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im sticking to my promise of nice words only



Soft it is


i am ~SO tempted


hmmm why do i feel a sense of foreboding


because of your comment about nice words

MT Proms first time in a real bed


made more amazing because


its a prison cell

theyre like 'are you joking?'





i felt challenged Salt


my mouth fell open im not kidding


im going for like

14/15 yo prom


and he's wearing a big shirt


well 8D

they dont really carry childrens sizes in Prison wear


My heeeeeart

God I love his face here

He looks so content

But also like. He shouldn't be content over soemthing like this

My heart is breaking

And the little scuff mark

And the too-big shirt


prom's story is a lot like, you know, you can feed hamsters just the food pellets and have them live in a tiny enclosure abd they wont DIE thats the thing, you can be a human and sleep in a metal box every night and you wont //die// but fuck


surviving vs living


Ffff the bandage on his arm, and the finger splint :(((

I love how his hand's on the pillow, too, like he was touching it before he fell asleep


the way he's sleeping like, on his stomach? he looks like he collapsed into the bed but,,, kind of defensive position, huh


yeah salt, he's got his arms up in front of his chest, curling in


protecting the vital organs


imagine going down to look at the captured weapon but its this kid



Man, their faces are so grim here

They really don't like what they're seeing


'The doctors put him the same age as Noctis, maybe younger'

'I know.'

They stare for a long time

'We could make this work for us.'

'How could any of this work Clarus?'

Well, taking their own reactions into accont

Theyre not going to be the only people horrified with Niflheim using children

So they make it public

Prompto wont even know

He knows theres cameras monitoring him

Not that its being broadcast

Like i imagine Regis being like

'This could backfire terribly'

Like if Prom did turn out to be a killingmachine

But instead they get a kid who once withdrawal is over

Is terrified


"once withdrawl is over" loaded line


So Now Niflheim look like the monsters they are

Noctis has seen the feed

Regis is hesitant of him visiting


Again, the kindness of the royals towards this prisoner is doing wonders for their popularity

And Prompto definitely perks up when someone his age appears


presumably people his age would be the only ones hes encountered that didnt like, enact horrific violence on him


Can you imagine if he had no Lucian?

And its the first time he's tried to talk

Noctis starts to bring him gifts


Shows him his games

And theres bars between them

And Noct is instructed not to get too close

They have a translator now

Prompto has 8D

Mentioned on more than one occasion about how SOFT his bed is

and he is in awe of the comfort

food took a while

'My friend likes to cook...I could bring you some?'


can he even eat at the start?


Probably not

be like a baby

start with liquids and work up

over cooked carrots

plastic cutlery


Also: awww, Noct offering to bring some Iggy cooking <3333


bathing would be a thing

Because it was probably a case of 'stand against a wall and get hosed down'


Ohhh yeah. BAthing would be so different


He's probably hyper adaptive

And he's been paying attention to the translator


and very keen to follow orders, id imagine


So One round when Noctis visits

He tries some hesitant Lucian

omg yess Salt

So much so they probably have ot be careful NOT to order things accidentally

'eat it, you'll love it'

Prompto does not love it, and now doesnt know what to do

A few days later Gladio is like

'I think he hates oranges'

Prompto starts to panic

Please don't put him in the small cell

'The what?'


for isolation

He wouldnt have words for things

So he'd have to describe them

Can you imagine Noctis

without thinking

reaches through the bars to rub Promptos shoulder

Gladio is like 'you fuckin' idiot'


Thats beeped out for the feed

But Prom lifts his head from where it was buried in him arms

like, this is so warm???

And then theres the day Prompto's given a book with chocobos in it

And he sits WAITING for noct

But Regis comes instead

and he's so excited


Clarus can not stop smiling

Maybe Regis has come to tell him he must pick a name for himself

and don't say chocobo

But yes, Prompto, their own little weapon

Causes huge unrest in Niflheim

because they weren't aware - they only see the armour

Theyre inundated with people signing up to fight

No need for a peace treaty

Niflheim is imploding

I figure they also early enough

Move Prompto to a nicer furnished cell

because he might think its wonderful

But the people watching will not

Noctis and Prompto start sneaky touching

holding hands

Gladio's like 'i see you D<'

I figure there's set backs

Like when they tried to get someone in to cut Promptos hair

Which was essentially brandishing a weapon at him

They probably just shave it all off every now and then

when he was in Niflheim

Probably resulted in the royal hairdresser with a scissors stuck in his arm

and Prompto under the bed

They have now learned that LIVE livefeed is a bad idea


SO What Niflheims answer to this??

Time to get rid of the problem

And they just so happen to have an agent

in the Citadel





Your ability to turn even the most innocuous prompts into an angst-fest is amazing! I loveee regis and Clarus’ reactions to prompto’s pure happiness over the prison cell cot.

Anabel (latt)

What a story. And Prompto bab, he's so soft and sad here ;A; oh no not Drautos 0.0 I would love to see more of this!

Jacquelyn Mela

Aww, I thought you finished out after I left. Will you ever explore Niflheim's answer in a later drawing?


Gaaaahhhgsvdhshs. This is so good, holy shit. O.o Both the picture and the story are incredible! But holy shit, someone protect the bab from that jerk, Drautos!! ;_; I would absolutely be thrilled to see what happens next if you ever continue with this idea....! &lt;3


Whats your name in stream? I PLANNED to, but then i was like one more one more!! Which was a MISTAKE (sort of - I do not regret this idea) because i now have a headache that i went to sleep and woke up with...


Definitely, it started out of spite to prove that even a word like 'soft' could be angsty as all hell XD And then it became this idea


Yesss, I like to think that Drautos will be caught by Nyx and he'll hold him off until help arrives and then they'll sort out that little mutiny problem and everyone will live 8D except the bad guys...

Jacquelyn Mela

Oh no! My username is MKMonster. You outlasted even me last night! I was rushing in the shower like "It was worth iiitt!" Lol. I hope you feel better soon.


This is so good. Prom looks so adorably innocent. He would def appreciate the soft bed even if it's a jail cell. I always forget that drautos is the traitor..and this is such an intriguing story


i know, I ge so mad at the start of the game when hes with Regis...get away from him you filthy traitor....filthy handsome traitor


Prom looks so beautiful!!!! I could stare at his face for hours.