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Man into Male Brown Bear Transformation Story | Unwilling | NSFW | 3rd PoV

Greg walked through the dense forest trying to find a way out. He was worried at first, but he was starting to get annoyed after what felt like hours of walking in no precise direction. The man ran out of his water supplies and the forest provided him with multiple other harsh conditions.

One of them was flora. “Daaamnit. Why am I so itchy all of the sudden? I must’ve stepped into some poison ivy…” – Greg commented on the uncomfortable feelings washing over his skin. The sensations instead of gradually disappearing were only getting worse and gradually covering more and more of Greg’s body.

“That’s certainly not normal.” – He muttered to himself and lifted up his shirt a bit. “Aaah! W-What?! Is that freaking fur? Oh God, its spreading...!” – Greg exclaimed at the realisation that the majority of his torso was almost entirely covered in short, thick brown fur.

Greg started breathing faster from the shock, his heartbeat quickened as well. The man grabbed his head in dread, only to feel something stiff and sharp scrape his scalp. “Ouch! No, please not my ha-“ – Greg pleaded the fate, but he already guessed correctly. His fingernails have thickened considerably and elongated into deadly dark claws.

The changes started lightly, but the intensity was increasing in time. Greg looked around him chaotically, trying to think of a way to stop his sudden transformation. Instead he only managed to notice how the bushes around him started shortening. Greg yelped as he realised that he was growing taller, but also more bulky. His bones were growing and thickening, his limbs the least.

Greg winced and hugged his stomach feeling how his entire lower torso started swelling bigger, but probably not in the way he imagined it. It wasn’t filling with fat, instead his ribcage was creaking subtly and becoming wider at its bottom. Greg’s abdominal area was becoming bigger to store his growing organs. The process was putting a growing tension on the man’s clothes and pride. “I-I’m still growing. Nh- What am I even turning into? How?!” – The man freaked out with a deeper voice than he recalled to have.

The changing man was starting to have trouble keeping balance on two legs, especially as his body continued to change centre of balance constantly. With a few wobbly steps Greg managed to approach a tree and then grab it with his increasingly clumsy arms. Greg tightened his grip as he felt his neck start to lengthen and get encased with more muscles for support.

The sensations were nothing compared to his skull starting to remould. Greg started hyperventilating and groaning quietly as his forehead started sloping down. His entire cranium area was getting flattened. Those changes allowed his ears to start turning ursine. They gradually altered to become more sensitive and attentive, their shapes turned rounder and more animalistic.

The huffs and puffs coming out of Greg’s mouth became more ragged as his face began shifting. Greg gasped as he saw his nose start swelling in his vision, turning black and way more sensitive than it used to be. The true discomfort came as Greg’s face started spilling outwards relentlessly. His jaw bones cracked as his maw began widening and a muzzle started taking shape.

“Gh-rhooorh. Ghrrr-heelephr-mrheeeehrhr…!” – Greg tried to beg for help, but it was too late and his voice turned incoherent. His vocal chords have altered too far, his oral cavity was rearranging and his lips felt almost numb and increasingly protrusible – Animalistic in short. Greg blinked in utter distress and his vision became more muted as his eyes started turning beadier. In the meantime Greg’s mouth finally finished pushing out into an impressive ursine muzzle. Greg smacked his lengthening tongue against his lips as he tried to feel his teeth. Those were already sharpened and almost fully changed into ursine counterparts.

Greg pushed himself off the tree and clutched his head, then started feeling how much he changed. Pitiful growls escaped his muzzle, until he realised that something was off about his hands. His palms were becoming rougher and plumper as protective pads of flesh gradually took form. Besides Greg watched as his hands grew bigger, while at the same time his fingers seemed to become shorter and even less dextrous.

His feet bursting out of his shoes signalled that they were well on their way of turning into thick ursine paws as well. Greg started stumbling about again as his feet slowly morphed into a pair of paws. The digits rearranged and the toenails started pushing out into resilient claws. Despite lacking shoes by now Greg felt as if he grew soles underneath his feet as his paw pads formed.

Greg was starting to have trouble breathing as his body was already straining his clothes to the limits. This came to stop as Greg’s bigger belly freed itself out of his shirt by tearing it in half almost. Greg’s stocky limbs were next. His legs packed with muscles disintegrated his pant legs and soon after the waistline of his jeans.

Greg’s eyes widened as he watched his lower body turn fully ursine and grow to its final proportions. Greg growled in pain as his spine started reforming and forcing him to lean over. Greg managed to rest his front paws on the tree in front of him before falling onto all fours. With a few audible pops Greg’s tailbone started unfusing and pushing out into a stubby tail above his ruined underwear.

The man’s cheeks flushed red in shame as he felt his rear start to grow. His hips were widening too and giving his body more of a pear-shaped silhouette, successfully getting rid of the remaining tattered clothes in the process. Greg roared questioningly and looked down at his furry groin.

He wasn’t ready to see his shaft get enveloped by a sheath that began fusing with his lower stomach. Greg stared as the tip of his cock turned lighter colour and started turning more tapered, only to soon disappear inside the newly formed sheath. Greg shook his head and realised that his testicles were throbbing as their shapes altered and the sack got pulled tighter against his groin.

Greg started feeling dizzy from all the unexpected changes in his anatomy. The disorientation was enough for Greg to lose balance and fall down onto his butt. Greg closed his eyes and roared at the top of his lungs fuelled by his sorrow. He paid little attention to the remaining changes. His arms relocated in their sockets slightly and fully turned into fore legs of a brown bear. The fur slowly finished covering his entire body. And lastly the throbbing of constant growing ended leaving Greg a brown bear in the middle of the forest.

Initially it was hard to believe that the changes ended, but soon Greg realised that it was true. He had one problem less, now that the pain of some changes was gone. There was just one major downside of his hiking trip – He was now an animal of the forest and nobody would recognise him.

As if on cue Greg’s sensitive ears caught the sounds of a group of people coming in his way. Greg gasped in a growly, ursine manner and quickly got up onto all fours. He recognised the voices and knew that those were his friends. Greg hesitated for a moment, but then exhaled and decided to risk it. He didn’t have anything to lose either way.

He focused himself and in a matter of few seconds used his paws to scribble his name on the dirt. Then he lied down and a few seconds after the group noticed him. “Oh my God, a bea-“ – A woman yelled out, but some man covered her mouth. “It’s sleeping. Try to keep it that way.” – The same man said. “Sorry, my bad. Let’s go. Wait! Are those letters next to it?” – The woman gasped and the entire group looked at each other and then at the bear lying next to their friend’s tattered clothes.

Greg ceased to pretend that he was asleep and slowly got up. He growled pitifully and slowly approached the group. It became obvious that the bear didn’t act much like an actual bear. “G-Greg?!” – The woman asked. To which the bear immediately nodded with hopeful glimmer in its eyes…


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