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Man into Male Reticulated Python Transformation Story | Unwilling | NSFW | 3rd PoV

Rick woke up at the middle of the night only to realise that his roommate Dave was standing above him. “Ah! What the hell dude?” – He exclaimed slightly scared. It was almost completely dark, but Rick recognised the silhouette nonetheless in the weak light.

Did his friend go crazy? “Chill dude, I don’t want to kill you. I need you alive for a little project.” – Dave said. “Pff. And you wake me up for that in the middle of the night? Yeah, no. I don’t wanna participate in your shitty project. Now let me sleep…” – Rick replied and turned his back on Dave.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought you’d say…” – Dave replied sounding as if he was about to leave Rick alone. “Yeah, go back to sl-OW! The fuck?!” – Rick jumped in his bed as he felt some sort of needle piercing his butt. The man fully woke up at that point and sat up to check what was going on. Dave was standing with an empty syringe next to him.

“What did you inject me with?! And most importantly why? Are you crazy…?” – Rick muttered. Dave just stood there looking closely at his friend, then he pointed at Rick’s scalp. Rick instinctively brushed his hands against it and to his horror he felt a lot of his hair get loose and just fall out. “Aaaah, my hair! What the fuck is happening to me?!” – Rick panicked.

His hair continued to fall out in clumps until he was completely bald. Similarly whatever body hair he had on his chest, belly, arms and legs also fell out gradually leaving only unnaturally smooth skin. “Good, the serum works properly. The progression started.” – Dave said to his phone and then seemingly ended a call.

“P-Progression? What am I turning into? Don’t just stand there and help me man!” – Rick yelled at his friend and even started shaking him with both hands. Dave looked down at his friend’s hands and saw how his fingernails were slowly merging with his flesh and dissolving. The fingers themselves were starting to look odd as they began losing their human shapes and started retracting back into Rick’s hands.

Rick gasped and let go of Dave, only to see as his hands began to sizzle and turn into fingerless mass. His arms were starting to feel oddly numb as well as they began shortening and sinking into Rick’s torso. Rick didn’t say anything more, only hyperventilated in utter terror at what was happening. “You’re killing me man! What did I do to deserve this?!” – Rick hissed at Dave terrified.

“Oh calm down Rick. I said I won’t kill you. Besides you’ll be a human again soon enough after I’ll show you to the jury of the contest.” – Dave said and then with a few swift movements pulled off Rick’s shirt. Rick looked down at his bare body and shivered once he saw what appeared to be thousand goosebumps at first. Within seconds the bumps started to turn into miniscule brownish grey plates that began covering his entire body. Besides Rick’s nipples were losing their colour and disappearing between the forming scales, same with his bellybutton.

“Oh God… Y-You’re turning me into some kind of animal?” – Rick asked as he continued to observe his changes. Dave nodded, but was mainly focused on observing his friend’s changes. Rick wanted to punch Dave, but at this point his arms were just pathetic nubs of flesh and bones that were gradually flattened against his increasingly streamlined torso.

Rick’s feet started to feel numb too by now, the fingernails on them started disappearing into the flesh and soon the flesh and bones of the feet began to retreat as well. The strangest and most uncomfortable sensations came from Rick’s torso. His chest was compressing and forcefully becoming rounder and more tubular. All the organs inside the torso were forced to remould and swim around into their new places.

Rick was unable to talk much as his lungs were becoming practically useless for a human and more shaped for his serpentine body. Rick groaned in discomfort as his shoulders started narrowing and gradually disappearing completely. His hips soon followed as his legs became just two lumps of flesh that were gradually pulled into him.

“Alright, we need you on your elongating belly for that part.” – Dave announced and without a warning pushed Rick onto the bed into the aforementioned position. Rick grunted as his torso started to painfully stretch and become more sinuous and flexible. It felt outlandish and unpleasant as his body gradually gotten a more noodle-like shape of a snake.

“Ghhhhhn… I-I’m turning into a s-snake… Oh shit, shit…!” – Rick groaned quietly as his neck started popping and gradually forcing his head into a new angle, more fit for a snake. Rick’s bald head began to flatten in an uncomfortable manner. “Gh-ssstopp it Dave. Heeelph mh-“ – Rick moaned until his vocal chords completely dissolved and left the former man voiceless.

Dave gave Rick’s changing head a few gentle pats. “There, there. It will all be over soon.” – He chuckled. Rick closed his eyes, but only for a moment as they were forced to open right away when the eyelids started retracting and exposing his changing eyeballs. Rick’s irises started to turn orange, while the pupils began to stretch vertically into reptilian slits.

Rick shook his head sideways as his face began to spill out into a snake’s snout. His nose was getting flattened against the forming protrusion on his face. Soon only his slitted nostrils were left where his nose used to be. Rick’s ears were slowly pulling into the sides of his head and becoming barely visible earholes and nothing more.

Rick hissed as his tongue started lengthening and narrowing into an almost ropey shape. The tip started splitting into two and forming a fork-like shape. Rick’s lips pulled back and revealed how his human teeth changed dramatically into many sharp, curved fangs that would help him hold onto prey. A strange hole was forming in Rick’s mouth underneath his tongue, which would help him breathe while swallowing bigger prey.

Rick’s body spilled sideways as it was now just a long, sinuous serpent noodle. Dave admired the scales and the complex pattern of a reticulated python forming on them. Dave then glanced at Rick’s rear which at that point lacked a proper butt and more importantly lacked legs which fully disappeared. There was however one conical shape that was wriggling and growing longer. Rick’s actual tail was extending out and forming the new end of his body.

The changing man was unable to act properly. Inside he was horrified of his changes and the fact he was being reduced to a snake, but outside he was mostly a snake by now and wasn’t able to express his distress like a human would. No voice, no gesticulation, no expression – Just an animal evolved in its unique way to survive.

Rick hissed confused as he felt his trousers and underwear get pulled off his tail by Dave. Worse yet, his crazy roommate rolled Rick over onto his long back to witness the final changes. Rick tried to slither away, but Dave held him in place. “Sorry dude, we need to make sure that you’ll be a snake entirely you know.” – Dave said and watched with intrigue as Rick’s groin began to shift.

Rick felt nauseous as his digestive track and genitalia began to shift and pull closer together. His shaft began to gain a slightly more purple hue as it began to split into two tools which gained alien-like shapes of a snake’s hemipenes. Rick froze in place when he felt his ballsack fully drown in his groin and disappear inside him, where it began to gain reptilian features. A tight slit formed around his altered manhood and formed a genital slit which began to merge with his butthole. Soon his hemipenes got pulled inside and his cloaca slowly finished forming.

Rick exhaled in relief, even though his head was only now finishing its changes. It slowly flattened into a true python’s head and scales covered it whole. Rick hardly believed it, but his transformation finally seemed to come to an end.

“Ta-da! How do you feel Rick?” – Dave asked the huge reticulated python lying on his former roommate’s bed. In an instant the animal risen its head and latched at Dave with open maw to let out an intimidating hiss. “I see. Better than I presumed.” – Dave chuckled at the dreadful sight of an infuriated python a few centimetres from his face. Rick sighed and nodded his serpentine head in defeat.

The snake-turned man was at his friend’s mercy anyway, so what would fighting him help now. Vendetta was nothing if it would mean being stuck as a reticulated python for the rest of his days – Thought Rick.

With that in mind Rick adapted to Dave’s rules and helped him win the contest by proving that snakes could be domesticated. Without mentioning the transformation part of course.


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