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Dancey Fun

I love this series so much. Every time I watch it I notice something new. Toh was a very polarizing character and I get why but it's just so clear how low his self esteem is. It just really stood out to me that he should be so happy this ep cause he finally got a the guy and instead he mentions multiple times how he's sure he'll leave him. I totally relate to that. Not now but my self esteem has been that bad in my past. As insane as this show can be they do a good job showcasing insecurities and self esteem issues and how it can affect relationships. I feel like every character battles that in some way. I find Prao the most frustrating. I feel like maybe her biggest issue is that they were the cool kids and Neau kind of humanized her. I feel like a lot of her "cool kid" status was around having such a lovable guy be into her. I feel like she can't understand how he could possibly like someone without status and that's why she keeps coming back. Like it has to be a phase. I'm trying to find her vulnerability somewhere LOL. It's like she knows without Neau she has not real status and so she's holding on for dear life.


I don't think this ep had like any real spice, I think ep 9, 10, 13, 14 have more spice but ep 10 will be the continuation of the ending of 9 so yea this one wasn't like people said


I'll do you one better, Bestie. I will let that bitch wait in the car while Toh and I grab a cab and let her rot in there without anyone knowing lol I am kidding or maybe not lmao Also, props to the one who does the subs lol they really felt the need to explain "break a leg" and some other stuff hahaha. I remember a scene where the subs almost covered the entire screen with all the explanations lol they are so extra but I live for it 😂😂

Alice Vaucher

LGBT in Thailand is quite good you can be who you are and be yourself at work .Only one thing Need to be change is Marriage Equality Law .