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Humans into different animals Transformation Story | Unwilling | NSFW | 3rd PoV

The red fairy went on with her plan and flew towards the cinema with malicious intent in mind. She had something ready in her bag that would allow her to convert the entire place into a more nature friendly one to say lightly.

The fairy’s size was small and she was unnoticed for a longer while until she appeared by the cinema’s gate. She landed in front of them. Almost immediately the people passing by stopped and some of them even approached the magical being confused and with obvious curiosity.

“Eager aren’t you all? Alright, have some of my magic since you’re so intrigued by it!” – She exclaimed and started hitting the people with magical dust in an unnaturally fast manner. The people gasped and choked as the magic started to work on them.

One man began tearing through his clothes as he started to turn into what appeared to be a bison, judging by his shifting silhouette. His head got pierced by curved horns. A ropey, but relatively thick tail exploded from his trousers. The man screamed in utter horror as his back started crunching and forcing a hump to grow on his back and make him topple down onto all fours. His extremities quickly transformed into basic, but resilient hooves.

“Oh God, please I have- Ach…!” – One woman pleaded until she got interrupted by the discomfort of her own changes. The red fairy promptly ignored all the pleads and arguments against her own vision. In the meantime the woman shrank about half of her size and began to gain avian features. Most noticeably her skin was pierced by needles which gradually turned into white and grey feathers.

The woman sank into a heap of her own overly big clothes as her size became that of a big bird. The woman tried to reach out a hand and plead for mercy again, but her fingers began retracting back into it as her arms gradually turned into wings. She screeched as her voice started shifting along with her face. As her yellow beak began to push out her hair fell out and head began to gain a more avian shape.

The man who was about to change the last attempted to run away, but he tripped over his own feet as his legs began to shrink and gradually disappear entirely soon to be followed by his arms. He hissed in pain as his torso started to stretch into a sinuous form of a snake’s body. His neck crunched and the head was forced forwards, then his reptilian snout began to push out. Lastly his body started growing scales all over.

The red fairy rubbed her hands together happily as she looked at the distressed-appearing animals around her. The eagle-turned woman trashed about unfamiliar with her new wings, she fruitlessly tried to free herself from her clothes. The snake looked back at its body and flicked its tongue anxiously. The wisent huffed angrily and was about to attempt to ram the red fairy.

She knew the animals too well not to dodge the pitiful attempt of an attack. “Now, now. Don’t be angry, you have a new, better life ahead of you. Now to the forest you go- SHOO!” – She cynically explained only to yell at the wisent with an imposing tone and make him fly away a good distance because of a force wave.

“Yeah, a wisent definitely was fitting for a dimwit like him… Oh, you two are still here? You better move as well if you don’t want to become prey of the animals that are about to run out of this building in about five minutes.” – The fairy chuckled. The eagle jumped back startled and flapped its wings in an attempt to fly.

The fairy waved her hand at that dismissively and sighed flying inside the building. The building had a main grand hall with the most seats towards which the red fairy was flying. Every time a person noticed her she threw the magic dust at them, leaving only animals behind. The callous being was getting close to her goal and she started humming some tune only she knew before bursting the door open.

There was a moment of silence followed by a clattering sound of something being thrown into the huge hall. “Bomb!” – Somebody yelled out and wasn’t very far from the truth. The strange rock-like object began to sizzle and red smoke began to spill out in large amounts, which began to fill the entire hall rapidly to such an extent that it began to come out of the windows and vents outside.

People were screaming, trying to get out and try to understand what was happening, only to realise that it wasn’t just an idiotic prank or anything like that. The first people began to change, most of them were becoming forest animals, but some of them turned into pigeons and species of animals inhabiting cities alike.

The red fairy inhaled the red smoke and exhaled it slowly enjoying the moment and seemingly being deaf to everything happening around. The red fairy started growing bigger in size. She slowly reached the size of an actual human, except she had her unique features that still made her a fairy. The red fairy gained more power thanks to converting more human and amplifying the meaning of the nature significantly.

“Turning you all into what matters sure is fun, but the truth is there is no good, no evil – Only power, glorious power!” – She exclaimed and formed a ram out of the smoke, which she then used to break down a wall of the building. She then dissipated the shape and made the smoke spread across the entire city.

People in the cinema trembled under the trauma of their transformations and revelations that they just witnessed. “Why are y-you doing thisgh…?” - A man that was becoming a boar judging by his brown fur and increasingly stocky body shape managed to utter out. The fairy didn’t have to fly as much as before, so she walked up to the man. “For the glorious nature, most of all. For my own satisfaction, but also because its truly fun to watch you lose your humanity and find yourselves in the new bodies.

The man tried to argue with the fairy, but his lips got painfully stretched by his tusks growing out. The sounds that came out next were just a series of incoherent squeals as the man’s face spilled out into a boar’s snout. The red fairy shrugged and headed towards the seats. She then took one and sat down to watch the show – Hundred humans being transformed into all sorts of animals inside a ruined cinema hall.

The fairy giggled as she saw a woman stumble and land with her hands on the wall only to find herself turning into a fox in front of her terrified husband. “Jessic-agh!” – The man yelled in dread seeing what became of his love, only to get interrupted by the pain in his own body which started to turn into that of a rabbit. That was precisely what terrified the most. Not only were they turned into animals, they weren’t even both becoming foxes. And what if his wife would lose herself to the instincts?

The red fairy sat alone, but wholly enjoying herself and eating from some abandoned popcorn bag. She pointed to herself at a man who was turning into an eel. “Welph. Ihf somebhody herhe carhes abhout him, he'll ghet intho the wateh.” - She said with mouth full of popcorn.

At this point there were no humans in the hall except for one, which just came in. “Everyone! Listen up! Don’t give up hope, we can make the witch pay for what she’s done! Don’t- Gh- Ghive u-up… Ackh!” – He managed to say before collapsing onto the floor and starting to change because of the red smoke. Nonetheless his effort didn’t seem to go entirely in vain as all the animals in the hall began to eye each other and appear contemplative.

“Don’t bother. They lost everything from their former pitiful lives, now they’re nothing more than animals and soon you’ll join them.” – The red fairy said. “Ghrr- They call you a witch, but you’re worse - A cruel bitch-gh…” – The man coughed out as his chest started to barrel out. The red fairy didn’t reply and just watched in silence as the man’s body was painfully twisted into an ursine shape.

His clothes started to tear in places and reveal shaggy, brown fur. The man clutched his face as it began to push out into a muzzle, his nose turned moist and black on it. His ears gained rounder shapes. Hands grew bigger and turned into clumsy paws tipped with sharp claws. His lower body grew more massive and the last remains of his clothes fell off him. A short tail grew out of his tailbone and his changes slowly came to an end leaving him a brown bear.

The man looked down at himself and roared. The other animals looked at him unsurely. Some started to run away having enough of cruelty for a day. The man who turned into a bear dropped onto all fours in defeat. “I warned you. Now accept your new life or risk angering me.” – The fairy said. The bear didn’t move.

The fairy stood up and cracked her fingers. “Very well. You don’t like being a bear? Let’s see how much you’ll enjoy having no limbs! W-aghhhhh!” -The red fairy scoffed and was about to cast a spell on the man, before abruptly getting mauled by a cougar. The two fought together, the fairy utterly shocked. Especially when the feline suddenly tore a chunk of flesh from her face.

The red fairy hissed in pain and stumbled back. “You’ll regret this…” – She said and then used the leftover red smoke to envelop herself in it and disappear in seconds.

The cougar panted hard, but then ran down the stairs and towards the bear. The other animals cheered for the feline, but only the cougar and the bear knew the truth. The cougar was the bear’s partner when the two used to be humans. Now they were seemingly unable to communicate except growling. The bear hugged the cougar and he was happy that the red fairy received some sort of punishment after all.


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