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Thanks for waiting guys, and here's Episode 13 - FINALLY, AM I RITE?

Hopefully the next one will come a bit quicker. I've just had extra stuff to do at work, and it's difficult to keep up. Cheers and thanks as always for reading!




ouch garnet


😭 Connie’s face


I understand that without knowing Steven is half human they are more reluctant to have humans in the CGs, but still...


I feel like things are gonna go south at the training, just a hunch


No she cant look into the future or no she has no chance of being CG? Also find it sus af how her third eye aint shown in the last two panels.......




What a cliffhanger, that's no fair, poor Connie, that ending is completely out of context.


“...because you’re a human, and you don’t need to be a Gem to fight.” That’s what you’re gonna finish with, RIGHT GARNET?


Aaaaaa this is so amazing!! I am loving all the character building. I wonder if Garnet will suggest talking to Pearl or Rose. OMG ROSE TRAINING CONNIE WOULD BE SO AMAZING AAA. THANK YOU FOR THE AMAZING COMICS! I AM SO HYPED FOR THE NEXT ONE.


I think she’s saying no to looking that far in the future considering how much she sees, but if not? Dang Garnet. I get your hesitance but harsh. Also she’s always had problems seeing Stevens future so I think Connie’s gonna do her thing whether they agree or not.

Michael Bent

If garnets no meant “no chance,” her future vision has been wrong before. If it means “it’s too dangerous, we won’t allow it” it means that there’s a possibility that she did see a future with Connie as a CG


Garnet that no better be followed by a "youre already a crystal gem" bc I SWEAR TO GOD

Res the Jackal

I think Garnet might be saying it straight here. With Rose around, they're a lot less in need for new members. They also haven't been forced as much to view humans as fully realized, fully capable life, without normal Steven being there and replacing Rose.

Res the Jackal

Instead of viewing Connie as Steven's best friend who has a ton of potential and can learn and grow stronger... she's just a human who is asking to become part of something that is too dangerous and over her head. Garnet isn't being mean - nothing she's seen so far has a strong possibility of her being a crystal gem. Uh... Is what I'm guessing so far, anyway?

Dylan Singewald

But garnet, she- she can fight swords. She can do it. NOOOOOO


Well technically canon connie isn't either.


Y'all other commenters are so cute! There may be a pep talk coming but I think Garnet is doing a good ol shutdown here. Sometimes she do that.

Victoria Goodwin

CRAP,,,SOMEHOW, EVEN AFTER REREADING THIS TWICE, I MISSED THE LAST PART WHERE GARNET SAID "NO"???? So many of yalls comments make sense now ;-; dang and here i was being all optimistic wondering why you guys seemed so certain about the denial. garnet whyyyy ;o;