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Sorry it's late! I realized too late that I had never queued it for this month!

You can send your request by DM, email it to me ( chekhovs.owl@gmail.com ) or comment here or on Discord (in the #monthly-requests channel). 

Please remember to

- Tell me your Patreon username when you contact me about a request

- Give me references for any characters you want me to draw - yes, even if I've drawn them before! (except WD!AU characters, I obviously know how to draw those.) 

- Read the message below:

Not soon, not next month, but possibly at the end of this year.

I'll say this first - I have loved doing these $10 requests for you guys. It's a great way for me to give back to you for your generous support. 

However, I originally envisioned this tier as being something relatively simple, that would take me less than an hour - hence the $10 mark on these. And as the months piled on, I was taking on more and more complex requests - some asking me to design characters, some asking me to draw more detailed designs that edged close to commissions. 

Although I never denied these, and even enjoyed them, they are extremely taxing for me at the current pricing. Designing characters from scratch should not cost $10 in any circumstance, and I never intended for these pieces to be commission-level complexity. 

In the future, I'll be trying to think of how to reformat this tier to make it easier on myself, so that I'm not working for less than minimum wage. 

Possible avenues include ideas such as: 

  • Restricting this Patreon Reward to characters that are NOT OCs and creating a separate one for OCs
  • Making a separate, $15 tier for designing new characters or more complex requests
  • Making the requests on this tier cleaned-sketches instead of fully lined b&w drawings

I am not yet decided on which route to take and will be brainstorming other options, but if you have your own opinions on this, please feel free to voice them. In the end, I want you to get your money's worth because you ARE funding my life, essentially, and are making it possible for me to do things I love for a living. 

However, I also don't want to wear myself thin and suddenly disappear because I overworked myself, gave myself carpal tunnel, or just completely exhausted all my creativity. 

Cheers, and I look forward to your requests this and the following months! :) 



Michael Bent

Can you draw Flint and Chert from SU Future for me?


That makes sense, I'd be happy to bump up to 15 to make the work/pay gap easier for you! Since I skipped last month, can you please draw Sans and Papyrus from Undertale doing someething fun? Like a snowball fight or playing video games together?


sorry for the common theme, but can I get Tohru Honda? Also I'd be more than happy to go up to $15 a month if need be.

Cassidy Quill Waters

I'll be skipping this month to double up next month!