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Asidian had suggested 'Insufficient' 

I have an idea in my head

but its one of those ideas

that i dont want to start at ass o clock

The first thing that came to mind was The guys needing some...thing??

And Theyre all tied up - like some medicine or item that hard to come by

And their funds are all used up

Like Noctis in some kind of status effect enduced coma

Prompto finding this really sketchy dude who has some ingredient they need

And he's like 'this is all i have'

'its not *all*'

'I...I can give you my camera...thats worth a lot'

'Not really what I'm going for'

'Hey fellas, how much would you say blondies worth an hour'

Proms *stiff as a board*

And theyre jokingly saying amounts

'h...how many hours?'

And the guy says 'this many at this much'

then Cor steps out of the shadows

is like 'So this much money, here you go, give the thing'

'who the hell are you? listen we've no business with you'

And Cor is like 'yeah me and the authorities I've notified might have some business with you'

'Unless you want to take the offer and get out of here in the next five minutes'

Prompto is PURPLE with embarrassment

And the guy is like 'yeah how about we get rid of you and then finalise the deal with blondie somewhere else?'

'mhmm' and one of the other lackies is like

'd...dude, don't you know who he is?'

Ends up with Cor intimidating the guy into giving up the thing

Hands it over to Prompto, 'check if its right'

'Y-yeah it is'

'Oh' says Cor as they're about to take their very irate leave

'You forgot your tip'


Prompto would have died with how cool that was if he wasnt currently already dying of mortification

Cor reaches into the inner pocket of the guys jacket and plucks their money out after he's laid them all flat

Hands Prompto his

They weren't going to need that where they were going

Now to get back to Noctis

Promptos like '.......is he...not going to say anything??'

But in Cors eyes Prompto was willing to do anything for his King

He shouldn't ever have to

Probably tell him as much really blunt and horrible

'dont ever do that, but i get where you were coming from'

They get back and Prompto's really subdued

Maybe the others find out

And theyre all 'Prom bb nooooo'

Noctis who's recovering is all 'Dont ever do that for me'

Cor probably just outright told them

Like this guy's cute, fucking keep an eye on him in places like this

So yes

Lets put that on the to do for tomorrow



Ohh I really like that! Cor being all pragmatic and 'sure, i get it' about the whole deal is A+ my fave. No judgement at all :D I friggin love that dude. Super looking forward to seeing that illustrated!!


lol Cor always appears at just the right moment <3 I can picture him just walking out of the shadows randomly throughout the guys' road trip. Also thank you for the influx of cor this week 8D


Yeah like, he cant imagine where there would ever be a situation where he couldnt fight his way out of it himself, but he'd do it if needs must