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[A/N: For those of you who read the Royal Road posts, too, that chapter will be up later on Thursday!]

“That’s funny!” said Kabir, his knives still chopping squash in time to the music. “It almost looked like The Bald General ran away from you!”

Alden’s astonishment was so complete that he stood there with a mind gone blank, gaping at the spot Joe had vacated. One of the mounds of sandwiches in the fridge, unbalanced by the wizard’s rummaging, slowly collapsed sideways onto the bare section of shelf where the trifle had been stored.

I just wanted to say hi. I was being friendly. Why on Earth would he run from me? 

It had been more of a jog than a full run. But the intention was still really obvious.

He’s Joe.

Superior Professor Worli Ro-den. Multilingual schmoozer. Clever, confident, and a little criminal—an Artonan who’d managed to be likable on Alden’s very first day as an Avowed, when he was so nervous he couldn’t even bring himself to argue with someone like Bti-qwol. 

Alden and Joe’s dynamic had been different when they’d talked back in September. During that one late-night call, Joe hadn’t been quite so larger than life. Alden had been…changed. Tireder. Better informed. 

But the call hadn’t been bad. 

Joe had clearly been uneasy when he picked up the phone, but they’d joked around a little in the end.

I told him I didn’t think he’d made a bad gamble. I told him I liked the lab coat. I told him I’d stood up for him with Alis-art’h. 

He narrowed his eyes. “That man’s no hn’tyon, Kabir,” he said, accidentally speaking in Artonan because he was thinking so hard about a member of the species. “His name is Master Worli Ro-den.”

Alden, my darling Rabbit! So happy that we’ll be working together. What a nice, nice skill you have! You’re my savior…. 

You may call me Joe.

Irritation born of half a dozen less nameable feelings stirred inside him. “You know, I don’t think Worli Ro-den is allowed to run away from me.”

The two wizards by the fridge exchanged one-eyed glances. 

Alden’s bag swung as he whirled, and his squishboot squeaked against the hard floor. He strode out of the kitchen. 

He was going to catch that jerk. 

He didn’t ask himself what he intended to do once the jerk was caught. He didn’t even know why he wanted to catch him, exactly. It wasn’t like he’d been desperate to talk to Joe. 

But he had been pleased to see someone who knew something about him. About Kibby. The lab. His skill. 

What had happened to him.

I just wanted to say hi. 

Inside his head…

No, the truth was located in some place more primal than that. 

Ro-den was a powerful, sneaky, Artonan genius who would probably have a whole flock of amazing Avowed running errands for him again before Alden graduated from high school. But Alden suddenly had a certainty within himself that Joe owed him just a little bit more than that dismissal. 

A few minutes of his time. Not “have a nice week.” Not “I really need to save some more poor Avowed.” A few friendly minutes.

Alden was almost across the cafeteria. Several Artonans were spread throughout the room, enjoying whatever meal this was to them. Joe was stuck waiting for the elevator.  

When Alden stopped beside him, the professor didn’t react at all. He was making a show of examining a large black claw through his monocle. Since Alden had just seen him pull the claw from one of the pockets of his salmon-colored pants and wipe what looked like mayonnaise off of it, he doubted it was a precious item that would suffer from the absence of Joe’s focus.

“Good morning, Joe,” Alden said in Artonan. “How have you been?”

“Quite busy,” Joe responded in English. The note of alarm from just moments ago was now gone from his voice. 

It had been replaced by brusqueness. 

Alden’s irritation grew. “Busy? Me too. But earlier I realized you were here on Earth. And I thought, ‘That’s exciting. I wonder if we’ll get to see each other.’ It’s lucky that we’ve met so soon.”

“Not as lucky as you think. I’m heading to my room to draft a proposal for the Grand Senate. A more efficient and cheaper plan for tidying up this little spill than the one they’re currently considering.” Joe was studying that claw like his life depended on it. “No time to chat. Maybe some other day.” 

The elevator arrived. A quartet of wizards was inside, having a conversation that stopped as soon as they saw the two of them standing there. Alden wasn’t sure if it was his fault or Joe’s. 

As soon as his fellow Artonans exited, Joe slipped in. 

“I think I’ll go upstairs, too.” So much annoyance leaked into Alden’s voice this time that he registered it himself, and it made him pause. 

Crap. What am I doing demanding attention from this guy? I shouldn’t care about this. He’s being rude for no reason, but that doesn’t mean I need to be an even bigger—

“Have you eaten?” Joe asked. 

“No,” said Alden, startled by the question coming out of nowhere. “I was about to when—”

“Then you have no business pestering me when a dining place full of human treats awaits you.” Joe had finally looked up from the claw. The two of them were eye-to-eye as the doors started to close. “Stay here.” 

The words held zero of his usual schmooze. They were cold. Imperious. 

The thought that Joe might really be angry for some reason hit Alden, and his stomach clenched with a very particular type of nervousness. It was strong, but not strong enough to snuff out the fresh flare of his own anger that came with it. 

He thrust an arm between the doors just before they shut and bulled through to glare at the man. 

“Why are you being so…what’s wrong with you?”  he demanded the second they were alone. 

The car began to rise.

“It depends on who you ask,” Joe muttered, shoving his claw back into a pocket and staring at the floor number like he was willing it to move faster. 

“Are you mad at me?” Alden couldn’t fathom why he would be. “Are you mad at me?”

Joe didn’t answer.

Oh my god. Is he giving me the silent treatment? Really? This is insane. I can’t believe—

“What do you want from me, Alden?” Now, he sounded neutral. It was the third major mood shift since they’d run into one another.

“I’m confused by you right now. What do you mean what do I want?” Then something occurred to him. “Did Esh-erdi tell you not to talk to me? When we saw you on television earlier—”

“Why were you watching television with him? What did he…?” Joe’s lips thinned. “No. It’s irrelevant.” 

He suddenly started pressing the buttons for all the floors above them. 

“I suppose a conversation must be had since you insist on it, but there’s no need for it to be an extended one,” he said. “You can talk to me about unsecret matters until we are interrupted. Or until we reach the top floor of the residential section, where I will sleep in a tiny little cupboard of a room and try to avoid dreams that remind me of the uniquely miserable place I’m at in my life.”

The elevator chimed as they stopped on the next floor. The line of buttons glowed. 

Alden turned to face forward instead of staring directly at Joe. “So…what? I’m only worth twenty floors of your time?”

His anger had been punctured. It was taking his energy and certainty with it as it left.

The doors shut again.

“Nineteen now,” Joe said mildly. “What do you want from me?”


“You’re very persistent for someone who wants nothing.”

The doors opened. Another empty hallway stretched in front of them. 

“I wanted to say hello to you,” Alden said. “I wanted you to say hello back. I was happy to see you. I wanted you to be…to act how you usually do. My mistake.”

They rose another floor without Joe answering. 

Alden felt off-balance. Stupid. He wished he hadn’t followed after Joe in a huff and that he hadn’t just admitted all he really wanted from the man was a little bit of personality and familiarity. 

Just take care of any business you can think of and get the hell away from him for now, he told himself. Maybe he’s only being the universe’s biggest bastard because he’s been putting on the Bald General Joe Show and hasn’t slept in days.

What business did he have with this uninviting version of Joe?

“Have you heard from Kivb-ee?” Alden asked.

“Twice. I sent her appropriate messages congratulating her on her new path and apologizing for my failures with regard to the care of her and her family. I will visit her when she returns from Thegund and say all the same things in person. She’s rather…I will probably need to make a point of meeting her new instructors and handing her over to them for her education.”

“To give her a sharp break from you?” 

“The formality of it will appeal to her.”

It would. A ritual of some kind. Something that would give her permission to leave Joe in the dust where he belonged and get starry-eyed about a sweet, patient teacher like Gwen-lor. 

“Good,” said Alden. “How are your assistants?”

“Only a couple of them remain in my service. The others have found fulfilling positions elsewhere.” Joe’s clothes rustled against the wall of the elevator as he shifted. “All of them will live long, safe lives.” 

Alden absorbed that.

Is there anything else I should ask?

There was so much else. But a hundred elevator rides wouldn’t cover it, and Joe had specified unsecret

And Alden didn’t actually want to talk to him about things that mattered when he was in this foul mood.

He tried to order me to stay downstairs like he had some right to do that.

Another chime. Doors sliding. 

“Well, thanks,” Alden said, switching to English. “I’ll get off here. I guess I didn’t need twenty floors after all.”

They’d arrived at a hallway where one of the residents had opted to improve the decor. The harsh white overhead lights were off, and knee-high fixtures shone soft red. It smelled like pine-scented cleaner.

Alden made a point of stepping out of the car casually. Of not looking back. 

“See you later,” he said, keeping his eyes pointed straight ahead toward a section of empty gray wall washed with reddish light.

He waited for the sound of the elevator leaving. 

And kept waiting…

Instead, he heard a heavy exhalation.

“I would say that we are unlikely to meet again,” Joe said. “But we should have been unlikely to meet this time. A few days ago, I couldn’t have imagined a scenario that would lead me to encounter you here. And I don’t have a feeble imagination.” 

When Alden finally turned back around, he saw Joe holding the elevator open with an arm. 

“Instead, I will say that if we meet again, especially if we meet in public, I will have only have empty pleasantries for you. Though it isn’t my first choice either, that will be the nature of our relationship. If there’s something you want to demand of me, or something you need to…what is that phrase?…remove from your chest, now is your only opportunity. I suggest you pluck it before the vine withers.”

I don’t understand.

Or he did. But what he was realizing now was so far outside any expectations he might have had for a meeting with Joe, and so surprisingly upsetting, that he didn’t want to understand it. 

“Perhaps you need an apology,” Joe suggested. “Or you desire another conversation like the ones we had together during your service at the university.”

Shut up, you dick.

“The first you can have, if you’ll tell me what things you would like me to apologize for. The second won’t be happening. For reasons that should be obvious.”

“I don’t want an apology. I don’t want…” 

Another lesson. There were questions he could ask, but encouraging Joe to take a really close look at him for an extended period of time probably wasn’t smart. 

Definitely wasn’t, if this was how things were going to be.

I already told him what I wanted. He either doesn’t believe me, or he’s just ignoring it.

“I don’t want a transaction,” Alden said. 

“That’s probably for the best. I don’t have much left to sell these days. At least one of my students thinks I’m so pitiable that I can’t be trusted to crawl out of this <<midden>> on my own.” Joe’s brows drew down and together and he muttered to himself, “I don’t think he likes me personally. Maybe he believes my shame is so great that it tarnishes our school. Or our entire species. Such a baffling creature.”

Poor you. 

“You’re in even deeper shit than before, and you never want to see me again.” Alden spoke to the space over Joe’s bald, blue-lined head. “I’m inconvenient. You’re scared of Esh-erdi and the Quaternary. Everyone’s mad at you. I get it. Your life is hard.”

“My life isn’t your…” Joe trailed off, then sighed again. “Take honesty as my apology, then. You’re an unusually likable young person, Alden. When we last parted ways, I anticipated many future meetings with you. To our mutual benefit. Our situations are different now.”

Obviously, thought Alden.

“The hn’tyon did send out a memo about you, but it was only advising everyone that you were a personal guest of his here for healing, not a servant or an information source. No one had to tell me not to talk to you for me to know that the best thing for both of us is, as you call it, ‘a sharp break.’”

“Just like that? After…all the stuff that happened?”

“Being friendly with you only reminds people of our connection and increases the impression some of them have that I took advantage of a guileless youth.” He paused. “It would also make them wonder what could possibly be so interesting about you that I would risk the deepening of their poor opinions in order to maintain a relationship.”


“But don’t I get a say at all?” Alden asked. “In how things go between us.”

“No,” Joe said firmly.

Alden frowned at him. And his stupid monocle. And his pockets full of snacks.

“I always reach for one more prize,” said Joe. “Even when my hands are full.  It’s how things get broken. Take it as a sign of my gratitude and my respect for you that I will not reach for you again.”

“I’m not a prize,” said Alden. “I’m a person.”

“My apologies. It wasn’t the best phrasing. And…one last thing…”

Sure. Why not? How much shittier can this reunion get?

“That chat we had while you were drinking iced tea,” said Joe.

Iced tea? Alden’s eyes widened.  Lesson One. Is he going to talk about that here and now?

“I…might have given you some flawed advice. Reaching for one more prize is my bad habit. That doesn’t mean it should be yours.”

Alden stared at him.

“My sincere best opinion at the time was based on assumptions about how your future would play out. And my own likely role in shaping it. With how things have changed, you really should consider another course for yourself.” 

Then, as if he’d said nothing all that momentous, Joe smiled at him for the first time since they’d run into each other. 

A bright, familiar grin.

Alden couldn’t appreciate it.

“Just look at you!” said Joe. The sudden cheer in his voice was as sincere-seeming as ever. “I hardly need to worry about you finding a good way forward without me, do I? You’ve earned an extraordinary commendation from Hn’tyon Alis-art’h. That comes with attention from the sorts of wizards I couldn’t possibly steal your time from.”

Had he emphasized the word ‘attention?’ If he had, it had been so subtle that Alden couldn’t be sure.   

“You’re a hard worker, Alden darling. And I see you’ve ended up in a <<squishboot>>. Take better care of yourself.” He dropped his arm to let the elevator go. “We part ways here. Good luck. Take the easy road for a few decades, won’t you? I recommend a vacation.”

That’s it? He really means for this to be it?

Only a sliver of Joe was visible through the gap in the doors.

“I took a vacation,” Alden said flatly. “There was a Hawaiian shirt and everything.”



“I’m glad you have a new hobby, Esh.” Lind-otta sat in one of the chairs by the window in their shared suite, leaning over her knees while she tapped a short wand to each of her bare toes to apply a massage spell. “But are you sure your efforts to help him aren’t overwhelming him?”

“What have I done that’s overwhelming?” 

She looked over. Esh-erdi was sitting on the sofa, intently focused on a ring in the palm of his hand. When Lind linked their interfaces, she saw copies of the eight different information displays floating in the air in front of him.

“You’re walking around with an image of the boy’s skeleton in your right peripheral vision.”

“It’s not as though he knows that! The bones in his foot are still healing. I’ve never monitored a human’s healing process. What if something goes wrong before it finishes?” 

Esh smiled at the ring, then closed his fist around it and sat back.

“And I see you’re still attempting to study every preservation warp ever registered,” Lind added. “Is this a book on human affixation theory? I didn’t know any good ones had been written yet.”

Esh’s face contorted. “This one isn’t good. And identifying the origin of his main talent at this point in his development, with only the information provided, is needlessly difficult. It could be so many different ones.”

“The obscuration of origins prevents several types of abuse,” Lind said. “And the self is more private than a skeleton. I seem to remember you voting on many occasions to limit summoner access to exactly the sort of information you want now.”

“Yes, but I want to pry into him for the right reasons.” He pressed a knuckle to his lips while he stared at the material displayed in front of him. “This is awful. I don’t have time to go through all of the horrific possibilities.  I might ask Mother.”

“That’s too much. Let him grow his current abilities normally.”

“But what if they’re poorly designed or depressing?”

“He can still make something of his own out of them. And you said you liked it.”

“I did like it! He used it to deliver an und’h to me. And hot and cold food. But what if he has been bound for the rest of his existence to a half-considered graduation project created by someone from a bad school?” 

Lind stretched her legs out and wiggled her toes. “Maybe you can find a good secondary power to recommend. Or focus on the spell impressions available to him. Those are much more identifiable.”

Esh-erdi crossed his arms over his chest and stared at the skeleton. “If he’s overwhelmed by me, then it’s only because he’s been undercared for by everyone else. I have provided him with healing, clothing, and calls. Not great luxuries.”

“Did you bring up the healing of the mind again?”

He dismissed a few of the floating images with a thought and rearranged the others. “Not yet. But I have enacted plans.”



Was it crazy of me? Alden wondered, sitting on the floor in the hall with the red lighting, staring down at his hands as they pinched a sharp point into a piece of green and gold origami paper. Was it wrong to expect more from Joe? 

Clearly, the answer was yes.

I’ll just put it back right in my head then. He set aside the paper plane he’d folded and reached for another sheet. Worli Ro-den needed a quick way to fix a situation he and a bunch of other jerks created. There I came, gift-wrapped and willing. I agreed to do a job. I got paid for it. Period. End of relationship.

It didn’t matter what he told himself, though. He still felt like he’d been slapped in the face and set adrift. 

Joe’s reasoning was fine. “It will cause both of us problems if we’re seen together” was a fine reason for them not to be seen together. 

But it wasn’t like he’d seen fit to present that reasoning before Alden had forced the issue. He’d decided on his own that the right course of action was to cut Alden out of his life, and Alden hadn’t even been important enough to rate a real goodbye. 

And that final advice…

Forget everything I told you, Alden. Forget that I changed your life. I’m in hot water, and I can’t manage you now. So it’s inconvenient for me if you chase after a noteworthy power and people start to notice. Abort the quest for exceptionality. Go take a nice laundry skill instead.

“Too late,” he muttered.

“I am a little late,” said a voice in Artonan. 

Alden looked up from his folding to see Esh-erdi walking down the hall toward him. 

Where did he come from? Is there a staircase I don’t know about?

“Are you ready for school?”  He stopped beside Alden.

“Yes! Thank you.”

“What are these?” He bent to pick up one of the miniature paper planes Alden was gathering.

“Just something to distract me,” said Alden. “Paper flyers.”

Esh-erdi brightened immediately. “How perfect! I’m about to teach you how to fly.”

Alden blinked.

“To school,” said Esh-erdi, holding out a ring on the palm of his hand. “I thought it would be fun.”

“Is that the ring that controls the platform you used to rescue me?” Alden asked.

“Yes. I’ve modified it so that it will work for you.” He looked pleased with himself. 

Alden took the ring. That was nice of him. And this is a good distraction.

“We’ll need to rush to get you to your assembly on time,” said Esh-erdi. “I’m sorry for that.”

“That’s okay.” Alden ran his thumb along the warm metal edge of the ring. “You said I could ask you for things if I needed them. It’s not something I need…”

“What is it?”

“I was told it was possible to get rid of portions of contract tattoos,” said Alden. “Once their terms had been completed. Just the parts that weren't active anymore.”

“It is.”

“Would you help me do that? I don’t know if it’s a lot of trouble.”

“The one on your chest?” Esh-erdi asked.

He had seen it just this morning while Porti-loth was painting Alden with the mud. 

Alden nodded.

“You want it gone?”

“I really do.”





Thanks Sleyca!!!


Tftc <3


Thank you


yes, thank you


Yay, tyftc. I'm sending sleep

H.S. Spudney

Thank’s for the soup!


Thankkkk youuuuu

Partha Peddi

Awesome, finally ready to read :)


Thank you so much. Rest well Sleyca!!!


Ohhh the pain of having this drop with two minutes left in my work break. Must… read… faster..,


Sleyca faking us out with this chapter name is funny af


Thank you for the chapter.


Thanks for the chapter!


Just in time for lunch, nice!

Guus van der Borg

Oh ho! Joe is still the sneaky bastard we all know and love. Sneakily annulling the contract because he knew Alden would be smart enough to get it. Me likey. Still not entirely sure what he is hoping to achieve though...


Thank you


Is it weird my thought is "poor Joe"? Despite how morally dubious he's presented, and despite him taking advantage of Alden, he does seem to genuinely care about his assistants. He did seem genuinely sorry for what happened to Alden, during their call, even if he was awkward about expressing it. I do wonder how much of his reasoning is that a continuing relationship would be bad for *Joe*, or be bad for *Alden*. I definitely get the vibes that Joe is very depressed. That thought Alden has, about how Kibby would appreciate a clean severing with Joe. I kinda get the feeling Joe is thinking he wants to stop tying Kibby to him, stop dragging her down. And maybe he wants the same for Alden too. (And oh, yeah, he definitely suspects *something*, with the way he's hinting Alden should slow down and take a break.)


Joe the type of guy to make a Joe-mama joke and now it's mentally canon to me

Guus van der Borg

With the contract annulled and Esh interested in Alden's skill, it really does open up the gates to Esh being his new mentor. I wonder if Alden will still try to keep the wizardness a secret. I'm guessing he'll have to, because I'm assuming knights can't leave other knights roaming around unchecked.


Okay, not the chapter I expected but damnnn, good soup. I still need stu to show up soon, or I will be sad :( (jk)


Oof this is an emotionally rough one, and not in the usual almost dying way


That was emotionally draining to read. I guess that means it was well-written. Now I know why Joe is disliked by the other wizards. He is selfish. Sociopathic, even. No wonder people think he took advantage of Alden. It's because he did.

Lewis Wood

Alden really, really, _really_ needs a stable, settled adult in his life

Restless LEGO

I'm a bit lost, are you saying that Joe somehow annulled the contract with the way he spoke there?

H.S. Spudney

Damn. I guess this means no more Joe?


If I'm understanding this correctly, it may be that he no longer has given Alden his advice on these matters in good faith. I'm not a hundred though, and I don't think it would anull the sepcific agreement regarding lesson one.


I need to reread the chapter, but I saw Joe more as depressed and scared. He thinks that Stu told him about the rescue because he was pitying him and not because Stu wanted to help Alden. And after he lost his title and his assistants, he must be real low. When you drown in your own thought, you assume a lot and get paranoid. There is a lot of miscommunication in here

Melody Haren Anderson

That and frankly the fascinating/horrifying way he came into such ability. I suspect Esh is thinking there's a lot going on and he wonders how much is not understanding humans, especially still growing ones, and how much is something far stranger.

Guus van der Borg

Alden seems to think so. And with some creative interpretation of this part: "Forget everything I told you, Alden. Forget that I changed your life. I’m in hot water, and I can’t manage you now. So it’s inconvenient for me if you chase after a noteworthy power and people start to notice. Abort the quest for exceptionality." I could see it. Alden also seems to think that Joe was sneaking in some hints that he was supposed to pay particular attention to what he was saying when he emphasizes the word 'attention'. So yeah, I do think that was Joe annulling the contract.


Yeah, I really wish he had an Artonan that knows about humans relationships around him to help him navigate his powers and life.


Yeah, this one hurt. I do feel like maybe we just saw Joe's rock bottom or something, but damn, dude.


but sadly, he is stuck with Esh (he probably would be better with Lind)


If Joe really was emphasizing "attention", what do we think he was getting at? Merely his own desire to avoid the attention of others right now?


Man, even if Joe is making this decision because he thinks this is best for Alden, this was a crappy way to do it. Crappy timing too. excellent chapter. I hope Esh and Lind stick around for awhile. I like Esh and he seems like he would be good for Alden.


I think Joe is gonna regret his callousness, no matter if he thought it was for the best for both of them. Even after all that crap Alden went through, he still liked Joe and you could see in how he talked/thought/acted. But by the end of this chapter, it feels like he’s really done with Joe. It’s like he’s finally seeing why most people don’t have a very good opinion of him. At least he didn’t give the ring back.

Josh Brooks

Aggghhhhhh once again I am ruined. Esh caring about the lack of care Alden has received in his life. OUCH. Joe having to make a tough but fair decision without contacting Alden first, making him feel separated from some of his origins. YOWCH. Alden needing constant distractions from the insane lack of faith in humanity piling up on top of almost ruining his future permanently during a crisis. OOF. It sounds like we… are… headed… for… a…… BREAKDOWN!!!!! Maybe once some loose threads from Lute and others get tied up, we get that good good character juice pumped straight into your brain. If my little boy is not CRYING AND SOBBING by chapter 160 I will have words and they will still be praise probably

Super Super Supportive Supporter

I read it as ‘I think that Alis is making some sort of political play and other, possibly dangerous players are going to react to it. You, Alden, shouldn’t do things that draw attention to yourself, such as using my advice to level up super quickly. Also, I am being totally ambiguous about whether or not I know you’re a knight’


The chapters are too short!


Thanks for the chapter! Esh really makes me want to cry he's so kind. And Alden makes me want to cry. And I really wish Alden had someone he could actually confide all his secrets in. I want so badly for Esh to find out and for him to just be okay with it and not like turn it into an issue.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Imo a lot more likely that in the next 15 chapters (maybe even as soon as next 3 chapters) Joe will make a comeback in a dramatic moment, and the tone set here will serve as juxtaposition to make it even more emotional He’s too interesting of a character to throw away like that Then again, Sleyca makes interesting characters out of thin air like it’s nothing so maybe standard literary conventions don’t apply here lol


I'm surprised Alden didn't give Joe his ring back. Seems like the kind of thing he wouldn't want to keep ahold of after everything that happened in this chapter.

Zenopath (AEV)

I don't know exactly what Alden expected of Joe. I get his PoV, to him Alden is just a human he cozied up to because he wanted something from him. Then Alden became the symbol of everything that went wrong in Joe's life. He doesn't feel like he owes Alden anything. To me it just sort of reinforces my impression that Knights are the exception to the rule, honestly self sacrificing while most wizards are self serving. Feels like Antorian society is more skewed to selfish than human society, which is saying something because on average humans aren't really all that generous.

Amber Gregory

Ouch. I'm gutted on Alden's behalf. This was beautiful soup, if not really the uplifting soup I was looking for today. What Alden really didn't need was another person to disappoint him. I *know* it can't possibly be time to say goodbye to a character as magnificent as Joe, so I have to believe they'll find a way over the sharp break that circumstances are forcing right now. Oh, my squeezy heart hurts


Esh-Erdi spoke like a true dad. The stuff he's providing Alden does sound basic but they're things Alden didn't get much from any single adult recently until Esh. Alden is a mature and independent teen and I guess Esh just sees that Alden's fallen through the cracks without a guardian to help him up.


Wow - that was unexpected! So I see a few possibilities for why Joe is acting like this (No2 is my best guess): 1 - Alis/the Primary told him to cut ties with Alden or else. (Joe doesn't specifically say no-one told him to avoid Alden) 2 - Joe cares, but he is vulnerable - and his enemies are circling round looking for ways to ruin him once and for all - so he doesn't want them looking too closely at Alden. 3 - Joe is actually super depressed, living in much reduced circumstances and giving up 4 - Joe always was a soulless asshole


I can almost hear Ro-Den's exasperated thoughts that Alden is just as bull-headed as Stu-Art'h.


As much as I like the idea of Esh agonizing over what Alden’s core skill is, are there really that many rabbit preservation skills that require someone else’s permission to use the skill? Didn’t the principal say something about Thinking it was strange and Plim trying to find other, similar skills? I would think it would be somewhat easy, unless Esh is for some reason limited to only looking at the current offered skills of which LMTYL is no longer available

Kate Yen

My interpretation was that Alden, after being thoroughly disappointed by Joe, decided to remove the already inactive portions of his contract (i.e. the parts about receiving lessons in exchange for berry picking - but *not* the Triangle of Absolute Secrecy) as he and Joe originally discussed was possible back when they painted it. It seems to me like Alden is looking for a clean break of his own.


Wasn't it Gorgon that said 'wizards don't have friends, they have tools' or something of that nature. Gorgon is biased against Artonans (for good reason), but there may be a nugget of truth there


Noooo, not like this! (I love how this story develops in unexpected ways!)


I think Joe's advice about not reaching for Boab's original upgrade path is an attempt to protect him. He's seen the attention the Knights are giving him, and I believe he thinks that Alden is barrelling towards misery. Remember what he said to Alden, about telling the Primary that Joe had told him about the skill: "When you see the endless misery on the horizon, tell him then". I think Joe regrets putting Alden on that path, and now wants to steer him away from it. I think he cared less about Alden when he explained the no ceiling on Bearer, compared to warning him away from it now. I might be misreading it, but that warning seems like it comes from a place of genuine concern for Alden.


I guess attention that can lead to realizing he has a 300er skill. Unless he has suspicions about his authority.


Oh don't worry, Joe. You'll definitely run into the nice rabbit again, even if it might be a long time from now on

Kate Yen

Remember that Joe warned Alden about being 'summoned in the path of a well-timed bullet.' He believes that when wizards realize a human Avowed took BOAB, some will be upset and panicky. He originally believed / planned that he could shelter Alden from the attention of other wizards while he grew strong enough to survive Artonan wizard politics; now, he believes the commendation from Alis-art'h means such scrutiny is unavoidable. In other words, he is trying to warn Alden not to follow his advice of 'extorting' the System to get the original BOAB, since it won't be possible to hide it.


I am always amazed how you take us in unexpected direction. I never could have foreseen Joe's reaction. Thank you for the chapter.


“That’s funny!” said Kabir, his knives still chopping squash in time to the music. “It almost looked like The Bald General ran away from you!” It is funny, Kabir!


Well, ow. OWWW. Damn it Joe, I know he has his reasons, but I still wish he would let himself be befriended. It feels like a parallel with Hannah, except that Hannah stepped up emotionally - and both Alden and Hannah became supports in each other’s lives - whilst Joe has left Alden kind of bereft. On a sidenote, I wonder when Kivb-ee will realise what becoming a Knight involves. I can only imagine she’d feel terrible, given her role in teaching Alden wizardry. Hopefully Alden has at least one other person in the know by then… and Esh-erdi seems to be inching closer?


Ooof poor Alden that’s a major mood whiplash. However I think Joe might be right to cut their relationship off because he knows that he is Toxic and that he ended up caring more than he thought. In some way I think Joe thinks this better for the both of them. At least that’s my perspective. Thanks for the chapter looking forward to what comes next.


Wow this just hit... really hard emotionally. I mean Joe is not too bad as a genius and eccentric adult, but saying that to Alden the future Saint and bearer (and body parts perserver?) is just heart breaking

Super Super Supportive Supporter

For Sleyca to be able to so empathically portray a well-meaning, depressed sociopath while so accurately keeping track of what Alden knows vs what is only shown to the reader, she must either be scarily emotionally and intellectually intelligent, or have gone through a ridiculously rich and interesting life Or maybe both An author cannot pretend to encompass something bigger than them - to show us such realistic-feeling interactions between Alden and Joe she must be able to comprehensively simulate minds like theirs (at least all the parts that matter), and the emotions they’re going through really do feel real

Douglas Rodgers

Dont forget that Earth doesnt have ALL of the skills in existence, maybe Esh has to go through every single skill the System has given out.


Sleyca previously said she has planned for a Joe pov chapter [at some point] so he's definitely not out of the story. Even outside of that, he's way too important of a character with story threads still left open to throw him away at this point.


Chapter 29 is where the contract details get hammered out. Here is something relevant: “... I can unlink everything but the triangle of absolute secrecy. If you use your sincere and best efforts, it will still take you a few months to rid yourself of the rest of it. It’s not like scrubbing off a bit of paint.” It looks like Alden's lessons may still be secret, but he will be getting the non-triangle parts of the tattoo removed. Joe's admission may well give Alden some wiggle room due to the sincere and best language Alden suggested in the same chapter. That would have to get resolved later once Alden's authority has grown to dwarf Joe's.


I seem to recall a mention of there being an absurd number of Rabbit skills. As for Esh's purposes, if none of the skills are "translated", he has to guess what they all are/do based on some of the same clues that the Avowed do.

Thomas Todd

New skills are created all the time, as he said it could be a fairly new skill that some graduate student thought up. And since there aren't any good analysis of human affixations he isn't sure

Thomas Todd

My theory is that he doesn't want Alden involved in his problems for good or ill, it would be a dangerous gamble for him to keep in contact with Alden and could backfire but also Alden could be damaged by the continued interaction. My feeling is that it's a mix of both self interest but also some guilt and not wanting to keep taking advantage of Alden


I truly enjoy the implication that, yes, some of the Avowed skills are just badly designed.

Kthryn C

I think it was less subtle. "Attention" from other wizards could be a warning that Joe's former peers will try to take advantage of him.

Josh Delgado42

Thank you for the chapter! Welp. That didn't go at all how I imagined it. A lovely rollercoaster of emotions as it went from a bit silly of a chase with disbelief, then anger, then some brutal honesty. As some of the other commenters have mentioned, I wonder how much Joe is doing this for Alden's benefit and to prevent him from getting more hurt. I do hope Joe gets better. And I feel for Alden, that's one more bit of "normalcy" gone from his life. Cut away without his consent. Change happens and he's doing his best to stay afloat instead of being swept away. Again, thank you for the chapter!


"And identifying the origin of his main talent at this point in his development, with only the information provided, is needlessly difficult. It could be so many different ones.... I might ask Mother." ........... uh oh


Joe explained it in the lessons, everybody got to make skills including the ones thinking that avowed are dangerous or just tool to be used

McIntosh Ewell

I don't think it'll be that long at all. In fact, it might be in the company of another aspiring knight

St Chef

It would be interesting if Esh basically asked why Alden picked his rabbit skill and Alden replied with something like a good friend gave me some advice. Esh can then have an investigation scene trying to piece together the time before Alden affixed, find out Gordon had mysteriously burned wrists, and figure out that Alden can take people's 'luggage'.

McIntosh Ewell

I was really hoping it would come out in that conversation that they were friends, and that it would lead to another reorientation of Joe's priorities.

Other Tan

No Aldan, don't accept the ring. Be it the ones given to the elven kings, dwarven lords, mortal men, or the one, they are all traps. Sauron-erdi is just trying to trick you. That aside, maybe Alden can make the one ring, moving enchantments from various rings to a single ring.


Not only that, though. They are university projects. Imagine some grand senator pushing his kid’s project to be an avowed skill

Temp One

Well, that was ominous. The thinly veiled warning Joe delivered at the end hint that Alden might be seeing the darker side of Artonan society sooner than later. Fantastic chapter, but definitely a sad one. I appreciate the warnings Joe delivered to Alden. But the way he treats Alden's opinion as inconsequential in their relationship just felt bad. Maybe this tact was carefully considered for driving Alden away. But the veneer of polite kindness he gives at the end ironically implies his casual indifference was sincere. Like he just felt guilty at treating Alden so poorly, and so to assuage that feeling decided to give Alden a useful heads up that scary Wizards above him in the hierarchy are paying attention. I kind of wish Alden had Joe's ring to give back to him here. Dude was mean-mean without having any right to be. I wonder how he'll react when he finds out Stuart gave him the heads up for Alden's sake alone. Kudos to Sleyca though, to narratively put us on the exact same emotional trajectory as Alden in this exchange with Joe. From excitement, to astonishment, to bitter disappointment. Maybe the important thing to consider is that Alden is still a child by Human and Artonan standards. But Joe definitely comes across as a self-serving creature here.


I read it as "You are being watched right now." Esh was scrying on his skeleton, but Joe may well have just noticed the attention, not what it did.

Barrett Fogarty

"...leaning over her knees while she tapped a short wand to each of her bare toes to apply a massage spell..." I wouldn't mind that.

McIntosh Ewell

Of the wizards we've met, we haven't really seen this exceptionally selfish theory play out. The very nature of the Avowed contract speaks against it, leaving much more autonomy and self determination to humanity than I expect humans would've if the roles were reversed. Rather than selfish, Individualistic is closer to how I'd describe the Artonan culture. As for Joe, I think it's pretty clear that his behavior is abnormal for him, and influenced by external pressure.


I have many feelings about this chapter. Poor Alden. Poor Joe. I know some think he was just being an asshole all along but I do think his actions were for both of their benefits even if we don’t understand the entirety yet. I look forward to find out why he did what he did. Also I love Esh, he’s amazing 🤩 But admist everything that happened Joe trying to figure out Stuart made me laugh: “That’s probably for the best. I don’t have much left to sell these days. At least one of my students thinks I’m so pitiable that I can’t be trusted to crawl out of this [midden] on my own.” Joe’s brows drew down and together and he muttered to himself, “I don’t think he likes me personally. Maybe he believes my shame is so great that it tarnishes our school. Or our entire species. Such a baffling creature.”


I got the impression that he knew what skill it was and was looking for the origin of the skill’s design, what spells it was made from or it’s source code if you will. He seems to want to use that information to reverse engineer ideal upgrades and theorycraft a build for Alden, but the information is sealed to prevent Artonans from forcing avowed into upgrading down paths that serve their interest instead of the avowed’s. (Exactly like Joe potentially did by explaining the origin to Alden now that I think of it) Iirc core skills and impressions are just included in the system summary as public information for summoners. Hell even equipment is noted.


Thank you Sleyca, I think both Alden and we needed this to understand the dynamics between him and Joe. A lot of readers and maybe Alden were hoping to go back to that pre-Thegund dynamic between Joe and Alden, pick up where they left off, but that really is not possible. And Alden isn’t stupid, but he is young and no matter how much he consented he was still taken advantage of by Joe. And despite that, Joe is still trying to protect Alden a little bit from the Artonan Social Dynamics that he just doesn’t understand yet. What I really love about Alden is that he doesn’t let fear of the uncomfortable prevent him from doing something. I hope that this is not the last we see of Joe, he’s too good of a character, but a good place to pause their relationship.


Also I hope we see Joe visit Kibby to pass on teaching duties. I can see her asking him why avowed cannot sense their own authority

Donncha crowley

I got the impression that joe tore up the contract all of it can be removed. It was great to see a inaction between joe and Alden top class


What are Esh's healing of the mind plans? It makes sense from his POV but getting Alden's issues fixed with a Jedi mind trick would feel very cheap narratively. I guess we don't know how it works so there's scope to make it satisfying. Maybe a mind quest or a deep introspection? I've noticed a focus on origin in relation to magic recently. Both Alden's tree/place of birth with regards to his healing and now with the privacy and obscuration of origins. It makes me wonder if BOAB will have additional dimensions, given it's one of the original skills and is effectively the foundation of the system.


Hmm I didnt consider this, might be exactly as you say. that he knows the skill but doesn’t know the origin.

McIntosh Ewell

I get the impression that getting rid of the tattoo isn't purely out of anger at or disappointment in Joe. It seemed like Alden wants to rebalance the power dynamic between them and free himself up to having more open and honest conversations without its restrictions. So far Worli Ro-Den has been the one to decide the nature of their relationship, and the tattoo in part is a reflection/reminder of that. The next time they meet (and, despite what Joe thinks, it's all but certain they will again), I think Alden wants the exchange to be on his terms and for them to be something closer to peers.

Billy Corcoran

This chapter was weird. It gave me exactly what I craved... by feeding me a conversation I didn't actually enjoy. How can a chapter be so disappointing and perfect at the same time?


I feel that Joe actually cares about Alden, and he feels the break is for Alden's benefit..too bad he can't explain this in order to have a clean break.

McIntosh Ewell

I mean, they seem to be a packaged deal. I'm sure once the dust of this calamity settles, he'll meet her as well. Assuming their honeymoon is a decent length, Alden sho get a few quality months with the pair.

Cambria Layton

Oh, Alden. This broke my heart a little. “A sharp break,” you say? Esh-erdi… did you have something to do with this? I’m sure Esh will be delighted to see that Alden’s skill is FANTASTICALLY designed, of course.


ooooohhh... this is so sad... It is rare to see Alden mad, but he's right here. And Esh will be a good mentor, although I do hope that something else will happen to keep Joe, let's say, engaged.

Andre Pham

Minor Issue: “I will have only have”

McIntosh Ewell

@Jazehiah yeah, it seems pretty obvious here that Joe's supposed callousness is abnormal for him. His problem has always seemed to be an excess of passion (admittedly in an acerbic and somewhat toxic way), not a dearth of it.


Did Esh time their departure for most dramatic arrival at the school ceremony?


Now that I have had some time to think, there are a few things of note: * Esh-erdi does not recognize Alden's skill. He is actively trying to figure it out, but there are some layers of obscurity. Is this the fake profile? Is it Earth refusing to translate properly? Is it struggling to read the manual? Stu-art'h said they're a pain to read. * Despite how good Esh-erdi is at spotting cracks and weak points, he is focusing too much on Alden's skeleton and skill. A heartrate monitor and a bit of knowledge of human psychology and social structures would give him far more insight. * Alden is going to arrive to assembly late. On a flying platform. With a Knight . The Quiet Rabbit is going to have the flashiest entry possible. Winston will think it was planned. * I wonder what the other Wizards were thinking when Alden said Joe wasn't allowed to run away from him. They probably thought Alden was angry, but misinterpreted the source of the anger. * I think I like Lind-otta. She seems to have a better understanding of Alden's mental state than her partner, and she hasn't even met Alden. Esh-erdi is definitely going to overwhelm Alden, if he hasn't already. * Lind-otta calling Alden a "new hobby" is concerning. What happens when Esh-erdi grows bored? Alden would be left even more broken than before, and with one less adult to rely on. Alden needs long-term help. Who supports the supporter?


I wish I had a flying disc ☹️

JJ Hunter (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-02 17:41:31 It's telling to me that Alden did *not* give Joe back his ring. Or remove him from his priority contacts. He's not done with Worli Ro-den; that ring is like a promise they will meet again, because Alden will return the loan later. Alden is getting the remnants of their private contract (beyond the secrecy that protects them before) removed now. They won't ever have that kind of Avowed servant to wizard master relationship again. That doesn't mean they can't have a different kind of relationship going forward, if Joe ever gets his act together. Alden's already given cues that he also feels their former power dynamic has fundamentally shifted - he can ignore Joe's orders, call Joe on Joe's usual evasion tactics for protecting his heart from scrutiny, affirm Alden wants something other than a transaction from Joe, feel what is owed from the experiences they've already shared together. Joe was Alden's first teacher as an Avowed, and Alden is still benefiting from those foundational lessons. Someone like Esh-erdi doesn't have the background to recognize Alden's skill for what it is and provide the right recommendations for him to grow it into all it could truly be; Esh is also so fully in his own intensity 99.9 life he may not recognize what Alden really needs most right now is safety and protective obscurity, a chance to continue living his Quiet Rabbit life at least long enough to complete his current medical leave. Alden doesn't actually need skill instruction from Esh - he knows what he's learned (is still learning) from Joe, and Mother has taken over providing active guidance for his progression. It's telling to me that Esh keeps trying to do more for Alden than Alden has requested, with covert monitoring (!?) and effectively taking Alden on a pet project (he's not actually a ryeh-b’t, Esh! he's a person with opinions and agency of his own, slow down). Alden's finding Esh unsettling because Esh keeps *increasing* their power imbalance instead of respecting Alden's stated boundaries or getting Alden's consent before making decisions for him - why didn't Esh ask Alden where he wanted his birth tree replanted first? That was a kindly meant preservation of valuable personal spell ingredients, but it was also kidnapping Alden's birth tree and moving it somewhere he doesn't have access to without going through Esh first, which is increasingly weird and not good the more I think about it. Joe was actively schmoozing from the get-go, but he was also so much better about being up front with the terms of their relationship then and giving Alden information and time to think and a contract to align on terms before adding more. I understand Alden's frustrations with Joe in this chapter, but by golly did Joe stop and get over himself long enough near the end there to really look and see Alden as a person and respect what he's already accomplished and warn him about the degree of *attention* he's accruing from wizards Joe can't protect him from. You nearly died on Thegund, Alden, he doesn't outright say, and whatever happened in this latest incident you're still wearing a squishboot after several days of wizard healing. Take better care of yourself. I want you to survive realizing your potential; you have your whole life ahead of you. I feel like I keep breaking the people I care about because I keep trying for more instead of appreciating what I already have. Don't make yourself miserable following my example. I don't feel like I can be a good teacher to anyone I actually care about, and I don't understand why any of my students are still trying to help me. Oh Joe. Go write your proposal. I'm glad you did give Alden your sincere best at the end there despite your own misery, exhaustion, hunger, and worry you couldn't be any iota of the person you used to be that he looked up to and that trying would just break you both more now. I'm proud of you for trying; you gave Alden part of what he needed from you right now even if it also hurt you both. I hope that exchange of honesty lets you both find different, less imbalanced footing with each other going forward, however that might look someday.
2024-05-02 11:53:27 It's telling to me that Alden did *not* give Joe back his ring. Or remove him from his priority contacts. He's not done with Worli Ro-den; that ring is like a promise they will meet again, because Alden will return the loan later. Alden is getting the remnants of their private contract (beyond the secrecy that protects them both) removed now. They won't ever have that kind of Avowed servant to wizard master relationship again. That doesn't mean they can't have a different kind of relationship going forward, if Joe ever gets his act together. Alden's already given cues that he also feels their former power dynamic has fundamentally shifted - he can ignore Joe's orders, call Joe on Joe's usual evasion tactics for protecting his heart from scrutiny, affirm Alden wants something other than a transaction from Joe, feel what is owed from the experiences they've already shared together. Joe was Alden's first teacher as an Avowed, and Alden is still benefiting from those foundational lessons. Someone like Esh-erdi doesn't have the background to recognize Alden's skill for what it is and provide the right recommendations for him to grow it into all it could truly be; Esh is also so fully in his own intensity 99.9 life he may not recognize what Alden really needs most right now is safety and protective obscurity, a chance to continue living his Quiet Rabbit life at least long enough to complete his current medical leave. Alden doesn't actually need skill instruction from Esh - he knows what he's learned (is still learning) from Joe, and Mother has taken over providing active guidance for his progression. It's telling to me that Esh keeps trying to do more for Alden than Alden has requested, with covert monitoring (!?) and effectively taking Alden on a pet project (he's not actually a ryeh-b’t, Esh! he's a person with opinions and agency of his own, slow down). Alden's finding Esh unsettling because Esh keeps *increasing* their power imbalance instead of respecting Alden's stated boundaries or getting Alden's consent before making decisions for him - why didn't Esh ask Alden where he wanted his birth tree replanted first? That was a kindly meant preservation of valuable personal spell ingredients, but it was also kidnapping Alden's birth tree and moving it somewhere he doesn't have access to without going through Esh first, which is increasingly weird and not good the more I think about it. Joe was actively schmoozing from the get-go back at Leafsong, but he was also so much better about being up front with the terms of their relationship then and giving Alden information and time to think and a contract to align on terms before adding more. I understand Alden's frustrations with Joe in this chapter, but by golly did Joe stop and get over himself long enough near the end there to really look and see Alden as a person and respect what he's already accomplished and warn him about the degree of *attention* he's accruing from wizards Joe can't protect him from. You nearly died on Thegund, Alden, he doesn't outright say, and whatever happened in this latest incident you're still wearing a squishboot after several days of wizard healing. Take better care of yourself. I want you to survive realizing your potential; you have your whole life ahead of you. I feel like I keep breaking the people I care about because I keep trying for more instead of appreciating what I already have. Don't make yourself miserable following my example. I don't feel like I can be a good teacher to anyone I actually care about, and I don't understand why any of my students are still trying to help me. Oh Joe. Go write your proposal. I'm glad you did give Alden your sincere best at the end there despite your own misery, exhaustion, hunger, and worry you couldn't be any iota of the person you used to be that he looked up to and that trying would just break you both more now. I'm proud of you for trying; you gave Alden part of what he needed from you right now even if it also hurt you both. I hope that exchange of honesty lets you both find different, less imbalanced footing with each other going forward, however that might look someday.

It's telling to me that Alden did *not* give Joe back his ring. Or remove him from his priority contacts. He's not done with Worli Ro-den; that ring is like a promise they will meet again, because Alden will return the loan later. Alden is getting the remnants of their private contract (beyond the secrecy that protects them both) removed now. They won't ever have that kind of Avowed servant to wizard master relationship again. That doesn't mean they can't have a different kind of relationship going forward, if Joe ever gets his act together. Alden's already given cues that he also feels their former power dynamic has fundamentally shifted - he can ignore Joe's orders, call Joe on Joe's usual evasion tactics for protecting his heart from scrutiny, affirm Alden wants something other than a transaction from Joe, feel what is owed from the experiences they've already shared together. Joe was Alden's first teacher as an Avowed, and Alden is still benefiting from those foundational lessons. Someone like Esh-erdi doesn't have the background to recognize Alden's skill for what it is and provide the right recommendations for him to grow it into all it could truly be; Esh is also so fully in his own intensity 99.9 life he may not recognize what Alden really needs most right now is safety and protective obscurity, a chance to continue living his Quiet Rabbit life at least long enough to complete his current medical leave. Alden doesn't actually need skill instruction from Esh - he knows what he's learned (is still learning) from Joe, and Mother has taken over providing active guidance for his progression. It's telling to me that Esh keeps trying to do more for Alden than Alden has requested, with covert monitoring (!?) and effectively taking Alden on a pet project (he's not actually a ryeh-b’t, Esh! he's a person with opinions and agency of his own, slow down). Alden's finding Esh unsettling because Esh keeps *increasing* their power imbalance instead of respecting Alden's stated boundaries or getting Alden's consent before making decisions for him - why didn't Esh ask Alden where he wanted his birth tree replanted first? That was a kindly meant preservation of valuable personal spell ingredients, but it was also kidnapping Alden's birth tree and moving it somewhere he doesn't have access to without going through Esh first, which is increasingly weird and not good the more I think about it. Joe was actively schmoozing from the get-go back at Leafsong, but he was also so much better about being up front with the terms of their relationship then and giving Alden information and time to think and a contract to align on terms before adding more. I understand Alden's frustrations with Joe in this chapter, but by golly did Joe stop and get over himself long enough near the end there to really look and see Alden as a person and respect what he's already accomplished and warn him about the degree of *attention* he's accruing from wizards Joe can't protect him from. You nearly died on Thegund, Alden, he doesn't outright say, and whatever happened in this latest incident you're still wearing a squishboot after several days of wizard healing. Take better care of yourself. I want you to survive realizing your potential; you have your whole life ahead of you. I feel like I keep breaking the people I care about because I keep trying for more instead of appreciating what I already have. Don't make yourself miserable following my example. I don't feel like I can be a good teacher to anyone I actually care about, and I don't understand why any of my students are still trying to help me. Oh Joe. Go write your proposal. I'm glad you did give Alden your sincere best at the end there despite your own misery, exhaustion, hunger, and worry you couldn't be any iota of the person you used to be that he looked up to and that trying would just break you both more now. I'm proud of you for trying; you gave Alden part of what he needed from you right now even if it also hurt you both. I hope that exchange of honesty lets you both find different, less imbalanced footing with each other going forward, however that might look someday.

McIntosh Ewell

All good thoughts. I will point out that many hobbies remain lifelong pastimes. I've known runners in their 70s, amateur carpenters and musicians and magicians. I don't think we have to worry about Esh-Erdi leaving Alden adrift


I don't know whether this is an unpopular opinion or not but both Thegund and the Ripple episode were due to the choices Alden made. So I don't exactly feel that protective of Alden. I get that he's a child but also he's the protagonist of a story so I hold him in higher regard I guess? Yes, both those events caused him quite a bit of hardship. However, in both situations, he had a choice where he could have taken the easy route or the 'heroic' one, and both times he chose the option that might let him help someone by going into a perilous situation. Now granted it was done under the incorrect assumptions of the danger. Ultimately, those are the consequences of your actions. If you survive long enough to regret them, you try not to make them again. That's it. I don't know what you guys think? Harsh?


Nope, I haven't... what makes you believe that?


I hope Esh can mentor Alden on BOAB. I'm ready for him to get an upgrade after so many drips and drabs.


just because it was well designed at the time of its conception doesn't mean it meshes well with current needs. I'm sure he will be surprised when he figures out its origin, but I don't necessarily think it will change his opinion of its suitability to a modern avowed. He obviously seems dissatisfied with it as it is right now.


While I didn't not expect this outcome for the relationship between Joe and Alden, it makes sense. We already got an inkling earlier that Joe was down in the dumps during their phone call and that scene between Stu and Joe further cemented his current state of mind being deeply cynical. He couldn't even be bothered to hide his sarcasm from Stu, the primary's son. It's only natural for the whole Thegund ordeal to leave its mark on Joe too and I'm looking forward to seeing where you're going to take this character. I do love an arc where a character breaks down and remakes themselves. Is he going to get better? Is he going to become a better person, perhaps, influenced by Alden who he is certainly going to run into again, despite assurances to the contrary? I'm excited to find out. I'm also really curious about his reaction to Alden developing an authority sense due to him (and kibby of course, but without Joe he would never have set a foot on Thegund). I wonder how he'll feel about having a hand in involuntarily creating the first human knight. Alden's instincts are spot on that he shouldn't have Joe examine him too closely because I definitely have the impression that Joe is knowledgeable and suspicious enough that he would find out that there's something off about the official skill sheet.


My heart is hurting something fierce for Alden. He is so used to being disappointed by adults, to see his beautiful heart squished in this manner when he reaches out for some basic kindness from someone who knows him makes me sad - not crying sad - exetentially sad.

Joseph Collins

If Joe really felt this way, then why would he rush to help out on earth?


Joe figured out pretty quick so I'm surprised Esh hasn't figured it out yet.

Kthryn C

Ro-den is such a strong echo to Connie right now. After decades of swanning through life narrowly escaping consequences he's getting off the merry-go-round and finding himself even more dizzy. If he had encouraged his assistants to leave his service would Wivb-ee be alive right now?


Has Alden ever targeted Esh? I think he was targeting Kabir when he was keeping the food cold/warm, Would Esh be able to identify Bearer from the sensation associated with it? EDIT 1: Also Esh can't identify Alden's skill even though Joe could easily. Esh is a worse wizard than Joe confirmed. EDIT 2: Joe receives a small commission every time someone buys his coat, do the designers of a skill receive something similar any time their skill is chosen? EDIT 3: Esh is interested in the development of Alden's skill. Alden goes to class explicitly for that purpose that Esh might be able to observe. In doing so Esh may be exposed to the exquisite human existence that is Jeffy, who took the Aqua Brute class in order to fight land-based infrastructure.


Yeah, is Boe the one who got stuck with some bad student project skill? That would explain how terrible his skill is. And Mother couldn’t change Alden’s skill even when she was practically rebuilding him from scratch, but Boe’s was modified to add the I Need a Vacation From People ability. I was expecting Alden to ask Joe to teach him to do contracts so he could talk to Boe about his affixation, but it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen. Maybe Alden can figure it out when his contract tattoo gets modified.

Batty Corvina

Ahh.... I feel bad for Alden, even if I pretty much agree with Joe's reasons... The rejection out of seemingly nowhere hurts even if it makes sense for them both logically. Not exactly what I was expecting to happen, but it got me right in the feelings. Hope this doesn't mean Joe will remain out of the picture forever. 😞


“I did like it! He used it to deliver an und’h to me. And hot and cold food." It only took me 3 rereads of that section to figure out what "an und'h" was... I think Esh continues to see Zeridee as just a cute little kid running around in the playground.


I went into more detail further down but I think he has the basic skill details and is looking for the origin to access the source code essentially and reverse engineer the perfect build for him. Which is what Joe already did, using his existing knowledge of the skills origins. Relevant to the overall chapter is this is seemingly hidden to prevent artonans doing exactly this.

Temp One

I really like Esh, but I'm a concerned about Lind calling Alden a 'hobby', there's an overwhelming indication of condescension in a statement like that. People shouldn't be considered 'hobbies', it implies the care a person has for another is just as a source of amusement. That Esh will grow bored of Alden once his fun has run its course. Really hope that this was Lind being careless in how she spoke. Alden could use more people like Esh in his life, if Esh is genuinely concerned for him and doesn't just think of Alden as a distracting pity project of some sort. I'd like to think that wouldn't be the case, considering Esh's heart-to-heart talk with Alden, earlier.


Slipped his mind with all the surprisingly upset emotions.


Usually I see Alden as a very mature almost-grown up, but this made it clear for me that he is still just a child that very much feel the need for the safety and stabiliy only a real grown up can give.

Anthony Lutz

Esh himself said " don’t apologize for trying to take the correct course. Bad outcomes often make good efforts and good intentions look like foolishness. It doesn’t mean that making a good effort with a good intention was a mistake. How else should one act?" Alden stopping helping people in the future for fear of putting himself in perilous situations is not something that he is likely to do, because helping people is the right thing to do.

Robert Mullins

Because Joe needs to make contributions to free himself from his current restrictions. It's like mandatory community service.

Batty Corvina

To improve his own status most likely. He's an adult with his own goals and being a social pariah forever probably hindres those.


Sleyca, this somehow feels like the most painful chapter yet. Poor Alden. It's so hard when someone ends a relationship, whether friendly or romantic, so abruptly. I'd be angry too.


Yes, I kind of expected Alden to toss Joe the ring as the elevator doors are closing the final time. Alternatively, I half expected a line of dialogue from Alden something like: "... but I thought we were friends ..." Alternatively, alternatively, I half expected Alden to cast a Wizard spell in demonstration, (that is clearly not via a spell impression) showing Joe that it is way, way, way too late for Alden to change his path for Authority growth. And for Joe to be a bit shocked upon witnessing the very first Human Knight (unofficial). Excellent (if sad) chapter Sleyca! If Joe truly believes that pushing everyone else away is the best to avoid his own downward trajectory (politically at least), this was still very hard to bear.


Thanks for the chapter. That was extremely disappointing for Joe to be like that. But it understandably made sense. Esh seems fun and will be awesome, I just wonder if he's too mature or not eccentric enough (In a Joe manner) for coaching Alden! I feel like this is far from the last of Joe so I eagerly await the scenario where he finds out its way to late for Alden.


**“Instead, I will say that if we meet again, especially if we meet in public, I will have only have empty pleasantries for you. Though it isn’t my first choice either, that will be the nature of our relationship. If there’s something you want to demand of me, or something you need to…what is that phrase?…remove from your chest, now is your only opportunity. I suggest you pluck it before the vine withers.” I don’t understand. Or he did. But what he was realizing now was so far outside any expectations he might have had for a meeting with Joe, and so surprisingly upsetting, that he didn’t want to understand it. ** Hmmm


I don't think it's harsh. Though I don't think there was an easy choice. Maybe the Thegund mission was a little easier if he had chosen not to go, but either way Alden would know that someone died that he might have been able to save. Given his personality that knowledge would have hurt him.


Alden should have patted Joe's authority as he was walking away. Just to give him an aneurysm :D

Batty Corvina

At least the call with Stu and seeing his friends well and alive will hopefully be less sad than this one. Sunday can't come fast enough.

Temp One

Like Alden said later, the implication here is that Joe thinks the only reason for Alden to talk to him is to ask for something. That Alden thought they were friends doesn't seem to even cross Joe's mind. It's incredibly disparaging of their relationship.


The Contract may be obfuscating it as part of the fake profile


If Alden gets rid of most of the contract like you say, do the corresponding parts of the contract disappear from Joe as well? It will be another sad moment the next time Joe looks in the mirror...


This chapter made me very sad. It is a hard lesson to learn when you realise how self-centred most people are.

Andrew Khitry

I’m heartbroken now. Fuck you, Joe. The only father-ish figure Alden had.


Alden flying in with a frickin' Knight (one of only two on Earth right now) is definitely going to turn some heads. It seems likely that more than a few students will get some kind of commendation regarding their rescue efforts, it seems likely that Alden will get one as well.

Alexander Dupree

So uh….. is he going to to tell everyone then?


Joe could have handled that better. This….I see zero benefit to Joe for mishandling this ending of that relationship. Ending it, yes. Ending it badly….seems foolish for someone looking out for themselves like Joe does. Though lots of benefit to the goal of getting Alden contract lessons.


It doesn’t necessarily mean he’s a worse wizard, although that’s possible. It means he’s not as good as Joe at reading the code that the skills can be read as. Personally I imagine it as reading computer code or something like that. It’s a specific skill set. I could be wrong about that though. Also it could be, as someone else mentioned, due to the fake profile


Joe is in such a bad position politically-speaking, that (I believe) he believes he needs to do anything and everything to dig himself out of the deep hole he's gotten into.

Kim Enteiu

I was not expecting Alden to lose his temper like he did 😆 I think I love self-pitying Joe better than I’d have loved well-informed Joe (and I especially love that he thinks Stu took pity on him & doesn’t realize his insistence was a matter of respect out of a desire to get the best possible assistance to Alden). If Alden outs himself as a knight-candidate in this part of the arc it’s going to be out of pure impatient irritation and I’m 100% for it.

Isak Mark

>Iced tea? Alden’s eyes widened. Lesson One. Is he going to talk about that here and now? “I…might have given you some flawed advice. Reaching for one more prize is my bad habit. That doesn’t mean it should be yours.” I think Joe gave Alden a way out since he didn't do his "sincere best" therefor voiding the contract.


Joe is a typical genius. They are used to getting their way without too much of a challenge. They are always the smartest person in a conversation and in control of it. I don't think he doesn't care for Alden. I just think that his ego has been hurt, and his complicated new relationship with Alden means he can't wear his usual mask. And underneath that mask is probably a person who doesn't know how to speak to others when he isn't in control.


I think the secrecy part is still active. But the part about picking berries should be inactive and can be got rid of. Thats my guess going by what was said but I have no idea. I’m excited to find out how it works. I’m excited for a lot in this story actually :)

Matt DiMeo

New lore - knights, at least, call skills “warps”, and information about all skill origins in general are deliberately obscured,not just 300 skills., even for wizards.


Alden’s assertion of himself continues, and I love it even though it’s a temporary rift from Joe. He’s not going to be happy with meddling from Stu and any knights in his relationship with Joe…and he shouldn’t be, that’s healthy. Alden’s establishment of his own self/authority is a bit at odds with his relationships with his well-meaning parental/authority figures (even though we like them). That’s totally the coming of age tale well-told. I trust them all to navigate it well. Love it.


"Horrific possibilities" for what Alden's skill is .. hmm.. I wonder if he is also including BoaB in that description. "Poorly designed or depressing" - BoaB could be seen as a depressing skill for sure


Late that evening, as Alden laid down for bed, he received a message from priority contact Worli Ro-den: “You’re still going to buy a new lab coat, right?”


@Alexander Artonans see the fake profile - that's why it's such a big deal.


this is one of those moments that remind me that Alden is still grappling with an alien culture, I bet theres so many moments of miscommunication where both parties can never be aligned in order to understand each other. Leading to moments of disappointment like this


Joe had probably been researching different avowed skills that would help him smuggle his helpers from thegund.


I think he’s trying to save Alden from being associated with him. Joe is in the proverbial doghouse with his entire race. Alden is seen as the first human/avowed squire (knight in training). I chose to believe Joe is trying to save Alden from being brought low along with him?


They can’t see the true profile. That’s what made Alden so spooked. He didn’t know the contract could lie to them, and that kind of knowledge is dangerous on its own

Heather White (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-02 17:41:31 Despite how much it hurts my heart, I really enjoy how Sleyca portrays Joe here, with his ability to be profoundly self-centered but also able to care about others. Some. I do wonder how much of his advice to Alden (to not develop BOAB exclusively as he had recommended in the “iced tea” conversation) is about avoiding a panicky wizard from, “… summoning you into the path of a strategically timed bullet,” (ch. 39) vs. keeping those who’re paying “attention” to Alden from realizing Joe had told Alden things wizards aren’t supposed to tell Avowed. Joe is a great gray-area character.
2024-05-02 13:02:05 Despite how much it hurts my heart, I really enjoy how Sleyca portrays Joe here, with his ability to be profoundly self-centered but also able to care about others. Some. I do wonder how much of his advice to Alden (to not develop BOAB exclusively as he had recommended in the “iced tea” conversation) is about avoiding a panicky wizard from, “… summoning you into the path of a strategically timed bullet,” (ch. 39) vs. keeping those who’re paying “attention” to Alden from realizing Joe told Alden things wizards aren’t supposed to tell Avowed. Joe is a great gray-area character.

Despite how much it hurts my heart, I really enjoy how Sleyca portrays Joe here, with his ability to be profoundly self-centered but also able to care about others. Some. I do wonder how much of his advice to Alden (to not develop BOAB exclusively as he had recommended in the “iced tea” conversation) is about avoiding a panicky wizard from, “… summoning you into the path of a strategically timed bullet,” (ch. 39) vs. keeping those who’re paying “attention” to Alden from realizing Joe told Alden things wizards aren’t supposed to tell Avowed. Joe is a great gray-area character.


"But what if he has been bound for the rest of his existence to a half-considered graduation project created by someone from a bad school?” I can't imagine living your live as an avowed, uprooting your identity or letting it be the foundation if you're Anesidoran and then finding out that your ability was just an Artonan's half-baked thesis. I would have an existential crisis. Maybe even anger if that was the reason why im stuck as a shitty D-rank especially


Kibby would absolutely trust Joe with the knowledge that Alden is an Avowed Wizard if she thought she could do so without anyone else ever finding out.


Need for Kibbee intensifies. Alden. My wee child. I know you think your hurts will heal if you hide them in the dark, but they need light and understanding to repair. You and i both hoped you might find some of that with Joe, but Joe is being a dummy up his own butt. And Bo can't really support you from inside a cat. Find a true friend and tell them everything.


Ugh…Why does this feel like there was this whirlwind passionate romance with secrets and tattoos and adventures, then when the younger one got injured and the older one got in trouble, the older one decided on a unilateral breakup and now the younger dumpee wants the matching tattoo removed? All I can say is, Alden would never do this to Kibby.


When the Mother told Alden that he had a better opinion of Joe than most people, what she left out was that he clearly hadn’t known Joe for very long…


At the same time though, that's just how a lot of Artonan's see human avowed. They're a relatively new and young species without a lot of power. Especially for a knight like Esh or Lind. Alis'arth and Esh, the ones who have seen him act and sacrifice, treat him with a great deal more respect because they understand that his sacrifice is similar to theirs, and that he chooses to do so unflinchingly, more than once now. He has the values and mindset of one of their knights, even if his powers are underdeveloped right now. Lind did not have the chance to see him in either situation that the other two knights did, under extreme conditions, having nearly killed himself to protect someone else, and never letting go of his burden despite the pain it caused him, so it would be extremely difficult for her to understand at a glance what makes him special.


I think rank would be more contingent on something inherent to the avowed before affixation (such as chaos potential?). However, I totally agree that finding out your skill path just sucks because of not only regular political politics, but also half-baked grad-school 'all I have to do to pass is hand this in on time' academic incompetence/coasting would be too much. I'm still hopeful that fixing chipped paint can turn into something epic, but this is further proof I'm probably way too optimistic...

Steve Park

And all the well meaning adults kept telling Alden to stay away from Joe. He's too eccentric and callous and eager to take advantage of young wizards. But he was so funny and different and he offered Alden exactly what he thought he needed at the time. Oh Natalie. Sure you're otherworldy beautiful and you cook bites of heaven. Unfortunatley you're up against the memory of Worli Ro-den's forbidden power and knowledge. Seriously though Joe. Friends don't treat each other this way! Time out in a punishment closet that mimics the feeling of rejection!


Also, lol at Earth bleeping Joe, when my brain finally caught up to the words.


@DAK, I would love it if Avowed do have agency to evolve their skill into something more, against all odds, it would be in the spirit of this genre lol. But definitely I think this might be a kernel of some future conflict/tension with the Artonans


I got that the implication was that Joe was forced either as punishment or needed somewhere low-key far away from artonan politics

Jean Bohdel

I don’t believe he’s sociopathic. I also think he thought of Alden as something closer to equal with him, as he couldn’t take advantage of him as much as he wanted. Joe has other goals than most Artonans and a view of humans that treats them closer to Artonans than other wizards. I truly felt that he was sad to say these things to Alden but felt it necessary for both their sakes.


I'm on Joe's side here. Joe has had a few months to think about Alden, and the only realistic conclusion Joe should come up with is that Alden was designed as a nuclear tipped guided missile to completely destroy Joe's life....... His paranoia, in my opinion, is justified. What are the odds? The perfect skill to solve his rescue problem? The perfect lab coat to assist? and Alden just "happens" to show up in an Artonan only facility during a crisis? Here are the relevant passages. Chapter 26 "“Should I target you?” Alden asked. “With my skill?” “Hmmm…oh, no. Not at the moment. Though you can if you like. Actually, I’m very interested in that skill, my dear savior. That particular limited edition gem is perfect for lab work, but not for this sort of lab work" Chapter 28 "“Is it…okay for you to teach me about my skill?” “If I were to bind you to my personal service for the next few years, we could make it above-board. You’d live here on campus, except when you were System-called for higher priority jobs. Interested?” “No. I want to go back home.” He couldn’t even imagine what it would be like to live here for years. “Good. I’m not certain I actually have enough strings left to pull to get permission for that. And even if I did, there are old familiar faces I’d rather see than yours. You’re wonderful of course, but I have the feeling you would stress me out over the long term.” Chapter 39 "Joe spoke after a moment of silence. “It’s astonishing. They really didn’t explain a thing to you, did they?” “I don’t know what you mean,” Alden said stiffly. “Whichever one of my colleagues told you to pick that class. And that skill.” Alden stopped breathing. “I suppose it could have been another Avowed, but there shouldn’t be any on Earth at this early stage of your planet’s development who would know enough to give you that kind of advice. It must have been an Artonan official, but I can not fathom how you would have come to know one well enough for them to make such a suggestion. Without any sort of protective contract in place no less.” “I just picked it because it sounded cool.” Alden spoke steadily, but he didn’t trust himself to turn around. “No. You didn’t,” Joe said in a thoughtful tone. “You’re not the kind of person who thinks being a Ryeh-b’t sounds ‘cool.’ For a while, I wasn’t sure, because you do have a couple of qualities that suit the job. You’re comfortable around other species and open-minded about vast cultural gulfs, for example. But you find the aspects of the class that most humans regard as perks tedious, and you highly value assignments you deem morally worthwhile.” And this passage explains why Esh-Erdi doesn't recognize BOAB Chapter 39 "“I’m not an expert on the original skills. You’re lucky I even recognized yours as one. It’s not like it has a flashing label beside it when you’re summoned. Your abilities show up here—” he pointed at his monocle, “—as sets of useful data for the summoner. It shows me that you have a preservation talent. Most people experienced with the type will note that it’s a little unusual. It almostlooks like it’s poorly made, but it’s just based on ancient tastes. No contemporary wizard would design an Avowed skill that would let you bring your full authority to bear almost instantaneously at level one.”


Alden isn’t prepared for this. He still hasn’t graduated from Klee-pak to Kwoo-pak.

Thomas Todd

The way I took this was more that Esh's trying to do whatever he can to make Alden happy is a hobby, it doesn't necessarily mean that he won't still care for Alden long term but more that this running around doing stuff for him and obsessing about his health and his skills won't be something that continues throughout their relationship . Basically to sum up, it's not his relationship with Alden that's the hobby, it's all the stuff he's doing separately that's she's calling a hobby


Great chapter but I’m so sad about this interaction with Joe.


Joe is a researcher, Esh is probably a good wizard but likely focused on using it. Makes sense that joe knows more obscure stuff

Second Raddish

I'm with Imnothere on 2 and 3. Joe's choice just seems like the path of least resistance. It's not a good resolution, just damage control. If Alden hadn't progressed to the point of having an authority sense and being able to cast spells, it wouldn't even be a bad call for Alden to walk away. Joe is an extraordinary wizard with a target on his back and Alden is a child with everything to lose.


I love how this story captures over and over again that sense of "you can never really go home" that inevitably results from life-changing adventures.


Not only is Alden flying in with the Knight, but he will be flying without the Knight's help. What are the odds a Rabbit can fly? Talk about a dramatic entrance! A simple teleport in is understandable, flying is just way over the top.


Joe is a genius and an expert specifically on preservation magic. He also implied that the Primary wouldn’t be able to figure it out and Alden would have to tell him. It must be not nearly as easy as Joe made it seem.


Bravo. You have somehow managed to capture all the complications feelings I have about how this situation played out and soothe them into something more stable and readable. Well said.

Second Raddish

And if the ring being modified for Alden's use means Esh can't use it, so Esh has to stay because Alden is his ride home lol


I am surprised that Esh didn't mention to Lind that Alden's skill allowed him to authority carry Zeridee.. that must be a very weird, noteworthy feature. Lind must also be wondering why Esh chose Alden as a hobby - his interest must be weird to her as well


I was seriously waiting for Alden to give Joe an impulsive authority pat at some point during that conversation. "May I have your attention now?" It wouldn't have been the right call, and it is a good thing that he didn't, but it would have been so very funny. I can genuinely believe that was a possible outcome in a different version of this scene.

Second Raddish

If Alden goes somewhere to get the tattoo removed he may get the information he needs to create a tattoo for him and Boe. Yay.


Hrm. I feel like Alden rolled over a little easily once Joe was gone. It's clear that Joe was being pressured, Joe pretty much said so himself, but Alden instantly shifted into a conversation with the most likely and obvious source of the pressure like no big deal nothing going on. Alden even mentioned it when talking to Joe! Very, very weird transition from one conversation to the other, and an odd...obtuseness...in dealing with Joe. Idk. Weird chapter, felt forced.

James Lord

The real question, though, is how did *Gorgon* know? Did his species work with the Artonans to develop it?


Scenes I'd like to see.... A conversation that Alden has just before they arrive at the assembly........ "Oh, by the way, Mother told me to thank "My Esh" for getting my uniform. So thanks! That was kind of you to think of it...." "Wait, whut? You talk to Mother? H-How? When? " And then they land on the assembly platform front stage.


I thought Alden already bought a lab coat. Didn't he try to pull it out when the whole fiasco happened but the wardrobe was down?


Despite all that’s happened, Alden is still just a teenager, and someone he considered a friend to some degree started treating him with hostility when he wasn’t expecting it. He’s in a bad mood, he even acknowledges that it makes sense but he feels bad about it anyway. I think it tracks.


He did mention that? He said that Alden “delivered an Und’h” to him

Jeremy Goldberg

Thank you for the ominously named chapter! edit: the description of the two wizards exchanging a one-eyed look gave me a really vivid mental image that made me laugh. I was sad to see Alden’s conversation with Joe go so poorly. After it was over, I stopped reading for a few minutes to process it, which I don’t remember ever doing in the middle of a new chapter before. edit 2: I hope Alden eventually trusts Esh enough to ask him Joe-level questions. I hope Esh isn’t the type to pick up new hobbies, pursue them furiously for a week, then drop them. It will be interesting to see what plans Esh has set in motion regarding Alden’s mental health.


I'm definitely looking forward to hearing more about Gorgon and what all happened with him and his planet.


Nothing but net. I love that you are unafraid to ruin relationships between characters and let them progress as people; it makes them feel real


I imagined that as well. “ keep a low profile, Alden” and then he does that lmao


Boe has 3 skills, not one like Alden. So not sure what you mean by Boe being modified while Alden wasn't.

Aidan Gorman

Ask to get Lutes tattoo removed too! Also I’m trying to imagine Winstons thoughts when Alden flies in next to a “general”


"Ro-den" was a powerful, sneaky, Artonan genius who would probably have a whole flock of amazing Avowed running errands for him again before Alden graduated from high school. But Alden suddenly had a certainty within himself that "Joe" owed him just a little bit more than that dismissal. " I like how Sleyca differentiated the Ro-den persona with the Joe persona.

Ano Ano

Quiet Rabbit must be doing a real good job obscuring what Alden's skill is.


You have to remember that even as logical and mature Alden is, he's still just a kid. A kid who is hurt and scared who desperately wants some normalcy and familiarity from someone. He looked up to Joe and wanted to be able to rely on him and his knowledge to answer his questions because he feels lost and unsure of so many things, and by cutting him out like that one sidedly it feels like a betrayal, another person who is letting him down once more when he needed them. Maybe Alden isn't acting cool headed and reasonable like he usually would, but his reasons for it make sense to me at least.

Alexander Dupree

This is true of all teenager’s even if they’re handling things well enough. Give any you know support or if you’re a teen make sure to cut yourself some slack when you feel lost or scared.

Ano Ano

Joe also said it was very lucky that he was able to recognize it. Also the information available to summoners is, in Alden's case, obscured by Quiet Rabbit.


I feel like Alden hasn't fully thought through the fact that he's about to arrive at school flying a magical platform with a knight and land it where his schoolmates and teachers can see. Or just anyone in general on the way could notice.


He did try to open the Wardrobe, but my understanding is that the Wardrobe is also the marketplace to buy equipment, and he hadn’t actually gotten a new one yet.


Alden 😭 stupid Joe 😡


Fixing chipped paint could evolve in several directions. What is paint, really? Does the skill currently cover all types of paint in use by humanity? What about varnish. And what counts as a "chip"? If Emilija trains hard and really pushes, she could level up a lot, maybe eventually getting to rank D. Of course, we *know* the best way to grow her Authority, but I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Though after she has that *very Important conversation* with Lute, I could see her wanting to learn more wordchains. And I'm 100% sure Lute would be glad to teach her.


Now I want an arc where Alden and Joe are trapped in a box together and are just super petty with each other until they break down and discuss their shared trauma.


I thought the chest comment was in direct relation to adjusting the contract without Joe coming right out and saying it since there are likely listening ears


I agree with Catherine. They still have to keep each others secrets but they will no longer be able to ask anything of each other *magically*. A clean, sharp break.


i know i’m seeing a lot of comments pissed at joe and maybe because i just woke up im missing something but for that entire conversation there was an undercurrent of “im trying to hint to you something but im not supposed to.” like it just felt like there was some puzzle alden had to figure out or maybe something he could have asked from joe to give them a setting where they could speak freely. this clean break thing makes me sad but i feel like there’s some message under the surface im not really sure though

Robert Mullins

It's not that simple. He's only getting the parts that are no longer 'active' removed. For Lute, there is presumably very little that is no longer active. If any at all.


Hey! Our first wizard wand sighting! "“I’m glad you have a new hobby, Esh.” Lind-otta sat in one of the chairs by the window in their shared suite, leaning over her knees while she tapped a short wand to each of her bare toes to apply a massage spell. “But are you sure your efforts to help him aren’t overwhelming him?”"


Apologies, Mangoes APOLOGIES Since we are discussing Earth fruits ( especially Asian fancy fruits ) last chapter, and apologies this chapter. Maybe Joe should buy Alden a fancy, apology Mango… 💐💝🥭 MANGOES This farmer has been growing mangoes for 16 years 2x Mangoes sell for 500,000 Yen ( 3,300 USD ) ( https://m.youtube.com/shorts/QqeZprjCWlc ) 🥭💴


I think you're right. Someone made an early comment that Joe gave Alden a secret message. Telling Alden to remove the contract tattoo. What would removing portions of the tattoo do? Would it allow Alden to tell his fellow Avowed about the 300 skills?


Has anyone looked up how much of his tattoo remains? I thought everything but the triangle of secrecy had faded! Did Joe violate the triangle of secrecy when he referred to their convo just then? I don't understand how Alden could erase it without Joe's consent.

Isak Mark

>Joe is knowledgeable and suspicious enough that he would find out that there's something off about the official skill sheet. The "spell impressions" on his fake profile are blaring red flags for Joe, after he advised Alden to not affix anything other than BOAB.

Neil H

Thanks for copying those quotes, it's really interesting to reread them.

Alex Scriber

I'm confused. Does Kabir have access to news now? When Alden first met him it seemed like Kabir hadn't heard anything since getting stuffed into the kitchen in Matadero. Now though, Kabir recognized Joe as "the bald general," which he probably wouldn't be able to do by sight if he hadn't seen Anesidora news calling him that.

Dash Marley

It felt like what he was hinting at resonated with some things the Primary said about not being able to leave Alden alone forever.

Jason Harpster

Wow growing up sucks. Well Done. 👍 Everyone deserves the odd awkward conversation with someone they admire, that forces them to reassess them as people instead of figures.

Dash Marley

What Joe was hinting at reminded me of some things the Primary said about not being able to leave Alden alone forever because he was too attuned with his skill or something. It seemed like they are both alluding to some sort of use Avowed are put to if they get too good at what they do. Edit: I was misremembering the details, exact quote below.


Is fixing chipped paint so different from repairing small cracks? Small cracks in the future which are so easy to fix? She would have to perceive many ways. Use the skill skillfully.

Alex Scriber

Yeah, that subtle note that Joe is a better wizard than even the knights makes Joe even more impressive. And it makes the scenes where Joe breaks with Alden hit even harder because it underlines just what a valuable relationship Alden is losing.


What are the odds that concerned father Esh might have weaved a few more spells into that ring beyond the ability to control the platform and that's why he was late? Perhaps something that would analyze his authority to identify Alden's skill? “Yes, but I want to pry into him for the right reasons.” Also, I'm still excitedly waiting for Alden to meet Lind. She doesn't seem too interested in this chapter but she is the only one to have felt his authority greeting and she did it all the way from the cube while he was in his dorm. I can't help but wonder if she is super sensitive to authority or her skills relate to it in some way and she will be the first to identify him as a wizard since she felt his authority greeting before.


I'm trying to parse out all the secret messages Joe might have told Alden. "…remove from your chest, now is your only opportunity. I suggest you pluck it before the vine withers.” "Had he emphasized the word ‘attention?’" So, Alden should try to get his tattoo removed before the opportunity passes. I'm guessing Esh-erdi is an expert in finding contract flaws and erasing them. Some powerful and important wizards are paying close "attention" to Alden. Maybe, it's a warning that some wizards are planning on summoning and using Alden. Then some parting words about a clean break-up with Alden. Am I missing something?

Jason Harpster

Well the implication is that down thru the eons, wizards have been making their own knockoffs of "The Bearer of All Burdens"....some more functional than others. No reason at all to think Alden has the Origin skill when he is still just preserving basic tangible objective. A couple hundred upgrades from now when he is preserving magic, secrets, memories.....it will be a bit more obvious which skill he has.


Yeah, I totally got that feeling on re-read.


the very nature of wizard contracts is transactional and alden was given a commendation for going beyond the limits of his duties.


This is such a hard chapter to read. Alden often seems... not young - understandable, due to his traumas and everything that has happened. But god chapters like this are so painfully young. The fact that he had never even considered the idea that Joe might not be able to interact with HIM - just... so childish. Not in like, a bad childish way. Just literally, childish. A brief moment where other people don't have lives unless you're in them, and you had never considered how their life without you might be disrupted by you. Poor Alden. I hope he does get that mind healer, and fairly soon, because Sleyca is entirely too good at writing disorienting trauma responses and I'm struggling a bit with how real it all is.

Desidia (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-02 15:48:04 What would Alden actually do if the contract tattoo was removed? He could tell people that waiting out your affixiations, could level you up faster. Would Alden tell people about the 150 skills, and that he has one? Or maybe Joe just got cold feet about his prank and hoped that Alden wouldn't tell the Primary about his skill.
2024-05-02 15:24:01 What would Alden actually do if the contract tattoo was removed? He could tell people that waiting out your affixiations, could level you up faster. Would Alden tell people about the 300 skills, and that he has one? Or maybe Joe just got cold feet about his prank and hoped that Alden wouldn't tell the Primary about his skill.

What would Alden actually do if the contract tattoo was removed? He could tell people that waiting out your affixiations, could level you up faster. Would Alden tell people about the 300 skills, and that he has one? Or maybe Joe just got cold feet about his prank and hoped that Alden wouldn't tell the Primary about his skill.

Second Raddish

Reading this story and eating spicy food kinda hit the same. Watery eyes and snot bubbles, already looking forward to the next bite.

the btrflyz

Description of the tattoo and what they agreed upon for the meaning of the symbols, for reference: Ch.28: Perception "It looked like a sideways question mark with two dots under the curve and a straight line beneath it. There was also a random set of concentric triangles off to the left" Ch.29: Moon Thegund, pt 1 It was a short-term contract that would be renewable at any time by mutual agreement. Joe intended for them to renew it every evening while Alden was here at the university so that he could fetch another assistant. The contract itself was built into the tattoo: "... this half circle is a sunshine. It’s rising. So it will be the part that represents the renewability of the agreement" " ... And this line represents the journey you will undertake" "... The ‘triangle of absolute secrecy’ had better mean absolute secrecy to you...” Regarding the actual removal process: "Can’t it be removed after we’re done with each other?” “You don’t actually want it removed, remember? It’s your proof that your illegal deeds were done under contract. Just in case. However, I can unlink everything but the triangle of absolute secrecy. If you use your sincere and best efforts, it will still take you a few months to rid yourself of the rest of it. It’s not like scrubbing off a bit of paint.” The concentric triangle portion was small, but if it was sticking around, then the tattoo was definitely going somewhere that would usually be covered. ======= Alden knew before getting the tattoo that he wouldn't ever get rid of the triangle. That is the part that enforces the secrecy clause. The rest of the tattoo is the agreement/requirements of the quest, and the renewability clause.

JJ Hunter

@Scruffleupagas, very nuanced catch, I think you're on to something there!

J. W.

Something to keep in mind is that Artonans seem to have a different cultural view on dedication to their chosen path. "Sincere best effort" is a common theme in everything Artonan. Knights are so extreme in their dedication that even normal Wizards think they're abnormal. Our human idea of hobbies may have little to do with the Artonan Knight concept. While it's just a wild guess, a "Hobby" for Esh may be the equivalent of a life-long, dogged conviction for humans.


I think that may have been his consent. He said he reconsidered. He just worded it in such a specific way that would be hard to parse for anyone watching.


On top of that, he's coming in wearing the formal uniform, which is generally only used for special occasions.

Carl Earl

Instructions unclear, Joe is now in a timeout mimic pretending to be a closet.

Isak Mark

Joe is an expert researcher and an expert in preservation magic. Joe implied that even the primary wouldn't figure it out and asked Alden to tell the primary when Alden was miserable.


”“You know, I don’t think Worli Ro-den is allowed to run away from me.” The two wizards by the fridge exchanged one-eyed glances. ” I wonder how those who heard Alden’s speaken-out-loud-thought interprets it. I mean Joe is a wizard. What status does they think Alden really has to be able to do such statement?

Benjamin Helkey

So I think he is trying to remove the renewable contract. The potion that dictates work on his side and 15 minutes of instruction from Joe.


Thank you for the chapter! A sharp break huh? Unpleasant for Alden. Other commenters above said that maybe Joe was trying to use spy-double-meaning-speak to give Alden info while not creating trouble, but Alden was 100% in emotional mode here, and could not receive such coded messages. EDIT : Alden answering "Good" after asking about Kivb-ee might have broken Ro-den's heart, too. Esh wants to help but doesn't know how to care for an Alden. ~Such a baffling creature, too~ :p Scene break then “I’m glad you have a new hobby, Esh.” Other scene break later, then Alden doing hobby Origami. I like the parallel.


I don't see Alden's reactions as having anything to do with being a teenager. Having someone you thought was a friend give you the cold should and basically tell you to never talk to them again is hurtful and confusing no matter what age you are.

Joel Wells

My feelings about this chapter are complicated. I both loved and hated it. I guess I wanted Joe and Alden’s relationship and meeting to be different. However, Joe said and did was in line with his character and how events have forced their relationship to change. I guess that Alden will need to find someone else to be his teacher. Also, if he does get the inactive parts of the tattoo removed, does that mean he can talk about what he learned? It seems a little strange that Joe would encourage him to do so. Maybe he considered it a parting gift.

Tycho Green

Francis meant that Alden wasn’t in physical contact with Zeridee but still maintained the preservation.

Aspiring Moth

I'm pretty sure Francis means 'preserve at a distance', not just carried a preserved zeridee to him


I missed that interpretation on first read, thanks! I was, like Alden, running on feeling. Alden didn't notice unsaid things here.


Is it really only 150? For some reason I had been assuming there were 300 original skills


Other hidden gems : "If there’s something you want to demand of me, or something you need to…what is that phrase?…remove from your chest, now is your only opportunity." "Remove from your chest" : a hint about the tattoo? "At least one of my students thinks ... Such a baffling creature.” Joe is speaking of Stu-art'h here. Maybe sneaking Alden news of his friend?


Almost had a mini heart attack thinking "a sharp break" was Sleyca having another rest from writing chapters for a while (considering the time of it's release). Phew 😮‍💨

Bob Ross

Joe: "What did you just-" Alden: "I would like you to confirm specifically that you will not, through any means or by any permutation of interpretation, intentionally reveal the information I’m about to disclose to you with anyone else of any species without my permission. Ever."


True. However if I remember correctly the artonan laying the tattoo said it sat poorly for reasons I can’t quite recall. Something about their poor relationship? So Lute might have more leeway to get rid of parts than a well laid tattoo where both parties are in complete agreement


That could be reasonably chalked up to being a feature of his ability, which it is. I just don't think he's caught on to the fact that Alden has conscious control of his authority yet, since that ability is usually something that only artonans are cable of.


So Artonan wands are not Arry Otter wands, used to "channel" magic, but traditional single use spell wands? I don't know about you, but I would pay beaucoup arigold for a wand of massage. Unless it is a wand of toe massage. Then ummm, I'd have to explore the artonan meaning of toe. could it refer to other digits?????

Heather White

No, he can’t. Alden can only remove the inactive parts of the tattoo (the parts related to the contract to rescue people from Thegund), not the still active parts. The triangle of secrecy can’t be removed. It will be active permanently because it was a lifelong contract. (edit: this info’s in their conversation in ch. 29)


I don't remember if, in a previous chapter, I posted a comment about a thought I had. I don't believe Alden cares much about the ring. It didn't do much for him on Thegund, still doesn't do much. However I felt he would have a greater attachment to the Hawaiian shirt. It was a reminder of Earth, home, during this hard time. And the shirt came to Alden's mind at the end here...


@Isak Mark: I was thinking so as well. Alden mentions removing only part of the tattoo, though, so keeping the triangle - at least for now - seems to be where this is headed.

Ian T Hathaway

Holy shit, Sleyca, I was not emotionally prepared for... any of that.

Heather White

In ch. 29 Joe told Alden that after the Thegund mission was over he could choose to remove all of the tattoo except the triangle of secrecy. That part is still active & will continue to keep him from talking about what Joe taught him about BOAB.

Skull Leader

Somehow I doubt that showing up to school while flying on a glowing platform next to one of the top Generals in charge of this crisis is going to maintain the illusion of intensity 4 amongst his peers. That is intensity 90 by earth standards. At that point he might as well start wearing his commendation in front of his classmates cause at least that would go a long way to explain why he is receiving all of this special attention when he is just a B rank. But Alden will Alden and continue to hide his commendation from his peers... At least Winston is sure to go mad next chapter as he tries to unwind the "conspiracy" surrounding Alden.

Alexander Dupree

Ah that makes sense. Man I’m suddenly more sad and lonely feeling for Alden. He’s got no one except Mother or Earths System and both of them have explicitly told him they disagree with his choices so they are trying to trick/force him to changing. That’s such bullshit.


Need more origami Alden

Dash Marley

Chapter 38, The primary: That’s annoying. Authorize translations. I have no interest in working around your management. As I was saying, you’re too whole for us to avoid one another over the long run. Try to grow up well and live fully before then. I've wondered if that's what happened to Hannah too. And I agree Nomi, probably to fight chaos, but like a normal summoned avowed doing a job, or in all the ways you can use a Warhammer 40k Psyker, from warrior, to battery, to fuel source.

Alan Miller

Well I guess Alden doesn't get to tease Joe.


Amazing dialogue and thoughtful insight about trauma responses. I am so sorry for Alden and what he's feeling right now. Sleyca delivered a home run with this chapter. Well done!


Thank you for the chapter! This did not go the way I was expecting and I was glued to the screen for the entire time. So good! I truly believe that the Arttonans are all so sure Joe manipulated/used Alden because of the contract tattoo they formed. Without the gremlin fighting in Alden’s behalf during their tattoo session, it seems like Joe would have taken more liberties in their agreement, and that has to be what the others think. However, that’s not the case. And now a knight is going to be looking at the tattoo? I sincerely hope he sees it was a fairly even contract and Joe can stop trying to put Alden at a distance because I want Alden to remain friends with the Bald General lol It would be really easy for Esh to send out a memo saying Alden and Joe are actual friends to fix the whole situation. I hope Joe did this in order to protect Alden, not himself. I also hope his advice to Alden to reach for, presumably, another skill at A-Rank, was genuine, in that he wants Alden to pick something that he truly does enjoy, not something that he thinks will help him save people. Also, we just got some good magic information from Esh’s convo with Lind. If Esh doesn’t know what skill Alden has there’s no way anyone sensed Alden’s ice cube spell which I was worried about. It sounds like, even if you get a crappy, poorly designed talent, you can gain more talents to basically create something new with those talents that is greater than the sum of its parts. That’s so cool. It must be why they liked Haoyu’s dad so much. Cant wait for the assembly!!!


So, if Alden removed everything except for the triangle of secrecy. What's the point? Is it just cleaning up? Skin care?

Heather White

The entire tattoo is still there. They are records of contracts & have to be actively removed (only possible after the contract has been completed). Back in Moon Thegund, part 1, (ch. 29), Joe told Alden that after the mission was completed he could uncouple the Thegund part of the tattoo from the triangle of secrecy & then Alden could remove everything except the triangle of secrecy. He told Alden that the actual process of removal wouldn’t be easy: “It’s not like scrubbing off a bit of paint.”


He’s washing that man right out of his (armpit) hair


Once again, let's not forget that Worli Ro-den specifically has the option of releasing Alden from the secrecy terms — which would probably allow full removal — and still hasn't chosen to do so. I get why he isn't, but his magnanimous act is a bit undermined by that.

Aspiring Moth

"He didn't listen to me" is so much more reasonable of a conclusion than "Mother has ordered all systems to lie to wizards about his power set"


And I see you’re still attempting to study every preservation warp->ward ever registered,


Back when Alden was going through his slightly sham admission process, there was a behind closed doors discussion amongst the selection board. They baldly made note of the fact that Alden must have had some kind of connection with high Artonan muckity mucks, and the long term plan would be to wait until someone showed up and see it they could grab donations. When a knight arrives as Alden’s cabbie, that’s all the school administrators are going to see. I’m trying to imagine what someone like Esh will do when the schmoozers and brown nosers all magically appear to show him around their back-of -the-universe, barely magical school full of ass-sat cushions. Should be fun


I’m really surprised to see that Esh isn’t aware of Alden’s skill when Joe was. Also I’m really surprised about Alden’s reaction to how Joe treated him. He’s not stupid, I feel like he should’ve been expecting this, especially after seeing how hostile other Artonans, or at least knights, are to Joe. If I recall correctly, back at the University Joe did inform Alden that letting an Avowed be harmed through summoner’s mismanagement is one of the most grevious crimes in Artonan society, and Joe is like SUPER guilty of it, especially since he wasn’t the original summoner and also because he’s both a very experienced wizard, and one that occupied a position of authority. Having a pleasant meeting in a public setting really is impossible for them in this position and I expected Alden to be a bit more understanding of it.


There is a television in the dining area. Or he used his System.

C. Adkins

Man this chapter broke a piece of me. I expected Joe to be offputting and harmless trying to keep away from a future knight because he does criminal things. BUT HOLY HECK. He was sharp and it hurt.


For those that want a re-read, the call from Alden to Joe was in ch.66 "Pinball"

Heather White

It’s not because of Quiet Rabbit. Joe told Alden it’s hard for Artonans to recognize what skills Avowed have (ch. 39): “I’m not an expert on the original skills. You’re lucky I even recognized yours as one. It’s not like it has a flashing label beside it when you’re summoned. Your abilities show up here—” he pointed at his monocle, “—as sets of useful data for the summoner. It shows me that you have a preservation talent.”

Box Jellyfish

Feel bad for Joe here. He was given significant public punishments for something that wasn't true (that he made no attempt to save his assistants before blowing up the lab, abusing Alden's contract) and now is getting heavy informal pressure to atone from a source he absolutely cannot refuse. He's doing his best, in his odd Artonan way, to limit to splash damage to Alden from his crash but just doesn't get Alden's human reactions. Joe won't be able to separate from Alden as he wishes and Alden will get no closure at all from Joe's actions.

Alan Miller

Re: knowing the skill, Esh doesn't have the info that summoners get, and Joe is apparently one of very few Artonans who would recognize the actual skill vs just knowing some relevant things it can do.


I think that is the knight term for skills instead of a typo. At least that was my interpretation of it.

Gaffer (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-02 17:41:31 It’s not uncommon with childhood trauma to have some form of arrested development - part of your psyche is a bit stuck still at 8, and it’s something to work on through time, healing, therapy, self-care, more healthy relationships. I’m not sure that’s what Sleyca is trying to model here per se, but it really fits - Alden is a mature, thoughtful, insightful 16 year old in most ways, but he’s still an injured child in others. And he’s never had a stable parental relationship since his folks died, and he struggles to assert himself (shown most clearly in his early introspection on relationships with Bit’kwol, referred back to in this chapter. He’s come a long way! But he’s still progressing. I think a fundamental theme of the novel is authority/heccaecity - finding out who you are, knowing you deserve a spot in the universe. Alden’s coming-of-age journey is part of that, in the mundane way but reflected too in the world building/magic. And the related theme of self-sacrifice is just as interesting/in development. You’ve established your sense of self/authority - when is it good to give it up for others? When is it too much? What self damage can you cause with having part of you wanting to be wild and free and changing the universe but part of you intentionally tied down for carrying the burdens of others? It’s Good Shit.
2024-05-02 16:39:38 It’s not uncommon with childhood trauma to have some form of arrested development - part of your psyche is a bit stuck still at 8/when the trauma happened, and it’s something to work on through time, healing, therapy, self-care, and via more healthy relationships. I’m not sure that’s what Sleyca is trying to model here per se, but it really fits - Alden is a mature, thoughtful, insightful 16 year old in most ways, but he’s still an injured child in others. And he’s never had a stable parental relationship since his folks died, and he struggles to assert himself (shown most clearly in his early introspection on relationships with summoners - Bit’kwol, referred back to in this chapter.) He’s come a long way! But he’s still progressing. I think a fundamental theme of the novel is authority/heccaecity - finding out who you are, knowing you deserve a spot in the universe. Alden’s coming-of-age journey is part of that, in the mundane way but reflected too in the world building/magic/authority. And the related theme of self-sacrifice is just as interesting/in development. You’ve established your sense of self/authority - when is it good to give it up for others? When is it too much? What self damage can you cause with having part of you wanting to be wild and free and changing the universe but part of you intentionally tied down for carrying the burdens of others? It’s Good Shit.

It’s not uncommon with childhood trauma to have some form of arrested development - part of your psyche is a bit stuck still at 8/when the trauma happened, and it’s something to work on through time, healing, therapy, self-care, and via more healthy relationships. I’m not sure that’s what Sleyca is trying to model here per se, but it really fits - Alden is a mature, thoughtful, insightful 16 year old in most ways, but he’s still an injured child in others. And he’s never had a stable parental relationship since his folks died, and he struggles to assert himself (shown most clearly in his early introspection on relationships with summoners - Bit’kwol, referred back to in this chapter.) He’s come a long way! But he’s still progressing. I think a fundamental theme of the novel is authority/heccaecity - finding out who you are, knowing you deserve a spot in the universe. Alden’s coming-of-age journey is part of that, in the mundane way but reflected too in the world building/magic/authority. And the related theme of self-sacrifice is just as interesting/in development. You’ve established your sense of self/authority - when is it good to give it up for others? When is it too much? What self damage can you cause with having part of you wanting to be wild and free and changing the universe but part of you intentionally tied down for carrying the burdens of others? It’s Good Shit.


A classic case of star crossed alien criminal professor wizard mentor and secret Knight human child. Both of them so close and so consciously acting on presumptions of the others interest and full understanding of their mindsets yet so distinctly out of sync. You hate to see it

Heather White

Given how strangely Esh was looking at Alden when Alden claimed his skill didn’t preserve from a distance (while Esh was talking about it as a normal thing for Alden to do), I believe Esh was interested in Alden’s lack of understanding of his own skill.


This chapter hurt twice as much once I considered the possible subject of Alden's next conversation with Connie. "Alden, I know you love me, but you need to pick someone else to have evacuated if there is a worldwide disaster in the future. I need to stay on earth with Mr. Striped Boxers."

Alan Miller

Alden is 'solid' in a way uncommon for anyone, much less very young Avowed. That means he's unusually resistant to chaos. Mother also alludes to this.

Mehmet ali Reyhan

If enchanting was so easy that a wizard whose existence has become aligned with the concept of fracture can do it to a high level equipment in an afternoon there would be no need for wrights


I believe the secrecy contract legally protects Alden? He can't reveal what he learned during the lessons, but moreover : he can't be compelled to confess he knew he was helping Ro-den to loophole around his legal restrictions. Uh oh danger : I don't think it prevents Joe from talking about : -Alden having Bearer Of All Burdens (extra note, Joe didn't tell Alden the name, Mother did) -Alden's strange contract auto-balancing - or about Alden's strange teleportation toughness -and Joe's suspicions an Artonan gave Alden skill-choice advice before him. ... That's too many interesting things about Alden. Joe will be back.

Alan Miller

Lute's tattoo (and possibly a matching one on Aulia?) was placed with Aulia having a clear understanding that it left her in charge, but the details don't actually say that and will at some point likely shift to Lute being in charge. Going from memory I think it may come down to whose view of what's good for the Velras is stronger.

Mason W

Alden realizing that Joe is really just selfish and didn’t care if he died, just that it doesnt impact him. Tough learning experience for him. Great chapter!

Alan Miller

No, he was just realizing how young/new Alden was in conjunction with exceeding what would be reasonable to expect at that stage of his growth. "Exceeds Expectations" in a big bad and ugly way.

Heather White

I agree that Joe sees the fallout from Alden’s mission as something that scuttled what was left of his already damaged life, but I don’t think his attitude here is paranoia about Alden having been sent to ruin him. When Joe taught Alden a bunch of forbidden knowledge, he expected Alden wouldn’t grab the attention of important Artonans until decades in the future, when the Primary called him to service (and even then Alden would probably only be known to a small group — the Knights). However, Alden’s commendation after Thegund and involvement with saving Zeridee during the current crisis have brought Alden to the attention of a slew of powerful Artonans. That puts Alden in a whole new level of danger from Artonans who freak out about the original 300 skills (and Joe in danger of even more scrutiny if people find out what he taught Alden).


Huh, good call. Reading too much into it, is the natural affixation metaphor for magical scientist types bends/folds/rifts/warps in spacetime, and Alden has moved closer to that mental model with his origami metaphor?

Heather White

Memoryofgold — I wholeheartedly agree. If my life turned out to have been shaped by some crappy student thesis, I’d be furious.


I'm not sure Joe would have recognized any of the 300, or just this one in particular due to his interests and needs.

Alan Miller

The vast majority of wizards are worse wizards than Joe. Artonans in general probably don't get the profile. Knights may not even get the profile. Summoners doing a summons get the profile. System privacy is a big thing.


if he knew it was one the 300 knight skills he would likely already know the various possible progression paths and could probably ask one of the knights that actually have the skill if he had any doubts. From what Stu'art told us wizards don't get the skill name, but some info about what the Awoved can do, plus the "source code" if they want it, but it is incredibly complex to understand. In one of his chapters Joe mentions that most wizard would simply think it is a unusual preservation skill at first glance, but I am a bit surprisedeven the Knight doesn't seem to consider the possibility

Heather White

It’s like how people get a radical haircut after a breakup. Or maybe cut their ex’es out of photos after a really bad breakup.

Heather White (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-02 17:41:31 I love how Joe is obsessing about why Stuart confronted him and pushed him to come to Earth. He doesn’t know that Alden & Stuart are friends, so he’s completely baffled. He just can’t figure out what the Primary’s son’s actions mean (and it’s making him a bit paranoid/kinda freaking him out).
2024-05-02 17:17:16 I love how Joe is obsessing about why Stuart confronted him and pushed him to come to Earth. He doesn’t know that Alden & Stuart are friends, so he’s completely baffled. He just can’t figure out what the Primary’s son’s actions mean (and it’s making him a bit paranoid/freaking him out).

I love how Joe is obsessing about why Stuart confronted him and pushed him to come to Earth. He doesn’t know that Alden & Stuart are friends, so he’s completely baffled. He just can’t figure out what the Primary’s son’s actions mean (and it’s making him a bit paranoid/freaking him out).


"a timeout mimic pretending to be a closet" I'm imagining a dread-doghouse (like the story of the dread Gazebo) :p

Zachary T Pruckowski

Yeah. When she was doing the Ritual of Return and asking for the Mother's favor towards him, Alis-art'h said simply "He has done more for us than he had to", not "he saved the life of a child" or "he's had a rough life and deserves better" or anything like that, just "he has done more for us than he had to" as if that explains everything.


Joe really said his pawn turned into a queen and he's not happy about it.

Alan Miller

Mother: "You should just ask him if he's willing to share that with you." Also "Are you willing to tell me what your skill is?" "112" (since making Joe's head explode seems off the table)

Heather White (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-02 17:41:31 Yes. I also think that’s what she’s going to say. It may be rough, especially since she’s finally committing to being there for her new family like she never was for Alden. Of course, the good thing is that during their most recent call Alden asked Jeremy if he’d evacuate if he was one of Alden’s choices, & Jeremy said yes, so now Alden basically has permission to replace Connie with Jeremy.
2024-05-02 17:25:25 Yes. I also think that’s what she’s going to say. It may be rough, especially since she’s finally committing to being there for her new family like she never was for Alden. Of course, the good thing is that during their most recent call Alden asked Jeremy if he’d evacuate if he was one of Alden’s choices, & Jeremy said yes, so now Alden will have permission to replace Connie with Jeremy.

Yes. I also think that’s what she’s going to say. It may be rough, especially since she’s finally committing to being there for her new family like she never was for Alden. Of course, the good thing is that during their most recent call Alden asked Jeremy if he’d evacuate if he was one of Alden’s choices, & Jeremy said yes, so now Alden will have permission to replace Connie with Jeremy.

Zachary T Pruckowski

I don't see why that would mean he didn't do his sincere best. At the time, he probably thought he was giving the best advice, but after what happened to him in the intervening 8-9 months he might now believe differently. If "sincere and best efforts" doesn't mean "at the time" then the contract would be useless the second Joe learned anything new and relevant, even if it was years later.

Alan Miller

Eh. Stable settled adults can still be like ducks in a current, paddling fiercely where you just can't see it.

Heather White

AeroPilot — while I don’t want to think Esh would do something so unethical, it would be very revealing if he chose to invade Alden’s privacy like that.


I love how esh'erdi calls the things he's done as basics. He's a good father figure.

Ano Ano

It's not *just* because of quiet Rabbit, but it's wild to try and say that obfuscation is not making Esh's job harder. Matching a bunch of technical info to the proper skill is challening. It's got to be impossible when the technical info isn't even correct.

Zachary Sloan

Why do people keep calling Joe a sociopath? Making the protagonist upset doesn't make someone a sociopath.


Anyway. I got distracted by Joe, but I really do like Esh'erdi. Like yes he's kinda treating Alden like a child in need of instruction or a pet, but not in a demeaning way and he's so *nice.* The doting is adorable and I hope he's a long-term character.

Aeyrs Wallace

It likely has something to do with Joes willingness to offer WMDs to Alden on their first meeting and to indicate he had given them out to other avowed previously ….

Isak Mark

@ Zavhary my thinking is that Joe gave the advice he would give a younger version of himself, not the best advice for Alden.

Zachary Sloan

I could definitely be misremembering this, but IIRC potential summoners only see a limited profile that doesn't tell you the exact Skills, and instead just gives the broad strokes of what an Avowed can do. You can normally only see an Avowed's full profile if they give you access. I think it'd normally be really hard to identify an uncommon Rabbit Skill like this, and Joe only identified it because he was specifically a big fan of the Skill in question. I'm also not sure if Esh-erdi has been exposed to the entrustment requirement (which is kind of key to the difference between his Skill and other preservation ones).


Alden seems to hear the message of “remove from your chest” as removing the (at least non-triangle) contract, even though he’s angry.


Alden is going to need to think twice about reflexively claiming to be fine when obviously injured in front of Artonans moving forward. Esh laughed at first and immediately started planning out everything he thought Alden would need for proper medical attention instead of believing that Alden could handle it himself. I suppose this is a danger when you drop Klee-pak lines as a teenager, Artonan authority figures will treat you with less agency. Zeridee being mentioned again by Esh also makes me think that her family, if not important to Artonans in general, is at least important to Esh. It could also be a reason why Esh is so adamant on helping Alden. While he is committing a large amount of time towards Alden, resource-wise it might just be the equivalent of insisting someone at least takes money for gas and a diet coke if they show up at your house with your missing dog. I like that Joe is being allowed to still be a gray character, and I like that Alden did not let him bowl him over once he committed to talking with him. I feel like whenever Joe is out of the story for too long I forget that there is a reason most of the Artonans we know don't hold him in the highest esteem. I mean, there is no way he slept with all of their wives, right?


Mind healers have been part of the setting all along. But we know there are limits to them or else Knights wouldn't choose to be tree food.

Zachary Sloan

I don't think other people can just freely look at Alden's profile, including the fake one. IIRC an Avowed needs to directly give you permission to view their profile, and wizards only get a "broad strokes" summary when summoning. The fake profile is still important because there are many situations where you'd want (or need - like that Sway during the school application) to show other people your profile.


I don't think Esh is going to figure out that Alden has BOAB, I don't think Alden is going to tell him, and I suspect that this is a good thing.

Neil H

Especially since they're running a little late and will be literally flying there.

Zachary Sloan

IIRC even summoners don't even get the profile. They get some sort of summary of the Avowed's abilities. The profile is just something the Avowed can choose to show others, like a driver's license or something. So a summoner would just get information like "Alden's a B-Rank Rabbit with a preservation Skill" (and maybe also include the level, but not sure about that)

Isak Mark

@aspiring moth it's just one piece of the puzzle, Joe knows Kibby would be learning magic and Alden would be exposed to that. If anyone in this story has figured it out it would be Joe, and that might be one of the many reasons why it would be good they both avoid each other.


It's not that summoners get a "broad strokes" summary, it's that summoners get something that's ludicrously in depth to the point of uselessness, so they mostly ask the system and trust it to figure stuff out. Alden has seen his own Artonan side profile and it was incomprehensible.


Joe wasn't Alden's summoner, for what it's worth. The grumpy, controlling lab person was.


Maybe they'll park a few streets down like an embarrass'd teen being dropped off


That is very much not the message I got from this chapter.

Isak Mark

@ Francis > "underneath that mask is probably a person who doesn't know how to speak to others when he isn't in control." Like how Joe acts around knights. Unsure and panicky.


Yeah I hadn't thought about that before this chapter but how could Joe possibly know? If he'd just used Stuart's name instead of referring to "one of my students", that could have had a very interesting impact on the conversation. Alas.


Does Alden even need to extort the system for it now? I thought that Mother showed him the skill progression for the entire skill and he's just picking from that now?

Nathan Rice

He's definitely one of the "Avowed are children in need of instruction" type


This chapter feels very short. It actually is about average!

Nathan Rice

Joe doesn't know the name. He just recognized it as one of the original 300.


Eh... Lind-otta has a good point, and we've seen similar from Alden, that he's really going too far. He saved Alden's life, and he has done a bunch of good and reasonable things for Alden, but he shouldn't be monitoring Alden's skeleton, he shouldn't be planning out Alden's future skills, and Alden's birth tree should probably still be on Earth. Also, I get that going from Matadero to anywhere is kind of inconvenient but Alden showing up to school on a flying platform with a knight is really not going to make his life easier.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

You could have killed off a major character and it would have hurt less than this chapter did.

Nathan Rice

Poor Alden. He wants a reliable and knowledgeable adult that he can confide in so much. He's too afraid of what his being a wizard would mean to Esh to really confide in him. I hope Zeridee can be there for him.

Robert Mullins

Trying to decode Joe's subtext: 1.) `"If there’s something you want to demand of me, or something you need to…what is that phrase?…remove from your chest, now is your only opportunity. I suggest you pluck it before the vine withers.”` Remove what you can of the tattoo now. 2.) `“Being friendly with you only reminds people of our connection and increases the impression some of them have that I took advantage of a guileless youth.” He paused. “It would also make them wonder what could possibly be so interesting about you that I would risk the deepening of their poor opinions in order to maintain a relationship.” ` people are watching you and if we stay in contact it will draw more suspicion and scrutiny on both of us. 3.) `“My sincere best opinion at the time was based on assumptions about how your future would play out. And my own likely role in shaping it. With how things have changed, you really should consider another course for yourself.”  Just look at you!” said Joe. The sudden cheer in his voice was as sincere-seeming as ever. “I hardly need to worry about you finding a good way forward without me, do I? You’ve earned an extraordinary commendation from Hn’tyon Alis-art’h. That comes with attention from the sorts of wizards I couldn’t possibly steal your time from.” ` Stay under the radar and don't do something noticeable with your skill, people are watching that I can't protect you from.

Nathan Rice

Also, Alden has already removed the carriage requirement. That might have been a major clue as to his skill, and its lack at so low an apparent level might rule Bearer out.

Robert Mullins

Yeah, this chapter was actually Joe doing his best to protect both Alden and Himself. Giving Alden a number of warnings about people watching him and telling him to stay safe. See my most recent comment to the post for in-chapter references


Hmm, will esh-erdi facture the tattoo-contract right from Aldens body, triangel and all? And can he also slip through the cracks of reality and teleport?


I think the tattoo itself will not give details. It's a representation of the intent and meaning between two individuals. So, it's not like you can examine it closely and say "Ah, in this squiggle, you are supposed to say berries instead of people". So, Esh looking at it will only see at tattoo that represents a contract. I think that there are levels of Artonan society that we are not privy to yet, and for all intents and purposes, no matter how painful this breakup was for Alden, it's something that was done in the best interest of both parties. As to magic and skills, I think you are spot on how most people apply their skills, and ongoing affixations. They work and level up, and then get the choice for more skills or spell impressions. So, you may start out with Let Me Make Your Toast, and then can cross that into Let Me Crack Your Eggs and soon you are a master breakfast maker for the Tri-Planets. The key that Alden has, and I think something that will still be a part of his Triangle of Secrecy so he can't share, is that in order to get the better options, sometimes you need to refuse the shiny things the system dangles in front of you.

Robert Mullins

Yeah, that's going to be awkward. "I didn't treat you right and it's too late now to change what happened. But I can at least do right by the newer members of my family and I need you to let me make that happen."

Temp One

Man, I'm not sure Joe could have created a better scenario to show a contentious relationship between him and Alden than what was on display this chapter. Every Wizard in the vicinity of the lunchroom probably saw Joe brushing Alden off and Alden's increasing irritation and fury with him. I'd almost like to think it was deliberate. Because I want to like Joe. But the exchange was just so... messy. Starting from Joe's initial flustered reaction, to his changing tones and tacts to show Alden he wants nothing to do with him. Joe would have to be an insanely skilled manipulator if this was planned. Like even his attempt at "diplomacy", after holding the elevator door open, made the situation *worse* than if he had just let the elevator door close and gone on his way. At least in the latter scenario we could've maybe maybe said Joe was just lashing out in a difficult situation. But by reigning it in, and just asking what Alden wanted from him, he reveals how little he thought of their relationship. Alden was never anything more than a transactional partner to him. That Alden would have just wanted to talk to Joe never crosses his mind. Because Joe, clearly, would have never just wanted to talk to Alden. I worried waaay back that Joe might become a villainous character in this series. And I'm thinking the likelihood of that has increased dramatically after this exchange. I'm glad Alden didn't reveal anything serious to Joe. I just worry that Joe might reach a point where he'll consider Alden a glaring mistake that he needs to rectify, lest his livelihood be put at risk.

Robert Mullins

I think Joe did a lot more for Alden here than you are thinking. See my comment 2 above/below this one for my theories.


This chapter was such a good one, Slecya's writing is amazing. Suprising yet so real, hits all the feels, this chapter in particular. Alden is so vulnerable now. I have my hopes on esh-erdi but with how good Slecya is writing this, i feel it can go anywhere. So good.

Temp One

Problem I have with this is that Joe didn't take the opportunity to deliver any of those coded messages at the first opportunity. He waited to dial his assholish behavior back in when he possibly felt some modicum of guilt. I'd say it could have been deliberately coded message, particularly his misphrasing of "get off your chest", if Joe used the opportunity the moment the elevator doors closed with him and Alden. As it was? It's an exasperated hoc exchange between him and Alden only when Alden is walking away.

Polar Sleuth

“Did you bring up the healing of the mind again?” [ Esh-erdi ] dismissed a few of the floating images with a thought and rearranged the others. “Not yet. But I have enacted plans.” This has left me wondering if Master Worli Ro-den's reactions are part of that plans. Sort of a "Listen 'General Joe'. Alden needs mind healing. And you are going to do your part in seeing that he gets it..."

Nathan Rice

I think Esh at least definitely view Avowed as children in need of instruction. And Alden is basically Esh's Tiny Snake.


True to all those things. He definitely does goes overboard. I was more referring to his line "If he’s overwhelmed by me, then it’s only because he’s been undercared for by everyone else. I have provided him with healing, clothing, and calls. Not great luxuries.” He's like a hovering, overanxious, first time parent that wants the best for their child. But he's right that Alden had been undercared for since his parents passed.


I don't think the gremlin would appreciate the removal of the triangle. That would make him very uneven.

Robert Mullins

It seemed like he thought it safest to bail immediately but when Alden followed him he realized that Alden didn't really understand what was going or at stake and decided to take the risk of talking about it with subtext. I'm not saying Joe handled it perfectly by any means. Just that his reaction shows that he's putting both his and Alden's well being in mind.


We have seen a few hints at Esh jumping into doing things that many would let be and Lind being the voice of reason. - When we were first introduced to the duo Esh wanted to invite the highest commended avowed to a party and Lind said to let them be. - When Lind felt Alden's authority pat pat without expecting a response Esh said she should go find them and Lind said she didn't want to. - Esh basically took the first chance to "interrogate" Alden about this latest disaster and didn't realize it was insensitive to Alden until he nearly had a breakdown at the end. This plus what Gregory pointed out above makes me feel like Esh is a very well intending jump first kinda person, even if it causes some problems and Lind is the tempering force to his personality.


In Esh's defense, here, Alden IS a child by most human standards and apparently by Artonan standards also. If Esh treats Alden like a child, that does not necessarily reflect on his opinions of Avowed as a whole.

Efram Manechiwz

So the line that struck me the most was the one from Lind “And the self is more private than a skeleton." The knights see the affixation as who you are. Alden touched on this a could times when he reflects on doing something new (catching balls or preserving without touch). I'm both cases he mentions becoming more in touch with BoAB. I think I'm that cases he was using his skill as a knight would; aligning his perception of who he is with his skill allowing him to use it in me ways.


I think "warp" is being used here as the Artonan for "skill". Esh is studying preservation skills because he's trying to figure out which one Alden has.


Joe does know the name, both the English and the original. He once said Alden would have to do more to earn that information from him.

Temp One

I'd agree, if the coded messages pertained just to Alden staying away from Joe. As it was though? It was information warning Alden, and possibly directing him to get the tattoo taken off his chest. If that was vitally important information and Joe actually cared about Alden, he would have led with that at the first opportunity. Instead of grudgingly offering it at the end.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

@Zach he is blatantly manipulative, contracts with supervillains and finds them amusing, gives out what are basically super advanced bioterrorist devices and date-rape (or worse) drugs, happily blackmails teenagers into unfair contracts, and with respect to Alden, decides that he knows best and executes it with no prior warning. Even if he’s right and well-meaning, these are still signs of a sociopath I don’t mean it as an insult, and disagree with how people think of the word ‘sociopath’ as something negative. I think it’s just another way of seeing the world, that Joe has been demonstrating

hercule pyro

He absolutely is guilty of abusing Alden's contract tho. He did exactly what he warned Alden about from other summoners - was arrogant enough to think he knew better, then got an avowed "killed" on an off-Contract venture.


He always planned to get rid of the excess bits to make it more concealable. Contract tattoos are things people have opinions about, remember. It just jumped up the priority list because Joe was a jerk just now.


Devastating chapter, even if I think I'm seeing the details of how it went wrong. Pretty sure it was Neha who said that wizards get very strange when the topic of knights come up, and the underlying cultural programming of secrecy and reverence implied by that behavior is what I think we see at work here. Much to Alden's detriment unfortunately. The through-line idea is that you do NOT mess with a knight's toys - and all wizards are expected to engage in constant, unspoken, social enforcement of that rule. As Esh's "personal guest" and more generally with Alis' commendation, we saw previously that Zeridee instantly identifies Alden as under a knight's umbrella and having obligations because of it. So it's something Joe and every other wizard would instantly recognize as well, but Alden would be mostly ignorant of. Especially with Joe's negative history with Alden, it is not merely inconvenient to associate with each other; it's likely outright taboo. For BOTH of them. So Joe at first tries to publicly run away, then feigns busy indifference to demonstrate conformance with that norm. With some suggestions of ongoing public service to really hammer home how much of a Good Boy TM he's trying to be. But of course, Alden bulldozes right through those deflections because he's in really rough shape emotionally and engaging in an entirely different social dynamic. I can imagine it might be pretty confusing from Joe's perspective. `“But don’t I get a say at all?” Alden asked. “In how things go between us.” “No,” Joe said firmly.` And it's not because of how Joe feels, but because it's only how Esh feels that matters, and Esh is not pro-Joe. I think in the end Esh is gonna be a positive influence on Alden's life, but it's not without cost - the relationship with Joe is just the first of probably several casualties. Even though Joe handled the whole thing pretty poorly, I suspect the subtext of avoiding attention and ambition are meant as earnest advice about the pitfalls of having a fairy-god-knight taking care of you. When it comes to coddling a knight's feelings it seems not even the prolific rule-breaker and known naughty wizard Worli Ro-den is willing to rock the boat.

hercule pyro

I do find the artonan/knight relationships with avowed, and how they fit into those camps, fascinating. Eg the way the primary - with no warning - just does something that is "usually" the scariest thing a person will ever experience to a child waiter, simply to satisfy his curiousity. Definitely a beast of burden type.


He originally spoke to him night of, while the disaster was ongoing. I don't think news started hitting until after he arrived.


That Alden asks for tattoo removal after Joe asks him if there is "something [Alden] needs to remove from [his] chest" in a different context definitely means there is a second reading to be had to what Joe said to him. And despite Alden's initial confusion, he got the message


I don't think "remove from your chest" was about the tattoo. I think that was Joe mangling "get it off your chest", as in "say the thing you really want to say". "Pluck it before the vine withers" clearly means "act during this brief opportunity", and Joe just established that this is the last serious conversation they are going to have.


I feel just as disappointed as Alden right now. It makes sense that Joe should cut him off, but it still hurts to know that we won’t be seeing much of the friendly Joe anywhere in the near future. It also seems unlikely now that Alden will be summoned to help with Leafsong admissions again. Maybe this is false hope, but I got the impression that Joe still cares for Alden in some way and is trying to help him - the warning about the attention on him and the warning that chasing power may not actually make him happy. Joe just feels depressed to me. He was able to save some assistants but the “good news” is that he’s almost done successfully cutting them off for their own good. Alden still has his ring, so I definitely don’t think this is the last time we’ll see Joe. The Esh/ Lind perspective was fun. It’s funny that Esh hyper focusing on something isn’t out of the ordinary, and the live view of the skeleton is ridiculously over the top. Maybe I’m misreading, but the end of the chapter makes it seem like Alden is going to fly into his school assembly with Esh (a very quiet rabbit!)

Mason W

I took away that Joe is still Joe. He gave some time to explain himself to Alden, but it was still rooted in his own self interest to ensure Alden didn’t pester him and he could break the connection. Joe is not Alden’s mentor, now that his ship has grown beyond Joe’s initial vision of nurturing a unique individual. Joe may be hinting that Alden is floating into the big boy leagues, and to watch out, but it wasn’t really kindness, just Joe trying to get closure.


Esh would be over the moon if he knew Alden had BoAB. It was designed with care and passion by people who thought they were on a holy mission to save the universe itself, made infinite in potential, lovingly and poetically named. It is not pedestrian, limited, unimaginative; it is the best a skill could possibly be.


Especially because Joe is very good with languages and hasn't made that kind of idiom mistake in the past.

Heather White

Actually, he only asked Joe if he could get the tattoo removed. In that paragraph Joe also told Alden it’d be good to keep the Thegund part of the tattoo because it was proof that anything illegal he’d done (like delivering a bomb) was while he was under contract, making it the wizard’s fault. It would still be safest for Alden to keep that tattoo in case the ambassador or company who owns the lab ever came after him.


I think it would have hurt less if Joe had died.


Alternatively, "warp" is a term used in weaving. The long threads that run the length of a piece of cloth are called the warp. Possibly there is an underlying fiber arts metaphor; consider also how they called fellow affixed Knights "bound".

Stonedwarf Stonedwarfson

It took me a while to find the "one more thing" Joe is now advising Alden not to reach for: "“So, if I level and refuse my rewards and never take one from a summoner either, eventually I’ll get a last-ditch bribe?” “You don’t want the last-ditch bribe. You want the thing that will, I think, come before it. With you, the System will have an additional option. If you’re refusing the rewards the Triplanets would prefer you take, it can offer you the next step on the original progression path for your skill. The old one, designed by wizards who assumed you would be training with this one skill for your entire life.” “What is it?” “I’m not sure,” said Joe" Joe originally probably thought he would be around Alden to guide / support / use Alden as he discovered the next step. Now Joe knows he can't be around to guide / support / use him and advises Alden to take the safer route, not knowing it's too late.

Nathan Rice

Look at how he refers to the Avowed in the chapter that he rescues Alden.


In fairness, Alden was also being self-centered here. It never crossed his mind how deeply wounded Joe probably was by the fact that he stuck his neck out to rescue his assistants, got smacked down hard, saved nearly a dozen of them but STILL was abandoned for "better" masters. Or how Joe is handing out repeated apologies to everyone, savaging his pride a little every time. Alden said "good" when Joe spoke of a break with Kibby, thinking of how it would help Kibby but not of how it would hurt Joe. Joe was a jerk here. And Joe did a ton of things to contribute to his own downfall. But Joe has legitimately gone through an absolutely terrible, ego-crushing, identity-destroying year. He is the wreckage of the person he was a year ago, and that thought never crosses Alden's mind.

Robert Mullins

Here are the different messages Joe dropped through subtext in my reading of it: 1.) `"If there’s something you want to demand of me, or something you need to…what is that phrase?…remove from your chest, now is your only opportunity. I suggest you pluck it before the vine withers.”` Remove what you can of the tattoo now. 2.) `“Being friendly with you only reminds people of our connection and increases the impression some of them have that I took advantage of a guileless youth.” He paused. “It would also make them wonder what could possibly be so interesting about you that I would risk the deepening of their poor opinions in order to maintain a relationship.” ` people are watching you and if we stay in contact it will draw more suspicion and scrutiny on both of us. 3.) `“My sincere best opinion at the time was based on assumptions about how your future would play out. And my own likely role in shaping it. With how things have changed, you really should consider another course for yourself.”  Just look at you!” said Joe. The sudden cheer in his voice was as sincere-seeming as ever. “I hardly need to worry about you finding a good way forward without me, do I? You’ve earned an extraordinary commendation from Hn’tyon Alis-art’h. That comes with attention from the sorts of wizards I couldn’t possibly steal your time from.” ` Stay under the radar and don't do something noticeable with your skill, people are watching that I can't protect you from.

Kate Yen

He doesn't need to, no. Joe's advice is entirely too late.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Next chapter: Vandy texting Alden, ‘hey it’s starting, where are you’ Winston thinking ‘the rabbit has made a mistake, how can I turn this to my advantage online?’ and live-streaming the assembly while commenting on Alden’s absence A shadow falls above the assembly, everyone looks up Down comes Alden on some floating platform with a knight next to him From Winston’s pov of course

Jeff Wells

I don't think it's quite as specific to Esh'Erdii as that. I think Joe's reputation as a wizard took another big hit after Thegund, especially considering how epically Alden came out of it. Remember he was at Leafsong as a punishment to begin with, and he had already been slapped down hard. I think the general consensus is Joe exploited a fresh new Avowed who turned out to be spectacular, and that has destroyed most of what remains of his reputation. Joe is essentialy on his last chance as a wizard of ANY standing, and he cannot afford to have anything to do with Alden if he wants to remain a functioning wizard. The fact that a Knight has taken a liking to Alden just makes things even worse, so he's trying to server ties as quickly and as completely as possible.

Benjamin Helkey

In terms of why Esh is having trouble identifying Alden's skill, from chapter 39, 'You’re lucky I even recognized yours as [one of the original 300]. It’s not like it has a flashing label beside it when you’re summoned. Your abilities show up here—” he pointed at his monocle, “—as sets of useful data for the summoner. It shows me that you have a preservation talent. Most people experienced with the type will note that it’s a little unusual. It almost looks like it’s poorly made, but it’s just based on ancient tastes. No contemporary wizard would design an Avowed skill that would let you bring your full authority to bear almost instantaneously at level one.”'

Benjamin Helkey

Joe saw Alden attempt to preserve something beyond his limits and immediately exhaust himself. Esh has not.


I like the lens with which you are seen the interaction magic man!


@Zachary Sloan, there are two profiles available to summoners. There is a brief overview of what the person is capable of, and there is another that goes into excessive detail. The brief one says roughly what can be done with the skills. It's like the user manual for an old pinball machine. The detailed one is like the repair manual. It's a massive volume full of the diagrams, specifications and part numbers. ... I've been watching a lot of Technology Connections; can you tell?

Ano Ano

Joe is in the camp that believes Avowed are an existential threat, and boy howdy is his self centeredness and depersonalization creating a self fulfilling prophecy with our boy Alden. Hopefully his belief that existential threats are how you grow and improve also proves well founded.


I'm confused. Are you calling Alden's skill development of late "dribs and drabs"? In less than three weeks, Alden has for the first time: - broken down the carriage restriction - transferred an enchantment to a new object - cast crushing and freezing spells, and memorized a force knife spell - figured out the weight trick - played catch with his eyes closed - preserved a physical burden at a distance Alden's progress has been INSANELY fast, and he has gotten SO many upgrades. It probably only feels slow because these developments have stretched over scores of chapters.


What has mother done to discourage him?


@puppy: No, Esh does not THINK Alden's skill is poorly designed, he is WORRIED that it might be, because he can't identify what skill it is. The attitude is like worrying that your kid has bought a bad car because they haven't told you what the brand is.


Not likely. The contract is protecting each of them in different ways. Joe wouldn't remove it if he's being selfish; it hides several of his literal crimes. And Joe wouldn't remove it if he's looking after Alden; it protects Alden from prosecution for, again, literal crimes by proving he did them at the behest of a wizard.

Mason W

Is there a discord for Super supportive?

Calum Donaldson

So I think the big thing here is, Joe doesn't know that Stu and Alden are friends. I'm confident that friendship is what pushed Stu to push Joe to come to Earth. But the motivation is a big question mark for Joe. One of the most important Artonans at Leafsong, who's also related to some of the most important people in the Universe, who have a very strong dislike for Joe, does something that makes no sense to Joe. It probably feels like a trap, hell it probably feels like the hounds are closing in (so to speak), which jives with how hard he's been going on Earth. Poor Alden, but I still don't think we've seen the last of Joe? Hopefully he can pick up some better Artonan role models. To be fair, I wonder how the Knights would react to finding out that Alden is a wizard and Avowed. Would the blame follow the chain of events back onto Joe? Alden did choose himself when speaking to Mother, he made an informed choice.


If this is how Esh-erdi treats Alden without knowing about his skill to bear other's burdens and that he is subject to periodic torture everytime he affixes, then God help Alden if Esh-erdi ever finds out.

Robert Mullins

There's a fan run discord. The author did show up there as an April's fools thing but otherwise isn't officially involved. https://discord.com/invite/supersupportivefans


I think this is a worthy question of Sleyca. Ward is a much better word for a skill that a warp in terms of common meanings. On the other hand, for knights, skills are "warps" of their authority. So that could be what Sleyca was getting at.


@Kazith only Mother knows that he effectively qualifies as a knight. Alden mainly has the commendation from Alis going for him (which is huge).


I thought they were « impressions » of spells, like the dumbed down and automatized version of a spell.


Esh does have the info that Summoners get, he just doesn't have the context that Joe had in observing Alden use his skill. Joe mentioned that he wouldn't have guessed except for the fact that Alden used 100% of his authority on a level 1 skill (when he tried to preserve the wooden bowl). And from that, he extrapolated.

JJ Hunter

@Robert Mullins, I think you're onto some very important cues here. I'll be interested to see what's left (if anything) of Alden's tattoo soon.


“Did you bring up the healing of the mind again?” He dismissed a few of the floating images with a thought and rearranged the others. “Not yet. But I have enacted plans.” Well, well, well..... Esh-erdi has enacted "plans" for Alden's healing of mind? What could they be? 1. My continuation of asserting that Joe is going to be assigned to support Alden / teach at CNH. Maybe Esh thinks that having the wizard that almost killed you be a servant would be "healing" for Alden? 2. Roadtrip for Alden to Artonan 1 to vacation with Stu for a week? 3. Award a new commendation? 4. Kibbee!!!!!!!

Barrett Fogarty

I'm sorry Gaffer, I have to disagree. This isn't a coming of age story. Alden came of age eight years ago when his parents died and he was left with Connie. He came of age crying in class, sitting is school therapists' offices, buying his own food, and scavenging. Remember Gorgon and the pizza story? His only true companions and people he can rely on are Boe and Kibby. They know his secrets. Authority figures in Alden's life have usually died or abandoned him. There is no reason for him to trust that Esh will be around tomorrow. Hannah wasn't. The roots of Alden's distrust of authority do not come from healthy emotional development. It's been a long time since Alden has been able to go home.

Nathan Rice

And the movement. I think Alden not needing to move despite being such a "low" level is throwing him off the scent.

Barrett Fogarty

I keep thinking that the word "friend" means different things to the different cultures. Is an Artonan "friend" a lover?

Barrett Fogarty

Sleyca is really good at being purposefully vague. And she's doing it again here. We don't know what Esh means or knows

Andrew Boyer

So, I think that Joe may be cutting his losses. He’s nothing if not pragmatic. The quaternary read him the riot act, Stu is pushing him around, Esh is giving him lightly coated orders. If he continues to associate with Alden, he probably feels he won’t be able to keep a low profile. He may just think that it’s not worth all the attention from knights and almost knights.

Barrett Fogarty

Gaffer, I like these comments better than your earlier ones. People have suggested Alden's asexuality may be a symptom or consequence of his trauma.


I like that it's sharp break and not clean break. This is not a clean break

Super Super Supportive Supporter

@Biped imo that phrasing was totally an intentional coded message from Joe, I doubt Joe would have mangled a saying in a way that coincidentally could be interpreted as ‘remove the tattoo’, which Alden does actually interpret as ‘remove the tattoo’ if you look at his thoughts in the moment and near the end of the chapter

Stonedwarf Stonedwarfson

I reread the contract tattoo description too. The only parts that could be removed would be the renewable exchange; advice for Berry picking. Leaving behind only the triangle of secrecy, as was always originally intended. The Berry picking part can no longer be renewed so the whole renewable exchange part of the tattoo should have been fading for some time. I just can't figure why Joe would be bothered by it let alone feel he had to be cryptic about it. Unless the tattoo contract was more than Alden was led to believe magical fine print so to speak. An ongoing mentor mentee relationship perhaps, or just ongoing trust. I could see that Joe might have wanted to sneak something like that in to keep Alden in his sphere of influence even if it meant binding himself to treating Alden fairly. It might actually explain both Joe and Allen's strong emotional reactions to the reunion, Joe fighting to free himself from the now dangerous mentor role and Alden reacting to the breach of contract. Aldens response was uncharacteristically confrontational and Joe seemed to struggle to maintain his usually flawless self control, but then again perhaps they are both just tired and hurt from recent events.


Esh-erdi: "Alden, my son, my baby boy. I'll love and protect you till the end of times." Alis-art’h: "Excuse me the boy belongs to me." The Primary: "I got dibs first b***es!!!" Stu-art’h: "Alden is mine💘💘💘." All the aliens want a piece of Alden lol.

Partha Peddi

I get it, Alden now does not like Joe cutting ties with him. Alden wants to get rid of his tattoo. What are its consequences? I have to reread the chapters to figure out what secrets he can reveal without getting into trouble with mother.


Nice.😈😈😈😈 - EARTH: "Kill the boy... I mean who's Alden?"


4! 4!!!! 4444444444 4 four 4 **** FOUR 4 - we can dream, right?

Barrett Fogarty

“Too late,” he muttered. How late and what are the consequences? Back at Chapter 29, Alden calculated that he would not be able to get his skill to trigger levels for at least two years. This was based on Joe's estimate that he would need to be around level five (surprisingly accurate). Based on these time estimates, Joe has now concluded that Alden is barrelling toward disaster and to STOP! Joe can't protect him. But Joe does not know that Alden left this schedule in the dust months ago. He does not know that Alden is now wizardy and is levelling at ten times faster (or more) than expected. We don't really know the specific threats that Joe is afraid of or who they might come from but Alden is facing disaster. It's like when he realized his next affixation will be sooner than expected. He once asked Mother for time at an intensity level of four so he could recover after Thegund and affixation. It doesn't look like it's going to happen. What can he do to survive?


He still can't reveal any secrets. Only the expired portions of the tattoo - a renewable agreement for Alden to go to Thegund and Joe to teach him - can come off. The Triangle of Absolute Secrecy still is, and always will be, active. It cannot be removed and will continue to stop Alden from sharing most of what Joe taught him.


@James Gorgon is old, and bored, with his main source of information the Artonan version of the internet Additionally, BoAB is very similar to Gorgon's magic since it needs BOTH consent, and sacrifice, to work 🔲

John D Jones

@ Partha Peddi To intentionally parrot Alden when he was telling Marisol which wizards would let her come back to Earth somewhere other than Anesidora, all of them. If Alden wants to publicly declare himself to be a spell-casting human Knight wannabe, Mother will let him do that. She made the hn'yton uniforms available to him while he was on Artona I. But that's not the real question. The real question and the only question that truly matters to Alden at this point is: What secrets, if any, can Alden reveal without fucking up his Intensity level 4 life plan beyond all hope of recovery. The answer to that one is some version of "very few if any."


Alden doesn't get to check in with Zeridee before he goes back to school? Did I miss that happening?

John D Jones

Honestly it would probably kind of embarrass the hell out of Esh that the "poor widdle human child" that he's been treating kind of like a cross between a baby and a pet is actually kind of his peer. I mean, while Esh would certainly care for and about his fellow hn'ytons, he probably wouldn't treat them like he's been treating Alden.


We really don't know anything about how just-starting knights are treated... perhaps we will find out via Stuart (though he is probably way more powerful than Alden).

John D Jones

IIRC Joe had stated that there were four main Artonan attitudes about the Avowed (Gift from Heaven, Existential Threat, Beast of Burden, Child in Need of Bossing Around, er, Education). But just because there are four main attitudes doesn't mean that others don't exist. Personally, I don't see Joe fitting into any of the main four.

John D Jones

Yeah, I think Joe learning that Alden is good friends with Stu would probably change his mental calculus quite a bit. I'm now looking forward to Stu calling more than ever because Stu can clear up that "There was a disaster on Earth in the place that Alden was living. I got Worli Lo-ren to go there because he's one of the cleverest and most capable wizards that I know and he would have a strong interest in helping to save Alden. Due respect to Esh and Lind, but I didn't think they would even know that Alden existed."

Sebastian Winter

As much as Alden flying directly into the assembly would be a great scene, I’m more expecting some variation of this - landing a few streets away then walking/running maybe with one or two people seeing him fly in who will then start some rumours


2 also has the implication they might then scrutinize Alden and potentially notice why a someone of the fearful-of-avowed-camp might want to 'summon him into the path of a bullet'

Ano Ano

Joe says very explicitly he is in the camp that thinks Avowed are an existential threat.


"""He narrowed his eyes. “That man’s no hn’tyon, Kabir,” he said, accidentally speaking in Artonan because he was thinking so hard about a member of the species. “His name is Master Worli Ro-den.” ... Irritation born of half a dozen less nameable feelings stirred inside him. “You know, I don’t think Worli Ro-den is allowed to run away from me.” The two wizards by the fridge exchanged one-eyed glances. """ i rly rly rly want a side perspective from the two wizards who hear Alden correcting a human about the lower status title Jo has (not hn'tyon, master) and then immediately dropping that title too and saying what he is allowed to do?? the wizard tea around Alden is *hot*!


Joe is a though nut to crack. He comes off hard and uncaring, he's definitely 100% manipulative. He's abusive to some and shows more than a few narcissistic traits. But he's also gone through motions that look a lot like forced acting and roll projection for some of that. He's also put himself at great risk for others and shown a lot of trust in Alden. Reasons Alden wanted to like him. It's hard for me to be sure that he's really making these decisions based even mostly on what's best for Alden.


I'm still hoping Alden will convince Stuart not to affix


I'm not sure why two of you seem to be talking about Alden's interaction with Joe. As I said, "once Joe was gone" and "Alden instantly shifted into a conversation with the most likely and obvious source of the pressure" aka Esh-Erdi. So I don't really think that either of your comments are related to what I was saying. Not "feels like a betrayal" since that would be directed toward the person who actually is mucking around: Esh-Erdi, not the person who was subjected to the mucking, aka Joe. Alden realizes that it's Esh. To be even more clear, I'm pointing out how Alden was aware that the source of Joe's weird behavior is probably Esh-Erdi, who appears immediately after talking to Joe and Alden instantly mood-shifts and doesn't even bring up Esh-Erdi causing the problem and nothing makes sense as a result of how weirdly forced it is.


True but it was fraimed in a way that it could have just been a weird joke.


It’s worth keeping in mind that what Joe had when he identified the skill, which new observers no longer have access to, is the original restrictions on the skill. Most of which Alden has by now overcome. He no longer has to walk around with the item, he won’t collapse from using all his authority at once, he’s even reached the point where he doesn’t need to physically hold the item. Other than needing permission from an entruster, Alden’s skill looks very little like the original seed that it grew from and a lot more like [Generic Preservation Skill].

E Brown

I know Joe’s an alien, but kind of weird for Alden of all people to not recognize Survivor’s Guilt in someone. As the admonishment goes “It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt.” Joe was a happy-go-lucky rogue until darn near everyone he was responsible for was killed.

Master Program

Alot of commentators seem to see Joe's attempt to sever his relationship with Alden as a kind of cold, calculating and pragmatic maneuver but to me it almost feels as if its the opposite. I'm curious how old Joe is in the story as this reads to me like an emotional overreaction to the responsibility he feels over what happened to Thenn-ar and the others who were left behind on moon Thegund. Its darkly ironic that he scolded Stuart during the mishnen incident for the exact same thing he himself was guilty of; being thoughtless about how his actions impacted others whilst being immune to most direct consequences due to his high status. While Alden seems to assign most of the blame to Yipalck, the truth is that Joe's indescretions set the sequence of events into motion. In a very real sense, his loyalest employees died horrible deaths because he couldn't keep his hands off someone else's wife or in his words they were broken because he reached for one more prize when his hands were already full. It must be a crushing weight to bear and now he no longer feels confident about keeping those who rely on him safe so he is cutting them all loose.


He's only going to the assembly, he will have to return to matedero after it finishes.


A bit like code. If there are no comments, you'll have better luck understanding what is going on after running it a few times




For Alden's sake, I hope there's some distance. The way things are getting set up, I expect Alden won't have that luxury. Esh-erdi could have dropped Alden off at the dorms with plenty of time to change. Instead, he requisitioned Alden a new uniform. This was in part to keep Bash-nor from having a window to get involved with Alden, but also because Alden is Esh-erdi's new hobby/project. They are also running a bit behind schedule. Arriving late to school would reflect poorly on Esh-erdi, even if no one is going to complain. I imagine it will depend a lot on where the assembly is located. The CNH magi-phys gym is big enough, and probably no longer a shelter. My guess is that they'd stop just outside the doors. It's still a notable entrance.

Charles Hinton

I think we are missing something. I think there is something sneaky plan going on from Stu-art'h and Joe. I don't think Joe is cutting ties, but that Joe needs to not be seen so attached to Alden so that those two can get their sneaky plans to work. I also think Joe's warnings get us back to the feel at the start of the story. Remember at the start it had a feel of revenge against the evil wizards.


Alden is a human. Humans don't typically understand Artonan culture or the specific forms of address. But... Alden also corrected Kabir about Worli Ro-den's title, initially used the correct form of address, and did it all while speaking unusually good Artonan.


I don't think that Stu-art'h and Joe have the same sneaky plan in mind with regards to Alden. Joe and Stu-art'h simply have access to different information. Joe knows some really foundational stuff that Stu-art'h does not, stuff that would probably greatly impact his understanding of and plans regarding Alden if he knew. Stu-art'h has access to more recent updates on Alden's activities, wellbeing, and thoughts. Stu-art'h also gained access to, or was just paying more attention, to news regarding the disaster on Earth and what the Artoran's planned to do.


More of the people he was responsible for survived than died. Alden saved more than the number that died and some survived by joining the other corporation. Still, multiple people died, including a child, and one of the people who died was clearly someone Joe cared for even more personally than the rest. He also spent months knowing that he sent someone to save these people, couldn't act directly himself, and things went terribly wrong. With enough time to reflect, his initial relative nonchalance about the potential danger his people were in and his attempts to place all blame for the situation on the people who took his privileges rather than acknowledging the role his bad patterns of behavior had in granting him some responsibility probably seemed absurd. Overall, I think you are right.

Travis M

It's like singing the gokoratch song. He doesn't want to appear in social media...but spreading the word gokoratch to the world and then telling stu about it is more important. In this case, flying to school on a surfboard is too cool of an opportunity to turn down no matter what the social consequences might be.


@Anon He probably is right now, though he might go through a short period where he lacks the free authority to use most spells he knows and lacks familiarity with how to effectively use his affixation. This would be in addition to the time where he would have basically no free authority and a super painful, basically unusable affixation.

Aspiring Moth

I am confused about esh-erdi's intent. let's say that Alden's skill was some graduation project from a bad school that got a middling grade. what can even be done about it? you can't strip the affixation without killing Alden. He has no reason to suspect that the skill is BoaB at this stage, but narratively this is a timer counting down until he finds out


Spell impressions are the automated copies. Skills are varied, but they tend to be more complex, flexible, and they *can* be more organic in their outcomes. Avowed skills are often designed to mimic spell effects but the way the Avowed interacts with their skill matters.


He would find other skills and spell impressions that he would recommend Alden pick up when he affixes next. That way he wouldn’t just be stuck with one bad skill

Aspiring Moth

he could do that just by knowing it's a preservation skill. the specific one doesn't really matter. and he wasn't examining secondary powers or spell impressions, it was Lind who told him that his time would be better spent doing so. he wanted to find out the specific primary skill, but I don't understand why

Ian Cook

@DAK I want to see this from so many pov. The brown nosers, knights, key students, the wizards doing the upgrades and of course alden


It definitely hurt while I was writing it. I wanted Joe to be cool friendly Joe for Alden’s sake.


They were nice to me during my visit! It’s an active community. Memes! Fan art! In depth discussions. Have fun. 🥳

Ian Cook

So I'm interested in seeing the gremlins reaction to the tattoo removal. If esh removes the tattoo will he get an idea of it's content and assume like everyone else that joe took advantage of Alden and demand joe provide adequate teaching? I think Alden is going to out pace everyone's expectations of growth. All his major skill growth moments are when he sacrifices of him self and sacrifice is what the gremlins magic is based on.


The advice he will give Alden is highly dependent on what his skill does. Build synergy is something that he cares a lot about, as shown when he ruminated on Haoyu’s dad’s choices.

Joel Wells

I just realized that Alden is going to show up to school being escorted by Esh-erdi. I’m pretty sure that’s going to be noticed. Alden intensity level has definitely been increased.


God I wish Alden would have authority punched joe in the nuts

Anthony Lutz

I think there are a lot of ties between the art'h family and Joe in general that we don't know about. in chapter 56, Alis said/thought "her brother had looked mildly unhappy when he told her the man had been pulled from Thegund", which implies that the Primary liked what Joe was doing/researching there. Stu helping/telling Joe to go help Earth/Alden was because he's a family friend and helping earth is a good way to clear Joe's name, while also having the effect of helping Stu's human friend, Alden.


For some reason I remember deciding he was on the fence between the gift from heaven and existential threat groups.


Chaos and demons presumably based on the Thegund arc and what Kibby said


Reminding me that joe is a sneaky scheming wizard with two minds. Have we seen any examples of the parties that might want to harm Alden? I can only remember the one time joe mentions that there is a group who believes avowed are existential threats.

Alan Miller

I think that Joe was hinting at Esh's monitoring of Alden with 'attention' from wizards he couldn't possibly do anything about, and is perhaps concerned that continuing association will both hurt Alden in their eyes (or draw more attention to him that Joe thinks he might not want) and hurt Joe for attempting to continue their association. As for Joe and Stu, Joe doesn't know about their friendship. Stu's reasoning could be as simple as 'ass or not Worli Ro-den is *competent* and his assistance will help Alden (indirectly) and Joe (as a reason for him to go).'


It might actually not be that bad for him. He could spin it as “this crazy wizard saved me from drowning, and he’s been mother henning me ever since. Must be an alien culture thing.” Compared to the story about him getting assaulted and rescuing the Ambassador’s aide, something fluffy like showing up in a wizard limo is pretty tame. Of course, he’s destined to receive a medal or something, so it’s hardly going to matter how he tries to spin it.


I'm starting to think that Joe might be planning for his own death (maybe even a faked death?) - either by assassination, death penalty or suicide. I haven't decided which.

Aspiring Moth

again, there is no difference between preservation skill a and preservation skill b (secretly an uncapped original 300 skill) in terms of synergies. what could possibly synergise with one of two functionally equivalent (at least at this level) skills but not the other?

Zach Joe

I thought about this too! I think Alden is too preoccupied with his emotions to notice what Esh is really proposing. I'm looking forward to the Roommate Chat in the next couple of chapters. Lute: @Alden, did I tell you that I used to commute to school in the most ridiculous way? Every day, my mom would drop me off via helicopter... [Alden conspicuously arrives at school with a General on a flying carpet. The General gives him a home-made bento.] Lexi: ...Anesidoran social dynamic... Haoyu: Neat!


Alden was already trapped when he accepted the "just a loan" ring from Joe, a ring that he just earlier passed up the opportunity to give back. Now he has no choice but to catch em all and in the darkness bind them

Marcus Green

He's looking for what would synergize with the skill's end state, so how the skill functions at the current level isn't as important as how it was derived and what limitations it has. Once he knows that, he can look for other skills that are compatible based on their magical principles rather than just their visible effects. The idea is to cobble together something similar to Alden's actual skill tree from disparate parts, so just knowing that his skill preserves doesn't seem to me like it would be enough.


I have begun thinking about an avowed's skill mix as a meal. Maybe there are potentially more nuances / flavors that become apparent as skills progress and knowing how the skills progress and what the underlying protein is (including quality) may give a better understanding of how to build the best meal? Like the first skill is the protein, but is it a small amount of crappy chicken parts or a pound of kobe beef? Is the main skill going to make the center of the meal or be added to a soup? 😃 I don't know, it is just the way my brain is seeing it. It could also be that Esh is curious, or a perfectionist, or gets hyper-focused in minutiae... But it sounds like he wants to guide Alden the best he can. Like others before him, I believe he saw something in Alden that fascinates him and wants to do more. The primary saw strong stability. Alis saw a extraordinary willingness to sacrifice. And I think Esh saw Alden's amazing ability to focus and his tenacity. He seems to engender a need to reciprocate beyond the transactional equivalent in the knights that "see Him." They each go out of their way to give him more. Sorry for the long commentary, but a lot of this was me getting it straight in my own head. 🙂

Aron Lehofer

He is in Anesidora to commit visible acts of service and to get started on clearing his name, so I really doubt that.


He likely did hear about the incident through proper means and chose to pretend he didn't get the memo in time. And then Stu charges in like a bull at a China shop and throws discretion and willful ignorance out the window.

Temp One

It's funny, because I think in normal circumstances Alden would figure out how to get Esh to deliver him discretely to the assembly. After that exchange with Ro-den though? I can imagine Alden being so stressed that he's just appreciative of Esh going the extra mile to make him happy. And right now probably gives little to no fucks about how others might see him.

Jeff Petkau

I wonder if Joe isn't just being different to Alden, but is actually at his own rock bottom personally and is finally thinking about how his own decisions led him here, and making some real changes. That's how I read the stuff about always reaching for more when his hands are full.


There may be ways and means of nullifying the triangle that the knights know of and I hope they do. Right now Alden is unable to reveal that name and nature of his skill to anyone except Joe and even if someone else flat out told him what his skill is and what it does (like mother did when she patched him up) he would be unable to acknowledge that information or pass it on to anyone else because the original triangle effect are still in place and he can only talk to Joe about it. It feels like a very heavy restriction that's already starting to come to a head with Esh digging into knowledge about his skill.

Partha Peddi

@Terrestrial_Biped I think Esh will offer to remove the triangle of secrecy. It will be a clash of Authorities, and I am assuming that Esh might have less than Joe, so he might fail.


I’m sure Ali’s has spoken to the other knights. Why would Esh be acting the way he’s acting if he didn’t know. Also, Alden is naive, but kind of realizing something is up. He did utilize his privilege.

Aspiring Moth

I wonder if Alden is going to use the opportunity of being given a second commendation on stage to give a statement in regards to moon Thegund, now that he's free from the part of the contract tattoo that prevented him from talking about it

Aspiring Moth

many people speculate that he understood some hidden message from Joe, but he didn't think anything of the sort. He just thought the word 'attention' was slightly louder, without making any connection. He seemed very hurt though and wanted the contract tattoo gone so he could speak about Thegund


Okay this comment has nothing to do with this chapter, but I thought we could use a little levity. I am very behind in my TV watching and have just recently started Big Bang Theory. Every time Sheldon refers to his section on the couch as, "his spot," I think of the Artonen version of My Spot and laugh. But, don't we all have Our Spot, even if we don't realize it? 🙂...🙃...🙂


He is not expecting the triangle of secrecy to be removed, only the inactive part about going to moon Thegund in exchange for information. It would be interesting if Esh decides to get the entire thing removed and Joe suddenly perceives Alden as a threat that should be summoned into the path of a bullet.

Stonedwarf Stonedwarfson

When Joe had his first serious talk with Alden, he asked him outright what the name of his power was and what its description was. From Esh and Lind'd conversation I am getting the impression that this was, at best a very rude thing to do, and perhaps at worst an abusive thing to do. Sort of like asking a new employee to strip for you levels of inappropriateness, though obviously with different motivations.


I'm reminded of a comic book about Dr. Doom... Where he uses a wish to never feel guilt again. Being only limited to his capabilities and ambition. Good thing there isn't anyone in this book who could burden the weight of an insanely strong wizards guilt. Who knows what the wizard would do then!

Aspiring Moth

yes, the lesson 1 on bearer is irrelevant to the overall narrative about the agreement and Thegund mission, so he can still give a statement on what happened to him


I agree with a lot of this and would add I think there is something about the mother denying his privilege wrapped up in this. I'm guessing there is a level of bound authority that becomes a chronic torment you need life experience and pleasure to balance. It's a big part of why the knights live in such paradise. Jo might see Alden barreling into that life before he gets to live, with none of the foresight afforded to the knight privilege. But he's used to all his favor and can only allude to it. The mother seems like a being of cold over arching pragmatism with empathy grafted on top, committed to nurturing her little warriors against the chaos as she can. And punishing anyone that doesn't fall in line like the Aldens mentor.


Holy shit,they let peoples bachelor's degree go on to be super powers? I wouldn't wish that to my worst enemies.

Benjamin Helkey

Does he have to go back to Matedero? He is already healed and in no immediate danger.


I hope that at some point the gremlin will let Alden eats what he wants.

Michael Leue

Joe tiptoes around knights. It's pretty clear that they have a low opinion of him on average, and he has, at least, some very strong opinions about them. He thinks distance from them is unequivocally a good thing, a necessary thing, even. Joe's prediction about how future interactions with Alden will be nothing but pleasantries seems strongly like he's concerned with the fact that Alden is in their orbit and therefore radioactive. What he doesn't realize is just *how deeply* Alden has fallen into their orbit. Joe thinks he can distance himself from Alden and maintain his distance from knights, but Alden has already dragged him into their view. Joe's in for a rude awakening, and when it comes, his relationship with Alden is going to be one of his few saving graces, assuming there's anything left of it by then.

John D Jones

I think some hn'tyons (I'm trying to make that a thing here because Knights/Generals/Samurai doesn't really capture what hn'tyons actually are. We know the proper word, so let's use it) have a low opinion of Joe, but I don't think that started until after Thegund. Alis didn't care one way or the other and the Primary at least appeared to have a good opinion of Joe (he was "mildly unhappy" that Joe was removed from Thegund). But then Joe got a human rhey-b't child stranded on Thegund where he almost died from Affixation destruction. It's sort of like how I used to have good opinions about Bill Cosby and Kevin Spacey but now I really, really don't for obvious reasons. Edited because if I'm going to insist people use a word, I should at least spell that word correctly.

John D Jones

Yeah, but IIRC correctly that was after they'd done the trips to Thegund for learning about the Skill Contract. So, at that point Joe was more like Alden's "urologist" so asking to see Alden's "penis" was a lot more appropriate.


Yeah I don't see why he would need to go back to Matadero or even want to go back. His friends and peers are back on Anesidora, and he wants to get back to his regular life. Only reason to go back would be to speak with Zeridee and maybe a check up with that healer. And it seems like he should be able to talk her while she's in the mud (provided she's conscious of course).


Alden: My last mentor figure loaned me a magic ring. Esh-erdi: Would you like to borrow this magic ring? *puppy dog eyes*

Stonedwarf Stonedwarfson

“What does the System call the skill in your language, by the way?” the professor asked, dipping his pen in a dark violet inkwell. “I didn’t bother to look it up.” Ch 28 Perception, where Joe is trying to decide what he needs to pay /bribe Alden to get him to go berry picking. Soo since it now is cannon that even Knights can't just look up Avowed powers Joe not only asked to see Alden naked he effectivly said, it's allright you might as well I can already see you naked anytime I want.


How did this not register in my brain until you pointed it out?


Alden is still bound to secrecy. Esh can't remove that part unless Joe agrees to it, which seems very unlikely. My impression is removing part of the tattoo is a symbolic gesture only, to symbolize his break from Joe.


It really makes me wonder about Boe's skill. Why do U type avowed not get to choose? Is it a characteristic of the avowed or of the skill that requires it to be forced?

Temp One

I wonder how aware Esh is of Alden's current circumstances? Considering how closely he's monitoring Alden's health, and how he put out a public notice that Alden's not to be bothered. He must be somewhat aware Alden just had a pretty awful exchange with Ro-den, right? If only because other Wizards would be reporting to him gleefully that Ro-den was publicly an ass to his personal guest. I wonder what Esh might be thinking about, coming across Alden alone in the hallway after his encounter with Ro-den? Having apparently skipped his breakfast to instead just spend the time quietly making paper airplanes as a soothing exercise for himself. I feel like Esh would be privately pissed.

Andrew Khitry

I see how many nice people here assume benign motives behind Joe`s behavior. Like in 50 chapters he pops up with birthday pipe and shouts: "It was done for your benefit, Alden, dear!". Na-ah. Nope. No. That’s all an abuser’s tale. You do not treat other person as a pet, object, or pawn. That`s why in clinical trials we are obliged by law to use "subjects" term - to highlight and remind that there are people here, not guinea pigs. The only possible response from now on to Joe I see from Alden is: "--Your hand has no part in my destiny."


I think there's a lot going on with Joe. He did abuse Alden's kindness and naivete. He had kinder ways to tell Alden that they shouldn't talk, and he didn't choose them. He did get some messages to Alden via allusions and odd phrasing, but the whole transactional nature of Joe and Alden's relationship was not good. Many abuse victims don't realize they're being abused or have been abused. Gremlin or not - the power difference alone made any agreement between Alden and Joe inherently lopsided. I am interested to see how this unfolds.

Sebastian Winter

I would have thought the ‘graduation project’ is more likely PhD equivalent than bachelors - still a scary thought of my life being determined by some half baked PhD thesis from a bad school though…

Jeremy Goldberg

I think Joe is worried about the secrets he told Alden coming to light. Just as his “berry-picking” fiction fell apart under close scrutiny, He’s probably worried that knights will figure out that Alden knows more than he should if Alden spends a lot of time with them. It would be interesting for Alden to ask Esh the same questions he asked Joe. Alden could judge Esh’s truthfulness based on his answers, since Esh wouldn’t know what Alden knows. Also, I’m pretty sure if Esh tells him the truth, Alden would be magically prevented from discussing the thing Esh just told him, since he can’t talk about it even if he learns about it by other means. That could easily clue Esh in that something funny is going on.


Not arguing Joe is a good guy, but it would be really hard to classify his treatment of Alden as abusive. Except for parent-child relationships, not wanting to be friends with someone is not abuse. Everyone has the right to get away from toxic relationships.

Temp One

@Jazehiah, I made mention of it before. But my biggest issue with the whole "Joe actually loves Alden, and was just trying to figure out a cryptic way to slip messages to him!" theory, is that Joe didn't offer that information until a specific sequence of events happened. Alden would have needed to chase after Joe. He would have needed to be persistent enough to get on the elevator, he would have needed to create an opportunity for Joe to give him the warning before the reached the top floor of the building- somehow? Nothing about that final exchange Joe had with Alden screams "deviously planned." The warnings from Joe might very well be real. But they were never offered by Joe until he felt like enough of an ass to relent to Alden, or something.


He did seem to find Alden in a rather strange spot, didn't he, unless Alden wander back while brooding and I missed that.


If Joe was trying to slip Alden a message, which I’m not sure he was, that wouldn’t necessarily imply he cares about Alden. If he is serious about a sharp break from Alden (and he clearly is), it’s in his best interest to tell Alden why. The clearer he is right now, the less likely Alden is to try to reestablish contact later.


I don't think so. I think the human name for the skill tells them less than nothing. It's just another layer of the obfuscation protocols. Note that Joe didn't recognize the skill's English name; he knew the skill was Bearer before asking. And summoners can easily learn skill names from casual conversation with Avowed, often without even asking; if that were all it took, the obfuscation protocols wouldn't be worth a damn.


for me its a much more complex relationship, an abuser in a human context takes on a different shade when its between an actual alien and human. Not to mention the layers of power dynamics between empire and its subjects, age and fundamentally someone who knows more about you than yourself. Yes, perhaps Alden and other Avowed have the agency to steer their own fate but then again they are powerful wizards with an alien code of ethics, what if one day, they just say "No. I will do what I wish and there's nothing you can do about it."


All the secrecy restrictions are still in place. Including what Alden went to Thegund to do. Also, why would Alden be given a commendation on stage? The last one appeared on his profile so quietly he didn't even get a notification, he just found it there when he checked.


It does put in to context just how much more powerful the original 300 avowed skills are. Do you want a student's final project? Or would you prefer a work of art, a perfect amalgamation of form and function crafted by the best wizards of their generation with the conviction of people trying to save reality itself?


I honestly wouldn't. Because those skills are probably while powerful in their way with a very high power ceiling, very rough, lacking safeguards or inherently worse than more modern ones. I would guess a modern skill designed and tested by professionals is very much superior to the ancient ones. It's just that humans don't have access to them.

Desert Yeti

There's a huge gap in perception and experience between Joe and Alden that Joe doesn't quite understand. To Joe, Alden was a cute, innocent kid with a curious power that Joe could use, which is the purpose of Avowed; to be used. Joe could also use Alden to tweak the Primary's nose by telling Alden some secrets. To Alden, Joe was a fundamental part of how Alden developed. He learned about his skill and authority from a friendly looking individual that had the potential to be the father figure that Alden is subconsciously looking for. Alden learned to sense authority due to running Joe's "errand." Alden misunderstood Joe and expected the real Joe to meet the standard of the imaginary Joe. Joe doesn't understand why this little Avowed is focused on him. And I think everyone forgot that all relationships between wizards and avowed ARE fundamentally transactional. A relationship between a summoner and avowed will always be a master--servant relationship at it's core. Alden failed to realize this; Joe can't see beyond it.

Desert Yeti

I prefer the term "Paladin." It highlights their power, importance, and sacrifice a bit more than "knight."

Desert Yeti

At that point in the story, we didn't know that knights are also Avowed. I understand the "existential threat" POV a little more now. Otherwise, why fear Avowed, who are under the control of the Contract and the summoner?

Temp One

He did! Alden basically sat down on the floor of the hallway with the odd decor once he got off the elevator: 【'Was it crazy of me?' Alden wondered, sitting on the floor in the hall with the red lighting, staring down at his hands as they pinched a sharp point into a piece of green and gold origami paper. 'Was it wrong to expect more from Joe?'】 Considering how concerned Esh is about Alden's mental state, I think he'd be privately very upset to find Alden so clearly distressed. And I suspect the fact Esh didn't even ask why Alden was sitting by himself in a hallway making paper airplanes is an indication that he has some awareness of circumstances. I'll be curious if we'll get a scene of him berating Ro-den in the future. Esh might not want him to associate with Alden, but like another poster pointed out, there's clean breaks and this wasn't one of them. Just sharp, and very messy. Ro-den didn't need to be such an ass.


Poor Joe seems to be depressed; he is missing his edge. The reason why Stu send him to earth is still a mystery to him but he might get the necessary connection soon. It will be interesting if in the end he is forced to work together with Alden or if he tries to reconcile on his own once he figures out Aldens relevance and tries to incorporate him back into his schemes. It might also be that Joe is simply afraid of knights and doesn’t want to go near them and their influence/power. Esh might be the mentor person Alden needs in his life, his hearth is in the right place, it is just unfortunate that Alden is terrified of him realising his secrets.

Alex Scriber

I don't want to believe that Joe would cut ties with Alden like this. I don't to believe that he's that cruel. My mind keeps trying to twist itself into knots to justify Joe's behavior or convince itself that he's playing a long game. But deep down I know that's not true. This is entirely in keeping with all the parts of his character that made him so entertaining to read about. This is who Joe has always been. Oh my gosh, this must have been how the Hazel supporters felt as it became increasingly clear she is dangerously, even lethally, selfish. I don't like feeling this way and I imagine Alden likes it even less. Great job taking us on the same emotional rollercoaster as Alden, Sleyca.


This is so good! Imagine Esh's excitement at the opportunity to remove Alden's tattoo as a sign of breaking up with his previous mentor.


Mother mentions, in passing, that those old skills have been updated over time.


You know.... that Alden will eventually go to wizards school, right :D And be tested by Joe, lol.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Im in a limericky mood again, while I was sleeping such a terribly bad rhyme came to me that I had to write it down A Rabbit, a Master, a Knight High tensions, but never a fight ‘Hello,’ said the Rabbit Through the heart he got stab..bed Consolation prize: ring-powered flight.

John D Jones

I'm kind of hoping that this all leads to Alden, Lind, Esh and Joe in a room together with Stu'art'h on the phone so they can hash all this stuff out and end the various miscommunications and misunderstandings.


I’m curious what you think are the miscommunications and misunderstandings?

John D Jones

I think Joe is unaware as to why Stu'art'h came to him with the opportunity to go to Earth. I think the hn'tyons who dislike Joe aren't fully aware of what was going on with Moon Thegund. I think Joe's last talk with Alden arose out of that misunderstanding.


Esh-Erdi is a hn’tyon down in Matadero, He's flying Alden out to Anesidora. He likes the boy but doesn't want to be a bother, What's his Affixation, maybe he'll ask Mother? Alden saw Worli-Joe by the cafeteria, Worli-joe saw the bunny and run. Whoa-a go on, see the bunny and run.


@Jazehiah, fellow Technology Connections fan! What a lovely surprise. Can you imagine him in the SupSup universe getting frustrated as he tries to explain Wright tech? "...and this little magical doohicky is absolutely essential to how the thing works, and we humans have no idea what it actually does! Anyway..."


Eh less father figure and more crazy uncle but I get your point

Michael Leue

I think Joe actually has a less transactional view of the wizard/avowed relationship than most Artonans, or else he wouldn't go trying to groom them to commit crimes. You can easily argue that his motivations were unique when it comes to Thegund, but we *know* he's cultivated relationships with other Avowed in similar fashion, it's expressly his modus operandi.

Michael Leue

I dunno. I don't get the feeling, personally, that Esh is being written as a character who will mend Alden's traumas. He's too focused on getting Alden to like him and not focused enough on empathy, and Alden has already had *so many* mentors who were much more empathic. If we were going to get a mentor who truly cared for Alden, we would have gotten Alis or Gorgon or Hannah to parent him. I suspect that if Alden's secrets came to him somehow, Esh would react badly. Maybe he'd feel like his efforts were being wasted, or he'd feel obligated to the Knights as an organization to reject Alden, or something. Some reasoning that completely highlights how kindness=!empathy.

JJ Hunter

I keep thinking about the scene back at Leafsong with the mishnen, and all its implications. The mortal risks that wizards, especially wizards with poor judgment, can pose to the Avowed they summon; Alden’s own instincts; how quickly and decisively Joe triaged everything once summoned himself; the mandatory mental health break the System granted Alden afterwards; and the culturally-nuanced critical aftercare / Avowed safety lesson Joe gave Alden. (“I won’t teleport around the universe to rescue you from other summoners under ordinary circumstances. I won’t even be able to […]”) Joe’s suggestion of finding a good long-term assignment if Alden wants a more predictable work schedule, which would permit Alden to earn a lot of rest days he could chose to postpone to bank time off. (‘*So it’s like saving up for a vacation.*’)

JJ Hunter

I also keep thinking about Alden’s analysis of Aulia’s decisiveness at the party. (‘*She’s even scarier than I thought. She was so […] unflappable? […] she’d had a thought and then acted on it immediately […] She outed Hazel’s skill. They all seem to believe that was something really extreme, and it was definitely irrevocable. And she made the decision to do it in about half a minute.*’) How Aulia demonstrated that same cool-headed rapid decision making with tectonic consequences again when Hazel called after murdering Manon. The way Aulia’s facial control briefly slipped (face going ‘opaque’) in that moment of shock and full-focus recalculation. The way Joe’s eyes widened and he spun around to hid his face before Alden could read his expression when Alden told him the Primary’s instruction to “go home and live well because one day we’d meet again”. The decision Joe made on the spot to update their contract for the day to highest secrecy and provide Lesson One ASAP. His choice to serve Alden an unseasonal ice drink that could be used as a discrete, highly memorable reference to that conversation in the future when they were not able to talk in a secure location. Joe breaking what I expect Esh-erdi would call << proper discretion >> to give Alden critical Artonan culture and philosophy background so he can better grasp the danger he’s in now and the opportunity. The decisions he can still make before that pivotal point the Primary will reach for him again, if he can live long enough to realize some of the extraordinary potential of his skill. The message Joe is entrusting Alden with that might - might! - shock the Primary enough to make him stop and really see Alden as a unique person, a future peer, and not just another Avowed tool to use in the endless misery of fighting back the ocean of chaos that can never be fully defeated. Joe saying “Even if he takes my head off for it, it will be so very worth it.”

JJ Hunter

Joe, Joe, Joe. He’s hangry, he’s grimy, he just wants to stuff his pockets full of sandwiches and not be on camera for the humans for a bit. He’s surrounded by his Artonan wizard peers and their grab-greedy grasping for good gossip, but that’s fine, all he needs to do is show he’s just as exhausted and not perfectly attired as they are, and exchange a little small talk like asking about fruit, and then he can escape back to his temporary shoebox of a room and whatever privacy protections he set up there. Not acting superior at all, fellow wizards, look at how humble Worli Ro-den is now, he’s being a Quiet Ro-den whenever he’s not out running himself ragged making Artonan wizards look awesome in front of their human subjects. Joe hears Alden call out from behind him in this top-secret Artonan-only refuge / anti-chaos fortress, and it’s a shock. He keeps his face hidden as he slowly straightens up, recalculating furiously. Multiple wizards here, more right outside. They expect one performance; Alden expects another. A hn’tyon or one of his helpers may be listening in on Alden from a distance *right now*. This is so dangerous and Alden doesn’t even know half of it. He’s got pockets full of alkali metal and he just jumped us both into freefall over very deep waters indeed. [insert fervent swearing here] Can’t have this out here. Alden knows he can call me. Bail. Now. Be a caricature of ashamed Ro-den. Make them laugh. Make it obvious Alden has nothing to fear from me. Run. Tools: shared English language fluency; known limitations of Contract translations around idioms. Shared history. Everything Joe can remember about Alden’s personality. Assumptions of his peers. This will have to be one heck of a performance.

JJ Hunter

Joe’s reporting on his interactions with Kivb-ee - child of his assistant, his potential student to be - and the arrangements that have been made for his other surviving assistants are very telling for what’s expected culturally. For the now-wizard student, congratulations and apologies for Joe’s failures in his care for her and her family; repetition in person at next available opportunity. If she’s having trouble letting go (she’s totally not willing to let go), taking ritualized care to formally hand her education over to her new instructors after meeting them (and likely making a particular show of respect to them). For his other assistants, ensuring they live long, safe lives and have access to fulfilling work outside of Joe’s service to help those lives be satisfying ones. For Alden, who wants to be a superhero; who is already on the Primary’s radar for anti-chaos service in a few decades which is *not* a path to a long, safe, happy life; Alden who can’t even complete his current mental health leave for his last unusually traumatizing quest without doing something so noteworthy he’s become Esh-erdi’s personal guest for healing (this is the second time!! it hasn’t even been a year yet, slow down, Alden darling); Alden who’s so like Kivb-ee and also doesn’t want to let go of Joe. Should Joe try to hand Alden’s education over to Hn’tyon Esh-erdi? How? Would the hn’tyon even meet with him? If the hn’tyon or a helper of his is spying now, can Joe do it indirectly? Would this person even be a good mentor for Alden, or would he just break him before Alden has a few more decades to really grow into someone who can earn the kind of respect and privileges to survive operating at this level?

JJ Hunter

Joe, with his flawless English, signposting two particular phrasings as if he’s making a language error rather than providing cues. ‘“If there’s something you want to demand of me, or something you need to…what is that phrase?…remove from your chest, now is your only opportunity. I suggest you pluck it before the vine withers.”’ Remove from your chest, instead of get off your chest, with additional enforcement by using a second idiom that sounds like an Artonan one in translation. “‘I always reach for one more prize,’ said Joe. ‘Even when my hands are full. It’s how things get broken. Take it as a sign of my gratitude and my respect for you that I will not reach for you again.’ ‘I’m not a prize,’ said Alden. ‘I’m a person.’ ‘My apologies. It wasn’t the best phrasing. […] I…might have given you some flawed advice. Reaching for one more prize is my bad habit. That doesn’t mean it should be yours.’” Usually in English, having your hands full, or having a full plate, is when you’re already at the limits of what you can handle. The whole reason Alden has wanted a Quiet Rabbit life for a while is because he’s felt like he’s been at his limit or over it, and wants time to recover. It feels like this part of the exchange with Joe is operating on at least 3 different levels, maybe even more: 1.) Alden going for one more prize (one more commendation-worthy act of heroism?) when he already has his hands full is starting to become a bad habit (it’s certainly not great for his current health). 2.) Alden *is* a prize as a particularly talented and increasingly commended Avowed, while Joe will not reach for him again other wizards are already trying, ones Joe can’t protect him from. 3.) Joe just cued Alden to vocally assert himself as a *person* first, not a prize, while he suspects their conversation is being monitored by a hn’tyon (or someone in that hn’tyon’s service) who might be at risk of forgetting to treat Alden as a young person in need of care first, in the context of a conversation making it SUPER CLEAR that even Shady Worli Ro-den would think that someone taking advantage of Alden’s respect and admiration to advise Alden to go full steam ahead on skill development and ambitious progression forward would be an absolute jerk move; Alden really needs a vacation right now, not more pressure, etc. etc. It sure is interesting that Esh-erdi showed up soon after to offer Alden a shiny new wizard ring as a loan, and Alden requested help removing as much as he can of the contract tattoo he had with Joe. Both of those actions together feel like an offer and a reciprocal symbolic break with the prior relationship that might have complicated accepting that offer. I have a distinct impression that Joe just pricked Alden’s pride on a few key fronts in a way that will help him navigate which bits of Esh-erdi’s likely advice and well-intended doting to accept and which to assert his own way on instead. Anything that sounds like “Go take a nice laundry skill instead” is going to *immediately* get Alden’s back up, for example. Gah. This whole chapter is spectacular, I expect we’re going to be unpacking the implications for ages.

Edward Shattuck

I don't think that there is anything about the Thegund situation that will make the hn'tyons that will make them like Joe more. Their wizards who choose a life of self-sacrifice for the betterment of others they probably see Joe sending Alden to Thegund in a similar light as Alis.


This is close to my interpretation of it. I suppose all we can do is hope it's correct because it seems there's a lot of different ideas around, which is testament to sleyca's writing quality imo. Also, very cool write up JJ.

John D Jones

@ Edward Shattuck Maybe not, but it might be worthwhile to get the hn'tyons to understand that Joe's choices at that point were 1) get someone like Alden to help rescue his people or 2) leave them all there to die from the chaos. Especially since it appears that some other people engineered that situation by lowering the priority of their rescue ship.

John D Jones

I'm kind of still holding out hope that there's some explanation for this that doesn't make Joe into a selfish, cowardly asshole.


Oh my god. Imagine geting chosen as a super hero and get a completely stupid talent that should be f rank, but because the lazy student did not optimize it properly it become a S rank. Imagine the skill doing the magical version of bogsort instead of using a proper sorting algoritm. (Search bogsort on Wikipedia, it is hilariously stupid)

Kim Enteiu

Yo! it's the magic machine Gonna rock the town, make big scene Have you ever seen a wizard Get Down? Slammin' Jammin' to the new swing sound Yeah, everybody, let's move Worli’s is here with the new Joe Groove Gonna rock, and roll this place With the power of the Superior Professor bass Ro-den, ya know he’s not playin' Devistation playing on loop while the newscasters keep sayin' Magic, magic, zap! Magic, magic, crack! Magic, magic, snap! Go, go, go, go Go Ro-den, go Ro-den, go! Go Ro-den, go Ro-den, go! Go Ro-den, go Ro-den, go! Go Ro-den, go Ro-den, go! Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe Newsbreak, fill in the gap, Drop that bass and get the General rap Just feel it, if you know what i mean Give it up, for the new hero on the scene, Just flowin', smooth with the power, kickin' it up, hour after hour 'Cause in this life, there's only one winner You better aim straight so you can hit the center In it to win, stopping a disaster or four, The Bald General that you gotta adore it's the Worli, Worli, rap! Worli, Worli, rap! Worli, Worli, rap! Go, go, go, go Go Ro-den, go Ro-den, go! Go Ro-den, go Ro-den, go! Go Ro-den, go Ro-den, go! Go Ro-den, go Ro-den, go! Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe Rioters you better run and hide One spell and you’re in the sky, So Choose your magic but don't slip Contract’s in control with the flex of the mic grip Rockin' the crowd the way it should be rocked None of the subtitles you like a lot You know, it's Hittin' like a Sinker-Sender when the bass kicks in You better check your level The power of the Ro-den is strong Fightin' with the magic ‘till every problem is gone Worli, Worli, rap! Worli, Worli, rap! Worli, Worli, rap! Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe Go Ro-den, go Ro-den, go! Go Ro-den, go Ro-den, go! Go Ro-den, go Ro-den, go! Go Ro-den, go Ro-den, go! Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe Worli, Worli, rap! Worli, Worli, rap! Worli, Worli, rap! Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe Go Ro-den, go Ro-den, go! Go Ro-den, go Ro-den, go! Go Ro-den, go Ro-den, go, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe


Agreed, on all counts. A lot of people seem to have come out of this chapter with a distinct impression that it fully revealed Joe as the detestable individual he must have always been. It is okay that some people are feeling that way, as I think the writing here was intentionally rather opaque. Nonetheless, I prefer this reading of things, with Joe trying to navigate a difficult situation by doing a delicate dance, still looking out for both Alden and himself.


Oh Worli Ro-den was warned. He had time to scheme and plan this encounter, alright : “The hn’tyon did send out a memo about you, but it was only advising everyone that you were a personal guest of his here for healing, not a servant or an information source. No one had to tell me not to talk to you for me to know that the best thing for both of us is, as you call it, ‘a sharp break.’” And earlier : “I would say that we are unlikely to meet again,” Joe said. “But we should have been unlikely to meet this time. A few days ago, I couldn’t have imagined a scenario that would lead me to encounter you here. And I don’t have a feeble imagination.” This hints he will plan for the eventuality of future interactions. He might not force them, but will create and/or prepare to seize opportunities. Alden is too magically wierd for Joe to do nothing.

Barrett Fogarty

I'm tired of the Joe talk. I think the most important thing that happened in the chapter is the ring. Given Alden's talent for ending up in disasters the ring gives him the ability to move when he has to and quickly. Imagine if he had it on the Moon. What about in the floods? It's obvious that Esh thought very carefully about what might keep Alden safer as he works his skill. Perhaps not quiet but certainly safer. Freeze and Fly, Alden.


well it's the biggest part of the chapter and an important event. But the ring/flyer is a perfect addition to Alden becomming the perfect field medic. He can desinfect, freeze and transport And if he can stop having to physically hold the burden, he can stockpile the pickled meats on the flyer

Temp One

@JJ, Great analysis! The only problem I have with it is something that Alden describes for himself here: 【Joe’s reasoning was fine. “It will cause both of us problems if we’re seen together” was a fine reason for them not to be seen together. But it wasn’t like he’d seen fit to present that reasoning before Alden had forced the issue. He’d decided on his own that the right course of action was to cut Alden out of his life, and Alden hadn’t even been important enough to rate a real goodbye. 】 Everything you're describing only happened after a lengthy sequence of circumstances that would have never happened if Alden hadn't relentlessly forced the issue. Ro-den didn't offer any of that information to Alden. If Alden had stayed in the kitchen. If the elevator was already on their floor when Ro-den left. Or if Alden hadn't forced himself on the elevator. That would have been the end of their conversation.

Michael Leue

We've had a few cases already of cues in the text implying certain people like Hazel or Manon are more subtle and nuanced than they appear, which have not borne fruit. Much as I like the idea of Joe's monologue being a coded message, I don't think it fits with the writing thus far. We don't have to read carefully into the text to understand that Joe has a problem with knights, but Joe (or anyone, besides the much-more-blunt Gorgon) playing spy games doesn't have any support in the rest of the text.

Temp One

Something I noticed and pointed out earlier, but accidentally deleted my original post when trying to make an edit: 【“I’m confused by you right now. What do you mean what do I want?” Then something occurred to [Alden]. “Did Esh-erdi tell you not to talk to me? When we saw you on television earlier—” “Why were you watching television with him? What did he…?” Joe’s lips thinned. “No. It’s irrelevant.” [Joe] suddenly started pressing the buttons for all the floors above them.】 I hope I'm reading too much into it. But the first time Ro-den shows any interest in continuing a conversation with Alden is when Alden reveals he's hanging out with Esh. It might be that Ro-den's sudden desire to interact with Alden wasn't because Alden's persistence paid off. But because he realized maybe Alden has enough potential value, still, that he shouldn't burn that bridge completely. Alden's a tool to him.

Stonedwarf Stonedwarfson

"identifying the origin of his main talent at this point in his development, with only the information provided, is needlessly difficult. It could be so many different ones.” “The obscuration of origins prevents several types of abuse,” Lind said. “And the self is more private than a skeleton. " You see, Esh is full on researching Aldens main talent, yet he still does not know about BOAB, and it seems to be mainly because he is limited by some form of Artonan ethics and or Laws. Joe on the other hand SOMEHOW knew almost straight away about BOAB. Now Joe MIGHT just be that much smarter and better educated than Esh, but it seems more likely to me that Joe somewhere took an unethical and or illegal shortcut to find out. Alden didn't feel abused or taken advantage of by Joe, but knows Joe is SUSPECTED of doing so. What this chapter implies is that by ARTONAN standards Joe actually IS guilty and perhaps even feels so. Reading between the lines here, but I think the Artonans, or most of them, would take charges of Avowed abuse very seriously as these ethical guidelines are all that differentiate them from simple slave owners of the Avowed.


Quite possibly. Others have pointed out that previous conversations with Joe were always about what they could do for each other.

Temp One

@Jazehiah, I can definitely see that now. I've actually been rereading the chapters, and comparing how Ro-den treats Alden versus how he treats Kibby and his staff. Along with thinking about how, soon after Ro-den and Alden first met, he unapologetically told Alden he was squarely in the camp that saw Avowed as existential threats. There was a time after this chapter dropped that I thought Ro-den was just extremely selfish. But now I don't think he's that simple. His behavior and consideration towards Kibby and his staff alone belies that easy diagnosis. Instead, I wonder if he just might be an Artonan supremacist. Or at least an Artonan that doesn't have much time or compassion for non-Artonans beyond, like you say, transactional relationships. He's charismatic, and I believe fair in his dealings. But if he feels he doesn't have any further use for an Avowed he'll unilaterally terminate the relationship like he attempted with Alden. If Alden hadn't shown Ro-den that he still had something left to offer. Ro-den might've just let the elevator carry him up to his floor, and walked off without sparing any further thought for Alden.


I feel like it'll be a lot later, when Alden enters wizard school.

Jeremy Goldberg

I am mostly taking Joe’s speech at face value, with the caveat that I think he wants Alden to keep a low profile lest someone figure out Joe told him too many secrets about Avowed talents. I don’t expect him to be a major part of Alden’s life going forward.

Michael Leue

I imagine that there's a peer review system of some kind. A skill obviously must be both functional and do what it says it will do. With those as givens, it wouldn't take much checking to verify that what it says it will do is actually worth using.


I don't know if Sleyca meant to do this or not, but telling Alden to get something off his chest wasn't the first time he has done so...... From Chapter 38 Hedonistic "Next he called Joe. He’d requested video, but Joe set it to audio. “Hello? Do you miss me that much after only a few hours, Alden? You’re getting very dependent, you know.” “You’re coming to the party tonight, aren’t you?” Alden said in a rush. “Are you at the museum already?” Maybe if he threw himself in front of Joe, the professor would have an excuse to complain to someone and get him thrown out. “I’m on my way there in a cart full of some very charming friends.” Then, via text, he added, [ I’m only talking to you at all right now because this group should think you and I have an unusually close bond. I can’t do this at the party, so get whatever it is off your chest quickly. ]" This is another example of Joe showing a public face with private goals. I found this passage while looking for a quote for my following post.


It's probably the same with most of you, but I often wake up in the middle of the night with answers to thorny problems that have perplexed me. I've posted three or 4 epiphanies during Super Supportive and here's another. Tonight's epiphany comes from the Leafsong University party scene between the Primary and Alden. I've always pondered why the Primary had to hold Alden's hands in order to evaluate Alden. What was he doing? Why was touch necessary? Chapter 38 Hedonistic "Alden stood there for a very long time before the woman finally said, << Brother, if you need him to step closer just say so. He’s wearing a noteworthy costume. Someone will spot him over here eventually. Or one of your spouses will get bored of the festivities and come to find us. >> << I do not need him to do anything, >> the man said irritably, still not looking up from his book. << I was managing fine before you called him over. >> << Alden, isn’t it? >> Alden nodded. His name had been going around the party for ages, so of course she’d heard it. << Alden, would you mind stepping a bit closer and giving him your hands? >> Her brother slapped his book shut, and gave her an annoyed look. << That is completely unnecessary. >> << But it will be faster. I’m tired. The babies are stomping on my bladder. I want to go home. >>" ..... << He just wanted to gain your measure, >> the sister explained. << It will be much faster if he does it by holding your hands and asking you a couple of questions. Otherwise he’ll have to spy on you from behind the bushes some more, and it’s very tedious. >> Gain my measure? Was this some kind of lie detector test? Oh, maybe they just want to be sure I’m not going to tell on Stuart?" .... "But in that instant of hesitation, he suddenly sensed something surprising—the cobwebby cocoon of his own magic. It was here, all around him just like during the teleports to and from Moon Thegund. Only this time, around the cocoon of his magic there was another one, far more massive. It wasn’t pushing against him, but he knew at once that if it did he’d be…" .... "<< We’ll see each other again. Some day. You’re too untranslateable to go unused, I’m afraid… >> he trailed off. << That’s annoying. Authorize translations. I have no interest in working around your management. As I was saying, you’re too whole for us to avoid one another over the long run. Try to grow up well and live fully before then. >>" Maybe it's just me being simple, but after this scene and during the entire SS story line I just wondered why the Primary needed to touch Alden, instead of using his Authority to evaluate him or using the System. The way Sleyca pitches Authority and the idea that wizards and knights use it to manipulate the world and "pat" each other makes it seem simple to just authority pat Alden, instead of trying to read him from behind a bush. So I woke up with the realization that it's probably because the Primary's Authority is so so large, completely encompassing not only Alden, but probably everyone in the room, wizards, students, and avowwed alike, that the Primary was having problems picking out the little bit of pinprick of free authority that Alden currently possessed. Remember, he had only recently been affixed, so probably didn't have very much scannable free authority. The Primary needed to touch him to isolate Alden's authority from everyone elses. Sorry for such a big post for such a little detail.


Did Joe even have the opportunity to contact Alden without catching the attention of someone else? We don't actually know if he can give Alden a call, he was demoted since the last time they spoke and presumably had restrictions placed on him. For all we know, him randomly running into Alden was the only opportunity he could get to give Alden veiled warnings without making it obvious to anyone listening in.


Joe could also have decided to warn Alden upon hearing that Alden's relationship to the knight(s) was much more personal than initially expected simply BECAUSE he knows that this would make him way more interesting to other wizards, and put him in danger.


Sleyca mentioned having planned a POV chapter for Joe at some point in the story. I expect for him to remain an important character.


Sunday sleyca time!


Joe worked with Alden for only a few days then Alden accidentally ruined Joe's life. Yipack corp doesn't seem like it copped any flack. Stu arth's behaviour mystified Joe, the class divide and the palace and the demons and the politics around the grand senate and the knights is unrevealed Joe could be warning Alden an unsecret conversation is a public conversation And there are resource worlds that loathe Artonans as does gorgan if the beasts of burden types are like the Romans with their slaves then Joe's frightened for Alden as he won't know how much danger he is in and without knowing about quiet rabbit privilege don't grow noticeable Alden


Interesting. So it's a question of focus, not just of strength due to distance. I think that's part of it - focus will improve strength and ability - but I don't think it's as simple as that. Joe knows all of this. But he's surprised that the Primary held hands (chap 39) and then 'Joe looked troubled. “He must have been using some talent I’m not aware of to examine you."' If it were just a question of Primary's Authority being so large, I think Joe would recognize the problem. IMO, the Primary was trying to center himself at Alden and examining Alden's relationship with the universe from the inside-out - determining that Alden is so "whole" (having so many connections to the universe) that they will interact in the future. That's something that holding hands would help at directly.

Matt DiMeo

I like that Joe had a similar “why were you watching tv with esh” as lexi’s reaction to alden hanging out with stu. “ How often is the wizard watching you? Why is he watching you? Why the hell would you—?”


It seems reasonable to assume that what Alden did to himself by learning magic is more extreme than what Joe is worried about. Joe explicitly warned Alden away from that path in strong terms back when he believed he'd still be involved in shaping Alden's future. Ignoring Alden's wizardry, the main risks in growing Bearer of All Burdens rapidly is that it will mold him into a self-sacrificing saint and/or attract unwanted attention from other Artonans.


In an authority clash between a hn'tyon and a normal wizard, I'm betting on the knight every time. However, I don't think Esh could use brute force to erase a contract that he wasn't a party to. Or if that is possible, I'd expect it to need a lot more authority than the original contract.


Wizard Auriads, Knight [blank] >But he’d been imagining that they maxed out at a reasonable length. >“Where the hell does he keep it when it’s not in use?” he grumbled. “Does he wear it around his chest like a tube top?” Alden mentions Joe's authority is a rank up from most Wizard volunteers but very small compared to the honeymoon knights Since the honeymoon knights are not cocooned like a caterpillar metamorphosing into a butterfly, What to the Knights do with their extra large Auriads? Or do Knights REPLACE the auriad with something different? Or outgrow auriad all together? 🤔 edit: Do you get an new one with each magic specialty? Maybe Joe has such a big one because he has such broad magic The Knights seem to specialize 🧰

Ano Ano

I think an auriad is just whatever length it is. It's been mentioned that wizards can bond with multiple auriads, and that they can also sever their connection. Quite possible a wizard of Joe's caliber can bond with an auriad of a specific utility in response to a specific need.


The knights would have most of their authority bounded. Even if they have more, their free authority is still probably less than Joe's

Barrett Fogarty

I'm thinking about two things. First, Alden is Esh's "guest". If Alden is a guest does that mean he doesn't have to get a secrecy tattoo for Matadero? At the Knight's Repose Alden wouldn't need one if he is Stu's guest right? The second thing is the ring. I think Esh has modified it to be Alden's flying device, but also to monitor Alden' skill use. Esh has real problems with boundaries when it comes to obsessions.


Speaking of Esh's problems with boundaries........ I like very very much how Slecyca slipped in the meme of "Rules for thee, not for me" mentality of the rich and powerful. It's now so common in America, it makes me weep. America is no longer a meritocracy, just an end game empire ruled by sycophants and bureaucrats. "“The obscuration of origins prevents several types of abuse,” Lind said. “And the self is more private than a skeleton. I seem to remember you voting on many occasions to limit summoner access to exactly the sort of information you want now.” “Yes, but I want to pry into him for the right reasons.” He pressed a knuckle to his lips while he stared at the material displayed in front of him. “This is awful. I don’t have time to go through all of the horrific possibilities. I might ask Mother.” “That’s too much. Let him grow his current abilities normally.”"

Aspiring Moth

probably not, unless they just went through an affixation. every affixation roughly doubles the size of their skill, and then their free authority is a percentage of that. After a few affixations, their authority size would dwarf most normal wizards even with a low percentage of free authority


That’s honestly probably the case - the chapter title being “Sharp Break” should have tipped me off that this really is the final time we’ll see Joe for a long time. But I just don’t want them to end things so terribly! lol. Excellent example of adding more skills/affixations to become more powerful😂


I love how outlandish some of Alden's relations to Artonans are, and he thinks nothing of it. Like, "Ohh, just chilling on the couch doing HW and watching TV with an extremely powerful wizard, no biggie" and everyone else being just shocked XD


I missed commenting on last week’s post, so I’ll share it here - I’m so pumped for when we see Alden really flex his talents again. It could be that the “bearing the burden without physically bearing it” only works when he’s in Saint mode, but let’s say he masters Saint mode. Bearing Burdens without bearing the weight could allow him to have: - Remote preservation, something that can be ridiculously useful - Super strength, basically. For example, I’d think he’d be able to pick up the super heavy blocks that he couldn’t wrap his rope underneath during the obstacle course - Combo’d with Divide from Whole, maybe he can start bearing forces? Like taking the force out of the tennis balls Snake threw at him without having to actually catch the tennis balls On another note, the whole big Auriad theme from last week was fascinating, and it got me thinking - does he even need a new Auriad? Auriad casting is all about using the bound authority in the Auriad plus free authority to create a spell… But, couldn’t Alden technically take any string, put it into an Auriad form, then preserve it with BOAB to spell cast with? Technically, his authority is bound in the desired shape. The only thing I’m not sure about is whether the act of preserving an object means that Alden’s actual authority is wrapped around that object versus just having a preservation effect produced by BOAB wrapped around that object. If my tinfoil theory proves wrong, I request our favorite Auriad-thief to provide Alden with a new Auriad 😂

Aspiring Moth

I've been thinking about how Meister and Shaper talents must work. Every Meister has improved ability to wield their weapon/tool, and every shaper can manipulate their element. so even though they have varied effects, they must all also carry the core effect of their class. Instructor Fragment said that getting new talents or levelling talents expands the distance that they can manipulate their element, and F or D rank meisters must still be better at using their tool than normal people, since that's the whole thing that meisters are about. I was thinking that these talents are fundamentally similar to foundation points, but instead of giving the ability to move through reality faster etc, they give the ability to use a sword better or to manipulate ground better etc. then they each have their own special effect that is similar to the other talents we are more familiar with. Stuff like Marciel's compression points, and the weapon recall talents many meisters have. What's interesting to me is that (assuming I'm right), we have something akin to levelable foundation points here. Fragment saying that levelling talents expands distance she can control ground at rules out it being a specialised foundation point that stays the same strength bolted to a more traditional talent. so why is it that brute talents don't operate the same way? and why aren't normal foundation points levelable? I suppose a more modular design gives more flexibility to brutes, but it strikes me as odd that speedster talents don't make you faster etc when the practice is well established in meisters who also have small talents and many foundation points

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Aside from exotic Meister tools such as Lexi’s whip, I actually theorise that most Meisters are similar to adjusters, except they have a certain theme and a spellcasting focus with symbolic roots A club for example is a symbol of blunt force, and maybe by artonan rules this symbolism allows him to send out kinetic blasts with his skill that would be stronger than what an adjuster with the same amount of authority could send out, the downside is that he needs to be holding a club to do it And the improved ability with the weapon is just a combination of foundational points, manual mental augmentations by the system, and practice Only the S rank meisters have enough authority to spare that it’s worth giving them weapons with authority-powered components and effects

Aspiring Moth

In the chapter 'about the rabbit', where they were looking over Alden's gym tryout footage, one of the alumni said that Alden was clearly not a meister because he had no special umbrella wielding knowledge. that says to me that it's similar to shaper talents. there's definitely something similar to how auriads work going on with meisters though, given how possessive they are over their weapons


Reflection >The gifts from the holy universe people are too hard to imagine until I’ve met one. Maybe Lute’s boss is like that? No…that could just be the reflected glory of Alis-art’h shining on me and making him talk about spotlight organs. The reader knows it is reflected glory because Lute had to have Alden vetted before taking him as a student So not just any avowed, but highly respected Avow 🎖 … … … So, how is the weather ( waiting for new chapter and rereading all the recent ones ) ⏳

John D Jones

We should recall that "Saint Mode" seems to come with a fairly big drawback. Alden becomes completely focused on what/who he's preserving that it's hard for him to think about anything else (like getting himself and the preserved person/thing to a safer location).


Sleyca did say she was reworking "Doubling" so that is probably connected Ways to level your affixation so it can more robustly resist your free authority Wow The Artonans were DESPERATE when they created the Original 300 skills and the first Avowed ⚠️⛔️☣️☢️

David (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-05 20:57:01 Wait, vote? Vote in what body? Is Esh on a council? a Senator? Surely, with a population as numerous as the Artonan’s they, don’t do referendums?! I always assumed the knights were apolitical because they’re just too powerful not to be running the govt if their oaths didn’t preclude it
2024-05-05 19:56:11 Wait, vote? Vote in what body? Is Esh on a council? a Senator? Surely, with a population as numerous as the Artonan’s, they don’t do referendums?! I always assumed the knights were apolitical because they’re just too powerful not to be running the govt if their oaths didn’t preclude it

Wait, vote? Vote in what body? Is Esh on a council? a Senator? Surely, with a population as numerous as the Artonan’s, they don’t do referendums?! I always assumed the knights were apolitical because they’re just too powerful not to be running the govt if their oaths didn’t preclude it


Maybe they have some sort of special assembly that's just Knights? Like how Roman Republic had a whole bunch of different assemblies that operated completely differently from the Senate?

Aspiring Moth

could you elaborate, Gryphon? it sounds like you've worked out something important but I'm not following

Ano Ano

Our understanding of Artonan government is extremely limited, but we know it involves a grand senate and many many committees. It's safe to assume politics involve voting, and it was implied Esh likes politics.


They might be able to vote but not run. Like foreign born nationals or people under 35 in the US

Mehmet ali Reyhan

It was mentioned in the earlier chapters that non wizards don't vote but wizards do so triplanetary government has a caste system which also incorporates democracy to it?


@John D Jones, I suspect there are ways around the limitations of so-called "Saint Mode" with greater practice and skill development. I doubt that Esh-erdi at this stage in his career is becoming utterly consumed with "breaking" something every time he comes across a difficult problem. It is possible that Alden just needs to grow more accustomed to the mindset shift, or (my preferred explanation) as his skill grows and broadens its utility, so too will his perspective when working within the skill's complementary mindset.


Nice weather. A bit warm, but the birds are singing songs of springtime, which is nice.

Marcus Rodriguez

Stuart giggles when Alden mentions the Primary had to hold his hands to get his measure. So probably touch is an easier vector. Also the one time we see Numbero Uno use his skill it is touch base, so maybe he using a sensing upgrade like Alden has.

John D Jones

@ David I don't think it's exactly about power. Hn'tyons are the first and main line of defense (and offense) against Chaos. As such they're kept really busy doing that. That said, because of the pain they willingly endure to protect the universe from Chaos, hn'tyons are revered by the rest of the Artonans. Suppose a few hn'tyons opined that "The Yiplik corporation is a pack of bastards who sacrificed innocent Artonans to Chaos. You shouldn't give them your Argold for their products." Figure Yiplik's income is going to suffer a severe reduction. Hn'tyons don't necessarily have a lot of direct governing power, but they have a fuckton of soft power/influence. You kind of see that with Joe. As far as I know Alis'art'h doesn't sit on the Leafsong University Board of Directors, but presumably after she glared in their direction, Leafsong shit-canned Joe from Superior Master down to just Master or something, IIRC, which I'm pretty sure I don't.

John D Jones

@ Skyseeker That's possible. I'd just figured that in order to preserve/carry a burden, the Bearer has to be, well, burdened. If Alden isn't even touching whatever he's carrying, he has to be burdened in another way. So, instead of the burden weighing on his muscles/authority it weighs on his mind/authority.

John D Jones

@ Matt DeMeo and TyGuy275 The big thing to remember is that Alden is very much different from most Earth Avowed. Most Earth Avowed get Selected, maybe trade around if they can, then go to high school and college. After that maybe, possibly they might eventually get summoned somewhere off-world. 48 seconds after officially becoming Avowed, Alden Thorn got drop-kicked to Artona III. He was scooped out of the relatively small pond that is Earth and tossed into the deeper parts of the galactic ocean. He met Joe and Stu'art'h there. Because of that, he also met Alis and the Primary. He finally returned from the Triplanets considerably wealthier than most of his eventual classmates at Celena North and with the highest Commendation ever awarded to a human being. Alden's concept of power is a little broken at this point. Someone who's felt/sensed the power of the Primary isn't going to be that impressed by S-ranks or A-ranks who are ant farts in a tornado by comparison. People tend to see their own experiences as "normal." It's just Alden's experiences are extremely abnormal to everyone else.


Blue skies hint of mould and mud due for another 100mm rain soon


@John D Jones, good point. To run with that point a little bit, have you ever been in a situation where you have to keep functioning, reasoning, and making decisions while something in your life is "weighing on your mind," as it were? Perhaps in school you had a major exam coming up for which you felt ill prepared, yet you still had to go to an event with family and navigate that appropriately, or maybe you had someone you care about in the hospital, but still had to go to work. The first time something like that happens, it is hard to keep from obsessing over whatever issue holds the most mental "weight" in your life. The next time it happens, and the time after, it is still hard. Over time, it is still a "burden," but one grows better at bearing that burden while also managing more mundane concerns. I believe Alden's skill use may be similar.


Stu ... If anyone knew that ...

Michael Blue

Alden snuck out of Stu’s room because he could tell that the secrecy tattoo would be too much for his recently affixed authority. If we were going by policy he should’ve gotten one.

Isak Mark

Somewhat related, I have a theory that Lexis meister weapon is similar to a auriad. It's bound to their authority that's why it acts by emotion. It's fundamentally a wizard weapon and all other meister classes are cheap imitations of it.

Isak Mark

clouded skies and a bit of rain with increasing likelihood of volcanic activities about 50-100 km from me. :)

Alan Miller

Not quite 48 seconds, there was a short period of playing with a cardboard box with things in it. It was very shortly after he bought the lab coat that he got the yank


Soooooo, due to Alden failure to keep Kon tooths. Will Dreamworks come after Kon if he drops Kontempus and goes for Toothless?

Joel Wells

I agree with this. If the knights we’ve seen so far are representative of how other knights act, then I think they distain politics. Also, I think the type of people who can withstand the pain of being a knight are like a natural filter for assholes.

Joel Wells

As for Voting. I bet knights are given some type of voice over avowed since they are avowed themselves. I could see them taking on the responsibility. They probably don’t manage little details. But overall big picture stuff. Definitely.

John D Jones

@ SkySeeker Possibly. On the other hand when Alden was "wearing" Zeridee he was still thinking/concerned about her. When he was holding her without touching her, he seemed to be more... obsessed with keeping her safe.


Alis is having a break from the political morass and the whispers if she dared work in her PJs and moral judgements. Joe , the endless exhausting debate at the highest level of wizardly society about the contracts and the avowed.

John D Jones

@ Barret Fogarty The fact that Alden left Knight Rapport One without getting a secrecy tattoo and hasn't said squat about it to anyone outside of maybe Stu'art'h would be a pretty decent argument that he doesn't need one. @ UpgrayeDD Mother cares for her hn'tyons, but I think Esh might just eat a Motherly smack on the butt if he pushes too much on Alden.


>increasing likelihood of volcanic activities My spouse, and I, have been following the eruptions in Iceland, and Hawaii Love the Basalt Barriers protecting the town in Iceland 🚧


Because "Night Fury" would be such and edge-lord superhero name.


Thanks you two for responding! And I am also of the mind that Saint Mode can be triggered without having to become martyr/forgetting to take care of himself. I kind of view it like how Lute’s obsession/thinking about people allowed him to land chains. Perhaps Alden can do something similar by hyper focusing on something, like how he did when he was bearing Zeridee toward the end. However, my original comment was more about what Alden could do with this power up if he supposedly mastered it - “mastered it” meaning he could take care of himself while preserving without the physical burden. At that point, I’d hope he’d be able to take care of himself when using the boosted Skill. It was just a hypothetical - I think we all want Alden to grow more powerful with BOAB, I was wondering what others thought he could do after this Also, there’s gotta be something better than “Saint Mode”… maybe Saint State? 😂

John D Jones

There's been worse: https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Hitman_Vol_1_5?file=Hitman_Vol_1_5.jpg

John D Jones

@ Charles Hinton The plans weren't all that sneaky. Joe planned to go to Earth and rack up a bunch of "Karma points" toward getting back his various privileges. Stu planned to get the most capable non-hn'tyon wizard he knew (who also knew Alden) to be in the vicinity in case Alden got caught up in the emergency. Figure Stu would have preferred to teleport his entire family/clan including his father and Alis to save Alden and sort this watery shit out pronto, but that wasn't going to happen, so he's sending Joe to the potential rescue


"Well, through the magic of buying two of them, I have an already-taken-apart one right here." 11 different supercuts of this iconic phrase. https://youtu.be/CZs-YcmxyUw

John D Jones

@ PatienceHoney I think it might be as weirdly simple as "game recognizes game" or "hn'tyon recognizes someone like a hn'tyon." I don't think anyone, Joe included, has realized that Alden is a potential human hn'tyon, just that those you mentioned are recognizing some of those qualities in him. Also, I think "Baby Stu" is kind of, well, the baby of the art'h family and the others are recognizing that Alden is a constructive influence on Stu. At the very least Alden is the one who helped get Stu's foot put back on instead of being one of the wizidiots who got it eaten in the first place. It would not surprise me in the slightest if one phrase Stu used a lot was "Alden said..." with whatever Alden said being something reasonable, intelligent, practical or just not actively stupid.

C. Adkins

I agree with Jeremy except for the part where Joe won’t be important. I expect a maybe longer absence than I would like, but Joe will be back. Bonus points if he’s in Alden’s retinue (when Alden is a knight)


I believe that when Alden goes to KR in December, he will absolutely need to get a tattoo because he will be officially visiting and have to do what everyone else does. Whether or not he'll need one for Matadero remains to be seen. The question would be, who is in charge of Matadero and gaining access to it, and what needs to be kept secret? Possibly the Anesidora Council or the Ambassador hold those keys. So, at some point someone may bring it up. That's a good thought about the Ring. What would be interesting is if Alden picked off the enchantment when he finds out.

Isak Mark

@gryphonknight Thankfully our country has an array of capable people mitigating the crisis. 1% of the country lost their homes and around 10% were in danger of losing heating and fresh water for long periods of time. Thankfully they only lost heating for a few days which is was still bad since it occurred during winter. But the electric grid held so that helped greatly. I'm honestly amazed at how well everything went.


Alden still has the teeth, so they can be reimplanted. They’re just dead, which isn’t such a bad thing for teeth. Three of my teeth are dead and root-canaled, and they chew just fine.


I agree that Joe is unaware of Stu's motivations, but I don't think that knowing them would necessarily benefit him in any way. If anything, I think he would further distance himself from Alden. I think Joe's disgrace and the general opinion of the Artona wizarding society is bigger than just the knights not liking him. Remember, when he was talking to Alden after the mishen incident, he pretty much said there would be great repercussions if he ever killed an avowed on assignment. And to the rest of wizard society, that's is exactly what he did. He killed a squeaky new avowed, and that is one of the reasons he was sanctioned (not by Knights) from Supreme Professor to just Master. The fact that Alden came back from the dead was irrelevant, he never should have been on the assignment. Add to that, the explosion of his lab, and potentially the death of some of his employees and it all adds up to his disgrace. I don't think any amount of talking between Joe, Alden and the knights is going to clear up their opinion of him.


Bless you for giving us the link, UpgrayeDD. That magic never gets old.

Matt DiMeo

Teeth that have dried out too long are no good for reimplanting, I think. When you get a tooth knocked out you’re supposed to keep it in milk, iirc.


I think part of Alden sacrificing his blood to Gorgon created a spell that Gorgon could use to grant Alden's wish. Which allowed him to pick the best skill for Alden.


Soup desperation: A state of constant expectation, brought on by the nearness of a Soup drop. Mostly an illness found in the Super Supportive Patreon.


I think they select avowed based on "stability". Presumably Alden already had a good amount which was enhanced by the demon deal. I extrapolate that increased stability means less leakage of authority somehow. And as a level 1 with skyway stability, the primes sensing ability was wildly hard. All guess work.


Imagine going to school in a third world country after a castrophe... Then you look up and see your classmate get dropped off in a helicopter. Then fucking secretary of defense of a first world country walks him into the school. Wild story

Charles Hinton

Yeah thats the parts we know about but to me this has the flavor of Sleyca being crafty with plans within plans. I know not a big leap, I think every part of the story has had a pleasant surprising depth to it.


I forgot about the wishing well aspect of Gorgon’s power!


Symptoms may include sleeplessness, compulsive reloading of the Patreon page, and making increasingly whimsical and desperate comments about one's love of Soup.


At least sleyca has listened and saved us from pointlessly hoping on a null release by binding herself to let us know if it ain't coming Which has ensured my continuing patronage


and then a few years later you find out that same classmate was technically one of the secretary of defense's peers.

Alan Miller

Pretty sure it's exactly the opposite - Avowed are chosen because of their instability or chaos potential, and the affixation is to stabilize their existence.


So excited to see what happens with with Emilija and Lute regarding wordchains, If she learns wordchains she will be able to finally experience Apex life safely, and I imagine other low ranks will want to learn, even if they're difficult. but that would probably take a long time unless Lute's family help, since he's only able to teach Alden currently. also I wanna see that family circus


I reread this one, it seems to me like you're equating the auriad length with authority? Joe being a particularly skilled wizard, presumably with an equally particularly strong authority, seems likely to be a factor for why he has an unusually long auriad, but it doesn't then follow that other powerful wizards also would have long auriad since it hasn't been mentioned. There are a lot of potential explanations beyond "more authority= longer auriad".


See, I actually think ALL meister weapons are bound to their authority like auriad. The system affixes their authority into say, the shape of a spear, and now they have a spear shaped part of their "spot" they swing around like the physical object. On the other hand the system affixes shapers into "a being that can control an element," adjusters into "a being that can cast these spells", and so on. The question I have is how much is an Avowed class a guidepost made by the committees, and how much is it just how magic works? We know the System is going to tempt Alden at times to pick skills other than BoAB, and it's definitely implied that it would offer options Rabbits don't usually get. Does this mean just more spell impressions, or could it offer him a meister weapon? Or ar some options too far away from the foundational affixation of the Rabbit class to be possible.

Partha Peddi

Hurry up and wait condition met - woke up early, ready to read a new chapter.

Partha Peddi

Or (just a suggestion to Emilija) keep dating Lute to enjoy being bestowed wordchains to feel the power till she learns to cast them.


Fun thought experiment: You are The Doctor and you are addicted to Super Supportive. You are active in the comments and discord and obvs subscribe to the Patreon. How much of your space time and energy do you spend on helping Sleyca have a good writing mood or messing with Sleyca’s backlog so that nothing new comes out when you are on a mission sometimewhere else or traveling to the future to rebinge the entire story? Also, don’t gloat.

David Burchfield

I love how much this interaction and the comments reveal about what we don't know yet. My take was that some aspects of the Primary's authority control were not great (like Kibby) and he needed to work harder from an easier position to get the read he wanted.


I have told Mecanimus to take all the time he needs to finish his stories, then retroactively release them now. Multiple times. So far, he has not complied.


rockeby sleyca on the keyboard reshaping their face with all the keys~


Ye of little faith no panic til dawn


Sleyca the sleepless

Partha Peddi

Now I am wondering if "Break" in the title is a hint to a chapter release break ;)

Super Super Supportive Supporter

I will repeatedly fetch chapters from the future and let Sleyca read through them so that she can make it even better and quicker While reading all versions of soup of course Then when Sleyca thinks she has a perfect story, she can start writing alternate branches Does it work that way


I gather you are feeling a slight panic creaping in as well?


I'm an early riser, and even I sleep until 4.30am... unless I was deadly drunk the night before... We can and will wait... (because we have no choice.)

Jean Bohdel

More importantly, does Patreon work like one of the cell phones you give to your companions, or are you able to go to the future and read ahead? Understandably, releasing them for anyone else in the past would be a no-no.


He definitely could teach her some, like he did to Alden’s teammates. It’s just that he would need to get permission to teach her any advanced or restricted ones.

Jean Bohdel

Luckily someone has the ability to take an object back in time so somebody really doesn’t have to worry!


I think if they can regrow Stu’s leg from ground up bones, the can reimplant or regrow Kon’s teeth. I wonder if there are communal trees at Anesidora houses of healing where he was born…


I would argue his pawn turned into a knight. Though admittedly, Joe just knows about the promotion, not what to.


They get a decorative cape? Awsome and no Alden you get no veto.


Don't we still have to give Joe his ring back? I feel like Joe thought humans just kept useful items as if they were gifts, when they aren't presented to them like that, and he made sure to let Alden know he wanted it back. I remember Alden being suitably chastised for it, like he didn't want to contribute to the misunderstanding. Except now they both just forgot about the ring in the moment. (Or Sleyca did?) This can be your first lesson Joe. Objects claimed for renumeration and damages incurred. And also that possession is nine tenths of the law.


Alden could be the first person to write a good book about human affixation theory. :) That would make waves.


I mean he doesnt know anything about affixation theory and I guess that is the sort of thing that geniuses study for decades.


I'll miss Joe, I hope he won't actually make a clean break. Joe is fun.


He'll do a clean break so that "the wound can heal healthy". No reason not to engage with him afterwards as equals. The ring is still stolen after all.

Gabriel H Fish

I think this means the magic ring now belongs to Alden.