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LOL well heres the context

Drunken sex

but the drunk 100% does not remember the next day

And considering they initiated it and Prom was not drunk


Prom's feeling fragile because a. ow and b. my feelingssss

but also 'did he take advantage' (lol as if he could with either of them)


can you imagine

Thinking back

There was no point where Gladio said his name

'I don't think I've ever gotten that drunk....why did i agree to this?'

'Even when you turned-'

'Even then Iggy'

'Oh dear'

'And - I know this isn't breakfast table conversation but my dick is raw so.....'

'Ugh, don't be so crass Gladio'

'Dont drink kids' says gladio to Noct and Prom



he's wearing the high collar to hide his neck, isn't he




Prom's face here

Is so painful

He looks so HURT

His eyes are fixed right on Gladio

And the little distressed eyebrws

....ow :(((

And how his mouth is open slightly

I love how he's clutching at his cup, too, with both hands


They share a room anyway

Gladio ended up fleeing the bed

For an encore of the previous night

in the bathroom

'im going to cry'

'Some fresh air will do you good'


Let me make it better

Gladio is 100% into Prompto but theyre all aware that Prompto's not had sex yet

He's too open about stuff like that


'When will this happen to me??'

'I cant believe Noct beat me'


So Gladio's been finding other ways to work off the strain

Until Prompto finds his groove or whatever

Because like, Promptos also clearly attracted to all of them

Again - too easy to read

So yeah he tends not to say anything because he's afraid of offending his lovers but saying the wrong name

And this happens

Prom is *sore*

But XD stone in his shoe

They believe him

And he's been really icky about Gladio's drunken night

so Theyre all a bit : / maybe dont talk about it

you ARE being a bit crude

He's also really quiet which is unusual

Ignis is certain his stomachs acting up because his appetite hasnt been the best

Gladio's night keeps coming to him

in snatches

'I'll take that bet!' *drinks sat in front of him*

'bad past Gladio, terrible choice'

Blonde hair

really tight, felt AMAZING

And then they're mid fight

and Gladio nearly gets gored

When Prompto grunts as he figths off whatever theyre hunting

And its the most intense deja vu he's ever experienced

'Wake up Gladio' Noct says

with so much smugness in his voice

that Gladio could murder him

So he gets back to it but he's also totally focused on listening ot Prompto

And Oh man

The noises Prompto makes

should not be allowed

He's usually too busy to pay attention

After the fight he goes over to Prompto and when he rests his hand on his shoulder Prompto full body flinches away from him

So he's liek 'AGHHHH' in his head

'G-good fight kid'

And goes running to Ignis

'Ignis I did somethign stupid'



'I didn't say anything'


what else is new xD


I like how he goes running to Ignis

Everyone's reaction is always "Iggy fix it" XDD


Tells him and Ignis is like '......ok....this is a problem'

Because every reaction says 'did not want'

'Do you remember anything, Gods Gladio, please tell me he didnt say no'

'N-No, he seemed into it?? What I can remember???'

'Do you want me to talk to him? because this needs to be rectified'

Gladio's like 'YES. I mean, would you?? I dont want to fuck everythign up more'

Which leads to Prompto sobbing on Ignis

about how he took advantage of Gladio

And he's the worst

Ignis is like 'Let me tell you a thing'

Gladio is none too subtly hovering outside when Ignis comes out of the room

Just directs him in and Prompto's all red eyes and sniffly

'Aw shit Prom'

'I'm sorry'

'C'mere kiddo'

He gets hugs and kisses

And they awkwardly talk

'Can we do this again sometime, when I can remember it?'

'Yes. Yes please'

Take him for dinner

Drink water the whole night



Anabel (latt)

This is so distressing but funny at the same time?¿¿ I kept oogling at the hands here. They're so good!

Kiera Vallone

Pffffffft I love how Iggy's was like "Let me tell you a thing". Iggy saving the day once again.


hahaha yeah I like to confuse the feelings, am I happy?? sad?? both?


Prompto would start sob talking and Ignis is just like 'oh thank gods' 'w...what?' *sniff* Thats cute that ou think you could take advantage of Gladio Prompto but...no.


Lol "let me tell you a thing". Had me laughing. Oh iggy always making things better! Also gladio needs to wine and dine prom 👌 best kink is when they are having fun partially dressed


Hahaha yeah they'd need something like this sorted very quick and Ignis is the best man for the job