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[A/N: The next chapter will be posted on Thursday! I think it will be on the longer side, so the extra time will help me put it together.

Have a great week, everybody.]



“It will fade now,” Esh-erdi said simply, withdrawing his authority.

The matter had been dealt with in seconds. Esh-erdi had confirmed that Alden wanted the whole tattoo gone except for the concentric triangles that represented the still-active pact for secrecy. Then, the knight’s power had touched him.

I wasn’t wrong about how strong he is, Alden thought.

Profoundly strong.

It wasn’t a large, comprehensible strength, like Lute’s, but a power so much more than Alden himself that it didn’t even invite comparison.

I feel like an ant that just got patted on the head by a mountain.

Every time he’d been in the presence of a mighty presence the experience had been different. 

Gorgon had given him that stare that had kicked off the brain-unspooling, epiphanic ecstasy. The Primary had actively measured some quality of his authority, thanks to Stuart feeling the need to compliment it. And on Thegund, Alis-art’h had held him together like a pair of hands wrapped around a broken statuette, keeping all the pieces in place. 

In this case, despite his sudden awareness of the immensity of Esh-erdi’s authority, the actual touch of it had been brief and light as a whisper. Alden thought he was probably doing the wizard equivalent of targeting—taking a look to find the thing that needed to be undone. 

Alden had a fleeting fear of discovery, but he held still in every way. And it seemed like it was over as soon as it had begun. At almost the same moment Esh-erdi’s authority backed off, the tattoo on his chest tingled. It was the first time he’d felt a physical sensation from it since Joe had asked to modify the terms right before their final lesson.

Guess that was our final, final lesson, thought Alden. 

It was fine. There was no reason for him to feel like garbage.

“That was really fast,” he said to Esh-erdi.

The knight had traded out his three-braid hairstyle for a single, over-the-shoulder ponytail. It was wrapped with metallic bands that reflected the red light in the hallway. “I was pleased to do it,” he replied. “If you think of any other troubles or wants…”

He sounds like he hopes I will.

Alden stood there, staring down at the ring Esh-erdi had just given him. It was narrow and made of the same translucent green material as the nonagon. Four tiny logograms were etched into it, evenly spaced around the outside. When he slid it over the index finger of his right hand, it expanded to fit. 

“You must think it was stupid of me,” he said. “To have formed a private contract with that person.”

“I can’t judge your choice when I don’t know what the terms of the agreement were, what you understood to be true at the time, and what <<pressures>> he may have applied.” He paused, then added, “I do have enough knowledge of Ro-den’s errors to judge him, and I judge him to be selfish, reckless, and arrogant. To an unforgivable degree for a person of his former standing.”

That bad, huh?

Alden looked back up. “Thank you for removing the mark.”

“The ink will <<degrade>> quickly. I’m good at breaking things.”  Then, Esh-erdi brightened. “Let’s get you to your school! None of it is destroyed.”

That’s a relief.” 

“I’ll be busy for most of the day,” Esh-erdi said, leading the way to the elevator. “But if our schedules align, perhaps you could give me a tour of your campus.”

“Oh! Yes…that sounds…” 

Alarming. What was Alden going to do with a tourist knight? Where would he even take one? What would people think?

While he was trying to think of how to respond, Esh-erdi went on, “I hope the flight there will take your mind off whatever worries you. It’s such a relaxing way to travel.”


Alden thought there was a chance that the flying platform was really called The Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him. He was currently sitting in the middle of it while Esh-erdi, who’d taken the ring back briefly, demonstrated how to drive it. 

The sky was partly cloudy, but the sun was peeking through now. There wasn’t a lot of air traffic between the island and the cube, and Alden doubted there was any sea traffic these days. So they had the route all to themselves. They zipped toward Anesidora so quickly that the wind made his face go numb while he pondered the name.

On one hand, it was shorter in Artonan. “Mother-forsaken” could be conveyed with a single logogram. On the other, Alden thought it might be a curse word, and Esh-erdi was working it into the conversation much more often than seemed necessary. 

“And that’s how you command the Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him!” he announced, extending his arm to increase the speed yet again. “It’s all sensible. Just remember that to rise, you point the ring down, and to fall, you hold your thumb against the ‘soothe’ symbol. Like this!”

Alden had learned within the first few seconds of their journey what to expect from the knight’s driving. They’d gone up to the roof of Matadero, where Alden, anticipating a gentle experience like he’d gotten when he and Zeridee were rescued, had tried standing on the platform. Only to find himself a centimeter from falling over the edge as they rocketed forward.

The person wearing the driver’s ring could glue themselves in place by making sure the ring was correctly rotated on their finger. Passengers were on their own.

Now, he was better prepared, but he still yelped when the magical craft dropped toward the surface of the ocean. It was so fast that he felt like he was leaving his stomach behind him.

“Are you ready to try?” Esh-erdi asked as they leveled out over the water again.

It was a zoomy magic toy. Of course he wanted to try it.

“Make sure you speak its name,” Esh-erdi said before he passed the ring over.“To show it respect.”

Alden felt his lips working toward a smile. He tried to keep it polite just in case this wasn’t a joke. “Is that its real name?”

“Why would I give it a false one?” the knight asked.

I just can’t tell, Alden thought, trying to interpret the Artonan’s facial expression.

“All right,” he said, slipping the ring onto his own finger. “Let’s go, Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him.”

The platform dipped and rose, glided and stopped, as he got the hang of it.

When it came to taking your mind off the morning’s disappointments, learning to fly was hard to beat. Even two days ago, while Alden had been half-dead and exhausted in the wake of his rescue, he’d thought, This is a cool flying nonagon. I wish I had a flying nonagon. 

And he was sure anyone who wasn’t acrophobic or anti-magic would have thought exactly the same thing. 

It was big enough to carry a few people. You could see through it. You drove it by pointing your finger. It flew.

Does it do loop-the-loops? he wondered as he extended his arm to increase the speed. I want it to do loop-the-loops.

Dropping Esh-erdi into the ocean wouldn’t be a great way to repay him for the new experience, though. 

I mean, he’s strong. He could just hold onto the edge. Or to me. 

He had a sudden mental image of himself saying, “Hold onto me, Hn’tyon Esh-erdi. We really have to do a flip now. Because.” 

Letting go of that idea took him longer than it should have.

The wind whipped around him, and the air smelled clean. The nonagon responded to every twitch of his finger.

Flying the platform was just challenging enough to seem like a game, and for a few minutes, Alden lost himself in the process of changing speed, adjusting course, and directing them higher or lower according to his own whim. Esh-erdi sat cross-legged beside him, but other than pointing out that they had turned too far to the south once, he seemed content to be quiet and enjoy the ride.  

Alden completely forgot to wonder whether or not the waves below him were still carrying Sinker Sender particles, and he almost forgot to feel shitty because of the meeting with Joe. 

When he spotted Anesidora on the horizon, though, he suddenly remembered something else. 

“The contract tattoo!” he exclaimed.

“Do you have another you want gone?”

“No,” said Alden, pulling his hand back toward his torso to slow them down. They were only about six meters above the waves at the moment. “I mean the Matadero contract tattoo. The one I’m supposed to get so that I can’t talk about what I’ve seen at the cube. We forgot it.”

Esh-erdi looked up from polishing one of his other numerous rings. “I didn’t forget.”

I definitely did.” What a strange coincidence to be getting another one less than an hour after asking someone to remove part of his first. “If we’re going to do it now—”

“We’ll do it later. When your thoughts are clearer and you aren’t on your way to school. We don’t have a reason to rush.”

Alden slowed them down even more, until they were almost hovering rather than flying. “We don’t? I’m leaving Matadero, though. I’m about to be surrounded by people.”

“Please don’t give those people any details about the cube,” said Esh-erdi.

“I won’t,” said Alden. “Of course. On my phone calls, I was careful not to even say that I was staying there.” 

“You may tell people that much.”


Esh-erdi didn’t do him the favor of filling the silence.

“Shouldn’t you be more worried about me making a mistake?” Alden asked finally.

“Are you going to make a mistake?”

No, thought Alden. But what if I were an irresponsible person who—?

As if to prove how unconcerned he was, Esh-erdi lay back on the platform and rested his hands on his stomach. 

“You’re mature enough to practice <<proper discretion>>. And I don’t doubt your honesty. We’ll contract you to secrecy eventually because you aren’t <<invulnerable>> to the <<wickedness>> of others.” Esh-erdi smiled up at a cloud. “But I prefer that we take our time for that and discuss the matter together carefully. And I don’t want you to miss your school meeting! So, for now, I trust your word.”

Alden stared down at the knight. Just like that then?

“And I’ve ordered the Contract to teleport you to me immediately if someone attempts to violate your thoughts,” Esh-erdi announced.

“Uh…okay. That’s an option?”

“I had to insist a little,” Esh-erdi said. “If it happens, I’ll be <<contrite>> about the expense. It doesn’t seem likely though, does it?”

It didn’t. 

Alden looked toward the hazy blur that was the island.

“If anyone asks, I’ll tell them I’m already sworn to secrecy,” he decided, pressing his hand forward so that they picked up speed again.. “I don’t think they’ll even ask. If I tell people I was getting healed on Matadero, they’ll just assume there’s nothing else I can say.”

“Blaming healers excuses all sorts of behavior,” said Esh-erdi. “And Porti-loth is <<eccentric>>. Anybody who has met him will believe anything you do might be a result of his instructions.”


“What about all the other stuff I know?” Alden asked.

“Keep flying,” Esh-erdi instructed. “We’ll talk about it.”


For the next several minutes, Alden’s head was full of nonagon piloting and the surprisingly difficult job of convincing Esh-erdi that he should be given conversational ground rules beyond, “Use your good judgment and your knowledge of society’s <<foibles>>,” when it came to things like whether or not he should mention being a witness to the knights’ powers and multiple Avowed deaths. 

They’d finally covered the Bash-nor/Zeridee/dead people situation to Alden’s satisfaction, and they were about a mile and a half out from Apex when he suddenly got a call from SkySea Traffic Control labeled [UNLAWFUL NOT TO RESPOND]. 

“Hello?” he said after answering it.

He heard a slurping noise and what he thought were aggressive keyboard clicks, then a woman’s voice started talking in Spanish so quickly that Alden had trouble reading the translations fast enough to keep up.

<<Listen, listen, listen. The sky might be hot real estate and we might be having a bad week and you might be playing with a brand new power you earned during the floods, but there are still rules. Rules. We aren’t letting air traffic devolve into a tangle like yesterday. A shaper flying a park bench hit an air skater this morning, and they both fell into the bay. You want to be involved in that kind of situation? You want to swim in the bay? Anything over forty kilometers per hour, anything flying more than ten meters off the ground, anything characterized by random motion, anything doing anything at a time like this—you flare your license and you get your flight path and you follow it. Do you even have a license? I have no record of your license. Yes? You hear me? Can you—?>> 

“I don’t have a flying license,” said Alden. 

<<What? You don’t? Where have you come from? Where are you going? Why are you out there?>>

Alden looked at the city ahead of him, then down at the knight who was smiling pleasantly up at the sky and offering zero input. 

“I’m flying Hn’tyon Esh-erdi from Matadero to Apex?”

The stream of words stopped. There was another slurp. The clicking on the probable keyboard slowed.

<<The general with the big green cookie has a chauffeur now?>> the air traffic person said at last.

That…works. Doesn’t it? 

“I am the big green galleta’s driver,” he confirmed.

<<Why does the chauffeur not have a license? That was rhetorical. Don’t answer it. Fine. Fine. I’m registering you now. Alden Thorn. You’re only registered for the cookie. Special circumstances cookie license. Don’t go flying other things around. Come take your tests when the world is less crazy. Don’t drop the general. Do call in to report your flight paths if at all possible. Where are you going now?>>

“Celena North,” Alden said, holding back a wince. He hadn’t had time to think through important questions like, Where exactly do I park the extremely conspicuous flying device with the extremely conspicuous Artonan so that I become less conspicuous?

<<All right. Follow flight path instructions if your wizard doesn’t mind. If your wizard does mind, find a moment to call me back. My job’s gotten so much more interesting lately. Have a nice day.>>

She ended the call. A moment later, an overlay and miniature map appeared on Alden’s interface, and he spent a couple of minutes hovering and figuring out what he was allowed to do. Is it this strict on a normal day?

“You were about to ask me another question,” Esh-erdi reminded him. “Before you called The Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him a human pastry.”

“I’m sorry!” 

“Don’t apologize to me.” Esh-erdi patted the nonagon between them.

He’s so messing with me. Alden thought, smiling in spite of himself again while he apologized to their aircraft with as much sincerity as he could muster. How does this person have time to mess with me?

Before the call had come in, Alden had been trying to pin down what he should say about Esh-erdi and Lind-otta rescuing him, if that came up today at school. Normally, his plan would’ve been to let his salvation go completely unmentioned or brush over it for the sake of his sanity. 

It had been on the spectacular side, after all, and he didn’t enjoy being a spectacle. 

But as Alden started to form questions, he kept running into a wrinkle he hadn’t expected. 

They saved my life. Isn’t coming up with ways to act like it was no big deal, just for my own comfort, kind of diminishing what they did?

Esh-erdi and Lind-otta didn’t need praise from one random teenager they’d plucked from the water, but the more Alden thought about it, the more he felt like an ass for even worrying about how much people were going to irritate him if they found out there was a story about important Artonans to be had.

Esh-erdi would probably tell him to do whatever was best for himself if he asked about downplaying what had happened, but Alden didn’t think he should let himself be the kind of asshole who chose his own convenience over giving gratitude where it was deserved.

I was about to drown. It hurt. I was terrified. They pulled me out of it.

It was different than not telling people about the Quaternary’s help. If he even tried to explain how she’d assisted him, he’d be opening too big a can of worms. This was simpler. Everyone already knew the knights were around Anesidora and that they were using their magic to fix things.

Esh-erdi’s flying cookie was even recognizable. To traffic control at least.

They are strangely adept at not being filmed in the act of using their magic though.

Alden let the nonagon move forward again toward Apex, keeping it slow. He only had twelve minutes to get to the assembly, so he was going to have to floor it soon. But he was reframing his thoughts and his question, and what he wanted to ask now was important.

Not just for the next few hours of his life. But in the longterm.

“Hn’tyon Esh-erdi…”

“You’re using the title.” He was still looking up at the clouds. “Is the question such a serious one?”

They were approaching the ruin of Punta de La Luna. The boardwalk, the cottages, the ambassadorial mansion—they only existed in Alden’s memory now.

I could wait and ask Stuart when I go for a visit…but it would be better to ask Esh-erdi as well. Stuart might have a weird perspective. Or just a different one. 

They were still out here over the water, away from drones. And Alden doubted anyone within miles of them had the combination of guts, talent, and knowledge they’d need to spy on Esh-erdi.

“I think asking you this might be rude, but I don’t know how to find out without taking the risk,” said Alden. “I apologize if it is.”

“I hope the question horrifies me since you’re apologizing for it before it’s even spoken.”

I don’t know. It might horrify you.

For another moment, he debated asking as delicately as possible versus just asking. He settled on the second, based on how he imagined it would make him feel if someone else was going to bring it up. 

“It seems like the fact that a hn’tyon’s authority is bound into a skill is never mentioned,” said Alden, staring straight ahead. “Even on the Triplanets among the ordinary class. Maybe even among the wizard class. People don’t ever say it. I’m not sure what that means—if it’s a secret that’s being kept or if it’s out of respect. I want to do what you prefer. When I tell people that you saved me, if someone asks me how Lind-otta stopped the water, should I just say she cast a spell, like everyone does on television? Is that what the two of you want?”

He couldn’t meet Esh-erdi’s eyes then. He was afraid that he would see something dangerous there—not anger, but any of the other hard emotions that might appear. Grief, pain, shame…understanding. 

Only the long pause before Esh-erdi’s answer came told Alden that the question had surprised him. 

“You ask why no one ever mentions the <<elder’s croak>>.” He spoke easily, with no trace of any of the reactions Alden had feared. “It is something of a secret on this world, though nobody means for it to be a perfectly kept one at this point. It’s <<taboo>> in our culture for people who aren’t a hn’tyon themselves, or closely associated with us, to speak of it. To such a <<degree>> that many still swear themselves to the maintenance of <<the respectful silence>>, following the old traditions. Assuming things go as I imagine they will, you’ll find that around the time our nature becomes more widely understood here on Earth, the silence will be adopted as well.”

“Then I’m sorry for bringing it up.”

“There’s no need to be. You didn’t call me a pastry. And asking questions for the purpose of educating yourself wouldn’t be offensive to anyone worth worrying about. In addition to that, some of us, including Lind-otta and I, consider Avowed to be a <<natural exemption>> from <<the respectful silence>>. Though not everyone feels that way, so I would walk carefully around others.”

So it wasn’t actually secret. But nobody had ever explained it to Kibby, and Alden had never gotten to hear about it while he was consuming Artonan media because it wasn’t talked about at all.

“Elder’s croak?” he asked. “I’m not sure the Contract is translating that correctly.”

“A <<fable>> often told to children and sometimes used to explain the respectful silence. I don’t have time to tell it now. But I’ll make sure you hear it.” Esh-erdi sat up. “I am a <<renowned storyteller>>. Do not let anyone tell it to you before me. The first time is the best.”

“All right,” said Alden.

Esh-erdi chortled to himself. “It’s been a few years. I must practice my croak! As for the rest of your question, telling everyone that we cast mighty spells is probably the best option. It’s also not untrue from a practical perspective.”

“I’ll do that,”  Alden said firmly.

“You are very serious.” Esh-erdi’s smile fell a little. “I guess you have arrived at your conclusions from your interactions with the Quaternary. Or perhaps even more recently from me and Lind-otta. If you have more questions, you may ask them anytime.”

“That’s generous of you.”

“I don’t think it is. We are probably less similar to Avowed than you would assume. And it would be good for you to understand as well as you can, since you are becoming friends with Stu-art’h.”

Alden directed the nonagon up higher, trying to unravel how Esh-erdi’s words made him feel. 

Below him, the world where human Avowed lived lay in a shocking mix of ruin and glamor. Beside him, a Knight of the Mother Planet offered to explain what he was. Against Alden’s chest, hidden by the high neck of the school uniform, his auriad was soft, and on the flesh there, a tattoo he’d accepted from a wizard was fading away. 

We are probably less similar to Avowed than you would think.

They were flying over the area he’d been rescued from. 

Does someone like me fit in anywhere? Will I ever? If I asked him—just threw caution to the winds and asked him outright—what would the answer be? 

Would he even have one for me?





Thank youu

JJ Hunter



Thanks for the chapter

Andre Pham

Soup, glorious soup


You’re alive! I was starting to worry…


Thank you


Thank you Sleyca. Rest well!


Soups up!


Nightshifters with authority issues rule!


Thanks a ton! I so want Alden to finally speak to a Knight so he can get directions about affixations and authority.


The last few lines punched me in the face, Sleyca

A Free Skeleton

Go for it, Alden! Request the secrets of the universe!


Thanks for the chapter ! I want Alden to ask every question he possibly can. I don't think he realizes that Esh-erdi would be glad to answer them.


Honestly I find what is part of the highest levels of power in their society criticizing Joe a tad hypocritical. Yes it was dangerous and Alden not really prepared for that. But the other side of the coin was it was dangerous for the people Alden rescued from there and there should never have been a reason to ask that of Alden because they should have been evacuated without any strings attached. And none of them seem to really even spare a thought about that. To be fair to Esh it is nothing he has something to do with directly, but Mother for instance?

Partha Peddi

It is finally here, Thank you Sleyca for your nightout to deliver us this chapter.


This was so much more satisfying than Joe's nonsense. Alden has been working with a world that doesn't care about him for so long that he has no idea what to do when he finds someone who does.

Sign Dhole

Esh-erdi just keeps on being the sincere best over and over.


Desperate, Curse, Rabies Vaccine, Infinite Power, Brutes, Time Bomb, All Knowing Mother, Arch Demons, First Generation, Gaslighting, Diluting, Griveck, Wicked Wicked Gorgon An ongoing discussion: DESPERATE @Aspiring Moth @@SkySeeker >Sleyca did say she was reworking "Doubling" so that is probably connected >Ways to level your affixation so it can more robustly resist your free authority >The Artonans were DESPERATE when they created the Original 300 skills and the [edit: first generation Avowed] Basically they invented a curse, rabies vaccine, infinite power, AND a time bomb, then gave the bomb to children that they eventually started gaslighting and diluting their steroids CURSE Before proto Knights, Wizards harnessed their bodies passive resistance to Chaos to create magic ( use their free authority ) like training your breathing ( normally a passive action ) for sniper training to increase accuracy ( murder ) But pre System, a proto Knight affixing a spell impression, or foundation points, created a CURSE were their free authority would view the affixation as an invader ( like an auto immune disorder / or a pseudo chaos field ) and constantly attack it until the free authority was strong enough to DESTROY the proto Knight's affixed spell impression, or foundation points, KILLING the proto Knight So proto Knights had to constantly search for more powerful spell impressions, or foundation point enchantments, or DIE RABIES VACCINE If they could not find more powerful affixations, then they had to make up for it with QUANTITY Like the famously painful rabies vaccines, a proto Knight might have to affix hundreds of small spell impressions if they could not find, and affix, larger ones INFINITE POWER The proto Knights, and affiliated Wizards, designed the original 300 skills to alivieate the curse by creating affixations with infinite growth, and Mother to help manage the infinite power of these skills BRUTES Interesting to see how the foundation point heavy Brutes fit into the original 300 skills TIME BOMB Contract tattoos can be overpowered by sufficient authority so the Knights are the only entities ( besides Mother ) that can be judge, jury, and if need be, executioner for their fellow Knights Any Knight is a potential source of infinite power and infinite abuse of that power ALL KNOWING MOTHER MOTHER is the ultimate authority By simply REFUSING to affix a Knight, or Avowed, Mother can indirectly kill any Knight, or Avowed But also risks turning an Avowed, or Knight, into an angry weapon with a ticking self destruct ARCH DEMONS Sleyca has not even told us what happens with intelligent demons from other universes corrupt powerful Knights, or chaos fields turning powerful Knights into intelligent demons FIRST GENERATION The Artonans were still losing the Chaos Wars even with modern Knights and Mother So they gave these 300 infinite power skills, and PROPER training, likely supervised by Mother, to blind entities ( cannot see authority ), also known as first generation Avowed, and hoped the blind entities pointed the original 300 skills at the demons, and chaos, and not the Artonans They hoped the most powerful Knights survived to enforce the Warrior Contracts, and Tattoos They hoped Mother could grow powerful enough to help guide all Knights and all first generation Avowed They hoped these [blind children / blind beasts / blind holy entities] did not decide to [overthrow / rebel against] the Artonans before, or after, helping win the Chaos Wars if the Knights became weakened, Mother exhausted her resources, or Mother refused the first generation Avowed further affixations ( turning the Avowed into desperate weapons with a ticking self destruct ) WAR STORIES Holy Gorram Frakking War Stories Some old Artonans, and Mother, must have fascinating stories about the struggles of modern Knights, and first generation Avowed during the Chaos Wars GASLIGHTING No wonder the Artonans gaslight new planets, bury the original 300 skills under "nail polish repair", and deny proper training to Avowed DILUTING Upon further reflection, "nail polish repair", and other Rabbit skills, are a great way to dilute life saving ( see All Knowing Mother above ), Avowed affixations by offering NON COMBAT affixations Sleyca even mentions in recent chapters how many skills have a focus on warfare ( demon, wizards, knight, etc. ) GRIVECK The Griveck race must have given the first contact Wizards a heart attack A race determined to turn ANY affixation to murder WICKED WICKED GORGON Oh, wicked, wicked Zoot, er Gorgon. Oh, she, er, they is a naughty person and she, er, they, must pay the penalty, and here in Castle Anthrax, er, the Chicago Consulate, we have but one punishment for setting alight the grail-shaped beacon, er, helping avowed find an original 300 skill [Narrator: law enforcement shows up. Everyone is arrested] 🔲




Thank you!


Thanks for the chapter, right in time for breakfast! Don't forget to sleep. Alden's flying cookie made me chuckle.

Billy Corcoran

Lotta Gorgon mentions lately. I'm taking this as foreshadowing for more Gorgon soon.


"If I asked him—just threw caution to the winds and asked him outright..." Dooo itttttttt


Wow… that was a good ending for the chappy.


Thanks for the soup. I always love interactions with knights, I'm liking Erdi more every time we interact with him


I hope he does just blurt it out. Esh-erdi is enjoyable to read about and I’d like to see him as Alden’s new mentor.

JJ Hunter

I will have many more thoughts after work, but Esh as a << renowned storyteller >> absolutely delights me, that matches up so well with his facility for wordplay, amusing impressions of people and animals, and particular determination to win a smile / Alden's approval. I bet he's a big hit with his nieces and Artonan children more generally.


I’m really looking forward to Alden’s character development arc, the way things have been stacking up makes me so pumped for it (my bet is that the implosion will probably happen on his trip to Stuart). Plus looking forward to everyone’s reaction from next chapter, it would be interesting to get a teacher’s pov on Alden vis-à-vis the whole situation and his involvement with the artonians. I’m kind of sad for Alden though, to me he seems like the kind of person who gets stressed by the secrets he has to keep. Hopefully he accepts the mind healer offer. Also, I think Esh’s right. Joe is an asshole who profited off of a kid’s good intention and not-knowing-any-better-ness. I feel like what escapes a lot of readers is the age difference and status difference between Joe and Alden. Definitely feels very skeevy of Joe.

Allora Lee

This was so good!!!! I love esh-erdi and Alden’s dynamic!!


Thanks for the chapter

Allora Lee

Also a flying license: yet another new thing Alden has on his peers!


Aiden’s thoughts are very appropriate to his age. It seems most well written stories must circle back to audience touchstones just by the nature of storytelling. If a thing is truly alien to us, it’s far too difficult for us to empathize. Who has never had thoughts similar to Alden’s? I expect the percentage is VERY small…


Esh-erdi seems like he’ll very much appreciate the future Primary’s decree officially renaming washing devices to “ugly butt”

Robert Mullins

Esh accidentally punched Alden in the shriveling fantasy that he'd be able to maintain a normal avowed life. And he has no idea. This is fun.

JM O'Hare

What is a “Hn’tyon” again?


I’ve noticed this as well and wish Alden would find a way to mention that some of the people he ran into while picking berries weren’t there because they wanted too but because a previous rescue boat wouldn’t let them aboard.


Thanks for the chapter!


One thing to keep in mind is that we (and Alden) don't really know what other options Joe had available to him. Maybe he could have asked someone else to do it, maybe he could have instructed his assisstants to stop supporting him or released them from whatever bonds tied them together. I suspect that Esh-Erdi and Mother know what options Joe had. And that those options involved him bending his neck, showing humility or putting himself in debt to someone else. And instead of doing that he decided to take risks with a brand new avowed's life. He tried to be *clever*, get everything he wanted with none of the costs. And it all blew up in his face.

Chas Becht

Minor edit: "Of course he was wanted to try it." -> "Of course he wanted to try it."

Robert Smart

Great chapter. I hope he does confide in Esh. And Stuart. But i think Esh is more important as a guiding touchstone. I guess Stuarts more of a compatriot/partner.

Maddy Weller

Fantastic ending, with Alden ruminating over what he is, but the giant flying cookie is so great too XD


So, Alden isn't any more free now that the tattoo is partially gone - it's just the no longer functional clauses that are gone?


I loved the chapter!


Thank you for the soup Sleyca! I'm really hoping Alden becomes comfortable sharing his nature with those around him - at least the Artonans. It may lead to problems, but his secretiveness is costing him a lot of mental wellbeing.

Emily Curtis

When are we getting fully functional The Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him purchasable at car dealerships. I'd definitely get one.


he still cant talk about it, because the tiangle of secrecy is still actively working to ensure his silence. But the part of Joe offering lessons in exchange for Alden picking berries, the agreement of both parties to do that, is gone.

Radha Patel

Thank you for the chapter. It really feels like Alden is in dire need of a confidant. He's been in need but the recent events have pushed him further and further to the tipping point, including losing the friendly relationship to Joe. Esh-erdi has been repeatedly posed as someone who might understand and have the wisdom that Alden needs right now. It's just so painful that Alden can never bring up his real problems directly himself for fear of losing what little chance of normalcy he has now. He did take the risk this chapter to try and indirectly talk about it though.


It’s the actual word used in artonan to refer to the super special existence that is chaos knights. The ones that both practice wizardry with unbound authority and have parts of their authority bound through affixed skills. Earth words like “knight” and “general” are used as a very very poor translation. I personally think “saint” or “martyr” tone of knight is more apt. But that would require earth to know about authority and they don’t.


Wow. What a great chapter. I’m really liking Esh-erdi now. Also, for some reason The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don’t be Late) is stuck in my head.


He could do it. The contract would allow for him to talk about the fact that he was angry that the new lab owners left people there to die. I’m just waiting for someone to directly ask him about what he would consider to be justice after what he went through on the moon, and for him to say, “For the people who reneged on their obligations to get the people in the lab, that they had just bought, to safety, and for the person who decided to punish Joe by forcing him sit and wait for his people to die. I want those people to be held accountable for their decisions.” To be clear I am not defending Joe as a person. All accounts, he’s slimy at best. But in this one specific situation. He was utterly scraping the bottom of the barrel when he asked Alden for help. He. Was. Desperate. Should he have asked a teenager for help. No. Did he have literally any other options? No.


Possible, the options we know of is something with strings attached. If the option is to essentially accept blackmail it won't really change my viewpoint. Now it might be something I haven't thought of that would change my mind but we will see.

Zenopath (AEV)

I am increasingly convinced that Esh-erdi knows Alden is a quasi-knight. "We are probably less similar to Avowed than you would assume." That could mean all knights in general but it could mean Alden and Esh. Also, the way he's behaving in general, giving so much time and effort to Alden even though he should probably still be working on cleaning up after the disaster doesn't seem normal for a random avowed he rescued. His behavior makes a lot more sense if he's worrying about the apprentice knight with no official status to protect him. I also think he's holding up on the secrecy tattoo because he wants to include Alden's secret. He may be planning to have the tattoo promise that he won't tell anyone except his partner that Alden is a wizard, in an effort to get Alden to confide in him. He probably thinks, rightly, that Alden is in desperate need of mentor and is trying to gain his trust to take that role, especially now that Joe has officially vacated that role.


I also wonder if Sleyca has taken flying lessons. It was really like that when I was flying—every part of me was occupied with flight thoughts and I never had to think about anything else. So relaxing in a way.


This feel like the correct thought process to me. It strikes me as distinctly possible that Joe's assistants were stuck there as much out of his own choices as those of the corporation that bought out his lab.

Aron Lehofer

That was probably the quickest anyone has ever gotten a flying license in Anesidora. Three sentences and it’s done. I guess it pays off to be a knight’s chauffer.


I’m interested in Stu’s reaction. On one hand he’s going to have a real friend, one who understands the unique lifestyle of being a knight and the perspective on life that comes with it. But on the other hand, if I understand the process right, Stu will “expire” long before Alden. And Stu is very committed to the endurance aspect of being a knight. It might break him a little or it could really turn him into someone even more dedicated and durable. Wanting to live as long as possible with your friend.

Jesse Kelaidis

Guess: the Nine Edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him was created by Lind-otta and Esh is playing the long game to get Alden to refer to it by that name in front of her. Honestly, great prank.


There is literally no way sending a child was the only option available to Joe tho. Pretty sure that he himself admits that to rescue them another way, Joe will have to but some political capital. Worst case, Joe just shouts out loud to the wider wizarding population and his subordinates get rescued. They are judging him cuz they are aware he had options.


I would dearly love Alden to tell Esh-Erdi


I understand that's how drama builds, but that's my current overwhelming feeling. A Hnt'yon, especially a human one, needs guidance.

Alex Scriber

I think Alden is more worried about what questions like that would reveal about him, than about not being answered.


I kinda wish for an alternate reality where he keeps the tattoo and ten years later shows up to joes office, drops a bag of berries from the now newly opened and operable berry farm on Thegund, and demands another lesson.


Man, writing is hard, Sleycas' do it so easily. Man that were goood chapter. ☺️ This one, He is a good wizard. Better, kinder, more mentory than Joe, I hopes. Also, liked the Biscuit as the name for the Nonagon ... Is suitable ...


Esh-erdi is so good at appearing unfaced, I really want to see his reaction to Alden's question as a text to Lind-otta.


I hope Alden getting a ring from an artonan uncle continues to be a thing.


Getting confused for a second because the chapter always comes out on Monday and Thursday. Wondering for a moment if Slayca is saying that she is about to take a week and a half off… only to remember that you’re a day ahead. 😂 In all seriousness. Thank you for the chapter and for letting us know. See you Thurs(Fri)day. 🙃

Josh Delgado42

Thank you for the chapter! Esh-Erdi's joking nature is a joy to read and I love his dynamic with the ever serious Alden, bringing out a wonderful distraction for Alden. And I enjoyed Alden's joy in making loop de loops. The encounter with the Sky Sea controller was rather interesting in both Alden's response and the controllers response. Love the idea of a green cookie, and Esh-Erdi's response was just joking instead of being made at revealing his location. Alden's willingness to ask the big question was remarkable to read, and his response was so genuine and relatable. Thank you for that!


What are you referring to regarding Stu expiring sooner than Alden?


Esh-erdi is so fun!


Isn't Alden referring to authority itself kind of a giveaway that Alden knows what it is and risking discovery? Not sure if I'm looking at this the wrong way


Also Esh-erdi is definitely gonna show up in Celena North isn't he... and break Alden's intensity level in the progress


But Esh-erdi would be such a great mentor!


Yes. We are spoiled and have Christmas twice... but we still worry when it shows up later than normal. Sleyca Clause... St Sleyca... the Sleyca Armadillo...


Now I am anticipating the telling of Elder’s croak. Thank you for the chapter Sleyca! Sleep well!


I feel exactly as Alden does. Dare he mention it. Every little tentative step out he seems one step closer to knowing this guy, this knight. Maybe he’s dependable? Maybe he can finally know? But it’s so big. There’s no going back. Does he already know? Why this interest? Would he be a threat? Would he be whipped away to the triplanets. There’s no closing that box. No getting the knowledge and then just digesting it. His life would evolve. I don’t know what he should do either. It’s rare to find a character with a dilemma like this where I don’t feel a certain way, compared to them. I am as confused as Alden. Masterfully done.


Sleyca you tease! I thought for sure we would get Alden and Esh at High School today 😭. Thank you for taking the time (as always) to fully give each moment the attention it deserves and providing this gem of a 1on1. Esh-Erdi totally is giving me big brother vibes to Alden right now! Anyone else?!?! ♥️♥️ Thank you P.S. Alden, you belong. Just be yourself. Pick up your crown 👑, King. No be sad boi, be happy. We love you 😘


I am genuinely so torn on whether Alden is going to end up telling Esh-erdi or Stuart about his big secret. It feels like the tension for it is steadily building, but is that just what I want to see? Sleyca, why are you so good at keeping us in suspense!?!

Adam Andersson

The secrecy clause specifically prohibited hinting about his real task iirc, and I'm pretty sure that would count Saaski


Grivecks seem to be aware of authority and how it works, if Sophie’s advice is anything to go by. And wizards have actually been pretty open about authority since the moment they arrived, it’s just that humans mostly misinterpreted them. From Esh-erdi’s perspective, that isn’t the big secret.


He may well know it on some level, but I don't think he realizes it. Alden's question was unanticipated because of the knowledge required to ask it.

John D Jones

Something to consider about Joe / Worli Ro-den. Telling Alden/other Earth Avowed to call him "Joe" makes him seem friendly and approachable but it also quietly conveys the idea of "None of you Earthling fuckwits can pronounce my name properly so just call me "Joe" since a single syllable might not be beyond your understanding."


I like Esh-erdi more with every chapter he shows up in. If anything happens to him, or Nine-Edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him, I fear I will be unwell. Thanks for the chapter!


The juxtaposition between the conversations of this chapter and last chapter is so glaring when you really think about it. Joe was secretive and rude, Esh-erdi is fun and open. Joe made Alden feel terrible, Esh-erdi is doing his best to cheer Alden up. Joe could be fun too, but also selfish. I think it's becoming clear that Esh-erdi will make a much more reliable friend and mentor. Alden deserves that.


I think it's likely Alden tells Stuart but not Esh-erdi.

John D Jones

Unlike most Earth humans, Alden can actually speak Artonan pretty well because he was taught it by a wizard child, which also explains how he knows about Authority as Artonans see it. Plus Alden spent a few days with Alis while he was dying from Affixation Rejecting (or whatever it was called), so Alis would have told him what was happening to him. Basically, there's plenty of reasons for Alden to know about Authority beyond "I'm a wizard."


Ehhh… I see where you’re coming from, but keep in mind that Joe also gave Sophie a Griveckry name for her to use for him. It seems a lot more like he’s just accustomed to giving people of other species a name that they can definitely pronounce.

Jason Harpster

That is a really poetic way to say it is a flying platform....wow.

John D Jones

Yeah, but on the other hand, per last chapter, Esh is also digging into Alden's more deeply held secrets and if he succeeds, he's probably going to fuck up Alden's plans for his "Intensity Level Four" life.


I think Alden should tell Esh. If not for himself, for Kibby. A private message from Esh to Alis so that Kibby is not traumatically exposed to the consequences of what her wizard practice with Alden means would be something I think Alden would be willing to make that reveal for. Alternatively, Stu could also do the same. But I think it’s reasonable for Alden to be serious over it and reveal to one of them (and Alis) for that purpose. Alis, at least, was confirmed by Mother to be hypothetically cool with what he has become. Edit: Also, I find Esh a reasonable reveal for the purpose of Kibby because an older experienced knight would have more ability to get the information to Alis discreetly, without potentially having the messages read by others. He could potentially just ask for it as a personal favor to be explained later in person, eliminating the need to explain over open communication.

John D Jones

Yeah, but that's still making the assumption that they can't/won't pronounce it properly. I mean if my real name was Guillermo Gutiérrez and I said, "Just call me John" the implication is still "Just call me John since you're incapable of pronouncing my real name correctly because you're a dumb-ass."


It's not confirmed Alis knows about Alden having an authority sense. Mother confirmed that, had Alis been aware of just how special he was at the time his affixation was at risk of breaking, she would have expended more resources on saving him and that's why Mother took the liberty to do so.


Artonans do use a bunch of words to refer to authority, and there’s also Artonan-enthusiasts who specialize in the language. The secret is more that it’s not a metaphor about magic but is instead pretty literal

Nathan Rice

Ah, so the elder's croak is like the emperor's clothes or the elephant in the room.

Tycho Green

Esh couldn’t have found out that Alden's skill is one of the 300 between the time of his conversation with Lind to now. Given that Artonans are extremely particular about things it is unlikely that Esh views him in such a light even if he suspects that Alden has an authority sense. The infinitely expendable skill is too big of a requirement and Esh is still worried that Alden affixed a thoughtless project from a bad school.

John D Jones

@ Adunk See my thing is that Kibby needs to know what she helped do to Alden so she will know not to do it again to some other Avowed who [italics]doesn't[/italics] have one of the big 300 Skills. It's possible that Alden might create a new paradigm of hn'tyons, ones who Affix their Skills first at then learn wizard magic. That way the wizard magic became a gain that is occasionally lost instead of just a pain-filled loss that is eventually gained back.


I'm sure Esh is texting Lind running commentary. "He called your forsaken son a human pastry!" (I think Lind is the cookie's mom) "Lind, this child is so endearing, it is as if he cannot believe anyone would trust him." "LIND!! You wouldn't believe it! I knew he was exceptional! He figured out the elder's croak, by himself!"

Skull Leader

I thought we would be at the assembly three chapters ago. Yet I am happy that we have the last three chapters, which I think is a testimony to the writing and taking the time to show the details that others would just gloss over. The last sentence of this chapter makes me want to start the Melt chant only with "Say it. Say it. Say the question Alden!"


I want to hear the elder's croak fable immediately. I want to hear it even more than seeing Winston's reaction when Alden flies in with a Knight to arrive at school.


I like the idea that Lind-otta enchanted it herself, but I do think the name may be more fitting for Artonans than humans. It makes me think of the bowl that knocked Alden out because it was still "claimed" in the dominion of the mother tree (Joe lesson on this is Ch 28). The platform itself may be a kind of magic or living stone that now has no affiliation with the initial quarry/mountain/mine (take your pick there) and is able to be properly enchanted.


Nine-Edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him is definitely a joke. It's like how Kibby used to name things.


I think Esh would assume that that was one of the things Joe taught Alden

Emily Gurnavage

I bet its called "The Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him" because the inventor/creator's mother was like "thats the dumbest idea ever, your gonna die working on that" lol. Orrrr less funny but still plausible the mother part means the creator of it who forsook it for some reason.


This is like watching an episode of 24, every chapter in real time. I hope Lind starts calling Esh Honey Crumpet now

Emily Gurnavage

Oh snap - just realized whats gonna be the best part of Alden showing up to school on a flying platform with a famous Artonan Knight. Winston. Theres no way Winston isn't recording. And theres no way he doesn't have an aneurysm when he sees Alden's entrance, lol.


The Nine-Edged Bastard... I want one too...


I wonder if Esh could sense a crack in Alden when Alden asked that question

Emily Gurnavage

Alden almost always chickens out when it comes to stuff like this. Hes gonna convince himself to ask next chapter, but then mid sentence itll change to a different question/statement. Esh does seem like the best person in the universe to let know though from what we know. And the best person for the secret to escape from to only the right ears initially. I say that last bit because no matter how caring and nice and trusthworthy the guy seems, and the minor rules he is breaking for Alden - he is still a Knight. We saw some of what that dedication means. Its not a light choice. No matter his actions with Alden so far, I dont see him being able to keep Aldens wizardry a secret from his higher ups if he knows. Or at least not for toooo long. Perhaps could "reasonably" delay it till after him and L leaves Earth.

John D Jones

@ Sunden I agree. Telling Esh about all this will affect Alden, but not really Esh. Stu'art'h meanwhile, is about to become a hn'tyon. Alden can help illuminate the experience for Stu. Hell, weird thought, but maybe Alden could share the Sex Gum with Stu'art'h so Stu'art'h could literally feel Alden feeling his own Affixation's unnatural shape. Alden could tell Stu that "As awful as the pain of Affixation is to me, it's kind of worth it because I know I'd never have been able to cast spells without it. You're already a wizard. You don't need to do this to become one. Given what happened to your sister, do you really think that she'd want you to suffer this agony? Especially for her sake?"

Andres Ceva

Nice chapter! It was a zoomy magic toy. Of course he was(delete) wanted to try it.

Emily Gurnavage

It does sound like its gonna be *good*. Im assuming the next chapter, if not the next 2, will be entirely at Celena High though =( [which is still super exciting but that story does sound super neat] Alden is still going back to Matadero though after, not the dorms (if they are even safe/habitable) so I dont expect to be left hanging endlessly on it. Were gonna hear it.

Emily Gurnavage

Someone above pointed out a different name that works, and might be the more accurate translation lol. Nine-Edged Bastard From how passengers gotta fend for themselves and how wildy it seems to move, I could see new drivers constantly calling the device a bastard. And a son forsaken by parents is a bastard, soo


[“Make sure you speak its name,” Esh-erdi said before he passed the ring over.“To show it respect.” Alden felt his lips working toward a smile. He tried to keep it polite just in case this wasn’t a joke. “Is that its real name?” “Why would I give it a false one?” the knight asked.] Esh definitely saw Alden’s gokoratch video when researching him and decided he wanted in on the cultural exchange


@John - agreed. I have a loosely held belief that Esh (refreshingly kind and considerate that he is) will be playing as a sort of Accidental Antagonist for this mini-arc. His actions sure look like they have the possibility of changing Alden's social circumstances in ways Alden might not deliberately choose for himself. The upcoming school assembly will be putting this theory to the test - I can't wait! But yeah, even with that framing, the comparison between kinds of mentorship being given is still as interesting as the comparison of emotional support between this chapter and the last.


You have to remember that even if she tried, it would be almost impossible for her to replicate what happened with Alden to any other avowed. It just so happens that Alden made a contract with a special existence that gave him the ability in the first place to sense authority, normally if you're not an artonan or some other magical race like Gorgon you would lack the "authority sense organ". That's the whole reason why avowed exist in the first place, it's a way of giving other species who normally could never perform magic on their own a way of using it.


Maybe, but I'm more inclined to think he'd do his best to protect Alden from intensity level 99 stuff, even if the attention of someone of his status is kind of intensity level 99 itself unintentionally.

Temp One

【Alden had a fleeting fear of discovery, but he held still in every way. And it seemed like it was over as soon as it had begun. At almost the same moment Esh-erdi’s authority backed off, the tattoo on his chest tingled. It was the first time he’d felt a physical sensation from it since Joe had asked to modify the terms right before their final lesson.】 I'm starting to wonder if we're going to get a chapter at some point in the future where Esh'erdi casually mentions to Alden that, for most people that can't control their authority, you feel their authority as being in a constant state of flux without much rhythm or reason. Never absolutely still.


I'm disliking Esh more and more as time goes on. Mostly because Alden realizes that Esh is the reason his relationship with Joe fell apart, but reacts irrationally and is angry at Joe for what Esh did and is buddy buddy with Esh without even mentioning the sabotage of his relationship with Joe. It's so odd and unpleasant. I'm glad that Alden is almost back at school and Esh will go away, at least for a while. Thank you for the chapter.

Mason W

A small wizard fist bump just to let him know he does understand would be cool.


I think Joe's was going to push away Alden regardless of Esh's presence - he's depressed and self destructive, and thinks Alden deserves better than him. Esh's interest in Alden just serves as the logical pretext, but Joe isn't acting rationally


I disagree. I think Joe's relationship fell apart the moment Alden was declared dead, because Joe suffered the repercussions of that from his peers, Remember the conversation with Stu when he stopped calling Joe "Superior Professor"? Joe has been censored by Artona society. Esh sending out a memo to wizards at Matadero has nothing to do with that. Esh's message was to all the wizards at Matadero and basically said "Leave this one alone, he's my guest, not your toy".

Robert Mullins

Chapters up to this point have done a lot to emphasize how Alden feels isolated/alienated on all sides. 0.) Not really a human because he's avowed (and Gorgon'd) 1.)not really avowed, because he's a wizard too 2.) not really a wizard because he lacks any real training aside from the 5 year old equivalent and is affixed 3.) not really a knight, because he's a human child who hasn't taken the oaths 4.) (and arguably)not really a student because he didn't pass entrance exams on his own merit and was allowed in purely for marketing reasons. Something is going to break before long.

Matt V

On the one hand, I'm desperately eager for Alden to get to school and talk to his friends - learn more about what happened to them and for them to get an idea of what Alden went through. On the other hand, I will happily take more chapters of Esh just being friendly and informative, and Alden being formal and polite, and Esh trying to break Alden out of his formality. So if Sleyca could find a way to give me both of those, that would be great. Thanks.


I don't think Alden is going to tell anyone without a tattoo to... er... cover his ass. Hmmm there should be a better way to phrase that.


I am confused. I thought no one but Artonans knew about Authority. Wouldn't it be a surprise for Esh-erdi to hear a human mention the word? When is Authority mentioned within the human community? What am I missing?

Emily Howarth

I am now anticipating Esh's reaction to Alden's gremlin when they do the secrecy tattoo. Also, the gremlin's reaction to how powerful Esh is. It handled Joe just fine but how will it compare to a knight? Also, maybe Alden feel it in the moment and include his secrets. Thanks Sleyca!

Neil H

Or maybe "Mother" is referring to the Artonan system?


SupSup, SupSup time is near Time for skills and time for cheer We've been good, but we can't last Hurry SupSup, hurry fast Want a nonagon that loops the loop Me, I want an Auriad hoop! We can hardly stand the wait Please SupSup, don't be late


Oh lol, I'm stupid. He mother is the ground, or rather one of the Artonas. She forsook him because he flies...


Perfect! Now I can change the lyrics in my head!


Alden needs to record the Elder's Croak to share with Kibby. That would delight her!

Robert Mullins

The final section, where esh says knights and avowed are more different than he thinks. Alden views that statement as reinforcing his fear that he won't be able to fit in and be a normal quiet rabbit for a few years before his junior-knight status gets found it. Right now Alden doesn't feel like there's anywhere he fits in. He's been trying to fit in as a normal avowed but every once in a while runs into difficulties and this reinforces that idea.


While I would say yes. He's worried about what questions might be asked of him on the surface level. I'm sure those are the thoughts that are going to be privy to us the reader, but ultimately it's because this kid doesn't know how to ask for help. Unfortunately, it's a habit. Cultivated throughout his life and habits are hard to break.


@Jim Honestly, that’s one of the things that makes me feel like Alden might be about to spill the beans. All the talk about the Matadero tattoo and how Esh-erdi wants to craft it carefully gets me thinking that Alden might be able to work in a clause that would protect his secret as well.


When Alden first experienced magical fatigue Sophie told him he needed to learn to separate his "will from his UNTRANSLATABLE". I suspect the word was "authority". This means that a) other avowed know what authority is and b) that the Artona III contract (which is conservative with translations and doesn't like translating magic stuff) was unwilling to explain it to Alden. So it's probably like the skill thing, Esh's "Elder Croak". It's not a secret that Avowed are forbidden to know, but its also not widely discussed. Knowing about authority is probably less surprising than knowing Knights have skills.

Neil H

I'd settle for an edible scale model of Big Green Cookie


I wish he would just tell Esh'erdi. It's not as if he has been anything other than super friendly and supportive. He just doesn't seem like someone who would make a huge deal out of it if Alden doesn't want it to be one and could probably assist with a lot of questions.

Neil H

I also like the proposed alternate translation of "Paladin"


... my man. That's a wall of text. I'm going to get to it after I read the other comments XD


Pretty sure you don't understand the process correctly. As far as we know most knights are hundreds of years old.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

I think the cookie is basically named "Nonagon Mofo", and I hope Alden shares that with his classmates in a way that will spread to usage on official channels for Esh's amusement, the same way he did with Gokoratch for Stuart


It makes sense that when grandma unleashes the Hindenburg in polite company that you ignore it

Radha Patel

It's not exactly hidden from humans. Wizards have been using the artonian word for "authority" whenever they talk about their magic and just let the humans make whatever assumptions they will

Temp One

I feel like the Gremlin won't have a problem with Esh at all. And we're going to find out by implication just how much Ro-den tried to shaft Alden in their contract agreement if it weren't for the Gremlin. Those amazing lessons Ro-den gave might've been a consequence of Ro-den fully knowing how dangerous the task he set Alden on could be. And he was magically enforced to uphold his 'sincere best' half of the bargain.

Alex Scriber

"Does someone like me fit in anywhere?" Is an appropriately childish question from Alden. Human's modify our environment. None of us are born with a place we fit in. We have to build an environment that suits us. As we grow and change, we get to keep changing our environment to not just fit us, but hopefully support us and enable us to continue improving. Parent's are supposed to both help us shape our environments and give us the tools to do so ourselves until we can do so ourselves.


Emo Alden hours for the past 2 chapters. Very interesting and somber endings to both chapters i might say. Also i have a feeling that a lot of people had been praying for Joe's downfall with how everyone especially the knights have been treating him. Anyways, can someone explain what parts of Alden's contract were actually removed? Like with the newer, less restricted tatoo what exact terms and conditions were removed? Like can he talk about his epiphanies from Joe's training (save the information of BoaB or?)


Esh-erdi is a car guy! He loves his sweet ride!

Temp One

Alden wants normalcy to some extent, and so he has to be careful here, as he's literally one-of-a-kind. If he misjudged Esh his life as he was hoping to have it could be over.


If I could just play devil's advocate here and make a few counterpoints as to why I think many including myself are not really angry at Joe. First of all, Alden had to agree to it. Second, Alden was paid for his services with stuff that he wanted to know and that we the readers were anticipating. Gorgon gave us some ideas about the true nature of his skill but nothing else. Joe was quite possibly the only person within the tri planets that would have given Alden the answers he sought. Third, Alden suffered greatly at Thegund but he did have the opportunity to teleport out which he refused. Which is good for Kibby because she got to live. And the decision let him be true to his goal of being a hero, but as far as his suffering goes it was due to a choice he made. Fourth, while it's a valid argument to say, that Joe took advantage of Alden, it is also true that he did not treat him as a kid. He treated him as an equal partner at the negotiating table. He gave him something and got something in return. While the Gremlin took part in the negotiations and kept Joe honest it still does not change the fact that we, as the readers finally saw an Artorian treating Alden With respect. Not as a child, servant, or a victim. Those are just some points that I threw out off the top of my head. I'm not saying that he doesn't deserve the scrutiny he's getting. I'm just vocalizing why some of us might feel the way that we do.


From a human perspective, agreements need to fit certain requirements to be a contact. The first is that a contract has (at least) two parties. The Artonan perspective on contracts might differ because of the influence of magic, but if not, then when Esh talks about giving Alden a Matadero secrecy tattoo, is he implying that he’s going to be the other party? It seems unusual for a Knight to be tattooed over something so minor. One of the other requirements of a human contract is that both sides have to provide something. For example, if I promise to bake you some nonagon cookies, and you don’t promise to provide something in recompense, then all you have is my promise to do something, not a contract, and I am not bound to actually make those cookies. Previously, I thought the thing the other party would provide Alden in exchange for the Matadero NDA was his freedom, but Esh has rather cleverly made that point moot. All of that to say, if Alden is party 1 and is promising to not talk about Matadero and Esh is party 2, what is Esh planning to offer Alden in exchange? Maybe a reciprocal vow of silence? Something like, “Anything you tell me in confidence, I vow not to disclose without permission.” Of course, this rests on the assumption that Artonan contract magic has a similar set of requirements as human (or at least American) contract law, which it may not. I think the Gremlin might get worked up over a one-sided “contract” though lol

Jordan Schmitt

IIRC, the gremlin got very worked up when he was getting his tattoo with Joe originally, to the point that Joe had to make significant changes to his original plan to satisfy it.


I would say point 4 is the weakest, Alden really did impress the judges in "SEVENTY-SEVEN: About the Rabbit", before knowong his rank and class all but one were for letting him pass. And so far he has been managing fine in school


I got so caught up in the above speculation that I forgot to talk about the actual thing I started the comment over! Since Esh and Lind have bound their authority together, I wonder if contracts made by one of them bind the actions of the other?


Very good point. I would not be surprised if the conversation preceding the contract highlights some of the differences between Esh and Joe. If both the contractor and the contractee have a shared vision of what is required in the contract, there might be little for the gremlin to complain about. I suspect that, done right, most contracts should not cause Alden's gremlin to grumble at all. This could signal that Joe may have been trying to take advantage of Alden more than Alden suspected in his first private contract.


Knights lose the will to live due to the continuous existential pain But everyone in this world if they are powerful enough and wealthy enough are effectively immortal.


He hasn't made the loop-de-loops. He contemplated it and then he did'nt do it. A SHAME. Also flying license get!


It did, but the Gremlin was upset about the alignment of their perceptions of the contract, not the content of it. Iirc, after Alden performed the rite with Kibby, he noted that the Gremlin didn’t about the equality of the trade, but it did mandate that she get *something*. Artonan magic might also be distinct from the magic of Gorgon’s people, but I doubt it. A contract-based magic system is a lot less interesting if the agreements are unilateral, imo

Temp One

No secrets, can't even talk about what he was doing on Thegund even though everyone knows. What he got rid of was the part of the contract that symbolized his (renewable) agreement with Ro-den to pick berries for lessons.

Temp One

I think two parties get contracted if there's an exchange being made. Since there's no exchange being made here, I think it really is just a one sided contract. Or maybe the other half is the System or something? The party in question must still agree to the terms of the contract for it to work.


My counterargument to that would be, that we are still speaking in human languages with the same vocal cords and voice box. While artorians on the other hand, are a whole different species. The way the language developed will be completely different and it would be understandable if the pronunciation of certain words was completely alien ....because it is.

Heather White

From a developmental perspective, it’s also one of the defining questions of adolescence. Moving from childhood to adulthood requires figuring out who you are going to be in the world. Alden’s version of the question is just larger and more angsty than many others’.

Temp One

【'Guess that was our final, final lesson,' thought Alden. It was fine. There was no reason for him to feel like garbage.】 The revelation of Ro-den as an asshole really did a number on Alden. I'm worried about how he's packing those emotions away. I wonder what Esh has in the works for a mind healer for Alden soon. Esh taking Alden flying was something he really needed.


100%. He sounds like the type of spouse that texts everything to their significant other

Heather White

And with all the other drones’ recordings, someone’s gonna post Alden’s dramatic entrance on social media… Winston’s gonna lose it all over again when that goes viral.


Gordon's gift didn't give Alden his authority sense, the Thegund low chaos exposure experience alongside explicit wizarding (kindergarten) lesson did. Gorgon just gave him contract balance sense, which is different from authority.


All I want is for Alden to talk and seek guidance from an adult (qualified in authority stuff) some adult that isn't one of the systems. Literally, no one knows about his situation in its entirety, only the systems do. I swear Alden if you change your mind at the last second, I will break the fourth wall to throw a slipper at your head. If I were to be meta and analyze our dear author's note, I would assume the next chapter is slightly longer because it deals with serious stuff. Maybe it is in fact Alden confessing to everything....or it is going to be a montage of everyone's shocked reactions to Alden arriving on a flying alien carpet. Something akin to anime or Wuxia.

Levi Aul

And you descend with the “soothe” button, because the button literally tells the cookie calming lies about the ground wanting it to come back.


Of course je was wanted to try it.... too many words

Jeremy Goldberg

I was reading it as “Nine Sided Bastard”, which I intend to use as an insult at the first opportunity.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

Esh is totally coming across to me as that "well-meaning ally" who stomps into a situation he doesn't understand and starts throwing his weight around. He's more than qualified to help save Alden's life, and to help with the political situation with Bash-nor. But he's overstepping with some of what he's doing, and given Lind's reactions it's clear that it's not just a cultural misunderstanding or that he shouldn't know better. We've seen how Esh acts when he doesn't immediately get what he wants, whether it be Alden's trust or a special teleport from the system, which is to push harder and get his way. But we haven't yet seen how he acts when he actually thinks he's at risk of not getting what he wants, and that's the test of character I'm hoping we see in upcoming chapters.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

@Jeremy That is definitely better. Now I hope it makes it into real world english vernacular. @Jonathan I would order that at my local bakery

Charles Hinton

I'm beginning to worry that the "intensity level four life" might be bad for him. At this point when all the secrets come out it will be an emotional disaster, all of those friends from both worlds being blindsided. We are going to have so many chapters of him just trying to repair relationships. It will be glorious. It's like we see the car crash progressing just waiting for the impact.


I'm guessing the big difference between knights and avowed, or at least one of the big ones, is that knights don't have classes. With the resource worlds, the System picks people based on unknown parameters but without their consent, and then assigns them whatever class is currently in demand. You can trade classes as long as the quotas all get met, and you can pick most of the specific upgrades off the list your class provides, but only do anything with your Authority within those boundaries. Doing that to a wizard who was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for the greater good would not just be disrespectful, but also impractical, limiting their options unnecessarily. I think that at a minimum they can pick any skill off any list at any time, but more likely each knight designs their own unique skill tree to reflect their own interests and talents. Maybe they come at it from the opposite direction, pick favorite spells and make the patterns of Authority that generate those permanent.


It's also possible that Esh can act as a representative for the triplanets. If that's true, the contract would still be between two parties: Alden and the triplanets. As for what what the triplanets have provided for their side of the contract: I bet the standard contractee for Matadero has been provided with the knowledge of what is in the cube. In Alden's case, he has been provided not just the knowledge of what's in the cube, but also medical care.

Heather White

Yes, it really feels like he needs someone to help him. You using the tipping point here made me think that during the Thegund crisis his affixation was pushed past the tipping point, until it cracked, and this time it seems like his sense of identity may be what’s on the verge of tipping over and cracking.

Jeremy Goldberg

I’m kind of hoping Esh carefully tries to explain how much Stuart’s affixation is going to hurt, so Alden can better empathize with his friend, and Alden just casually says “yeah, I became aware of my authority on the Demon moon, and my affixation afterwards hurt like a << Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him >>.” I know it probably won’t play out like this, due to Alden’s trust issues, but it would be funny.


I agree with you, Gorane. Not passing from a lack of merit is entirely different from being dismissed on demerits. Alden clearly passed on merit. The problem was that he would have been disqualified because of his demerits (class + needing time to recover). However, I think the point Robert is making is that Alden feels like he doesn’t belong because of his strange admittance, and while Alden got the reviews of his performance and saw they were mostly positive, I think he still feels like he didn’t earn his spot. (Which is, of course, ridiculous. He earned it far more than anyone else there, and his demerits aren’t nearly as serious as some of the sociopaths in his class)


Nah. Sorry but Joe was horrible to Alden while wearing a nice face. Esh is absolutely right to protect a child from a charismatic danger. Any responsible adult should tear that relationship apart. Joe wasn't even mature enough to say I've been warned away from you, he tried to manipulate the kid on the way out just like he did on the way in. Esh may be the single best adult we've seen looking out for Alden in the entire series so far.

Batty Corvina

He's going to have an aneurysm trying to figure out how Alden plotted -this- publicity stunt! :'D


#joedidnothingwrong I mean sure, he put Alden in danger, but he only did that because Alden was the only route left available to him. A dozen innocent people had been condemned to death because their employer had annoyed some politician, he was prevented from taking any of the actions which could easily have saved them, and none of the people still able to help were willing to slightly inconvenience themselves to save those lives. Except for one human child, who freely accepted a low probability of disaster in exchange for a dozen living people not dying slow and horrible deaths. I think in a lot of cases, people are less annoyed that Joe put Alden in danger and more that Joe indirectly caused the Quaternary to be upset. Everybody is willing to bend over backwards to avoid causing any emotional distress to the knights, which in a society with as much fucked up shit going on as this means not *drawing their attention* to things that are unpleasant. As long as nobody mentions the dozen innocent lab assistants being left to die, it's fine, but if a knight gets too close then they have to save people because they're heroes, and in the process they hear all sorts of upsetting things.


Yes, but the same applies to Alde. What is the difference between him and Stuart? Not sure you are trying to clarify the commentary point or seeing it the same way as the other people asking.

Batty Corvina

...the mental image of Alden giving Esh a tour of the campus... While trying to be inconspicuous like it's not doomed to fail. Him pretending like he is just doing a normal thing with this knight guy he just met and it's just a favour for saving him, guys.....! I so want it to happen. :')


That's probably a bit too much read into it idk. I would assume it's similar to a mother letting a child into the wider world. Or it's actually a split off part that floated in space and that very usable magically.


Man some of you guys are as obsessed with Winston's potential reactions to Aldens entry/story as Winston is obsessed with Alden.

Benjamin Collins

The problem is the word contract, I don't think the tattoos are an actual contract just a magically binding agreement. In which case esh can create the tattoo or magically binding agreement that Alden will keep his mouth shut. Essentially an NDA thats magically binding

Batty Corvina

He's just such a funny deluded character and his pov was hilarious. Imagining how he spins this one is a fun distraction from the doom and gloom of the last like ... 10 chapters. At least for me.


Yeah, if a knight isn't just an avowed and a wizard at the same time, then Alden can't be a knight either. He already crossed off 'normal human' and 'normal avowed', but if 'normal Knight' is off the table too then Alden is doomed to be a unique case forever. Unless he teaches other Avowed magic, which would be horribly cruel to them.

Jeremy Goldberg

Agreed! I also like how we’ve gotten POVs with Esh and Lind alone that prove that Esh genuinely cares about Alden.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

Where do you think Alden would take Esh, on a campus tour? My first thought was showing off the gym. Maybe avoid the classrooms full of ass-abused cushions. But I think he would instinctively go somewhere quieter and more personally meaningful, Hannah's grave. And I think Esh would immediately, unsolicitedly, look up information on what happened to her. Also I would pay to see Haoyu treat Esh to a slow-cooker meal in their hunt-ski lodge.


Man, this whole arc is so freaking painful. Watching a kid lose his faith in people, especially a kid as nice as Alden. Oof. I mean, yeah, it's part of growing up but it still hurts. At least he's starting to put his world view back together with Esh's help (and hopefully his school friends, too).

Heather White

Lind: What in the Mother’s blessing is that horrible noise?! Esh: I’m practicing my croak! Esh is totally going to practice.

Temp One

【“It seems like the fact that a hn’tyon’s authority is bound into a skill is never mentioned,” said Alden, staring straight ahead. “Even on the Triplanets among the ordinary class. Maybe even among the wizard class. People don’t ever say it. I’m not sure what that means—if it’s a secret that’s being kept or if it’s out of respect. I want to do what you prefer. When I tell people that you saved me, if someone asks me how Lind-otta stopped the water, should I just say she cast a spell, like everyone does on television? Is that what the two of you want?” He couldn’t meet Esh-erdi’s eyes then. He was afraid that he would see something dangerous there—not anger, but any of the other hard emotions that might appear. Grief, pain, shame…understanding. 】 I've been mulling over this excerpt. Grief, pain, and shame, are all things I can understand for Alden to worry about in that situation. Considering his own experiences with affixation, as it sounds like a defilement of your very being on a level that's impossible to imagine. But I get hung up on him worrying about understanding. Because the only thing I can think of that would make Alden concerned about that response, is that he's worried about what asking that question might reveal about his own circumstances. That by asking he's indicating (at least to some degree) a secret awareness of his own affixation. And that Esh might understand that.

William Forrest

Ah Sunden, you have made a classic mistake. No one could be as uninterested in Winston as you pretend. You are clearly pretending to be unaffected to increase your fame amongst the Super Supportive fandom. I expect you may be attempting to be cast in the rumored reality TV show about this comment section. It is the only logical explanation, and my reasoning is without flaw.


Alden is *also* going through eternal soul-wracking pain. If anything Alden's at much more of a risk, since if he ever delay a levelups too long he explodes, while as far as we know a knight can let their free authority get as big as they want before they affix it again to increase overall power. Are you thinking that Stu will give up sooner, despite having more of a support structure? I suppose one of his big sisters did die young, but his father is iirc the oldest Knight in existence, so that's not an indication of a trend or anything.

Heather White

I’ll take any opportunity for more Gorgon. I’m incredibly curious about him.


Iirc, Joe said that the parts of the tattoo describing the job to be done could be removed as soon as the relevant tasks were completed, but the triangle of secrecy had to stay because that was a perpetual clause. I don't think this is Alden making a big dramatic decision, just finally getting around to clearing away stuff that isn't relevant anymore.

Temp One

I wonder when Esh is going to introduce Lind to Alden? Maybe when he turns up for an escort around the campus?


Lute might make a decent confidant, if he starts going through his own angst after discovering new incredibly potent powers, actually flexing as an S rank for the first time, and really thinking about what it means to be the only Chainer not working for Aulia... Only other real options are during the visit with Stu, or if Kibby visits Earth.


*panics* uh... William Forrest, would you perhaps like a dedicated editor for your patreon comments? I have extensive experience in trimming and modifying comments and posts to show them in their sincere best light! I would be happy to share my expertise with you! Just send me your username and password and I will get right to it!


I really think what happened with Alden was likely more of a Last Straw/Unfortunate run in with the Quaternary (who's almost certainly not being hypocritical) It really does seem like he was up to some horrible crap when he started offering Alden weapons and such. This seems more like maybe he's getting what he deserves but it's right when he was trying to correct his ways. Remember he was already in trouble before he even met Alden. He had lost his lab, been assigned to purgatory as a teacher that hated his job(or at least hates most of his students and their work), and been disenfranchised from his power base for the most part already.

Heather White

I just realized that Alden inspires so much trust in (nice) Artonans that they deliberately let him leave super secret locations without the usual mandatory tattoos. First Stuart and the Primary’s home, now Esh and Matadero.


The first Artonan on earth described it quite accurately, but the humans mostly assumed he was being an arrogant pretentious wizard and made up their own explanations instead.

Temp One

I feel like some student or instructor would totally tell Alden to show off the Artonan language classrooms. And Alden will be freaking out inside because he knows Esh-erdi is going to be saying 'Ass-abused' every other word the moment he sees the place.


My family has a couple of names that are hard to pronounce for English speakers and a lot of them go by nicknames. Not because they don't think the person can pronounce it, but because it makes everything smoother. I know some people get offended if you don't use their real names, but I also know a lot of people who are on the "why bother" end of the spectrum.


I need the auriad tea spilt already. To Lute maybe? But, doesn't the mother contract already know?

Jeremy Macdonald

on the alien home planet the raby-ets are they look on as pets? or servents?

Robert Mullins

Kibby, Mother, Earth, and Boe know and learned in that order. So far nobody else knows.

Heather White

The thing is, Alden always knew Joe was an asshole, and he took it in stride because Joe was also helpful to him (and Alden found him funny). I think what’s crushed Alden isn’t finding out something new about Joe. It’s being completely rejected by someone he had an established relationship with, one that was important to him.


"The Ryeh-b’t is a small flying reptile, native to Artona 3. It was domesticated more than twenty thousand years ago, and it has since become a popular companion animal throughout the Triplanets and on many of our resource worlds. The Ryeh-b’t is known for being swift, clever, and easily trained. Many Artonan children enjoy using their pet Ryeh-b’ts to send gifts and messages to their friends. Though normally it is unacceptable to call sentient beings by animal names, the Ryeh-b’t is so beloved that it has become common practice to refer to particularly helpful children or useful junior members of business organizations as “Little Ryeh-b’ts.”" From Interlude - Rabbit chapter 18


I think that Artonans and Knights have two very different cultures. Among normal Artonans, it seems like everybody fucking each other over and leaving people to die over petty grudges is the norm. Granted most of our experiences have been with politicians and administrative officials, hardly a representative sample, but it makes sense that so much of their culture is wrapped up in magically enforcing deals just to get anything done without constantly worrying about how you're going to be stabbed in the back. Knights, on the other hand, are genuinely nice to each other and to the people they protect. And everybody knows it. As such, they seem to consider magically binding assurances to be somewhere between a waste of time and an insult. Why would you need any proof that they would hold to their commitments, when they know what should be done and you know they'll do what should be done? And my first impulse was to say that these two groups can only really work together because the normal backstabby Artonans have a major cultural taboo against upsetting the noble self-sacrificing heroes who protect them... But actually if a normal wizard did try to use a knight's naivety for personal benefit, they would get absolutely destroyed for it. I wonder how much of the deep respect for Knights is actually terror about what would happen if they stopped considering you worth protecting?


I think Understanding would mean, to Alden, that Esh knows. He knows and is waiting for Alden to say something. But, from what we can see so far that's all in Alden's head being paranoid. Esh doesn't suspect, because why would he? Why would anyone? As Mother said, Alden is so far ahead of anyone else in the game of Human Wizards, that the other players aren't even playing on the same field. So to any Artonan, it would be inconceivable for there to be a Human Avowed Wizard

Heather White

Except that the Primary’s home is full of knights and Stuart said that everyone (including avowed) who is let in the house has to agree to a secrecy tattoo. That was why he and Alden had to jump out of his window. I do agree that it seems like Artonans and Knights seem to have different priorities and practices.


The one thing I keep thinking about is how Alden doesn’t react physically when his Authority is brushed against. I imagine it would be like someone blowing in your eye and you not even fluttering your eye lashes. To me it seems a bit far fetched that he wouldn’t react at all. I was fully expecting Esh to notice him flinch, but nothing happened.


Thank you for the chapter! Hypothesis : The Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him is actually the proper name of the device. It is a tiny Orbital Stonechild (satellite) held against gravity by the repulsive force of the forsaking from the Orbital Stonemother (orbited planet). Someone has to ask the important question : will Natalie learn to bake flying galletas?


I also think Alden was anticipating those emotions from esh-erdi since he's directly experienced what Stu-arth went through in the vision mother showed him. He knows affixing is a terrible thing to do with ones own authority and he also knows some of the massive pressure knights must be under to perform at their 'sincere best'.

Radha Patel

I was thinking that the authority being completely still might actually be unnatural, and that ends up being what tips Esh-erdi off


Alden is sailing into unknown territory though. There's a big difference between The Mother and Earth contracts knowing that Alden is a Wizard Rabbit, and for Artonan society at large knowing. We really don't know how the Wizards and Knights will react to an Earthling doing this. Maybe they will be pleased (or even very pleased) and start building up the tradition for Human Knights similar to Artonan Knights. Maybe they will be all like "AAAAAHHHH!!!!! Abomination!!!!!" and want to get rid of Alden, commendation or not. We really don't know for sure. Even very nice people like Esh-erdi and Lind-otta may be greatly displeased and / or offended with Alden learning his own Authority sense. Maybe the will fear that the Earth population may rise up against the Artonans someday. After all, it is very easy to be friends with someone when there is a massive power imbalance and both parties are aware of that. Being friends with someone who can become an equal is much more interesting. Artonans see themselves as the top of the food chain. Even fearsome races like the Griveks, as fearsome as they are, are ultimately subservient to the Artonans. What about a race that can do *everything* native Artonans can do? Many would see that as dire threat to their own position. And we can't forget Gorgon and his people, though we don't have anything close to the full story there.


new merch ideas - Nonagon cookie cutter A shirt with a green Nonagon on the front with some logograms, and on the back "Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him"


As much as I would love to have Alden confess asap, I think Sleyca wanting the next chapter to be longer is because it's gonna be a school chapter - lots of characters - lots of interaction - lots of catching up to be done. Honestly can't wait 😁


I think it's extremely suspicious that Lind hasn't met Alden yet and she was the one that felt his authority greeting. Hoping I'm wrong for Alden's sake, but I think if anyone figures it out it will be her.


And, more specifically, someone he knew and thought he could confide in *before* everything went to shit on Thegund


"A kid with no qualifications or training is flying a magical machine over our island that was just devastated by a misused magical machine? Here's a flying license, have fun!" People really, really don't like saying no to knights, huh.

Temp One

You're right, I should clarify that Alden knew Ro-den was an asshole, but still thought they were friends. Much like how I suspect Boe is probably an asshole to others but still has your back when the cards are down. What blindsided Alden was finding out even Ro-den's friendly side was purely transactional.

Robert Mullins

Nobody wants to be the guy who gets dragged into a meeting with management to have to explain "You said what to the General?"

Kalen Lewis

Great Chapter!


I wish i could go to sleep for a decade and then wake up to binge the rest of thus story. Alden needs some parental figures in his life. I'm not sure yet if Esh fits the bill. But he's got a good heart and is teaching Alden to drive. Git that dad energy.

Zachary Sloan

I'm pretty sure it's not true that Joe doesn't care about Alden, and I'm a little confused that so many people are coming away with that impression. From what Joe said in the last chapter, he actually *wants* to have a relationship with Alden, but the same part of him that wants that is also the part that greatly hurt both Alden and himself. He mentions having a tendency to "reach for too much" (or something like that), and is rejecting that urge to instead do what he thinks is the right thing here (which is cutting off the relationship).


The nonagon's name could be accurate, poetic and rude. That would make it harder for too-serious hopeful-helpers and pests to avoid saying it. "Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him" could be describing the type of magic being used. If Mother refers to the planet, Artona I, then it could be describing anti-gravity magic.

Zachary Sloan

The classes don't seem to functionally do anything, though, other than be different "guidelines" for how to allocate authority. In theory it seems like you could take a Knight and affix them identically to an Avowed. It'd just be a really messed up thing to do, since a Knight isn't going to want a part of their fundamental self permanently bound to some random spell impression. So the specific ways Avowed authority is bound is very different from a Knight's authority, but on a basic metaphysical level it seems like the same thing is happening. And then there's the simple power difference, where Knights grow their authority much faster simply due to being able to feel the "friction" between bound and unbound authority.

Aspiring Moth

honestly a decade wouldn't even be enough if the story was still going at that point. as soon as I finish a chapter I need more, and no amount of binge will stave that off forever

Zenopath (AEV)

@Tycho Green The fact that he's concerned about which skill Alden has is kind of more evidence that he suspects Alden is a quasi knight. The whole point of being a knight is have an infinitely scalable skill that is useful. If Alden has a skill that caps out, it means he has to get another skill or die. Alden's free authority grows so much faster than a normal avowed because it strains against his bound authority and the dynamic depends on the bound skill being uncapped. I'm pretty certain all knights have uncapped primary skills for exactly this reason.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

“I’m flying Hn’tyon Esh-erdi from Matadero to Apex?” Somewhere, the Informant looked up and said ‘brb’


Esh-Erdi is rapidly becoming one of my favorite characters. I hope he ends up talking to Haoyu at some point. I think their senses of humor would mesh well.

Gaffer (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-06 18:25:50 Oh, remember that Mother “is” Artona I (in some meanings) and “orbital stonechild” is moon. I read this as breaking free of planetary gravity. A reminder too that ground is a complex concept magically - like a pot with a plant in it in an airplane is “ground” - and your birth tree/dirt matters. “Mother Earth” seems a magically deep concept to Artonans (and makes Earth System’s chilly relationship with Alden yet another fraught adult/parental relationship for our poor lil rhesus rabbit)
2024-05-06 18:13:38 Oh, remember that Mother “is” Artona I (in some meanings) and “orbital stonechild” is moon. I read this as breaking free of planetary gravity. Ground seems like a complex concept magically - like a pot with a plant in it in an airplane is “ground” - and your birth tree/dirt matters. “Mother Earth” seems a magically deep concept to Artonans (and makes Earth System’s chilly relationship with Alden yet another fraught adult/parental relationship for our poor lil rhesus rabbit)

Oh, remember that Mother “is” Artona I (in some meanings) and “orbital stonechild” is moon. I read this as breaking free of planetary gravity. Ground seems like a complex concept magically - like a pot with a plant in it in an airplane is “ground” - and your birth tree/dirt matters. “Mother Earth” seems a magically deep concept to Artonans (and makes Earth System’s chilly relationship with Alden yet another fraught adult/parental relationship for our poor lil rhesus rabbit)

Jason Harpster

Nope the "rejected by it's mother" bit. A stone slab rejected by the fundament that it came from....aka a flying stone slab.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Lmao I like the montage idea The chapter is super long because it’s just like 30 different viewpoints of people saying ‘oh shit it’s Alden with a Knight!’


Authors are such sadistic creatures. I read comments like this and think, "YAY! Just what I wanted!"

Aspiring Moth

Given that next chapter is meant to be long, maybe it includes both the assembly scene and the tour scene? I can see Alden maybe taking Esh-erdi to his apartment and bumping into his roommates there


No his incomplete contact with Gorgon was the reason, it just took a bit for Alden to hone and understand his new sense. It was already long foreshadowed when he first teleported after his contract with Gorgon, he was just given more context and practice in thegund with kibby

Jose RicoTacoNachoQuesadillaMandillaJones

Great story, love it. Been binging to catch up recently, it's been lots of fun. One problem though, and it's been bothering me the entire time lol. 'All right' is supposed to he spelled 'alright lmao

Temp One

【We are probably less similar to Avowed than you would think.】 I just realized that, when Alden's status as a de facto Hn'tyon is revealed, Alden is probably going to be removed from the Avowed contract he's in. My impression is that the contract greenlights Avowed for missions they might be capable of performing. Which is part of the reason Alden could be pulled in for bomb disposal as a rabbit. If that impression is correct, it means that a more seasoned Alden would probably be available for disaster duties. From stabilizing wounded or perhaps protecting artifacts, to participating in full blown chaos warfare campaigns. I don't think the 60 second notice for Rabbits was intended for hard-core situations like that. Instead it was probably assumed anyone who got the class would essentially be relegated to catering gigs and the like. Short term assignments where a Rabbit can pop in and out on the fly without much bother. I have a hard time imagining Hn'tyons would be cool with Alden, effectively their junior, being available for dangerous assignments on extraordinarily short notice to basically any Wizard asking as a B-rank. Especially considering how seriously they take mental health.

Temp One

Funnily enough, I used to think this too. But apparently 'alright' is an informal colloquialism. I'm not sure if it was even recognized as valid English until recently.

Desert Yeti

And he's failing to see how willing the knights are to make a place for him.

Michael Leue

So Alden just brushed by the issue of admitting he knew about authority without a word. That's a major revelation to dump on anyone. If I were Esh, being asked that question, I'd be stumbling over the myriad things that would have had to go wrong for Alden to have the language to talk about this in the first place. Alden *says* he wants to do what Esh wants, but until he asks the question, Esh has no explicit reason to think Alden is even capable of doing anything else. His mind must be going a mile a minute. He assumes Alis told him something about this, but there's no way he could construct a conversation between Alis and Alden that offers an explanation that's consistent with the circumstances, at least not without some serious revision of his assumptions.

Desert Yeti

Which is likely why you point down to go up. You're pointing to the object you're forsaking.

Robert Mullins

Authority isn't really a secret. Maybe not common knowledge on earth but Joe had no problem sharing Info about it without a contract and Sophie also mentioned it.


I like to imagine that mother is looking on at the moment wringing her metaphysical hands going "just f**king tell him already!"


I want to comment on Joe so much and I can't think of how to do it without explaining his whole life history...I'll have to save it for the story.

Desert Yeti

Esh is definitely giving off big brother vibes. I get it. Esh sees how wounded and vulnerable Alden is, yet Alden continues to struggle, and Esh just wants to help the poor little kid get through it all, if he'd only *ask*...


Knights, by and large, probably only have the one skill (that is expandable). So, not so much a skill tree that they design - but I wouldn't be shocked if each knight worked with more skilled knights/wizards to design the one skill they affix. As for classes, I think there might be more to them? Joe once referrenced Rabbit "class design" having very little free authority. And we know that Artonan's insisted that Grivecks had a Rabbit class. It seems to imply that there is something to classes (or at least rabbits).


And why you press 'soothe' so the Mother will stop pushing you away.


Kibby is going to learn. Not immediately, but eventually. It is a part of the society she lives in. Might as well ask that a child never be told that Santa doesn't exist. And it is not just inevitable, but also necessary that Kibby learns. She is going to want to be a knight herself. She will be informed, again and again, in as much excruciating detail as mere words can summon. Kibby's ignorance is neither right nor possible to ask for.


All done over System Interface, not necessarily in the presence of Infogear, unless air traffic controller had one sitting next to her. But, knowing that AirSea top brass know that stuff is basically just listening devices then I would think that there is some rule not to bring them into classified areas. Now, if later she's talking to her friend about the kid chauffeuring around the general, that might get out.


I think Alden needs to come up with a name for his bag now, so that his bag could start to become more bag. Kind of like the Sinker Sender was steeped in it's own magic. My Vote, Baggie McBagBag.

Desert Yeti

Interesting to note that Colibri is about to be proved correct in a way ... But it's the Artonans that will be trotting Alden out, not the school.


Alden needs to show someone his perfect learning cushion that actually gets how perfect it is. Esh-erdi seems like a reasonable choice.

Partha Peddi

If Alden throws caution to the wind, how will he ask Esh? I think a simple Authority bump will do just fine to start.



Hmm, I wonder if Esh will take a closer look at Alden's Time on Thegund while he's doing his digging. From what I remember it was incredibly unlikely for him to survive at B rank, even with the vault. Throw that in with Kibby's wizard training and he might be able to put some of the peices together. He IS trying to help this obviously hurting kid, and a deeper look into his past traumas might not be out of the question. On a less serious note, I desperately hope that Esh actually asks for that tour. Big embarrassing your son energy.


The Quarternary was covering him for days and never gleaned anything from his authority. Maybe it's hard to tell. Maybe they have a bad baseline idea for what is "normal state of human authority."

Emily Gurnavage

The very first Artonans to visit Earth tried to explain Aurhority though. Just that the concepts didnt translate well and humans brushed it off mostly. Perhaps Esh doesn't realize that and just assumes some humans understood the concept. Or that older Avowed who know told Alden.


Maybe everyone who doesn't become an Avowed is an E rank. They don't get access to the training wheels

Jeremy Goldberg

Y’all, it’s Monday afternoon and I’m *hungry*. I would also like a special circumstances cookie license.

Temp One

At first I was a little skeptical of Esh as a kind of parental figure. But I'm increasingly warming up to the idea of the guy essentially adopting Alden in all but name. I mean, he already has Alden's birth tree and dirt. Seems like that would be half the Artonan adoption process right there. But more seriously, a Hn'tyon like Esh is really the only party that could help Alden navigate existential suffering like he is. No human is going to be able to meet those needs.

Jeremy Goldberg

Authority itself isn’t a secret, but I think the fact that avowed skills are created by binding naturally occurring authority is, as is the fact that knights are bound in a similar manner. From what Esh said, I think he assumed that Alden somehow recognized something he, Lind, or Alis’arth did as an Avowed-like skill and made the logical leap from that observation. If so, Esh is actually kind of in the ballpark, I guess. Alden noticed the Primary could talk to the System without a tablet or monocle. I think in his conversation with Mother, she didn’t need to explicitly tell him. He had kind of figured it out by himself.


I read the chapter super late and with a headache yesterday. So, during my reread, I realised that Esh-erdi probably would have been extremely happy if Alden had asked him to hold on to him for a loop.

Matt DiMeo

Calling the flying thing a big overblown name and treating it Very Seriously is entirely in character for artonans in general, but messing with Alden by making up a ridiculous name and making Alden say it it’s also totally in character for Esh. Hmm.

Tycho Green

No need to explain bro. I understand the magic system quite well. As I’ve said before, the uncapped skill is a requirement to become a knight. Requirement. (Check in one of the chapters titled Mother.) That is not the reason why Alden grows more quickly than other Avowed. They could let the tension build as well, but they’re encouraged to affix small quantities of free authority. (Check chapter where Alden meets with the system and rejects affixation. System tries to bribe him into affixation.) The reasons Alden grows more quickly are: -his authority sense, which allows him to better understand what he is actually doing with his magic -letting the tension between bound and free authority built itself up over time unlike other Avowed Joe suggested not affixing every chance he has amongst other things, but now he wants Alden to stop striving for exceptionality. Unfortunately affixing new levels is quite traumatic for him these days, so affixing small quantities of free authority is not really an option. Having an authority sense as a human is special. Having both an authority sense and an uncapped skill is extra special. So if Esh suspects Alden has an authority sense it’s fair to say he would regard him as special. But he doesn’t know about the uncapped skill in any case. (Check the previous chapter.) So armed with this new knowledge and the contents of my previous post you should be able to see that Esh is unlikely to view Alden as extra special yet or in other words - a quasi-knight.


Oof. The fact that I put it as the preview and still didn't see the extra word!


The chest ink is going to be fading from the expired portion of the contract. The secrecy agreement and the triangle (positioned a bit more discreetly under his arm than the rest of the tattoo) are still in place.

Alan Miller

Pretty sure Joe would agree with the selfish and reckless parts, and the arrogant doesn't even need to be said.


I suspect power doesn't matter. Tattoos are about being in alignment to work and that's what gremlin requires. Esh might be able to trick it like Mother but I would be surprised. Essentially power is mostly orthogonal tp gremlin.


Perhaps we will hear it only at Knight Rapport with elven song and instruments to accompany the performance (oops, wrong book, why would Knight Rapport give me Rivendell vibes...)


Also I can't wait for the roommates' reactions. Alden will downplay what happened to him and they won't have any of it, because they saw him teleport before anyone else and come back with a Knight. And he would say he was on Matedero. Hayou's mouth would hang open and Lexi would be like: "I cannot believe this shit, just when I think I'm used to you being you..."


I do badly want him to be able to talk openly here. Please Sleyca, give him an honest friend/mentor relationship! The drama and tension is amazing. It's killing me. Poor Alden.


How wizards do magic is less a secret than it is a point of unnavigable species comprehension difference. A little like if we tried to tell some aliens that didn't have noses, or even know *smelling* was a possibility, that we humans can identify things, track things, and trigger our own memories by inhaling invisible particles. They might believe us, but when they were trying to explain it to themselves and talk about it casually, they might say, "Oh the humans are using their psychic powers to find the rotten potatoes in the cupboard again. So mysterious!" Even Alden, after Joe's really careful explanations, didn't *actually* understand authority until he could feel his own. Joe helped by giving him a bunch of English words for "doing magic" that were more accurate: authority, dominion, etc... But Alden still pretty much thought of it as "Joe has magic inside of him that he can feel and do stuff with, and I have magic inside of me that my skill lets me do stuff with." When the truth is really that there isn't an inside/outside/power source like humans tend to envision at all. The Artonans aren't at all inclined to insist that humans *properly* understand, and they are definitely careful not to make a lot of noise about what affixation is (see this chapter). But there's nothing suspicious about Alden using all the right vocabulary while he's speaking Artonan.


It's not going to be a big secret. Alden is about to fly through downtown Apex. It's going to be effectively public information.


I know! "I gave you this chill Knight so that you could tell him and drop some burdens!"


227 comments as of this post. Good... Glavin. Good to see Sleyca is making a proper go of it at least.


Alden did not refuse a teleport away from Thegund. You may want to re read the relevant chapter, Zero In.


This makes sense. I’m guessing any of these Knights that have given Alden authority hugs could figure out what’s going on if they were really looking. The Primary saw him before he learned magic, numero quatro had him for a week, but was watching a broken human’s authority try to shake his affixation apart and can probably be forgiven for not interpreting his roiling authority as aware. Esh grabbed him out of the water and Alden has suddenly become the most interesting thing on the entire Planet Earth to him. Esh must know instinctively that something is up. Lind may well be the one that puts it together. That being said, I’d be surprised if there are really any secrets at all between Esh and Lind…


Prediction for the next chapter's title: Out of the loop

Jean Bohdel

I read this as a fear of being understood and pitied. I’m sure this is mostly my own child- teen-hood, but adults “understanding” was sometimes worse than them thinking you were just incredibly rude.

Cambria Layton

This was a beautiful chapter. Esh is so consistently funny and their conversation and the end and Alden’s own ponderings have got me thinking. I think Esh should get Alden to say more swear words too lol

Jean Bohdel

Oh that is amazing! I was trying to figure out why it would be called that.


It's likely that it does have a real big overblown name, and Esh-erdi has modified it in some ironic way.

T o P

I expect there's a mixture of both, knights getting special privileges and consideration with the system(s), and Alden's own preferences. So it is likely within the system's power to adjust summoning times for a knight, but if Alden wants (or the system thinks its appropriate) its fully possible that the Alden could continue to be summoned like a 'regular' avowed rabbit and all that entails. As for the matter of 60 seconds not being enough time to prepare to be summoned into an emergency, I agree, but will also note that in an crisis the quicker one is summoned to help the better it is for those in need. Also I'll note that during the sinker sender event plenty of avowed were summoned with what seems like less than usual amount of warning.


Do we have a sense of the big knights’ ages? They all act like they could be young—having lots of kids still, bemoaning politics, playing jokes. But if you told me the Primary was 1,000 years old, I’d buy that as well.


I believe that Sleyca is building a world truth that magic (authority) infused items may develop into a semi sapient object. The submerger was only a few centuries old, and was still attempting to perform its prime directive even though it was blown to smithereens. Who’s to say how old Esh’s flying cookie is, and may indeed need to be coddled like a wayward puppy.


For example, behold her treatment of Leo the mailbox! Chapter 20 “Post Drop #1301 liked to think of itself as Leo. It was a big no-no to think of itself at all according to its creator, but Leo only sort-of-kind-of-sometimes cared what she said. Anyway, Leo’s life was awesome” ….

Isak Mark

I'm afraid Alden's previous experiences with adult authority figures will lead him to ruin his potential relationship with Esh. It might break my heart. Sure Esh is possessive and boundary breaking but he means well and is willing to stand up to the task of helping an emotionally malnourished kid, with kindness and guidance.

Cyrus McEnnis

Gotta remember - Alden hasn't had a lot of reliable adult figures in his life since his parents were reduced to a soup-like homogenate. His aunt is flakier than a luxurious chocolate bar, and he's used to being incredibly self-contained - it's not really a stretch at all that he tries to figure this sort of thing out on his own, or with input from his friends, rather than going to an adult for help.

Alex Scriber

It’s all sensible. Just remember that to rise, you point the ring down, and to fall, you hold your thumb against the ‘soothe’ symbol. Like this!” This is a decent joke. That control scheme is as clear as mud.


Imagine Miyo flying Lute to school in her brand new helicopter and then seeing Alden flying in too.

Joel Wells

The submerger is way older than a few centuries. Wasn't it said that it was created a thousand years before earth was discovered.

Jeremy Macdonald

OMG ty i have requested to do a fan fic short on this storie and i wanted to try out a new Skill Rabit - F - The War-Ren (U) This contract-E can only be summoned once every 365 days by a member of the War-Ren there is more but for now i will keep that for the fan fic if the writer is ok with that

Jeremy Macdonald

Dam the (system/contract) and its renaming nomenclature what chould it mean in Artonan about a home for "using their pet Ryeh-b’ts to send gifts and messages to their friends ,?"

Jeremy Macdonald

maybe its a bun bun motel for Rabits? or a vet / kennel mmmmmm the posibilitys (pets /humans/both?)


i wonder if Alden will get to keep the flying cookie. on the one hand giving Alden a gift sounds like something Esh-erdi might do from what we've seen, on the other we have like no context for how remarkable the cookie is, it could be a significantly valuable item, or the equivalent of an especially fancy bike

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

Joe referenced something about the Primary as a teenager during Lesson 1, so if the Primary is around 1,000 so is Joe. And when Esh was amused that Alden thought Zeridee was older, he wanted to exaggerate the story to be that Alden thought she'd seen her first century. I don't know if there have been any other clues, but I get the feeling that the knights we know (and Joe) are at least a couple centuries old. ...And given how depressed Joe was acting last chapter, and all the plot points about rejuvenation, I'm suddenly wondering how low a wizard has to fall before they have to start seriously considering their own mortality.


Not sure how on target I am, but I'm thinking that Joe really was trying his best to look out for Alden - and failing terribly. Joe has powerful enemies, and justifiably believes that they would use Alden as leverage. As a Rabbit, he's subject to summons on the whim of any Artonan with a little Argold to throw at him. They could give him unpleasant or even outright dangerous tasks to do on a whim.

McIntosh Ewell

I'm certainly glad Esh Erdi commented on the flying disk being what cookie referred to, because I couldn't tell from the traffic control lady's dialogue

Heather White

After some quality Esh-Haoyu bonding, Lind would come home to find a copper toaster in their Earth Goodies pile.

John D Jones

Not hn'tyons that have been un-fucking the parts of the island that got fucked over by the magical disaster.

Heather White

This finally got me googling green cookie recipes. The pics in the search results are kinda frightening.

JJ Hunter

Every time Alden smiles this chapter (without a hint of nervousness, yes!), I imagine Esh’s utter delight in reporting back to Lind. As impromptu adventures go, particularly with a side of sneaky mental health easing, this plan for Alden’s initial return to Apex was very well done indeed. The last time he travelled the reverse of this route, he was battered, clutching re-preserved Zeridee, utterly exhausted and so deeply relieved to be in the company of competent adults at last that most of his personality was distinctly squashed. Now, instead of traveling back in another helicopter, or having “a Knight of the Mother Planet ferrying him to safety through this flooded nightmare, like his own personal gondolier”, it’s Alden who has control of the ring, who can swoop or rise, glide or hover, soar or skim. It’s not the barest dawn but full morning, not artificial calm slo-mo’ing the mountain of doom overshadowing half the horizon but zoomy toy play giving Alden freedom of the skies. He’s got the same Knight of the Mother Planet there, but now Esh-erdi is the one being chaffaured, the one who gets to lean back resting and smile at the clouds, and gently tease yet another smile of this human kid finally acting (I expect) with much the same joy his nieces had riding their new terackerin.

JJ Hunter

I keep thinking about Maricel’s impromptu granite countertop flyer, and how much fun that whole group of Alden’s peers would have flying with Alden on the Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him. I am afraid the rooftop-to-rooftop coaster is never going to be *quite* as good again in comparison, but what an extraordinary experience to best it with. (Sleyca, you really nailed the thrill of what it is to fly here - love how these feels like such a blend of paragliding and powered gliding and something distinctly alien all of its own - I really want my own green flying nonagon now! Can’t wait for the many, many memes to come when the internet discovers it.) I’m glad Alden will have less time-pressure involved in forming his next contract. I’m cackling a bit at this continuation of his pattern of leaving highly secure places without getting all the secrets he’s gotten to see locked down because he really does just come across as that honest, trustworthy, mature, and seriously committed to doing the right thing. The more he negotiates with Esh to get some actual rules in place, the more I bet Esh is confident Alden actually does have an excellent feel for proper discretion and the diligence to fill in his educational gaps promptly. (That bit about having the Contract “instantly” teleport Alden to him if anyone attempts to “violate” his thoughts is a very *emphatic* policy, though.) I suspect Esh is still going to keep more than Alden’s skeleton in his right peripheral vision while he’s dealing with the rest of his business today. I’m glad Alden already made a decision on his own not to hide or downplay getting rescued; there’s a good chance other events may take that choice out of his hands soon anyway, but it’s better for him to feel comfortable owning it first.

McIntosh Ewell

Looking forward to the dramatic arrival of Celena North's favorite Rabbit. Too bad Lute wasn't informed. I bet he could've gen'd up some excellent theme music 🎶

JJ Hunter

I’m still simmering with anticipation for the school assembly. We’ve had such a build up here, that I really feel the same longing I expect Alden’s been feeling of wanting to see all his classmates again and just have the reassurance they’re actually all alive, mostly whole, and not utterly traumatized. Also excited for whenever Alden and Lind finally get to meet face to face, when Alden and Zeridee next get to talk, and whatever the connection with Stu-art’h ends up being (the Stu delay feels like something is definitely afoot beyond their usual call, he’s not someone who tends to wait well past when he hopes Alden might already be awake).

JJ Hunter

I hope there are more moments that make Alden smile soon. That bit from Ripples I keeps haunting me (“His stomach was full of good food. His body was tired in a nice way from the course. People were laughing […]”) and its parallels with Tiny Snake finally getting its needs met (“Tiny Snake stuck its tongue out. It was alive and safe and full of mouse”). Alden keeps coming back to “the lost concept of home” and his fears of not finding a place he really belongs anywhere - the joy of this chapter ending back on that melancholy uncertainty really gutted me. I hope Alden finds welcome from his new friends waiting for him back at school. I hope he remembers how many of his friends have already opened their home to him - Stu-art’h inviting him back, Lexi inviting him home with his family for Christmas, Haoyu offering to have a Christmas with his family even though they don’t usually celebrate.

John D Jones

@ Sindri I don't think that part is true at all. Hn'tyons are Avowed with the same Affixation limitations as other Avowed. Meaning that they will "explode" if they don't regularly Affix their free Authority when there's too much of it. They'll also end up Affixing a lot more often because their free Authority grows much faster than that of an Avowed who cannot sense their own Authority or cast spells. The reason hn'tyons choose to die is that they go through soul-screaming agony when they first Affix and then they have to go through that same agony every time they Affix their free Authority, which is likely every six months to a year or so. And it never stops until they die.

John D Jones

I kind of want Alden, Esh and Lind to make another gokoratch video featuring them and all the Artonans singing.


Random theory: The secrecy tattoo is going to be how Esh finds out about Alden. We know the gremlin is particular about the tattoos and pushing back (joe couldnt force his will there). Imagine if Esh tries to do the secrecy tattoo.. which by its very nature sounds unbalanced.... and...can't. Especially with all of the little hints dropped about how powerful he is... if he just finds he CANT do it... there will be some questions asked.

John D Jones

@ Robert Mullins Point 4 seems like BS. Yes, the Commendation got Alden into Celena North, but that just means that his "entrance exam" was way harder than anyone else's and that failing it would have meant death for him and Kibby.


I’ve heard a helicopter engineer jokingly claim that the way they actually work is by being so ugly that the earth pushes them away. This reminded me of that.


Given the translucent quality of the vehicle a green lollypop might be more appropriate.


Except, Alden just resolved to not downplay what happened to him (at least with respect to the Knights) because that would be disrespectful to the people who went through so much effort to save him just to avoid a little attention.


It's too bad "Kit" has already been taken by another fiction.


I forgot about how many drones and cameras are on Apex. Alden won't be able to avoid them. Even if he could find an inconspicuous place to land, half the school will know how he got there before he can see Celena North.


He more-or-less said explicitly that he was arrogant in chapter 37, when giving Alden a lesson on how to refuse instructions from summoners by pretending to be too stupid to understand. (The real-world geniuses I know tend to be “arrogant” but weirdly humble at the same time, so I doubt the English words accurately represent true concepts.)


My current hope (even if I don't think it will actually happen) is that the gremlin throws a fit with the cube secrecy contract and the only way to balance it between Esh and Alden is if Esh is bound to keep Alden's secrets too. Then Alden can have his "yer a wizard Alden" reveal to Esh without the risks of others finding out about it. Alden really needs an avenue for help / training beyond what super hero school gives and I don't think anybody would understand his situation better than a knight. Part of me want him to tell Stu first though.


You aren't wrong, but at the same time I think having the down command be something besides pointing is probably good deaign


Alden has a triangle of secrecy with Joe. And therefore, I believe, Joe will be the first wizard to find out from Alden that not only is Alden a wizard, but to Joe's horror, a knight. Can you imagine Joe's implosion realizing that he is bound up with the very people he once called martyrs? It's going to be hilarious.


@Sleyca, I actually laughed out loud at your comparison about the human sense of smell being some incomprehensible psychic power. Thanks for the explanation!

John D Jones

There's always this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwIQLOz75jc&ab_channel=MadelineKirbyHarpist


Alden's authority was in too much of a shoddy state to react to much of anything when Alis was handling it.


@John D Jones, we, the readers, know that Alden absolutely deserved to get in on his merits. I believe the point the original commenter was making was that Alden does not necessarily feel that. He has shown feelings of alienation and impostor syndrome, and the irregularities in his admission process could well contribute to that part of his self image.

Anthony Lutz

The contract being flawed also happened with lute and the grandwitch. The flawed nature was detected by the artonan doing the painting was something to the effect of "have you even told him what the contract is for, this is the first time he's heard the terms". So i think as long Alden and Esh have a conversation before about what the contract terms properly mean, there should be no issue implementing it.

Temp One

【"You are very serious.” Esh-erdi’s smile fell a little. “I guess you have arrived at your conclusions from your interactions with the Quaternary. Or perhaps even more recently from me and Lind-otta. If you have more questions, you may ask them anytime."】 Just realized Esh refers to Lind here as though Alden has already met her. Not sure if that was an off screen encounter. Or more about the 'tandem breakage of their very beings.' And while Lind and Esh have distinct personalities, when you meet one you're effectively meeting the other at the same time.


@Sindri, something about the way you summed that up made it feel like a Douglas Adams quote. It gave me a chuckle.


On one hand, that would be a ludicrously extravagant gift. On the other hand, Alden is supposed to take the test to get a pilot's licence and he can hardly do that without a vehicle, which sounds like the perfect excuse for Esh to make the ridiculous offer. And Alden would obviously want to refuse, but he would also recognize that if he had something like the Bastard Biscuit at the start of this mess he would have been in a lot less danger and also able to save a lot more people.


The Gremlin didn't have any issues with a contract tattoo as long as everybody involved had the same ideas about what exactly each term meant. Joe and Alden had contradictory understandings of things, and usually iirc the contract gets formed and then whoever has more authority is allowed to interpret it as they choose after the fact, but the Gremlin wouldn't let the contract finalize until everybody actually agreed, forcing Joe to reinterpret things until his view lined up with Alden's.

Temp One

I kind of hope it's suitably awkward for Alden. Like he shows up blushing like a cherry tomato, and has Esh expressing his surprise at how much humans sweat while the entire class of Celena North is recording everything.


My reservation about Alden telling Esh, and possibly Alden's reservation as well, is that Esh has shown himself willing to unilaterally take dramatic actions for the sake of Alden's wellbeing if he thinks it will help. Alden is concerned about what might happen to him if he reveals his wizarding to anyone, because of what changes may be forced into his life as a result. Esh is certainly well-meaning, but he may still want to force changes "for Alden's own good" that Alden does not necessarily want.


"Here you can see the coffee shop where the Earth Contract bought me a hot chocolate before my last affixation. And over here is where I almost dropped Lute's..." "Wait, say that again?" "Oh my friends name is Lute, like the instrument. I guess it could be confusing with the translation. Anyway over here is they way to the gym..."

Hugh Peeble

Alden should totally skip a big tour of his campus and take Esh to the Arts campus and track down Natalie for lunch…


I don't think the gremlin cares if contracts are "fair". I think it only cares whether both parties understand and agree to the same terms.


We can be reasonably certain Joe is between about 60 and 115 years old, based on various remarks he's made. I'm surprised too! I could easily see him being older, but this is what the text indicates. The upper bound is because he spoke of summoning humans back when he first got his summoning privileges. That means this happened after Earth joined in 1963, and the typical age for first summoning privileges is somewhere around 28 earth-years old. Here, have a timeline! https://coral-sheree-56.tiiny.site


I think the pain of affixing keeps any of the knights from living to old age


Pretty sure the Artonans ARE space elves and Sleyca has been playing the long con by pretending they aren't. "No really! They're a complex species with their own history and culture! NOT EVERYTHING THEY DO IS ABOUT TREES!"


Oh I didn't remember the gremlin worked that way for contracts. It has been so long since I read those chapters. I mainly had gremlin = even/uneven detector in my head plus it didn't like Joe's contract terms at first. Thanks for the correction!


"The Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him " I like your name Bastard Biscuit, but I was trying to think of a name that was catchy AND refers to the Artonan..... In Chinese history, There are nine sons of the Dragon King. In American history, the Sons of Liberty were called the Loyal Nine. So maybe we can call the platform Dragon's Bastard to keep with the Artonan theme. Liberty's Bastard doesn't have the same ummph. And Esh is clearly telling us that Dragon's Bastard is sentient, but Alden doesn't know it yet. See my previous comment re:Leo the mailbox.


This was my thought too. Artonan contract law seems similar to U.S. law in this respect. I expect the tattoo requires an exchange of promises or obligations between parties (i.e. “consideration”) to be valid. For evidence, let’s look at the three Artonan-mediated agreements we’ve seen terms for: First, Lute’s ass-tattoo ceremony began with an exchange of obligations — Aulia agreed to work in the best interests of the Velras, and Lute agreed to secrecy. Second, upon avowed selection the Earth Contract promises to provide powers, and the human promises future service to the triplanets. Finally, Alden’s tattoo with Joe memorializes their promised actions to benefit each other (with the gremlin playing the part of a contract attorney).

Hugh Peeble

Not gonna lie… this small aside about the mailbox back in ch 20 and how it made me laugh let me know I was going to be in this story for the long haul…

Hugh Peeble

I hope Alden brings Zeridee some oranges when he gets to see her awake.


I really spend a weird amount of time in these comment sections...

Alex Scriber

Ash should take Esh on a tour of the chicken place and any other rental pet type places. Esh seemed curious about animals earlier. Given how Stu reacted to Alden’s school, that also seems more likely to go well than showing him the high school.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

@JJ I always enjoy reading your thoughts in this comment section. I've also been wondering if the Stu delay indicates we might get an in-person meeting, because a meeting with an actual peer is what Alden could really really use right now.


The cherry on top Doing the tour while dressed in a brand spanking new FORMAL CNH uniform 🥁 The video would be hilarious 😆


Did you hear about the game you can play as Alden? It's called Death Stranding ;)

Invalid Entry

Yes! DO IT! +1 Wizard Mentor

Kim Enteiu

I love the early release chapters, but the comments section is *chefs kiss*


The Knights seem to be based on historical guards/ priests that had the powers of execution ✝️ Naughty Wizard Joe seems obsessed with losing his head to a Knight 🪓 Even Zeridee wants the walking embodiment of Death to be calm, happy, and boring at all time 😴 We often teach youth the system of laws is all powerful and impartial ⚖️ But the Artonans grow up knowing demigods that could wipe all life off a planet ( or at least a small moon ) ☣️ Older Artonans probably have memories of the wars ( like my grandparents ) but younger Artonans are probably more focused on the modern consequences of Knights ☢️


Ah, the Elders. I wonder if you have to dance in a ring of clovers to get to the Vastness. 😆 Anyway, cool new ring. Definitely have to do a barrel roll.


Other commentors have pointed out Esh's fascination with food ( similar to Zeridee's obsession with tea ) So the school is probably the least interesting place to Artonans Until they ACTUALLY see it Stuart is atypical, but any Artonans probably starts comparing Humans to other races immediately upon seeing our schools Lind, they have lockers the ewtee would laugh themselves sick over 🔓 Lind,the Grivek would love to hunt in their gym 🦌 Lind, they have a dimpled bread cart with multiple, toppings including protein, any icorlax would find scandalously non nutritious 🍪🍩🍭🍫🍬


Emergency summons don't have a timer and that's a known fact. I think it's even mentioned when you first get selected or accept the contract, but I'd have to go back and check.


I’m looking forward to his friends seeing him swoop in on the cookie. I also hope the scene where the girls realize Lutes wordchain was the possession happens.


The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy quote "The ships hung in the air much like bricks don't" takes on different meaning when you realize many combat pilots, and veterans, insult non maneuverable planes ( and space shuttles ) by saying they fly like a brick 🧱 Sleyca has taken the joke further by flying a brick ( granite counter top on the span ) and creating a magical flying brick ( several commenters have pointed out the flying cookie is likely a series of brick jokes from its name to its control scheme ) 😆 Meta wise, the brick jokes might even be the brick joke trope ( more research is required ) ♻️


I don't want your love, I don't want your money. I just want the keys to your Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him. o/`

Josef Blumers

That Name for that cookie is critisism towards mother, who abandoned his son. He knows.

Temp One

【"Shouldn’t you be more worried about me making a mistake?” Alden asked finally. “Are you going to make a mistake?” No, thought Alden. But what if I were an irresponsible person who—? As if to prove how unconcerned he was, Esh-erdi lay back on the platform and rested his hands on his stomach. “You’re mature enough to practice << proper discretion >>. And I don’t doubt your honesty. We’ll contract you to secrecy eventually because you aren’t << invulnerable >> to the << wickedness >> of others.” Esh-erdi smiled up at a cloud. “But I prefer that we take our time for that and discuss the matter together carefully. And I don’t want you to miss your school meeting! So, for now, I trust your word.” Alden stared down at the knight. 'Just like that then?'】 I wonder if *this* is actually the Artonan normal for getting kids setup for a magical contract. Or maybe just magical contracts in general. That only after the parties get to know each other and what to expect from the contract do they start the contracting process. What Ro-den gave Alden, and the grandwitch gave Lute, might be the extraordinarily scummy versions.

Matt DiMeo

It’s already so bag it could hardly be more bag. Such bag! Very bag!


Interesting point about the generational gap Gryphon. I can imagine the young Artonans not taking the chaos threat as seriously if they haven't seen any chaos problems on the Triplanets in a long time


I mean, Sleyca's POV of Winston where he thinks Alden has this long game to boost his popularity was just so hilarious


I still think Joe doesn't do relationships well. It could be that he cares. But his instinct for self preservation is just much stronger


Esh-erdi really does give off silly, doting grandfather vibes. His reaction to Alden's question about Zeridee's age implies that he's quite old, as does his use of archaic measurement terms. That, combined with the apparent wisdom mixed with a sort of earnest clownishness - and the ever-present undercurrent that he is poking fun at Alden, along with liking telling stories and "chortling" really just evoke a friendly-elder vibe. Considering his skill sounds to be rather destructive in description (belying his apparent friendly nature, and offering a level of complexity) I'm really looking forward to seeing more of this character :D

Heather White

Another possibility: Stuart told Alden to congratulate both of them about their << wedding >> even if he was only talking to one of them at the time. This could be the same concept, where the two of them are being referred to as a unit, as if both were present even though Alden has only met one of them.


I wonder what the Summerians called their magical handbags of the Gods? That would be a good name.


@Terrestrial_Biped Oh you are right Alden didn't refuse the teleport. For some reason, I remember that he said that he did. My bad.


Aren't you worried about not giving it respect, by not naming the chapter Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him?


Sleyca often drops world building lore towards the end of the chapter. I believe today's candidate is the croak fable..... "“Elder’s croak?” he asked. “I’m not sure the Contract is translating that correctly.” “A << fable >> often told to children and sometimes used to explain the respectful silence. I don’t have time to tell it now. But I’ll make sure you hear it.” Esh-erdi sat up. “I am a << renowned storyteller >>. Do not let anyone tell it to you before me. The first time is the best.”" Artonan's love to use stories to teach their children their societal mores. The Goodchild Klee-Pak episodes are a good example, as well as the teenage version ones I currently forget the name of. I would imagine the story is told in the manner of Grimm's fairy tales, which if you've ever read the original German versions are often quite horrific, everyone dies, the end. However, each and every Grimm's story has a morality lesson behind it, often hidden, and the conclusion needs to be riddled out with the child being read to to get the full impact (I read the tales to all my children at bedtime and we had many long discussions before they fell to sleep.) "Elder's Croak" is probably set in a primal forest, similar to the forest Alden found himself in upon arrival at Artonan 1. There's probably a Ryh-bet, a wayward child, a froglike predator, and a wizard involved and they all meet horrible ends......

Young Youghurt

Just kis-I mean ask him already!!!


Sindri, I dont think he can teach avowed magic. Not without Gorgan giving them buffs and chaos constantly sand blasting them.

Benjamin Collins

Is it just me or is alden becoming too much of an overthinker

Benjamin Collins

Also is zeridee still sleeping after surgery, did Alden still not get to see her yet

Restless LEGO

Wait did Esh give him the cookie? I thought he was just letting him fly it for the day

Batty Corvina

Gave this another read and I just adore Esh's whole vibe <3

Restless LEGO

I completely forgot about being teleported earlier than the rest. Klein knows he had a shorter timer than he should've as well.

Restless LEGO

The comment community is part of what makes the story special. A whole experience.

John D Jones

Alden had a busted foot and assorted cuts and bruises. Zeridee, IIRC, got stabbed in the chest/guts. Her injuries are a lot worse, so she gets to be packed in "tree mud" in a magic coma for considerably longer.


Starting to wonder if Lynd made the cookie lol

John D Jones

To Esh, Alden is an extremely brave and modest child whose valor and compassion have been Commended by the Quaternery herself. As such he should be treated with great respect and generosity. To Ro-den Alden was some twerp with a highly useful Skill. I think Ro-den respects Alden and even cares about him. It's just that Ro-den is generally always going to care about himself a little more.

John D Jones

Stu'art'h is kind of Artonan Vandy, so yeah, he's definitely "atypical." Editing to add: I also desperately want Stu'art'h and Vandy to meet. I think it would either be love (he/she is cool like me) or hate (Alden is MINE!!) at first sight.


I hope Esh finds out about the Gokoratch song so Alden can reveal that he learnt the word from Stuart

John D Jones

@ SnuggleCat Some of them, but Alis referred to things from decades ago and the Primary is as old as she is (since they're two parts of a triplet birth). I think some hn'tyons have the psychological "build" as well as sufficient support and self-care to endure the pain and some just don't.

John D Jones

@ AnthraxRipple Alden becoming aware of his own Authority and then learning wizardry didn't really help him survive on Thegund, IIRC. If anything it put him in far greater danger because his free Authority grew so quickly that he was going to die from Affixation rejection. I think looking at Thegund might help Esh realize that Alden's "public profile" is BS because how the fuck was a now level four rhey-b't dying of Affixation rejection? He'd have needed to be level 6/7 at least. Granted that "levels" would be an Artonan measurement, but still the point stands.

JJ Hunter

I'm so glad this is a community where people enjoy reading the comments! It's a story that rewards close reading (and rereading), getting to swap theories and reactions and 'ooo, did you notice -!' with people has been so much fun. This kind of layered, character-driven story is such catnip for thinking about, but I wouldn't necessarily bother writing up the occasional multi-comment deep dive to share if there weren't other folks here affirming they're interested in reading that kind of thing, you know? It means a lot that most people here are so encouraging and open to exploring even when we're starting from very different reads of the same texts.

JJ Hunter

Can you blame him? He's got so much to lose if he acts carelessly. We have seen him be very decisive on the spot (think of how he handled Hazel at the party!) and then endure days of unexpected consequences even for something he objectively handled very well.

JJ Hunter (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-07 13:28:41 Question for chat: If Alden finds out school will be closed for the next week, and Esh enables Alden getting to leave and take a brief recovery vacation somewhere, where would you be most excited to see Alden go? I'm sure Stu-art'h would love to see Alden come visit Knight Rapport I again (bonus Alden time!). Skiff is a responsible, recently red-halo'd mentor-type in Chicago (I suspect Esh would approve of his dedication to being a good role-model), and could likely use an extremely chill assignment for some mental health recovery himself - I could see him being tapped to discretely monitor/protect Alden getting to go visit Connie, Boe, and Jeremy for a few days. Esh and Lind really haven't gotten to see much of Earth at all so far, I keep imagining Alden and Boe having a hilarious zoo visit reprise with accompanying hn'tyons getting extremely into the alien-to-them Earth animals. Really, there's a whole world out there and the Triplanets beyond, and a zoomy flying green nonagon that must be teleportable given it got to Earth in the first place, there are so many possible places that aren't half in ruins right now that Alden could go. Given what he's just endured and went above and beyond any possible obligation to help Zeridee and others also survive while he was not even half through his most recent mental health leave, Alden is owed some time somewhere he can feel safe and free from any perceived obligation to stuff down his trauma and keep helping more. I don't think Anesidora can give him that sense of safety and respite right now.
2024-05-07 12:22:23 Question for chat: If Alden finds out school will be closed for the next week, and if Esh [edit: is plotting to enable] Alden getting to leave and take a brief recovery vacation somewhere, where would you be most excited to see Alden go? I'm sure Stu-art'h would love to see Alden come visit Knight Rapport I again (bonus Alden time!). Skiff is a responsible, recently red-halo'd mentor-type in Chicago (I suspect Esh would approve of his dedication to being a good role-model), and could likely use an extremely chill assignment for some mental health recovery himself - I could see him being tapped to discretely monitor/protect Alden getting to go visit Connie, Boe, and Jeremy for a few days. Esh and Lind really haven't gotten to see much of Earth at all so far, I keep imagining Alden and Boe having a hilarious zoo visit reprise with accompanying hn'tyons getting extremely into the alien-to-them Earth animals. Really, there's a whole world out there and the Triplanets beyond, and a zoomy flying green nonagon that must be teleportable given it got to Earth in the first place, there are so many possible places that aren't half in ruins right now that Alden could go. Given what he's just endured and went above and beyond any possible obligation to help Zeridee and others also survive while he was not even half through his most recent mental health leave, Alden is owed some time somewhere he can feel safe and free from any perceived obligation to stuff down his trauma and keep helping more. I don't think Anesidora can give him that sense of safety and respite right now.

Question for chat: If Alden finds out school will be closed for the next week, and if Esh [edit: is plotting to enable] Alden getting to leave and take a brief recovery vacation somewhere, where would you be most excited to see Alden go? I'm sure Stu-art'h would love to see Alden come visit Knight Rapport I again (bonus Alden time!). Skiff is a responsible, recently red-halo'd mentor-type in Chicago (I suspect Esh would approve of his dedication to being a good role-model), and could likely use an extremely chill assignment for some mental health recovery himself - I could see him being tapped to discretely monitor/protect Alden getting to go visit Connie, Boe, and Jeremy for a few days. Esh and Lind really haven't gotten to see much of Earth at all so far, I keep imagining Alden and Boe having a hilarious zoo visit reprise with accompanying hn'tyons getting extremely into the alien-to-them Earth animals. Really, there's a whole world out there and the Triplanets beyond, and a zoomy flying green nonagon that must be teleportable given it got to Earth in the first place, there are so many possible places that aren't half in ruins right now that Alden could go. Given what he's just endured and went above and beyond any possible obligation to help Zeridee and others also survive while he was not even half through his most recent mental health leave, Alden is owed some time somewhere he can feel safe and free from any perceived obligation to stuff down his trauma and keep helping more. I don't think Anesidora can give him that sense of safety and respite right now.


Becoming? Have you not been reading the same story? ;)

John D Jones

As far as I can tell, Alden isn't going to be allowed to leave Anesidora for anywhere else on Earth without some specific, difficult-to-get permission. Since the school apparently wasn't damaged, it probably will not be closed.

John D Jones

@ BonusWellSpent Not good enough. I want Esh to get the full story about how Stu was pestering the shit out of Alden in the "Engaging with the Unexpected" class. Then Alden used the word and started an Earth pop-culture phenomenon. Which Alden recorded in song form as "revenge" on Stu.


Same here. This story has a really nice fan base, and all the depth and complexity to the characters and world-building make for such fascinating conversations. I actually particularly like when something happens in the story that people have wildly differing interpretations of, and seeing the respectful debates that ensue. Particularly when both readings are potentially valid, I feel like it captures better than most other stories I have ever read just how ambiguous and multifaceted the real world can be. It is delightful.

John D Jones

As far as we know the vehicle could be the Artonan version of the Yugo GV.

Jason Harpster

Uou are going to need to get a Turkey and a Ham cooked to perfection, lihhtly sauteed green beans, stuffing, sweet potato casserole with extra butter and an inch deep layer of marshmallow, buttered corn on the cob, brown and serve dinner rolls, 4ltrs of soda, a gallon of tea, a bowl pf after dinner mints, and a cherry cobbler topped with two inchs of whipped cream....then eat it.

John D Jones

@ Heather White One of the cooler bits from the show, "Elementary" was Sherlock Holmes telling Joan Watson "I make exceptions for you, Watson, because you are exceptional." Alden thought he was exceptional to Joe and he kind of wasn't. That's a pretty hard blow to take.

John D Jones

Before Alden's relationship with Joe went to shit, I kind wrote a fanfic in my head about Esh being angry that Joe allowed some wizard known for being pushy to the point of abuse when making contracts to be the one doing the secrecy contract with Alden. Joe will respond with, "Don't worry about it. Oh, we need one more thing before we watch the Contracting. An Earth food called popcorn."

John D Jones

Alden: "It's not a big deal. Esh gave me a ride to school. I have to stay at Matadero for a little bit because of some political stuff, that's all." Winston: [italics]God fuck you to death, you better at publicity than me Rabbit bastard![/italics]


The first time I saw a YouTube video of SpaceX testing early prototypes of their new Starship rocket by having a steel tank fly up a few hundred meters in the air, hover, and then gently come back down to another pad, that was the Douglas Adams quote that came to mind. These days, that scene is what I picture whenever that quote comes up. Now I find myself wondering what humanity's spaceflight capabilities look like in Alden's timeline...

John D Jones

Esh doesn't seem "grandfatherly" so much as cool/fun but smart uncle. Alis came off as "40-something Mom/Auntie" and Esh seems like her "younger brother" except that they're presumably not blood-related.

Ella Hughes

this tattoo stuff is making me think that Alden could probably ask esh about how to make tattoos for boe!!


Can make tattoo with out having wizard powers, Alden would have to admit he is a wizard first (which admittedly everyone in the chat seems to silently screaming at Alden to do already)


I love how much effort people here and on Discord have been putting into shortening the name of Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him.

Tycho Green

Good question, JJ. I don’t know if Alden would ask him outright, even prying for Esh's schedule might lead to Esh switching it up to accommodate Alden and as we have seen Alden is very aware how busy Esh is, to the point where he wondered how Esh has so much time for him on multiple occasions. I guess if Alden would ask for a vacation though he would end up in Chicago. Personally I wouldn’t be excited about it. I hope he has some nice interactions on Anesidora until it's time for him to visit Stu-art'h. Really looking forward to that.

William Forrest

In keeping with his goal of being a good roommate, Alden may want to throw a quick text into roommate chat about his arrival method and the potential wizard tour. While he technically only promised to give lexi a heads up about wizard phone calls from Stuart, I feel like the spirit of the promise applies here.


How disrespectful! How dare they not call the Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him by his proper name? Esh-erdi would be very unhappy with them.

Ella Hughes

I imagine he could just be like "ya know, I never heard about how making tattoos actually works..." esh would probably be majorly suspicious but I think he'd still tell him about it


@sketerpot, I have heard that the A-10 "Warthog" uses a similar means of propulsion...


@Jason Harpster, you, sir, sound like an American whose family knows how to do the Thanksgiving holiday right.

JJ Hunter

@John D Jones, given we just saw Alden get granted a special cookie (heh) exception flying license mid-flight due to the wizard accompanying him, I have a feeling anything Esh hints would be appreciated and would be easy for someone high up on Anesidoran bureaucracy to grant will be proactively offered on a platter. Getting Alden travel permits for Chicago can't be any more involved than locating and purchasing his truck full of birth direct and the first tree to shade his infant face, let alone getting the remainder transported offto the Triplanets (!) for transplanting / storage against future need.

JJ Hunter

@Tycho Green, I suspect there's no need for Alden to ask, Esh is actively planning multiple things to help Alden's mental health. I'm half expecting Esh to volunteer chaperoning a school field trip to somewhere else on Earth or Artonan II or something at this rate. Tell stories with magic tricks in the school gym? Take bands of teenagers on zoomy nonagon joyrides? Something involving Alden and one or more of his friends that would boost moral and be fun on Esh's end, while he keeps one of his minds and an eye on continuing to wrangle likely unpleasant and concerning politics.


Am I correct in thinking "Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him" is a pun in Artonan? "Mother forsaken" has two meanings 1. As Alden notes, it is a profanity 2. It also means "flying" or "anti-gravity" We can deduce the second meaning from the system's translation of "moon" as "orbital stonechild". It seems the Artonan word for gravity can be translated litterally as something like "the Mother planet's pull on her children"


I’m sort of hoping Esh just wanders into gym class and tells the story—with all the sound effects—to a bunch of confused and intimidated kids sitting around in their gym jammies.


I hope Gorgon is brought back into the story in some capacity soon, I feel like our favourite vegan prisoner has been a bit forgotten about. It's a little odd that Alden hasn't made any inquires with Stuart about why his grey god-parent is chained to a tour guide desk, or really kept up communication with them much


I really want Alden to tell Stu, but now I also want him to tell Esh. Only problem is, that will probably make the Stu confession less special, somehow. So, in summary, I do not, in fact, know what I want. But I'm sure Sleyca is going to do something surprisingly awesome anyway.

Tycho Green

Oh, that's where you're coming from. Esh does go out of his way to support Alden. What you suggest would be excessive but not impossible for him to do. We will see what Sleyca has in store for our boy in the chapters yet to come.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

I’m thinking back to Joe saying something along the lines of ‘Do you realise this is something surprising, or do you think this is normal?’ about the gremlin, which was from Gorgon Esh is about to make a secrecy contract with Alden and might be able to sense it as well, and since he’s overprotective he may look into it and possibly trace it back to Gorgon


Yeah, was it said that Gorgon is the last of their entire species, the only one apart from Artonans with the natural ability to sense and wield authority? I feel like it was alluded earlier in the story that the Artonans had wiped them out, which is what led me to being much more suspicious of their intentions with the warrior pact, especially since chaos hadn't yet been introduced as a sort of common enemy. But it feels like some questions on the matter are a bit overdue, and hopefully Esh will shed a more light on the situation.


I don't think Alden will tell anyone "over the phone". If he tells Stu, I figure he will do it during his visit at knight rapport 1. Tbh I doubt Esh-Erdi will leave Earth for anything that soon. He is stationed there for a couple of months, as far as I remember.

Pedro Henrique

Alden cant actually do anything about Gorgon situation, and its not like they could freely speak anyway.


I mean he can try to find stuff out? He cares about them and expressed he didn't think they should be chained, and he needs to discover more about the gremlin powers for his own sake. And even if Gorgon can't discuss important topics, Alden can still chat with them, just socially, like he does with his other long distance friends. I know he sent them those crickets but I don't remember them socialising for a long time now. Obviously if Sleyca wants to call attention to that distance as the result of a busy life for Alden, then it could make sense, but I feel like Alden should try to add a bit more into Gorgons life now that he's got friends in high places and fat stacks of argold

Jeremy Macdonald

Alden's best bet might be to confide in the Knight with a partial truth—a half-secret, if you will. He could reveal that he has three mentors: the first being Kibbe, known for teaching him the significance of the string around his wrist (though i might momentarily struggle to recall its name). The second mentor is Joe, who imparted heroic skills to Alden, enabling him to save numerous lives. However, Alden would omit that info because of the tattoo aspect, which is already common knowledge. By disclosing the identities of his first and second mentors, Alden could maintain secrecy around his third mentor, Gorgon, who serves as his trump card. This approach would allow Alden to gain the Knight's trust while strategically delving into Gorgon's situation, exploring potential avenues for his release, such as binding him to Alden as an indentured contractor under the authority of the first Knight of Earth—the Energizer Bunny, supported by his allies. bring gorgon back he was so cranky they need him in the dorm room kicking the boys around!!!


I am hoping that Esh surprises Alden with a visit from Stu and that he reveals his wizard half then to both of them.


Y'all, Alden is worried about calling attention to Gorgon because Gorgon's situation can easily get *so much worse*. We don't know why he's imprisoned, but we can be confident his jailers don't want him to enhance random human children or give them hints about the best talents the System offers. If that came out, his punishment would probably get worse. He could be locked up away from people, or simply killed. Even being openly associated with Alden is a danger to Gorgon, because Alden will attract attention and people will look into his origins, and if they realize Gorgon was involved, again, things get worse.


IT IS THE BEST BOOK CLUB! The comment section definitely enhances my enjoyment of the story. Commenters see and understand different aspects, and I find myself researching refernced material and stretching myself to better understand their viewpoints. The best way to learn!

Desert Yeti

I agree. I think his contract status would be limited to only knights.

The Ox

I think Burden of Enchantment might be enough to break Gorgon out of the embassy once Alden is sufficiently leveled up, but then what? It is a total blank as far as what Gorgon's actual powers are capable of once he is freed. Without many more dream-pizza chats to get more information, it would be counterproductive to break him out. Gorgon has stated to his own gremlin that he wants revenge, but not specifically on whom. It may be that Gorgon is content to wait until his revenge target shows up on their own. Alden doesn't have enough of Gorgon's backstory yet to make any moves other buying him crickets secondhand.


I just realized. The reason Esh and others consider Avowed a "natural exception" to the << respectful silence >> is that if they're not told about the torment of having an affixation and doing magic, they can stumble into inflicting that torment on themselves. Just like Alden did. Esh thinks thinks that they deserve a warning before inflicting such a fate on themselves. That if they choose it, it should be with open eyes. It took me way too long to work this out.


I hope Alden gets Finlay and the class to start praising and excessively worshipping the 'Nine Sided Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him.' :)

Aspiring Moth

while it's possible for people to gain an authority sense, it seems so unlikely that it shouldn't even be a rounding error. I can't see that being a major consideration for people like esh-erdi and lind-otta. I think they're considered natural exceptions simply because they're also beings who go through affixation. even if they can't feel it, their essential self is being mutilated. People lived and died with authority without being affixed before the artonans came along, but they decided to give the descendants of those people a choice that made them dependent on regular soul mutilation and didn't even give them the information required to make an informed decision, or the ability to choose what they want to be assuming they agreed

Desert Yeti

I'm expecting Stu to have problems dealing with the pain of affixation and Alden confesses to empathize and keep Stu from giving up.

Skull Leader

A vacation to anywhere, no questions ask? Easy. Back to Moon Thegund to where Kibby is. Because after watching Alden almost die (again) all while he watched Kibby videos for motivation, I think the boy needs time with her. And vice versa. Sure this might just be me trying to feed my Kibby Addiction but come on. I. Need. My. Fix.

John D Jones

@ Desert Yeti I'm expected/hoping that Alden confesses to Stu [italics]before[/italics] Stu Affixes and that in the wake of his confession Stu chooses to remain a basic wizard with his full and free Authority. I think Alden is more fully aware that Stu is about to make an irrevocable choice and that Stu should be as fully informed as possible before he does that irrevocable thing. I think Alden would feel like an utter shit if he kept quiet to keep his secrets, then Stu Affixed, couldn't handle the pain and had his father kill him to end his suffering.

John D Jones

I think that Gorgon or his situation will come back into the story when/if Alden has a second conversation with the Primary. I think the Primary is fully aware that Alden has the Bearer of All Burdens. I think he knows or strongly suspects that Gorgon was the one who helped facilitate that. I mean the Primary isn't stupid. Gorgon is at the embassy in Chicago. Alden lived in Chicago and regularly went to that embassy for (crappy) lessons in word chains and Artonan. Joe even pointed out how weird it was that some benefactor had steered Alden toward BoAB but made no effort to teach or protect him beyond that. The Primary gave Alden the "'til you're 30" to see what, if anything, Alden would do in the meantime. If Alden acts like a typical Human Avowed, he'll spend his Authority on bullshit extra Skill or Spell Impressions. But the Skill is still a Knight Skill, so even on its "lowest setting" it's useful. If Alden avoided the usual Authority traps and focused highly on the Skill, he'll be a lot more useful, not a true hn'tyon, of course, but maybe a hn'tyon adjunct or something. I don't think anyone, including the Primary or Gorgon foresaw or expected Alden to learn to sense his own Authority and learn to cast Artonan magic.


Esh and Ponytail tropes >The knight had traded out his three-braid hairstyle for a single, over-the-shoulder ponytail. It was wrapped with metallic bands that reflected the red light in the hallway. “I was pleased to do it,” he replied. “If you think of any other troubles or wants…” >He sounds like he hopes I will. Trope- Motherly Side Plait >One good way to show how sweet and caring a mother is is to depict her with her hair tied in a loose braid or ponytail and put on her shoulder. For some reason, this detail immediately tells the audience, "Hey, this mom has to be nice and gentle!" ( https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MotherlySidePlait ) Esh is a caring mother 🥘


I think it might be a much lighter toned story, like the elder's croak is more literal. There would be an elderly person who is highly valued, but the one thing is that they croak, but everyone politely pretends that they aren't, something to that effect.


We know that there's some... interesting... rabbit gear for tattoo assistants in the wardrobe, so he's always got that as an employment avenue that he can attempt to learn some tattoo knowledge: though the decription of the get-up was certainly unique :P Would depend if his skill had any worthwhile application for handling tattoo materials I suppose? How much does Alden want the knowledge? :D ----- “What about this—” “No!” Boe and Jeremy said at the same time. They were both chuckling like idiots over the outfit they were trying to convince him he had to buy. Because of reasons. It looked like someone had gotten confused and tried to make a hazmat suit sexy. It was a lavender jumpsuit covered in awkwardly placed leather straps. It had a clear window for the wearer’s navel. And a bejewled gas mask. “I’m not wearing that. What is it even for?” “It says it’s for a tattooist’s assistant.” Alden made a mental note to stick to human tattoo artists if he ever had a need. -----

Stonedwarf Stonedwarfson

Anyone who know about the commendation shouldn't be too surprised about the early teleport, with the benefit of hindsight it is not too surprising that the contract would prioritise commendees. For those who didn't know, however, the early teleport might be what gives the game away, at least to the more insightful. I really hope Alden can figure out how to arrive at the assembly discretely, though. Not only would flying in at the last second with one of the biggest celebrities of the moment draw everyone's attention to Alden it would very much look like he was deliberately drawing everyone's attention. Considering the nature of the assembly I think an awful lot of people would dislike or resent him for that.

Stonedwarf Stonedwarfson

In Artonan, Bearer of Some Burdens has a nice ring to it, unfortunately in English that would just translate to Some Luggage.


The Luggage would a be great name for it. Except Terry Pratchet's estate might object.


Stu watched his sister be mercy killed because she couldn't deal with the pain. I don't think Alden's silence matters.

John D Jones

Alden to Esh: You should do your hair like Zeridee did. I wouldn't have gotten nearly as far with her as I did without using that as a carry strap.


Isn't that the "about to die mother" anime hairstyle? Is he about to die horrifically? Alden already has two dead parents, one dead mentor, and one dead "she spent the rest of her life trying to explain everything she could in a foreign language just to give him a fighting chance at survival" person. He doesn't need any more!


I like the idea of Alden going to Chicago, but probably for different reasons than a fun field trip. I could see Esh-erdi enabling that trip for those reasons though. I think this arc for Alden is about his increasing isolation. He talked about losing his faith in humanity after the most recent traumatic events, and then he just got rejected by a mentor-figure (Joe)! I hope (for story reasons, not sadism, I swear!) that Alden DOES go to Chicago, and see the new life that Connie has set up, with a new family. And then she could tell him not to include her on his list of people to save, out of her own self-loathing. I think Alden would feel extremely rejected by that, and it's already been hinted that Connie might do that, during Alden's phone call with Boe. My hope is that Alden's increasing isolation and sense of rejection from the adults in his life will cause him to reach out more to the one adult who seems supportive - Esh-erdi. Alden desperately needs a mentor figure who he can rely on, and the pickings are slim with Hannah gone. I love his relationships with Boe, Stu-art'h and Lute, but those are all friendships among equals. Also I like Zeridee but I don't think she'd make as good a mentor as Esh-erdi. She's too young and pushy; I love Esh-erdi's calm, subtle guidance, though I won't disagree that he definitely has boundary issues! Alden needs an adult that will consider his well being. Alden is so good at keeping up his boundaries that he needs someone like Esh-erdi who will break down his walls and SEE him.


" ...The culture advisor thinks that one day after the boy has settled in, when the wizards swing by for a visit to repair the gyms and the other magical facilities, we just…trot dear Alden out to say hello to them. They’re going to see commendation plus kid plus educational facility, and great things will happen.” - Colibri, Ch77. “I’ll be busy for most of the day, but if our schedules align, perhaps you could give me a tour of your campus.” - Esh-erdi, Ch 153 I wonder how long it will take for Celena North staff to realize their plan is working a little too well.


Those aren't bad reasons for why Alden hasn't tried investigating Gorgon's situation, but I haven't seen Alden think of them. There are reasons for and against making inquiries, but I think their absence from Alden's thoughts is my main issue - it feels like he's just forgotten about them

Temp One

"Why is the commended child sitting on these... << ass-abused >> learning cushions? What kind of school is this? A *bad* one?"


Ha Ha. Great observation. Esh will be appropriately appalled and during the walkabout will come up with the idea of assigning a permanent wizard on CNH staff. And Esh happens to know just the right wizard , with teaching wizards experience no less, who happens to already be on Earth….. Worli Ro-den


@SkyGold Alden did think about these reasons (granted, it was all the way back in Ch.69) : [Maybe it was just paranoia, but Alden didn’t like the idea of leaving much of a communication trail between him and the alien prisoner now that he was an Avowed. The Artonans could have killed Gorgon for whatever crime he’d committed, or they could have stuck him in a deep dark pit where nobody could reach him. But they hadn’t. So it was probably no big deal to them if Avowed wanted to hang out with him. But…better safe than sorry for both of them.]


Terrestrial wasnt it stated that he tried to assassinate a high ranking artonan?


Ahahahahahah if Joe got stuck teaching at Alden's school after that whole spiel, that would be hilarious :P


Nah, mostly a mother or older woman style. No death flags necessarily


I agree, the warrior pact is starting to look suspicious. Its pushed on Gorgon and Boe constantly, normal people have to agree to some version of it at Houses of Healing, and the terms are honestly too vague. The primary told Alden to get all his living out of the way by 30, and Hannah disappeared around age 30. I have a feeling people are slipping through the contract's cracks and being used by the Artonans in ways most people wouldn't like, and the warrior contract is enabling it. This is just me spitballing, but perhaps developing an authority sense as a human happens from time to time, perhaps around age 30. And then you get plugged into a magical tree all matrix-style. Perhaps that's what happened to Gorgon's people who accepted the contract. Perhaps that's what happened to Hannah.


Same, the comment section helps keep me sane while waiting for the next chapter!


Lind, the human child surprised me again! I get to deliver the first-time elder's croak to him! Alden: oh shit oh shit oh shit Ghosten : is that what that commendation does

jg (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-08 14:40:14 The informant has Alden's voice on a key probably and when matedero is listened for a quiet chat in the cube might be heard by him and later seasky guard certainly by his ai
2024-05-08 14:10:27 Edit : the informant has Alden's voice on a key probably and when "matadero" the concept is listened for, Lind is watching and Alden is chatting/ doing homework in the cube. a quiet chat in the cube might be heard by The Big I as his skill is described as listening in real time to people ie bugging by magic. and later seasky guard certainly is providing information to a computer, flight plans are public, his ai would have imo years ago accessed all publicly available data sources. The Informant Knows ! Alden is A Very Big Deal And now it's Thursday PST and the soothing logogram of descent has had sleyca's fingerings removed! Full speed awaiting ahead!

Edit : the informant has Alden's voice on a key probably and when "matadero" the concept is listened for, Lind is watching and Alden is chatting/ doing homework in the cube. a quiet chat in the cube might be heard by The Big I as his skill is described as listening in real time to people ie bugging by magic. and later seasky guard certainly is providing information to a computer, flight plans are public, his ai would have imo years ago accessed all publicly available data sources. The Informant Knows ! Alden is A Very Big Deal And now it's Thursday PST and the soothing logogram of descent has had sleyca's fingerings removed! Full speed awaiting ahead!


I sincerely hope Joe stays on Earth for a while. I want him to meet Gorgon and teach at CNH. Neither are likely, and would take some serious contrivances to make happen, but still.

Partha Peddi

I think it will start with Esh suggesting spell impressions to take for Alden.. then Alden will reveal his plans. Esh will take him back to Matadero for the vacation to help Alden practice. BoAB or spell practice combined with Artonan teenage videos taking up all of Alden's time. Flying back to campus to visit friends might also happen.


Guess: Artonan gravity is 9 meters per second. 9 refers to the acceleration, and "mother forsakes him" refers to the gravity redirection? I'd personally love for Alden to check to see if the max accleration is 9 meters per second.

Michael Leue

Why would they measure length in meters? Or time in seconds, for that matter?

Michael Leue

Yeah, one of the weaknesses of long-form serial fiction is that foreshadowing becomes a *super* long-term investment which often doesn't pay off. Writers commonly make the mistake of foreshadowing too many things and leaving the story in an aimless place.


It's wild that most of the comments want Alden to spill his secrets so an Artonan can be all "Oh! You're a wizard! How exciting!" When in reality they'd probably be all "Oh. You're a wizard. And avowed. Oh no. I'm so sorry about the horrors."


@Michael Leue. True--it's probably X distance a small cave dwelling rodent can leap per 15th harmonic of the primary UNforsaken orbital stone child of the Mother squared.


I very much doubt Esh-erdi or Stu, who clearly know what happens when one has an authority sense as well as a skill, would shallowly react the first way.

Partha Peddi

I think Alden with his pitiful Authority size is a potential future Knight candidate rather than anything else. Even if his secret comes out to a knight, nothing will come of it till he reaches S rank or higher. He might only then be considered to join the knights at S rank. The best possibility is that he will get instruction on how to grow his authority, so that he is ready for the future. I think that is why Mother guided him and got him the book for Auriad practice.


In my head it translates as "Nonagon, motherf*cker!" And Esh is having a good laugh.

John D Jones

I don't think Artonans care all that much about Earth rankings. Second, Alden is going to Level/Rank really fast. It doesn't feel like it because we've spent something like the last four months in the same 48-72 hour period, but Alden's going to need to Affix again in the next Earth year. When it does, his Skill will likely go into the mid-twenties or thirties. Alden will likely be a Hyperbole before he graduates from the university.

John D Jones

Joe would be incredibly pissed about getting stuck at Celena North but would come around after he met his "Let's try some weird stuff and see what happens!" soulmate, Luna Plim.


I really want Lind to meet Alden. Esh seems to be like that annoying lil girl talking non stop about her new cat, and Lind is like, okay sweetheart let's meet your new pet. Oh, that's a wild raccoon.

Partha Peddi

All that matters is Alden's authority size should be relatively in the range of Esh or maybe a 10th.. till he grows his authority with cycles of affixation, he will not be moved to Artona 1 as a knight candidate. Sleyca should make him do an authority bump with Esh so that Esh can help Alden optimally grow his Authority. Alden already has 14yrs (30s) till his re-evaluation by the primary. Estimates of reaching S rank in university assume the recovery from affixation is the same for larger authority size.. which might not be the case. Life of pain for extended periods of time is the promise Alden received if he continued down the path...

John D Jones

@ Partha Peddi Assuming you're right, that's good. I really don't want Alden getting dragged to Artona I and abandoning the people/relationships he's been forming. That said, why should Alden's authorize size be relatively in the range of Esh. How old is Esh? 30 Artonan years? 50? 100? We have no idea. If you think Alden should compare authorites with someone, why not Stu who is an actual hn'tyon candidate?

John D Jones

@ Aspiring Moth On that note, be a little careful as you walk around. You don't want to get crushed to death if the International Space Station falls out of orbit and lands on you.

John D Jones

I'm not completely sure what you're saying, but given that Matadero was apparently built by Artonans mostly for Artonan Hn'tyons and Wizards, I seriously doubt that the Informant has managed to bug it.

Milan Seyed Mahmoud

Without his wizard training, there's no way his bound authority would have grown fast enough to let him take me along for their escape

John D Jones

Stu did watch his sister be mercy killed because she couldn't deal with the pain. That's exactly why Alden's silence or communication matters. I think Alden brings the "Boe-wisdom" of "You cannot do this for anyone other than yourself. Not for your father. Not for your sister. Not even for your sister who died. You have to have a reason for yourself or you'll end under the trees next to her. I had a chance to get out of this. Artona I, Mother, offered to remove my ability to sense my authority. But I loved it too much. And I love casting spells too much. And I love Kibby too much. I didn't want to be the person I'd have been without meeting her. I didn't want her to be cut out of my mind and heart like a fucking tumor. Not gonna lie, I hated the pain. And I dread the next Affixation and the return of that pain. But I love Kibby and being a wizard more than I hate and fear that pain. That's what's going to get me to the other side of it. If you don't have something like that, then you absolutely should not Affix."

John D Jones

Super Supportive has a TVtropes entry: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Literature/SuperSupportive


I noticed that a while back as I was trying to get a friend into the story, but I had to tell her not to go to the page because of how many spoilers I saw there!


I think Esh will have some comments when he finds out Alden is in the beginning language class.


Yeah, I just went back to double check, and there are some really big spoilers right out there in the open. Someone needs to get on that.

John D Jones

Well, it's Artonan language 4. They're not doing Artonan Dick and Jane. But yeah, probably Alden will have to try to stop Esh from chewing the ass of the Artonan 6 teacher (who probably is Artonan) for not letting Alden into the class. Alden: Dude, please, it's fine. As long as we speak Artonan, Instructor Rao doesn't care what we talk about. That's how Lute taught me that << My Body Becomes My Assistant >> word chain.

Partha Peddi

True, Stu is a good comparison for Authority size, but Stu may only be taking his affixation in December after Alden's visit. He might not become a knight. There must be a reason why knights are considered the top and above wizards. It must be the size of their Authority.

Marcus Green

I'm pretty sure knights are considered above wizards because they fight the chaos. The affixation also makes them more resilient against chaos and the tension between their bound and free authority causes them to strengthen faster, so the strongest magic users are all knights and the average knight is stronger than an unaffixed wizard of their same age and starting authority, but any even vaguely new knight is weaker than someone like Joe.

Radha Patel

Unrelated, but I always like seeing the little Spoink when scrolling the comments and thought you should know


That might be the best way to describe my feelings for this story I want so many things to happen but can't trust myself to pick the one I like best so I'll let Sleyca do it instead, they're good at figuring out what I like lol


I only realize after like 5 hours that I'm holding 9 different conversations and maybe that's too many lol


Who looks up tv tropes expecting not to get spoiled?


There is no way that Esh would ever suggest letting Joe loose on a bunch of children in bed of education given his low opinion of him. If anything, he would try his hardest to avoid him getting stationed on Earth, he wouldn't want Joe to come into regular contact with Alden, someone he feels was taken advantage of and is a victim of him.


Except Mother told him to cop larger doses but not as much as 3(or 4) to 8 + 8 foundation points so affixing 5 - 6 low levels at once was too much


@glow Somebody has to teach Alden how to do tattoos. Joe is the only wizard so far we know of that they can do it unless Sleyca it introduces a new character, Joe is the obvious solution. Maybe Alden is the one who suggests Joe to Esh?


It's my birthday sleyca, my only wish is a 5k+ word chapter, pretty please 👉👈🥺


Because Alden hasn’t met Lind yet perhaps we’re in for a surprise? I would be into if Lind were to directly say “oh, it’s you… it’s you who sent out that authority greeting”

Jean Bohdel

Happy birthday! I love that your birthday wish benefits so many. So unselfish. :)

Jeff Petkau

Generals and wizards are getting a ton of news coverage right now, which means Alden flying Esh's magic cookie will be all over the internet. Poor Winston's head is going to explode.

The Ox

From my understanding of Artonan culture, only a TINY minority of Artonan wizards would be excited about an Avowed turning up with an Authority sense coupled with one of the original 300 skills. Given that some Wizards would pretty much declare him an imminent danger to the entire universe, he would be insane to reveal himself to an Artonan now, especially someone as strait-laced as Stu Art'h


It's a little closer to a meteor landing on you, something that is possible, has happened before, but is not terribly likely. And more importantly, he's not suggesting that they bring it up all the time, just that the semi-religious semi-cultural extreme taboo on talking about rocks from space shouldn't apply to the people they could hit.


C'mon, Alden is not going to suggest Joe either after the latter made it clear that he didn't want anything to do with him. Alden got hurt, and I don't foresee him actively seeking him out and wanting him around in the near future. As readers we know they're going to interact again, I just don't see it happening like this.

Aspiring Moth

more importantly, it will boost the view count of the gokoratch video due to people connecting them, just like with the Hazel incident. the impact of stu-art'h's screeching must be blown out of all proportion for maximum comedic effect when he finds out about it


Wait, today is Thursday.... *Expanded catnip pupils*

Matt DiMeo

Oh let’s ask Australia what happens in the next chapter. *taps forehead*


Australia was to busy fighting off the wild life and ethics committees to comment.

Jason Harpster

Happy B-Day! (Excerpt from the Chapter) Five thousand bottles of beer on the wall. Five thousand bottles of beer. Take one down, pass it around, Four thousand nine hundred and ninety nine bottles of beer on the wall.

Radha Patel

I suppose it's for the best. I doubt a land mass is very good at storytelling


I think, in your heart, you know that Thursday means we get a chapter Friday and no release Sunday.

Matt DiMeo

Alden crashed the cookie, killing haoyu, then the Primary showed up with a marriage proposal from Stuart. According to Australia.

John D Jones

@ Aspiring Moth & jg I meant Astrid. Lind-otto isn't into raccoons as far as we know and Luna is pretty much just into B-ranks doing crazy shit with their powers.


Every 60 seconds in Australia, a minute passes.


"As I’ve said before, the uncapped skill is a requirement to become a knight" This may not be as accurate as you believe it to be. If you go back and re-read the Mother chapter, the 300 were created at a time when knights were fewer and weaker. That is, Knights existed prior to the 300 original skills.

Dalton C Vieira

So does Thursday actually mean Thursday or does it mean 3am on Friday?


Ssssshhhh. Be werry werry careful! Thou shall not point out stuff the wokerati abhor. It’s like kryptonite or sunshine or even something much much more worse! Common sense! Truth! …..EEEE Gads maybe even Facts!

Matt DiMeo

Kibby is ensuring a smooth transition of power to the new regime. Marrying the secondary to the old primary’s son insures a veneer of legitimacy.

N Johnson

I think he will be appalled at the condition on the learning cushions!!

John D Jones

For me it means Friday at 3 AM or so. Which is fine because that's less time between then and Sunday.


I have a question. In our timeline point nemo, the area around matadero and anesidora, is used to dump space junk that needs to be de-orbited. Something like 300 spacecraft have been crashed there since 1971, including the entire mir space station. The ISS will also end up there when it gets decommissioned in 2031. In this story, when the artonians arrived and anesidora got built, did people still crash spaceships into the area? On one hand, it does kinda fit with the whole “keep all the dangerous stuff in one place” vibe of anesidora and matadero. On the other though, I can’t imagine the artonians would be very happy about people orbitally bombarding their very special cube. Or is that not even a problem anymore? Space travel probably developed very differently after the artonians arrived. They probably have safer, more teleport-y, ways of removing space junk. I think it would be neat if there was a bunch of spaceship husks hanging out underneath the islands. The aqua brutes could use them to train. Jeffy would probably love casting a bunch of flotation spells on old Soviet rockets and watching them pop out of the ocean like a cork.


Friday for me, most likely. It's okay, I like to wake up to soup.


I just keep thinking of the "It is Thursday my dudes" toad.


Y'all have the wrong analogy. It's not like space junk landing on your head; it's like being struck by lightning. The first is rare but unavoidable. The second is rare, but you can easily take steps to make it more or less likely. During a thunderstorm, don't stand on high places. Don't carry metal poles that you point at the sky. Don't take up kite flying. Don't *try* to learn magic. Don't play teaching games with a kinderwizard. Especially not if you already have a nascent sense of your own magic. Especially not in a chaos field.

The Ox

If the Artonans didn't have a better method for space junk they could just drop them in the Indian Ocean west of Australia. There's basically nothing but empty ocean between Perth and Mauritius, and no meaningful shipping lanes. Where they think the MA flight 370 crashed.

Radha Patel

I think the space race would have ended in 1963 the instant aliens showed up. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin never walked Earth's moon, 15yo kids where were walking Artona I instead

Aspiring Moth

I can't remember the answer, but I'm pretty sure this question was asked and answered in the previous Q&A (around chapter 65)


“And I’ve ordered the Contract to teleport you to me immediately if someone attempts to violate your thoughts,” Esh-erdi announced. Not a lot of discussion in the comments on this one, unless I missed it. Nevertheless, it is interesting. I wonder what an Artonon would consider "violation of thoughts"? Would a sway, like the disappearing girl who may or may not be alive after the Sinker Sender blew up qualify? What about Manon? Her skill allowed thoughts and actions to be altered..... Weren't we introduced into another B at the very beginning in gym class who had an ability? Or maybe it's specific to someone reading Alden's mind, or forcing Alden to spill the beans..... Maybe a chainer truth chant could trigger it, or maybe a very pretty girl chef with her appeal stat set to 25??? And an emergency teleport? Anywhere Esh-erdi is? That could get awkward pretty fast, lol. Or imagine Alden showing up while Esh is bashing a planet sized demon around....... The plot possibilities could be endless!


Oh, and I have a "bookkeeping" question. Sleyca often drops comments, lore, and answers buried within the comment section. I found a really long one while scrolling on my phone, (because the App highlights her replies in red). The question is is anyone capturing her comments (and their triggering reader post)? I don't even know if she is responding to anyone on RR anymore, as I don't do their comment section, but that would be important too. Maybe it's a wiki? I look at discord from time to time, but I've never figured out how to use it, it just seems like a stream of consciousness babble. Maybe I am missing something there? For those who are interested in this chapter's big comment from her, here it is: "How wizards do magic is less a secret than it is a point of unnavigable species comprehension difference. A little like if we tried to tell some aliens that didn't have noses, or even know *smelling* was a possibility, that we humans can identify things, track things, and trigger our own memories by inhaling invisible particles. They might believe us, but when they were trying to explain it to themselves and talk about it casually, they might say, "Oh the humans are using their psychic powers to find the rotten potatoes in the cupboard again. So mysterious!" Even Alden, after Joe's really careful explanations, didn't *actually* understand authority until he could feel his own. Joe helped by giving him a bunch of English words for "doing magic" that were more accurate: authority, dominion, etc... But Alden still pretty much thought of it as "Joe has magic inside of him that he can feel and do stuff with, and I have magic inside of me that my skill lets me do stuff with." When the truth is really that there isn't an inside/outside/power source like humans tend to envision at all. The Artonans aren't at all inclined to insist that humans *properly* understand, and they are definitely careful not to make a lot of noise about what affixation is (see this chapter). But there's nothing suspicious about Alden using all the right vocabulary while he's speaking Artonan. "


Oh, huh, I wonder if there are space brutes. Imagine someone who could EVA without a space suit?

Desert Yeti

Even Joe would be appalled if he found out. That kind of suffering crosses even his ethical boundaries (he said this back at Leafsong somewhere). The first thing the knights would do is get Alden mental healing ASAP. He went through affixation essentially alone and abandoned, no family or community supporting him. The lack of care given to him may border on criminal negligence in their eyes. They would be joyful at his discovery but utterly distressed over his suffering. And I bet they probably have a word for that. "Joyful tragedy"


There is a thread on the discord for posting her patreon comments. It's a little hidden if you're not familiar with the app. Also it's intermixed with discussion and reactions to those comments so no t the most ideal archive, but still

Matt DiMeo

I suspect it’s “someone’ looking for matadero info” triggered.

JJ Hunter

Given Alden likely only has 5-7 minutes left now until his school assembly starts, I expect he's going to have to really floor it as the next chapter opens if he wants to be on time. Is Alden going to hand the ring back to Esh-erdi for the actual landing, or just go for it under time pressure and hope for the best? Curious if this will be a more literal Alden 'drop' off or if Esh is intending to have The Nine-edged Son Whose Own Mother Forsakes Him parked somewhere (school roof?) to join Alden in entering. Esh does seem to have a busy agenda of his own in mind (related to how he's contriving to make Bash-nor's busy day busier, perhaps?), so my guess is this may be a relatively swift drop and go, with Esh anticipating a more leisurely insertion to observe Alden in his native habitat (and meet some of his other friends? how is Alden with his human friends? is he the same or different with Stu-art'h? inquiring busybody uncle types looking for pleasing distractions from grave judicial investigations and selfish pests jockeying for political advantages in the still unfolding disaster aftermath really want to know). I hope Alden gets to meet Lind-otta in person soon, and vice versa.

Anthony Lutz

The real question is if the assembly is inside a gym/building or if there is an outdoor area for whole school gatherings. And is the stage going to be the only flat and unoccupied area to land with everyone watching


As a nightshifter it means dawn Friday PST. Any time before that is a bonus!


Not to put too fine a point on it, but there absolutely are ways to avoid getting hit by "space junk". Among them: don't go outside the atmosphere, stay underground, don't intenionally go to places more likely to be hit during the seasons where they're more common. And my actual intention was to reflect the likelihood as much as the avoidability (incredibly unlikely, and not *actually* that avoidable- Alden minus authority awareness would be chaos dust at best, and I suspect that previous cases were similar). People are struck by lighting (comparatively) all the time. All that said, I mostly agree with you about the reasons he considers them an exception


It really does feel like Alden is sitting right on the edge of opening up to esh at the end of this chapter, so interested to see where we go next



Now we just need another 41... (now 40) more comments to get the comment number to match


My other thought was for that ceremonial garden, but might not be sized for really big crowds.


It is strange. We have not heard any mention of mind magic for Wizards which leads me to believe they care a lot and have intentionally restricted it to Avowed whom they can contractually compel. There must be some reason it is useful in the fight against chaos, but otherwise the absence of it at all other than word chains (and a clear preference for mind altering substances) makes me think they abhor it.


So I was kinda wondering if Esh-erdi noticed the entrusting requirement when trying to figure out what skill Alden has (since they seem to be... unusual), so went back to see their interaction in Dawn I, when Zeridee had to be convinced to re-entrust herself ... but the dialog there doesn't make it look different from the skill just requiring consent, which I imagine is common for any sort of pickling skill when applied to sapient beings... and figuring out how that happened for stuff like the Bento box is harder, but Alden is generally good at getting people to entrust him objects accidentally...


Yeah I went there today to look at the subsection and found out once again my primary impression was correct….. a not complete, hot mess of babbling children. It’s probably because Discord doesn’t nest comments like Reddit or any other web community and thus unless you are 150% committed to reading everything always, it is unusable!!!!


Oh yeah, especially if some consent based ones like Lute are system dependant. He shouldn't have needed consent during the floods in that case