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Man into Male Illithid (Mind Flayer) Transformation Story | Unwilling | NSFW | 2nd PoV

It felt like days since the bizarre abominations abducted you. You expected a quick death, but instead you got locked up in a complex cage, made of material that you didn’t know existed before. It seemed like the alien-like aberrations had specific plans on what to do with you. Besides, you weren’t the only person kidnapped – You heard the screams and pleads of many others coming from behind the walls.

The only thing you recalled before passing out was an immense pain in your head and a huge flying monster coming your way. You had no idea that the “monster” was an aircraft of sorts and that you were held captive inside it.

Suddenly your thoughts were cut short by a loud bang and then the door bursting open. You gasped and started trembling at the sight of the figure floating your way. It was just as menacing as the tales said. The creature looked human because of its silhouette, but the details were all wrong. It had a disfigured squid for a head and its eyes were piercing your soul.

You retreated to the corner of the small chamber that you were in, but then you abruptly felt your body stiffen and your head hurt. You saw the focus on the creature’s inhuman face – It was controlling you, limiting your movements and locking you in place. “P-Please, don’t hurt m-me. I can be of u-use…” - You weren’t able to move but you managed to say.

The creature made a strange expression and suddenly something appeared in its clawed hand. You squinted your eyes and then your jaw dropped when you saw the small thing start to writhe – It was alive. You gasped and started thrashing violently. “What the hell is that?! Keep that thing away from me!” – You yelled in horror and managed to partially break out of the creature’s control.

The mind flayer in front of you made a swift gesture and sent your weakened body against the nearby wall. You grunted in pain and collapsed onto the floor. The creature approached you and forcefully lifted up your head. Your eyes started to well up as you saw the small parasite being brought closer towards your face. You tried to move your head to the side or do anything to stop it, but before you managed to the disgusting alien parasite was already on your cheek.

You felt it eagerly crawl higher with its hook-like limbs. You saw its wide and fanged maw. And just then it tugged at your eyelid, you felt the cold, slimy and fat bug crawl its way underneath your eye. You wanted to pull it out while you were able to, you wanted to even sacrifice your eye just to get it out. It was too late however as you slowly felt the sickening sensation of something living entering the depths of your head.

You felt the control of the mind flayer in front of you weaken, you were able to move again – Yet you remained paralysed in place willingly. You weren’t able to move, you knew that you were doomed with the spawn of hell entering your very own brain-chamber. “Oh ghhh-ahhh! I feel it, fuck! I feel it crawling and attaching to my brain…! Nhhhh-“ – You exclaimed and started thrashing about as the parasite started to slowly and partially fuse with your grey matter.

The mind flayer in front of you didn’t even nod at you. The creature wasn’t just mad or evil – It was callous and emotionless and that was the worst. You felt like it was able to do anything it wanted to you and don’t even pay it much thought afterwards. The mind flayer floated out of your chamber and the door closed. Dim reddish purple lights lit around the chamber and you were able to see everything clearer. You noticed all the apparatus on the walls, but it didn’t look human in the slightest.

It all didn’t matter to you – You had the darkest of thoughts inside of your head. You felt helpless and defeated, feeling like there was no cure for you. Besides with each passing minute you literally started feeling your thoughts beginning to alter and turn darker. Almost as if the thoughts weren’t just your alone anymore.

It was just one part of the events that were about to happen to you. Whether luckily or unluckily you never saw a person undergo the same horrors as you were. You felt your head hurt like hell, not even your head specifically – It was actually your brain as it started to reconfigure and cooperate with the parasite forcefully crawling its way into it.

You got up on shaky legs and started walking around the cell, looking for any weak spot to exploit. You didn’t want to lose all hope, no matter how bad your situation appeared. Instead of finding answers you found out that your gums started to ache. You felt like the roots of your teeth started crunching and then dissolving and before you knew it you felt blood start to fill your mouth.

Instinctively disgusted by it you started coughing and then spat out the blood and saliva… Along with many of your teeth. “Ghrla-ah!” – You exclaimed in horror seeing the bloody mess on the floor. You probed the remaining teeth with your tongue, until they all gradually fell out of their sockets and landed at the floor next to your bare feet.

You stumbled back and covered your mouth. You didn’t know that you could’ve gotten more scared and distressed, but those emotions were constantly amplifying as you realised that it wasn’t just your brain that was in trouble. You realised that you were changing entirely and the process only began.

You spent the next quarter hour on spitting out the remaining teeth. You also noticed that your fingernails and toenails were becoming loose. Some detached, while some seemed to get absorbed by your remoulding flesh. The human features on your body started to get washed away by whatever toxins the parasite injected into your brain. You felt a bizarre sensation of your bellybutton filling with flesh and then leaving nothing, but smooth, yet altering skin where it used to be. Your nipples itched slightly as they began flattening against your chest and losing their distinctive colours.

The real pain began soon after. “Hu-ugh! Wh-ghat nhooow?! Ahhhhh!” – You exclaimed in agony and clutched your face as you felt it start to bend into a horrifying visage. You felt your cheekbones push out unnaturally, your forehead was sloping back and the facial contours that made you human began to morph disgustingly. The bones forced the flesh to stretch bizarrely and force it to rearrange across your entire head.

At the same time the rest of your body was changing gradually. You looked down at your bloody hands. Your fingertips were hardening and pushing out into claws themselves. Your fingernails were merging with the hardening flesh of your digits as they elongated and forced you to whimper in utter pain.

Your eyes started to sting terribly, but you were unable to focus your sight on anything else than your morphing body. Your irises became yellow and pupils became sharper in contours. You didn’t even know if you were still able to blink, you just glanced down at your feet. You saw your toes turn into a disgusting mass that started rolling forwards and forming a less complex pair of extremities.

You started hyperventilating as you realised how disgusting and inhuman your body became already. Your altered, open hands started catching something between the digits. Your scalp was itching and burning and you realised that all your hair was falling out and leaving your morphing head bald. In the meantime the flesh all over your body started turning dark shade of purple, but the colouration differed depending on the specific alien-like parts of your body.

You were able to practically feel the parasite’s abdomen swell inside the back of your skull. A pressure formed inside it and it’s becoming unbearable. You clutched the back of your head and groaned in agony as your skull started throbbing and then pulsing. You were able feel your skull turning softer, but at the same time way more complex in texture as your brain partially merged with the grown tadpole.

You panted frantically feeling the growth almost spill through your altering fingers. You wanted to puke feeling how bizarre your very own head turned. You felt a weight build up at the back of your head as it elongated and slowly turned increasingly squid-like.

You realised that you were about to puke, but not because of the horror of the situation. Instead the transformation forced strange protrusions to form inside your oral orifice. They grew too big for your mainly unchanged mouth and you felt the disgusting tentacles slowly spill out of your mouth. Your lips were gradually stretched to their extents, before they began tearing apart and fusing together

You roared in utter agony as your form twisted and contorted all over. You felt a strange searing sensation between the four tentacles that came out of your former mouth. Fangs started forming between your alien tentacles and then suddenly a gaping orifice opened up, but it wasn’t made for eating anything that actual humans would.

You were trembling, hunched over as your skeleton grew taller and your body slowly reached its final form. The remnants of your human nose shrivelled up into nothing, the nostrils sealed close and your respiratory system reformed completely. Your facial tentacles were dribbling from the unfamiliarity with them.

Despite the horror of the situation a heat in your remoulded brain disallowed you to worry about it all as you did prior. For now you and the parasite were one, it has altered you drastically and evolved you into the form of your captors. You felt the sides of your enlarged head pulse and practically breathe in information – Your malformed brain was capable of understanding everything now.

The transformation finally ended and the pain disappeared, mostly. You collapsed onto all fours and panted in a strange, new way as your head began to hurt, but not the same way as it used to. It hurt, because thoughts filling it wanted to take hold of you and who you were. Your eyes widened as you realised that your transformed head was dependant on the hivemind and didn’t want you to be the same person you were.

You were about to lose the mental fight, but a loud bang of the door opening brought you enough clarity to hold onto your memories and personality. “Welcome kin. Get up, we have a lot to discuss now that you’re rightfully one of us.” – The mind flayer from earlier said and gently grabbed one of your tentacles and examined it between his clawed fingers. You didn’t know why, but you felt good when he touched them like that.

You got up, but then you felt your changed feet get lifted off the floor as you instinctively started floating. The mind flayer next to you chuckled sophisticatedly at that. You felt better now that your transformation was over, but you knew that you had to choose who you were now. Would you do all in your might to get out of the aberrations’ grasp? Or would you join them now that nobody would recognise you in your current mind flayer form?


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