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This chapter was, surprise surprise, hella long!

In fact, it was going to be longer but I think I'll include the last bit that I wanted to do in the next episode. It'll be better as a callback than as a tack-on at the end. 

After episode 15, I am planning to take a lil break, so worry not, guys! I will rest. Someday.




I *love them*




I’m actually hopping that Connie adopts a fisticuffs style of fighting like Garnets. I’d be really great to explore the different combat styles like Garnet suggested!

Noell S.

I gotta give you credit, that chapter felt very Steven Universey. You're very good at capturing the writing and storytelling style of the show.


Awwwh yeah you go Connie!!!! Make that future yours!


I want you to know that the idea of Connie learning fisticuffs because she’s learning from Garnet instead of Pearl absolutely exploded my brain. I’m gonna be thinking about this idea for weeks.

Jacob Brown

Garnet training Connie instead of Pearl?! 🤔🤩 Excited to see how these training sessions go!


CONNIEEEEEE!!! Also LOVE the analogy of the flowers wanting to bloom the same way Gems want to form, just beautiful!


I love the whole "Take the reins of your life to make it happen" happening atm.




The pitchforks have been lowered

Victoria Goodwin

the tired Chekhov is my favorite header so far XD (besides seaglass, of course) anyway AAAAAAA I DIDN'T EVEN SCREAM THIS HARD WHEN WE SAW WHITE DIAMOND HERSELF AAAAAAAAA CHEKHOV YOU FREAKING STORY TELLING AND UNIQUE WORLD BUILDING GENIUUUS >:0 The thing about Rose and plants is SUCH A COOL IDEA and really makes sense in canon even too?? And those mud potential gem-like flower things is ALMOST EVEN COOLER!! And the whole Steven vision part and what he saw with Garnet and everything about what the vision actually IS, and THEN ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING ABOUT THE ENTIRE PART WITH CONNIE'S REALIZATION, the art and the dialogue and her expressions and the legit wisdom and stuff...ima freaking cry. Dadgum this comic is the best.


Brilliant episode as always! I wanted to ask you, are we going to see Jasper here again? ☺️


SO GOOD! Thank you so much for this. It's beautiful. Please get a good rest, too! You do so much!!


*claps* GO CONNIE! And let's give swordfighting another try. I suspect Pearl might be a far better teacher in this timeline.


I actually also think Pearl would be better, but it's because WD!Steven is using Staff, similar to Pearl's Spear. And it can shoot the blast.