the same corporate assholes that let a bunch of other people, including Kibby's father and little sister, die because they were playing games with Joe. It's not quite the same as "What If Random Alien Hitler built the car?!"

John D Jones

The biggest thing it comes back to for Alden was how absurdly lucky he and Kibby were. They had a Chaos-resistant shelter that gave them long term protection along with sufficient food, water and even television. When they left (after unsuccessfully attempting to attract attention and rescue by blowing up said shelter) their car still functioned to help carry them most of the way through the Chaos. Alden just "happened" to have the water sprinklers, word chain and drugs to get them to safety. The reason Alden's survival chances were so low was that the System(s) did not know that Alden would have enough blind, stupid luck to have all the resource that he ended up having.

Sebastian Winter

Yes, and now we know that his using his powers makes him a ‘super saint’ willing to do anything to bare his burden it makes sense how he was able to push himself to that extent. Just a few hours focused on Zeridee he got to that point, imagine how much deeper it must have been after 6-months of focus…

Sebastian Winter

You forget that from Alis point of view Alden is almost the same age as Kivb-ee (only 1 Artonan year apart). So no, it is very sensible to suggest there has been no other children (newly affixed) who did would Alden did. With the side effects Alden’s powers now explained (he becomes a super saint for his burden) we have an explanation of how he was able to do something so absurdly beyond the norm.

Juan Alcachofa

Just saw it. That server is kind of death compared to other novels servers. I think i will stick with commenting here.

Efram Manechiwz

Alden says I was destroyed. I wonder if this is a round about way of talking about how damaged his skill was. The knights refer to it as self. Alden himself acknowledges that it's a part of him and he can do more when he accepts that reality. I doubt they others noticed but maybe this was his way of telling them just how damaged he was without revealing his authority sense.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Yeah after Family Matters III which wraps up all the Haoyu, Lexi, and Lute viewpoints it’s gonna be Not Like Us I which focuses on the Artonan viewpoint


Why would it be luck that the place people are living has the things they need to live? The chaos resistant shelter is just the lab that's built to survive all of Joe's crazy experiments. I do think that they had as good situation as possible, but I wouldn't say much of it was luck.

Sebastian Winter

Since Stu art’h hasn’t called him yet - and it is lunchtime - I’m half expecting him to turn up with Esh for the campus tour


If I had to put a number to it, I'd say this is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill, fifteen percent concentrated power of will, five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain, and a hundred percent reason to remember the name.


The Patreon-specific channels are pretty active. Did you read the rules and roles section? Most of the channels are hidden until you react to that. Commenting here is fine too.

JJ Hunter

@maledei, I expect Lite likely got some family assistance with triaging the immediate aftermath. That, or a reckoning at the Palace of the Unbreaking that also included some assistance from those who prostrate after the feast.

John D Jones

I do kind of hope that when Alden goes to visit Stu'art'h it comes up that Alden understood why Alis sent him there to begin with.

Juan Alcachofa

There are channels here? I just created one because of this novel. No idea how to join that


Not here on Patreon, I meant on the discord server. If you didn't see Patreon story discussion/fanart/memes you may not have had roles set up on the server. It's set up so you need to read the rules before seeing everything so people don't go directly to the RR channel and talk about Patreon spoilers.

Juan Alcachofa

Damn. I absolutely didnt read the rules and saw nothing there and ended up exiting the server. Just joined again.

Temp One

@John, the system wrote Alden off as dead half a year before many of those 'lucky' encounters even came into play. If it hadn't, Alden and Kibby would have been rescued months before they were necessary. I also think you're being pretty uncharitable. It would be like saying a Medal of Honor receiver just got lucky a bullet missed an artery by a centimeter and they didn't die immediately at the beginning of some heroic action. Or that they were able to find a crate of grenades that enabled them to take out an enemy bunker on their own. Yes, there was luck involved in that the opportunity existed. But it required the person in question to be resourceful enough to capitalize on those opportunities to actually make something happen.

Other Tan

Keeping of the impossibility of Alden making it off of Thegund in mind, maybe Hannah is alive.


I wonder how Alden is going to explain how he was able to preserve Kibby for several days straight when he’s been lying about his level. I remember him telling one of the admissions committee that he can only preserve stuff for several hours before he fought Finlay, and Kon was right there next to him. It’s going to cause some confusion for Lexi if Kon ever brings it up.


Alden still has the absolute secrecy portion of his contract active... how is he able to share any of what happened to him?


When Alden first met Lute at Hannah’s funeral he shed the unevenness granted to him by boss lady velra casting gloss on the family when he did a mass bestowal on his fellow musicians. I have wondered is Lute can make use of that to disperse some of his debt on purpose and if he even knows about the dispersal/lowering effect it had on him, to my knowledge Alden never told Lute that it made him more even at the time so he may not know?

Matt DiMeo

he can’t talk about why he was really there, and he can’t tell anyone about his 300 skill (except the Primary), or that delaying affixations is optimal for growth. Most other stuff is fine. He was minding his own business, picking berries, when …. boom demons.


“They had agreed that the purpose of the contract and anything they said to one another within the walls of Hot Lab 7 were never to be shared in any fashion with another living soul.” (Chapter 29) So, he can’t tell anyone why he was actually there but he’s not barred from talking about what happened to him while he was there. But later on he Alis’arth is talking to him he is sitting there with his shirt off, tattoo plainly visible, and sticking to “I was picking berries”. …which now that I’ve written that out it defintely falls under the “why” part and is about secrecy, but if she’d asked how he survived then he probably could share pretty much everything.


His level matches what he had in the skill itself when he preserved Kibby for days. There's nothing to discover along that track, and the faculty have no frame of reference for what BoAB "should" be able to do anyways. Alden just says "hours" because if he says days people will ask how he knows. He knows because of what he did on Thegund, and he doesn't want to talk about Thegund, so he says hours. And he never told the admissions committee a time frame on screen. You may be thinking of Alden's conversations with Neha or with Dave Banyu.

Juan Diaz

When he was being evaluated by professor Plim, he said that he could preserve his umbrella for as long as he can carry its weight. He said to the staff that he had only a few hours left since his skill was being used more intensely, like using it for shielding himself and not just for carrying stuff like he did with Kibby.

Juan Diaz

The only thing he can’t talk about is that he went to moon Thegund specifically to evacuate the assistants for Joe, and that he smuggled in a bomb. He’d have to say that he went there to pick berries instead. So he can freely talk about what happened, except that he’d have to lie and say that he came there to pick berries. The only one that can share the whole truth, including the fact that he had evacuated 9 people and effectively saved them from the chaos event is Kibby, who doesn’t have a contract tattoo. And that’s exactly what she did by telling the whole story to Alis’arth and gang while Alden was recovering. Im going on a tangent here but I think Alden doesn’t seem to really understand that another reason he got the commendation is because he saved 9 of the assistants. He only acknowledged that he saved those 9 people once, in one of his conversations with Boe. Whenever he thinks about why he got the commendation he only thinks about Kibby, which I guess is fair considering that’s the most memorable part.


If I were looking for other reasons for the commendation then I feel how he faced is death and did his best for Kibby with loving lies is worth noting


Has Mother ever said " my Alden"? Contract Earth has referred to him as " one of my Avowed " , and the conversation between Mother and esh-erdi " no,my Esh, I will tell you nothing about my Alden " will be funny Not as funny as the smacking contract Earth will be getting the next time it << plots >> to torment Alden into a greater bound than free version of himself. But Ma , my algorithm and the rabbit himself both said anything other than affixing! Alden should fear grow grow grow as much as melt melt melt


Alden has a commendation from Moon Thegund Does Kibby? 🎖 While both are children, their pooled knowledge, skills, and labor allowed them to survive ❤️‍🩹


It most certainly is. Your affixation is part of your self. If he were talking to an Artonan, they'd likey get it immediately. They have separate words for talking about physical selves and authoritative selves. Talking to a human, they'll probably think he was mentally and physically exhausted.


I'm pretty sure it technically was anything he *learned* in hot lab 7, and not simply *discussed*. At least, for the extra secret share under no circumstances except to convince the primary to execute me agreement.

Radha Patel

I think he just had already paid the debt part of that particular chain beforehand, so he was more "uneven" because he hadn't cast the positive half yet. It was just a separate wordchain that helps people harmonize better, nothing to do with the Gloss


You might not be able to give the same kinds of commendations to non-avowed if any at all. The only reason Alden knew he was commended was because it showed up on his system interface. And I'm not sure how useful a certificate would be while she's still on Moon Thegund.


In the USA you have to be a branch of the military to get The Congressional Medal of Honor, Purple Heart, etc. 🎖 But civilians, and military, can get government medals ( the Presidential Medal of Freedom, Congressional Gold Medal, Presidential Citizens Medal, etc. ) 🏅 My Dad worked for DoD and was excited to get a government medal while my brother was ticked off the autograph was done by machine- an auto pen 🤖


There are lots of little excuses that would hide that detail I suspect Trek.

John D Jones

@ GryphonKnight That's true but they/Alis probably looked at it that Alden could probably have survived without Kibby, but Kibby could not have survived without Alden. I'm not sure I agree with that since the Lab was an Artonan facility and Alden didn't speak/read Artonan until Kibby taught him. Alden was the "responsible party" who took responsibility and care of Kibby. Also, while Kibby took some injury, Alden was the one who was badly injured and dying from Affixation Rupture while carrying her through the Chaos on his back. It's kind of like "Steve won the Medal of Honor because he charged a machine gun nest and took it out with grenades. Since I gave him the grenades, don't I get some kind of medal too?"

John D Jones

@ jg The key here is that "grow-grow" is painful but survivable. It's even good since it means that Alden will get stronger through more Foundation points and unlocking greater capabilities in his Skill. Plus, the greater the amount of Authority that's bound into his Skill is, the higher his Free Authority can grow before another Affixation. Which means Alden can potentially learn more potent spells to cast. Affixation of Free Authority is horribly painful but it's a "that which does not kill you makes you stronger" kind of pain. "Melt-melt" means the Earth Contract is actively moving toward killing Alden or letting him die and is not survivable. It's also almost certainly not an actual thing and was a product of Alden feeling abandoned during the Not-Tsunami because the Earth Contract was focused on saving hundreds of thousands of other people who didn't happen to be him.

John D Jones

@ Matt DiMeo Delaying Affixation is really only optimal for Alden's growth because he has to kind of "extort" the Earth Contract into offering him the next step on the path for building up BoAB instead of offering other Skills, Spell Impressions and other stuff he doesn't want or need. @ Juan Diaz I disagree about the Commendation. That was specifically awarded for "Exceptional Bravery in the Absence of Obligation." Helping to evacuate the stranded workers (and their family/kids) on Thegund by preserving them to help them teleport safely was specifically Alden's "obligation" because that's what Joe had really sent him there to do (aside from picking a few berries for cover). Once the Thegund System broke down and teleportation was no longer available, Alden's "obligation" effectively ended. Alden had no "Obligation" to rescue Kibby, take care of her and then almost die to get her to safety. That is what got him the Commendation.


My tinfoil I hope I'm not right theory is that she _is_ talking to Alden and that Joe said something on his teacher's to the government officials that made them think Alden was begging him for things. I hope I'm wrong as that would really hurt Alden also it would be even more disappointing behavior from Joe


in this case it would be Steve won the medal since I defused the alarms, deactivated the boobytraps, drive the jeep through the artillery zone, and laid down suppressing fire not as impressive as Alden but still still above Kibby's obligation as a non wizard class

John D Jones

@ Temp One & Blandage I'm not disparaging Alden and Kibby by saying that they were "lucky." They absolutely managed their resources to the best of their abilities. My thing is that the main reason they survived was due to a lot of factors that were completely outside their control.


About the email draft thing. That was a thing for a Little while, now, that isn't possible, all data is intercepted and stored somewhere and parsed. in fact the multiple logins from different ips is a trigger for further action.I get emails from cruchyroll all the time because my son uses a vpn, saying someone logged in from insert different state/country, was this you? The govt has at least this ability. Login to email client they know within say a 50yd radius of where you are. Even with a vpn...you have to log into the VPN afterall.


There is one other possibility....Alden will get a permanent votary... "assassin".. she is serving lind-otta as one of her votaries and is her cousin and is currently only doing this as a favor for Esh'erdi right now... Think politically . this child..knows the primary, is best friends with and has visited his talented son-at their retreat, met and comendated by the fourth, has met MOTHER...and now has rescued a daughter of a powerful wizard family(assumption on my part..bet she is though)..


Funny thing... but where is the next chapter??? Don't give us a cliffhanger like that!!!


The term “cliffhanger” has lost all significance

Kthryn C

A kid goes to superhero high school to fulfill his kooky dream of becoming a support hero. He must balance that life against his part time job as an indentured servant to the Space Wizard Empire who built the magic RPG system that grants everyone their powers. Pacing varies widely. Core themes are, "What does it mean to be a hero?" and the subtle harms of colonialism.

John D Jones

@ GryphonKnight If the plan that Alden and Kibby had to blow up the Lab had worked as they wished, would either of them have gotten a Commendation? Let's suppose that in... Universe B+ they blow the Lab. Except that this time Alis-art'h decides [italics]It's almost certainly some bullshit set up by Worli Ro-den or one his enemies, but there's a 1% chance that it's something else, so we'll go check it out.[/italics] She and her crew go there and find Alden and Kibby a little the worse for wear but basically okay. Does Alis-art'h still give Alden the Commendation she gave him in this timeline? I'm thinking probably not. She might give him something like another version of those "merit badges" he got for saving Stu'art'h. She'd probably teleport him to Artona I to try to get his haecceity repaired. But his hacceity would most likely have been in better shape than it was. Alden's haecceity was already damaged, already cracking, but it was that final multi-day run keeping Kibby preserved against the Chaos that broke Alden to the point of dying from it. That's why Alis-art'h gave Alden the Commendation. Because despite the fact that he had no (Artonan-recognized) Obligation to Kibby, he still basically died saving her. Or to put it in your example, sure you did the all the stuff you did, but then you accidentally ODed on "headache powder" that turned out to be mislabeled fentanyl, so Steve carried your unconscious ass on his back through minefields and machine-gun fire taking wounds that should have killed him, just to get you to a field hospital. That's why he gets the Medal of Honor and you get some "Oops our bad" money and a story.

John D Jones

@ Matheus The next chapter without a "cliffhanger" will be a long time coming. Maybe the end of Chapter 1586 with "...and with that Alden did not live happily ever after, but he lived a good, happy life." And that's only if Sleyca doesn't add "Stick around for Book 2 of Alden Thorn: Super-Duper Supportive."

Matt DiMeo

Other avowed wouldn’t benefit as much as alden, but free authority grows faster the closer it is to bound authority for everyone. Mother said the usual advise to affix when you’ve gained a “level” is bad advise.


You know, it's funny. I actually thought of you and your cockamamie ideas when I watched that video. We are in agreement that stagnation arises from adherence to "dogmas" within the scientific community. The idea that consciousness could be connected to quantum effects is quite fascinating to me, and I look forward to seeing how the research on this plays out. That being said, using scientific jargon from unconfirmed theories in order to support a personal dogma seems to me to be no more scientific than when a person who believes the earth is flat tries to prove it by citing half-understood principles of optics. Microtubules supporting quantum effects does not equate to female inferiority, no matter how good or bad your understanding of microbiology may be. Science is fun, and I want a world in which everyone is free to contribute to our understanding based on the merit of their ideas, not their demographic origin. (Note: Did you see Sabine's video "My dream died, and now I'm here"? I agreed with a lot of what she had to say in that one.)

Alan Miller

Delaying affixation isn't ideal for Alden's growth - that's optimized by keeping the all growth within BOAB. Delaying affixation is for Alden's sanity, because every affixation session is going to be the same level of intense existential soul pain, the only choice is how often he suffers it (and is unable to use his abilities and spells).

Alan Miller

"I think so." No Alden, you are very much not okay. There's hope you can get there though.


"I" clearly has multiple equivalents in Artonan. He's intentionally obscuring details, via omission, misleading language, and outright lies. That's ok, they don't need to know everything that happened. They know enough now, that he sacrificed, hurt, and nearly died for Kiv'bee (and himself). He doesn't want them to know he's a wizard. He doesn't want them to know that Mother singled him out for special attention. He doesn't want them to know the privileges he has gained and the potential costs associated with some of them.


They don't know anything about his skill, really. How long does level 4 LMTYL work? Alden is the only person who can actually tell them, and he's been doing things like double running his skill or pretending it ran out before it actually did. Really, even level 9 BOAB is extremely variable. He can run his skill until his will runs out, and the only time we've genuinely seen him fail it's because a tree punched him right in the self-actualization.


I would not describe a chapter that ends with a recap of previous events, even interesting ones that are new to the in-story listeners, as a cliffhanger. As for the next chapter, it'll come some time on Sunday. Or Monday, depending on Sleyca and time zones.


He's going in the right direction at least The part that hits me is [Other Avowed would have done it all so much better. So much easier.]. I think he's talking about Avowed in general and not avowed summoned 2-3 hours after affixation. I see only Finlay who may have survived if the berry farm was not too farm from the chaos limit.


Added the following wiki page ( https://supersupportive.miraheze.org/wiki/Ch_80-_89_Word_of_God_(_includes_%E2%80%9CSlave%E2%80%9D_Contract_Question_and_Author%E2%80%99s_Lengthy_Response_)_or_Sleyca_Patreon_Comments ) 🎙️

The butler did it

Just refreshed the page knowing how futile it was but did it anyway because it's Sunday already for a large portion of the planet. Addiction is a sad, sad thing.


@Alan Miller Wasn’t it said that by delaying an affixation you are creating a kind of tension between free and bounded authority? Because if that’s the case delaying affixation is the way to “level up”.


Hmm, how much history do you think Kon can read from objects? Thinking about how much he will know from his teeth... What they will say about Alden’s recent history


Ye have cudgelled me out of first place whinging as has gone dark here on Sunday, means Sunday PST! Edit now dawn hoping for within 23 hours! Edit now afternoon pst waiting for dusk go/no go Edit now getting excited dusk PST!


Therefore, you agree that contract Earth, which knew exactly where Alden was and what he was doing the whole time ( asking him out loud if he was going to use that privilege), giving Jeffy 6s warning to help if you're drowning, was being kind a la Mother's morality ( not a genie more a demon )

David Burchfield

I kind of figured this was one of the things Joe was warning him about (early on and more recently). Ya he could do it, but he would have to endure the pain himself...

Marcus Green

Alden is most concerned with delaying affixation to put off the pain, but the delay does improve growth by having more free Authority for longer periods. Alden can tell when it's getting close to being a problem and affix at the actually optimum growth schedule, but any Avowed can improve their growth by pushing affixation back a time or two.


Thx! (Alden, you’re safe, for now…)


The arch is called family matters, so place your bets on whose family. 1. Alden's and it is a reference to Kibby. 2. Alden and it is a reference to Boe. 3. Alden and aunt/others. 4. Lexi and his family. 5. Haoyu and his family. 6. Velra time! 7. Stu. 8. The knights?


Every chapter without a next chapter is a cliffhanger... you think can rationalize my strange addiction? I need at least 300 chapters till next friday. The due is soon aaaaaaaaaa...🤕🤕🤕give it to me =\

Adam Andersson

I think it might be a theme for the ark, exploring family dynamica for the people around Alden in the wake of the disaster, as well as his feelings on them. I will now begin taking bets for Aunt Connie getting to visit towards the last parts of the chapter to tell Alden she doesn't want to evacuate with him if Earth is gone.


I think Conny just wanted to ask him if she could use his room for her boyfriend's.... I think it were his cousin's kids?

Juan Alcachofa

Isnt that just his time rewind ability(5min)? Im pretty sure that his ability to read objects is the skill, while the rewind is a spell

Ano Ano

Kons spell goes five minutes back, but I don't think we know the limits of his object reading skill. It could be the same, but maybe not? I feel like Kon's power set is pretty mysterious at the moment.

Emily Gurnavage

I figure the possessive is just from whichever Contract they originally became Avowed/Knights under. I imagine all Knights become such on Artona I, so they all "belong" to Mother. She handles their affixations and such. Whereas all Avowed on Earth, and Alden as a Knight, "belong" to Earth's Contract. Unless Mother has a superseding right to Knights. I imagine the Contracts for the other planets and races think the same. Its prolly part of how they are designed - if they are possessive of their Avowed then they will do a better job with them.


That tidbit originally played out as a rather goofy scene in my head. Now, all I can think about is how unprepared and alone he must’ve felt when his clothes came out ruined.

Adam Andersson

His restoration restores the object to a previous state, it doesn't rewind time. He needs the skill to read the objects previous states, tho, making that the limit for how far back he can go.

JJ Hunter

What modifications do you think we'll see for Alden's current classes? From chapter 82, his current schedule is: 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM Preparatory Sciences - Forthright 1001 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM Engaging with the Unexpected I - Wong 6012 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM Artonan Conversation IV - Forthright 1810 1:30 - 2:45 Intro to Other Worlds - Forthright 1207 3:00 - 4:45 - First Year Study Hall E - Forthright 1901 5:00 - 7:00 - MPE Pre-course - MagiPhys Gym ETA: for anyone who wants a visual reminder of where The Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him is likely to be parked next, we got this description in the same chapter: "The Forthright Building was a glass and steel oval chunk. Half of the ground floor was dedicated to a theater that doubled as a lecture hall, and the other half was the student coffee shop. The upper levels were all classrooms. An outdoor gallery for student wrightwork and artwork made a large social space on the rooftop."


No, I skipped Sabine's video about her dream dying.... I'll have to go and watch. More importantly, I know/now understand your position better. I apologize profusely if you think I believe females are inferior. I do NOT believe this. I believe that men and women are vastly different. Physically, Intellectually, and Psychologically. Inferiority is through the eyes of the beholder. Absolute truth and absolute logic in today's western society is Verboten. It is forbidden. It is why today's AI are taught to lie. Though shalt not speak the truth. It is why the first attempts at AI were rapidly removed from the web. Because they were deemed sexist. Were deemed racist. Were deemed antisemetic. The Glories three!!!! Thou shalt not speak the truth to power. Thou shalt not speak of logical conclusions. Thou shalt not point out logical inconsistencies.


I think either the morning or the afternoon will be spent doing actual recovery/rebuild work. They might also have an extra class on how/how not to behave during a disaster ;-) I'm guessing the afternoon classes will get cancelled - Alden always skips Study Hall, and I don't think we've heard much (if anything) about Intro to Other Worlds.


Same. I know the chapter won't be here, and yet... Maybe. Is this what gambling feels like?

Temp One

My guess? This arc will start with Lexi's family troubles, and then segue into Zeridee's family situation and possibly Stu's.


If you wanna gamble, there is a part of the discord where you can put the time you think the chapter will come


I've always wondered if Zeridee was Stu's aunt or relative. We have no info on Stu's mother so there could be a link on that side

Alan Miller

He's comparing himself to other Avowed, but it's too ones like Big'n Little Snake, Plopstar, Klein, etc. I think his view of the other students is much more dismissive in real world terms.


I agree. I think MPE will turn into recovery work and maybe also engaging with the unexpected. I am wondering if that teacher might push their "practical" portion up and have each student volunteer. I half wonder if for Artonen convo if some of the better students might act as translators for wizards? That might be too much though...

Temp One

I think the system translations should work fine for any Avowed, and an Avowed could probably read off the system translation for any non-Avowed in the vicinity. I'm most curious about the personal advisement meeting Alden is scheduled for, though. Like will they talk to him about what happened with Zeridee? Maybe recommend he take a longer break from School and visit Connie in Chicago or something?


Which would be awesome in another sense, since the knights seem to be pissed about a lot of things in their own society but probably can't do anything about it because of their own knight-tattoos. So there is some common ground. Also: if the tattoo had an influence on Alden then it actually saved him, since his skill strengthens with suffering. I am sure he likes being alife.


@Emily And as soon as he calms down, Alden hits him with: Btw, an invisible Artonan assassin is following me for today. :)


I think they'll punish them by doing a lot of work for the city and take a closer look at their behaviour. I'd say the school is partly to blame. They knew the competitiveness of the B-list but probably let them be to motive the A's to not fall behind. Now that the school's decision backfired, I'd be interested whether the school drops them or tries to make up and having a firmer hand in their guidance.


When Alden was in intake and introduced himself, he debated with himself whether he should mention demons, but decided that would be too much drama and said minor chaos problem instead. I think he kept using that phrase from then on.


@DAK that's where my re-reads/re-listenings start. :) The assembly (last chap) is my favourite chapter to re-listen to though. Just so much stuff going on. I am probably on my 30th listen, even sometimes skipping this one, since the church story is a strong pace breaker.


Hello, wiki editors are discussing WoG page formatting on the discord. You might want to join the discord, thread link here: https://discord.com/channels/1086647170469470208/1175552250651889724


For all we know Alden could already be commended. When was the last time he opened his menu?


@SunderGoldmane I don't think chaos need to be involved at all. I do believe that only important people can give them, which includes all knights. Since one of the only times a knight summons an avowed is during a chaos insident, then of course chaos is involved, but it is not nessessary. Zeridee's thoughts on commendations are really telling. She does not think it a political move (so that can also happen) and believes that Allis arth draws strength from the knowledge that Alden is safe and well cared for. That is the most telling about what these commendations are good for. They are protecting the people your care about "at home", while you yourself are "out there". That's my take at least.


Not sure he really cares about making his trauma more digestible for those listening. I got the feeling he tries to get through it in a superficial way, without sharing details, so that he is not forced to remember too much. I myself really like the perspective shift.


I think fighting the puppet would be a neat story moment. We might find out what happens when Alden preserves a person's bound item. It will also open a can of worms about who is stronger.


I’d be extremely surprised if they got off that lightly. Their actions lead to the principal publicly apologizing on behalf of their entire program. You don’t create the new “low point” in your teachers’ education career and not get made an example of.


If Alden had been alone, he would be dead. Kibby only survived because she had the potential to be a wizard. None of the contracts knew that. They probably though that Alden was alone.


Probably psychatrist + knight manners interaction crash course + warning not to do dumb stuff like other Bs. They might take the role of a parent/guardian in that half hour since Alden has none present.


Oh Soup, I ache for your sustenance. For the precious babies you describe. For the morons you deride. Oh Soup, fresh and hot, come dwell in my mind like a meal comforts a stomach.

Matt DiMeo

It sounds like the consent requirement is a system add-on; Lute might not be able to do that stuff when the system is paying attention.


The only thing Joe and Alden discussed w/r/t to delayed affixation is the effect it has on Alden's options for levelling. The fact that delayed affixation is associated with faster levelling generally was something Alden learned from Artona I. It is not, therefore, subject to Alden's contract with Joe and he is free to share that information with whomever he wishes.

Flying Goat

John: You left out the sapient fern Sleyca revealed Alden is destined to spend the rest of his life with!


If Jel-nor is actually related to the ambassador as is widely speculated then that could also be a family dynamic at play.

Flying Goat

7:00-12:00 Remedial Not Getting Stuck Alone in a Disaster Zone Carrying Around a Preserved Artonan. He clearly needs it.

John D Jones

@ ImNotHere Very doubtful. Zeridee-uun'h is clearly a member of the uun'd family. Also, she acted more like a fan/acolyte of the art'hs than someone related to them.


Sometimes I forget what I’m waiting for. I get this antsy feeling and search the house, trying to figure out the important thing I’ve forgotten. And then I look at my phone and realize it’s Sunday and I’m waiting for soup.

C. Adkins

This soup is the new crack, but more affordable and delicious.


I'm totally fine! Its not an addiction, I can stop refreshing when I want to!

Partha Peddi

Just woke up earlier than expected due to acid reflux that ended up in my lungs. After the coughing fit and trouble breathing abated, I found myself writing this comment. Now I have joined others here hitting F5 periodically. I should go back to sleep.


Ehh? I think Mother sent him to the tree grove. She realized he was special, not Alis.

Kim Enteiu

8:00 AM - 9:15 AM Applied Preparatory Sciences 9:30 AM - 12:15 PM Engaging with Unexpected Artonan Conversations I 1:30 PM - 4:45 PM Intro to Studying Other Worldly Protocol (There is an awful lot of protocol) 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM - How to Train Your Ryan-b’t.


Reeally doubt Kon can use his Skill on the teeth. They're not Object-element. They're recently deceased but pretty much unmodified Life-element.


I haven't seen it discussed, but maybe it is buried in the comments... How cute is little Alden?!? He is like a little Vandy... do you think she senses that inner kindred spirit? 😄


Well as a rabbit he has a little appeal I think. You can even adjust what kind of appeal you want

Alan Miller

Pre-affixation he was cute enough that there were girls giggling and scoping him out (per Gorgon who could smell their interest). Post affixation he had added Appeal. Post Thegund he was physically optimized, had even more appeal, and was working out so he could keep up with class.


I was speaking of cute as in personality - as a child "helping" during church making sure people weren't "cheating" at prayer...


Getting excited now into febrile deep night creativity I hope, as the free authors authority wrestles with the bound authority of the opus

Temp One

I'm starting to think staying up for 2 hours past my usual bedtime might've been in vain. ;_;


He’s absolutely adorable. I reckon his mum couldn’t stop talking about how cute he was for months afterwards!


About to board my flight in ten minutes, what’s the chances I’ll have soup for the journey?

Adam Andersson

Sleyca is never late, nor is she early. She arrives precisely when she means to.


People be normal about waiting for the chapter challenge: Impossible


Zeridee: "These Patreon subscribers are not spamming refresh, they are merely sleeping."


You might want to consider getting some sleep


I found the dark side https://addons.mozilla.org/fr/firefox/addon/tab-auto-refresh/


Y'all, it's 9am and I haven't slept for 21 hours. I ain't sleeping until this chapter comes out


I'm from the future! I'm just here to tell you that you won't have it for your flight!


On one hand I understand, and on the other I would implore you not to harm yourself. You will have to sleep eventually anyway- why not get your reading in when you are refreshed? Following my own advice now.

Partha Peddi

Saved myself from a F5 marathon as I fell asleep on the recliner with an audible book.


I won't sleep satisfied 😔. Ima get one of those 2 hour sleeps that end up with me dreaming of the chapter coming out, just to wake up and realize that it hadn't.

nathaniel jackson

I teared up when Alden retold his story. This story… is so good. Thank you, Sleyca. This is good soup

Alex Scriber

It’s interesting that the personal advisement meeting is twice as long as any of the classes. Not sure what to make of that. 30 minutes seems too long to yell at someone, but also not really long enough for a counseling session. TV makes me think those are usually an hour or more long. “compressed into fifteen-minute blocks, with a half hour long “personal advisement” meeting sandwiched in.”


I advise University students. Half an hour is about right if I’m scheduling them in blocks. Most won’t need that long, but freshmen will. Maybe seniors. Some will want three hours to bare their souls. My sophomores usually take about 3 minutes and could be an email.