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Man into Female Deer Transformation Story | Unwilling | NSFW | 2nd PoV

You were floating in a sleepless dream, which felt almost forced. You could’ve sworn that your head was aching. The room you slept in was strangely cold as well. You shook your head to the sides and winced realising that something was wrong. With enough effort you broke yourself free of your unconscious state.

Your eyes shot open and you realised that you were right. The place you woke up in wasn’t your bedroom, it wasn’t even your house. It was dark all around you, but you were still able to notice the outlines of the wooden walls. Your eyes widened in shock – You were in the forester’s cabin, in the middle of the biggest forest in this part of your country.

“Alright, alright. This must be easily explainable. Shit like this doesn’t happen to normal people…” – You muttered while rubbing the back of your head. You didn’t want to panic in case you were actually abducted. The last thing you recalled before passing out was driving here in your car. You wanted to ask the forester for a permission to cut down a few trees on your big plot nearby the entrance to the forest.

Before you had a chance to further contemplate what happened afterwards you heard the creaky door suddenly open. A second after the cabin filled with light as the forester switched on the light bulbs. Even if you wanted to just run out of this place, it was impossible because of the man blocking your way passively.

To make matters worse you knew that man well. His name was Daniel – A middle-aged man who didn’t mind spending most of his life in this cabin, instead of a normal house. What worried you about him was the fact that he appeared unhinged if not straight up crazy, especially about his biggest passion – Chemistry.

“Frieeend, I see you finally woke up. We’ve been chatting about those trees on your plot and you fainted when I joked about how much a permission would cost.” – Daniel chuckled and crossed his arms. You were almost ready to believe that story, but then you caught a glance of something glistening on the man’s left knuckle – Drying blood.

You gasped quietly as your memories flooded back into your head. The two of you started chatting, but then Daniel went to the kitchen to get some coffee and you felt a stunning blow to the back of the head. “No! I didn’t fucking faint, y-you knocked me unconscious…!” – You exclaimed, hardly believing that it was the truth thanks to how unsettling it was.

Daniel sighed and pulled out a syringe out of the sleeve of his trench coat. “You’re right. I had to knock you out for your body functions to calm down and prepare for your transformation.” – The crazy forester said and threw you onto the table. Before you managed to get up, you felt belts fasten around your body tightly and lock you in place.

“You’re insane! Let me go and maybe I won’t sue you!” – You threatened the man. Daniel just shrugged and filled the syringe with a strange liquid. You were starting to lose your bold demeanour and becoming really terrified of what was in store for you. “Of course I’ll let you go, but I’m afraid nobody will recognise you by then…” – Daniel said and injected you with the dark green serum.

You screamed in pain and then called out for anyone to save you from this nightmare, but your voice was getting raspier and weaker after a minute. You started feeling the first symptoms of what the insane forester meant as your body temperature rose and you started sweating profoundly. You tried to fight your restraints, but the serum weakened you too much.

The mad forester stared at you from above, which sent shivers down your spine. It almost seemed as if the man was waiting for something drastic to happen to you. You felt your skeleton start to pop and snap in multiple places, which forced you to groan in pain more. You felt like your limb movement was getting more limited and your torso was expanding and becoming rounder. Your neck wasn’t spared from the initial changes either as you felt your head drift further from your torso.

“O-oh shit! Guh! P-please… What’s happ-eninghhh to me?!” – You coughed out as you felt your lungs balloon out inside you and forcefully stretch your ribcage into a more barrel-like shape. Your shirt tore in half revealing your morphing chest to both of you. Daniel smiled subtly as he saw your nipples started puffing out and lengthening into animalistic teats. Fat started building up underneath the sensitive points and forming proper udder, which then began sliding lower on your body. You shivered in horror and disgust as your fatty udder slid past the belts and stopped only as it reached the area between your legs.

You saw the pinkish udder rest in your overly tight trousers. “God, I have an udder - Like a d-damn animal…! Ugh, i-it’s so sensitive too-ahnh!” – You moaned as you felt the fatty teats press against the material and rub against it. Daniel noted something down on his computer and then suddenly started undoing your trousers.

“W-what, are you d-doing?! Fuck o-“ – You protested until the forested forcefully pulled your jeans off you along with your underwear and revealed what became of your manhood. Your face grew red in shame as you noticed that your penis lost it’s proud length and became half of its former size.

“M-my cock… Not my damn cock! Oh shit, i-it’s still shrinking… B-but it's so h-hard!” – You commented in dread as you stared at your proud mast trying to fight the changes. You hated how horny the changes made you be. You wished you’d be able to stroke your shaft, while you still had it. Instead it continued to lose shape and by now was more of a nub than a proper member.

You threw your head to the side and moaned out loudly as you felt the sensitive nub sink into the delicate folds of skin around it. Before your cock disappeared for good it started spurting out cum as your balls clenched in their sack almost painfully. You felt them retreat deeper into you as well. Utterly humiliated, but unable to stop spasming from the bliss you failed to notice as a vertical slit began opening where your cock disappeared. You felt the hole stretch and form the proper feminine genitalia as your insides rearranged to fit.

You closed your eyes as you felt more changes happen behind your legs. You could’ve sworn that the newly developed vagina migrated closer towards your anus. Both of the orifices were making you mad as they started throbbing and malforming further, while you were still locked still thanks to the belts.

You thought that the torturous and forced pleasure was finally waning, but then you felt your cunt start to shift further. You felt the vulva become more puffy and the shape of the slit altered into inhuman shape as well. “Nh-ahn-hhh!” – You moaned in ecstasy as you felt your pussy nestle between your shifting buttocks, right underneath your puckering butthole.

You opened your eyes and immediately regretted it as you saw Daniel with a hand mirror close to your rear. You thought you’d faint as you saw what became of your manhood. You stared at an animalistic pussy that was your own, above it was your pinkish pucker and below it was your vein-covered udder eager to be emptied. You started trembling at the realisation that there was nothing remotely masculine about your body at this point and everything told you that you were slowly turned into a simple animal too.

You were starting to have problems with breathing as your body grew bigger and the belts became tighter around your body. You felt the changes speed up as you noticed your very own face beginning to morph. You sneezed as you felt your nose swell bigger, turn black and moist. Your ears started twitching as new muscles developed at their base. You felt your earlobes grow bigger and the tips of your ears turn pointier and decisively cervine. The most confusing changes happened to your eyes as your pupils started stretching horizontally and widening your field of view.

Your hands and feet started contracting and their digits diminishing in size, becoming stiffer too. At the same time your nails turned darker and started pushing out into hoof-like shapes, albeit much sleeker than those of a horse for example. You started kicking your legs as they began turning into meaty hind legs of a doe. Your arms were well on their way too as you realised that you weren’t able to bend them sideways anymore.

Daniel nodded in approval at how your changes progressed and it seemed like he deemed you to be too far gone to pose any threat. He closed the door to the cabin and then started undoing your restraints. You sighed in relief as you felt that you were able to breathe normally again. You also realised that it was becoming oddly uncomfortable to lie on your back as your spine started arching and becoming more pronounced on your back.

You rolled to your side and fell off the medical bed and onto the floor clumsily. “There, there. Soon you’ll body will be that of a proper doe and you’ll learn how to live with it quickly.” – Daniel said and patted your head. His touch seemed to accelerate the changes happening to your head as your human hair immediately fell out in clumps. “D-Dani-eighl! Hlep- Mhleeeeagh…!” – You bleated pitifully in your highly altered voice.

Daniel raised his brow and then helped you… To stand up on all fours. You tried to insult him, but by now the only sounds that came out of your mouth were feminine bleats. Daniel got up and went back to noting your changes. You on the other hand felt an unbearable pressure rise above your butthole. You felt a nub of muscle and bone extend out of your tailbone, it twitched and grew longer until it formed a short cervine tail.

You wanted to get the hell out of this prison and find actual help from your neighbours, hospital or police, but your plans were interrupted by unbearable aching in your hips and shoulder blades. As if your posture wasn’t already quadrupedal your hips started widening slightly and locking your legs permanently in their new positions. Your shoulders were forced to flatten against your broad chest and lock your fore legs on the ground similarly.

You were utterly exhausted by now and as you lowered your head you noticed that your hands and feet were gone, replaced by cloven hooves. It was a devastating realisation that you not only lost your voice, but also your hands… Gender and humanity as whole. You wanted to sink underground in shame, but instead your changes continued to torment you.

You felt your skull start to hurt as it began flattening at the top. Your jaws were starting to throb and push outwards into a cervine snout. The changed were accompanied by your bleats of distress as your lips turned black and your gums started to ache too. You felt your tongue lengthen to fit your growing muzzle. The most concerning was however the sensation of your teeth loosening in their sockets and falling out one by one onto the cabin’s floor. You shook your head as you felt new, thicker and decisively herbivorous teeth slowly grow in their places.

You were now a furless doe, but not for long as your entire form started itching profoundly. You wished you’d be able to scratch yourself, but unluckily you had to satisfy yourself by rubbing the sides of your torso against the furniture as fur started covering your entire body. Slowly the discomfort of the changes ended and left you a complete doe with your new needs.

Daniel finished scribbling something on his notepad and opened the door of the cabin. At this point you were slightly uncertain whether it was a good idea to run away and never get a chance to convince Daniel to turn you back. You shook your head and decided to run away from this madman before he’d change his mind. You jumped out of the cabin and into the dark forest unsure of what future awaited you in it.

Inside the cabin Daniel turned off the hidden camera on the ceiling and started watching the whole transformation again. “It seems like my serum is working perfectly. Frankly I’m in need of more subjects to try it on…” – He muttered to himself and took a celebrative sip of old whiskey.


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