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“Look at that guy!” 

Alden’s exclamation was directed at Tiny Snake. They were alone in the hospital room together. Esh-erdi had been gone for over an hour, and Porti-loth had just left. 

Alden’s arms, legs, torso, and face were now coated in his healing birthdirt mask. He was supposed to leave the stuff on until it stopped feeling warm, and being slathered in muddy potion didn’t allow for much activity. So he sat perched on the edge of his chair while he watched footage of Joe. 

The current video had been filmed on Saturday afternoon. In it, the wizard stood on the roof of the very intake apartment tower that Alden had been living in until recently. Joe’s eyes were focused on a colored smoke marker that someone had cast out over the ocean, and both his hands were stretched wide in front of him, manipulating a tawny-colored auriad while he chanted at a machine gun pace.

<<This is one of our favorite moments from the wizard some are calling The Bald General,>> the newsman said in Hindi.  <<As we’ve noted on this show, he’s not wearing the uniform of an Artonan general, but the nickname is understandable. He’s offered us so many scenes of interplanetary brotherhood and hope. Our spirits are lifted—>>

“Why is his auriad that big?” Alden demanded. “They come in sizes that big?!” 

<<—by images like this one.>>

A ton of damaged objects—machinery, office chairs, lamps—suddenly appeared high in the air above the marker and dropped toward the waves. The video slowed down and zoomed in to provide a better view of the trashfall. 

<<If you pay attention to that ceiling fan, you will see a symbol etched onto the blade very clearly. That mark is on every single thing in this heap. Truly amazing. We think he must have been gathering this supply of object-element materials for the past day, while lending a hand in other—>>

“That’s just ridiculous! Some of the auriad isn’t even being used for the spell! It’s wrapped around his waist like he’s too good for the whole thing!”

Alden had spent a few hours since his return to Earth looking up examples of auriads in use. Now that he cared about this one specific tool so much, a person casting with it no longer looked like just another wizard wielding one of their umpteen wizard toys. So he had been aware that other people had larger ones. He’d seen a few that looped around their owners’ necks or arms more times than his own would. 

But he’d been imagining that they maxed out at a reasonable length.

“Where the hell does he keep it when it’s not in use?” he grumbled. “Does he wear it around his chest like a tube top?”

Actually…that would be awesome. 

Protecting your auriad with your authority was as natural as breathing. So if Joe did circle it around his chest over and over and wear it as a tube top, then he had body armor as strong as he was. 

And that’s definitely strong.

The falling objects hit the waves. Most of them impacted together with a dramatic splash, and the remaining ones rained down immediately after.

Joe hadn’t stopped casting, though.

<<He’s using these objects to exhaust the Submerger contaminant,>> the newscaster said. <<It sounds like a risky decision, but as you’re about to see, those marks he’s made on them allow him to pluck up every item again. We assume the power of his summoning spell overwhelms the contaminant’s hold on them.>>

They cut to an image of the street in front of intake, which had been roped-off, and a minute later, as Joe’s chanting headed for a bass note, all of the objects he’d just plunged into the sea reappeared there in a big pile.

His shoulders dropped, and he allowed the portion of his auriad that had been in use to join the rest of it around his waist. The Avowed who’d been guarding the area so that nobody would get killed by a falling hubcap sent  up a few shouts of praise and thanks.

Joe bowed his tattooed skull with a sort of humble nobility and then teleported away.

“Why didn’t you and your oversized auriad just summon some lightning bolts, too?” Alden said. “For dramatic backdrop?” 

He was enjoying ragging on the gentle, helpful creature of power that was currently inhabiting the body of the six-foot-tall mad scientist who’d once offered…maybe jokingly…to pay him in bioweaponry. Truthfully, though, he was glad Joe was around. 

He had some questions about why Joe was around—who was teaching his classes? Was this his new parole?

But he was still glad.

All of the wizards who’d come were doing good work, but Joe was a tireless, magical machine. 

How freaking strong is his authority? 

He had nothing on Lind-otta and Esh-erdi as far as Alden had seen, and he wasn’t stopping any volcanoes. But he definitely seemed like he was rungs above most of the wizards who’d arrived to help. It wasn’t just that he was running all over the place without rest; it was the fact that everything he did was flashy, complicated-looking, and effective. 

On this channel, they had occasionally been commenting on wizards’ embroidery, pointing out symbols that were known to indicate various fields of magical expertise. Joe’s clothes said he was a big nerd with high levels of achievement in at least seven different types of magic. Though exactly how high your mastery of “potion transmogrification” had to be before you started wearing it like a badge of honor was a mystery to Alden. 

I could ask Stuart. 

Their scheduled call was today. He was hoping for it to come in soon. He had a few hours to kill before he left for the school assembly, and though he was planning to say hello to Zeridee as soon as Porti-loth gave him the go-ahead, he didn’t know when that would be.

Conversation with a friend who isn’t a corn snake would be good right now. Somebody who wasn’t wrapped-up in the aftermath of everything that had happened here. 

Everyone Alden knew seemed to be busy with things he couldn’t really involve himself in.

Lute was stuck down in F after “hopping a police line to rescue my drunk idiot dad.” Alden was sure there was more to that story, but Lute seemed distracted by Cyril and the Velra family circus that had taken up residence in Aulia’s penthouse while certain coastal areas were temporarily off-limits. 

With The Span closed, getting between the two portions of Anesidora was a lot more trouble than it had been. The High Council was still negotiating with the Triplanets and the System to see if the local teleportation allotment might be expanded even more to allow for non-essential travel. 

Lexi and Kon had spent most of yesterday trying to get down to F to see their family face to face.

Natalie had called Alden twice, but both times she’d been interrupted by other calls from people back home who were worried about her. She said her mom was trying to persuade her to not hang up ever again. “I’m afraid she’s gonna make me buy one of those ‘record my life’ drones so she can watch me on the computer all day long from now on.”

Someone had threatened to use her, Hadiza, and Emilija as human shields during the disaster. They were supposed to be talking to the authorities about that again today.

Natalie was perky. She said they were all fine. Emilija had joined a call briefly to say they were all fine, too, except for the fact that she’d had some kind of magical strength power-up and she was mad that most of the people she’d tried to tell about it so far were brushing it off as a hysterical misinterpretation of an adrenaline rush. 

<<I snapped a man’s arm, Alden! It made a breaking noise. Does that sound like an adrenaline rush to you? Does it sound like I don’t understand how my own body works to you? Oh…Lute’s texting me again. Let me answer him this time. I’ve been so busy. I thought my cousins would never get off the phone.>>

She’d left, and Natalie had hung up on Alden shortly after. 

Is it strange that I’m more upset about what happened to them than they are?

They seemed to have decided that it was a few crazy people on a crazy night. He felt like it was a depressing datapoint to add to all the others he’d collected recently. It made him angry and sad, and he wanted to brush it off like the girls were. But he could feel it being added to the dark little pile of things he was going to be forced to look at eventually. 

When he couldn’t find anything to distract himself. Or when those two Peace of Minds had to be paid back.

Those are going to hit like a truck.

For now, he was allowing himself to pretend the debt didn’t exist.  

He checked the time. It was six in the morning. Too early to call and bother people even if they weren’t all sorting out their own lives. 

I could try to sort out my own.

The thought came with no convenient follow-up plan.

He’d tried to touch base with everyone. He’d received his healing treatment and drug regimen for the morning. He’d learned what was up, more or less, with his current living situation; it was, of course, too generous of Esh-erdi.  

And he’d done all of his homework. 

What do I do now?

It would have been a perfect chance to practice some spells if not for his hand. Porti-loth had said not to move around too much while he was potion covered.

If I were someone else I could fool around with my skill, but I’ve got the special one that can’t be used without another person. 

My skill…

“I did a new thing.”

A major new thing at that. He’d somehow managed to keep Zeridee preserved without holding her in his arms. He’d born a physical burden without bearing physical weight. 

It was a breakthrough he’d been hoping for. If he’d done it after practicing for days, if it had happened in gym, he’d have been so excited and proud. Like he had been just a week ago, catching the tennis balls Big Snake had thrown and finding the mug of soup Haoyu had hidden.  

And he was glad to have proved Bearer was capable of it. But his pleasure was more of an intellectual checkmark than a true thrill. 

Emergency skill progression isn’t much fun. The crisis takes all your energy, and the progress you’ve made feels like just another out-of-control thing that happened to you in the middle of a hundred out-of-control things happening to you.

He also didn’t know how it had happened. Or if he could repeat it.

Alden turned off the volume on the news and closed his eyes. 

All right, how is The Bearer of All Burdens doing today. Anything worth noticing?

He took a long look at himself. 

The concept of the skill as a powerful but ugly machine—one he’d been tortured into the shape of—lingered. He was afraid it might always linger. But it was giving up ground to the prettier, more flexible origami metaphor. Alden wondered if it would change again and again as he aged or if this one would last. 

Maybe people like Esh-erdi don’t even bother with metaphors. Maybe they just get what they are without having to partition themselves for sanity.  

Good for them if it was true, but he was sure he was nowhere near that.

Nothing about the skill’s shape seems different than it did on Friday.

He didn’t know if he’d expected that kind of change or not.

But it might be stronger. 

It definitely is. 

He was surprised he could tell that much definitively.  It had only been a long weekend since he’d taken a self glimpse, and in addition to that, he didn’t think he was much good at judging strength increases when he wasn’t in the process of using the skill.

Right now, he could tell because the strength increase had been more skill-favored than normal. The proportion of bound-Alden to free-Alden was different than he’d expected, and he felt unsettled because of it.

This is a good thing.  For the bound authority’s growth to outpace my free authority growth even by a little bit is good. 

Uncommon, too. 

He was sure, based on what both the Artona I kernel and Earth had told him, that it couldn’t be a frequent occurrence and it wouldn’t last. The free authority would catch back up and eventually surpass it, and Alden would have to affix.

Let’s think of more soothing things. Like how I almost drowned on Saturday and how that led me to some kind of a skill breakthrough.

Eyes still closed, he tried to remember what it was he’d done to keep Zeridee safe when his arms had lost their grip on her. When he couldn’t figure it out, he went backward again, dragging his own memories into the light. Trying to picture the moment without having to relive it, as if that was an easy thing to do. 

The water rising, the candle, hoping, pushing open the door to the roof…giving up on hoping, giving up on Earth. 

Asking to use the privilege.

I did that. I said yes.

Now, he was glad he’d been rejected. But he couldn’t forget that he’d done it.

I said yes. And she said no.

And then…I was going to die.

A submerger particle had caught his shoe and dragged him along the roof. Over the edge. He knew there had been pain, but it was a less visceral part of the memory than the helplessness. 

Dragged, banging into things, accidentally letting go of Zeridee…not realizing I had. Not realizing I was only holding onto her with my skill.

How had he done that?

I have no idea. 

He did remember thinking that there had been a shift in the way the skill felt even before the end. He’d noticed it after that earlier wave had knocked him off his feet and thrown him into the place with the peculiar chairs. He remembered being grateful that his hold on Zeridee felt more solid than it had when they’d set out together.

Like I was less worried about dropping her even though I was tireder, weaker, and hurt.

Alden considered it for over an hour, only occasionally being distracted by a patch of his mud mask getting extra warm.

He arrived at some unsettling realizations about his own state of mind during the disaster. 

Zeridee-und’h had pressed a lot of important emotional buttons from the moment he’d met her. They had saved each other’s lives in the greenhouse. He had liked her, respected her, and worried about her. 

That all felt right, based on who she reminded him of and how she’d treated him. 

Trying to help her had been right.

But as he’d carried her, as everything had gotten worse over the hours…at some point, dropping her had become something that wasn’t even an option in the back of the back of his mind. No matter what it cost him.

And he didn’t know if that part felt right. 

Here, in this place of safety, Alden didn’t think he would die for Zeridee. If someone handed her to him right now, he would try for her. And he would take risks. And he would care.

But there was a sense of self-preservation to tone it all down.

It wasn’t like I had no sense of self-preservation when it happened, though. I didn’t go insane. I wanted to live still. I just got so into bearing my burden that it felt like…

How did it feel? Getting it right seemed like it might be important.

Like we were less separate.

He remembered trying to swim toward her. He’d had such a strong sense of where she was that he’d thought at first he was still holding her. 

A gravity like the sun.

And even when Esh-erdi had pulled him from the water, he hadn’t been able to think of anything else but getting her back.

I care about Zeridee. But I feel like drowning would normally have made me a lot more self-centered than that.

“Self-centered,” he said suddenly. 

What if there’s no real trick to it at all. What if I was just being extremely self-centered?

Artonan concept of the self. 

Last Monday, the skill had showed him exciting new things when he was catching the tennis balls. From that experience, he knew that The Bearer of All Burdens revealed more of what it…he…really was when he was feeling more aligned with it. 

He’d almost fallen into a trance playing catch with Big Snake. It had been intentional in that case. Satisfying.

This might have just been the same kind of thing. On hard mode. Maybe as the hours passed and things kept getting worse I was aligning my whole self with the skill more and more without even realizing it. 

He opened his eyes. 

“What if my magic just started working better because I was half-dead and really dedicated?”

Recalling exactly when he’d started to feel that his hold on Zeridee was completely secure was difficult.

It was after I got rolled by the wave, wasn’t it? 

Before then, he’d been more conscious of the fact that he was struggling with her.

I already know Bearer is into me being burdened. It derives power from sacrifice. When I got hurt trying to carry her…

There was something there. A piece of the truth. 

Obviously the truth is that my skill was designed by alien sadists. The magic just magics better when I genuinely suffer and genuinely care about the burden I’m bearing. 

It’s a skill made for a saint.

Pros: Zeridee was still alive.

Cons: This was not an easily repeatable experiment. Being a saint took a huge toll on the body and mind. Alden didn’t like the idea that he might have tranced himself into ultra-Bearer mode without realizing it. He didn’t even know what he meant by ultra-Bearer mode. If he was his skill, then did that mean he was destined to become more like what the creators had imagined? Did he have control over that? How much did his personality affect what The Bearer of All Burdens was…and how much did being The Bearer of All Burdens affect who he was? 

He groaned and slouched in his chair, ignoring the fact that he was probably getting mud on the back of it.

“You’re being a weirdo. Stop it.”

Avowed had distinct personalities that differed from their affixed talents. Knights seemed to, too. He wasn’t going to turn into someone who’d die to protect an ice cream cone he had preserved in his pocket. Probably.

I wish…

He thought of knights, Avowed, his old friends, his new ones, Kibby…the lost concept of home.

He wished for a lot of things he couldn’t have. 

When the potion stopped developing spontaneous hot spots, he took a long shower to wash it all off. As it flowed down the drain, he found his bruises had disappeared. The smaller cuts and scrapes had become red marks that looked like they would heal and fade quickly. He was supposed to put his squishboot back on for the rest of the day, but even without it, he could let his weight rest on his foot without wanting to curse now.

The deep gash that had made his hand throb still had a faint ache to it when he opened and closed his fist, but the wound was sealed. Alden studied it carefully, and then to celebrate, he cast his freezing spell on the water that had pooled in the shower’s soap dish.

Okay fine. Esh-erdi shouldn’t have bought me a dump truck full of Tennessee dirt. That was super strange behavior from someone who might be the most highly ranked person on the planet. But I’m not exactly unhappy that Esh-erdi bought me a dump truck full of Tennessee dirt. 

He watched the ice he’d made shrink in the heat. It slid out of the dish, hit the floor beside his foot, and slipped toward the drain.

“Hey, System,” he said. “Thank you for keeping the planet safe. Good job. Have you ever wished I’d melt? Like an ice cube or maybe a snowflake?”

When no answer came, he assumed this was one of the many times when talking back wouldn’t benefit its purposes. He looped the auriad around his neck while he continued rinsing off. 

[Of course Earth doesn’t feel that way about you, Alden.]

He froze with one hand behind his ear. He’d found some stubborn mud back there, caught in his hair.

[Do take better care of yourself.]

Water was running into his eyes. He was too busy staring at the interface to blink.

[You’re going to look so handsome in the uniform.]

What? I mean…I…”

[Remember to thank my Esh for getting it for you. And have a good day at school.]

Oh. The CNH uniform.

Alden laughed. A release of nerves more than amusement.

When he got a handle on himself and tried to continue the conversation, there was no answer. 

From either of them.



He took his time putting it on in front of the bathroom mirror.

The black jacket with the double line of silver buttons was a little sober and militant, especially from a distance. He didn’t think it was just memories of seeing the students wearing it at Hannah’s funeral that gave him that impression. But up close, the emblem on the left side of the chest and the cut of the jacket made it look more like it belonged at a school. 

For cold weather, there was a longer, heavier coat in a similar style. Optional gloves. Pins for class year, honors, and clubs could be worn. And, according to the rumors, some kind of short decorative cape was coming in the future if the third years had their way. 

I hope that accessory will be optional, too. 

The clothes fit well, and the shoes Esh-erdi had acquired for him were the right size. Or at least the one that he was wearing on his uninjured foot was.

Of course everything fits. I have a System profile that lists my exact measurements.

When Alden had asked the knight how and why the uniform had made an appearance, the answers had all sounded so sensible.  

Alden had said he wanted to attend school. To do that, he needed clothes other than hospital wear. School dress was important on the Triplanets; Esh-erdi didn’t want him to walk around campus inappropriately attired. And he didn’t want to violate Alden’s home by sending a stranger to rummage through his dorm room, either. So he’d had a brand new uniform and shoes “fetched.”

As Alden took one last look at himself, he mentally added “campus store employee” to his growing list of people who were probably confused and alarmed by wizards running errands on his behalf. 

I do want to go back to school.

It was one of the few things he wished for that seemed small and possible.

It was going really well. It was feeling like a life I was building.

He wondered if other students were hoping that today’s assembly would be to announce a break or an early end of term. The email had said they’d be hearing about scheduling.

It was almost nine. The assembly was at ten. As far as travel went, Esh-erdi had said, “Do what you wish! I will find you when it’s time.”

He’s not going to personally walk me into the school is he? 

Grabbing a quick breakfast seemed like the best way to ignore that question for a while longer and to keep Porti-loth happy. He’d told Alden to “eat the natural foods of your world as your body desires” after he was healed. 

He wasn’t sure if that was advice or a rule.

Can I really not eat imports? he wondered as he made his way out of the hospital and headed for the cafeteria. For how long?

Yesterday, he’d garnered confused and alarmed looks from wizards who’d been under the impression that Matadero was currently an Artonans-only refuge. They were treating the cube as a green room, which was hilarious. But practical, too. 

Anesidora was now short on housing due to the destruction, flooding, and ongoing just-in-case evacuation orders that were in place in many locations. On top of that, the wizards were subjected to a lot of questions, scrutiny, and requests when they were out in public. Having a location that they could run away to, one humans weren’t allowed to visit, was probably helping them maintain their proper wizardy behavior and discretion. 

Today, however, Alden was being either politely smiled at or completely ignored by everyone he met. 

At first, he thought they’d just gotten used to him. But as he walked through the lobby of the residential section, which was now full of wizards napping or working on mysterious group projects, he got the impression that both the smiles and the ignoring were a bit too committed

Did they have a strategy meeting about how to handle my presence and decide these were the best methods?

By the time he made it to the cafeteria, he was wondering why a strategy meeting like that would have been necessary in the first place. LeafSong wizards hadn’t had any trouble acting Artonan-normal around him no matter what he was doing. 

The questions left his head as he entered the kitchen and took in the sight of the only other human living the Hotel Matadero lifestyle.

“Kabir?” he said loudly over the sound of the Indian pop music that was blasting through the kitchen. 

There were a couple of Artonans with their heads stuck in the refrigerator, discussing whether a trifle was three servings or four. 

It’s clearly like twelve servings, you guys. 

And there was another wizard tasting a pot of tomato sauce and adding something goopy from an ornate glass bottle that didn’t look like it had been made on Earth.

I’m not going to eat that then.

Kabir was standing behind the center counter, bouncing his head while he speed sliced whole butternut squashes in time to the music. His hair was all over the place. Someone had given him wizard pants. He was singing.

“Alden!” he said happily. “You need food? Everyone needs food! Petchkooooo!”

Alden had a vague idea that petchkoo was some kind of Artonan gravy. 

He smiled at the chef. “I guess you finally got some sleep if you feel this energetic?”

“Sleep? No!” Kabir used his knives to fling squash toward a baking sheet. Most of it landed. One of the fridge Artonans caught a piece that had flown wild and bit into it curiously. “Monee or Mo-nee? Momomoneeee gave me something so I wouldn’t feel stressed out anymore! It’s amazing!”

Alden looked from the squash to the half-frosted layer cake beside the squash to the literal bucket of beans soaking on the floor. “But…did you even try to sleep?”

“No! Don’t worry. It’s okay! I’m not going to work for Ms. Velra anymore. Momonenee loves my croutons. I’ll work for her! Him! That person!”

“Croutons are good…” Alden said slowly. “But potions that keep you from sleeping are less good—”

“I’m okay! I’m a Brute!” Kabir said brightly.

“Nobody’s that much of a Brute, man.”

“Do you want some shufta? It’s over there.” He pointed behind him with a knife, moving so fast that Alden was worried Kabir was going to accidentally murder the woman playing with the tomato sauce.

Do I need to find a responsible person to push his off button? Maybe Porti-loth? We could tuck him into a safe bed somewhere before I go to school.

He was just about to text the healer and ask if anyone was aware that the in-house chef was being excessively helped by the hungry aliens, when a new hungry alien walked in.

He looked slightly grimy and more than slightly ill-tempered as he headed for the fridge and started snatching out sandwiches to stuff into his pockets.

“What kind of fruit is good here?” he grumbled in Artonan to the man who was sticking his finger in the trifle dish. 

“All the ones I’ve tried are delights. There are crates in the living—”

“Joe!” Alden exclaimed. 

He was surprised by how excited he felt to have run into the professor here. A familiar face. They could talk about stuff. A few subtle questions about magic. Lots about Kibby. Alden could ask how all the assistants he’d rescued were doing now that they lived on—

Back still turned to him, Joe slowly straightened. He had a plastic wrapped hoagie in one hand. 

“Hey, Joe!” Alden said in Artonan, as Joe rotated to look at him. “I was just watching you on television.”

“My goodness.” Joe swallowed. “Alden. Dear. How are you? So wonderful to see you again, but I really need to save some more poor Avowed of your species. Excuse me. Have a nice week. Bye.”

And then, while Alden was trying to understand the strange greeting, Worli Ro-den ran away.




Tylena Simmonds

Thanks guy! Great work as usual!






Thank you






“Why is his auriad that big?” Alden demanded. “They come in sizes that big?!” You know what they say about wizards with big auriads… big authority.


Thanks Sleyca!


Yes! SOUP!!!


Soup!!! ….in the ER waiting room (after calling 911 for dad). Thanks for the distraction.

Vivian Schaefer

Thank you for the chapter! Seeing your updates always brighten my day.

Kim Enteiu

Lute was stuck down in F after “hopping a police line to rescue my drunk idiot dad.” 🥹 I’m so glad, that’s going to be an awesome story, but it sounds like the idiot is mostly okay. Edit: I’m not crying, that’s shower water in my eyes. Edit 2: Joe 😆

He's Just a Little Guy

Hooray for soup! Edit: I'm not sure why I was surprised that Mother could talk to Alden directly while he's on Earth, but I was. And also I like Mother. She's funny-mean. I wonder if Earth System isn't able to be funny-mean, or just isn't able to be funny-mean yet.

Josh Brooks



“falling hubcap sent  up a few shouts” Extra space between “sent” and “up”


C'mon, Joe. What's got you so rattled? Have a chat with Alden! Ignore the deathglare from Esh.


Thank youuuu (early work break soup)


LMAO mother jumpscaring alden vs alden jumpscaring joe XD aulia continues to take nothing but Ls. got her personal chef sniped by artonans.

Bryan Chu

This was an incredibly fun chapter


It’s okay, Alden! Joe is just embarrassed that you saw him casting with his big auriad. It’s a common thing for wizards of a certain age. You’ll understand when you’re older.

Milan Seyed Mahmoud

Alden obviously holds great and terrible power, on par with a seasoned knight! How else would he send Rho'den running?

Emily Curtis

Awww Joe, don't run away! Alden can show you the best fruits and introduce you to Tiny Snake! I'm sure there will be no political repercussions for being seen with him at all!



Super Super Supportive Supporter

Coming from PGTE and Pale Lights where the word ‘Saint’ has very different meanings, the title is funny to me

Maddy Weller

I wonder if Esh-erdi threatened Joe on Alden’s behalf because that’s not normal Joe behavior. It’s really funny, though.

Allora Lee


Joel Wells

A little disappointed that the conversation between Joe and Alden didn’t happen. But that last scene hints that when it does, it will be good.


Thanks for the chapter! Poor Joe running away, tsun tsundere

Calum Donaldson

I'm guessing when wizards bond multiple auriads that they merge into a single longer one. Also seems like the Knights had a stern talking too (at the very least) Joe. Poor Kabir!

Lewis Wood

Joe channeling his inner Sir Robin, I see


Esh got to joe before Alden could hahahhaha


Good stuff. I stopped for a loud cackle at the double meaning of handsome in the uniform

The Human

Thanks! I'd venture a guess it was less a meeting and more a 'no one will make the interesting human sad or else *I* will make *you* commensurately sad' briefing from our friendly knight

Cambria Layton

I KNEW JOE WOULD RUN AWAY. Thank you for the chapter, this was amazing and I am super looking forward to the assembly. Really loved Alden’s skill examination.


Oh, this was such a fun one. Poor, harried Joe has some rabbit-related trauma, possibly courtesy of some overprotective knights...


Sounds like a very angry knight or two had a nice conversation with our poor friend Joe about talking to Alden


I am still (Im)patiently waiting for Stu to reappear. It's been ages

Carl Earl

Dang it. Soup on the one night this week I work this late. Have to wait til I get home and reheat it.

Robert Mullins

I love how this is just the right mix of clearly manipulative but also clearly intended to make Alden feel better. -------------- [You’re going to look so handsome in the uniform.] “What? I mean…I…” [Remember to thank my Esh for getting it for you. And have a good day at school.] Oh. The CNH uniform. Alden laughed. A release of nerves more than amusement.

William Johnson

Joe (who is in hot water with all sorts of people who think he's no good for Alden): Man what a long, hard day. But thank the Mother I had this opportunity to earn some browny points after that rough stretch! Now I just have to avoid doing anything controversial and... Alden: Hey Joe! Good to see you let's hang out right in the view of a whole bunch of other wizards! Joe: Nope nope nope nope!

Mandy Wang

[You’re going to look so handsome in the uniform.] why do I feel like this is a double meaning for both uniforms


Love the set up at the end there! Alden is too time crunched to run after Joe, and his call with Stuart later may shed some light on that strange conversation


poor Joe. Split between two worlds. Esh dragging him away from Alden, and Alden dragging him into a private space to have a lil' chat and catch up.


Mother is such a tease


Thank you!


Thanks for the chapter ❤️




Oh no! I hope it's not serious! Wish I could send you your birth tree and dirt!


I love this chapter! Poor Kabir!!


Is Joe sore about being guilt-tripped into community service?


Man I really enjoyed that. Also I really wanted more interaction. Thanks for the chapter


wow this was a great chapter, can't wait for more joe action here

JJ Hunter

Esh has absolutely laid down the law to *the entire planetful of wizards on Earth right now*, or at least all the ones around Anesidora currently, and I am cackling so hard right now, omg.

Nathan Rice

Ha, I bet Esh-erdi had clear instructions for Joe about Alden and his expectations.

Robert Mullins

No Joe is worried about his head being detached from his neck if either of the knights see him with Alden.


Aha! I caught Patreon in the act again! It's *EATING* the chapter likes. I saw it delete ninety likes from a chapter a month or two ago, and I wondered if I was crazy. But no...it really is out to get us. It just ate 89 of them. Is ninety a bad number for it or something? Is it taking a tithe? How many has it stolen from me and how will I ever know which chapters people like best at this rate? *Stares at like counter extra hard*


I can't believe Mother is a prankster like that!


Patreon is just affixing those free likes to protect the platform from their own bad coding / design.


Oh dear, I have a feeling Joe has been warned not to hurt the bunny again.


Does it mean anything that Sleyca referred to mother as “the Artona I kernel”? I know in cannon the systems are basically AIs but they’re magic AIs so just sorta interesting to see that terminology used


I love that Joe is in his community service arc now. I look forward to the next chapter of: "That Time I got Exiled as the Trash Professor of an Alien Wizarding School!"

JJ Hunter

Also genuinely delighted Mother initiated some personal connection with Alden after that mid-crisis denied privilege / wait response Alden has been overthinking ever since. ...Is *Mother* going to be the one keeping a closer eye/mind on Alden today?

on the upside

i love this chapter, every part of it is beautiful


*gasp* How horrible! What sort of electronic devilry is this?! Take my like and keep it!


Why's Joe running away? Has he been warned to stay away from Alden? Also Esh-Erdi is acting like such a dad, preparing his kids outfit then taking them to school lol.


Poor Joe. Mother has a direct line to Alden. How active will it be? I'm with Alden on the intake girls. They should be a lot more concerned. I'm glad Lute saved his Dad. All the other characters being busy does a lot for fleshing out the world. I wonder why Esh-erdi has Alden in his dress uniform. Is it because of how seriously Artonans take school, or is there some kind of ceremony? Both? I'd be willing to bet that Alden will be one of the few people wearing their dress uniform. The note about the uniform having a special place for awards sounds like it could be important. Alden should probably be wearing his star from Alis-art'h there. Esh-erdi is definitely going to have Alden teleported directly to the assembly. I hope he doesn't make a spectacle of it. Now, does Alden try to chase after Joe, leading to a brief conversation cut short by Esh-erdi, or does Alden remain puzzled. I have some suspicions about why the other wizards are pretending Alden isn't there, but I expect either Joe or Esh-erdi are involved. Possibly both. The wizards knowing the Knights' fondness for Alden could be another reason for Joe to flee. Then again, from Joe's perspective, Alden has been a run of bad luck. If the knights catch the two talking, Joe's probably going to be in even more trouble. Thoughts?

Partha Peddi

Until recently, I had no idea about chapter likes. I may have accidentally clicked one or two before on mobile app. Now I click it 3 times to confirm.


Mother is so Mother-ing right now. I love it. I wonder if the system personalizes certain character traits when interacting with particular people, like the Bene Gesserit tailoring their intrigue based on the personalities of their targets. I would imagine Boe to have the equivalent of Bill Burr instead of someone so motherly lmao


Alden would already be able to understand if he had just watched Kwoo-pak like he was supposed to :p

Matt DiMeo

“worli ro-den ran away” has the same syllable count as “brave sir robin ran away.”

Matt DiMeo

You just know Earth is gritting his teeth. “mooommm, whyyyyyy”


only healers who are traditional to a tedious degree desire birth soil and birth plants extracted from your birth place


Doesn't Joe technically owe Alden at least a Skill lesson or two? it's hard to know how their contract worked but even before he said that allowing Alden to ask further questions was definitely part of what Joe owed him.


you know it kinda ties in to the whole nature/ tree obsession that seems to be pretty significant in Artonan culture. Aside from the obvious meaning of kernel being part of a seed, its also a core component of a computer's OS which has control over basically everything (tech nerds can probably say more lol) Maybe a far reaching goal of the Empire is to gather as many cultures to be a part of this system of trees to make a forest that is resilient against chaos. Who knows


The Mother responding like that is so much funnier when you take into account that little side-section about him using his privilege. The System isn't always connected to Artona I. She didn't hear him and directly respond. Earth heard him, and went "mom what do I do that avowed is asking weird questions"

Matt DiMeo

I wish to hear lute’s conversation with Emilija please.

JJ Hunter

It eats comment likes too, sometimes! I was assuming it was a connection thing affecting my likes where local caching wasn't always getting pushed to the server, but if you're seeing it on your end too, maybe the likes are being ritually sacrificed for something! I do enough rereading that any nommed likes from me will eventually be reapplied until they stick, darn it.

C. Adkins

I read this too quickly 😭


Finally got the Alden and Joe reunion we were so hyped for!!!

Alan Miller

Alden should absolutely tell Joe "Mother says I have a much better opinion of you than most people." Just to see how many ways his head can explode. Edit: also, Alden may have just really encountered the last part of the description of BOAB. "[THE BEARER OF ALL BURDENS] [You may bear that which has been entrusted to you by the one you choose to serve. You will preserve that which you have mind, strength, and will to bear. You may not lay your burden down.]"


Brave Sir Ro-den ran away! Bravely ran away away! When Alden reared his precious head He bravely turned his tail and fled Yes, brave Bald General turned about And gallantly he chickened out Bravely taking sandwich meats He beat a very brave retreat Bravest of the brave, Worli Ro-den!

Zachary Sloan

While the most obvious reason for Joe's behavior here is him being intimidated by the knight, I also feel like interacting with Alden would be kind of uncomfortable for him, given he seems to have some very complex emotions surrounding the Thegund stuff. Alden probably also reminds him of that lady who it seemed implied he either loved or was otherwise very close with.

Anton Shomshor

Esh definitely warned off the wizards about Alden.

Anthony Lutz

I don't think so, the lessons we're pre-paid for picking berries quest. So while there was the option to have a few more nights of instruction, they are currently paid up

Desert Yeti

I thought Alden was going to hug Joe for a second. Imagine how that would go over.

Matt V

And poor Alden has no idea a knight put the fear of God (or whatever Artonan equivalent there is) into Joe. It was nice to see that there was no hint of trauma associated to Joe from Alden - just a desire to pick his brain considering that, besides Kivbee, he's the only Artonan who's been pretty open with info about how abilities/authority actually work. Oh well, hopefully they get another chance to talk at some point. I do hope Joe's relentless community service here counts well toward his punishment. Oh, and Mother talked directly to Alden! Is that going to be a recurring thing now? Or does it have something to do with the mud? Since the tree was presumably moved to Artona I since Esh-erdi said it was moved to his home, maybe that provides a shortcut for Mother to communicate with him here? I'm constantly intrigued by the mechanics of the magical system in play in this story. I love putting the pieces together with each new nugget of info we get.

Amber Gregory

Poor Alden, his bald wizard friend has been warned off in a very convincing manner it seems. I loved everything about this chapter. I do hope a responsible adult finds Kabir before he runs off with Momo(etc) though

Andrew Khitry

Mother… was honest enough, but the talk was short. Earth… was swearing with “over informed”. JOE, COME BACK, I HAVE A COUPLE OF QUESTIONS ON MY SKILL PROGRESSION!!!


I have to imaging both Mother and Earth told Joe: “If you say one more thing to make Alden even more over informed than he already is you are going back to moon Thegund.”


It was previously mentioned in Ch 59. I don't have any speculation to add.

Tim Gonsalves

I was hoping for "I have to go now. My planet needs me" from Joe, but that works too


I think it enjoys being obnoxious with the "correct response" stuff.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Sudden thought: Joe mentioned that whatever effect avowed can create, a wizard can too, just with a lot more effort. And some sway effects apparently don’t need consent (Mina using her skill on the submarine people) So maybe there’s some ninja wizard… just disappearing themselves from everyone’s minds…

Amber Gregory

It is quite simply impossible for me to imagine not liking a chapter of Super Supportive

David Giles

D-did the System just *flirt* with Alden?

Benjamin Helkey

From chapter 137, 'Alden didn’t like to think about the process of affixation. But he had a lot of reason to believe his future ones had become more expensive in that way Systems seemed to care about. Joe had once said the Contracts didn’t want to force affixations on Avowed in part because they were “hell on the budget.” ...the Earth Contract is probably reading my texts and feeling something like hope. I bet it’s watching the special snowflake that only exists because a whole bunch of aliens involved themselves in ways they shouldn’t have, and it’s chanting, “Melt, melt, melt!”'

Super Super Supportive Supporter

‘You’re going to look so handsome in the uniform.’ The double meaning that scared Alden for a second there was 100% intentional, coming from an entity as intelligent and omniscient as Mother. The question is, why? Maybe just to put him in the frame of mind that he’s gonna be a future knight for the near future? That seems too small lol No idea, but it’s interesting


Have we seen any other descriptions of the Knight dress uniforms other than in the flashback to Mother pt1? I'm curious if some of the wizard reaction is also to the school uniform. Were the double rows of silver buttons meant to mimic the studs on knights or at least call to it? We know Artonan's read heavily into what people wear. Maybe too heavily in this case too? Also Alden is going to have a moment when he finally realizes others have a finely tuned authority sensor and he's over here freezing water cubes for fun.


I suspect the other systems are helping the earth system troubleshoot events and are more closely connected than usual, allowing for the direct message.

Amber Gregory

It just occurred to me that perhaps part of the reason Joe is working so "tirelessly" on behalf of humanity is to avoid the break room


I wonder what will happen if/when Alden decides to become self-serving. I bet that will be the final mental block he'll overcome before his powers get extra nutty.


I bet the reason all the Artonans are on their best behavior is related. My guess is either they now know about his commendation or that multiple knights have a personal interest in Alden. Or both. Joe knows of even more knights than the other Artonans do. Maybe he is on extra ultra best behavior.

Robert Mullins

It's like your mom saying you "look so handsome" when you dress up for picture day.


Does your auriad hang low? Does it dangle to and fro? Can you tie it in a knot? Can you tie it in a bow? Do you get it in a tangle? Do you catch it in a mangle? Does it swing in stormy weather? Does it tickle with a feather? Does it wiggle when you walk? Does it jiggle when you talk? Can you sling it on your shoulder Like a B-Rank Contract soldier? Does your auriad hang low?


So much to love about this chapter. Insight into BOAB, trolling by Mother, and Joe peacing out because the knights presumably threatened all the Artonans to not disturb Alden by any means. I wonder if the reason Knight General Esh-Erdi (I wonder what rank the two knights are if their authority is higher than Joe's) was so fascinated and obsessed with Alden is because he plans to give him another commendation at the assembly 😋😊 ty Sleyca


This soup had something in it that made me not stressed anymore. I too shall stop working for Ms. Velra in favor of working for Monee who likes my croutons.


Worli "Joe" Ro-den's behavior is exactly on point as Sleyca has portrayed him in the past..... But that was when Joe was facing the most powerful of knights. Remember how Joe reacted to Stu-arth trying to apologize to Alden? Joe is petrified and righteously scared of the Primary and his family........ From Chapter 37 "Stuart looked relieved. He took a limping step forward on his gel boot and nodded at Alden. << That’s good! My father wants to speak to you. >> There was more than one whisper at that announcement. Who was this guy’s dad, anyway? “Well, I’m a Rabbit,” said Alden. “So I’m sure it will be easy for him to find me. Forty-eight seconds notice, and I’m there.” Before Stuart could add anything, he hurriedly pushed open one of the doors and went into the lab. *******Joe was leaning against the wall nearby, one fist pressed against his mouth in an uncharacteristically tense gesture.******* “Did I handle that all right?” Alden murmured. *******“There was no good way to handle that,” Joe hissed, dropping his fist and letting it smack into the wall behind him.******* “I’ve almost had my guts ripped out by entities that were subtler than that…boy. His parents should have used his recovery as an excuse to keep him out of the exams. It doesn’t matter how it looks. Passing automatically is practically his birthright.”

Benjamin Helkey

I reread this quote to get context on, "Have you ever wished I’d melt? Like an ice cube or maybe a snowflake?” [Of course Earth doesn’t feel that way about you, Alden.]"

Temp One

【Water was running into his eyes. He was too busy staring at the interface to blink. [You’re going to look so handsome in the uniform.] “What? I mean…I…” [Remember to thank my Esh for getting it for you. And have a good day at school.]】 I really liked this scene. I had gotten a little worried that Mother might've been a bit miffed about how Alden tried to call in his favor. Since Alden had been fretting so much about it. But if she's willing to personally contact Alden and tease him about it, I don't think she's offended at all. I think, from Mother's perspective, the situation was one where Alden was just trying to survive and protect Zeridee using whatever tools he has. The fact he waited until the very last minute to use the favor also showed it was not a privelege he would willingly take advantage of. Thinking about it more, Mother also might be pleased with Alden in a motherly worried way? If some of the theories we've put together are correct, Zeridee might be the daughter of a prominent Knight family. So Alden saving her would be of additional significance to Mother, considering the careful attention she gives her Knights. So she wants Alden to take better care of himself. But is proud of the fact he saved someone. I wonder if she will casually communicate with Esh as well, and if she has ever brought up Alden with him? From the short exchange, she seemed to really appreciate him looking after Alden, at least.


Someone get this man a tree branch and some dirt, stat!


Brave Sir Robin ran away. ("No!") Bravely ran away away. ("I didn't!") When danger reared it's ugly head, He bravely turned his tail and fled. ("I never!") Yes, brave Sir Robin turned about And gallantly he chickened out. ("You're lying!") Swiftly taking to his feet, He beat a very brave retreat. Bravest of the brave, Sir Robin!

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Joe’s inner dialogue: ‘I HATE doing highly visible acts of service! Worst day of my lif- ohshitit’sAldenEshisgonnakillme’ *runs away*


The memes for this chapter in the discord are getting really good :)


What's hilarious to me is that they're not even wrong to do that. Alden is fine with Joe. Joe is fine with Alden. Alden even kinda likes Joe. But any responsible adult who cares for Alden should be chasing Joe away from Alden with sticks, threats, or whatever weapon is nearest to hand. Because Joe is trouble. Joe makes trouble wherever he goes, and Joe has already demonstrated that he's willing to drag Alden into his trouble if it profits Joe to do so. On the one hand, Alden is a legal adult, his own person, etc. On the other hand, he's a literal child by MOST human standards and apparently by Artonan standards as well. If a child wants to hang out with a dangerous adult and can't be dissuaded, you chase that adult right off with whatever threat works. Even thinking from Alden's viewpoint about Joe... I keep imagining scenarios where Joe and Alden make another deal. So Alden can get an upgraded coat. So he can learn more magic. So he can get the inside scoop on Artonan secrets. But each of these has Alden doing some task for Joe, and whatever that is, it's sure to be something questionable at best. Risky, legally gray, something. Exactly the kind of thing an adult who cares for Alden would want to prevent.


Probably wondering about Stu’s influence as well at this point.


Thanks — not me but my dad. He’s almost 80 but fingers crossed !!


Is he even legally an adult? He’s like 16 right now


Love this chapter. I kind of hope you can turn that little Joe side-adventure thing you excised from a previous chapter into a mini-chapter from Joe's POV for us, but I will understand if you have too much on your hands already! I hope the writing goes well for you this week. :)


Thanks for the chapter! Loved it!


I really want to like (the kernel of) Mother but when she drops lines like that, I can't help but think that she has weird ulterior motives


Thank you for the Chapter, it was wonderful! I wonder if Earth will be possessive of Alden if/when he becomes a knight like Mother is of her knights. So nice to hear from Mother again, and she is as teasing as always. I hope that Joe and Alden have another opportunity to reconnect. I'm sure that Alden will corner him at some point if this is how the interactions are going to go. A lot different than I speculated, but just as good.


Some theories: 1) There’s a bug where the counter is being improperly updated, and when a new post is made it goes back and does a recount for some reason 2) 89 people who liked the chapter unsubscribed or deleted their patreon (this seems unlikely because that would be something like a 15% turnover) 3) the developers at patreon add fake likes to the total for engagement purposes but take them away when new content drops (I can’t see why they would actually do this) 4) A large percentage of subscribers use bots to like new chapters the instant they release, but a bug in their design causes them to unlike the previous chapter 5) The likes are taken as a tax by patreon’s patron gods, who feed on the power of attention and acknowledgement 6) Your browser has a bug where it accidentally randomizes the like counter on refresh 7) The patreon devs use base a base 9 number system for new chapters and a base 10 number system for old chapters (eg 405_10 = 500_9, so it would look like 95 likes disappeared when changing bases) 10) There is a conspiracy at Patreon where they try to drive their partners insane by slowly gas lighting them or subliminally removing the numerals 8 and 9

mior mk

ahahaha... the ending kills me.. not sure if joe ran away because of embarrassment or guilt but it make me laugh 😆


I’m sure it’s a different thing here, but it reminds me of the Young Wizards series where a “kernel” is the spiritual and physical core of a thing, all the operating rules for an entity tangled up together. People, planets, stars, trees, rocks… everything has a kernel that describes and decides how that thing works. Thanks to that context, I tend to think of Mother as a guiding force for the Artona I System. A way to make decisions about priorities and where to focus resources.

Robert Mullins

I don't think earth has developed enough individuality to care about a thing like that. Personally, I suspect that Mother's personality is a gestalt Will formed from the combined authorities of the Knights who go through the 'retirement' ritual.


JOE! OI! Get back here! Come give poor Alden a friendly face and some normalcy (?)

Alex Scriber

No, Joe. Don’t go!

Robert Mullins

I think it's worth pointing out that while that comment was definitely teasing and well meaning, it's also probably perfectly crafted to assuage his worries in a way that doesn't cause an "Intensity 99.9" conversation


I read it as a tiny poking reminder that “yes, you did invoke that privilege. I didn’t accept it, but I could have. You are closer now than you were to having to be a knight. It’s not a concern for right now, but you should still remember that.”

Michael Majcen

Sometimes, reading the chaotic and fear driven chapters makes me lose track of how much I love all these characters as I sit in those feelings with them, and then there's chapters like these, where as Alden attempts to pull himself back together, seeing physical healing, feeling the emotional and spiritual healing begin, and BAM!, the rest of this amazing universe and the characters that colour it so vividly shine through. Or maybe I just like feeling signs of hope stir back up in Alden... Hopeless Alden is Worst Alden.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

Alden finds Esh's pure niceness to be offputting. He's more comfortable with funny-mean, and his closest friendships show that. Mother is willing to "go there" and acknowledge an important fear that's on his mind, to bring lightness to the situation without pretending it doesn't exist. At least that's how I read it!


One of the first few chapters said you were given legal adult status the moment you were chosen regardless of age.

Carl Earl

I dunno about you, but I've always only ever worked for monee.

Alex Scriber

Yes. Thanks for the chapter! A wonderfully cheering way to get ready for the work week.


It’s very hard I’ve found to write characters that are clever. People have said this before, but the teasing about the uniform was to terse, lighthearted, and reassuring that I have no problem believing that it was the optimal path to efficiently reassure Alden about all the major issues that could cause him to eventually have a breakdown in his relationship with the local system, or the systems at large. The foresight, that’s what really gets me, in a way the earth system wouldn’t yet appreciate.

Gabriel H Fish

Nah, I'm pretty sure the knights had a hard talk with Joe. Something a well meaning older brother would do when he thinks he's being helpful.


Can you really call her motives “ulterior” when she hasn’t particularly hidden them and would be happy to share them if Alden asked, and the only reason she hasn’t been more direct is because it would cause Alden distress?

Alan Miller

It's not clear to me that Mother is an AI. If you've read Midworld (1975 Alan Dean Foster) and combine an element of that with the trees and final service of the Knights you could get a very different growth from something that *started as* a major spell.


I totally can if my assumptions go beyond the "protection of Artonans" as baseline of her behaviour. She comes across as very scheming


I'd love to....see? Read? That jealous speedsters reaction to that haha I'm terrible with names.

Alan Miller

Load balancing and a backend system that will be eventually consistent but not immediately consistent. (Guess, not a Patreon insider)

Hugh Peeble

Thank you for the chapter Sleyca! So much to unpack here that was so awesome. Still catching glimpses of his friends catching up with him. I love that Alden is worried that the girls are not taking it as seriously as he thinks they should. Gives insight into his protector personality when it comes to friends and family, and that he has seen some bad crap that puts things into perspective for him that others might not see. The interaction with Mother was pure gold. Will Esh helpfully supply awards or medals for Alden’s school uniform? Poor Alden… can’t hang with the wizards because Esh doesn’t want them to bother Alden… especially Joe. This story is a highlight for me every time a new chapter is released and I can’t wait to see where we get taken next.

Alan Miller

I think being selected is considered automatically age of majority, but that may just be outside Anesidora (hard to exile Avowed without their families if they're not considered legal adults). Might be different on Anesidora, but arrivals go to Intake not to foster families.

Alan Miller

I think the commendation is a *much* bigger deal than any human realizes, particularly Alden.


[Did they have a strategy meeting about how to handle my presence and decide these were the best methods? By the time he made it to the cafeteria, he was wondering why a strategy meeting like that would have been necessary in the first place. … “My goodness.” Joe swallowed. “Alden. Dear. How are you? So wonderful to see you again, but I really need to save some more poor Avowed of your species. Excuse me. Have a nice week. Bye.”] Hmmmm… I’m imagining the two knights at the head of a large auditorium full of all the wizards on earth, saying, “Do *not* bother the cute little ryeh-b’t child” while pointing directly at Joe

Hugh Peeble

Oh… Casually casting spells in the shower? Was that one he got from early on when he agreed to the contract so it won’t trip suspicion from all the wizards?


I think it's more to put him at ease. It makes him panic, think about being a knight, only to understand that she's talking about the school uniform. It's like she's saying: don't worry, I'm not making you into an official knight right now. Go have fun at school, kiddo.

Robert Mullins

I love the irony of Alden freaking out when the system talked to him directly about his privilege but is somehow completely un-bothered by the idea of Mother messaging him from across the Galaxy just to assure him that earth doesn't hold a grudge and remind him to thank esh for the uniform.

Alan Miller

WAITAMINIT "six-foot-tall mad scientist" How tall is Joe? Compared to most Artonans is he in Andre The Giant territory?


Oh goodness. At the end of the chapter I had the image of a puppy, wagging its tail as it runs into one well liked person. Or maybe that was just me :D


Woohoo, morning soup (and a lor it seems) Thanks Sleyca


Maybe she also called Joe a very naughty wizard!


So many plot threads to look forward to this (in-world) day! What will Alden take away from the interaction with Joe/ will they meet again? How will his call with Stu'arth go? What's he going to find out at school, and will Esh actually show up? That's not even counting anything to do with the other students. It feels like its going to be a long while before we get past this day, or move towards Alden's visit to Stu, and I'm not complaining.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

(From 137) Alden: ‘Did she feel me cast a spell? He was under the impression that spellcasting might be detectable by people more experienced than him. He sometimes had a vague awareness of his own spells happening after he’d sent out the command.’ Also Alden: yay! Ice cube! *walks around in a cube full of wizards*


It's probably just eventual consistency rearing its extraordinarily confusing but ridiculously useful head. The simple version is "while you're getting a lot of likes all at once, it's going to fluctuate a lot both up and down until it settles down to a background rate"


Probably has something to do with the fact that not only the quaternary has taken a liking to him, but so has esh'erdi.

Alan Miller

I suspect that Joe has never spoken directly with any contract as an entity.

Melody Haren Anderson

Got busy and forgot this was coming and all so good. Felt like finding something you forgot you had, like 50 dollars, and just a treat.


I feel bad for Alden — he was so happy to see Joe! But I bet Esh has told Joe to leave him alone, etc.

Nathan Coppernoll

Good to see Kabir trading up, although someone should 2x check when he is not high. Curious whether it's the bad luck, bad reputation, or bad contract that is causing joe to opt for a ghosting Alden strategy.


I'm pretty sure mother was the one who tipped off esh and lind to aldens location to save him, so they must at least know that he has her attention in some sort of capacity.


Wow. It wasn't until I read this comment that the System message talked about Earth in the 3rd person, and that it was Mother speaking. I didn't think she could talk to him at all unless he was on her planet. This is super cool, and I agree with your belief in her motives completely.


Wait. I just realized. There's already Big Snake and Little Snake. And now there's Tiny Snake too. Will there be a meeting of the Snakes?


Honestly there are so many wizards in the building that his authority use probably blends in there better than anywhere else on the planet

McIntosh Ewell

I've always liked the super compassionate super intelligent AI trope. Mother is such a warm character. Hopefully Earth will start taking after her at some point

Josh Delgado42

Thank you for the chapter! It's always insightful to read into Alden's thoughts as he comes to grips with how everything went down and he had another near-death experience. Coming to terms to what it means to be a Bearer of All Burdens is an odd mix of fascinating and terrifying. The implications of this are huge, and definitely correlates to how Lute needed to have some sort of emotional connection to those he targets. And it's a terrifying thought to wonder if his skill is shaping him or him shaping the skill, although I'm glad he reflected on the Knights he's seen and how their personalities are maintained. I'm loving seeing the behind-the-scenes food-loving nature of Artonans, and a bit spooked by how casually they drugged Kabir. Made for a Saint is such an interesting way to put his skill, with Alden constantly battling his high expectations of what it means to be a Hero. To the point that he almost "relegates" himself to being a supporter/side-kick and outsources the "Hero-ing" to someone else. Also, reading "the lost concept of home" hit hard. I hope Alden finds some normalacy and home


I wonder whether the other wizards in the cafeteria thought Alden was trying to be funny-mean or mean-mean to Joe


It is pretty funny that Alden’s “normal” is an infamous wizard professor that could obliterate all of earth’s top combatants who also played a roll in him getting stranded on a demon moon for 3/4 of a year


Huh, if Lute didn't buff Emilja they probably would have ended up saved by Joe....


😆 I didn't expect Joe to pull a runner.


Joe is that weird/cool/possibly deranged/definitely-should-not-be-allowed-around-children uncle that bought you fireworks when your parents said no and dipped before your parents could blame him


Not entirely sure but I think that it should be borne instead of born.


I wasn't worried about Mother being miffed. Remember Stu: "I can not leave the battlefield until everyone else is out of danger... It’s my privilege to serve the Triplanets with my every-"


> I wonder if the reason Knight General Esh-Erdi (I wonder what rank the two knights are if their authority is higher than Joe's) was so fascinated and obsessed with Alden is because he plans to give him another commendation at the assembly This is what I was thinking. It would explain the efforts to dress Alden formally, and also tie in with the mention of things you can wear on the uniform.


Hahaha the Esh-Erdi told all the other artonans to fuck off and not talk to Alden because he wants Alden to like HIM the most!! 😂😂


Last chapter, I wondered if Joe had swung by Intake in hopes of "accidentally" running into Alden. Apparently not, lol.

Batty Corvina

Pretty sure Esh and/or Alis have made it *very* clear he's to never bother him again. Hilarious either way :'D


bwahahahaha the ending, I just can't -


I think Earth *is* funny-mean. It's so damn good at being unsettling it feels like it must be on purpose, at least some of the time. Remember that first time Alden called Hannah, and the System acted as an intermediary for the call? It offered "empathetic telepathy" as an option. That has never come up before or since. It was a terrible option and the System knew it (Hannah couldn't afford it, and it would have hurt baby Alden's underaged brain). And it freaked Alden out. The System still offered it, though.


Yeah I’m pretty sure it was mentioned when he was introduced that he was oddly tall for an Artonan — not abnormal for a human though.


Yanno, there are significant parallels. In Pale Lights, a Saint is someone who draws too deeply on their connection with their god, and as a result 'harmonizes' with them. Since the gods of that setting are pretty much eldritch terrors, this does not go well for the human. Here, if Alden commits too deeply to the use of his skill, he 'aligns' more fully with it. Since his skill was made to draw power from sacrifice, this does not go well for him.


Esh implied in previous chapter that he had taken steps to ensure Joe didn’t bother Alden, like he did for Bash-nor.

Benjamin Collins

Just a theory but what if the ariad actually grows with your authority. Also what if ariads are not actually items but a species of some kind that relies on a host

Batty Corvina

That slow petrified turn Joe makes before running away kills me 😂 Also the way he must look with all the sandwiches poking out his coat.


Oh that uniform tease. Don't rush me, we've got years of you teasing that before he's really ready (even if he gets it before he's really ready), and I'm going to enjoy the slow and steady progress until then. But it was such a good, and unexpected, tease. Naughty author. Thanks for the chapter. Nice time of day for release, too.


Thanks Sleyca!

Jason Harpster

Scary Stu is scary......... He wrangled ALL of those Wizards on Alden's behalf didn't he?!?!?!


Selection = (effective) legal adulthood, both on Anesidora and off. The situation off Anesidora is discussed briefly in ch. 13: |||Being chosen by the System meant his Aunt was no longer his legal guardian, and he was no longer American. Upon registration, his citizenship would automatically be transferred to Anesidora Island. Ninety days after his selection day, he’d be required to leave the country. It was the same rules for virtually every other place in the world.||| And the situation on Anesidora gets a mention in ch. 67: |||Most people had come because they needed the credits, but a few had chosen this tour because they were super enthusiastic about the fact that they had voting rights now. You were a legal voter on Anesidora the second your Avowed feet touched the ground, and they actually wanted to find out how the government worked.||| The policy makes a lot of sense. On the one side, you don't want a fifteen-year-old with the magical equivalent of a machine gun grafted to their soul feeling disenfranchised. On the other side, you also don't want them thinking they won't be prosecuted fully if they have a strategic accident. Now, "legal adulthood" is actually kind of a nuanced thing because in every country I know about, different age-based privileges come in at different ages (e.g. in the US: driving at 16, voting at 18, drinking at 21, running for president at 35). But there's still an age in every country where *most* of your adult privileges come in, and in Anesidora, selection seems to kick that off regardless of calendar age.

Skull Leader

I don't want to raise people's hopes but has anyone considered that Stuart might actually show up physically today? Maybe at the school event or after. Consider the following. 1) Stuart has the day off. 2) Alden asked Esh if he could talk to Stuart. 3) Esh is known for going way beyond a reasonable amount when it comes to Alden. If he is willing to move dirt and a tree across universes, moving one important boy to talk to another is not much of a stretch anymore. It would certainly add another layer on Mother's response to Alden this chapter if this was happening. Regardless, we will get our beloved Stuart-Aiden time! And if we are really lucky our Alden-Stuart-Alden time!

A Free Skeleton

Yeah, Alden is anyways taking time to process his emotions but I feel like Joe never processed even one emotion in his whole life, he just came up with new and exciting kinds of lab work to do instead.

Andreas Seiler

I wouldnt be surprised if the local wizards currently think that Alden is basically a knight support. Considering this is was what the Primary orignally planned for Alden, it does seem like there was a precedent or atleast its not a foreign idea. From their perspective all things should point towards that, especially if they have no idea about his control over his authority. I do believe the knights know considering how they were able to sense an authority pat/hello and how Alden was able to sense Zeridee authority crying out. Without that info tho, his commendation and interaction with knights and them also caring about him would point towards him being raised as a knight support. Emotional Support Rabbit.

Richard Fields

That ending was fucking hilarious.

J. W.

In hindsight that description has a LOT of implications. "Entrusted to you by the one you choose to serve" is potentially a very wide reaching descriptor when you account for the fact, you know, the Mother is trying to get him to "serve" her as a Knight. We've already established that every single word is layered with nuance in the system messages. We know that the Rabbit class is the only one the Artonans weren't willing to budge on for the Griveck. It almost sounds like the BOAB is tailored to serve as a direct agent of the Contract.


...I think this is the first time I ever considered that "your ears" in the version of this song I originally learned may have been a very deliberate, tongue-in-cheek substitution.


“Where the hell does he keep it when it’s not in use?” he grumbled. “Does he wear it around his chest like a tube top?” Ah. Im not finished reading yet but I’ll forget if I don’t write this now. This explains wizards baggy clothes doesn’t it. That’s the reason for the fashion

Joseph Collins

“To the best of his ability” is coming round to bite Joe’s ass.


Joe is really big for an Artonan! Just a smidge taller than Alden actually (mentioned a time or two…on Thegund Alden wore some of his clothes comfortably). So he does tower over most of the other wizards.

Luke Wells

Anyone know how to join the discord for super supportive? Seen some comments about it but can’t find a link to join.


I don't think that matches up. Alis gave Alden his commendation so quietly he didn't even get a notice of it, he just found it on his profile. And the Knights in general seem incredibly private; they don't talk about what they go through, and they probably wouldn't drag someone else's stuff out in public either. Nor are they particularly prone to interfering with the customs of other species, and interrupting a *school assembly* of all things would clash particularly badly with the Artonan reverence for education. If Esh thinks Alden needs another commendation, it's probably already sitting on his profile.

He's Just a Little Guy

It would be funny if Alden tried a pat-pat-pat on Matadero and was immediately pummeled by three hundred simultaneous authority greetings.


Nope. The freezing spell is an auriad spell Alden only achieved very recently. His first recorded casting of it was just seven days ago, in chapter 116. That said, there are an awful lot of wizards knocking around on Matadero, so it's unlikely anyone will notice the spell and think the Rabbit did it. Here, have a timeline! https://coral-sheree-56.tiiny.site

mior mk

perhaps but then again i got the feeling that joe is pretty much lower in the totem pole ranking for alis or esh to bother with.. but who knows 🤷‍♂️


"Don't freak out. It sounds like him, but it might not be him. Be cool. Be cool. Turn around slowly. "Oh, no."


Mother unsettles him. She’s so … motherly, and rejecting him then being so lovely. We all know it’ll be … for good reason. But she’s not a mother mother. She’s a national mother of Artonans. She’s the Queen, the mother of society. And I feel like maybe the orphan Alden is going to be suitably unsettled by all this. Then you have Joe, who turns his back on him. These are unsettled and insecure attachments. He needs some adult stability. With the nature of authority and the Knights. With the systems. With Joe. Oh please, please, can Alden have a steady adult figure? Connie’s partner. Torsten once he thaws — as the gruff stoic but always dependable mentor. God I want this fictional boy to have a parent who will be there for him when he turns to them. Not just after.


Why didn't the wizards activate Alden's wordchain debts while he was unconscious?


A wild Alden has appeared. Joe uses flee!!!


Why would they? That would seem horribly invasive, and Alden was not knocked out long enough for them to snap back and cause an issue. Also maybe the wizards present can’t do that, but even if they could just no.

Jack Blade

https://discord.gg/mSrUaWH3 Personalised invite to you. Say hi!


I think that perhaps a Knight has *politely requested* that Joe not "bother" Alden.


It could be that he did, I mean last chapter Esh-erdi explicitly stated that he would make sure no one would interfere with Alden while he couldn't be around. And we know how Joe's reputation is with Artonans and other wizards in general. Means to me that the strategy meeting on how to handle Alden was Esh-erdi telling them to keep off, and that Joe got more than the basic memo.

Temp One

There aren't really any ulterior motive though, Mother pointed out in Alden's first affixation that he's basically already taken the worst downsides of being a Knight. Both the existential pain of affixation, and putting himself into a position where he *will* get called in to handle chaos situations. The primary has literally flagged him for it. Mother's position is, essentially: if you already have accepted dealing with the pain, why not take the perks? She understands Alden's desire for normalcy tough. Hence why she doesn't push the matter. And instead just teases him about it.

JM O'Hare

Joe ran away from Alden because he plans to meet him in public, so his “first words” to him can be a grovelling apology. Not that he’d mean it of course, but he needs to do it in public to have it spread to his parole officers. Meeting Alden in a back room is the worst outcome for his image


Mother was a bit funny-mean to joke about the uniform.


Yes please! Plenty of choices to pick from too. I’m sure we’ll get there eventually.


I'm currently feeling like, while She's more of an administrator/ruler for ordinary citizens of the Triplanets, She considers herself a direct maternal figure to the Knights. After all, they're the people most in need of emotional support, and many (if not most) of them will have lost or disconnected from their organic parental figures, so She just adopts them. And Alden is very much a Knight. He's decided to hide it for now, to pretend to live a normal life for a few months, maybe years until he's more stable (or another crisis comes along), but his sacrifice has already been made, so as far as She's concerned that comes with all the perks, like access to the 'intense' part of the Wardrobe catalogue and suddenly having a new mom (who happens to be an alien machine god).


I do see the value— activate the chain while he’s unconscious so he can sleep through it— but doing that without his knowledge or consent, while he’s still recovering and needs good sleep, is probably not a great time.


IIRC it's established to be healthier for the Chain if the user pays their own debts themselves, rather than anybody forcing the issue. Unless he's in danger of things snapping back, I don't think any reasonable person would want to trigger them before he chooses to do so. Also, I don't think anybody except for Hazel has been established to be able to call in debts like that. Wizardry and wordchaining are unrelated kinds of magic, and while any high enough rank Chainer can theoretically Bestow the negative half on you, they can only do that if they know exactly what your debts are (not just that you're unbalanced but in what ways) and I think a healthy System would require your consent before allowing it through.

Temp One

I'm trying to remember, but Matadero is technically Triplanet territory, isn't it? Like the Artonans paid/negotiated for a parcel of area on Earth to construct the location. I'm guessing this might be why Mother is actually able to freely communicate with Alden there? Because it's an area that doesn't fall under Earth's jurisdiction.


I was today years old when I learned about liking a chapter 🤦‍♂️

Temp One

You know what they say about big Artonans... Big auriads.


Yes please! +1 to giving him a steady adult figure he can turn to

Temp One

I've made this point in earlier chapters, but being a 'super supporter' depends heavily on the context of who needs the support. Alden will likely take a guarding role when teamed up with offensive heroes. But defensive ones? He's already learned he can throw attacks back at an enemy. Mother noted his skill was praised for its utility by ancient Artonans, and he's already figuring out potential offensive applications. Which will probably be really important if he ever finds himself facing up against a demon.


I hoped for this ever since he named the snake Tiny Snake lol


I wonder if Alden could reconfirm his private contract using the triangle of absolute secrecy to talk about magic with Joe. He wouldn't be able to reveal what transpired after all, but it might be outside the context of the contract.


Or it was something like one eye roving over the crowd while the other stays fixed at Joe.


Frightened by the Ryeh-b't's glowing organs, the harried wizard flees with what it can carry


I doubt anyone other than Mother/Primary and maybe Alis know Alden will likely become a knight, because even if he had unusual control over his authority for an avowed, there's still the requirement of having one of the original 300 skills (and probably an Auriad too). I do think the Primary and Alis know though, and the Primary probably went to have a face-to-face questioning of Alden at LeafSong because he knows rather than it being because of the mishnen incident.


I've decided that winning his approval is more important than helping you... Aren't you interesting? No, not the bacon!

Temp One

It was from Alden's contract with Joe, a kind of stipulation about the effort both parties would put forward in meeting their halves of the bargain.


More like the Artonans panic trying to find who brought their kindergartener to the disaster zone


In perfect thegonese, a fluting childish set of words floating in the kitchen...maybe translated as uncle Joey! uncle Joey! I saw you on the big screen! Oh how much can go wrong in a man's life in a few short years ... In front of random witnesses the idiot rabbit child declares a family relationship with me and now I'm not just a shameful Avowed abuser of an absolute gem now beloved by esh-erdi as well as Alis apparently, but I appear to have tricked him into thinking of me as his uncle or family wizard that sent him off to die


Alden's contract with Joe. Gremlin was very fond of the phrase. It might be responsible for Joe giving him such in-depth insights.


The only Artonan's that affix are the Knights. So the only Artonans that actually meet Mother are all Knights. Others may talk to her but would never meet her. We now have two examples of Knights that Mother refers to as "my 'name'" (Alis and Esh). So I think while she probably cares for all of the Artonans, the Knights are who she considers her children. And each of them make many sacrifices to be her child. I feel like she will eventually become his mother figure, but not quite yet. She is most definitely watching him though. As for other parental figures, I think that the Knights, we've met, are all good candidates. For humans, I feel like Skiff might be the best. Seeing his point of view in the Everyone Everywhere chapter and how he acted during the interview show that he really cares. The only other human that would be better is the longest shot, and that's Hannah, if she somehow wasn't dead.


Eh, there were a bunch of wizard witnesses, I think that matters more than human cameras.

Benjamin Helkey

It's hard to say. Before signing a magical contract with Joe, Alden received skill instruction. The question is, does that skill instruction count? Joe clearly wanted it to count but the gremlin hates unevenness of partially fulfilled bargains.


I also see Mother in terms of the mother for making yeast breads or vinegar. That first essential source of ecological growth which lives for so long.


I probably did not make it clear but I meant to say that lines like these in this chapter feel like they are more than teasing about the knight thing to me. It's a bit of a "the contract was the big bad in the first place"-joke


Nah, iirc Lute confirmed during their secret meeting that some wizards can force the other half of your word chain to complete prematurely. But I don't remember the bit about it being best to do it yourself, can you recall when that was mentioned?

Temp One

I think Mother might be Alden's best bet, honestly. His circumstances and situation are so far out of human waters that he's not going to get credible advice from any human parental figure. Like what are they going to say to him if he asks about coping with constant existential pain? What constitutes authority etiquette? When will his auriad get bigger? And honestly, I think Mother seems like a great, if sometimes remote, source of support for the Knights. She seems to genuinely care for their wellbeing and looks out for them as much as she's able. She even asked Alden to make sure to thank Esh for helping take care of him.


Back when Alden contracted with Joe, Alden insisted on Joe teaching 'to the best of his ability', which he found hilarious, so he kept inserting it into sentences.

Thomas Todd

Joe running away from Alden is probably a better look than trying to talk with him, it shows he's respecting the boundaries of someone under a knights care


Would be funny. Or make a whole new one. "Hey Joe, I learned something crazy when I was in the knight rapport! Make a new secrecy contract with me and I'll tell you all about it. ... Sike! Check out my auriad!"


Poor Joe. Trying to be a picture perfect wizard and the one person he doesn't want to see him during his 'off' period is right there. Aiden understands and even likens the cube to a green room. He sees through the performance regardless of the encounter.


The kernel of each contract is the central component with personality and higher thought. If you refer back to the chapter Ritual of Return, you'll see that 'Contract I' is handling Alden's teleportation - but then when it finds Alis-art'h's message it has to 'Await a decision from Mother'. Things like system access, teleportation, translation services, etc. are probably managed passively by background parts of the contract. With the kernel only being called in when something more unusual or complex happens.


Autocorrupt strikes again, most likely. I chose to blame all persistent misspellings on autocorrect. It helps me stay calm and not be judgmental.


Do squishboots make any noise when you step in them? I'm imagining Joe being followed by a rabbit with excessively squeaking footwear as Alden tries to catch up. Though considering Alden's been pretty consistent about hating people treating him differently for stuff he's gone through ever since Body Drainer I'm slightly concerned he's going to go off on Esh-erdi next chapter (assuming he is the reason everyone's treating him with kid gloves).

A Free Skeleton

This makes a surprising amount of sense but I don't think the Primary's children should be sent to disaster areas, at least not this soon. Esh and Mother between them could manage it but if they're going to spring for intergalactic teleports it makes a lot more sense to sense Alden to Stuart.


His whole reaction is the most relatable thing he has done. It makes me sympathise with him even more.

Michael Leue

If bound authority growth can outpace unbound in situations of high alignment or dependence, then becoming a knight in practice might be a natural consequence of *trying* to be in tune with one's skill, in order to stave off more affixation. The pain acts as encouragement to take risks and push hard.


Thank you for the chapter! Alden is lonely. Telecoms aren't enough to reassure him, he really needs to see his friends with his own two eyes. I love that Alden wondering about his skill isn't "how do I powerlevel the new ability to preserve at range?", but instead it's very philosophical/mystical. It's about "Alden, and Bearer Of All Burdens" becoming "Alden, the Bearer Of All Burdens" and what that means for his life. Made for a Saint... Two bait-and-switches today. First, Mother with the uniform thing. I'm sure this is deliberate : reminding him about Hn'tyon uniforms, but then bringing him back to school. It's a 'mean-kind' way of reminding Alden that he has time, he should focus on school, on the present. Then, Esteemed Troll Worli Ro-den with a Hello-Goodbye! I'm worried some wizard will take advantage of drugged-up Kabir with a contract...


Thank you for the chapter. It was wonderful.


After healing by Porti-loth, Alden won't look too roughed up. This will help him hide how bad it was for him. He wil say "Just a busted ankle, a Healer fixed it already, he says to keep the boot on for a little time". Dammit Alden, let your friends care for you :( Rather than going off on Esh-erdi, I'm imagining a scene where in front of an audience, Alden declares he is not grateful for intimidating Joe away from him. If you want his gratefulness, please investigate Yipalck Corporation's influence on the assigment of evacuation priorities on Thegund. And the legend of Alden, social-murderer rabbit grows...

Restless LEGO

Thenn-ar. The lead assistant that gave Alden some kind of thank you? message for Joe. At the time Alden didn't have the full grasp of Artonan that he does now, and couldn't accurately relay it, but in chapter sixty six he expresses that Thenn-ar was grateful and cared for Joe in some way. Then Joe gets emotional and drops the call.

Thomas Todd

Mother describes herself as part of the contract for the home planet but not entirely. I personally think she's the embodiment of the Mother planet and acts as the guiding intelligence of the system


Esh did say he will make sure Bash nor and "others" do not bother Alden ..

Andrew Boyer

Or that everyone not bother him, given the general unwillingness to even make eye contact.


I think Worli Ro-Den has gained a new name among his peers; "Joe"


At a guess, it the load balancing and cache. Patreon almost certainly has multiple servers on the backend to handle the various requests made. It also likely has a cache (a temporary copy of some data held in memory rather than saved to the database) so every request is not hammering the database. A request for how many Likes will get stored and reused for every request for X time, without checking the database to see if it has changed. Different servers will have different times they checked the database, so if you get server A getting a request for the number of Likes and returning 130 because it checked the database directly, while Server B checked before and got 40 at the time it checked. The Load Balancer makes sure all the different servers get a similar amount of requests, so one time you query the server, it gives you A, and the next, it sends you to B. There is also the chance of Patreon having multiple databases, which only sync the data periodically. I guarantee Likes will be a data that is low priority onn syncing in such a case.


I also kept seeing Money. It is probably done on purpose :D


The Knights might retain their personalities, but there is no way their skills didn't change them. For example, Esh sensing cracks in people would probably make him more compassionate and/or more apathetic. I wonder if Alden is going to start sensing people's burdens...


Many, many chapters from now we are going to get Joe's backstory and it is going to be epic


Yep! It's also fishing for information. Checking his reaction is probably cheaper than mindreading and leaves less of a paper trail!


I’m glad Kabir might get a lucrative off planet job, but it does highlight how weird the whole avowed summoning thing is. It’s such a strange flex to hire an alien chef because they make nice croutons. I wonder if Alden’s next affixation will get shoehorned into Dec 15 when he goes to see Stuart. I can see Earth throwing up its hands and saying ‘fine, we’ll just let Mother do it’. Painful mini vacation if so.


Maybe Earth Kernel is in service mode for inspection and Mother takes over untill it is done?


Or she took over Earth's role managing the contract while Earth is beeing inspected, in case that can onlly be done offline.


I was about to say that that sounds almost unjustifiably magically expensive before remembering Esh-erdi's comment. Instead, the long delay involved there makes me think it's unlikely, though I'm not 100% certain on that


Can a contract entrust him with stuff? It's come up at least twice now that some magic can only interact with things that were interacted with by hand or by spell. Is a contract maschine-made? The first one needed some huge part of the wizard population working together, so maybe it can actively interact with BOAB, but what about the others? Is it knight exclusive? I think mother grooming him to "serve" her is somehow foreboding. It seems like noone oversteps any boundaries and everyone keeps it win-win with the gremlin-fallback making sure of it, but then again, the only magic race that has a conveniet gremlin-win-win-checker goes near extinct for some reason? Super suspicious. The systems unnerve me, I hope this feeling is preserved in the story. (no system POV pls) :)

on the upside

in terms of micro tecniques this is the best chapter Ive read in this book in a while, the ghost of shakespeare himself possessed sleyca to produce this chapter


Not to mention he likely did not expect to run into Alden on Matadero of all places, his guard was down. He panicked. Fight or flight kicked in.

Invalid Entry

I’m picturing Joe doing a slow Homer Simpson backwards slide then when he realizes there is no bush behind him taking off in a sprint while double fisting hoagies and leaving a trail of snack foods falling out of his pockets.


Wow, I agree with Amber, very good catch! It may even be the reason the knight cluster in the forest and build mirror houses! Cheaper system/magic interactions or more possibilities!


Thanks for the chapter! 😊 I wonder if Joe has recieved an order or something to not interact with Alden... or if its bad for some other political reason. His behavior dosen't come of as being caused by guilt.


I think it was a promise to fulfill their contract by doing their ‘sincere best’. It’s never explicitly clarified, but later when Alden and Kivb-ee are doing the kindergarten pledge for each other, he is suspicious that that is the actual translation of one of the promises. Which would explain why Joe found it so hilarious


Which could be a reason why he paniked here, after getting his first direct message telling him to behave. :D


Even if they get the execution down, casttime is very likely stupidly long. At some point it is probably not worth it.


Yep, positive reinforcement for Alden to like uniforms...in all shapes.


I am so glad you quoted it. It was so long ago I forgot if it came up or was a random thought.


Assuming mother can predict nearly everything and intentionaly navigates her action to the most favourable outcome: The direct effect was him simply being less stressed. Possible other things: Some positive feedback for "uniform". It also tangentialy commented on Aldens decision and giving feedback beyond: "rejected". The "You're going to..." is a bit ominous in its certainty though. Perhaps in the same way like anchoring prices while haggling? She also suggest's she is still very much interested and that he didn't 'fail'. Possibly loads of other things. Also 4 messages instead of just 1. Even the water running into his eyes was likely timed. :/


Possible. Maybe he just doesn't want the knights to find any fault in him what so ever to not increase their dislike of him? If fewer wizards are on Anesidora, then more cameras are on him, which should increase his standing? Base on how much info he gets, he doesn't know where Alden is and is trying to increase his chances of saving him to "get even"? There really is no value in the breakroom for him, just the opposite, no matter how you look at it.


Esh is likely interested in fixing Aldens cracks. If he decides giving him commendations in public is gonna fix those, he will. No matter what Alden might think in the shortterm. But I agree that it seems unlikely . . . except if his knowledge of human culture is a bit lacking . . .

Radha Patel

Yeah, I think it's usually described as a tight black turtleneck under the wizard robe and baggy harlem pants


In the back of my head I've been hoping there is some kind of memory-retrieving Sway that Alden could hire to help him remember the details of what Thenn-ar said.


No it was said before to grow a Auriad is possible but you have to add another one, I think it was on chapter where Kivbee stole one


I shall now enter a 4 day coma


It is, there's usually a link in the Royal Road comments if there isn't one here.

Skull Leader

Ah my tired brain before going to sleep misspelled Alden. Forgive me for my crime against rabbit heroes.


I think Mother could talk to anyone if she wants to. It’s just that she has one eye on Alden right now and used his asking Earth a question as a reason and opportunity to answer in its place. Not only to answer Alden’s question, but also to reassure after his being rejected the other day.


Maybe it can't? Mother has power to burn to "invest" in 1000 people because it knows that statistically one of them will be worth the investment in all of them. Earth either does not have the ressources or its capabilities are only good enough that it needs to invest in 10000 to succeed in raising one instead. That makes it not worth to do it yet so it doesn't bother? It also likely does not want to get so creative as to make the Artonance put more rules on it and other contracts. I guess a bad day would be one, where it is forced to take bad chances and "investing" in 100 people and hoping to get "lucky" and get a return on investment.


@Terrestrial_Biped Thank you for posting the timeline! I was wishing for one so many times now. :)


Joe showing off his big auriad energy in public!


"Joe!" Joe: *turns around and sees a room full of wizards glaring at him with glowing red eyes behind a happily oblivious rabbit* Let's not forget that Joe, offerer of magical WMDs to teens, CAN release Alden from the tattoo's secret-keeping. There's plenty of reasons for him to Nope out.


I wonder if Mother asks the other contracts to send her photos and videos of her knights when they are away from home. Is she possessive of only Artona I knights? Is there a rivalry between the different planets contracts and knights?

Andrew Shovelton

Lots to digest here. Thanks for the chapter.


No don't, you're gonna have a day old soup. It's on wednesday the 4 days coma!


I was actually wondering if she has ever refered to Alden as "My Alden." Maybe that is what the Mother privilege means, that she has taken them under her wing.


Pretty sure he ran because Esh threatened him if he bothered Alden.

JJ Hunter

This really is like the time Alden went wandering around the art'h family residence in the highly secure Knight Rapport I region after his emergency affixation surgery. He had Mother's encouragement and permission, but no advance notice was provided to anyone else, and he just went wandering through like he belonged there until he found Stu, was claimed with fervent enthusiasm as Stu's personal guest, and eventually smuggled right back out again without signing the usual house contract Avowed would normally always sign. Per Stu, we know there have been occasional confused references to that young mystery human Avowed for weeks after, and he's been enjoying being in on the secret. This time, Alden was deposited in Matadero for emergency treatment by Esh-erdi, and spent two days post-15hr nap wandering around spooking and bemusing various Artonans who thought Matadero was Artonan-only space, barring the excellent in-house human chief. Now clearly Alden has some more official status clearly established with the wizards in residence here- has Esh claimed him as his personal guest? Do Esh and Lind have highest authority over Matadero given their current assignments in a way that permits claiming and protecting Alden more emphatically while he's in residence there than if he were fully returned to the school's aegis and his assigned school dorm on Anesidora? Still very curious how the power plays with Bash-nor are going in the background to all of this, and whether Jel-nor's unfavorable contract with Joe getting replaced by something with her family might give Joe some less obvious leverage to also help intervene on Alden's behalf with Bash-nor if he chooses. If Principal Salesh thought the interest in and concerned inquiries on behalf of Alden around admissions were highly notable, this week has really escalated them to an absurd country /planetary politics degree...!

JJ Hunter

If his school cancels the rest of term, or at least the next week so there's more time for recovery efforts, figuring out transit for students trapped over in F, etc (not to mention letting the staff take a breather after so many of them were red-haloed), I wonder if Alden will go visit Stuart early? Almost all of his Earth friends and classmates have a ton going on right now, and he could really use a friend less directly affected who he'd be comfortable confiding darker stuff to.


[Natalie had called Alden twice, but both times she’d been interrupted by other calls from people back home who were worried about her. She said her mom was trying to persuade her to not hang up ever again.] Natalie’s mom : Who’s this ‘Alden’ you keep calling?? He’s not another scary avowed who’ll try to use you as a human shield is he?! Natalie : No, mom! He’s just a friendly rabbit, I swear! Alden : …Well, technically I could use Natalie as a shield… b-but she would be protected by my skill and totally safe!

JJR Killjoy

Poor Joe trying so hard to not get mixed up with knights and here is this little rabbit who seems to attract them whenever he goes. Wonder if all the other wizard are avoiding him for similar reasons. Don’t mess with the human who’s got a knight playing butler


@Terrestrial_Biped, it was the same thing for me. The thought had never so much as crossed my innocent mind until seeing this in context of discussions about Joe's "auriad."


I think this is what happened too. I think Joe got a /less/ polite version in private. Esh was giving major side-eye to Joe on TV.


Agreed, Joe is clearly on Esh's shit list anyway. With the side eye in the TV scene, and the "I hope to comment on it" with Joe being called a general/knight on TV.


Lol Joe got some extra. Esh to everyone: "Hey y'all my favorite human R'yebht is around and got caught up and seriously injured in the disaster. Please be kind and don't bother him while he's recovering! Thx, OOO Esh." Joes version is "Listen up you 🤬 you don't say 🤬. Alden so much as looks at you, you leave."


Be cool, be cool. Other avowed call me Joe, no problem...


No the triplanets bear some responsibility to respond to the disaster. Stu specifically wrangled Joe though.


Joe in the last paragraph disappointing: Alden The readers The knights And artonan society in general. Which is fine as long as he doesn't disappoint Kibby


This chapter seems to confirm that Liam and his siblings were correct. Mortal danger = skill improvement.


Esh told Alden he would make sure Alden wasn’t bothered by Bash-nor “or anyone else.” I suspect Joe is the “anyone else”, and Esh has told him not to talk to Alden.


Alden's niceness may, in the future, make "Saint" the official translation for "hn'tyon". Or at least for human wizard-avowed.


It seems more correlation than causation. Mortal danger often leads to focus on a goal to exclusion of all else, and THAT is what matters. Putting your all into your effort. I suspect a necessity of alignment of pupose with the type of affixation. Alden preserving something : aligned. Manon trying to mess someone up with an assistance skill: misalignment maybe?


What's this soup thing? I have no idea what this means, and people keep using it??


I wonder why Joe is avoiding Alden? Meh, I'm just happy for the new chapter! TFTC!


Also, will Tiny snake ever return to Liam and his siblings? I'm pretty sure not...


I believe it is this communities way of referring to a new chapter of "soup"er supportive.


@PatienceHoney imagine if she's talking to Esh and she's like "Now, you take care of my Alden" and this peeks his interest even more. I love how she's all like "Now, don't forget to say Thank you to your Esh-onii-chan" then straightens his tie and brushes off imaginary dust from his uniform.


Well despite some media and cultural tropes, compassion is deeply connected to intelligence.

John D Jones

It's kind of sad and hilarious that the other Artonan wizards are apparently at least slightly terrified of Alden. I wonder if Alden will bite the bullet and wear his Commendation insignia on his new school uniform. Alden to Esh pretty soon: "Dude take it down a notch. You're causing me frighten the other wizards."


I'm sure it's obvious, but it keeps occurring to me that Alden deserves an actual teammate. He got into this whole thing to support another hero, and I know he's not quite as confident in those plans anymore, but man, it's pretty tragic the way things have shaken out to force him to hide everything and be solo without even getting to see what it would be like to have a partner. I guess what I'm saying is, I hope Lute decides to do more reckless things and Alden gets to try being part of an actual duo and not just a semi-willing saint. XD


Things above about caching are likely true, but I know Youtube had a similar thing at one point where certain thresholds of likes would trigger various spam prevention, which would temporarily remove the unverified likes until it ran some sort of check, or moved them to a new processing step or something. Might be something similar going on here as well.

John D Jones

It's slightly different. At the 'art'h home, Alden was mostly assumed to be some Avowed that somebody else had summoned. Alden's interaction with everyone aside from Stu'art'h were him blending. He even took "third meal" to some folks. Here, Alden has clearly been explicitly named as an Important Guest of Esh and Lind. It's the difference between Alden just walking around the 'art'h household as before and Alden in the 'art'h house after the Primary and Alis had made some kind of general announcement that "Alden Thorn is our honored guest. Anyone who causes him difficulties causes us difficulties. Do not cause us difficulties." Figure everyone he'd met would have been a little more leery of him and they certainly wouldn't have turned him into an impromptu Grub Hub delivery guy.


God, I see what you've done for others. Please 🙏 I never want this story to end. But in all seriousness, I love it. You're doing a great job! Stinky, stinky gokoratch.


The wizards at Matadero have become aware of who Alden is and are very aware of Worli-Roden’s disgrace and demotion wrt Alden and do not want to risk anything to do with that same fate, so they are avoiding interacting with Alden at all costs! And Joe ran immediately ran off because he was reminded that the best way to clear his shame and regain his status is to rescue humans and avowed, so he ran away to help even more Earthlings. I don’t think he wants a nice friendly chat with Alden. I think he might somewhat be wishing he’d never met him!


Tiny Snake, it will turn out, can entrust themselves to Alden. And after an accident where a wizard feeds the snake something they shouldn’t, Tiny Snake will grow much longer and become spell resistant. Alden will team up with Tiny Snake in gym. He’ll use his new boa staff to defend himself from certain meisters, and they’ll both impress Big n Little Snake with their bravery and skill.

Andrew Simpson

He can't leave before he is introduced as the non-biological son of big and little snake. He is the third snake.


I'm sure Mother can use some of her "resources" to get the same info the Earth Contract has - location, memories, physical state of the person. She probably keeps such an "eye" on her Knights all the time. Alden probably not yet, but maybe she occasionally checks in on him


Implied in a previous chapter that Esh had taken steps (made threats?) to Joe about bothering Alden. Remember that Joe is mostly seen as a bad guy who took advantage of Alden and harmed him.


And after he said that he looked at the screen which was showing Joe


I think partially it was to re-assure Alden that the rejection of his privilege previously wasn't a rejection of him.

John D Jones

@ mior mk I don't think that's true. From her brief PoV in Ch. 56 "A Polite Request" Alis knew about Joe and was refusing to investigate the giant lab explosion that Alden and Kibby set off because his enemies wanted her to do that. We also learned that the Primary was "mildly unhappy" when telling Alis that Joe had been removed from Thegund. So Joe was on some pretty important radars even been those "radars" learned about Alden on Thegund.

JJ Hunter

Alden definitely has an official status now! But he certainly gave those unsuspecting morticians a startle when he went wandering around before Esh got back, and he did actually do a self-assigned kitchen run for meal delivery round as well - just because he ended up waiting outside the room where Zeridee was being treated instead of completing his intended delivery doesn't erase the resonance of his repetition there. One could argue the actual recipient was an even better analogue for Alden delivering third meal to Stu last time - Alden's box of stasis'd sandwiches ultimately fed his host, Esh-erdi, who was the one who needed them the most just then.


My theory was that Mother is the forest, that ancient ward against chaos. Now with a new honeylocust.


i have a sneaking suspicion that Alden's "formal uniform"...is a bit more....special, than being just a normal "formal uniform for the high school" especially with the Contract(Mother's) Comments about the Uniform-that raised my attention since the contract said My Esh implying that it was Mother Commenting not Earth Contract (at least to me). What if, there is a Knight In Training Uniform for when they are young and attending School and all the earth schools base their uniform off of K.I.T. uniforms. With Esh taking it out of the Wardrobe, all the "authorities" that pay attention to Knight Uniform Withdrawals would know is..Esh Took a uniform out-although a "beginner one" mother could....edit the size out to imply it was for Esh instead of Alden. I could be completely wrong too and it is just...a normal uniform.

Nadine Miller

So, I see everyone referring to the shower voice as Mother, but I actually think it might be Lind and that's where the possessive My Esh comes from. I think it's possible to have those system to system convos, and Lind is both invested enough and probably curious enough. I have no idea if the Artona I system has the requisite network permissions to directly contact a single human currently residing on a planet with its own contract from that distance, but it has to be incredibly expensive, so I feel like it's unlikely to happen in a non-emergency.


Wizards cant do that, otherwise there would be little point in chainers who specialize in that

Robert Mullins

I think you are vastly underestimating both the breach of privacy and the breach of trust that would be required to make this possible for a knight. Not only would they have to be spying on Alden while he is in the shower, but would also have to be able to disguise their activity to a point that it looked like it was from the system. When from what we've seen the personal privacy and identity of system users is one of the system's higher priorities and usually requires a large scale incident to consider breaching on the level of this attack on Matadero/Anesidora. All for what? To answer a question he spoke to specifically to the system? No, that would be ridiculous. The simple explanation is that mother is keeping an eye on him due to the favor request and asked earth to inform her if certain things happen.


I’m of the mind that Esh doesn’t know. But there may be a physical representation of a commendation that wizards typically wear, that was “suggested” for adding to his uniform

Nadine Miller

I don't think so, given that the system could have tagged her about it and we don't really know how much he's projecting about his feelings. Plus, he had just used his authority to cast a spell which might have grabbed her attention if she was already keeping an eye on him. In the chapter where he does the authority pat it's mentioned that Lind is very sensitive, so she might just have picked up what Alden is kind of throwing out there. When Lind and Esh talked in the prior chapter, the same brakets were used, so I don't think it's intended to be 'disguised' as a system communication. I could certainly be wrong, that's just my current theory.

Robert Mullins

To add on to the other aspects. Mother also has an established history of referring to alis-art'h as 'my alis' And also Lind doesn't seem like she'd message some she's never even been introduced to while they're in the shower to answer a question that wasn't even directed at her. I'd much much sooner believe that it was earth pretending to be mother than it being anyone else. Actually, I'd sooner believe a sway manufactured that whole conversation before believing Lind did that.


Mother answered a question directed at Earth, so she was already listening in, which she doesn't normally do. Maybe she was interacting with Earth Contract for some other reason than just popping in to tell Alden to take better care of himself and be nice to Esh, sweet as that would be. I was going with mediating the Earth Contract's after action review. It could be any number of things though.

Robert Mullins

And one final comment about the authority sense. I agree that we've observed them sensing stuff like that but it was specifically an authority greeting. Which seemed to radiate outwards. Not to say it's impossible his spellcasting got noticed. Just that even if it did get noticed I do not believe it would result in what we saw.


due to Tiny Snake surviving the unpacific flood, is his surname "liquid snake"?

Nadine Miller

I don't know that she knew he was in the shower or could actually see him at all. But again, I could be wrong.

Nathan Coppernoll

But the longs did not believe in mortal danger. They believed in simulated mortal danger and misjudged the risks of the submerger disaster.


I don't think that Mother was actively listening. Due to the lag between the question and the answer, I see it as Earth asking Mother how he is supposed to answer that or complaining about the rabbit having bad opinion of him So Mother stepped in and solved the situation


I'm sure others have already speculated on this, but I'd bet that Sway and Sway-like powers will only work on willing wizards. Since they have an Authority sense, everything that's done to them (magic or skill) they ought to 'feel' - so it's either willing or it turns into an Authority battle, right? On the other hand, this possibly paints a grimmer picture for the living conditions of the non-wizard class since they probably aren't capable of resisting mental interference. Though, given the examples we've seen, they might not want to resist anyways.


I think this chapter demonstrates that mother has auditing privileges... Or just special privileges to follow her hn'tyon.


Since Esh conspired to acquire this uniform, I wonder if he just added Alden's commendation onto it?


Gorane wizards essentially can do literally everything avowed can do. See the Joe chapters. It's just more time consuming and difficult .


it would need to at least be modified. IIRC it specifically mentions Hot Lab 7

Robert Mullins

Alden recognized it as what the students wore at Hannah's funeral. I think it's just a normal school uniform, no gotchas.


Am i the only one who feels like while the quality of Sleyca's writing is top, the things he chooses to focus on and the motion sickness inducing POV jumps are beyond disappointing? I love the story, i mean, i don't go out of my way to join pateron of the stories i dislike, right? But some of chapters seem more like something that should have stayed in author's private notes or writing exercises. I can't be sure how would i feel about it if i was sat in front of an entire volume of SS, but for a chap by chap series, my disappointment is great when i see a Chapter or multiple go on a tangent that has little to do with the main story. That "Chainer" mini-series for example, got me to drop the story for a couple of months. It felt like the story was on it's way and then the author decided to doodle on the margins of his notebook for a few weeks. It also took the "Show, not tell" rule and shot it in the head.


We know Mother can be interfering, but the most I think she might do is mention Alden to Lind and Esh and suggest they take care of him and treat him well. Similar to how she suggested Stu to Alden. This request from Mother could also explain Esh's behavior in choosing to spend time with Alden over assisting Lind.

Jean Bohdel

The “auriad” measuring contest had me laughing out loud. I mean, do your ears hang low?


yeah this is one of those things where its just the nature of the webserial format and the author's own intent, which might not necessarily align with reader's expectations. I think its totally fine to feel that way. Personally though, I prefer to let her cook. So far the set ups and the payoffs are satisfying enough for me that it doesn't matter to me where she decides to take the story.


There’s millions of conventional stories told in conventional ways. That is, after all, what conventional means. I don’t think it’s too crazy an idea that authors be allowed the artistic freedom to experiment without having to field questions about their process and motivations. And yet. Every. Chapter. There is some guy:tm: who leaves a comment asking, “why is this story so slow?” When it’s *the thing* the author is doing to set it apart. Personally, I think it’s great. Obviously it’s working out. So why do people keep poking at it? Just enjoy the ride. And if you’re not enjoying the ride (despite being forewarned in the *blurb* exactly how things will progress), then either keep it to yourself or bounce. It’s exhausting, and I’m not even the writer. I can’t imagine what it’s like to see these comments and wonder if people just failed to read the multiple disclaimers about the pacing or what.


You're probably not the only one, but I think you're likely in the pretty tiny minority.

Andrew Boyer

Joe in the kitchen explains the lack of sandwiches, what with his magical lab coat of holding.


I would say you're probably not the target audience. The slow slice of life pacing is exactly the kind of story Sleyca seems to want to tell (and it's reinforced in the blurb *three times*.)

Thomas Todd

This is true, we actually saw this to some extent with Lute, when he was able to properly focus on people for whatever reason he was able to steer his skill beyond what he could do normally. It was pretty minor with him but ts still a step that didn't require mortal danger just insane focus on something in line with the purpose of your skill

Aspiring Moth

I am very surprised that Joe of all people is looking for fruit. he seems like the sort of person that would reach for hot pockets, dip them in something even more greasy, and then put them straight in his pockets


Super Supportive is definitely a "more is more" project, by my personal preference. I'm never going to leave much material in the notes on this one because one of the goals is to follow Alden through everything. I hope the finished product reads like you've fallen through a portal to live in the world alongside (mostly) Alden and (occasionally) company as interesting things happen in that world. The scope and difficulty of Alden's life will continue ramp up. The background stakes will ramp up. I respect the ramping up, but I don't want this to be a story that is plotted for the *purpose* of plunging toward the ending. I'm trying to think of how to explain this really well and failing a bit... If you think of many common plot "rules," they're based on the idea that the author has limited time to get the story where it's going and the audience has limited patience for tangents. But serial readers, serial authors, and especially readers of slice of life often come to the story, I think, with an eagerness to inhabit the world in the way I've described. I know I do. But as reader, it can be kind of hard to find fictional worlds I'm interested in to inhabit in the way I like, for as long as I like, that aren't either *pure* slice of life (virtually no tension, just enjoy these charming scenes of everyday people fishing and shopping for groceries...these are very peaceful and fun) or really long progression fantasy that, despite its length, still runs forward at the "readers have no patience and you'd better give them BIG PLOT and BIG WINS and cut everything else" pace (these are very popcorn and fun.) As a big fan of both types of story, who sometimes gets annoyed with both types of story, I have this feeling that a progression fantasy with all the bells and whistles written as if it were a slice of life with all the bells and whistles, is really the thing that will satisfy all of my personal wishes. As a reader. Thus: Super Supportive. A story with big popcorn moments. That lets the protagonist and the readers arrive at those moments as if they were just a part of life, and not the point of it. That's a significant part of what I'm going for anyway! I'm constantly excited at the realization that so many people are reveling in the niche with me. It's extremely cool to have you all here and read your comments.


Artonans have a thing for fruit! I don't think I've said it a single time explicitly in the story, but fruit does come up a lot when they're around because of it. (From wevvi to Bti-qwol's hobby of tasting different Earth fruits to Marleck berries...)


This chapter and the previous one got me to thinking about the social expectations of wizards, which put Mother's comment on Alden liking Joe because he had low expectations in a different light. I wonder if Joe deliberately subverted those expectations in the past.


I approach reading this story the way I approach listening to a symphony. One does not choose to listen to a symphony and then spend the entire time waiting for the beat to drop.


"It's a skill designed for a saint." Gorgon, what the hell man?

Temp One

I'm seeing a lot of theorycrafting on why Mother was monitoring Alden. I honestly think it's a simple as she's sentimental and worries about her Knights. Especially her youngest human one. On top of Matadero quite possibly being under her direct purview as Triplanet territory. She's probably been keeping an eye on Alden since the moment she found out he was in trouble. And making sure he comes out of the healing process okay.


I always wondered if the "[Wait]" we got back in the chapter Alden almost drowned was from Earth or Mother, given that the response came directly after he tried to use his privilege. Was it a "[Wait, help is on the way!]" from Earth, or more of a "[Wait before you use this privilege and irrevocably change your life!]" from Mother? Now that it's confirmed Mother can talk directly to Alden, I think the latter is much more likely! Earth could have told Alden help was coming way earlier in the night if it wanted to, and it didn't.

Temp One

Now I'm wondering if the Artonans will try growing Wevvi for on Earth. As the impression I've gotten is that they live in very similar biosphere, given they have a Wevvi blight problem, maybe trying to isolate a crop entirely from the Artonan planets would be fruitful? (Pardon the pun.)

Alexander Dupree

Gotta survive a unpacific iceberg so Tiny Snake can pick up the Solid Snake title as well

Aspiring Moth

Earth is much cooler and less humid than the triplanets average by the sounds of it, but maybe somewhere like the rainforest that they already bought could support a wevvi crop?

Robert Mullins

Well said Sleyca. That's exactly what I like most about this novel. It's a progression fantasy slice of life that doesn't sacrifice one for the other.


"Soup" is local slang for Super Supportive, partly because it sounds like the first syllable. Also because a Q&A with the author revealed she sometimes shortens the title to SupSup or Soup's Up in her notes. Also because we are being "fed" with filling, comforting fare every time a chapter is posted.


Alden notes as he makes his way to the cafeteria that the other Artonan wizards are acknowledging him, but not engaging. "Did they have a strategy meeting about how to handle my presence and decide these were the best methods?" Unless you are thinking Esh would take umbrage at being called a wizard.


Man, I was really looking forward to Joe and Alden meeting again, but I can't even be properly disapointed because him running is just so damn in-character. Brave Sir Ro-den really is cannon XD


I have a feeling Earth is asking Mother a lot of questions about Alden. I also think this is going to help Earth gain valuable experience and I would love to see Earth go through some character growth


@Nyroe, I was just thinking that as well. When he choses to "serve" himself, and entrust things to himself.

Jeff Scott

Pretty that Dec 15th visit is only a few weeks away. He has probably an entire year still until he needs to affix.


"... difficulty of Alden's life will continue ramp up", yeah he had a little bit over two month to rest between Thegund and the flood, that's the easy life 😂 Our poor rabbit was suppose to have 8 month off Continue the story as you like it. I like it like that and I'm sure I'm not alone

David T

Esh Erdi didn't put the commendation on the sleeve of Alden's uniform? Seems like something that would be very Artonen to do.


Alden didn't become a wizard until he was trapped on Thegund with Kibby, and that was after he met the primary.

Isak Mark

I love Joe, he seems like he cares a lot about others. I feel like he would be the type to only use his (former)summoning rights to save people or fight chaos. He doesn't seem like the type to summon avowed for a party or anything unrelated to his work or to fight against chaos. Though he'd definitely partake if someone else summoned them. It's the warrior contract after all and I suspect that wizards with summoning rights are sort of bending the rules and using loopholes to be able to summon someone to do trivial things out of laziness or just because they can. Not what the original idea behind the contract was. He's proud of his work and loves it. He really loves magic and his research. No matter how much Joe would hate his competition he would never leave people like his competition did on the moon. He is only a 'criminal' and breaker of rules to further his research that will help people or he breaks them to directly help people.


@TB I agree. However, it's possible that humans were already planning on commending Alden in some manner and so Esh took the reins to send things in a direction he liked better. I guess we'll see!

Barrett Fogarty

Nope, I don't think so. Sorry, no concrete evidence that they might know. Reading the "Lesson One" chapter is relevant to this.

Isak Mark

> "Esh-erdi is definitely going to have Alden teleported directly to the assembly. I hope he doesn't make a spectacle of it." I would love for Esh to go with Alden to school like a proud father walking his son to his first day of class. But yeah, I smell some kind of "don't touch our dear innocent pure hearted rabbit you mad rule breaker" from the knights.

Isak Mark

That would mean that he could serve systems and the systems can entrust him with the entire planet they govern; after all the people of the planet have to sign their rights away to get a system in the first place. preserving entire planets to protect them from chaos sounds pretty bad ass.


When was the last time Alden interacted with somehow that he was comfortable with, in person?


I still wonder if Alden's "NO" echoed with his authority and gave him away, just before he was rescued.

JJ Hunter

Curious if auriads are essentially additive. We know from Kivb-ee’s auriad reconnaissance in chapter 101 that wizards sometime bond with more than one auriad ("if [...] they progressed with their casting to such an extent that they wished to bond a second one"). Would a second bonded auriad stay separate, or would it merge with the first one? Is adding auriad to bonded auriad how someone like Joe could end up with such a ridiculously long one over time?


Its entirely likely Earth isn't allowed to answer Alden. It has way more restrictions on it. It plausible the heavy communication issues are entirely by the design negotiators. There is little chance human governments were focused on human morals/betterment.

Andrew Boyer

Agreed, “wait” was mother telling Alden to hang on a little longer. She seemed very clear in their first meeting that becoming a knight should be an informed decision.

Elias Galpin

Great chapter! my only complaint is that there isn't more haha


Really like the symmatry of chapter 137 on royal road and this one, in these moments . "Well, that’s one way to take my mind off the present problem. But getting back to it—the Earth Contract is probably reading my texts and feeling something like hope. I bet it’s watching the special snowflake that only exists because a whole bunch of aliens involved themselves in ways they shouldn’t have, and it’s chanting, “Melt, melt, melt!”" “Hey, System,” he said. “Thank you for keeping the planet safe. Good job. Have you ever wished I’d melt? Like an ice cube or maybe a snowflake?”

Elias Galpin

I think you have it wrong, the Chainer chapters were some of my absolute favorite and I've even re read them because I enjoyed them so much. I was curious about lute and didn't want to wait 200 more chapters to really get to know the character ( Be shown ) and get an indepth look into what makes him tick. "Lute the least of the Velras." Has since become one of my favorite character thanks to that set of chapters. The point I'm trying to get at is he said from the start it would be a very long story. And he's choosing to give certain aspects of it more insight and depth now so that later on we have context for why things play out the way they do. I think anyway.


I like to imagine Esh just steals the birth tree of everybody he meets. He talks to you for five minutes and decides to take your birth tree for safekeeping. There are definitely a lot of traumatized Artonans out there who met Esh for 5 minutes and ended up with their birth tree in a Rapport. (The gardeners are mixed between very happy at their job security and annoyed that his orchard has like 100+ trees.)


I made a joke in a comment earlier about Alden and Tiny Snake teaming up buddy-cop style, where TS would entrust themselves to Alden and Alden would use them as a weapon that knew how to stretch and fold themselves into specific shapes… But that made me wonder whether or not Alden actually could get entrustment from an animal, let’s say a chicken. He could then preserve the chicken, which we previously learned is enough to convince the gremlin that he can eat that animal. Would that work? Could he sit down, extend his arms, and wait for a chicken to wander into his lap? I know he tried this with eggs previously, but I don’t remember him trying to preserve the chicken…


… I hope Tiny Snake is not destined for the stew pot Edit: oh no! I just realized… Tiny Snake is a *corn* snake!


I had thought it would make sense to ask Mother to do his next affixation. She was very helpful. Whether that would be permitted is another matter.


Huh. Further speculation, we know that Bearer operates on consent, and we know that the Gremlin operates on consent. The thing is, Bearer seems to have fewer consent restrictions (which kind of makes sense given that it's effects are inherently protective as opposed to a process involving eating the target). That makes me wonder, if Alden put Tiny Snake in the bag, and then had someone entrust the bag to him, would his power preserve Tiny Snake? I suspect it would, as Bearer seems sophisticated enough to recognize something as an animal that cannot give that kind of consent. If so, then could someone entrust a chicken to Alden, and would that let the Gremlin see it as okay to eat after Alden pickled it for a moment? Food for thought...

Matt DiMeo

I’m pretty confident he could sit himself in a milking stall and wait for a cow to show up, and put milk on the menu. Cows will get uncomfortable and come and get milked to relieve it. Can’t imagine there are many cows on Anesidora though.

JJ Hunter

I do feel for Alden, he's clearly had a pretty lonely weird weekend on the whole. Getting to see a familiar face, and not just any familiar face but someone competent and adult who's helped him before with skill stuff and also knows (and seems to cherish) Kivb-ee must have felt like such a stroke of surprise luck. But oh, poor Joe. Hangry, so clearly done with several days' of maintaining saint-like composure for the human cameras (and really pulling out his bag of tricks to show up his peers) even if it's getting him reputation repair he desperately wants hand over fist, finally restocking his snack pockets and going for a break and some fresh fruit...and he gets absolutely beamed by surprise!Alden's sincere best enthusiasm at seeing him...in a public context with a bunch of other wizards around judging his every move and whatever monitoring Hn’tyon Esh-erdi has going on. Joe.exe just cannot, right now. So nice to see you, Alden. Dear. I absolutely was not taking a break I'm getting right back to rescuing you by proxy have a great week *bye*. Oh Joe. He's really going to have to keep giving it his sincere best at this rate and hope he got enough sandwiches stashed to sustain it another day or two.

JJ Hunter

oh my, like when Alden hugged Gorgon? I could absolutely see it, maybe Joe saw the possibility coming and booked it.

John D Jones

Forget Stu'art'h. Clearly the home Alden needs to get invited to is Jeffy's family farm.

John D Jones

I think Esh is about have an uncomfortable (to him) conversation with the other Alden. No, not the literal animal who is Stu'art'h's pet, the other part of Alden's personality. Alden Thorn is generally a nice, polite, compassionate and considerate person. But there are lines. If you try to cross those lines with Alden he will push back and hold firm until death. Hazel found that out (as did anyone who watched that video). I think Winston in Gym also found out a little (and lost his head). Bullying Joe into avoiding Alden is probably going to be one of those lines. Joe never tried to expand the secrecy contract with Alden or negotiate another one with of because of how huge a pain in the ass the first one was due to Alden (and the Gremlin) insisting on equability. I think Esh is about to encounter that version of Alden next chapter.

Osamaru Ta

Might want to specify here that this isn't Earth talking here, as it took a min to process. [Of course Earth doesn’t feel that way about you, Alden.] He froze with one hand behind his ear. He’d found some stubborn mud back there, caught in his hair. [Do take better care of yourself.] Water was running into his eyes. He was too busy staring at the interface to blink. [You’re going to look so handsome in the uniform.] “What? I mean…I…” [Remember to thank my Esh for getting it for you. And have a good day at school.]

Erik Borgstrom

This seems the most likely reason all the wizards are behaving the way they are.

Osamaru Ta

Yes, they do, but that's kind of my point. Because its not specifically said its Mother here, the only way to realize that is to recognize that its way of speaking isn't like Earths. Which, if you're not reading carefully, might totally blow over your had. For instance, as I said it took be a moment and I was confused as to why Earth was suddenly so expressive and calling Alden 'Handsome', until I realized it was closer to how Mother spoke.

Dyllan Tô

Referring to Earth in 3rd person was also a giveaway. I kinda like that moment of doubletake and needing to reread that the interaction gave, though! It felt immersive

Marcus Green

I think this section is very clear about who's talking by the end and the brief ambiguity was one of the better parts of the chapter, so I hope this isn't changed.


I was thinking that Mother knew Alden still wanted to be a Quiet Rabbit, and she basically sent the uniform through Esh-Erdi. It felt weird to me too until she chatted with him!

Hugh Peeble

I see a lifelong friendship between Natalie and Alden… so many other people on the island she could be checking in with/up on and Alden rates multiple calls…


I feel like this meant more than the commendation or “please fix his cracked affixation” alone from Knight Alis-art’h- “Mother,” she said clearly, “if this one makes it to you, place both of your eyes upon him. He has done more for us than he had to.” And both Mother’s eyes are still on Alden.


I think the latter option would be insane. The systems were aware that Alden was panicking and certain in the knowledge that his death was at hand. The second message would absolutely fall on deaf ears (though...so did the first, I suppose). "I'll be dead in five minutes, when else would I use it?!?"

the btrflyz

Seems like Esh has had a little chat with ALL of the wizards about proper behavior around his new favorite Ryeh'bt. And probably double for Joe, considering Esh seems familiar with exactly what happened on Thegund. He told Alden he should tell Joe that he gave the borrowed ring to Alis'arth for safekeeping if he had the audacity to ask for it back


Prior to this chapter I had firmly parked my mind in the "Alden is not going to get another award" spot. Now however, we have: • The segment focusing on the uniform • Esh-Erdi's special treatment of Alden • Keeping Alden in the cube • Apparent warning to the wizards not to interfere with Alden • Ro-Den literally bolting • Contriving to make Bash-Nor's day busier It all really just feels like waiting for the penny to drop. ----------- "When Alden had asked the knight how and why the uniform had made an appearance, the answers had all sounded so sensible." ----------- I don't think it's here just so that Mother can make a joke about it: I get a real "impending award ceremony" vibe from it. When combined with Winston's suspicions that Alden is gearing up for a big debut: ----------- "[Winston, thank you for checking on me and for offering to help me with my image. I’m sure you’re a great video editor, but I don’t feel like releasing my selection story. Especially not this week.]" ----------- Yeah, definitely not this week... ._.


Wonder if Alden ‘s Wizardry will get good enough so he can teleport and summon tiny snek around as a vessel for Boe


I suspect that when he tried to use his privilege, Earh was sending a lot of info. She probably saw the melt melt melt part of his memories and made the decision to make earth inform her when he tries to bring up the subject after the initial stages of the disaster was deal wih and Alden was in a better state of mind.

the btrflyz

The way he treats summoned Avowed as friends, and the ordinary clas of Artonans (non-wizards) almost like family while having nothing but disdain and bile towards his fellow wizards could have a very interesting root

Barrett Fogarty

I like this JDJ. At one time I had a whole thing going that Alden was actually Atticus Finch's great grandson. (To kill a Mockingbird). While Atticus as always trying to find the good in everyone he had clear lines he would not cross. I've since abandoned the Atticus Finch idea with the conclusion that Sleyca is rewriting the St Christopher legend in the context of Magic Mole Rats from Outer Space! Sorry, it's late here, but I'd like to see more of your ideas.

the btrflyz

When Alden was worried that Liam was going to try to take his shoes, his 'bad ass' impression leaned Southern and severe, like a combination of BignLittleSnake and Klein. I think that makes it pretty obvious that he already looks up to and unconsciously tries to emulate both of them. And Snake is already interested and sympathetic towards Alden as we saw in Ch 119. Hopefully Klein will mellow towards him as more of his power unfolds

Joel Wells

I have a question regarding auriads. Can they grow bigger? Or are their sizes permanently? I also wonder why some wizards choose to destroy their auriads. What is the purpose behind this I wonder.

Barrett Fogarty

When is Zeridee's family going to show up? Will they be at the Assembly? How might they handle the Ambassador?


Happy but exasperated, I think. The tree from another planet needs what?


I wonder if they might not show up at all. The situation doesn't have to be this drastic, but I do wonder if they might have cut her off after her controversial decision to abandon the wizard class.


“Someone had threatened to use her, Hadiza, and Emilija as human shields during the disaster.” Hands off, that’s -Alden’s- thing!


This chapter implies that the 'NO' was part of the growth of the bearer of all burdens and learning to keep holding Zierdee with his authority even when she wasn't physically in his arms. Since that's authority bound in his skill, it would be considered normal for an avowed and not give him away.


Wondering if we ever have another chapter with balls being thrown at Alden. And Alden catches a bunch with his authority- at a distance from his body. Then lines them up to send them back in bursts, like a machine gun. Defense into attack.


I don't think it was Mother. She's knows Alden and knows that one-word answer would freak him out. She'd have phrased it differently, I feel. It was Earth relaying the gist of what she was saying


“Before we get to what I learned in the Knight rapport, I have to ask why is your auriad so big? Mine’s really small!”

Jeff Wells

I also think it's a consequence of Mother being MUCH more powerful than the Earth Contract. She can spare the attention that Earth cannot.

Ian T Hathaway

Sleyca I'm on my knees please Lute POV so I can know how he and Emilija are doing


the only thing I think we could gain from a lute pov right now is his reaction to finding out how many of his wordchains landed on emilija. saving his drunk dad probably was probably more of an obnoxious affair than something narratively interesting.


Oh man, I didn’t even think about Alden catching things with his authority. His skill is already ramping up to be OP


I have a feeling that Natalie is really into Alden and he seems completely oblivious lol Honestly, for a teenage boy Alden expresses so little interest in girls (or guys for that matter) that I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s asexual.


In a comment higher, they recall the chapter in wich it is said that th wizard can link with other auriad. So the auriad does not grow but is extended. And for the destroying of one must be something exceptionnal as the wizard consider it like an extension. So either the integration went really bad and they must cut it out or it's an extreme punishment


I definitely agree. I wonder if any of the other students like Marcel will receive one as well for their evacuation efforts


I’m not 100% certain but I think this topic was mentioned in either a comment or in Q&A. There (if I’m right) Sleyca would clarified that Alden is indeed more asexual than not.


Because Artonans are into fruits, I want to see their reaction to Japanese Luxury Fruit Culture! Imagine them seeing the tastefully wrapped up fruits and fall in love.

Temp One

I agree, but I also feel like Sleyca has left enough room in the story to not go down the award route as well. I definitely think Alden has done enough to have earned one though. The only thing that is making me uncertain is that Knights seem to... Well, hate crowds? I don't know what the mechanism is. But we saw it first with the Primary and Alis. Then through Alden's own realization of his dislike for large gatherings after gaining his Authority sense. And finally Esh-erdi when he expressed his enjoyment of the quiet medical ward after all the Artonan 'pests' had moved in near his rooms. I'm not sure what the mechanism might be, maybe Authorities can 'jostle' one another on some nth dimension, and it's unconsciously uncomfortable for a person with a bound Authority? Like bumping a tender limb? But I'm starting to wonder if, as a result, perhaps, Knights *hate* ceremonies involving large crowds. That when they give out awards they're prone to being circumspect about it, like in Alis' commendation of Alden. Admittedly though, she had an excellent reason for skipping any potential ceremony as she was literally light years away. So I could see Esh passing Alden an award on the down-low if that's a Knight thing. But alternatively it could really not be, in which case Esh might not only want to give Alden a ceremony for his own reward, but might want to give Alden one in lieu of the ceremony Alis ultimately skipped.

Anthony Lutz

I think if other students are going to receive awards, it will just be certificate level ones like Alden has for first aid and parties, just "performs well under presure" not full blown commendations, as those seem to be rarely given

Temp One

@SkySeeker, I don't think Zeridee's family have necessarily disowned her? It was a couple of chapters ago, but me and a couple of other posters (I think one was Heather?) were talking about how surprising it was that Esh-erdi found nothing sympathetic about Zeridee's decision to refuse the Wizard class. Especially considering how empathetic and reasonable Esh is. Our suspicion was that, Zeridee, given how she was throwing throat punches while literally half out of her mind, had serious military training; and that it wouldn't be surprising if she had a Knight family background. That, on top of a bunch of subtle indicators that she doesn't seem to value her life much (refusing to evacuate until the very end, attempts to convince Alden to leave her to die) had us thinking that perhaps Zeridee was originally planning to be a Knight herself, only to get cold feet at the last moment. Leading her to reject using her authority entirely as a kind of self-imposed penance. And is dealing with some degree of self-loathing. This is somewhat corroborated by Esh saying that some Artonans reject the Wizard class and choose not to use their authority from a young age. But it's seldom done right on the cusp of adulthood like when Zeridee had apparently chosen that path. This reason would be enough to explain why Esh isn't approving of Zeridee's decision. He wouldn't want her to punish herself for deciding not to submit to a life of existential suffering. And would also explain why Bash-nor feels personally affronted. Zeridee would be practically telegraphing the message to Wizards that, if your aren't living a life of self-sacrifice, you don't deserve the ability to wield your Authority.


@Temp One: That is totally something I had not considered, but I think it's a really great angle: It's easy to assume that the power divide is responsible for the distance, but the whole practical aspect is a really great idea. Alden's quiet rabbit thing is also currently extending to him attempting to be very unnoticeable from an authority-perspective around wizards, it's possible that this actually reads differently to Esh-Erdi too.

Temp One

What Michaellogin said, Alden isn't fully asexual, but according to Sleyca he's definitely on the spectrum for it.


@slaveromywhims FYI Sleyca is a She not a He. This topic has been extensively rehashed, and even though I often have similar feelings when you wait for a chapter and it seems to not advance the story enough to where you want it to, I just have to remember that it is on the nature of this story and I like it for a reason. I just reread the whole story again to shorten the wait :)

David Burchfield

Its also possible that a wizard might not want his authority bound up in one for some reason (for a reason why they might be destroyed).


hmm, on second thought a lute rescuing Cyril pov could work if it went all "Lute, I am NOT your father!"


"alden jumpscaring joe" lol genius summary


I don't think the chance is high but that would be totally awesome!


Lmao Joe got a restraining order from the knights! Also finally the Stu-Alden conversation is today (in Alden's time)!

Temp One

And then he gives Lute an eye, while Lute screams "Yessssss!"


Sleyca, is Anesidora pronounced "A-knee-sih-dora" or "A-ness-ih-dora"? Please, I have to know.

Colby Rob

Yeah it’s been made clear since almost the very beginning that Alden is asexual

Colby Rob

Totally agree. I had to reread that segment after I thought about how Earth was being used in third person. Also people don’t like constructive criticism in this books comment sections.

Aspiring Moth

it probably even gets pronounced different ways by the inhabitants of the island due to the influence of many different first languages

Aspiring Moth

Lexi mentioned there are class based clubs with gym time for brutes, meisters etc. maybe Alden could join the shaper club as a botched non element limited shaper with only bludgeoning techniques. I'm sure there's precedent from U types like bedlam beldam, who is a botched sky shaper herself, but still fits better in the shaper club than anywhere else


The primary re Joe it's funny to watch that one skulk around me


The most interesting thing ever , said mother, that you have done is re Gorgon. She asks him is he a part of Gorgons priesthood and he says if you are reading my memory and don't know how could I? But mind space with Gorgon had no leashes. If Alden can consume authority and only free authority he is utterly important to mother for her esh and her Alis and when he was on Artona I she gifted, chatted, rewarded, guided, and is absolutely no question got three eyes on him at all time.


And here am I that have been pronouncing it Anderosia. Yes I’m special when it comes to names.


Even if he's not asexual he is in full defensive trauma mode and has been for a while. Even if he becomes interested in girls n' stuff he would probably have a tough time relating to anyone who hasn't been brutally tortured by the system. Ironically Natalie probably really digs his habit of treating her like a person and respecting her goals. I feel that dating pool is very narrow for her.


A-ness would be pronounciation in English, but most continental Europeans would say A-knee


If Natalie asks him out he would probably say yes, but he would think of it as an experiment I believe...


But @Temp, even if you are correct, I think Zeridee's family likely won't support her decision. And going to a relatively new Avowed planet alone doesn't reflect well on her relationship with her family anyway


Sleyca, could you do another Q&A on one of your skip days? You could maybe limit it to 30 or 50 questions or something


I wonder if an animal gets so attached to Alden that it fully trusts him if it won't have a permanent entrustment effect .. Tiny Snake auriad here we go!


Well, back then Alden told him about his own goals and it mostly revolved around him helping and assisting others...


Where's the line on constructive criticism and reading comprehension.


Joe is an adult with his own resources and is not Alden's to defend. I don't think it will be a thing, unless Joe gets badmouthed in Alden's presence.

JJ Hunter

Woke up with a sudden suspicion that the school assembly may be a bit of a red herring here. I expect Alden will learn important things there, but what if Esh's especial care here with ensuring Alden's sharply dressed, etc. have more to do with something planned *after* that assembly? It's been a very long, hard, mostly lonely last few days for Alden in particular, and various emergency responders in general. Esh is clearly worried about Alden's mental well-being and moral, and also looking for opportunities to address observed social fractures more generally. What if Esh hasn't given up on his idea of hosting "a << short lighthearted party >> to meet you and the other Avowed of Earth who have impressive commendations” ? I bet he could throw a better party than Bash-nor for the battle group, red-halo'd folks, highly commended Avowed, and select others he and Lind particularly like from the responding wizard teams. And that could be the kind of context where quietly arranging for Stu to come hang in person with Alden for a bit might be discretely feasible, and a big mood boost to both Alden and Stuart right now...


Ooooh! I like this theory very much! I especially like the idea of Stu visiting!


I am certain that in-world people would pronounce it both ways. It seems to me a lot like the country "Iran" in the real world. The native pronunciation is not completely intuitive to English speakers, and as a result you get some people who say "ai-ran," and others who say "ii-rahn," with some variations in the middle as well. I suspect "Anesidora" is like that as well. (Edit: idiolects are a thing.)

Temp One

@Francis, I think Esh alludes that the reason he and Lind prioritized looking for her was because she sent out a cry for help and is the relative of a friend? But later, Esh mentions that her family will be glad not to worry over her suffering a setback in her aspiration to stop being a Wizard: 【“So if she’d cast spells…she would have failed?” “It would have been << a setback >> for her. There would also have been questions about which spells she’d used and if her use of them was correct.” Esh-erdi dropped what was left of his sandwich on the table and brushed his hands off. “Thanks to your words, I will feel confident telling everyone loudly and frequently that her behavior was appropriate and courageous. It will discourage others from << maligning her character >>, and I’m sure her family will be glad not to worry over her.】 If she does come from a Knight household, I imagine her family being very practical. Given how their lives are essentially an act of self-sacrifice, they likely pay careful attention to mental wellbeing lest they spiral into suicide. I think her family might not agree with her decision. Like Esh clearly doesn't. But still support her, like Esh does.


Yeah I've been wondering if Stu was also in the volunteer squad, that would be awesome




would love it too if Kibby was there but it would takes months to clean Thegund and then a couple more to recreate the system. Kibby is probably stuck with Alis :( And as a trainee wizard, Stu would probably need a chaperon. Evul would be there too as a breaker of rules? So a party with three Hn'tyon and a future primary being friendly with Alden would surely not give him some fame (extra extra extra fame if Stu comes with dad XD)


Alden: "Please Sign the Following Contract: 1. The Bearer of All Burdens, from here on Person A, agrees to protect the Entruster, from here on Person B, from all types of harm so long as the current dangerous situation continues, until Person A's authority is exhausted 2. Person B agrees to be used as a human shield for so long as they continue to be protected from all harm 3. Person B agrees to position themselves in an easy to carry way to maximize Person A's ease in carrying them 4. Person B agrees that Person A is not responsible for moving Person B back to their original location after preservation ends"


@mistermerf I agree, but I think this could be considered a different sort of case (if it is what many in the comments think it is). Alden didn't do anything to help Joe after the moon disaster besides telling Alis that he did not think that Joe took advantage of him. Joe lost even more of his standing as a result of what happened and Alden never even stopped to think about whether or not there could be anything more he could do to prevent this (there may or may not have been). That is Joe's business. What might be Joe and Alden's business is whether or not they are allowed to talk and catch up when they run into each other. If a third party prevents two people from interacting by putting pressure onto one side it is also the other side's business that this happened. I am not sure if that is the only reason Joe ran from Alden in these circumstances, but if it is then Alden would have reason to intervene if he figured it out.

John D Jones

@ mistermerf True, but Alden is also (mostly) an adult and isn't Esh's to "defend" especially by "attacking" people that Alden likes. I think Alden's (Artonan) age and his childish (for an Artonan) way of speaking has fooled Esh into thinking of Alden as younger and less mature than he actually is. Alden is 16 going on 17 and Alden has been forced by his life experience to grow up a lot faster and be a lot more mature than most people his age. Alden does not need or want Esh to be a "gatekeeper" of his relationships.


My ability to predict is poor, but surely Alden must meet Lind-otta at some point.


I would venture that wizards can not bind/use an unlimited number of casting devices. Auriads are the first and easiest to use. Some wizards might upgrade to something different/more powerful, especially if they prefer less hand-heavy casting.

JJ Hunter

@Anon. I have been simmering in anticipation for Alden directly meeting Lind-otta ever since she picked up on his quiet authority pat to the universe. Will she recognize him from that prior hello? Will Lind remind Alden of Mother (at least in appearance), or will he be drawn to other comparisons? Mother was described as appearing to Alden as "a mix of a lot people he knew. Pink eyes like Thenn-ar. Braided brown hair like Hannah and Kibby. Brows set at an angle that made her look calm, like Instructor Gwen-lor." Lind-otta has "brown hair [...] down her back in three braids, cuffed together with wooden hoops", and is frequently amused at her partner.


It depends. What if you target them, they 'feel' it and you make them forget that they 'felt' it?


I wonder if it would help for Natalie to wear a disguise to meet people. Something that makes her look a lot more average. So that she has a chance to meet guys who aren't going to be totally overwhelmed by her looks, and get to know her first. Though, actually, that may not work either. Because people tend to go for other people that are at their same perceived level of attractiveness. If a guy later discovers just how much Appeal Natalie has, he may freak out about it. There's also the issue of dealing with a partner who constantly has other people fawning over her. That can provoke feelings of jealously even if Natalie rebuffs those others 100% of the time.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

From the word Nesi-card I think safe to assume it’s a-ness, because when alone Nesi is pronounced like that Also, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pwqCu_0v_u8

Josef Blumers

I am getting the feeling, that his skill is less of a skill and more of a Dao. He is seeking enlightening about his Skill Path. Therefore the bullshit the Velras queen does is her way of seeking enlightening about her Chainer Path.

Temp One

My mind broke the word up into 'Anesi' and 'dora'. The former I definitely pronounce as 'Ah-knee-si'. I feel like there's something about the 'i' which implies I need to stress the 'e'.


A skip day should be a skip day, imo. She needs time off and an Q&A is still work. Maybe we could get it as a bonus or instead of a chapter if she ever needs more time to write

Mehmet ali Reyhan

Skills are affected by what you think they do and your power aligning with your power makes them more powerful no wonder it looks like dao although aulia must have a very weird understanding of her skill

Alan Ben Sen Clem

who cares about his sexuality? he's been going going through a lot. he doesn't need that kind of drama


I think, from Esh's perspective, the Artonans on Thegund were Joe's responsibility. He should have given up his knowledge to secure their safety. Instead, he put the life of a boy at risk, killed some of those he was responsible for, and nearly killed Kibby and Alden. The ambassador, similarly, put the life of one of his charges at risk- and once again put Alden in danger. Esh is seeing grown people in authority failing in their obligation to those under them, and both times a young Avowed stepped up at risk to his own life to fix their problems.

Alan Ben Sen Clem

Lute will defo be Alden's partner at some point. They both use chains and he's the only guy in-universe who is capable of removing Alden's weaknesses on top of following his growth rate and having the same age. But maybe not now since Lute doesn't really give a shit about the whole hero stuff. He's a bit like Boe in that aspect.

Kim Enteiu

“Might want to specify here” could have been phrased as “I didn’t realize that” — part of how criticism is received and viewed is based in how it’s presented. At this stage, identifying it as Mother in any way would break immersion continuity for many readers since there is no specific difference in how Alden receives system notifications between Earth and Mother other than the way they phrase and interact. It’s not like we’re giving anyone the angry font 🤷🏻‍♀️


There's etiquette about when you wear the commendation and when you don't. I don't think Esh would just assume like that, and I do think Alden would mention if he had.


well, light minutes. My understanding is that the tri-planets are all in the same system and dimension. I could have misunderstood something though...

Isak Mark

Not a paragon of virtue but he comes across as someone who doesn't fuck over the little guy.


The correct pronunciation IMO is Ah-neh-shit-or-uh, because I liked Thwart-Hog's take on it when she found out about Alden not being registered yet. That works better if it's sih rather than see in the middle.


I kind of get the general criticism, but I don't agree that it is deserved with Super Supportive. I've read some other web serials where I really just want to know what happens next, but have far too many side stories that try to expand the world but end up sidelining the main plot. With SS, the Chainer arc was really well done, as Lute had been a fairly well established side character at that point, and he and the Velras have been involved with Alden since nearly the beginning. I do want Alden to grow stronger and figure out the mysteries of this world, but I also want Alden to have a good life with his good friends. By the way, if you want an example where the PoV goes off the rails, try Randidly Ghosthound. At one point, there's a time skip, and we just start following some new characters that we'd never even heard of before for dozens and dozens of chapters. Where's the MC? What happened? Did he die, or leave Earth? Who knows? It wasn't that great beforehand, and I dropped it right then and there.

Adam Andersson

I just started a reread where I'm trying to read the story together with my partner, and that forced me to read a bit more slowly and process the story differently. The ending of this chapter emotionally echoes the end of chapter 2, and that makes me feel a lot, but I'm not quite sure exactly what it is I'm feeling a lot of. > ...Hannah would know things. Maybe *she* would explain why everything had gone wrong. “Where is she?” ....... > Nurse Amanda burst into the room, and Alden screamed, “Get out! Leave me alone!” so loud it made his throat hurt. > > Hannah Elber, the superhero, ran from him like he’d attacked her. Nurse Amanda ran toward him, whispering words of comfort. For some reason Alden couldn’t understand in the burning pain of the moment, this was exactly the opposite of what he’d wanted. Edit: Oh, what?! Patreon doesn't support markdown?! *Booo!*

John D Jones

@ Brell That assumes that Joe giving up his knowledge was an option. What if Joe was under contract to someone else for that knowledge? That's one big reason I'm hoping for some kind Joe/Esh/Alden meeting to hash out all that stuff and fully understand what was going on then.

John D Jones

@ Francis I think Alden likes Natalie as a friend and a possible source of really good food, but he doesn't seem quite as... invested in her as he does in Maricel.

John D Jones

The weakest, most recently made hn'yton outranks other wizards just by being a hn'yton. Alden and Kibby talked about it at one point and she made clear that if Joe fought a hn'yton, he'd be executed for fighting a hn'yton even if he won the fight.

John D Jones

Of course we'll all work for Mo-nee because Mo-nee gets us the most awesome drugs.

JJ Hunter

The good people who are taken away, or die. The adults like Connie that Alden is supposed to able to rely on who keep flaking out, leaving him to fend for himself unexpectedly. The teachers at great physical distance like Instructor Gwen-lor, or who are holding themselves at emotional distance like Klein. The mentors imparting secret knowledge who are chained to community service paroles, like Gorgon or Joe. (Wonder what kind of terms Joe had to commit to to be permitted his current public service field trip?) Mother, who operates on debts and balances and favors owed for extraordinary service, whose privilege rests like a portal waiting for a life beyond the bubble of Alden's birthplanet. The knights Alden desperately wants to look cool for, whose care he's not sure he deserves to accept. The anti-chaos club he keeps peeking at, wondering if he could, someday, maybe, be capable of that intensity 99.9. The concept of home and safety without question that may be gone forever now. The alien kid who looks up to him and wants to be his wizard partner with matching facial tattoos. The safety and the succor Alden wanted to bring to other 8 year olds, other lost kids facing the worst night of their lives. The parents he wants to save for them, so they don't have the same grief and the loss he suffered. I can see why Alden's still fundamentally feeling a bit feral, a bit suspicious of caring adults coming too close to unsettling the new paradigm he's found for going forward here. What if they get taken away? What if they die? What if he gets taken away? What if he trains and tries and dies young anyway? Bad luck starts to feel like it's inevitable when enough of it gets stacked and stacked. I hope Alden gets to keep more competent adults he trusts in his life.


Two things I'm dying to see right now: a) Alden preserving stuff at a distance on the regular and seeing everyone's reactions to his improvement (it'll probably get chalked up to the crisis though) and b) Kon's tooth! What the heck happened to it???

Anthony Lutz

Kon's teeth (2 of them) are safe in Aldens magic messenger bag, I'm wondering if the bag also preserves things since it is "waterproof" and requires an authority check on alden to open. it was a gift from Mother after all.

Robert Mullins

Person B agrees that they are theoretically edible. Person A agrees not to take advantage of this edibility for any untoward ends.

Second Raddish

Once Alden thinks of all the tennis balls as a single group he can catch them like Neo stopping bullets in the matrix


y'know, that message from MOTHER probably worked pretty well to clean up some sizeable cracks in Alden. When Esh next encounters him, he might assume that his encounter with Joe was what repaired them.

David T

Alden had to choose between preserving Zeridee or the teeth.

Robert Mullins

Can we talk about writing quality and saying a lot implicitly? Because I was just re-reading the latest and boy this section stands out to me as saying so so much about the bound-free authority dichotomy. ` Right now, he could tell because the strength increase had been more skill-favored than normal. The proportion of bound-Alden to free-Alden was different than he’d expected, and he felt unsettled because of it. This is a good thing.  For the bound authority’s growth to outpace my free authority growth even by a little bit is good.  ` The first paragraph he's unsettled that more of him is bound than expected. And then he has to actively remind himself that's a good thing because it staves off the pain from affixation. I think this subtly nails the way that feeling your authority bound is supposed to feel bad and wrong.


Person B agrees not to get a restraining order if/when Person A gains the ability to magically locate Person B's position and the overriding urge to go over to Person B as fast as possible to begin preservation

Anthony Lutz

the bound - free relationship to me is like water filling up a vessel. Level 1 skill is like a cup, and the free authority 'tap' fills up over time, and affixation prevents overflowing, gaining more skill levels means you have a bigger vessel to fill, but the tap still fills at the same rate. I'm thinking Alden working his skill so much again during this crisis meant he gain another level or two, upgrading to an even bigger bucket than before but not emptying it like an affixation does.

Partha Peddi

The fastest way for Alden to stop Joe from running away is to do an authority fist-bump, totally ignoring the consequences.

Robert Mullins

Yes and no. It would absolutely work to stop him long enough to figure out what it means. In which case he would immediately teleport to the most remote region in the galaxy he can reach and then run far away to live in cave because he'll be certain the knights will somehow make it his fault.

Partha Peddi

I am wondering if Joe has preconditions for his travel to Earth, like avoiding interacting with Alden. Credit loss if he interacted with Alden or anyone else...

He's Just a Little Guy

Which would seem more likely to an Artonan, that a renownedly rule-breaking wizard taught a human authority control during their secret private education sessions, or that a human somehow taught themselves by watching children’s television?

Partha Peddi

CNH is in for a rude awakening when the wizards come in for inspection and Alden is presented to them.. the first thing they will recommend fixing is the Artonan study mats in the language classroom instead of the gym. It might happen soon since the wizards are already there to fix damage on the island.

Partha Peddi

Alden loves Natalie, I mean her food. He will definitely say yes to date her just for the food. He will definitely kiss her food on their first date.


Esh said he'd ensure bashnor understood Alden " was not a tool to leverage" I am even more curious now this means I think there are other commended avowed that are tools to leverage...


Yay it's Wednesday PST 😁 time for another reread

Jumping Flounder

jeffy has to get one, his first summon is to save the island from being sucked into the abyss.

Temp One

I find it really interesting that Joe has such a marked disregard and contempt for authority. To the extent that even the seemingly omni-benevolent Mother considers him a "Naughty Wizard." Yet whenever it comes to something involving the Knights he becomes incredibly deferential. I bet if a character like Bash-nor told Joe not to involve himself with Alden. Joe would have given Alden a morning call, have them put on matching shirts, and then spend the entire day together with Joe grinning aggressively at any other Wizard they encounter. Arm around Alden's shoulders. Just to prove a point. Esh-erdi asks Joe to leave Alden alone, though? And Joe almost trips over himself running away from Alden in order to acquiesce to Esh's request. There's something more there, beyond some mortal fear for his life. I figure it's perhaps indirectly related to Joe's apparent disgust and contempt for the Wizard class in general. Considering how he's famous for refusing to work with other Wizards. I wonder if Joe just puts a lot of stock into the paradigm that Wizards be the best of Artonan society? And that most Wizards fall so far below his standards he holds them in contempt. While Knights, by virtue of them enlisting into a life of constant existential suffering, are automatically given a pass and thereby worthy of deference from his perspective? Or maybe there's a more personal connection to Knights there. Like who was 'Worli', his mourning name, I wonder? Or maybe it's a combo of the two. And he respects Knights for the work they do on top of harboring a personal connection.

Jumping Flounder

at that age most people would be thinking about how to get super cool skills that will let them show themselves off and boost their own ego, while alden was thinking of ways to help others.


interesting thoughts. Just one thing: His mourning name is Worli. His own name is "Ro" and his last name is "den".

Jumping Flounder

alden also has the highest commendation on earth, coming from the tertiary(third highest knight). he’s also met the primary and is in regular contact with his sons so alden is kinda a vip wether he likes it or not

Temp One

@Tungsten, whoops, thank you for the correction! Edited my post.


I was teased with potential conversations with Stu and/or Joe, yet got neither.

Temp One

What are you talking about? Joe and Alden had a conversation. They greeted each other, Joe expressed his pleasure at seeing Alden and talked about the work he was currently doing. He even asked after Alden's health, before wishing Alden a good week and giving his goodbyes!


dammit Sleyca, once again... C57 : "Kibby had described him as Saint Alden the Savior of the Lab"

Aspiring Moth

levels are mostly arbitrary, but I don't think he gained even one. remember that he gained around 2.5 levels on his skill in 6+ months on moon Thegund, and he just levelled up a week ago. the skill was noticeably stronger, so I can see it having grown by a couple of percentage points in size, though

Robert Mullins

'rude awakening' Dude, this was their entire goal in accepting him. Their greatest wish would be that some important wizard stop by the school, be disappointed that the fancy awarded rabbit with a sad backstory didn't have better schooling and decide to fund new equipment and facilities for them.


Thank you for the read!

David Burchfield

My theory, which is completely without evidence is that Worli was a Knight who choose to take their rest and was important to Joe.

John D Jones

@ He's Just a Little Guy Technically Alden didn't learn magic from Artonan children's TV. He learned it from an actual Artonan child - just like he learned to speak Artonan from the same actual Artonan child. I think if the Primary realizes that, then Stu'art'h is going to get a new little sister.

Aspiring Moth

He learned it from the recordings of instructor gwen-lor's lessons. kibby couldn't even do the candle spell even at the end of the moon Thegund arc

John D Jones

There's probably a huge Artonan presence in Japan for exactly that reason.

John D Jones

I don't see Stu'art'h being there because hn'yton or not, figure you're not going to get the son of the Primary hn'yton to go to another planet without the Primary specifically singing off on it and he probably won't. Especially since Alden is coming to visit them in a couple of (Artonan) weeks anyway.

JJ Hunter

@John D Jones - good point! Wonder if Alden might get to go visit Stuart on Artonan I early if school ends up closed for the term early, or temporarily for the current week?

Neal Mayne

It might have to do with timing as well when we see Joe being disrespectful to authority he was still honored now his life has pretty much fallen apart. He has very limited privileges and from what he said earlier is quite broke, he might be feeling a little less arrogant then before.

Kim Enteiu

However guilty Joe was for his assistants’ deaths, the individuals who gave the Avowed evacuating Joe’s lab directions not to include civilians and children because they weren’t signed up… I feel like it’s possible that a low tolerance for petty politics is a defining trait of knights.

Barrett Fogarty

Hey! it was three levels, don't sell his ego short! Mother says, "...I think the current power level of your skill should be called three, but Earth says round up to four. It strokes egos to make humans more manageable it seems.”


The "+2.5 gained on Thegund" figure is for Alden's fake profile. He actually gained enough to reach Bearer lvl 8 plus some attibute points. And in ch 105 (1 week ago, as Moth said) he learned he gained 1 level worth in each unbound power and BOAB-bound power. Still, 1 week is too short for a new level.

Martin Knudsen

ok, I am all caught up, Can I please get another 150 Chapters to read? Like now, please??? Does anyone have a time machine??

John D Jones

I do. I call it a "clock" but watching it won't make the time go any faster...

John D Jones

@ Temp One I think it's a little more complicated than that. I think Joe and the Primary are at least acquainted with each other. Way back in Chapter 38 "Hedonistic" the Primary says: [quote]<< I’ll have Ro-den fetch him. It’s funny to watch that one skulk around me. >> [/quote] That indicates that Joe has been around the Primary at least enough for the Primary to notice his behavior and be amused by it. In Chapter 39 "Lesson One" we have this exchange between Joe and Alden: [quote] Joe steepled his fingers and stared down at the vat of eels writhing below them in the lab. “One day, when the Primary realizes which skill you have, he’s going to make your life absolutely miserable.” That sent a chill down Alden’s spine. “Why?” “I won’t tell you that. But he will eventually realize it if you achieve anything of note with it. And when the time comes, there’s the most perfect way of getting back at him. Yes. We have to do it. No matter the cost.” “Your face looks so scary right now. And the Primary is not someone I want to make mad. I’m almost positive I’m going to refuse.” Joe ignored him. “When you see the endless misery on the horizon, that’s the moment. Tell him then.” “Tell him that you told me this huge Artonan secret?” Why? Joe acted like he was scared of the Primary. And Alden really wished he wouldn’t use the phrase “endless misery” to describe Alden’s own future. Joe looked him in the eye. “It will shock him.” “You want me to tell the Primary something that might get you killed because it will shock him?” Alden repeated. “Are you all right?” “I don’t think he’s been shocked since he was a teenager,” said Joe. “It will be good for him.” “Yeah. Okay. I’ll take a moment out of my day when I’m feeling, apparently, very miserable to deliver a shock. To the Primary. For you.” “Thank you, Alden Ryeh-b’t,” said Joe. “I’ll entrust you with the message. Even if he takes my head off for it, it will be so very worth it.” [/quote] That all seems to indicate that Joe has been acquainted with the Primary since he was a teenager. Maybe Joe is the triplet brother of the Primary and Alis.


This chapter shows Alden being playfully peevish about the size of Joe's auriad, wrapping his own myriad around his neck in the shower, and mentioning that the third years are pushing to make capes part of the school uniform. I wonder if this is foreshadowing Alden wearing his auriad as a cape.

Mehmet ali Reyhan

Signing up had nothing to do from my understanding those who were not willing to work with the new corporation were left to die joe couldn't change their decision


I was definitely pausing there as well because the "My Esh" turned my first association more towards Lind than to Mother. It doesn't make a lot of sense to address him via message in the rather personal tone it happens when they haven't even spoken before though so it's pretty clear it was Mother imo. But I wanted to share that I totally get how you got the impression!


@John D Jones I agree with you that Joe and the Primary may know each other more than just by reputation, but I disagree with the last line. Stu words it as "No. Two of a triplet set. Their third is no longer with them.” in Ch. 103 when describing the third triplet, which I interpreted more as the third triplet is dead. I would not be surprised if Joe knew the third triplet better than the Primary or Alis. It does seem like the Primary (forgetting if we know his name right now) knew Joe from a school setting - he immediately recognized the ring Alden was wearing as Joe's, so he at least recognizes his magic.

Radha Patel

Thank you for bringing that chapter up. I re-read it and it was quite the good one

Matt DiMeo

I think if you get in just the right kind of car accident the doctors will induce a coma. You could check with your doctor for details.

Second Raddish

I think what Partha meant by rude awakening is that instead of fancy fantastical changes, the school would get nicer chairs.

Temp One

@David, I could absolutely see that! I wonder if their decision to take his rest was related to Joe at all as well though? There just seems something more... Personal? Between Joe, Alis, and the Primary. The first time we met the Primary, before Joe had done anything bad to Alden. The primary expressed enjoying watching Joe squirm. So definitely some bad blood there


@David : Since when does a theory needs evidence? @John D Jones : Joe can't be the triplet. I don't remember in wich chapter it is but when it is precised that the Primary and Quaternary have a third sibling, it says that he is no longer with us. So Worli might be his name Found it, C103: “They’re twins?” “No. Two of a triplet set. Their third is no longer with them.”


To be honest, I am quite worried today. It's about 9:00 am for Alden and the assembly is at 10:00, so about one more hour of SS time. What am I worried about? I'm worried that today's chapter drop won't include what happens at the assembly, but will only last one hour in story time and finish with a cliffhanger as the assembly starts. Sleyca wouldn't do that to us, would she?

Temp One

I'm now wondering if, as a kind of physical extension of his authority, Alden can use his Skill on his Auriad? And skip whatever training wheel process there otherwise seems to be that requires another person to entrust items to him. It would be kind of amazing to see Alden with a huge length of Auriad he uses like he uses his rope now.

Kim Enteiu

If he used his auriad to hold a cape in place it would give him a quick release option so he wouldn’t die if it was caught on a rocket, snagged in an elevator, or sucked into a vortex. I imagine Colibri would also approve of the tone shift as his image moves from hero to oh-no mid-fight after he incorporates the auriad into his official profile.

Kim Enteiu

Not all time travel would fix the situation (I’m looking at you, Mother of Learning).


oh no, a time loop just before the next chapter nope nope nope nope or better said : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31g0YE61PLQ


I hope not, but maybe depending on if she sees a natural break happening. She isn't like some Pateon authors that, I swear, enjoy the grumblings and threatening with pitchforks and are renoun for being cliffy.


just recieved new updates from my infogear; we *will* get to the assembly but its purely through the pov of Winston's livestream

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Yea man let’s have a tone shift to a Phineas and Ferb style comedy where Winston is Candace and Alden and Kibby are Phineas and Ferb And idk Gorgon can be Doofenshmirtz and Joe can be Perry Or is it the other way around


Early Soup has made me spoiled. The cravings are getting stronger...


"Ahhh Perry the Gorgon, what an unexpected surprise" says Superior Professor Joe Doofenshmirtz with a smirk. "And by unexpected, I mean TOTALLY EXPECTED!"


This really is a fabulous chapter that hits a lot of the best notes. It’s making me excited for another full reread. Maybe if Sleyca takes a longer break after the end of book two. But I’m not sure that will be anytime soon…

Partha Peddi

It is approaching 9pm ET. It means every 10 min checks since my understanding got defeated 3 days ago... I am going to wait it out for another 2hrs.

Second Raddish

If I wake up to see 200 chapters released after Sleyca made it out of a time loop, I'm not going to work.


I know Joe probably has special enchantments in his pockets to keep the food fresh, but what if he didn't. What if he is just old school inspector gadgetting with a half crushed churro, a lobster (toxic for humans) and some soup shoved in his pocket.

Partha Peddi

just going to wait an other hr... reading and listening to Poor Man's Fight on kindle + audible in the meantime. It has a lot of action, and is keeping me awake.

John D Jones

"We of the Artonan High Education Council will grace Celena North with dirt-repellent, stain-resistant Learning Cushions! Let the rejoicing commence!"

William Forrest

Alden seemed very concerned about his blowback from Peace of Mind this chapter. Aulia would love to have him owe her even a small favor. He should take advantage of having a clan of chainers trying to suck up to him to have them take the other half for him.


Not sure how the Gremlin would feel about that. Or how Alden would feel about it, for that matter. Still, he needs to find some better way of dealing with it than going to a comfortable spa with no distractions. My suggestion a while back was that he needs to be doing something physically intense that requires some amount of mental focus, so that he has an outlet for the inevitable stress while he is paying it.

JJ Hunter

@Partha, sleeeeeeeeeeep. There will be soup to enjoy in the morning.


Yeah what about his chainer buddy born on at the same time too


So many auriad phalice jokes just waiting to be cast


@SkySeeker I agree! I was thinking he should go for a run or pay it back during gym time. It might be good practice to work on heroing while under stress.


He does need to learn some kind of martial arts or take up boxing


So easy to write they are practically spurting out.

Robert Mullins

Please, may I have some more?


@John D Jones: You may well be right about the reality of the situation, but Esh really didn't seem inclined to cut Joe any slack. For that matter, neither did Mother.


Sley-e-ca! Sley-e-ca! Always your Pat-ree-ons want more and more! Sley-e-ca! Sley-e-ca! They keep whining till there's no more in store. There's a dark, thin, winding stairway without any bannister Which you threw him down, and gave him a corn snake to feed in a canister. Sley-e-ca! Sley-e-ca! What will he do when he's turned black and blue? He will curse the day Sleyca named him Saint Al-den!

Alex Anderson

There would be near 0 chance of Alden figuring out Authority control from just the videos. He 100% required Kibby there giving him a tap on the authority, regularly, for weeks, before he was able to do it.

JM O'Hare

https://img.fruugo.com/product/8/16/982021168_max.jpg this is how I imagine Auriads and no one can change my mind


Yay ! It's almost midnight oil hour ! Not the Lismore road tonight! 10 9 8 ... 1 and counting!


Radioactive boy ambush! Ro-den engages social shield, practiced when cornered by Palace of Unbreaking devotees!




it's time for you to go to bed sleyca.


I utterly disagree nightshifters gotta do as they're bound to do they save us through their service Also she pwomised to tell us if it was not coming and she hasn't! At least 4 more hours before I panic

Chas Becht

I don't think Alden needs extra practice heroing while under stress.

Kate Yen

Teeth are alive. Kon and Lexi wanted him to preserve them because they die after too long without blood flow. Since Alden preserved Zeridee instead, they have died, and cannot just be put back into Kon's mouth. He'll have to get false teeth.

Andrew Tobin

Mate, there’s gotta be a better way of saying that, but in a polite way that doesn’t make you sound like her mum.

Partha Peddi

When I visualize an Auriad, I imagine it to be like a Yajnopavitam/Jandhyam.


Now I'm curious, where would everyone split the story in to books? In my mind this is halfway through book 3. Book 1 ends with the ritual of return. Book 2 starts with mother and ends just after hazel killing manon - Avalanche, with Alden chilling in the bed feels like a good ending. Book 3 then starts with the obstacle course chapters.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

*mandatory post-midnight soup screaming session* repeat after me everyone: AUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SOUPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BTQcvDQb6LQ

Kate Yen

maledei: I don't quite remember, but 2am pacific has definitely happened before. Also, there was one time that Sleyca fell asleep (without prior notice). In other words, probably don't stay up for the story. The chapter will come when its ready




If you fell asleep at the keyboard, we understand and you have our sympathies.

Other Tan

Hey Lute, do you know what your birthing tree is? I have this idea that sounds very good. I am going to put this mud in your eye. No seriously, I saw this Artonan do it. No, it wasn't an Ewtwee that gave me the idea, I promise. You can trust me, it's not like I am using you as a guinea pig to regrow Kon's tooth, because I lost it. Oh wait, did I just remind you of the platypig, sorry.