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Loving the slow mode every time 😆

Cédric Bardoux

The only thing I wanted in this show is a gay romance between two of our boys. Everything is so Xtra in this...


Was I the only one throwing money at the computer screen during Ball's Farewell Performance?

Cynthia Jehl

I’m so invested in Annie and Chen too ! The 'date' scene was so cute! The way Annie reacted when Chen stopped calling her 'sis' (the old term), she was not prepared. And Chen’s smile!!! Lee is so cute!!! When he was playing the guitar with this lovestruck expression on his face 🥰 Ball’s farewell dance was 🔥🔥🔥 and you could see all the moves he taught the boys in this performance. I hope we get to see him again later on. I think you're right about Kampan not knowing the club owner drugged Auto, he definitely looked surprised. And I agree, he doesn't seem to enjoy the 'servicing' part of his job. He is a good performer, maybe we'll see this adressed later on. As annoying as he is, I can't help caring about his character, it's just hard to see who is the real Kampan. That last performance definitely improved since opening night! Mikhael and Tina are so dramatic, it's completely over the top but it works so well 😂😂 I laughed so hard when Mikhael panicked and then Choke's reaction 😂 Next week, looks like Chen and Annie are hanging out !!! Can’t wait! Still very much aprove and support the slow mo for appreciating and learning about cinematography, camera angle... 🤭