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Man into Female Goat Transformation Story | Unwilling | NSFW | 3rd PoV

Michael woke up with what felt like a huge hangover. He felt fatigued and his mind was foggy – He wasn’t able to focus on any tasks he had prepared for weekend. “Ugh… I shouldn’t have played that drinking game with Joel…” – He said as he went to his kitchen to grab a glass of water for some temporary relief.

Whatever was going with Michael instead of waning, only intensified as time passed. The man felt increasingly strange as weird thoughts started swimming into his head. The man groggily eyed the bowl with fruits and vegetables, which for some reason caught his interest more than usual. “Hmmm, I guess they are refreshing…” – Michael said as he emptied the glass and grabbed an apple.

The man failed to notice how his salivary glands intensified their production. Michael’s tongue started lengthening and pressing against his incisors, which began thickening bizarrely. In fact all of Michael’s teeth were gradually remoulding inside his oral cavity – The molars started swelling in their sockets as they adapted to grinding greens.

Michael opened his mouth wide and as he did his nose popped subtly as it flattened against his face a bit and became more animalistic. The man failed to notice that as his lazy brain focused entirely on the tasty apple in his hand. One second later a big chunk of the juicy fruit was already in Michael’s mouth.

“Yeeahh, that hits the spot. Since when do apples taste so good…? Mmm-hmpf…” – Michael mumbled as he devoured the apple entirely, not minding the seeds and the apple stalk. His teeth were now fully reformed to fit a completely herbivorous diet. The poor man closed his eyes unaware of how problematic his situation actually was.

He munched on another apple gleefully, in the meantime his eyes changed beneath the eyelids. His pupils were starting to dilate bizarrely and the man’s vision became wider. Michael scratched the side of his head anxiously as his ears began throbbing and shifting under his touch. The flesh became more pliable as the ears lengthened and became floppier.

When Michael opened his eyes there were a few things which immediately caught his attention. First of all his field of vision was more horizontal and he felt that his eyes began aching as they started parting further from each other. “W-What’s going on…? M-My eyes, auuugh…!” – Michael exclaimed in pain and even though his mind played tricks on him, he realised that something was terribly wrong with him.

He clutched his head as it started to hurt. He felt his very skull compress and painfully squeeze his brain into a smaller shape. “Gaaah…! What’s happening t-to m-eeah!?” – Michael screamed in shock as his head flattened considerably and his face spilled out into a proto-snout of a caprine.

The changing man stumbled backwards, his clothes drenched in cold sweat. Michael blinked dumbfounded as he felt a warmth hit his chest. Fat started to build up underneath his nipples, only for them to start inflating and sagging down. Michael lifted up his shirt and saw as the sensitive mass of flesh bundled up together and formed a dairy goat’s udder.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaahn! Wh- The fuck is that?! I- I have an actual udder…!?” – Michael screamed in bittersweet horror as his plump, lengthening teats urged him to touch them, play with them. The sole weight of his fatty udder forced it to slide lower on his chest, then stomach and it stopped moving only when it started slipping into his increasingly loose trousers and underwear.

The dark teats rubbed against the material and forced several more confused moans out of Michael’s shifting mouth. “N-Nhooo… I- Mee-aahst b-be dre-ee-eeeaming…! Ngh-uhnn…” – The changing man continued to moan as his teats began leaking drops of white, warm liquid that quickly stained his clothing shamefully.

Only now did Michael realise that the udder he just grown was the least of his worries. His entire humanity was stripped off him and replaced with shameful animal features. The man’s silhouette became lankier as his limbs started losing their flexibility. Michael watched in dread as the kitchen around him started growing taller too.

“No-no-no-NO! What to do?! F-Fuck, I’m disgusting, nobody can see me like this… Not like this!” – Michael complained as he grabbed one of his teats carefully not to squeeze out more milk. He winced seeing how moist those sensitive, plump and animalistic nipples were. He was ashamed that he felt pleasure while touching them.

Suddenly Michael’s pants dropped as his legs became too thin to keep them on. His hips were narrowing too and staying upright was increasingly difficult. The shifting man was speechless as he saw his manhood. It was fully erect, throbbing. With each pulsation it shrank a bit and the foreskin began retreating into the fleshy shaft.

Before Michael managed to mutter out a word his testicles squeezed hard and forced the man to come abruptly in several vigorous spurts. “Nhaaahh-ahhn, bhl-eeeahs… Stohhhp…!” – Michael moaned pitifully with tears welling up in his eyes. Unbeknown to him those were the last tears his tear ducts would ever produce as they started to disappear and adapt to Michael’s new form.

Michael reached out a trembling hand to grab his shaft before it would disappear completely, but it was a futile effort. A new set of changes caught Michael off guard. His hands were shaking violently as they simplified in shapes. The digits were thickening and becoming increasingly useless. All of the fingers shrank into stubby digits with thick, dark nails at their tips. In a matter of seconds Michael stared at the cloven hooves that his hands turned into.

Michael made a wobbly step forward, just to reassure himself that his feet were untouched by the changes. Unluckily they were, the toes were fattening up and turning into stubby digits with conical hooves at their ends. As Michael collapsed onto the ground his socks fell off his hind hooves effortlessly.

The goat-man’s ears perked up as they caught the strange sounds of subtle clopping. Michael shivered constantly as his pathetic excuse of a cock spurted out the remnants of his masculinity onto the kitchen floor. The sensations caused Michael to arch his back, especially as the bones inside it began shifting around.

The vertebrae were getting more pronounced on his back, even through the shirt. Michael shook his head as he realised that he wasn’t able to jump back onto two legs – His human life has ended. With several loud pops Michael felt his neck elongate slightly and reposition on his torso.

Michael craned down his neck and looked beneath his strange, altered legs. The changing man let out a gasp, which sounded scaringly animalistic. The reaction was caused by the sight between his hind legs. His udder was bloated with fat and milk which was constantly produced inside. The mass of sensitive flesh looked almost like a blob with two fat conical teats with many veins all over.

The most horrifying of all was the realisation that Michael wouldn’t even be able to see his penis disappear forever. His cock was now nothing more than a nub, a clit getting sucked into the forming vertical slit beneath his asshole. The growing emptiness put strange thoughts into Michael’s head – He wanted to fill the needy emptiness with something, he had to.

At this point Michael’s empties testicles shrivelled up and became rounder as they gradually turned into caprine ovaries. They sank deeper into him, but they continued to influence him with new kind of hormones and deep, irresistible heat. Michael gulped and baaed meekly as his gaping, leaking snatch started stretching, but it was anything but human. Michael knew that soon there would be nothing human about his body, not even his genitals.

In a bittersweet realisation Michael felt his tailbone start to throb. He tried to see his morbid situation in good light, but the only positive thought he came up with was the fact that he would soon have a short tail to cover up his shameful rear. His hips were now narrow with bones pulling at the darkened hide. The pelvis was reoriented irreversibly already.

“Bheeelp-beeee-aahh… Be-agh…!” – Michael grunted again, his voice however was higher pitched and his words sounded distorted. The former man raised his rear as his organs tumbled inside of him and his tailbone began to painfully unfuse. The bones popped and soon a short, stubby tail wagged above Michael’s changing butthole.

Michael jumped in place as he felt his anus start puckering out, rearranging along with his entire digestive tract. His stomach changed considerably as it became more fit for digesting flora of all sorts. Michael wanted to vomit, he opened his mouth and heaved a few times, but the torturous sensations only continued. It was becoming harder to breathe as Michael’s lungs changed and inflated a bit, forcing his ribcage to turn rounder.

Only remainder of Michael’s past was the loose shirt clinging onto his unfit torso. Michael felt his changed hide alter further and itch unbearably as it began sprouting white hair all over. Whatever body hair Michael had prior disappeared and became replaced with the short fur of a goat.

A splitting, maddening headache hit Michael right in his altered temple. “Baa-aaaaghhh…! F-aaaaaaaaaaaghck!!!” – Michael screamed in agony as two sharp, bony protrusions started extending from the top of his skull and tilting backwards. They grew bigger and soon formed proper horns of a nanny goat.

That brought Michael over the edge, he had enough. Without thinking much he broke into a wild run and positioned his head instinctively. He hit the door of his house like a battering ram. The impact caused them to burst open.

Exhausted Michael slowly stepped out of his house, forever changed. He felt throbbing in his head as the last changes occurred. His jaws ached some more as they lengthened and forced his muzzle to grow. Michael’s head got fully enveloped in the white fur, just like the rest of his body – Except the udder that is, as it was barely covered in any fur at its base.

Michael ran onto the street in front of him, he needed help direly. He just wanted his old life back. As he ran into a crowd of people he didn’t hesitate to open his muzzle wide and show his despair. “Bmiilkh-bmeeeee-eeeah…!” – Michael let out a desperate call with barely audible letters included. He didn’t care, all he cared about was to find someone who would milk him and give him a respite from the suffering that his new body provided…


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