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When you have too many ideas

I imagined Proms camera being seized

Prom being seized

seizing up



because he couldnt pay bills

and oops im homeless

Thats embarrassing

How do i tell the guys


That last one!!!!!



Kaciart: talk to me, do you think he would hide it and try and fix it or would he arrive on their doorstep humiliated??

Asidian: I think he would probably try and fix it :|a

He would be SO embarrassed



Heres some context

So i was asking Asi how he would initially react

And he's going ot try and hide and fix it

So he figures right now, the problem is the night time

He can shower at training

He still has a part time job, the never mail stuff so he can leave the address

Theres laundromats for clothes

He probably stores his expensive things, not that he has many, in his locker at the citadel

Theres probably work lockers too so he can stash a bit there

So that limits what he has to carry around during the day

His problem is

He was trying so hard to stay above water that he was siphoning all his money into the bills

Which means he has to wait until his next paycheck

which is only a week away

But thats a week of not being able to afford anywhere to stay

So he probably thinks - train stations? theyre 24 hr and have security

He can dip from one to the other

After he gets paid he'll go for the cheapest shittiest hostels

because he has to save

Which is fine until he starts getting a tickle in his throat

I figure in his delirium somone robs him blind in the hostel

And thats the point where he has to go to the guys

And he's scared and sick

but mostly he's utterly humiliated

And he's like 17 we'll say

so he shouldnt be footing the bills ANYWAY



So it was his parents' house


And the sickness is probably both the unhygienic places he's staying

and the levels of stress he's been under

His stomach is 90% ulcer 10% stomach

Like he's probably been doing ok

he gets a nice meal with the guys a few times a week

and he's sourced a few places where the food is cheap and relatively healthy

because fast food feels like a step backwards


Oh man, he would be worried about something like that


making his school lunches in a hostel

There would be signs for the guys

and theyre probably worried somethings up

but theres no way their mind would conjure this scenario

'You'd tell me if something was wrong Prom?'

'Not everything, a guys gotta have some mystery!'

He'd say all silly

Noct would shove him

'I'm serious!'

'I'm mysTERIOUS'

'youre such a dork!'


And like. Why WOULD they think things had gone that wrong? Not a one of them has ever had to struggle with money

Prommmm no ;;


yes exactly

Their mind would be like 'worrying about parents?? school?? grades?

His weight??

They know he's weird about that

And he's gotten a bit slimmer

But he trains most days

So thats a side effect

He'd probably be doing pretty well there

until he got sick

he gets this dreadful sounding hacking cough

appeases Ignis tho when he pulls the bottle of cough syrup from his bag

He is trying ot deal with it

As i was drawing this I could see the last pic being

'Well that doesnt sound good at all'

'Ig- koff koff- Iggy'

He'd be all 'HOW CAN I HELP YOU 8D'

'Any way you can think of~~ ♥'

'...that won't be necessary'

I was just thinking

Ignis offering to drive him home

oh actuallyyyy



i was so threatened by the "i was just thinking" and i was RIGHT


Prompto DOESNT tell them

But Noctis decides on a surprise visit

to find a For Sale sign

on his buddies house

And maybe this is around his no good very bad day

Where he's using the hostel phone to ring and cancel his bank card

His phone is GONE

so Noctis cant reach him

I feel like, Prompto would be very pragmatic about it all


he's used to being self sufficient, to be fair


He had genuinely been saving some money, he was clean, getting sleep and eating

It could 100% be worse

And yeah, like Prom has no idea whats going on

They thankfully just pulled the contents of his school bag onto the floor

No point taking school books

So he's going ot have to suck it up, go to school and hit the bank after

So he's there sniffling and coughing and doing his homework

He's paid for the week anyway

And he gets to school the next day, he didnt sleep very well and oh thats weird, Noctis is there already??

Didnt know Noctis was alive at this time of day

I also feel like he's immediately bluff

Not realising they know


You KNOW it's a big deal when Noct wakes up early


he'd feel so attacked too

Gladios there too

And like , its only going to end in tears

just to totally complete his humiliation

And he's coughing and crying


he so fucking sick and this is the worrrssst


ahhhhh crying while you have a cough is awful

and then it can trigger a headache too


yeah he'd be half choking on the phlegm

Coughs up a big disgusting hairball

And Ignis is like 'okay thats enough, in the car'

You know when panic hits and you go light headed

That would be Prompto, Ignis would take his arm and gentle him in

'Noctis, you can go to school'

'Like hell i will'

'It was worth a try'

He had to say it

he knew it wouldnt be obeyed

Gladios just like 'why am I here, this is terrible'

Theres germs and snot and FEELINGS everywhere


I mean, I can't blame him :(((

Imagine how hard it would be to watch Prom breaking down

And also coughing up a lung

That poor boy probably looks a mess


yeah for sure

'Well get your things, tell me where to drive'

'This is it'

'Thats fine - things can be replaced, people however, can not.'

It probably takes a day or two to get the story out of him

Because he really needs to see a doctor

and then to rest


Please mother hen him, boys

He needs it


Ignis kind of wishes he was a little bit of a money grubber



Haley Barnett

And then Noctis tells Prompto that he now lives with him because Prompto NEEDS a home and Noctis is his home now. And Ignis is all "Yes, now I can mother you for the rest of your life."


I love reading these kind of scenarios. I just love sad Prompto and then everybody loves him and wants to keep him safe. Best.


Love this, poor prom :< . Makes you wonder if the glaives from refugee regions would be stuck in similar situations. Making the glaive rethink their housing programs and options maybe ( I wonder if there are glaives dorms now what have you done I'm in a rabbit hole hELP)


Noctis: guess you're moving in with me!

Anabel (latt)

Yes my 💔 and oh no poor Gladio xD feelings everywhere!! I'm just glad the boys go to him before it got worse!


Yesss Ignis would be like WELL, he's definitely not using the Prince so...*aggressively mothers* And Noctis si all 'why didnt you tell me, dont you trust me??' and Prom is all upset 'I was so embarrassed...' To which Noct almost dies from how badly he needs to protect Prompto, suddenly understanding Ignis' need to mother.


What have *I* done?? Excuse me, this is a great idea! Suddenly there barracks at a fraction of the cost of housing - maybe the take it out of their earnings and there's a canteen which is also much lower prices than eating out. Maybe theres rent allowance too for Glaives so if they can't live in barracks they get x amount a month towards rent so its more affordable. AND can you imagine Gladio taking Prompto on a tour and being like 'see this, you started this??' and Prom is like ;^; 'whaaattt??' They're over heard and someone manages to find out HOW and they're like 'OH NO PRECIOUS BOY we always thought he was a mooch off the Prince, thats so sad' and suddenly some of the Glaives are greeting him and 8D everyones happy


He's going to need counselling. Ignis will do up a flowchart for Prompto to refer to. 'I'm in trouble - Arrow 1 Ask for help - Arrow 2 Try to handle it myself' and the next arrow from that one points back to 'ask for help'