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Man into Male Snow Leopard Transformation Story | Unwilling | NSFW | 3rd PoV

Ben recently found an old looking mirror in his attic. For a long time it laid there dormant, but the man was more and more curious about it and its history. He wanted to check out its details and maybe sell it in the future if it wouldn’t be anything extraordinary after all.

First the man had to clean it up and so he did. After a short while he was able to see his reflection in the mirror. Except no. For as Ben looked into the mirror he saw a snow leopard standing on its hind paws strangely. Ben gasped and took a step back when he saw the strange sight, the snow leopard in the mirror did the same.

“Is this some kind of a device for show or what? It can’t actually be a normal mirror…” – He thought out loud. Besides, despite looking realistic and doing similar poses as Ben the snow leopard actually moved differently, because of its anatomical restrictions. Those however didn’t seem like a problem for the cat to remain on two legs for a longer while.

The mirror was just strange, almost magical. Ben wanted to explore its abilities so to say. What else could the mirror do if it was showing him an animal instead of his own reflection. Ben saw the snow leopard’s tail sway behind its back. The man instinctively reached out his hand to check his tailbone. As expected there was no tail and the realisation sobered Ben’s mind.

“Hmm… Interesting, interesting. I don’t really know what to do with you now though…” – Ben said to the mirror. The man walked in small circle for a while thinking about his choices. “Maybe I’ll show you to my friend? I wonder if he’d have a different animal in his reflection. Or maybe I’ll make a show out of this mirror and earn a lot more money than through selling it, hah. Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.” – Ben thought out loud and continued to walk.

He stopped when he was very close to the mirror. Ben squinted his eyes and looked up close at the snow leopard’s head. It was beautiful. Ben had an urge to feel its fur, even though it was just the mirror’s surface. Ben reached out his right hand and he touched the mirror. Instantly a jolt of strange energy was sent through his body, which made him stumble back and fall over.

“Augh, shit…! W-What the hell was that?” – He asked and started rubbing his hands together. Ben glanced back at the mirror and gasped shocked at what he saw. The snow leopard was still there, mimicking his movements, but there was something off about its appearance. Its eyes were starting to change and look more human with each passing second.

Ben blinked confused, only to realise that his own eyes were beginning to change along with his eyesight. His brown irises slowly turned green. Ben rubbed his eyes, but it didn’t help – They were permanently altered. “Oh my God. What’s happening?! I feel so weird all of the sudden!” – He exclaimed as his cheeks started to itch as several whiskers pushed out of them slowly.

Ben touched his changing face and fell silent. His entire face was slowly morphing. His jaws were pushing out and forcing a feline muzzle to form on his face. Inside it his gums ached as his teeth started to rearrange and reform into sharp fangs of a carnivorous animal. The tongue changed as well as it turned rough in texture and became good for grooming fur.

“Aaaaaaaah! I’m turning into a fucking cat! This can’t be h-happening. What to do, what to do?! It’s all the damn mirror’s fault!” – Ben continued to panic, but his voice was getting increasingly strange. Its tone was changing and becoming bestial and growly, decisively more feline. Ben panted in distress as he felt his lips blacken. His nose was slowly becoming triangular on his growing muzzle. Ben’s eyes gradually grew bigger and rounder as they became feline.

Ben clutched his head and it felt outlandish to feel its feline contours to say the least. Ben looked at the mirror again and his eyes widened in shock. The reflection was changing just like him, the snow leopard that was in the mirror now had Ben’s human head. Its entire body was becoming more human-like, while Ben’s actual body was slowly crunching and popping as it was becoming more feral and feline in appearance.

The changing man wanted to do something to stop the process, but he was paralysed by fear of losing his human body. Ben groaned in discomfort as his shoulder blades started pulling up on his back, which slowly locked his arms in more feral positions. Ben’s hips ached too and forced him to get onto all fours as they narrowed out slightly.

Ben looked at the mirror and saw himself on all fours with a terrified expression. Ben lowered his head in defeat and only then noticed how his hands started to morph and gradually turn into full-fledged feline paws. The digits were starting to bend unnaturally and shorten. The fingernails slowly extended out into retractable claws. His palms bloated out into pillows of flesh, which slowly formed his paw-pads.

He tried to lift up his paw and examine it, but it was difficult to move his arms as he used to previously. His legs were changing too by that point and slowly turning digitigrade. His heels were slowly lifted up and his feet were slowly elongating into feline counterparts. The tiptoes were shifting into a pair of paws.

The digits became stubby, complexly bent and the toenails started to push out into curved claws. Numb sensations underneath the forming paws signalled that they started developing pads of flesh for protection. Those changes were enough for Ben to finally try and stop the transformation. The changing man started to approach the mirror. It was becoming more and more difficult as the changes happening to his body made him more clumsy and slower for the moment.

His spine was throbbing and starting to become more adjusted to his increasingly feline body. Ben felt how much more flexible his body was becoming as he moved. A pressure was starting to rise in Ben’s tailbone and it inevitably led to the beginning stages of his tail growth. A lump was slowly forming in his slightly loose trousers, until the feline appendage slowly slid out of it and begin swinging sideways freely.

Ben stopped walking and looked back to check if it was real. He felt the muscles of his new tail twitch as it grew into a long tail of a snow leopard. Ben tried to say something, but the moment he opened his maw a meek meow came out of it. He tried again and to his horror his voice was wholly gone, replaced by the sounds of a snow leopard.

His chest hurt as it was being compressed into a rounder shape. In the meantime his stomach caved in slightly and flaps of skin connected his upper legs to his belly. Ben was tired of the transformation, tired of resisting it in his mind and now an itchiness was starting to appear all over his body furthering the discomfort.

Ben started pawing at his clothes and gradually getting out of them all, one by one. First he managed to slide out of his shirt, then with a few steps forwards his trousers fell off his legs along with his socks. His underwear gave up the last and revealed what was happening to his groin.

His penis and balls were moving backwards, closer towards his tailhole. As they moved they changed as well. The shaft was shortening, shrinking and its tip was becoming tapered and feline in appearance. Many fleshy barbs pushed out of the shifting shaft and further stimulated the unfortunate man as they rubbed against his retreating foreskin.

His foreskin gradually got covered by fluffy grey fur that started to encompass his body. The pouch of flesh slowly morphed into something more animalistic, a feline sheath to contain his altered manhood. Ben’s testicles throbbed as well as they were pulled closer together. Their shapes altered and they stopped producing human seed.

Ben shook his head. He was so close to the mirror already, he had to try touching it and hoping for the best. As he reached out a front paw, his body was already mostly covered in the iconic snow leopard’s fur of white, grey and black. The changes ended about a millisecond before his paw-pads brushed against the mirror’s surface.

It was too late – Ben meowled loudly in anger. He realised that if he wouldn’t give up hope earlier for a moment, he would have probably reached the mirror before the end of his transformation. At this point it didn’t seem to matter – He was now fully a snow leopard.

Ben sighed and looked into the mirror. He shivered when he saw himself, his human self on all fours and in a strangely feline position. Ben pawed at the mirror again, but nothing worked no matter how much he tried. It seemed like his transformation was permanent, but at least now Ben knew what the mirror did. Maybe it would be a good idea to shatter it before somebody else would touch it and turn into an animal as well…?



Nice story, but it would have been better if the teeth had fallen out and been replaced by the new ones and the fingernails and toenails had fallen out and then the claws had made their way out of the claw sheaths when the phalanges of the fingers and toes stretched out. And what happens next with the mirror and with Ben, will Ben be drawn into the mirror and another reality if he touches it again now, or will the snow leopard Ben be found at some point and taken to a zoo?