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Sorry guys,

I'll add an extra page somewhere else this week seeing as I was out most of yesterday and today!

I was helping out at an event (I left the house at 9.30am and got home at 11pm - had one glass of wine at the end of it and it KNOCKED ME OUT)

Tutorials are both the best and worst.
Because it makes me think sometimes its a bit like the blind leading the blind XD But I sure learn a lot myself as I do it.

I would have learned these things years ago but I work mostly on instinct myself. Remembering the names of things NOW...not so easy. But then sometimes it's also a bit of 'Hey you remember a lot more than you thought you did!!'


Jacquelyn Mela

Oh! I didn't know you would be away so I got worried when you weren't around the last two days! I'm relieved now that I know you're fine.


AWWW Jacquelyn! Omg im well. I had offered to help out at this awards ceremony for kids so i was doing everything from setting up, registering them to handing prizes and the XD manning the camera during one of the sessions. Then after we cleaned up we sat down for one drink and hahah it was me defending video games to 6 adults - 2 principals and 2 teachers. No no, video games dont make kids nasty. UGH AND THEN - 'they think they're real friends with the people they're talking to' HELLO GENERATION GAP. THEY ARE REAL FRIENDS.