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Scheduling: The next post will be delayed by one day. I expect to release it on Thursday, May 23, fairly late, Pacific time. That's because I'm going to be losing a day of writing time due to a personal matter between now and then.

The second and final posting day skip for the month of May will be on the 26th. No post that day. I've chosen that date because I expect the chapter I'm writing that week to take me significantly longer to put together than usual..

If you're someone whose subscription is going to end at exactly the wrong time and a delay on my end makes you miss a chapter you should have gotten, do feel free to message me. (For example, if your subscription ends on the 22nd and you would have gotten the post if only I'd posted at the usual time, I'll be happy to send that chapter to you via email. Just let me know then!)

 I hope you enjoy the chapter!]



“Do you think it’s all right to step on it?” Alden asked, looking down through Esh-erdi’s nonagon to see the top of the Forthright building. Thanks to speed, spell, or contraption, someone had managed to cover almost the entire surface of the roof in a boldly colored chalk mural. Scenes of Avowed engaged in inspiring acts of courage surrounded the words: We ARE Anesidora.

“It’s amazing.” Haoyu was leaning so far over the edge that Alden started lowering them just in case he fell off. “Who’s that running across the water? Oh! And there’s Plopstar on The Span! And that Shaper line redirecting the flood down in F—so cool.”

 “If the artist can put something like this together so fast, I’m sure they either know how to protect it or they don’t care if it gets walked on,” said Lexi. 

The picnic tables for students were all still in place, perched right on top of the drawings, so Alden guessed it was fine. 

“Someone should tell them to draw Maricel and the countertop. And Jeffy doing whatever he did,” Haoyu said as he jumped off. 

He landed on the image of a red halo who stood on the deck of a small yacht with his arms raised to lift the vessel into the air. The water pouring from the sides and bottom of the boat became the raindrops that fell onto a woman who aimed a mounted launcher at an unseen target.

Haoyu checked the bottoms of his shoes for chalk. “Nothing’s coming off.”

After all three of them had dismounted, Alden considered the nonagon.

“It’s so hard to know where to park your fancy car,” Haoyu said sympathetically. “Such terrible things could happen to—”

“Don’t. I’ll make you guard it.” 

Alden was operating under the belief that as long as he was close enough to The Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him, Drusi-otta could keep an eye on both of them.

He’d been periodically looking around for her. But he was starting to think she wasn’t actually anywhere near him, and she was just monitoring him through a spell or a magic spy cam the size of grain of sand. Maybe if someone approached to bother him, her plan wasn’t to leap out and assassinate, but to call that person on the phone and tell them to get lost.

While dramatically sharpening some kind of magic votary weapon.

Alden directed the nonagon to a stop just above the narrow, windowed enclosure that kept the roof-access elevator out of the elements. 

Haoyu looked at him. “I understand why you don’t want to make a big deal out of the commendation. And why you don’t want people prying into what you went through. But I’m glad you told us about it. It’s…” He adjusted his Scorpius t-shirt. “Um…I don’t actually know what I want to say except that I’m glad I know.”

Lexi pulled the door open and held it for the two of them to walk through. 

“I’m glad too,” he said as Alden passed. “I actually think people knowing will be a good thing in a lot of ways. You seem worried about it, but—”

Haoyu gasped dramatically. “Lexi Roberts is going to reveal a Social Dynamic! Which one will it be?!”

Alden couldn’t help grinning at that. 

But,” Lexi continued more loudly, “your commendation answers the whole, ‘Why a Rabbit?’ question.”

“Thoroughly,” Haoyu agreed.

“Some people already assumed your experience out there—” he gestured  vaguely at the ceiling, “—was a big reason you were one of our B-ranks.”

“I thought it was your levels and your skill being really neat,” said Haoyu.

“I thought it was you being a masochist during our team fight in combat assessment and yanking on Writher like pain didn’t hurt you.”

“No,” said Alden. “It definitely hurt. You should let us hit you with it in gym sometime. So you can see.”

Lexi ignored that. “What I’m saying is, for the <<jerks>> who will act like those things aren’t enough…the commendation should shut them up. I think.”

“Yeah,” Haoyu said as the elevator arrived. “It’s not like they’re going to have one. And it shows you’ve already proven yourself in tough situations, doesn’t it?”

Alden stepped in after them. “Maybe.” 

Lute seemed to think that people would be jealous and behave worse because of it. 

“I’ve been worried people would realize I only got into the program because of the commendation. And they’d be bastards about it. That’s why I wanted a few more weeks before the info went wide. So I could kind of…prove myself.”

Lexi frowned. 

“A commendation like that is the proof!” Haoyu said confidently. “It should carry you even if you do something really dumb. Like turning your uniform into a cheerleader outfit, then hitting yourself in the face with a car.”

“Why would you think you only got in because of the commendation anyway?” Lexi asked. “We just named a few reasons why you should have.”

“My interview was weird,” Alden admitted. “Really half-assed. They gave me the blandest topics to discuss. Like ‘Why do you like superheroes? Tell us about your goals. Who do you admire?’ The sorts of things I couldn’t screw up because I’d already answered them in the previous interviews.”

“Oh.” The frown on Lexi’s face deepened. 

“Klein was a little honest about it in the end,” said Alden. “He doesn’t like the idea of someone with my class being here because he doesn’t see how the program is going to build me into a danger-ready Avowed with nothing but the Rabbit skills and spells to choose from. With him saying that and the way everything went…it’s pretty obvious the commendation was my acceptance ticket. And they didn’t even care what it was for.”

Haoyu looked miffed. “If he said that, it’s just him being overly traditional. There’s no reason you can’t take some Rabbit skill that’s meant for hairdressing or gardening and turn it into something terrifying. Or at least complementary to the excellent skill you already have.”

“Thanks. It’s okay. I do understand what he meant by—”

“It’s really not though!” Haoyu protested. “And the commendation should have been an acceptance ticket because they cared what it was for. Do they think those things grow on trees? Do they think the Artonans give them out like Brute Scout badges?!”

He was bristling even more.

Alden glanced at Lexi, expecting him to say something to calm Haoyu down. 

“I actually agree with him,” said Lexi. “Not about the hairdressing. But even if the class and rank combo was triggering some high rank handwringing about how vulnerable you’ll be if everything goes wrong for you, so what? They do accept some other people on the assumption that everything will go right.

“Kon’s an Adjuster with a single spell. He took a complete unknown, and the school accepted him assuming it would become something great. I’m happy it worked out like that for him. But if Kon being an S makes more of a difference than you having a commendation for bravery…that irritates me.”

“What about all the organizational skills Rabbits have?” said Haoyu. “You think magical sorting can’t be dangerous? Or CLOTHES FOLDING!” 

The passion in his voice made Alden smile. 

“What if you can use a really strong clothes folding skill on clothes with the enemy inside them? Did Klein think of that? Obviously not!

“You don’t have to find me a new skill,” said Alden. “The one I’ve got is enough for me to work with right now.”

“I’m just getting started!”


Only half an hour later, Alden was leaving Instructor Marion’s classroom in the Wong building with a sigh. 

His morning science class had already met and been dismissed. They would be officially starting back on Wednesday, as predicted, but without in-person attendance. Two of the three instructors who were lined up for the rest of the quarter were planning to be too busy to commute to campus, so they’d be pre-recording lectures and sending them to everyone. Homework was just going to be reading assignments. 

Do your studying, and good luck! The final exam next month would be the only in-person meeting.

In Engaging with the Unexpected, Marion had just announced he was changing the class syllabus to make time for everyone to talk about what they’d experienced on Friday night. They had the rest of the week off; he expected them to use the extra days to process everything that had happened and prepare thoughtful conversation topics for class next week. He was envisioning a sort of student-led Engaging with the Disaster course for the rest of term.

It would be a good idea, but only if everyone took it seriously, Alden thought as he slipped past the Adjuster girl with the summoning abilities and into the busy hallway. She was talking to Andrzej about a press conference that was coming up this evening. There were rumors the names of the people involved in the attack were going to be released. 

How many of these guys actually want to do serious reflection on their personal disaster experience? Aren’t most of them going to slack off and then come to class with some low-hanging drama topics, like usual, so that we can all argue?

A couple of them had had very serious looks on their faces, though. Most had been on campus, safely tucked in the gym during the danger, but Anesidora was a small world in many ways. Everyone who hadn’t lost something themselves at least knew somebody who had. 

Marion’s hopes that they’d all be mature conversationalists might come true.

He’d see. He’d figure out what he was going to talk about. But for now, he was mentally shifting to plan for a class schedule that wouldn’t start until eleven o’clock in the morning for the rest of the week. Assuming Instructor Rao kept the Artonan Conversation class the same.

That will give me plenty of time to make the commute from Matadero at least.

“Yes. I’ve heard the same rumors, but only here at school.” Andrzej’s accent caught Alden’s attention and he turned. The Polish boy was still talking to the Adjuster. He had his cudgel sticking out of the top of his backpack. It looked like it was peeking over his shoulder.

“They haven’t told you anything at home?” the girl asked. “Your relatives don’t talk about it, or—”

“They don’t share Council news with me. Excuse me. I have to go to my next class.”

He slid past her and started toward Alden. 

We’ve made eye contact now. Might as well wait on him.

Alden was curious about what had happened with the B’s who’d run off during the emergency anyway, and Andrzej would probably know. He was heavily involved with the rank club. He’d invited Alden to the study groups and dinners more than once. Alden hadn’t taken him up on those offers yet because he always seemed to have plenty of other things to fill his time with. 

The other B’s in the hero program seemed to be a little more rank-insular than he and Max were. It was still early days, so Alden hadn’t had time to figure out exactly what kind of relationships the students in more advanced groups had with each other. But there was obviously enough bad blood going around that Andrzej, who seemed like an easy person to get along with, preferred The B-list crew to most of his own combat classmates.

“Hi,” said Alden as the other boy joined him and they started down the hall for the exit.

“You’re hurt.” Andrzej glanced down at his boot. “You weren’t…do not tell me if you were. <<Don’t incriminate yourself.>>”

The last was said in a whisper.

Alden shook his head. “I didn’t go out with Francis, BeeBee, and whoever else was being stupid. I was on the other side of Apex. And I was trying like hell to get to safety, not run away from it.”

“Oh!” Andrzej looked relieved. “That is so good. I am beginning to be worried that there are not enough B’s who aren’t crazy at this school.”

When they stepped outside, Alden’s eyes went immediately to a bushy tree that stood on the other side of the path. A group of people were standing beneath it, pointing up. 

“You had trouble getting to a shelter?” Andrzej’s tone turned sympathetic. “You were left because you’re a Rabbit.”

“Something slightly different than that,” said Alden. “Anyway, did you seriously think I might have been with that group? And that I somehow escaped from whoever went to fetch them? I don’t know how I’d get away from trained members of SkySea. I’m sure they caught everyone involved.”

“No, they missed Sammy,” Andrzej replied. “But she felt guilty when everyone else got in trouble, and she decided to confess. Probably a very good thing for the rest of them…”

“Sammy?”  There was nobody he’d met in The B-list with that name.

“She’s an S. She went along for some reason.” Andrzej lowered his voice. “She’s probably too talented to expel. So maybe the others will be okay? It wouldn’t be fair to expel just the B’s.”

Alden agreed that it wouldn’t be fair to expel all the B’s. But his sympathy level for danger chasers had recently hit a new low.

“What were they thinking?” he asked. “Do you know?”

Andrzej turned his eyes skyward. “Ella-Clara was thinking she has only earned four levels this year, and even that is not fast enough for her. The others were probably thinking, ‘Let’s follow Ella-Clara and see what she does.’”

Four levels was impressive. But none of the rest of it was. “I just don’t want B-list gym time to be cancelled.”

“I think it will be,” said Andrzej. “At least for a couple of weeks.”

An angry sound escaped Alden’s throat before he could stop it. 

Andrzej lifted his pale eyebrows. “Instructor Plim is a powerful Shaper of Water.”

Alden had been about to say something scathing about people who ruined the educational opportunities of others, but his mouth snapped shut at that. “That’s right. She’s probably busy.”

“The wizards are still using Shapers of Water to overwhelm the Submerger’s—”

“I heard on the news.”

“It is more important than our club.”

“I know that!” Alden said. “I just…forgot she was a Water Shaper temporarily.”

He pressed his finger to the ring and pointed it at the ground. There was a rustling sound and a yelp as a one stray teenager fell out of the bottom of tree and one Nine-edge Son  emerged from the top.

Andrzej stared while Alden beckoned his ride. 

“Do you want to come with me?” Alden asked.

<<No,>> Andrzej said, turning his head to exam the tree again like he thought another one might pop out. <<I can walk.>>


[Heading to the Convo class meeting, Lute], Alden texted as he hurried up the stairs behind a girl with canary yellow hair. She was scattering loads of Anesidoran Forever stickers on every landing. 

That slogan seems to be taking hold fast, he thought, leaping over some of the stickers and landing on his squishboot so hard that his ankle actually complained for the first time since he’d started wearing the thing.


It was easy to forget he was injured when walking didn’t hurt. And he’d gotten so used to the boot already that the lack of feedback from the foot trapped inside it no longer called his attention. 

Better slow down. Porti-loth’s got more important stuff to do than re-heal something he’s already worked on. 

[Are you logging in to the classes online or something?] he asked Lute. 

[I’m supposed to be. Rao hasn’t sent the call-in link though. Guess she’s going to be late like usual.]

A second later, he video called Alden. He was still sitting in the blanket fort, sans one F-rank Rabbit girl. 

“Emilija had to head to Franklin,” he said, plopping himself back onto a mound of mismatched pillows and sofa cushions.“They don’t have classes today, but she does have some stuff to take care of this afternoon. It’ll probably take her ages to get there with the way travel’s going right now. How are things?”

“Okay,” Alden said automatically. Then, he paused with one hand on the banister. He did have a little bit of unwanted tension in his chest. It had been there ever since he’d told the guys about Thegund. 

Just leftovers. Telling hadn’t been that hard. But deciding it was time to and wondering about what they’d think had been. 

Now that he realized that extra tension was there, though, he could acknowledge it didn’t have a place.

“I’m good,” he said. “I told Lexi and Haoyu about it. The thing I told you about on the day we had our big wordchain learning session.”

“What did they say?” Lute was walking a round snack cracker across the backs of his fingers the way some people did coins. At a very high rate of speed. Without it crumbling.

“I wonder if I can do that.”

“They said that? About getting an award like yours? Wow, they’re even more ambitious than I realized. Has it occurred to you hero brain people that you’re not immort—”

“No! I meant you and the cracker. Haoyu and Lexi were great about it.”

“Ohhhh.” Lute popped his toy in his mouth and crunched it. Without bothering to swallow, he said, “I told you. Didn’t I? Haoyu’s a classy guy. And Lexi’s got class. He just hides it underneath his personality.”

“It’s nice to have it out in the open with you three,” Alden said, continuing his ascent. “And everything else is fine.”

School exists. Lots of happy alive people here.

A minute later, he reached the classroom, grabbed an ass-abused cushion for the hell of it, and knelt to wait for Instructor Rao. Almost the whole class was present. Most people had been on campus on Friday night, so they hadn’t gotten stuck in F. 

The volume of the chatter increased as time passed, and Alden started to wonder if the instructor was going to make an appearance at all.

“She’s ten minutes late to a meeting that only lasts fifteen,” Lute pointed out. “If something had happened to her, the school would have told us, wouldn’t they?”

A painted wooden ball smacked the floor at the edge of Alden’s cushion. The object was someone’s craft project, and a group of students had been tossing it back and forth for a while now, trying out different tricks on it with their magic. This time, when it impacted, it didn’t make the sharp sound he would have expected from wood on wood. And it bounced up and over him like it was made of rubber.

“Hey, is that a property transfer spell!? I didn’t know you had that!” the boy to his left called jovially to the thrower as he stepped forward to catch it and toss it back to the other side of the room. 

The class had gotten so loud that Alden was honestly surprised none of the faculty members from the neighboring rooms had come in to tell them all to knock it off.

“Hey, knock it off!” a girl sitting in the back corner said. 

I guess she’s thinking the same thing.

About half of the students turned to look at her. 

“People died,” she said severely. “We shouldn’t be playing around today.”

“She’s right,” a guy agreed. “Let’s show some respect. Like Daikon in the uniform.”

Alden raised a hand and waved. “If you don’t mind, it’s Alden. Not Daik—”

<<Something bad happening doesn’t mean we’re all obligated to be miserable 24/7.>>

“Yeah, some girl acted like I was a traitor for asking her to turn the common room television to anything but the news last night. But we’ve all been watching the news for two days straight. My family is living in a dome. I want to be able to sit down for an hour with my friends and not think about the attackers and the fact that the place where I grew up is ruined.”

They started bickering, Alden failed to get another word in, and Lute shook his head sadly. “You’re Daikon forever now.”

“Yeah probably. I’m taking Lexi and Kon down to F later. Do you want me to pick you up while I’m there? We’re planning to leave as soon as we’re all done with our—”

“Hey! Little kids!” someone suddenly shouted over all the other voices in the room. 

Alden and everyone else looked up to see a heavily freckled girl in a university t-shirt and shorts strolling into the room, flip-flops slapping the backs of her heels. She cracked her chewing gum, and looked around at them all. 

“Sorry I’m late,” she said. “But I was asleep until twenty minutes ago when the head of the language department called to ask if I’d take this job. Been doing clean-up with the uni volunteer corps. I’m Kelly, and I’ll be your teacher until the end of the quarter.”

She made finger pistols at them. 

“I like her,” said Lute.

“Is Instructor Rao all right?” someone asked.

“Oh my gosh, she didn’t…!”

“She’s fine,” said Kelly. “I mean, her priorities are a little…but she’s healthy as far as I know. She resigned. She’s chasing her dreams and giving up on teaching.”

Her dreams? Alden wondered.

He wasn’t the only person wearing a confused expression. 

“Soooo…” Kelly interlaced her fingers and stretched her arms over her head. “I’ll just tell you if you don’t already know. Everyone in uni’s gossiping about it anyway. Instructor Rao’s one of those people who wants to get off of this rock. She wants to live on one of the Artonas and not come back. But she doesn’t get summoned a lot, so she’s taking her shot now by trying to find a wizard who wants to carry her back home with them.”

Nobody said anything for a few seconds, and then everyone started talking or laughing at once. 

“She wants to be the poacher lady who marries the farmers!”

“Maybe she just wants to work for them full time?”

“If they find out how checked-out she is as a teacher they’ll never let her near one of their planets.”

“I can’t believe she’s abandoning the school in the middle of a crisis.”

“Go get ‘em, Rao!”

“She’s doing exactly what the culture advisor just told us all not to do.”

“There’s a guy in my parents’ apartment building who’s trying the same thing!”

Alden was busy thinking about how crazy it was to give up a stable job to chase after an extraterrestrial lifestyle that was not at all a sure thing. 

Well, maybe it’s less crazy if you’re Anesidoran. Losing a teaching job and not being hired back wasn’t as big a deal if you were guaranteed a decent quality of life even without the work. And there were a lot of wizards running around. But he’d gotten the impression most of them were…

On the video floating in front of him, Lute looked amused. “This is kind of funny, but it seems like a terrible choice on her part.”

[I’m pretty sure most of the new wizards who are here right now don’t even have summoning rights for our species,] Alden texted him. [I think a lot of them are here to prove they deserve those rights. Probably there are a few who could invite her to come live on the Triplanets, but how’s she even going to know which ones they are?]

Kelly clapped her hands together. “All right. Everyone turn your Artonan translation off real quick for me.”

“We’re having class? There are only a few minutes left.”

“I said turn ‘em off. Or you fail.”

A couple of people looked petrified. Kelly laughed. “Man, maybe I do want to be a teacher. Okay, kids. System not helping you anymore? Good good. Here we go. I’m going to tell you all a serious, sad story about three Artonans.”

She cleared her throat and started speaking in Artonan, in a low and serious voice: “The three of us pass now along a high and narrow branch. Though our hands cannot be joined, I see your braid before me. I hear her steps behind me. I am like a river in its ————. The ———— you make for me will keep me on my way. Let us go now and thrust the stones of fruit we already digested into the nostrils of that guy over there.”

Alden burst out laughing.

Which ended up being awkward because everyone else was nodding along in sympathy, apparently taking her at her word that the story was serious.

“Only one of you?” Kelly said in a depressed voice, swapping languages.  “Man, you guys suck. When did the high school language classes get so lax?  Uniformed Kid with Good Cushion Manners, summarize what I just said in Artonan, then translate it for the room.”


“Choppity chop,” said Kelly. 

Alden summarized then translated it, guessing that the words he hadn’t understood were “riverbed” and some version of “path.”A few people guffawed. Including Lute. One boy looked offended for some reason. 

“You said it was a sad story!” 

“It was sad for the nostrils,” Kelly answered with a shrug. She looked at Alden. “On your honor, are you using any disallowed spells or recorders or anything to make you better at the language?”

“No,” someone answered before Alden could. “He actually speaks Artonan already.”

“Yeah, Alden’s the moon Rabbit.”

Kelly gave them all a blank look.

Alden opened his mouth to explain himself.

“He was stuck on a moon,” someone else offered.

“Oh!” said Kelly. “That kid. Wow. Nice to have you back on Earth.”


“He’s got one of the general’s flying devices! He’s just riding around campus on it.”



“I heard someone did! It was him?”

Every eye in the room turned to him. Alden stiffened on his cushion and felt a polite smile fix itself on his face.

“That is interesting.” Kelly tilted her head as she regarded him. “But not relevant to Conversation class. Alden, right? You can just not show up for the rest of term. Come for your final, and we’ll make it your grade.”

People gasped like she’d just pulled a ribbon-wrapped pony out of her pocket.

“What about the rest of us?”

“Give us another chance!”

“That’s not fair!”

“It is fair,” said Kelly. She swept both hands toward Alden “This person speaks Artonan.”

She waved her arms to indicate the rest of them. “These people do not. I’m going to be one of the fairest teachers you’ve ever met!”

“Can I still come to class if I want to?” Alden asked.

Lute groaned. “Take the win and run, you fool!”

[You don’t like me as a convo partner?] This was the class where he’d been socializing with Lute and learning his wordchains. 

Of course it will probably be different with a teacher who actually seems to care about student progress on an individual level. 

Kelly’s eyes scanned him. “I guess the vibes you’re giving off are accurate.”

“I don’t need you!” shouted Lute from inside his blanket fort. “Run! Be free!”

“Sure. Show up if you want,” said Kelly. “Or not. But I figure I should spend most of my time focusing on the people who are actually in need of instruction. To the rest of you: I’m excited! Pumped! See you all on Wednesday. Don’t be late.”


“What are you doing next?” Lute asked while Alden stood on the roof of Forthright, calling the nonagon to him.

“Going to the administrative building. For the personal advisement.”

What personal advisement?” Lute’s fingers swiped through the air. “Balls. Did I miss something? I wasn’t extraordinarily focused when I first got the schedule. At least not on the schedule…no, I don’t see that on mine.”

Alden frowned as he tossed his bag onto the flying platform and then jumped aboard to join it. 

“I didn’t mention it to Lexi and Haoyu. I was more focused on all the other stuff, too. Do you think it’s only me?”

“No. That would be odd. Maybe it’s just because I’m not on campus,” said Lute.

“You never said if you want me to pick you up this afternoon or not.” 

“I do,” said Lute. “Cyril’s apartment’s been cleared, so I don’t need to stay here to give him an ‘in’ into the Velra property and buffer him. And I really don’t want to hang out with him for much longer. While drunk, he shoved my head under his armpit and told me he didn’t want someone named Polly to talk shit about me. As far as apologies go, that might be the best I could have hoped for, but I’m still ready for some peace and quiet.”

“What about your…” 

Your mom, thought Alden. But he changed his mind before he asked the question.

“What about your family’s boat?” he asked instead.

“Random question.”

Alden had actually been wondering because of Kabir’s story about being rescued from Libra. 

Almost by accident, he had thus far avoided telling his roommates he was staying at Matadero. It felt like the kind of thing they could all figure out if they tried, but conversation just hadn’t gone there yet. And there had been so much other strange ground to cover. 

“Libra survived,” said Lute. “I heard it was on the other side of Matadero when everything happened. That Submerger stuff almost all headed in the opposite direction. The mansion did get flooded, but if the Grandwitch doesn’t have some poor Avowed locked up in there casting drying spells already, I’ll be shocked.”

Alden lifted off the roof and headed toward his next stop.

“You look so proud of yourself,” Lute said.

“No I don’t.”

“You look like you’re enjoying the breeze in your hair as you soar above—”

“I’ve decided that if I’m going to be the caretaker of this fine flying forsaken son, I’m going to appreciate it. What else is there to do?”

Lute looked thoughtful. “A barrel roll.”


“I see you’ve thought of it already.” 

Alden had a couple of minutes to spare, so he didn’t rush his flight toward the gray-shingled roof of the admin building. He watched Lute shake cracker crumbs off one of the cushions in his fort. 

There was a question he wanted to ask, but he felt like he needed to be careful how he asked. 

At Benjamin Velra’s birthday party, Lute had offered to give Alden a “free” Peace of Mind. But Alden didn’t think free meant free for Lute, and he didn’t want to lean on a friendship that was only a few weeks old with something like, “Will you take a three-hour-long dose of bad emotions for me?”

Huh. If Boe was here and he didn’t hate using his powers how would he interact with something like that?

“Hey man,” he said, trying to keep his voice casual, “I’ve been wondering. What kind of wordchains do you hate paying back the most? Like…which ones absolutely suck?”

Please say you hate something physical. Something physical. 

“The Gloss,” Lute said dryly. 

He pointed at his false eye, then cackled at the look that appeared on Alden’s face.

“This reminds me of our first class together!” Lute crowed. “The eye jokes never get old!”

“Your sense of humor is so wrong!”

“You walked into it.”

Alden groaned. 

“The thing about paying back debts is it’s so situational,” said Lute. “Anything that has two potentially positive halves is good. Anything I can sleep off is okay. It changes when you start talking about stronger chains, too. A low level skin sensitivity chain can be fine on both halves. But as the power increases it becomes problematic. In general, the negative sides of mental improvement chains are tough, of course, and—”


It would’ve been perfect if Lute had confessed that he loathed paying off strength chains or something like that. Alden could’ve offered to swap debts. 

But nobody’s going to tell me they like the wordchain that makes them feel nervous, depressed, or afraid. It was crazy of me to ask anyway. I’ll pay for my own decisions.

He had the whole day off tomorrow, and he could use that to pay off one of the Peace of Minds. He’d lie in his hospital bed and have a nice anxiety attack with his nonjudgmental snake friend. 

Better to do it when his only roommate was a reptile.

“—right now I’m kind of worried about myself,” Lute was saying. “I might have been just a tad over the top with my usage. Do you think we get in trouble for breaking public property if it was during an emergency and for a righteous cause? I…”

Suddenly, Lute’s expression changed. He got onto his feet, crouching so that his head didn’t hit the blanket above him.

“Is something wrong?”

“Nah,” said Lute, his face distracted. “I mean, probably not? Roman’s mom just yelled something about Aulia murdering Orpheus in public, but she’s a little bit of an alarmist.” 

“Do you need to go?”

“No. It’s fine. I don’t care what they’re all doing. I actually worried the Grandwitch would appear and bother me while I was here, but she hasn’t been around. She hasn’t been on television either. I would have expected to see her all over the place, sticking her face in front of cameras for the public show.” He cocked his head. “Yeah. There we go. She’s live-streaming herself now. The family is all dutifully tuning in. She’s probably delivering sympathies and gently reminding everyone that she has her love for Anesidora tattooed over whatever organ pumps your blood when you’re an evil creature of the darkness masquerading as a human.”

“I thought Orpheus was your cousin with the personal struggles?”

“That is such a sweet way of saying he’s been willfully obliterating his own mind and body since he was barely older than us. Every time he gets healed up, he goes right back to it.”

“Does Aulia usually stream with him?” Alden asked, trying to fit the new intel into his increasingly convoluted mental map of Velra relationships.

“Noo…she doesn’t.” Lute smiled. “Okay. Now I’m a little too curious not to look. Let’s see what the Grandwitch is scheming. I’ll send you a link.”

Alden opened it with a thought, planning to just take a quick glimpse before his advisement session.

Aulia Velra stood on a wharf with a container crane in the background. She was wearing a black sweater and a single strand of pearls. Her blonde hair was in a tight, high ponytail, and the look on her face was so piercing it was almost as if she could see across space to meet every viewer’s eyes with her own.

“Anesidora,” she said, her rich voice devoid of its usual note of cheer, “we are facing one of our more difficult trials now, aren’t we? So many of you have been so brave, and I won’t betray that bravery with cowardice. Even if it costs me a piece of my own heart.”

She looked down, and the camera shifted to show a clearer view of the thin, dark-haired man who sat sobbing at her feet. 

“The Submerger that caused all of this terrible tragedy was in my care. And it was stolen and sold to those who ultimately caused all of this tragedy by my own blood.”

She held a hand to her chest. “I cannot make amends. All I can offer you is my confession.”


Character Notes:

Kelly -- a grad student who woke up to find herself with a teaching position. The fairest teacher you've ever met! (By her own standards.) She smells like pear shampoo and is really excited to tell her roommates she met the moon Rabbit.

Daikon -- Oh no. This can't be the name that spreads. The radishes weren't even daikons. At least "Moon Rabbit" is accurate!

Andrzej -- Polish Meister of Cudgel. Thanks to someone we know giving him that class. He still watches Fairy and Flarey whenever he's stressed.



Thank youuuuu


Thanks for the chapter!


Thanks for the chapter! Oh damn she said it, this is going to start such a shitstorm for the Velras. I had a random thought while reading the chapter but are word chains like techniques in Naruto with the hand movements lmao?


yum soup! thanks for the chapter


Thank you




Yooo thanks and hows there already several comments

Radha Patel

I check at just the right time! Thank you for the chapter! (edit: Aulia's clearly intent on pinning as much blame on Orpheus as possible, huh. Wonder how she managed to convince an Artonan to give her the Submerger in the first place, this incident will likely damage her relationship with them as well)

Partha Peddi

Soooo happy, now reading time :) EDIT: My subscription renews on the 25th, but why does it matter? I will be eagerly waiting for the next chapter's release on the 29th.


Glad you’re taking breaks, Sleyca! 💕 Now onto the chappie…

James Townsend

Well, well, well. Whoever said staying up late like a degenerate would never pay off was clearly wrong.


Well done again!




Thankyou Sleyca!!!!


Thanks for the chapter!


Okay, poor Lute. His reputation recovery mission is dead three times over

Moby Duck

TFTC! It's heartwarming to see how nicd Lexi and Haoyu were after the commendation explanation, and Haoyus intensity(?) about how important the commendations are makes sense since his parents have 3 between them. So Instructor Rao is aiming for the Artonan equivalent of marrying for a green card? (dunno if that's the right term) Clearly it'll be her and Joe.


Thanks for the chapter!

Cyrus McEnnis

Aulia, you're starting to make a habit of throwing people under The Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him.


Excellent chapter. The ending, of Orpheus being taken to task with his repeated judgement failings, will be, somehow, very satisfying. Tragic too, I'm sure. I'm hoping he is tasked to provide amends for all he has caused, a task lasting eons.

on the upside

Imagine sleeping. loved the chapter, but I need to get up in 2 hours


Grovelling sycophants will never prosper. (Or will they ... Tune in later this week, same BatTime, Same BatChannel!!)


So many great parts of this chapter! Lexi and Haoyu are extremely correct in their opinions about Alden’s admission, and the new language teacher seems super fun so I hope we see more of her. *starts preparing a bowl of popcorn for next chapter when we get to see Aulia in full Ass Covering Mode*


Damn! Crazy ending. Fun chapter.


Pretty sure Aulia might actually kill him on Camera. Maybe not. But. I think she might.


Thank you for the chapter! Remember to thank our soup supplier. Haven't read the chapter yet. BRB


What will Aulia get out of this confession, I wonder? Is Orpheus only going to get socially murdered, or will he get physically murdered as well? Does Aulia expect this to garner sympathy with the Artonans? I have a feeling that she’s not going to get it from the Anesidorans. Is she confessing because she would have been found out? The Informant? Hmm. I loved this chapter! Lute is funny and I loved the teenagers trying to climb the tree to check out the Nine-Edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him. Instructor Kelly seems fun as well. Maybe Alden will finally be able to watch Kwoo-pak? I wonder how he could watch it. Is it streamed on Amazon Prime or something or will he have to get Stu to send it to him?


I think she won't, strictly because it would reflect badly on her but she'll probably find a way to settle the score so to speak.


Well damn. Aulia has one hell of a throwing arm… 🚌


Loved this: Haoyu gasped dramatically. “Lexi Roberts is going to reveal a Social Dynamic! Which one will it be?!” 😂😂😂


Well, Kelly is clearly more passionate about teaching. Looks like fun. And Orpheus being outed so immediately is not a surprise, considering the names will be made public the next day already, better apologize first before being revealed


She's murdering him socially, that's probably where it will end. Actually hurting him on camera would cause her more problems than it solves.


Holly s......

Amber Gregory

Why were none of my language teachers Kelly? I'm worried about Alden having to pay back his peace of mind chains right now


The old witch is about to publicly execute Orpheus (god bless his dumbassery)


There was probably no way to keep that it was her submerger a secret so owning up to it before anyone found out makes her look like morally just person. And throwing the kid to the sharks makes he seem just as hurt and betrayed as everyone else.


Aulia murdered Orpheus!!!

JJ Hunter

Yessssssss, that hit me right in the funny bone also! I'm just waiting for when Alden needs to tell them an Artornan Social Dynamic.


I mean, from what we hear hes been acting like a thrill obsessed manchild so it wouldn't be to bad to finally hold him accountable

Different Nick

You don't need Informant to find her out. It was mentioned Sinkers that powerful are old and rare. It should be easy to find out who should have one and check if they still have it. She confessed because she can't hide it.


Glad I could pay it forward! ‘Twas excellent soup 🍲


"Uniformed Kid with Good Cushion Manners" is Alden's true name from now on.


You're the best @Sleyca Alden should be getting his phone call from Stuart today right? It would be way cooler if he just showed up ngl


Great chapter! I will go back to sleep now and then think about this later. Or maybe dream about it now.


Cottontail 4eva!


Smelling like pears only 30 min after you wake up is impressive as hell... She has a pear themed power


My goodness. If nothing else Aulia will always have boldness on her side. It is her true superpower with a side dose of cultivated mysteriousness.

Cyrus McEnnis

What does Aulia get out of it? Damage control. It WAS going to come out that it was a Velra submerger that turbo-fucked Anesidora. The chain of responsibility is clear, and we have indications of how Artonians feel about that sort of thing. The best thing she can do for the rest of the family is throw Orpheus to the wolves and pray that her cleaning job on Manon holds together because of it doesn't... well, two prominent Velra scions being gokoratches of the lowest feather would put a stake through the heart of any plans she had to recover the status she lost as blowback from The Gloss.


So it looks like she’s just in full ass-covering mode, then? Delightful. (Also “gokoratches of the lowest feather” is an amazing phrase.)


Haha I didn't get it even with the bus icon after a while. Yea Hazel and Manon were thrown far as well


Ooof. Just right into it uh.


Any bets that Profesor Rao was the shoe pee-er? And that it stops now they are gone?

Zach Joe

ORPHEUS, wearing suspenders and thick glasses: Did I do that?


Is it really throwing someone under if they’re actually guilty?


The Orpheus that should have looked back but didn't - thanks for the great chapter Sleyca!


Yep. Orpheus 's childhood finally ending at the age of 38 (or thereabouts). Mind you, Aulia enabled the miscreant. She shoulders some blame.


Teacher Love ❤️


Well that isn't gonna improve Lutes Reputation at school.


How long until moon Rabbit and the greenness of the Son conflate into mythical jade rabbit?


I think that was a Hyperbole for screaming at him... especially since he was alive and crying in the live stream after...


I had the thought. It's a huge tasty chapter. It could have ended at the language lesson conclusion, or at the 'student falling out of the tree' stage, and I would have been happy. I think I would have been perfectly content with about 1/3rd less chapter. I know I'll always want more, but I would be content with what could be less. Others? Thoughts?


Something to keep in mind is that Aulia is contractually obligated to act in the good of the family, like 20x over. At a time like this when the family is going to go through a brutally rough time, that could literally force her to act very drastically. Public execution could actually be on the table if she really thinks that it could help the family most in the long term. She’d have no choice.


Nope, too weird a link. No bet. Thanks for the suggestion though. (It's probably a negative rabbit skill, giving urine smells, not taking them away).

JJ Hunter

Oh wow, I can see where this reveal, this trust from Alden is hitting Lexi in particular in a steadying way. A few days ago Lexi and Haoyu were both feeling pinches of unwanted jealousy at how quickly Alden was picking up new nuances of his skill. Now Alden is revealing that the rank and class biases of the admissions process were so pronounced in his face that a teacher they might otherwise respect made Alden feel like nothing he did in the combat assessment was worth a second look, that the commendation was the "only" reason he got in and not really proof enough of his future potential. Even the kid with an actual legit commendation from the Artonans for exceptional bravery is feeling insecure and worried about fitting in! Haoyu immediately and passionately pivoting to potential combat applications of typical Rabbit skills delighted me. How very grivek of him, heh. The lodge quartet are such good eggs.


Such delicious soup!!


Aulia is contractually obligated to act in the good of the family, not herself. While the two normally overlap, this impending shitstorm might actually be big enough that her own image and Orpheous’s life might be worthwhile enough sacrifices to protect the rest of the family long term. The many family contracts would literally force her hand.


Wow. Aulia really is decisive. I love her character. I'd thought Orpheus was going to be some sort of recurring villain, but it looks like he might be taken out of the running practically offscreen... is Aulia gonna chop him up or imprison or exile him? WHO KNOWS. But it'll be big news. Anyone have an opinion on the most interesting characters in the novel? To me, they are (after Alden): Aulia, Gorgon, and Joe. Honorable mentions to Kibby (I'm dreading her inevitable realization about Alden's knighthood), Lute, and Zeridee. I seriously cherish everything they contribute to the story.


Hmm I bet the personal advisement Alden has to go to is due to Esh-erdi. He said he had other plans in place to try and help Alden


as a one stray teenager fell out of the bottom of tree and one Nine-edge Son  emerged from the top. as a one stray teenager fell out of the bottom of A* tree and one Nine-edge Son  emerged from the top.


No, she murdered him by publicly revealing he is at fault for the catastrophe. Of course it is not meant literally, but figuratively. Just imagine his life starting from now. It is basically over.


Kelly will probably be okay with Alden and Lute practicing wordchains together in class so long as they’re speaking Artonian without translation on. Real, on-the-fly, practical conversations with Alden correcting will be better practice than then the usual partner stuff you see in language classes.


Love this stuff so much. Thank you, Sleyca.

Guus van der Borg

Jiu jutsu: The gentle art of folding clothes with people still inside them. Now also available in skill form.


My mind is actually going the complete opposite direction, and thinking it was something arranged by Bash-nor. Either way, definitely seems like it's something unusual.


Orpheus will probably go to magical prison. I don't think Sleyca ever mentioned the death penalty exists on Anesidora.


I frequently wish someone would slap Boe, but he is interesting


so the personal advisement session is totally gonna be colibri smacking Alden for not thinking about his image and never bothering to show up to her office originally.


I think Lute, Haoyu, and Lexi are all correct about how people will react to Alden’s commendation. Kids who understand the gravity due to their own family like Haoyu (and Vandy) will be impressed, ones serious about being a hero like Lexi (and Max) will feel like things make sense, and ones focused on being super like Marsha are going to think it’s unfair. I’m curious to see where the other classmates fall along this spectrum and if actually having worked with Alden before will make people have a nicer interpretation of the commendation


I was thinking Colibri had to be behind it - or at least part of it - too!


Teachers can be weird. My aunt taught elementary school for like 30 years, and when she was pissed at her students she would walk around her classroom farting silently, then enjoy watching her students blame each other.


Both wordchains and artorian wizardry require different hand gestures so I'm guessing both of them would be like Naruto signs...?


turning his head to exam the tree again >>> examine pillows and sofa cushions.“They don’t have >>> missing space after " version of “path.”A few people >>> missing space after "

Travis M

ooo they did frequently show up late... it all makes sense!


I imagine a griveck with that skill would be terrifying. For some reason no human rabbit seems to have been able to turn his rabbit skill into something terrifying (excluding Alden, I guess). Which is a little weird. I wonder why. Is it just the grivecks' already combat-ready body that makes the difference?


Kelly seems cool. Easy going and serious about teaching at the same time.


The Velra's life in luxury and decadence is finally catching up to them. This is inevitably going to cause their social standing to plummet but with Granny helping with damage control and being very active, Grandwitch won't fall into irrelevance but the Velra name as a whole is going to fall in everyone's eyes.


Oh poor alden is going to suffer through 3 nights of horrible anxiety and i don't think they're gonna be nearly as useful as on theogund


It would be more fair to say that she has realized protecting certain people is not worth it. Both Hazel and Orpheus have caused a lot of damage to a lot of people over the years. It is only now that they're getting their comeuppance.


If Boe was here and he didn’t hate using his powers how would he interact with something like that? "would" has an annoying line break in the middle of the word


After the language lesson wouldve meant no cliff. I can understand that. But nah, the more content the better.


Seeing as how the story has portrayed her as being very smart and cunning, I don't think she will be making any excuses. She will confess fully and completely and her safety net is going to be how cooperative she was and how helpful she was during the incident. She helped with communications during the incident and she also lent her helicopters for the search and rescue efforts

Cyrus McEnnis

Thank you. It started as "gokoratches of the highest order" and that just didn't seem to sing ; )

Partha Peddi

Chaos unfolds with Aulia's confession. Lute may or may not return to campus - he may want to get away from his family, but he might want to avoid other students on campus. On second thought, Lute might want to hide out in his dorm room. Alden will definitely be conflicted since he saw the destruction first hand, and also got hurt by the submerger/sinker-sender. He will definitely want to help Lute, but we will have to see how it unfolds. Aulia & family will be reviled in the island. Bash-nor and the Council might want an official audit of Auila's magical possessions. No idea on what happens to Orpheus. He and Aulia have already become public enemy #1 on the island.


Haoyu >“I’m just getting started!” Sorry Lexi, and Lute, Haoyu is officially the best roommate now 🥇 >“She wants to be the poacher lady who marries the farmers!” Call back to the class assignment 📓 >Lute looked thoughtful. “A barrel roll.” >“Yes.” And Lute takes the lead again in best roommate 🥇 >Daikon -- Oh no. This can't be the name that spreads. The radishes weren't even daikons. At least "Moon Rabbit" is accurate! Childhood nicknames seem so astronomically important when we are young And they are But not for the reasons we care about when younger They remind us of things lost to the mists of memories as we grow older 🌫 Little story details like this make me wonder, is Sleyca just watching Interdimensional Cable and writing what she sees? 📺


Or she still goes with what is best for the family. Throwing Orpheus under the bus (under The Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him defeat the purpose as it floats) might cut the blame on the Velra. She might even turn it around the substance abuse


Oh lot of thoughts. 1) now Lute knows that the rest of the roommates know. 2) I hope that students of 'Engaging with the unexpected' have mature discussions about this incident or else I don't see how anything productive is going to come out of it. 3) maybe this new teacher can teach Alden something useful. He wasn't learning much from the previous one. Instructor Rao trying to get an Artorian green card. 4) Velra's public humiliation is going to be quite shocking! I wonder how much of what's said is going to be a one-to-one retelling of what happened. They're going to survive the whole fiasco only due to the grand witch's efforts


But that would be in her point of view and I don't see Aulia thinking that the best for the family goes without her

John D

Nice to know there is a limit to the size of scandal that Aulia can sweep under the rug. Murder of a C rank rabbit? A-okay. Multiple deaths and significant damage to a large portion of the island? A little too big.

Radha Patel

Foolish mortal, I slept and randomly woke up right as the chapter dropped


Could be any number of things. * Esh-erdi's (or another Wizard's) tour * Scheming from Bash-nor * The school telling him to see a (better) psychyatrist or mind healer. * "How the heck did you get injured despite getting an emergency teleport?" lecture/debriefing. * Here's how we want you to talk to the Knight and what we want you to ask him for. * Branding advice, since Alden is even more high-profile as of late.


It's one thing to be a degenerate who takes part in all of life's vices. It's another to be a borderline traitor to your country. The biggest disaster ever recorded in their history was only possible due to his complete tomfoolery. While I don't think he's literally going to be executed (just socially), I wouldn't be surprised if it was on the table.


Just scream the technique name to differentiate haha


mind, we have yet to see anyone *not* have a golden parachute for their crimes. Just look at Joe, teaching at the 2nd best wizard university there is.


You people and your imagination .... scare me. Not to be crass but isn't instructor Rao a woman? Wouldn't.... aiming be difficult?


His life has been over for a long time. Since he got himself addicted to drugs.


Poor Lute! Piss in his shoes is probably the least of his worries at school now. I foresee the roommates having to rally around him to protect him from the Anesidora forever crowd.


@Tungsten even if the nation doesn't have a death penalty, this is a unprecedented situation. There has never been a disaster of this scale in the Island's history and it was caused due to human incompetence. At what point does it become criminal negligence? And nations have a tendency to be unforgiving when it comes to matters of National security

Batty Corvina

Thanks for the tasty soup! Very curious about what the personal advisement is about. And damn ... Aulia is in full damage control mode isn't she. She knows she'll not be in politics for longer if she doesn't immediately denounce Orpheus, and make sure everyone knows that what was done, was done without her knowledge or approval. Very curious to see how much backlash she's gonna take.


I find it funny how Haoyu the one with the most "boring" and steadfast skill is the one who constantly comes up with creative applications of wacky skills

JJ Hunter

Poor Andrzej. He just had the relief of (he thought) confirming Alden *wasn't* one of the school's crazy B's...and then Alden summons The Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him out of a nearby treetop, and Andrzej remembers Alden is Alden and just as singular in his own way.

Sebastian Winter

We’ve been told that the way skills grow is based on the person - their understanding of the nature of the skill, but also their intention and mindset - someone who is focused on killing would evolve the clothes folding skill to become combat orientated - by making the folding stronger to break bones - while someone focused on being a good cleaner would evolve it for efficiency - fold clothes faster, or maybe be able to fold a whole pile at the same time. I wonder how limited the growth is based on the original skill. My working assumption is that skills made by better wizards (from better schools) are more versatile and can be evolved more broadly to the avowed’s preferences.


Aulia, Gorgon, Mother, klein, Arjun (Hannah's old partner) I think that's his name.

JJ Hunter

It feels like a storybook character name that pairs well with The Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him.

Sebastian Winter

I was thinking the other direction - that Sleyca is setting us up for a future arc with Hazel and Orpheus as villains for Alden and team to fight.


I hope it’s Colibiri/routine checkin. This series is too smart for it to be a hi-jinx mixup where admin think he was one of the bad B’s and he has to deal with that. I suppose it could be trouble in the form of a deeper play by Bash-nor, but he seems like enough of a competent politician to know when to walk away.

JJ Hunter

@Alibhai, yessssssssssssss, Haoyu is the one with the massive comic book collection and potentially years before his own skill tree starts enabling more flashy things. He's got the background and the creativity, he just needs canvas of opportunity. So nice of Alden to provide here! :D Haoyu in the grip of righting an injustice through passion, good humor, and creative thinking is one of my favorite Haoyu modes. I really want to know what his comic book collection is focused on - I suspect he's super into adventure stories, which makes wannabe YA protagonist Medhi a particularly interesting foil for him.


Not great. They're not going to have the most mature response. They're still kids. Feelings of jealousy inadequacy, envy, ambition and Pride will get intermixed into a cacophony of "you have a whaaa?" "I bet a commendation is not even that great or difficult to get" "What's a commendation?" The last one is Jeffy.

Tycho Green

Wordchains were described as being invoked by reciting and melodic movements of a persons hands.


The boys dynamics are sweet as usual. Daikon as a nickname sounds cute. Like calling someone pumpkin or potato. Aulia has nerves of steel, I didn't expect that. Thought she'd send Orpheus off-planet like Hazel. Thanks for the chapter Sleyca. Rest well.

Skull Leader

Alden - Uniformed Kid with Good Cushion Manners Stu would be proud! Well after he got over the horror that is everyone else's behavior. Instructor Kibby taught Alden well.


Well, there’s Gorgon. Also, Joe’s initial crime was sleeping with someone else’s wife—seemed more like a baaad idea, and less a crime.


She is nothing if not bold. I assume that with the Triplanets looking into the matter, the truth would eventually come out (especially if Aulia had the submerger in any official capacity). So confessing to it in public before any official statement about the investigation are broadcasted allows her some control over the narrative.

Allen Polak

The following is for those who, like me, have completely forgotten about Fairy and Flarey, which was way back from chapter 15 (over 100 chapters!) ... Andrzej clearly didn’t agree with that last bit. His lips pursed. But he only said, << I see what you’re talking about. You want to be like Fairy. From Fairy and Flarey. >> Alden stared at the subtitles. “Fairy and Flarey” had been said in English, so he’d understood the words just fine. But he had no clue what they meant. “Are those superhero names?” << You don’t know it? It’s a show. >> And that was how Alden ended up spending the next fifteen minutes of his life watching clips from an animated Australian children’s program while a Polish guy discussed the finer points of the main characters’ tactical decisions. Fairy and Flarey were both S-ranks with unique classes. Of course. Because why have a fantasy show if you weren’t going to make it totally over the top? Fairy could sparkle like a diamond, and her disco ball routine had the power to hypnotize evildoers into chasing after her. These distracted villains became easy fodder for Flarey, whose primary skill was being a fire-breathing pink hippo-grizzly. Flarey was the heavy hitter of the team who did the actual fighting, but his giant hippo-grizzly body was too slow to catch bad guys. Before he’d met Fairy, he’d been a laughingstock. And before she’d met him, she hadn’t had the firepower she needed to take down villains on her own. To Alden’s chagrin, it wasn’t a terrible analogy for what he wanted to do. It was just so…cute. And Fairy wasn’t very smart. “Yeah, sort of like Fairy,” he confessed. “But with more nuance and less getting kidnapped? I hope?” << In real life, Fairy would not be a good sidekick for Flarey. Her inability to remove herself from combat puts too much pressure on him. She needs a skill or spell impression that lets her escape after she’s hypnotized the enemy. Without it, she’s not a proper superhero. >> Andrzej sounded dead serious.


Next Chapter, "Meet the Velras". I guess it is her only chance to survive politicaly, if she openly denounces Orpheus. But I dont think she will kill him, that would be a step to far and people would rightfully expect her to hide something. Poor Lute has to suffer the Velra name again, it just doesnt get any easier for him.

JJ Hunter

I am deeply enjoying the running gag of where will Aden try to discretely park The Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him this time? I bet there's a shiny new tumblr or twitter equivalent that's just documenting where the heck the general's green nonagon has been spotted on campus now, maybe with a side of pics of Alden's increasing done face every time he summons it. Bet Jeremy is going to have some fun new memes to report on whenever Alden next calls...

Adam Andersson

Manon was a pretty good example of a Rabbit turning their skill into something horrifying I think. I see what you mean by your statement tho @Tungsten and I agree with the spirit of it.


that's easy to solve: in private, use bedpan and funnel to put pee in bottle


A human who wants to be a hero (or a villain) who pulled rabbit would near certainly just trade it for a meister or something.


Alden finally told someone he would be working with his skill for a long time. Sure his roommates wont figure out for how long he actually mean for a long long while. But now they can look back at this moment and be annoyed that he actually told them in such a roundabout way.


Murder without any witness and for somebody who is away often (so disappearance will not be noticed fast)

Lewis Wood

I don't know how to say this compliment in a fancy way, so I will just be direct about it: The characters, plot, worldbuilding, and all the rest of it gets a lot of well-deserved praise, but I really, really love the basic mechanical proficiency of this work. It's not the interesting part of literary analysis and critique. When it's done well, it's basically invisible. But just the basic stuff of words and sentences, which things are said and which left implicit, how scenes and events flow from one thing to the next... it's just really good, even compared to professionally edited, traditionally-published genre fiction. And double that, because unlike a traditionally published book where dozens of pairs of eyes inspect every piece of it, and the author edits and re-edits over the course of months, chapters have a turn around time of _days_.


<< Scheduling: The next post will be delayed by one day. I expect to release it on Thursday, May 23, fairly late, Pacific time. >> This dimensional’s Earth translation: << I’m shooting for Thursday, but I’ll probably make an “audible “ around 9 pm to delay to Friday, which actually means early Saturday morning. >>


Realistic representation of a Polish friend


I'm imagining Drusi-Otta watching the Artonan Culture Class and slowly just going insane at the instructor's absence. EDIT 1: I have considered it and Hawaiian shirts are the perfect Ensulgivnas (or however it's spelled) gift for Esh and Lind. They're specific to Earth but the formal commitment to relaxation is something Artonans might appreciate. They're island shirts and Aneisidora is an Island. They are patterned, but with purpose. The patterns are to remind you that you are meant to be relaxing, and to instill relaxation in all who look at them. It's both very foreign to but also would resonate with Artonan sensibilities. EDIT 2: Assuming Drusi *was* listening to class, instructor Rao must be on some sort of Artonan no-fly list now.

Sébastien Kingsbury

Got to give the grandwitch props for being straight about what happened to the general population. It's also smart because it would have most likely come out anyways in time, this way she controls the narrative


"But if Kon being an S makes more of a difference than you having a commendation for bravery…that irritates me." I really like Lexi, but that's pretty clueless. This really underscores how steeped Anesidorans are in their rank cast system--they seem completely unaware it is happening in every facet of their lives.

Other Tan

So did Hazel give away the Velra Sinker Sender device to Jacob as her last act before being sent into servitude. So much death. At least she is becoming a good foil to make any Velra shine.

Douglas Lilley

Gotta say, I’m really starting to like GrandWitch! Lute and crew better find that dirt soon or she’ll end up being the MC.


Imavine her inner termoil as she debates whether this is worth calling Esh!


Same here, there's so much backgound knowledge we build up along the way and its so satisfying to see to used to enhance other scenes without every other sentence being a reference, etc.


Thank you for the chapter! i love Haoyu & Lexi's supportiveness towards Alden. Alden tries to support Lute in turn, but doesn't quite know how to approach the subject of Jessica. The Brotherhood of The Huntski Lodge have mutually found gold with each-others. Instructor Rao might have started her 'get taken to the Triplanets' project with the 100% wrong move. I strongly suspect skipping your teaching responsibilities is an enormous no-no in Artonan culture. Edit : was the culture advisor mad at Rao last chapter? It ends in a cliffhanger. Orpheus is doing the hanging. Aulia booted him over the cliff's edge.


Wow grand witch came clean fast


The problem with that is that sending Orpheus off planet wouldn’t hide what happened whereas there are no witnesses or other bystanders to Hazel’s incident. The only way for Aulia to gain some control over what happens is to reveal it herself and out Orpheus - not her fault for not protecting the submerger of course - as being responsible.


Ohh I completely forgot about her! Now imagine: Kelly says the joke and the nearby cupboard starts laughing!


Thanks for the chapter. These are fun so far. Kelly sounds fun! Grandwitch sounds screwed. I do want to hear him tell his roommates about his new experience and get some more social dynamics lessons. The 4 lvls in a year will be blown away by Alden. I look forward to him figuring out not touching persevered stuff.


“I know that!” Alden said. “I just…forgot she was a Water Shaper temporarily.” Me too Alden, me too

Anzel Capparelli

Oh boy. Wondering if word will get out to the wizards with summoning rights through Drusi-Otta (who I do believe may potentially not appreciate the disregard for teaching), and if maybe the instructor has unintentionally shot themselves in the foot at ever getting summoned long-term due to abandoning their teaching post


Hazel was the one who actually complained about Orpheus selling it to Jacob for drugs


@puppy0cam : that's unkind to addicts. I googlesearched for the keywords "Orpheus, rehab, clinic, hospital" on RoyalRoad and only got hits in the comments, I found no mention in the story. Orpheus has a shitty family environment, was enabled in his addictive behavior. Maybe separation from the family and getting court-mandated addiction therapy will become a new beginning for him. Investigation on where he got his drugs will be an interesting upset. We'll see more of Anesidora's dark side, smuggling & more...

Anthony Lutz

When it comes out they will be blown away by his real level, 8 or is it 9? Levels in in under 9 months, gonna put everyone to shame


Yessss. Sleyca, you excel at making so much happen I forget about the one thing that happened until it leaps out to bite us. Loving the roommate solidarity. We all knew they were solid, but now Alden does too. I'm hyped for Alden's personal advisement. What does someone know that will surprise him this time? Daikon, leader of the Green Plate Club has a nice ring to it. All his teammates will have to have vegetable-based monikers as well.


Minor issue.. : “turning his head to exam the tree again”


Nowadays, i just expect chapters on Friday and Tuesday mornings to make it easier for me so no worries on that front Sleyca! Onto the chapter: - Aulia's confession is really interesting in that she's basically doing political suicide - is she deciding to finally ditch earth for one of the Artonan planets or something i wonder? - I'm very interested to hear what his advisement meeting is going to be like, do they know of his recent feats and involvement with the general and if so - what are they planning to do with that info? - Despite what the roomies think: i don't think revealing the commendation will go as swimmingly with everyone else. Especially since Alden tries to hide or downplay the worst of his situations: i can easily see him going "i took care of an artonan girl for a little bit and led her into safety" as his story which whilst true would make most people go ??? because some of them might have done just that during the current Incident. He needs to address it like "I fought off hundreds of hellbees that instantly mutated and killed some Artonan scientists for months on end to protect a little girl, then ran nonstop across a country sized distance whilst hiding from a giant demon with said girl until all the bones and skin in my legs was fractured into a gooey paste and even one of the strongest knights was appalled at my physical condition"


There's also a video going around in which Jacob, the last known owner of the Sinker Sender, is seen accompanying Hazel Velra to a party. They could easily look like co-conspirators.


Probably had to. Someone was going to pony up the money to backtrack the sinker sender via info-gear sooner or later and it was mentioned the sinker sender was an old and powerful one. There are probably only a handful, at best, of those on Earth. And the chances of Orpheus 'borrowed' Aulia's and handed it off without any of the info-gear spotting it, considering that Orpheus probably didn't (or couldn't) be sneaky about it? Yeah, Orpheus was going to be hosed no matter, better get in front of it. The sad thing, this probably wasn't a Velra evil plot (tm). It was just a bunch of stupid and desperate kids not knowing any better....

Emily Curtis

Please tell me Daikon ends up his name as a hero. That'd be fucking hilarious. Grandwitch intrigues me more as a person each time she shows up. I hope one day we get a look into her head or a bit from her perspective. Kelly seems like a much better teacher than Rao. Hopefully Alden will mention Rao to Esh-erdi and all her plans will be ruined. Also, gonna keep asking my banana question cause I'm inordinately interested. With first contact being in the 60s and with fruit being so important to them, did any Artonians manage to save the Gros Michel cultivar of banana from fungal infection? Are the bananas sold in American grocery stores Gros Michels or Cavendish? This is obviously the most important question that could ever be asked about the setting.

McIntosh Ewell

Well that was unexpected. I guess Aulia figured there was no way to hide the origin of the Sinker Sender so decided to get ahead of the story. That said, I'm actually kinda sympathetic to her plight.


She probably knew someone else found out and that she would be outed, so she took control of the narrative


The worst thing she ever did was being too lenient with her grandson. How much that is her fault is a point of discussion.


I agree. I have no background in humanities, but I have a strong sense of when dialogue is "unrealistic" or flows in a irregular manner. And it annoys the crap out of me. I have rage-dropped many series which repeatedly committed this sin. And SupSup is like an oasis of consistently wonderful dialogue amongst them.


I feel like Drusi-otta watching/listening to Alden is going to have some unintended side-effects. "Who is this instructor Klein that doesn't think that Alden ryeh-b't is good enough for this school?" "Alden wants to do his B-rank club activities but there's no instructor to watch them...." "There is a wooden ball heading towards the injured ryeh-b't, I will make it bounce over him and go to the intended target" Did anyone else have the same thought on the wooden ball when the person said “Hey, is that a property transfer spell!? I didn’t know you had that!”


Anesidoran Instagram must be a really weird place now that I think about it...


Exactly. I think there are probably very few who understand how difficult it is to get one. I mean, even Klein entertained the possibility that it might be the equivalent of a pat on the head


I figured out what happened to Jeffy! He made so much money from his emergency summon(s) that he decided to “retire” and “quit school!” Unfortunately for him (or, at least, for his plans), school is mandatory, retired or not…


I was thinking it could be the teachers walking out Alden to meet some Artonans in the hopes that good things would happen, but those all seem plausible too.


I don't think the confession is political suicide, it's more like homicide of her least useful relative. She is making the typical politician move when something goes so wrong you can't hide it: be publicly contrite for your "small" part in it and sacrifice someone else. It's damage mitigation 101.


Lute and Cyril need a dna test already. I dunno why Cyril hasn’t yet


Animated Australian childrens program... it's like the Bluey of the SupSup world


She wastes zero time throwing her kids under the bus. Not that they don't deserve it, but she's kind of responsible for them being as messed up as they are in the first place.

Doug Wills

She literally connived with her daughter to both lie to and trick a child into giving away his life for something he desperately did not want. She sucks beyond words.


Following some story on reddit, I asked a friend what he would do if he learned his daughter was not his (don't have kid and wanted a parent pov) He told me that he would still consider her as his child. That the 12 years he spend with her, raising her, taking care of her were important. Now you could say his pov is not entirely valid as he does not doubt but it might be a reason why Cyril and Lute don't look after a DNA test. They are seeing each other as parent/child


My bet is that they exist, but the ones we have now were more popular anyway.


The problem is Cyril is convinced Lute isn’t his because Lute got S. Everyone was asking Jessica who the real dad was. Cyril hasn’t recognized that he is still Lute’s dad, even if he’s not his father. He might be getting there now though


The fact you assume she can't spin this hard enough to come out on top shows you're underestimating her as a politician and overestimating the competency of the average human in the face of emotional manipulation I also think Alden is too modest for the commendation not to blow up in his face. You've said it well


Not political suicide. She's "taking responsibility" and controlling the narrative before she can be accused. How many times to we hear of companies who made massive mistakes? The ones that try to hide it get thrashed. The ones that own it get to spin the mistake as "being responsible" and recover some goodwill.


My head-canon is Lute's mother managed to perform the gloss for herself before concieving Lute and so both his parents are actually his parents


Aulia really knows how to play the political game. She knows her involvement with the submerger will eventually be revealed, so she chose to "confess". People will put her on blast for a while, but she can push all the blame onto Orpheus. After a time people will instead have an even higher opinion of her for "being honest".


Bad news for the ex instructor chasing her dreams!


He was level 10 (so 9 levels earned) before this whole flood thing...


@ChoWingGom: Lute says right in this chapter about his cousin: "Every time he gets healed up, he goes right back to it." So while he might not have gone to a traditional rehab clinic, he has had the benefit of the Avowed and Anisodoran equivalent multiple times.


Bad person? Yes. Good character? Yes. Whether a character is good or bad depends on how interesting they are to read about, not their morality. Bad people can make for good characters.


Well She was there and didn't stop It. Granma Is likely to consider Hazel at least partially complicit if she is aware. If Hazel's tiktoker equipment was infogear, this could be partially to shield her by giving up her brother

William Johnson

Oh damn I was wondering how Aulia was going to handle this. Just directly throwing Orpheus under the bus. Really though, if you name your kid Orpheus you can't be surprised if he turns out to be a druggy. Thanks for the chapter!


Pretty sure Jeffy is the one character who is least likely to want to retire to be a farmer...


I kinda wonder if Esh-erdi will ask Alden about the Velras and if the Mannon thing will come out....


I really want Jeremy greeting Alden with whatever new memes have been generated by the Rabbit's unwanted celebrity to become a running joke in this story. It is hilarious.


I mean legally she shouldn't have problems, if the Submerger wasn't a banned item. I mean if someone stole from me and used what they stole to build a bomb, I am not responsible.


I have practically despaired sometimes as I look at my own foolish attempts at writing, because I cannot help but compare it to *this.* One can have a broad vocabulary and a solid understanding of grammar, and still not be able to pull of that almost magical balance of what to say and what not to say to construct a story that flows. The right mix of description and implication, or of tension and release, I cannot fathom how Sleyca so consistently finds them at a pace of two chapters per week!


It’s not clear how much responsibility she had for the care/safekeeping of the sinker-sender. If you had a bomb for some reason and it wasn’t in a secure place and your grandchild sold it to a terrorist I would still blame you for not properly securing your bomb even though the grandchild committed a worse crime by selling it.


She's already lost her council seat. Immortals must think about their political careers differently too. Even if she can't turn it around now, who's to say she won't run again in a decade or three?


I have no idea, could you elaborate?


I would like to know more about Brute Scouts. Is it for little kids before getting chosen? Or is it a bunch of 15 and 16 year old Brutes lighting fires, helping old people, and making birdhouses, park benches and gazebos?


That is like a rich person with insurance drinking with no limits because they know they'll get a liver transplant and so won't pay for it. Healing Oropheus enabled him, it is not actually rehab.


That was a fantastic chapter


Alden will be required to give a detailed description of his night to his Engaging With the Unexpected class. I wonder how much he'll be allowed to say. I am curious to see how much detail he'll need to go into.


Kelly is great. That whole scene with the trick story in Artonan, with Alden being the only one to understand it well enough to laugh, was so delightfully awkward. Alden really should be in a higher level language class, but then we wouldn't have gotten the Lute antics. Good Soup!


Going over this comment one more time and now I remember that instructor Rao was always calling Lute "Mr. Velra" despite Lute saying explicitely several times that his prefered name was Lute and that she calls every body else by their prefered name

Matt DiMeo

You always want to be the first to release damaging info about yourself so you can put the initial spin on it. She also hid talkative Kabir on matadero so she’d have time to roll or the bad news her way.


Someone previously compared them to K pop choreogaphy and that's all I can think of now

Nathan Rice

I didn't connect Alden to the moon rabbit before now.


My secret (but not very hopefull) wish is that Esh coordinated with Evul and that Stu is there instead of calling

Nathan Rice

Yeah, even though she was the one who brought the thing to Earth and she definitely knew what Orpheus did with it. If Hazel knew, she knew.


Its up to Alden to use his best judgement. He will likely obsess about it a bit.


I think this part is important to understand what Aulia is up to: [“Yes. I’ve heard the same rumors, but only here at school.” Andrzej’s accent caught Alden’s attention and he turned… “They haven’t told you anything at home?” the girl asked. “Your relatives don’t talk about it, or—” “They don’t share Council news with me. Excuse me. I have to go to my next class.”] The reason that Alden got his class is that Andrzej’s family are political enemies with the Velras. One of the reasons a student might ask him to clarify council rumors, is that his family are *the people* to go to for Velras tea. If the secret is already out to the point where random students are gossiping about it, that would go a long way to explaining Aulia’s desperation

Explo Rin

Yeah, way smarter to confess and apologize ahead of time. The other option is to follow Israel’s lead: Deny you committed any atrocity (like sniping an American reporter) until the outcry dies down, then admit to it quietly a few months later once no one is paying attention


Cyril doesn't want a DNA test. Maybe he knew about it, maybe he didn't. But if he didn't and there's public proof that Lute isn't his kid, then maybe he'd get cut off from some of that Velra wealth. He likes the money they give him

The butler did it

He has his time on the span to talk about; that's not any kind of secret. I bet he can pawn them off talking about just that part of it.


I bet we know where that suspiciously specific reason to quit teaching came from.

Neil H

I know there's an assumption that there's a genetic component to being Avowed, but is there actually any confirmation of it? There's plenty of other explanations for a parent-child correlation other than genetics.


Or... And hear me out now, she's actually a leading member in the terrorist group, and she's just breaking open her prison. She was one of the first avowed and was there when the whole world banished them from their homes... She might feel some kinda way about that Edit: spelling


You know, it's kinda wild that I can totally believe that Aulia is perfectly willing to killing Orpheus if she needs too.

Neil H

To be fair, unlike someone like Klein or Big/Little Snake, her teaching doesn't usually utilize her powers.

John D Jones

@ Jazehiah Alden will probably have to talk some about his Commendation. Enough people have seen the nonagon and know it belongs to Hn'tyon Esh-erdi that he'll need to explain how he has it. He'll also need to talk about his injury because they've also seen him in the boot. Assuming that Esh-erdi gives Alden the okay, he'll probably tell them about him and Zeridee getting attacked by the looters because it's best to get that story out there before it breaks on its own.


You'll probably have to DM Sleyca if you want an answer to a specific question


@ Charlie. Good point on Jacob/Hazel. Jacob's involvement is going to show up eventually. And then people would be asking why Hazel isn't around to answer questions, raising the possibility that the theft had happened already, and Grandwitch was already trying to deal with it on her own by banishing Hazel. Then it will look like she was sitting on this information for a week before hundreds of citizens ended up dying. I feel like Manon's murder was almost the perfect crime, but the Velra reactions to that might end up making them look more guilty on the completely unrelated Sinker Sender thing. Such bad luck


Also, I think it’s worth pointing out how serious this situation is for everyone implicated. From the perspective of the Anesidoran government, Orpheus procured a WMD for a terrorist organization that then used it to bomb not only Anesidora but their suzerain state as well (the attack was on Matadero, which the contract mentioned in the original alert belongs *to the Artonans*). They need to come down hard on this, and much of the council was already looking for an excuse to come after the Velras… What Orpheus did is effectively treason. There are mitigating circumstances for his condition and for his ignorance of what he was doing, but I doubt they’ll go far in this political environment. Aulia may not literally be murdering Orpheus on live television, but by confessing like this, she’s hamstringing any chance for Orpheus to present a legal defense, negotiate a plea deal, or even have a fair trial.

T o P

I envision badges like 'Building Puncher' badge for physical fitness training, and 'Aqua Brute' Badge for demonstrated swimming proficiency. 'Speedster Badge' for Track and Field work, maybe a Stamina Brute badge for completing a confidence/obstacle course type thing. All a little tongue-in-cheek and psuedo propaganda for brutes alongside the expected community outreach and charity you might expect from 'traditional' scout programs.

Partha Peddi

I hope Zeridee will be awake by the time Alden goes back to Matadero.

John D Jones

If he does, Alden can just say "I room with Lute Velra, one of her grandsons, but I only met her once when Lute took me and my other roommates to a birthday party for one of his uncles or something. I don't know her very well at all." I think the Manon thing will come out, but not for a good long while. When Manon never "comes back" from her "offworld trip" it'll probably be assumed that she came back and died during the Submerger disaster before she could update her status online. That's especially true if she had a record of not using the Anesidoran Summonarium to go to and from the Triplanets. Which is probably the case. She'd get teleported offworld to deal with some Environment that needed to be Tailored and probably used an Artonan Summonarium to teleport back to her own home.

John D Jones

Even though it was "translated" for us via Alden, I still don't fully get the joke.


Imagine how Aulia will perceive Alden showing up at her mansion on the Nine Edged Son to pick up Lute.

John D Jones

@ Spygeneer To be fair to Aulia, she actually is being honest. Orpheus is the idiot that stole the Submerger from Libra and traded it for drugs. She might get some backsplash for not stopping/reporting him for being an addict, but he's family and he's also a 38 year old man with presumably his own money. She can say she thought he had problems but never thought he'd do something like this, because she probably never did think he'd do something like this or she'd have had the Submerger under much tighter security than she did.

Neil H

> “Going to the administrative building. For the personal advisement.” I wonder if the "personal advisement" is going to be a private session with Principal Salehi and Colibri wondering WTF is going on with him and piloting a Knight's flying cloud around campus.


I think the joke is just the unexpectedly childish slapstick action. Basically this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=I_ig4SUNg1k

John D Jones

@ UpgrayeDD Which would honestly be fine with me because that Friday morning to Thursday next week is gonna be a slog. Saturday morning to Thursday next week would be slightly less of a slog.


The Hazel-Jacob connection could easily be spun as Jacob honeypotting Hazel to gain access to more of the Velras’ valuables. Ironically, outing Tailor Environment may be her best strategy. If she can setup Manon as a coconspirator using her pseudo-sway abilities to manipulated the family, then they become the victims, not accomplices. After all, Manon in Aulia’s private office after getting Hazel to come with her and bring her there. Orpheus selling the Submerger, Jacob seducing Hazel, and Hazel going nuts at the party, and SAL attacking right at Matadero’s go time could have been magically “arranged”.


Pretty much what Matt said, I think. The juxtaposition of what seems like a very serious, almost poetic narrative, with an ending of slapstick.


Put me down too if we're praising the dialogue. This story has teenage characters who talk like actual teenagers, and have conversations that wouldn't have been out of place in my own childhood. That almost never happens.


It is both your favorite, and your least favorite.


it likely was either planned to be installed or already installed in the Velra Boat. from the sounds of it it seems like submerged objects are basically undetectable. the Velra's are broadly welcome in the island right now but Aulia plans for the future

The Ox

He doesn't "have to" talk about any of it if he doesn't want to. My bet is he keeps it as Quiet Rabbit as possible. Maybe he has to mention the commendation or maybe he doesn't. Definitely Instructor Marion let him decide on his own to discuss Thegund or not previously, it seems odd that it would become mandatory now. No doubt some of the very rude people in class will ask pointed questions, but Alden seems more than capable of handling that in the moment.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

+1 for "Gokoratches of the lowest feather." And somehow the cannibalism aspect seems especially apt for the Velras.

Neil H

"Family Matters" was a 90s sitcom featuring a nerdy-caricature Steve Urkel, who had the catch-phrase "Did I do that?" The show was also the first thing I thought of when I saw the chapter name ;)


Specifically Urkel from Family Matters, so it ties into the chapter title.


Not necessarily. Remember that Aulia has a skewed view of time and relationships. If she thought she had time to fix her image and she would be better at doing so than the rest of her family, then taking the hit now on their behalf would be the best move. After all, she’s charismatic, powerful, famous, and is the most experienced Chainer on Earth, which is a phenomenal support class with nigh endless uses. Aulia has all the tools needed to gradually fix her own image.

Zach Joe

Yup, definitely at least 15-20 years too late to expect that people would immediately recognize Urkel or his catchphrase.

Invalid Entry

Is Aulia about to make Orpheus commit seppuku?


Honestly, using this to force Orpheus to stay sober could arguably be seen as helping him too. As long as he doesn’t get executed or life in prison, she can always just have him de-aged after decades of prison sobriety.


After sleeping on it, I've decided that I'll pretend I'm her marketing consultant and provide the upbeat marketing spin, rather than the downbeat "missed self imposed deadlines" spin.... << Hey all, I'm going to skip this Wed, 5-22. I've decided to make up for it by releasing Sunday's 5-26 chapter a day early on Saturday morning 5-25! >> Same drop schedule, but makes everyone feel good, instead of all her Patreons "feel bads".

JJ Hunter

@Anon., that just made me laugh so hard the birds stopped chirping for a moment. Spot on.


Haha, did Drusi just get annoyed and transferred that wooden ball.


My thought was it’d definitely be the PR teacher. She’d nicely asked him to discuss his camera presence after the first incident. Now she’s going full triage.

John D Jones

I kind of hope Klein is there as well. Skiff is also on Anesidora but as a water person, he's probably busy.


Nah, he’s crying because he won’t be able to get drugs anymore. A life of sobriety behind bars awaits. He can’t even get summoned out because only the Palace of Unbreaking summons Chainers and it’s been implied they’re done with his dumb ass.


Amazing chapter as usual. Thank you.


I think she is trying to emulate the virtues Artonian's value as somewhat of a social climber. It's been directly said she's missing the main point of virtue by the Artonian tattoo person. Like in this moment, she might be trying to do the honorable thing and informing everyone about her family's mistake. However, I can't help but think.. a truly honorable person would have said it was her fault for not more closely monitoring her families dangerous goods. Especially around her addict grandson.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

@Obran I was actually just wondering this myself yesterday, as I was doing a re-read of those chapters. There's so many little details and mysteries when Alden first starts that class, mostly about Lute's character, but a lot of those have been resolved. The teacher's rude behavior and shoe pisser are two of the remaining mysteries that stuck out on a re-read, especially knowing more now about Artonan education ettiquette, so I wouldn't be surprised if the two go together. And for those who don't know how peeing works with female parts, it's not like you have to aim from across the room. It's a shoe.


Orpheus was too much of a drugged out fuckup to ever be a recurring villain. It’d only work if Aulia shielded him completely, but she’s already shown she’s willing to let even Hazel suffer some of the consequences of her actions.

Emily Howarth

I'm starting to wonder how much the contract tattoos affects Aulia and is the reason why she does a lot of things. Lute gets a feeling when he can't talk about something. Aulia's side of the contract is "for the good of the Velras". Compounded by how many times she's done this contract tattoo and she has a decent sized family. It makes a lot more sense for some of her actions where she doesn't even hesitate. Hazel and now Orpheus getting cut out is for the good of the Velras. In previous chapter, someone said of her that her ability to latch onto something and just run with it was a bit of a super power of hers. Maybe this is a big reason why she does that. Could a contract tattoos compounded on itself that much and with such a vague requirement actually be giving her insight into doing strange things and taking seemingly random actions if it's for the good of the Velras. Has it turned into some form of recognition for her?

Temp One

【He pressed his finger to the ring and pointed it at the ground. There was a rustling sound and a yelp as a one stray teenager fell out of the bottom of tree and one Nine-edge Son emerged from the top. Andrzej stared while Alden beckoned his ride. “Do you want to come with me?” Alden asked. << No, >> Andrzej said, turning his head to exam the tree again like he thought another one might pop out. << I can walk. >>】 I like how Sleyca had Andrzej default back to his native language as a subtle way to imply his surprise when Alden started beckoning the Forsaken Son to him.

The Ox

Given the huge number of Anesidorans at the party and all the drones flying around, etc. It seems impossible that the Informant doesn't already have the information about what happened to Manon. If he isn't personally aware of her death/disappearance the data was collected and stored by his gizmos. Someone just needs to be curious and willing to pay more for knowing what happened than the Velras are for them not to know.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

The real question is, was Jupiter right? “Guess what I saw on my way over!? I’ll give you a hint. It was big and green and up in the air—” “The top of a cedar tree,” said Jupiter

Emily Howarth

Like Alden's distracted "I wonder if I could do that" in the middle of a fairly serious conversation. It's hard to pull that off. But I hate when characters are amazingly hyper focused and stay on topic all the time.


>“It should carry you even if you do something really dumb. Like turning your uniform into a cheerleader outfit, then hitting yourself in the face with a car.” This sounds like a very specific reference to the competitive girl with the Beat List. Methinks Hayou might know a little more about the B-ranks’s antics last night than he lets on.

Jennifer N

Or maybe something scheduled by the cultural advisor, who is taking the opportunity to ask Alden about his unique commendation and/or put herself in front of one of the few people she has access to (as a superior) that likely has a direct line to wizards

Desert Yeti

Fruit stones, like cherry pits, that have been digested, have been pooped out. And now they're going to shove them up some random dude's nose.

Temp One

Holy crap, nice catch! Pardon the pun. 【A painted wooden ball smacked the floor at the edge of Alden’s cushion. The object was someone’s craft project, and a group of students had been tossing it back and forth for a while now, trying out different tricks on it with their magic. This time, when it impacted, it didn’t make the sharp sound he would have expected from wood on wood. And it bounced up and over him like it was made of rubber. “Hey, is that a property transfer spell!? I didn’t know you had that!” the boy to his left called jovially to the thrower as he stepped forward to catch it and toss it back to the other side of the room.】 The way it's phrased indicates the ball hadn't shown that behavior up until the instant it almost hit Alden. Love the subtle clue that Drusi is doing her job discretely.

JJ Hunter

I am deeply invested in the banana question. Please report back if this gets answered via DM!


@The Ox, Alden may not need to talk about his commendation, but he's already told people that his teleport to the flier went sideways. As with Lexi and Haoyu, Alden may be asked why he was teleported out early, and how he got injured if he was sent to a flier. He probably has some good "content" with just The Span stuff, but most of his night was spent wandering Punta de la Luna.

Cory C.

Fruit like cherries and peaches with a single big seed are stone fruit. The story goes from serious to shoving cherry seeds up someone's nose.

Benjamin Helkey

I don't think this incident was predictable. The contract with its ability to read minds wasn't able to predict it.


He's a Mourner not a Chainer. It will be crazy if he starts to level insanely due to having to rely on his own power in jail.

Jean Bohdel

Hope your personal matter goes easy, Sleyca. Thank you for being so fair about the posting of the chapter.

Jeff Wells

The Submerger is not intended to be a WMD, and Orpheus certainly didn't think they were going to use it as one. So it's not the same, and you can't treat it as the same. This is Orpheus's only saving grace. It makes him more like a accessory to mass murder, rather than something like treason. It should still result in basically life in prison, but I honestly don't know exactly how that would shake out in a real court.


Daikon the moon Rabbit

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

Sleyca is really elegant at scene transitions and making us feel like we're along the ride for every moment of Alden's life without showing what doesn't need to be shown. In today's chapter for example, the only class we see him actually go to is the language one with the new teacher, which serves to highlight how much more culturally Artonan Alden is compared to his peers. But we feel like we see his whole morning because we see him go between each class, reflect a little bit on each class, and have tight interactions with other characters which give us both personality and plot information. And both Family Matters chapter parts have the common thread of nonagon parking to make it feel cohesive even as we make a series of tiny time jumps.

JJ Hunter

I agree with all of this! Tomorrow is the one year anniversary of this Patreon launching, might be a kindness to repeat this well-earned high praise on Sleyca's original patreon launch post (ETA: this one https://www.patreon.com/posts/83334849?utm_campaign=postshare_fan ) to celebrate that milestone.


I thought Haoyu was just combining two separate references for comedic affect. Beebee turned her uniform into a cheerleader outfit, and Kon hit himself in the face with a car.


You have a good point: Aulia doesnt need legal institutions when she is judge and jury. She can let the mob be her executioners, in this case. Aulia is absolutely vicious. The way she did it, even though she "apologized", she absolutely threw all the blame onto Orpheus. He is the latest sacrifice for the good of the family. I think Aulia is knows that Hazel was present for that exchange and she's covering up Hazel's involvement. The last thing the Velra's need right now is for Hazel to be more closely examined. 💀

Partha Peddi

Could the personal advicement be Bash-nor's attempt at catching Alden?

Jeremy Goldberg

The word itself sounds like a really cool nickname. Then I looked it up after reading the end note 🤣

Aspiring Moth

my personal headcanon is that lute actually is Cyril and Jessica's child. Jessica has high authority but low chaos potential, so wasn't picked by the system. and Lute heavily inherited some features from his mother's side like height and authority

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

For an actual educational time for his classmates, I'd be most interested in Alden focusing on his initial disaster response on the bus. Specifically, recognizing and addressing his own state of mind and doing peace of mind, so that he was able to follow instructor and system directions. I don't think it would be educational for anyone if the discussion is just picking apart and second-guessing anything that came after his teleport.


True, Boe is neat. I just think we're getting so much more screen time with Lute that he's sort of taken the lead in the running for me. ...and I've just realized that Lute has become some sort of weird Boe-analogue in my mind. Probably because of how acerbic they both are lol


I think this may also be a Globie vrs Anesidorite thing too. Globies like Winston will not understand the weight the commendation will have, verses someone like Haoyu who has parents with commendations.


It’s still a cool nickname! “Tell us, Daikon. How did you come up with your superhero name?” “Ah… you see… when I was in high school there was this incident—” “Oh! The radish video! I love that one!”

Jeremy Goldberg

I 100% agree that Drusi protected Alden from the ball. I kept wondering if Drusi could hear Lute’s side of theconversation or just Alden’s replies.

Jeremy Goldberg

Thank you for the chapter! Kelly immediately became one of my favorite characters. And her ability to recognize good cushion manners speaks well of her. Edit: I wonder who Lute was focused on instead of his schedule when he got it 😏 Edit 2: It occurs to me that the votary (I can’t remember alien names) watching over Alden from the shadows probably empathizes with his desire to fly under the radar, given her evident preference for the same thing. Maybe she’s just super shy and awkward!

Alan Miller

I'd say that chaos potential may be both genetic (Lute is Aulia's grandson...) and possibly environmental (...and had a bizarre and whiplash inducing childhood). It's not hard to believe that he'd have whatever hereditary potential there is.

Matt DiMeo

Interesting. Like, does she have an actually- supernatural sense that Alden is going to be important and she needs to get on his good side?

Matt DiMeo

He’s got the perfect “Matadero’d” excuse to hide a lot of it if he wants to.

Alan Miller

He could try to adjust his fake profile to show 2 levels gained which would shut up a LOT of questioning, but it might require actually expanding his affixation which he's really not ready for. I still think he affixes with Mother while visiting Stu-a'rth, which makes it a bonding thing, gets more Mother, gives him an explanation for time off, and possibly shrinks the real/fake discrepancy.

Alan Miller

Remember the contract - Aulia thought she was always going to be in a position to decide what was best for the family, but there was warning about her misunderstanding and losing that control when Lute got his contact tattoo. Lute isn't in control, but Aulia now has less than she once did and Lute is the person most obviously and directly harmed by her past actions.

Isak Mark

Seeing as they have wevii plight on their own home worlds and knowing the cultural importance of said fruit I doubt they prevented the destruction of the mono cultured banana fields.


You're probably right about Hawaiian shirts being liked by Artonans since Joe kept at least one in his wardrobe, but Alden might have mixed feelings about them after wearing one through that last bit of the Thegund arc.

Isak Mark

Jeffy is the type to send all that money to his grandpa, for new tractors and farming equipment.

Matt DiMeo

I don’t think anyone could have reasonably expected the submerger to be so weaponizable; this is certainly a political disaster for Aulia, but legal liability seems like a stretch. It wasn’t a bomb It was a boat part.


You know what the biggest distraction is that Aulia could throw out right now? Revealing that a Rabbit using Tailor Environment helped mentally manipulate Orpheus into selling SAL that particular device. The Rabbit-Sway reveal would cause its own shitstorm that would muddy the waters.


Did… did she cause a catastrophe to cover up her grand daughter’s murder?


Can esh-Erdi make that secrecy contract Boe and Alden were planning on?


She did it most likely for damage control, with so many artonans involved and especially with two high rank knights investigating, there's no way she could cover it up, so might as well head it off and accept responsibility now before it gets forcibly revealed.

Efram Manechiwz

I think of the sinker/sender more like the airplanes used in the attacks on the World Trade Towers. It's a very useful tool that someone weaponized. I think the Grand witch will face some negative PR but her confession will help her spin things to her advantage.


With the Velras name in the mud at the moment, how will the boater react? with no Manon there to keep them in line.. Will they try to squeeze Jessica for more money? Or take Aldens warnings to heart?

John D Jones

The Moon Rabbit recently finished walking through a watery hell carrying a preserved, badly wounded Artonan woman on his back. His heroics have been shown and now he wants some rest and what passes for normality at Intensity 4, thankyoumuch.


Damage control. People would figure out the Submerger belonged to the Velra’s anyway, it was one of the two on Earth I think. If she stayed quiet or lied about it she’d look a lot more guilty. Now she can just blame it all on Orpheus and it will obscure any blame that actually is on her part, or other shifty things she’s involved in

John D Jones

@ SunderGoldmane If Alden ever tells him about being a Wizard. Otherwise Esh would consider it to be like trying to teach someone without legs how to do jump kicks.


Nah, the Submerger was sold before the murder


I don't think you have to give her props. Andrezj was talking about the Council revealing the people at fault for the disaster and her involvement both as the owner of the Sinker Sender and with Jacob (through Hazel) is well documented. She probably just preempted their announcement by a couple hours and is foisting all the blame on Orpheus.

John D Jones

@ Stylemys And also trigger an immediate hunt for that Rabbit, resulting in both Artonans and Avowed trying to track her down and possibly discovering her death by murder via Hazel. Best to keep it simple and blame the druggie moron.


That’s a very good point. Throwing Orpheus under the bus like that is definitely better for the family than lying about the whole thing. But it also works the other way around and could make her do really cruel stuff if it benefited the family.


I doubt the Artonans would care remotely enough to hunt her. The System has told them that the attack wasn’t premeditated, so her alleged prior actions wouldn’t be part of any attack plot. They’d only consider Manon to be a SAL agent that was procuring them magic items. They don’t give a shit about SAL’s actual agenda.

David Sturgeon

Orpheus you finally did it - screwed up so bad even Aulias done with him

John D Jones

I like that Kelly clearly got drafted into teaching the class because of Rao chasing her delusi- er, dream. Still, she plans to do her best teaching the students who actually need her instruction. Meanwhile, she knows that Alden clearly does not need whatever she would teach him in that specific class, so she's giving him the option to not waste his time there. She's fine with him still showing up but she's telling him she's not going to spend a lot of time on him because he clearly doesn't need. That said 5'll get you 10 that she ends up "deputizing" Alden as her "teaching assistant.

John D Jones

@ Jeff Wells Being a dumb-ass is not a defense. "Steve just told me to bring a bunch of these red sticks from the construction site. How could I have known that it was dynamite that he'd use to blow up a church full of people?"


I reckon they're going to ask him to assist some of the visiting wizards. (the school trying to cash in on the commendation). First up - Ambassador Bash'nor would like a tour of the school!


I don't know if prison actually works for avowed - maybe they use something else as punishment? I mean - how do you prevent Orpheus being sentenced to 20 years - and then the Palace of Unbreaking summons him 2 weeks later for a job?

Temp One

I've been thinking about Alden's potential bully problems, and am starting to wonder if Esh might've been quite deliberate about lending Alden the Forsaken Son beyond just being kind and worrying about Alden's foot. It seems like one of the best potential ways to dissuade bullies of a person is to show they have influential friends that might be your future employer if you're lucky. Of course, that would be for more pragmatic bullies. Considering how Winston seems to hate Artonans this revelation will probably just egg him on.


Notice what Aulia says. She's tricksy like a fae, or a politician. She held a hand to her chest. “I cannot make amends. All I can offer you is my confession.” That's a sorry, not sorry if ever I heard one. I can't do anything to help. All I can tell you is that this is what I can tell you.


@Christine This isn't a sacrifice for the good of the family, it is cutting off an idiot who would drag the rest of them down and letting him face punishment for actions he did behind the family's back for his own benefit. They have no more reason to cover for him than any normal family does when a member commits a crime. @Aguy768 if he was a Mouner he wouldn't need drugs to get high.

Jeremy Goldberg

lol, I agree that there’s probably an unpaid teaching assistant job in Alden’s future. I was also really impressed with how much backstory got implied by Kelly’s offhand “Maybe I do want to be a teacher” comment. Those eight words really told a whole story.


I don't think the Grandwitch is screwed because she is actually telling the truth here.

Partha Peddi

By moving Kabir to Matadero, she controlled the release of info, and got ahead of any leaks.


To be fair the blame should all lie with Orpheus, he stole the device and sold it for drugs. Not on her orders or to benefit the family in any way. Also, her connection with Jacob is basically non-existent.

Temp One

To play devils advocate, she might be implying that saying sorry is poor succor for people who have lost their homes, friends, and family. And that nothing she can do will ever make that up to them. She kind of fascinates me as a character though. Because I'm like 50% sure she's a going to be a proper antagonist in the story. But Sleyca doesn't really write black and white characters. And there are glimpses of Aulia where she might not be a fundamentally bad person? She's 110% ambitious though, and what she's willing to bulldoze over to achieve those ambitions is downright scary. If she ever decides Alden is a magically ordained threat to the Velras, I imagine she will need to be put down, as I suspect she'd stop at nothing to neutralize him since that seems to be how she pursues her goals.

Partha Peddi

Mannon is C rank and can not affect S ranker behavior. At most she can do a B rank manipulation.

Skull Leader

I am curious about Andrzej's background, we know a bit about his background but honestly we know very little compared to other classmates. He really seems to like keeping his head down. Where other B ranks want to be super flashy to get attention, Andrzej seems to be making the quiet choices. Get stuff down but behind the scenes. He is doing the Quiet thing waaaaaaay better than Alden. Andrzej - A Quiet Maester


If that were true, then she could never influence wizards with more Authority either. But it’s been implied that sorting away inconvenient thoughts for said wizards is the whole reason that feature exists. The mental manipulation aspect has to be able to punch up under the right conditions or what’s the point?


Orpheus isn't a kid he is 30-something. Also, the sinker sender shouldn't have been that dangerous and it only was because it got rammed into Matero's shield. Besides she can just deny knowledge of how dangerous it was I doubt most avowed know how the stuff they are given works.

Skull Leader

I too want to know about these Brute Scouts. Do other classes have their own scouting programs? Maester Scouts would also be amazing with all their fancy toys/tools being used to solve traditional scouting activates.


Andrzej has a specific plan in mind for himself already. So long as he meets the conditions to apprentice with his uncle, he’s got nothing to prove to anyone else. The others are all out to prove they’re actually employable over their A-rank competition.

Jeremy Goldberg

Ooof, that could end up being super painful to read. My impression of the whole incident was that Alden did the best he could given the situation, but he didn’t have enough information to make good decisions and even if he did, the natural forces he was up against were so powerful that he could have easily been randomly squashed like a bug, even if he had made the optimal choices. I don’t think most of his classmates are emotionally capable of considering a scenario where there’s nothing meaningful they can do and their survival is utterly dependent upon random chance. They would absolutely nitpick Alden’s story to death based on their 20/20 hindsight, which would be absolutely infuriating.

David T

Did Rao ask to go to the world of yellow smoke?


It’s not simply that Aulia is ambitious. Her whole legacy is also far more fragile than she wants anyone to know. All it would take is one high rank Chainer going to someone outside her control for everyone to find out too. Wordchains aren’t something they can actually horde in the family. Lute’s tutoring showed us that the Palace hands out books containing the wordchains to ALL Chainers. They expect Chainers to learn as many wordchains as possible, not earn them piecemeal. A non-Velra Chainer could learn any wordchain the Velra’s have just by asking for it once they’re proficient enough. The Velras have no actual advantages aside from their early schooling and fat bank account to buy the classes up with.

Jeremy Goldberg

Look! Up in the sky! It’s a weird green bird! It’s a nine-edged plane! It’s…Moon Rabbit!


Would they? Rabbit seems like a better villain class to me, tbh. Be underestimated. Have subtle skills useful for organization and information. Use Appeal to talk people into things.

Cyrus McEnnis

Yeah but he doesn't NEED to talk about anything. He can decide to, but if he says "I'm sorry, I'm under a secrecy contract about that and my time at Matadero" and shows his tattoo, who precisely will call bullshit on that? And that's assuming that "it was traumatic I'm not ready to talk about it yet" isn't a perfectly reasonable response.


She doesn't have to have legal troubles to have truly MASSIVE problems from this. She got a lot of the rejuve for her family through application of influence; that's gonna dry up now. She'll have trouble finding kids willing to hold Chainer for her, and the ones who'll do it will cost more. That Gloss ban the Council was discussing will go through. Etc. All the things that allow her to build and keep a base of power will be stripped from her.


It occurs to me that Esh might have lent Alden the nonagon in part because that clearly, visibly signals that Alden has his favor and protection. We've seen the students gossip about it. I bet the wizards will gossip too.


Of course she won't kill him. She'd be prosecuted for murder. Even the people who believed he was guilty would be curious for being denied THEIR vengeance. She's just going to socially murder him and leave it at that.


I feel like the school has some self reflecting to do regarding the B-list "thrill seekers". They foster a very competitive and rankist atmosphere. Based on the gym classes, where students are thrown into new situations without much instruction, their attitude seems to largely be "figure it out on your own". Maybe you could also ask what kind of people do the admission tests really select for. All in all the current situation doesn't feel like a surprising outcome.


I think it might be less Globie vs. Anesidoran and more spends-time-on-Earth (even as a superhero) vs. experienced-with-chaos/Artona, but yeah Winston and Haoyu are good contrasting examples of that

Michael Blue

Andrzej’s family is of the anti-Velra faction. It wouldn’t be surprising if they were also anti-Artonan. I wonder if he declined the cookie ride due to Family Matters 👀

The Ox

If Alden doesn't really want to discuss the commendation, I think he could easily sidetrack the entire class with a detailed description of the fun interactions with Marks, just the stuff on the Span should be enough for a long talk about dealing with the Marks of the world.


Lute notably now knows less than the other roommates. He knows about the commendation, not all of the details of Thegund. Engaging with the unexpected will be interesting. They've had a lot of hypothetical situations and "three minute" solutions and now there was an actual crisis and some of them were in danger, some of them were safe, and one of them was Alden. There could also be genuine discussion of the B rank decisions, which is certainly a way of engaging with the unexpected but, uh, not a wise one. Alden could bring up Liam as a parallel, but probably won't. The teacher made it clear that she's not going to try to teach Alden more because the rest of the class needs it more. Because the rest of the class functionally hasn't had a teacher at all.

Guus van der Borg

For now. The ultimate plan is to breed people psychically attuned to chains, like Hazel. Not sure if they knew that was possible before, but they sure know now.


I mean, Alden was involved in the deaths of 3 people. It was self defense and he didn't kill anyone, but... it really is something the school should talk about. He also found two other bodies. I don't know if he's given the id and earring he found to the authorities yet.


I suspect Kelly will be mostly ditching the partner stuff because it's a case of the blind leading the blind, and it was set up by a teacher who did not want to do anything. Also, even if she keeps it, she should absolutely be mixing up the pairings, talking to the same person every time just means you both learn the same mistakes.

A Free Skeleton

Being friends with outsider Alden is forcing Lexi to look at parts of his culture that he never paid attention to before, and he does not always like what he sees.

Paul Sneddon

Or he just didn't want to deal with the attention it would put on him. I'd be seriously tempted to pass just so i don't have to deal with stupid people bugging me about having ridden on it.


To be fair he's only actually met her during application and at the B rank meetup, and she didn't actually do much power stuff at either of those.


Good catch, perhaps she was stopping the ball from hitting Alden.


I mean it wouldn't have been her first plan, but major disaster where all the recording equipment stops working and a couple hundred people die is the perfect place to dispose of a body. Oh, how tragic, Manon returned from her contract doing alien interior decorating just to get hit in the head by a piece of rubble carried by a magical tidal wave...


I like Kelly. I imagine that getting offered a teaching position out of nowhere at one of the most prestigious schools on the planet is a pretty amazing stroke of luck if you're interested in an educational career, which she seems to be. As for Alden, we now know what his official superhero name will be. Behold as the legend of Daikon begins!

Alex Scriber

Pretty typical new teacher. Teachers get paid less than a livable wage, so only people who really like teaching or kids go into it.


Hey, 'unpaid teaching assistant' is what puts you in position to be hired on the spot when a professor vanishes mysteriously and all the more qualified applicants would take more than twenty minutes to get to the classroom.


On the other hand, she had a potential weapon of mass destruction stored with minimal security measures.


What Orpheus did was theft. He had no reason to believe that he was selling a weapon. Heck, the person buying it had no reason to believe he was buying a weapon. It was an absurdly expensive theft, which he traded for a comedically small payoff. But seriously it's hard to actually sell his accountability for everything that happened. You could argue he was an accessory to the attempted escape from Anesidora, since that's a clear use of the submerger that anyone should be able to predict. But terrorism or mass murder or whatever is a really hard sell. If you sell someone a truck, and they bring it to someone else who drives it through a crowd, you are not at fault for the deaths.

Jeremy Goldberg

haha that will be Alden in his mid-thirties. Mild-mannered language instructor by day, mild-mannered demon combat support by night.


More to the point, Hazel was there and didn't even inform Aulia what happened. Hazel's phone wouldn't be infogear though. Aulia would not want spy gear being carried through her home and listening to her business.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

“Balls. Did I miss something? I wasn’t extraordinarily focused when I first got the schedule. At least not on the schedule…” 😏


There's no way Hazel's phone was infogear. Aulia has too much shady business to let spy gear into her home. The truth would have come out nonetheless, though.


The truth will still screw her. Her whole power base is built on soft power and influence. That will dry up overnight. She'll have a hard time getting rejuve for her family. She'll have a hard time finding kids to hold Chainer, and the kids still willing will cost more. That power ban the Council was discussing for the Gloss will actually go through. Videos taken at her parties will be released with hostile edits instead of friendly ones. Etc.


I really like Moon Rabbit though, I'd genuinely be okay if that's what his superhero name ended up


Aulia's so well written, it's hard to imagine her as a standard antagonist. If anything she's a force of nature making waves Alden must survive - which is pretty par for the course in the story so far. I can't help but shake the feeling that her love for her family is real. Even if they murder a rabbit she'll do all she can to protect them. She's willing to sacrifice her own power and reputation for the sake of advancing the whole family. I have a feeling that instead of Lute's revenge he'll get the script flipped on him. "Wow Lute, you've become an amazingly powerful chainer and friends with the first human knight! I'm so proud of you. I'm officially retiring, you'll be an amazing next head of the family! Good luck keeping them all in line!"


I find myself wondering if Aulia's confession isn't being tendered in Hazel's defense. There is certain to be a zealous investigation into the submerger. Who is to say what other Velras family secrets might be unearthed as this takes place? The only question is whether Orpheus knows about Hazel's murder. If he does, he'll turn on her in a heartbeat for leniency and perhaps narcotics.

Sébastien Kingsbury

Yeah, but what are the odds she had no idea how dangerous the thing even was? If all you know is "it makes things go up and down in the water", and the wizards are pretty well known for not really explaining anything, she might not have had any reason to think it was that potentially volatile. Wouldn't say she's entirely blameless, but I'd put the vast majority of the fault on Orpheus.


You really have to imagine the scene. The teacher told the kids it was a somber and sad story, they're all making their most serious faces. Her tone is probably soft and restrained. She delivers each line with reverence, as if it's art to be savored. And then she busts out the nose part. The incongruence with the setting is the humor. Add on random thoughts like "Artonans can have weird tastes from our perspective, maybe they think nostrils are noble and serious" and it gets even more hilarious.


Public execution isn't going to happen. Aulia would be arrested for murder. Even the people who fully believed in Orpheus' guilt would be mad because they were deprived of the chance for THEIR vengeance.


Killing Orpheus on screen isn't going to happen. Aulia would be arrested for murder. Even the people who fully believed in Orpheus' guilt would be mad because they were deprived of the chance for THEIR vengeance. On the other hand, she's doing a great job setting him up to be lynched by the next mob that wanders through.

Chas Becht

"and a yelp as a one stray teenager fell" -> "and a yelp as one stray teenager fell"

Jennifer N

@Jeremy Well he did decide that Boe's idea of him being an elementary school teacher was a good one after all!


Or she wanted spy gear on Hazel to know what she was up to.


There is a big difference between a non-apology, and acknowledging what you did is so unforgivable that it would be stupid to try to apologize for it. Aulia's speech is clearly the latter.

Aspiring Moth

is Kelly a low (for apex) rank? she didn't introduce herself with class and rank, which is pretty normal in this rankist society

Calico C

What was the other option? Wait for it to be revealed and then weather the absolute firestorm that she knew who caused the ordeal, and she deliberately hid them, despite wiping out half their country and killing hundreds of people?


He's not required to talk about it in class, but there's a decent chance the story about what happened after he teleported gets out on its own, since there's probably going to be an investigation about the dead bodies on the ambassador's lawn. If that happens, Alden will probably do the same thing he did with the moon story and tell them on his own before rumors get out of control

Flying Goat

I want her to be a "Shaper of Words", but I suspect that's not a thing.

John D Jones

Aulia's confession is being tendered in "defense" of the whole Velra family, including Hazel and Lute. If she'd tried to hide and it came out later (as it almost certainly would) a mob with (Wright-made) torches and pitchforks would have come for the Velra and stuffed them into the mailboxes after dismembering them. Orpheus is the (actually guilty) scapegoat she's using to avert that.


Agree with 11037. With the caveat that I trust her earnestness as much as I trust Sophie's pacifism.

Michael Blue

I really want it to be Colibri after leveraging all her clout to be in the same room as Alden


It seems unlikely they would trust the family black sheep-druggie with the sins of the (ex) golden child


"Alden thought as he slipped past the Adjuster girl with the summoning abilities and into the busy hallway. She was talking to Andrzej about a press conference that was coming up this evening. There were rumors the names of the people involved in the attack were going to be released. " As others have pointed out, Aulia's livestreaming confessional is happening now to get ahead of what information is going to be coming out at the Press Conference. The instory timeline probably will show that this is the first "Official Recap/What we know so far/next steps" dog and pony show that has occurred. So what will the Press Conference present and what will we learn? 1. Sinker Sender origins and it's provenance from the Velras. 2. Fate of the girls who used their "lifeline" on the boat. 3. Death and damage tolls 4. Rebuilding plans 5. Announcements of arrests and investigations. I think a press conference wouldn't be the right venue to announce a commendation for Alden. However, I wouldn't be surprised the dog and pony show doesn't include Esh and Lin and Joe and Bash'nor standing behind the presenters for "support". Alden will probably be there, just not front and center. Although dressed as he is in the school uniform, he could be the CNH representative on the "rebuild Anisidora team". Edit to add: I don't remember the chapter, but isn't there a Rabbit in Alden's intake group that buffs up people's clothing and appearance? Here would be a good place for a reappearance to clean up Alden before going in front of the cameras.....


So, aulia, lute, Orpheus and can someone remember is it hikara? The 4 S ranks of velra family


Esh knows Aulia personally from Matadero. He might bring it up as interesting news or might not mention it at all because of the acquaintance he has with her


So zeridee is around 30? Very young adult to Esh, but has been in a privilege d position at earth for a whole while.


@Neil Globally there is .07% chance of being avowed. On Anesidora its almost 100% chance if both parents are avowed. Both Jessica and Cyril being wiffs, it was assumed that Lute would be too because he would fall under that .07%.


Heloisa, the third roomate of Nathalie and Emilija But it is for small objects, I'm not sure if an uniform is too big or not But the PR team probably has a more expiremented rabbit with a similar skill on call

Darya Браун

Poor Lute, his life is about to get so much worse.


If I had a nickel for how many patreon story updates I read today that had the phrase Moon Rabbit in it I would have two nickels. Which isn't alot but it's weird that it happened twice


@BeheadedMouse: I think the level of emotion Aulia expressed when she learned of the disaster means that she was not expecting the news. A smooth operator like her would match others' emotion levels and blend in if she had forewarning. Ch. 144: |||“Is she << tender of feelings >>?” Esh-erdi asked. “I did not think so when we first met, but after I explained the nature of the crisis, she seemed even more deeply affected than the other humans.”|||


as a one stray teenager fell out of the bottom of tree and one Nine-edge Son emerged from the top. as one stray teenager fell out of the bottom of the tree and one Nine-edged Son emerged from the top.


Keiko is an A-rank apparently. There are four total S Velras as of Chapter 19, which probably includes Lute even though he was really recent: “But he really didn’t want one of the family’s four S-ranks to swat him like a gnat the second he stepped foot on the island. Or force him to marry their children. Or slap a new surname on him.”

William Forrest

The only other story I could think of that would have moon rabbit in it was Magical Girl Gunslinger. You got my hopes up and dashed them expertly sir. Well done.


And I wasn’t the only one who initially missed the drift of that comment. Alden: ‘I was more focused on all the other stuff, too.’ Never change!


Definitely a ton of merchandise options with Moon Rabbit


I think Lexi is fully aware of the rankism, he just disagrees with it. Recall he was selected very late for his rank, and probably spent a lot of hours considering what life as a B or C or F would be like.

Michael Blue

I’m sure there’s a way to spy on Hazel with technology without making everything Hazel says/does on/around the tablet publicly available information


Yeah. We knew his family opposed the Velras, but not that they were actually political players. If they've got Council news, at least one of them must be on the Council.


She might well, if she thought it was needed. But she won't. Killing him on camera will just get her prosecuted for murder. Even the people who fully believe in Orpheus' guilt would be pissed she took it upon herself.


I whole heartedly agree that she won't, but I think it's fascinating that she's a character that I fully believe to be capable of it.


DAK. Yeah but who's going to buy a rabbit with a shaved butt?


There’s also Sailor Moon. “Tsukino Usagi” means rabbit of the moon.


After hearing that Ella-Clara gained four levels this year, it occurred to me that Alden’s skill is at a university level and possibly the most powerful at CNH (at B rank, of course): 1) Ella-Clara is at the top of her class, and the year is almost over, so 4 levels/year is likely the most anyone other than Alden gets 2) Each level requires more authority, so it’s unlikely that that pace is sustainable in the third year (at a 10%/level growth, she would need to generate 1.1^4 = 46% more authority to get four levels in her third year) 3) If there is a third year who kept a comparable pace, and they only put their authority into their primary skill, which is uncommon, they’d be at most level 12. Realistically, most students will have put half of their authority into additional skills, foundation points, and spell impressions (which would put their primary skill at level 8-9) 4) Iirc from the Q&A, most skills top out before level 10 5) In ch 105, the contract says: [“For example, your skill has now reached what I will call Level 9. There are ‘Level 10’ B-rank Rabbit skills in use currently that have less authority bound into them than your newly earned 9. But there isn’t a ‘Level 11’ skill weaker than yours at this time.”] 6) We know that rabbit skills pack more authority than other classes, so his level 9 skill *might* have more authority bound into it than some level B-11s of different classes 7) His skill grew noticeably over the last week. It even outpaced his unbound authority growth 8) As s protagonist, his skill is, naturally, much better designed than any of his peers and has additional features that leverage sacrificial symbolism for turbo plot-destroying power In summary, I concur with Haoyu. Fuck off Klein!


Heloisa is a strength brute in Alden's superhero gym class at CNH. The Rabbit who beautifies things is Hadiza, Natalie Choir and Emilija's roommate at Intake, and now they are roommates while Natalie and Hadiza go to CNH Arts program. Emilija goes to Franklin High in F-City.


We've learned very little about most of the people outside of Alden's group of hero trainees (and even that one has like 15 undefined A ranks). Understandable considering how many people are in the Hero program, nevermind the rest of the high school.


Yup, only four. Which presumably is a pretty good number for a class as rare as Chainer. It’s probably quite a sore spot for Aulia that two of them are the black sheep of the family… especially right now.


It’s very true that the investigation that’s being conducted has a high chance, even with Hazel off-world, of finding the photos she took of Jacob receiving the Submerger from Orpheus, or at least of noticing the connection between her and Jacob. Throwing Orpheus to the wolves means that the wolves won’t come knocking at her door.


Hmmm. I'm certainly expecting her to be "Team Alden" at some point (as opposed to some one like Esh-erdi who is definitely destined to be on the anti-Alden team.)


I can't remember if I dreamed it or if it was in Primal Hunter... he just finished a moon arch and I remember thinking, I wonder if Zovarth likes soup...


Where exactly did we learn about 2), that level requirements grow exponentially while authority growth remains constant/linear


Thank you for the chapter! Kelly was an instant hit IMO, she must be a finger pistol meister. Appeal is their primary stat Also, Alden trying repeatedly to get a word in, having other people answer questions directed at him, and openly detailing what they know about him - it was so funny lol, that Conversations scene was near perfect


I think Aulia and Alden will be allies eventually. She's pro-family and pro-Terran, and she knows too much about the foundations of magic. Alden will be anti-Avowed at some point and they'll work together.

John D Jones

@ David Alden didn't fully articulate Klein's main objection all that well, possibly because he probably hasn't heard it. As it stands, Klein has no objection to what Alden can do right now. Alden is clearly an effective Avowed. Right now. Klein's issue is that eventually "all" Skills "top out" and cannot be advanced any further. What happens when "Let Me Get Your Luggage" tops out at Level 5? Or even 15? Will it have enough power by itself to carry Alden as a Hero? Probably not. What other Skills and Spell Impressions are available from the Rabbit class to help Alden further progress as a Hero once LMGYL tops out? As far as Klein can tell, pretty much none. Now Alden (and those of us reading this story) knows that BoAB won't ever top out. And he/we is also aware that due to his wizardry, Alden's Skill will get really potent really quickly. But Klein doesn't know these things. And Klein has no reason to doubt his own experience with how Avowed work.


It's from Fabled Webs who is a fanfic writer who has a thing for the Jade Rabbit from the moon. It was his Pokemon apocalypse story which had a chapter come out today in patreon which mentioned the "Moon Rabbit"


Right but if they put two much pressure on her she can just threaten to keep using the gloss anyway and not tell them they can’t really prove anything and as far as they know it would just cause bad things to happen to them as her opponents


@Brell Orpheus is 30 something he is responsible for his own crimes


It only reacted like this because it was rammed into the shield around Matero which dispersed it I don’t think it would have reacted this way in if crashed anywhere else


As the Huntski Lodge club said, the example did seem a bit specific. It makes a lot of sense thst it would br Rao.


@Stylemys the only problem with that would be how the Velra’s were paying people to keep quite about the effect of Taylor environment but I am sure they can blame that on mind control as well


They could just claim that they were trying keep things under wrap while they investigated the validity of their suspicions. As a former councilwoman, Aulia would naturally be very concerned about rumors running wild about such a popular skill for their most peaceful class. Police don’t like to discuss ongoing investigations for a reason. Manon obviously drove Hazel to have a break down to distract them long enough for the SAL to do their thing. Truly, the Rabbit was an evil supervillain. Aulia can only apologize for not being vigilant to uncover her powers and schemes in time.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Now that you put the idea in my head, I want to see some sort of Kung fu master avowed I guess it would be some sort of hybrid agility/strength brute But you know just doing all those ridiculous physics-defying Kung fu hustle/ bollywood moves


The scene with the new artonan language made me think about Alden watching videos from the goodchild Kwoo-pak. I think those lessons are going to be really relevant and humorous when juxtaposed to his situation.

Jeremy Goldberg

“An angry sound escaped Alden’s throat before he could stop it.” If Alden’s bodyguard tells Esh that Alden is unhappy his gym time will be canceled, it would be totally on-brand for Esh to volunteer to supervise the B-ranks while Plim is off water shaping.


That would demand that someone is self aware. Considering Lute's childhood, and the expectations on the high ranks I have a hard time being optimistic.


in the USA, maybe, but probably not in Anesidora. Where I live they're paid well.


Nah. Tattoos can't give you prescience. If they could, heroes would all be tatted up with, "I will never be struck by an attack I didn't see coming," "I will never fail to find my target," that kind of thing.


I think I would get cancelled considering the only Russian curse word I know happens to disparage the gay.


Ooh, good catch. I didn't even consider it, but I think you're right about the ball.


She absolutely would. The only reason she wouldn't is if it might damage her reputation. Make her look too brutal when she usually tries to act like everyone's favorite Hero.


I wonder why Aulia had the device on Earth and how she got it. Was it with permission from both alien and Earth authorities? She may be in trouble anyway.


Does anyone else wonder what kind of radishes they really were, if not Daikon?

Anthony Lutz

Roman is also an S rank velra, he just wasn't allowed chainer, and is now a rabbit


It punches up under "explicitly willing target" conditions, like a few other things we've seen


I want this so bad. I don't think it'll happen as there will be some rule of no interferences. However, it would be brilliant to see everyone over awed, or scared of the Knight, while Alden just gets him to perform small feats of magic by accidently asking him to help with certain gym stuff and skill growth. Could be very comedic and help the remaining B-Ranks get over their upset at Rankism in favour of being looked after by a powerful figure from Artonia.

John D Jones

Goodchild Klee-Pak is basically Artonan Goofus and Gallant from Highlights Magazine (any kid waiting at a doctor's office has probably seen it) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goofus_and_Gallant

John D Jones

@ TheLunaticCo Alden guessed that she was 60 back around Dawn I or so (not going to look it up right now). Esh-erdi told him that she was about twice Alden's age. Alden age as Artonans reckon it is 13, so Zeridee is 26-7 or so in Artonan years. As an American human in development she's basically a "mostly adult" like someone between 18 and 20. Once she's 21, she could "smoke and drink alcohol."


@biped while there would have to be a whole bunch of limitations, (a tat for noone can hit me can't be possible) humans also haven't really fully explored contract magic yet. Artonans, the beings who have explored it, are tatted up in the way you would expect if it was overpowered in some way. Granted magically enforced contracts are plenty powerful even without weak foresight

John D Jones

I think the "press conference" is what Aulia is doing right now. That Shaper thought Andrzej might know more details because his family is political rivals/enemies/dislikers of the Velras. Figure she heard something about Aulia Velra doing a press conference later and thought that Andrzej would have the full scoop because he's probably had it before.


I'm a little sad for Alden that he didn't realize Lute doesn't mind Peace of Mind much. Lute offered to give him one for free when they were at the Velra party. And even if they stuck to ones Lute dislikes paying down, the flip side of something like Zone In might be a really fair trade in Lute's eyes. Alden's being a bit too noble again, looking to take something that hurts Lute as much as Peace of Mind hurts him. Or maybe he's overestimating the impact Peace of Mind has on less traumatized people. All that's really needed is that both parties walk away happy from the trade. One interesting story place this can go, though, is Alden paying back two PoMs, one before a Mind Healer session, one after. Seeing the huge contrast that makes might highlight how much the session helped him.


She's almost certainly from the Arts program - so it could simply be that class/rank isn't mentioned as often there as it is for the Hero program students.


It would be amusing, but Esh-erdi is very busy right now. We don't know when he'll have enough time for a tour.


@T-B: Agree that he is aware and against rankism in concept and practice right now—he’s not Marsha’s mindset. But it also seems Lexi’s constantly being surprised by things that he hadn’t realized were actually products of this social stratification. Case in point, him being legitimately caught off guard by the realization that many on the admissions department might place a Rare S higher than an ultra rare commendation by their alien overlords—and that they would be so clueless/uncomfortable/uninformed/uncurious about it that no one even sat Alden down to probe (or just plain ask) him why he got that commendation. Sure Alden got in, but it becomes clear that was based more on ‘they like him, let’s hire him and see what the bosses do’ and not ‘let’s trust their decision and assess why the bosses have such a discrepant view of what a hero looks like compared to our own’—or, in Klein and most of the guest assessors case—‘he’s a B rabbit, regardless of anything else nothing in our experience tells us this will work, don’t bother’. Alden is disappointed but not surprised. Lexi (and Haioyu) are legitimately shocked that it might happen that way.


@John D Jones: Yes, that's all correct. Instructor Klein is missing a lot of information in general, and about Alden's specific situation. Anyone who's looked at the current Rabbit skill list would also be rightly concerned about the average hero-Rabbit. Though... Klein should see how the grivek Rabbit builds work. We really need to see more of that!

Aspiring Moth

2) is incorrect. while it's true that more authority is required for a level, there is also more authority to be exercised, resulting in more new authority being produced. if point 2 was correct, high ranks would find it much harder to level than low ranks, and this isn't the case


I'm low key pushing Captain Daikon of the Green Plate Club. 🫡 Speaking of clubs and bananas, when will we learn more about the Artonan Banana Conservation Society, which of course literally translates as Those Who Forsake Their Own Mother's Snacks for the Sweet Yellow Canoes of a Distant Parent.


Hang on now. That's interesting. We did learn that a powerful chained can slap a chain on someone at distance... the one guy on the boat started behaving erratically suddenly. The system couldn't prevent this because it wasn't premeditated... sounds like someone with the ability to influence someone else's mental state may have set the whole thing up. It does solve a lot if problems fir Aulia.


Except she was clearly freaking out when esh erdi told her what the cause of the disaster was.

Ano Ano

I really want to know how Alden's rude classmates are pronouncing daikon. Japanese or English pronunciation. Does it rhyme with cone or khan?


@John D Jones Right. That was the subject of Haoyu’s objection in this chapter which I’m in agreement with. Even if Alden’s skill did top out, he could just choose a different one. And obviously Klein isn’t aware Alden’s skill is at a university level, with the fake profile. I just thought it was funny after reflecting on the offer Calibri was authorized to make admitting Alden into the uni program.


If she's a shaper of water, then she probably doesn't even need to aim...


I just think of Winston being told and thinking something like "That's nice, the wizards gave you a sticker. Doesn't make you any less of a B" or something like that. Whereas it may make someone like Marsha pause and reconsider, at least a little.


How does the system know when to translate nicknames like Daikon? If an English speaker says, “daikon” does it translate to the equivalent of “radish” in French, or does it remain “daikon” because the word wasn’t natively English? What about the name Daikon? How does a Japanese speaker call Alden by his nickname without it being translated or refer to that specific kind of radish? Is the system just reading everyone’s intent all the time? That seems like it would require too much of its attention… I went back and reread Esh-erdi’s explanation about why the attack happened in chapter 149, and it’s inconclusive on how much attention the contract can give at large. I had assumed that the system installed a kind of notification system local to each avowed that alerted the big System when certain keywords or thoughts indicated its attention was required. That way it would only need to monitor thoughts occasionally. It’s rather unsettling to think it might be much more intrusive than that.


23,224 followers, Best Rated #2, Ongoing Fictions #1, Popular this week #4. Supper Supportive by most measures is a fantastic success! But I wouldn’t call SS a LitRPG. Where are the stats? Where are the tables? Where are the upgrades? Powerups? XP??????? When was the last time we saw a character sheet? Yes, all the LitRPG elements are there. Systems, classes, progression, buffs, magical items, etc. But Sleyca has taken the framework of LitRPG and created a masterful, unique adaptation of her own, and that takes guts to buck the trend, laugh in the face of convention, and show every other author that there is a better way. I thought about this topic this morning in the shower as the hot water ran cold. (Am I the only one with this bad habit?) It dawned on me that while levels and classes and ranks are always front of mind, Sleyca never talks about her newly minted, and “rapidly” leveling for the first time young teenagers checking their stat sheets to see if they “leveled up”. Yes, they are always looking at their “interfaces”, so maybe their stats are always there, and therefore never a topic of inquiry. They are hyper aware of their levels and of other peoples, but the mechanics of them increasing is opaque. That is a strange, and I dare say, deliberate omission on the part of Sleyca. Are we to assume that SS characters only know if they level up when they are contacted by the Contract? Have I forgotten a mechanism? My thinking went down this path when I was wondering about a possible new commendation. Alden’s first award had no ceremony. No notification. He only found out about it after he checked his stats page way back in chapter 62. It was located under privileges, and came with a monetary bonus! Chapter 64, while he was stuck in the Earth holding tank, he was able to see his real stats, as well as a never to be referenced again Priority Rank. Alden’s Priority Rank is an interesting concept. I assume it is a combination of skills, class, experience, and commendations. Thus, while he may possess the highest commendation on the planet Earth, he may very well not be that high in the Priority Rank! Long way of saying that we shouldn't expect to see an award ceremony even if Alden does get a new commendation. It will probably just appear on his interface, and no one else will know until he needs to share his stats once again!


Earth system gave Alden examples of messages he sends avowed to inform them they have leveled. I don’t think avowed can tell if they leveled before getting the notice, since they don’t get stronger until they affix their new authority (and they unfortunately don’t have an xp bar as far as we know). Maybe if their skill can grow within its bounds like Alden’s they would be able to tell? But I got the impression most skills were not designed that way


There might be ceremony in normal time, Alden received his awards in special circumstances being on another world for all of them. All other avowed do not have an autorithy sense, so indeed they know they level up only when the system change the number on their profile (not everybody gets to see him). In "Hot Chocolate", the system shows Alden a couple of message windows that people usually get when they level up. So Avowed are unaware of the level up, how it happens (Alden and Lute discuss this during the chainer serie) but get a pop up when it happens. And if SS cannot be labeled a LitRPG then so be it, it is alone in a better genre (for me) Edit : If it is good why try to label it? It is close enough to give a flavor on what is inside. I would say that all good novels are "outside" their genre, otherwise you just have a copy/paste of stories. Each story needs his own speciality (GI JOE and Rambo are both action movies but with enough differences to not confound them)


Oh that’s interesting - so Alden hearing the “4 S rank Velras” was really 4 S Chainers, which probably makes sense since there are probably more S ranks married into the family for Grandwitches S-Baby-Chainer Factory plans


Meister of Knuckle is already known to be a thing. Andrjez was originally looking for that but settled for Alden’s Meister of Cudgel.


The problem is that the school’s hyper-competitive admission strategy is working. They are part of a 3-way tie for the top school in the nation for Talent Development. A single major incident after decades of operation won’t be enough to move the needle. Especially when those highly competitive environments are known to help leveling and skill development, which is the whole point of the program.


Haoyu makes a really good point about how useful a Rabbit with organizational skills would be. We've already seen Alden make a big difference by getting everyone to sit down and plan the obstacle course - someone with a proper planning Skill should be even better - and they could stay safe behind the fighting and just advise their team most of the time.

Desert Yeti

Yeah, but that's not a Rabbit ability, that's Alden having no ego to get in the way and a low bullshit tolerance. As for a Rabbit with the skills you mentioned, we've seen them already: Manon.


@Aspiring Moth Can you give an example of why you believe that “isn’t the case?” The bound authority grows, and that will reduce some of the 46% extra authority needed to level, but it seems like an incredible claim that bound authority generates exactly the 10%/level difference

Juan Alcachofa

Damn. How can i write Sleyca to get that subscription extension? I bought my first subscription here, but because it was 'suspicious activity' patreon suspended my account until i managed to activate it(after 1 week that i lost). After that There were the 2 chapter delays one after the other(with 1 chap in between).


The way I see this point is that the power does not come from a tatoo but from a tremendous number of the same tatoo. If Aulia has one tatoo per family member, a) she will run out of skin sometimes soon b) have enough magic input not to be precog but increase her decision capacities (in addition to fondation point in processing)

Partha Peddi

Lute mentioned that he is in trouble with his chains granted to others. I think Alden is just being respectful to Lute in asking. Lute may have to pay back the second half's of most wordchains he gifted to others he could target during the crisis.


Kelly is permanently Sayori of the finger guns in my mind now. https://images.app.goo.gl/x7GoFSJc6dJrFS1v5


I don't recall that. When did Lute say anything like that? All he said this chapter is that he might be in trouble for breaking things while chained up. And my problem, here, is that Alden *didn't* even try asking if Lute would trade. He just assumed the answer was no, or that asking would put unfair pressure on Lute.

John D Jones

@ Terrestrial_Biped Alden's actually trying to be a little selfish here. He'd like Lute to pay at least one of the Peace of Minds for him. Basically, what he wants is for Lute to give him a chain that's easy for him to pay in exchange for Lute paying Peace of Mind, which is more difficult for Alden to pay.


I'm aware he wants that, which is why I'm frustrated that he stopped before even asking for it, as if asking would put too much pressure on their friendship.

John D Jones

@ Sindri Kelly is a graduate student. In many ways they're a little bit like semi-slaves to their professors. This isn't "Congratulations, Kelly, you've been hired to teach Artonan at Celena North High School!" It's Kelly's professor calling her to wake her up after she was sleeping off an exhausting day of volunteer work to tell her to go run the fuck over to the high school campus to teach/babysit the high school children taking a class in Artonan that Rao abandoned to follow her "dreams." Kelly started getting enthusiastic about teaching after threatening to fail the class. That wasn't "Wow! Teaching is now my life!" It was "Hah! Now I can go mad with the power I have over students' lives too!" but jokingly. @ Rob A disturbing large number of people would probably buy a shaved butt rabbit. You don't want to think about why.

JJ Hunter

See Patreon help, "How do I message a creator?" https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002832026-How-do-I-message-a-creator

JJ Hunter

@Desert Yeti, I'd argue Neha the super PA, one of the original S-ranked Rabbits, is an even better example than Manon. Locate Resources is gloriously overpowered, and she selected well for supporting skills and spell impressions.

Partha Peddi

@Terrestrial_Biped here usage means usage of wordchains: “—right now I’m kind of worried about myself,” Lute was saying. “I might have been just a tad over the top with my usage.

JJ Hunter

@Jazehiah, Esh-erdi is very busy, but he's already shown he's great at delegating, and there are all these hopeful wizards running around trying to accrue public service merits...


His very next sentence mentions breaking public property, suggesting that that's the cause of his worries. He hopped himself up on too many strength chains and broke stuff. He's worried about the consequences of breaking stuff. He says nothing about worrying because the people he helped might shirk their debt or something.

Ano Ano

In English, the second syllable rhymes with Khan or con. In Japanese, it rhymes with cone. Neither is wrong, and Anesidora is too multilingual to know what pronunciation these kids are using.


Yes but what can he delegate? Can he delegates his tasks to teach or will he have to delegate teaching? If he does not teach, I'm sure earthling would be pleased to learned from the Bald General!


“Man, you guys suck. When did the high school language classes get so lax? Uniformed Kid with Good Cushion Manners, summarize what I just said in Artonan, then translate it for the room.” So Kelly single out Alden with his cushion manners and think that the classes are lax. Plus the number of time Rao did not care for what Alden and Lute were talking about. Did Rao made the level drop by taking a job that she didn't care about waiting to be summoned? (She did not ignored the two only because she does not like Lute but because "Meh they speak Artonan, it's enough")

Emily Gurnavage

Sidekicks were tried in the past, but the death toll was apparently insanely high among them since they tended to be lower ranked as well as lack the skills to take care of themselves when separated.

Emily Gurnavage

Great mental picture, but he is totes too busy for that despite the generous amount of time he is spending on Alden. From the way some of their conversations were worded I have the feeling that Esh has been putting many things off that he will soon need to get back to.

Jeremy Goldberg

Do we know for a fact that Esh is super busy? I know Alden assumes so, but his assignment to Earth was supposed to be an easy job. With the demon banished prematurely due to recent ocean shenanigans, Esh technically has even less to do as far as his original mission goes. Now that the widespread death and destruction phase seems to be over, Esh’s knightly services might no longer be required.

Emily Gurnavage

There is a hero in another story ive read like that. He can perform any martial arts move simply by having *seen* it, even a recording, and it doesn't have to have been real. He learned kung-fu from watching old movies and can do all the wild gravity defying BS kicks and such.

Jeremy Goldberg

One thing I keep wondering is if Mother prompted Esh to do anything for Alden the way she prompted Alden to talk to Stuart.


> But just the basic stuff of words and sentences, which things are said and which left implicit, how scenes and events flow from one thing to the next... it's just really good, even compared to professionally edited, traditionally-published genre fiction. I can see how Sleyca would be a great webcomic authors The concise plotting and dialogue


In sad news, Jeffy has “bought the farm”… …he wanted to to buy his grandpa farm mortgage AND his neighbors mortgages from the evil banks

John D Jones

Something else to consider is that Kelly called out Alden for his "good cushion manners." As far as I can tell, Alden was the only one kneeling on his cushion instead of "ass-abusing" it by sitting on it. That tells me that despite her somewhat casual dress and manner, Kelly actually knows her stuff in terms of both Artonan language and culture. Rao... I think Rao is kind of this setting's version of that one white dude who wears kimonos and owns a (replica) katana. AKA Rao is someone who fetishizes and cosplays Artonan culture without really understanding it. I think Alden will become Kelly's "teaching assistant" but it'll be because she "hires" him by giving him tutoring in both higher Artonan language and Artonan culture. Granted that Alden has both Esh-erdi and Stu'art'h for that, but the problem is that they're both native Artonans. There's a billion little cultural bits that they do automatically that are invisible to them but that Alden won't know about. You think Anesidoran Social Dynamics were bad? Think about a culture that was a space-faring civilization when humans were still building fires out of their own dried feces.

John D Jones

@ Jeremy Goldberg That wouldn't surprise me at all. Take a look back at Chapter 119: "Interesting" some time. When talking about Alden, Esh seems curious and interested. But once he meets Alden for real, Esh is a lot more focused on Alden and his well being. I don't think Mother ordered Esh to do that or anything, but Mother is basically the Computer Mother Goddess of the Artonans. If she's concerned about a human rhey-b't's well-being, as an Artonan, even as a hn'tyon, you best jump your ass up and make sure that human's well being, is being well cared for.


This chapter really makes me miss Kibby. Because Alden wanted to show her his Artonan language class to make her believe the world was ending. Missed opportunities!


Was that character from Kill Your Heroes?


We know the system is reading everyone's intent all the time because it's possible to pull up a system window with mental commands. It's relatively small, but a portion of the affixation is a tiny piece of system-interface. Edit: to expand on this, it largely is only responding to keywords or particular kinds of thought, but much more than that is being "streamed" into a larger database. It's unclear how much, but at least enough to determine that the submerger attack wasn't the actual plan before setting out


Okay, but Kelly needs to become the second MC. Sorry, she's just too good. But seriously, I don't know if there's another author that does micro absurdity as well as Sleyca. The gross birds, the nose revenge stones, etc. It reminds me of really good improv where there's just some small detail that's off the wall instead of everything. Maybe like Douglas Adams but he seems to go bigger?


Personal Advisement. I've got a few ideas on what that might be. 1. Legal advice. Alden is a witness to the death of three avowed. 2. Personal branding and media advice. Alden is in the spotlight. He cannot avoid it anymore. 3. Celena North branding advice. Alden is talking to a lot of Artonans. How does the school want him to represent them? 4. Class scheduling and tutoring plans. If this were a normal school, this would be my guess. I'm sure there are other options.

Andrew Gardner

Another possibility for personal advisement is Esh-erdi's scheme to get Alden some mind healing.


After rereading this chapter, I think Aulia might be “murdering” Orpheus by proxy. There are two entire islands of angry, traumatized superhumans that now have a grudge against him personally. Even the criminals and guards he’s be in prison with would have families outside that lost their homes or lives. With so many new powerful enemies, at least one is bound to have the means, opportunity, and willingness to end him.


Rao might have actually taken the teaching job specifically to look better on paper for Artonans. After all, they revere teachers, especially those at top schools. To her, only the position mattered, not the job itself.


From Manon’s POV, we’ve also seen that Tailor Environment can be used on the fly. Imagine literally being able to see what needs to change to bring a chase or hostage situation to a quick and peaceful close. I wouldn’t be surprised if a Rabbit with that ability could sniff out bombs just by looking for something’s that’s absurdly unfit in the environment.


My view of Aulia is that she’s a doting maternal figure that has become increasing detached with time. She’s theoretically immortal and that has completely warped her sense of consequence; time heals all wounds and she has all the time in the world. Except that same time tends to speed by quicker as you age. She loves Lute, but she can’t really understand normal people anymore. To someone who’s taken both the last and next century for granted, the years Lute spent suffering under the family would seem like a week-long tiff between cousins. Which is exactly how she presents the Hazel-Lute feud to Alden at the party.


That is a good point. I was also assuming that the interface was running locally on alden.os and either bundled into the initial setup as part of his affixation or as a soul enhancement. It’s really the only sensible way to do it. That way the avowed doesn’t lose access to all of their stored info when on strange, systemless moons. It also means the Contract doesn’t need to run and monitor millions of simultaneous instances of a gui, that visiting different contracts doesn’t change the avowed’s interface, and that every contract doesn’t need to support the interface for every species. But maybe the soul enchantment is too expensive, the authority affixation is too unethical, and the visitation to strange moons is too rare to justify it? Regardless, it seems like there has to be a better solution, particularly with the Contract’s obsession with cost minimization, than constant monitoring of everybody and their thoughts. It has to be very expensive to invade people’s privacy like that, particularly those who don’t consent to the contract

Andrew Simpson

Yo aulia is playing this really interestingly. We know she will cover up crimes to protect the velra name/image (see hazel), so I have to imagine she's just doing this because she thinks it's going to come to light.

Partha Peddi

Beyond our disagreement on the wording, I was wondering how bestowing wordchains worked. Lute's work at the palace makes it his responsibility for the wordchain's second half not snapping back. But, is he responsible to take on the second half to stop that? Or is he supposed to track down anyone he gave them to, and push them to take the second half? With Aulia's confession, it is impossible for Lute to ask anyone to take the second half of the chains, let alone go out in public. Lute might shirk on his responsibilities for the palace this time. Even Vandy might find it hard to track Lute down for her second half.

W. I. Shane Moore

Buddy if you want to taste the Big Mike, they're not even extinct in our world. Specialty growers still produce them, they're just obscure because they're still a liability as an agricultural product. https://miamifruit.org/products/gros-michel-banana-box-order

Anthony Lutz

It won't be 1, only the artonans/contract knows what happened because a flyer turned up with a sleeping person, and esh said something like "nobody is stupid enough to talk about this publicly/with humans", so the school wont know. I think its going to be a combo of 2 and 3, possibly starting with "did you get hurt by being reckless like the other Bs" , and otherwise question him on how or why he has generals magic tool (He's a Hn'tyon damnit use the proper title), at which point he will melt their minds with the fact he's been on Matadero being healed by a wizard, and will be giving Esh a tour soon.

Guus van der Borg

@Sesharan, I don't think Aulia views Lute as a 'Black sheep of the family', not just yet at least. I bet she currently views him as a teenager in his rebellious phase, and that he will grow out of it soon enough. To her, that he showed up to the party with Alden and co is probably a sign that he's starting to grow up. Also helped by her belief that he was 'the fated child' for that specific S. And this belief is probably also strengthened by Alden becoming his roommate and BFF by sheer unlikely coincidence. I bet Aulia actually thinks very highly of Lute at this point. Both as a mystical fated child, and one of the few people in the family that seems to have some common sense. He just needs to grow up a bit.

Guus van der Borg

I think it's very likely that Alden may spend some of his time off as a knight as an intake counselor like Neha.

Guus van der Borg

Not just perfectly willing, contractually obliged to. If she believes down to her very soul that killing someone will be for the good of the family as a whole, she HAS to do it. Her (lack of) willingness wouldn't even be a factor. She's bound up with nearly a hundred contracts that will magically compell her to do it.

Guus van der Borg

@Jeremy Lute's side should only be in Alden's mind. So unless she decided to eavesdrop to the point of using some spell to listen to Lute all the way in F, I doubt she could hear Lute's side.


it would require more political capital to save him from this than she has ever had at any point.


Going over the chapter again i noticed this remark from one of the students [If they find out how checked-out she is as a teacher they’ll never let her near one of their planets.] So probably confirmed that she pulled down the level of the class

Andrew Simpson

Only if people find out, which I guess she assumed is inevitable. I suppose she did make an enemy of the system by doing this, and it is omnicient

Andrew Simpson

I agree. Not that I think lute would want to trade necessarily, but never asking and making assumptions is a recipe for being disappointed for no reason your whole life.


@David, the problem with that is that Celena North High simply doesn't have a lot of information about what skills are useful for rabbit Heroes, since there aren't any, and so they have no idea which, if any, other skills would be useful for hero work. If LMTYL tops out at level 5, and he doesn't find any other useful skills to affix, then his prospects as a superhero are essentially nil, and Kleins objection was that he would be wasting his own potential, and the time of the instructors if that turned out to be the case. He even suggested exploring his skill for a while, then coming back for university if it had actual potential IIRC.


I agree that Douglas Adams goes bigger with the absurdity, but I also think that a lot of people who enjoy Douglas Adams also enjoy Sleyca. The term "micro absurdity" is great, and I am absolutely going to steal it for any appropriate circumstance.


you literally scroll up, top right red envelope written message.


Minor guidance andvice? He is without any family or close grownups on the island. Some personal "are you alright, everything is okay" time?


Joe mentioned he wants to make a petitition for an idea to remove the spill in a more effective way. Would be cool if he returns Alden's teacher that way. :)


That's the first thing that came to mind when reading it, but the other kid could just say "no" and suddenly everyone would know something spooky is going on.


Ohhhh right! They want to cash in their Rabbit! It would totaly make sense at this point too, since that was strong reason for why they allowed him to attend.


Couldn't the kid just say: "no i don't have the spell, no idea why it bounced"? That would start drama. And on the topic of injured rabbit. When alden felt pain in his food, Esh-erdi might have known, since he keeps Alden's skeleton on his interface.


I was trying to figure out what makes the writing that little bit more impactful. Like a lot of people question why Super Supportive has so much more supporters than other stories and it's well written but I think one of the big parts is there are those little moments where life just has something truly absurd but it's not impactful to the story. It's like that lady on Instagram claiming the best thing for your health is for sunlight hitting your butthole. Not even tanning specifically. But those things that just make you laugh and feel kinda great about what you're reading. I just don't think other authors do them nearly as well or as often.


If Orpheus does die for whatever reason, would that free up a new S-Rank Chainer slot for Miyo? The Palace might want a replacement to keep their numbers steady.


In the very least, I doubt his shoes will get pissed in for much longer. Kelly doesn’t seem the type to shrug off someone teleporting piss into her classroom. Nor would she ignore Lute keeping his shoes with him without asking why.

Desert Yeti

Don't forget Aulia is under the effect of multiple contracts which force her to act "for the good of the family." Her decisive and clear actions might not always be by her own choice. I look forward to the day her oath demands she step down and give up her position of matriarch.


@ImNotHere LOL I can just imagine someone yelling that at Alden when he is near Kon and Kon's like, what? What'd I do??

Andrew Simpson

I don't know if contracts can magically compel you to act in certain ways or do certain things. I think even for tattoo contracts a clause like that is magically recoeded legally binding, but not magically enforceable. But who knows maybe contracts are like geases

JJ Hunter

I'm expecting a welfare check since he hasn't been staying at the dorms or at a human hospital. Does he need to school to request the Artonans give him back? Is everything okay? Alden also showed up to school in a squishboot. Unclear how much the school has been informed re: what happened there, but I'd be concerned if someone from the school *didn't* at least check in on that situation and any accommodations potentially needed - is Alden excused from physical activities in gym for the next week? Etc. Also expecting to hear the school suddenly has access to a top notch healer of mind with the caveat that Alden be seen first, can Alden please schedule time so the other students can also benefit from this much-needed resource.

JJ Hunter

Given we've seen Principal Saleh checking in with Alden discretely during gym before, this might all be handled somewhat informally as a chat directly with her that also covers more generally how Alden's been doing in school so far, what classes he's hoping to take next quarter, etc. Totally Normal School Stuff. ETA: on further reflection, 'personal advisement' has strong connotations (at least in US contexts) of helping students customize their course selection for their goals and their eventual career path. Alden's been feeling more acutely lately how he keeps standing between groups and not quite fitting into either - human Avowed but wizard (and knight candidate?), the only hero student who's a Rabbit (ever?), young and B rank but commended (highest human), just went through hell and happy to be in class, etc. It would make a difference to have the school administration make more of an effort to pair him with other human Avowed who can advise him on his unique path here. Wonder if Neha is back from the TriPlanets and available? She does seem to be uniquely qualified to take goals and help locate the right resources to schedule in the right sequence to get exactly where Alden wants to go...

JJ Hunter

@WannaBeATree, Stu-art'h already knows! He was so offended on Alden's behalf he shrilled about it and advised a righteous scholarly exit.


“Is something wrong?” “Nah,” said Lute, his face distracted. “I mean, probably not? Roman’s mom just yelled something about Aulia murdering Orpheus in public, but she’s a little bit of an alarmist.”  Isn't Roman's mom the same person who said that Hazel would kill someone someday? I am wondering if she is a touch psychic when it comes to Velra stuff... which doesnt bode well for Orpheus.


The principal was glad to see everyone alive and MOSTLY unharmed My best guess is replacing his, and other wounded, gym time with other training You do not expect a squishyboot to rescue sandbags or defend against weapon meisters on an obstacle course This would also allow Esh to slip in mental health help along with the training


The Artonans might take him away from Earth for his own safety, like protective custody


That’s a lot of effort for someone that has no real value to them. Only the Palace of Unbreaking is allowed to employ Chainers and it’s been implied they’re less than happy with how he turned out. The Palace is also the only place Aulia could have borrowed an ancient Submerger too, so I can’t image they’re still feeling benevolent towards him for what happened to it.


@John. I don’t think Kelly can be judged for her casual attire at the meeting. She was only woken up 20 minutes prior after all. In that time, she had to have the situation and job offer explained to her half awake brain, consider and accept it, get dressed, and run across campus to her first class that was already starting without her. Even the most strait-laced professional would show up looking like a beach bum under that kind of time crunch.


Honestly, I think Orpheus has been pushing boundaries with his Grandmother just for the thrill of it. Yet another high for him to chase. At the time, Hazel immediately pointed out that there was no reason for him to buy drugs using the absurdly more valuable Submerger, as he had money and plenty of other suppliers. He knew what he was doing, but wanted the rush of sticking it to the family and getting away with it. Ends up, that’s the one vice that Aulia won’t tolerate forever.


By the same token I wouldn't read too much into her motivation to take the job. There's no way for it to be a deeply considered decision.


I want Alden to show Kibby’s instructional videos to Kelly, just to see what her reaction is. After all, they’re one of his resources for practicing the language. It would be extra hilarious if they got out and Instructor Kibby became a popular study resource and meme. Honestly, I was surprised Alden didn’t share Kibby’s video on formal place settings with Natalie. That information directly relates to Artonan food service.


We don’t know if Hazel told Aulia though. It occurred after Hazel got her B and stopped getting all of Granny’s attention. Given her personality, I wouldn’t be surprised if Hazel helped cover up what Orpheus did just to be petty towards Aulia. She didn’t care about wrecking the sentimental gift she chucked at Lute in a hissy fit, so why would she care about the Submerger getting stolen?


I think it's the way "irrelevant" details appear in the middle of exposition. Intrusive thoughts that don't seem related, but that flesh out the world. Things like the flashing yellow pedestrian crossing lights during Waves. They appear several times Alden thinks "how's your mom?" but realizes it would be insensitive, so he asks about Libra. Most authors would either have Alden ask about Lute's mom or have him ask about the boat. The spoken word would match or follow the thought. It's the difference between showing and telling. It's really hard to do.


My theory is that Lute actually did inherit really low Authority from Jessica and Cyril. However, he stumbled upon an Authority flexing exercise through his obsessive music practice. All those days that he played until his fingers bled because it made him feel ‘special’ were also him constantly engaging with his Authority. Lute’s own version of the little rituals the wizard kiddies had. He may have started with almost nothing, but he was the only Human constantly building it up like wizard do, until he surpassed all his peers.


Something occurred to me. Lute has had his Class for about a year and a half (if I’m doing the math right). Considering how routinely he’s employed at the Palace and very recent breakthroughs, I’d expect him to have leveled at least once in that time. But he only ever talks about his two original S skills. He’s also expressed horror at the idea of becoming a hyperbole (for unknown reasons). What if Lute has been refusing level ups in hopes that will prevent him from ever ranking up? Lute might be banking Authority like Alden does without even knowing it.


I don't think its likely, but Orpheus volunteering on the triplanets and donating all his earnings until the entirety of the damage to Aneisidora is paid back (which, I'm assuming, would take thousands of years) would be a solid play.

Anthony Lutz

Refusal to level is not an option, its a natural thing like exercising a muscle and getting stronger. As for banking authority, thats not something people do because its assumed you must accept something due to initial fixation, where the rules are something like.. choose what you want, or the contract will forcibly randomise and apply something. Level ups after that only "optional" up to a point, Alden got to level 8 prior to his second afixation and nearly became a chaos abomination. Normally his last chances to choose naturally would have been level 5 or 6. Which the contract prefers because the cost is too high to do it by force


Maybe, but once again she might be catastrophizing all the time and some times catastrophes happen. Like there are financial gurus who pride themselves on predicted last 3 financial crises, but the trick is - they are constantly predicting crises, as in they predicted last 230 of 3 crises that happened.

Desert Yeti

She's not concerned about the human rabbit at all. She's concerned about the human hn'tyon. I get the feeling that one of Mother's fundamental and overriding directives is to support and care for knights. Everything else is a secondary function. Since Alden is a knight candidate at least, he gets a big portion of her attention. She probably suggested Esh look for Alden. She definitely wasn't about to let Alden spend his favor when he was about to be rescued.

Desert Yeti

Or it could be someone on the staff trying to ask Alden to introduce them to a wizard. Or a Velra or local politician. Or Arjun ...


Gorgon is imprisoned on Earth ⛓ No reason the Palace could not put Orpheus in the Artonan version of community service 💵 Mental Word Chains would probably constitute "cruel and unusual " but having him bestow Physical Word Chains on others are suffer the physical debt would be similar to "hard labor " 🪨


Yeah, Alden knows that’s what the rules are from his interactions with Joe and the Mother, but Lute wouldn’t. They know that the initial fixation has to be done, but not that later ones do not. Earlier in the story, there was even an anecdote about a Wright taking 2 years after their level up to pick out their next skill. So it’s known that you can push off the level up and affixations. None of that is relevant anyway because Lute wouldn’t have leveled up 5+ times already even under the most generous estimates. He not focused on leveling like the Talent Dev kids are.


The Gorgon is (presumably) the last remaining member of the only other naturally magical, sapient species the Artonans have ever encountered. His death would represent something far more impactful than some druggie human Avowed. Aulia was even going to use Orpheus to scare the Palace into agreeing to a chaperone for Lute. They’d probably just prefer to free up an S-rank Chainer position instead. They missed the boat with Roman, but Miyo is still waiting in the wings as a potential S-rank rookie.


well, they know that the affixation is optional, they even have a "no" button in the level up message. They just don't realise what that no button implies because they also had a no button on accepting the contract in the first place that didn't actually do anything beneficial to you. They then associate the negative connotation of the first no button with all subsequent options.


I object to Kelly being labeled as any degree of absurd. Her many arm motions didn’t even include ANY jazz hands, despite ample opportunity. She’s practically Professor McGonagall.

Radha Patel

It is Soup Day, my body woke itself in anticipation


Which only Manon knew the real details of. And she ain’t telling. Who else could say if such a subtle, maxed-out, Rabbit skill would have those limitations? All the public can do is wildly speculate.

The Ox

The Informant already knew about the existence of the Sinker-Sender before it blew up, so a cover-up was impossible. From the context it seems like the Informant is open to being paid for "discretion" but that would be impossible in a disaster this huge. Throwing Orpheus to the lions is probably her best damage control option.

The Ox

I don't think we've had absolute confirmation, but my assumption has been that a bestowed wordchain's negative side is also borne by the individual who received the positive side. The Chainer is simply performing the wordchain for them. Which is probably why the System normally requires the recipient to confirm that they want to receive the chain?

The Ox

Hazel has lots of untapped use value. Orpheus' tank went dry.

John D Jones

Given that the Soup will come late today (probably early morning tomorrow for me), I'm going to try (and likely fail) to resist reading it when it does come. If it works, I'll try to save it until Monday or even Wednesday to kind of make today the "skip day."

The Ox

I think there is a good chance that the entire incident COULD be suppressed. It occurred on the Artonan Embassy, with an Artonan staff member present. The Tri-Planets don't even tell Earth what happens to Avowed like Hannah so clearly, they don't have to say shit if they don't want to and there would be no way for Anesidora to force out the information. Whether or not they would suppress it would be a decision for Esh or maybe Bash-nor?


Hero students are expected to exhaust all their skills every single day, whilst pushing themselves to use them in new and unusual ways. If they do this they can expect to level up 2 times a year. 3 if they really push it. 4 if they are absolutely insane. Lute meanwhile, maybe exhausts one of his skills once or twice a week (if even). Whilst using it in the very specific way it was designed to be used. I would not be shocked if Lute hasn't levelled at all since accepting his class.


Comments seem to want Alden to see a healer of mind for a long time now and that may be useful however, the only eventuality I see that being possible is if they get a secrecy tattoo or equivalent. A lot of his trauma is related to things that are too dangerous to talk about otherwise.

The Ox

Calling the Sinker Sender a WMD is pretty inaccurate. It is not designed to be a weapon, the people who stole it did not intend to use it as a weapon, and the conditions for weaponizing it required a set of circumstances that were so unlikely that even the Earth Contract did not predict them happening. Throughout the incident, there doesn't seem to be anyone involved, including the attacker, who intended for the Sinker Sender to be destroyed and cause the backlash damage. Is it a weapon if no one meant to use it as a weapon?

The Ox

I kind of want to meet Bash-nor soon. It would be awesome if he's Jel-nor's dad or some close relative too.


No, he is a Chainer. He became one before Aulia starter micromanaging newbies and we can assume that how bad he turned out is why she started micromanaging


SkySeeker, I've been reading forever and Super is as well-written as any other story or novel I've read. You can be good without comparing your writing to Sleyca's. Don't be too discouraged. 🙂

The Ox

Based on the case studies they talk about in Instructor Marion's class (can't remember the course name), it seems like flamboyant risk-taking is not confined to the Beat List Bs. Accredited Superheroes who've graduated from Hero College do it too. There's a problem inherent in the system.

The Ox

Side-note, what happened to "the girl with Tailor Environment"? I was always very curious about her and why we never learned her name.

The Ox

Is there a Chainer quota? Do we know that it works like that?


<> ----- hey I resemble that guy over there It's all poetry and linguistics and poling down a metaphoric river until someone shoves a shit coated seed up your nose Sorry sleyca


Actually, I'd say we have evidence that the debt stays with whoever performed the chain. Way back at the funeral, Lute bestowed a harmony wordchain on other musicians, and his own wordchain debt decreased as he did it.

JJ Hunter

Speaking of school-facilitated personal advisement: I'm getting genuinely curious what Alden's course options will actually be for his first full quarter in January. I assume Alden will stick with Engaging with the Unexpected since that's a two-parter. Alden was planning on Artonan Conversation VI, but he seems to improving Artonan fluency in leaps and bounds given all that time chatting with Stu-art’h and Esh-erdi, so that might not be the right level anymore (what's next after that - joining a uni course instead? doing a regular Kwoo-pak watch party with Lute?) Alden's still working on filling in the gaps in his American science education, so he might even need some tutoring this quarter if he keeps ignoring his Preparatory Science lectures in favor of watching Other Alden hunt or helping his classmates organize for obstacle courses, etc.

JJ Hunter

Given Alden's been on multiple other worlds already, but could clearly use some supplemental cultural education on ewtwee acquisitive customs and how to navigate disagreements with them, I wonder if there’s a better high school or uni course for students expecting to be summoned more imminently that dives deep into practice etiquette. Intro to Other Worlds I seems like it’s half at the right level for him now but also assuming that students have 7-8 more years before their first summons to fill in other gaps instead of <1 year to next summons, so he may need a different track, supplemental tutoring, and/or other resources to bridge his critical knowledge gaps faster so he doesn’t have to learn by direct experience while working on a summons. I hope Alden gets to stay with his same MPE group for at least another quarter or two. I really enjoyed the obstacle course arc where he helped his team align on goals and then support the heck out of meeting them - I’m so invested in those relationships continuing to grow and mature as the individual students and their nascent bonds of friendship and allyship do.


They may have a hard time actually trading for it for Mio

Barrett Fogarty

Good points. The school's curriculum is set up to produce Heroes that have earth-based careers with occasional summons off planet. Summons for them don't take place until the end or after university. Alden's career will start right away with summons through out his schooling (for as long as it lasts). I think it's reasonable that he starts talking to his Instructors about the reality of being a Hero-tracked Rabbit who also has lots of wizard and knight contacts. In teacher-speak he needs a "Differentiated Curriculum".


Kwoo-pak is probably more important for Lute, given his interactions with Vandy...


Ox, Chainers only work at the Palace of Unbreaking. When the Palace needs more people, they add the class into the class list that people could potentially get when they are Assigned as avowed.

The Ox

Saaski, But does the Palace necessarily have to wait for Orpheus to die before they request another S? If there was a quota, then I'd think they'd have a different attitude towards him than if they could order as many as needed.

The Ox

When Lute bestowed "My Body is My Assistant" on Alden, he did the opposite half of the chain, causing bad dishwashing and toothbrushing. That seems to indicate that most of the debt is born by the "bestowed"? With a little interest on the "Bestoweee"?


Tadas exactly. Throw enough mud at the wall and some will stick. Shoot in the darkness enough and youll eventually hit the a target. A broken clock is right twice a day. Etc etc etc etc.


@Ox We don't have any hard data on if there is some sort of limitation on the number of Chainers allowed, only on the number of Chainers requested. We know that Chainer is rare, so it's not asked for a lot by the Artonans. We also know that the Velras will horde it in the sense that if and when it comes up, they will have people keep it in the trade cycle until they have an appropriate person in the family for it like they did for Lute.


They distaste for Orpheus may have been tempered by feeling a bit responsible. If the Palace is the only place that Chainers get summoned to, then it’s the only place that Orpheus could have gotten hooked on wizard drugs. So they might have still been giving him chances. I kinda imagine that Lute having a private Artonan tutor/handler is likely a response to what happened to Orpheus. They’re filtering what he’s exposed to. It also probably added to his joy at seeing Lute befriend Alden. Lute is associating with good influences instead of a bad ones.


Zeridee is around 28 earth years, and around 26 Artonan years. Remembe Esh thinks of Alden as around 13 Artonan years old. And estimates Zeridee as twice Alden's age or a couple of years older.


I feel so bad for Lute-- the backlash for the Velra family as a whole is going to be huge. He's going to be suffering again, probably bullying from the other kids at school who won't even see it that way.


Hot take. Alden doesn’t need a mind healer. I personally don’t want to read a paragraph or chapter about Alden having his trauma magically taken care of by visiting a magic mind dr. He’s got friends. Friends heal each other naturally in a passive and active way. I would rather keep reading about him interacting with his friends and growing. He’s already got a therapist as a dedicated professional person to talk to.

Matt DiMeo

He should legally and publicly change his name. Not much, but couldn’t hurt.

John D Jones

@ JJ Hunter Tallking with Stu'art'h and Esh-erdi in their native language, probably helps Alden some but not as much as you might think. Here's a question: Would Kibby have any trouble speaking with Stu'art'h and Esh-erdi or understanding them? Probably not. On the other hand, if Joe let loose a blistering stream of curse words during a lecture on advanced magi-physics concept, would Kibby have trouble with that? Probably so. Since Kibby was his "tutor" Alden understands Artonan on Kibby's level. Kibby was a very bright but somewhat sheltered young Artonan child. There's words and concept she doesn't know. For Alden to progress in Artonan, he's going to need to be taught more advanced words and concepts by another actual adult.

Temp One

I was curious about how Esh mentioned to Lind that Alden had "clearly never had a disagreement with an ewtwee." We know from earlier that Alden has strong feelings about the incident where the ewtwee was shot, but thought the bullet was a gift that was just delivered too quickly. And that he thinks they're one of the most friendly and outgoing species you encounter amongst the Avowed. But, from Esh's comment, I'm wondering if their acquisitive customs can get a bit tiresome in person? Like they'll happily rob you blind. Or maybe Esh was just commenting on the fact, based on Alden's essay, Alden seems to really like ewtwees collectively.

John D Jones

@ Stylemys By his own statements, Lute is "lazy" with his powers. He's much more focused on being a musician. He probably uses them when summoned by the Palace of Unbreaking. Lute uses word chains occasionally, but probably uses his Chainer Skills fairly rarely. It's quite likely that Lute has used his actual Skills more during the few weeks since he became roomies with Alden than he did during the time between his Affixation and then.


while I agree with you, I just have one (hypothetical) counterpoint : we do not know how a mind healer works. Maybe it's not just a spell that fix mind, but something that help people to heal naturally. Knowing the problem is 50% of the solution, and Alden does not know his problem. A mind healer could be a lifetime of therapy sessions in a session or over a year. If it is "abracradabra, you are fixed", I agree with you. But people walking the path is a long process (with or without help) and that time can in itself be hurtful and create new cracks.


Based on what we've seen of Body healers, even if he did get one it's not like it would solve all his problems. It'd be much closer to a magically augmented therapist than anything else.

hercule pyro

So on the one hand, this is a story and things that are good for the story aren’t necessarily good for the characters. It would be boring for us the reader to follow Alden retreading his trauma in a therapeutic environment, whether magical or mundane. However! Pretending he was a person and not a character, Alden needs a buttload of work to get back to healthy. His life is a wombocombo of suck and he could absolutely 100% use help processing it (actual professional help, not idiotic teenage danger matching). Any of ‘orphaned by supervillain’, ‘disinterested guardian’, ‘mentor disappearing’ (especially combined with the other two), thegund, and the recent events - any of those individually would prompt some kind of counselling. All together combined is just a minefield.

Jeremy Goldberg

super off topic, but I was reading chapter 33 and ran into this paragraph: “In the distance, a flock of lime green birds rose into the air. He’d seen a few of their kind around campus; he liked them because even up close they looked like they might have come from Earth. Just ordinary birds that did ordinary bird things.” Were those the cannibalism birds??

John D Jones

Gokoratch were described as "loud, stinky cannibal parrots." If Alden saw them up close, he'd have smelled them if they were stinky mostly likely.


Mental health is a huge thing. I personally feel it's awesome that some authors are tackling it. So I look forward to seeing where it goes


He’ll be okay. This time, he has friends! … Even if those friends failed him the first time. Well, now he has an emotional support ryeh-b’t, at least, and the emotional support ryeh-b’t has an emotional support snek

Temp One

I've been thinking about the personal advisement meeting and I'm wondering, even if the school administration doesn't know about the killed Avowed, they might know about Alden rescuing Zeridee and staying at Matadero to heal? As a result, they might want him to take some personal time off for his mental health. Especially considering how they felt they were already pushing it with Alden by accepting him into their curriculum so soon after he got back from Earth. Like other posters have said, this could also dovetail with whatever Esh has planned for Alden as well. Perhaps if Esh is pushing for additional time off for Alden, and knowing Alden's orphan status and friendship with Stu, he might be privately inquiring if Alden could have an extended stay with the art'h family when he visits? But for alternatives, I could also see someone in administration noticing Alden flying in with Hn'tyon Esh-erdi, and explicitly being given control of Esh's flying Forsaken Son. And just thinking "Oh, HELLLLL no" before booking it to the administration building. With the intent to update Alden's schedule with a personal advisement meeting regarding how to play as an intermediary between humanity and incredibly important Artonans.

Zach Joe

My totally gut feeling prediction is that the advisement is a Colibri meeting. We haven't seen her in a while and she's dying to advise him. Maybe she wants to get in front of the cookie incident and start a ghost social media account for Alden. I mean, it could be Klein or the principal, but I'm just hoping for something fun 😀.

Zach Joe

Also, damn I'm gonna miss the comment section when my subscription expires soon. Love this place, keep being awesome while I'm gone!


"Privacy invasion" hasn't been shown to be expensive (see: sways), so much as it's expensive to breach even *implied* contracts (*sharing* private information, affixation against will, "lying TO CONTRACTED AVOWED is expensive".). The bit that's affixed to the actual avowed is tiny; essentially just a read/upload (keyboard+mouse) and visual display segment (monitor, possibly graphics card) with absolutely everything between the two being handled by the System (computer). In regards to the interface not being shared between species, we know significant parts of it *are* (commentary on momentary names), and the system knowing how messages look to others (Hot Chocolate convo) as well as glitching in light chaos (Thegund) means that the interface is handled on the big contract and played on the affixation's visual hallucination segment. This would be inefficient if every resource were equally valuable, but from what we've seen, there appear to be 3 "categories": 1) magic. A function of how much authority is actually bound into the contract, plus some supplemental physical energy (frozen teleport runes). Highly renewable, but limited. 2) Avowed Bound Authority. Used for skills, foundation points, system access: fundamentally, the one that the contract is built to maximize (interdimensional warrior's contract). Renewable, technically, but it takes a while. 3) Contract Bound Authority. Technically speculative, but it would explain both how the contract can do magic independently and at scale, the Knight Death Ritual, and why "young" contracts are inherently less powerful. Only renewable over long periods of time and through spending of 2. From what we can tell, reading thoughts takes 1 (made cheaper by 2), storing them takes 1, processing them takes 3 (temporarily). The point at which the contract will spend 2 instead of 1 does *exist*, but it'd have to be a huge savings to justify it. I *suspect* that a lot of system usage (the internet especially), is actually 2 being the input, 3 being occupied momentarily, then the rest essentially turning into a low-maintenance 1/2 direct stream, with 3 only being consulted for control input.

Joel Wells

In a weird way, I somehow think Aulia is going to use this moment to make a comeback in her political career. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure her enemies will try to take advantage of this moment. But there is something to be said about being willing to turn in her own family when they cross a line and commit a crime and not try to hide it. Really, the only thing she could be accused of is having a magical device given to from the Artonans which the island is full of.


Stinky is relative to Artonan's though. Humans might think their smell is completely different.


Human psychiatrist: please tell me about your mother. Mind healer: please tell me your mother; the symbolic value of her is important for my healing magic.


Awww, thanks JennP. Who knows? Maybe someday I will hack together something coherent enough to post on RR. Accepting that not all of us can be Sleyca will have to be a part of that journey for sure, though! 😄


I swear, my response to the idea that Soup might be coming soon is practically Pavlovian...

JJ Hunter

Questions haunting me: When is Alden going to be able to give those two identifying items of the deceased motorcycle lady and the man from Iowa to a human authority who can notify their loved ones? Is Liam going to show up on campus today and try to interact with Alden in person? When will Boe get transport out of the jungle and where will the wizards send them? Will Lute leave the Velra family home before Alden comes to pick him up, or will Aulia get the PR boost of Alden on Esh-erdi's nonagon making a highly visible pickup at her address? What is Stu waiting for?

The butler did it

*frantically trying to determine if we've reached 'fairly late'

Alan Miller

I can't imagine gokoratch as the kind of birds you'd find around a wizardry college.

Alan Miller

Lute is probably the safest of the Velras - he can point to his eye as an example of how the family has also done him wrong.


It's 8:30 in the evening Pacific, so probably not?

Flying Goat

It's not even a little late yet. First we need to wait for it to be late-ish. Once we hit that, a little late is just a little after that, Then we have to wait a bit for it to be a bit late. A fair bit after that comes fairly late. Rather a while after that comes rather late. Then comes very late.


For the first one, if his advising is with the principal, he could ask her for advice. That should solicit an interesting response.


Moon rabbit.. moon bunny... Magical Girl Gunslinger??!!

Charles Hinton

Having reread some chapters I was wondering if people get the same meaning for things as me. Do we think the idea of mean-mean is more like meanish teasing, sarcasm, or encompassing both.


I think mean-mean is just English "mean" withban undertone of "wrong." I get this from Alden's conversation with Zeridee, where he says that lying to him at that moment would be mean-mean. I think the funny-mean is the friendship type of mean when you are playing around.

Andrew Tobin

I kind of feel bad for Orpheus. The dick. There’s no good that can come from any of this. He’s definitely more likely to be killed by a grieving family member than get actual justice of some kind. Is it wrong to think that? I’m also intrigued that Esh hasn’t mentioned Alden not wearing the commendation. I’m wondering if he understands the attention that would bring or is patient in his curiosity not bringing it up. My money is on Alden having to wear it when he meets the Ambassador. Esh will probably ask him to, so they can mitigate the ambassadors authority over anything. Unless none of that happens.


Mean-mean is ACTUALLY mean. Like maybe you pretend it’s a joke but you’re actually being genuinely mean. Sarcasm/teasing/etc are not mean-mean how I’ve been reading it.

Temp One

If 12am is definitely 'late', does 10pm mean 'fairly late'? ;_;

Temp One

My tinfoil hat conspiracy is that Orpheus might've been unawaringly goaded into stealing the sinker-sender by a powerful sway. Maybe even a Sway incarcerated off Anesidora on a boat somewhere...

Andrew Tobin

Could be. I just feel for anyone screwing up their, and possibly their entire family’s lives so badly. One incredibly stupid, selfish decision.


Soup? 😁


Pacific time. When I wait up for a chapter, it usually comes out between 3 am and 6 am est. At a certain point it is more profitable just to go to sleep and enjoy it when you wake up.


Though you can also say someone is mean-mean sarcastically or as a joke.

Temp One

Yeah, I'm on pacific time and it's 10pm now. Thing is I know I like this series so much that I'm going to inevitably stay up until 3am waiting for the chapter.


Maybe I'll get soup for lunch?! *O*

Andrew Tobin

I’m still holding hope the sway made it out. So many stupid, frivolous decisions in that tragedy.


Ox. Maybe they already did replace him.. as far as numbers go. Orpheus is in his 30s at least.


Breakfast lunch and dinner for a healthy and nutritious day.


It's Friday and no chapter or delay announcement! Time to panic!

Shaun Clark

Thank you for announcing that you're taking May 26 off. Access awareness week is from May 26 to June 1 to my little corner of Canada, and I'll be able to focus on it better this way. Thank you for writing a story with such relatable characters.


"I actually worried the Grandwitch would appear and bother me while I was here, but she hasn’t been around." I think this is missing a word.