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Man into Male Ant Transformation Story | Unwilling | NSFW | 1st PoV

It was a warm sunny day and I expected nothing more of it – Just another plain day in my life. I woke up early to get to work on time. After a few morning routines I left my house and began walking through the usual shortcut to get to the nearby town fast.

I didn’t like walking through the forest as the conditions weren’t always pleasant, but it was either that or paying for fuel when I didn’t really have to. I decided to save my money and just pass the forest route every day. It was the worst at winter and autumn when it was all wet, snowing or raining and there were many opportunities to trip over slippery, wet ground.

Thankfully it wasn’t the case today. I was slowly reaching the end of the forest, but then I spotted a peculiar sight. An entire vein of insects was heading towards the side of the forest to my left. I quickly realised that those were ants, which to say the least I wasn’t a big fan of.

Due to my quick pace I still had a lot of time before my shift at work begins. Feeling curious and slightly like a God to those creatures, I decided to check out where they were going. I traced the huge line of insects to their destination and then I noticed a huge anthill a few metres away from me. I shrugged and decided to get closer, carefully not to step into a group of ants – Not because I was that empathic, rather because I didn’t want to get bitten by the red pests.

I’ve heard some time ago that those particular red ants weren’t even a native species to my region – They came from a country far away. They were accidentally taken onto the boats with food and then they began spreading in our region. The worrying part of that story was that those red ants killed our indigenous species of ants, which were weaker. That wouldn’t happen if humans wouldn’t transport them here, even if by an accident.

I was lost in thoughts for a longer while than I thought. Suddenly I felt a series of painful stings in my left ankle. “Ah, f-fuck…!” – I exclaimed in sudden shock and stumbled sideways not to lose balance and fall over. It was a dire mistake as I felt my right foot land deep in the huge anthill I spotted earlier. I shrieked in panic and started freaking out instantly as I felt more painful ant-bites and stings.

“I- Ack, f-agh! I didn’t mean to!” – I shouted in pained voice as I jumped away from the ruined anthill. I managed to shake off the ants off myself, but the damage was done – Both to me and the ant’s house. I felt the pain fade from my legs and I sighed in bittersweet, partial relief. “I really didn’t mean this to happen, I- I’m sorry.” – I said while staring at the ants freaking out all over the place.

I quickly checked the time on my wristwatch and realised that I had to get back on track to reach my destination in time. Feeling guilty I decided to come back to this place after work and help the ants rebuild somehow.

Almost instantly after that thought I felt a warm gust hit my core. I froze in shock as the throbbing began spreading all over my body. “Uh, w-what’s going on? Did I get stung too many times, I- Ugh… I don’t feel so good…” – I muttered out and rested my hand on the tree to my side. I shuddered as I was hit with bizarre contractions spontaneously. Each time my body shook it shrank just a bit. The clothes on my frame started to become oversized, then straight up baggy as I reached half of my former size.

I readjusted my hand on the tree as I became too short to keep it in the same place. I gasped in horror as I realised the terrifying reality. Oh Jesus Christ, I’m shrinking! Why?! How?! Oh God, oh God…!” – I gave in to despair as I felt my jeans slide off my legs. That’s when I realised that my legs themselves were thinning down into inhuman proportions. My arms were slimmed down as well, albeit less. I gulped in fright and grabbed my underwear not to become completely butt-naked.

It was hard for me to focus and think reasonably at the moment as the changes were starting to speed up and they were the only thing I was concentrated on. My stomach was churning and I had a rising urge to puke. I regrettably focused on the sensations inside my torso only to realise that my organs were getting squeezed and stretched into completely alien shapes. My digestive tract was playing tricks on me and I lifted my shirt to see the truth. My eyes widened as I watched my stomach sink inwards and give me a strange anorexic appearance. My bellybutton however was filling with strange flesh and apparently disappearing without a trace.

I felt my lungs contract and shrink, then reposition. The sensations were unbearable as every human function became alien to me. I wasn’t able to breathe as I used to, my nose was starting to feel useless. Several areas of my body started to itch profoundly, while my skin felt as if it was thickening and hardening bizarrely. I soon realised why – My skin was turning orange, just like the bodies of the ants I accidentally hurt.

“No… It can’t bee-ah! Wait-“ – I tried to protest, but then my hands started spasming and hurting all of the sudden. I dropped my boxers and they instantly fell down to my ankles, exposing my groin in the process. Still, at the moment I was more worried about my hands. I brought them before my eyes and I watched in horror as I saw my fingers shorten. I felt the bones in them dissolve, but at the same time the outer layers of the flesh were becoming harder and chitinous even. My fingers were segmenting, my arms too – It felt unnerving and I realised that I wasn’t able to move my joints as flexibly as before. What remained of my hands looked decisively insectoid, stripped of human resemblance.

“Somebody heeeelp me, p-pleeease! I’m turning into a fuckin’ bug…!” – I screamed in despair as my body started aching more intensively when another wave of shrinking hit me. My shirt was becoming useless on me, so without thinking twice I threw it off me. I immediately realised that my nipples were flattening against my chest completely and then disappearing as solid, smooth chitin covered the area.

I looked around frantically, hoping to see somebody running in my direction. I wanted any kind of support at the moment, instead I only realised that I was becoming the size of a housecat if not smaller. Even if somebody heard my meek screams, they wouldn’t find me as soon I would be ant-sized. I was horrified of the potential dangers that the forest had in store for me now, especially since the ants around me seemed way bigger now and some were getting interested in me.

They started probing me with their antennas as I slowly reached their tiny size myself and became more akin to them. I shook my head defiantly – I had nothing against ants, but I never wanted to become one of them. I broke into a wild run, for a little moment that is as I soon tripped over my own morphing feet. I cursed under my breath and looked back. As I presumed my feet were now covered in orange chitin and they contracted into basic ant alternatives. Instead of toes I was soon left with spikes tipped with tiny hooks for grabbing the environment.

My relatively short hair started to loosen up, literally. I felt my scalp itch as single strands of hair began detaching from it. I blinked dumbfounded realising how horrifying I would have appeared to anyone watching. Chitinous orange plates began to form from the flesh of my scalp, smooth and resilient. My head still had human resemblance because of some features and the shape, but they were rapidly disappearing. I started groaning in discomfort as something began to push out from my forehead. I looked cross eyed at the antennas that twitched and grew longer with each passing second.

As much as the other changes scared me, the fact that my very head was changing devastated me. There would be nothing to recall after my transformation, I was about to become another ant just like the million others. I felt a tear start to well up in my eye, but it abruptly stopped forming as my eyes started stinging. “Ohn-nhoo…! My ey-eyghs!” – I hissed in bizarre voice, my vocal chords started disappearing and my size was too tiny to produce any meaningful sounds. In the meantime I felt the flesh around my eyes begin to squeeze them into beadier shapes. My vision started separating into many tiny parts and then beginning to blur which just amplified my confusion and horror.

“Nhoot my fhrriiichtz-zzs… Ts-zzh…!” – I screamed as my face My nostrils started filling with insectoid flesh and the nose itself began to flatten against what used to be my face, soon becoming a mere plate of chitin. My ears got sucked into the sides of my head and soon I lost hearing as well. I started crawling away from it all, I just wanted to find peace and respite from this transformation. Instead I felt the most disgusting sensations since the beginning of the changes and they came from my rear.

I grunted weakly and felt a pressure form between my legs. I was speechless as I felt my legs start to part and provide space for something that was about to form. I winced as much as that was possible anyway as I felt my butthole clench involuntarily on its own. I gritted my teeth not to puke as I felt my buttocks swell bigger. The cleft between them began to fill with flesh and push out my anus into a humiliatingly exposed position. I felt the orifice contract and shift to become adapted to my reformed digestive tract. I also felt that something sharp started to form somewhere inside it – Unbeknown to me it was a retractable stinger. I hissed as my ass continued to balloon out, but the strangest were the feelings of organs spilling into it from my former human abdomen. At the same time I felt like my genitalia began shrinking and sinking deeper into me as well.

As my organs repositioned inside my new, huge abdomen I felt my torso start to crunch and shorten. I scratched the ground underneath me as my torso gradually remoulded into a thorax. Now the biggest part of my body was what stuck out of my thorax, the bulbous abdomen which finally finished growing. Yet I still felt its tip touch the ground and continue to torture me with awareness.

Soon I had another set of changes to worry about as my face begin to hurt. I felt my beady eyes start to gradually move to the sides of my increasingly round head. My teeth started to loosen in my gums and the fall out of my agape mouth. Whatever didn’t fall out of my diminishing gums already was soon pushed out of my mouth as two twitching mandibles began filling it. I stood frozen in shock as the fleshy protrusions started forcing themselves out of my mouth, past my stretched lips. They slowly stopped growing and became harder with many ridges which would allow me to bite stuff.

Thankfully my head was finally ceasing to hurt as it flattened and became completely that of a red ant. The rest of my body was almost indistinguishable from a common ant either, except it lacked something. I started trembling as I realised that.

Humongous pressure appeared at the sides of my thorax as nubs of hard flesh began to push out in two spots. I didn’t have to try and look back to know that they were my additional limbs. They stretched longer and segmented, bent in weird places just like the rest of my legs. At the end of them clawed tarsi formed. The remaining changes was mainly my body shrinking for the last time. I didn’t even know how small I became as my vision was still blurry – I presumed it would remain that way as not all creatures have as good sight as humans.

I really became a common red ant, but I was thankful that the scary changes were gone at least. My former life was gone, I didn’t have any clue whether there was a way for me to turn back into a human or not. Either way I had new problems to worry about as a tiny ant. To possibly ever change back, first I would have to live long enough, survive.

Just as I thought about that I suddenly felt a nudge on my abdomen. My antenna started touching the surface around as I turned back. That’s when my new body told me that it was an ant who touched me. Actually, many of them, slowly encircling me. I was worried that they wanted to kill me, but instead they seemed to welcome me into their colony. I was stunned, but thankful for that – To survive I knew I had to work with them, besides I owed them something…


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