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Prompto doesn't really understand anaemia. It's not a problem as long as he doesn't get hurt right?

Salt suggested Bloodless

Ignis barks at Gladio for help when Prompto drops, deadweight to the ground. He gets his hands under Prompto's armpits in time to stop him falling forward but not soon enough to avoid the crack of bone on concrete as his knees fold under.

His face is bloodless and slack, but it is bare seconds before his mouth twists and his nose wrinkles.

His head lolls to the side until he can glance dazedly up at Ignis. 


Ignis' lips settle in a thin line.

"Why didn't you tell us you weren't feeling well?"

"I'm fine-was fine, I felt okay?"

"Mhmm" Ignis grumbles, Gladio finally appearing to help ease Prompto's body to the ground. Noctis isn't far behind, recognising that particular tone of voice of Ignis' to mean Prompto had done something.

"He fainted." Ignis states, before anyone can ask.



Anabel (latt)

Idk but there's really something here that I like about the posing. Like you just turned to look at this scene. Anyway 💗


Aw thank you, making prom look boneless was the main point of this pic