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I kind of imagine like

Prompto startle crying reflexively

the tears are beyond his control

Half laughing trying to diffuse the situation

'I just cant stop'

'F-Fuck Prompto'

And you know if he hit him hard enough to make his hand smart

'I - um - I'm not exaggerating to make you feel bad but I think somethings broken'

'I'll just say it happened in training'

Gladio is dying a little inside

Because he's essentially protecting his abuser

'No Prompto, you'd have had to file an incident report'

'I'll say I was messing with the equipment, didnt want anyone finding out'

'Just say what happened'

'No way, you're the Prince's shield, no one needs to find out'


'But Gladio, you *have* to do something about your temper'

I feel like he'd settle on that Gladio was showing him a move and it went wrong

And now he has a fractured cheekbone

Gladio would have such a hangdog expression no one would question

I do feel like Gladio would go to his father and tell him the truth

And Clarus is like 'Im not proud of what you did, but I am glad that you want to right it'

But i feel like He was telling Gladio to back off from Noctis

Ignis or Noctis would have dodged or blocked

but that doesnt make it any better

because he still would have reacted with force

Clarus calls Prompto to see him

Prom's like 'aw sheet'

he sits him down and offers his apologies and asks if Prompto wants to press charges

Thought he was about to be threatened into silence

And i feel like Clarus' problem is that it was such an abuse of power

against someone who was not even a little in his league

And Promptos like 'No way, omg, no no no'

'He's my friend, it's not going to happen again'


Can you imagine the reaction in a situation liek that

'You promised me!'




Oh no, oh no. With the text to go with it. So many conflicted feelings - like yeah, you don't want that on the shield's resume, but Gladio just knows that if this was Prom's first thought, he'd do the same if the other guy actually wanted to hurt him :C always believing in the best in people

Thursday Coming

This, I have a lot of feelings about this


Yesss, Prompto always lays down and takes it to appease the other person, makes me want to do something with this focus - theres actually a really good fic to this tune where he has a volley of abusive partners before Promnis 8D


Wow this hurts so much, the dialogue also just really .. packs a punch (ba-dum-tss). But legit tho, I love that you mentioned the reflexive tears. Not only would it just make the situation SO much more emotionally intense but it really brings home some of the damage. All the shit in your face is connected so if you get punched, you're inevitably going to cry. I've had so many students stunned (self-defense instructor here- i swear I'm not just punching random kids lmao) when they get punched and can't stop crying. And they're SO embarrassed and stunned. And you captured that so perfectly. Also, like, even if Prompto was capable of defending himself against it, I feel like because it's Gladio (or even if it were Ignis or Noct) he'd just brace himself instead. Which speaks volumes as to how he lets himself be treated/abused by those he cares about. And like Prom is there still trying to protect Gladio from any backlash for it which KILLS me. Because if it had been someone else in the Crownsguard that had hurt Prompto like that, Gladio would've taken them down and made sure they never worked again, but /he/ did it. P.S. that last line of "you promised me!" just put a nail in my coffin, just saying.