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Say that 10 times fast!

While your at it - some outfit suggestions? and we'll do a poll after. You'll get standard clothes and stripped down. 



A robe or yukata?

Asidian Morris

Lingerie? ....alternately, cute pjs with chocobos.

Ellay Gee

Oh man, how am I the only lover of number 2?! Such a great one :) as for outfit, I'm def a fan of the 'slave' theme for him with the collar and wrist things, but I knda also want something frilly. I mean, it's all gonna be great :))


I'll probably recycle the poses for other pin ups, no point them going to waste 8D That would be a good Noct pose too, not Iggy tho, he would never slouch


Omg yes, its gonna be like those dress up cut out dolls, once I have the base its just a case of drawing the clothes 8DD Changing up the expression here and there


I like asidian's idea of chocobo boxers xD Or skirt and thigh highs ❤️ I like Ellay's idea idea of slave prompto wearing cuffs. Anything you come up with will be amazing!


Yeah the suggestions have been great so far, I'll do some silly out take sketches too of Prom and his outfits

Ellay Gee

Yuss. Concurred wholeheartedly. Just imagining it now....

Anabel (latt)

Stockings; honestly, anything meshy. Gosh all of these are great suggestions thooo.


Ohhhhhhhhhh I'm down with stockings and garter belt!!! Maybe some tattoos?? I'm also totally for asidan idea for the chocobo boxers- they would look adorbs


I'll do up another poll with all these options and a few more and pick the top 3 to 5 but everyone game some great suggestions!


Omg the votes are so close to each other lmao. But either way I am SO excited for this