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the "I don't want to be outside" hoodie


lol yes Ind


They make him look so much smaller <3333



Hes thinking

'If i DON'T get these, ill have to miss some crownsguard training

If I DO get them, I'll have to get the cheaper canned food which tastes as cheap as it is'

Also will have to cut back on outdoor activities with Noct

because he's been reusing a bandage

and the elastic is stretched right out

So he's going to need to get that too

He's reading the labels

to see what the ingredient difference is between the prices

He definitely needs something with an anti inflammatory in it

I kind of imagine he's sometimes told to get stuff for training

and its like


Time to reshuffle my life

you know like

'Get these gloves for sparring'

Prompto your trainers have no grip, i don't want to see those ones again

So his life is based around justifying things

Less sleep, extra job, more money

or Sleep, less money, better grades and health

He has his list

He scrawls '2 weeks'

that he can manage

Maybe he keeps a book

He gets home from Noctis'

Goes to get his book to work out this weeks list

Where is it

Ignis is cleaning up after Prompto and Noctis' games night

'What's this??'


like it starts small and then as time goes on

it builds and builds

hes thinking

maybe he'll ask Ignis about spices

That might make the cheap food palatable

Ignis is mid freak out with the book

Because, he can see that a lot has been asked of him re: Crownsguard

and there hasn't been a word of complaint

Or he hasnt asked for a penny



He is more bruise than boy D8

Oh man. It hurts that he's having to do this all by himself :(((

Man, that bruise is ROUGH


he's brobably broken a rib or two

But whatever he was hit with nicked him too

So he's assuming the pain is a lot from the wound

he'd get himself all bandaged up

The internet has told him HOW to wrap it

I feel like Gladio would assume he saw a doctor

Or his parents helped

and comment as much

and he's practically preening

8D 'No i did it!!'

'I moogled it'

Ignis is massaging his temples

I imagine his doorbell ringing right as he finishes up

He tugs the hoody back on

Gladio and Ignis are on his doorstep

No Noct

'Did....I do something?'

'Why do you assume you did something wrong?'

'Well, i didn't specify 'wrong' is that a yes?'

When he asks them in Gladio moves to go in

But Ignis stops him

'Do we need to go to the Emergency Room first?'


'I have your notebook'


He would have seen the most recent page

justifying the medical supplies

So he gets Gladio to take a look

But Promptos like 'Can we not do this on the doorstep??'

He doesnt fancy giving the neighbours a free show

Awkward 10 mins of Gladio feeling him up

'We *will* be going to the ER, but lets get the talking done first'

Compliments the bandages

Prom smiles

Gladios like


No parents around

He ends up sat between them as Ignis goes thru his tabbed pages

For expedience sake

It's put down and Ignis is like

*deep breath*

'There's supplies that are surplus' *lie*

'So you can just check with Gladio and I if anything you've been asked to get is there' *lie*

'No point wasting money when it's sitting there idle' *lie*

Hows he to know any different

He's just like 'OH OKAY!'

'These are very new'

'somethings are hardly worn...we're not going to pick up the battered items'

Thats problem 1 solved

'School is important - this job has to go'

'But I...'

Noctis is about to be doubling up on lunches

it takes the same time to make one as it does two

So thats 2 problems solved

'Please get your shoes'

He was probably ready to lecture him to sleep

But then he saw how pathetic he looked

and was like


Option b - mother to death

Gladio's trying to act all casual

'who did you get hurt - I mean HOW'




Prompto would never ask for help because he doesn't want to bother anyone D: poor baby. The guys will look after him.


Yesss, now that they know whats happening he's not going to be allowed get into a situation like this again. Ignis will be like a hawk while Noct is confused 'Ignis made you lunch...'