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Love Mechanics Ep5



Yes the guy bumping into Nuea was in Love by Chance playing kengkla (the one that was into techno). His name is Mark in real life and him and Prom (actor playing Nuea) are actually shipped together and had some events without having any shows together, fans just thought they were cute together. I don't think he will be Nuea's love interest in this because he is not in the trailer nor in the cast list but maybe this little cameo could possibly tease a future show with them two as a pairing


If we dont get Praram at least as a cameo at the end of this. I will be sad. Since I think Benz is busy with his series. I wouldn't mind seeing Mark play that character in this!


The truth is that Prom and Mark started being shipped by Thai fans because they met at an event (without getting to know each other) and from there the fans saw that they were going to the same places at different times then they began to create the #prommark and @ them in the posts until one day they decided to find out more about the other, they followed each other on instagram and from this the shipp started.. they are really both very nice to each other and have a very good relationship

Wanitta D Belleh

since Vee's older brother introduced the homecoming king to the family, his dad doesn't like it when they bring a boy home.


I'm thinking and hoping (please please please) they will do a full-length version of Nuea's mini series too. And then if Mark played Praram I would love that.


btw, if you didn't watch The stranded, you should, Mark has a great role being Perth Tanapon's boyfriend


You summed this episode up so well at the end haha! Vee is getting a little ahead of himself. He is so caught up in his feelings for Mark that he forgot to make things clear with Ploy first. But I'm sure that won't come back to haunt him 😂


Damn I saw an edit to this, it's on Netflix right? I wanted to watch but I saw many edits and it looked like a sad ending and I've been dragging to watch it


Did you get to watch it? It's worth the pain. It was actually really hopeful because of the plot but I don't know if they're getting a 2nd season because one of the main leads passed away.


it's worth to watch, really, you should give it a chance