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[A/N: Side character notes are at the bottom for anyone who wants a refresher.

Since I've gotten this far behind and the chapter coming up isn't one I can write in a single day, Sunday will be one of my two "no-posting" days for May. I will post again on Wednesday!

Thank you all for waiting for this one. ]



Becoming a part of Apex’s sky traffic was as cool as Alden had imagined it would be. The Mother-forsaken Cookie was soaring along at what he felt was the perfect altitude for a classy magical vehicle—above most of the spell-users and the Shapers riding around on recliners with homemade seatbelts installed, but below the super fast or noisy stuff.

It’s the perfect ride, he thought. Quiet, hovers, big enough for company.

And it looked awesome. 

He was currently trying to convince himself that the nonagon’s awesomeness was the attraction whenever he noticed people down below pointing or holding up tablets and cell phones.

At least drones aren’t getting in our way. 

Alden knew there were separate rules for how the drones flew around up here where people were also flying around. Maybe those rules were keeping them in line. 

Or maybe his companion was just the sort of person that even the most entitled gawkers knew to keep a respectful distance from. 

Esh-erdi, ultrapowerful chaos-fighting general, had scooched himself over to the edge so that he could swing his feet, point eyes and hands in two different  directions at all times, and comment on the things he found interesting. 

“That person has awful technique; I hope it’s their own fault and not a result of bad talent design. Dogs come in so many different types. Look, that’s a pull-me-over spell! What kind of game is played on that outdoor <<gaming board>>?”

Alden peered down through the transparent surface of the nonagon. 

“Tennis,” he said, spotting the court on a rooftop. “You hit balls with…stiff nets on sticks.”

“Rackets” wasn’t in his Artonan repertoire. 

Esh-erdi nodded, then he moved right along to the next curiosity. “They have built their own flyer out of mover discs!”

At the name of the familiar devices, Alden looked around again, searching for anyone that might be using them. 

The area they were passing over was mostly unharmed, but there were some isolated patches that had received shallow flooding. On the street immediately below them, waterlogged and damaged possessions were being piled in front of buildings. For disposal, Alden assumed. 

And there, flying at roof-level along that street, was a yellow two-seater car, covered in mover discs that looked identical to the ones Alden had learned to control at the lab. 

An Anesidoran flag was flapping on the car’s roof, and there was some kind of a banner hanging from the trunk.  Alden couldn’t read it, but when he focused, the driver’s public name tag came up on his interface. 

Apparently his or her name was: [Flights between F & Apex. C-Sway with stress-relieving alters. Heavy lifting. 900 arg/hour.]

“That’s so expensive!”

“It’s probably one of the cheaper ways of making your own flyer if you can’t cast spells,” said Esh-erdi. “But I wonder if they know how quickly those discs burn out. They’re going to have to keep applying new ones.”

Alden had meant the hourly rate the Sway was charging for their variety of services, but that was interesting. “I used mover discs to flip a car that had overturned on Thegund. There were lots of them at the laboratory, but almost none of them worked. I thought they were chaos-damaged.”

“I’m sure they were,” said Esh-erdi. “But they’re not <<stalwart>> tools at the best of times. Traditional enchanters get so offended by the quantity and quality of products that come from Fetuna <<repeaters>>.”

Alden took one more look at the car. Cheap flotation enchantments would be fun to experiment on even if they were flimsy. 

Mental note: find, price, and experiment on some of those discs.

He wondered if mental notes could even find room to stick in his head. Now that they were actually in the city, a frantic damage control program was running in the background, slightly dimming his enjoyment of the flight and scrambling his thoughts.

If someone tried to read his mind they’d get no secrets about Matadero. Instead, they could have his stream of consciousness—The nonagon is so much better than that guy’s ride. I wonder if I can find somewhere empty on campus so nobody sees me land? I bet I’m on the internet again. Yuck. Maybe they’re all too focused on Esh-erdi to wonder why I’m here! He’d probably like horses. Knights and horses are a natural combo. How am I going to explain this to everyone at school so that they’re less weird about it? I’m getting so much better at maneuvering. Esh-erdi saved my life; he can have a campus tour if he wants one. I know I can do a loop-the-loop with this thing.

He tried to rein it all in. They were getting close to campus.

“Thank you for teaching me to fly,” he said. “I needed it this morning. It’s really fun.”

“The Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes him is fun?”

It had been several minutes since they’d worked the name into the conversation. 

“The Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes him is very fun,” Alden agreed. 

Esh-erdi made a pleased trill of a noise that most humans would have struggled to mimic. “I’ve enjoyed the chance to see you learn. Even if it is only a small thing I’ve taught.”

He sounds like he means that.

Joe always seemed to enjoy teaching me stuff, too. 

It was just a thought that struck him, not an intentional comparison of the two situations. But intentional or not, once it had appeared, there was a part of Alden that had to chew on it.

I was an “unusually likable young person” who Joe looked forward to summoning in the future for “mutual benefit.”

It wasn’t that different from how Alden would have described his relationship with the professor on the day he’d left LeafSong for the last time. But after everything that had happened to him in Joe’s former home, because Joe had sent him there, because Alden had tried his best to help Joe’s people…

“The little girl I lived with on Thegund is thinking of taking a mourning name,” said Alden. “She’s been trying to build her bravery for it for a long time. I’m sure she’ll decide to do it soon.

Esh-erdi lowered his arms and pulled his legs up before turning around to face Alden. He waited.

“I know a lot of the things I’m supposed to do to show her I respect her decision and the new name. Everything I could find on Earth’s internet and from the Goodchild Klee-pak shows. But I had some questions, and I wanted to make sure I met the occasion perfectly. Can I ask you for advice about it sometime?”

“Of course,” said Esh-erdi. “There are many different traditions you might observe for the child. Most of them are quite beautiful. It would be my privilege to share them.”

“I appreciate it.”

“Do you still speak to her often?” Esh-erdi asked.

“Yes. She’s living with Hn’tyon Alis-art’h for now. She’s joined the wizard class and begun her education with tutors. We send each other messages every week.”

“A class shift and a mourning name all in the <<aftermath>> of a corruption incident. She’s having a <<turbulent>> flight for a little ryeh-b’t.”

Hey! thought Alden. He called her a little ryeh-b’t. The lesson from second grade about Artonans thinking they were cute enough animals to be a term of endearment was right.

“I look forward to teaching you again,” said Esh-erdi.

“And I look forward to giving you a campus tour whenever you have time for one,” said Alden.


As they approached the school, Alden settled on Celena Circle as his stopping spot. He intended to land in the large greenspace, pass the ring over to Esh-erdi so the knight could go about his day, and then make a run for the MagiPhys Ed building. 

The assembly was being held in the gym, and he’d decided to courageously admit to himself that there was no point in hunting for an isolated location to disembark from his noteworthy ride.

Sneaking around might make Alden’s interaction with people more manageable this morning, but since he had promised the knight a tour at an unspecified future time, there was ultimately no escaping from whatever kind of attention wandering campus with an important Artonan was going to get him. He’d only be delaying the reactions.

And, anyway, Esh-erdi deserved better. 

Hn’tyon Esh-erdi, thank you for everything. I swear I’m not hiding you behind these garbage bins. I just wanted to show you where Avowed do their recycling. 

But…there was also no reason to drop the nonagon down directly into the crowd that would be heading into the gym. If I do that, I might as well just throw my arms into the air and shout, “Behold! I have found myself in yet another unusual situation!”

Celena Circle was close enough to his destination, and it shouldn’t be very crowded if all the students were gathering elsewhere. 

At least, that was what he’d assumed. 

“There are domes,” said Alden, staring down at the circle in surprise. “The domes are new.”

Emergency houses that looked like mini versions of Alis-art’h’s travel dome had appeared, forming an instant neighborhood. They were arrayed in curves, covering the grass. Quite a few people were moving around in the area.

“I’ll set us down somewhere—”

“This is convenient!” Esh-erdi said. “Drusi has <<stationed>> herself here. I should greet her in person.”

Alden had been about to say he should set the nonagon down somewhere else. But okay. 

He aimed for the sidewalk on the edge of the emergency housing and lowered them toward it. 

“Who is Drusi?” There were a couple of Artonans visible, unpacking what looked like another dome on the far curve of the circle.

“She’s a <<votary>> to Lind-otta. And her cousin. Drusi-otta.”

Alden just hated it when the System translated a word he didn’t know with another word he didn’t know.  He’d have to find the definition when he wasn’t listening, landing, and looking through the platform to make sure none of the people who were staring up at them were actually going to run over and try to say hi. 

I bet they revoke my special circumstances cookie license if I set it down on top of somebody’s head.

“She arrived in the night,” said Esh-erdi. “She will <<monitor>> any Artonans who approach you. To ensure Bash-nor doesn’t send anyone to pester you or question you. He shouldn't, since I told him not to and I’ve already spread your account of events to important ears. We will see if he behaves appropriately.”

“She’s a bodyguard for me?” Alden asked in English.

I should have asked more questions about what he meant when he said someone would keep an “eye and a mind” on me until he was sure Bash-nor was going to leave me out of his drama. 

Was Lind-otta’s cousin another knight? Was she going to stand six-inches away from Alden, looming over his shoulder all day?

“She won’t interfere with your schooling,” said Esh-erdi. “She’s one of those votaries who takes pride in <<remaining in the shadow>>.”

Does “votary” mean assassin?

He looked around for an Artonan who looked like an assassin. He didn’t see one. 

But you wouldn’t if they were a good assassin, would you?

The nonagon stopped and hovered a couple of feet from the sidewalk. Everyone Alden saw was staring their way, but nobody approached.

He held back a sigh, hopped off the platform, and removed the ring. He held it out toward Esh-erdi. 

“Keep it for now,” Esh-erdi said. “Use it to travel wherever you like.”

Alden blinked. “I’ll be fine without it. Don’t you need it?”

“You are already granting me your patience by agreeing to remain at the cube for a few more days while I take my time handling all the matters that might trouble you and Zeridee-und’h in the future.”

So he’s thinking it’s going to be a few days then? 

Alden hadn’t minded much when Esh-erdi had asked him if he would stay at Matadero a while longer. Healing, a private and quiet room, no human authorities bothering him for details about dead Avowed, and no ambassadors trying to trick him into incriminating assistants they didn’t like—it wasn’t a bad situation for him. 

But now that his feet were on campus, just a quick walk from Garden Hall, he craved his dorm room.

Esh-erdi went on, “While you can be here, and while I’m confident you are watched by the Contract and a competent votary—”

It totally means assassin.

“—I hope you will relax and freely take care of whatever matters need your attention. Go back to the cube when you want to, or wait for Drusi-otta or me to tell you it’s time. Until then, enjoy your school. If your meeting finishes early, have fun flying on The Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him.” He smiled. “Do not crash it into anything. It will make me feel like an unworthy instructor.”

And then, before Alden could think of a reason why he shouldn’t be given free use of the nonagon, Esh-erdi was walking away. 

Alden stared down at the flying platform, feeling torn. He absolutely wanted to play with it more. But still…

“I thought I was going to hand you over to him after we parked,” he said. “If he’s giving you to me for the whole day, what do I do with you?”

He suddenly realized that even if he knew how to fly it, he didn’t have any idea how to store it. It didn’t feel right to leave it here at ground level where anyone could mess with it. 

I guess it comes with me instead? 

“Why did I waste so much energy worrying about subtlety?” He sat back down on the edge of the platform, and directed it to lift him just high enough off the pavement so that his feet wouldn’t drag. “Let’s go to school.”

He started to zip off toward the MPE building, then stopped as he realized he might be leaving his bodyguard behind. 

“Drusi-otta? Are you there?” he asked in Artonan. “Do you want to ride with me?” 

He waited. About ten seconds later, a whisper carried toward him by a spell, said, “I will watch over you in my own way. Live as though I do not.”

Alden searched for her everywhere. No suspicious Artonans were in sight.

“I…will try to do that,” he said finally.



On the walkway outside the MPE building, a group of first-year hero program students were dawdling and taking advantage of the last minute before the assembly began to share gossip and disaster stories. 

“You guys!” Rebecca called, spotting them from a distance and joining them in two big bounds that landed her right beside Astrid, who was using a compact mirror to watch her eyebrows as she tried to morph them into matching arches. “Guess what I saw on my way over!? I’ll give you a hint. It was big and green and up in the air—” 

“The top of a cedar tree,” said Jupiter, making a kudzu leaf float between one hand and the other. “A dirigible. A gokoratch.”

“A grasshopper that got upgraded like Big Snake’s wolves,” said Astrid.

“A cloud of smoke from Boom Town,” said Everly.

There was a pause as Rebecca looked expectantly at the others who were present. Mehdi, Kon, and Febri were all moving their fingers through the air while they discussed the videos they were sharing through their interfaces. 

“Are they ever going to tell us who did it? They’ve had all weekend,” Febri was saying.

“They’ve only had a weekend,” Astrid countered. “I’m surprised I even managed to get back to Apex. Everything’s so crazy.”

“It was members of Superhumans at Large,” said Everly. “That’s what everyone seems to think.”

“They were probably trying to make the island uninhabitable so we’d have to be at large, too,” said Jupiter. “I’m mad at them. My uncle’s house is gone. And the Nilama building. Konstantin, I’m so upset about the Nilama building.”

Mehdi stared at her. “Him, too, since he lived there.” 

“It’s not gone. We could still live there,” Kon said. Then he made a face as the word “there” came out sounding wrong. “There. Dere.”

“That’s getting worse every time you try it,” Mehdi told him.

“It’s cute!” Everly said. “He has his first superhero injury.”

Kon grinned at her to show off the gap in his teeth. “Like I was saying, we could still live there. The building is standing. It just got really wet. Dey don’t need to condemn it. They won’t. They shouldn’t.”

“I can’t believe Paragon is gone,” said Everly. “I saw my old desk from fifth grade on the news. It was upside down in a cafe.”

“How did you recognize your fifth grade desk?” Mehdi asked.

“She and Kon went to rich people school,” said Astrid. “They probably had special desks.”

Everly rolled her eyes. “Yes. I recognized it because it was covered in rubies. Not because I drew a snowflake on the bottom with a paint pen.”

“YOU GUYS!” Rebecca’s voice was exasperated.

“Sorry!” Astrid exclaimed. “Becca saw something. What was it?”

“One of the wizard generals! I was running past Celena Circle, and I saw them landing.”

“Which one?” Mehdi’s voice was fascinated.

“The green flying thing belongs to the male one.” Jupiter tucked a strand of brown hair behind her ear and tried to position the leaf to go with it. “The real general. Not the bald one. Esh-erdi.”

“Why do you know that off the top of your head?” Febri asked.

“If I see an important Artonan and they’re nice, I want to ask them what kinds of extraterrestrial plants are good for battling demons,” said Jupiter. “And if I can have some.”

“Just put yourself out there like that then!” Febri said in a shocked voice. 

“You can’t do that, Jupiter,” said Everly. “If they’re generals and they help with Matadero, then they’re the ones who probably summon Avowed for the most dangerous missions. What if they think you’re volunteering or something?”

Jupiter shrugged. 

“Rebecca, are you sure?” Astrid asked. “What was one of those people doing on campus? Aren’t they almost always near the water? Was he going to cast some spells on the domes?”

“Maybe he’s hunting for the terrorists who did this,” Mehdi suggested. “One of them could be hiding in the dome village!”

“Why do you sound so excited about that?” asked Astrid.

“I’m not.”

“You sound like you are.”

“I’m not.”

“I thought the people responsible died when they tried to attack the cube?” said Rebecca. 

“There could be accomplices.”

Their conversation broke off as a blond speedster in sunglasses shot by them, running for the double doors that led into the building. A fraction of a second later, another figure blazed past the first and stopped with pinpoint precision in front of the doors just in time to open them before the other boy arrived.

Finlay gave Winston a sarcastic bow.

That seems to have escalated,” Everly muttered.

They all watched Winston bristle then take off, heading around the building for the back entrance instead.

“Anyway…” said Rebecca, once the speedsters were gone. “I don’t think the general would be looking for terrorists. He had a student with him! In our uniform.”

“Maybe they assigned somebody to show him around?” Everly suggested. 

“Maybe he summoned a Celena North student to be his personal Avowed helper,” said Mehdi. “Whoever it is will probably get so much argold. Even more than Jeffy.”

Everly shook her head. “What kind of help do you think a wizard that powerful needs from a student?”

“A translator in case he doesn’t like the ones the System gives? Or maybe it’s someone really gifted and he’s taking an interest and giving them some extra stuff,” Mehdi said, his enthusiasm growing.

“Like special instruction?” asked Febri.

“Or special plants,” said Jupiter.

“Or a spell impression nobody else has access to,” said Mehdi. “Or—”

“Or maybe the student is Alden Thorn.” Kon swiped his System windows away and fixed his eyes over Rebecca’s shoulder. “And we can just ask him.”

Mehdi snorted. “Good one! Even generals probably need Rabbits for…oh…you meant…” 

Febri stood on his tiptoes, his eyebrows shooting up. 

Kon looked at Mehdi. “I don’t know what you were about to say, but I think it’s lucky you stopped.”

“It wasn’t anything bad,” Mehdi grumbled.

The girls all turned to see where the boys were looking. A green flying platform was heading toward them. Alden Thorn rode on the front of it, one hand extended as if to direct it, the other rummaging through his messenger bag.

“Rebecca, you didn’t recognize Alden?” Everly gasped. “Was he really far away when you saw him?”

“No!” Rebecca face turned embarrassed. “But…that’s…he doesn’t ever wear the uniform! He looks different!”

Astrid was laughing.

“I associate him with brown hoodies, green plaid, and radishes,” murmured Jupiter. “Keep this safe for me. I’m going to ask him about the general.”

She thrust her leaf in Everly’s face.



Thanks to this bunch I’m now late, Alden thought, watching his classmates poke, stroke, and take pictures with the nonagon. 

Fortunately, a lot of other people seemed to be late, too. Students were still dashing toward the gym, and with everything being so out of the ordinary, he thought there was a good chance the school had planned for a delayed start. 

But he would have hurried inside if this group hadn’t surrounded him and lost their minds. 

Alden had gotten hit with the obvious question right off the bat, from Jupiter: “Why do you have General Esh-erdi’s flying platform?”

Before the whole sentence had escaped from her mouth, the others who’d raced over had joined them.

“Because I’ve been with a healer friend of his.” Alden had pointed at his boot for proof of injury. “He didn’t want me to miss school. I guess he didn’t want me walking around on the hurt foot, and he was being kind. So…”

He’d braced for follow-up questions that would have dramatic answers: How did you get hurt? Where exactly were you staying all weekend? Why was a general involved at all? 

But, apparently, his broken bones and living arrangements weren’t the most interesting thing he had going on. 

“How fast does it go?” Febri asked.

“Is it hard to fly?” asked Everly.

“I want to touch it,” said Astrid. “Can I touch it?”

Mehdi was already tapping on the edge of it with the tip of a single pinkie, jerking his hand back as soon as he made contact as if he was afraid it might  burn him.

“That would be fine. Don’t abuse it or anything. Maybe after the assembly, you can—”

As soon as he said “fine,” they were all over it, and all the questions turned into: “How fast? How high? How long do we get to keep it?”

“What do you mean we? And I’m probably just going to have it for today,” said Alden. 

He was relieved he’d misjudged their priorities. If the flying nonagon itself was going to be more exciting than the precise details of how he came to be in a situation where he needed and could obtain such a great magical vehicle, then that would make navigating conversations easier. 

“And we’ve got a meeting to go to,” he added.

Kon slid off the platform and stepped over to stand beside Alden while he sent the nonagon toward a place he’d decided seemed relatively safe—up high and as flat against the wall of the building as he could get it. It’s so much harder to direct from the ground.

“What if it turns off?” Kon asked, gazing up at it. “Will it fall and break?”

His voice sounded different thanks to the missing teeth. He also had a giant gap. It looked so much bigger now, in daylight, when they weren’t all scared of dying.

Sorry, man. 

“I think its default state does actually involve it floating a few feet in the air.”

“You don’t know?” Mehdi said. 

“Do I look like I fly one of these every day? I just used it for the first time half an hour ago.”

“I bet I could fly—” Mehdi started.

“Hn’tyon Esh-erdi doesn’t want me to loan the ring to anyone else.” 

He didn’t know if that was true or not, but he was going to operate as if it was a hard rule. The last thing he needed was some adrenaline-hungry idiot trying to levitate themselves into the stratosphere on it.

They headed for the doors in a loose pack. Astrid was so busy staring at the nonagon that she almost tripped.

“What happened to your leg?” Kon asked. “Will it be okay?”

“Yeah. It will. Some of the Sinker Sender stuff grabbed onto my shoe and yanked my foot out from under me.”

Plus the broken toes I got from kicking a guy.

“Ow,” said Kon. 

“You didn’t look hurt on the bridge.” Mehdi spun to walk backwards as he talked. “It makes sense you got teleported out earlier than the rest of us if you were.”

Oh…what a great excuse that would have been. Why didn’t I think of that?

He was sure that during his texting spree yesterday he’d already given too much information to too many people, implying or saying outright that he’d been injured after evac, to rely on that misconception. 

“It was after the bridge,” Alden said as they entered the building. Before any of them could ask anything else, he dug a tiny blue paper envelope out of his bag and handed it to Konstantin.

Kon opened it and laughed as he dumped his teeth into his palm. “Aw…you shouldn’t have!”

“I am sorry.”

“It’s fine. Lexi forced you to take my incisors like they should be your top priority in a disaster. When we couldn’t find you the next day, I assumed you had your own problems to deal with and they were goners.” He stuck his tongue through the gap. “Even if you’d kept them somehow, healers are so busy they’re not handling minor stuff yet, and I couldn’t find a dentist that was open yesterday for some reason.”

He held up the envelope. “Did you make this yourself?”

“I’m learning origami.”

Kon dropped his teeth back into it. “Maybe the right healer can still do something with them. Thanks for bringing them back.”

“You don’t happen to know what tree was the first to cast its shade over your face when you were a baby, do you?”

Kon blinked several times then tilted his head. “Noooo. But there’s a good chance it got destroyed by the floods…why would you ask that?”


The gym was filled with students from all three high school programs, and people were still wandering the bleachers in search of friends. Despite projection screens hovering over the floor with the words, “Please find your seats quickly,” on them, Alden passed by empty spaces and headed up toward the top of the stands. 

Haoyu was there, beaming and having an animated video call judging by the gestures he was making. And Lexi was beside him, looking like he hadn’t slept or bathed in three days and punching the air with his fingers in what Alden could  only assume was a rage-typing session. 

I hope he’s writing an email to his most hated enemy and not someone he actually likes, Alden thought as he shuffled by a couple of art students wearing bracelets that said ANESIDORAN FOREVER on them. What’s that about?

Haoyu slid closer to Lexi to make room for Alden beside him. Haoyu’s hair was damp, and he was wearing a dark blue long-sleeved shirt with the Scorpius constellation on the front. As Alden sat, Haoyu said, <<I have to go, Dad. I have to. They’re about to start speaking. Bye. You’re really coming later, aren’t you? Okay! Bye.>>

He switched to English. “Alden, you’re alive!”

 “It’s true. It was not a ghost texting you for the past day.”

“Lexi, look. Alden’s alive.” 

Lexi didn’t look. He only grunted a sound that might have been a greeting, and Haoyu shook his head. 

“He’s trying to force his way down to F so that he can go see his parents and Irina,” he said. “He can’t find a ride that doesn’t cost a fortune.”

“We should all be together right now. Irina is having nightmares. Our apartment is gone. All of our belongings are probably destroyed. If Kon would just help me—!”

“What do you expect him to do, though?” Haoyu asked. 

“I expect him to help.” He suddenly turned to Alden. “You’re here! Where were you? Where were both of you? You’ve both been so vague in your messages. Never mind. Where are Kon’s teeth?”

“I gave them back to Kon.”


“Because…they’re his? It would have been kind of weird to give them to you.”

Lexi huffed. “Are they all right?”

Alden fired off a mental text to Haoyu. [Is he all right? He seems stressed.]

Haoyu smiled. [Big protective for family. Crazy now. He is danger badger.]

“I put them in an envelope for Kon,” Alden said slowly. “So that he wouldn’t lose them. I’m also sure that if they aren’t all right—” 

Which they totally aren’t.

“—they can grow him some new ones. He will still be good-looking and able to bite things and pronounce fricatives when it’s all over.”

Lexi looked so disappointed in him.

“Don’t glare at people in casts,” Haoyu said. “How did you get hurt, Alden? I thought you were…somewhere very safe. And then you didn’t send messages for an entire day. And now—” He bent in his seat to get a better view of the squishboot. 

Haoyu already knew Alden had been with the ambassador’s assistant during the disaster, thanks to Alden texting him with the info Zeridee had shared about the situation on Matadero. Of course he would wonder how that had ended up like this

I think this might be as good a time as any to tell them the basics. I’d rather let them know the important stuff before anyone else in the class starts putting things together. 

They weren’t sitting near any of their classmates, maybe because Lexi was a danger badger. The students around them were from the other programs, and they were all involved in their own conversations.

Alden didn’t need real privacy to tell a secret that wasn’t a real secret. But it was nice that they had the illusion of it that came with being in a large, loud crowd of people who weren’t paying you any attention. 

“I got teleported to Punta de la Luna,” said Alden. “A flyer was there waiting for me, but there was some trouble when I tried to board it.”

Possibly that made it sound like a mechanical problem, but it was the best he could do. Esh-erdi was still working on the “dead Avowed at the ambassador’s house” issue. Dealing with two species’ worth of laws and politics…the thought of trying to wade through it himself made Alden shudder. 

“I had to evacuate on foot with an Artonan. She got hurt, and I was carrying her. So I was slow. And the ocean caught up to us.”

Haoyu’s eyes widened. Lexi’s narrowed. 

“Punta de la Luna is gone,” said Haoyu.


“It’s very gone. There’s basically nothing left.”

“I made it out of there before it was wiped. We were almost to safety when this enormous water mountain stopped us. Hn’tyon Esh-erdi and Hn’tyon Lind-otta arrived to deal with it. He pulled me out of the water.”

“You were in the water?” said Haoyu.

Alden rubbed his cheek. The freshly healed skin was a little sensitive. “I was about to drown.”

Lexi’s eyes were slits.

“So Esh-erdi’s timing was great.” Alden gave them both a thumbs up. “And he sent us to a healer. I slept for all of Saturday. And now I am so ready for school to start back.”

“That’s good…” Haoyu gave him a hesitant thumbs up in return. “I think most people are hoping we get the week off, though.”

“Why did you get teleported before everyone else?” asked Lexi. “To a plane.”

“I’m sure that’s none of our business,” said Haoyu. 

“It’s fine if it is none of my business,” said Lexi. “I’m not going to whine about someone else’s teleport priority being different than mine. Plenty of people are being so obnoxious about that, even though almost nobody died from being left until last.”

Don’t let Lute hear you say that,” Haoyu warned. “His parents are fine, but it sounds like Cyril belted himself to the railing of a pedestrian bridge so that he didn’t get swept away. Lute’s like, ‘He’s a drunken moron. It’s okay. I just went and got him.’ But I’m sure he’s got feelings about it.” 

“I won’t say anything about it to Lute. But to Alden, I’m just saying that telling people you got teleported directly to some kind of Artonan salvation plane before everyone else, including Haoyu—”

Haoyu’s face transformed into the picture of innocence.

“Don’t think none of us noticed how fast you disappeared,” Lexi said to him. “But at least it makes sense in your case. For Alden, I’m telling him that this sounds noteworthy and confusing. He says he wants to know when things he does are noteworthy and confusing. Now he knows, so he won’t call more attention to this one. I’m helping him.”

“Thank you, Lexi,” said Alden. “But I already rode to school on Esh-erdi’s magic flying platform.”

“I think I saw that thing on the news!” Haoyu exclaimed. “Is it the green one?”

“It’s called Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him,” said Alden. 

“No,” said Lexi. 

They both looked at him. 

“Why would you ride to school on an Artonan General’s flying thing?” Lexi whispered.

“There’s no point in whispering,” said Alden. “People all over Apex saw us on the way here. We slowed down to look at some of their dogs.”

“Are you serious right now?”

“He let me keep it for the day. It’s parked outside.” Alden held up his hand. “I drive it with this cool ring.”

Haoyu leaned closer to see the green band.

Lexi’s face was doing things so expressive they almost had sound effects: Ugh. No. Stupid globie. What is he? Why is he? Why did I let him be my roommate? He told me he had a cat like that might be a dealbreaker, but he never mentioned all the wizards.

“I really like being roommates with you, Lexi.” 

Lexi drew back from him. “Why are you randomly saying that? Do you think it’s going to distract me from everything else you said?”

“It just felt necessary.” Alden cleared his throat. He lowered his own voice. “Um…to answer your question, the Artonans gave me a higher teleportation priority because I have a commendation.”

Lexi froze.

Haoyu had been trying to study the logograms on the ring. He went still, too, but his brown eyes flicked up. They met Alden’s through the gap in his splayed fingers.

“Do you really?” he said quietly.

Alden nodded.

“Mmm…I thought whatever you went through was probably worse than you said.” He glanced down again. “It must have been.” 

Lexi slowly thawed and started shifting in his seat. “What was it for? If you don’t mind me—”

He was interrupted by a sizzling sound. They all looked just in time to see a firework exploding over the floor, orange and blue sparks flying outward toward them. A huge BOOM rocked the gym.

A few people shouted. Everyone else went instantly silent. 

Instructor Foxbolt was sitting on the bottom bleachers across the gym from Alden, Haoyu, and Lexi. She crossed her legs and leaned back, blowing dramatically on her finger as if she’d shot the firework out of it instead of casting a spell. 

“Thank you, Foxbolt.” Principal Saleh stood in the middle of the floor, her face displayed on the projections for all to see. 

“Good morning, everyone,” she said. “I’m so glad to see you all safe and, mostly, unharmed. It’s been a long, hard weekend for all of us. And many of us have more long, hard days ahead. Let’s talk about what’s happened, and what happens next, and what we expect from you all as students here at Celena North High.” 



Character Notes:

Astrid - A-rank Morph Brute. Goals: learn to look like other people, land a hit on Klein, go to animal cafe if it still exists Last seen: down in F with Reinhard after the two of them and Jeffy got left behind at the mall

Everly - A-rank Adjuster. Kon's girlfriend. Maricel, Tuyet, and Vandy's roommate. A beautiful ice spider. Last seen: riding on the flying countertop to get off the bridge

Febri - S-rank Agility Brute. First seen: running through Kon's party wearing a caution tape belt Last seen: on the obstacle course getting taken out by Maricel, Everly, and Njeri's trap at the fire obstacle

Jupiter - S-rank Shaper of Life. Plants. Brutally murdered Alden with a tree limb. Has put a lot of foundation points into her sense of smell. Last seen: getting hauled across the bridge by Instructor Klein/riding on the flying countertop

Kon - S-rank Adjuster. Lexi's little brother. Recently ran over himself sideways with a car and was very excited about it. Last seen: countertop

Principal Saleh - Principal of the Talent Development/Hero Program. The U-type hero known as Ghosten before her retirement. Celena North High has three program heads, one for each division of the school.

Mehdi - A-rank Agility Brute. Often seen: hanging out with Kon, being extremely competitive, being varying degrees of rude Last seen: countertop, typing "OK" in response to a very long text Alden sent

Rebecca - A-rank "Jumper" Brute. First seen: Making nasty stuff in the blender with Astrid Last seen: running ahead of the pack on the bridge with Marsha and Ignacio. She can keep up with a lot of the S-ranks when she's running because she's really boingy. (So boingy when she uses a spell impression that she sometimes overshoots and injures herself.)

The Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him -- a very good nonagon

Other notes:

Size of Student Body:
I think this is easy to lose track of since we're always with Alden and his gym class. There are more than 200 students accepted into the hero program each year, and the other programs (Science and Arts) are larger with more B-ranks accepted. Alden's intake class of 41 represents a fraction of the hero program first years. CNH is, typically, a three-year education with most students filtering directly into the university after graduation.



I literally just started cooking soup

Alen Alijevic

shit, that was going to be my last refresh before bed >.<


Thank you

JJ Hunter

*does a full-body wriggle of delight*


Thank you for the soup!


Thank you for your hard work, Sleyca


I’m so excited to read! But my friend who also loves Soup is driving and we are going to read it together, so I shall wait


Thank youuuuu




Pleasure doing business with you soup lord!




Thank you Sleyca for waiting to post until just after I finished my last final exam! I would have studied less if you posted this yesterday lol.


Thank youuuuu 😚


"We drink water, we eat porridge. But soup we eat, and soup we drink, soup we take, and soup we have." - Charles Dickens, "All the Year Round" Vol. 9, 1863


Thanks for the chapter!

Makoto Itou

Alden: Ok I pull up

Radha Patel

Thank you, I audibly squealed seeing the chapter drop


All those big secrets Alden was keeping clearly feel a lot smaller now. What’s a commendation compared to everything that’s happened in the last few days?


Lexi is danger badger.

Isak Mark

Make a special post informing everyone you will be taking sunday off. Comunication is important.


Worth the wait. Now back to waiting.


Man, what a mean place to cut Lexi off 😅


It seems that Alden has accepted the fact that Rorro gave him glowing organs.


Thanks for the chapter! I never realized the hexagon was green!!


Noice! Great chapter as always, I'm so glad he finally told Lexi and Hayou about his commendation. Hayou instantly recognizing that it's proof of something really, really rough was validating, too.

Richard Fields

I was half joking months ago when I predicted visiting stu wouldn't happen until July. I now realize I may have been too ambitious. 😆


Bwa ha ha! This was so good, thanks Sleyca!

David Sturgeon

So great the boys are back together (almost)

Josh Brooks

Glad to hear you’re taking one of your off days! Also, I love the student body so MUCH! If we get a Chainer-esque series with Lexi/Haoyu, I will be pumped! (Note: I will also be pumped for literally any character, but it’s just good to see the roomies again.)

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

Hi! New to the patreon? Welcome! Sleyca made a special post a few posts back letting us know she's taking two posting days off a month, and that those days will be announced in the chapter notes beforehand, as she did here. Communication achieved.


Does anyone remember the wording for Alden's commendation? All I remember is bravery (?) in the absence of obligation

Chas Becht

“You don’t happen to know what tree was the first to cast its shade over your face when you were a baby, do you?” That's like a bucket brigade of confusion. Aliens say inexplicable things at Alden, then later he says inexplicable things at normies like it's the most natural thing in the world.



Heather White

The combination of a bit of drama, some great humor, a side of world building, and catching up with characters I’ve been missing... I finished reading the chapter with a happy, satisfied sigh.


I can see why this chapter took a long time to write. I am very excited to see what's next for the students of Celena North.

Matt DiMeo

That had everything I wanted except another 5000 words.


It's chicken noodle. From a can. Very comforting, but kinda leaves you wanting more. Anyway, this chapter was amazing! The arrival at school finally happened and it was every bit as unsubtle as it could be. Alden is becoming a collector of pretty cool rings. Alden's destruction of expectations will always be fun.


Thanks!! Love your work!


why does Alden need to make mental notes? The system has GOT to have such a simple feature as a note taking app. Even just using your drafted messages as notes.


Don’t Haoyu’s parents have a commendation? His reaction was interesting. It’s like everyone knows that a commendation is a big deal, but Haoyu seems to actually comprehend what it *means* and what someone must have gone through if they have one…

Heather White

“Commendation: Exceptional Bravery in the Absence of Obligation — Awarded by Fourth General Loh Alis-art’h”   from his profile in ch. 64


Well, Alden has decided that the ship has sailed on secrecy. That's understandable since said ship flies, has 9 sides, is extremely green, and was just visible to pretty much everyone on the entire island. I suspect that Alden will end up helping Lexi and Kon out with visiting their family. Really, that's what a nonagon is for. I can't wait for Chekhov's Invisible Wizard Ninja Bodyguard to need to step in to help with something.

Cory C.

I think it was worded as “exceptional bravery in the absence of obligation”. I remember it being impressive when he got it but not realizing how huge a deal it would end up being.


Great chapter! This was so much fun!! And Alden is letting go of some of his secrets!!! So exciting!!!!

Emily Curtis

The Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him -- a very good nonagon He certainly is. Do Artonians gender all vehicles like humans do? Or is this one just special? Do we use it/its or he/his for this object? Language is fun.

Isak Mark

In that post the author informed us that we would be notified before hand and that the readership would get a vote on how these 'breakes' would be handled. I'm reminding the author of that fact.


I'm with you, I just finished some vichyssoise then came to check for some more soup


High as a Kite Note: { equals < and } equals > ( silly Patreon comments coding. Not allowing ` to indicate non code text ) There once was a human knight Flying a green translucent kite SkySea gave him a license "Be careful, and Fly son {{...his landing... it's going to be tight}}" 🪁


Thanks Sleyca! This is so very satisfying!


I love that the future heroes are the normies in this story because aliens


Thank you and have a great weekend and break!


Where's Jeffy? Is he safe? Is he alright?


Lexi asking what it's for suggests that maybe he actually has some context on the variations. We'll see what new and exciting color Lexi turns when he learns the actual wording.


Mmm, vichyssoise. I had to Google that, but it looks delicious.


Your chapters are always highly anticipated part of my day. I’m looking forward to the day that you release your story as a book I can buy as hard copy. Then I’m gonna buy a house with a fireplace that has a mantle over it so that i can place it there alongside other stories I value.

Amber Gregory

This was so delightful. I don't think I'll ever read anything more fun than soup. Extra shout out to Haoyu for being adorable.


I think it's very likely that Jeffy is alright. As an S brute, he can take impacts from random objects very well, and with his skill he's personally pretty much immune to the Submerger's direct effects.


I see that Alden has given up trying to be discreet and non-famous. Embrace becoming meme-worthy Alden. Lol. I'm super excited for the campus tour, its gonna be so funny I'm sure. Thank you for the chapter Sleyca. Rest well.


Apparently Jeffy is safe and now also rich.

H.S. Spudney

Thank you for the soup!


this chapter lowkey has a ton going on


Other people in the comments have pointed out previously that the wording is similar to the US Medal of Honor.


Amazing chapter!

Chas Becht

Yeah, Alden's perspective comes with a pretty warped view of "normal".

Trevor Perry

Thanks for the chapter! Not remotely enough! I want 20 more chapters, 6k words or more, tomorrow! No rest, clone yourself and find a time turner! Seriously though, get some rest and take some time to build a cushion. Stop stressing! And thanks again for the chapter!

N Johnson

Gonna make myself a bracelet that says "Anesidorian Forever" !!


I perpetually feel as though I need to reread this story. Good stuff. I appreciate your hard work Sleyca. Thank you for your awesome writing.


Aulia trying so hard to cozy up to the knights, only to turn the news on and see Alden flying them around and explaining dog breeds to them lmao


@Isak, have considered just not being a patreon? Patreon is a way of supporting authors you like, not a contract to prove a specific number of words on a schedule. If you don't like that, you can always read the chapters when they're publicly posted.


So a Votary is devoted member of a religion or sect, like a monk or nun. Does that mean Aldens votary is devoted to him, or a member of assasin monks like the faceless men in ASOFAI

Matt DiMeo

It can also be a follower of a specific someone or something. It’s related to “vow” etymologically.


Thank you!

Matt DiMeo

They do, and that’s why haoyu got an evac flyer. Notice his “innocent” look. He may soon know more about Alden’s than his mom’s, given secrecy stuff.

Alan Ben Sen Clem

looking forward to the next videos featuring alden "radish student beheads speedster with rope" "radish rabbit drives wizard general to school" 'no one:' 'radish student: it's ropin time' at this point there HAS to be a 'Unusual Stuff at CNH' reels page or a fan page about Alden lol



Maddy Weller

I’m so glad Alden’s roommates now know about his commendation. Enjoy the break, Sleyca!

Matt DiMeo

Medal of Honor is “conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty”

Max Thomas

I hope The Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him becomes a recurring character. I still find it funny everytime

Victor Cavalcanti

I can't wait to see Alden experiment with preserving enchantments again! That's a really unique aspect to his power that's been mostly unexplored for a while.

Ian T Hathaway

Loved the chapter as always, rest well Sleyca!


The motherforsaken nonagon would be a great way for Lexi to get to his family and the boys to have real talk with Alden.


So gooooood! Also alden is opening up about himself more! Yay

John D Jones

Lexi and Kon are totally going to get taxied to F by Alden and it's going to rock.

Alan Miller

IIRC his mother having two of them was mentioned by Lute, who also told Alden that he should share his commended status with Haoyu and discuss commendations with Haoyu's mom.


Sleyca did inform us beforehand in this chapter that she's going to take Sunday off, it's not Sunday yet, is I? She also never promised there was going to be a poll, it was one suggestion she wondered about. I don't understand the contempt you seem to have for the author of a story you clearly care enough about to subscribe to it. These chapters take time, and Sleyca has already worked on them way into the early morning hours just to get them out for us. Even if you don't care about that, the story is going to be better off by its author taking breaks when necessary.


That was a delightful read. I woke up at 4 am, noticed a chapter had been posted and decided to read it instead of going back to sleep. Soup > sleep, definitely. It's good I don't have to be up early tomorrow.


I found the answer to a story question that has been bugging me since I started the book last week (not something written yet), and I got so excited about it that my dog ran to the window to see if there was anything to bark at.


Friends who read together! We have a lot of reading buddies here, and I just love it.


tyftc. Unfortunately I gotta cancel my membership, but this is to help prepare for a move and not because of anything else. I look forward to supporting you again in the future! Meanwhile I'll pop back in on RR.


This was so worth the wait!! I really liked how Alden told Haoyu and Lexi about the commendation first - Lute already knows it due to his House of Unbreaking wevvi fruit/Alden telling him*, and while I also really like the other classmates, the roommates are special! Lexi narrowing his eyes more and more was hilarious Thank you for the chapter! Also, the classmates perspective was awesome haha, thank you!


I have enjoyed this story from the beginning. I've liked all the mini story arcs and setting changes. High school kid hoping to get powers, to the world building on an alien planet, to barely surviving an apocalypse. But it wasn't until Alden was trapped on his own surviving another disaster that I realized how much I'd come to love the story of him going to a superhero high school and the interactions with other students. I've really missed it and I love these chapters. Alden wanting to pretend like his life is normal, when the weird things about him become more and more obvious.


Did Winston take Alden’s dog out to the gravel pit and shoot it dead? He damn well must because there is no other reason why Alden is throwing such shade at Winston

the btrflyz

Lots of great lines in this one. Thanks, Sleyca, and enjoy your Sunday off


Also, did this chapter confirm Mina and Riley (if that was the other girl's name, I don't remember it clearly) died despite the use of fragile atmosphere?


My sister is my reading buddy but we just read when we can. She is in a different time zone 😔

JJ Hunter

@Sleyca, aw yes, that is such an amazing feeling! It's like a question some part of the back of your mind keeps chaining into the universe, and then one day that internal fermentation is suddenly done and your hindbrain delivers a result that feels inevitable, like it was always reaching back the whole time and finally connected. A bit like a discrete internal 'ding' and a sudden completeness. It delights me that your dog got excited with you and went looking outside for what you found. Solidarity! :D


Ahh the chapter was worth the wait! I hope we get to meet Drusi- "totally-not-an-assassin" -Otta in a future chapter. And since I'm listing desires, here's what else I'd love to read: a talk with Zeridee, Winston's reaction when the news starts featuring Alden (I'm a basic bitch I know), a talk with Stuart, exploring BoaB skill gains, a talk with Kibby, Esh-erdi offering to adopt Alden, a talk with Porti-loth... ya got me I just want Alden to interact with aliens


The flying cookie is a green nonagon with a deadbeat mom


I'm very glad that Sleyca will be starting to take breaks! (Honestly, I'd be on board with more than 2/month. SupSup is my absolute favorite story, but that doesn't mean I want her to self-destruct in writing it.) > "The Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him -- a very good nonagon" ...Now I feel like googly eyes should be added to the front of The Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him.


I don't mind making an extra post at all, guys. Especially if people think there's a risk of anyone missing the author's note? The only reason I didn't is because I *do* think most people read the A/N, and I didn't want to spam emails for quick business. Isak, if you have some suggestions for the breaks you can shoot them to me through a DM. I'll definitely make the notice more prominent right now at the top of this chapter anyway. The reason I decided to try the flexible dates for May (taking two off when I decided I needed them or when the story hit a great spot for them rather than announcing the days at the beginning of the month) is because I think it works well with the lack-of-backlog situation. For example, this chapter was a little longer than the last couple, and so it pushed the writing time longer, which means I don't have time to write another chapter by Sunday unless it's super short. And I don't plan on the next chapter being super short. So I'm taking the break now rather than issuing another delay.

Cyrus McEnnis

I've been looking forward to the reunion of the Four Lodgeteers SO MUCH.


I suspect that Haoyu's parents described the experience that got them that commendation as harrowing.

Matt DiMeo

So much funny in this chapter. But the line that made me laugh out loud was: “No,” said Lexi.


Anyone else the party badger callback?


I'm so relieved that Lute is OK! Also, I agree with other posts that Sleyca should absolutely take a break whenever it's needed. Thanks for the chapter!


It's a transparent green material with a slightly textured surface! And matching ring. I want it.

Josh Delgado42

Thank you for the chapter! Seeing his classmates' response to him coming on The Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him was a surprising delight. Cool flying cookies are awesome! I'm shocked that Alden finally revealed his commendation. Repercussions are ahead as Haoyu and Lexi seems to know what that actually means. Poor Lute, I hope he gets some rest after realizing how overpowered he is. The implications that potentially all users of Chainer could stack on someone out of sight are enormous, although I'm curious to see if he knows that his chain helped her out during the crisis. Again, thank you for the chapter!


I was surprised to realize they didn't know. But, it makes sense. Alden is *incredibly* quiet about anything that he thinks would draw attention.

Hugh Peeble

Well worth the wait. Thanks Sleyca!


It certainly implies it, but that’s based on high school hearsay… I’m guessing they survived and the System has them in some kind of super unsupportive lockdown situation that is very need to know.

JJ Hunter

Yes, Haoyu's mom has earned 2, and his dad has earned 1 - he's very proud of them.


This is a good point. Especially since he can access the internet. My only excuse is that I also have the internet in my pocket, but I still "mental note"

Matt V

I'd say his viral video with Hazel seems to have prepared him to face up to the fact that he's not escaping his flight with Esh without attention. Interesting how quickly he mentally pivoted from that to just rolling right up to the gym on the Forsaken Son. And you know you're at super hero school when no one blinks twice at your injuries and is much more interested in the fancy flying device. He told his roomies about the commendation! I can't wait to see what follow-up there is to that, especially with Haoyu, given his parents. Was hoping we'd get to see Lute here as well. Is he still stuck on F? Will Alden be playing ferry-man in the coming chapters? Taking LexiKon to their family? Picking up Lute? Also, hope we see the rabbit ladies soon too. I can't wait to see Lute/Emiljia following his chaining of her.


Thanks for looking that up for us. I was totally going to.


If I could clone myself I'd do it in a heartbeat. And I'd make the clone write the first drafts so that I could have the pleasure of reading them and being surprised.


Aulia is trying to make the Artonans comfort food, when they're more interested in Earth's specialties. Aulia works with Artonans who stay home on the triplanets and import assistants. The Artonans on Earth are probably there because they're interested in Earth culture and wildlife. They're there for the novel experiences that can only be found on Earth. Experiences like seeing dogs and feeding tiny snakes.


Very zesty soup. Glad to see the gang again, and I can't wait to see where this all leads. They will definitely have more conversation and questions regarding alden's commendation.

Marcus Rodriguez

No, it did not. If the girls survived, the fact they were there would have to be kept secret or they would face probably deadly vigilantism for the rest of their lives. So the regular people not knowing would be normal.


Honestly, these seem like pretty important chapters as far as character/relationship arcs go, I'm glad that Sleyca is taking time with them :)


For anyone unaware, Kudzu is a Japanese climbing vine that is famous, in the U.S. at least, for utterly taking over parts of the South - throttling trees and dominating local species. I'm not sure what the import rules are on Aneisidora, but it would be illegal to import into the U.S. right now in large quantities. Jupiter probably shouldn't have it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kudzu EDIT 1: Also, for your enjoyment, I recommend you reread the part where Alden tells Haoyu and Lexi about what happened while considering that Lexi is thinking about the ramifications for Kon's teeth the whole time.


Great chapter! I made note of two people who are conspicuously absent, Jeffy and Maricel. I am wondering if part of this assembly is the school distributing awards to their students and they are "backstage" in. Special seating area. I think the school might make note of both of them - Jeffy for his first summoning during a disaster and Maricel for her use of her skill in getting people over the gap in the bridge.


Thanks for the chapter! May have been recommended before, but I really like your post chapter notes on the characters. If/when you publish, it might be cool to use the notes as footnotes when they show up in the chapter, like the Bartimaeus sequence.


Satisfying chapter!

Cyrus McEnnis

Just as a slight note - there's something slightly off with the syntax of this statement "She’s a << votary >> to Lind-otta. And her cousin. Drusi-otta.” It took me till my fourth reading of the chapter (the first one was interrupted by my << adorably annoying >> wife insisting that her immediate need to talk to me eclipsed my addiction to Sleyca's writing) to realise that Drusil was both a votary and a cousin, not a votary to both Lind & her cousin. It could just be my comprehension not being good due to faulty brain-meats, but it might be clearer if you said "And also her cousin".

JJ Hunter

Yesssssssssss. Anything Alden is able to do (with or without the nonagon) to help Lexi help his parents and sister and brother after days of being frantic about their well-being will *massively* outweigh everything else Lexi is suddenly having to incorporate into his worldview because of Alden no longer hiding a few of his lesser secrets. (Alden: now making his own Alden Thorn category adjacent to Big Snake, Velra, and Barely Human Anymore.) Paying attention to what Lexi does, and not just what Lexi says, is a key part of learning to get along with him. I expect actions are also what holds most weight with Lexi in return.

Ano Ano

God Lexi is insufferable. Great chapter!


You’re right! Thanks Aetheo, I’ll update my comment

Cyrus McEnnis

Insufferable? He's just doing what Alden asked! Granted in an annoying way but (A) it's been a stressful few days for all involved (B) he's spent the past 18 months resetting his expectations to the ground and losing a lot of his social supports and (C) is a teenager who's recently left home and has his family in the middle of a disaster area. I think we can cut him some slack for being a little insufferable.

Cyrus McEnnis

Given the way Alden's classmates act, I'd be amazed if the Bastard Jade Coin got away with JUST googly eyes

Batty Corvina

I'm really glad to see Alden accepting that he can't really get away from the attention with the nonagon and showing up at the school with Esh-erdi. While his previous anxiety over being the center of attention is believable and in character, it's nice seeing him being more open and not worrying so much about the little questions people might and will ask. Especially when it comes to being rescued by the knights, which is really just a good thing that happened to him after a lot of misfortune. There's things to fret about and then there's things you just have to accept as is, and I love seeing him get to that conclusion. Character development <3


Thanks for the chapter!

JJ Hunter

I really want to know if there's an equivalent of Snopes.com in story that eventually has its own Alden Thorn section. Also what's happening in the comment section now of Alden's single online post of the pigeons walking in a perfectly straight line photo. Are the "He came back for radishes" now yielding to "He flies the wizard general's green saucer"? Alden Thorn is becoming his own Chuck Norris meme delightfully quickly...

John D

Experimenting with HTML entities: <>. Can confirm, you can do < with & lt; and > with & gt; (no spaces, I just put them there so they don't get interpreted)

JJ Hunter

Oh my god, I *really* want Esh-erdi to discover googly eyes. He absolutely would add them to the Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him to see if he could get Alden to crack up at how they jiggle whenever the nonagon is in motion.

JJ Hunter

@PatienceHoney, alas, no dogs in my current household, but I was outside when I saw the notification and the local birds definitely noticed something was afoot. I wish I had some System translation for their commentary!

Emily Gurnavage

Idk bout Marciel, but Jeffy got emergency summoned. Since the kids mentioned he got a *lot* of Argold for it, im assuming his summons is over now, but perhaps not. Could still be busy. Or maybe he got hurt during his summons and cant attend in person while he heals. Hes trapped in F and can't reasonably get there. If even Lexi cant get to F, then I doubt Jeffy would manage to get out. Unless he swims, but the water is still fuckety. Not disaster fuckety anymore, but you prolly dont wanna swim in it. Jeffy overslept, because hes Jeffy lol. Awards rank lower on my list, but it is worth adding. Hard to say fully why, but feels odd for the situation.

Scott, just Scott

Have you considered time travel to have your alternate self write drafts in the future and send them back to you? Very efficient!

John D

Now Sleyca, don't forget take your clone out for the occasional walk. A happy clone is a productive clone.

Emily Gurnavage

Nobody knows what happened with those chains, either. The best part lol. Itll be up to Lute to put together the easy connection when he hears the story, but will he own up to it is the question? Telling people what he did immediately begs the question of well why her, hmmmm? I dont see how he can admit to doing it without basically confessing. So theres a half decent chance of Lute lettings things stew for a bit while only he knows the truth. Hopefully not though. Perfect starting point.


“There. Dere.” Fun fact: the Gorillaz song "It's Dare" was supposed to be named "It's There" but the singer, due to his accent, couldn't pronounce "there" and could only say "dare". So they changed the name of the song. Congratulations to Alden. He may be a B rank Rabbit, but he's just displaced all the S and A ranks and become the most eligible bachelor on the campus. Two people can keep a secret, if one of them is dead. Before the assembly is over the entire campus will know that Alden has a commendation. Most. Eligible. Bachelor. His life is now an Axe Body Spray commercial. Good luck, Alden. Invest in a sturdy door, and window locks.


Did Finlay show up on a big floating video inspiring cookie? If so, Maybe?

Jeremy Goldberg

Thank you for the chapter! I had fun re-reading everything after Esh left and trying to see it from Drusi’s perspective. I’m assuming she’s listening to every word. I also like how Esh is pushing Alden out of his under-the-radar comfort zone a little bit. It’s probably unintentional, but I’m tinfoil-hatty enough to wonder if Esh has some kind of magic mental fracture detection sense, and knows that gently pushing Alden into the spotlight will be better for him in the long run.


Since Finlay encountered Winston being extra while trying to check if an oven is turned off, I’m sure some spat between them happened off screen. Winston might’ve criticized Finlay for leaving the other kids behind while Finlay could’ve talked about how stupid Winston is being, and if he wants to make it a competition between the two speedsters, Finlay’s going to bring the heat

Trevor Perry

I am reading this story to a kid and his mom, been doing a chapter every couple nights. We're on chapter 37 right now. And I've reread it more than once. One of the best stories I've found.


Thank you for the soup! 1) Take your much earned break Sleyca. I doubt many if any are going to whine about it. A good portion of the readers are going to be your personal danger badgers right now. So rest assured. 2) Winston and Finlay seemed to have gotten some quality "bonding" time off screen. 3) I imagine our votary to be some kind of shadow monk from d&d. Being able to teleport from shadow to shadow. 4) And in things continuing to be a trend Alden manages to sound even more 'Misskeen' (pitiful/poor in arabic) while trying to sound casual about it.


I think the Votary is devoted directly to Lind-Otta, kind of like a squire or a retainer. People who admire what the Hyn’tyon do, but don’t feel like they can take the burden themselves and instead devote their lives to making the Hyn’tyon’s life easier and their burden more manageable


Can the wizards make an enchantment that adds a boombox to TNESWOMFH? All Alden was missing was "A Thousand Miles" playing in the background while he basically drove a sports car to school

Alex Scriber

Ooooh, big news this chapter! We got confirmation that Mehdi is responsible for the uselessly short “ok” text during the disaster.


It seems like Alden is starting to trust Esh more. He might be a good candidate to help Alden and Boe get the magic tatto the contract wants them to get, so Boe is allowed to talk about Uniqe secrets.

Joel Wells

I have a questions about the number of hero graduates. If there are 200 students per year, that mean with the other 2 hero schools that’s roughly 600 hero candidates per year. That’s a a lot of people. Unless there is a large amount of washout between high school and university. Where are all these people serving as heroes? There are roughly 500-600 cities with more than a million people in them. So, do most graduates not actually serve as heroes? For example, let’s say that heroes can be active roughly 20 years. If there are 20 years of active avowed serving as heroes, that is 12,000 people. From what we’ve been told about how city’s employ heroes, there probably aren’t more than 1-2 per city.

John D

I hope Esh-erdi follows up on having Alden see a Healer of Mind and Alden accepts the help. He could definitely use one and it would be their first appearance in the story I'm aware of.

Carl Earl

Those numbers work out to less than one hero per 700,000 people. That seems like a fair approximation of hero density.


ugh I missed this, the character interactions in this story for some reason just hits right

Joel Wells

Yeah but not really. Large cities like Chicago has several million people. They only have 1 hero I think. Plus rural areas are unlikely to have heroes.


The general public shouldn't have access to video of the beheading, luckily for every aspiring hero.

Charles Hinton

I don't mind getting notifications that you have dropped a post. I think it comes from the not-so-secret wish that I would get suprise unexpected soup. The world is more magical because there is the chance of suprise soup.

Charles Hinton

Of course, in my head when I read Lexi saying that I heard Alden snidely think "which one".

Matt V

Yeah, feels like he hasn't been shy about his intentions with her. But I think he'd also be wary of asking her out while she might be feeling indebted to him, so that could make things tricky. Might leave the door open for Emiljia to make the first move though, assuming she's interested.

Carl Earl

BBB: This was exactly the interpretation I took from the System use of that word...after, like Alden, having to look it up because I was not familiar with that word at all.


This isn’t including Asian countries like China that have a population that makes both Canada & America ’s look small in comparison.🧐

Matt DiMeo

Abbreviations disrespect the Nine Edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him.

Alan Miller

Alden should maybe make a point of advising Anesidoran hospitals to have trees outside maternity entrances/exits and to take very good care of them.

Joel Wells

There are 112 cities in China with a population over a million.

Matt DiMeo

There’ probably enough life shapers around to keep invasive plants contained.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

Personally I'd prefer not to get a second email/notification after this post that says the exact same thing that was at the very top of this post, and clearly this person did not miss the notice either.


Some of them cannot find a job. Alden's teacher for engaging the unexpected cannot find one. Then there are those that become bodyguards/private security. You probably have people working in anesidora as well, sky sea watch. Then you have those that are emergency only /, disaster and battle groups. Lastly, heroes die. We do not know mortality rates but high leveled combat avowed do get summoned. Some of them do no return

Alex Scriber

I am thrilled by the return of adjective badger! I can hardly wait to see who the next badger will be. It’s sweet that Lexi is such a protective big brother. He’s so stressed.


Also remember that, while most cities have a local hero or three living full time in the city, most heroes are only brought in to deal with emergencies where their specific skill sets are needed.


I thought Finlay was Scottish or Irish… knowing what I know. Winston is 🤬 toast. Those cultures have some seriously sharp tongues. Winston will become shredded newspaper if he ever really pisses off Finlay.😋🧐🤣


This chapter was so good and I am utterly in love. I love Esh and I love Alden and I love Lexi and Haoyu and I can’t wait to see Lute and Jupiter is so fun and I’m living for the Winston/Finlay enmity and I cannot WAIT to see Jeffy again. Thank you so much!




We all know.. Esh- erdi is going to....forget to take the ring back.....on purpose


Thanks for the chapter, so worth the wait!


Also some of them would work for the Artonans rather than for human cities.

Andrew Simpson

I'm really happy Alden actually told his friends about something instead of just compulsively hiding all of the important events

Desert Yeti

There's eventually going to be an Alden Thorn section of 'Engaging With the Unexpected.'

Desert Yeti

"What was it for?" "It was supposed to be posthumous." Let's see how fast that shuts down the conversation,

JJ Hunter

Oh Lexi - he's really grown on me as a character; I hope he gets to give his little sister a hug in person soon! I do feel like Lexi being close friends with Haoyu has trained him to react to absurd things being said in a perfectly conversational tone of voice being blatant trolling falsehoods, and this has set him up to expect Alden is also trolling him when Alden's actually sharing yet another one of his perfectly true everyday absurdities. Meanwhile, Alden trained all *his* early friend making skills on a semi-feral Boe and actual feral Victor. Lexi's habitual weaponized honesty and occasional abrupt bails when he realizes his temper is getting the better of him is not that steep a climb in comparison. Alden's responding to the challenge by doubling down on being an awesome roommate and periodically affirming yes, Lexi, I am still glad to be your roommate, I hope you feel the same. Someday I'm going to get you to acknowledge me as a great roommate. Let's be friends.

Desert Yeti

Have you looked at how many note taking apps there are? Which one is the perfect one? There's a big rabbit hole on Youtube on note taking apps and text editors. Zim Desktop Wiki FTW. How many would the Contract have? One? Or thousands? How to choose.......

JJ Hunter

@Joel Wells, there's canonically more than 1 hero serving in Chicago - so far we know about Skiff and Sharon, and we know Skiff got a bonus for polling as the most popular one. "Lawrence, aka Skiff, polling as the number one most popular hero in Chicago since February and enjoying a contract stipulated raise as a result [...]"


But isn't the driver the only one protected from falling off?

Elias Galpin

Thanks so much for the chapter!


Great chapter! I hope Alden is not just a temporary obsession for Esh-erdi, he deserves an adult who cares about him. Colibri will go crazy when sees the footage of Alden arriving with Esh-erdi. This is pretty much her dream scenario. Happy to hear every classmate is alive, but I am not surprised they are more interested in The Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him then his injuries, there a hundreds of broken bones all over the island but only a single flying green cookie.

Desert Yeti

I bet it will feel like a relief. Now he doesn't have to fear its exposure.


Now they just need a cast iron skillet to go with the huntski lodge theme 😅


And now I’m wondering if there’s a skillet meister? They would be versatile in melee and cooking!!!

Wheels of Terror

Origami keeps recurring. First the house party chapters with him making part of his affixation, then with Boe when he gets rid of the requirement to move around, then teaching Stu-art’h about paper airplanes, then I’m rereading chapter 116 and Alden buys origami paper and promises to make something for Natalie. Now this chapter. I assume it's going to have something to do with figuring out how to manipulate the “folds” within his affixation. I'm looking forward to it. But also looking forward to seeing what he makes for Natalie, you mustn't forget about it @Sleyca !

Skull Leader

I love the roommate's reactions to finding out about the commendation. They each have a different reaction to it but they all have a needle scratch moment as soon as they hear it. I love how their reactions says so much about them individually. Lute - Having researched just how poor a physical/mental state an avow could suffer from a summoning, reacted to the commendation in wishing Alden to live a long and healthy life. Lexi - Once over his skepticism and confirming it is not a bad joke, instantly wants to know the full story and the commendation's wording. I suspect that Lexi is a person that likes to eliminate all unknown variables about people so he can predict/calculate their future actions and interactions with them. Some of Lexi frustration I think is that he does not understand Alden at all and is constantly thrown for a loop when it comes to Alden. Hayou - Got real serious as soon as the news hit him. Yet did his best to be diplomatic and gentle with Alden. Cause it confirmed his fears about Alden's past due to Alden constantly downplaying his past. I love these roommates and I really want to see Hayou and Lute drag Lexi to a Secret Meeting to discuss Project Funny Bunny aka comparing notes about Alden and how they plan on helping Alden with his issues. Both at school and Alden's quirks caused by his past.


Chicago had at least four earlier in the story, based on Hannah's comments to young Alden about "the other heroes working here in Chicago" who couldn't make it to the body-drainer fight. I wonder how that incident affected the numbers beyond cutting the bubble-brute pair.


I wonder if the motherforsaken son is driveable for anyone, or just people with unaffixed authority. It would be an easy test, and after it makes sense that esh'erdi gave Alden a body guard if he knew he was a baby knight.

JJ Hunter

Alden did origami to wrap the birthday present he brought for Benjamin Velra - he used some of that ryeh-b’t wrapping paper he bought on the outing with Natalie. He also made more paper airplanes to self-sooth after his rough conversation with Joe. I like that he's been carrying origami paper in his messenger supplies as part of his daily kit; he may have started getting into it to share with Stu-art'h, but it's clearly become just as much of a fun hobby for Alden too.

Wheels of Terror

Also the Chicken Cafe egg eating plan from ch. 116!


I am very excited about Alden starting to open up to his friends at school. Hopefully no one is awkward about hearing the news that Alden is even more remarkable than they thought.


Yes! Boe absolutely trained him to deal with Lexi! One of my favorite story moments was when Alden and Boe were at the zoo and Boe was all, "I'm not your friend." And Alden was "Sure. You want to come over to my house this weekend?" So awesome!


I love all the interactions between the other students. I can't get enough of Jupiter. The way she is written is hilarious to me and so very endearing. Kudos Sleyca. Thank you for the chapter. Hope you get to Wednesday with renewed vigor.


Jeffy got rich!


Thanks for the soup! Enjoy your break Sleyca! Esh-erdi was like "yes I finally got the Ryebh't to relax!" then Alden hit him with the Kibby mourning name question. I could feel Esh's unhappyness at Alden's overfocus on serious stuff. Everly :"I drew a snowflake on the bottom with a paint pen" First of all : cute. Second : it subtly shows that she was expecting her class for a long time. Seeing his friends is already doing good to Alden! Lexi, alias Hushin' Russian, has evolved into Danger Badger. With him looking "like he hadn't slept in three days", there must be some large bags under his eyes.

Nathan Rice

It's good that Alden will be able to take Lexi to see his family on the Bastard Cookie


The Fetuna were mentioned previously as a species with sufficiently Artonan-like bodies to be able to do wordchains, but their religious beliefs make it rare. Also we learned there is a < < repeater > > job.


One day/chapter I hope we learn why dear Nonagon's own mother forsakes him.

JM O'Hare

Well he used it to break the door while escaping the water. But actually moving around enchantments and not just breaking them, it has been a while 😁

Cyrus McEnnis

No joke - my standard 21st birthday or "leaving home for the first time" gift for my relatives is a good knife, a decent chopping board, and a cast-iron skillet. Those three things set you up so well for being able to cook almost anything.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

the scene with winston and finlay must be funny from finlay’s perspective winston is running as fast as he can, but to finlay winston is still running in slow motion, it’s just that everyone else is completely frozen https://youtu.be/xQ9C-pao0lw?t=74


That's a really good theory, I don't doubt that his skill lets him see that kind of thing - he all but admitted it a few chapters back.


It's not confirmed either way. If they were alive, I'd think the System would know a little more about how the attack happened than it seems to... also, the description of their boat rebounding off Matadero's shields sounded extremely deadly to me. But no. Still unconfirmed either way.


"Lexi’s face was doing things so expressive they almost had sound effects: Ugh. No. Stupid globie. What is he? Why is he? Why did I let him be my roommate? He told me he had a cat like that might be a dealbreaker, but he never mentioned all the wizards." Lexi is so funny xD comedic relief today :)


I have a lot of fun re-reading stuff and trying to follow the mental frame of another character. It's pretty great sometimes.


Mother is what Artonans call their homeworld. She forsakes it by making it float.


"You and the Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him have bonded so well. Your mutual respect is touching; clearly he looks upon you as the parent he has lost. It would break my heart to part you from him. I've already modified the ring to work for you. I know you'll take good care of the Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him."

Box Jellyfish

But which baby would get the tree? First injured first served would work, but whoever gets hurt second would miss out on the full Artonan healing experience.


I have to say I find the size of the herobschool a bit weird. I mean, there are 3 or 4 of those, so theres a thousand or so new heroes every year? Seems a lot.


Every avowed has some amount of unaffixed authority if I am not mixing something up, they just can't use it.


Bold prediction time: In 10 or 20 years, when chaos is out of control and Alden is openly practicing as humanity’s first Knight, Lexi is going to become Alden’s votary. I think (despite knowing nothing about it!) the role of votary will appeal to his badger nature, after his actual dream of private event security gets derailed following the inevitable advance of chaos… It’ll also be a sweet moment where Lexi professes that he “has four brothers.” It’s going to make us all cry.


Am I the only one that thinks Alden flying Kon and Lexi to F city on the momma-gone nonagon would be highly irresponsible? He has barely flown the thing, and would be flying two other teenagers over a bay that recently had city-destroying magic particles in it. It's one thing to fly with someone experienced and powerful who can save your ass if you mess up. It's another thing entirely to have 3 teenagers flying alone over a dangerous area with a combined total of around 30 minutes of prior flight experience on an aircraft they barely understand.


Obviously there's not a ton of her here, but I continue to love Jupiter every time she shows up. Her particular brand of being ridiculous while also being serious and committed about things that matter is great. The shrug of "I'm not doing that because I'm trying to *avoid* being summoned to the important off-world fight" has me hoping she's one of the eventual class stand-outs.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Seems ok to me, google says there are 140 million births a year, or 140000 thousand Remember that this is a world where the artonans came in and helped with technology and healthcare and natural disasters, so maybe even more, and practically all avowed from the entire world come here And Anesidorans have a ton of kids Even if 1% of all avowed each year decided to become heroes, it wouldn’t be much of a stretch for that to be a thousand

Box Jellyfish

Jeffy has a pile of money. I really want scenes of Jeffy talking about whatever extravagance he's buying. You know he's going big. Alden looks like he's up to about intensity 30 now, but he doesn't fully realise it. Drusi-otta seems like a hybrid publicist, PA and advocate and Alden really isn't appreciating what has been tasked to look after him. The context seems to be that Alden is about to get dropped into Artonan politics in a significant way. Saving Zeridee really looks like a high visibility action.

A Free Skeleton

I think this will make things less awkward honestly. People already know Alden is weird, they just don't know why, and I bet the truth is less disturbing than whatever bizarre theories they were thinking of.


I have to admit that Anesidora as a whole is a lot bigger than I pictured so maybe the school sizes make sense. And it’s not like all of the graduates become heroes. I think I’d like a % of the number of graduates who succeed


Mother told Alden that he had to come up with a different analogy for how to manipulate his affixation. He previously thought that it was like a machine that he pushed buttons and she thought that horrible. So now he’s come up with thinking of manipulating his affection as folding it like you would origami, hence his new hobby. We’ve yet to see if Mother approves.


It won’t be irresponsible until he gives into peer pressure and tries to do a loop and somebody needs to be saved by the votary ninja

Andrew Boyer

That would be super subtle, but I’m not sure it matches what we’ve seen of Esh. I think this was more for his mental health.


Random thought, but since Artonans can do the whole "eyes in different directions" thing, they might not find goggly eyes funny.

Partha Peddi

Thank you for the chapter Sleyca, you are the best and we all know it :) After assembly will be obvious stuff, Lexi will want a ride to F, others will want to join in the flying fun. Meetup with Lute and his rabbit lady friends at F is a given. More interaction with the air traffic controller. Possible new events based on what ex-Ghosten says during the meeting. School week time-off or end of semester due to the tragedy. Dorm room visit to get his stuff before being asked to return to Matadero. Lexi getting bug-eyed when Alden tells him that he has to return back to M.


There are likely a broad swath of jobs that recruit from the top programs too, not just the celebrity hero positions. Lexi essentially wants to be event security. The Gloom is a proactive meteorologist. Their coast guard is run by Vandy’s grandfather. There’s bound to be a lot of niches the graduates fall into.


Alden is 100% going to forget he has a secret bodyguard and flash his auriad at some point.


Well, at least there’s not much ecosystem for the kudzu to throttle on the island.

Lucy Severine

I have a specific bookshelf set aside for my favourite stories that I want to coax people to borrow and I hope we get a physical copy someday because this has earned a place on it

Zach Joe

I think Haoyu's reaction is great world building. Most people, when they hear Alden got a commendation, would probably say, wow that's so cool! Haoyu's reaction as someone who is very familiar with commendations is "Oh, so you've been through some horrific shit."

Sean Hibbitt

Lovely chapter, thankyou!

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Or maybe something interesting will happen and we will get all that stuff 5 chapters and 30 in-story minutes later Edit: just to be clear I love this slice of life stuff and I think the story is better off for it

Partha Peddi

It is building towards the next arc in the next 10 chapters anyway :) Edit: oh, totally missed that Alden is waiting for Stu's call.

Explo Rin

Or rather, have clear, treeless travel lines for newborn babies from the maternity ward until they arrive at their own homes, where they can be walked under the shade of a young, carefully placed tree located on their own property


... That sounds disturbing. I would like to trust Lexie and Haoyu. They don't seem like the type to run their mouth. The people sitting near them on the other hand, no guarantees.

Explo Rin

Nit: “And also her cousin” could also be misinterpreted in exactly the same way IMO I think you want to suggest: “And is her cousin”

Explo Rin

The chapters are only satisfying until the moment you realize you’ve reads the last line


Now maybe. But he’s living on Matadero for the next few days.

Batty Corvina

There's also the caveat of people getting summoned and never coming back like Hannah.


Were they the ones that secluded themselves?


[Lexi crossed his arms over his chest. “You had a wizard watching your every move all day!” … “It’s not a big deal,” said Haoyu. “It is! How often is the wizard watching you? Why is he watching you? Why the hell would you—?”] (Ch 104, Lexi finds out about Alden’s Artonan friend) It’s so funny how Alden actually DOES have a wizard (potential assassin XD) watching him for the whole day now, and in the stalker way that Lexi kind of pictured when he heard about Alden’s call to Stuart.


I was insanely hyped for this assuming a lot would happen... But this is A devistating throw away chapter. The entire chapter describes the second half of an uneventful morning commute and a quick hello to his friends, class doesn't even START. And we are left with another cliffhanger exactly like the last chapter... Which this chapter pretended never happened.


The term “cliffhanger” has lost all significance


Haoyu wearing his parents' merchandising! Does anyone knows where we can find them?

David Burchfield

I used an AI screen reader and the epub files to put together a make shift audiobook (my preferred method for rereading). I just wish I had epub files for the first several chapters prior to the patreon starting.


Oh. Alden told them he got injured after the teleport, and arrived with a General. They were talking about summoned assistants. People were getting summoned to be red halos when he left. There are totally going to be rumors he got summoned by the general to help fight Chaos once he mentions he’s staying at Matadero. Edit: Oh god, the wizards are pretending they are working to secure Matadero as some kind of honorable way to rest, and Alden is staying there with them after things are safe again. He’s doomed. The rumors will follow him forever. Even important human adults might believe them. Aulia might try to marry him herself at this rate. And Alden better make all the kids he lets ride bow and thank the Bastard Nonagon after they get off, then send Esh-erdi a video of it.


It's a slice of life chapter in a slice of life novel, I enjoyed it. Given all the action we just had I think it's a given that the next 10 chapters will essentially be Alden walking and talking and there is no problem with it.

Calum Donaldson

I mean, as an adult, yes. When I was a teenager I would 100% also just give them a lift.


You're going to see a lot of chapters like this. Slice of life is emphasizedin the story's blurb three times for a reason.

JJ Hunter

@Sunden, don't forget SeaGuard is around and has already told Alden to contact them for help and further certification if needed! They already gave Alden a flight path and a special cookie exemption license, I wouldn't be surprised if Alden calls them back after Assembly for help before trying to take Lexi (and Haoyu?) over to F to connect with Lexi's family. I expect Lexi would absolutely insist Alden finish getting certified before any possible conveyance of his squishy very precious little sister.


It's not even a slice of life. It's a crumb. A *slice* would describe more than 30 minutes of time.


The notes for this chapter are: Alden Flys the remaing 10 minutes of the way to school while we are baffling left pretending the internal debate regarding his loose authority and if he should discuss it with esherdi (that he was in the middle of having with himself at the end of last chapter) never happened, bell rings.


“Some of Lexi frustration I think is that he does not understand Alden at all and is constantly thrown for a loop when it comes to Alden.“ And hopefully he’s going to have the good character arc. We know he’s fiercely protective and gradually and steadily I Hope Alden becomes part of his circle in a way he can consciously recognise. All the housemates represent a different aspect of rank culture (amongst other things). Hayou has stronger parents but a good example and good mentorship. He’s going to do a lot with ‘less’. Lute had zilch (other than having it all). He turned his back on it all because he zilch and then he got SS long after he fatally disengaged with rank love and Velras wealth. Lexi … Lexi has the harder arc to come with re: to Alden. Lexi was old. Lexi is dedicated. Lexi is giving it his all and like a Vandi-Lite knows ‘conventional wisdom’. He is serious and trying to do perfect practice in the way the best experts say how so that he can be there for his family and achieve his ambitions. Alden threatens to tear away one of the fundamentals (the perfect practice). Alden has a good heart and will help Lexi, but he does things ‘wrong’. Lexi would normally be certain he’s right, but then Alden gets commendations and grows more quickly than any of them. He tells them how to do things better, like with writher. Alden is lower rank (like Lexi is to Kon), but how does he view Alden’s skill and growth. How does he view his own focus and growth compared to Kon’s? There’s got to be a lot of cognitive dissonance in his big brother mindset when he looks at his B Rabbit friend and his S unique-Shaper brother. Because the relationship with one will contradict how he tries to model a paradigm with the other. And both are throwing him for a loop. I hope he can grow through this.


End of chapter 153: intense and deep coversation along with deep internal debate regarding his place in society is ongoing. Chapter 154 begins: Lalalalallala none of that was happening me go schooly, seeum friend.,flyem green cookie!!! WEEEEEE *BELL RINGS*


Affinity for magic for Rabbits is all about using magic items without authority sense. It’d be a hard test to use on a Rabbit, even if it could put a Brute, maybe. Besides, if a mother-forsake nonogram could do it, I feel mr. Superman fracture lines could when he touched Alden’s authority. (Alden held himself still, and I bet if he has given himself away, and we learn it in 100 chapters, it’ll be because he held his authority breath when most humans can’t adjust their breathing at all).


Yeah. It’ll cause a lot of dismissiveness though from those who are already looking for cope. And Alden will become even more a fracture line between (ooooh, is Esh smoothing or enhancing this?) the two Anesidoran local first years, as his friends say he’s been through extreme shit while Mehdi and Winston say it’s why he’s in and he didn’t earn it.


Hello Alden, I didn't know what a votary was either so I checked it out on internet. It doesn't mean assassin. It actually means super death ninja. You're welcome Alden, let me know when you need me to explain anything ! I'd be happy to help


I am so confused about the The Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him. Did Esh-erdi put a mind healing spell on it? Something like Appeal but for objects, so that people's minds don't dwell on the bad stuff and are healed? Or is it more like a father messing with a kid and driving a tracktor/train/airplane because they know kids like that sort of stuff? Both? The "assasine" came out of left field. Why is such a proffession nessesery? Did Joe know one was around Alden, and ran away into the elevator because of that? He switched his tone, because the invisible artonant caught up to them via stairs? Was that the "attention" he spoke of? I am confused, intrigued and super worried. We are seemingly getting into artonan politics. The more factions, the messier it will be to keep track of it all. It would be cool, if Sleyca decides to focus on realism, but that takes a lot more effort, not sure if 2ch/week will be possible. Hopefully Sleyca uses a good notetaking software for remembering plot points. Especially with a race of people who value intelliengence and perfection. The only way to fake that is copying something someone smart did or put a stupid amount of time into it. If artonans start manipulating people by dropping hints to avowed in conversation so that they can "come up" on their own with a plan you need them to execute, then everyone could be an enemy. If you are not genuinely afraid of the enemie's intelligence, then they are probably hiding their capabilities. Already we know the Contracts can be planned around, like what happened with the matadero attack. No way that there aren't artonants who can do the same. With a school full of "snakes" and their families, who are likely similar . . . I can't wait for the Kwoo-pak stories, to prepare Alden for what can(will?) happen, if he were not beeing protected. Joe knows, put can't/won't say.


I strongly suspect that his ability to chain for others without the system is a "unique" ability similar to Hazel's. If his family had trained him in chains the way they trained the other kids, they might have found out before he affixed.

JJ Hunter

@Seriously, are you familiar with the concept of 'ma'? Bits of breathing room that focus back on slice-of-life with a frankly elegant degree of worldbuilding and telling character detail packed in like Sleyca just pulled off in the second half of this chapter are exactly the kind of expert pacing variation that will let the next emotional gut punch or action escalation to land with full impact. The Waves arc was right at the limit of how many chapters in a row Alden can be in acute mortal peril before we all metaphorically expire of sustained stress, and even in that one we ended up needing some bits of Liam comic relief and Alden getting gasps of respite for the climatic drowning to feel even close to as heart wrenchingly terrifying as Alden found it. There's a *lot* getting maneuvered in the background of Alden reconnecting with his classmates here, and Drusi-otta doing a seamlessly undetectable monitoring job just out of view in case Bash-nor sends some agents to intimidate or coerce Alden (or drug or violate his thoughts???) may be just the tip of the political iceberg. The action you're craving is already well underway if you pay attention to it. I think we're about to hit another pacing jump as all those background cues start assembling into foreground consequences. I do agree the interim arcs here between when we thought we'd get to the assembly and now when the assembly updates are still one more chapter away have done a magnificent job of winding us all up again. The sequence reads really well when you reread everything since Waves in one go, but the incremental release schedule definitely makes us feel even these minor cliffhangers like we just want to yeet off the cliff already! I expect we're about to hit at least one doozy of a reveal next chapter as payoff for what this winding, ratcheting tension pacing has been leading us to expect... Can't wait! Hang in there to the next chapter; you've got a lot of company hanging off this latest cliff with you, and we're happy to share our 'oh heck, the implications of *that*' thoughts with you if you're interested. :)


Sleyca writes about alden walking and talking very well. This is not that. It's not That he's walking and talking is thr jump from a profound inner monlogue in 153 left completely unadressed and then brainless frivolity with no segue, combined with a miniscule ammount of time covered. It's not worth releasing. This needs to be rolled into the previous chapter or the next one and cease to exist on it's own because it isn't a chapter. This is a direct result of the idiots on here shrieking and whining about chapters being "late" and sleyca feeling obligated and pressured by them to throw something out there.

Tycho Green

Do you guys think Dursi-otta is a wizard or a Knight? I lean towards the latter. In power roughly the same ballpark as Evul-art'h maybe. Now tasked with keeping an eye on a potential witness for a Zeridee case. Can’t wait for Jeffy to come back and seeing reactions to something very expensive and useless he shows up with. "Why would you have bought this Jeffrey? What went through your- … oh, never mind." "Jeffy is long for Jeff! So, do you like my new {item}?🤩"


Yes! Haoyu is also probably wondering just how much Alden is leaving out of his current story.


The bodyguard is hopefully focusing on other Artonans. I'm more worried about Alden leaving the votary behind to play taxi for his friends.


With that kind of attitude, yeah. I could see her graduating from the hero track.


It'd be cool if the Ambassador shows up to do a speech at Celena North and the Invisible Wizard Ninja Bodyguard steps in.


I don't think she is a knight. She is probably a kind of squire of Lind's ("votary") - a wizard who has devoted her life to supporting Lind and making her life easier.


Your point is agreeable but it won't be gaining much support by being presented in a tantrum.


Lexi's reaction was even better than I had imagined

Tycho Green

She didn’t come along for their trip though. Not sure if it’s devotion to Lind. I believe you are right about her not being a Knight. It’s just that Esh expects her to keep up with Alden for possibly 12+ hours while he can fly around with the forsaken Son. Dursi watches Alden constantly while using her authority to remain concealed to Avowed and Artonans alike. I figured she must have a warp initially, but wizards have a lot of options to improve how they can complete tasks. A votary might even be granted access to overpowered uniforms for example.


Don’t forget his visit to Thegund, too. “Of course they chose him, he has experience fighting chaos!”

Allen Polak

Perhaps your faulty brain-meats were onto something, and Esh-erdi merely dislikes Lind-otta's cousin. (I don't actually think this, but it would be a funny and probably valid interpretation)


Winston is going to blow his top when he hears the rest of the rumors, isn’t he?


Esh-erdi says she is Lind's votary, so Lind has to be the one she is devoted to.

JJ Hunter

*squints* Seriously, are you trying to bait a certain kind of response here? This is the second comment thread you've started along these lines. I was enjoying the discussion on the first one, but this one is coming across as not actually wanting to (ahem) seriously engage with the people who were taking you seriously on the prior thread.

Adam Davies

You do such a good job of making the Artonan culture and characters feel weird and different and alien and hard to understand, but also somehow strangely relatable. There is a constant what-the-fuck kinda feeling when reading, that is very enjoyable.

Ano Ano

Lexi is a very specific kind of immature that I find quite obnoxious. He has a vision of how things *should* be that is so strong he never extends anyone any grace. He is not a bad guy, but I will continue to roll my eyes at his narrow minded attitude. It is very funny to me that he is the guy who arranged for the rooming situation, but he is also far and away the weakest link in that particular chain.


I second this! Also both Lexi and Haoyu having some heartfelt family time!

Jean Bohdel

If we don’t get a boys’ roadtrip on The Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him I will personally riot.


My problem isn't with that many wanting to become heroes, my issue is with the demand side, especially considering that it was implied that Skiff is Chicagos one and only superhero (at least that's how I understood it). For Anesidora to train up 1 000 heroes a year, I'd expect there to be somewhere around 5 000-10 000 working heroes in the world. Going by modern-day population numbers, that means about a hero per million people. Chicago is too big to just get one. To be fair, maybe there's a lot more heroes than I think. Maybe Skiff isn't the only Chicago hero after all, or maybe there's heroes for Gary and Elmhurst and Naperville and so on, so we end up with 10-ish heroes in the Greater Chicago area that I'd expect to see with my very rough ball-park-estimation.

William Johnson

Yay he got a ninja! Everyone needs a ninja! Thanks for the chapter, it was a delight!

Jean Bohdel

I haven’t seen anyone complain that the chapter is late. And I think Sleyca knows herself enough to not release just because someone is having a tantrum. I’m sorry you are missing some of the nuances of this chapter.


Didn't Alden promise Lexi and his roommates that he would inform them the next time he had a wizard watching him? Well, that's going to be really a highly awkward convo if he follows through.


So many awkward things Alden is going to have to disclose to his roommates today! “You are already granting me your patience by agreeing to remain at the cube for a few more days while I take my time handling all the matters that might trouble you and Zeridee-und’h in the future.” So he’s thinking it’s going to be a few days then? Alden hadn’t minded much when Esh-erdi had asked him if he would stay at Matadero a while longer. " "Hey guys, one other thing..... I won't be coming back to the dorm with you. Something's come up and I'll be sleeping elsewhere for a few days....." " I'm not sure if I'll be able to come back to campus or not during the day." Lexi will freak again. And Alden will be seen escorting Esh around campus. Flying the galleta around town after coming to Apex to get his license.... And all of this after maybe getting another public commendation..,,,


Uhh, i can totaly see Alden picking up the napkin folding skill for origami, we read about in the early chapters. He is already considering carrying a roll of paper with him, even without that skill. And the rabbit talking about it in the interview was very sirious about it being a skill with hidden depth.


Wasn't there a discussion with boe about skiff and sharon? Something like: he stublrs over his slippers and she deleted her own name. So probably 2? I guess most aren't recruited and those that do retire early?


At the beginning of the story, there was an interview with a rabbit about napkin "folding", who was very sirious about the skill having hidden depth. *wink* *wink*? No?

Matt DiMeo

he mostly has a bodyguard so he can’t disclose anything about Matadero.

Ano Ano

That skill was A rank, right? Maybe in ten plus years when Alden is a hyperbole, he will have so much authority at affixation that it will make sense to devote an A rank chunk to a convenient bauble. I sort of doubt it though. I think the napkin folding skill just lets you fold napkins really well, and I think Alden will always have better uses of his authority.


I get the feeling Drusi was at the camp outside Celena North so she wasn’t tailing Alden earlier. Sleyca has put a lot of weight on side characters having their own inner life and not being obsessed with Alden just because he’s the protagonist, so I think the classmates just think the cookie is a billion times cooler than Alden’s potential trauma. Votaries are likely dedicated to knights due to knights’ extreme importance and stress. Anything Artonans can do to avoid them killing themselves


I think Esh picked up a big brother vibe toward Kibby from Alden. Given his past accomplishments, Esh was probably all d'awwed up by this.

Alex Scriber

On the other hand, they might have intentionally imported aggressively expansionist plants like kudzu and mint to help add more greenery to Anesidora. Anesidora is artificial so it would have started with 0 plants.


I am asuming each knight has their own votary. So one could have been at matadero.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

I think it was mentioned that Skiff was voted Chicago's most popular hero, which implies there's a lot more than one or two.


WHAT?!? Dude on her post saying thr chapter would be delayed every other comment was ppl raging and whining. Threatening to unsub etc etc. It was ridiculous.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

😭 I love it! His current dreams seem to be less about private event security in particular and more about protecting his parents. So with Alden expanding his idea of what's possible (both positive and negative), and what it means to protect people, I could totally see him wanting to protect others on a grander scale (that is, all of humanity from chaos), but still with the deep personal focus (protect the danger rabbit!)


Yeah, there's Skiff and Sharon, and possibly more. Chapter 89: "But the local hero team in Chicago will also ask my school how I’m doing before they grant my approval, to make sure I’m a good boy who won’t hurt regular humans while I’m under their jurisdiction. So I can’t just skip class. I have to get permission from the school, then get permission from the country I was born in, then get permission from the hero team in charge of monitoring me and sign a paper saying I understand they will arrest me if I so much as magically sneeze or step outside the city limits.” So there seems to be a whole team, I'm guessing Skiff is just a marketable face for it. If you consider their job includes mundane tasks like checking in on traveling avowed, it probably requires a lot of people and footwork on a daily basis. Also I think Hannah implied that if you have a bad power matchup, there are other heroes on hand to take over the situation. She regretted not doing that with body drainer iirc?

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

@Seriously eh, this comment section is small enough that once you learn to tune out the exactly two guys in every comment section who reliably accuse Sleyca of being a lying promisebreaker who needs to atone for her sins, you realize it's actually just two guys working overtime to bring the vibe down and everyone else is chill. Would that there were a block function for patrons, but alas only the creator can block someone.


I just had a thought. Do you think that Lexi just realized that Alden was honestly trying hard to be a "normal hero high schooler," and just completely failing at it?

Guus van der Borg

"Or maybe it’s someone really gifted and he’s taking an interest and giving them some extra stuff,” Mehdi said, his enthusiasm growing. Yes, yes he is. “Like special instruction?” asked Febri. Yup, got that. “Or special plants,” said Jupiter. That one too, amazingly enough. “Or a spell impression nobody else has access to,” said Mehdi. “Or—” The system already offered those, but Alden didn't want them. :) Wild speculation isn't even weird enough for our confused rabbit...


I'm scared for it's dubious state of safety as referenced in the character notes. Please be safe, chicken cafe!!!

Guus van der Borg

Oof, be careful with 'everyone' statements. This way we're gonna end up with recursive ninjas...


Birth trees qualify as special plants in my book. ;-) Edit: I misunderstood but I love Jupiter being right

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

Ooh, really interesting thoughts @WannaBeATree. We already saw Esh trying to circumvent Alden's privacy saying he's doing it for "the right reasons". He doesn't want other people to pry into Alden's skill, but thinks he should. So it wouldn't be out of character for him to have put some mind magic on that ring, at the same time as demanding the system ET Alden if anyone else tries to do mind magic on him. And if the votary arrived last night, rather than coming with Lind to begin with, it seems like she came to Earth just for Alden. Does Esh seem like the type to wait on getting Alden protected, or to station that protector at the location they just happened to land rather than on Matadero with everyone else? There's a ton of moving parts in this chapter. The Anesidoran flags and bracelets hint at some of the nationalism we can expect in the politics to come, but clearly more is going on. Sleyca is very good at writing what look like throwaway details in the moment that come back to haunt us a hundred chapters later.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

Good catch on the special plant. And in Esh's conversation with Lind, they specifically mentioned using spell impressions to make up for a potentially bad or depressing skill, so, it would make total sense if Mehdi's guess also ends up coming true. Watching Alden try to politely refuse is going to be fun.


Chapter 89 makes reference to Chicago having an entire team, and their duties include checking up on vacationing Anesidorans. It's definitely more than Skiff and Sharon. Hannah references being able to call for a different hero once Body Drainer exhibited superpowers that were a bad matchup for her and her partner.


He is definitely sending money home. And getting an even worse mohawk


Well depending on how large the skill lets you work and it's actually a paper shaping skill he could use things like wrapping paper and make lightweight constructs like swords, shields, ECT and then preserve them. It would almost be like a Green Lantern ish powerset

Meow meow meow

Rude and unnecessary. She’s trying her best and imo doing great. Use your words better Isak, communication is important.


Me after having deep thoughts for more than a couple of minutes: nyuuum weeeee pew pew weee


Danger badger made me smile. Also, has there been exposition on mourning names? If so, can anyone give me a chapter title?


How long do you think it will be before Alden is an A-rank Rabbit? He has to be getting close with his skill and authority growth. That will completely scramble Lexi’s brain.


You actually can block someone; click on their user icon then the three dots menu (on the app, I've never used desktop)

JJ Hunter

I was actually wondering if Alden might offer to let Lexi's parents and sister stay in his room since he's going to be <strike>in witness protection</strike> sleeping away at Matadero for a few more days. Lexi is obviously very anxious not to have their family separated right now, and their home apartment is apparently not livable at the moment.


Wonder if Astrid is doing her eyebrows so she can look nice for reuniting with Hero Jeffy. Those pesky terrorists spoiled their first date!


Someday there will be a university level class called Aldenomics where they discuss his incredibly successful method of gaining popularity seemingly without trying.

Matt DiMeo

ch 63, from stuarth. Also the chapter where someone disguised as kibby stole the auriad from the museum.


I already did by the end of it. So I can see that happening. And Lexi's reaction will be amazing!


Thanks for the chapter. Interested to hear about Jeffy and see how his class interactions go.

Matt DiMeo

We know there’s more to ranking up than having enough authority. Sleyca said somewhere a very experienced B could easily have more auth than a newbie A. Rank ups are rare, and I expect they’re kinda made up, in the sense that they don’t actually mean anything other than a back pat by the system.


I’m betting the name “Nine-Sided Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him” is a Esh making a friendly dig at Lind. She probably originally made the flying platform, didn’t like how it came out, and offloaded it onto her husband.


Enjoy your Sleycation!


He should definitely at least offer Lexi a ride on the cookie to go see them.

Ano Ano

Also, Alden's school isn't the biggest of the three elite hero schools. Also also, he's just in the feeder high school. The institutions also admit new students directly at the college level on their hero tracks.


I think nine-edged-son, is a fatherly thing on Esh-erdi’s part. As for Drusi, she is a votary which is essentially a monk or adherent. Wow, sleyca is doing wonders for my vocab - I now use haecceity with some regularity


Lots of great dialogue in this one; so much world-build to move forward. Politics! Affixed wizards! But many of the most important questions remain: -which delightful stereotype will get cut from the program first: Winston Win-Win Heelturn or Marsha? -Will Alden’s insane life translate into getting to pick Friday dinner for the class? Will he be able to get a Rabbit chef to cater? Will she be able to make anyone cry? Or just stun them without skills? -Is there a zoo on Anesidora? Or will they just port to Chicago to wander around there? -Is the Great Dane ok? -2 globie friends both getting any affixation—about 1 in 2 million. Presumably worse for high ranks. Is some cause other than random chance lurking around our heros? What will happen when Jeremy gets F rank? More importantly, will he have to break up with Kimberly?

Alex Scriber

This is hilariously inaccurate. I love it and assume that’s the joke.


It’s hard because we’re sitting along with Sleyca as the story’s getting written so it feels slow sometimes - but this will be a complete self-contained book that will need breathing room, which this is. We’re supporting someone so the art can be made, we’re not buying a finished product (even if it very polished as it is) :)

Alex Scriber

Interesting solution to “parking” the cookie. I was wondering what he was going to do with it. A better idea than parking it on somebody’s roof - a lot less likely for somebody to land/walk on it with it on the side of a building. I wonder how many students will see the big green thing on the side of the school and worry about it? I wonder if any of them I will worry about it? After all, they’ve got to have lots of other stuff to focus on right now.


I note in jupiters bio you included brutally murdered Alden. If this were Winston’s story would Alden’s bio be mysterious rabbit who brutally decapitated Winston?

Isak Mark

I'm guessing the < < repeater > > is another name for the wright class.

david tudury

Yay! A moment of normalcy after so much drama and strangeness for our rabbitty friend.

Michael Leue

I agree that I would much prefer the story be more focused and faster moving. Most commenters talk about the things they really want to see happen, while I mostly want the focus on the daily goings-on of side characters to stay off my radar. I think the story would be more cohesive and better paced if we checked in with the various other perspectives in the story about one twentieth as often. As it stands, it feels like we're getting three or four books layered on top of each other. That said, given that the story isn't structured the way I want it to be, chapters like this are what come naturally. There's no way to write 25k word chapters that feel cohesive while also covering the sheer quantity of details this story includes.


People already associate Alden with strangeness. I think @A_Free_Skeleton is right, and this will make things less awkward.


I think it’s probably also a pun. “Mother forsaken” sounds like a pretty serious curse word lmao


That is awesome! That and the theory farther down the comments, of Artona I's system being mother and forsaking the nonagon, thus having it never touch mother = fly. I hope both are true and that's why he keeps calling it that so often.

John D Jones

@ JJ Hunter I doubt that Alden's dorm room would fit a family of three. But he might call Esh and just ask if Lexi's family can stay in the many empty rooms at Matadero.


Omg, in the middle of a reread, I totally forgot that it’s possible to “upgrade” animals like Big Snake’s wolves! It gives me hope for Tiny Snake’s future!!

John D Jones

Alden landed at school in a green UFO that he was flying. Secrecy isn't really a thing after that.

Kthryn C

I think she isn't a wizard or a knight but something else. Caste systems usually have many layers to them.


Drusi-otta fanart: 🫥


Slightly more accurate Drusi-otta fanart:

John D Jones

To be fair Winston kind of brutally decapitated himself by not looking for transparent fishing line at neck level.

John D Jones

Early Thursday morning is such a log way away to me. Plus I'm going on a family vacation trip so I probably won't have a chance to read it until next Saturday.

Master Program

I love how Haoyu instantly grasps that Alden went through some serious shit as soon as he hears about the commendation just like Lute. While some of it may be due to the difference in ages, its still a pretty stark contrast to the SSTD admissions committee who were fairly dismissive of what the award implied and were only interested because they knew the Artonans would take it seriously. It really helps highlight the information gap between Avowed who work closely with Artonans and heroes who are primarily earth focused.

Tycho Green

Nice to see another comment just as I got finished hanging all my laundry outside to dry. Time will tell what other Artonans would classify a votary as. It was more a question whether she affixed a skill or not. As she is shown to be able to perform magic I made a distinction between a wizard and a knight for now. If that is another miss and she somehow pulls this of with some gadgets and badass Wordchains I’m eating a brick. Not one of these puny modern ones either, a brick befitting a pyramid it shall be.


Ah, the reactions don't disappoint. 😆


On the plus side, you can probably get over the F and back before the Knight wants his Bastard Biscuit back.

Cyrus McEnnis

You make it sound like he hasn't already dynamited the apex of his skull already.


I think it’s about the amount being bound, if I remember the same clarification about a b20 possibly being better than an A1 or something. Earth encourages early affixation in small and manageable increments and so minimises the strain and danger on its contract and to the avowed. Whenever I last saw this being discussed it seemed to me that people were saying that affixing a rank up was something like having enough free authority to bind an A rank skill. Until the affixed portion is very large, with small portion level ups, it’s hard to get enough free authority to be able rank up with an A sized skill. The other thing is that it’s all when they come back from assignments — so you may need an element of destabilisation, which I could see, too. As you say. Or Earth won’t do it, so it’s always a Mother or senior contract that does it/offers it.

Desert Yeti

The comment section became so much more laid back once I blocked the guy who took his username from the pimp in Idiocracy.

Desert Yeti

It will only be a rumor until it's true. As we saw with the Primary, Alden's inherent stability makes him a very attractive summon for knights involved fighting chaos. His growing authority will also give him another tool to resist chaos. It's inevitable, really.

Desert Yeti

I'm imagining a squire more than a monk. But she's probably from an organization that reveres knights the same way the Palace of Unbreaking treats wordchains.

Desert Yeti

Nah. Winston's currently too distracted by Finlay reminding Winston that he's the *second* fastest speedster in the class.

Alan Miller

The tree would not need to be exclusive to one person - the ideal would probably be to plant a new tree every year and to move the previous year's tree to a protected grove. Time period obviously adjustable, and overload probably not an issue because few humans would ever be receiving that kind of healing.


Could Zeeridee have been a votary in training, but she refused to be bound by the vow? Otherwise I have no idea why she would need martial arts training.

Tycho Green

I think votary should be the path of higher onus. Zeridee wanted a class change, so she wasn’t a votary in training most likely.

Kim Enteiu

I’ve been team paper folding for ages 💖 I think it has cognitive and dexterity enhancements that would improve his chaining and hand casting. Since him using chains is relatively common knowledge, I hope Esh recommends it as something to keep in mind.


to take care of the most important question : Jeremy will not have to break up with Kimberly. He can go on the run with her or keep a long distance relationship until he can get her on Anesidora The only deal breaker would be if she is an anti-avowed


I believe once it's colored, it's translucent rather than transparent. But I could be misremembering the definitions.


So Alden currently has an Artonan assassin watching his every move and the contract monitoring his every thought... our boy is not going to be able to get away with anything today. And we thought Esh-erdi keep track of his skeleton was too much. Esh-erdi does not go half-assed with the monitoring of the cute rabbit.


I don’t know why Sleyca named this chapter Assembly…. It took her 3 posts to get through 9 - 10 am pre assembly, so I figure we are going to see Assembly, Assembly (2), Assembly (3), and Assembly (4) before we are finished with the next hour….


I do wish to note that 200 is just this one high schools hero peograms anual output, put to be a hero you need to also get through the universoty program, which for all we know only takes like half that amoint annually . Anyway, a large amount of hero program graduates go for other things I imagine, private security, disaster hero (Fragment), city hero, battlegroup membership etc


Alden still has that leaf bookmark that a tree on Artona I gave him

John D

Complete supposition, but it would be interesting if there was some Artonan forensic science that could detect spells cast after the fact. Alden could be in the uncomfortable position of choosing between hanging Zeridee out to dry as she's trying to move out of the wizard class or admitting he's a wizard.


My prediction - Worli Ro-den eventually becomes a demon and it will be Alden's job to stop him.

Alex Scriber

I hope regular CNH classes for hero-track students have been replaced by disaster-relief programs. Ones that the students are still expected to participate in and learn from; at least the hero-track ones. I think seeing them perform in real world situations, but ones monitored and taught by their teachers, would make for an interesting story arc.


A reminder of the description from Royal Road: This story is about: a teenager named Alden growing up and finding his place in a universe with Systems, superheroes, and alien wizards Readers can expect: slice of life, darkness, slice of life, comedy, slice of life, action, character focus, and tons of world building on multiple worlds. I like danger and also alien beverage etiquette. The story will be very, very long. The burn will be slow, and, I hope, better for it.


Can someone remind me how Jupiter murdered Alden?


Based on what we've seen of him, that wouldn't be a choice it would just be uncomfortable for Alden while he admitted it


Yay it's Sunday pst Edit and now Monday pst Edit and now almost Wednesday PST not that I have a problem oh no


Sleyca is skipping this Sunday, she wrote it in the author's note at the beginning of the post.


I find it cool that artonan society seems to REALLY value education. It's a nice twist... and it made me want an artonan learning cushion! I would like a nice one, like Aldens.

Aspiring Moth

threw an entire tree trunk through the crawl tube of the obstacle course race. Lexi was unable to block it and Alden's emergency paracord body armor did nothing


I also think It's a nice contrast to how we undervalue teachers and the teaching process irl.


@Jim Slow-burn doesn't mean slow time progression. The overarching plot needs to progress slowly but a lot of things can still be happening. I personaly have no problems with the latest chapter however, a bunch of chapters in the submerger arc were excruciating becouse Alden spent too much time contemplating when it felt like he had no time at all.


Imagine if Alden is given The Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him, would that then mean it would be fair game to use in gym? Also as an unrelated thought I was thinking about how the Artonans had powerful Sways and have to keep lowering their direct influence to make them palatable to Earth. Which implies that direct manipulation like that is not a problem with the Artonans themselves. I was wondering if their culture just doesn't see it as a problem, magic can easily protect from a Sway's influence, or if the parallel thought thing all Artonan's have make it more difficult to effect them in that way.


Perhaps it’s authority size that’s keeps sways in check? And perhaps it can also put off unwanted effects so that the primary also can get their perfect environment or get a stress free day?


Edit Suggestion: “No!” Rebecca face turned embarrassed. -> “No!” Rebecca's face turned embarrassed.


@Felix slow burn + slice of life cubed can contain slow time progression within the bounds of its affixation. We’re all here because we trust Sleyca to give us a story that we will love even if it doesn’t happen how we want or expect. However I am just pointing out that we have been thoroughly informed and to set our expectations thusly.

JJ Hunter

I'm getting mildly obsessed with Alden getting to do a loop-the-loop with the Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him. Instructor Plim would want you to, Alden!! Maybe you could do a little one when it's just you on it? Mehdi strikes me as someone who wants to be the up-and-coming superhero protagonist of his own YA novel. Amused to see his speculation veer suddenly thriller / mystery here - you're completely right, Mehdi, there *was* someone hiding in the dome village; they're listening to you /right now/. They just happen to be an agent of one of the generals you admire so much providing active witness protection for the classmate you really should know better than to keep looking down on. I love how both Astrid and Jupiter have been emerging as more serious, more ambitious students than their willingness to look a bit silly in public initially made them seem. Their modes are so different than Vandy's, but I respect their paths and how they're going for them. I wonder if Jupiter was quite this focused before the disaster? Picking up some seriously more aggressive plant life to bond with and being willing to get noticed by important Artonans who might assign combat assignments feels like some solidification of intent since she was 'borrowing' some temporary holly for combat.

JJ Hunter

Every time I reread the scene with Esh getting to enjoy spectating and asking Alden questions I'm reminded of how excited Stu was to see Alden's new home and ask questions about his roommates and the polar bear head and anything else that caught his eye. Showing overt excitement and asking about lots of things is a.) super relatable, I get curious and excited like that too! and b.) feels like a subtle little gift of intimacy and trust. Stu tries so hard to be dignified and like some ideal of adult composure in his head all the time; Esh seems better able to turn off feeling beholden to holding that away from public eyes. Esh is still relatively new to Earth and to humans, no? As far as Alden knows, Esh has been stationed at Matadero or dealing with ocean incursions. Is this one of Esh's first times zooming inland when he's not driving the flying himself and has time and minds to fully enjoy looking? There's something about that gift he's giving back to Alden here of showing how much *Esh* is enjoying this time with him, how happy getting to teach Alden something fun and see him master it, that really lands for me. I think there's much more to Esh than just this uncomplicated joy in getting to teach and share a cool experience. (ThoughI bet Esh has his own version of Skiff's tv show for kids where he tells stories to Artonan children; he's too surprised at Alden being nervous around him not to have something going on that would have most kids be very uninhibited / delighted in his presence.) Remember, Esh is the one who *likes* politics, or at least doesn't dislike it so much that he's unwilling to get absurdly good at it the same way he pours effort into mastering anything else that catches his interest.

Barrett Fogarty

Exactly Matt, the levels are made up and the ranks don't matter. Alden can feel his authority getting stronger. Unlike other avowed, he doesn't need levels and ranks to tell him what is going on. But I am sure he appreciates the comfort of the system telling him where he is. As readers, I also like Sleyca letting us know.

JJ Hunter

A knight that can fracture a demon into a thousand thousand shards in 0.2 seconds is absolutely the kind of person who could shred the reputation of a politician who tried his patience by persisting in going after kids under Esh's direct reputation. Whether it's political death of a thousand cuts, or leaving a vulnerable human minor rabbit Avowed who's a key witness to Bash-nor's failings seemingly unprotected and ripe for a little recruitment / persuasion / intimidation / coercion / memory-massaging, well. Bash-nor really shouldn't; Esh has warned him thoroughly. But I bet a votary to Lind-otta is someone who has taken the kinds of oaths that would make them highly credible in court. I wonder where Esh is slipping off to while Alden helpfully flies his highly recognizable nonagon away - everyone's been so well trained over the last few days to assume Esh is wherever that nonagon is, he's not nearly as notably alien in appearance compared to humans as, say, tall bald highly blue-tattooed Worli Ro-den, or short, neatly suited condescending Bash-nor. If Esh had some way of dividing (breaking?) the attention of eyes on him so he could slide through those momentary cracks and make his usual uniform less conspicuous, well. He's a man with a plan of contriving to make Bash-nor's busy day busier. He's also very concerned about the fragilities he's seen in the human Avowed community, and Earth more generally. What else have the local authorities been hiding from him? What opportunities are present to start repairing the cracks?


I think the fact Esh gave it to him means he expects her to be able to keep up with Alden, no matter where he goes.


Don’t forget Stu is calling today too!


There are a total of about 7.5 million avowed. Avowed selection is at .07% of the population. Depending upon birth and death rates there may be a growing population or shrinking. We haven’t gotten there yet, but hero death rates may be higher. CNH hero class size is about 200 per year, and if the other two schools are the same, that’s about 600 per year. We also know that just being trained as a hero doesn’t automatically mean you have work. Cly, Hannah, and the ethics professor all were without hero work for years.


It’ll be very interesting to see how Christmas goes at Haoyu’s house. I’m sure he will tell his parents about the commendation.


Wait until Jeremy calls him with “cool car, can I get a ride.”


I mentioned this in another comment, but think it deserves its own discussion. It’ll be very interesting to see how Christmas goes at Haoyu’s house. I’m sure he will tell his parents about the commendation. I wonder if they will ask, just be supportive or want to compare stories.

Guus van der Borg

I assume a LOT of them drop out before finishing university. My incredibly mundane chemistry study started out with ~200 people the first year. By graduation there were ~15 left. And that's university alone. Now compare to all the people that take chemistry in high school. I bet that from here to the start of their career there is at least a 97% dropout rate.

Guus van der Borg

@Emily Eh, it's been strongly established that Jeffy always gets up really early. It was another hint to his farmboy origin. So 'Jeffy overslept because he's Jeffy' doesn't really work.


@Jim I think it funny my naming comment was taken as a story pace complaint. To me this is a sign of being too defensive, is it not? Nevertheless, @Felix is correct in that slice of life doesn't have to mean lack of story pace. A reread of SuperSupportive will demonstrate that the early chapters had a very good balance of pace and slice of life, and the recent "last minute" chapters have hit a brick wall in terms of story pace. Sleyca's Patron's alarm bells should have been ringing off the hook when she mentioned that she lately has been looking at her screen thinking, "What is an Alden". I think Patrons intuitively see that Sleyca is on a spectacular flameout arc if she continues her current writing habits. It is why so many are begging her to take a break. The writing is on the wall, bad pun intended.

JJ Hunter

Do we think Esh thinks he has successfully won Alden's approval now? That was his personal goal all the way back in All At Once. Alden has yet to add Esh to his priority contact list, but otherwise Esh has managed to hit many of the same types of highlights that Joe managed with Alden previously. Cool magic ring on extended loan; gift of an experience Alden can share to make friends or deepen existing friendships; instruction accepted and attended to with complete focus and increasing mastery and joy; additional instruction solicited in an appropriate cultural area; willingness to associate together in public beyond what's required or convenient ... I wonder if Lind will get to meet Alden in person now that Esh is no longer potentially worried she might win Alden's approval first.


Esh is probably playing 3d chess by letting Alden take the flyer for the day. Not only is it therapeutic to Alden, but it tells everybody, and I mean everybody (school, politicians, and the world really) that he has one eye on this one.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

I think it might be sooner than that! Haoyu's call with his dad just before Alden sits down makes it seem like he's coming to campus. And Esh and Lind expressed interest in him specifically, when they were observing him at Matadero. So if the campus tour happens, maybe they'll all be there?

JJ Hunter

We may yet get upgraded cows too! (I still crack up whenever I remember Haoyu and Alden's “What if cows moved at Klein speed?” / "I’d head to a safer planet" exchange. Moooooooooooo. :D )


Has there ever been any indication as to how many avowed actually have commendations? Rare of course but how rare?


That's a fair point. It was initially introduced to the U.S. to help reverse soil erosion, and it's succeeded in that goal at least, even if it's otherwise a demon weed.


It's something that, as you said, contrasts so well with irl that it makes me wish we, as humans, valued it just as much.

Matt DiMeo

“You gained three levels in half a year. And a star. We don’t see many of those even from adults,” We don’t have much more than that. We know Alden’s is better than any other human’s, but that the longsight guy and Lute seemed to recognize it, which I continue to think is weird.


The knights also noted that his commendation is the highest on Earth


I imagine the knights would just bury that so it would never come to it, besides it is way to early for that secret to come out.


It’s also stated that most avowed have no idea how to interpret different commendations. When the instructors were talking about Alden’s admittance, they basically said ‘we showed it to an Aortan culture specialist and she started freaking out about it.’ Which means these knowledgable high-ranking avowed don’t actually have a sense of what a big deal his specific commendation is.


Given that Haoyu immediately knows that whatever Alden did to get that commendation was immensely traumatic, I don't think his parents are going to pry into it.


“Speaking of curiosities…I asked the local Contract for the profiles of all commended Avowed on this planet.” She turned to him. “Were you going to invite them over for socializing, training, or work?” He lifted his hands. “I just don’t know what to do with myself when you’re hiding on roofs and there are no disasters in progress. I thought if there was someone very interesting who wasn’t already here we might ask them to stop by.” “Come over. Enjoy the chaos miasma with us.” Her tone was wry. Seems like most commended are already on Matadero, else it wouldn’t be used as a qualifier. Which makes sense that most of the people who are capable of fighting chaos monsters directly are the same ones who are in bad enough situations to earn a commendation.


Lexi is such an interesting character. I'd like to see more of what goes on in his head.


Imagine the stupid stuff he'll buy to look cool! And how impractical it will be. I hope he doesn't grow up too much from his experience. I enjoyed how overly weird he is.

John D Jones

Alden's going to give Jupiter that tree leaf and she's going to turn into Poison Ivy.

John D Jones

Esh is going to be the love child of Mister Rogers and Malcolm Tucker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwUJBaTUqNY&ab_channel=BritBox


Now I want to know what Lind was doing "hiding on roofs" I also like the parallel that Esh doesn't know what to do with himself when there isn't a disaster and Alden also struggles with what to do with himself post disaster.


I expect Alden to try a loop while he is alone over the ocean, only to realise that he wasn't. :)

John D Jones

I dunno if Esh can count on that. Lind has that awesome lemon-grapefruit soda. And she, y'know, saved Alden's life by stopping a water mountain.


If Sleyca deliberatly picked that plant because of this, then huge respect.


She was Thinking about Aldens quiet undirected authority greeting


I don't think we know how many commendations there are awarded to Avowed on Earth, but there's few enough for Esh-erdi to consider having a party with and get to know them. I wonder what the cut-off point for the level of commendation for the party would be? Alden would have had the highest commendation at the party, but I wonder what other levels there are.


Might be that Gorgon's gift is subconsciously influencing Alden to return debts owed? So once he reframed his view in terms of debt, then it became easy to be the center of attention.


Next chapter: Max sat in front of them while they greeted each other. :)

Matt DiMeo

In chapter 74, we learned that Fetuna don’t like to be stared at. Random fact, since they were mentioned again in this chapter.


It's kinda funny to imagine someone walking to an Artonan hospital and there is this giant tree in front of it, with dozens of people burried around it. (being actively healed)


I think gifting the Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him to Alden, would be a bit too much/expensive. He might just tell Alden to give it back, when he visits Stu, but I doubt that. Esh-erdi knows how Alden feels about Joe's ring and wanting to return it. He also knows that Alden is refusing to use flyers to help people. . . . Ok, I changed my mind, he really might gift it to him . . . just so that he has something to escape with. But it would need to be in a way, that makes Alden not feel guilty for taking it, which should be the hard part. As a reward for saving Zeeridee would not really be possible, since that was the skill-Alden's doing. Esh-erdi would probably want to reward the not-skill-Alden. It's also a bit awkward if it happens days later. I also think the reward should not be something that is being "inflicted" on Alden without his choice. So he is probably trying to make Alden ask him for the nonagon. Which seems to mesh with Esh-erdi's reactions. No idea what plan Esh-erdi is concocting to make Alden ask for it though. Everything except making it a loan (for traveling to F and back), seems like plan doomed to failure. Though Alden running around with a dozen rings - all loans - from different Wizards/Knights would be funny. ^^

Daan Kindermans

I'm loving the story and incredibly scared that you are going to write yourself into a burnout. Make sure you take the time you need. Slow and steady wins the race.


Interestingly, most humans don’t like being stared at either.


I keep listening to the chapter (epub + text to speech) and I am somehow not sick of it. Even after what must have been 15+ times. For me, this chapter is worth as much as ~4 normal chapters it terms of re-read value. The extra writing time is really showing! Well done!


"I thought if there was someone very interesting who wasn’t already here we might ask them to stop by". I think the 'very interesting' implies that not all commendations fit the bill.

Jean Bohdel

It just occurred to me that Alden is surprised that someone likes teaching him because he lost his parents at such a young age. My joy in so much of my kids’ lives has been sharing new information with them or learning together. Aunt Connie tried her best, but it’s not the same as adopting a kid you always wanted. He just never had those figures in his life who wanted to share what they know—unless they were overworked teachers.

JJ Hunter

@John D Jones, the leaf from the forest around Knight Rapport I feels like too personal a gift to Alden for him to casually gift it on to Junipter. I could, however, *absolutely* see Alden importing some 'meat petal' (aka the alien venus flytrap that bites) and teaming up with Jupiter to get a small colony going for eating (Alden) and combat (Jupiter). I bet Natalie would enjoy figuring out how to work with it - Alden would be so very, hilariously enthusiastic to eat it again, I bet he would happily sponsor buying Natalie all kinds of additional kitchen equipment just for the pleasure of helping get it launched as a thing on Anesidora.

Stonedwarf Stonedwarfson

The power dynamic between wizards and avowed sways probably helps the wizards feel comfortable. Even if an avowed was strong enough to theoretically abuse their power the contract would not let them.

Guus van der Borg

Ah Mehdi. Performing the time-honored trope of '...He's right behind me, isn't he?' Always a favorite.


wild kudzu is easy controlled by grazing animals since it's defense is to out breed it's animal predators human infrastructure creates pockets where Kudzu thrives but grazing animals don't Kudzu is a interesting choice for terraforming an island in an oceanic desert Might even be magic, or GMO, Kudzu


What do you use to read the epub? None of the tts tools I’ve tried behave well.


IIRC the fake profile lists spell impressions only offered as rewards to Rabbits to cover Alden's wizard spells


Wonder if he will bump into Liam at the assembly

John D Jones

Anyone else hoping that Alden scores rooms for the Roberts clan (Kon/Lexi/etc) at Matadero? Edited to correct Lexi's family's surname.


it's possible he's been set up at the tents at celena circle but I find it unlikely that Alden would randomly run into him even if that were the case.


Also, they object to being seeing at all by aliens once they reach maturity, and their right not to be seen thus is protected by Contract. Mentioned in ch. 110.


You mean the Roberts clan. And no, why would he drag their small sister to a place that requires a secrecy tattoo? What parent would be comfortable with that? What I am hoping for is Alden playing ferryman and taking LexiKon down to F to be with their family. Probably offer a ride back to Apex to Lute and the Rabbit girls while he's there.


Not just next to them. This is a room full of people who may have significantly upgraded hearing or abilities to monitor others...and Alden DID just show up on Nine Edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him with the general of great renown. If people can get some juicy gossip, I bet they'll be trying their best to do so, or to spread what they've already heard.


Eh this is different. Alden essentially promised to let them know next time they were on speakerphone with a friend they don’t know. This is more like he’s been wiretapped by the government for his own safety— they’d understand.


When he mentioned not making it into the CNH program I assumed he was in the arts or science track. But it seems like he is in the CNH University


So I guess it depends on how close the two campuses are?


I think he was just about to say something about the general needing a Rabbit to carry his luggage.


@David It is called "@Voice Aloud Reader" on the play store. Ignorable adds, fast loading, a bit clunky to use at times, but adjustable. (You are able to make a filter to change how certain words/symbols/names are read, though i rarely needed to use it)


@Terrestrial_Biped: Dumb reason, but she really wants a tattoo?


@JJ: A like is not enough to express how fantastic that meat petal farm idea is.


@Guus: I think dropout rate will be a good deal lower here, based on the fact that the admittance criteria to hero school is significantly harder than anything you need for university in our universe and most students are already uniquely suited in terms of having the necessary foundation via affixation. They also have a much better student support system with counseling, smaller classes, individual instruction, no financial pressure requiring you to work on the side etc. Because of that I feel like dropout rate will be below 90%, although most certainly still above 50%

JJ Hunter

@PatienceHoney, yesssssssssssssssssssssss, I love that scene so much. From those flashbacks and Boe POV we've gotten so far, it's clear something happened before he met Alden (to Boe's parents, perhaps?), that convinced Boe he was only going to hurt anyone else he started caring about and therefore he was never going to get to have friends and he had to drive away anyone who tried for their own safety. Meanwhile, Alden, lonely and persistent enough to coax a feral street cat into cohabitating with him, applies cat principles to this new friend-making challenge. Is the word 'friend' the stumbling point? Go for the actions of friendship, don't get hung up on the terminology. Actions are more convincing than words. Someday Boe will get to meet Alden's new roommates, and I'm deeply looking forward to however that unfurls. (Half expecting Boe to immediately nail everything about Lexi's particular deal, diagnose that Lexi will have a much easier time dealing with Alden's...everything if he slots Alden in with the squishy people Lexi loves who are very competent in many ways but need someone (like Lexi) keeping an eye out for their hearts and physical safety, and find an opportunity to pull Lexi aside and give him 5min of concentrated life advice framed as advanced care and feeding of my too self-sacrificing for his own good friend Alden advice. I expect Lexi would then be productively haunted by this little bit of expert verbal surgery for *weeks*, especially when thinking about it keeps leading to little breakthroughs in his emotional management affecting Mind Writher. (What the hell? Should he talk to Boe again? How is Alden actually *worse* than Kon at keeping himself safe? Can Boe help him keep *his* family safe? Does Alden not realize how terrifying his friend is? Alden makes friends with gryveks, apparently; Alden's danger sense is broken. Lexi really is over his head with these roommates but half of them still can't do the recycling correctly so at least they need him for something. What did Boe *mean* calling him the 'Jeremy' of the group? Isn't Jeremy the super nice one? Did Boe mix him up with Haoyu? Why is he thinking about what Boe said about Victor again, what did he mean ask Alden what I did to the cat, the cat seems fine?? The way he said it, though. Why is this Lexi's life now. He can put marshmallows in a cup of hot chocolate without burning, cutting, or crushing any of them now. He just sliced the mug in half again. Aargh.)

Aspiring Moth

That sounds likely, Brell. but do people even know his skill name? I don't think I've heard any of the students mention it

JJ Hunter

@Len, definitely agree Esh is attempting to win Alden over by doing more impressive versions of the bits of Joe's actions that Alden seems at all nostalgic, wistful, or hung up about. I do wonder if there's also a wee little experiment running here with lots of sneaky safeguards in place. Esh appears to have zero concerns about *Alden's* honesty and integrity, but the last time Artonans gave Alden a particularly pricey, overtly desirable transportation vehicle, three Avowed were willing to try to murder him and an ambassador's assistant to steal it. Now Alden has an even cooler one on loan with a much simpler, ring-based control mechanism. Will anyone attempt to steal or co-opt it? Is it respected as a symbol of Esh's protection and investment in Alden? I really do wonder if Esh did more to that ring than just make it controllable by Alden. He already gave Alden a heads up that Alden would be monitored during this period for Alden's own safety, and introduced Drusi-otta as part of that monitoring. Esh did not actually say that the Contract and that competent votary were the entirety of the active (or passive!) monitoring for Alden's own safety right now...


Next chapter, Principal Salah speaks beautifully about being helpful in a crisis. Alden becomes increasingly uncomfortable. Finally, the principal ends her speech and publicly commends an ecstatic Jeffy.

Andrew Boyer

I can see Esh throwing in an off-hand comment about being around two commendation recipients.


Ano Ano, I know adults who have never outgrown that attitude. They're incredibly difficult to work with (I strongly suspect OCPD). Can you imagine Lexi rooming with anyone else? Kon would put up with him as his brother but Winston or Mehdi would lose their minds.


Jeremy - Esh's skill is apparently related to understanding how things fracture or crack. I have to imagine that one usage of this could be to look for paths where something (i.e. Alden) won't crack or might even heal. The obvious downside to this theory is his longstanding frustration with healing spells (which are possibly at odds with his entire being / affixation).


We have a badger and a snake, where did the mushroom go?


Thanks for the responses! I will give those things a try (as best as I can on an iphone :))

Andrew Boyer

Jeffy definitely saved more humans, but fewer Artonans. I can see this.


I had the same thought! Alden would never hang - well, anyone - out to dry, but especially not Zeridee. He would step right up and admit it all.


"Esh-erdi, ultrapowerful chaos-fighting general, had scooched himself over to the edge so that he could swing his feet, point eyes and hands in two different directions at all times, and comment on the things he found interesting. " Scooching.... Little children scooch. Mothers playing with little children scooch. I'm trying to think of anytime I've seen grown men scooching around............ aaaannnd coming up blank. I would say, let's visualize that, but for me that is impossible as I suffer from the condition known as aphantasia. It means i cannot visualize anything, ever. I can describe my exwife of 30 years, but cannot see her in my mind. Heck, I could talk to you intently for an hour, and the next day never recognize you as we pass each other in the grocery store isle. I mention this as I'm trying to think, "Has Sleyca described Esh's and Lind's attire?" because of aphantasia, I almost never register in real life, nor while reading, fluff visual details. So have the knights been running around Anesidora wearing their knightly uniforms? As apposed to the traditional wizard clothes Altonan wizards are normally seen wearing? I ask this because if Esh is wearing his Knight uniform, and he is scooching around (assuming a knight's scooch is sitting on his ass while doing so), then what does that tell us about Esh or even knights in general? It hurts to think about General Patton, in full dress uniform, scooching around on a jeep as he is touring the remains of a won WWII battlefield.

Matt DiMeo

The high school and university are right next to each other, with significant shared spaces.


I vote he takes Lexi and his brother to their parents on the cookie

John D Jones

Well, first, Esh-erdi isn't George S Patton. Also, while it's the closest that the Earth system is willing to come, hn'tyons aren't generals or knights as we think of them. I look at it as "When wizards need an actual superhero, they call a hn'tyon." As far as attire goes, way back when she had her own PoV, Alis-art'h was wearing pajamas. That said, this was the description Sleyca gave of what Alis and the Primary were wearing when Alden met them at the party back in chapter 38: [quote]With nothing else to do, he stared at them. Their formal clothes were a little odd. It was like they’d been based on the traditional wizard’s garb that Alden was currently making a mockery of, but someone had wanted to be sure they couldn’t really be mistaken for the same thing. They had elbow-length sleeves instead of long ones, tighter pants, patterns of small metal studs instead of embroidery. Neither of them had a tablet or visible lens of any kind. Not even the metal rings around their iris.[/quote] As far as "scootching" goes, would you think less of Superman or Jesus for scootching? Hn'tyons are automatically held in such esteem by other Artonans that they generally don't have to care about their own dignity because the respect, awe and love in which they're held trumps such concerns.

Barrett Fogarty

I always thought "scooching" belonged in the realm of the gynecologist's examining room.


As a male, I would never ever have thought of this, and as a male I 100% approve of scooching’s use in this specific context, hahaha

Temp One

This is such a bizarre take for me. I'd literally put this chapter in my top 10% enjoyment-wise.

Temp One

This chapter was utterly fantastic. Thank you for this, Sleyca! This is the character interaction and development I love to read. 【“The little girl I lived with on Thegund is thinking of taking a mourning name,” said Alden. “She’s been trying to build her bravery for it for a long time. I’m sure she’ll decide to do it soon. Esh-erdi lowered his arms and pulled his legs up before turning around to face Alden. He waited. “I know a lot of the things I’m supposed to do to show her I respect her decision and the new name. Everything I could find on Earth’s internet and from the Goodchild Klee-pak shows. But I had some questions, and I wanted to make sure I met the occasion perfectly. Can I ask you for advice about it sometime?” “Of course,” said Esh-erdi. “There are many different traditions you might observe for the child. Most of them are quite beautiful. It would be my privilege to share them.”】 If Esh-erdi knew how important Kibby was to Alden, he'd better appreciate how much Alden had opened up to him here. As it is, I imagine Esh is incredibly pleased with this request from Alden, and the fact he's taking so much care of a little girl of Esh's species that he's trying to pick up their culture just to accommodate her needs. This seems like the kind of exchange that would both be incredibly gratifying for Esh, while simultaneously improving his opinion of Alden considerably. And there's no designs here, it's just Alden being the awesome person he is. Still really curious if Esh is going to slip him an commendation at some point for what he went through to rescue Zeridee. Again, in the absence of obligation.

John D Jones

The funniest thing to me is that the SSTD admissions bunch has completely failed to grasp how important Alden's Commendation is. It isn't just "Now the Artonans will give our school wizard presents!" It's also "the Artonans might penalize or punish our school if they think we are failing to give Alden a proper education." Really Skiff was the one who was most on the ball about that.


Esh-erdi would most definitely scooch, everything we've seen about him says he's normally unselfconscious . Look at his behavior while they traveled over the city - playful and childlike. He was flummoxed when he though Alden was afraid of him ("can you believe it? Me?")


I think these's a good chance that Salah commends a number of students, including Jeffy and Maricel. And then at the end, Alden is given his commendation from Esh-erdi.

Isak Mark

Brilliantly written an angsty teen with a backstory that explains why. The dialog and descriptions are also always consistent.


@JJ Hunter 😄 I love your Lexi stream of consciousness! So, you are thinking that Lexi has a squishier heart than he or others (except maybe Hayou) are aware of?

John D Jones

Esh has no idea how deep and how deep into Artonan secrets that Alden's secrets go. Alden isn't afraid of Esh because Esh is powerful. He's afraid because he doesn't want to get drafted into becoming a hn'tyon. Esh would probably be ready to mitigate Alden's fears except that "By the holy Mother, that's a valid concern and I have zero ideas about how to address it." Edited to add: We might well see Esh and Joe hanging out sharing a joint of what Joe calls "Pineapple Express with a Kick." Esh: I thought he was just a poor little rhey-b't boy. Joe: He is. And he's << fucking >> adorable, but he's also kind of a walking curse when it comes to complicating situations.


I have pictured Esh in my mind as a slightly older Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians. I can absolutely picture him scooching


Possibly Marsha for her save on the Span of a couple of people w/ her spear chucking. Possibly Vandy for her communications network.

Anthony Lutz

While she may praise, award, or otherwise acknowledge jeffy and others, no one is getting commendations. At best its contract recognised certificate of competency like Alden has for first aid and parties

John D Jones

Alden was supposed to be emergency teleported to the ambassador's house and then ride in a flyer to a safe area in the Amazon rain forest. Instead he had to help fight off intruders and then carry a badly wounded Artonan woman on (a partly broken) foot across the whole flood disaster area until they were rescued by Esh and Lind right before they almost died. Esh isn't taking any fucking chances after that shit.

Morog T Tiny

what would happen if someone gave a tattoo to Alden and he preserved its ink without preserving what it was attached to, then he moved it... Would the contract just break?


See A Polite Request ch 60? Alis working in her PJs, not worrying about the gossip about her clothing choices, escaping from the political morass and family dramas.


It would be an authority contest between Alden and the others involved ( like when Alden decapitated Winston ) ♟️ Esh can break many magic tattoos because the Knight usually wins the authoriy contest 💪

John D Jones

@ Terrstrial_Biped He might offer if some of Bash-nor's minions are around and seem like they might bother the Roberts family because Alden showed up in a big-ass flying green nonagon.

John D Jones

I think the thing with Connie was that she "tried her best" to try her best, but she often failed at "trying her best." I mean, it sucks for her, but there's kind of a reason why Alden's mother's old boss was pretty much "I kind of wish you had died instead of the useful sister who contributed to the general welfare of people." Everyone's all "Stu is adorable! Esh is soooo sweet! Alis is really nice!" but Artonans can be fucking harsh.

John D Jones

@ GryphonKnight I'm not sure that's true. Esh might technically have the power to do it but he almost certainly wouldn't have the legal authority to do so.

John D Jones

Slip him a Commendation like he's a gramma giving him birthday money. Edited because hopefully Grammas giving out birthday money doesn't also bring up horrific trauma.

John D Jones

@ jg Then Alden shows up and ruins her entire damn week with sadness. Poor girl just wanted to work from home from a spaceship way the fuck far away from home. Alis: *Awards Alden the Highest Commendation* There you go. Ruin my working vacay? Enjoy all that fame as much as I do, ya little << fucker >>.


It's more than that. He is our window into the "average" life of a higher ranked Anesidoran resident. His knowledge of how Earth Avowed work is, in some ways, holding him back. Alden and Lute are existences that shake his whole worldview. Lexi put together the "quiet" room. Unfortunately for him, the people who wanted quiet are the ones who can't seem to avoid drawing attention to themselves.


Is a tattoo essentially an enchantment? Could he not just preserve that?


I love the idea of Squires.. Alden is going to have a bunch one day


The irony is that if she could see into the future she would immediately befriend or pursue Alden. He is actually this person with incredible connections and knowledge and none of his fellow students know...


Lol he is probably going to buy one, very expensive thing and it is going to be something ridiculous


Guys, I was just thinking that I'm so proud of Jeffy


"you may give it back to me when you visit Knight Rapport" (Esh's brilliant idea to get Alden to visit him while he is there)


If a contract was forcibly broken, it might injure both parties to the contract. It seems very likely that both parties' authority is involved somehow. Having the connection snapped by injure them the same way being separated from one's auriad injures a wizard.


he will probably start appreciating his water moves now, and he might join the brute diving club. and Yesenia seems like a good mentor for Jeffy, patient, chill, loves water and guiding others

Jean Bohdel

I have face blindness too, and don’t visualize things in my head, though probably not to the same extent. Esh would totally scooch. Everything about him is adorable outside of fighting chaos and saving people. The knights we’ve met (other than Stu—not yet a knight) seem to find whatever joy they can in life to combat the intolerable pain they have given themselves to. Esh is the sweetest of them. Scooching is just the act of moving your butt along a surface.

Jean Bohdel

Sorry John, but I come here to escape real life. Any chance you’d consider removing this? It’s really upsetting to some of us. (At least to one of us.)

Jean Bohdel

@Phlinn, depends on how much light they let pass through and how clearly you can see the other side. I have a green crystal vase that is very green and very transparent (except where there’s shapes to the crystal—little pointy bumps) that I’ve been trying to imagine as the cookie. But I have a green plastic cup I can see shadows and some color through and that would be translucent. When I looked up the definition I suddenly remembered all the way back to 7th grade when we had to bring in objects that matched this definition (and whatever the word was for not see through) and we had a fight that nearly turned into a brawl for piece of one of those rug protectors you kept your rolling chair on? I don’t know if they exist any more. Anyway, happy soup.

Jean Bohdel

@Chas I totally read this as sarcastic Alden. Like, he knew it was a ridiculous thing to ask.

Jean Bohdel

@ Desert Yeti, Since the Contract can create the most comfortable environment for us to get our “talking to” I always just assumed it would make the perfect apps for us and therefore there’d be no App Store. Which means an infinite variation of note taking apps? I think for people without ADHD, mental notes are actually a thing that work for them? But I totally read this as him take a mental NOTE inside the Contract, because otherwise why would it matter how much space was left in his view? Interesting to see how easy it is to slip my own needs into the character.

Jean Bohdel

You might be interested in this story: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/true-story-kudzu-vine-ate-south-180956325/ I read it years ago and have never been able to get it out of my head.


It's not a dangerous area? That was the whole point? Like, if a bridge collapses in an earthquake and is rebuilt, the rebuilt bridge is not particularly dangerous. Plus, the system is available again (and thus can save them in a *true* emergency), the nonagon doesn't seem like it's very hard to fly, and Alden isn't going to suddenly forget how to do it. I can understand someone having an emotional reticence to those factors, but practically it's perfectly responsible.


@UpgrayeDD I also found it funny that it was named Assembly... Maybe it should have been named Assemble... like everyone getting together before the assembly?


I was rereading chapter 145 where Kabir mentioned he was making dumplings with clam sauce for the Knights if they showed up but shellfish is toxic to Artonans. Did Kabir / Granny Velra try to assassinate the Knights?


I thought that eating shellfish was ill advised for humans as I believe it was mentioned somewhere on the moon arc.

John D Jones

@ JJ Hunter Instructor Plim would want Alden to do the loop-de-loop with her on the Bastard Cookie.

Kim Enteiu

Wizards are more open to mind-altering experiences in general than human-beings are; I imagine it comes from them perceiving their authority naturally & recognizing that a being is more than their mind or body. And a sway is an experience; the challenging part is where different class levels come into play. Since servants and avowed are both seen as belongings, there are areas where morality would come into question based on what is being asked. There is a large difference between consenting and unconsenting changes in thought structure and brain function, and as long as there is a willing mind, use of a Sway’s power is academic.

John D Jones

@ FuriousDee Which would be interesting because right now Alden is mostly trying to hide that secret [italics]from[/italics] the hn'tyons since he doesn't want to be drafted into becoming one. If he actually thought about it, Alden would realize that he wouldn't be drafted. For one thing, Stu'art'h is in his 20s in Artonan years and only now after years and years of training is he about to Affix a hn'tyon Skill. Alden would need a bunch of supplemental wizard training before he came close to being considered a "real" hn'tyon.

Alex Anderson

Where does it say Artonan are allergic to shellfish? I recall it being mentioned that Humans shouldn’t eat Artonan shellfish


If he truly just focused on the ink, I bet it would just go away. I think the "authority" imprint of whatever was vowed would stay and influence the person. My theory is using tattoo ink is just best practice to help people visualize the permanence of the metaphysical contract they're entering. Training wheels for those that can't intrinsically see/feel authority. Like when Alden's skill used to make him have to move around to help him realize his skill requires him to be burdened to preserve. Be a great side gig for Alden if he could make contract tattoos invisible.

Temp One

I'm wondering if next chapter will have Principal Saleh say something about Alden's heroics, or we'll see Esh make a surprise appearance on stage? I was thinking this probably wouldn't happen, because of the ongoing investigation into the attempted Flyer robbery. But Alden's heroics only encompass a part of that, and he can still be celebrated for carrying Zeridee with broken toes across a hellish landscape for several hours. But likewise, I could imagine Principal Saleh having been told nothing about what Alden did depending on how close to their chest the Artonans are playing their cards; and I'm not sure how much stock they put into human award ceremonies since we've never seen a joint effort before.

Michael Leue

If Alden's role in events comes clear, there are going to be significant questions about his level, since he's well-documented by the school as not having the power to do what he did. And Esh certainly can detect his authority well enough to tell that his status sheet isn't within System standards for what constitutes level 4, if his attention is drawn to it. My point is, there really isn't a path for the story where Alden gets lots of accolades without getting unwelcome scrutiny in equal measure.


Based on the start of the assembly, I expect Principal Saleh will focus on how school will operate. She might give a general "thank you" to students who worked to help with disaster relief or set up some rules regarding the relief effort, but talking about specific heroics seems premature.


I'm floored. Nothing even remotely interesting or entertaining happened. And the chapter was so short that it barely exists at all... How could this be top 10... *drove 2nd half of way to school today and then I got there said hi to friends and bell rang* *omg top 10 best day of my lifeeeeee*. It's without question the most irrelevant and forgettable chapter of the entire series. Infact I'm subbed to like 20 different stories on patreon and its the worst worst chapter of the year out of any of them... Despite super supportive being my favorite story out of any of them.

Temp One

@Michael, very good point! But just because it would lead to unwelcome scrutiny doesn't mean it wouldn't happen. Just that Alden wouldn't want it to happen. I do wonder about how much Esh has picked up on regarding Alden though, much as Alden has. @Jazehiah, very true. Particularly as it might breed some resentment and inspire risk in a hero school setting? Winston being an example of a student who basically risked his life and likely created problems for others in his search for glory.


Seriously...I'm kind of getting the feeling you're just poking the other commenters for fun at this point. "The chapter was so short it barely exists at all" is what makes me fairly sure that's what it is since this is a chapter with more than 6,000 words in it. I am extremely lighthanded when it comes to comment deletion because I'm very conscious of not being oversensitive to criticism and I don't want anyone to feel that discussion is being stifled. But this *feels* like trolling to get a rise out of people, so whether this is actually how you feel about the chapter or you're just enjoying the arguments please let's have it end with this one. For everybody's future reference, I hope the comments section is a place for 1. Fans having a good time and sharing their enthusiasm for the story with other fans 2. Fans engaging each other in interesting discussion about what might happen/theories/jokes 3. Me finding out if there's been a widespread misunderstanding about some plot point or character due to my writing not being up to task 4. Constructive criticism of specific, actionable problems someone has identified in the story 5. Me getting the emotional boost of knowing I'm writing for an excited audience This isn't really a great place for: Venting. I've never deleted anyone for posting a comment that politely says "this doesn't really do it for me" . It's kind of a pointless yum yuck from my perspective because it's not constructive criticism, and it creates a weird little black hole in the comments section. It often comes across as someone yelling "I DON"T LIKE THIS SONG" at a party while everyone else is jamming to that song, and then people suddenly feel the need to do the emotional labor of calming down the yeller or defending the host who spent the past week carefully curating the playlist. So I *wish* venters would just vent in my DMs, not here where everyone else has to stop what they're doing and look at them. PS: In case you're dead serious, here is the stuff that happened in just the first thousand or so words of this chapter, from the author's perspective: Esh-erdi was funny - entertainment You saw the 900arg Sway taxi - world building, showing one of many results of the disaster and the ways people are reacting to it Alden made a mental note about mover discs - the lightest sort of power progression, you see him planning to try something new with his skill Alden had the conscious thought about how Joe and Esh-erdi both seemed to enjoy teaching him - this is so important for readers and for him, the two characters are set up for comparison and contrast, Artonan/Humans, Knights/wizards, how are the situations similar?, how are they different?, what is Esh-erdi to Alden?, what was Joe?, what do either of them have the potential to be in the future, etc... Alden responds to that thought by asking Esh-erdi an important question about Kibby--a small extension of trust, a question he *would have* asked Joe if Joe had spoken to him for more than a couple of minutes because Joe is so important to Kibby, a multi-layered parfait of character development that I thought really hard about and that should reward those of you who go in for the deep read And then the next four or five thousand words. Basically, what I'm saying is, a LOT happened. I don't spend dozens of hours writing each chapter only for "nothing" to happen. It's either in there because I considered it carefully and thought it was meaningful or, if I didn't consider it carefully, because it came naturally and I thought it was really fun. Every now and then, I goof up and write something that ends up not leading to the place I meant for it to as fast as I meant for it to (the B-list), but it's almost never a whole chapter wasted because every chapter is doing like fifteen different things for the story. And every chapter is at least entertaining, in my opinion, to those who enjoy whatever genre it happens to lean toward. (Also the B-list) So I guess my point is, if you really read any chapter and don't like it and feel like saying it, that's okay. As long as you're not super rude it's fine and I'll leave it up like I'm leaving up all of these and the other I think you posted later. But the only thing a vent can ever be is a vent. It's not going to make me take a month off from writing so that I can go back and re-do this one and re-plot for whatever particular thing would make the unhappy person feel like I'd served up the right flavor of soup instead of the one I planned for and cooked. It's not going to change how I write the next chapter, it's not going to keep me from writing another chapter paced the same way with the same sort of development and entertainment in the future. If I like it, it goes in. So, for your own enjoyment, I think it's probably best to expect "a bowl of soup" when you come to the story. Not "specifically that broccoli cheese soup Sleyca sometimes writes", because even if I wanted to cook chapters to order there would be too many tastes for me to please. Be friendly, people.


There are those who feel the need to look like big serious powerful people and then there are those who are so undeniably big, serious, and powerful that they break the bonds of mortal behavior and become free to scooch even in public.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Chapter 3892: Alden gets his 47th Bravery In The Absence Of Obligation for preserving most of a city and running to a different continent. The artonans are starting to get concerned


I took me too many read to notice the difference in stance between Kon and Lexi Kon : "we could still live there. The building is standing. It just got really wet. Dey don’t need to condemn it." Lexi : "Our apartment is gone. All of our belongings are probably destroyed."

Radha Patel

Only starting??? 3 times is enough for a concerning pattern, 47 and they've long since blown past panic and entered resignation

John D Jones

@ Sleyca I'm gonna need an alternate Sleycaverse AC/DC to release "For Those About To Scooch."

Matt DiMeo

I doubt anyone is getting commendations, but Alden has a Emergency Response Merit on his profile. Probably some of those get handed out.

John D Jones

Kon has clearly never dealt with water damage or black mold. Foxbolt, her firework and the finger blow was awesome. Also, dammit Foxbolt you couldn't have let the ski cave roomies talk just a little longer?!


The artonans freak because of WHO gave the commendation not because the commendation is "higher" than others.


Honestly Alden is blowing the whole Knight thing out of proportion. he has been traumatized by the tragedies of his life and therefore he hates being the center of attention, but if he became a knight artonans would immediately let him stay on earth and agree to secrecy in a heart beat. sure he would be a big deal for artonans, but he would be normal on earth. The fact that basically all adults in his life either died, or were terrible parents definitely does not help him feeling safe in being in the hands of authority figures. I hope the "Knight Tale" will help Alden ask a knight for help.

John D Jones

@ Radha Patel The Artonans have long since blow past panic and resignation. At this point they have running bets.

John D Jones

@ Temp One Winston was over-dramatically entering an evacuated building to turn off somebody's iron. I'm not sure that qualifies as "risking life for glory."

John D Jones

@ Sleyca Well, it's the non-Artonans. I maintain that Lunervick died from bad clams. He was trying to say "Behold my mollusk!" when he died.


there's a fanfic about it! :D speculatively post-canon OP alden: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52990549

JJ Hunter

What is Bash-nor's agenda? Esh-erdi is treating him as a political opponent, one a little too powerful to be handled by anyone else besides himself or Lind-otta. Alden thinks he detects a subtle condescension in Bash-nor's manner towards the human press. Zeridee clearly judges Bash-not's avoidance of Alden as a ducking of duty, a slight towards someone Bash-nor thinks the Quaternary commended as a political move rather than earned respect and admiration. If Bash-nor did seek the ambassador position on Earth as a stepping stone towards gaining "a larger voice to influence the committees that make decisions about your species", what decisions about humans and human Avowed does he want to promote? "Loosening of summoning restrictions on the species rather than even tighter ones", perhaps?

JJ Hunter

Is Bash-nor of the faction that sees Avowed as beasts of burden, lesser species to exploit as a resource? He certainly seems to have it out for Zeridee, who is persisting in resisting being of the wizard class, which seems to fundamentally offend Bash-nor; does Bash-nor perceive wizards as being fundamentally better than everyone else, and people who can be wizards but choose not to be as an existential threat to that cherished delusion?

JJ Hunter

I keep thinking about the mishnen incident, and wondering who, exactly, in Jel-nor's loving (ambitious?) family paid off her debts to Joe to free her from that unfavorable contract. I wonder what Jel-nor told her family about the details of that incident, and whether her assistants or others at the party might have reported back on her marked regard for Alden, the human Avowed who called in Worli Ro-den to solve the incident with such cost to the nor family. Ro-den, who claimed Alden as his assistant; Ro-den, with his own reputation for underhanded dealings, who likely isn't beyond setting up an occasional trap for his political opponents so they can humiliate themselves. If Bash-nor suspects Alden may still be actively acting as Worli Ro-Deb agent after all this time - who knows what kind of contract that wilely old wizard may have imposed? An inexperienced human minor, and a ryeh-b't at that, would be so easy to manipulate; what perfect bait to play on hn'tyon sympathies, or to bring trouble to Bash-nor's house by delaying when to take his assigned flyer so, say, hired Avowed criminals could stage an assault?

JJ Hunter

If Bash-nor is the type to see agents and assassins around every corner, double-speak and ruthless maneuvering as just how the game goes, I'd be surprised if he were inclined to take that reputation-blighting flyer fiasco with the attempted murder of the assistant he'd be happy to throw under a bus lying down. If Alden is putting himself forward as an agent, Bash-nor can use this too-perfect poster child of a human Avowed as a tool just as ably as Ro-den can. Sharks like Former Ambassador Libv-eth may be circling, but Bash-nor isn't down for the count yet. I really do wonder what kind of political pressures Bash-nor is dealing with right now that Hn'tyon Esh-reduce thinks there is a non-zero chance Bash-nor will actively cross him despite being emphatically warned to try to get at Alden. What does Bash-nor have at risk, that he might risk so much in having agents "pester or question" Alden, the only conscious witness to the incident at his house, who is so conveniently suddenly away from Matadero and Esh-erdi's immediate presence right now?

John D Jones

@ JJ Hunter's 3rd post I saw it that Jel-nor gave Alden the "sex gum" because she was incredibly relieved and grateful that all her family had to pay out was money. She wasn't shamefully expelled with her future utterly blighted. Her own family won't be on the 'art'h's shit list because Stu'art'h didn't die or get permanently maimed. The only way this incident could have turned out better is if it hadn't occurred in the first place. I think Bash-nor is suffering from "Winston-think" and believing that Alden has far more of a socio-political goal than Alden has. Winston got decapitated because Alden didn't like it that that he made Lucille feel bad and cry. As far Bash-nor, all Alden wants is for Bash-nor to leave him alone and stop fucking with Zeridee over her life choices. I think Esh-erdi is trying to handle this all fairly delicately because Alden has a pretty terrifying "nuclear option" if he asks Stu'art'h to ask his father, the Primary about it. Worse is that Bash-nor probably doesn't yet realize Alden's nuclear option. Let's recall that not even Zeridee was aware that Alden was friends with Stu'art'h and once she was, she went from "We need to dump these drinks carefully" to "We gotta get the fuck outta here now!" Esh-erdi wants to fix this to show that he's an "all-growed-up-adult hn'tyon." If the Primary gets involved in something stupidly petty (to him) like this, he's going to be very angry at Bash-nor. He's also going to be a little pissed at Esh-erdi for letting it get to the level where he (the Primary) needed to step in.


...his authority size competes with the Primary's, but everyone politely pretends to believe he is a level 4 B-Rank rabbit

Lewis Wood

Small question about the epub: I notice that the text color is hard-coded to be black, rather than follow what I've got my reader set to. Is that on purpose? Like, am I missing some part of the intended experience by removing that line from the styling?


oh no... the hype-impatience is starting up again... T_T


Rejoice for the day of soup has come

David Burchfield

Yes let us just hope that he is not dragged into more Alden insanity en route (like a political confrontation with the ambassador or one of his cronies) forcing the revelation that Alden has a ninja assassin (that's what votary means right ;) ) shadowing him.


or maybe it’s still the day before soup day, which would be totally okay too :)


Yes the politics of Artonans with morals, vs the ones without. Is it like the star wars senate, with an empire in the wings?Alden provides << testimony >>, is surprised : wait was this some sort of legal event? Judgements about zeridee, << moral >> if she's a wizard, Joe has been judged << morally >> and has had summoning rights and several titles stripped and class downgrades imposed (( see kivbee explaining where knights fit in the wizardly hierarchy ))


I have been happy with notice at or before dusk (say 7 pm pst?) of sleyca's all nighter intentions or critically, notice of her not intending. Works for me, down under time. Not five bells.


Does esh-erdi know the answer to " do you still speak to her often " or not before he asks? I mean, he had Alden's skeleton in his peripheral vision and Lind said she's pleased he has a new hobby. And Joe is fully freaked out about attention to Alden, only being a quiet rabbit ( have a vacation. For decades. ) can save him now in Joe's estimation. As an aside the exchanging of one eyed glances ( you know, I don't think Worli ro-den is allowed to run away from me ) and the rumours that will start along with stu'art blowing his minds mean Joe is up for much midden dwelling yet.


And nobody who wants to keep their head is impolite with the << Melty Reaper >> , Primary Kivbee


In honor of the Very Good Nonagon: im in de air am float an green by all Avowed i have been seen but mister esh he funny-mean "this nonna's momma left the scene"


Given what we know of the Artonans, they freak out because of both. Brave is better than strong being called that by, realistically, the fourth-best person in the universe at choosing to endure unending existential pain for others' sake. It's a high honor to begin with (as others have pointed out, parallels to the wording of a medal of honor), and the fact that it's that specific wording being awarded by that specific person is, to anyone who sees it, almost comically ridiculous. There's a reason Bash-nor thought it was a political move.

JJ Hunter

Yeesssssssssssss, I was hoping you'd share this amazing bred lik poem here!

JJ Hunter

Have a celebratory haiku re: Medhi's character: Medhi wears trench coat Parties hard, talks big 'bout sex Girl flirts first, he shies!


[“She arrived in the night,” said Esh-erdi. “She will <> any Artonans who approach you. To ensure Bash-nor doesn’t send anyone to pester you or question you. He shouldn't, since I told him not to and I’ve already spread your account of events to important ears. We will see if he behaves appropriately.”] I read this twice before, but I am only just now playing this scene out in my mind. In this scenario, Alden is on campus with his classmates, minding his own business, when all of a sudden a wizard official teleports next to him and announces that they are “here as a part of the investigation into the murders at the Ambassador’s estate.” Then, also out of nowhere a fucking ninja wizard appears and takes care of the problem on Alden’s behalf. Incredible. I need this. Lexi’s resulting migraine-rant, on its own, would be legendary


I took Lind-otta's comment on Esh-erdi's "hobby" as something more along the lines of, "Dear, I'm glad you're enjoying a new hobby, but the lawn still needs to be mowed. I am happy for you, but don't go overboard and don't neglect your existing responsibilities."


Sadly, the Votary Ninja is probably quite competent, and Alden won't see a thing.


Very side note (how did you make the link) But would be an excellent choice to listen to while piloting a nonagon


Aaaaaa I’ve reread these last two chapters so many times now they feel so satisfying, just slowly unleashing most of the tension from all of the Stuff that just happened. Alden the general is gone now you don’t need to worry about him falling off, go do flips to your hearts content!


What is an Alden? Miserable when piled with secrets, apparently. As I've swished around the contents of this chapter in my head, I've come to love it more and more. The emotional unburdening of Alden accepting his notability has been a long time coming, and it sorta feels like the climax of this arc. I know we just got out of an intense action sequence that seemed more climactic, but let me cook for a second: Alden's secrecy has been weighing on him from day 1 on Anesidora, from the system-sponsored lying to avoiding sticking out amongst his peers. It's denied him opportunities to connect to others that he could relate to (Hayou's mom), exacerbated tensions with Lexi, and generally alienated him from his peers. His inability and unwillingness to explore his uniquenes has even threatened his safety. His auriad spells weren't tested in actual combat use, which limited how he could fight the thieves. He hesitated asking for help from Mother because he didn't know exactly what it entailed. These problems could've been worked out beforehand if he had talked to someone about his special circumstances and asked more questions. But then we wouldn't have much of a story, would we? It reminds me a bit of a romance novel, where the meat of the story isn't in actually forming the relationship, it's in all the moments building up to it. The endless yearning and pining swirling around the reader yelling "JUST CONFESS ALREADY!" is the entire point. Sleyca has masterfully built a dizzying labyrinth of doubt and anxiety within Alden's head. Hobbits hopping on a giant eagle to fly to Mordor sure would be convient, but the ending has weight because of the culmination of events that led up to it. It's such a relief to watch Alden throw at least a little piece of his anxiety into the volcano. I can't wait for what new anxieties Sleyca will fill the void with.


That’s true, but it doesn’t matter how competent she is if the stooge teleports on top of Alden. Not unless she can somehow sustain an anti-teleportation field around Alden all day? I could see it going either way

Barrett Fogarty

Soup day comment. I am firmly in the camp believing something big is going to happen. There have been to many indications both big and small. The Nonagon Momagone is too big and obvious. Has Esh set up Alden to be bait for nefarious forces? I really think JJHunter was right earlier when they wrote: "The action you're craving is already well underway if you pay attention to it. I think we're about to hit another pacing jump as all those background cues start assembling into foreground consequences."

Temp One

I'm curious about how Alden's classmates might respond to the unveiling of his situation. We've already been warned about the jealousy, and I would of liked to have thought that Alden decapitating Winston might cause Alden's more recalcitrant classmates re-evaluate him. But we know from this chapter alone that Mehdi still considers the Rabbit in the program an object of derision; and he seems like one of the less pigheaded assholes in the series. I don't think we'll get too much overt bullying. As this sequence of events is going to reveal Alden as being personally important to some very high standing Artonans and implicitly the school at large. But I could imagine some muttered mocking. And characters with apparently strong anti-Artonan feelings, like Winston, will probably revile Alden all the more for it. Otherwise, after hearing about Alden apparently preserving an Artonan for several hours, I imagine teachers like Klein wanting to take a closer look at Alden. Isn't that timespan greater than his stated limit for his ability? If he figures out how to remotely preserve objects on top of that. I can imagine teachers drastically reassessing his prospects as a hero.


On the one hand, I am happy that almost every post by Slyca causes me to look up a new vocabulary word or two, I really do like to learn new things..... On the other hand, reading an author who's vocabulary breadth is larger than mine is very threating to my well deserved superiority complex, hahahaha.... Thank goodness I already knew votive or else I'd be a weeping mess! “—they can grow him some new ones. He will still be good-looking and able to bite things and pronounce fricatives when it’s all over.” wiki - "A fricative is a consonant produced by forcing air through a narrow channel made by placing two articulators close together" I've never ever seen the word, didn't know that was even a word category/thing but in hindsight it's obvious someone one have named the sounds. Some things just aren't nameable, like backside of a knee. I'm a student of sounds and organic mispronouncing stuff... For example, as a child they sent me off to a speech therapist because I couldn't say my R's correctly. They came out as W's... Pretty extreme because my last name starts with an R! And in Thailand, it is a given that the Thai cannot pronounce their R's as westerners (Falang) do. Rs are pronounced as L's. So after a hard night of partying you go back to your Loom....


I expect we'll get varying degrees of interest or ignorance as far as reactions, but I think one thing's for certain: It won't be as bad as Alden thought it would be. The little incident with the Wayward Wafer was a good indicator of this: Alden tends to catastrophize and imagine the worst possible scenario. This is all in his imagination. The *real* terrible scenarios are the ones you could never see coming.

Ano Ano

The back of the knee is the popliteal fossa. Re: frictives, phonology is a really cool field of study. Would recommend wiki diving it sometimes.


Fellow R/W speech therapy kid! "War" and "Roar" were awful for me.


Suggested next thing to look up: affricates! Or maybe the International Phonetic Alphabet

Barrett Fogarty

I think you are ready to find out about the Welsh lateral fricative. What does that double LL really mean?

John D Jones

@ UpgradeDD and Lystic Elmer Fudd feels your pain.


The preface to Pricipal Saleh's speech tells us that. The fact that Anesidora is in disaster recovery mode is big too. What direction do you think the story is heading? It's hard to guess which clues are "real," and which are red herrings.

John D Jones

Esh-erdi probably does not know the answer to "Does Alden still talk to Kibby" though he could probably have inferred it as "Yes" because Alden. Esh has Alden's skeleton because HIPAA isn't a thing for hn'tyons. Esh trying to learn about Alden's contact with Kibby would get a flat "No" from the Earth contract. Since he's on Matadero which is basically the "soil" of Artona I in a diplomatic/magical sense, he might get an outright scolding from Mother about how it's rude to try to read someone else's mail.

John D Jones

I'd prefer the Airwolf song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfyhL-pFFMw&ab_channel=Denilee


Alden consistently misjudges the priorities of Anesidorans. First, he was worried about his commendation being a big deal. His classmates cared that he's the Body Drainer orphan. Alden expected his time on Moon Thegund to draw attention. It did, but not as much as the fact that he has a Skill that was removed from the Rabbit list and an un-examined trait. Alden expected his classmates to ask about the cast. Instead, they ask about the NESWOMF and what happened to Kon's teeth.


It's a sad soup day when you don't even realize it is a release day until you are 12 hours in (PDT) and 5 hours awake (PHT, PatienceHoney time). Stupid clients with their stupid deadlines...


A while back, I started up a little game while we waited for the chapter to drop. It went pretty well, and I think I had a decent idea for a new game, so let’s give it a try. You know how patreon empties out the translations between the <> marks? I thought it would be funny to fill all of those in with different words. Kind of like an unholy union of mad libs and apples to apples. Fill in the blanks, and whoever has the most hearts when the chapter drops wins! This chapter’s passage: “This is convenient!” Esh-erdi said. “Drusi has <> herself here. I should greet her in person.” … “She’s a <> to Lind-otta. And her cousin. Drusi-otta.” Alden just hated it when the System translated a word he didn’t know with another word he didn’t know.  He’d have to find the definition when he wasn’t listening, landing, and looking through the platform to make sure none of the people who were staring up at them were actually going to run over and try to say hi.  … “She arrived in the night,” said Esh-erdi. “She will <> any Artonans who approach you. To ensure Bash-nor doesn’t send anyone to pester you or question you. He shouldn't, since I told him not to and I’ve already spread your account of events to important ears. We will see if he behaves appropriately.” … “She won’t interfere with your schooling,” said Esh-erdi. “She’s one of those votaries who takes pride in <>.”

John D Jones

@ David You know you can just add spaces between the << to show the words you want >>? But okay: “This is convenient!” Esh-erdi said. “Drusi has < flung > herself here. I should greet her in person.” … “She’s a < pest > to Lind-otta. And her cousin. Drusi-otta.” Alden just hated it when the System translated a word he didn’t know with another word he didn’t know. He’d have to find the definition when he wasn’t listening, landing, and looking through the platform to make sure none of the people who were staring up at them were actually going to run over and try to say hi. … “She arrived in the night,” said Esh-erdi. “She will < butt-fuck > any Artonans who approach you. To ensure Bash-nor doesn’t send anyone to pester you or question you. He shouldn't, since I told him not to and I’ve already spread your account of events to important ears. We will see if he behaves appropriately.” … “She won’t interfere with your schooling,” said Esh-erdi. “She’s one of those votaries who takes pride in < partying >.”

Andrew Boyer

Was Zeridee a votary? Is that what she's running from, and why it would be impolite to not call her a wizard?

John D Jones

@ Barrett Fogarty It's possible that Esh lent Alden the nonagon so people would see how big and obvious it is, think it's a trap and stay away from Alden. Or Esh isn't that good at 4-D Checkers and Alden will probably have to deal with Bash-nor by himself.

John D Jones

Right now I'm just happy because I finally realized that Beware of Chicken is back and I can subscribe to it again. That will seriously help with the story-waiting here.

Temp One

A couple other posters and I think Zeridee might actually be part of a Hn'tyon family, and was training to become one herself before she got cold feet when she was supposed to have her authority bound. That she then forsook using her authority as a form of penance. Out of guilt and self-loathing for shirking her family path.


Climbing a building when there's a working elevator is not a great look.


Personally, I find *Beneath The Dragoneye Moons* and *Millennial Mage* to be a big help.


Imagining the future where Alden is leader of an Avengers-like super team and they show up to disasters and battles on a big green plate. Maybe they could be called The Green Plate Club.


1. Found 2. Doppelganger 3. Converse with in an aggressively polite fashion 4. Getting lost

Barrett Fogarty

JDJ you are absolutely right. And I've found it impossible to judge where Sleyca is going next. In the meantime, we have to wonder why Esh gave Alden sway projection, an invisible body guard, an unexpected "uniform" and the obvious nonagon getaway cookie.


The Club Whose Own Mothers Forsake Them

James Townsend

Don't mind me, just part of the f5 sect cultivating in peace


Is it true that the grand masters of the f5 sect can read ten chapters not yet written?


I hope the chapter is early enough that I wake up to it, or late enough that it comes out after work. I can't deal with the temptation, and I always end up rush reading during my lunch break otherwise

Juan Alcachofa

I dont think Alden will finish university. He will probably be recuited into the knights at some point. I feel this novel will be really long. Unless they time skip sone parts i dont think we would see much even in 200 chaps.

Desert Yeti

The biggest secret Alden has is one he's never realized: he never swore the knights' System/Contract oath. I recall it being said somewhere that knights are so powerful they swear a loyalty oath or something else above and beyond the usual Contract binding when they become Avowed. Alden didn't. He is under less restrictions than the knights.

Juan Alcachofa

Good point. But first i want the usual epic reveal of the true power. Alder the first(and only) human wizard. I think hazel has a chance at wizardy too, she has that chain sense too so maybe.


I've been thinking about that recently. If we find out Artonans keep the lights on on some kind of morally objectionable way, it leaves the door open for him to oppose them. It could be one of the biggest plot points that we're currently taking for granted.

Barrett Fogarty

I feel bad that both the cookie and Alden have their mothers gone.


The power reveal is inevitable. Alden can put it off, but can't ultimately prevent it. And once it happens, every plot thread that involves being an earth-dwelling human gets cut off for good. I don't think that will - or should - happen until Alden has been a working superhero for at least a year. Superheroes are a huge part of the setting, and being one is Alden's original ambition. We'll absolutely get the reveal and knighthood, but I hope it's a looooong way in the future.

Anthony Lutz

Desert yeti, Alden accepted in ch24, “I would like to accept the Interdimensional Warriors Contract.” that's how he skipped the rest of the 2091 hours remaining of his class trading grace period. Its Boe, and the fact that he is unique that auto-affixes and gave no choice to accept prior, he still has the option given every morning after he walkes up


On the downside, how could one forget about the Soup?! On the upside, less time is spent pining for the Soup.

Juan Alcachofa

But thats years away(after university). Just thinking about the progress(#chaps) until that point its exausting. And usually in novels with academy arcs, the mc gets involved in something and has to leave the academy. Maybe some other event would happen where alden realices that playing superhero is just some superficial dream and that is he wants to do something inportant(fighting chaos) being a knight is the only way.


“This is convenient!” Esh-erdi said. “Drusi has < scooted > herself here. I should greet her in person.” … “She’s a < poltergeist > to Lind-otta. And her cousin. Drusi-otta.” Alden just hated it when the System translated a word he didn’t know with another word he didn’t know. He’d have to find the definition when he wasn’t listening, landing, and looking through the platform to make sure none of the people who were staring up at them were actually going to run over and try to say hi. … “She arrived in the night,” said Esh-erdi. “She will < haunt to inconsolable madness > any Artonans who approach you. To ensure Bash-nor doesn’t send anyone to pester you or question you. He shouldn't, since I told him not to and I’ve already spread your account of events to important ears. We will see if he behaves appropriately.” … “She won’t interfere with your schooling,” said Esh-erdi. “She’s one of those votaries who takes pride in < silent lurking >.”


I have heard some members of the f5 sect have mastered the power of time itself to better pursue their favorite stories.

Kim Enteiu

The future is before the end of the day, Lute is going to put together that Lexi needs a lift, Alden has a lift, and he and Haoyu should be there for moral support. And this, Alden’s first super team, The Lodge, will be born. Their first mission? Joyriding and family reunions. Will Alden absolutely forget to mention he has a ninja? Find out next time on…The Lodge.

JJ Hunter

For your diction delight, I do highly recommend checking out https://jsomers.net/blog/dictionary . "A book where you can enter 'sport' and end up with 'a diversion of the field' -- this is in fact the opposite of what I'd known a dictionary to be. This is a book that transmutes plain words into language that's finer and more vivid and sometimes more rare. No wonder McPhee wrote with it by his side. No wonder he looked up words he knew, versus words he didn't, in a ratio of 'at least ninety-nine to one.'" (The writer does track down the dictionary in question! It's Webster's 1913; there are resources linked at the bottom for how to get your own free digital copy added to your device of choice as a supplement to your default dictionary app.)


I might be old, the link was not needed to hear the theme in my head instantly


I don't understand. Are you implying that Sleyca may not intrinsically know all of these great vocabulary words, but, could be using a writer's crutch to impress her devotees? Say it isn't so!

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

“Drusi has < manifested > herself here.” “She’s a < god > to Lind-otta.” “She will < offer a tray of many teas to > any Artonans who approach you.” “She’s one of those votaries who takes pride in < only using vegan poisons >.”


Esh liked Alden's skill. He ... delivered an und'h to me. And hot and cold food ... Makes me think that the und'h family is special in some way eg they will be relieved that she didn't cast spells?, after Alden's testimony, and zeridee is trying to remain one by joining the ordinary class Which might explain esh's disagreement with her choice. But she earned a headtilt from a hny'ton! And two rebukes for < selflessness > whilst dying! And Alden trusted her enough to tell her about stu'arth!


This isn’t the oath the Knights swear, they have a different oath. His is mostly “be summoned when required and listen to your summoner”. Theirs are an oath of loyalty to the mother planets.


Another wild speculation that could come of this is that a nervous earth System decides it wants some knights sworn to its own protection, so it decides to hash out a deal with Alden.

Flying Goat

Start of next chapter: "First off, a message from the front desk: To whomever parked the mother-forsaken nonagon outside the building, the location it's parked in makes it a fire hazard, and your lights are still on."

JJ Hunter

I get excited about wordhoards, it really doesn't take much to get me proselytizing about my favorite English language dictionary.


I think we need ‘laugh’ buttons and ‘like’ buttons in addition to the heart. Some of you are super funny. I love reading through the comments.


@Sleyca, thanks as always for engaging in such a reasonable and informative manner. I appreciate reading your comments here, and feel that for the most part the comments sections do provide the kind of community you described. I hope that one offs like this don't get you down too much. Good Soup!


Huh. It is rare that one sees an account that enjoys trolling enough to pay to do it on the Patreon. What a mood killer. The fact that some people genuinely enjoy randomly making life worse for the people around them is a source of great confusion to me. (Edit: I am glad enough people seem to have quickly realized what this is that it got called out so quickly. This is a good community.)


Also anyone heard anything about an Audiobook? I would love to listen, but I don’t think it’s a thing?


@SSS I am thinking at this rate we might be reading the visit with Stu by December 15th :-)

Temp One

I dunno. I feel like the sooner Alden gets formal Wizard instruction the better. He's already behind by Artonan standards, let alone human ones. I'm hoping Alden will be able to stand toe to toe with Artonan Knights by the end of this series.

Juan Alcachofa

There are just too many things that needs to happen before that. We need more lore about chaos, the knights and their families; We also have the years of school and university, and posible hero work. And thats without counting the slice of life parts and the summons.(so in 5 years provably) And i bet that hazel with her chain sense can also use magic(like alden). That would be a good thing that shows humans can evolve to feel magic(not like alden that 'cheated').


The cookie better have an "off" button. Otherwise it may be doing unplanned landscaping outside every time Alden moves his hand.


I use my patron PDFs to play my chapters in the allreader app lol


Just wait until Jupiter hears about Healing Groves.


The big question is… Will Alden warn the school staff about the impending school tour? This is pretty much the big moment they’ve been waiting for to schmooze the wizards for cooler magic stuff.


My grandfather used to tell me stories of the f5 sect and their mysterious time loop powers

John D Jones

Probably in a casual way. He'll probably tell them to let him take because "Esh will listen will listen to me when I ask him not to << squawk >> or << shrill >> at things for not being like they are on the Triplanets."


I’ve been waiting for someone to suggest that Alden give her, Jupiter, his leaf bookmark that he got from the Primary’s sanctuary.


I am not all that old, and I still heard the tune without the link. To be fair, it is catchy.


Noooo. That’s a magic leaf. just for him.


I wonder how a narrator would communicate the sporadic translations. Or stuff like how Lexi was supposedly speaking Russian during the exam.

JJ Hunter

Just wait until Jupiter hears about meat petals (alien Venus fly traps).


Having a robot read is not quite the same for me. Maybe I should offer to narrate them for Sleyca. Though a young male would maybe be a better fit. 🤔


The mention of Tennis courts got me thinking. For a high stat person, a full tennis court is probably the equivalent of a ping pong table. They can move, react, and hit the ball so fast they the distance really means a whole lot less.


I have a feeling Lind-otta is Nine-edged Son's forsaking mother




So if Jel'nor's family heavily bribed people to overlook her use of the emergency summons in the mishnen summoning, perhaps Bash'nor thinks Alden's commendation was the Art'h's bribe to keep Alden quiet about Stu's involvement? Alis-Art'h IS Stu's aunt after all...and avoiding getting their family name tarnished could be seen as a political move...

Anthony Lutz

Either that, and esh is playing a long game prank on her for never using it. Or its the literal description via artonan language where it is a 9 edged rock from the Mother planet that ignores gravity, thus being a Mother forsaken son. Kind of similar how a moon is an "orbital stonechild". Im hopeing its the prank version personally.


< Spread > < Remnant of a shameful romantic past > < Repulse like a two toothed crackhead beggar > < Prostrating under lind-otta's feast. Or feet. She don't care >


That had completely not occurred to me, but actually makes quite a lot of sense! If Bash-nor isn't privy to the details of Alden's Thegund holiday (and that's likely) it's a fairly reasonable assumption for him to make, irrespective of the ambassador's personality.

Matt DiMeo

alden missed a real opportunity to raid the matadoro food pantry for meat petal. But I guess he is go8ng back.


He just needs to get some seeds so that Jupiter can grow some for him in the dorm garden. She’d probably love a massive carnivorous plant.

John D Jones

@ Chris and Obbu I almost feel sorry for Bash-nor in this case. He thinks everything about Alden is a cheat and a bluff when in reality none of it is. Bash-nor is going to be the Artonan example of "Fuck around and find out."


Soup Desperation has beset me.


That's a really great point about it being Mother probably


Take comfort in knowing that sleyca hasn't announced not tonight. She pwomised to let us know if it wasn't happening before dawn PST ( Ok that's just me interpreting release times and a/n s to soothe my desperation. But so far she's delivered within the next 11 hours as you know ! )

C. Adkins

I too starve for the soup. But the great Sleyca giveth, and the great Sleyca may taketh away. #insoupitrust

Temp One

Hoping she's been able to build up a backlog of sorts. And is just editing to make sure the the upcoming chapter flows smoothly into the next. The soup desperation is real, tho.

Barrett Fogarty

As much as I don't like waiting for more soup, I really enjoy the last 12 hours or so of Soup Day. You guys are really entertaining.

Jordan Harpole

Does Hazel reveal herself as being able to do magic thinking she is finally something great Alden has to recognize for him to just say, “yeah, I’ve been able to do it for years now, can I make you an iced wevvi that I made with my magic. I’m so excited someone else has finally done it and I’m not alone”


I quite like https://www.nuclearweaponsarchive.org for a description of what your grandfathers learned in the old days last century. Such nostalgia!

Alex Scriber

Alden doesn't have any reason to warn the school staff, because the school staff haven't confessed they are hoping he lures wizard donations in. To be fair to everyone involved, it would be a total jerk move to tell a student they only got in because they're hoping to get donations for letting the student attend.


During a normal day, I’d agree that Alden doesn’t have a reason to mention it. However, given all the activity on campus and the Knights’ tendency to garner reactions, Alden may want to clear it with them first. He also has no idea if other spaces on the impending tour have been repurposed for emergency reasons like the plaza.


Only if there’s evidence to look at. We can only hope that Finlay had his own camera rolling.


IMO, it’s more likely that people get extra vacation passes to stay with family in other nations while they work out the housing crisis. For example, Skiff has 6 rooms in Chicago for his family that lived in Nilama. Natalie’s mother can be the only family parent freaking out about their Avowed kid either. Given the circumstances, Alden’s prior complaints about not getting to go home for Christmas for 2 years seem like a Chekov’s Gun right now.


Plenty of humans love being stared at. Just through screens.

James Townsend

Y'all don't think this is one of those.. *gulp* off days?


The parents and sister taking Alden’s room for a few days would make it extra hard for Lexi to keep Kon out of the apartment. That would be sorta amusing.


If they do meet up, we could finally find out if Liam’s brother survived. He went out looking for both siblings, but his note only mentioned finding his sister.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

@M S have you seen the latest GPT-4o? Search on YouTube for its speech capabilities, if you close your eyes and imagine you’re on some customer service phone call or something imo it’s indistinguishable from a human


We haven’t seen Lute yet. Will Alden’s gremlin have an absolute “he’s not balanced!” meltdown? Or has Lute been Able for the last two days to unwind some of those stacked chains? Maybe Lute was able to make a quick trip to work to offload the negative blowback? Assuming Palace of Unbreaking is what we have surmised?


Stupid car safety laws with their " have to be fixed by mechanics and insured by reputable companies and manufactured by legal entities and registered by citizens" expensive and cooperative day off time eating adulting At least susup is cooking


Lunch is my favorite time to read Patreon updates!


@jg Adulting sucks! And who needs clean water and a healthy environment... But here I sit working... and let's be honest, waiting for soup.

Anthony Lutz

UNEVEN!! PURGE THE DEMON!! its going to be hell of a payback since he stacked 10x and more of multiple chains. he's going to be basically in a coma if he stacks the payback the same way he stacked the good halves.


I desperately want Porti-loth and Jupiter to meet


I doubt you could stack paying back the strength wordchains. Reduce your strength too much and you probably just suffocate, unable to operate your lungs.


"Esh-erdi was funny - entertainment You saw the 900arg Sway taxi - world building, [...]" The funny thing is, this should have been so obvious to anyone over the age of 16 reading it imo. There's no way people see this as "nothing happening" Do people watch the twelve angry men and think nothing happened because it all takes place in a single room? It's so weird to me that people think plot progression and power progression are the only types of story progress. And even then their interpretation of plot progression is "Action/fighting, gaining material things and or increasing power." It's so shallow it's disheartening. Especially when you can give a little bit of your attention to the things going on in the background (like the worldbuilding and politics) and get just as much satisfaction from moments like this as you would from moments like thegund. One of my favourite moments in any story would have to be watching an animated show called the legend of the galactic heroes and one of the most hyped moments in the show was a cup of tea between two important characters which sounds so anticlimactic but in the actual moment is so crazy. Or moments like in Fate Zero where the Kings—artoria, gilgamesh and Iskander—debate what it means to be a king, whilst sitting around drinking. Edit: As for your example of the "I DONT LIKE THIS SONG"... It's hilarious and i agree, because there's this weird trend i see on social media or places like this where its becoming normalised to just randomly state your distaste/dislike for something and imo all it really does is foster negativity. What happened to "if you dont like something, move on." If i dont like getting prickles on my feet, ill avoid the grass, im not gonna stand in it and scream at the owners to remove the grass lol. It's stupid. I've always hated the phrase "Didn't ask" but I seriously consider using it when i see those negative nancy's who never comment anything other than how much they dislike something when it was never intended to please /them/. makes me think of this one quote: “Rosalind is your love's name? ORLANDO: Yes, just. JAQUES: I do not like her name. ORLANDO: There was no thought of pleasing you when she was christened.” - Shakespeare. Anyway rant over lol, i guess what i wanted to spit out is that, you're doing amazing sleyca, keep it up.


Thanks to Hazel's bullying, Lute seems to have developed the habit of prompt payment of chain debt. He almost certainly is still carrying a lot at the moment, but odds are good that he's already taken a fair chunk from it.


Sleyca wants to do a big edit pass before any publication, including audiobooks. So it's a long way out.


> He wondered if mental notes could even find room to stick in his head. Maybe the System can offer a Notes app?

Michael McAuliffe

Omg, appreciate that you know how fricatives are pronounced!

JJ Hunter

Doing another read through, I'm struck by the lovely understated symmetry of Esh-erdi helping Alden through the traumatic aftermath of those Avowed trying to murder Zeridee and him to steal Alden's flyer by sharing his own even cooler flyer, tweaking his control ring so Alden can use it himself, and even letting Alden borrow it without him for the day. It feels like Leafsong sending Alden a replacement human items package after his first one got thrown away when they thought Alden died, but even more generous than that.